Challenging the Overreach of the UK Policing & Judicial System

by MH Blackett

Challenging the Overreach of the UK Policing & Judicial System

by MH Blackett
MH Blackett
Case Owner
Marcus and Richard are trained psychological therapists distressed by the mental-health problems being unleashed by the draconian covid restrictions
on 27th March 2022
pledged of £7,200 stretch target from 73 pledges
MH Blackett
Case Owner
Marcus and Richard are trained psychological therapists distressed by the mental-health problems being unleashed by the draconian covid restrictions

Latest: March 29, 2022

Taking on Unlawful Lockdown Fines

As you can see we reached our first target and we are halfway there to our stretch target.  There are 3 ways of helping to get us there. 1. Donate again. 2. share this link on social media. and …

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Our names are Richard House and Marcus Blackett. We were arrested during lockdown in Stroud wearing sandwich-boards with the caption ‘Citizens’ Conversation’ on one side, and a narrative-challenging question on the other. The two of us are trained psychological therapists: we were distressed by the tsunami of mental-health and emotional problems being unleashed nationally by the draconian covid restrictions, and we wanted to do something to alleviate this in our beloved local community of Stroud.

We are appealing this absurd conviction and fine that violates all conceivable canons of natural law, with a view to challenging the legal system and the police in a high-profile way for their draconian overreach during lockdown, with a view to eventually holding a People’s Court in Stroud under Common Law jurisdiction.

We want to raise £3,600

Unlike other comparable situations which are well documented, there was no warning given and no opportunity given to just ‘move along’ etc. before the arrest. Please help us with our initial appeal by funding this action for democracy, sovereignty and civil rights. In supporting this legal case, you can help to row back the criminal overreach to which our fellow free men and women have been subjected by the State over the past 21 months.

Thank you.

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Update 1

MH Blackett

March 29, 2022

Taking on Unlawful Lockdown Fines

As you can see we reached our first target and we are halfway there to our stretch target.  There are 3 ways of helping to get us there. 1. Donate again. 2. share this link on social media. and 3. email the link to 5 of your friends.

Thank you very much for your help.

The unlawful fines that have been issued against the harmless, no-victim activities of free men and women in this country under the so-called “Coronavirus restrictions” cannot be allowed to stand. Just as Dr Reiner Fuellmich has set up a Grand Jury of the People to prosecute those responsible for the biggest Crime Against Humanity in human history, we may well have to do the same in Britain for those who have been outrageously victimised by the State and its complicit legal system in their flagrant attack on our God-given rights and freedoms.

Thank you very much and best wishes


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