
The Paralympics recently witnessed an exemplary performance in a swimming event. With many nations participating in Paralympics, it serves as a testament to their unrelenting will power and exceptional skill sets.

The swimming race had an athlete whose performance stood out from the rest. At no point did the race go out of his hands as he was continuously leading. This ultimately led him to shatter the world record in men’s 50-metre freestyle.

A swimmer becomes a torpedo in the Paralympics


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This Paralympic swimming race starts with all the athletes fully focused. Among one of them is Guo Jincheng from China. With his outstanding skills, he outperformed everyone else who was participating in the race. He ended up with a record time of 29.78.

Man disarms his competition, sets new world record.
byu/Ronin__Ronan inDamnthatsinteresting

He went very swiftly in the water, the commentators as well as the audience, compared him with the speed of a torpedo. Paralympics have always given a good platform for amputee athletes. However, it’s difficult to gauge the gifts that they give to the winners.

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There is a bizarre incident where an amputee athlete was given a watch and it was not accepted well by the fans. At that moment the athlete showed utmost respect to the owner and accepted the gift gracefully. However, the sponsors of the Paralympics quickly came onto the radar for such an act.

People react to this extraordinary performance

A lot of comments came in after this record-breaking swim.

He’s shaped like a torpedo

This comment refers to the shape the athlete took which increased his speed.

“Yes, it’s the same why he won’t lift the head to get air and do the whole lane underwater.

The technique it’s impressive and clever tho”

This comment explains the technique implied by the swimmer which made him faster than the rest of the other athletes.

“It’s not even that. The people who have use of their arms, do not have use of their legs. Like the guy at the bottom lane looks like he does not have use of his lower body. They’re not able to kick, and their speed is slower. I wonder if the arms have a separate category. Legs only seems like an advantage over arms only.”


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This comment throws some light on the debate about some swimmers having legs while some have hands.

How long can this guy hold his breath? Sheesh! I could only see him come up for air once.

This comment reflects on the athlete keeping his head underwater for a longer period of time. It actually aided him to gain speed.


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Paralympics is the category where amputee athletes can show their skill sets and make a mark for themselves. It is an opportunity for them to represent and make their country proud. Records are meant to be broken and it will be crucial to see which next athlete shatters this record. Until that time, Guo Jincheng gets to celebrate his victory as he gave everything he had to win that race.

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Written by

Naman Singh

One Take at a Time
Naman Singh is a writer at EssentiallySports who covers Sports Viral Moments. His arsenal is well-rounded and he surely knows how to keep the readers engaged. Naman is interested in covering live events, as well as the off-court drama that comes with it.
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Edited by

Priyadarshini Ajay