Doll Graveyard Movie Review

Another killer doll movie by the grandmaster of schlock, Charles Band, Doll Graveyard is an hour long tale about a small group of dolls attacking a small group of teenagers who happen to be drinking, doing drugs and having sex. It's not exactly an original idea, you could say... but it's not like Charles Band (blog post) and Full Moon have no exp

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Review

After two less than stellar sequels, things seemed to be on the right track with Jurassic World bringing the Jurassic Park franchise back to it's roots. A big blockbuster dinosaur flick that did so well, another entry in the series seemed obvious. Indeed, this movie made gangbusters at the box office, bringing in over 1 billion (blog post) dollar

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Black Dawn Movie Review

Week seven of the Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to his 2005 offering, Black Dawn. In this basic action movie where Seagal must stop terrorists who of course have no problem securing a nuclear device, and rogue agents whom want them to have the nuke for some strange reason... Seagal's science fiction movies presence is somewhat famous in this

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