A disconnected and disengaging movie: Terrifier (2016) film breakdown.

In an age of horror films that typically rely on jump scares and predictable plotlines, Damien Leone's"Terrifier," his 2016 movie "Terrifier" comes as an invigorating breath of fresh air. The film is awe-inspiring in its practical effects, its bone-chilling performance of Art the Clown by David Howard Thornton, and an impressive film on only a modest budget "Terrifier" established its position as a modern beloved classic among those who love horror. Although it is a bit of a hidden gem the film is well-received from both audiences and critics in proving that real horror can still be accomplished with enthusiasm and creativity. This review hopes to provide the most in-depth look at "Terrifier" on the market, delving into the factors they have that made it one the most frightening monsters from the 21st century.


The film tells the story that of two friends Tara (Jenna Kanell) and Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) that meet the violent quiet Art the Clown (David Howard Thornton) on Halloween night. As the night progresses, Art's demented games get increasingly violent and the two friends must battle to survive his sadistic onslaught. The plot itself might not be revolutionary however, it's an effective vehicle for showcasing the strengths of the film: the nightmarish entity it is Art the Clown.

Techniques for Creating Effects and Images of Horror

A standout aspect of "Terrifier" stands out is the dedication to the use of practical effects. In an era where CGI has become the go-to for film makers, Leone's decision to employ practical effects not just makes reference to classic horror, but adds a visceral, tangible quality to the gore. The inventive and disturbingly gruesome kills showcase that of the originality of the special effects crew, which is led by Leone himself with a background working in SFX makeup. From the brutal dismemberment scene of one individual to the gross face mutilations of a different "Terrifier" pushes the boundaries of violence that is onscreen and creates an extremely terrifying experience.

David Howard Thornton's Surreal Performance in the role of Art the Clown

The most significant aspect of "Terrifier" that differentiates it unlike other movies about horror its deeply shocking performance of David Howard Thornton as Art the Clown. Thornton's portrayal of the menacing, silent character is the stuff of nightmares. With his face painted in white the exaggerated smile and dark eyes, Art the Clown is an aesthetically striking character who is a sly and threatening presence with every move.

Thornton's physical acrobatics are exceptional as he demonstrates an impressive mastery over body language and facial expressions that make Art's every action scary. His performance is further enhanced by the absolute absence of dialogue forcing the actor to rely entirely on his body, and face to convey Art's bizarre motives. This silent silence only enhances his dreadful appearance which makes him one of the most frightening horror movie villains of the 21st century.

The Film's limited budget: An ode to creativity and Resourcefulness

Another striking aspect of "Terrifier" can be seen in its capacity to deliver a truly terrifying experience even with a very limited budget. It was apparently made with a budget of $100,000, which is one-third of what most horror films have to cost. Despite this limitation, Leone has managed to create an aesthetically stunning and deeply unsettling movie that is on par with other high-budget horror movies.

The filmmakers' resourcefulness can be seen in the film's gritty urban setting, which effectively conveys a sense of isolation and vulnerability. Furthermore, the film's limited budget likely contributed to the decision to employ practical effects which, as mentioned previously are only meant to enhance the overall impact of the film.

Key Reception and Response to Fan

"Terrifier" is very well-received by viewers and critics alike, gaining its fans a loyal following within the horror community. Critics have praised the movie for its innovative practical effects, and Thornton's shocking performance playing Art the Clown, and its capacity to provide an absolutely terrifying experience with the budget of a small one. Fans of the genre have been raving about the film due to its brutality that is unapologetic, its spooky atmosphere and memorable villain.


In conclusion, Damien Leone's "Terrifier" is an exemplary example of what could be made with imagination, determination, and a deep understanding of the elements that make horror truly frightening. Its horrifying, practical effects and David Howard Thornton's eerie portrayal of Art the Clown, as well as its remarkable success on only a modest budget "Terrifier" can be regarded among the best scary films from (blog post) the twenty-first century. For those who are fans of the genre, this film is not to be avoided.

Directed by Damien Leone

Starring: David Howard Thornton, Jenna Kanell, Samantha Scaffidi

Release Date: 15 October 2016

Score: 9 out of 10

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