




Keyscape Creative Library

Keyscape Creative Page Video video

The “Keyscape Creative” library is a cutting-edge collection of over 1500 Omnisphere patches specially designed for users who also have Keyscape. The vast new library was produced by Eric Persing, and features a tremendous variety of patches created by our amazing Sound Development team, showcasing the power of combining Keyscape and Omnisphere 2.

Keyscape's richly detailed keyboard sounds have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere 2's deep synthesis capabilities. The new patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers and are available now as a FREE update. Users can simply update both products to get the new patches, which then appear in Omnisphere 2's patch browser as a new directory.


(1523 Patches)


- 333 Patches

Abracadabra Crescendo

Absolute Concentration

Absurd Neon

Abusive Attack

Accelerando Waves

Acid Pianet

African Retrospective

Air Bells Descend

Airflow in Zero Gravity

Aluminum Dreamer

Analog Echo Droplets

Analog Thoughts

Ankara Dreamer


Arpeggiated Flute Impressions

Atari Tennis

Autotack Chord Strummer

Bad Boy with Matches

Baldwin Snappy Plucker

Ballet Practice

Bamboo Pizz March

Bamboo Pizz Waltz

Bayou Kinetic Energy

Bayou Stealth

Be Careful

Beating the Enemy

Beating the Piano

Becoming Victorious

Bells of Montreal

Bells of Vancouver

Big Tack Strummer

Black Bell Down

Black Ops Noise

Black Ops Tone

Black Venom

Boiling Veins

Bouncing Back

Bouncing Bassett

Breathing Life into it

Breathless Running

Bubble Release

Bubbles in the Upright

Budapest Station Seq

Building Consipracy

Building Momentum

Building the Future

Bumpy Ride

Burning Rage

Bursts of Animosity

Canadian Pulse 1

Canadian Pulse 2

Cascading Reeds

Chicago Piano

Childhood Dreams

Childhood Memories

Chugging Clavichords

Classic Aerotrails

Clavichord Ensemble Strum

Clavinet Strummer

Clocking the Waterbaby

Codename Foxtrot Tango

Computer Music Center

Constellation Vision

Continual Tension 1

Continual Tension 2

Corrido Banda

Cresting Moons

Cruel Intensions

Crunchy Pluckers

Cryogen Lab

Cuban Afro-Jam

Cyber Burping

Da Clapper

Dance of the Old Timer

Dark Cadence Bumper

Dark Times

Deep Membrane Pulse

Deep Web Dive

Deeply Disturbed

Delusional Mechanics

Destroying your Toys Seq

Diffuse Pluck Array

Disturbing Thoughts 1

Disturbing Thoughts 2


Dolceola Strum Dark

Dolceola Strum Mod

Don't Stress It 1 Bit

Don't Stress It 2 Much

Dragging My Feet

Dulcitone Chord Strummer alt

Dulcitone Chord Strummer

Dulcitone Riverbed

Dusty Analog Flapper


East German War Drums


Echoplex Piano Mallets

Eighties Rhythm Section

Electro Mean Bass

Electro Thrush

Electron Microscope 1

Electron Microscope 2


Elephant Stroll


Enchanted Eighties Seq

Enigmatic Meeting 1

Enigmatic Meeting 2

Fabric of Time Mod

Fabric of Time Slow

Fallen Felt

Fever Dancers

Fifth Switch Felt Arp

Firefly Pulse Pad

Fizz Clipper

Floating Sensations

Floating Somewhere in Sweden


Flux Driver

Follow Me to the Gate

Fragile Tears 1

Fragile Tears 2

Furious Hammer Time

Future Fizz

Futurebass Wobbler

Futurism Guru

Galoshes 1

Galoshes 2

Gamelanesque Shuffle

Germanic Storefronts

Getting Started

Ghostly Dinner Bell

Glass in the '80s

Glass Playground Windup

Glass Typist Gate Pad

Gluing the Hammers

Goa Plucking Seq

Going in Circles

Golden Years Return

Grandpa's Clock

Halloween Seq

Hamster Wheel


Harmologue Arp

Harmologue Revival

Harmoswapping Seq

Hawkins Electric Sequence

Heartfelt Repeater

Hill People Displacement

Holding Cells

Hostile Environment

Hyperactive Marimba

Incandescent Light

Innersanctum 1

Innersanctum 2

Instamatik Tune

Ivory Tower

Jack in the Seq

Jam Street Session

Jangling Uprights

Judgment Call

Junk Quartet

Kendrick Shock 1

Kendrick Shock 2

Keystoned Rev Pulse

Keystoned Triple

Kick Back

Knock Down Bass

Looking for Answers

Lumier Bros

Machine Cycle

Malfunctioning Robot Boy


Maniacal Baroque Seq

Massive Rage

Mechanical Bulerias

Mechanical Wavedrum

Meditation Dance

Melodies from Venus

Midnight Sun ARP

Minimal Techno Pumper

MKS-20 E.Piano Pulsepad

Moments of Seclusion

Morricone Road Trip 1

Morricone Road Trip 2

Multitap Echo Plucker

My Bologna

Mysterioso Vibes Seq

Narco Panic Attack

Narco Trash Loop

Neon Zimbabwe


Nitro Drive

Nitro Metal

No Country for Old Dudes

No Country for Old Westerns

Noto Glitching 1

Noto Glitching 2

Olden Bells

One Dance Pony

One Finger Honky-Tonk

Operation Asiago

Optimus Bass

Outlaw Chronicles 1

Outlaw Chronicles 2

Overdriven Lamentations

Owner of a Lonely Patch

Palette Cleanser

Pandeiro Ritmo

Passage of Time

Patiently Waiting

Phantom Felt

Philly Stampede

Pianet Expedition Arp

Piano Bubbles Bounce Arp

Pistons of Bass

Pluck Up The Dance Seq

Plucky Clav Chord Groove

Plunky Reedsong Seq

Post Harold Arp

Progression Fade

Pulsar Piano

Pulsing Rhodes EP

Pump Up My Pipes

Purple Elixir

Raindancer Seq

Raising The Fifth

Ratchet Lazer Attack

Ratcheting Felt


Red Leaves

Reflex Ions

Relative Truth

Repetitive Structure 1

Repetitive Structure 2

Resonant Strums Wheel

Retropluck Space Piano

Rhythm Keytarist 1

Rhythm Keytarist 2

Rhythmic Acrobatic

Rising Anxieties

Rising Energies

Rocking Acid Seq

Rooftop Pursuit

Rotating the Pins

Run Scream Run Mad

Run Scream Run Mental

Run Scream Run Psycho

Running All Night Seq

Rustic Optigan Waltz 1

Rustic Optigan Waltz 2

Sad Rave Piano Chords

Scorpion Shuffle

Secret Agent Clique

Secret Agent Sweeps

Sense of Awareness

Sense of Serenity

Seq for Elle 1

Seq for Elle 2

Shaker Breaker

Shale Drill

Shifted Upright Eighths

Shimmering Discovery Seq

Shine On Diamond

Sinuous Grind Wobble

Six-Four C-Droner

Slo Mo Timestamper

Soft Effervescence

Spaceland Seq

Spaniard Felt Mute

Sparkly Clavitar Strum

Spasmodic Kicking

Splasher Delta Pulse

Spring Stroll

Squeeze and Bass Seq

Stacked Detroit Seq

Stacked Detroit Stabs

Stalking Synth Ostinato

Starz Monster 1978

Starz Monster 1979

Starz Monster Deeper

Step Sequencer Pluck Bass

Stevie's Noise Groove

Stone Cold Clean Keys

Strummed Felt Wide

Suspense Felt

Suspicion Seq

Swamp Trash Wobble

Sweet Hammerstrums

Tackychord Arp


Tapping the Codebook 1

Tapping the Codebook 2

Technode ARP


Tense Calm

Tension Broken

Terrifying Footsteps Seq

Thangz R Strange

The Hunt

The Stranger Triangles

The Surge

Ticker Tape Ants

Ticker Tape Synthi

Tickies of Baldwin

Ticking Time Tones Seq

Timekeeper Celeste 1

Timekeeper Celeste 2

Tin Bass Bolero Seq

Tine Probe

Touch Curious Seq

Trance in Athena Seq

Triad Powered Arp

Trip Hopper EP Seq

Tropical Chase Seq

Unicorn Ride Arp

Uninterrupted Factory

Universe in Numbers

Upbeat Beatbox

Vallenato Seq

Vector Trace

Vintage Arcade Days

Waiting for Kullin

Warm PhaseBass Seq

Welt Abenteuer

Weltmeister Tap Dancers

When Dudley Does Right Seq

Where the Synth Has No Name

Wings of Energy

Working out the Glitches

Worship Team Strummer

Zube Zapper


- 76 Patches

Aleatoric Bells

Aluminum Utopia

Arcadian Choir Chimes

Ask Not Reversal Bells

Back To The Future Gliss

Balcony Bells

Bell Vibraheart Pad

Bells in the Wind

Bellweather 1

Bellweather 2

Black Bell Fifths

Briton Bells

Cathedral Bellscape


Childhood Bells

Chilton Bell

Chime Reaper

Chimeatron Gong

Chimetron Cathedral

Chipped Saucerbells

Chocolate and Toboggans

Christmas Breeze Bells


Crystal Light

Daiquiri Music Box

Diving Air Bells

Don't Stress It DigiBells

Double 50 Sparkle

Dragonfly Sonarbell

Dulcitone River

Echobell Decays

Echoplex Vibes

Elderly Bells

Faraway Lagoon Bells

Finger Vibes

Floating Celeste

Fragile Belltone 1

Fragile Belltone 2

Future House Vibes

Gliss Celeste

Glistening Glock Box

Glock Tank

Glocking Around

Grandma's Clock

Gravitational Disbursement

Gravitational Fester

Halloween Glock

Haunted Belltones

Ice Cream Truck Bells

Indie Harmonic Vibes

Little Dust Bells

Micro Prime Bells

Mist of the Ringing Hollows

Murky Waters

Mysterioso Vibes

Octave Vibraharp

Overlooked Vibes Muted

Overlooked Vibes Noisy

Pagodal Transcendence


Prismatic Reflections

Proudly Plucked Chime

Ring The Bells

Saintly Bells

Saucy Vibes

Short Airy Bells

Sweet Dreams 1

Sweet Dreams 2

Synthy Chimes


Thunderfelt Gong

Tibetan Chimes

Unfound Neverland

Warmed Up Tankbells

Wavey Chimes

Winter Memories


- 38 Patches

Backlash Edge

Bassy Stink Waves

Bent String Flashback

Burning Evil

Cooked Goose

Death Stare Stab

Doomsday Braam

Driving the Bah-sett

Druid War Horn

Dulcarimba Overdrive

Dynamic Volatility


Flux Overdrive

Fully Interrupted Hit

Heavy Metal Dolceola

Hellbeast Squeal

Industrial Felt Piano Bass

Lying in Wait


Nitro Overdrive

Patient Feedbacker

Pounding the Static

Raving Harold

Shot Down Behind Enemy Lines

Sword of Riki-Oh

Tear at the Seams

Thin Angry Axe

Thrashed Wing Bass

Tine Titration

Tormented Piano 1

Tormented Piano 2

Toxicated Key

Trashy Hammer Ons

Trembling Growler

Trolls Under the Bridge


Upright Floyd Leslie

Upright Floyd


- 36 Patches

Bendy TomTom

Breathe Sidechain Kick

Bubble Bath


Codebook Kick

Crunch Steps

East German Syn Drums


Glitchy China

Head Ringing Haymaker


Kick Back Hit

Kick the Keytar!

Oilcan Sides

One Kick Pony

Pandeiro Perc

Pandeiro Shake

Philly Stampede Hit

Pocket Beat

Prime Electro

Rusty Blast Ray

Scorpion Strike

Secret Agent Dynaslap

Secret Agent Ekoclick

Shake 'n Bake Hit

Shaker Beater

Smashen ze Facen

Squishy Stomp

Stevie's Ricochet Noise

Stompmatic Kick

Suitcase Toms

Thumping the Codebook

Ticker Tape Tap

Upbeat Box

VV Kicker

Working out the Glitchy Hits


- 32 Patches

Alarming Times

Aquaphone Calling

Ayers Rock

Bubble Baths

Busted Telemetron

Cackling Aliens

Churning Decision

Clockworks on the Fritz

Confused Moth

Confused Tines



Elliptical Orbits

Eternal Time Stretcher

Extreme Interference

Glass Particles


Granular Ball Bearings

Jack's Gone Krazee

Manhattan Shards

Mind Games

Pickup Grains 1

Pickup Grains 2

Robot Revolt

Robotic Windchimes

Scurrying Around

Stellar Static

Surging Glitchy Emotions

Tine Interference

Unbroken Tensor

Winged Ensemble

Zero One Drones


- 45 Patches

Arcophonic Tinebass

Athena Pluck


Bayou Banjo

Bayou Kinetic Pluck

Bollywood Keys Antique

Budapest Echoes


Cigar Box

Dolceola Ensemble

Double Felt Banjo

Echoes of Istanbul

Festival Pans

Gamelan Caverns

Gamelan Tap Ensemble

Giddyup Dolceola

Hammered Dolceola

Heart and Soul

Himalayan Gong

In the Marketplace

Indie Boobams


Low Mallets

Luten Wood


Meditation Reeds

Muted Ruby Felt

Navel Contemplation

Numbers Game

Opium Harp w Vapors

Pianet Expedition

Pillow Zim'bira

Pulsing Caverns

Recalling Africa

Segoveola + Legato


Shabu Shabu Strum

Snappy Sazochord

Space Ethnoplucker

Taiko Taiko

Tres Cordas ff

Tropical Pursuit

Village Victory

Wavedrum Perc

West Afrique


- 34 Patches

An Honest Heart

Armadillo Mandolin

Ballad Guitar Stack

Baritone Elegy

Christmas in Cadiz

Christmas in Grenada

Crying Rhodes Lead 1

Crying Rhodes Lead 2

Dark Desert Guitar

Dark Web


Heavenly Guitar Tones

Lead GTR Tonez

Lesliefied Strat

Mongo Octo

Morricone Expedition

Morricone Prowl

Nashville Memories

Nylon MKS

Owner of a Lonely GTR


Social Outcast

Twelve String Vibanet

Twin Piques Stack

Vibagrains Amped


Warm Piezo Glock

Wes and Cal

What Would Pat Do + Legato

What Would Pat Do

Where the Strat Has No Shame 1

Where the Strat Has No Shame 2

Woodstock Wah

Young Love


- 50 Patches

Android Thoughts

Assault Bass Pluck

At the Ivory Gates

Bad Boy Hit

Bad Nature

Be Careful Hit


Blood Moon 1

Blood Moon 2

Blood Moon 3

Boomy Anvil Strike

Breathless Alarm

Breathy Boomer

Cryogenic Hit

Deep Membrane Hit

Depthcharge Dive

Detroit Stacked Hit

Detroit Stacked Smack

Doom Thump

Down the Well

Dulcet Impact

Fallen Olympus

Furious Hammer Hit

Hammer and Sickle

Harmochord Fog Horn

Harpsichord Stomp Cavern

Instamatik Stab

Interspatial Rainstick

Jumpdrive Exhuast Port

Mechanical Rattle Hit

Metal Plates in My Head

Narco Attack

Narco Hysteria

No Country for Old Guys

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Psychotic Burst 1

Psychotic Burst 2

Sad Rave Piano Stab

Silo Punch

Sticks and Stones

Storm Cellar

Subterranean Signals

Terrifying Feet

Terrifying Stomp

Terror Rave Piano Stab


Troubling Thoughts 1

Troubling Thoughts 2

X-Ray Hit

Zube Hitter


- 5 Patches

Atlantean Key Choir

Celestial Choirboys

Choral Felts

Preventing Arwen's Fall

Swingle Celestapad


- 203 Patches

Absorbing Piano Taps

Atmospheric Keys 1

Atmospheric Keys 2

Bed of Wings

Black Hole Rhodes

Blade Runner Reeds

Blue Tines

Blurred Tines

Bridges Over a Canal

Bubbly Upright

Calming Influence Keys

Canned Felt Tin



Celestratone Wide

Champagne EPiano

Childhood Chimes

Cinema Tender Felt Piano

Cinematic Butterfly

Clarity Score Keys

Clavichord Ensemble

Clavinet Stack 1

Clavinet Stack 2

Clavophone Octavia

Clustering Piano

Copper Water EPiano

Cosmic Pianet

Cowgirl's Dreamy Upright

Cowgirl's Reverie

CP-70 Warm and Big

Custom Syrup Wurli

Dark Felt Piano

Dark Grains Piano

Dark Stereo Upright

DigiStack Rhodes

Distant Traveler

Drifting Keys 1

Drifting Keys 2

Drops of Tines 1

Drops of Tines 2

Dual Univibe 140B Vinyl

Duet on Tape Keys

Dulcitone Sugar

Dynamic Fifth Keys

Dynamic Overdriven Piano

Earthshimmer Upright

Echoes of Felt

Eighties Bliss 3P Wurli

Eighties Rack

El Paso Squeeze

Electravibe Dolceola

Electric Dance Piano

Electric Harpsi Because

Electric Mallets

Emerge Victorious 1

Emerge Victorious 2

Epic Wide Baldwins

Epiphany Piano

Fade to the Middle

Faded Crystal Rhodes

Fairy Dust Piano

Falling Wings

Far East Wide Keys

Felt Glock Piano

Felt Grand Falls

Felted Dulceola

Felted Pianet

Flock of CP-70s

Flourishing Felt

FM Dayz

Follow the Gated Key

For Lux No. 2

Forgotten Facets

Frozen Stone Keys

Galactic Love Piano

Gated Dolceola

Gated Noto Reduction 1

Gated Noto Reduction 2

Gentle Vinyl Felt

Glimpses of Eternity

Grand Toy Grain Shimmer

Grandiose Microtines

Hacky Sack

Harmonic Tremo Octave


Haunted Felt

Hi Lo Keys

Hollow Drive Tines

Hopeful Oblivion

Hyper Close Rhodes

Hyper-Mechanic Keys

Ice Piano

Imperial Upright

Indie Spirit Pad

Into the Void

Introvert Piano

Ivory Tower Taps


Jangling Upright Keys

Keys of Serenity

Keytarwah 1

Keytarwah 2

Lite and Breezy Keys

Little Piano Vox

Look Ma I Got Three Hands

Looking for a Solution

Lovely Tines

Low Electro Mini Piano

Mad Baroque

Mantle Syn Clav

Marimbula Tines

Mechanical Welt EPiano

Megaphone Piano

Melancholy Tines

Mellow Dulcitron

Mellow PortaTines

Mini Dulcipiano

MKS-20 E.Piano Pad

MKS-20 E.Piano Softpad

Moody Dulcitone

Morning Dew

Nasal Upright

No Country for Old Cowboys


Octave Jumping Vibes

Octo-Piano Thoughts

Optimistic Keys

Overdrive Clickeyz

Overdriven Weltmeister

Palette Cleanser Keys

Petit Piano In a Box

Pianet Drift

Piano Harmonium

Piano in Film Texture

Piano in Film

Piano Mysterioso

Piano String Classic

Pillowy Pad Piano

Plasticine Piano

Plateau Plectrum

Playing for Kullin

Pocket Stackkato

Prepared Student

Preposterous Piano

Processed Piano Swell

Pulsar Tines

Purgatory Piano

Rattler Piano Saloon Ghosts

Rattler Piano Saloon Vox

Rattler Piano

Retro Vinyl Rhodes

Retroized Classics

Reverse the Mellow Rhodes

Rhodes String Classic

Scary Clown Psychosis

Scrap Toy Keys

Seems Safe Enough

Shifted Upright Keys

Shimmer Tack

Shimmering Vapor Piano

Silvery Celeste

Snug Dulci Dark

Snug Dulci Ghost

So Close Yet So Far

Soft Depth Keys

Softly Tragic

Song of Tack and Steel

Soothing Tines

Soulful Dreams of Tines

Sparklefog Keys 1

Sparklefog Keys 2

Spinner Piano

Stack'Em High EP

Starlight City

Struck Rhodes

Surfing Days Upright

Surrealistic Felt Piano

Sweet Felted Bloom

Sweet Hammertones

Tambo Piano

Tapped Wurly Reeds

The Key Noises

Time Forgotten

Tine M'Bira

Trem Natural Keys

Tropical Hybrid Keys

Twelve String Tack Grand

TX in a Tux

Underwater Keys

Unsettled Tranquility

Upright Emotions

Upright Reverse Pulse

Upright Tape Dirt

Vibe Rite

Vintage Upright Pad

Westminster Custom

When Dudley Does Wrong

Wurli 5-PIN Mod to CS80 Pure

Wurli 5-PIN Mod to CS80 Rich

Wurli Chip

Wurli Ukulele

Wurli Waveshaper



- 33 Patches

An Abysmal Failure

Approaching Nanobots


Burning Basset

Calibrating the Tension

Caverns of the Deep

Cougar Wind

Creepy Creakers

Cue the Elevator Sigourney

Deep Void

Distant Hydrometer

Disturbance in the Dark

Disturbance in the Force

Energy Field Disruption

Evaporating Antimatter

Extraterrestrial Vinyl

Fissures in the Wall


Mechanical Forest

Mechanical Rain

Moaning in the Void

Rainy Daze

Restless Vinyl

Scraping the Surface

Scratching in my Walls

Spaghetti Crackles

Spawning Pools

Spelunking Expedition

Stowaway in the Boat

The Abandoned Cavern

Traversing the Tunnel

Underground Waterway

Vapor Noise


- 30 Patches

At the Roller Rink

Bright Harmonium Swell

Cathedral Church Organ 1

Cathedral Church Organ 2

Continental Winds

Dodger Dogs

Effervescent Keys

Gospel Keys 1

Gospel Keys 2

Grasshopper Organ

Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round

Hallelujah Harmochord

Ham On Perk

Harmo Circus


Hymn Machine Espressivo

Hymn Machine

Keylord Cantina Organ

Mad Medieval Organ

Mellow Harmonium Wheel

Mourning the Accordion King

New Years Cheese

Ninety-six Tears Bass

Philly Cheese Steak

Reedy Goodbye

Rustic Mechanical Calliope

Shore Boys Leslie

Springloaded Sparkle Pony

Street Calliope

Woodstock Rocks


- 44 Patches

Ambrosia Cascade

Analog Celestapad

Atmospheric Rivers

Blue Line Bed

Bowed Clavpad

Breathe Life Into Me

Canadian Pad

Catch Feels

Celestial Feelings

Chemical Spill

Cloudy Dayz

Corazon Pad

Crystal Swellsheen


Detective Swell Pad

Eighties Lifter Pad

Fireflies in a Jar

Glass Typist Pad

Glowing Ember Pad

Grains of Castigo

Harmochord Canyon

Hollow Innocence

In Violet Gardens


Intimate Poems

Jangling Strings

Jupiter Reeds

Lamenting Vibrapiano

Martin's Sheen

Melancholy Baby Glider

Metal Rain Trem Pad

Nemos Sweeps


Overdriven Motion Pad

Pathos Bell Pad

Pensive Pad

Reverse Piano Strings


Splasher Fizz Mod Pad

Stretching Time + Space

Tears for Old Friends

Towards the Horizon

Warm Diffractor

Waters Of The Nile


- 51 Patches

Acroamatic Depth

Arctic Magnetisivism

Autotack Pluck

Autumn Walk

Awareness Comes Knocking

Broken Hamster Wheel

Broomfinger Felt Pick

Celesta Marimba

Celesta Temple Blocks

Celesta Xylophone

Celestafelt Short

Click Whistle Space

Collapsing Mechanics

Cuban Bottled Perc

Cut Through the Beads

Dark Melodies

Deep Pipeline

Deep Tubes

Doll-Sized Ensemble Percussion

Double Espresso Pluck

Fijian Cove

Galoshes Pluck

Glass Playground

Hanging Dulcet Loom

Jam Street Hits


Keystoned XL

Mechanical Bulerias Perc

Mechanical Thud Bass

Metal Fingers

Muted Malletceleste

Old Doghouse Bass

Paint Me In a Corner

Paint Me In a Murky Lake

Percussive Reliquary

Philip Glass Harmonica

Playing with Glass

Rattling Woodblocks

Resonant Arcanium Taps

Rooftop Pursuit Bass

Slapped Pottery

Sticky Metal Taps

Swishatron Shineyharp

Tapping Into the Vortex

Temple Bass

Tickies of Baldwin Pluck

Tin Man's Toys

Tines in the Hang

Trash Alley Lullaby

Vibraharp Zim'bira

Watery Mechanics


- 76 Patches

Analog Echo Pings

Arctic Sonar

Atari Pong

Black Ops Deepness

Black Ops Dust

Bubbly Old Vibes

Bygone Era

Chip Effervescence

Classic Spacetrails

Clicky Neon Synth

Computer Music Lab

Concentration Tines

Creaky Sonar

Curious Keys

Delusional Mechanic Lead

Destroying Your Room

Diversity 300 Pad

Drunk Beneath Borealis

Electro Ricochet

Electron Garden

Electronium Resonance

Enchanted Eighties

Felt Like Love

Flourishing Felt Vinyl

Flyaway Tweety

Found Footage Piano

Future Polyfizz

Fuzzy Water

Generation Loss Baldwin

Golden Years Retropluck

Harmologue Revival Pluck

Hiss of a Distant Memory

Insecticider Melancholy

Jack in the Keys

Joy of Gaming

Judgment Response

Laughing Trombones

Light Vibratonics

Madame Tusseau



Melting Memories

Metonic Pulses

Metonic Signlas

Midnight Sun Echo

Modern Retrovibe

Murkbottom Bard

Noisy Tuning Forks

Nova Felt Device

Old Felt Spark

Old Winter Keys

Pacman Prowess


Pitter Patter

Plucking Pointdexter

Polynesian Town

Quick Climber

Quick Stepper

Retromatic Piano

Retroplex Pluck Piano

Sad & Noisy Reeds

Soothing Citronelle

Spectral Afterthought

Spectral Vibrations Reversed

Square Fizz Reducer

Stranger Plucks

Syrup Claviset Wide

Tactile Resistors

Tactile Trumpet

Touched by Curiosity

Trip Hopper Chord

VHS Felted Piano

VHS Felted Synth

Walkman's Lament

Warbly Piano Party

Withering of Warmth


- 25 Patches

Analog Memorial Ensemble

Baldwin String Machine

Big Time Solina

Big Time Tremolo

CP Meets VP

Creamy Stereo Ensemble 2

Creamy Stereo Ensemble

Early '70s Dream Sequence


Innerwarmth Solina

Logan's Upright 1

Logan's Upright 2

Manhattan Deceptions

Reed Machine

Retro Reversing Solina

Rising Reverse Ensemble

Salinas Strings

Scraping Away The Scrunge

Seventies Flashback

Solemn Synth Strings

Somber Solina Reverse

Something Blue

Warm Omni E.Grand

Wing String Machine 1

Wing String Machine 2


- 64 Patches

Anti-Sequencer Bass

Bass Church

Black Venom Bass

Chameleon Vibe Bass

Constipated Muffler

Cyber Belch

Dark Cadence Bass

Deep Starz Field

Dolce Connectiva

Dump Bass

Electro Tough Bass

Electromeister Bassett

Exterminator Dragon Kick

Exterminator Kick

Fifth Bump

Flicked Sub

Fraff Bass 1

Fraff Bass 2

Future Bass Clang

Futurebass Deepness

Gong Fretless Bass

Good Day to You Sir

Grungy Howler Bass

Hard Candy Bass

Harold Bass Funk

Harpsichord Stomp Bass

Hawkins Electric Synth

Magnanimous Bass

MKS Bass Pike

MKS Bass Pluck

MKS Bass Warm

MKS Bass Zippy

Neuro Bass Stab 1

Neuro Bass Stab 2

Nightwatch Bass

Pistons Rod Bass

Planet of Bass

Ragga Jungle Bomb Bass

Rattled and Felted

Reedy Acid

Rizz Bass 1

Rizz Bass 2

Rizz Bass 3

Rizz Bass Poke

Rizz Bass Sawz

Rizz Bass Space

Rockabilly Rhodes Bass

Running Until Dawn

Sinister Left Hand

Sinuous Grind Bass

Solid Tine Bass

Something Gritty This Way Comes

Spin Me Round

Squershed Bass

Stalked by Bass

Swamp Trash Bass

Tacky Jupiter

Technode Bass

Thumpier 808

Trunk Shaker Weltmeister

Vallenato Seq Bass

Vintage Arcade Bass

Warm PhaseBass

Wooly Sub


- 32 Patches

Air Chopper Startup Synth

Airflow in Space

Anchorage Sweep


Bubbling Sweeps

BugNOIZ Lead

Bulky and Sweepy

Cosmos Sweep

CP Swirling Skylark

CP-70 Swell

Cybernetic Orchestra Tuning

Death of Nova

Encounter at 20 Fathoms

Euphoric Pianet Stab

FM Disturbance

Glide and Sweep

Harmonious Movement

Krypton's Krystals

Leap of Faith

Lunar Winds

Oblivion Fall

Oblivion Rise

Octavius Felt Wave

Overreacting BPF Sweep

Reedy Vibrasweep

Resonant Echoclav

Sunrise Sweeps

Sweep Evapocycles

Sweep Evaporation

Tackychord Keys


Vivi Sweeper


- 41 Patches

Burning Disease

Celestial Modes

Club Viba

Dive Bar Synth Lead

Fading Chord

Fiddler's Touch Long

Fiddler's Touch Short

Funky Dulcelead

Hidden Chords

I'm Not Mad At You

JD Solo Glider

Lazer Invasion

Little Screamer

London Vibes

Low Grit 360

Melodies from Space

Melodious Synthology Warm

Melting Stack Chord

Musical Saw

Nasty Shaky Resin alt

Nasty Shaky Resin

Nitro Attack

No More Cones

Old School Solosyn

Play Star Trek on Me

Punchy CP Leader

Rave Revival Piano

Re-Key-Ton Kicklead

Ripping off the Roof

Rocking Acid

Screamer Lead

Screaming Wire Lead

Solid Tine Lead

Space Plane Soloflight

Squeeze and Bass

The Insurgent

Thinline Lead


Under New MGMT

Vibes at the Afters

Weltmeister on Steroids


- 32 Patches

Abrasive Energy Blast

Analog Brandy

Analogue Unicorn Sparkle

Antiquated Digitalis

Big Sticky Shine Synth

Crystal Synthdrifter

Dinner Bells in Paradise

Dusty Analog Flipper

Electropop Strong

Flame in My Heart

Foreign Correspondent

Good For Future Chords

HPF Splash

Ion Afterglow


Life But Lucid

Mello2Massive Synth Piano

Melodious Synthology


OB-Wan Keynobi

Octaphonix Reeds

Prophet Chime

Reedy PWM

Return of Mr. Cole

Shiny Octave Saws

Splasher Hooks

Stabmatazz Synth

Stacatto Rave Sheen

Stellar Intra

Warm Intellection

Wiggling Analogy

Wings of Infusion


- 56 Patches

Analog Triad Pike

Ankara Echoes

Baldwin Plucker

Becoming the Champion

Bursts of Malice

Dark Pluck Sonar

Deutsche Storefronts

Drops of Purple Potion

ElectroFizz Pop

Electron Macroscope

Electron Macrosync


Follow Me a Bit

Follow Me Computer

Gliding Cabana Pluck

Goa Pluck

Harmologue Pluck

Harmoswapping Pluck

Honey Drops

Hyperactive Marimba Pluck


Malletesque Blip

Moku Manu

Moku Ola

Moments of Solitude

Monophonic Filter Taps

Muted Balearic Decay

Muted Baleariset

Neon Zimbabwe Pluck

Ostdeutsche Marimba

Ostinatron Bleep

Overcompressed Pluck

Pianet Plucker

Piano Bubbles Bounce



Pizzaset Thump

Plastic Plucker

Pluck Up The Dance


Plucky Baldwin

Plunky Reedsynth

Quirky Waterboy

Rising Concerns

Shale Probe

Snappy Square Pluck

So Bendy

Splasher Delta Pluck

Starz Pluck

Summer Fireflies

Tactus Pluck

Tears in the Glitchy Rain

Thangz R Plucked

Ticker Tape Snap

Turqouise Leaves

Welt Abenteuer Pluckwerks


- 72 Patches

Absence of Life

Aligning Harmonic Resonances

Are We Underwater?

Astral Vinyl Pipes

Aurora Constellation

Backwards Piano Fields

Backwards Upright Wash

Backwards Vox Crescendo

Baritone Underscore

Bellowing Bassett

Belly of the Beast

Blade Slung

Blurred Reflections

Blurred Refractions

Blurred Vibrations 1

Blurred Vibrations 2

Boiling Blood

Building the Fate

Building the Moment

Celestial Tremolande

Chemolo Steel

Chimes of Kyoto


Circling the Tunnel

Dark Clouds Coming

Dark Days

Dawn of Time

Desolate Land 1

Desolate Land 2

Desolate Valley

Escape Pod

Exoplanet Radio Signal

First Steps on Mars

Floating Noisebath

Frozen Piano Sustain

Glad to Be Alive

Gloomy Tinkles

Heavenly Whistlers

Hidden Dream

Holding Cell Cycles

Holding Cell Reverse

Inner Sanctum

Inside the Bubble

Jangling Tremolo

Keystoned Swells

Lost in the Deep

Majestic Pedals

Meteor Shower

No Silver Lining

Onset of Nightfall

Orbiting Satellite

Overdriven Pianograins

Pendulum Keys

Rainbow Valley

Reversal of the Tines

Reverse Canadian Bells

Rotating Rings

Scandal Mist Wheel

Shards of Breath

Sifting Through Sound

Silver Lining

Slow Progress

Stop Tweaking The Organ

Suspended in Space

Tape Flipping

Tremolo Wingrains


Undulating Rhodes

Unstable Voices

Waterfall Mist

Whisper of Desolation

Yellow Magic Tears


- 37 Patches

Atonal Elegy

Blissful Sleep

Blue Bloomers

Calm Before the Storm 1

Calm Before the Storm 2

Cellophane Atmosphere

Clockwork Nightmare

Clouds and Visitors

Cluster Headache

Diabolical Bellows

Don't Look

Eerie Chime Smear

Emerging Thought

Equinox Drone

Erhu Slidee FX in D Drone

Erhu Space in D Drone

Erhu Worlds in D Drone

Gambang Drone in D

Guild Drone in Fm

Incandescent Spotlight

Kendrick Drone

Last Planet on the Tour

Locusts Attack

Man on Wire

Nautilus Immersion

Octaphonia 1

Octaphonia 2

Path to the Mountain

Radar Pillows

Santa's Demonic Toy Shop

Shared Dreaming

Sinister Slide

Swarm Of Damselflies

Thumb Drones in D

Unanswered Questions

Underwater Canyons

Washed Clean


- 54 Patches

Autoharp Major Strum

Autoharp Minor Strum

Autoharp Pentatonic Strum

Banjoto Gliss Down

Bassett Hounds

Convenient Truth

Creeping Silver Bees

Cymbal Dimensions

Cymbalscape Scrape


Deeply Troubled

Digital Diminished Diver

Dream Sequence Acension

Edgy Riser

Energy Builder

Epic Harmoscrape Riser

Fairy Dust Sprinkle - Major

Fairy Dust Sprinkle - Whole Tone

Grain Finale 1

Grain Finale 2

Hands Up for the Drop

Hard Boing

Harry's Surveillance

Houdini's Seance

Howard Hughes

Inner Limits

Italian Sweeper

Ivory Coast

Ivory Wind

Journey to Jupiter

Kaleidoscope Eyes

Keystoned Turmoil

Malfunctioning Robot Kid

Neutron Bomb Alarm

Old Timey Gyrocopter Takeoff

Once Upon a Time

Pickup Grainstorm

Reverse Foxtrot Tango

Rise From the Ashes

Robotic Nosedive

Saucer Bell Tree

Shields Down

Showtime Riser

Sneaking Slide Hit

Spontaneous Combustion

String Theory

Talking Dog

The Ascending Descent

Theatrical Riser

Tiney Saucer

Tingly Tension Swell


Waiting for the Start

Zombie Toy Piano


- 24 Patches

Blueberry Fields

Childs Play Vibes

Dust Bunny Chorale

Fifties Suburban Drama Strings

Magnetic Chamber

Medieval Plucktron

Mellow Pianetron

Noisy Dulcitone on Tape

Notre Tron

Optical Organbell

Optical Reeds

Optical Wurly

Optigan Tack Piano

Orchestron Reeds

Silent Movie

Tack Tron

Tape Archive Chamber Orch

Tape Celeste Strings

Taped Accordion Memories

Tapes of Cheese

Tremolo Celestron

Upright Tron Choir

Wing and Tron

Wurlietron Wheel