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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 August 1, 2022 – Slavery Abolition Act

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART M] – Dialogue with Candid Atheist

This is an excerpt from a chat with a high school classmate who cited all major anti-Trump
arguments and was repeatedly refuted as shifts occurred to other anti-Trump claims:


How is the Committee lying about election fraud? They are stating facts: Scotus and over
60 courts, found no merit in Amy fraud claims. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS all said no fraud.
50 state legislatures found no fraud, multiple recounts found no fraud and,the Electoral
College certified the vote. I understand you live in an alternate universe but nothing will
change the fact Joe will be president until the end of his term

ignored data in my memos

didn't ignore it, it just is wrong.

then disprove Wisconsin/Arizona for starters

AZ had a recount and Joe got more votes. Lawsuits in AZ failed to find any amount of
fraud that would change anything. In the 1=6 hearings we did see illegal pressure to get
the state to change their electors

you ignore the fact that the recount was only of legit votes while tons of fraudulent/illegit
votes were ID'ed; there was no undue pressure on the auditors to alter the electors in
Arizona [read the report]

Judeo-Christian basis of our government? Not one mention of God in the Constitution or
any religious ideology, general or specific. And what is in the foremost amendment
aimed to get more people to support the new government. The prescription to honor a
separation between church and state. Most signers, at best, were Deists, but there was
little debate if any along religious lines in the convention. This current love of Christian
nationalism seems like a longing for Nazism

each sentence is flawed

study haskala/enlightenment back to Spinoza, for this animated Jefferson

smart not to cite one religiion in first amendment, contrasting with u.k.
"separation" is in 1801 Jefferson letter to baptists, a common misconception
Deism is subset of Christianity, dramatized by Jefferson's Bible; none Jewish
sessions opened with prayer, precedent for Congress, recalling underlying motives
Washington: "The event is in the hand of God" [to constitutional convention delegates]
link to Nazismm is created by libs who are primarily secularists, a smear of Doug's morals

Praying was a personal activity not a government sanctioned one and the so-called
religious founders were mostly slaveowners who had no problem with the violent
subjugation of their fellow humans

education needed
you're flailing
you link truism with attack obviously ad hominem
pure sophistry; read innovations in Exodus 21:1-11 for contrast
recall Sam Adams being neutralized by Franklin
accept reality

p.s. i really enjoy interacting with evangelicals, for they are enthusiastic Zionists
recall zoa's mort klein speaking at family worship center decades ago
they are meritorious of support from rjc that surely doug would welcome
rjc should note contrasting policies with secularist/jewish josh, who supports INFANTICIDE
[note it's ok for Dems to kill baby immediately prior to which side is truly pro-

You want me to accept realty when you reject the truth of the last election. When your
side has lost every local, state and federal claim of fraud. Your reality is that there is still
a way to overturn the election, which of course cannot happen. Constitutionaly and
practically, there isn't a federal court in the country that would take this case. And biblical a book of myths

your last line reveals having been smoked-out, Tommy, and it negates my Manichean
paradigm based upon the reality that Brandon is destroying the USA
you haven't countered the specifics of prior state-level info in my memos, instead broad-
brushing rejecting their import
you reinforce the need to educate true Jews as to Doug's philosophies, which are well
thought-thru; perhaps the RJC could provide the venue

Seems you are completely unable to refute anything I say about the impossibility of the
election being overturned. Btw, I could care less about any religious references. Have no
idea what you think a true Jewish is but seems they enjoy killing Palestinians as they take
their land and their livelihood

true jews don't view the Torah as mythology, accuse Israel of enjoying murder, or fail to
read/refute lawerly analyses in op-eds from almost two years ago

Six op-ed essays published in Israel culminated in *refutation* of potential

legal challenges to the SCOTUS accepting Certiorari if filed by three state
legislatures. The culmination of essays projected Trump’s campaign would
follow a *Study Guide* and how it had been *handicapped*, triggering
him to orient litigation toward the *Supreme Court*. Reviewing
*Pennsylvania* cases would’ve provided a vehicle to honor myriad voting
irregularities, a seismic action that would’ve energized *Originalists*.

Not sure what a true Jew is but not being one has had zero effect on my life. You haven't
had one state legislature that has signed on to a law suit to change their electoral votes,
let alone 3 and I can't see any joining in a suit so far into Joe's term but keep those
windmills turning Don Quixote

are you a christian?

I follow no religion

explains everything

It's worked well for me: a wonderful husband of 47 years, a job I enjoyed, amity to travel
over 50,000 miles a year and a circle of great friends. All this without religious nonsense

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