The image is a detailed emotion wheel, which has three rings. The first, central ring consists of seven emotions with associated colors. The second ring contains more detailed adjectives and terms for the emotions in the center. The third ring contains even more detailed adjectives and terms, branching out from the second ring.

Beginning at the top right and going clockwise, the emotions and colors at the center are; “Fearful” in yellow, “Angry” in red, “Disgusted” in black, “Sad” in blue, “Happy” in a pale yellow, and “Surprised” in purple.

Fearful branches out into the emotional descriptors of scared, anxious, insecure, weak, rejected, and threatened. Scared branches out into helpless and frightened; anxious into overwhelmed and worried; insecure into inadequate and inferior; weak into worthless and insignificant; rejected into excluded and persecuted; threatened into nervous and exposed.

Angry branches out into the emotional descriptors of let down, humiliated, bitter, mad, aggressive, frustrated, distant, and critical. Let down branches out into betrayed and resentful; humiliated into disrespected and ridiculed; bitter into indignant and violated; mad into furious and jealous; aggressive into provoked and hostile; frustrated into infuriated and annoyed; distant into withdrawn and numb; critical into skeptical and dismissive.

Disgusted branches out into the emotional descriptors of disapproving, disappointed, awful, and repelled. Disapproving branches out into judgmental and embarrassed; disappointed into appalled and revolted; awful into nauseated and detestable; repelled into horrified and hesitant.

Sad branches out into the emotional descriptors of hurt, depressed, guilty, despair, vulnerable, and lonely. Hurt branches out into embarrassed and disappointed; depressed into inferior and empty; guilty into remorseful and ashamed; despair into grief and powerless; vulnerable into victimized and fragile; lonely into isolated and abandoned.

Happy branches out into the emotional descriptors of playful, content, interested, proud, accepted, powerful, peaceful, trusting, and optimistic. Playful branches out into aroused and cheeky; content into free and joyful; interested into curious and inquisitive; proud into successful and confident; accepted into respected and valued; powerful into courageous and creative; peaceful into loving and thankful; trusting into sensitive and intimate; optimistic into hopeful and inspired.

Surprised branches out into startled, confused, amazed, and excited. Startled branches out into shocked and dismayed; confused into disillusioned and perplexed; amazed into astonished and awe; excited into eager and energetic.

Bad branches out into bored, busy, stressed, and tired. Bored branches out into indifferent and apathetic; busy into pressured and rushed; stressed into overwhelmed and out of control; tired into sleepy and unfocused.