Customers Satisfaction Based On Zomato Ratings and Reviews Using Machine Learning

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Customers Satisfaction Based on Zomato Ratings

and Reviews using Machine Learning
Gopi Sai Sri Mallu1, Nandhini Devi Divi2, P. Srinu Vasarao3
Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology

Abstract:- Nowadays most of the people are going out to uses the concept of conceptualization in order to create a
grab food, the majority of individuals relying on food platform. By this the user can easily categorise the specific
applications. Though Zomato is popular food app in restaurant and its menu from the restaurant. Also becomes
India, it deals with few challenges like – extreme market easy to the customer to give the reviews as their satisfaction.
competition, loss of market shares, negative impact on Launching the platform there are many difficulties faced by
brand etc. It experiences a major drop of orders during Zomato such as, understanding the needs and preferences of
the month of October, which is a festival season that the customer as well as the competitive land space.
leads to drop down of revenue. Zomato came up with a Research helped the Zomato to identify the opportunities for
solution for this problem, during festival season Zomato differentiation of the growth within the food delivery
provides discounts and coupons on food that they industry.
purchase and asked restaurants and food stalls to keep
open so that customers can make order even on festival Zomato has invested its technology in developing the
season. The few root cause for Zomato are delivery issues technologies. The latest technology of it is robust. This
and delay deliveries that can leads to unhappy customers provides the user-friendly interface for both the customers
and opt other food apps, more competition from other and the partners. It helps in implementation of the
food apps which provides festival offers and discounts algorithms more efficiently and ensuring scalability to
can make the customers to switch other food apps, accommodate for future growth. Zomato mainly focuses on
customers doesn’t come forward to purchase when they acquiring partnership with the restaurant owners in order to
look high cost on food menu without discounts, and develop the platform with wide variety of dining options.
during festival time people more likely to eat outside Building up strong relationships with the owners and chefs
rather than to order food from food apps. To increase was essential for ensuring the diverse and high-quality
more and more deliveries Zomato should ensure with selection of food offerings. It uses the major strategies to
good quality of food, providing transparency in order- campaign their platform to attract the user's attention. This
tracking and delivery of meals in time efficiently, and involved leveraging social media advertising, digital
finally to resolve competition over other apps Zomato advertising, and word-of-mouth referrals to drive user
needs to provide personalized services and make sure the acquisition. Additionally, efforts were made to engage users
deliveries speed and accurate. Zomato make use of through features such as reviews, ratings, and personalized
machine learning to predict real time challenges such as recommendations.
allocating delivery partners, estimating time for
preparation of food and food delivery, and removing or People use Zomato platform to search their wished
deducting fake customer reviews. It also uses ML to restaurants for their food and ratings are given according to
digitalize the food menu and identifies the items included the customer satisfaction. The reviews are also given to the
in that. It includes Natural Language Processing (NLP) owner based on their service. At present it has occupied
to extract the structured data from unstructured data more than 1000 Indian cities and became wide spread. This
from food menu. is mainly engaged with 15-35 years of people. It is estimated
that it takes more than 10million orders every day. There are
Keywords:- Importing and Cleaning Data, Statistical few main reasons for succession, they are: advertising,
Methods, Visualization Techniques, Carrying Out Statistical online-table bookings, online ordering and effective delivery
Tests, Model Prediction. of food. Zomato is very successful online food delivery
application as it mainly delivers Biryani and Pizza. It is
I. INTRODUCTION mainly implemented in cities other than villages because
people in village people do not know the knowledge of
Zomato was initially introduced as foodie Bay the in application.
the year 2008 by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chandah. The
first stage of Zomato is the service of door delivery to the It mainly uses the AI knowledge in order make the
customer from there belonging restaurant. And later on, it customer work easier. Whenever the food is ordered by the
has become a unique company and tied up with the major customer the delivery boy must know the address of the
star restaurants in order to develop their ratings. It becomes customer then it uses Google maps based on the AI
more beneficial to the restaurant owners because this raises knowledge. It is mainly based on the sentimental analysis
the more profits. Because each costumer need not come to that is according to the customers weather they are familiar
the restaurant, they can grab their food by using Zomato. It

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
with the seasonal food. At what time what food the customer  In today's competition, customer satisfaction is very
needs. important. A business cannot imagine its life without
satisfied customers. This paper uses logistic regression to
We use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to classify develop a customer satisfaction model for online food
reviews of customers. It is the area where computer science delivery service. Eight dimensions or variables were
and artificial intelligence are concerns with interactions with considered: better discount, better restaurant selection,
the human and the machine. It helps in processing large better food, packaged food, on-time home delivery,
amount of data and to program it. customer service, payment methods, and fees. The
research revealed that online food delivery service
It uses the branch of Machine Learning which is about providers have deficiencies in terms of food packaging,
analysing any text and handling predictive values. Finally, on-time home delivery, customer service and price.
Zomato faces many circumstances and consequences to  Nowadays, every family member who is introduced to
become successful. It uses the latest technologies all for the western culture has access to swiggy, Zomato, food
customer’s needs and customer satisfaction. It helps in panda etc. He likes to order food from his favourite
providing employment to the un-employee people. It only restaurants through online applications. Usually people
chooses the best for the people. It also collects the reviews pick up the food from the hotel which takes a lot of time
from the customer after delivering the food. to be served. When people go to the market to buy food,
the time takes longer and the price increases. This study
II. LITERATURE SURVEY aims to analyze customer satisfaction with online food
ordering using online applications and how it bridges the
 This article is called "Customer Satisfaction in Online gap between customers and restaurants. This study aims
Services" and aims to understand the online shopping to examine the factors affecting consumers' food
experience, including customer sentiment, customers purchasing through food ordering and their satisfaction
behaviour and trust. The sample size of this study is 200 with these applications. A sample of 45 people was
participants. As technology advances, online grocery recruited through simple random sampling. Surveys were
services have become a hot topic as they meet the need used to collect important information from participants.
for convenience. Online food service will reduce labour SPSS was used to evaluate the feasibility of the research.
costs for hotels and restaurants. This helps customers
browse and order in just a few clicks. It is also possible III. METHODOLOGY
to save their favourite orders so they can easily re-order
in the future. A. Data Collection:
 This article collects negative reviews of the 10 partner Zomato dataset has been taken from Kaggle site
restaurants that sell the most food, fruit, drinks and []. Executed Natural Processing
snacks on our website, ship online, and raises important Language [NLP] on the dataset. And this code is executed in
issues with online shipping services. Finally, the causes Google Colab and Jupiter Notebook.
of the problem are determined and suggestions for
solving the problem are put forward.

Fig. 1: Dataset Import in Jupiter Notebook

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis is accuracy of that dataset.” Instead of relying on one decision
executed on the above dataset to classify the reviews of tree, the random forest takes the prediction from each tree
customers which are in text format and successfully and based on the majority votes of predictions, and it
implemented. predicts the final output. The greater number of trees in the
forest leads to higher accuracy and prevents the problem of
B. Finding Algorithms: over fitting. The below diagram explains the working of the
Here we use Random Forest Machine Learning Random Forest algorithm.
Working of Random Forest Algorithm, we can
Random Forest is a popular machine learning understand the working of Random Forest algorithm with
algorithm which is used for both classification and the help of following steps:
regression problems. This algorithm is based on ensemble
learning – to improve performance of problem, multiple  Step 1 – First, start with the selection of random samples
classifiers are combined together to solve a complex from a given dataset.
problem. Random forests or random decision forests are an  Step 2 − Next, this algorithm will construct a decision
ensemble learning technique for classification. Random tree for every sample. Then it will get the prediction
Forest is a popular machine learning algorithm that belongs result from every decision tree.
to the supervised learning technique. It can be used for both  Step 3 − In this step, voting will be performed for every
Classification and Regression problems in ML. It is based predicted result.
on the concept of ensemble learning, which is a process of  Step 4 − At last, select the most voted prediction result as
combining multiple classifiers to solve a complex problem the final prediction result.
and to improve the performance of the model. As the name
suggests, “Random Forest is a classifier that contains a This Study aims to create a prediction analysis using
number of decision trees on various subsets of the given machine learning.
dataset and takes the average to improve the predictive

Fig. 2: Flowchart of Random Forest Algorithm.

The pseudo code for random forest algorithm can split C. Data Pre-Processing:
into two stages. First, in which ‘n' random trees are created, The given dataset should me pre-processed and this
this forms the random forest. In the second stage, the involves handling missing values, encoding categorical
outcome for the same test feature from all decision trees is variables, scaling numerical features and filtering outliers.
combined. Then the final prediction is derived by assessing
the results of each decision tree or just by going with a D. Data Modification:
prediction that appears the most times in the decision trees. The dataset used here contains ratings and reviews of
customers who have purchased food on Zomato platform.
The dataset is taken from Kaggle site
[]. Data is executed in Jupiter

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 3: Dataset to Perform Random Forest Algorithm

IV. RESULT vectorizer_numeric = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)

X_numeric =
A. Code: vectorizer_numeric.fit_transform(numeric_df.to_dict(orient
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier ='records'))
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split combined_features = hstack([X_text, X_numeric])
from sklearn.metrics import X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test =
accuracy_score,classification_report train_test_split(combined_features, y, test_size=0.2,
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer random_state=42)
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer rf_classifier = RandomForestClassifier()
from scipy.sparse import hstack, y_train)
import pandas as pd predictions = rf_classifier.predict(X_test)
data = pd.read_csv("updateddata.csv") accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)
data['Satisfaction']=np.where(condition,"yes","no") print("Accuracy:", accuracy)
y = data['Satisfaction'] classification_report(y_test, predictions)
numeric_data = data['Rating'] z=X_test.toarray()
text_data = data['Reviews'] a=z[5].reshape(1,-1)
numeric_df = pd.DataFrame(numeric_data) a
vectorizer_text = CountVectorizer() rf_classifier.predict(a)
X_text = vectorizer_text.fit_transform(text_data)

B. Output

Fig. 4: Output

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In the conclusion, the code implements ratings and

reviews of Zomato based on the given dataset using Natural
Language Processing and Random Forest classifier. NLP
classified the text reviews and random forest technique to
predict the Customer Satisfaction on Zomato delivery
services. It almost gave the accurate output based on given


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