A space-faring Pinhead

The sequels of horror films are almost always quite successful, and fans of the subgenre are constantly eager for the next really terrifying experience. But what happens when the villains from horror movies go to outer space? Here is a list of five horror movie antagonists who traveled to outer space. While some were prosperous, others did not do so well in their endeavors.

The Leprechaun

In the Leprechaun horror movie series, Leprechaun 4: In Space is the underrated entry in the franchise. It is true that the action takes place in outer space; nonetheless, the fact that this is the case is precisely what makes it such a phenomenal work. Leprechaun 4 is the ideal illustration of how to take a completely absurd concept and transform it into something "unique." The movie is packed to the brim with hilarious Leprechaun lines, as well as innovative killings and practical effects that will have you rolling on the floor laughing. Watching Leprechaun 4: In Space is must viewing for anybody who like the previous films in the Leprechaun series or horror films in general.


Hellraiser: Bloodline is an intriguing prequel and sequel to the Hellraiser franchise. The plot covers three separate historical periods: the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s. Honestly, I didn't have big hopes for the fourth film in the series, since, let's face it, I'm just here for Pinhead and the Cenobites. It is always a delight to watch Doug Bradley play because he retains that chilly, menacing, and demonic vibe. This makes no logic and is tough to understand, but who cares about any of those things? Even if you've watched the whole Hellraiser series, it's worth seeing Bloodline just for the moments with Pinhead since they're so gruesome. If you loved Hellraiser or any of the other works by Clive Barker, you should check out this one for sure. Even though there isn't a whole lot of logic to it, it's still a tremendously interesting ride.


I was fascinated when I learned that Critters 4 will take place in outer space. I mean, how could they possible beat the previous Critters movies? But then I saw the cast list and it simply didn't seem promising. Brad Dourif? What about Angela Bassett? Also, did you know that Anders Hove is a well-known Danish actor? This was not going to work, in my opinion.

And when I eventually saw Critters 4, all of my worst nightmares came true. The plot was poor, the characters were terrible, and it was essentially a rip-off of other successful series that was set in a lousy locale. The most disappointing aspect, from the point of view of the fans, is the fact that the same elements that made the previous installments distinctive and interesting have either been eliminated entirely or are (bad horror movie sequels) just not there at all. The fourth installment of the Critters franchise is a chaotic and unsatisfying disaster.


Dracula 3000 is one of those rare awful horror movies that's so horrible it's virtually unwatchable. Dracula 3000 is one of my favorite movies to despise. Even though it's horrible during its whole run time my primary problem is that the conclusion was a blatant cop-out leaving me absolutely unhappy . I had thought "Dracula in Space" would be so horrible it's fantastic, but instead it was so bad it was dreadful. The notion is entertaining, but the acting is awful, and the conversation is extremely unpleasant. I suggest seeing it if you want to feel unhappy the rest of the day.

Also, Coolio. It stars Coolio. Did I mention that?

Jason Voorhees

It's hard to think of a horror movie sequel where the bad guy doesn't go to outer space like Jason X. This is Jason Voorhees, the real deal. How he got into space, it doesn't matter. No one is interested in why he is in orbit. Everything else doesn't matter as long as Jason is out there wreaking havoc.

In my view, Jason X is worth seeing for easter eggs and nods to past Friday the 13th movies, as well as his metamorphosis into Uber Jason.

While this movie isn't everyone's bag, it's a terrific viewing for horror movie enthusiasts who adore campy, cheesy, slasher pictures.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Some sequels, like Leprechaun 4: In Space, take a crazy idea and make it into something even better. Some, like Dracula 3000, are so bad that they are almost impossible to watch. If you like horror movies, you should check out some of the more famous horror movie sequels that take place in space. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new scary movie you love.

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