A boring and overused plot Cocaine Bear analysis

Yes, gentlemen and ladies strap your belts in and look forward to a ride filled with insanity! "Cocaine Bear" is an awesome ride, in more methods than you can count. The film takes an "bear-y" true story and transforms it into a fun horror-themed comedy that'll leave you laughing, scratching your head, and wondering about what the characters' lives

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Carnosaur 2 Movie Review

How do you follow up a story quite as crazy as Carnosaur? Simple! Discard absolutely everything except for one shred so you can prove what you are making really is a sequel, and save even more money by using a script that everyone already (blog post) knows! This brings us Carnosaur 2, a Roger Corman production that.. seems pretty damn similar to

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JOKER Movie Review

Out today in theaters nationwide, Joker is the tale of.. well, The Joker, and how he became The Joker. I think.. I dunno, it's kind of more slice-of-life than I was expecting, and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I was supposed to get out of it....BTW - AMC has responded to the sci-fi movie reviews "no singles" viral picture and stated

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Gorgo Movie Review

From the deep dark depths of mystery known as the British Isles, Gorgo was born in 1961. Meant as a homage to the still young king of monsters, Godzilla, Gorgo employed many visual effects tricks at the time to help the creature (blog post) appear larger than life.. but what is sci-fi movie reviews this?! WESTERNERS doing a kaiju flick?! Well, it

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Con Air Movie Review

One of the so-called "holy trinity" of Nicolas Cage action flicks, Con Air is the story of a maximum security prison airplane being hijacked, and our con with a heart of gold, (blog post) Nicolas Cage, doing everything in his power to make sure the good guys win and the bad (blog post) guys EXPLODE! Preferably after he's already off the plane, an

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