Live & Wired Ep 104: Oh, bother.

It feels like mere minutes since Winnie the Pooh has become (blog) public domain... and we're (blog) met with news that HEY! The loveable ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 104: Oh, bother. - Decker Shado More Videos

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Friday the 13th 2009 Movie Review

Before remaking A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Line Cinema actually got a remake of Friday the 13th sent to theaters. This is more impressive, when you consider they actually needed the permission of Paramount to pull this off, due to some remaining (blog post) red tape. Also, I forget to mention it in the review but Jason Voorhees is played by D

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Batman Ninja Movie Review

Another one of those collaborations between American and Japanese studios, Batman Ninja takes Batman and makes him a Ninja! It also takes Ninjas and turns them in (blog post) to Batmen. Bats are also Ninjas that turn into Men. Okay, so (blog post) it's time travel and Japan and probably even crazier than you can imagine.Source: Batman Ninja Movie

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