Artwork: Mikel Remak

Lee Scracth Perry-ri omenaldi txikiarekin hasi dugu.

Aste hontako promoetan… / This week promos…

Phatal, Delay Grounds, ITNA, Jolly Mare, Auf Togo, Letherique, The Palmer Initiative, eta Alinka-ren hurrengo lanak..

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.


  1. [RIP] Lee Scracth Perry – Fisherman Dub (Seven Leaves Records, 1984)
  2. Phatal – Alizentzat (Haus Of Beats Diskak) out gaur
  3. Delay Grounds – Origin (Lapsus Records) out17sep
  4. ITNA – GJ 504 E (Supercinema Records) out3sep
  5. Jolly Mare – Gaul Tanz (International Feel) out10sep
  6. Auf Togo – Along The Dotted Line (SaS Recordings) out24sep
  7. Letherique – Speed Chorale (Tripalium Corp.) out21sep
  8. The Palmer Initiative – Black Fire (Hot Haus Recs) out3sep
  9. Alinka – Control (Balkan Vinyl) outaug2021
  10. Rebecca Vasmant – Start Of Time (Rebecca’s Records, 2021)
  11. Karamika – Ton 2.5 (Offen Music, 2019)
  12. Svezia Inferno – Armabianca (Simple Music Experience, 2017)
  13. Toni Moralez – Her Neck Her Back (Only Touch Here If She Want 2) (Falling Apart, 2019)
  14. Sandor Caron – Zwepq Typis (As One Remix) (Delsin, 2001)
  15. Sace 2 – Alegoric (Tu Pierdes, 1998)
  16. The Gentle People – Journey (Aphex Twin Care Mix) (Rephlex, 1996) 
Musika elektronikoa eta klub kultura sustatzen duen irratsaioa. Elkarrizketak, sesioak, jai alternatiboen berriak eta musikaz gozatzeko asteroko saioa.

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