Tuwe Huni Kui | New Mexico | July 29 & 31

Dates :
July 29 & 31 (Friday & Sunday)


Location: Taos

Sliding Scale Donations
$220 - $300 for 1 night
$400 - $560 for 2 nights
$120 - $180 Kambo
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Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number
Do you have any previous experience with Plant Medicine? *
Have you ever been hospitalized for psychosis or any other mental illness? *
Do you have any medical or psychological conditions? Do you take any medications? If so, please check online to see if there's any interaction with the medicine and if you are unsure, please list the medication below so we can search it for you.
How many nights would you like to attend?
Would you like to receive Kambo in the morning?
Anything you wish to add? Questions? Concerns? Needs?
My Next Steps...
Reservation Deposit -  $100
*Non-Refundable, to be applied towards ceremony donation
*Refundable if you get sick or have Covid*

Last 4 digits of phone # 9901

Confirmation and further details will be sent closer to the date of the gathering.

Thank you!
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