Fenbendazole and Ivermectin: Promising New Treatments for Cancer

Fenbendazole and Ivermectin

Well, I can’t claim there is a cancer cure out there unless I want to be sued and thrown into prison so I will just share some exciting information that is coming to light with regards to Ivermectin and Fenbendazole which are showing to be promising miracle drugs to treat the big “C” and many other health issues. I’ve been saving up some great articles from various sources so I will just share it all here hoping that it sparks people to do their own research and hopefully find the treatments they are hoping for.

My journey on this topic all started with a man named Joe Tippens who claimed to have successfully treated his cancer with a pet dewormer containing Fenbendazole. Here is an article I did on Joe back in 2020 and as far as I know Joe is still alive today. Here’s the article: Joe Tippens Since then, I have been learning about the connection between Cancer and Parasites from Dr. Lee Merritt who is an orthopedic and spinal surgeon. Here is just one of her videos on the topic of parasites and cancer: Dr. Merritt I did an article on this topic with tons of references and can be found on my blog HERE Here is another great video: The Undeniable Connection Between Parasites, Illness and Cancer

Joe Tippens from Edmond, Oklahoma used a pet dewormer recommended by a Veterinarian for treatment after being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer.
Video: https://rumble.com/v3q04y6-joe-tippens-fenbendazole-cancer.html

Joe Tippens use of Fenbendazole as an alternative has drawn skepticism from people all around the world. However, since he started his protocol, Tippens has been cancer free, making the skeptics reconsider their stance on the unconventional method. Most do not realize that the treatment, known as the Joe Tippens Protocol, actually entails more than just taking Fenbendazole. It’s actually a regimen of multiple products including Fenbendazole, CBD Oil, Curcumin, Berberines and Vitamin E. The vitamin E has now been labeled as “optional” due to the possible medication interactions, but is still used by many people who are using the protocol.

Fenbendazole is not a drug that is habitually used in the treatment of humans, like mebendazole. Typically used in cases of animals (including mammals, birds, and fish) with parasites, fenbendazole is known to kill numerous parasitic worms such as whip worm, hookworm, some tape worms, and roundworm. Found under brand names such as Panacur or Safe-Guard, fenbendazole was first brought to our attention in relation to the treatment of cancer years ago through our own research. However, more recently it has captured our attention again through the renowned story of a man named Joe Tippens who successfully treated his small cell lung cancer with the anti-worm drug.

So, How Does Fenbendazole Work Against Cancer?

Cancer cells are cells which have converted to living without oxygen. They were not getting enough oxygen, so they had to adapt abnormally to live without it. The immune system is supposed to root out abnormal cells, and destroy them to prevent them forming tumours. But if the immune system can’t get to the abnormal cells, it cannot do its job. This can happen when the body hardens an inflamed area in a process known as fibrosis. The hardening is caused by a protein called fibrin. It is intended to stop whatever is causing the inflammation from getting into the general blood circulation. Unfortunately it also restricts the blood supply to the area, thus reducing oxygen availability.

Many things can cause inflammation, including toxins, allergic reactions, injuries, embedded particles like talc or asbestos, and bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections. The longer the inflamed area is fibrosed, the higher the risk of prolonged oxygen depletion and cells becoming cancerous. If your blood oxygen levels are not too good to begin with (such as when people wear face masks), the higher the risk of cancer development. Face-masks are a possible contributor to the increasing trend of turbo-cancers which have become worryingly common in those who received the covid vaccine. Fenbendazole Directly Attacks Cancer Cells in Three Ways:

*It destroys microtubules that sustain the structure of the cancer cell and its ability to divide and multiply rapidly.
*It interrupts the cancer cells’ ability to process sugar, and cancer cells must metabolize sugar to survive.
*It boosts the production of a cancer-killing gene called p53, a gene cancer patients may lack. When p53 becomes mutated or can’t keep cancer cells in check, cancer cells can proliferate.

As a de-wormer it also destroys parasites which might be causing areas of tissue inflammation and fibrosis.

How Safe is Fenbendazole?

Due to the long and successful use of fenbendazole as a veterinary antiparasitic medicine since the late 1950s, a wealth of safety data has been acquired that has stood the test of time. According to Drugs.com, there are no commonly used drugs that interact with fenbendazole. Fenbendazole is so safe for veterinary consumption that it is sold by the 50-lb bag. Fenbendazole is dumped into the feed of livestock animals with very little fretting over the exact dosage received, the standard dose of 222 mg Fenbendazole (the amount used to deworm a 10-lb dog) used for cancer treatment is certainly at the lower end of any practical scale of toxicity. Also recall that the nation of India routinely deworms its population twice a year using a fenbendazole analog (albendazole).

Fenbendazole Dosage Guide

Protocol (the initial version) – Complimentary Treatment of Cancer

Fenbendazole 222 mg. Consume one capsule 3 days weekly, once time daily after eating a fatty dinner. * Then do not take any for 4 days. Replicate this cycle each week.
Vitamin E 800 U/I. Consume one capsule or another form once daily after eating without any waiting.
Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Consume one capsule twice daily after eating breakfast and lunch without waiting.
CBD oil 25 milligrams. Consume one to two drops (total ~25 milligram) under your tongue daily before bedtime.

*Fenbendazole is actually hydrophobic and it is not absorbed well by the bowels. Consuming this with food or after eating makes it absorb better.

Protocol (the altered, stronger version) – Complimentary Cancer Treatment

Fenbendazole 222 milligrams. Consume one capsule daily after eating a fatty dinner without waiting.
Vitamin E 800 U/I. Consume one capsule or some other version daily without waiting.
Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Consume one capsule twice daily after eating breakfast and lunch without waiting.
CBD oil 25 milligrams. Consume one to two drops (total ~25 milligrams) under your tongue daily before bedtime.

*Fenbendazole is virtually non-toxic to people without no liver or kidney failures.

Avoiding Cancer Relapse – Prophylactic Procedure

Fenbendazole 222 milligrams. Consume one capsule 3x weekly, once daily after eating a fatty dinner. Then don’t take it for 4 days. Replicate this cycle each week.
Vitamin E 800 U/I. Consume one capsule or some other version daily after eating without stopping.
Bio-Available Curcumin 600 milligrams. Consume one capsule twice daily after you eat breakfast and lunch without stopping.
CBD oil 25 milligrams. Consume one to two drops (a total of~25 milligrams) under your tongue daily prior to bedtime.
Tumour marker steady checks every few months, routine annual cancer imaging tests. If there’s not any cancer relapse after five years, reduce the test frequency.

Avoiding Cancer For Somebody Who Was Always Free of Cancer – Prophylactic Procedure

Fenbendazole 222 milligrams. Consume one capsule 3x weekly, once daily after eating a fatty dinner. Then don’t take it for 4 days. Duplicate this for ten weeks. Halt for ten weeks. Then replicate the cycle once more.
Vitamin E 800 U/I. Consume one capsule or some other kind daily after eating without stopping.
Bio-Available Curcumin 600 milligrams. Consume one capsule twice daily after eating breakfast and lunch without stopping.
CBD oil 25 milligrams. Consume one to two drops (a total of ~25 milligrams) under your tongue daily prior to bedtime.

Safety of Fenbendazole and Possible Side Effects

Centered on toxicology findings, benzimidazoles like Fenbendazole, Albendazole or appear to be safe medications. Though, a medication with no side-effects doesn’t exist. Scientific information reports don’t show substantial adverse responses from consuming fenbendazole. Still, there are some anecdotal reports of possible toxicity:

As much as five percent of people may have stomach-aches or loose bowels if they consume large amounts of fenbendazole without a break. People who have severe kidney or liver failure have decreased medication excretion levels, consequently, fenbendazole may build up and produce unforeseen side-effects. You should divide the doses based on your circumstances. The procedure was intended to maintain the liver in optimum health; hence the schedule should be three days on it, and four off is recommended. When utilized in huge amounts for long timeframes without a break, fenbendazole powder may bring on asymptomatic liver enzyme increases because of the material being mostly metabolized inside the liver. This can be reversed with the assistance of a pause for two weeks. The procedure was created to maintain the liver in optimum health, hence the schedule of a weekly cycle of three days taking it and four days not taking it is recommended.

Though, increasingly more folks are applying fenbendazole for a time frame of five days taking it and two days not taking it.

Does Fenbendazole Cause Liver Damage?

Some have expressed concern that fenbendazole has been linked to liver injury. There is a report documenting the effect of fenbendazole on liver function as measured by the enzymes aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). A search using Google of “fenbendazole and cancer” returns this case report as the first result: Teppei Yamaguchi, Junichi Shimizu, Yuko Oya, Yoshitsugu Horio, Toyoaki Hida. Drug-Induced Liver Injury in a Patient with Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer after the Self-Administration of Fenbendazole Based on Social Media Information. Case Rep Oncol 1 September 2021; 14 (2): 886–891. https://doi.org/10.1159/000516276

Elevated liver enzymes may actually be a good sign for a cancer patient taking fenbendazole. Those liver enzyme (AST, ALT) values may spike for one or two months as the liver is stressed by the influx of dead cancer cells as it filters and processes the cellular debris from those dead cancer cells. AST and ALT increasing is a sign of hepatic stress (work), not necessarily disease, in the context of fenbendazole use. These liver enzymes usually normalize after the cancer is eradicated by fenbendazole.

FYI, liver enzymes will also fluctuate with other noncancerous sicknesses/recoveries as dead cellular debris enters the bloodstream and is processed by the liver for removal. This is part of a normal physiological process. Temporary liver enzyme fluctuation should be expected to occur as a matter of course when using fenbendazole as fenbendazole kills the cancer cells.

To maintain the liver health ideal, we recommend you consume 250 milligram capsules of Milk Thistle or take 150 milligrams of Silymarin every day as a helpful supplement to maintain it in good shape.

Are There Any Interactions of Fenbendazole with Other Substances and/or Drugs?

Cimetidine:Searching for drug interactions for mebendazole, the human form of fenbendazole, returns a few potentially minor interactions. One interaction noted is with cimetidine “Cimetidine may decrease the hepatic metabolism of mebendazole. Serum levels of mebendazole may be increased. Since plasma levels of mebendazole vary greatly among patients receiving this drug, the clinical significance of this interaction is not well established.”

What is cimetidine? Cimetidine, sold under the brand name Tagamet, among others, is an H2 histamine receptor antagonist (blocker) that inhibits stomach acid production. It is mainly used in the treatment of heartburn and peptic ulcers. So a heartburn drug may decrease the metabolism of fenbendazole/mebendazole by presumably disrupting stomach acids which has the net effect of increasing the blood levels of the fenbendazole/mebendazole.

Fenbendazole References:

1) Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways.

2) Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins.

3) Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug.

4) The Anthelmintic Drug Mebendazole Induces Mitotic Arrest and Apoptosis by Depolymerizing Tubulin in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

5) Pilot study of albendazole in patients with advanced malignancy. Effect on serum tumor markers/high incidence of neutropenia.

6) Antitumor activity of albendazole against the human colorectal cancer cell line HT-29: in vitro and in a xenograft model of peritoneal carcinomatosis.

7) Benzimidazole as Novel Therapy for Hormone-Refractory Metastatic Prostate Cancer.

Dr. William Makis Fenbendazole Article: FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 Anti-Cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no Clinical Trials? Nine research papers reviewed.

Dr. Makis Videos on My Rumble Channel: https://tinyurl.com/4en99ja9

8) Mebendazole induces apoptosis via Bcl-2 inactivation in chemoresistant melanoma cells.

9) Phase I clinical trial to determine maximum tolerated dose of oral albendazole in patients with advanced cancer.

10) Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) — mebendazole as an anti-cancer agent.

👉 You can purchase “Mebendazole” at: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

11) Anthelmintic Flubendazole and Its Potential Use in Anticancer Therapy.

12) Chronic myelogenous leukemia in a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)

13) Dogra, N. (2018, August 9). Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways. Scientific Reports. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6

14) Fenbendazole.org. (2019). Fenbendazole Dosage Guide And Calculator. Scientific Research. https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/fenbendazole-dosage-guide

Fenbendazole Case Studies:

Mebendazole (Fenbendazole) Proposed to Replace Current “Gold-Standard” in Brain Tumor Treatment – Gold-Standard vincristine is neither as effective or safe as mebendazole

👉 You can purchase “Mebendazole” at: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Case Report: Canine Lymphoma – Fenbendazole can also eradicate cancer in our most loyal companions

Swedish Medical Report: Traditional Cancer Drugs of Little to No Value – August 2023
2 out of 3 cancer drugs in widespread use show little to no benefit to quality of life or longevity, ZERO eradicate cancer.


Case Report: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Male, age 63 – Topical application of Ivermectin eradicates a benign skin cancer

Case Report: Desmoid Tumor (Aggressive Fibromatosis), age 34, Male – Fenbendazole Eradicates Non-Cancerous Tumor After Other Treatments Fail

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Eradicated by Fenbendazole – Fenbendazole kills the cancer cells responsible for killing cancer patients

Cancer Stem Cells and Fenbendazole – Fenbendazole kills the cancer cells responsible for killing cancer patients

Case Report: Plasmacytoid Urothelial Cancer, age 54, Male – Fenbendazole only, no traditional chemo or radiation treatments


Ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-Winning discovery that the media called “horse paste,” not only effectively treats COVID-19 but also several other ailments — and possibly cancer. Initially approved for use in the 1980s, has primarily been recognized for its role in combating parasitic infections, particularly in tropical regions. Given the drug’s transformative impact on a myriad of parasitic diseases, its newfound prominence in global conversations warrants a deeper dive into its benefits and potential. Originally developed by Merck & Co. in the late 1970s, Ivermectin was first used as a veterinary drug against worms in animals. In humans, its primary utility has been in the treatment of diseases caused by parasitic worms, like onchocerciasis (river blindness) and lymphatic filariasis. Due to its efficacy against these diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed Ivermectin on its list of essential medicines.

It’s important to note the many amazing qualities of this inexpensive, safe medication that’s on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. It’s saved countless lives globally in its use as an anti-parasitic, and for that it won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015. But in addition to that, its other diverse therapeutic effects, including broad antiviral activity, have helped solidify its reputation as a “wonder drug.

For example, many may not know that Ivermectin, even on its own, has profound anti-cancer effects without significant toxicity, unlike many traditional medications that work against cancer. And when used in combination, it can turn chemotherapy-resistant cancers into chemotherapy-sensitive ones, as well as work synergistically with non-traditional anti-cancer agents, such as dichloroacetate.

Ivermectin can also induce remyelination. Myelin is the lining around nerve cells that gets destroyed in MS—Ivermectin can reverse this in MS animal models. (This is a complex topic beyond the scope of this post, and not without caveats, so I’ll plan to write a separate post about MS soon.) Ivermectin also promotes the regrowth of damaged peripheral nerves and functions as an immunomodulator, meaning that it helps fix an abnormal immune response. And to top it off, “Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use.”

Documentary: “Ivermectin ~ The Truth” by Fimmaker Mikki Willis

The Ivermectin Controversy: Media’s Role in Shaping Perceptions

The debate surrounding Ivermectin, particularly its potential application against COVID-19, has emerged as one of the most divisive topics in recent medical discourse. While the scientific community naturally gravitates towards rigorous inquiry and debate when confronted with new treatment proposals, the Ivermectin discussion seems to have taken a turn that transcends typical scientific deliberation.

Mainstream media, in its role as a purveyor of information to the masses, has a responsibility to present data and perspectives in a balanced manner. However, with Ivermectin, many outlets appear to have adopted a decidedly dismissive stance from the outset. Reports often emphasize the drug’s primary use as an anti-parasitic treatment for animals, sometimes invoking sensationalized headlines that label it as a “horse dewormer.” Such framing can obfuscate the drug’s long-established human applications and its recognition by the World Health Organization as an essential medicine.

Dr. William Makis: IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? – 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed

Papers Reviewed

Ivermectin and Other Drug Studies
226 Ivermectin COVID-19 studies, 175 peer reviewed, 99 comparing treatment and control groups. Ivermectin was adopted in all or part of 22 countries (39 including non-government medical organizations).

February 2018 – Juarez et al The Multitargeted Drug Ivermectin: From an Antiparasitic Agent To a Repositioned Cancer Drug

  • Satoshi Omura at the Kitasato Institute discovered Ivermectin in 1979 and was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this discovery in 2015
  • Ivermectin was FDA Approved for human use in 1987 to orally treat onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, caused by the blackfly-transmitted parasite Onchocerca volvulus
  • Ivermectin is annually taken by close to 250 million people
  • Most patients treated with Ivermectin have no side-effects other than those caused by the immune and inflammatory responses against the parasite, such as fever, pruritus, skin rashes and malaise
  • maximum concentration in plasma is reached 4-5 h after its oral administration
  • Its half-life is approximately 19 h and is metabolized in the liver by the cytochrome CYP1A and CYP3A4 complexes, generating 10 metabolites, mostly demethylated and hydroxylated.
  • Its excretion is mainly by feces and only 1% is excreted in the urine
  • Ivermectin exerts antitumor effects in different types of cancer.

Read More of Dr. Makis’s Ivermectin Study HERE It’s a LONG Article

Synergistic pairing of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer

One of the “side effects” of taking Ivermectin for COVID, it turns out, is that it also helps prevent cancer cells and tumors from forming. This could be very helpful for those dealing with the sudden onset of “turbo cancer,” a phenomenon that appeared not long after the launch of Operation Warp Speed. If “fully vaccinated” people who got jabbed for COVID had easy access to Ivermectin, many of them could potentially find relief and healing from it. And even better is the fact that Fenbendazole, another anti-parasite drug, also works to fight against cancer.

“What would happen if one did a combination therapy for both the prevention and treatment of cancer using BOTH Ivermectin and Fenbendazole?” asks “2nd Smartest Guy in the World” on his Substack. “The synergistic pairing would be far more effective than just using one of these miraculous drugs.” When taken together, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole deliver a one-two punch to cancer. When combined with other anti-cancer nutrients such as quercetin, vitamin C and vitamin D, and curcumin, the effects are even more pronounced. Preclinical studies show that both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole exhibit cytotoxic effects against cancer cells. The two drugs also inhibit the growth and spread of cancerous tumors. The mechanisms underlying these effects appear to involve disruption of critical cellular processes, leading to cancer cell death.

Both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are off-patent drugs, meaning their original intended use as licensed has expired and they have become generics. This allows for many different generic drug manufacturers, including a slew of them across India, to produce them cheaply and abundantly.

You can order Fenbendazole from HERE (ships to Canada) and you can order Ivermectin online from www.BodywisePharmacy.com as well as Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Medications

Here Are Some Great, Informational Videos on “Turbo Cancers” on My Rumble Channel: https://tinyurl.com/nkp2rtb5

Ivermectin may attenuate arthritis, and even fully cure it … Evaluation of therapeutic potential of Ivermectin against complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats: Involvement of inflammatory mediators:

Sources: I found much of my information from fenbendazole.org and alternativemedicine.com

“War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic” by Dr. Pierre Kory – Get it at Amazon

Ivermectin Conclusion:

Ivermectin has undoubtedly made a mark in the world of medicine, transforming the lives of millions who suffer from a multitude of diseases. As with any drug, its applications should be based on robust scientific evidence, and while its potential continues to be explored in various domains, its proven track record against parasites remains its most significant contribution to global health. As research continues, the scientific community and the public alike await further insights into this multifaceted drug’s full range of capabilities.

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🛑 Ivermectin/Fenbendazole – Cancer Treatment/Cure: https://tinyurl.com/4f2u958k

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🛑 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

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🛑 My Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com

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