Democracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion How to choose between Trump and Biden if you don’t like either

Contributing columnist|
March 27, 2024 at 6:15 a.m. EDT
A bin for Write-ins is seen as workers sort through vote-by-mail ballots for the presidential primary election on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Clark County Elections Office in Vancouver, Wash. (Jenny Kane/AP)
3 min

Welcome to the club, Mike Pence. Now that you have declared that you will not endorse Donald Trump or vote for President Biden, you have become part of my voting bloc: the “double haters.”

The label fits poorly. We have unfavorable views of both major presidential candidates, but you don’t have to hate either of them to be one of us. As a group, we do not seem to be any more hateful than the most loyal supporters of the Republican and Democratic candidates. Maybe we should be called “double realists”; but it’s best not to get too upset about the name. We double skeptics are, in general, even-keeled people.