Jumble Answers for 03/22/2020














Good Morning, Everyone!       🐈 BE CLAWS…JUST BE CLAWS 🐈

🎶 PUSSYCAT, PUSSYCAT, I love you, yes I do…You and your PUSSYCAT eyes. What’s new PUSSYCAT, whoa…What’s new PUSSYCAT… whoa, oh whoa…
🎶What’s New Pussycat”? Sir Tom Jones  1965

🐈 The world is made of those who love their dogs, their cats…their pets,
Perhaps their taste goes farther and maybe it’s a PIGLET
While pets can cause a RUCKUS, if POORLY were they trained,
Most times it‘s overlooked vs the comfort owners gained…
I’m not one with ADVICE to give, there’s no treats in my pocket,
I own no pets, (and you can tell I’m looking to rhyme SOCKET)…
This woman here we see today, her spirits all AFLOAT…
Her Grandkids near, petting a cat…who’s face showing a gloat
Today’s solution? The word “Right” …attention there will give
The clue that will help get you to the “PURR-OOF” POSITIVE! 🐈

A CatAnother Cat. What can I say? Not exactly my cup of flea…but hey, I don’t make the mews, I just report it. And so, here goes…Nothing new going on with our words today…but once again we have one playing what I like to call “double duty”…GLEPTI. We’ve seen it, as is, and solved it on the 3rd of January...where while it wasn’t the stumper of the day, it did garner a good percentage of votes. And I think it’s going to scratch out a few today too. And now, without further ado…Our cartoon…

Sitting in a living room, today we find a little boy and girl with their Grandmother. As she’s instructing them on the purrper way to pet a cat, we’re given our big clue towards solving today’s puzzle. Both Grandma and our little fair-haired boy are using the word RIGHT. Now think about it, Folks…How often do we see the same word repeated in our dialogue? Read between the felines! This might be hisstory in the making…Well maybe not hisstory, but claws to it. Anyway, we all know that two Rights don’t make a wrong, right? And we already know that we’re going to need the word PURR, (that’s a given)…since we have the quotation marks, and we can see the cat doing just that…(Note the squiggly lines emanating around it)?..plus another big hint is the mention of “the sound” in our question. And as far as Right goes…it’s “spelt” out in POSITIVE. So put it all together…and what do we get? To be truthful? A little bit of a stretch! “PURR-OOF”? Proof? Ok, sure. Except if I heard it once, I heard it five times this morning…”Are you kitten me”? Yes, that’s what I heard. The Early Birds weren’t trilled to say the least. In fact, two even said that it was a clawful pun, and they were furious…But hey, as I said earlier…I don’t make the mews here, I just report it. So…”PURR-OOF” POSITIVE it is…and I told them to not make a meowtain out of a molehill…

Eye candy? What you flea…is what you get. Grandma, in a bathrobe and slippers, the kids in their stocking feet…The cat? Pawsitively loving all the attention! So, There you have it Folks, Done. Have a great day, Everyone…And let’s all be copy-cats today and be kind to one another. It’s meow or never…🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

🎶Where trouble melts like lemon drops…high above the chimney tops...🎶 …Someday soon..we’ll be together someday soon…🙏🏻 🙋🏻‍♀️

23 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/22/2020

  1. 🐷 Trying to keep the peace in his quarantined household AFLOAT, he was sorry that he took the ADVICE of the POORLY-informed mechanic, (who swore he had “PURR-OOF” POSITIVE)…when his attempt to repair the arm SOCKET of his daughters stuffed PIGLET only caused more of a RUCKUS when it didn’t work…🐷🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🐷 I had a little PIGLET, I bought at the State Fair …
    She started looking POORLY…and she shed a little hair,
    I tried to get some good ADVICE on what it was I do
    But nothing kept my pig AFLOAT…so I was getting blue…
    I went back to the Farmer who sold me the weaner,
    And made a little RUCKUS…asking what to do with her…
    He calmed me down and then he handed me a little locket,
    He said that I should rub it every day along her SOCKETs
    I heard a noise…it woke me…and my head felt like a sieve…
    A pig dream? Yea, I’m losing it…and here’s “PURR-OOF” POSITIVE 🐷🙋🏻‍♀️

  3. Good morning. Loved your puntastic post this morning Angela. Loved the song not the cat. Especially since as you know my next door neighbors cat leaves his gems in my garden. Growing up we had one cat but at least four dogs, canaries, 3 legged turtle,a wounded pigeon that we nursed back to health. Today’s words were no problem but the cartoon answer did. I actually came up with Purr and Positive but drew a blank on what to do with OOF. In my case it was like not seeing the trees in the forest. The more I look at the answer the more it fits purrfect. I’m over my initial reaction to seeing the outcome. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • LOL! Brooklyn, I agree…You know how the Italians say..”OOF FA”? You must…you lived with them long enough! 😉 Well that’s what I was hearing this morning! Had nothing to do with the trees! 😂😂 It’s a good pun, but as I said, I think it’s a stretch! And you know I’m hearing you with the cats too…But I’m glad you enjoyed hearing Tom…(Sad about Kenny Rogers, huh? I cried when I heard the news)…Anyway, kudos for sticking with it…and it’s good you’ve made peace with the solution! Have a good one, Paul. And if you haven’t listened to the song I closed with, do so…It’s definitely a feel good one! Stay well, be safe.🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Paul…Apologies. I didn’t thank you. It’s the damn cats! 😂 Making it hard FUR me to be LITTERate this morning! 🐈🤷🏻‍♀️

      • Angela you make me laugh. No problem that you didn’t have a special TY. Your not expected to answer every time. I did just listen to that second song. It was very good. Just got back from helping my oldest do so work in his house. I got a free meal out of it. Well worth it plus saw two of my grandkids. Take care.

        • Maybe not need to answer, but a thank you is always necessary. Glad that you enjoyed your day…nice to be with family…Have a good night, Brooklyn. Be well…🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. Hi Everyone –
    After stopping and starting a few times, I finally just got this one. My first problem was finding Advice, which I see is low in the voting. I didn’t know what to do with the three letters after Purr until I saw Positive. Even then, like Paul, I was stumped for a while with the ofo. I think reading your wonderful pun-filled posts, Angela, helped me finally realize the answer.
    I never owned a cat but I have catsat a few times for two very nice cats.

    • Good Morning, Caroline. Yep…that OOF! My other called it OOFfensive! 😉 It is a bit tricky, that’s for sure! And thank you so much for your kind words…if I helped, I’m happy. The cat? I’ll just NIP it in the bud! I don’t want to OOFfend the cat lovers amongst us! Be well, Caroline. Stay safe! 🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. Anagrams went okay with a pause to get advice,that was looking like device at first.Purr was an obvious first word solution,but sad to say, I gave up on the rest of the solution,even after getting the oof part right.I guess the home bound weekend has gotten to my brain.With the solution on the back page of my Sunday paper,it was too easy to cheat and give up.

    • Good Morning, Professor. I see that your avatar has changed. You must be using a different DEVICE 😉 than usual. And I can’t blame you for throwing in the towel. We all have a lot on our minds this morning, and I know you miss going to Mass besides. I hope you’re watching it on TV or on-line. If you need a link, let me know. Be well, be safe, Prof. 🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. Hi all – The only words I got instantly were POORLY and AFLOAT; the rest took a few tries each with RUCKUS being the hardest – I wrote down KUS by pure chance and saw it from that. PURRFECT fit the last answer word, but it wasn’t in quotes. Crossed out the obvious PURR and the ‘V’ in the remaining letters made POSITIVE stand out.

    Stay safe, everyone.

    Ok, a sentence with major help from Wikipedia:
    “The marine biologist went AFLOAT to study the water PIGLET (or ‘tardigrade’), but the expedition went POORLY and caused a RUCKUS when she got bad ADVICE and found the electric SOCKET for her lights was not waterproof.”

    Your quote reminded me of “Someday Soon” by Judy Collins, Angela, but reading Betty’s note about her family in the health care field and your replies brought another song to mind that made me smile, so I’ll leave it here hoping it might do the same for someone else. Music by Charlie Chaplin, performance by Nat King Cole:

    🎵”Smile though your heart is aching
    Smile even though it’s breaking
    When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
    If you smile through your fear and sorrow
    Smile and maybe tomorrow
    You’ll see the sun come shining through, for you.
    Light up your face with gladness
    Hide every trace of sadness
    Although a tear may be ever so near
    That’s the time you must keep on trying
    Smile, what’s the use of crying?
    You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
    If you just smile“🎵


    • 👏🏻👏🏻 All nice, Steve. I play Nat’s recording all the time. A favorite. Be well, and stay safe..🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Lovely, Steve. It’s a beautiful song and the words are so timely for these times. Stay well. 😷

  7. Ruckus took me the longest word of the anagrams to solve this morning. Had to take to paper and pencil to figure out the cartoon answer. Oddly enough I wrote down device instead of advice and didn’t realize my error until I looked at the answers. Since the VI appears in the same order for either word I had the correct letters. Figured out purr first and eventually positive so only could make “off “ with the final letters. It was a good mental workout this morning. Hope all of you have a good Sunday. Take Care.

    • Hey Betty. Even though almost every word got at least one vote this morning, so far it looks like Ruckus is the one giving the most trouble. And you’re in good company with Advice also. As you can see, both Caroline and the Prof echo your sentiments. As for that oof? Definitely the stumper of the day! 😉 Hope all is going well, Betty…Stay safe. 🐈🙋🏻‍♀️

  8. March 23rd’s 2020 was:
    and about Charlie Daniels’ violin..two different puzzles today!

    • The puzzle you’re listing here is from Thursday the 19th. You’re the second reader today whose paper seems to have dropped the ball. But you can use the link below to get today’s Jumble. Enjoy your evening…🙋🏻‍♀️


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