Jason X and space terror sequels

Horror movie sequels are always a hit and most horror movie fans are looking for the next great scare. But what happens when horror movie villains go to space? Here are 5 horror movie villains that went to space. Some were successful, while others were not so much.

The Leprechaun

The Leprechaun film series' last entry, Leprechaun 4: In Space, is a disappointment. Yes, it's set in space, but that's precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. To put it another way, Leprechaun 4 serves as a shining example of how to take an absurd idea and convert it into something really unique. The movie is chock-full of realistic effects, imaginative killings, and Leprechaun lines that will have you rolling on the floor. Leprechaun 4: In Space is a must-see for fans of the Leprechaun franchise or horror films in general.


Hellraiser: Bloodline is a fascinating continuation of the series that also serves as a prequel. The story spans three different time periods: the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s. My expectations for the fourth installment of the series were not very high, and let's be honest: I'm really only here for Pinhead and the other Cenobites. It is always a pleasure to see Doug Bradley perform because he maintains that icy, sinister, and demonic aura. This makes no sense and is difficult to grasp, but who cares about any of those things? Even if you've seen everything of Hellraiser before, you should see Bloodline simply for Pinhead's sequences since they're so terrifying. If you liked Hellraiser or any of the other works by Clive Barker, you should check out this one for sure. Even if there isn't a whole lot of logic behind it, it's still a really entertaining journey.


When I found out that Critters 4 was going to take place in outer space, I have to confess that the prospect piqued my interest. I mean, there's no way they can surpass the quality of the previous Critters flicks, is there? After that, though, I looked over the cast list, and I simply couldn't get excited about it. Brad Dourif? Angela (news source) Bassett? And what about a well-known Danish actor by the name of Anders Hove? It was impossible for me to fathom how this scenario might possibly play out.

And when I eventually saw Critters 4, all of my worst nightmares came true. The plot was poor, the characters were terrible, and it was essentially a rip-off of other successful series that was set in a lousy locale. The most disappointing aspect, from the point of view of the fans, is the fact that the same elements that made the previous installments distinctive and interesting have either been eliminated entirely or are just not there at all. The fourth installment of the Critters franchise is a chaotic and unsatisfying disaster.


It's not often that a lousy horror movie is so awful that it's almost unwatchable, but that's exactly what Dracula 3000 is. I really like being annoyed by Dracula 3000. In spite of the fact that it is terrible for the whole of its running length, my primary complaint is that the conclusion was a complete and utter waste of time, which left me feeling completely unfulfilled. I had high hopes that "Dracula in Space" would be so horrible that it would be hilarious, but unfortunately, it was so bad that it was horrifying. The notion is entertaining, but the performance is terrible, and the conversation is intolerable to the extreme. If you want to have a bad mood for the rest of the day, I suggest you watch the video.

Also, Coolio. It stars Coolio. Did I mention that?

Jason Voorhees

The most notorious sequel to a horror film where the bad guy travels to space is Jason X. The person, the myth, the legend is Jason Voorhees. The method through which he entered space is irrelevant. Nobody questions why he is in space. The fact that Jason is in space and prepared to cause mayhem is all that counts.

In addition to his metamorphosis into Uber Jason, I believe Jason X is worth seeing for its Easter eggs and references to prior Friday the 13th films.

While this film isn't for everyone, it's a must-see for horror lovers who like campy, cheesy slasher flicks.


Horror sequels are a MESS. Some sequels, like Leprechaun 4: In Space, transform a laughable idea. Some, like Dracula 3000, are unwatchable. If you like horror movies, check out these space sequels. Who knows, you could uncover a new horror favorite.

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