The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person


The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph offers a candid and accessible guide for understanding and confronting racism and becoming a better ally. Joseph, an activist and marketing professional known for his work on the #BlackPantherChallenge, shares his own experiences with racism and insights into the dynamics of race relations in contemporary society.

The book is structured as a conversation, making complex issues around race and privilege approachable for readers. Joseph recounts personal stories of facing racial stereotypes, biases, and microaggressions, providing a real-world context that illuminates the everyday realities of systemic racism. He also interviews several prominent figures, including author Angie Thomas and activist Jamira Burley, which adds a variety of perspectives to the conversation.

The Black Friend is not just an account of Joseph's experiences but also serves as a practical guide for white readers to understand their role in perpetuating racism and how they can actively work against it. The book includes tips and advice on how to be a better ally, how to engage in conversations about race, and how to recognize and challenge one's own biases and prejudices.

Published by Candlewick Press, the book is targeted towards young adults.


Located in the following libraries on November 13, 2023:

  • Eureka High School

  • Lafayette High School

  • Marquette High School

  • Rockwood Summit High School





Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts)