Dorset Council
Here's your latest round-up of news from Dorset Council's
Countryside and Greenspace Teams. Enjoy!
N e w s
Bluebells in amongst green grass, ferns and a fallen tree covered in moss
Greggles and Dumbledores

Thorncombe Wood Local Nature Reserve (LNR) has burst into blue with its annual bluebell display. As an Ancient Woodland Indicator Species, these flowers are an annual reminder of the rich heritage this small LNR hosts. It was once the playground of Thomas Hardy, who captured the old Dorset Dialect word for Bluebells, Greggles, in his novel The Mayor of Casterbridge.

Helped by Heath Croppers, the Rangers manage this reserve for all the Dumbledores, Hoss Tingers, Gapmouths, Twinks and Airmice. Can you identify the animals associated with these old dialect words?
Check your answers
4 photos showing people working on the heathland
Looking after our native reptiles

The Greenspace Team East volunteers spent an unseasonably hot day in early May, digging sand patches for our wonderful native reptiles in Stephen's Castle, Verwood. This Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) heathland is host to all six native reptiles, and we'd like to keep it that way!

The sand patches will provide areas of unshaded sand which are essential for successful egg incubation. All reptiles are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and this work was carried out alongside an expert from Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC). Contact us to find out how you can get involved - new volunteers are always welcome! 
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A group of people working the historic gun battery
Rediscovering High Angle Battery

We have some great news! As part of the 'Rediscovering High Angle Battery' project on Portland, we now have better access to the site. New paths are in, and the tunnels are completely open, making the site accessible for all to visit. Also, a team of volunteers (EuCAN) has been busy clearing the site of vegetation that is harming the heritage. Work is now underway to ensure High Angle Battery's story is told to all who visit.
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Before and after photos or old wooden stile and new metal kissing gate
Improving access

The Greenspace Team East has been working with a landowner in the Colehill area to improve access across their land, whilst ensuring the safety of their cattle and sheep. The team removed a rickety stile, and replaced it with a shiny new kissing gate. This is the first of two accessibility improvements on this route; the team will be returning in the autumn (when the birds have finished nesting) to remove some scrub, replace another stile with a kissing gate, and upgrade a sleeper bridge across a stream.
Pale yellow butterfly with leaf shaped wings
Butterflies fluttering by

The Rangers at Thorncombe Wood are enjoying the first real week of sunshine. While they work, they have been spotting the butterflies that call the reserve home. Small Coppers, Holly Blues, Orange Tips, Peacocks, Red Admirals and plenty of Brimstones have finally taken to the wing. As the summer advances, they hope to see all 30 species currently recorded in the reserve including Green Hairstreaks, Silver-studded Blues, Graylings, and Silver-washed Fritillaries. 
Photo by J Locke
Identify a butterfly
Two photos of volunteers clearing Himalayan Balsam
Plant pulling

It's that time of year again! The Greenspace Team East volunteers have started their annual Himalayan Balsam pull at Woolslope in West Moors. This invasive species is very pretty when it's in flower, but it is prolific and outcompetes with our native plants. Each plant can produce an impressive 500 seeds, which can be propelled up to 7 metres by their explosive seed pods! The team will be on site for a number of Tuesdays in May and June. If you’d like further information about volunteering in East Dorset, then please get in touch.
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E v e n t s
Three images of artists' work
Dorset Art Weeks at Durlston Country Park

From Saturday 25 May - Sunday 9 June, Durlston will celebrate Dorset Art Weeks. The Fine Foundation Gallery is host to 'An Instinct of Hope', a group exhibition curated by Dorset Visual Arts, celebrating Dorset's landscape and wildlife. In the Learning Centre and Studio, 'On the Wild Side', by artists Heather Gibbons and Robin Mackenzie, will explore the coastal landscape in oils, wood engravings and lino cuts.
Find out more about exhibitions at Durlston
Tasty Treats Trail purple banner with photos of 3 different plants (nettle, ragwort and sundew)
Who eats what?

Our Rangers have got some new Puss moth caterpillars and they need your help to find out what to feed them! Hunt down the clues to find out the Puss moth caterpillar’s favourite food and learn about what creatures eat our heathland plants along the way. £3.70 with prize bag from the Visitor Centre, 10am-4pm.
Ranger showing girl with net something found in the pond
Pond dipping at Moors Valley

Join the Rangers on Wednesday 29 May and see what you can net in a splash of pond dipping! Discover an abundance of pond-dwelling fauna living on our very own Ranger Den Garden.
Book now to reserve your place
Girl balancing on wooden beam play equipment
May half term at Durlston

Head to Durlston Country Park for a fun-filled May half term! Durlston will be host to a ‘Super Seabirds’ kids activity trail running daily, a Ranger-led ‘Brilliant Bird Feeder’ kids activity, and a ‘Wild Wednesdays’ drop-in craft and activity session. On top of this, there’s plenty to look at in the castle, as well as our outdoor play trail.
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Two adult sheep and a lamb
Sheep Shearing Sundays are back!

For an extra half-term treat, come and meet our local grazier Richard, and watch sheep being sheared whilst learning more about grazing animals and their behaviour. Richard and his sheep will be on the green by the play area from 1pm onwards on Sunday 26 May. If you can't make it then, they'll be back on Sunday 2 and 9 June.
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Four photos of wildlife - guillemot, flowers and a large moth resting on someone's hand
Guided Walks Galore!

May is a fantastic time of year to visit Durlston Country Park. The Seabird colonies are in full swing with Guillemots, Razorbills and Fulmars all sitting on their eggs. More and more butterflies are emerging, and the meadows are full of life.

Why not join a Ranger-led guided walk to learn more about the wildlife at the park? May is host to plenty of guided walks, from our ‘Meet a Moth’ events and Meadow walks to 'Birdwatching for Beginners'.

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Avon Heath  |  Durlston  |  Moors Valley  |  Thorncombe Wood
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