Paper Summary

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Perspective-Taking, Scale, and Dynamicity in Augmented Reality for Learning Geometry (Poster 50)

Thu, April 13, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (9:50 to 11:20am CDT), Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower - Exhibit Level, Riverside West Exhibition Hall


We report on Augmented Reality (AR) technologies that allow for interactive, three-dimensional holograms to be layered over the real-world. Advances in AR have allowed these holograms to be collaborative - such that multiple people can manipulate the same holograms together in real-time. For this study, GeoGebra wrote a custom extension named GeoGebraMR to help high school students explore geometric concepts. The intervention consisted of a geometric object (e.g., hologram of a triangle) which participants used to evaluate an accompanying conjecture. We pull from literature grounded in embodied learning, gesture, and scale. We explored and ran a multimodal analysis on the affordances AR provides through collaborative, embodied sense-making about mathematical ideas such as perspective-taking, dynamicity, and issues of scale.
