Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: Opportunities, Risks, and Ethical Implications in the Indian Context
Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: Opportunities, Risks, and Ethical Implications in the Indian Context
Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: Opportunities, Risks, and Ethical Implications in the Indian Context
Abstract:- The development of Artificial Intelligence and processes of organizations in India. Through conducting the
automation has done a lot of change to some sectors, and current state analysis of AI and automation integration in
the Human Resource Management sector is not an Indian HRM, defining key trends, and assessing their impact
exception. The following paper discusses how AI affects on specific HRM functions, this research invokes
various areas of human resource management, such as contribution to the improvement of the field for the Indian
staffing, employee handling, and decision making in the professionals, businessmen, and policymakers. Therefore, the
organization (Arslan et al., 2021) (Kshetri, 2021) (Saxena, importance of this study resides in the possibilities of
2020). Evidence from previous literature indicates that providing a research-based foundation that could be useful
there are benefits of implementing AI in the HR for making strategic management decisions within the sphere
department for optimizing the use of processes/k of HRM, the formulation of pertinent policies, and feeding
workforce experience and overall performance (Saxena, into the debate regarding the future of work in India. With the
2020)( Arslan et al., 2021). The variables expounded in the country seeking to attain high flyer economy earlier identified
paper include the identification of AI in the Indian context in the political, social and economic environments, it is
of Human resource management that include; elimination important that the effects of AI and automation in the strategic
of Bias in recruiting, Personalized learning and management of human resources is understood for the
Development, and Data driven decision making. Further, improved sustainability of HRM.
the paper provides the analyses of the opportunity and
risk of AI in HRM and the ethical issue such as job loss, This paper aims to review the current literature on
privacy, and transparency. Therefore, the results of this effects of AI and automation in various subfields of HRM, to
paper can help HR professionals and organisations to establish literature gaps, and to propose future research
understand how and when to embed AI technologies in avenues.
their human resource management strategies for success.
Keywords:- AI, HRM, Automation, Business, Policies,
Technologies, Learning, Development. The adoption of AI and automation across multiple
industries has led to a vast array of studies as to the impact of
I. INTRODUCTION AI on work relations, organizational outputs and employee
relations. These, therefore, have interesting implications in a
The future is here and fast growing due to AI and developing country like India with a diverse work force. This
automation in the areas of business worldwide Human literature review, therefore, consolidates current and previous
Resource Management is not exempted. Technological findings, examines the research gaps, and proposes future
advances have made it necessary for HR practice to be research directions to future explore the effects of AI and
redesigned since these tools improve conventional practice automation on HRM in the Indian context.
and provide better timely and accurate solutions. Discussing
HRM in India where the economy is developing, the IT AI and Automation: Economic Effects
industry particularly rapidly, AI & automation in the analyzed This paper builds on Acemoglu and Restrepo (2018), to
field have the potential and risks. The nature of HRM across introduce the dual impact of automation and AI in labor
organizations in India involves a pluralistic workforce, markets. They found a crowding out effect that reduces
differential usage of technology, and a stringent set of demand for labor and wages alongside a powerful work effect
regulatory standards. Due to competitive pressure in the that makes demand for labor stronger in non-automated
global market, AI and automation find their ways in activities. This/scenario hence puts emphasis on the need of
organizations and are incorporated in the HR processes. developing new labor-intensive positions so as to mitigate the
These technologies have the prospect of solving some detriments resulting from automation. This conclusion is
perennial problems of Indian HRM like talent sourcing and identical to that reached by Vermeulen et al. (2018) who
engagement and performance in a new way though they also argued that though automation eliminated employment
present new issues. Therefore, the focus of this research paper opportunities, it recreates that scenario by creating new labor-
is to explore the unique effects of AI and automation on HRM