Jurassic City Movie Review

When you're making a movie about dinosaurs who destroy a major city, but can't afford to actually destroy a major city on film... what do you do? Well, if this film is anything to (blog post) go by... do something on a much smaller scale, and just name the thing as if you're doing the bigger picture. (blog) No one will be able to spot the differe

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Godzilla King of the Monsters Movie Review

This week, we look at the unoriginal original Godzilla film! As the 1954 production had to be "Americanized" before it was released in the majority of theaters on this side. So while this takes the original movie and tells the original story, it is (blog) anything but the original version. Nevertheless, how does Hollywood fare inserting Raymond B

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Stitches Movie Review

Starring comedian Ross Noble as Stitches the clown, Stitches is the tale of a clown who has a fateful final birthday party show he never got to finish... until six years later, when he comes back from the grave (blog post) to do so in ways even harder to clean up than overzealous application of cake and gelatin!Source: Stitches Movie Review - Dec

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Critiques of Science Fiction Films

The Host (2006) - This South Korean monster movie about struggling family members to protect their daughter from the gigantic mutated beast in the Han River (blog post) is a thrilling and emotional one to see. The (blog post) direction by Bong (blog) Joonho is exceptional, and the performances from the cast, especially Song Kang-ho's, are top

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