
Man who became a double amputee due to Covid receiving therapy for new prosthetic legs

By: Crystal Martinez

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A man who lost his legs while sick with COVID-19 is currently doing physical therapy twice a day to get used to his prosthetic legs. 

"My wife and my daughter were vaccinated, they were after me and kept after me to get the vaccine and I kept saying ‘No, I'm not going to get it, I'm not going to get it,” Pepe Forina recalled. “Lo and behold, sure enough, I tested positive and here we are."

RELATED: Battle with coronavirus leads to double amputation for Covid survivor

Forina urged the public to continue taking precautions against the virus.

"It's still out there, and it's something that we have to live with,” Forina said. “It's just a matter of taking care of yourself. If you're diagnosed with it or test positive for it, get treatment as fast as possible."

If all goes well for Forina, he could finish his therapy in about two weeks.  


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