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Warrior of the Divine Sword #2

Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers

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What if the world changed overnight…and it was all because of you?

All Pennrae wanted to do was to help. Now she’s found herself in a world that’s been instantaneously transformed by magic…that she brought back. She’s gone from a simple karate instructor to an instant celebrity—and she hates it. Fortunately, she has her friends, her beloved magic companion, and one ridiculously hot boyfriend. But a sudden, unprompted attack in broad daylight is about to make Penn’s life even more complicated.
An ancient forest guardian known as a Kiabi—a warrior of magic and almost impossible to defeat—has marked Penn to die. The attack at first seems incidental and unprovoked…until she discovers the true cause. Her. Penn may have saved the world, but her actions have set a chain of events in motion. In one brief moment, something dark, terrible, and older than time itself found an opportunity to escape, to free itself from the guardians and mark Pennrae as its enemy. Now the world and everyone she loves to face a gruesome fate unless Penn can unleash the full force of her Divine magic…

356 pages, ebook

Published April 17, 2023

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About the author

A.J. Locke

12 books190 followers
I'm your typical over-caffeinated writer with too many ideas and not enough time to do all of them. I write poetry and urban fantasy novels, and spend my days reading, writing and doing art all day. Not really, but a girl can dream. I'm an island girl at heart, originally from Trinidad & Tobago, but now make my home in NYC with my daughter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Ms. Woc Reader.
619 reviews840 followers
April 21, 2023
Whew! This one came out the gate swinging. The stakes are higher and the worldbuilding is more expansive. The character glossary really came in clutch as I was given new names and locations in this newly formed world of Nova Celes.

Penn is still getting settled into this new world when unforeseen consequences result from changing the timeline's in the previous installment. She's a bit of a celebrity in this timeline and it seems that every group wants a piece of her. New villains and great threats as Penn tries to figure out how to prevent the ones she loves from being erased in this timeline.

Non stop action kept me entertained albeit a little confused. We were constantly being introduced to new people and new places and it took a little time for me to get acquainted to this magical world that vaguely resembles New York. The love between this found family leads the story and that cliffhanger has me ready for more!

Full review
Profile Image for Lola.
1,697 reviews268 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 30, 2023
DNF'd at chapter 22 (60-70% or so in I think)

I really enjoyed the first book, but this sequel just didn't work for me. I thought the plot was way less interesting and there was just so much going wrong, so much danger, so much of the character being overwhelmed. The bad guy of the first book still was sort of interesting, but the bad guy in this book just wasn't an interesting foe and just the typical pure evil. It also had a different narrator than book 1, although I didn't really mind too much once I got used to the switch. I just had to speed it up a bit as this one felt a bit slower and sometimes when whispering the volume got very low.

I really liked the characters and character development as well as the relationship development in book 1, but i felt in this book it all was already set in stone and there wasn't as much change or development. When I started rolling my eyes and predicting twists I decided to set it aside. It felt like I kept trying to push on, while I wasn't as interested. It just makes me so sad as book 1 was really good.
Profile Image for Tammy Moldovan.
1,515 reviews18 followers
February 15, 2023
Enthralling, heart pounding, and wildly appealing fantasy

I loved returning to the world of Pennrae and her friends. This beautifully crafted and expertly delivered fantasy novel will give you all the feels - laughing, crying, swooning, cringing, teeth gritting, and cheering. The book picked up where the first book left off and I was once again sucked right into the story and unable to put it down. Pennrae has returned to the altered modern world now that she stopped the Majimorta and prevented the collapse of magic. Feeling she was needed more here, she chose to return to the modern timeline after receiving a reading that predicted her friends would face hardships. While magic has returned to the world, there are also new problems including some caused when Pennrae left the past to return to the altered timeline. Even though this is book two, the storyline was engaging and fresh rather than just a barely concealed repetition of book one. Many of the characters from the first book are in this story and there are also a few new characters who are introduced. The world building was superb drawing from the last book and weaving in new threads to match the altered timeline. The story includes all the goodness that you’d expect from this genre - fighting, dangerous situations, end of the world scenarios, paranormal creatures, evil entities, henchmen, loyal friends and family, tragic back stories, mystical coincidences, snark, and laughs. I love that Pennrae’s character, despite her unique overwhelming powers and how the rest of the world views her, is still kind, self-deprecating, modest, reluctant, and at times resentful which makes her a very likeable and relatable hero. “Why couldn’t we save the day and live happily ever after? Why was there always a price to pay and heartache to endure?” While this book can be read by itself - there is enough back story included so that you will not feel lost - do yourself a favor and read the first book as well because they are both phenomenal. Just like the first book in the series, the story arc for this book concludes by the end but we are left with a small teaser/not quite a cliff hanger for the next book which I will be eagerly awaiting.
Profile Image for destiney.
12 reviews
March 8, 2023
I received this book as an ARC from netgalley in return as an honest opinion.

I didnt read the first book but the description and the cover captivated me so I wanted to give it a chance regardless. Lemme tell you something Im glad I did. I read this book at every chance I could. the bathroom, the shower (kindle), traveling to school, in between classes. I genuinely loved this book and I loved the characters. It seems like its a set up for another book but this book was beautiful even though I didnt like the ending. Ill check out the first book and reread this one just to connect to the main character again because i love her even though she was going through it this book. Penn is a relatable character for some and thats what I really enjoyed.
Profile Image for Tamara.
29 reviews2 followers
March 7, 2023
I jumped into this book having not read the first book. Despite this, I really enjoyed Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers. I felt so much for Penn because my girl couldn’t catch a damn break. She really was carrying the entire world on her shoulders and I wanted nothing more for her to have nice long vacation, but I guess that’s not possible when you’re always saving the world.

I am going read the first book because I would’ve enjoyed watching the relationship between her and Callan develop and the rest of the events during the Before Times.

It ended on a cliff hanger that made me audibly gasp, so I know I’ll definitely be reading the next book in the series.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this early!
Profile Image for Barbara Dougherty Evans.
655 reviews34 followers
April 17, 2023
A huge, huge thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for granting me an advance copy of this book in return for my honest opinions.

I am so fortunate to have been granted a copy of this book! Book one was fantastic, but in my opinion book 2 is even better!!

I read this book in one sitting. Actually I didn't even put it down to go to the bathroom or when I took it dog out or ate. I carried the book with me everwhere. I just couldn't put it down.

I just love Penn and can not get enough of her. The book ended on a cliffhanger, so I will get to revisit her again in the next release.

The cover is beautiful! Can't wait for my hardcopy to arrive!
Profile Image for Educator.
309 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2023
NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

What a wild, transformative and emotive ride. This book will leave you speaking out loud, laughing along with Penn, Ashe and the crew. It will also leave you guys wrenched. This is the 2nd in the series but can be read as a standalone. I long for the next installment to see how Penn ends up.
Profile Image for Ace Jackson.
87 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2023
2.5 rounded up

Apparatus: Audiobook. It's Giving Presentation. I wasn't particularly a fan of the narration for the 1st book. And this new narrator was not an improvement.

Sequel: I realize that a sequel has to give context to the storyline with summary snippets from the previous book. But this book was repetitive in a way that felt almost disjointed. It lacked creativity

I REALLY wanted to like this book because I loved the 1st one so much. But it was a struggle to finish. There was no further depth to established characters and no real exploration of new characters other than their new roles. Some characters (the Queen for example) seemed merely introduced as a set up for book 3.

Genre: I'd categorize book 1 as a Fantasy with a heroine who finds love; and book 2 as a Romance with a fantasy setting.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Holliesbooksandbooze .
175 reviews11 followers
May 1, 2023
This is what I live in fantasy writing, I’m in the world but I didn’t get 300 pages of descriptions. AJ Locke did an amazing job of giving me enough descriptors to build the world and the characters but left the main focus on the action! Book two dives into what happens after you save the world .,,oh we want you to save it again! With a strong FMC and some pretty fabulous side characters this was an absolute win!
Profile Image for Tori.
608 reviews5 followers
April 13, 2023

Rating: 4.5/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

What would you choose to do if you were in this situation: You can stay in the past with your family and everything that you know or go back to the present time (300 years later) with your found family and a handsome young man that you have fallen in love with?

This book picks up right where book one left off and you will be wiped into events after events happening that you won’t realize that you already finished the book, and it will leave you wanting more. I really enjoyed that even though this is book two you could pick it up as a standalone and still be able to understand the book. This book did not have a recap right away about everything that happened in book one or repeat non stop what happened in that book as well. Instead, it was engaging and a new set of events that Penn will have to overcome/defeat.

I thought the author did a great job with making this book its plot but at the same time following what happened in book one. I really enjoyed getting to see the new magic system and learning about the creatures. The way Locke interweaves the past and present in this book was done so well. I really enjoyed getting to see the way Locke, attention to details really helped me to connect with this world and the characters.

You will see many characters that were in book one and new ones. I was able to connect with most of the main characters because they were so relatable and honestly, I wouldn’t mind having Toji or Gideon as my friends in real life. Penn is still a badass when it comes to fighting the evil in the world, but at the same time she is still unsure about emotional parts of her life, she is also very loving/caring about the ones that she considers as family. You see her character growth continue in this book. Callan is the world’s sweetest guy; I love how he is so confident but at the same time he is not scared to show his love and worry to his friends. The chemistry between those two is intense and I love how they threw everything out the window and got together. However, Ashe is one furry/familiar that I would love to have with me. She is so cute, but dangerous.

I cannot wait until the next book comes out, be prepared if you read this book, you will have a small cliffhanger at the end, and it will leave you wanting to know what is going to happen next. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading fantasy, with magical creatures, magic, romance, and great characters.

I want to thank NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to review this book.
Profile Image for Dana McKee NOLA504NERDS.
518 reviews47 followers
April 17, 2023
A.J. Locke is a new to me author. The cover drew me in, and once I read the blurb, I knew I needed to read it. This was such a thrilling ride. A.J. Locke’s writing style is unique, immersive, and descriptive. She made it easy to picture every detail of the story, which was well-developed. All the characters were interesting and loveable. This second book in the series can be read as a standalone. However, I loved it so much that I’ll definitely go back and read the first. Penn is of course my favorite character. She’s so relatable and intriguing, and a bonafide bad azz. Callan is a sweetheart. I adore his confidence and loyalty. The story sucked me in right from the beginning. It was fully engaging with adventure, danger, tragedy, suspense, evil, magic, friendships, and laugh out loud moments. An absolute must read! Thank you to Entangled Publishing for gifting me this fantastic new book in exchange for an honest review.

5 Magically-Fantastic Stars!
NOLA504Nerds blog
Profile Image for Jessica Woods.
1,167 reviews23 followers
March 8, 2023
Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers is book two in a series but I feel like it could be read alone without losing too much. Pennrae Is back after bringing magic back to the world but is dealing with big consequences from her actions. Her notoriety is following her wherever she goes and some bad magical creatures are coming knocking. Penn is in a fight for her life, the lives of her people, and the whole world as her divine magic has awoken the biggest bad she has met yet. Penn must once again prove herself as a warrior to save the world even if she suffers some big losses. This book ends in somewhat of a cliffhanger and will leave you wanting more. Magically addicting and action packed, this fantasy flies by for an entertaining read. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Sabrina Koch.
34 reviews
May 4, 2024
I loved how in this sequel we got to see how the current world combined with the and grew with the old magic world like it never vanished like in the first book. But like with any time travel, when you go back in time and make any changes to better the future; this still manage to go wrong.


Along with the basic lessons with time travel, she also shows the lessons to learn to using magic for a wish that you want. Even though it will bring someone back and make you life worth it. Is bringing back love worth losing your ability to feel the love you have for those around you? I do hope we get a third in this series to see how Penn deals with this new change and battles. What other situations will come of it and will she get that back to just cause problems elsewhere? Please let there be a 3rd book. I love this world and want more.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
757 reviews17 followers
April 18, 2023
This is one book where reading the first book in the series is a must - the worldbuilding , the characters and their relationships are too complex to start with this book

Penn was just a karate instructor , who having saved the world as it was is now is a celebrity ........ but the release of magics has also released an ancient forest guardian - who sees Penn as an enemy
Penn needs to release the full power of her divine magics and along with her friends must again risk all to save the world once more
The ending of this book leaves everything up in the air for the next book to resolve leaving me with too many questions

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own
192 reviews5 followers
February 18, 2023
This book is the second in the series and definitely links closely to the events of the first book - 'Magic Dark, Magic Devine.' I think you will struggle somewhat to follow all the ideas if you haven't read this first book that did considerable building of the story world.
Penn has become a quite reluctant hero in a world which really needs her - she really does have to save the day. It is a strong second saga for this character and you do become quite invested. There is a definite feeling at the end that there is more to come.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.
Profile Image for BklynBookBelle.
103 reviews80 followers
April 17, 2023
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review!*

Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers is the second book in the Warrior of the Divine series!!! The second installment is just as magical and exciting as the first and rarely do I keep the same excitement in fantasy series but A.J. Locke keep the story fresh and fast paced keeping me interested and rooting for this amazing cast!

The world Locke created is fresh and interesting. There are magical creatures and modes of magical transportation and an immensely scary big bass that we are rooting for Pen to defeat!

This is not a fantasy series to miss!!
Profile Image for Kelsey Rhodes.
1,047 reviews23 followers
February 22, 2023
4.25/5 stars! This is the second book in the series. If I had known that, I would have read the first one because there is a lot of existing world-building in book 2 that is confusing at first without having read the first book. That being said, I really enjoyed this book. Penn is fun and sassy, which I appreciate in a heroine. This story has a great set up for a book 3; fingers crossed.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
1,845 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2023
A big thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing/Amara for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the 2nd in a series, and for me, I think they should be read in order. I have not read the first so, I was a bit lost. There are a lot of names, places and different creatures. Don't give up as it gets better. Goes back in time 300 years to save magic-but has other consequences. 3 stars
Profile Image for Heidi.
165 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2023
Magic corrupts, Magic Conquers by A.J. Locke is quick supernatural story with a strong female character that readers will be able to connect and cheer for throughout the story.
This is part of a series and is book 2. It can be read as a standalone story due to the author helping readers catch up quickly at the beginning of the story.
The good guys win but not without heart ache and loss. If you are into magical stories this will be one you want to pick up.
Thank you to Netgalley
49 reviews5 followers
April 15, 2023
This sequel went in an unexpected and interesting direction, though it ultimately wasn't for me. It's a great world, but could be a little hard to follow. I like Penn, but the side characters didn't feel distinct or well-developed enough for me to connect with the story. The action scenes were great.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.2k reviews144 followers
April 18, 2023
This series is becoming more and more entertaining as this new instalment is even better than the first and I had a lot of fun.
Penrae is a strong and likeable character, well rounded and never over the top. The world building and the plot are well developed and I found this story compelling.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine
Profile Image for Penny.
2,504 reviews70 followers
March 4, 2023
I have a problem with reading books where there’s a change in the time line because I’m always trying to mentally figure out what would have happened and what should be happening, when I really should just be enjoying the book. When I wasn’t trying to do that, I really enjoyed this latest in the series. Pennrae is a great character, and I enjoyed her and Callan. I was thrown for a loop at the end of the book when she made a decision, which made me so very angry with her, but now I’m wondering what that’s going to bring in the second book. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Suzette.
2,929 reviews19 followers
April 10, 2023
This is pure paranormal fantasy. Penn is a master magician fighting to save her world. It is filled with lots of action. The author does a good job of describing the characters and bringing them to life. The plot is one that fans of this genre will enjoy.
Profile Image for Carolyn Valdez.
378 reviews9 followers
April 20, 2023
This was another one of those stories, where I wanted to be right there with everybody else, and be a part of the family. It was fast paced and suspenseful, and I can’t wait to read the next one.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Allisyn Gray.
12 reviews
February 7, 2024
Great follow up

I really love where this series is heading. Great portrayal of a strong heroine who is able to show her vulnerability and fear and not let that deter from her strength. Can't wait to read the next installment
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,270 reviews3 followers
April 17, 2023
Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers
By A.J. Locke
Warrior of the Divine Sword book 2

**I received a copy of the book from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited.**
I highly recommend reading the first book as this story line picks up right where the last book ended.

What if everything you knew changed when you woke from a 300 year old sleep? Now you are both a celebrity and because things have changed also an enemy. There's now a new enemy that Pennrae and her friends will fight hard to keep this new dark magic before it takes over all of her friends. But it wants just one thing: Penn's magic for if it has it the world will start anew again.

She will also have to give something up when the soul mate when Callan is suddenly gone. What will the deity ask for? Can she save the world again with her faithful magic companion and her friends ? We'll have to wait for the next book to find out.
Profile Image for Merissa (Archaeolibrarian).
3,774 reviews109 followers
March 11, 2024
MAGIC CORRUPTS, MAGIC CONQUERS is the second book in the Warrior of the Divine Sword series and follows on from book one, so I really do recommend you read that one first. It's been a while since I read it and it took me some time to remember what had gone on in book one and how it was relevant to now.

Penn and the others are all here, trying to move along in this new world. When Penn is attacked by a magical human tree (stick with me) it turns out her actions in book one have consequences. This girl never catches a break! And if that isn't bad enough, something happens with Gideon that no one expected, Toji is clinging on by his fingernails, and Callan finds out more of his mum's legacy. Phew!!! I'm exhausted just with that.

This book is non-stop action so make sure you are well-rested before diving in. It also comes with one helluva cliffhanger too, so consider yourself warned. It was an amazing follow-up to the previous book and definitely left me wanting more. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Apr 3, 2023
Profile Image for Debra .
1,226 reviews
September 24, 2023
Pennrae is back to the present time, adjusting to all the changes. On her way to a meeting with the Council members, she is suddenly attacked by a being she’d never seen before - an ancient forest guardian known as a Kiabi. Turns out it is after her and only the use of her Divine magic saves her from this first attack. Pennrae’s sudden appearance has wrecked havoc with magic and released an evil force that wants to destroy the world. So we dive back into this world of magic, time travel, friendship and love.

I was glad I’d read the first book in the series, but there is enough backstory to allow anyone to slide into the story, but to fully appreciate the story read Magic Dark, Magic Divine.

I received an advanced reader copy of the book from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley. This is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Donna.
3,893 reviews51 followers
February 8, 2023
Penn is back and the world has changed to a mixture of magic and tech as it was supposed to be. The evil she was fighting has been defeated and she and Ashe are hailed as heroes. But now there is a new and more insidious evil to combat, it will take all that Penn is to defeat it. I hated the way this story ends but just know the author will make it right in the next book. This is a wonderful addition to the saga and I can’[t wait for the next installment.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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