A Guide To The Best Packaging Solutions For Juices, Lassi, and Beverages

A Guide To The Best Packaging Solutions For Juices, Lassi, and Beverages
Date: 20-06-2022

Fruit juices, lassi, and other beverages have been a large part of the beverage industry for years. However, all fruit juices and other beverages oxidize slowly and gradually lose vitamins and change flavors to something less desirable. It can happen either during the juicing process, packaging process, transportation process, or storage process.

There is no one size fits all solution for juices or other beverages in the industry, it all depends on many factors.

In this article, we will explore the best packaging solutions for juices, lassi, and beverages which provides a comprehensive understanding of packing material types and storage needs.


Best Packaging Solutions For Juices, Lassi, and Beverages


There are three most popular types of packaging for juice, lassi, water, and other beverages: glass, carton, and PET. Each of these offers its own set of strengths and weaknesses, but which one fares better when compared to the others? Let’s read.

When considering how well a packaging material performs, it is vital to consider its ability to protect the products it holds. You should also look at how easy it can be recycled and whether or not it has a long shelf life.

Three properties that packaging should possess for it to effectively protect products from degradation are as follows:

1.   Aroma barrier.

2.   Gas barrier.

3.   Light barrier.


Nearly all beverages are highly susceptible to oxidation because of their fragile nature. This means that the drink will often deteriorate very quickly due to a loss of nutrients and a change in color or flavor profile.

The gas barrier of packaging plays a major role in determining oxidation rate and consequently quality depletion. The other important factor is exposure to oxygen which includes how porous or permeable the walls of the packaging are.


Glass Bottles


Talking about aroma and gas barriers, Glass Bottles are just as good if not better than any other packaging material. You can trust glass bottles to provide excellent protection because they naturally have perfect aroma and gas barriers.

However, improper tightness around the metal cap or closure might lead to oxygen exposure. With that said, this can be easily minimized by using cap liner solutions, available in plenty in the market.

Visible light penetrates via clear glass, and it may affect compounds that are sensitive to light or heat, like certain vitamins. Using UV absorbers is a good solution to protect the contents of a glass bottle against UV rays.

Juices especially when packaged in glass usually have a shelf-life of  6months to 1 year or more. The hot-filling method is the most popular filling method used for packaging beverages in glass.




Cartons, also called the laminated cardboard carbon, are used more often for packaging fruit and dairy beverages than any other form of packaging material. While features such as package shape and openings are important factors for customers, differences in packaging material and filling systems are a major concern for manufacturers and have a huge impact on product quality.

The majority of shelf-stable juices and other beverages packaged in cartons are filled in an aseptic manner at a proper room temperature.

Hydrogen peroxide is the main compound used to sterilize carbon packages before they go for the filling and sealing process. In this way, the product doesn’t come into contact with any air or moisture, or oxygen during the filling process in Tetra Pak. For headspace, nitrogen gas is injected into the product first. This makes sure that the product is not exposed to oxygen at any stage.

The cartons usually have a slim aluminum film, that acts as an efficient gas barrier. This thin aluminum film also prevents penetration of aroma and exposure to light.


PET Bottles


From the consumer's viewpoint, PET bottles have major advantages over glass. These bottles are unbreakable and lightweight but also aesthetically pleasing to look at.

However, the situation is not that simple for manufacturers producing juices and other similar fruit-based beverages. While PET does provide a decent aroma barrier and oxygen barrier,  it is unsuitable for preserving beverages that are sensitive to oxygen over long periods. In addition, visual changes such as faded color or browning are noticeably more pronounced in PET bottles due to their thin-walled material which makes it easier for light to permeate the bottle.

Given the success of PET bottles in storing other drinks, the industry is focused on improving its gas barrier properties while remaining economical.


All in all, juice, lassi, and beverage manufacturers have many choices as far as packaging is concerned. Before picking one, one must gain an in-depth knowledge of not only their product but also of different packaging materials and systems. Then they will be able to make the most appropriate choice.


At Smart Packaging Systems, we provide packaging that preserves the freshness and quality of juice for customers, letting them drink pure deliciousness in every sip. Our aseptic packaging solution will give you shelf-stable juice that stays fresh for longer and helps preserve its natural colors, taste, and consistency.













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