
The divine energy – LOVE, All that exists – is extremely powerful and heartfelt, and many who have not felt it before are beginning to do so now as it intensifies during the present Easter and Pentecost season.  This divine energy, in which all are enveloped, is beautifully adjusted so that those who are in human form do not become physically overwhelmed as they set their intent to feel its loving Presence.  Nearly everyone presently in human form is consciously choosing to awaken into Reality, and so the energy level has to be set at a much higher level than in ages gone by so that your bodies are filled with its Light but not enough to burn them. Consequently, as you intensify your intention to awaken, others will feel at peace, accepted, and loved when they are physically in your presence.  To accept and love humanity – all of humanity – is why you chose to be present on Earth in human form at this moment.  To fulfill this pre-planned task all you need do is just Be!  It is not in any way difficult, just allow yourselves to totally accept each interaction with others as they occur, and allow the Love that you are to flow freely through you, thus extending It and sharing It with all others.  This is the purpose with which you incarnated.

As you have so often been told: “You are each enormously powerful beings because God created each of you completely like unto Herself.”  Any sense of unworthiness or incompetence to carry out God’s Will, or to believe that you do not know what Her Will for you is, is utterly invalid.  Your egos live and thrive on the energy of fear which they are constantly attempting to intensify within you all, so dismiss any sense of fear, knowing that it is unreal, and invite Love to envelop and embrace you; It will!  You are never without Love or unloved, because Love is the divine life force that flows within you giving you eternal existence, and providing the living energy, the vigor, and the potency that enables you to experience life as a physical being in human form.  Just remember that by incarnating as humans you chose to forget your true nature as you played the game of separation, and now you have chosen to remember who you truly are, and you are beginning to feel the power of God’s Love uplifting and inspiring you, and you are also seeing It in others, as they too start to remember.

Many of you are finally coming to the awareness – the REMEMBRANCE – that you and God are One, eternally and inseparably, and this is greatly assisting you in moving out of the illusory world of form in which it seems that you have been immersed, indeed incarcerated for eons.  The door to that prison has never been closed, you have always had total freedom to leave, but your egos’ need to be right in their belief that you are incarcerated and that the key has been lost or thrown away, causes them to spend enormous amounts of your time attempting to convince you that you are small and insignificant in the overall scheme of things, and that your miserable existence will be finally and completely terminated when your bodies fail and die.

Yes, you do need your egos to act as autopilots when you are doing repetitive actions that do not require your full attention, thus allowing you to more frequently use your minds creatively and lovingly.  However, they should never be in control!  They are your personal assistants, and you are each responsible for guiding and directing them so that the Love that you each are also flows through them as they work in concert with you and your loving intentions, instead of against you.

Love is infinite and eternal, and so is each created sentient being.  Your awakening is your newly remembered awareness of this divine Truth coming alive within you and filling your hearts and minds with the infinite joy and happiness of this your eternal and unchangeable state of Being.  You are, as you most certainly do know deep within yourselves, Love Being.  And that pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities in every moment of your eternal existence.  You are One with God, forever creating and expanding the infinite field (in the absence of a better word!) that is LOVE!  You had just momentarily forgotten this, and now you are about to remember, so prepare to CELEBRATE the divine Reality that each one of you is.

And of course, as I frequently remind you, it is essential that you spend daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries where your eternal connection to God is always open.  While there please remember to reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives, this is very important and extremely effective.  Whenever you choose to communicate with God She always listens and hears you.  If you do not feel or sense this communication taking place within you, it is probably because you are allowing yourselves to be distracted by thoughts relating to your daily human lives, but even if this is happening, nevertheless, you are receiving Love and divine guidance in every moment.  The truth of this often becomes clear when an intuitive idea about dealing with an issue you are needing to address comes to mind.  You are never alone or unheard, it just seems like that because you are so often preoccupied with thoughts about the material lives you are experiencing.

You are Love, and therefore Love envelops you and embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence.  Your unawareness is caused by your egos, as you allow them free reign with your thought processes and allow them to call attention to ‘what if’ thoughts of fear or anxiety.  Don’t dwell on them, they are for the most part meaningless distractions, rather like small children seeking attention when they feel unseen or unheard.  So treat them as you would treat small children, lovingly and gently, without being distracted from the task at hand.  Interactions with others are often ego directed because the unreal world is very competitive as egos seek power and security to escape their feelings of inadequacy and find love outside themselves.  Therefore, love your egos, but do set boundaries.  Boundaries are an aspect of the unreal state of separation that you have chosen to undergo that make it possible for you to honor your intuition instead of allowing others to persuade you not to trust yourselves.  You are divine beings in constant communication with your Source, and your intuition is that communication channel which helps you to evolve spiritually, thus ensuring that you can and will find your way Home.  Your intuition can offer you great wisdom that you will find nowhere else.  Allow it to evolve and learn to trust it, it is the unbreakable link to your divine communication connection to God.

With so very much love, Saul.  

As worldwide the chaos and conflicts appear to be increasing and intensifying, make sure to allow yourselves more time each day for quiet moments in the Presence of God.  You are always there, in His divine Presence, because separation never happened, and never could happen, but you are easily distracted by the game, the dream or nightmare that appears to be so real as it envelops you, and seemingly demands your attention.  The only attention you need to give it is your endless love.  Doing thatis very powerful, and massively assists you in your collective awakening process.  You chose to be in human form now because you very much desire to be a part of and assist in this wondrous process which is racing towards fruition.  And you are.

Your presence on Earthnow is not an accident, you lovingly and most willingly chose to incarnate in order to serve Lovejust by being present now, and your presence is both essential and extremely effective.  Do not allow yourselves to accept any sense or feeling that you are not being of service to your holy Mother just because you cannot perceive any confirmation that this is so.  I assure you that your presence, wherever you are on Earth, is precisely where you chose to be as you received guidance from your holy Mother before incarnating.  Here in the non physical realms you are all greatly honored for your love and your courage, and for your choice to be in form now.

At the moment you chose to experience separation from your loving Source – eons ago – Mother/Father/God instantly provided you with the exit, the way Home, but did not override your free will.  It is up to each one of you to choose your own moment when you wish to leave unreality, terminate the nightmare, and return Home; ever-increasing numbers of you are already doing just that.

All across the world issues of a very personal nature, that are not in harmony with their true nature – Love – are arising in people’s minds to be acknowledged and released.  The lessons that have been presented to individuals, and to humanity at large, through fear, conflict, judgment and the desire to condemn and punish others have been learnt.  And those lessons are but one, that Love is the answer, the only and supreme answer to every issue.  You all want to experience love in your lives, and you all know that the only way to have this experience is through honestly accepting and loving yourselves as well as every other sentient being, without attaching any pre-conditions whatsoever.  Love is oneness, union, which flows freely to and through all of you in every moment, unless you choose to block It.  Separation was an attempt to block It and prove to yourselves that you were completely independent beings who could provide yourselves with everything you would ever need, including the freedom to be separate from your heavenly Father.

You have now collectively realised that your only need is Love, and that you already have It in abundance because It is who you are.  That apparent need to be independent was but an imagined illusory unreal state which can never be achieved because you are all eternally at One with and in the Presence of your divine Source.  You are all lovingly and gloriously sustained by and in that state of Union, that state of infinite Love, the only state or condition of being consciously aware of yourselves, which has always existed.

As so many wise ones have told you over the eons of human existence: “There Is Only Love!”  Finally you are coming to understand and accept this divine Truth.  When you go within to your state of quiet inner presence, and allow yourselves to dismiss and discard any and all sense of unworthiness, or not good enough, and invite God to enter and fill your hearts with awareness of your true and eternal nature, She will.  But because of your free will, which She will always honor, you have to invite and allow Her to commune with you.  She is always with you waiting for you to invite Her to embrace you – as you well know, mothers always long to embrace their children!

So what you truly need to understand and accept is that you are always in Her Presence, because it is the only and infinite state or place in which All has Its existence.  Accept, accept, and again accept that you are always in Her Presence.  Acknowledge that divine Truth and allow yourselves to let go of any and every reason that arises within you suggesting or insisting that this is not so.

God is the Presence, the Reality in which all of creation is eternally present, savouring and tasting the wonder of divine life.  Some do indeed dishonor themselves and their divine Mother by spitting it out, ashamed to accept the Truth of who they are because they have so totally bought into their belief in the reality of a state or location without Love where it seems to them they are existing for a short time in form before death terminates their existence.  While living that experience they feel absolutely driven to protect themselves from the dangers of that state by hoarding stuff to protect themselves from lack.  Truly there is only abundance, so allow yourselves to become increasingly aware that this is so, and enjoy the peace and contentment that this awareness provides.

You Are Eternally Love, You Are Eternally Loved, and that can NEVER change, so enjoy that Truth, be at peace, and set and reset the intent to offer only Love, All that you are, because, in truth, you have nothing else to offer, and It IS Everything!

With so very much love, Saul.

Signs of your collective awakening are arising all across the world as the old systems of authoritarian organization and control, to which you have been subject for millennia, continue to fall apart. People everywhere are starting to lay claim to their individual God-given divine sovereignty, and this of course causes them to seriously question the so called systems of “Law & Order.” Obviously you do need order in your lives, order that honors and respects your individual holy natures and the holy natures of ALL others. But it need not and should not be authoritarian, as so many so called ‘democracies’ have become.

God created each and every one of you from Love as divine Beings of Love, utterly and completely free although remaining in inseparable Union with Him. Then, for an insane moment, you sought more freedom than the infinite freedom in which you were created, and you invented and constructed an unreal place or state in which to attempt to experience that hoped for increased freedom, freedom from Union with your infinitely loving Source. And, of course, it has not worked! You already had infinite freedom, limitless freedom, so any movement away from that state would and could only cause limitation!

For the last three or four hundred years increasing numbers of you have been questioning the jurisdiction of authorities worldwide, that have for eons been a major aspect of the various human cultures – governments, businesses, ancestral families, patriarchies, and religious organizations – and rebelling against them. Their sole aim is, and always has been, to control and dominate ‘ordinary’ people. But there are NO ordinary people, EVERY single person is a divine being, a beloved child of God, created as an eternal and individuated aspect of the One, of God.

Your collective awakening is the awakening from that very real seeming dream or nightmare that you are presently experiencing as beings in human form. You have forgotten who you truly are because you chose to do so by entering that unreal state and engaging with it as fully as you could. But you could never enter fully into it, because deep within each of you is the knowing that you are much much more than human beings in form. The amnesic state, that is such a major aspect of your apparently separated state, is dissolving as memories of your true nature begin to rise up into your conscious awareness. Because you are eternal divine beings it is impossible for your true nature to remain hidden from you. You are a little like small children, who are totally immersed in the apparent reality of a game, then, on being offered some culinary delight – ice cream, chocolate, a sparkling drink – by their parent or care-giver, they immediately forsake the game for something delicious and real! And, of course, you are allchildren, the beloved children of God, and She is calling you to awaken into the wonder of Reality.

God IS calling you! The irrefutable evidence of this is being seen and reported on all across the world, and those of the old order are doing their best to conceal it or convince you through their control of the MSM and Social Media that it is untrue. However, many other sources are offering insights that are revealing the propaganda, the deceit, and the corruption in high places. And so the old order, and the illusory unreality which they have been presenting to you as the only valid truth, are being laid bare.

Every one of you presently incarnate in human form – including those who would deceive you or attempt to prevent it your awakening – is massively assisting in the collective awakening process. It will not be halted, stalled, or delayed because it is God’s Will and yours that you come Home to the Reality of being permanently consciously aware of your unbreakable Union with Her. God’s Will for you is eternal Joy, and that is what you will experience.

I cannot impress on you strongly enough the absolute and essential importance of your daily quiet time alone, resting in your holy inner sanctuaries, as you invite Love, God to fill your hearts. As you spend time there, and reset yet again your intent to be only loving whatever may arise during the day, allow yourselves to be aware of and to feel the Presence of the Divine within you. Then remind yourselves of your Oneness with Her, and of the total invalidity of even the slightest sense of unseemliness to which you may be clinging that suggests to you that you are in any way unworthy to be in Her Presence.

You Have Never Left Her Presence. There Is Nowhere Else. The Only And Eternal Reality Is God, Where You Have Your Eternal Existence In Utter Joy.

With so very much love to you all, Saul.  

As humanity’s collective awakening draws ever closer – and I know you have all heard this before, so bear with me a moment as we get started – prepare yourselves for a most magnificent change in the way you all interact with one another, either one on one or globally.  This change is essential, it is of course part of God’s divine plan to assist you at this moment of intense confusion, and all of you are bringing it to fruition.  Your individual roles, as you presently live your human lives, were planned with great wisdom and love before you incarnated, and even as you planned them with divine guidance you knew that you would experience amnesia, that you would temporarily lose your knowing awareness of your Oneness with God, and even seriously doubt if a Being of Love and Wisdom – God – actually existed or was even necessary.

Thus many presently in form even claim to be atheists.  No one is an atheist because everyone is eternally enfolded in the One, the infinite expression of energy that is Life/Love/God.  To be alive, as you all are, including those who believe that they are atheists, means also that you accept that you are alive, that you are conscious and aware that you exist, and, of course, existence by its very nature is real, endless, and eternal.  Those who claim that they are atheists are simply denying their fear of an unreal state – death – and because they believe that human life is a terminal event from which no one can escape, it is one of the most terrifying aspects of being human, and therefore they refuse to wisely and intelligently discuss it.

No one experiencing life as a human truly wants to die, and yet it seems that death is inevitable, and yes, your human forms do deteriorate to such an extent that the life force that is your true nature can no longer enliven them, so you lay them down with gracious thanks and move into full awareness that you are eternal beings of Love.  Those who attempt or succeed in committing suicide are just trying to shut down and escape from intolerable life situations, because the physical lives in which they are engaged are so extremely painful, and though the fear with which the inevitability of death presents them is not attractive, it does appear to offer an end to their pain.

But suicide is no escape from Life!  You are all eternal divine beings, and God’s will for you – just like your own seemingly unachievable ones as you live in human form – is that you live in a state of eternal peace and happiness, and as you are all inseparably in Union with Herthis is whatyou are going to experience.  There is NO other option, and that is reason to celebrate daily!

Life is Love, is eternal Union with Mother/Father/God, from Whom there is absolutely no possibility of separation, even for a micro second.  What you experience in human form is an ongoing succession of apparently endless needs – food, sleep, satisfaction, happiness, etc. – which when provided never succeed in removing your sense of need, because a new need always arises to replace it.  The way forward is to accept and welcome whatever arises daily in your lives, knowing, as you do, that you have freely chosen everything you experience in order to assist you in your own individual spiritual development, and in order that through those life experiences you may also assist all the others with whom you interact.

God is the massive and infinite support system that always, in every moment, provides you most lovingly with all that you require in every moment.  You are never left alone and unsupported.  When you start to just accept life as it unfolds for you, without complaint or expectation, you will find that you are indeed at peace in that moment, needing nothing!  The first time you experience that truth it can be mind-blowing, and you may well attempt to remain in that state, but to attempt to maintain a state is not a state of acceptance.  Truly, to live life successfully as a human you need do nothing, and joyfully accept whatever arises.  You are all divine beings engaging in a freely chosen temporary task as a human during which you can and do mightily assist in the collective awakening process.  This process is unstoppable, and the inevitable outcome is your divinely assured arousal into full conscious awareness in every moment of your Oneness with God.

I would like to remind you once again of the importance of taking quiet time alone daily in your holy inner sanctuaries, and while there to invite God to fill your hearts with Love and to dissolve any and all feelings of sinfulness, unworthiness, and negative self judgment.  Only God knows you and understands you well enough to judge you, and She never judges you, She just Loves you completely and unconditionally, just as you are – perfect divine beings.  She wants you to come back to full awareness that anything that you believe is within you or within anyone else that is not in full and perfect alignment with Love, and is therefore blocking you from your eternal Union with Her, is utterly and completely unreal, untrue, a figment of your limited and inadequate human imaginations.  Your infinite awareness of your true and unchangeable nature as One with Her is coming to a most beautiful eternal moment of fruition.

With so very much love, Saul.  

What you see in the world around you right now are major indications of your collective awakening. The disclosure of massive deceit, conflict, and corruption on a global scale is making it impossible for anyone to remain unaware of the need for enormous changes in the way in which you interact with one another, both with your immediate families and friends right up to and including in international relationships. Enormous change in human relationships is needed everywhere, and more and more of you are becoming increasingly aware of this. The only way in which you can resolve issues, whether between individuals or between nations, is by meeting with those involved in a respectful manner and by listening, without instant judgement, to what they need and wish to express. Then, when you have heard them fully, make sure you have completely understood what they have expressed, bearing in mind that the meaning of words that people use can differ significantly from what you understand them to mean, due to the context in which you are having your discussion – you have all experienced this in family arguments or disagreements. Then, and only then, can you offer your own assessments of the reasons that are causing conflicting views or disagreements, and suggest possible ways for dealing with them in any meaningful fashion.

Always make sure to fully honor, respect, listen to, and understand the others. Then, when that has been done, engage purposefully and lovingly with them with the honest intent to resolve any issues between you in a manner that honors, respects, and offers resolutions that all can accept, so that everyone knows that they have been met with love, honesty, and integrity.

All are One, so to engage in conflict with anyone is to be at war with yourself, which is an insane way to live. You are Love, therefore express It in every moment, and let go of any feelings or beliefs you may have that encourage you to judge others negatively. You do not know enough to judge anyone, only God has the knowledge and the understanding to do that, but because She loves you all utterly and completely, She accepts you just as you are, wholly without conditions of any kind whatsoever, and She never judges anyone

God is Life, is Love, is your Source, and She expresses Herself through each one of you constantly and without even a moment’s interruption. There is and can be no separation because there is only the One in eternal Union with Itself, and therefore with all of Her creations. To awaken is to release your fearful grip on your belief in separateness, and on any beliefs that attempt to convince you that you are alone, abandoned, or lost in a dangerous and threatening environment in which you could lose your lives at any moment.

You have ETERNAL Life, where you are constantly held in Love’s divine embrace. Your seemingly lived experience separated from your Source is unreal and temporary, and you will release your attachment to that insane belief and awaken into infinite joy, which is your eternal and natural state.

The fear that so many of you experience daily, maybe even constantly, naturally leads and encourages you to distrust others, and as you meet and engage with others who are experiencing similar feelings, your own fears are thus seemingly magnified and validated – I Knew he was untrustworthy, I should never have engaged or associated with him!

You all feel and experience the effects of the energy fields of those with whom you engage, even if you are unaware of doing so, and frequently they are largely reflections of the energy that you yourself are expressing. When you are in the presence of ones you love, and where you feel safe, you reflect back to them their own loving energy, and they do the same to you, and thus you feel at peace, secure, and accepted. You also feel seen, heard, and understood, and that is how everyone wants to feel. However, when you operate from fear and distrust you block your ability to do so by choosing not to be loving, thinking that doing so protects you from harm, and so your own distrust is simply reflected back to you, often very intensely.

Truly, the only protection from harm is Love. When you express only Love you are unified with Mother/Father/God, and therefore need no protection, because there is nothing else. When you do not you are allowing or encouraging your egos to guide and direct you, which is unhelpful as their motivation is fear. Your collective awakening process requires that you express only Love, and more and more of you are coming to a deep understanding of this divine Truth and are choosing to do so, and you can see signs of this all across the world.

However if you live mostly alone, seemingly separated from loved ones who are either busy with their own lives, or who have already transitioned from their human forms, you can and will find enormous numbers of people who are expressing only Love if you choose to look for them on line. You are all surrounded by loving beings, so just open your hearts and invite and allow the multitude of those loving floods of energy, in which you truly are constantly immersed, to fill them, instead of allowing your ego driven fears or anxieties to block the divine Truth of who you and every other sentient being truly is. When you open yourselves in Love and express It, you will find yourselves meeting It in the most unexpected places. Open your hearts and delight in the peace and joy that you encounter.

With so very much loves, Saul.

Humanity’s journey towards awakening continues to make exceptional progress, as it continues to align with and follow the plan that Mother/Father/God set in motion to help you all to to awaken fully to the only Reality – LOVE – even though it appears to many of you that things are getting worse!  Although many have had their attention captured by the seemingly endless MSM propaganda explosions, which are always focused on drama and the need to arouse fear in the populace, do allow yourselves to listen to your own individual intuition which is constantly awake within you.

Your intuition is your unbreakable connection to your Source, to Love, to Christ Consciousness which is Reality, and from which you have never for even an instant been separated.  You are, always have been, and always will be fully and eternally One with your Source, therefore you are each an irreplaceable characteristic or feature of Mother/Father/God expressing Herself and Her divinity perfectly and uniquely through you.  The deep Love within each one of you, when you allow It to fill your hearts, instead of fearfully listening to and believing the messages with which your egos’ are always attempting to distract you from Reality, will completely embrace you and flow abundantly out through you, deeply affecting everyone with whom you interact in even the slightest way.  This is God’s Will for you, and therefore, of course, it is also your will.  Her Will is the most magnificent divine Gift from God to all of creation.

You are all divine beings of enormous Power.  All that you need do to access this is to allow your innate Godliness to express Itself through you by being yourselves.  There is no need to seek the approval of others – a fear-driven egoic aspect of being in form – because you are already a unique expression of God.  When you seek the approval or the acceptance of others by agreeing with them when you do not, or when you are unsure as to how you actually feel, what you truthfully believe is veiled from you because you are permitting your fear-driven egos to guide and direct you.  Doing this is what separation is all about.  Your egos are terrified of being alone and lonely, and they have an intense need to belong, and you can clearly see the way ‘belonging’ to an organization, either political, governmental, sporting, military, charitable, religious etc., which demands loyalty at all times, appeals to them by giving them a temporary sense of security, which is invalid and which they know can be taken from them at any moment, thus keeping them in a constant state of fear.

Your Oneness, your interdependence with your Source, Mother/Father/God is the life force, the awareness of your beingness, your eternal Consciousness, the unique You that each one of you is.  It is God expressing Herself through the absolutely unique being that you are, and seeing others and the world around you exactly as you choose to look at them and perceive them in your own utterly unique manner.  You can and do change this perception from time to time as your personal human perspective is affected by what you see and what you believe.  Most of you cling to beliefs that were imposed or encouraged during infancy and childhood, and then during your teens and early adulthood you alter them as you choose to become more independent in order to start living the lives that make sense to you, even though this “sense” is often heavily affected by your much repeated infancy and childhood experiences, which are as it were ingrained within you below your level of conscious awareness.  Often these senses or interpretations of life conflict leading to confusion which most people attempt to bury in their subconscious – out of sight out of mind – until they intensify and absolutely demand to be attended to.

When this occurs, as it does for everyone, many find themselves seemingly at war within themselves, and any sense of guilt or unworthiness they have been denying rises irrefutably into their conscious awareness, causing discomfort that can be extreme.  What is happening is that their need to find the true purpose of their lives starts to unfold, as the meaninglessness of much of their lives becomes ever more apparent, because all that they have sought in personal achievement or material stuff – even if achieved – no longer brings any real satisfaction.  In fact they have probably just realized that it never has.

This is in fact a most wonderful opportunity to start to disengage from any ego driven thinking or behaviors, and finally allow your God given intuition to guide you.  This is often difficult because your egos are LOUD, and your intuition is soft, loving, and gentle.  Love is Gentle!  It does not scream or shout, It envelops and embraces you whenever you choose to allow It to do so, and then offers you wise and loving guidance, guidance that your egos, because of their endless fear and need for protection from others and the world,would dismiss as insane.  Nevertheless, often your egos seem to win, and you again allow fear or ‘what if’ thoughts to hold your attention, distracting you yet again from that gentle intuitive knowing that is always with you.  However, your divine connection, your intuition, is ceaselessly patient because it always honors your free will choices and decisions, and when you do make the choice to start accepting its guidance, as you will, it is there ready and utterly willing to present itself to you.

The vast majority presently in human form will start to listen to and be guided by their intuition in this their present incarnation, because they set that intent very powerfully before birth.  Nevertheless, many have undergone or are undergoing intense pain and suffering right now.  So be aware of this and instead of reacting angrily and judgmentally to the insane and destructive behaviors in which some are engaging, pause and tune into those for whom you feel anger or rage and allow yourselves to offer them your love and your forgiveness.  When you do the intensity of your feelings will ease, and you will feel an awareness of and compassion for their pain, allowing Love for them to fill your hearts and reduce any anger or rage you may be feeling for the apparent depravity of the lives they are living.  Remember, everyone presently incarnate chose to be on Earth now to assist in your collective awakening, and not one of you has the knowledge to judge or condemn another.

Source, Love, Mother/Father/God, is infinitely accepting of everyone of Her divine creations, and is eternally at One with each of them.  There is only Love.  Anything that is not in perfect alignment with Love is unreal, it does not and cannot exist.  When you awaken, as you most definitely will, you will understand and know with delight that this is the absolute TRUTH.

With so very much love, Saul.

As the new year of 2024 starts to unfold, many of you are expecting and hoping for some wonderful changes to arise in the way that humans interact with one another as individuals, as families, in social communities, in the work place, and as nations.  You will not be disappointed, great changes are divinely planned and will be implemented, though probably not quite as you are expecting.  These changes are all inter-related and have therefore to be carefully integrated so that the flow of divine energies affecting them can smooth and even dissolve any conflicts that arise.  Conflicts that have been ongoing for many years, will not intensify and cause more suffering than is already being experienced by those living in the conflict zones, enough is enough!

To awaken is to greatly expand your field of vision, thus bringing into view more of the environment of Reality, of Love.  You never left it, you just reduced – some of you massively – the area that you chose to be aware of.  Now, as you awaken, the expanse of the field of Love that you are aware of – relatively small right now – will increase enormously, uplifting and inspiring you, and encouraging you to choose to see even more because it is so stunningly beautiful.

What you chose to do was to focus on what appeared to be wrong, and then you spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to alter the unalterable, and when that did not work, you closed off the view so that it would not disturb you – what you call, in psychological terms, ‘denial.’  To awaken is to let go of fixed and limiting perceptions and beliefs and of the denial of whatever does not align with them.  The unaccustomed depth of perception or field of view into which you open yourselves by awakening will amaze and delight you.  Enormous prospects and opportunities for joy, of which you cannot presently possibly conceive, will open up before you.  It will be like coming out of a dark tunnel into brilliant sunshine.

You will become aware that the Goodness, the Love that is Reality has been enveloping and embracing you since the moment of your creation.  You have always been enfolded within the divine field of Love that is Reality.  However, for an insane moment – to you seemingly eons ago – you made the choice to experience independence and separation from Mother/Father/God.  And because you have free will, and because you are completely and utterly free, and because God always totally honors your free will choices, you entered into an unreal state of intense terror, apparent aloneness and separation, that you had constructed.  It was – to put it crudely – as though you were “giving the finger” to your heavenly and infinitely loving Creator.  It is no wonder that you have all experienced so much guilt, pain, and suffering.

Realization has dawned . . . finally!  Humanity has chosen to awaken, and you are all now totally involved in and assisting with deconstructing and demolishing the unreal arena in which you have been playing seemingly endless games of comparison, corruption, dishonesty, judgment, and punishment.  The games have become so real to you that many still feel and honor an intense need to severely punish “wrong-doers.”  But, by the standards and rules of the games, everyone is guilty.  And, in truth, many of you are still clinging to negative self-judgments – frequently angrily and fearfully projecting them onto others – of unforgivable sinfulness and the consequent sense of unworthiness and abandonment.  This is a terrifying mindset that needs to be completely released.

You are ALL, without exception, God’s beloved children, and the fear, pain, suffering, and punishment that you appear to have been experiencing is utterly and completely unreal – IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!

When you awaken the nightmare will be gone.  You can greatly help your own and humanity’s awakening by choosing to let go of any judgment and any desire to punish “wrongdoers” including, of course, yourselves.  Trust in God’s infinite, magnificent, and most beautiful LOVE – LOVE for each one of YOU and for ALL sentient beings – and allow yourselves, and others, to inspire each other to forgive all others, and to accept forgiveness for yourselves for what essentially has never happened.

God Loves you All – there are and can be NO exceptions – and is flooding you with Love, Her infinite field of Life/Love/Energy, Her Tsunami of Love, in order to powerfully, vigorously, and most energetically assist each one of you to come back into full awareness of your real and true nature as One with Her, forever inseparable from that ONE state of supreme and infinite joy in your eternal existence.

All that you need to do is to Allow Her Love to fill your hearts, instead of clinging so desperately to any sense of sinfulness and unworthiness that, because it is your own free will choice, effectively excludes Her.  That sense, so deeply ingrained in many of you, is Utterly and Completely, INVALID!  But She will NEVER override your free will choices.  Therefore invite and ALLOW Her into your hearts; that is where She wants to be, and feel the Love, the Peace, and the freedom with which she has endowed you since the moment that She created you.

With so very much love, Saul.  

As war and conflict appears to be escalating worldwide, be aware that what is occurring is the endgame of the illusory reality in which you appear to be having an extremely real life that will terminate with the death of your physical bodies.  It is not that simple, the apparent escalation of violence and disagreement around the world is most definitely leading you forwards towards your imminent and inevitable awakening.  The dream or illusory state in which you appear to be living has become a nightmare that is far too intense, and so you cannot avoid awakening from it.  Your awakening is inevitable.

Nearly all of you have had nightmares while you were sleeping that were so real, painful, and frightening that you awakened from them, and then found with relief that they were indeed just nightmares, unreal events that your sleeping minds had imagined into being, and into which you were drawn, seemingly without any option not to engage with them.  What is occurring now is the deeply felt energetic intensification of your collective human dream or nightmare.  What you each experience depends on the life paths you chose before incarnating, and remember that you each did choose your own personal and individual life paths, thus where you are and what you are experiencing is as a direct result of your pre-incarnational intentions.

There are no accidents or coincidences, everything that you experience is as the result of personal and freely made choices, even though you have no recollection of making them, and often have great difficulty in believing that you could ever have made such choices.  The unreality in which you are experiencing your human lives seems intensely real, which is precisely what you intended when you made the collective choice and intent to experience what is impossible, namely separation from your state of eternal and inseparable union with your divine Source.

As Jesus said two thousand years ago “I and my Father are One.”  That statement is the eternal Truth not just for Jesus, but for every sentient being that God creates.  It makes it absolutely and abundantly clear that there is and can never be a state of separation from God, because He is All, eternally without interruption, and therefore your Union with Him is unbreakable even for the briefest of instants.  As humans you are experiencing, by your own individuated and personal choices, an unreal state from which you will inevitably break free or awaken into your natural state of eternal joy. 

KNOW this, trust that it is true, and be at peace as you play your essential parts in the collective awakening process, also knowing that where you are is where you can most perfectly play that part and be of the greatest assistance in humanity’s collective awakening process.

Humanity has made the collective choice and irreversible decision to bring to an end the state of unreality that you are experiencing, along with the conflicts, violence, ill-health, injury, and death that are very painful aspects of it.  Only Love is Real, and anything that is not in complete alignment with It will just dissolve, disintegrate or blow away, as though you were in a fierce dust storm that just blew itself out.  All is well, because All is God, is Love, and is eternally well, as you will come into full and delighted awareness of as your consciousness, your Beingness comes to know Itself once again as it truly is “One with your Father!”

As humans you spend a lot of time doing what you believe is necessary for your survival, and much of that doing is necessary, but just being is also necessary, and mostly you do not allow yourselves enough time for this, because the apparent needs of your daily lives can be very time consuming.  Therefore make a point of reminding yourselves whenever you have a quiet moment – stopped at traffic lights, traveling to work by train or bus, during intervals between meetings, or waiting for the children to come out from school so that you can take them home – that just being is also an essential aspect of daily life for which you need to make time available.

Most of you already do this, but you are frequently distracted by thoughts about your ‘to do list,’ or by interruptions from others, and then you forget and move out of that quiet space to attend to those distractions.  When you remember that this has happened, make a point of making time available later to just be.  You all have also found that when you do manage to make time available and spend it quietly just being, that the ‘space’ in which you are ‘being’ allows you to relax and experience a sense of peace as you, even only momentarily, let go of the need to be doing what you know needs to be done for your daily lives to flow smoothly.  In fact you will even become a little bit re-energized, and find that you do have enough time and resilience to complete whatever task you may have been involved in.

As I keep reminding you, it is absolutely essential to your well-being that you do take time out daily, preferably by entering into your holy inner sanctuaries, to just be.  While you are there reset your intent to be at peace, and then open your hearts and invite Mother/Father/God to fill them with an abundance of Love, thereby fortifying your own natural state of Love.  You and your Mother truly are One, and when you let go of any doubts and uncertainties, or feelings of sinfulness or unworthiness, you will feel the Love of God within you, and know that you are always and eternally in God’s Presence, enfolded most beautifully in Her totally loving embrace.

With so very much love, Saul. 

Despite the unsettling and worrisome news the MSM has to offer you, all truly is well!  Yes, this is hard for many of you to believe, but only Love is Real, and It is inundating Planet Earth.  You can see signs of this in numerous places where quiet loving communities – some very small, some very large – are gathering together and massively affecting the Earth’s energy field and most beautifully dissolving the unreal, but deeply felt and engaged with fears, anxieties, resentments, judgments, and hatreds that have been present in many areas for a very long time.  The Love tide is coming in and washing away all that is not in alignment with It.  Make a point of frequently renewing your trust in God, because doing so helps enormously with your own individual awakening, and also because it is totally justified as there is no one else that you can fully trust!  AND, of course, there is no need for anyone else . . . because only God is!

God is; and all sentient beings are but unique and individuated expressions of God expressing Herself perfectly and beautifully through each one.  Her joy is in knowing and being aware of your eternal presence in Her company – as She is – and that you are all Her joy-filled children, Her magnificent and beautiful offspring because of your eternal and unbreakable Union with Her.  And it brings Her great exultation and delight that you have now collectively chosen to awaken from the dream or nightmare of unreality with which you have been but momentarily engaged . . . remember, there is only NOW!

Every one of you experiences ‘now’ differently, in his or her own totally unique and personal manner in Reality, as an infinitely perfect and joyful encounter.  However, within the illusion ‘now’ occurs or appears in a variety of ways that the one experiencing has personally chosen, and it can run the gamut from extreme pain and suffering to intense joy and peace.  What you experience or undergo is what you have personally chosen in order to learn lessons about life in form – to know and express Love more fully – and to greatly assist in the collective awakening process.  And you are all assisting massively in this process, even if that does not seem to make sense or be the case as you try to understand it from your severely limited individual perspectives, as your lives unfold before you.

The ways of God are infinite, they always honor each individual’s free will, and they always show the way home to Reality when the individual chooses to listen and be aware of God’s Presence and His Will.  God’s Will is eternally loving.  God’s Will is for each and every human to awaken and to know themselves as the Love that they always are, always in constant and eternal Union with Him.

Love . . . Life . . . Consciousness is an infinitely expanding and amplifying sweep of endless energy fields in which All of creation is most gently and lovingly enfolded in the areas of awareness that most perfectly suit each individuated manifestation of God expressing Herself therein.  You cannot, while in your limited state of consciousness as a specific human in form, even start to conceive of the absolute vastness of possibilities for living that are eternally available to you, and in which you are ceaselessly engaged using your immense creative abilities.  The VASTNESS of All is inconceivable, as is the immensity of Joy that awaits your awakening.  I say again: “Truly All Is Well!”

When you awaken, as you most surely will, you will find yourselves rapturously embraced by loved ones whom you have always known, and with some of whom you have experienced human life together as you encouraged and assisted one another – even unknowingly and without any awareness – on the paths you had chosen for yourselves for those intermingled Earthly journeys in order to find your ways Home.  Yes, you have been searching for the way for numerous life-times, and now, having found it, you are to arrive and know yourselves once more as the beautiful beings that each one of you always is.

What God creates is eternally alive and infinitely beautiful, and She created YOU!  Therefore give thanks regularly for the miracle that you are, and know that She wants you to feel Her Love in every moment.  Being ‘in love,’ while certainly a most beautiful experience for humans in form, is as nothing compared to knowing and feeling, in complete and unbroken awareness, God’s endless and constant Love for you.

As you spend your daily quiet time alone, or possibly in a loving group, visiting your holy inner sanctuaries, do remind yourselves of the deep truth of God’s eternal Love for you.  You are completely and utterly worthy of God’s Love for you in every moment of your human lives, for how, as divine creations, could you not be?  You are One with Her in every moment of your eternal existence, without even the briefest momentary interruption, so remind yourselves and allow yourselves to know this and feel it.  Doing so will bring you to a state of intense peace in which any remaining feelings of unworthiness will evaporate, and your trust in Her will strengthen, thus intensifying the effect of your presence as a human on the collective awakening process.

Your presence on Earth now is essential, you are each irreplaceable, so delight in the knowledge that you are mightily assisting all of humanity to awaken as this magnificent event rapidly approaches fruition.

With so very much love, Saul. 

The Thanksgiving Holiday, to be celebrated on Thursday in the USA, is a very appropriate moment for giving thanks right now because your collective awakening is imminent!  I and many others have been telling you this for some considerable time now, and many of you are upset, some are extremely upset because it appears from your vantage point to perhaps be even further from the present moment than you were led to expect.  The MSM and other media are constantly drawing your attention to the ongoing worldwide pain and suffering, whether from extremes of weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and also, of course, from the various human conflicts and wars.  Paying too much attention to that can lead you not only to believe that Love is not present, but even to believe that It never has been.

I would therefore suggest most strongly to you that you do not focus undue amounts of your attention on this misery inducing propaganda that is being massively promulgated all across the worldwide web.  You KNOW deep within yourselves that only Love is Real.  However, there are still many confused ones among you who are constantly guided by fear and hatred, and who are being misled by the propaganda whose sole purpose is to promulgate fear, and through that fear encourage people to accept unjustified authoritarian control of their lives.

You are ALL divine and sovereign beings, created in Love from Love by Mother/Father/God, so dismiss your fears and choose to engage positively and constantly with Love, your true and only nature, and share that engagement with your families and friends – NOT by proselytizing or persuasion – by just being!  To just BE is extremely powerful as you well know, even though, in your human state, you get almost no positive feedback to confirm this.  Remember that as humans what you are experiencing as a life in form is a massive illusion, an illusion that is causing intense pain to billions, and yet, IT IS ILLUSORY!  The peace and joy of Reality is soon to re-envelop you, and then all traces or memories of pain, suffering, hatred and fear will dissolve.

Give Thanks and Celebrate because your awakening is at hand.  At the depths of your being you do know this, you cannot not know it, because you are, always have been and always will be divine beings inseparably and eternally united with Mother/Father/God.  You are presently, by your own choice to be incarnate as humans in this moment, experiencing amnesia.  You are in a state of almost total forgetfulness of your true nature because of your momentary insane choice to experience separation from your all loving divine Source.  But separation never happened, what you are experiencing is illusory, and your awakening from this unhappy state is divinely assured.


Mother/Father/God is Love, is Source, is your Home from which you have never departed, even for the briefest of moments, because there is only NOW, the eternal Presence of God where you reside constantly and without interruption.You are One with your Source, permanently enveloped in the infinite magnificence of Her Presence because there is nowhere else.  There is only God, what else could possibly be needed?

By just being you are most effectively and most powerfully extending and sharing the endless sweep and scope that is All That Is.  Each and every sentient being is feeling and experiencing the infinite flow of Low that never for even a moment ceases to flow throughout God’s divine creation.  It is this abundance of Love that is causing and assuring your awakening.  Each single one of you loving just one other soul is massively assisting in the awakening process.  Do not look for enormous results in the physical environment as a consequence of your choice to be only loving whatever arises, just know that your loving intentions are awakening humanity, that every one of you is essential to bringing the awakening process to its full and brilliant fruition.

Being lovingly active as a human in your daily lives is also extremely effective, because when someone unexpectedly receives your loving smile or words of encouragement, no matter how brief the interaction may seem to be, they are uplifted and inspired because they know that they have been seen!  All of you have experienced the feeling and concurrent emotion of not being seen, it’s an inevitable aspect of the illusion of separation, and it is very painful.  Your loving smile clearly demonstrates to others that you see them, and it is uplifting for them.

When you make your essential daily visit to your holy inner sanctuaries, do remind yourselves of any times that you felt unseen, unacknowledged – maybe very many – so that as you recall the painful sense of dismissal that you felt in that moment you will make a point during the day of actually seeing and acknowledging those with whom you interact, however briefly.  Just being, and actively seeing are immensely powerful demonstrations of Love.  You are all presently incarnate to live in awareness, mindfully sharing the Love that you are, and because it is so amazingly powerful it greatly assists in your collective awakening process, and it is why you incarnated.

Some of the older ones among you may be wondering why you are still living physical lives while many others who are much younger are dying.  Do not grieve their deaths, for they have returned Home to eternal joy.  This is not a meaningful question for you to wrestle with.  Everyone in human form is precisely where they have chosen to be to fulfill the task for which they incarnated, and everyone, without exception, does complete the task they have undertaken most beautifully.

There are no accidents, everything has a divine purpose, so place all your trust fully into the hands of God, and know that all is well.

With so very much love, Saul.