Jumble Answers for 08/17/2020













20 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 08/17/2020

  1. Good morning. We are back to our normal Monday jumble. Easy breezy from the words to cartoon answer. Until tomorrow stay well and stay safe.

    • Hi Paul. Good Morning. You’ve probably seen it by now, but if not, here’s the Kids puzzle from yesterday. I guess they realized what happened because they printed the entire page…https://tinyurl.com/y39hqa3c. Be well Brooklyn, and stay safe…🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Sorry I messed up in trying to print the kiddie puzzle from yesterday,yes the final solution was 7 letters not 6, you’d think a math person could count.I was just trying to help out.

        • LOL…Like the old story about the shoemaker who had holes in his shoes?! 😂 No apology necessary, Professor, you didn’t mess up at all…And I’m not sure if Paul got to see it, but you did help out. 👍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Good morning again. I didn’t see the kiddie one so thank you Angela and as for Chuck, even though you are a math professor, my question to you is:: Are you smarter than a 5th grader.?? TY Chuck for also trying. Not only do we learn but also get big smiles and laughs from time to time. As always, until tomorrow stay well and stay safe.

    • It has been SHOWN that those who PREFER not to CROAK too soon should put the EFFORT into maintaining their physical fitness.

      • Angela,
        Thanks, I’m doing fine; just getting a bit tired of being in front of the TV watching movies & Netflix.;-)

  2. Hi Everyone – Effort took the most. Looking for three-letter words and finding Off gave me the answer.

  3. 🐸 Even though he enjoyed hearing the CROAK of the frogs as he was SHOWN the lakefront property, the Real Estate Agent’s EFFORT to sell him on it fell flat, and the only way they’d be OFF TO THE RACES would be if he was viewing something more inland, which is what he’d PREFER…🐸

    🌡 His fever still was spiking…he felt like he could CROAK,
    And despite feeling cold as ice, he knew the bedsheets soaked…
    His being SHOWN how bad things get when one ignores advice,
    Is resonating loud and clear…and now he pays the price
    No matter what the EFFORT, he just can’t get to rest,
    He’d so PERFER to be outside…but knows indoors is best
    He swears when he gets better, he’ll avoid the crowded places
    If only this fever would break…he’d be OFF TO THE RACES 🌡

  4. FYI: In case anyone missed it, the Tote Board at the Racetrack reads “Jumble Downs“, and the horse depicted on the cover of the women’s program is fitted with blinders…🐎🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. Hi all – An easy Monday puzzle today. From the picture I thought TRACK might be the last answer word, but when it showed up in the dialog, the right phrase was obvious.

    When I saw “Jumble Downs” it made me think of the Jumble Giant Crosswords app, where you can also find Jumble Acrosses.

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “When the frog said he would PREFER getting his meals with the least EFFORT possible, he was SHOWN a lily pad by his realtor where the dragonflys were OFF TO THE RACES every morning right overhead without his even having to CROAK to attract them.”
    (Angela, I’m thinking of turning this into a Nursery Rhyme – my specialty! 😂)

  6. Since today’s Jumble was effortless, there was no horsing around dictionaries and alphabet dices. So now I am off to work … rejuvenating my 25 year old cedar deck hoping the dark clouds race by without wetting the grounds.
    Till next jumble

  7. Good Monday puzzle this morning. Sounds like we’re all off to a promising start. Wishing all of you a good day.

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