Space-based Dracula

Horror movie sequels are always popular, and most people who like scary movies are always looking for the next big scare. But what happens when the bad guys in a horror movie go to space? Here are 5 bad guys from scary movies who went to space. Some did well, while others didn't do so well.

The Leprechaun

The weak link in the series is Leprechaun 4: In Space. The fact that it is situated in space is what makes it so fantastic. Leprechaun 4 transforms a ridiculous notion into something "special." You'll be laughing at the realistic effects, ingenious killings, and Leprechaun remarks. Watch Leprechaun 4: In Space if you like the Leprechaun series or horror movies.


As a precursor and a sequel, Hellraiser: Bloodline is an interesting addition to the franchise. The plot covers three separate historical periods: the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s. Honestly, I didn't have big hopes for the fourth film in the series, and to be honest, the only reason I'm watching is to see more of Pinhead and the Cenobites. It is always a delight to watch Doug Bradley play because he retains that chilly, menacing, and demonic vibe. This makes no logic and is tough to understand, but who cares about any of those things? Even if you've watched the whole Hellraiser series, you should still see Bloodline for the frightening parts with Pinhead. If you loved Hellraiser or any of the other works by Clive Barker, you should check out this one for sure. Even though there isn't a whole lot of logic to it, it's still a tremendously interesting ride.


Critters 4's space setting piqued my interest. How could they top the first Critters? The cast list wasn't encouraging. Dourif? Bassett? Anders Hove, the Danish actor? How could this work?

And after viewing Critters 4, I was correct. It has a terrible setting, a terrible story, and terrible people. Fans are displeased because the characteristics that distinguished and enjoyed past entries are absent or missing. Critters 4 is a terrible failure.


The horror film Dracula 3000 is one of those rare examples of a horrible horror movie that is so awful that it is almost impossible to watch. I despise Dracula 3000 with a passion. In spite of the fact that it is terrible for the whole of its running length, my primary complaint is that the conclusion was a complete and utter waste of time and left me feeling absolutely (Uber Jason) disappointed. I had high hopes that "Dracula in Space" would be so horrible that it would be hilarious, but unfortunately, it was so bad that it was awful. Although the idea is entertaining, the performance is subpar, and the conversation is almost insufferable to sit through. If you want to have a terrible mood for the rest of the day, you should definitely watch it.

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Jason Voorhees

The most notorious horror movie sequel to include a villain who travels through space is called Jason X. Jason Voorhees is the actual person behind the story, the myth, and the legend. It makes no difference how he went into space once he was there. Nobody bothers to know why he's out in space. Everything else is irrelevant as long as Jason is out there wreaking havoc somewhere in space.

In my view, Jason X is interesting to see not just because of his transformation into Uber Jason but also because it contains easter eggs and references to previous installments in the Friday the 13th film series.

While this movie isn't everyone's bag, it's a terrific viewing for horror movie enthusiasts who adore campy, cheesy, slasher pictures.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Leprechaun 4: In Space, for example, takes a silly concept and turns it into something very memorable. Others, like Dracula 3000, are so terrible they're virtually unwatchable. If you're a horror movie enthusiast, it's certainly worth checking out some of the most iconic horror movie sequels in space. This may be the start of an all-new love affair with the genre for you.

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