Plumbing company fails to unclog toilet and allegedly turns 'thuggish' after customer asks for help

Submitted by Stomper Jenny

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A couple engaged a plumbing company they found on Carousell to fix their clogged toilet but the situation swiftly went down the drain.

Stomper Jenny told Stomp that the plumber quoted $200 to unclog their toilet but instead of fixing it, they allegedly ended up damaging it on May 4.

"We had to spend an additional $160 for the delivery and installation of a new toilet bowl," she said.

Thinking that the matter was sorted, they were shocked when the toilet clogged again just five days later (May 9).

"My husband called to explain the situation hoping for some help," she said.

"There are only a few people using the toilet at home and we don't even use tissue, so we have no idea what's clogging it.

"However, the person who answered the phone had a thuggish attitude, spoke like an ah beng and said: 'I don't care how many people are using it, how do I know how you're using it'."

Jenny added that the plumbing company insisted that since they showed the toilet was functioning well and flushing fine on May 4, any further issues were the 'customer's problem'.

She lamented that they did not give them even a one-day warranty and asked: "Maybe they know their workmanship is lousy?

"We were charged a total of  $360, not including the toilet bowl, for such a result and their after-sales service was just thuggish."  

The problem has yet to be solved and Jenny and her husband fear that dismantling the toilet bowl again may lead to another rupture.

"Whenever we flush, the water level rises," she said.

"For now, we have to manually pump the water back to the normal level after each use."

She added that she did not report the matter to Carousell as the two parties conducted the transaction outside of the platform and liaised via their own personal numbers.

"We feel helpless and frustrated about this situation."