Session Summary

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Illuminating Sociality and Learning in Diverse Educational Environments by Interrogating Movement, Touch, and Affect

Sun, April 16, 4:40 to 6:10pm CDT (4:40 to 6:10pm CDT), Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine I

Session Type: Symposium


Building on a talk-in-interaction perspective, our panel seeks to expand conceptualizations of learning so as to include culturally diverse forms of embodiment and sociality. This focus illuminates social processes that are not well understood and thus provides enhanced empirically grounded descriptions for asset-based pedagogies. Each paper of the panel examines diverse educational environments (e.g., musical performance, math play, heritage language instruction, teacher education, and a University-community after-school program) and learners (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, language background) so as to consider the range and variation of the multisensorial and multimodal dimensions integral to learning, paying particular attention to movement, touch, and affect. Across the papers, we consider how our findings can positively impact equity-driven policy decisions and teaching practice.

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