Horror movie sequels that went to space

Horror movie sequels are always popular, and most people who like scary movies are always looking for the next big scare. But what happens when the bad guys in a horror movie go to space? Here are 5 bad guys from scary movies who went to space. Some did well, while others didn't do so well.

The Leprechaun

Leprechaun 4: In Space is the fourth entry in the Leprechaun horror film series. Yes, it is set in space, but that is precisely what makes it so brilliant. Leprechaun 4 is a fantastic illustration of how to transform a completely absurd idea into something "unique." The film is loaded with realistic effects, inventive deaths, and hilarious Leprechaun quips that will have you rolling on the floor. If you are a fan of the Leprechaun series or horror films in general, you must watch Leprechaun 4: In Space.


The series' prequel and continuation is titled Hellraiser: Bloodline. the years 1700, 1990, and 2200. I didn't had high hopes for the fourth episode since I mostly watch it for Pinhead and the Cenobites. There's something cold, scary, and diabolical about Doug Bradley. Who cares if it's difficult to grasp and makes no sense? Even if you've seen Hellraiser, you should see Bloodline since Pinhead's moments are so horrifying. This book should be read by everyone who liked Hellraiser or other Clive Barker works. It's an interesting journey even without any reasoning.


I must confess that I was curious when I learned that Critters 4 would take place in space. How, after all, could they beat the previous Critters films? The cast list, though, made it seem less promising when I looked at it later. Darren Dourif? Does Angela Bassett? Anders Hove, a well-known actor from Denmark? Simply put, I couldn't see how this could possibly work.

And when I finally saw Critters 4, my fears were proven right. It had a bad plot, bad (link here) characters, and was just a copy of other franchises set in a bad place. From a fan's point of view, what hurts the most is that the things that made the previous games interesting and unique are either gone or not there at all. Critters 4 is a huge disappointment and a total mess.


Dracula 3000 is one of the few bad horror movies that are so bad that they're almost impossible to watch. I hate Dracula 3000 and I love it. Even though it's terrible the whole time, the worst part is the ending, which was a total cop-out and left me feeling very unsatisfied. I thought "Dracula in Space" would be so bad that it would be funny, but it was so bad that it was awful. The idea is fun, but the acting is bad and the dialogue is so bad that it's almost impossible to watch. If you want to feel bad for the rest of the day, you should watch it.

Also, Coolio. It stars Coolio. Did I mention that?

Jason Voorhees

Jason X is the most infamous horror movie sequel where the villain goes to space. Jason Voorhees is the man, the myth, the legend. How he got into space, it doesn't matter. Why he's in space, no one cares. All that matters is that Jason is in space and ready to wreak havoc.

It is my view that Jason X is interesting to see because of the easter eggs and allusions to prior Friday the 13th films, in addition to his transformation into Uber Jason.

Although this film isn't for everyone, aficionados of campy, cheesy slasher flicks will like it.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. There are certain sequels, such as "Leprechaun 4: In Space," that take an idea that was previously absurd and develop it into something really remarkable. Others, such as Dracula 3000, are so terrible that it is almost impossible to watch them. If you like scary movies, you should look into some of the more notorious horror movie sequels that take place in space. They are sure to be entertaining. Who knows, maybe you'll uncover a new scary movie that becomes your all-time favorite.

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