Paper Summary

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Overarching Principles of Social Cognitive Career Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and Interest-Driven Career Theory Through the Lens of Young Scholars Program

Thu, May 4, 7:00am to 7:00pm CDT (7:00am to 7:00pm CDT), AERA i-Presentation Gallery, AERA Virtual i-Presentation Gallery
Fri, May 5, 7:00am to 7:00pm CDT (7:00am to 7:00pm CDT), AERA i-Presentation Gallery, AERA Virtual i-Presentation Gallery


This paper reviews overarching principles of Social Cognitive Career Theory, including familial expectations, self-efficacy, and support, and compares those with overarching principles of Self-Determination Theory, including autonomy, competence, and connection. It applies these principles as an analytic grid to data collected from interviews with pre-college students who are now mid-career and who participated in the 1990s-era Young Scholars Program of the National Science Foundation. SCCT and Self-Determination Theory provide effective markers for the design of workforce development interventions. Coupled with Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) Theory, these frameworks provide important contributions to the design of workforce-oriented initiatives that assure and are fueled by diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging.
