
Protein - Bionomic Nutrition

John Coleman


The Protein Myth
  • 1 Introduction - The Problem
  • 2 Amino Acid Requirements

    Protein Provision

  • 3 The Frugivore
  • 4 Quantitative Aspects
  • 5 Protein X-Files

  • Bibliography/References
  • 1 Table 1 - 12 Week Weanling Rat Experiment
  • 2 Table 2 - Essential Amino Acid Requirements
  • 3 Table 3 - The indespensable amino acid compilation of the typical diet of North Americans and the relationship with amino acid requirements
  • 4 Table 4 - EAA Requirements and EAA Profiles Of Fruits
  • 5 Table 5 - Provision Of Amino Acids By Fruits and EAA Requirements and Amino Acid Profiles of Fruit Protein and Dietary EAA Requirements
  • 6 Plate 1 - Leucine Oxidation vs Protein Intake
  • 7 Plate 2 - Protein Content Ranges For Common Food Items
  • 8 Table 6 - Dietary Protein
  • 9 Table 7 - Updated Essential Amino Acid Profiles Of Common Vegetarian Foods
  • Abstract

    The author examines the findings for estimating protein requirements, and a misleading nutrition animal experiment, typical of the kinds that are often used. The current recommendations (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985), the latest hypothesis for essential amino acid requirements (Zello et al. 1995) and a non-orthodox method extrapolated from human milk protein provision. I also present the "Protein X-Files" as a finale of the strange but true.

    Part 1 - The Protein Myth

    Introduction - The Problem

    Of all the food myths that refuse to die, the ones about protein still seem prolific. The protein in a living body consists, in part, of the 9 essential amino acids, which are; histidine (semi essential), isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. These amino acids, and others, are also what make up the proteins in meat, dairy and vegetables, fruits, and of course, the proteins in our body. Nutritional authorities have simplified the protein issue in order to come up with a system that can be sold to the public, and satisfies cultural and industrial agricultural imperatives. In Bionomic Nutrition we consider nutritional issues from the perspective of our natural role and physiological adaptations to feeding and look to confirm whether the current scientific findings are in accordance with our natural diet.

    The issue of essential amino acids is misrepresented. Essential amino acids are "essential" precisely because they are so easily provided for by our diet, thus synthesising them becomes unnecessary, as has also happened with vitamin C in humans. In Harper's Biochemistry 24th Ed., Victor W. Rodwell, PhD says:

    It might be argued that the nutritionally nonessential amino acids are more important to the cell than the nutritionally essential ones, since organisms (eg. humans) have evolved that lack the ability to manufacture the latter but not the former group.
    In order to keep a sense of balance, both the requirements considered as the maximum needs (ie. worst case scenario) and the minimum adequate needs found by recent scientific studies will be considered. The scientific data used for considering requirements is the fullest of the latest available research, and was found using the minimum oxidative loss calculations (MOL) of Young et al. (1989). Zello et al. (1993) and Lazaris-Brunner et al. (1994), present figures which indicate requirements about 10% higher than Young et al. using indicator amino acid oxidation methods (IAAO). These differences are not significant as will be demonstrated below, and Young et al. have presented a full set of figures whereas Zello et al. and Lazaris-Brunner et al. only provide figures for 2 amino acid requirements. These latest findings have not yet been approved by the nutritional regulatory bodies.

    Tom K et al. (1995) have demonstrated, for the first time, that the human body will compensate for lower dietary protein intakes while still maintaining normal biological function, thus demonstrating that the human body is naturally adapted to "very low protein diets" (VLPD). In renal patients Tom K et al. found that 25 grams of protein per day plus some amino acid supplements simply reduced the wasting of excess amino acids. On VLPD the body has adaptations that mean that metabolism is more efficient:

    The study of protein utilisation and requirements has been the subject of decades of scientific research, much of which has been misleading and undergone continuous revision, as is the nature of orthodox nutritional scientific study. The mainstream research tends to avoid postulating any clear hypothesis as to what human protein requirements should be based on fairly concrete criteria such as physiology, taxonomy, evolutionary and long range health factors. Mainstream research, in general, lacks the objective principles which are the basis of quality science, preferring instead an anthropocentric view of human systems.

    By taking a bionomic perspective to diet, meaningful incites into our biological requirements are soon realised without the needs for endless years of research which can continue to produce conflicting results, therefore requiring "more research", the favourite call of the scientific research community. So long as they persue anthropocentric modes, they will never find results to questions about natural biological systems, since they do not investigate them at the outset.

    In conventional nutritional paradigms, we refer to primary and secondary foods. Primary foods are those that are unprocessed such as vegetables, fruits and unprocessed meat, while secondary foods have been processed and include items such as bread, pasta, meat pies, candies and so forth. Primary foods are thought to be more desirable since processing reduces food value. Cooking itself is a form of food processing. In bionomic nutrition we consider that there is only one food type, that is uncultivated fruits (including some seeds perhaps) and vegetation to which we are suitably adapted to eat in their natural state without causing harm to us. In the bionomic paradigm feeding behaviour is also important. The human lacks real biological equipment to catch and eat meat, and the absence of any requirement to consume, or ability to process concentrated protein in protein synthesis without wasteful amino acid oxidation are all clear information that there is no requirement for humans to eat any concentrated proteins.

    The hunger for protein seems to carry into vegetarian diets as well, with many popular texts extolling the need to eat seeds, nuts, grains and legumes in order to meet protein requirements. But it is unusual to find such foods forming more than a minor part in any natural diet, if at all.

    It shall be shown that high protein foods are not necessary and are counterproductive in human biochemistry, and data in some popular vegetarian web pages and books about protein will be refuted and updated. Books such as "Vegan Nutrition, a survey of research", by Gill Langley MA PhD, which clearly have political slants, athough worthy, are somewhat misleading in scientific terms since it is anthropocentric to talk of vegan nutrition, when in fact the issue required for discussion is human nutrition. These books, in demonstrating the protein adequacy (and excess) of vegan diets, do not educate the reader in the valuable lesson of true human nutrition, based on our biological requirements.

    Protein Requirements

    Eating excess protein is an unhealthy practice, not only does undigested protein serve as soil for putreficative bacteria in the bowels, but use of amino acids for generating energy actually poisons the body:
    "When amino acids are "burned" as a fuel, ammonia (NH3) is the waste product. Ammonia must be carried to the liver, converted to urea and excreted by the kidneys. One of the penalties of amino acid excess is ammonia excess, a potential cause of body malfunction following a high protein meal."
    Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
    Ammonia, even at trace levels is neurotoxic causing slurred speech, blurred vision and tremor. Therefore our biochemistry has methods of protecting us when excesses are present. This involves detoxification of ammonia and conversion into urea in the liver. Gut bacteria also produce ammonia, but again this occurs more when they are fed nitrogen rich foods.

    More accurate means of measuring amino acid utilisation are being used to suggest that original nitrogen balance estimates for amino acid requirements were too low(4). The researchers concluded:

    "It is concluded that the nitrogen balance-based estimates of amino acid requirement are too low."
    Another study(5) has for the first time found that:
    "Similarly, rates of whole body protein synthesis, degradation, and leucine oxidation after long-term therapy with the VLPD regimen did not differ from baseline values, and neutral BN was maintained by a marked suppression of amino acid oxidation and postprandial inhibition of protein degradation. This is the first evidence that the compensatory changes in whole body protein turnover activated in response to dietary protein restriction are sustained during long-term therapy."
    So it appears that the body is adapted to eat a very low protein diets (VLPD). With reduced body mass, or increased physical activity, it is easy to see how one could justify lower values. (physical activity lowers protein requirements)

    While Doctor Gislasons 12% of calories figure is reflective of some current mainstream opinion, it is not supported by this analysis (6% is closer to requirements), and it is not supported by orthodox nutritional standards either, for example the National Research Council says an adult male requires 2700 calories and 56 grams of protein per day. The 56 grams of protein represent 224 calories, or about 8.3% of calories as protein. There are many different standards for protein (and calorie) requirements depending on which source you use. I doubt that these variations can be supported by differing demands of amino acids using accurate experimental methods such as amino acid oxidation. Excess protein is harmful, Dr Gislason says:

    "High-protein diets do not have the benefits their advocates have claimed; they are associated with sodium loss, decreased sympathetic activity, increased ketosis, and no improvement in body protein conservation. Protein foods should be eaten as structural foods close to the level of their actual need, about 12 % of total daily calories."
    Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
    I have not come across any data that suggest that eating protein in excess of metabolic requirements confers any benefits. There is much evidence from biochemical theory and clinical data that excess is harmful.

    The Vivisectionist Origins of The Protein Myth

    For many years nutritional research has been focused on animal studies so as to yield quick results. Despite the fact that scientists (naturalists) had already said what the human diet is at least two centuries earlier, it became necessary for the industrial scientific community to demonstrate the suitability of modern diets, despite their terrible record of producing ill health. The vivisectors were called in to determine what humans should eat! Every one of us funds, by tax, these experiments, but few of us go to the trouble of reading the results and learning how these researchers work. And this is just as well for the food industry.

    In 'The "Trophic" Value of Foods'(6) we are presented with the classic nutritional animal experiments that play a part in formulating food misleading policy. The authors make some good and well known points about nutrition, based on obvious logic from known biological imperatives. The facts are that each species must eat a diet which contains sufficient of all essential nutrients in order for life to continue, and that these must also be provided in the correct relative quantity and be of the right biochemical quality. These authors sum this fact up and call it the "trophic" value of the food. What this means is the total nutritional value of the food. (The diet must also exclude toxins that may produce death or impair normal metabolic functions significantly.) Here are some of their better points with my emphasis added:

    1) The trophic value of a food cannot be ascertained from food composition tables because only a smattering of the necessary information is commonly furnished. A food cannot support life if it is missing, or deficient with respect to, any one of the necessary nutrients. A tabulation which includes only a few nutrients . . . . can be woefully misleading, especially if these individual nutrients have been added by way of fortification.

    2) The metabolic machinery of all organisms . . . . is in general constructed of the same raw materials-identically the same amino acids, minerals, and vitamins--and these raw materials give a food its trophic value.

    3) . . . . the building of complete, workable metabolic machinery cannot possibly take place if even one little cog is missing. Adequate food must contribute the total package. A food or food mixture which has been altered in such a way as to lose or inactivate even one of the approximately 40 essential nutritional elements is not able by itself to support life.

    4) The blend of raw materials for building the metabolic machinery in one organism would not be equally suitable for another because of differing enzymic patterns and synthetic abilities.

    5) The trophic value of a food (or its total value) cannot be ascertained by consulting food composition tables because such tables give only a smattering of the necessary information. The majority of the known essential nutrients are not listed, and they all have to be present in a food which has trophic value.

    6) Food composition tables can be especially misleading if the food under consideration is processed or is partially "synthetic" or enriched. "Enriched" white bread, as an outstanding example, shows up well in food composition tables because it has been enriched with the very items that are commonly emphasised in food composition tables. Its trophic value may be far lower than the tables suggest because some less familiar items may be in short supply.

    From these points we deduce that 1) food tables are useless in nutritional terms, 2) and 3) foods from living organisms are generally whole and must be to support life, 4) that diet of one species cannot be extrapolated directly to other species, 5) as per point number 1 and finally 6) processed foods are incomplete and fortification does not provide for good nutrition. All this is well and good, but is nothing new to a biochemist, and naturalists have known for a very long time that the best diet for any species is the one it eats naturally. Wild animals go to great lengths to select the best food, failure to meet requirements fully leads to malnutrition and death. Animals that have not fed well produce weaker offspring, and the females will fail to lactate successfully. Similarly failure to lactate is common in malnourished humans, especially in famine countries, but is also so common in the west that it is taken for granted. The inability of current human cultured diets to meet the demands of lactation points to a severe metabolic defect undoubtedly caused by incorrect diet, whether by deficiency, excess of contamination. Liebig said many years earlier "The development of living beings is regulated by the supply of whichever element is least bountifully provided."

    How does the vivisector define trophic value? He defines it as the diet that produces the most rapid weight gain! It is these kind of studies based on the fatter is better formula that form the basis of "nutritional science" and the protein myth. As we shall see when we look at the research data, the facts tell another story. The researchers perform a short rat feeding study which assumes that their "Purina Lab Chow" is the best food for rats because they grow fat on this the fastest. Purina Lab Chow is a fortified processed food manufactured from soy beans. Purina also produce soy bean isolate for the food industry, as used in the so called "health foods". Purina is 69th of the Fortune 500 companies and is predominant in the human, pet and laboratory feed industries. There is no doubt that Purina makes rats grow fatter faster, however, growing fat faster also increases morbidity and mortality as other nutritional vivisectors have later demonstrated with rats(7,8,9). The rather obvious observation that growing up faster means growing old faster, is missed by the early nutritional "scientists". Since these researchers already accept that each species has a unique diet, why do they do studies on rats? Obviously, deprived of the ability to do real research, they will take money for what they can do. This is a classic example of research welfare, a highly paid gravey train.

    In the 'Discussion' section of the article we read the following observations:

    It may be noted that while weight gains (of the survivors) is a measure of development, these figures do not take into account the fact that some foods of low trophic value appear to have the ability to keep animals alive but do not promote growth. For example, bananas, polished rice, and "enriched" macaroni exhibited low trophic values, but no animal on these diets died during the 12-week test. That these observations may not be accidental is suggested by the fact that in a previous experiment using puffed rice as a sole article of diet, the animals failed to develop but did seem to remain alive longer than animals on other comparably deficient foods. These observations merit further study. (sic!)
    This is a classic example of ignoring unfavourable results and suggesting that they need to do more research in order to try and find what they want and not what the data have actually suggested. I have reorganised the results into the following sort; mortality (ascending), life span (descending) and growth (ascending). This reveals the fallacious nature of the original researchers conclusions. Factors such as mortality and obesity are ignored, indeed excessive weight gain is presented positively. Nutritional recommendations based on this kind of research have lead to the advance of obesity and other chronic diseases in modern society. Before you look at the results of the study, bear in mind that the wild rat is a scavenger who enjoys grain foods, berries(fruits) and will also take insects, scraps of carrion, and in an urban environment will eat virtually anything. Rats have triple the relative protein requirements of humans. If you think the authorites have cast aside the practice of looking to rats to get ideas on what humans should eat, you are quite wrong. The methods have simply got more complex, more esoteric and far away from any logical attempts at establishing healthy human nutrition.

    TABLE 1 - 12 Week Weanling Rat Experiment(3)
                        Within 12 week
                                      Av.   Calculated trophic
                        No.    Av.    net   values at 12 weeks
    Food Product        of    life weight     (9-week value
      tested        deaths    span   gain     in parenthasis)
    Ripe bananas         0      84     71     (13)    13
     macaroni            0      84    124     (28)    27
    Polished rice        0      84    131     (28)    29
    Whole milk
     vit. D)*            0      84    220     (65)    83
    Fertile yard eggs,
     cooked white
     only                0/12   84    303
    Fertile yard eggs,
     cooked whole+       0/13   84    350
    Roasted peanuts      1      83    210     (48)    50
    Battery eggs,
     cooked white
     only+               1/12   81    273
    Infertile yard
     whole               1/13   81    352
    Enriched white
     (improved)          1      80    300     (71)    74
    Whole cooked
     potatoes            1      79    201     (48)    48
    "Pork and beans"     1      78    286     (64)    71
    Brown rice           1      76    144     (37)    33
      concentrate)       1      75    118     (21)    26
    Canned tuna
     (waterpack)         1      75    188     (41)    44
    Purina lab chow
     (taken as
     standard)           1      75    396    (100)   100
                        Within 12 week
                                      Av.   Calculated trophic
                        No.    Av.    net   values at 12 weeks
    Food Product        of    life weight     (9-week value
      tested        deaths    span   gain     in parenthasis)
    Potato chips         2      80    151     (31)    34
    Whole milk
     vit. D)             2      75    257     (63)    63
    Creamed cottage
     cheese              2      71    277     (46)    63
    Enriched white
     bread               2      70    235     (50)    57
    Battery eggs,
     cooked whole        2      69    315     (73)    78
    Wheat grain
     (cooked)            2      66    199     (46)    47
    Glucose              3      70     29
    Fortified skim
     milk (vit. A
     and)*               3      70     43     (21)    12
    Instant mashed
     potatoes            3      58    239     (55)    58
    Canned tomatoes      3      56    186     (29)    44
     (all meat)          4      71    114     (29)
    Canned chicken       4      65     98     (24)    20
     hamburger           4      66    216     (57)    52
    Corn starch          5      60      8
    Canned carrots       5      34     69     (18)    13
    Sucrose              8      49      9
    Gelatin dessert      8**    37      2
     Eight male weanling (about 60 g) rats per group, fed
     diets  containing 10% of the calories from eggs and
     90% of the calories from the food product tested.
     * Tested simultaneously, but in separate experiments
     with 12% of the calories from eggs and 88% of the
     calories from whole milk  and skim milk, respectively.
     ** All dead at 7 weeks
     + Tested simultaneously, but in separate experiments.

    While you browse over the later table entries you should notice that the items Frankfurters, Canned Chicken, and Cooked Hamburgers killed 50% of the population and that the favourite foods that children eat, Sucrose (sugar) and sometimes Gelatin (jelly) killed the entire rat population in about 5 to 7 weeks! Even the supposedly best food for rats, Purina Lab Chow (soy protein derivative), kills off one weanling rat, the survivors get to be the fattest rats. The best food for rats, based on this study is bananas, macaroni or rice and maybe whole milk. This is all of course assuming that the rats in question where all equal! An unlikely scenario.

    The classic USDA nutrition tables only cover about 30 essential nutrients, whereas we know today that at least 45 are required and this list grows every so often as well. A failure to meet requirements for just one of the missing nutrients is sufficient to prevent correct metabolism. The international RDA concepts only specify requirements for about 13 essential nutrients and set them at fixed values, so that habits like drinking or smoking which increase nutrient requirements are not taken into account. Any nutritionist using this data is wasting their time. Only raw foods (raw primary foods) may guarantee containing all the elements of life, because those elements must have been there for the food to have been alive. The purpose of processing foods, whether by cooking, grinding or other means is specifically to chemically reduce the food, therefore it is implicit that such "foods"are not nutritious.

    The medical profession seem keen to promote a "balanced diet" which is a diet containing "sufficient" energy, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, water, mineral salts and fibre. This idea avoids the issue of actual quality and quantity, which are essential for practical purposes, and also defines sufficient in terms of fixed figures, like RDA, and not personal requirements.

    The requirements of each of the 45 plus essential nutrients is not given, and over provision can be as unhealthy as under provision. The British 1993 National Food Survey demonstrated that the average person consumed less than the RDA for 8 out of the 13 nutrients for which RDAs exist. Many people think that a balanced diet simply mean variety, so there has been a lack of giving clear guidance with unhealthy results. Osteoporosis is a common disease amongst older women in the west, this despite the huge use of dairy products which provide all the nutrients required for a growing calf to build masses of flesh and bone. The bionomic view of nutrition rejects the idea that simply meeting requirement levels for a subset of our essential nutrients is sufficient and includes all the known factors that promote or retard healthy metabolism from getting enough vitamin C to avoiding alcohol which grossly disturbs metabolism. All nutritional factors are taken into account by following a "natural" lifestyle. Even exercise plays a role in efficient nutrition, every factor is important.

    Amino Acid Requirements

    The latest data(4) for amino acid requirements have been summarised in the table below, and the methods of analysis are presented underneath the tables. The old WHO nitrogen balance figures (NB) are in dispute, Zello et al. (1993) and Lazaris-Brunner et al. (1994), these newer figures demonstrate higher body utilisation of essential amino acids.

    TABLE 2 - Estimates of the indispensable amino acid requirements of humans
    Requirements (mg/kg body weight/d) by method1 and age
    NutrientNB Infants2
    (3-4 mo)
    NB Children3
    NB Children4
    NB Adults5PAA Adults6AAO Adults7MOL Adults8IAAO Adults9
    Methionine + Cystine58272213--14-
    Phenylalanine + Tyrosine125692214303028-
    1 NB = nitrogen balance; PAA = plasma amino acid concentration; AAO= amino acid oxidation; MOL = calculated minimum oxidative losses of indispensable amino acids; IAAO = indicator amino acid oxidation.
    2 Based on amino acid concentrations in human milk or cow's milk that supported growth. Fomon and Filer (1967) and FAO/WHO/UNU (1985).
    3 Based on NB supporting ample lean tissue gain (FAO/WHO/UNU 1985, Pineda et al. 1981).
    4 Based on upper range of requirement for positive NB (FAO/WHO/UNU 1985, Nakagawa et al. 1964, Williams et al. 1974).
    5 Based on highest estimate of requirement to achieve NB (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985).
    6 Based on data from Young et al. (1971, 1972, 1976), Meredith et al. (1986) and Zello et al (1990).
    7 Based on data from Young and collegues (review by Young and Bier 1987a, Young and Bier 1987b) and Zello et al. (1990).
    8 Estimates calculated by equations from minimum oxidation losses by Young et al. (1989).
    9 Based on data from Zello et al. (1993) and Lazaris-Brunner et al. (1994).
    10 Values for histidine requirements in brackets were calculated by extrapolation from the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) estimates of requirement (Canada Health and Welfare 1990).

    The columns on the far right of the tables represent the later figures, as successive newer methods demonstrate slightly higher "requirements". In fact the figures demonstrate that the human body can utilise more protein, but not, in terms of any outside parameters suggesting health benefits. There is a real need for nutritional research to start identifying links between protein intake (and diets) and health in longitudinal trials if robust and useful scientific figures are wanted.

    Part 2 - Protein Provision

    The Frugivore

    Zello et al. (1995) present us with the following amino acid requirements and dietary provision in the North American diet. It can be seen that EAA provision exceeds nitrogen balance study requirements by a factor 4 and also exceeds the latest figures by a factor of 2. This is far too much amino acid, which I suggest will lead to some very excessive oxidation and serious ill health due to intoxication or over stressing of the eliminative organs. The human body has evolved and is equipped to utilise a very low protein diet, that of a frugivore. All the various methods of evaluating protein requirements presented here demonstrate that the protein selected by western diets is too rich, and also too much is eaten (see Table 6).

    TABLE 3 - The indespensable amino acid compilation of the typical diet of North Americans and the relationship with amino acid requirements
    Amino acid requirements(mg/g protein)1
    NutrientDiet2NB Children3
    NB Children4
    NB Adults5PAA Adults6AAO Adults7MOL Adults8IAAO Adults9
    Methionine + Cystine34.129.323.616.7--17.9-
    Phenylalanine + Tyrosine81.875.023.917.938.538.535.9-
    1 Amino acid requirements were converted to mg/g protein by dividing the amino acid requirement per kg by the recommended intake of egg or milk protein per kg. For adult intakes the recommended intake value of 0.78 g/kg, and for children the value was 0.92 g/kg (Canada Health and Welfare 1990).
    2Apparent amino acid composition of the mixed protein (mg amino acid/g protein) disappearing from the Canadian food supply (Ballantyne and McLauhlan 1968, Canada Health and Welfare 1983).
    3 NB = nitrogen balance; PAA = plasma amino acid concentration; AAO= amino acid oxidation; MOL = calculated minimum oxidative losses of indispensable amino acids; IAAO = indicator amino acid oxidation. Based on NB supporting ample lean tissue gain (FAO/WHO/UNU 1985, Pineda et al. 1981).
    4 Based on upper range of requirement for positive NB (FAO/WHO/UNU 1985, Nakagawa et al. 1964, Williams et al. 1974).
    5 Based on highest estimate of requirement to achieve NB (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985).
    6 Based on data from Young et al. (1971, 1972, 1976), Meredith et al. (1986) and Zello et al (1990).
    7 Based on data from Young and collegues (review by Young and Bier 1987a, Young and Bier 1987b) and Zello et al. (1990).
    8 Estimates calculated by equations from minimum oxidation losses by Young et al. (1989).
    9 Based on data from Zello et al. (1993) and Lazaris-Brunner et al. (1994).
    10 Values for histidine requirements in brackets were calculated by extrapolation from the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) estimates of requirement (Canada Health and Welfare 1990).

    Frugivore Eating?

    Fruits yield about 0.5% to 1.5% of their weight as protein, this makes them one of the least protein dense foods in human diet. While modern chemical agricultural methods of food production have reduced vitamin and mineral contents of foods compared to more traditional organic methods, the protein content of fruits has remained adequate, and must do because of biochemical imperatives. If we accept our frugivorous ancestry, then the EAA profile of fruits must meet our natural requirements. It must be most unlikely that humans cannot get enough EAAs from fruits. And since fruits contain the lowest protein content of any common foods, it therefore follows that other foods will tend to supply protein in excess of biological requirements. The figures presented here support this logic. Of course our ancestors had all day to browse upon fruits, and they would have needed this time to gather sufficient quantities to meet their protein requirements, but in doing so, their vitamin and mineral intakes would have been huge compared to modern diets. When vegetable matter is added to the diet, protein sufficiency is easily reached.

    A popular myth is that fruits do not contain enough essential amino acids to supply requirements. Analysis of USDA Agricultural Handbook number 8, raw fruit EAA profiles produced the following tabulation. It is clear from this, that many fruits deliver "good quality" protein. Geoffrey Cannon, author of Food and Health: The Experts Agree, from the Consumers' Association, also says that fruits yield "quality" protein. Three to four kilos of some of the fruits suggested here, will supply sufficient protein and calories. If you apply nitrogen balance figures, then this requirement is reduced by about two thirds! From this it is easy to understand how popular modern food items containing many times the protein content of fruits and vegetables tend to oversupply protein. This is simply protein down the drain as urea! Only a diet of foods with a protein content less than about 0.5 grams per 100 grams will cause protein deficiency. Some fruits are low or deficient in one or more EAAs as are some grains and vegetables. Variety may be essential.

    TABLE 4 - EAA Requirements1 and EAA Profiles Of Fruits (mg/g protein)
    Requirements (NB2,MOL3)13,2218,3615,4017,1818,369,215,513,23Protein
    ORANGE FLORIDA27245031501610430.7
    PEARS ASIAN28503422342610360.5
    PERSIMMON NATIVE44735632745118530.8
    human milk54926639964517611.03
    1 Amino acid requirements were converted to mg/g protein by dividing the amino acid requirement per kg by the recommended intake of egg or milk protein per kg. For adult intakes the recommended intake value of 0.78 g/kg (Canada Health and Welfare 1990); NB = nitrogen balance, MOL = calculated minimum oxidative losses of indispensable amino acids
    2 Based on highest estimate of requirement to achieve NB (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985).
    3 Estimates calculated by equations from minimum oxidation losses by Young et al. (1989).

    Table 5 below shows in the left table the average values for nutrient contents of all raw fruits from the USDA Agricultural Handbook number 8. These values have then been extrapolated to a 2700kcal level, suitable for an "average" adult person. The amino acid requirements from Young et al. (1989) have been extrapolated to the levels required for an "average" 62.5 kg person. As you can see, a diet consisting of a wide range of fruits will, on average, provide enough EAA to meet metabolic requirements, with ample room to spare for some amino acids. Lysine will tend to be the limiting amino acid with the average fruit. The variation in amino acid profiles is wide in fruit. It is plain that all diets that provide sufficient food energy should provide enough protein of "good quality", some rarer grain foods and some of the low protein fruits are the exception.

    The right table of the table pair shows the amino acid profile of fruit as compared to the amino acid profile extrapolated from Young et al. (1989) EAA requirements for recommended dietary protein intakes. As you can see, fruit provides for EAA profiles with more than 10% to spare for each amino acid, thus there is plenty to spare, even if the new higher IAAO requirements are to be met. An interesting observation is that Lysine is provided at about 10% in excess of Young et al. (1989) MOL estimates, therefore tending to match the newer IAAO estimate of Zello et al. (1995).

    It seems that reasonable figures for EAA requirements could have been found easily by simply modelling our requirements on fruits! A fact that will perhaps surprise those not inclined to believe that man is a primarily frugivore, as studies of our intestinal anatomy implies.

    Some authors have suggested that plant based sources of nutrients are less well absorbed than animal sources. The data for these conclusions is based on typical mixed diets, which this author feels are unhealthy and do not promote good digestion. Their findings should be extrapolated with caution. Our appetite control system should be relied upon to indicate when sufficiency is met.

    TABLE 5 - Provision Of Amino Acids By Fruits and EAA Requirements
    and Amino Acid Profiles of Fruit Protein and Dietary EAA Requirements
    NutrientAvg Value
    Avg Value
    for 2700kcal
    Methionine + Cystine0.0210.90.9
    Phenylalanine + Tyrosine0.0462.071.8
    Avg Value
    MOL Adults
    1 Source: USDA Agricultural Handbook number 8, all raw fruits
    2 Extrapolated from MOL calculated minimum oxidative loss mg/kg body weight/day (Young et al. 1989) to an "average" 62.5kg person
    3 Estimates calculated by equations from minimum oxidation losses by Young et al. (1989), amino acid requirements were converted to mg/g protein by dividing the amino acid requirement per kg by the recommended intake of egg or milk protein per kg. The recommended adult intake value 0.78 g/kg was used (Canada Health and Welfare 1990).

    Quantitative Aspects

    A flaw in the MOL and IAAO method is that they just measure amino acid usage over a short period and therefore any potential adaptation to lower protein diets is not actually triggered to enable measuring. VLPDs trigger more efficient use of EAAs. If there is any point in finding EAA requirements, they would do better to study long term on a wide variety of diets.

    PLATE 1

    Tom K and Young VR et al. presented leucine oxidation rates in various feeding and fasting studies(10,11,12,13). When these are extrapolated by linear regression to 0 protein intake, the rate that the body loses the amino acid is found. The theory is that this number represents the amount of amino acid required by the body. In the case of leucine, this is about 10 µmol/kg/h. One mole of leucine has a mass of 131g, so a 62.5 kg average person in 24 hours loses [10·(131/1,000,000)·62.5·24] 1.9 g/day of leucine. However the fasting (between meals) results produce a fairly poor R squared (0.51), demonstrating the wide range of requirements found in the studies. The extrapolations presented by Tom K et al., as shown here, y-intersect at 10 micro mols. What can actually be seen is a wide range of fasting requirements with the lower range y-intersecting at 7 µmol/kg/h. The use of proteins with different EAA profiles and other differences in research protocols may account for some variation. Since higher rates of leucine oxidation follow states of higher input, then our actual requirement might be the lowest figure found.

    If we use the new lower result extrapolated from Tom K et al., 7 µmol/kg/h, we arrive at a daily loss of [7·(131/1,000,000)·62.5·24] 1.4 g/day of leucine, or 22 mg/kg/day. This is a significant drop in our actual usage and brings the dietary requirement figure down from the 35.9 mg/g of Zello et al. to about 28 mg/g, a drop of more than one fifth! The typical daily intakes of EAAs are given in Table 6 below, for leucine we find that the typical meat eating diet (standard American diet) yields 10.1 g/day, vegetarians 8.2 g/day and vegans eat 6.0 g/day. Even vegans eat over 4 times too much protein! Since the synthesis of protein requires the correct relative ratios of the other amino acids, it is likely that the other EAA requirements will drop by a similar factor. While only a "guesstimate", this results in the following dietary requirement figures in mg/g of protein:

         TRP     THR     ILE     LEU     LYS     MET+CYS PHE+TYR VAL
           4      16      17      28      23       14      28     18
    Variations in amino acid oxidation rate results are quite large averaging about ±2 µmol/kg/h and going as high as ±4.7 µmol/kg/h. Amino acid demands vary considerably over time, in the case of leucine as much as 27% more or less than the average rates of oxidation.

    A Contradiction

    The current guidelines on protein requirements (WHO) are set at 0.78 g/kg of body weight or about 56 g/day for a 75 kg adult male, this includes a large "safety factor". However, the mainstream nutritional authorities suggest that protein is very well digested, with a minimum of waste. The logic presented for the 2 times safety factor is explained as follows:
    So what's the daily protein requirement? Well, the average theoretical losses amount to about 0.34 g of protein per kg body weight per day. Clearly a recommendation to replace this loss has to have an adequate safety margin. With 2 standard deviations added to this value, it comes to 0.45 g/kg per day of "ideal" protein. Adding safety margins for digestibility and protein quality, the requirement is thus in the region of 0.75g/kg.*
    The use of 2 standard deviations is not really justified. One standard deviation includes 68% of the population spread equally about the mean, and the second standard deviation includes 95% of the population. Therefore the official protein requirements are designed to fulfil the protein requirements of about 14% [(95-68)/2] of the population who need the most protein. This means that about 80% of the population are advised to eat for the needs of 14%. The concept of safety factor is poor, because eating more protein than one needs is unhealthy, whereas not eating enough is near impossible! The safety factors for protein requirements are therefore danger factors. Nearly all popular foods grossly oversupply on EAAs. We are also told that:
    Digestibility. We're very good at digesting protein. We can digest and absorb 70% - 90% of plant protein and 85% - 100% of animal (or human) protein. Remember, we digest human protein all the time -- our own tissues. We're very efficient at reclaiming and recycling our own protein.*
    If the actual worst possible case for protein digestion is 70%, and our losses are 0.45 g per kg of body weight, then our maximum requirement for protein is 0.59 g per kg of body weight. This figure is provided for amply by fruits alone which would yield about 0.67 g of protein per kg of body weight and includes sufficient provision of EAAs! As you will see by the evidence presented here, all protein sources present excessive amino acid profiles, thus all protein is of "good quality". Therefore we can drop the quality factor from the equation, only certain single foods are insufficient. Both terms "protein quality" and "ideal protein" are misleading, it is more accurate to talk about amino acid homeostasis in terms of simple input and output. Another error in this analysis is to assume that animal sources are well digested because we can break down our own tissues with high efficiency. The metabolic systems of digestion and tissue catabolism involve very different chemical environments, pH is alkaline in tissues, and every cell contains about 2000+ enzymes. The number of proteolytic enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract is around 10. Even well adapted carnivores digest protein poorly, their faeces being very putrid. Eating concentrated protein foods simply overburdens the body with raw material that is unuseable in protein synthesis and converts to toxic ammonia.

    The More Is Better Myth

    The conventional nutritional view is that animal proteins are more digestible. This is based on studying the amount of protein waste (nitrogen) left in faeces after feeding of various foods in mixed diets. In fact these studies tell us how much protein is wasted, and nothing useful about the digestion of protein. If accepting the conventional view, then meat protein yields 3% protein waste and in fruits about 15% protein is wasted. However, to separate the figures from the biological processes is misleading, it makes animal protein look more desirable. When we consider what is actually likely to happen things look very different. For example, a 3oz lean beef steak would yield about 25 g of protein (half or all our daily requirement?) and would produce about 0.8 g of protein mass to putrefy in the bowels.

    According to Harper's Biochemistry, the putrefaction bacteria in the large intestine convert amino acids into toxic amines or ptomaines, such as cadaverine (from lysine), agmatine (from arginine), tyramine (from tyroseine), putrescine (from orithine) and histamine (from histidine). And these amines are "powerful vasopressor substances". Tryptophan undergoes a series of reactions to form indole and methylindole (skatole), which produces the distinctive putrefying faecal smell of a high protein diet. The sulphur-containing amino acids are transformed into mercaptans such as ethyl and methyl mercaptan as well as hydrogen sulphide (H2S). All these gasses are very poisonous and unpleasant. Phosphatidylcholine, only found in meats, breaks down into choline and the related toxic amines such as neurine. This is evidence that meat is not well digested. Herbivores do not produce putrid excrement, but "dung" instead, some still contains sufficient nutrients to warrant eating again, such as with rabbits.

    However, a meal of fruit with similar food energy value would yield about 2.6 g of protein of which 0.4 g would be wasted. A high protein food at least doubles the quantity of protein that is potentially subject to putrefication in the bowels. Worse still, the reason that plant protein is less digestible is because it is found in the tough cellulose walls of plant cells which pass through the gut undigested if not sufficiently masticated. These proteins are not available as soil for putrefying bacteria in the bowel. Animal protein wastes are highly bioavailable to putrefying bowel bacteria since they have no cellulose cell wall. It seems that only putrefying bacteria benefit from the "highly digestible" animal proteins.

    The Unwritten Assumption

    The more is better myth seems to be based on the unwritten assumption that higher protein turnover is preferable. However, this view is not supported by biochemical theory or experimental data. Studies of animals and humans who eat "ad libium" (how they like) more protein or calories indicates that morbidity and mortality increase. Countless epidemiological and clinical studies have pointed to the dangers of dietary excess. And studies on animals(7,8,9), of which a few are suggested here, have consistently found that diets supplying reduced quantities of food energy and protein improve health and longevity. The experimenters do these experiments so that the laboratory animals live longer, so allowing them to do longer studies for toxicology and other alleged scientific research. Using meaningful epidemiological studies ,the same has also been demonstrated for humans. I suggest that; as the rate of protein synthesis rises, the stress on the organism to eliminate waste and provide energy rises. The early rat experiments that found that rats fed more protein grew faster, was used to promote the idea that more protein was better. But rapid growth equates to rapid metabolism and early "aging". It seems that the metabolic fire that burns lowest burns longest. Increasing protein synthesis without a concomitant increase in protective vitamins and minerals would be a destructive eating practice. There is not much vitamin C or E in the average high protein food item.

    Textbook Nutrition

    Why do nutritional researchers look to laboratory experiments, particularly with rats, to solve human nutritional questions? Contemporary science has been overtaken by the new rationalist paradigm. This paradigm springs from industrial political concerns and is moulding the face of modern medicine and nutrition. Under this system we find that Cartesian concepts are applied to living systems in all realms. The scientists want to quantify everything, and the qualitative aspect of science is quietly brushed aside. Under the rationalist system a diet of fast food that fits various predefined parameters is nutritionally comparable to a diet that fits the same parameters but provides all its nutrients from primary foods. The rationalist system creates concepts such as RDAs, balanced diets, food groups, protein quality, and of course standard body weight. Thus the diverse human biological system is supposed to fit to lifeless numbers derived from experiments and statistical manipulations. Such a system is a parody of science. Despite a small and growing army of nutritionists and even more new standards, units and tables, the problems of obesity and malnutrition flourish. There is an alternative to this system which is being practised by several groups including clinical ecologists (environmental medicine), natural hygienists and many other dietary experimenters often referred to as cults, fads or quackery. These groups advocate an approach with a biological focus, and quality is very much at the centre of this paradigm. The official version of science has been overtaken by dogma, with a profit motive. Nowadays only the opinions of the mainstream state approved officials are science, even if they stand reality on its head. This new 'science' attempts to deny observed phenomena that contradict its dogma rather than explain them.

    In the book Dirty Medicine 'Science, big business and the assault on natural health care', the author Martin J Walker says:

    To reshape the public perception of science, the authority of science first had to be restored. Personal experience and popular perceptions had to be challenged. The experiential message of campaigning pressure groups and the subjectivity of unorthodox life styles had to be eroded. In relation to health and welfare, a new area of bowdlerised science was to take the place of proper scientific enquiry. The new philosophy was called 'risk management and evaluation'. This 'scientific' discipline, introduced a new relativity.
    We have seen that a given mass of body protein requires a certain amount of essential amino acids to maintain it. If the EAA ingestion drops below the levels required, then homeostasis is upset and the system will assume a new homeostatic level metabolising to the lowered mass. Body weight reflects factors such as protein, fat and calories ingested as well as expended. The rationalists system defines standard body weights for a given height. Obviously height is a factor in determining body weight, but what defines the healthiest weight?

    The answer is that this system based on weight is quantitative and not qualitative, so we discard it immediately and look for some scientific criteria. We need to look at physiology and comparative anatomy. The standard body weight system would compare a genuine anorexic with a very slim female marathon runner concluding that they are both "underweight". But in fact, the marathon runner will no doubt be fitter and healthier than the average person who is of standard body weight. So why not define a system based on a "healthiest body weight"?

    Very briefly: From physiology we learn that a mass of protein also requires to be serviced by various organs which feed and take away waste. A lower body mass will therefore produce less strain on the organs of supply (eg. the lungs, liver and GIT) and elimination (eg. liver, kidneys, bowels). If we look at the anatomy we observe that wild land mammals are very lean (usually about 4% fat vs the humans 10%+) and their muscles are tough. We see that the areas of the body without muscle are bony and that the muscles are lean and do not bulge. This is certainly true of our primate cousins. The anatomy of the average westerner is quite unnatural, and the standard body weight concept is as useless as quantitative nutritional paradigms.

    Practical Problems

    There are many practical objections to obtaining ones protein requirements from fruits. One is that the maximum "requirement" (extrapolated from Zello et el. figures) will be to eat about 4.5 kg of assorted fruit per day or about half of that to reach nitrogen balance requirements, or 75% of that if you extrapolate from the longer VLPD studies of Tom K et al. Most of us do not have the resources or intention to obey Natural Laws. So what is the next best thing after eating some fruit?

    To answer the above question, while still keeping a bionomic perspective, it is worth studying the provision of protein by other dietary sources and finding the nearest fit. Our prime objectives are to obtain foods with adequate nutrient contents and that are readily available and can fit in with our cultural limitations. This need can be served by a variety of vegetables, preferably eaten raw or perhaps lightly steamed. As a bonus these foods are low cost and provide an abundance of minerals and vitamins. Behaviour ideas would suggest that salt, spices and other artificial factors be eliminated so as not to pervert the appetite or sense of taste and smell which guides food selections in wild animals. Concentrated proteins such as animal products, seeds, nuts, grains and legumes are not required and should only be present at very low levels, just a few grams per day, if at all. To make more than a very small place in ones diet from these foods will continuously over supply the body with protein, and these foods are low in some vitamins. Many frugivores do include plant matter such as leaves in their diets, as well as small quantities of seeds, and insects, usually eaten accidentally. Surely a similar diet, should be ideal for supplying human protein, mineral and vitamin requirements, minus insects!?

    PLATE 2

    The so called "good sources" of protein clearly contain excessive amounts of protein, very many times more than the maximum utilisation level.

    The max. utilisation level indicates sufficient protein content to meet the new hypothetical requirements. The min. requirement level is discussed before the final section of this article.

    Some old figures for protein and EAA consumption appear below. Divided into three groups they show the dietary intakes for non-vegetarians, ovolacto-vegetarians and pure-vegetarians or vegans.

    TABLE 6 - Dietary Protein *
    Consumption of Essential Amino Acids and Protein by Vegetarians in the U.S. (g)
    Amino Acid                Non-vegetarian   Ovolacto-vegetarian  Pure-vegetarian
    Isoleucine                      6.6             5.4                     4.0
    Leucine                         10.1            8.2                     6.0
    Lysine                          8.3             5.4                     3.7
    Phenylalanine and Tyrosine      10.3            8.8                     7.0
    Methionine and Cysteine         4.3             3.2                     2.7
    Threonine                       5.0             3.8                     2.9
    Tryptophan                      1.5             1.2                     1.1
    Valine                          7.1             5.6                     4.3
    Total protein intake            121             97                      82
    (Linder, pp 90 -- from Hardage, 1966)
        So we see that even the vegans in this study got more protein than
        they needed.
    Note: Estimated adult intake of protein in the USA is now thought to be about 101 g/day of which 71 g is animal protein and 30 g is plant protein. This 14% of calories as protein diet over provides on amino acids by a factor of about 6. Leucine intake is estimated at 8.2 g/day.
    (estimates from Harper's Biochemistry pp. 627; from Munro HN, Crim M: The proteins and amino acids. In: Goodhart RS, Shils ME: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 6th ed. Lea & Febiger, 1980).

    So it appears that even pure-vegetarians (vegans) are eating at least double their actual protein requirements. How could it be that our bodies are not signalling us to stop ingesting foods when our biological requirements for protein have been met and exceeded? To answer this question we have to address the feeding instinct, specifically how our appetite control system (ACS) or center, works. While the mechanisms that create true hunger are understood, the hormonal mechanisms that operate in the GIT are not well understood.

    "A key concept in weight management is that appetite and weight regulation is largely determined by the adequacy of the incoming nutrient set. Certain nutrients such as glucose, sodium, some fatty acids and amino acids must be present in adequate concentrations in the blood reaching ACS before we feel satisfied and full."
    Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
    We must note here that the hunger signal is sated by sufficient ingestion of glucose, sodium, some fatty acids and amino acids and other nutrients. When sufficient levels of these are maintained, hunger does not occur, and the urge to overeat will cease. We do not feed purely to meet "calorific requirements". Foods that are digested the fastest tend to fulfil appetite speedily as nutrients are absorbed thus reducing the tendency to overeat. Slow moving foods, the ones lowest in fibre or highest in fat, must be far easier to become obese on because they are always the foods that are dense with macro nutrients.

    Our ACS, which is in parts of the brain, is primitive (in fact it's a reptile mechanism) in its function, and knows nothing of modern processed foods and high fat feed-lot meat. It seems that the more natural lowest fat, less salty foods will ensure that the ACS has a chance of working naturally. All popular animal foods are high in sodium and fat, as are many popular food items.

    "The human appetite system works at about the same level it did in reptiles millions of years ago. The strategy of the reptilian brain is to establish the most efficient path to available food, then to lock in that behaviour and repeat it without further modification. Our appetite system tends to run automatically at this primitive level and defies conscious attempts to alter any well-programmed behaviour. Food factors determine the intensity of repeating appetitive behaviours. Food vendors know that salt and sugar assure repeat business. Salt and sugar are the two principle markers of food in an animal's environment. At the reptilian brain level, therefore, the taste of salt and sugar signals the successful discovery of food. The repeated discovery of salt and sugar sensations at specific locations in the environment locks-in food-seeking behaviour at these locations.
    Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
    The use of habit-forming food substances such as salt, sugar and drug like food additives, has not been wasted on the food industry, which is keen to exploit our natural instincts. The defence that people are being sold "what they want" is false, they are being sold what they cannot biologically resist.

    Essential Amino Acids Profiles or "Protein Quality"

    Another old chestnut of orthodox nutrition is "protein quality". This theory suggests that amino acids are required in a certain profile to most ideally meet our metabolic requirements, which is true. Based on some old data and applying the latest upper utilisation data and current lower requirements, I have updated the following table in italics. Essential amino acid is a misleading term, biologically it refers to the amino acids that are most easily provided by diet in sufficient quantity for metabolism. The biological essential amino acids are the nutritional non essential amino acids.

    Our new amino ideal acid profile is added as are supply of amino acids per gram of protein for other food groups not provided in the original data. All food groups supply adequate protein and most in excess by at least double, apart from fruits. Additional data was derived from the USDA Agricultural Handbook number 8.

    Where the author of the original table derived the Ideal amino acid profile from is not mentioned, the current figures based on WHOs nitrogen balance data are listed under the Lower row.

    TABLE 7 - Updated Essential Amino Acid Profiles Of Common Vegetarian Foods (meats added) *
     What about the protein quality?
     The amount of amino acids per gram of protein is called the amino
     acid profile.  There is an ideal protein that we use as a
     reference to determine the "quality" of a protein and a few foods
     for comparison.
            Essential amino acid patterns of protein (mg/g)
    Food           TRY     THR     ISO     LEU     LYS     MET+CYS PHE+TYR VAL
    Ideal          11      35      42      70      51      26      73      48
    Lower           5       9      13      18      15      17      18      13
    Adaptive        4      16      17      28      23      14      28      18
    Upper           5      21      22      36      40      18      36      23
    soy            13      49      44      74      61      27      83      46
    azuki          10      34      49      84      75      20      83      51
    potato         16      36      40      59      60      29      81      56
    h-milk         16      48      57      97      70      40     101      53
    c-milk         14      45      60      97      79      34      96      66
    eggs           16      49      62      87      67      56      97      72
    rice           11      44      39      72      39      44      94      61
    wheat          12      29      53      78      25      30     101      49
    oats           13      35      42      83      45      57      84      61
    all beef       11      44      45      79      83      37      73      49
    all fish       11      44      46      80      89      40      73      51
    all nut/seed   17      38      44      76      44      39      90      57
    all vegetables 11      38      43      66      55      25      71      49
    all fruit       9      28      28      44      44      23      50      38
    Lower Based on highest estimate of requirement to achieve NB (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985).
    Adaptive Suggested as a level achieved by adaptation to long term VLPD
    Upper Estimates calculated by equations from minimum oxidation losses by Young et al. (1989).

    It is clear from the above table that only fruits and vegetables can provide the correct amount of EAA protein to meet human requirements. All animal products and many popular vegetarian food items present excess amino acids. When these oxidise NH3 is produced so ammonia forms in the body. Postprandial protein degradation will produce foul faeces and autointoxication from bacterial breakdown products. In Harper's Biochemistry, Victor W. Rodwell, says that "Excess amino acids are not stored. Regardless of source, those not immediately incorporated into new protein are rapidly degraded. Consumption of excess amino acids thus serves no purpose that cannot equally well be served at a lower cost by carbohydrates and lipids."

    An Unorthodox Approach

    Having presented the quantitative aspects of protein, and demonstrating the sufficiency of fruits, there remains another direct method of deriving our protein requirements. First of all, it has been demonstrated that about 42 g/day of protein meets the latest amino acid utilisation figures suggested and that this figure is not a validated requirements figure. Actual requirements may be one third to nearly a half lower if the current nitrogen balance studies of WHO are used. The figures from Zello et al. (1995) represent maximum amino acid usage and when plotted on a graph (see Plate 2), the amount of protein required to meet these requirements is comparative to human milk. Perhaps our metabolism reaches its maximum protein synthesis rate at this "human milk"level, and after this the body has to resort to harmful metabolic routes to handle the excess.

    Some non-orthodox nutritional authors suggest that human protein requirements, being about one third of baby protein requirements, are met on a diet that is one third as rich in protein as human milk. Other protein sources may not be as ideal as human milk, in terms of amino acid profile or digestibility. However this line of thought seems logical and worthy of analysis.

    If we study the nitrogen balance figures (Table 2), we find that the growing infant requires about 3 times the protein per kg of body weight than the adult highest estimate of requirement to achieve NB (reviewed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985). Human breast milk is 7% of calories or 1.5% protein. If 1.5% supports at least 3 times the requirements of an adult then adult requirements for ideal protein must be about 0.5% protein. If we accept the current nitrogen balance recommendations, and fruit protein contains about half the essential amino acids of human milk (Table 7), thus we must double the quantity eaten. This brings us to a diet of fruits with at least 1% protein content, or less when vegetables are eaten, and this will meet the highest (2 standard deviation) requirement for protein to maintain NB. The actual figure for an "average person" will be about 75% of the 1%. Thus a diet of 0.75% fruit protein is sufficient. Remember, the so called "digestibility" factor is no such thing, it is actually nitrogen lost, not protein broken down to amino acids and absorbed.

    If we plot this on the graph (see Plate 1) we obtain a likely candidate for true protein requirements, and this equates to about 33 g/day from fruit, or 20 g/day from the other vegetable or grain foods. This yields the lowest figure for the study and is labeled min. required level. The maximum protein utilisation has been labeled max. utilisation level.

    In order to meet the requirement and not to exceed it, one has to eat low protein fruits or vegetables. Some people suggest that since this requires eating excessive bulk of food (actually fruit and vegetables are 70-90% water) then they can replace these food items with more nutrient dense foods, containing much more protein. For every protein dense food one eats in this scenario, one will also have to eat a food that has no protein in, such as sugar or fat, to make up for the calorie shortfall. These foods are "empty calories", and present their own health problems. Eating any other food, with more than a trace of protein, will immediately have one ingesting excess protein. In practicle terms one cannot fiddle the figures to suit ones own dietary choices, it just cannot work out, because the continued eating of processed foods with one or more essential nutrients upset will not support life. If you provided all your calories from protein rich "tofu" then you would require about 20 cups per day, and this would have about 280 grams of protein in it, perhaps 14 times our requirement! This would produce much NH3 and soil for putreficative bacteria. Eating meats, nuts or seeds, eggs, cheese or fish would be as bad or worse.

    Fruits will certainly provide all the protein one requires. If one wishes to use the popular % of calories as protein unit (not a true SI unit), then this study suggests that 3% to 6% of calories as protein will meet all your requirements so long as the diet is not a poor mono diet. Will you get malnutrition on a VLPD? Well certainly protein deficiency is unlikely, as we shall now see.


    Kwashiorkor is a word from the Ga tribe of Ghana used to describe protein deficiency. The word means "the sickness the older gets when the next child is born". Cases of it are found only with Anorexia in the west or in developing countries where African grain foods that are deficient in some essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals are the only foods. Kwashiorkow is usually accompanied by vitamin deficiency which compounds the problem. Vitamin C and vitamin A are required in protein metabolism. Kwashiorkor victims in developing countries often eat just one food, such as gruel from one grain. Unless one is planning to eat just one grain, fruit or vegetable, protein malnutrition would seem unlikely in the extreme. One would do far better to worry about getting other 45+ nutrients that are actually much harder to obtain than sufficient protein.

    Protein X-Files

    In the
    Journal of Optimal Nutrition, Brian Leibovitz tells us about the new FDA unit for measuring protein "quality". This time soy protein is going to be the top quality protein with a "PDCAAS" (Protein Digestibility Chemical Amino Acid Score) of 1.0 and "If a food has a PDCAAS above 1.0, then it shall be set at 1.0" (Henley EC. Food and Drug Administration's proposed labeling rules for protein. J Am Dietetics Assoc 92: 293-296, 1992). This PDCAAS and the PER (protein efficiency ratio) are both found using experiments on rats. The stated reason for the FDAs change of heart is that they are unhappy with the PER, since, being done on rats, it is not a good measure!

    The exception to the new PDCAAS unit will be infant foods, where the PER will still apply. As you will be able to confirm in Table 7 below, soy is not equal to human milk in EAA profile. Since infants require more EAA than soy provides they would require a PDCAAS of more than 1.0 hence blowing the FDAs new unit! Leibovitz says:

    . . . . the FDA's decision to change the determination of protein quality was in response to a "citizen petition submitted by Protein Technologies International, Inc., (Docket No. 90P-0052)". Could Ralston-Purina be looking to sell some soy protein? Soy is a good protein, to be sure, but it will never be as high-quality as lactalbumin -- no matter what it's PDCAAS rating.

    If the FDA is ever allowed to change science to sell product -- the ultimate prostitution of science -- we are all in deep trouble.

    The fact that our nearest genetic relatives, the apes, can obtain plenty of protein from a diet that tends to consist mainly of raw fruits and leaves, escapes orthodox nutritionists. Did you ever wonder why we need baby milk formulas? Could it be that conventional diets are not sufficient to produce much milk with, or is it that western lifestyle makes women so ill that they cannot produce milk? It looks very bad for the so called "balanced diet" and western lifestyle that it often cannot support this most basic biological function.

    Support The Arms Industries - Eat More Protein!

    After the Second World War the munitions manufacturers where left with huge stocks of nitrates. Forced to find some profitable market for the stock piles, they had to be sold as a new commodity, NPK fertilizer. Nitrates provide the nitrogen element in plant proteins, therefore the high protein content crops are more profitable to the nitrate fertilizer sellers. The same financial interests that backed the chemical cartels were also developing high yield crops, so that they would be more productive on NPK fertilizer and therefore require more of their fertilizers and pesticides. High yield soy, which is essentially a vegetable meat, was the logical conclusion of intensive crop development. This system produced the "Green Revolution" of abundant food production based on petrochemical derivatives. It is this system that has come to form the foundations of modern agriculture, and selling more protein (nitrogen) helps to consume oil based fertilizers and other agricultural petrochemical derivatives. These same soil "hyped" products laden with herbicides and pesticides are now promoted as high in carbohydrate, fibre and low in protein. A lower content of vitamins and minerals, and high protein content is the reality. None of these so called foods are primary foods, they all require processing.
    Nitrogen and nitrates were key ingredients in the manufacture of bombs and shells. A comparable peacetime market had to be developed. Following the precept which they had established after the First World War, when the monopolists, faced with a huge supply of leftover chlorine, which had been manufactured at great expense to cause intensive suffering and death, found that the only possible market was to sell it to American communities, who would then pour it into their water supplies, it was decided in 1945 that the only outlet for the huge inventory of nitrates was to put it into the food chain, as fertilizer.
    - Eustace Mullins, Murder By Injection, 1988
    The circle of the protein myth is closed when we realise that the early nutritional research upon animals was performed, soon after the war, at educational and scientific research institutions, funded partly by the arms interests and also the processed food industries. Of course they were keen to demonstrate the nutritional benefits of a high protein diet in promoting rapid growth, and creating the idea that low protein diets cause malnutrition.

    A Protein Habit

    Is protein addictive? There is certainly evidence that some proteins can break down during digestion into peptides that can have powerful neurological effects. For references see Protein and Peptide Problems in the reference section. Doctor Kelle Reichelt has researched the issue of addictive peptides for many years and has extensive clinical experience as well.
    "Because gluten can cause neurological problems it is not strange at all that it may also give behavioural problems. The opposite would be improbable."
    "We believe that the mediators of these problems are peptides and specifically exorphins that do have inhibition of nerve development as one of their effects."

    "Opioids may also be formed from hemoglobin (hemoceptins) so I guess it is better not to consume blood products."

    "... the gluten molecule contains up to 15 opioid sequences ..."

    "... opioids make it difficult to quit the food in question as in all addictive states"
    - Dr Kelle Reichelt

    "Endorphins are short amino acid chains or peptides. Digestion of food proteins may produce "exorphins", copies of endorphins, which may contribute to symptom production and addictive eating patterns.
    High carbohydrate foods such as breads, buns, crackers are strongly sedative in some patients and induce cravings and compulsive eating. The same foods are trigger symptoms of food allergy. And so do the high protein foods - meat, dairy products, and egg white which is pure protein. Clearly the effect of a food is far more complex than simple theories make it seem. Milk, and eggs are strongly allergenic. Their proteins may adversely affect brain function through immune-mediated mechanisms, before their content of amino acids has any relevance! It is not so much what is in the food, but how you react to what is in the food."

    "The high carbohydrate intake of depressed patients, especially in the winter months, may not be related to brain tryptophan and brain serotonin levels but to the more complex brain effects of gluten proteins, food allergic mechanisms, and/or light-deprivation changes in hormone regulators such as melatonin. This "seasonal affective disorder" could be another food allergic disease, increased by altered food intake in the winter, and not just a light-dependent hormonal change. Many depressed, over-eating patients have obvious symptoms of food allergy and improve when they try the clearing diet which is high in carbohydrate but relatively free of allergenic effects. Eating wheat-containing foods triggers a typical craving, compulsive-eating cycle, an addiction pattern." [my emphasis]
    - The Brain Book, S. J. Gislason MD

    Most of the problems with the peptides mentioned only demonstrate obvious symtoms in patients with immune system disorders. However everyone develops immune responses (IgG) to ingested proteins. Obviously the quantity and the type of protein presented to the digestive tract are important factors in food allergies. All of the foods that most often trigger allergic reactions are not our biological foods, very few food items are natural. Most of the foods implicated are high in protein and overwealm the immune systems, very noticably in weak people. Allergies to many foods exist, however grains, dairy and eggs are the most common offending items. If we accept our biological role as a fruigivore, then we would not ingest these items in the first place. Certain amino acids can cause problems on their own as well.
    My thanks go to Laurie Forti for inspiring me to research this field and providing many useful ideas, some of which are applied in this work. To those with protein paranoia, this is my response.


    Protein and Peptide Problems

    most of these citations are from Dr Kelle Reichelt
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    17. 'food proteins can be found in mothers milk as intact proteins'
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    Recommended Reading

    Man lives on one-fourth of what he eats. On the other three-fourths lives his doctor.
    Inscription on an Egyptian pyramid, 3800 B.C.
    copyright © John S Coleman, Jan 1997, all rights reserved.
    This web page or its parts may not be reproduced or copied by any means with the exception of brief quotations for review or reference purposes; without the written permission of the author or his agent. Inquiries regarding requests to reprint all or part of Protein (Bionomic Nutrition) should be addressed to <jsc@eloi.nildram.co.uk>. A no profit charge may be made to cover the costs of research and publication.