Session Submission Summary

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Teaching as Labor in the Neoliberal University

Fri, August 18, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Grand Ballroom Salon L

Session Submission Type: Workshop


The recent strike across University of California campuses included 48,000 academic workers and represented the largest academic strike in United States labor history. This event, along with the recent wave of academic labor actions beyond the UC, prompts us to consider teaching and pedagogy through the organization of labor in the neoliberal university. In this workshop, we will discuss the possibilities of considering teaching from a labor, rather than pedagogical, orientation. Drawing on several autoethnographies of teaching assistants as they learn to navigate the university’s labor structure as academics-in-training, we suggest an alternative dimension to talking about teaching that begins from a labor process perspective. Specific topics include lesson plans as labor games, arrhythmias in teaching and research, student support as care work, manager relations across teaching teams, and the role of silence in developing teaching labor. Attendees will expand their toolkit for analyzing their own teaching labor and the valuation of teaching within their institutions.

Sub Unit

Session Organizer

