Critical Analysis of the Slasher Film Leprechaun 3

Leprechaun 3 is both superior to Leprechauns 1 and 2, as well as inferior to Leprechaun 2.

It does this by having a terrible first act that is still entertaining. Mark Jones can't write convincing dialogue for any of his characters except for the Leprechaun.

Scott McCoy, played by John Gatins, had some of the worst lines ever written for a college student, and I really felt horrible for him. Almost no one could sit through it.

In the second act, Scott becomes infected with the Leprechaun's blood, and the rest of the film is nothing but a wonderful time.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the second act is that Warwick Davis gets to give almost all of his monologue in rhyme, which can be rather funny.

Without Davis, these flicks would be completely unwatchable. With him, the Leprechaun Review of Leprechaun 3 from 1995 has an entertainingly destructive appeal.

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