Moran: Parent Survey
Please complete this survey to help us identify ways to make your child's school the best it can be.
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Academic Achievement
Choose the best answer for each statement. *
Strongly Agree
N/A or No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
It is clear that high levels of engaging, relevant instruction is important at this school.
My child is effectively taught basic skills, critical thinking skills, and problem solving.
Homework is productive and supports learning in the classroom.
I am aware of my child’s progress or problems before progress reports are sent home.
I am satisfied with my child’s academic progress.
My child feels comfortable asking his/her teachers for help.
My child’s teacher(s) are sensitive to my child’s learning style.
My child’s schoolwork and homework assignments are appropriately challenging.
My child’s teacher helps my child develop effective work habits and learn how to manage his/her time.
My child’s teacher motivates my child to learn.
My child’s teacher encourages my child to pursue college and/or trade school.
Teachers provide assistance when students don’t understand what is being taught (tutoring, homework help)
Comments/Suggestions regarding  Academic Achievement  (optional):
Staff Quality
Choose three of the following that you think are most the important qualities for a teacher.
Comments/Suggestions regarding Staff Quality (optional):
School Climate/Safe & Healthy Schools
Choose the best answer for each statement. *
Strongly Agree
N/A or No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
Students, parents, and school personnel share the responsibility for the behavior at my child’s school.
The administration and teachers expect that all students can learn and perform well in school.
Adults at this school challenge my child to do his/her best.
Adults who work in my child’s school treat students with respect.
All cultures, including my own, are treated fairly and with respect at school.
There is at least one adult at the school that my child trusts and can go to for help with a school problem.
School administrators strive to maintain positive traditions, history, and school climate.
I trust the principal/superintendent to make the best decisions for the well-being of the school.
I feel respected and welcome at this school.
I would recommend this school to other families.
Students, parents, and school personnel show pride in the school campus and help to keep it attractive.
Choose the best answer for each statement. *
Strongly Agree
N/A or No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
Discipline is applied fairly and consistently for all students.
Bullying of students is addressed quickly and effectively by school staff and administrators.
There are clear rules against physically hurting other people (ex. hitting, pushing, tripping)
School personnel recognize and address students who are misbehaving.
Bullying is a problem at my child’s school.
Drugs are a problem at this school.
I feel my child is safe while at school.
School staff and students are prepared to react appropriately in an emergency situation at my child's school.
I am aware of where to retrieve my child if my child's school needed to be evacuated in an emergency.
I receive appropriate and timely notifications of emergencies at my child's school.
Comments/Suggestions regarding  School Climate/Safe & Healthy Schools (optional)
Parent & Community Engagement
Choose the best answer for each statement. *
Strongly Agree
N/A or No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
This school makes it easy for me to attend meetings.
I am satisfied with the response I get when I contact my child’s school with questions or concerns.
Teachers and school personnel inform my child and me regularly about how he/she is doing in school. (phone calls, progress reports, emails, weekly communication, etc.)
I am able to read/understand all aspects of my child’s report card.
I feel well-informed about what is going on at the school.
I have opportunities for parent involvement at school.
Parent collaboration and feedback are valued at this school.
Comments/Suggestions regarding Parent & Community Engagement   (optional):
Choose the best answer for each statement. *
Strongly Agree
N/A or No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
I am satisfied with the before/after school programs and activities.
I am satisfied with the technology and other instructional resources available to my child.
My child has access to extra help outside of the classroom when he/she needs it.
This school offers projects, trips and other hands-on learning opportunities that interests my child.
Comments/Suggestions regarding Resources / Other (optional):
Please share any suggestions or comments that would help make our school the best it can be. (optional):
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