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Tyreke Evans says he will not play All-Star weekend

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A combination of injuries — physical and emotional — have crippled Tyreke Evans’ season. Plantar fasciitis, one of the NBA’s most unfortunate, nagging injuries, has hindered Evans throughout the year, and made sure that the reigning Rookie of the Year would not be selected to this year’s All-Star Game.

Regardless, Evans is a shoe-in for an invitation to the Rookie-Sophomore game, the headlining event of All-Star Friday. But he won’t play. Evans told Scott Howard-Cooper of that even he receives his likely invite to represent the NBA’s sophomore class, he’s going to turn it down.

“I’m going to take All-Star weekend off and just try to rest it up,” he told after missing 11 of 13 shots and totaling more turnovers (four) than assists (three) in a loss to the Bucks at Arco Arena, the latest blight for Evans and the 5-22 Kings. “I’ll talk to the doctors and see what I can do while I’ve got that time off.”

With everything Evans is going through -- the plantar fasciitis as well as the usual assortment of bumps and brusies that penetrating guards pick up in the NBA -- this seems the wise move.