Julian Gooden

About the author

I am Julian. I am a health and web business consultant. I am passionate about health, more specifically the use of natural medicine to achieve a state of 'bliss' - this some may otherwise refer to as 'health and wellness'. It is a state of bliss that allude many people, even myself for many years until I developed fibroid tumours, and realised that I had to make serious lifestyle changes. In my effort to learn how to heal myself I became passionate about the roles food, herbs and fasting played in the healing process. I realised that health was simpler than I believed, and that I could heal myself - and I know you could too. My writings are about the two things I enjoy working at and learning more about: *Health & Wellness - I have created an online magazine/blog in dedication of this. I regularly add pages and blog posts to help others looking for answers in the field of natural medicine. Blog: ital is vital dot info *Web Business - Creating business opportunities, working and manoeuvring the online spectrum of the internet, creating blogs and building an online presence, in addition to creating web sites. Website: julian gooden dot com I enjoy learning - I learn something new everyday. More importantly, I enjoy sharing what I learn, particularly in the hope of helping others; in much the same way I have many teachers who continue to inspire me. Feel free to reach out and connect with me. I am happy to get your feedback. Thank you. Love and blessings :) Julian

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