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Are the People of America 





From May 2, 1936, to October 10, 1939, I was a dues-paying mem¬ 
ber of the Communist Party, operating under my own name Ken¬ 
neth Goff, and also the alias John Keats. In 1939, I voluntarily ap¬ 
peared before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washing- 
tin, D. C., which was chairmaned at that time by Martin Dies, and 
my testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year's Congressional 

During the period that I was a member of the Communist Party, I 
attended their school which was located at 113 E. Wells St., Mil¬ 
waukee, Wisconsin, and operated under the name Eugene Debs La¬ 
bor School. Here we were trained in all phases of warfare, both 
psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic 
society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we 
went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art 
of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake 
mental health—the subjecting of whole nations of people to the rule 
of the Kremlin by the capturing of their minds. We were taught 
that the degradation of the populace is less inhuman than their, 
destruction by bombs, for to an animal who lives only once any life 
is sweeter than death. The end of a war is the control of a con¬ 
quered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war 
the end of the war will have been achieved without the destructions 
of war. 

During the past few years I have noted with horror the increase 
of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public. First in the 
brainwashing of our boys in Korea, and then in the well-financed 
drive of mental health propaganda by left-wing pressure groups, 
wherein many of our states have passed Bills which call well be 
used by the enemies of America to subject to torture and imprison¬ 
ment those who preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus 
Christ, and who oppose the menace of Communism. A clear example 
of this can be seen in the Lucille Miller case. In this warfare the 
Communists have definitely stated: “You must recruit every agency 
of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religious 

Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen 
in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which was 
called for in the .Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this 
Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allot¬ 
ment could not be for that small territory, and the Bill within itself 
establishes such authority that it could be -turned into a prison camp 
under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice 
against Communism and the hidden government operating in our 

This book was used in underground schools, and contains the ad¬ 
dress of Beria to -the American students in the Lenin University 
prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Commu¬ 
nist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was 
used in America for the training of Communist cadre. The only re¬ 
vision in this book is the summary, which was added by the Com¬ 
munists after the atomic bomb came into being. In its contents you 
can see the diabolical plot of the enemies of Christ and America, as 
they seek to conquer our nation by subjecting the minds of our peo¬ 
ple to their will by various sinister means. 

This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of 
every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is 
not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered. 



Editorial Note ----- 1 

An Address By Beria _____ 3 


The History and Definition of Psychopolitics_ 5 


The Constitution of Man as a Political Organism_ 8 


Man as an Economic Organism _____13 


State Goals for the Individual and Masses_17 


An Examination of Loyalties _19 


The General Subject of Obedience ___29 


Anatomy of Stimulus-Response Mechanisms of Man_35 


Degradation, Shock and Endurance___41 


The Organization of Mental Health Campaigns_45 


Conduct Under Fire ___50 


The Use of Phychopolitics in Spreading Communism ..53 

Violent Remedies ______54 


Recruiting of Psychopolitical Dupes __56 


The Smashing of Religious groups __ __58 


Proposals Which Must Be Avoided ____61 


In Summary __________64 


American students at the Lenin University, I welcome your atten¬ 
dance at these classes on Psychopolitics. 

Psychopolitics is an important if less known division of Geo-politics. 
It is less known because it must necessarily deal with highly educated 
personnel, the very top strata of “mental healing.” 

By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. 
To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our 
first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, 
economic depression and scientific turmoil. At least a weary populace 
can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only Com¬ 
munism can resolve the problems of the masses. 

A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos 
in the fields of “mental healing.” He must recruit and use all the 
agencies and facilities of “mental healing.” He must labor to increase 
the personnel and facilities of “mental healing” until at last the en¬ 
tire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist prin¬ 
ciples and desires. 

To achieve these goals the psychopolitician must crush every 
“home-grown” variety of mental healing in America. Actual teachings 
ot James, Eddy and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your mis¬ 
guided people must be swept aside. They must be discredited, defamed, 
arrested, stamped upon even by their own government until there is 
no credit in them and only Communist-oriented “healing” remains. 
You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or 
knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise of “psy¬ 
chology.” You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either 
a psycho-politician or an unwitting assistant to our aims. 

You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies 
of every important person in your nation. You must achieve such dis¬ 
repute for the state of insanity and such authority over its pro¬ 
nouncement that not one statesman so labeled could again be given 
credence by his people. You must work until suicide arising from 
mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation 
or remark. 

With the institutions for the insane you have in your country pris¬ 
ons which can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil 
rights or any hope of freedom. And upon these people can be prac¬ 
ticed shock and surgery so that never again will they draw a sane 
breath. You must make these treatments common and accepted. And 
you must sweep aside any treatment or any group of persons seeking 
to treat by effective means. 

You must dominate as respected men the fields of psychiatry and 
psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities. You 
must carry forward the myth that only a European doctor is com¬ 
petent in the field of insanity and thus excuse amongst you the high 
incidence of foreign birth and training. If and when we seize Vienna 
you shall have then a common ground of meeting and can come and 
take your instructions as worshippers of Freud along with other 

Psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it you can erase our enemies 

as insects. You can cripple the efficiency of leaders by striking in¬ 
sanity into their families through the use of drugs. You can wipe 
them away with testimony as to their insanity. By our technologies 
you can even bring about insanity itself when they seem too resistive. 

You tan change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short 
time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a 
soldier in our hands or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or 
tou can destroy his mind. 

However you labor under certain dangers. It may happen that 
remedies for our “treatments” may be discovered. It may occur that 
a public hue and cry may arise against “mental healing.” It may 
thus occur that all mental healing might be placed in the hands of 
ministers and be taken out of the hands of our psychologists and 
psychiatrists. But the Capitalistic thirst for control, Capitalistic in¬ 
humanity and a general public terror of insanity can be brought to 
guard against these things. But should they occur, should indepen¬ 
dent researchers actually discover means to undo psychopolitical pro¬ 
cedures, you must not rest, you must not eat or sleep, you must not 
stint one tiniest bit of available money to campaign against it, dis¬ 
credit it, strike it down and render it void. For by an effective means 
all our actions and researches could be undone. 

In a Capitalistic state you are aided on all sides by the corruption 
of the philosophy of man and the times. You will discover that every¬ 
thing will aid you in your campaign to seize, control and use all 
“mental healing” to spread our doctrine and rid us of our enemies 
within their own borders. 

Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, 
use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not 
stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded 
you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will 
and you can, by careful organization of healing societies, by constant 
campaign about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effec¬ 
tiveness make your Capitalist himself, by his own appropriations, 
finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of the nation. 

By psychopolitics create chaos. Leave a nation leaderless. Kill our 
enemies. And bring to Earth, through Communism, the greatest 
peace Man has ever known. 

Thank you. 


We urge every reader of this book to roll up his sleeves and 
take an active part in helping to block this diabolical plan for 
enslaving America through “brain-washing” our people, and es¬ 
pecially our youth. Order copies of this book for your local of¬ 
ficials, public library, police department, etc. 

$1.00 per copy; 3 copies for $2.50; 10 copies for $7.00. 
Order from your local distributor, or direct from the publisher, 
Freedom Builders of America, Valley Center, California. 

Special discounts to Civic Groups and Dealers on orders for 
100 copies or more. 




Although punishment for its own sake may not be en¬ 
tirely without recompense, it is, nevertheless, true that the 
end and goal of all punishment is the indoctrination of the 
person being punished with an idea, whether that idea be 
one of restraint or obedience. 

In that any ruler has, from time beyond memory, needed 
the obedience of his subjects in order to accomplish his 
ends, he has thus resorted to punishment. This is true of 
every tribe and state in the history of Man. Today, Rus¬ 
sian culture has evolved more certain and definite methods 
of aligning and securing the loyalties of persons and popu¬ 
laces, and of enforcing obedience upon them. This, modern 
outgrowth of old practice is called Psychopolitics. 

The stupidity and narrowness of nations not blessed with 
Russian reasoning has caused them to rely upon practices 
which are, today, too ancient and out-moded for the rapid 
and heroic pace of our time. And in view of the tremen¬ 
dous advance of Russian Culture in the field of mental tech¬ 
nologies, begun with the glorious work of Pavlov and car¬ 
ried forward so ably by later Russians, it would be strange 
that an art and science would not evolve totally devoted 
to the aligning of loyalties and extracting the obedience of 
individuals and multitudes. 

Thus we see that psychopolitical procedures are a natural 
outgrowth of practices as old as Man, practices which are 
current in every group of men throughout the world. Thus, 
in psychopolitical procedures there is no ethical problem, 
since it is obvious and evident that Man is always coerced 
against his will to the greater good of the State, whether 
by economic gains or indoctrination into the wishes and 
desires of the State. 

Basically, Man is an animal. He is an animal which has 
been given a ciyilized veneer. Man is a collective animal, 
grouped together for his own protection before the threat 
of the environment. Those who so group and control him 
must then have in their possession specialized techniques 

to direct the vagaries and energies of the animal Man to¬ 
ward greater efficiency in the accomplishment of the goals 
of the State. 

Psychopolitics, in one form or another, have long been 
used in Russia, but the subject is all but unknown outside 
the borders of our nation, save only where we have carefully 
transplanted our information and where it is used for the 
greater good of the nation. 

The definition of Psychopolitics follows. 

Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and 
maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of 
individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting 
of the conquest of enemy nations through “mental healing.” 

The subject of Psychopolitics breaks down into several 
categories, each a natural and logical proceeding from the 
last. Its first subject is the constitution and anatomy of 
Man, himself, as a political organism. The next is an 
examination of Man as an economic organism, as this might 
be controlled by his desires. The next is classification of 
State goals for the individual and masses. The next is an 
examination of loyalties. The next is the general subject of 
obedience. The next is the anatomy of the stimulus-re¬ 
sponse mechanisms of Man. The next is the subjects of 
shock and endurance. The next is categories of experience. 
The next is the catalyzing and aligning of experience. The 
next is the use of drugs. The next is the use of implanta¬ 
tion. The next is the general application of Psychopolitics 
within Russia. The next is the organization and use of 
counter-Psychopolitics. The next is the use of Psycho¬ 
politics in the conquest of foreign nations. The next is 
psychopolitical organizations outside Russia, their composi¬ 
tion and activity. The next is the creation of slave philos¬ 
ophy in an hostile nation. The next is countering anti¬ 
psychopolitical activities abroad, and the final one, the des¬ 
tiny of psychopolitical rule in a scientific age. To this 
might be added many subcategories, such as the nullifica¬ 
tion of modern weapons by psychopolitical activity. 

The strength and power of Psychopolitics cannot be over¬ 
estimated, particularly when used in a nation decayed by 
pseudo-intellectualism, where exploitation of the masses 


combines readily with psychopolitical actions, and particu¬ 
larly where the greed of Capitalistic or Monarchial regimes 
has already brought about an overwhelming incidence of 
neurosis which can be employed as the groundwork for 
psychopolitical action and a psychopolitical corps. 

It is part of your mission, student, to prevent psycho¬ 
political activity to the detriment of the Russian State, 
just as it is your mission to carry forward in our nation 
and outside it, if you are so assigned, the missions and goals 
of Psychopolitics. No agent of Russia could be even re¬ 
motely effective without a thorough grounding in Psycho¬ 
politics, and so you carry forward with you a Russian trust 
to use well what you are learning here. 


All UNDERSCORING of various passages has been added 
to emphasize the fact that certain of the practices taught in 
this authentic Communist textbook are already being used; or 
are being urged by various "pressure groups” attempting to 
influence our legislative bodies in our cities, states, and in 
our Nation’s capitol. 

The information contained in this book should be in the hands 
of every American citizen. We urge you, The Reader, to do your 
part in giving this book wide circulation. 


Valley Center, California 





Man is already a colonial aggregation of cells, and to 
consider him an individual would be an error. Colonies of 
cells have gathered together as one organ or another of the 
body, and then these organs have, themselves, gathered to¬ 
gether to form the whole. Thus we see that man, himself, 
is already a political organism, even if we do not consider 
a mass of men. 

Sickness could be considered to be a disloyalty to the re¬ 
maining organisms on the part of one organism. This dis¬ 
loyalty, becoming apparent, brings about a revolt of some 
part of the anatomy against the remaining whole, and thus 
we have, in effect, an internal revolution. The heart, be¬ 
coming disaffected, falls away from close membership and 
service to the remainder of the organism, and we discover 
the entire body in all of its activities is disrupted because 
of the revolutionary activity of the heart. The heart is in 
revolt because it cannot or will not co-operate with the re¬ 
mainder of the body. If we permit the heart thus to revolt, 
the kidneys, taking the example of the heart, may in their 
turn rebel and cease to work for the good of the organism. 
This rebellion, multiplying to other organs and the glandu¬ 
lar system, brings about the death of the “individual. ,, We 
can see with ease that the revolt is death, that the revolt of 
any part of the organism results in death. Thus we see 
that there can be no compromise with rebellion. 

Like the “individual” man, the State is a collection of 
aggregations. The political entities within the State must, 
all of them, co-operate for the greater good of the State 
lest the State itself fall asunder and die, for with the dis¬ 
affection of any single distrust we discover an example set 
for other districts, and we discover, at length, the entire 
State falling. This is the danger of revolution. 

Look at Earth. We see here one entire organism. The 
organism of Earth is an individual organism. Earth has 
as its organs the various races and nations of men. Where 
one of these is permitted to remain disaffected, Earth itself 

— 8 — 

is threatened with death. The threatened rebellion of one 
country, no matter how small, against the total organism 
of Earth, would find Earth sick, and the cultural state of 
man to suffer in consequence. Thus, the putrescent illness 
of Capitalist States, spreading their pus and bacteria into 
the healthy countries of the world would not do otherwise 
than bring about the death of Earth, unless these ill organ¬ 
isms are brought into loyalty and obedience and made to 
function for the greater good of the world-wide State. 

The constitution of Man is so composed that the individual 
cannot function efficiently without the alignment of each 
and every part and organ of his anatomy. As the average 
individual is incapable, in an unformed and uncultured 
state, as witness the barbarians of the jungle, so must he 
be trained into a co-ordination of his organic functions by 
exercise, education, and work toward specific goals. We 
particularly and specifically note that the individual must 
be directed from without to accomplish his exercise, edu¬ 
cation, and work. He must be made to realize this, for only 
then can he be made to function efficiently in the role as¬ 
signed to him. 

The tenets of rugged individualism, personal determin¬ 
ism, self-will, imagination, and personal creativeness are 
alike in the masses antipathetic to the good of the Greater 
State. These willful and unaligned forces are no more than 
illnesses which will bring about disaffection, disunity, and 
at length the collapse of the group to which the individual 
is attached. 

The constitution of Man lends itself easily and thoroughly 
to certain and positive regulation from without of all of ita 
functions, including those of thinkingness, obedience, and 
loyalty, and these things must be controlled if a greater 
State is to ensue. 

While it may seem desirable to the surgeon to amputate 
one or another limb or organ in order to save the remaind¬ 
er, it must be pointed out that this expediency is not en¬ 
tirely possible of accomplishment where one considers en¬ 
tire nations. A body deprived of organs can be observed 
to be lessened in its effectiveness. The world deprived of 
the workers now enslaved by the insane and nonsensical 

— 9 — 

idiocies of the Capitalists and Monarchs of Earth, would, 
if removed, create a certain disability in the world-wide 
State. Just as we see the victor forced to rehabilitate the 
population of a conquered country at the end of a war, 
thus any effort to depopulate a disaffected portion of the 
world might have some consequence. However, let us con¬ 
sider the inroad of virus and bacteria hostile to the organ¬ 
ism, and we see that unless we can conquer the germ, the 
organ or organism which it is attacking will, itself, suffer. 

In any State we have certain individuals who operate in 
the role of the virus and germ, and these, attacking the 
population or any group within the population, produce, by 
their self-willed greed, a sickness in the organ, which then 
generally spreads to the whole. 

The constitution of Man as an individual body, or the 
constitution of a State or a portion of the State as a political 
organism are analogous. It is the mission of Psychopolitics 
first to align the obedience and goals of the group, and then 
maintain their alignment by the eradication of the effective¬ 
ness of the persons and personalities which might swerve 
the group toward disaffection. In our own nation, where 
things are better managed and where reason reigns above 
all else, it is not difficult to eradicate the self-willed bacteria 
which might attack one of our political entities. But in the 
field of conquest, in nations less enlightened, where the 
Russian State does not yet have power, it is not as feasible 
to remove the entire self-willed individual. Psychopolitics 
makes it possible to remove that part of his personality 
which, in itself, is making havoc with the person’s own 
constitution as well as the group with which the person is 

If the animal man were permitted to continue undis¬ 
turbed by counter-revolutionary propaganda, if he were 
left to work under the well-planned management of the 
State, we would discover little sickness amongst Man, and 
we would discover no sickness in the State. But where the 
individual is troubled by conflicting propaganda, where he 
is made the effect of revolutionary activities, where he is 
permitted to think thoughts critical of the State itself, 
where he is permitted to question of those in whose natural 

— 10 — 

charge he falls, we would discover his constitution to suffer. 
We would discover, from this disaffection, the additional 
disaffection of his heart and of other portions of his an¬ 
atomy. So certain is this principle that when one finds a 
sick individual, could one search deeply enough, he would 
discover a mis-aligned loyalty and an interrupted obedience 
to that person’s group unit. 

There are those who foolishly have embarked upon some 
spiritual Alice-in-Wonderland voyage into what they call 
the “subconscious” or the “unconscious” mind, and who, 
under the guise of “psychotherapy” would seek to make 
well the disaffection of body organs, but it is to be noted 
that their results are singularly lacking in success. There 
is no strength in such an approach. When hypnotism was 
first invented in Russia it was observed that all that was 
necessary was to command the unresisting individual to be 
well in order, many times, to accomplish that fact. The 
limitation of hypnotism was that many subjects were not 
susceptible to its uses, and thus hypnotism has had to be 
improved upon in order to increase the suggestibility of 
individuals who would not otherwise be reached. Thus, any 
nation has had the experience of growing well again, as a 
whole organism, when placing sufficient force in play 
against a disaffected group. Just as in hypnotism any 
organ can be commanded into greater loyalty and obedience, 
so can any political group be commanded into greater 
loyalty and obedience should sufficient force be employed. 
However, force often brings about destruction and it is 
occasionally not feasible to use broad mass force to ac¬ 
complish the ends in view. Thus, it is necessary to align 
the individual against his desire not to conform. 

Just as it is a recognized truth that Man must conform 
to his environment, so it is a recognized truth, and will be¬ 
come more so as the years proceed, that even the body of 
Man can be commanded into health. 


The constitution of Man renders itself peculiarly adapted 
to re-alignment of loyalties. Where these loyalties are in¬ 
digestible to the constitution of the individual itself, such 
as loyalties to the ‘petit bourgeoisie,’ the Capitalist, to anti- 
Russian ideas, we find the individual body peculiarly sus- 

— 11 — 

ceptible to sickness, and thus we can clearly understand 
the epidemics, illnesses, mass-neuroses, tumults and con¬ 
fusions of the United States and other capitalist countries. 
Here we find the worker improperly and incorrectly loyal, 
and thus we find the worker ill. To save him and establish 
him correctly and properly upon his goal toward a greater 
State, it is an overpowering necessity to make it possible 
for him to grant his loyalties in a correct direction. In that 
his loyalties are swerved and his obedience cravenly de¬ 
manded by persons antipathetic to his general good, and 
in that these persons are few, even in a Capitalist nation, 
the goal and direction of Psychopolitics is clearly under¬ 
stood. To benefit the worker in such a plight, it is necessary 
to eradicate, by general propaganda, by other means, and 
by his own co-operation, and self-willedness of perverted 
leaders. It is necessary, as well, to indoctrinate the edu¬ 
cated strata into the tenets and principles of co-operation 
with the environment, and thus to insure to the worker less- 
warped leadership, less-craven doctrine, and more co-opera¬ 
tion with the ideas and ideals of the Communist State. 

The technologies of Psychopolitics are directed to this 



Man is subject to certain desires and needs which are as 
natural to his beingness as they are to that of any other 
animal. Man, however, has the peculiarity of exaggerating 
some of these beyond the bounds of reason. This is obvious 
through the growth of leisure classes, pseudo-intellectual 
groups, the ‘petit bourgeoisie,” Capitalism, and other ills. 

It has been said, with truth, that one tenth of a man’s 
life concerned with politics and nine-tenths with eco¬ 
nomics. Without food, the individual dies. Without cloth¬ 
ing, he freezes. Without houses and weapons, he is prey 
to the starving wolves. The acquisition of sufficient items 
to answer these necessities of food, clothing, and shelter, 
in reason, is the natural right of a member of an enlight¬ 
ened State. An excess of such items brings about unrest 
and disquiet. The presence of luxury items and materials, 
and the artificial creation and whetting of appetities, as in 
Capitalist advertising, are certain to accentuate the less- 
desirable characteristics of Man. 

The individual is an economic organism, in that he re¬ 
quires a certain amount of food, a certain amount of water, 
and must hold within himself a certain amount of heat in 
order to live. When he has more food than he can eat, more 
clothing than he needs to protect him, he then enters upon 
a certain idleness which dulls his wits and awareness, and 
makes him prey to difficulties which, in a less toxic state, 
he would have foreseen and avoided. Thus, we have a glut 
being a menace to the individual. 

It is no less different in a group. Where the group ac¬ 
quires too much, its awareness of its own fellows and of the 
environment is accordingly reduced, and the effectiveness 
the group in general is lost. 

The maintaining of a balance between gluttony and need 
is the province of Economics proper, and is the fit subject 
and concern of the Communist State. 

Desire and want are a state of mind. Individuals can be 
educated into desiring and wanting more than they can ever 
possibly obtain, and such individuals are unhappy. Most 

— 13 — 

of the self-willed characteristics of the Capitalists come 
entirely from greed. He exploits the worker far beyond 
any necessity on his own part, as a Capitalist, to need. 

In a nation where economic balances are not controlled, 
the appetite of the individual is unduly whetted by enchant¬ 
ing and fanciful persuasions to desire, and a type of insanity 
ensues, where each individual is persuaded to possess more 
than he can use, and to possess it even at the expense of 
his fellows. 

There is, in economic balances, the other side. Too great 
and too long privation can bring about unhealthy desires, 
which, in themselves, accumulate if left action, more than 
the individual can use. Poverty, itself, as carefully culti¬ 
vated in Capitalist States, can bring about an imbalance of 
acquisition. Just as a vacuum will pull into it masses, in 
a country where enforced privation upon the masses is 
permitted, and where desire is artificially whetted, need 
turns to greed, and one easily discovers in such states ex¬ 
ploitation of the many for the benefit of the few. 

If one, by the technologies of Psychopolitics, were to dull 
this excessive greed in the few who possess it, the worker 
would be freed to seek a more natural balance. 

Here we have two extremes. Either one of them are an 
insanity. If we wish to create an insanity we need only 
glut or deprive an individual at long length beyond the 
ability to withstand and we have a mental imbalance. A 
simple example of this is the alternation of too low with too 
high pressures in a chamber, an excellent psychopolitical 
procedure. The rapidly varied pressure brings about a 
chaos wherein the individual will cannot act and where 
other wills then, perforce, assume control. 

Essentially, in an entire country, one must remove the 
greedy by whatever means and must then create and con¬ 
tinue a semi-privation in the masses in order to command 
and utterly control the nation. 

A continuous hope for prosperity must be indoctrinated 
in tp the masses with many dreams and visions of glut of 
commodity and this hope must be counter-played against 
the actuality of privation and the continuous threat of loss 

— 14 — 

of all economic factors in case of disloyalty to the State in 
order to suppress the individual wills of the masses. 

In a nation under conquest such as America, our slow 
and stealthy approach need take advantage only of the 
cycles of booms and depressions inherent in Capitalistic 
nations in order to assert of more and more strong control 
over individual wills. A boom is a& advantageous as a de¬ 
pression for our ends for during prosperity our propaganda 
lines must only continue to point up the wealth the period 
is delivering to the selected few to divorce their control of 
the state. During a depression one must only point out 
that it ensued as a result of the avarice of a few and the 
general political incompetence of the national leaders. 

The handling of economic propaganda is not properly 
the sphere of psychopolitics but the psychopolitician must 
understand economic measures and Communist goals con¬ 
nected with them. 

The masses must at last come to believe that only exces¬ 
sive taxation of the rich can relieve them of the “burden¬ 
some leisure class" and can thus be brought to accept such 
a thing as income tax, a Marxist principle smoothly slid into 
Capitalistic framework in 1909 in the United States. This 
even though the basic law of the United States forbade 
it and even though Communism at that time had been active 
only a few years in America. Such success as the Income 
Tax law, had it been followed thoroughly could have brought 
the United States and not Eussia into the world scene as the 
first Communist nation. But the virility and good sense of 
the Russian peoples won. It may not be that the United 
States will become entirely Communist until past the middle 
of the century but when it does it will be because of our 
superior understanding of economics and of psychopolitics. 

The Communist agent skilled in economics has as his task 
the suborning of tax agencies and their personnel to create 
the maximum disturbance and chaos and the passing of laws 
adapted to our purposes and to him we must leave this 
task. The psychopolitical operator plays a distinctly dif¬ 
ferent role in this drama. 

The rich, the skilled in finance, the well informed in gov¬ 
ernment are particular and individual targets for the 

— 15 — 

psychopolitician. His is the role of taking off the board 
those individuals who would halt or corrupt Communist 
economic programs. Thus every rich man, every states¬ 
man, every person well informed and capable in govern¬ 
ment must have brought to his side as a trusted confidant 
a psychopolitical operator. 

The families of these persons are often deranged from 
idleness and glut and this fact must be played upon, even 
created. The normal health and wildness of a rich man's 
son must be twisted and perverted and explained into 
neurosis and then, assisted by a timely administration of 
drugs or violence, turned into criminality or insanity. This 
brings at once some one in “mental healing" into confidential 
contact with the family and from this point on the very 
most must then be made of that contact. 

Communism could best succeed if at the side of every 
rich or influential man there could be placed a psycho¬ 
political operator, an undoubted authority in the field of 
“mental healing" who could then by his advice or through 
the medium of a wife or daughter by his guided opinions 
direct the optimum policy to embroil or upset the economic 
policies of the country and, when the time comes to do 
away forever with the rich or influential man, to administer 
the proper drug or treatment to bring about his complete 
demise in an institution as a patient or dead as a suicide. 

Planted beside a country's powerful persons the psycho¬ 
political operator can also guide other policies to the better¬ 
ment of our battle. 

The Capitalist does not know the definition of war. He 
thinks of war as attack with force performed by soldiers 
and machines. He does not know that a more effective if 
somewhat longer war can be fought with bread or, in our 
case, with drugs and the wisdom of our art. The Capitalist 
has never won a war in truth. The psychopolitician is hav¬ 
ing little trouble winning this one. 




Just as we would discover an individual to be ill, whose 
organs, each one, had a different goal from the rest, so we 
discover the individuals and the State to be ill where goals 
are not rigorously codified and enforced. 

There are those who, in less enlightened times, gave Man 
to believe that goals should be personally sought and held, 
and that, indeed, Man’s entire impulse toward higher things 
stemmed from Freedom. We must remember that the same 
peoples who embraced this philosophy also continued in 
Man the myth of spiritual existence. 

All goals proceed from duress. Life is a continuous 
escape. Without force and threat there can be no striving. 
Without pain there can be no desire to escape from pain. 
Without the threat of punishment there can be no gain. 
Without duress and command there can be no alignment 
of bodily functions. Without rigorous and forthright con¬ 
trol, there can be no accomplished goals for the State. 

Goals of the State should be formulated by the State for 
the obedience and concurrence of the individuals within 
that State. A State without goals so formulated is a sick 
State. A State without the power and forthright wish to 
enforce its goals is a sick State. 

When an order is issued by the Communist State, and is 
not obeyed, a sickness will be discovered to ensue. Where 
obedience fails, the masses suffer. 

State goals depend upon loyalty and obedience for their 
accomplishment. When one discovers a State goal to be in¬ 
terpreted, one discovers inevitably that there has been an 
interposition of self-willedness, of greed, of idleness, or of 
rugged individualism and self-centered initiative. The in¬ 
terruption of a State goal will be discovered as having been 
interrupted by a person whose disloyalty and disobedience 
is the direct result of his own mis-alignment with life. 

It is not always necessary to remove the individual. It 
is possible to remove his self-willed tendencies to the im¬ 
provement of the goals and gains of the whole. The tech¬ 
nologies of Psychopolitics are graduated upon the scale 

— 17 — 

which starts somewhat above the removal of the individual 
himself, upward toward the removal only of those ten¬ 
dencies which bring about his lack of co-operation. 

It is not enough for the State to have goals. These goals, 
once put forward, depend for their completion upon the 
loyalty and obedience of the workers. These, engaged for 
the most part, in hard labors, have little time for idle specu¬ 
lation, which is good. But, above them, unfortunately, 
there must be foremen of one or another position, any one 
of whom might have sufficient idleness and lack of physical 
occupation to cause some disaffecting independency in his 
conduct and behaviour. 

Psychopolitics remedies this tendency toward disaffec¬ 
tion when it exceeds the common persuasions of the im¬ 
mediate superiors of the person in question. 

18 - 



If loyalty is so important in the economic and social struc¬ 
ture, it is necessary to examine it further as itself. 

In the field of Psychopolitics, loyalty means simply ‘align¬ 
ment/ It means, more fully, alignment with the goals of 
the Communist State. Disloyalty means entirely mis-align- 
ment, and more broadly, mis-alignment with the goals of 
the Communist State. 

When we consider that the goals of the Communist State 
are to the best possible benefit of the masses, we can see 
that disloyalty, as a term, can embrace Democratic align¬ 
ment. Loyalty to persons not communistically indoctrinated 
would be quite plainly a mis-alignment. 

The cure of disloyalty is entirely contained in the prin¬ 
ciples of alignment. All that it is necessary to do, where 
disloyalty is encountered, is to align the purposes of the 
individual toward the goals of Communism, and it will be 
discovered that a great many circumstances hitherto dis¬ 
tasteful in his existence will cease to exist. 

A heart, or a kidney in rebellion against the remainder 
of the organism is being disloyal to the remainder of the 
organism. To cure that heart or kidney it is actually only 
necessary to bring its activities into alignment with the re¬ 
mainder of the body. 

The technologies of Psychopolitics adequately demon¬ 
strate the workability of this. Mild shock of the electric 
variety can, and does, produce the re-cooperation of a re¬ 
bellious body organ. It is the shock and punishment of 
surgery which, in the main, accomplishes the re-alignment 
of a disaffected portion of the body, rather than the surgery 
itself. It is the bombardment of X-Rays, rather than the 
therapeutic value of X-Rays which causes some disaffected 
organ to once again turn its attention to the support of the 
general organism. 

While it is not borne out that electric shock has any 
therapeutic value, so far as making the individual more 
sane, it is adequately brought out that its punishment value 
will create in the patient a greater co-operative attitude. 

— 19 — 

Brain surgery has no statistical data to recommend it be¬ 
yond its removal of the individual personality from amongst 
the paths of organs which were not permitted to co-operate. 
These two Russian developments have never pretended to 
alter the state of sanity. They are only effective and work¬ 
able in introducing an adequate punishment mechanism 
to the personality to make it cease and desist from its 
courses and egotistical direction of the anatomy itself. It 
is the violence of the electric shock and the surgery which 
is useful in subduing the recalcitrant personality, which is 
all that stands in the road of the masses or the State. It is 
occasionally to be discovered that the removal of the pre¬ 
venting personality by shock and surgery then permits the 
regrowth and re-establishment of organs which have been 
rebelled against by that personality. In that a well-regu¬ 
lated state is composed of organisms, not personalities, the 
use of electric shock and brain surgery in Psychopolitics 
is clearly demonstrated. 

The changing of loyalty consists, in its primary step, of 
the eradication of existing loyalties. This can be done in 
one of two ways. First, by demonstrating that previously 
existing loyalties have brought about perilous physical cir¬ 
cumstances, such as imprisonment, lack of recognition, 
duress, or privation, and second, by eradicating the per¬ 
sonality itself. 

The first is accomplished by a steady and continuous in¬ 
doctrination of the individual in the belief that his previous 
loyalties have been granted to an unworthy source. One of 
the primary instances in this is creating circumstances 
which apparently derive from the target of his loyalties, 
so as to rebuff the individual. As part of this there is the 
creation of a state of mind in the individual, by actually 
placing him under duress, and then furnishing him with 
false evidence to demonstrate that the target of his previous 
loyalties is, itself, the course of the duress. Another por¬ 
tion of this same method consists of defaming or degrad¬ 
ing the individual whose loyalties are to be changed to the 
target of his loyalties, i.e., superiors or government, to such 
a degree that this target, at length, actually does hold the 
individual in disrepute, and so does rebuff him and serve to 

— 20 — 

convince him that his loyalties have been misplaced. These 
are the milder methods, but have proven extremely effec¬ 
tive. The greatest drawback in their practice is that they 
require time and concentration, the manufacture of false 
evidence, and a psychopolitical operator's time. 

In moments of expediency, of which there are many, the 
personality itself can be rearranged by shock, surgery, 
duress, privation, and in particular, that best of psycho¬ 
political techniques, implantation, with the technologies of 
neo-hypnotism. Such duress must have in its first part a 
defamation of the loyalties, and in its second, the implan¬ 
tation of new loyalties. A good and experienced psycho¬ 
political operator, working under the most favorable cir¬ 
cumstances, can, by the use of psychopolitical technologies, 
alter the loyalties of an individual so deftly that his own 
companions will not suspect that they have changed. This, 
however, requires considerably more finesse than is usually 
necessary to the situation. Mass neo-hypnotism can ac¬ 
complish more or less the same results when guided by an 
experienced psychopolitical operator. An end goal in such 
a procedure would be the alteration of the loyalties of an 
entire nation in a short period of time by mass neo-hypno- 
tism, a thing which has been effectively accomplished among 
the less-usable states of Russia. 

It is adequatly demonstrated that loyalty is entirely lack¬ 
ing in that mythical commodity known as ‘spiritual quality/ 
Loyalty is entirely a thing of dependence, economic or 
mental, and can be changed by the crudest implementations. 
Observation of workers in their factories or fields demon¬ 
strates that they easily grant loyalty to a foreman or a 
woman, and then as easily abandon it and substitute another 
individual, revulsing, at the same time, toward the person 
to whom loyalty was primarily granted. The queasy inse¬ 
curity of the masses in Capitalistic nations finds this more 
common than in an enlightened State such as Russia. In 
Capitalistic states, dependencies are so craven, wants and 
privations are so exaggerated, that loyalty is entirely with¬ 
out ethical foundation and exists only in the realm of de¬ 
pendency, duress, or demand. 

It is fortunate that Communism so truly approaches an 

— 21 — 

ideal state of mind, for this brings a certain easiness into 
any changing of loyalties, since all other philosophies extant 
and practiced on Earth today are degraded and debased, 
compared to Communism. It is then with a certain security 
that a psychopolitical operator functions, for he knows that 
he can change the loyalty of an individual to a more ideal 
level by reason alone, and only expediency makes it neces¬ 
sary to employ the various shifts of psychopolitical tech¬ 
nology. Any man who cannot be persuaded into Commu¬ 
nist rationale is, of course, to be regarded as somewhat less 
than sane, and it is, therefore completely justified to use 
the techniques of insanity upon the non-Communist. 

In order to change loyalty it is necessary to establish first 
the existing loyalties of the individual. The task is made 
very simple in view of the fact that Capitalistic and Fas¬ 
cists nations have no great security in the loyalty of their 
subjects. And it may be found that the loyalties of the sub¬ 
jects, as we call any person against whom psychopolitical 
technology is to be exerted, are already too faint to require 
eradication. It is generally only necessary to persuade with 
the rationale and overwhelming reasonability of Commu¬ 
nism to have the person grant his loyalty to the Russian 
State. However, regulated only by the importance of the 
subject, no great amount of time should be expended upon 
the individual, but emotional duress, or electric shock, or 
brain surgery should be resorted to, should Communist 
propaganda persuasion fail. In a case of a very important 
person, it may be necessary to utilize the more delicate 
technologies of Psychopolitics so as to place the person 
himself, and his associates, in ignorance of the operation. 
In this case a simple implantation is used, with a maximum 
duress and command value. Only the most skilled psycho¬ 
political operator should be employed on such a project, as 
in this case of the very important person, for a bungling 
might disclose the tampering with his mental processes. It 
is much more highly recommended, if there is any doubt 
whatever about the success of an operation against an im¬ 
portant person, to select out as a psychopolitical target 
persons in his vicinity in whom he is emotionally involved. 
His wife or children normally furnish the best targets, and 

— 22 — 

these can be operated against without restraint. In secur¬ 
ing the loyalty of a very important person one must place 
at his side a constant pleader who enters a sexual or familial 
chord into the situation on the side of Communism. It may 
not be necessary to make a Communist out of the wife, or 
the children, or one of the children, but it might prove 
efficacious to do so. In most instances, however, this is not 
possible. By the use of various drugs, it is, in this modern 
age, and well within the realm of psychopolitieal reality, 
entirely too easy to bring about a state of severe neurosis 
or insanity in the wife or children, and thus pass them, with 
full consent of the important person, and the government in 
which he exists, or the bureau in which he is operating, into 
the hands of a psychopolitical operator, who then in his own 
laboratory, without restraint or fear of investigation or 
censor, can, with electric shock, surgery, sexual attack, 
drugs, or other useful means, degrade or entirely alter the 
personality of a family member, and create in that person a 
psychopolitical slave subject who, then, on command or 
signal, will perform outrageous actions, thus discrediting 
the important person, or will demand, on a more delicate 
level, that certain measures be taken by the important per¬ 
son, which measures are, of course, dictated by the psycho¬ 
political operator. 

Usually when the party has no real interest in the activi¬ 
ties or decisions of the important person, but merely wishes 
to remove him from effective action, the attention of the 
psychopolitical operator need not be so intense, and the 
person need only be passed into the hands of some unwit¬ 
ting mental practitioner, who taught as he is by psycho¬ 
political operators, will bring about sufficient embarrass¬ 

When the loyalty of an individual cannot be swerved, 
and where the opinion, weight, or effectiveness of the indi¬ 
vidual stands firmly in the road of Communist goals, it is 
usually best to occasion a mild neurosis in the person by 
any available means, and then, having carefully given him 
a history of mental imbalance, to see to it that he disposes 
of himself by suicide, or by bringing about his demise in 
such a way as to resemble suicide. Psychopolitical opera- 

— 23 — 

tors have handled such situations skillfully tens of tho 
sands of times within and without Russia. 

It is a firm principle of Psychopolitics that the person to 
be destroyed must be involved at first or second hand in the 
stigma of insanity, and must have been placed in contact 
with psychopolitical operators or persons trained by them, 
with a maximum amount of tumult and publicity. The 
stigma of insanity is properly placed at the door of such 
persons’ reputations and is held there firmly by bringing 
about irrational acts, either on his own part or in his vicin¬ 
ity. Such an activity can be classified as a partial destruc¬ 
tion of alignment, and if this destruction is carried forward 
to its furthest extent the mis-alignment on the subject of 
all loyalties can be considered to be complete, and alignment 
on new loyalties can be embarked upon safely. By bringing 
about insanity or suicide on the part of the wife of an im¬ 
portant political personage, a sufficient mis-alignment has 
been instigated to change his attitude. And this, carried 
forward firmly, or assisted by psychopolitical implantation 
can begin the rebuilding of his loyalties, but now slanted in 
a more proper and fitting direction. 

Another reason for the alignment of psychopolitical ac¬ 
tivities with the mis-alignment of insanity is that insan¬ 
ity, itself, is a despised and disgraced state, and anything 
connected with it is lightly viewed. Thus, a psychopolitical 
operator, working in the vicinity of an insane person, can 
refute and disprove any accusations made against him by 
demonstrating that the family itself is tainted with mental 
imbalance. This is surprisingly effective in Capitalistic 
countries where insanity is so thoroughly feared that no one 
would dream of investigating any circumstances in its vi¬ 
cinity. Psychopolitical propaganda works constantly and 
must work constantly to increase and build up this aura of 
mystery surrounding insanity, and must emphasize the 
horribleness and hopelessness of insanity in order to excuse 
non-therapeutic actions taken against the insane. Particu¬ 
larly in Capitalistic countries, an insane person has no 
rights under law. No person who is insane may hold prop¬ 
erty. No person who is insane may testify. Thus, we have 

— 24 — 

an excellent road along which we can travel toward our cer¬ 
tain goal and destiny. 

Entirely by bringing about public conviction that the 
sanity of a person is in question, it is possible to discount 
and eradicate all of the goals and activities of that person. 
By demonstrating the insanity of a group, or even a gov¬ 
ernment, it is possible, then, to cause its people to disavow 
it. By magnifying the general human reaction to insanity, 
through keeping the subject of insanity, itself, forever be¬ 
fore the public eye, and then, by utilizing this reaction by 
causing a revulsion on the part of a populace against its 
leader or leaders, it is possible to stop any government or 

It is important to know that the entire subject of loyalty 
is thus as easily handled as it is. One of the first and fore¬ 
most missions of the psychopolitician is to make an attack 
upon Communism and insanity synonymous. It should be¬ 
come the definition of insanity, of the paranoid variety, that 
“A paranoid believes he is being attacked by Communists." 
Thus, at once the support of the individual so attacking 
Communism will fall away and wither. 

Instead of executing national leaders, suicide for them 
should be arranged under circumstances which question 
their demise. In this way we can select out all opposition 
to the Communist extension into the social orders of the 
world, and render populaces who would oppose us leader¬ 
less, and bring about a state of chaos or mis-alignment into 
which we can thrust, with great simplicity, the clear and 
forceful doctrines of Communism. 

The cleverness of our attack in this field of Psychopolitics 
is adequate to avoid the understanding of the layman and 
the usual stupid official, and by operating entirely under 
the banner of authority, with the oft-repeated statement 
that the principles of psychotherapy are too devious for 
common understanding, an entire revolution can be effected 
without the suspicion of a populace until it is an accom¬ 
plished fact. 

As insanity is the maximum mis-alignment, it can be 
grasped to be the maximum weapon in severance of loyalties 
to leaders and old social orders. Thus, it is of the utmost 

— 25 — 

importance that psychopolitical operatives infiltrate the 
healing arts of a nation marked for conquest, and bring 
from that quarter continuous pressure against the popula¬ 
tion and the government until at last the conquest is af¬ 
fected. This is the subject and goal of Psychopolitics, itself. 

In rearranging loyalties we must have a command of 
their values. In the animal the first loyalty is to himself. 
This is destroyed by demonstrating errors to him, showing 
him that he does not remember, cannot act or does not trust 
himself. The second loyalty is to his family unit, his par¬ 
ents and brothers and sisters. This is destroyed by making 
a family unit economically non-dependent, by lessening the 
value of marriage, by making an easiness of divorce and by 
raising the children wherever possible by the State. The 
next loyalty is to his friends and local environment. This 
is destroyed by lowering his trust and bringing about re¬ 
portings upon him allegedly by his fellows or the town or 
village authorities. The next is to the State and this, for 
the purposes of Communism, is the only loyalty which 
should exist once the state is founded as a Communist State. 
To destroy loyalty to the State all manner of forbiddings 
for youth must be put into effect so as to disenfranchise 
them as members of the Capitalist state and, by promises 
of a better lot under Communism, to gain their loyalty to 
a Communist movement. 

Denying a Capitalist country easy access to courts, bring¬ 
ing about and supporting propaganda to destroy the home, 
creating and continuous juvenile delinquency, forcing upon 
the state all manner of practices to divorce the child from 
it will in the end create the chaos necessary to Communism. 

Under the saccharine guise of assistance to them, rigorous 
child labor laws are the best means to deny the child any 
right in the society. By refusing to let him earn, by forcing 
him into unwanted dependence upon a grudging parent, by 
making certain in other channels that the parent is never 
in other than economic stress, the child can be driven in his 
teens into revolt. Delinquency will ensue. 

By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by 
giving the teen-ager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by 
stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him 

— 26 — 

or her practices as taught at the Sexpol, the psychopolitical 
operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness 
and worthlessness into which can then be cast the solution 
which will give the teen-ager complete freedom everywhere 

Should it be possible to continue conscription beyond 
any reasonable time by promoting unpopular wars and 
other means the draft can always stand as a further barrier 
to the progress of youth in life, destroying any immediate 
hope to participate in his nation’s civil life. 

By these means the patriotism of youth for their Capital¬ 
istic flag can be dulled to a point where they are no longer 
dangerous as soldiers. While this might require many de¬ 
cades to effect, Capitalism’s short term view will never 
envision the lengths across which we can plan. 

If we could effectively kill the national pride and patrio¬ 
tism of just one generation we will have won that country. 
Therefore there must be continual propaganda abroad to 
undermine the loyalty of the citizens in general and the 
teen ager in particular. 

The role of the psychopolitical operator in this is very 
strong. He can, from his position as an authority on the 
mind, advise all manner of destructive measures. He can 
teach the lack of control of this child at home. He can in¬ 
struct, in an optimum situation, the entire nation in how to 
handle children—and instruct them so that the children, 
given no control, given no real home, can run wildly about 
with no responsibility for their nation or themselves. 

The mis-alignment of the loyalty of youth to a Capitalistic 
nation sets the proper stage for a realignment of their 
loyalties with Communism. Creating a greed for drugs, 
sexual misbehavior and uncontrolled freedom and present¬ 
ing this to them as a benefit of Communism will with ease 
bring about our alignment. 

In the case of strong leaders amongst youthful groups, 
a psychopolitical operator can work in many ways to use 
or discard that leadership. If it is to be used, the character 
of the girl or boy must be altered carefully into criminal 
channels and a control by blackmail or other means must be 
maintained. But where the leadership is not susceptible, 

— 27 — 

where it resists all persuasions and might become danger¬ 
ous to our Cause, no pains must be spared to direct the at¬ 
tention of the authorities to that person and to harrass him 
in one way or another until he can come into the hands of 
juvenile authorities. When this has been effected it can be 
hoped that a psychopolitical operator, by reason of child 
advisor status, can, in the security of the jail and cloaked 
by processes of law, destroy the sanity of that person. Par¬ 
ticularly brilliant scholars, athletes and youth group lead¬ 
ers must be handled in either one of these two ways. 

In the matter of guiding the activities of juvenile courts, 
the psychopolitical operator entertains here one of his easier 
tasks. A Capitalistic nation is so filled with injustice in 
general that a little more passes without comment. In 
juvenile courts there are always persons with strange 
appetites whether these be judges or police men or women. 
If such do not exist they can be created. By making avail¬ 
able to them young girls or boys in the “security” of the 
jail or the detention home and by appearing with flash 
cameras or witnesses one becomes equipt with a whip ade¬ 
quate to direct all the future decisions of that person when 
these are needed. 

The handling of youth cases by courts should be led 
further and further away from law and further and further 
into “mental problems” until the entire nation thinks of 
“mental problems” instead of criminals. This places va¬ 
cancies everywhere in the courts, in the offices of district 
attorneys, on police staffs which could then be filled with 
psychopolitical operators and these become then the judges 
of the land by their influence and into their hands comes 
the total control of the criminal, without whose help a 
revolution cannot ever be accomplished. 

By stressing this authority over the problems of youth 
and adults in courts one day the demand for psychopolitical 
operators could become such that even the armed services 
will use “authorities on the mind” to work their various 
justices and when this occurs the armed forces of the nation 
then enter into our hands as solidly as if we commanded 
them ourselves. With the slight bonus of having thus a 
skilled interrogator near every technician or handler of se¬ 
cret war apparatus, the country, in event of revolution, as 
did Germany in 1918 and 1919 w r ill find itself immobilized 
by its own Army and Navy fully and entirely in Commu¬ 
nist hands. 

Thus the subject of loyalties and their re-alignment is 
in fact the subject of non-armed conquest of an enemy. 

— 28 — 



Obedience is the result of force. 

Everywhere we look in the history of Earth we discover 
that obedience to new rulers has come about entirely 
through the demonstration on the part of those rulers of 
greater force than was to be discovered in the old ruler. A 
population overriden, conquered by war, is obedient to its 
conqueror. It is obedient to its conqueror because its con¬ 
queror has exhibited more force. 

Concurrent with force is brutality, for there are human 
considerations involved which also represent force. The 
most barbaric, unrestrained, brutal use of force, if carried 
far enough, invokes obedience. Savage force, sufficiently 
long displayed toward any individual, will bring about his 
concurrence with any principle or order. 

Force is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It is so* 
synonymous in the human mind with savageness, lawless¬ 
ness, brutality, and barbarism, that it is only necessary to 
display an inhuman attitude toward people, to be granted 
by those people the possession of force. 

Any organization which has the spirit and courage to 
display inhumanity, savageness, brutality, and an uncom¬ 
promising lack of humanity, will be obeyed. Such a use of 
force is, itself, the essential ingredient of greatness. We 
have to hand no less an example than our great Communist 
Leaders, who, is moments of duress and trial, when faced 
by Czarist rule, continued over the heads of an enslaved 
populace, yet displayed sufficient courage never to stay their 
hands in the execution of the conversion of the Russian 
State to Communist rule. 

If you would have obedience you must have no compro¬ 
mise with humanity. If you would have obedience you 
must make it clearly understood that you have no mercy. 
Man is an animal. He understands, in the final analysis, 
only those things which a brute understands. 

As an example of this, we find an individual refusing to 
obey and being struck. His refusal to obey is now less 
vociferous. He is struck again, and his resistance is less- 

— 29 — 

ened once more. He is hammered and pounded again and 
again, until, at length, his only thought is direct and im¬ 
plicit obedience to that person from whom the force has 
emanated. This is a proven principle. It is proven because 
it is the main principle Man, the animal, has used since his 
earliest beginnings. It is the only principle which has been 
effective, the only principle which has brought about a wide 
and continued belief. For it is to our benefit that an indi¬ 
vidual who is struck again, and again, and again from a 
certain source, will, at length, hypnotically believe any¬ 
thing he is told by the source of the blows. 

The stupidity of Western civilizations is best demon¬ 
strated by the fact that they believe hypnotism is a thing 
of the mind, of attention, and a desire for unconsciousness. 
This is not true. Only when a person has been beaten, 
punished, and mercilessly hammered, can hypnotism upon 
him be guaranteed in its effectiveness. It is stated by West¬ 
ern authorities on hypnosis that only some twenty percent 
of the people are susceptible to hypnotism. This statement 
is very untrue. Given enough punishment, all of the people 
in any time and place are susceptible to hypnotism. In other 
words, by adding force, hypnotism is made uniformly effec¬ 
tive. Where unconsciousness could not be induced by simple 
concentration upon the hypnotist, unconsciousness can be 
induced by drugs, by blows, by electric shock, and by other 
means. And where unconsciousness cannot be induced so 
as to make an implantation or an hypnotic command effec¬ 
tive, it is only necessary to amputate the functioning por¬ 
tions of the animal man's brain to render him null and void 
and no longer a menace. Thus, we find that hypnotism is 
entirely effective. 

The mechanisms of hypnotism demonstrate clearly that 
people can be made to believe in certain conditions, and 
even in their environment or in politics, by the administra¬ 
tion of force. Thus, it is necessary for a psychopolitician 
to be an expert in the administration of forces. Thus, he 
can bring about implicit obedience, not only on the part of 
individual members of the populace, but on the entire popu¬ 
lace itself and its government. He need only take unto him- 

— 30 — 

self a sufficiently savage role, a sufficiently uncompromising 
inhuman attitude, and he will be obeyed and believed. 

The subject of hypnotism is a subject of belief. What 
can people be made to believe? They can be made to be¬ 
lieve anything which is administered to them with sufficient 
brutality and force. The obedience of a populace is as good 
as they will believe. 

Despicable religions, such as Christianity, knew this. 
They knew that if enough faith could be brought into being 
a populace could be enslaved by the Christian mockeries of 
humanity and mercy, and thus could be disarmed. But one 
need not count upon this act of faith to bring about a broad 
belief. One must only exhibit enough force, enough inhu¬ 
manity, enough brutality and savageness to create implicit 
belief and therefore and thereby implicit obedience. As 
Communism is a matter of belief, its study is a study of 

The earliest Russian psychiatrists, pioneering this science 
of psychiatry, understood thoroughly that hypnosis is in¬ 
duced by acute fear. They discovered it could also be in¬ 
duced by shock of an emotional nature, and also by extreme 
privation, as well as by blows and drugs. 

In order to induce a high state of hypnogogy in an in¬ 
dividual, a group, or a population, an element of terror 
must always be present on the part of those who would 
govern. The psychiatrist is aptly suited to this role, for 
his brutalities are committed in the name of science and 
are inexplicably complex, and entirely out of view of the 
human understanding. A sufficient popular terror of the 
psychiatrist will, in itself, bring about insanity on the part 
of many individuals. A psychopolitical operative, then, can, 
entirely cloaked with authority, commence and continue a 
campaign of propaganda, describing various “treatments” 
which are administered to the insane. A psychopolitical 
operative should at all times insist that these treatments are 
therapeutic and necessary. He can, in all of his literature 
and his books, list large numbers of pretended cures by 
these means. But these “cures” need not actually produce 
any recovery from a state of disturbance. As long as the 
psychopolitical operative or his dupes are the only authori- 

—-31 — 

ties as to the difference between sanity and insanity, their 
word as to the therapeutic value of such treatment will be 
the final word. No layman would dare adventure to place 
judgment upon the state of sanity of an individual whom 
the psychiatrist has already declared insane. The individ¬ 
ual, himself, is unable to complain, and his family, as will be 
covered later, is already discredited by the occurrence of in¬ 
sanity in their midst. There must be no other adjudicators 
of insanity, otherwise it could be disclosed that the brutali¬ 
ties practiced in the name of treatment are not therapeutic. 

A psychopolitical operative has no interest in “therapeutic 
means” or “cures.” The greater number of insane in the 
country where he is operating, the larger number of the 
populace will come under his view, and the greater will be¬ 
come his facilities. Because the problem is apparently 
mounting into uncontrollable heights, he can more and more 
operate in an atmosphere of emergency, which again ex¬ 
cuses his use of such treatments as electric shock, the pre¬ 
frontal lobotomy, trans-orbital leucotomy, and other opera¬ 
tions long-since practiced in Russia on political prisoners. 

It is to the interest of the psychopolitical operative that 
the possibility of curing the insane be outlawed and ruled 
out at all times. For the sake of obedience on the part of 
the population and their general reaction, a level of brutal¬ 
ity must, at all costs, be maintained. Only in this way can 
the absolute judgment of the psychopolitical operative as to 
the sanity or insanity of public figures be maintained in 
complete belief. Using sufficient brutality upon their pa¬ 
tients, the public at large will come to believe utterly any¬ 
thing they say about their patients. Furthermore, and 
much more important, the field of the mind must be suf¬ 
ficiently dominated by the psychopolitical operative, so that 
wherever tenets of the mind are taught they will be hyp¬ 
notically believed. The psychopolitical operative, having 
under his control all psychology classes in an area, can thus 
bring about a complete reformation of the future leaders 
of a country in their educational processes, and so prepare 
them for Communism. 

To be obeyed, one must be believed. If one is sufficient¬ 
ly believed, one will unquestioningly be obeyed. 

— 32 — 

When he is fortunate enough to obtain into his hands 
anyone near to a political or important figure, this factor 
of obedience becomes very important. A certain amount of 
fear or terror must be engendered in the person under treat¬ 
ment so that this person will then take immediate orders, 
completely and unquestioningly, from the psychopolitical 
operative, and so be able to influence the actions of that 
person who is to be reached. 

Bringing about this state of mind on the part of a popu¬ 
lace and its leaders—that a psychopolitical operative must, 
at all times, be believed—could eventually be attended by 
very good fortune. It is not too much to hope that psycho¬ 
political operatives would then, in a country such as the 
United States, become the most intimate advisors to politi¬ 
cal figures, even to the point of advising the entirety of a 
political party as to its actions in an election. 

The long view is the important view. Belief is engen¬ 
dered by a certain amount of fear and terror from an 
authoritative level, and this will be followed by obedience. 

The general propaganda which would best serve Psycho¬ 
politics would be a continual insistence that certain authori¬ 
tative levels of healing, deemed this or that the correct 
treatment of insanity. These treatments must always in¬ 
clude a certain amount of brutality. Propaganda should 
continue and stress the rising incidence of insanity in a 
country. The entire field of human behaviour, for the bene¬ 
fit of the country, can, at length, be broadened into abnormal 
behaviour. Thus, anyone indulging in any eccentricity, 
particularly the eccentricity of combatting psychopolitics, 
could be silenced by the authoritative opinion on the part of 
a psychopolitical operative that he was acting in an ab¬ 
normal fashion. This, with some good fortune, could bring 
the person into the hands of the psychopolitical operative so 
as to forever more disable him, or to swerve his loyalties by 
pain-drug hypnotism. 

On the subject of obedience itself, the most optimum 
obedience is unthinking obedience. The command given 
must be obeyed without any rationalizing on the part of the 
subject. The command must, therefore, be implanted below 
the thinking processes of the subject to be influenced, and 

— 33 — 

must react upon him in such a way as to bring no mental 
alertness on his part. 

It is in the interest of Psychopolitics that a population 
be told that an hypnotized person will not do anything 
against his actual will, will not commit immoral acts, and 
will not act so as to endanger himself. While this may be 
true of light, parlour hypnotism, it certainly is not true of 
commands implanted with the use of electric shock, drugs, 
or heavy punishment. It is counted upon completely that 
this will be discredited to the general public by psycho- 
political operatives, for if it were to be generally known 
that individuals would obey commands harmful to them¬ 
selves, and would commit immoral acts while under the in¬ 
fluence of deep hypnotic commands, the actions of many 
people, working unknowingly in favor of Communism, 
would be too-well understood. People acting under deep 
hypnotic commands should be acting apparently of their 
own volition and out of their own convictions. 

The entire subject of psychopolitical hypnosis, Psycho¬ 
politics in general, depends for its defense upon continu¬ 
ous protest from authoritative sources that such things are 
not possible. And, should anyone unmask a psychopolitical 
operative, he should at once declare the whole thing a physi¬ 
cal impossibility, and use his authoritative position to dis¬ 
count any accusation. Should any writings of Psychopoli¬ 
tics come to view, it is only necessary to brand them a hoax 
and laugh them out of countenance. Thus, psychopolitical 
activities are easy to defend. 

When psychopolitical activities have reached a certain 
peak, from there on it is almost impossible to undo them, 
for the population is already under the duress of obedience 
to the psychopolitical operatives and their dupes. The in¬ 
gredient of obedience is important, for the complete belief 
in the psychopolitical operative renders his statement can¬ 
celling any challenge about psychopolitical operations irre¬ 
futable. The optimum circumstances would be to occupy 
every position which would be consulted by officials on any 
question or suspicion arising on the subject of Psycho¬ 
politics. Thus, a psychiatric advisor should be placed near 
to hand in every government operation. As all suspicions 
would then be referred to him, no action would ever be 
taken, and the goal of Communism could be realized in that 

Psychopolitics depends, from the viewpoint of the layman, 
upon its fantastic aspects. These are its best defense, but 
above all these defenses is implicit obedience on the part of 
officials and the general public, because of the character of 
the psychopolitical operative in the field of healing. 

— 34 — 




Man is a stimulus-response animal. His entire reasoning 1 
capabilities, even his ethics and morals, depend upon stimu¬ 
lus-response machinery. This has long been demonstrated 
by such Russians as Pavlov, and the principles have long 
been used in handling the recalcitrant, in training children, 
and in bringing about a state of optimum behaviour on the 
part of a population. 

Having no independent will of his own, Man is easily 
handled by stimulus-response mechanisms. It is only neces¬ 
sary to install a stimulus into the mental anatomy of Man 
to have that stimulus reactivate and respond any time an 
exterior command source calls it into being. 

The mechanisms of stimulus-response are easily under¬ 
stood. The body takes pictures of every action in the en¬ 
vironment around an individual. When the environment in¬ 
cludes brutality, terror, shock, and other such activities, 
the mental image picture gained contains in itself all the 
ingredients of the environment. If the individual, himself, 
was injured during that moment, the injury, itself, will re¬ 
manifest when called upon to respond by an exterior com¬ 
mand source. 

As an example of this, if an individual is beaten, and is 
told during the entirety of the beating that he must obey 
certain officials, he will, in the future, feel the beginnings 
of the pain the moment he begins to disobey. The installed 
pain, itself, reacts as a policeman, for the experience of the 
individual demonstrates to him that he connot combat, and 
will receive pain from, certain officials. 

The mind can become very complex in its stimulus re¬ 
sponses. As easily demonstrated in hypnotism, an entire 
chain of commands, having to do with a great many complex 
actions, can be beaten, shocked, or terrorized into a mind, 
and will there lie dormant until called into view by some 
similarity in the circumstances of the environment to the 
incident of punishment. 

The stimulus we call the “incident of punishment” where 

— 35 — 

the response mechanism need only contain some small part 
of the stimulus to call into view the mental image picture, 
and cause it to exert against the body, the pain sequence. 
So long as the individual obeys the picture, or follows the 
commands of the stimulus implantation he is free from pain. 

The behaviour of children is regulated in this fashion in 
every civilized country. The father, finding himself unable 
to bring about immediate obedience and training on the 
part of his child, resorts to physical violence, and after ad¬ 
ministering punishment ot a physical nature to the child 
on several occasions, is gratified to experience complete 
obedience on the part of the child each time the father 
speaks. In that parents are wont to be lenient with their 
children, they seldom administer sufficient punishment to 
bring about entirely optimum obedience. The ability of 
the organism to withstand punishment is very great. Com¬ 
plete and implicit response can be gained only by stimuli 
sufficiently brutal to actually injure the organism. The 
Kossack method of breaking wild horses is a useful example. 
The horse will not restrain itself or take any of its rider’s 
commands. The rider, wishing to break it, mounts, and 
takes a flask of strong Vodka, and smashes it between the 
horses’s ears. The horse, struck to its knees, its eyes filled 
with alcohol, mistaking the dampness for blood, instantly 
and thereafter gives its attention to the rider and never 
needs further breaking. Difficulty in breaking horses is 
only occasioned when light punishments are administered. 
There is some mawkish sentimentality about “breaking 
the spirit,” but what is desired here is an obedient horse, 
and sufficient brutality brings about an obedient horse. 

The stimulus-response mechanisms of the body are such 
that the pain and the command subdivide so as to counter 
each other. The mental image picture of the punishment 
will not become effective upon the individual unless the 
command content is disobeyed. It is pointed out in many 
early Russian writings that this is a survival mechanism. 
It has already been well and thoroughly used in the survival 
of Communism. 

It is only necessary to deliver into the organism a suffi¬ 
cient stimulus to gain an adequate response. 

— 36 — 

So long* as the organism obeys the stimulus whenever it 
is restimulated in the future, it does not suffer from the 
pain of the stimulus. But should it disobey the command 
content of the stimulus, the stimulus reacts to punish the 
individual. Thus, we have an optimum circumstance, and 
one of the basic principles of Psychopolitics. A sufficiently) 
installed stimulus will thereafter remain as a police mechan¬ 
ism within the individual to cause him to follow the com¬ 
mands and directions given to him. Should he fail to follow 
these commands and directions, the stimulus mechanism 
will go into action. As the commands are there with the 
moment of duress, the commands themselves need never be 
repeated, and if the individual were to depart thousands of 
miles away from the psychopolitical operative, he will still 
obey the psychopolitical operative, or, himself, become ex¬ 
tremely ill and in agony. These principles, built from the 
earliest days of Pavlov, by constant and continuous Russian 
development, have, at last, become of enormous use to us in 
our conquest. For less modern and well-informed coun¬ 
tries of Earth, lacking this mechanism, failing to under¬ 
stand it, and coaxed into somnolence by our own psycho¬ 
political operatives, who discount and disclaim it, cannot 
avoid succumbing to it. 

The body is less able to resist a stimulus if it has insuf¬ 
ficient food and is weary. Therefore, it is necessary to ad¬ 
minister all such stimuli to individuals when their ability 
to resist has been reduced by privation and exhaustion. Re¬ 
fusal to let them sleep over many days, denying them ade¬ 
quate food, then brings about an optimum state for the 
receipt of a stimulus. If the person is then given an elec¬ 
trical shock, and is told while the shock is in action that he 
must obey and do certain things, he has no choice but to do 
them, or to re-experience, because of his mental image pic¬ 
ture of it, the electric shock. This highly scientific and in¬ 
tensely workable mechanism cannot be over-estimated in the 
practice of psychopolitics. 

Drugging the individual produces an artificial exhaustion, 
and if he is drugged, or shocked and beaten, and given a 
string of commands, his loyalties, themselves, can be defi¬ 
nitely rearranged. This is P.D.H., or Pain-Drug Hypnosis. 

— 37 — 

The psychopolitical operative in training should be 
thoroughly studied in the subject of hypnotism and post¬ 
hypnotic suggestion. He should pay particular attention to 
the “forgetter mechanism” aspect of hypnotism, which is 
to say, implantation in the unconscious mind. He should 
note particularly that a person given a command in an 
hypnotic state, and then told when still in that condition 
to forget it, will execute it on a stimulus-response signal 
in the environment after he has “awakened” from his hyp¬ 
notic trance. 

Having mastered these details fully, he should, by prac¬ 
ticing upon criminals and prisoners, or inmates available 
to him, produce the hypnotic trance by durgs, and drive 
home post-hypnotic suggestions by pain administered to the 
drugged person. He should then study the reactions of the 
person when “awakened,” and should give him the stimulus- 
response signal which would throw into action the com¬ 
mands given while in a drugged state of duress. By much 
practice he can then learn the threshold dosages of various 
drugs, and the amount of duress in terms of electric shock 
or additional drug shock necessary to produce the optimum 
obedience to the commands. He should also satisfy himself 
that there is no possible method known to Man—there must 
be no possible method known to Man—of bringing the pa¬ 
tient into awareness of what has happened to him, keeping 
him in a state of obedience and response while ignorant of 
its cause. 

Using criminals and prisoners, the psychopolitical oper¬ 
ative in training should then experiment with duress in the 
absence of privation, administering electric shocks, beat¬ 
ings, and terror-inducing tactics, accompanied by the same 
mechanisms as those employed in hypnotism, and watch 
the conduct of the person when no longer under duress. 

The operative in training should carefully remark those 
who show a tendency to protest, so that he may recognize 
possible recovery of memory of the commands implanted. 
Purely for his own education, he should then satisfy himself 
as to the efficacy of brain surgery in disabling the non- 
responsive prisoner. 

The boldness of the psychopolitical operative can be in- 

— 38 - 

creased markedly by permitting persons who have been 
given pain-drug hypnosis and who have demonstrated symp¬ 
toms of rebelling or recalling into the society to observe how 
the label of “insanity” discredits and discounts the state¬ 
ments of the person. 

Exercises in bringing about insanity seizures at will, 
simply by demonstrating a signal to persons upon whom 
pain-drug hypnosis has been used, and exercises in making 
the seizures come about through talking to certain persons 
in certain places and times should also be used. 

Brain surgery, as developed in Russia, should also be 
practiced by the psychopolitical operative in training, to 
give him full confidence in 1) the crudeness with which it 
can be done, 2) the certainty of erasure of the stimulus- 
response mechanism itself, 3) the production of imbecility, 
idiocy, and dis-cordination on the part of the patient, and 
4) the small amount of comment which casualties in brain 
surgery occasion. 

Exercises in sexual attack on patients should be practiced 
by the psychopolitcal operative to demonstrate the inability 
of the patient under pain-drug hypnosis to recall the attack, 
while indoctrinating a lust for further sexual activity on 
the part of the patient. Sex, in all animals, is a powerful 
motivator, and is no less so in the animal Man, and the oc¬ 
casioning of sexual liaison between females of a target fam¬ 
ily and indicated males, under the control of the psycho¬ 
political operative, must be demonstrated to be possible 
with complete security for the psychopolitical operative, 
thus giving into his hands an excellent weapon for the 
breaking down of familial relations and consequent public 
disgraces for the psychopolitical target. 

Just as a dog can be trained, so can a man be trained. 
Just as a horse can be trained, so can a man be trained. 
Sexual lust, masochism, and any other desirable perversion 
can be induced by pain-drug hypnosis and the benefit of 

The changes of loyalties, allegiances, and sources of com¬ 
mand can be occasioned easily by psychopolitical technolo¬ 
gies, and these should be practiced and understood by the 

— 39 — 

psychopolitical operative before he begins to tamper with 
psychopolitical targets of magnitude. 

The actual simplicity of the subject of pain-drug hypno¬ 
sis, the use of electric shock, drugs, insanity-producing in¬ 
jections, and other materials, should be masked entirely by 
technical nomenclature, the protest of benefit to the pa¬ 
tient, by an authoritarian pose and position, and by care¬ 
fully cultivating governmental positions in the country to 
be conquered. 

Although the psychopolitical operative working in univer¬ 
sities where he can direct the curricula of psychology classes 
is often tempted to teach some of the principles of Psycho¬ 
politics to the susceptible students in the psychology classes, 
he must be thoroughly enjoined to limit his information in 
psychology classes to the transmittal of the tenets of Com¬ 
munism under the guise of psychology, and must limit his 
activities in bringing about a state of mind on the part of 
the students where they will accept Communist tenets as 
those of their own action and as modern scientific principles. 
The psychological operative must not, at any time, educate 
students fully in stimulus-response mechanisms, and must 
not impart to them, save those who will become his fellow- 
workers, the exact principles of Psychopolitics. It is not 
necessary to do so, and it is dangerous. 




Degradation and conquest are companions. 

In order to be conquered, a nation must be degraded, 
either by acts of war, by being overrun, by being forced 
into humiliating treaties of peace, or by the treatment of her 
populace under the armies of the conqueror. However, 
degradation can be accomplished much more insidiously 
and much more effectively by consistent and continual de¬ 

, Defamation is the best and foremost weapon of Psycho¬ 
politics on the broad field. Continual and constant degra¬ 
dation of national leaders, national institutions, national 
practices, and national heroes must be systematically car¬ 
ried out, but this is the chief function of Communist Party 
Members, in general, not the psychopolitician. 

The realm of defamation and degradation, of the psycho¬ 
politician, is Man himself. By attacking the character and 
morals of Man himself, and by bringing about, through con¬ 
tamination of youth, a general degraded feeling, command 
of the populace is facilitated to a very marked degree. 

There is a curve of degradation which leads downward 
to a point where the endurance of an individual is almost 
at end. and any sudden action toward him will place him in 
a state of shock. Similarly, a soldier held prisoner can be 
abused, denied, defamed, and degraded until the slightest 
motion on the part of his captors will cause him to flinch. 
Similarly, the slightest word on the part of his captors will 
cause him to obey, or vary his loyalties and beliefs. Given 
sufficient degradation, a prisoner can be caused to murder 
his fellow countrymen in the same stockade. Experiments 
on German prisoners have lately demonstrated that only 
after seventy days of filthy food, little sleep, and nearly un¬ 
tenable quarters, that the least motion toward the prisoner 
would bring about a state of shock beyond his endurance 
threshold, and would cause him to hypnotically receive any¬ 
thing said to him. Thus, it is possible, in an entire stockade 
of prisoners, to the number of thousands, to being about a 
state of complete servile obedience, and without the labor of 

— 41 — 

personally addressing each one, to pervert their loyalties 
and implant in them adequate commands to insure their 
future conduct, even when released to their own people. 

By lowering the endurance of a person, a group, or a 
nation, and by constant degradation and defamation, it is 
possible to induce, thus, a state of shock which will receive 
adequately any command given. 

The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of 
Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are 
difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their 
allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they 
usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by 
duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame 
of mind. It is the basic purpose of Psychopolitics to reduce 
that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and en¬ 
slaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must 
be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic re¬ 
action pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, 
capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer 
think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of “spiritual 
endurance/' or nobility. 

The best approach toward degradation in its first stages 
is the propaganda of “scientific approach" to Man. Man 
must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism with¬ 
out individuality, and it must be educated into a populace 
under attack that Man's individualistic reactions are the 
product of mental derangement. The populace must be 
brought into the belief that every individual within it who 
rebels in any way, shape, or form against efforts and activi¬ 
ties to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a de¬ 
ranged person whose eccentricities are neurotic or insane, 
and who must have at once the treatment of a psychopoli¬ 

An optimum condition in such a program of degradation 
would address itself to the military forces of the nation, 
and bring them rapidly away from any other belief than 
that the disobedient one must be subjected to “mental 
treatment." An enslavement of a population can fail only 
if these rebellious individuals are left to exert their indi¬ 
vidual influences upon their fellow citizens, sparking them 

— 42 — 

into rebellion, calling into account their nobilities and free¬ 
doms. Unless these restless individuals are stamped out 
and given into the hands of psychopolitical operatives early 
in the conquest, there will be nothing but trouble as the 
conquest continues. 

The officials of the government, students, readers, par¬ 
takers of entertainment, must all be indoctrinated, by what¬ 
ever means, into the complete belief that the restless, the 
ambitions, the natural leaders, are suffering from environ¬ 
mental maladjustments, which can only be healed by re¬ 
course to psychopolitical operatives in the guise of mental 

By thus degrading the general belief in the status of Man 
it is relatively simple, with co-operation from the economic 
salients being driven into the country, to drive citizens 
apart, one from another, to bring about a question of the 
wisdom of their own government, and to cause them to ac¬ 
tively beg for enslavement. 

The educational programs of Psychopolitics must, at every 
hand, seek out the levels of youth who will become the lead¬ 
ers in the country's future, and educate them into the belief 
of the animalistic nature of Man. This must be made fash¬ 
ionable. They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon 
individual endeavor. They must be taught, above all things, 
that the salvation of Man is to be found only by his adjusting 
thoroughly to this environment. 

This educational program in the field of Psychopolitica 
can best be followed by bringing about a compulsory train¬ 
ing in some subject such as psychology or other mental prac¬ 
tice, and ascertaining that each broad program of psycho¬ 
political training be supervised by a psychiatrist who is a 
trained psychopolitical operative. 

As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most 
ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of 
each and every church, must, one way or another, be dis¬ 
credited. Religion must become unfashionable by demon¬ 
strating broadly, through psychopolitical indoctrination, 
that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal. 
The lying mechanisms of Christianity lead men to foolishly 
brave deeds. By teaching them that there is a life here- 

— 43 — 

after, the liability of courageous acts, while living, is thus 
lessened. The liability of any act must be markedly in¬ 
creased if a populace is to be obedient. Thus, there must 
be no standing belief in the church, and the power of the 
church must be denied at every hand. 

The psychopolitical operative, in his program of degra¬ 
dation, should at all times bring into question any family 
which is deeply religious, and, should any neurosis or in¬ 
sanity be occasioned in that family, to blame and hold re¬ 
sponsible their religious connections for the neurotic or 
psychotic condition. Religion must be made synonymous 
with neurosis and psychosis. People who are deeply re¬ 
ligious would be less and less held responsible for their own 
sanity, and should more and more be relegated to the min¬ 
istrations of psychopolitical operatives. 

By perverting the institutions of a nation and bringing 
about a general degradation, by interfering with the eco¬ 
nomics of a nation to the degree that privation and depres¬ 
sion come about, only minor shocks will be necessary to 
produce, on the populace as a whole, an obedient reaction 
or an hysteria. Thus, the mere threat of war, the mere 
threat of aviation bombings, could cause the population to 
sue instantly for peace. It is a long and arduous road for 
the psychopolitical operative to achieve this state of mind 
on the part of a whole nation, but no more than twenty or 
thirty years should be necessary in the entire program. 
Having to hand, as we do, weapons with which to accomplish 
the goal. 





Psychopolitical operatives should at all times be alert to 
the opportunity to organize “for the betterment of the com- 
munity” mental health clubs or groups. By thus inviting 
the co-operation of the population as a whole in mental 
health programs, the terrors of mental aberration can be 
disseminated throughout the populace. Furthermore, each 
one of these mental health groups, properly guided, can 
bring, at last, legislative pressure against the government 
to secure adequately the position of the psychopolitical oper¬ 
ative, and to obtain for him government grants and facili¬ 
ties, thus bringing a government to finance its own down¬ 

Mental health organizations must carefully delete from 
their ranks anyone actually proficient in the handling or 
treatment of mental health. Thus must be excluded priests, 
ministers, actually trained psychoanalysts, good hypnotists, 
or trained Dianeticists. These, with some cognizance on the 
subject of mental aberration and its treatment, and with 
some experience in observing the mentally deranged, if 
allowed frequency within institutions, and if permitted to 
receive literature, would, sooner or later, become suspicious 
of the activities engaged upon by the psychopolitical opera¬ 
tive. These must be defamed and excluded as “untrained/' 
“unskillful/' “quacks,” or “perpetrators of hoaxes.” 

No mental health movement with actual goals of mental 
therapy should be continued in existence in any nation. 
For instance, the use of Chinese acupuncture in the treat¬ 
ment of mental and physical derangement must, in China, 
be stamped out and discredited thoroughly, as it has some 
efficacy, and, more importantly, its practitioners under¬ 
stand, through long conversation with it, many of the prin¬ 
ciples of actual mental health and aberration. 

In the field of mental health, the psychopolitician must 
occupy, and continue to occupy, through various arguments, 
the authoritative position on the subject. There is always 
the danger that problems of mental health may be resolved 

— 45 — 

by some individual or group, which might then derange 
the program of the psychopolitical operative in his mental 
health clubs. 

City officials, socialites, and other unknowing individuals, 
on the subject of mental health, should be invited to full 
co-operation in the activity of mental health groups. But 
the entirety of this activity should be to finance better fa¬ 
cilities for the psychopolitical practitioner. To these groups 
it must be continually stressed that the entire subject of 
mental illness is so complex that none of them, certainly, 
could understand any part of it. Thus, the club should be 
kept on a social and financial level. 

Where groups interested in the health of the community 
have already been formed, they should be infiltrated and 
taken over, and if this is not possible, they should be dis¬ 
credited and debarred, and the officialdom of the area 
should be invited to stamp them out as dangerous. 

When an hostile group dedicated to mental health is dis¬ 
covered, the psychopolitician should have recourse to the 
mechanisms of peyote, mescaline, and later drugs which 
cause temporary insanity. He should send persons, prefer¬ 
ably those well under his control, into the mental health 
group, whether Christian Science or Dianetics or faith 
preachers to demonstrate their abilities upon this new per¬ 
son. These, in demonstrating their abilities, will usually 
act with enthusiasm. Midway in the course of their treat¬ 
ment, a quiet injection of peyote, mescaline, or other drug, 
or an electric shock, will produce the symptoms of insanity 
in the patient which has been sent to the target group. 
The patient thus demonstrating momentary insanity 
should immediately be reported to the police and taken away 

to some area of incarceration managed by psychopolitical 
operatives, and so placed out of sight. Officialdom will thus 
come into a belief that this group drives individuals insane 
by their practices, and the practices of the group will then 
be despised and prohibited by law. 

The values of a widespread mental health organization 
are manifest when one realizes that any government can be 
forced to provide facilities for psychopolitical operatives in 
the form of psychiatric wards in all hospitals, in national 

— 46 — 

institutions totally in the hands of psychopolitical opera¬ 
tives, and in the establishment of clinics where youth can be 
contacted and arranged more seemingly to the purposes of 

Such groups form a political force, which can then legal¬ 
ize any law or authority desired for the psychopolitical 

The securing of authority over such mental health organi¬ 
zations is done mainly by appeal to education. A psycho¬ 
political operative should make sure that those psychia¬ 
trists he controls, those psychologists whom he has under 
his orders, have been trained for an excessively long period 
of time. The longer the training period which can be re¬ 
quired, the safer the psychopolitical program, since no new 
group of practitioners can arise to disclose and dismay 
psychopolitical programs. Furthermore, the groups them¬ 
selves cannot hope to obtain any full knowledge of the sub¬ 
ject, not having behind them many, many years of inten¬ 
sive training. 

Vienna has been carefully maintained as the home of 
Psychopolitics, since it was the home of Psychoanalysis. 
Although our activities have long since dispersed any of 
the gains made by Freudian groups, and have taken over 
these groups, the proximity of Vienna to Russia, where 
Phychopolitics is operating abroad, and the necessity “for 
further study" by psychopolitical operatives in the birth¬ 
place of Psychoanalysis, makes periodic contacts with head¬ 
quarters possible. Thus, the word “psychoanalysis" must 
be stressed at all times, and must be pretended to be a 
thorough part of the psychiatrist's training. 

Psychoanalysis has the very valuable possession of a 
vocabulary, and a workability which is sufficiently poor to 
avoid recovery of psychopolitical implantations. It can be 
made fashionable throughout mental health organizations, 
and by learning its patter, and by believing they see some 
of its phenomena, the members of mental health groups can 
believe themselves conversant with mental health. Because 
its stress is sex, it is, itself, an adequate defamation of char¬ 
acter. and serves the purposes of degradation well. Thus, 


in organizing mental health groups, the literature furnished 
such groups should be psychoanalytical in nature. 

If a group of persons interested in suppressing juvenile 
delinquency, in caring for the insane, and the promotion of 
psychopolitical operatives and their actions can be formed in 
every major city of a country under conquest, the success of 
a psychopolitical program is assured, since these groups 
seem to represent a large segment of the population. By 
releasing continued propaganda on the subject of dope ad¬ 
diction, homosexuality, and depraved conduct on the part 
of the young, even the judges of a country can become su¬ 
borned into reacting violently against the youth of the coun¬ 
try, thus mis-aligning and aligning the support of youth. 

The communication lines of psychopolitics, if such mental 
health organizations can be well established, can thus run 
from its most prominent citizens to its government. It is 
not too much to hope that the influence of such groups could 
bring about a psychiatric ward in every hospital in the land, 
and psychiatrists in every company and regiment of the 
nation’s army, and whole government institutes manned en¬ 
tirely by psychopolitical operatives, into which ailing gov¬ 
ernment officials could be placed, to the advantage of the 

If a psychiatric ward could be established in every hos¬ 
pital in every city in a nation, it is certain that, at one time 
or another, every prominent citizen of that nation could 
come under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives 
or their dupes. 

The validation of psychiatric position in the armed forces 
and security-minded institutions of the nation under con¬ 
quest could bring about a flow and fund of information un¬ 
like any other program which could be conceived. If every 
pilot who flies a new plane could come under the question¬ 
ing of a psychopolitical operative, if the compiler of every 
plan of military action could thus came under the review 
of psychopolitical operatives, the simplicity with which in¬ 
formation can be extracted by the use of certain drugs, with¬ 
out the after-knowledge of the soldier, would entirely cripple 
any overt action toward Communism. If the nation could 
be educated into turning over to psychopolitical operatives 

— 48 — 

every recalcitrant or rebellious soldier, it would lose its best 
fighters. Thus, the advantage of mental health organiza¬ 
tions can be seen, for these, by exerting an apparent public 
pressure against the government, can achieve these ends 
and goals. 

The financing of a psychopolitical operation is diffcult 
unless it is done by the citizens and government. Although 
vast sums of money can be obtained from private patients, 
and from relatives who wish persons put away, it is, never¬ 
theless, difficult to obtain millions, unless the government 
itself is co-operating. The co-operation of the government 
to obtain these vast sums of money is best obtained by the 
organization of mental health groups composed of leading 
citizens, and who bring their lobbying abilities to bear 
against the nation's government. Thus can be financed 
many programs, which might otherwise have to be laid 
aside by the psychopolitician. 

The psychopolitical operative should bend consistent and 
continual effort toward forming and continuing in action 
innumerable mental health groups. 

The psychopolitical operative should also spare no ex¬ 
pense in smashing out of existence, by whatever means, 
any actual healing group, such as that of acupuncture, in 
China; such as Christian Science, Dianetics and faith heal¬ 
ing, in the United States; such as Catholicism in Italy and 
Spain; and the practical psychological groups of England. 


The psychopolitician may well find himself under attack 
as an individual or a member of a group. He may be at¬ 
tacked as a Communist, through some leak in the organi¬ 
zation, he may be attacked for malpractice. He may be at¬ 
tacked by the families of people whom he has injured. In 
all cases his conduct of the situation should be calm and 
aloof. He should have behind him the authority of many 
years of training, and he should have participated fully in 
the building of defenses in the field of insanity which give 
him the only statement as to the conditions of the mind. 

If he has not done his work well, hostile feeling groups 
may expose an individual psychopolitician. These may call 
into question the efficacy of psychiatric treatment such as 
shock, drugs, and brain surgery. Therefore, the psycho¬ 
political operative must have to hand innumerable docu¬ 
ments which assert enormously encouraging figures on the 
subject of recovery by reason of shock, brain surgery, drugs, 
and general treatment. Not one of these cases cited need be 
real, but they should be documented and printed in such a 
fashion as to form excellent court evidence. 

When his allegiance is attacked, the psychopolitical oper¬ 
ative should explain his connection with Vienna on the 
grounds that Vienna is the place of study for all important 
matters of the mind. 

More importantly, he should rule into scorn, by reason 
of his authority, the sanity of the person attacking him, and 
if the psychopolitical archives of the country are adequate 
many defamatory data can be unearthed and presented as 
a rebuttal. 

Should anyone attempt to expose psychotherapy as a 
psychopolitical activity, the best defense is calling into 
question the sanity of the attacker. The next best defense 
is authority. The next best defense is a validation of 
psychiatric practices in terms of long and impressive fig¬ 
ures. The next best defense is the actual removal of the 
attacker by giving him, or them, treatment sufficient to 
bring about a period of insanity for the duration of the 

— 50 — 

trial. This, more than anything else, would discredit them, 
but it is dangerous to practice this, in the extreme. 

Psychopolitics should avoid murder and violence, unless 
it is done in the safety of the institution, on persons who 
have been proven to be insane. Where institution deaths 
appear to be unnecessary, or to rise in “unreasonable num¬ 
ber/’ political capital might be made of this by city officials 
or legislature. If the psychopolitical operative has, him¬ 
self, or if his group has done a thorough job, defamatory 
data concerning the person, or connections, of the would-be 
attacker should be on file, should be documented, and should 
be used in such a way as to discourage the inquiry. 

After a period of indoctrination, a country will expect 
insanity to be met by psychopolitical violence. Psycho- 
political activities should become the only recognized treat¬ 
ment for insanity. Indeed, this can be extended to such a 
length that it could be made illegal for electric shock and 
brain surgery to be omitted in the treatment of a patient. 

In order to defend psychopolitical activities, a great com¬ 
plexity should be made of psychiatric, psychoanalytical, 
and psychological technology. Any hearing should be bur¬ 
dened by terminology too difficult to be transcribed easily. 
A great deal should be made out of such terms as schizo¬ 
phrenia, paranoia, and other relatively undefinable states. 

Psychopolitical tests need not necessarily be in agree¬ 
ment, one to another, where they are available to the public. 
Various types of insanity should be characterized by diffi¬ 
cult terms. The actual state should be made obscure, but 
by this verbiage it can be built into the court or investigat¬ 
ing mind that a scientific approach exists and that it is too 
complex for him to understand. It is not to be imagined 
that a judge or a committee of investigation should inquire 
too deeply into the susbject of insanity, since they, them¬ 
selves, part of the indoctrinated masses, are already intimi¬ 
dated if the psychopolitical activity has caused itself to be 
well-documented in terms of horror in magazines. 

In case of a hearing or trial, the terribleness of insanity 
itself, its threat to the society, should be exaggerated until 
the court or committee believes that the psychopolitical 
operative is vitally necessary in his post and should not be 

— 51 — 

harrassed for the activities of persons who are irrational. 

An immediate attack upon the sanity of the attacker be¬ 
fore any possible hearing can take place is the very best de¬ 
fense. It should become well-known that “only the insane 
attack psychiatrists.” The by-word should be built into the 
society that paranoia is a condition “in which the individual 
believes he is being attacked by Communists.” It will be 
found that this defense is effective. 

Part of the effective defenses should include the entire 
lack in the society of any real psychotherapy. This must 
be systematically stamped out, since a real psychotherapy 
might possibly uncover the results of psychopolitical ac¬ 

Jurisprudence, in a Capitalistic nation, is of such clumsi¬ 
ness that cases are invariably tried in their newspapers. 
We have handled these things much better in Russia, and 
have uniformly brought people to trial with full confessions 
already arrived at (being implanted) before the trial took 

Should any whisper, or pamphlet, against psychopolitical 
activities be published, it should be laughed into scorn, 
branded an immediate hoax, and its perpetrator or publish¬ 
er should be, at the first opportunity, branded as insane, 
and by the use of drugs the insanity should be confirmed. 





Reactionary nations are of such a composition that they 
attack a word without understanding of it. As the con¬ 
quest of a nation by Communism depends upon imbuing its 
population with communistic tenets, it is not necessary that 
the term “Communism” be applied at first to the educative 
measures employed. 

As an example, in the United States we have been able 
to alter the works of William James, and others, into a more 
acceptable pattern, and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, 
Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism into 
the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree that anyone 
thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate 
to accept the reasonableness of Communism. 

As every chair of psychology in the United States is oc¬ 
cupied by persons in our connection, or who can be in¬ 
fluenced by persons in our connection, the consistent em¬ 
ployment of such texts is guaranteed. They are given the 
authoritative ring, and they are carefully taught. 

Constant pressure in the legislatures of the United States 
can bring about legislation to the effect that every student 
attending a high school or university must have classes in 

Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace 
into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively 
easy, and when the choice is given them whether to con¬ 
tinue in a Capitalistic or a Communistic condition, they will 
see. suddenly, in Communism, much more reasonability 
than in Capitalism, which will now be of our own definition. 



As populaces, in general, understand that a violence is 
necessary in the handling of the insane, violent remedies 
seem to be reasonable. Starting from a relatively low level 
of violence, such as strait-jackets and other restraints, it 
is relatively easy to encroach upon the public diffidence for 
violence by adding more and more cruelty into the treat¬ 
ment of the insane. 

By increasing the brutality of “treatment,” the public ex¬ 
pectance of such treatment will be assisted, and the pro¬ 
test of the individual to whom the treatment is given is im¬ 
possible, since immediately after the treatment he is incap¬ 
able. The family of the individual under treatment is sus¬ 
pect for having had in its midst, already, an insane person. 
The family’s protest should be discredited. 

The more violent the treatment, the more command value 
the psychopolitical operative will accumulate. Brain opera¬ 
tions should become standard and commonplace. While the 
figures of actual deaths should be repressed wherever pos¬ 
sible, nevertheless, it is of no great concern to the psycho¬ 
political operative that many deaths do occur. 

Gradually, the public should be educated into electric 
shock, first by believing that it is very therapeutic, then by 
believing that it is quieting, then by being informed that 
electric shock usually injures the spine and teeth, and 
finally, that it very often kills or at least breaks the spine 
and removes, violently, the teeth of the patient. It is very 
doubtful if anyone from the lay levels of the public could 
tolerate the observation of a single electric shock treatment. 
Certainly they could not tolerate witnessing a prefrontal 
lobotomy or trans-orbital leucotomy. However, they should 
be brought up to a level where this is possible, where it is 
the expected treatment, and where the details, of the treat¬ 
ment itself can be made known, thus to the increase of 
psychopolitical prestige. 

The more violent the treatment, the more hopeless in¬ 
sanity will seem to be. 

The society should be worked up to the level where every 

— 54 — 

recalcitrant young man can be brought into court and as¬ 
signed to a psychopolitical operative, be given electric 
shocks, and reduced into unimaginative docility for the re¬ 
mainder of his days. 

By continuous and increasing advertising of the violence 
of treatment, the public will at last come to tolerate the 
creation of zombie conditions to such a degree that they will 
probably employ zombies, if given to them. Thus a large 
strata of the society, particularly that which was rebellious, 
can be reduced to the service of the psychopolitician. 

By various means, a public must be convinced, at least, 
that insanity can only be met by shock, torture, deprivation, 
defamation, discreditation, violence, maiming, death, pun¬ 
ishment in all its forms. The society, at the same time, 
must be educated into the belief of increasing insanity 
within its ranks. This creates an emergency, and places 
the psychopolitician in a saviour role, and places him, at 
length, in charge of the society. 




The psychopolitical dupe is a well-trained individual who 
serves in complete obedience the psychopolitical operative. 

In that nearly all persons in training are expected to 
undergo a certain amount of treatment in any field of the 
mind, it is not too difficult to persuade persons in the field 
of mental healing to subject themselves to mild or minor 
drugs or shock. If this can be done, a psychological dupe 
on the basis of pain-drug hypnosis can immediately result. 

Recruitment into the ranks of “mental healing” can best 
be done by carefully bringing to it only those healing stu¬ 
dents who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or 
who have been “treated” by psychopolitical operatives. 

Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental 
healing very attractive, financially, and sexually. 

The amount of promiscuity which can be induced in 
mental patients can work definitely to the advantage of the 
psychopolitical recruiting agent. The dupe can thus be in¬ 
duced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, properly 
witnessed, can thereafter be used as blackmail material to 
assist any failure of pain-drug hypnosis in causing him to 
execute orders. 

The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the pro¬ 
mise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of 
helpless patients, the promise of complete lawlessness with¬ 
out detection, can thus attract to “mental healing” many 
desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psycho¬ 
political activities. 

In that the psychopolitician has under his control the in¬ 
sane of the nation, most of them have criminal tendencies, 
and as he can, as his movement goes forward, recruit for his 
ranks the criminals themselves, he has unlimited numbers 
of human beings to employ on whatever project he may see 
fit. In that the insane will execute destructive projects 
without question, if given the proper amount of punishment 
and implantation, the degradation of the country's youth, 
the defamation of its leaders, the suborning of is courts be¬ 
comes childishly easy. 


The psychopolitician has the advantage of naming as a 
delusory symptom any attempt on the part of a patient to 
expose commands. 

The psychopolitician should carefully adhere to institu¬ 
tions and should eschew private practice whenever possible, 
since this gives him the greatest number of human beings to 
control to the use of Communism. When he does act in 
private practice, it should be only in contact with the fami¬ 
lies of the wealthy and the officials of the country. 



You must know that until recent times the complete sub¬ 
ject of mental derangement, whether so light as simple 
worry or so heavy as insanity, was the sphere of activity 
of the church and only the church. 

Traditionally in civilized nations and barbaric ones the 
priesthood alone had in complete charge the mental condi¬ 
tion of the citizen. As a matter of great concern to the 
psychopolitician this tendency still exists in every public 
in the Western World and scientific inroads into this sphere 
has occurred only in official and never in public quarters. 

The magnificent tool welded for us by Wundt would be 
as nothing if it were not for official insistence in civilized 
countries that “scientific practices” be applied to the prob¬ 
lem of the mind. Without this official insistence or even if 
it relapsed for a moment, the masses would grasp stupidity 
for the priest, the minister, the clergy when mental condi¬ 
tion came in question. Today in Europe and America 
“scientifiic practices” in the field of the mind would not last 
moments if not enforced entirely by officialdom. 

It must be carefully hidden that the incidence of insanity 
has increased only since these “scientific practices” were 
applied. Great remarks must be made of “the pace of mod¬ 
ern living” and other myths as the cause of the increased 
neurosis in the world. It is nothing to us what causes it if 
anything does. It is everything to us that no evidence of 
any kind shall be tolerated afoot to permit the public ten¬ 
dency toward the church its way. If given their heads, if 
left to themselves to decide, independent of officialdom, 
where they would place their deranged loved ones the public 
would choose religious sanitariums and would avoid as if 
plagued places where “scientific practices” prevail. 

Given any slightest encouragement, public support would 
swing on an instant all mental healing into the hands of the 
churches. And there are Churches waiting to receive it, 
clever churches. That terrible monster the Roman Catholic 
Church still dominates mental healing heavily throughout 
the Christian world and their well schooled priests are al- 

— 58 — 

ways at work to turn the public their way. Among Funda¬ 
mentalist and Pentecostal groups healing campaigns are 
conducted, which, because of their results, win many to 
the cult of Christianity. In the field of pure healing the 
Church of Christ Science of Boston, Massachusetts excells 
in commanding the public favor and operates many sani¬ 
tariums. All these must be swept aside. They must be ridi¬ 
culed and defamed and every cure they advertise must be 
asserted as a hoax. A full fifth of a psychopolitician's time 
should be devoted to smashing these threats. Just as in 
Russia we had to destroy, after many, many years of the 
most arduous work, the Church, so we must destroy all 
faiths in nations marked for conquest. 

Insanity must be made to hound the footsteps of every 
priest and practitioner. His best results must be turned to 
jibbering insanities no matter what means we have to use. 

You need not care what effect you have upon the public. 
The effect you care about is the one upon officials. You 
must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaugh¬ 
ter into a foaming hatred of religious healing. You must 
suborne district attorneys and judges into an intense be¬ 
lief as fervent as an ancient faith in God that Christian 
Science or any other religious practice which might devote 
itself to mental healing is vicious, bad, insanity-causing, 
publicly hated and intolerable. 

You must suborne and recruit any medical healing or¬ 
ganization into collusion in this campaign. You must ap¬ 
peal to their avarice and even their humanity to invite their 
cooperation in smashing all religious healing and thus, to 
our end, care of the insane. You must see that such societies 
have only qualified Communist-indoctrinees as their ad¬ 
visors in this matter. For you can use such societies. They 
are stupid and stampede easily. Their cloak and degrees 
can be used quite well to mask any operation we care to 
have masked. We must make them partners in our en¬ 
deavor so that they will never be able to crawl from beneath 
our thumb and discredit us. 

We have battled in America since the century's turn to 
bring to nothing any and all Christian influences and we are 
succeeding. While we today seem to be kind to the Christian 

— 59 — 

remember we have yet to influence the “Christian world” to 
our ends. When that is done we shall have an end of them 

everywhere. You may see them here in Russia as trained 
apes. They do not know their tether is long only until the 
apes in other lands have become unwary. 

You must work until “religion” is synonymous with “in¬ 
sanity.” You must work until the officials of city, county 
and state governments will not think twice before they 
pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. 

Remember, all lands are governed by the few and only 
pretend to consult with the many. It is no different in 
America. The petty official, the maker of laws alike can be 
made to believe the worst. It is not necessary to convince 
the masses. It is only necessary to work incessantly upon 
the official, using personal defamations, wild lies, false evi¬ 
dences and constant propaganda to make him fight for you 
against the church or against any practitioner. 

Like the official the bona-fide medical healer also believes 
the worst if it can be shown to him as dangerous competi¬ 
tion. And like the Christian, should he seek to take from 
us any right we have gained, we shall finish him as well. 

We must be like the vine upon the tree. We use the tree 
to climb and then, strangling it, grow into power on the 
nourishment of its flesh. 

We must strike from our path any opposition. We 
must use for our tools and authority that comes to hand. 
And then at last, the decades sped, we can dispense with all 
authority save our own and triumph in the greater glory of 
the Party. 



There are certain damaging movements which could inter¬ 
rupt a psychopolitical conquest. These, coming from some 
quarters of the country, might gain headway and should be 
spotted before they do, and stamped out. 

Proposals may be made by large and powerful groups in 
the country to return the insane to the care of those who 
have handled mental healing for tribes and populaces for 
centuries—the priest. Any movement to place clergymen 
in charge of institutions should be fought on the grounds of 
incompetence and the insanity brought about by religion. 
The most destructive thing which could happen to a psycho¬ 
political program would be the investment of the ministry 
with the care of the nation's insane. 

If mental hospitals operated by religious groups are in 
existence, they must be discredited and closed, no matter 
what the cost, for it might occur that the actual figures of 
recovery in such institutions would become known, and that 
the lack of recovery in general institutions might be com¬ 
pared to them, and this might lead to a movement to place 
the clergy in charge of the insane. Every argument must 
be advanced early, to overcome any possibility of this ever 

A country's law must carefully be made to avoid any 
rights of person to the insane. Any suggested laws or Con¬ 
stitutional Amendments which make the harming of the 
insane unlawful, should be fought to the extreme, on the 
grounds that only violent measures can succeed. If the 
law were to protect the insane, as it normally does not, the 
entire psychopolitical program would very possibly collapse. 

Any movement to increase or place under surveillance 
the orders required to hospitalize the mentally ill should be 
discouraged. This should be left entirely in the hands of 
persons well under the control of psychopolitical operatives. 
It should be done with minimum formality, and no recovery 
of the insane from an institution should be possible by any 
process of law. Thus, any movement to add to the legal 
steps of the processes of commitment and release should be 


discouraged on the grounds of emergency. To obviate this, 
the best action is to place a psychiatric and detention ward 
for the mentally ill in every hospital in a land. 

Any writings of a psychopolitical nature, accidentally 
disclosing themselves, should be prevented. All actual 
literature on the subject of insanity and is treatment should 
be suppressed, first by actual security, and second by com¬ 
plex verbiage which renders it incomprehensible. The 
actual figures of recovery or death should never be an¬ 
nounced in any papers. Any investigation attempting to 
discover whether or not psychiatry or psychology has ever 
cured anyone should immediately be discouraged and 
laughed to scorn, and should mobilize at that point all 
psychopolitical operatives. At first, it should be ignored, 
but if this is not possible, the entire weight of all psycho¬ 
politicians in the nation should be pressed into service. Any 
tactic possible should be employed to prevent this from oc¬ 
curring. To rebut it, technical appearing papers should 
exist as to the tremendous number of cures effected by 
psychiatry and psychology, and whenever possible, per¬ 
centages of cures, no matter how fictitious, should be worked 
into legislative papers, thus forming a background of “evi¬ 
dence” which would immediately rebut any effort to actual¬ 
ly discover anyone who had ever been helped by psychiatry 
or psychology. 

If the Communistic connections of an psychopolitician 
should become disclosed, it should be attributed to his own 
carelessness, and he should, himself, be immediately branded 
as eccentric within his own profession. 

Authors of literature which seek to demonstrate the pic¬ 
ture of a society under complete mental control and duress 
should be helped toward infamy or suicide to discredit their 

Any legislation liberalizing any healing practice should 
be immediately fought and defeated. All healing practices 
should gravitate entirely to authoritative levels, and no 
other opinions should be admitted, as these might lead to 

Movements to improve youth should be invaded and cor¬ 
rupted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce in 

— 62 — 

youth delinquency, addiction, drunkenness, and sexual 

Communist workers in the field of newspapers and radio 
should be protected wherever possible by striking out of 
action, through Psychopolitics, any persons consistently at¬ 
tacking them. These, in their turn, should be persuaded to 
give every possible publicity to the benefits of psychopoliti¬ 
cal activities under the heading of “science.” 

No healing group devoted to the mind must be allowed to 
exist within the borders of Russia or its satellites. Only 
well-vouched-for psychopolitical operatives can be con¬ 
tinued in their practice, and this only for the benefit of the 
government or against enemy prisoners. 

Any effort to exclude psychiatrists or psychologists from 
the armed services must be fought. 

Any inquest into the “suicide” or sudden mental de¬ 
rangement of any political leader in a nation must be con¬ 
ducted only by psychopolitical operatives or their dupes, 
whether Psychopolitics is responsible or not. 

Death and violence against persons attacking Commu¬ 
nism in a nation should be eschewed as forbidden. Violent 
activity against such persons might bring about their 
martyrdom. Defamation, and the accusation of insanity, 
alone should be employed, and they should be brought at last 
under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives, such 
as psychiatrists and controlled psychologists. 



In this time of unlimited weapons, and in national antag¬ 
onisms where atomic war with Capitalistic powers is pos¬ 
sible, Psychopolitics must act efficiently as never before. 

Any and all programs of Psychopolitics must be increased 
to aid and abet the activities of other Communist agents 
throughout the nation in question. 

The failure of Psychopolitics might well bring about the 
atomic bombing of the Motherland. 

If Psychopolitics succeeds in its mission throughout the 
Capitalistic nations of the world, there will never be an 
atomic war, for Russia will have subjugated all of her 

Communism has already spread across one-sixth of the 
inhabited world. Marxist Doctrines have already pene¬ 
trated the remainder. An extension of the Communist so¬ 
cial order is everywhere victorious. The spread of Com¬ 
munism has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of 
the mind. In Psychopolitics we have refined this conquest 
to its last degree. 

The psychopolitical operative must succeed, for his suc¬ 
cess means a world of Peace. His failure might well mean 
the destruction of the civilized portions of Earth by atomic 
power in the hands of Capitalistic madmen. 

The end thoroughly justifies the means. The degradation 
of populaces is less inhuman than their destruction by 
atomic fission, for to an animal who lives only once, any life 
is sweeter than death. 

The end of war is the control of a conquered people. If a 
people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of 
war will have been achieved without the destruction of war. 
A worthy goal. 

The psychopolitician has his reward in the nearly un¬ 
limited control of populaces, in the uninhibited exercise of 
passion, and the glory of Communist conquest over the stu¬ 
pidity of the enemies of the People. 

The End 
— 64 — 


We urge every reader of this book to roll up his sleeves and 
take an active part in helping to block this diabolical plan for 
enslaving America through “brain-washing” our people, and es¬ 
pecially our youth. Order copies of this book for your local of¬ 
ficials, public library, police department, etc. 

$1.00 per copy; 3 copies for $2.50; 10 copies for $7.00. 
Order from your local distributor, or direct from the publisher, 
Freedom Builders of America, Valley Center, California. 

Special discounts to Civic Groups and Dealers on orders for 
100 copies or more. 


NOTE: If no local distributor is listed above, order direct from 
the Publisher, FREEDOM BUILDERS OF AMERICA, Valley Center, 
California. Books shipped POSTPAID at prices quoted above. 

of Sir William Wiseman of the British Secret Service stationed in this 
country. In spite of the fact that k has so often been discredited, it is a fact 
that all it contains has beeen proven from other sources. In this report was 
the statement,’ "we will use the movement of the Earl of Dysart, the 
British Israel World Federation movement.” The status is much the same 
as that of the Protocols, so vigorously denied, but if you will refer to the 
Jewish Year Book, page 179, 1920-1921, you will find the reference to the 
Protocols. There is no denial of the Protocols or there authenticity but there 
is the statement "that the translator omitted a paragraph in which England 
is accused of being the accomplice of the Jews in this conspiracy.” 

It was in 1935 that the Earl of Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, ad¬ 
dressed an 'Admonition to King George V, in which he told die King to 
stop playing with this Communist movement, that it was Satanic, against the 
realm. He referred to the British Israel World Federation movement of 6 
Buckingham Gate, London. You can call the British Library of Information 
if you wish to satisfy yourself that such a movement exists. You will find 
the name of Sir William Wiseman listed as one of the supporters on the 
back cover of the National Message. 

In this country the movement, now known as the Anglo-Saxon Federa¬ 
tion of America, was located in the Fox Building, Detroit and the organ 
now called ‘Destiny’ was then called the ’Messenger of the Covenant.’ 

The Anglo-Saxon Federation of America was established at the time 
the Dearborn Independent was being published. William J. Cameron, Henry 
Ford’s man Friday was the editor of the paper. The protocols had been 
brought to this country from England, they were taken to Mr. Cameron. Two 
or more people have claimed the honor of taking them to Mr. Ford or Mr. 
Cameron, one, Haviland Lund, who had spent several years in England. Mrs. 
Lund had taken the ’missing Tea Pot Dome leases’ to President Harding from 
Secretary Fall’s office where she was employed. Marcia, well known in 
Washington circles as the advisor to many in the field of predictions, accom¬ 
panied her. The story was related to me when Mrs. Lund and I paid her a 
call. Those most interested in Tea Pot Dome did not want Mrs. Lund called 
to testify so she was sent to England. It was on her return that she brought 
the protocols and told me that she had taken them to Mr. Cameron. 

After these protocols were published Lt. Col. W. G. Mac Kendrick, of 
the Commonwealth Publishing Company, Toronto, Canada, with a convert 
Merton H, Smith went to Detroit, called on Mr. Cameron, told him he was 
making a mistake in publishing the Protocols and sold him the idea of 
British Israel World Federation. 

Mr. Cameron was British bom (Canada) be had lived in this country 
for over forty years and had voted all that time without being a citizen. It 
was only when he wished to leave the country and get a passport to return 
that he was made a citizen in three days by Judge Moinet (federal). See New 
York American, September 12, 1935. See also New Money Pamphlet. 

Through Mr. Cameron, Henry Ford was interested and became a 
liberal supporter financially of this propaganda. So great was Mr. Ford’s 
interest that if you wished to reach him on a public question, as happened 
with one of my friends, you were told that if you did not know or did not 
go along with British Israel you would not succeed in that which you sought. 




widespread massacres of Jews, notably at Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav 
and Krementchug, when General Denikin’s troops entered those 
towns; and whether he would immediately take steps to prevent 
any more British supplies of munitions or men being sent to 
General Denikin.— November 6. London: In House of Commons, 
Lieutenant-Commander Kenworthy asks the Under-Secretary for 
Foreign Affairs if he would state who is His Majesty’s represen¬ 
tative at Budapest; whether reports had reached the Foreign 
Office dealing with the alleged pogroms against the Jews and 
excesses against not only the Socialists, but also the liberals and 
intellectuals in Budapest since the entry of the Roumanian army; 
what steps had been taken to prevent pogroms and a' white 
terror in Hungary.—17. London: In House of Commons, Under¬ 
secretary for Foreign Affairs, replies that regarding treatment 
of Jews in Poland he prefers postponing statement until return 
of Sir Stuart Samuel, and that the Foreign Office are not in 
position to give either an estimate or a return of the number of 
Jews killed in other parts of the former Russian empire.— 
December 11. London: In House of Commons, the Prime Minis¬ 
ter, in reply to question of Mr. Swan, confirms report of attack 
by Cossacks on Jews of Podol, suburb of Kiev.— February. Appear¬ 
ance of “ The Jewish Peril: Protocol of the Learned Elders of 
Zion,” anonymous publication purporting to describe “ The plan 
and development of a sinister world-wide conspiracy, having for 
its object that of bringing the unregenerate world to its inevitable 
dismemberment.” Investigation by Jewish Guardian shows that 
publication is a translation of the appendix of a book published, 
in 1905, by a Russian religious and nationalist fanatic, Sergius 
Nilus, and that the translater omitted a paragraph in which En¬ 
gland is accused of being the accomplice of the Jews in this 
“Conspiracy.”— March 29. London: In written answer, to ques- 
tioil in House of Commons put by Lieutenant-Colonel Malone, as to 
whether his attention had been called to anonymous booklet en¬ 
titled “ The Jewish Peril ” recently issued, Mr. Shortt, Home Sec¬ 
retary, states: “ I understand that the booklet is an English trans¬ 
lation of a book published in Russian in 1905 by Serge Nilus. This 
book went through three or four editions. I am not aware that the 
pamphlet is a mutilation of the book, nor do I know the object of 
Serge Nilus in publishing this work. I fear the law confers no 
powers upon me to procure the suppression of the publication.”— 
31. London: In House of Commons, Under-Secretary of State for 
Foreign Affairs, replying to question of Arthur Hayday, states that 
the Government has no confirmation of report that on Novem¬ 
ber 16. in town of Keckskemet, Hungary, Lieutenant Hejjas, then 
town commandant, ordered one hundred and twenty Jewish citi¬ 
zens of the town out of their beds at midnight, and under pretext 
that they were to be taken to work, drove them into Irgovanyi 

The American Jewish 

Year Book 

September 13, 1920, to October 2, 1921 

Volume 22 

Edited by 

for the 



The Jewish Publication Society of America 





extracted from a 
leon de poncins book 

i i: l l .M \ s< >\i: Y 

existence I ho public is generally totally ignorant. hut 
whoso impor!;iiioo is sninotimos vory iv;il. They ;ili 
work iiioiv or loss in Iho snmo general dirootion mid 
thoir main points havo boon thus summarized in a 
book onilod Xtimeless Order as corresponding to Iho 
six points oi i ho kabbalislir star ; 

!. By philosophy or mysticism or empiric 

science to umlormino and discredit all C.hrisiian orood. 

'2. Elhintl. To corrupt morality of northern races 
with oriental codes - - weaken marriage bonds - des¬ 
troy family life: abolish inheritance, even heritable 

Aeslhdic. - ('.nil of the ugly and aberrant in art, 
literature, music and drama —■ modernism crude 
orientalism degeneracy. 

i. Snt inlnt/iml. Abolition of aristocracy - - creation 
of plouloeraey. money standard — - by vulgar display, 
exl ravagance. corruption, to create revolt in proletarian 
minds, hence class-war. 

o. Industrial and financial. ----- Having destroyed ideals 
of craltmanship and pride in handicraft, set up golden 
serpent of profit. Standardisation of cheap and soddv 
--- centralization cartel and trust leading to abolition 
of private ownership and to state monopoly. 

(i. Political. To kill patriotism and pride of race: 
in name of progress and evolution set up inlernation 
alism as ideal of human brotherhood. Thus undermine 
national unity, weaken all governments and so prepare 
way for their super-government which shall rule the 



of the 





of the Learned Elders of 


Translated from the Russian of NILUS 



Late Russian Correspondent of "THE MORNING POST" 

Professor Nilus was a priest in the Orthodox Church in Russia. 
He published the first Russian language edition in 1905. In his 
introduction he says that a manuscript had been handed to him about 
four years before by a friend, who vouched that it was a true trans¬ 
lation of an original document stolen by a woman from one of the 
most influential and highly initiated leaders of Freemasonry, at the 
end of a meeting of the initiated in France, "that nest of Jewish- 
masonic conspiracy." Nilus adds that the Protocols are not exactly 
minutes of meetings, but a report, with a part apparently missing, 
made by some powerful person. 

Nilus admits the impossibility of producing written or oral proof 
of the authenticity of this document and says that we must be satis¬ 
fied with the circumstantial evidence which abounds. 

In January, 1917, Nilus had prepared a second edition but before 
it could be put on the market the revolution of March 1917 had 
taken place and Kerenski ordered the whole edition to be destroyed. 
Later Nilus was arrested by the Bolshevik Cheka, imprisoned and 
tortured. He was exiled and died in Vladimir on 13th January, 1929. 


The translator of the famous Protocols was himself a victim 
of the Revolution in Russia. He had lived there for many 
years and was married to a Russian lady. As Russian corres¬ 
pondent to the "Morning Post," his fearless description of the 
events in 1917 incurred the anger of the Soviet. He was 
arrested and thrown into the Peter-Paul Prison. When he 
was finally allowed to return to England after two years, his 
health had been seriously affected. One of his first tasks 
as soon as he was able was this translation of the Protocols, 
which necessitated many hours' work at the British Museum. 
He later became the "Morning Post" special correspondent in 
the suite of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales on his Empire tour. 

But within a few days of his return from the tour, he died 
after a brief illness. 


Victor E. MARSDEN 

The author of this translation of the famous PROTOCOLS was him¬ 
self a victim of the Revolution. He had lived for many years in Rus¬ 
sia and was married to a Russian lady. Among his other activities in 
Russia he had been for a number of years Russian Correspondent 
of the Morning Post, a position which he occupied when the Revo¬ 
lution broke out, and his vivid descriptions of events in Russia will 
still be in the recollection of many of the readers of that journal. 
Naturally he was singled out for the anger of the Soviet. On the day 
that Captain Cromie was murdered by Jews Victor Marsden was ar¬ 
rested and thrown into the Peter-Paul Prison, expecting every day 
to have his name called out for execution. This, however, he es¬ 
caped, and eventually he was allowed to return to England very 
much of a wreck in bodily health. However, he recovered under 
treatment and the devoted care of his wife and friends. One of the 
first things he undertook as soon as he was able was this transla¬ 
tion of the Protocols. Mr. Marsden was eminently well qualified for 
the work. His intimate acquaintance with Russia, Russian life and 
the Russian language on the one hand, and his mastery of a terse 
literary English style on the other, placed him in a position of ad¬ 
vantage which few others could claim. The consequence is that we 
have in his version an eminently readable work, and though the 
subject-matter is somewhat formless, Mr. Marsden's literary touch 
reveals the thread running through the twenty-four Protocols. The 
Summary placed at the head of each is Mr. Marsden's own, and will 
be found very useful in acquiring a comprehensive view of its scope. 

It may be said with truth that this work was carried out at the 
cost of Mr. Marsden's own life's blood. He told the writer of this 
Preface that he could not stand more than an hour at a time of 
his work on it in the British Museum, as the diabolical spirit of the 
matter which he was obliged to turn into English made him posi¬ 
tively ill. 

Mr. Marsden's connection with the Morning Post was not severed 
by his return to England, and he was well enough to accept the 
post of special correspondent of that journal in the suite of H.R.H. 
The Prince of Wales on his Empire tour. From this he returned with 
the Prince, apparently in much better health, but within a few days 
of his landing he was taken suddenly ill. and died after a very brief 

May this work be his crowning monument! In it he has per¬ 
formed an immense service to the English-speaking world, and there 
can be little doubt that it will take its place in the first rank of the 
English versions of "THE PROTOCOLS of the Meetings of the LEARNED 




Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of in¬ 
troduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by 
Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British 
Museum bearing the date of its reception August 10, 1906. All copies 
that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky 
regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone 
in Sovietland was crime sufficient to ensure the owner's being shot 
on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of 
the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a 
forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who em¬ 
bodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own 

Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York 
World, February 17, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and con¬ 
vincingly thus: 

The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is 
that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, 
and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT 

Indeed they do! 

The word "Protocol" signifies a precis gummed on to the front of 
a document, a draft of a document, minutes of proceedings. In this 
instance "Protocol" means "minutes of the proceedings" of the 
Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols give the 
substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of the Rul¬ 
ers of Zion. They reveal the concerted plan of action of the Jewish 
Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders them¬ 
selves up to date. Parts and summaries of the plan have been pub¬ 
lished from time to time during the centuries as the secrets of the 
Elders have leaked out. The claim of the Jews that the Protocols 
are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they 
never attempt to answer the facts corresponding to the threats 
which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence be¬ 
tween prophecy and fulfilment is too glaring to be set aside or ob¬ 
scured. This the Jews well know and therefore evade. 

The presumption is strong that the Protocols were issued, or re- 



issued at the First Zionist Congress held at Basle in 1897 under 
the presidency of the Father of Modern Zionism, the late Theodore 

There has been recently published a volume of Herzl's "Diaries,” 
a translation of some passages of which appeared in the Jewish 
Chronicle of July 14, 1922. Herzl gives an account of his first visit to 
England in 1895, and his conversation with Colonel Goldsmid, a Jew 
brought up as a Christian, an Officer in the English Army, and at 
heart a Jew Nationalist all the time. Goldsmid suggested to Herzl 
that the best way of expropriating the English Aristocracy and so 
destroying their power to protect the people of England against Jew 
domination, was to put excessive taxes on the land. Herzl thought 
this an excellent idea, and it is now to be found definitely embodied 
in Protocol VI! 

The above extract from Herzl's Diary is an extremely signifi¬ 
cant bit of evidence bearing on the existence of the Jew World Plot 
and authenticity of the Protocols, but any reader of intelligence will 
be able from his own knowledge of recent history and from his own 
experience to confirm the genuineness of every line of them, and it 
is in the light of this living comment that all readers are invited to 
study Mr. Marsden's translation of this terribly inhuman document. 

And here is another very significant circumstance. The present 
successor of Herzl as leader of the Zionist movement, Dr. Weizmann, 
quoted one of these sayings at the send-off banquet given to Chief 
Rabbi Hertz on October 6, 1920. The Chief Rabbi was on the point 
of leaving for his Empire tour—a sort of Jewish answer to the Em¬ 
pire tour ofH.R.H.the Prince of Wales. And this is the "saying" of 
the Sages which Dr. Weizmann quoted: "A beneficent protection 
which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dis¬ 
persed him all over the world." (Jewish Guardian, Oct. 8, 1920.) 

Now compare this with the last clause but one of Protocol XI, 

"God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, 
and from this, which appears to all eyes to be our weakness, has 
come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the 
threshold of sovereignty over all the world." 

The remarkable correspondence between these passages proves 
several things. It proves that the Learned Elders exist. It proves 
that Dr. Weizmann knows all about them. It proves that the desire 
for a "National Home" in Palestine is only camouflage and an in¬ 
finitesimal part of the Jew's real object. It proves that the Jews of 
the world have no intention of settling in Palestine or any separate 
country, and that their annual prayer that they may all meet "Next 
Year in Jerusalem" is merely a piece of their characteristic make- 
believe. It also demonstrates that the Jews are now a world menace, 
and that the Aryan races will have to domicile them permanently 
out of Europe. 


This is a secret which has not been revealed. They are the Hid¬ 
den Hand. They are not the "Board of Deputies" (the Jewish Par- 



liament in England) or the "Universal Israelite Alliance" which sit 
in Paris. But the late Walter Rathenau of the Allgemeiner Elec- 
tricitaets Gesellschaft has thrown a little light on the subject and 
doubtless he was in possession of their names, being, in all likelihood, 
one of the chief leaders himself. Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, 
December 24, 1912, he said: 

Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern 
the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors 
from their entourage. 

A Fifteenth Century "Protocol" 

The principles and morality of these latter-day Protocols are as 
old as the tribe. Here is one from the Fifteenth Century which Jews 
can hardly pronounce a forgery, seeing that it is taken from a 
Rothschild journal. 

The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James de Roths¬ 
child, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true 
the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have 
been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, 
Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand 
Sanhedrim, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as 
the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What 
should the Jews do? This was the reply: 

"Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your let¬ 
ter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which 
you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as 

"The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the follow¬ 

"1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you 
to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but 
let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts. 

"2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you 
of your goods" [the law was that on becoming converted Jews 
gave up their possessions]; "make your sons merchants, that lit¬ 
tle by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. 

"3. As for what you say about their making attempts on 
your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they 
may take away Christians' lives. 

"4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: 
make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may de¬ 
stroy their churches. 

"5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: ar¬ 
range that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see 
that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, 
in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may 
dominate the world and be avenged on them. 

"6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because 


you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will 
reach the actuality of power. 

"Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (Novem¬ 
ber), 1489." 

In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, 
Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a 
"damped," or baptised Jew, published his novel, Coningsby, in which 
occurs this ominous passage: 

"The world is governed by very different personages from what 
is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." 

And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews. 

Now that Providence has brought to the light of day these secret 
Protocols all men may clearly see the hidden personages specified 
by Disraeli at work "behind the scenes" of all the Governments. This 
revelation entails on all white peoples the grave responsibility of 
examining and revising au fond their attitude towards the Race and 
Nation which boasts of its survival over all Empires. 



There are two words in this translation which are unusual, the 
word "Agentur" and "political" used as a substantive. Agentur ap¬ 
pears to be a word adopted from the original and it means the whole 
body of agents and agencies made use of by the Elders, whether 
members of the tribe or their Gentile tools. 

By "the Political" Mr. Marsden means, not exactly the "body poli¬ 
tic" but the entire machinery of politics. 


Protocol III opens with a reference to the Symbolic Snake of 
Judaism. In his Epilogue to the 1905 Edition of the Protocols Nilus 
gives the following interesting account of this symbol: 

According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and 
other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme 
in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. 

As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and 
completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. 
These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world 
for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to 
represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish 
administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish 
people—the administration was always kept secret, even from the 
Jewish nation itself As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of 
the nations which it encountered it undermined and devoured all 
the non-Jewish power of these States. It is foretold that the Snake 
has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, 
until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its 
head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its 
round of Europe and has encircled it—and until, by dint of enchain- 



ing Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to ac¬ 
complish by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by 
an economic conquest. 

The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be accom¬ 
plished after the power of all the Sovereigns of Europe has been laid 
low, that is to say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale 
destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought 
about a spiritual demoralization and a moral corruption, chiefly with 
the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French. Italians 
etc. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives 
of the leading men at the heads of nations. 

A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: 
its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the 
time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of 
that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augus¬ 
tus, about 69 B.C. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V. in 
A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. 
The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Na¬ 
poleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. 
The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the 
Snake under the date of 1881. 

All these states which the Snake traversed have had the founda¬ 
tions of their constitutions shaken, Germany, with its apparent 
power, forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions 
England and Germany are spared, but only till the conquest of 
Russia is accomplished by the Snake, on which at present [i.e., 
1905] all its efforts are concentrated. The further course of the 
Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next move¬ 
ment towards Moscow, Kieff, and Odessa. 

It is now well known to us to what extent the latter cities form 
the centers of the militant Jewish race. Constantinople is shown as 
the last stage of the Snake's course before it reaches Jerusalem. 
(This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the "Young 
Turk"— i.e., Jewish—Revolution in Turkey.) 

III.—The term "Goyim," meaning Gentiles or non-Jews, is used 
throughout the Protocols and is retained by Mr. Marsden. 

1 0 



Protocol No. 1 

Right lies in Might. Freedom—an idea only. Liberalism. 
Gold. Faith. Self-Government. Despotism of Capital. The 
Internal Foe. The Mob. Anarchy. Politics versus Morals. 
The Right of the Strong. The Invincibility of Jew-Masonic 
authority. End justifies Means. The Mob a Blind Man. 
Political A.B.C. Party Discord. Most satisfactory form of 
rule—Despotism. Alcohol. Classicism. Corruption. Prin¬ 
ciples and rules of the Jew-Masonic Government. Terror. 
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity." Principle of Dynastic Rule. 
Annihilation of the privileges of the Goy-Aristocracy ( i.e ., 
non-Jew). The New Aristocracy. The Psychological Calcu¬ 
lation. Abstractness of "Liberty." Power of Removal of 
Representatives of the People. 

Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the sig¬ 
nificance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall 
throw light upon surrounding facts. 

What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two 
points of view, that of ourselves and that of the goyitn, i.e., non- 

It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in num¬ 
ber than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them 
are attained by violence and terrorization, and not by academic dis¬ 
cussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become 
a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would 
not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing 
their own welfare. 

What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? 
What has served for their guidance hitherto? 

In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected 
to brutal and blind force; afterwards—to Law, which is the same 
force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of na¬ 
ture right lies in force. 



Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must 
know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of 
an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the 
purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is ren¬ 
dered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the 
idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is 
willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the 
triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government 
are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together 
by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for 
one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely 
fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism. 

In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who 
were liberal is the power of Gold. Time was when Faith ruled. The 
idea of freedom is impossible of realization because no one knows 
how to use it with moderation. It is enough to hand over a people 
to self-government for a certain length of time for that people to be 
turned into a disorganized mob. From that moment on we get in¬ 
ternecine strife which soon develops into battles between classes, in 
the midst of which States burn down and their importance is re¬ 
duced to that of a heap of ashes. 

Whether a State exhausts itself in its own convulsions, whether 
its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes—in 
any case it can be accounted irretrievably lost; it is in our power. 
The despotism of Capital, which is entirely in our hands, reaches 
out to it a straw that the State, willy-nilly, must take hold of: if 
not—it goes to the bottom. 

Should anyone of a liberal mind say that such reflections as the 
above are immoral I would put the following questions: If every 
State has two foes and if in regard to the external foe it is allowed 
and not considered immoral to use every manner and art of con¬ 
flict, as for example to keep the enemy in ignorance of plans of at 
tack and defence, to attack him by night, or in superior numbers, 
then in what way can the same means in regard to a worse foe, the 
destroyer of the structure of society and the commonweal be called 
immoral and not permissible? 

Is it possible for any sound logical mind to hope with any success 
to guide crowds by the aid of reasonable counsels and arguments, 
when any objection or contradiction, senseless though it may be, can 
be made and when such objection may find more favor with the peo¬ 
ple, whose powers of reasoning are superficial? Men in masses and 
the men of the masses, being guided solely by petty passions, paltry 
beliefs, customs, traditions and sentimental theorism, fall a prey to 
party dissension, which hinders any kind of agreement even on the 
basis of a perfectly reasonable argument. Every resolution of a 
crowd depends upon a chance or packed majority, which, in its ig¬ 
norance of political secrets, puts forth some ridiculous resolution 
that lays in the administration a seed of anarchy. 



The political has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler 
who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and is there¬ 
fore unstable on his throne. He who wishes to rule must have re¬ 
course both to cunning and to make believe. Great national quali¬ 
ties, like frankness and honesty, are vices in politics, for they bring 
down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly 
than the most powerful enemy. Such qualities must be the at¬ 
tributes of the kingdoms of the goyim, but we must in no wise be 
guided by them. 

Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought 
and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me 
what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am 
stronger than you. 

"Where does right begin? Where does it end? 

In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, 
an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their per¬ 
sonality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, 
I find a new right—to attack by the right of the strong, and to scat¬ 
ter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to re¬ 
construct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those 
who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down 
voluntarily in their liberalism. 

Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power 
will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain in¬ 
visible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no 
cunning can any longer undermine it. 

Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit will 
emerge the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the reg¬ 
ular course of the machinery of the national life, brought to nought 
by liberalism. The result justifies the means. Let us, however, in 
our plans, direct our attention not so much to what is good and 
moral as to what is necessary and useful. 

Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line 
from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing 
the labour of many centuries brought to naught. 

In order to elaborate satisfactory forms of action it is necessary 
to have regard to the rascality, the slackness, the instability of the 
mob, its lack of capacity to understand and respect the conditions 
of its own life, or its own welfare. It must be understood that the 
might of a mob is blind, senseless and unreasoning force, ever at the 
mercy of a suggestion from any side. The blind cannot lead the 
blind without bringing them into the abyss; consequently, members 
of the mob, upstarts from the people even though they should be 
as a genius for wisdom, yet having no understanding of the politi¬ 
cal, cannot come forward as leaders of the mob without bringing 
the whole nation to ruin. 


Only one trained from childhood for independent rule can have 
understanding of the words that can be made up of the political 

A people left to itself, i.e., to upstarts from its midst, brings itself 
to ruin by party dissensions excited by the pursuit of power and 
honors and the disorders arising therefrom. Is it possible for the 
masses of the people calmly and without petty jealousies to form 
judgments, to deal with the affairs of the country, which cannot be 
mixed up with personal interests? Can they defend themselves 
from an external foe? It is unthinkable, for a plan broken up into 
as many parts as there are heads in the mob, loses all homogeneity, 
and thereby becomes unintelligible and impossible of execution. 

It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated ex¬ 
tensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole prop¬ 
erly among the several parts of the machinery of the State; from 
this the conclusion is inevitable that a satisfactory form of govern¬ 
ment for any country is one that concentrates in the hands of one 
responsible person. Without an absolute despotism there can be no 
existence for civilization which is carried on not by the masses but 
by their guide, whosoever that person may be. The mob is a savage 
and displays its savagery at every opportunity. The moment the 
mob seizes freedom in its hands it quickly turns to anarchy, which 
in itself is the highest degree of savagery. 

Behold the alcoholized animals, bemused with drink, the right 
to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. It is 
not for us and ours to walk that road. The peoples of the goyim 
are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid 
on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been 
inducted by our special agents—by tutors, lackeys, governesses in 
the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in 
the places of dissipation frequented by the goyim. In the number 
of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies" voluntary fol¬ 
lowers of the others in corruption and luxury. 

Our countersign is—Force and Make-believe. Only force con¬ 
quers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents 
essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning 
the make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to 
lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. 
This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. 
Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when 
they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics 
one must know how to seize the property of others without hesita¬ 
tion if by it we secure submission and sovereignty. 

Our State, marching along the path of peaceful conquest, has the 
right to replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more sat¬ 
isfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which 
tends to produce blind submission. Just but merciless severity is the 
greatest factor of strength in the State; not only for the sake of 
gain but also in the name of duty, for the sake of victory, we must 



keep to the programme of violence and make-believe. The doc¬ 
trine of squaring accounts is precisely as strong as the means of 
which it makes use. Therefore it is not so much by the means them¬ 
selves as by the doctrine of severity that we shall triumph and bring 
all governments into subjection to our super-government. It is 
enough for them to know that we are merciless for all disobedience 
to cease. 

Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the 
masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," 
words many times repeated since those days by stupid poll-parrots 
who from all sides round flew down upon these baits and with them 
carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the indi¬ 
vidual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. 
The would-be wise men of the goyim, the intellectuals, could not 
make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractness; did 
not note the contradiction of their meaning and inter-relation; did 
not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom; that 
Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, 
and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordina¬ 
tion to her laws; never stopped to think that the mob is a blind 
thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in re¬ 
gard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the 
adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, 
even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political—to 
all these things the goyim paid no regard; yet all the time it was 
based upon these things that dynastic rule rested; the father passed 
on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such 
wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none 
could betray it to the governed. As time went on the meaning of 
the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the po¬ 
litical was lost, and this aided the success of our cause. 

In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Frater¬ 
nity" brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions 
who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these 
words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the 
goyim, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and 
destroying all the foundations of the goya States. As you will see 
later, this helped us to our triumph; it gave us the possibility, 
among other things, of getting into our hands the master card—the 
destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence 
of the aristocracy of the goyim, that class which was the only de¬ 
fence peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the 
natural and genealogical aristocracy of the goyim we have set up 
the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of 
money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established 
in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which 
our learned elders provide the motive force. 

Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our 
relations with the men whom we wanted, we have always worked 


1 5 

upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash 
account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs 
of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is 
sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men 
to the disposition of him who has bought their activities. 

The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob 
in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward 
of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the stew¬ 
ard may be replaced like a worn-out glove. 

It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the peo¬ 
ple which has placed them at our disposal, and, as it were, given us 
the power of appointment. 

Protocol No. 2 

Economic Wars—the foundation of the Jewish predominance. 
Figure-head government and ’’secret advisers.” Successes 
of destructive doctrines. Adaptability in politics. Part 
played by the Press. Cost of gold and value of Jewish 

It is indispensable for our purpose that wars, so far as possible, 
should not result in territorial gains; war will thus be brought on 
to the economic ground, where the nations will not fail to perceive 
in the assistance we give the strength of our predominance, and this 
state of things will put both sides at the mercy of our international 
agentur; which possesses millions of eyes ever on the watch and un¬ 
hampered by any limitations whatsoever. Our international rights 
will then wipe out national rights, in the proper sense of right, and 
will rule the nations precisely as the civil law of States rules the re¬ 
lations of their subjects among themselves. 

The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the pub¬ 
lic, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will 
not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore 
easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning 
and genius, who will be their advisers, specialists bred and reared 
from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world. As is 
well known to you, these specialists of ours have been drawing, to fit 
them for rule, the information they need from our political plans, 
from the lessons of history, from observations made of the events of 
every moment as it passes. The goyim are not guided by practical 
use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical rou¬ 
tine without any critical regard for consequent results. We need 
not, therefore, take any account of them—let them amuse them¬ 
selves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of en¬ 
terprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For 
them, let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them 
to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object 
in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a 



blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim 
will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logi¬ 
cal verification of them will put into effect all the information avail¬ 
able from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly 
pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the di¬ 
rection we want. 

Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty 
words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, 
Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain 
to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had 
upon the minds of the goyim. 

It is indispensable for us to take account of the thoughts, charac¬ 
ters, tendencies of the nations in order to avoid making slips in the 
political and in the direction of administrative affairs. The triumph 
of our system, of which the component parts of the machinery may 
be variously disposed according to the temperament of the peoples 
met on our way, will fail of success if the practical application of it 
be not based upon a summing up of the lessons of the past in the 
light of the present. 

In the hands of the States of today there is a great force that 
creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the 
Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing out re¬ 
quirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the com¬ 
plaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in 
the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarna¬ 
tion. But the goyim States have not known how to make use of 
this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we 
have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in 
the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the gold in our hands, 
notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of oceans of 
blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many 
of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God 
a thousand goyim. 

Protocol No. 3 

The Symbolic Snake and its significance. The instability of 
the constitutional scales. Terror in the palaces. Power 
and ambition. Parliaments "talkeries," pamphlets. Abuse 
of power. Economic slavery. "People's Rights." Monopo¬ 
list system and the aristocracy. The Army of Mason-Jewry. 
Decrescence of the Goyim. Hunger and rights of capital. 
The mob and the coronation of "The Sovereign Lord of 
all the World." The fundamental precept in the pro¬ 
gramme of the future Masonic national schools. The 
secret of the science of the structure of society. Universal 
economic crisis. Security of "ours" < i.e our people, 
Jews). The despotism of Masonry—the kingdom of rea¬ 
son. Loss of the guide. Masonry and the great French 


1 7 

Revolution. The King-Despot of the blood of Zion. Causes 
of the invincibility of Masonry. Part played by secret Ma¬ 
sonic agents. Freedom. 

Today I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. 
There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we 
have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, 
by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the 
States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vise. 

The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, 
for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate bal¬ 
ance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear 
through the pivot on which they turn. The goyim are under the 
impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they 
have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into 
equilibrium. But the pivots—the kings on their thrones—are 
hemmed in by their representatives, who play the fool, distraught 
with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power. This power 
they owe to the terror which has been breathed into the palaces. As 
they have no means of getting at their people, into their very midst, 
the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with 
them and so strengthen themselves against seekers after power. We 
have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the 
blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like 
the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart. 

In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we 
have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their 
liberal tendencies towards independence. To this end we have 
stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties, we 
have set up authority as a target for every ambition. Of States 
we have made gladiatorial arenas where a host of confused issues 
contend. ... A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will 
be universal. 

Babblers inexhaustible have turned into oratorical contests the 
sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold journalists 
and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials. 
Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institu¬ 
tions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the 
blows of the maddened mob. 

All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly 
than ever they were chained by slavery and serfdom, from these, 
one way and another, they might free themselves, these could be 
settled with, but from want they will never get away. We have 
included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear 
fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called "People's Rights" 
can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in prac¬ 
tical life. What is it to the proletariat labourer, bowed double over 
his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to 
babble, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by 
side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of 


the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them 
from our table in return for their voting in favour of what we dic¬ 
tate, in favour of the men we place in power, the servants of our 
agentur. . . Republican rights for a poor man are no more 

than a bitter piece of irony, for the necessity he is under of toiling 
almost all day gives him no present use of them, but on the other 
hand robs him of all guarantee of regular and certain earnings by 
making him dependent on strikes by his comrades or lockouts by 
his masters. 

The people under our guidance have annihilated the aristocracy, 
who were their one and only defence and foster-mother for the 
sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the 
well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the 
aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless 
money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke 
upon the necks of the workers. 

We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from 
this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our 
fighting forces—Socialists, Anarchists, Communists—to whom we 
always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule 
(of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry. The 
aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labour of the workers, was 
interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy and 
strong. We are interested in just the opposite—in the diminution, 
the killing out of the GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness 
of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this 
implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his 
own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. 
Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely 
than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings. 

By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall 
move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those 
who hinder us on our way. 

When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to 
be crowned it is these same hands which will sweep away everything 
that might be a hindrance thereto. 

The goyim have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by 
the suggestions of our specialists. Therefore they do not see the 
urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt 
at once, namely this, that it is essential to teach in national schools 
one simple, true piece of knowledge, the basis of all knowledge—the 
knowledge of the structure of human life, of social existence, which 
requires division of labour, and, consequently, the division of men 
into classes and conditions. It is essential for all to know that 
owing to difference in the objects of human activity there cannot be 
any equality, that he who by any act of his compromises a whole 
class cannot be equally responsible before the law with him who 
affects no one but only his own honor. The true knowledge of the 
structure of society, into the secrets of which we do not admit the 



goyim, would demonstrate to all men that the positions and work 
must be kept within a certain circle, that they may not become a 
source of human suffering, arising from an education which does 
not correspond with the work which individuals are called upon 
to do. After a thorough study of this knowledge the peoples will 
voluntarily submit to authority and accept such position as is ap¬ 
pointed them in the State. In the present state of knowledge and 
the direction we have given to its development the people, blindly 
believing things in print—cherishes—thanks to promptings intended 
to mislead and to its own ignorance—a blind hatred towards all 
conditions which it considers above itself, for it has no understand¬ 
ing of the meaning of class and condition. 

This hatred will be still further magnified by the effects of an 
economic crisis, which will stop dealings on the exchanges and bring 
industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subter¬ 
ranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all 
in our hands, a universal economic crisis whereby we shall throw 
upon the streets whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the 
countries of Europe. These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the 
blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have 
envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able 
to loot. 

"Ours" they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be 
known to us and we shall take measures to protect our own. 

We have demonstrated that progress will bring all the goyim to 
the sovereignty of reason. Our despotism will be precisely that; 
for it will know how by wise severities to pacificate all unrest, to 
cauterize liberalism out of all institutions. 

When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and in¬ 
dulgences are yielded it in the name of freedom it has imagined 
itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, 
naturally, like every other blind man it has come upon a host of 
stumbling blocks, it has rushed to find a guide, it has never had the 
sense to return to the former state and it has laid down its pleni¬ 
potentiary powers at our feet. Remember the French Revolution, to 
which it was we who gave the name of "Great": the secrets of its 
preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our 

Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one 
disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also 
from us in favour of that King-Despot of the blood of Zion, whom 
we are preparing for the world. 

At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, 
because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is 
the bottomless rascality of the goyim peoples, who crawl on their 
bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to 
faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions 
of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the vio¬ 
lence of a bold despotism—it is those qualities which are aiding us 


to independence. From the premier-dictators of the present day 
the goyim peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the 
least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings. 

What is the explanation of this phenomenon, this curious incon¬ 
sequence of the masses of the peoples in their attitude towards what 
would appear to be events of the same order? 

It is explained by the fact that these dictators whisper to the 
peoples through their agents that through these abuses they are 
inflicting injury on the States with the highest purpose—to secure 
the welfare of the peoples, the international brotherhood of them 
all, their solidarity and equality of rights. Naturally they do not 
tell the peoples that this unification must be accomplished only 
under our sovereign rule. 

And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, 
persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes. 
Thanks to this state of things the people are destroying every kind 
of stability and creating disorders at every step. 

The word "freedom" brings out the communities of men to fight 
against every kind of force, against every kind of authority, even 
against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we 
come into our kingdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexi¬ 
con of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs 
into bloodthirsty beasts. 

These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they 
have drunk their fill of blood, and at such times can easily be riv¬ 
eted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not 
sleep and continue to struggle. 

Protocol No. 4 

Stages of a Republic. Gentile Masonry. Freedom and Faith. 

International Industrial Competition. Role of Speculation. 

Cult of Gold. 

Every republic passes through several stages. The first of these 
is comprised in the early days of mad raging by the blind mob, 
tossed hither and thither, right and left; the second is demagogy, 
from which is born anarchy, and that leads inevitably to despot¬ 
ism—not any longer legal and overt, and therefore responsible des¬ 
potism, but to unseen and secretly hidden, yet nevertheless sensibly 
felt despotism in the hands of some secret organization or other, 
whose acts are the more unscrupulous inasmuch as it works behind 
a screen, behind the backs of all sorts of agents, the changing of 
whom not only does not injuriously affect but actually aids the 
secret force by saving it, thanks to continual changes, from the nec¬ 
essity of expending its resources on the rewarding of long services. 

Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? 
And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry, blindly 



serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of 
our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people 
an unknown mystery. 

But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the 
State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it 
rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood 
of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which 
is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established 
subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be gov¬ 
erned by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and 
humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to 
the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why it is 
indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds 
of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead, and the spirit, and to 
put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs. 

In order to give the goyim no time to think and take note, their 
minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the 
nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race 
for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order 
that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communi¬ 
ties of the goyim, we must put industry on a speculative basis: the 
result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by in¬ 
dustry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that 
is, to our classes. 

The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to 
economic life will create, nay, have already created, disenchanted, 
cold and heartless communities. Such communities will foster a 
strong aversion towards the higher political and towards religion. 
Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into 
a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can 
give. Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining 
the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards 
the privileged, the lower classes of the goyim will follow our lead 
against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the goyim 

Protocol No. 5 

Creation of an intensified centralization of government. 
Methods of seizing power by masonry. Causes of the im¬ 
possibility of agreement between States. The state of 
"predestination" of the Jews. Gold—the engine of the 
machinery of States. Significance of criticism. "Show" 
institutions. Weariness from word-spinning. How to take 
a grip of public opinion. Significance of personal initia¬ 
tive. The Super-Government. 

What form of administrative rule can be given to communities in 
which corruption has penetrated everywhere, communities where 
riches are attained only by the clever surprise tactics of semi- 
swindling tricks; where looseness reigns; where morality is main- 


2 2 

tained by penal measures and harsh laws but not by voluntarily ac¬ 
cepted principles; where the feelings towards faith and country are 
obliterated by cosmopolitan convictions? What form of rule is to 
be given to these communities if not that despotism which I shall 
describe to you later? We shall create an intensified centralization 
of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the 
community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the 
political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw 
one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been per¬ 
mitted by the goyim, and our kingdom will be distinguished by a 
despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment 
and in every place in a position to wipe out any goyim who oppose 
us by deed or word. 

We shall be told that such a despotism as I speak of is not con¬ 
sistent with the progress of these days, but I will prove to you that 
it is. 

In the times when the peoples looked upon kings on their 
thrones as on a pure manifestation of the will of God, they sub¬ 
mitted without a murmur to the despotic power of kings; but from 
the day when we insinuated into their minds the conception of their 
own rights they began to regard the occupants of thrones as mere 
ordinary mortals. The holy unction of the Lord's Anointed has 
fallen from the heads of kings in the eye of the people, and when 
we also robbed them of their faith in God the might of power was 
flung upon the streets into the place of public proprietorship and 
was seized by us. 

Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means 
of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by regulations of life 
in common and all sorts of other quirks, in all which the goyim un¬ 
derstand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our adminis¬ 
trative brain. Reared on analysis, observation, on delicacies of fine 
calculation, in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than 
we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and 
solidarity. In this respect the Jesuits alone might have compared 
with us, but we have contrived to discredit them in the eyes of the 
unthinking mob as an overt organization, while we ourselves all the 
while have kept our secret organization in the shade. However, 
it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord, 
whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion! 
But to us, the Chosen People, it is very far from being a matter of 

For a time perhaps we might be successfully dealt with by a coali¬ 
tion of the GOYIM of all the world: but from this danger we are se¬ 
cured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply 
seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one 
against another the personal and national reckonings of the goyim, 
religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge 
growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the rea¬ 
son why there is not one State which would anywhere receive sup- 



port if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in 
mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. 
We are too strong—there is no evading our power. The nations can 
not come to even an inconsiderable private agreement without our 
secretly having a hand in it. 

Per Me reges regnant. "It is through me that Kings reign." And 
it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to 
rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that 
we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it 
would still struggle against us, but even so a newcomer is no match 
for the old-established settler; the struggle would be merciless be¬ 
tween us, such a fight as the world has never yet seen. Aye, and 
the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels 
of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which 
is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is— 
Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned 
elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. 

Capital, if it is to cooperate untrammelled, must be free to es¬ 
tablish a monopoly of industry and trade; this is already being put 
in execution by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world. This 
freedom will give political force to those engaged in industry, and 
that will help to oppress the people. Nowadays it is more important 
to disarm the peoples than to lead them into war; more important 
to use for our advantage the passions which have burst into flames 
than to quench their fire; more important to catch up and interpret 
the ideas of others to suit ourselves than to eradicate them. The 
principal object of our directorate consists in this: to debilitate the 
public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections cal¬ 
culated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces of the mind to¬ 
wards a sham fight of empty eloquence. 

In all ages the peoples of the world, equally with individuals, 
have accepted words for deeds, for they are content with a show and 
rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are fol¬ 
lowed by performance. Therefore we shall establish show institu¬ 
tions which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress. 

We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy of all par¬ 
ties, of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a voice 
in orators who will speak so much that they will exhaust the pa¬ 
tience of their hearers and produce an abhorrence of oratory. 

In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it 
into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to 
so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will 
suffice to make the GOYIM lose their heads in the labyrinth and come 
to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in mat¬ 
ters political, which it is not given to the public to understand, be¬ 
cause they are understood only by him who guides the public. This 
is the first secret. 

The second secret requisite for the success of our government is 
comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national 



failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be im¬ 
possible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so 
that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. 
This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow dis¬ 
cord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still 
unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal 
initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. There is 
nothing more dangerous than personal initiative; if it has genius 
behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions 
of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct 
the education of the goyim communities that whenever they come 
upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in 
despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of 
action saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. 
From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, fail¬ 
ures. By all these means we shall so wear down the GOYIM that 
they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature 
that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to 
absorb all the State forces of the world and to form a Super-Gov¬ 
ernment. In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey 
which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its 
hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organiza¬ 
tion will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue 
all the nations of the world. 

Protocol No. 6 

Monopolies; upon them depend the fortunes of the goyim. 
Taking of the land out of the hands of the aristocracy. 
Trade, Industry and Speculation. Luxury. Rise of wages 
and increase of price in the articles of primary necessity. 
Anarchism and drunkenness. Secret meaning of the prop¬ 
aganda of economic theories. 

We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of 
colossal riches, upon which even large fortunes of the goyim will 
depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together 
with the credit of the States on the day after the political smash . . . 

You gentlemen here present who are economists, just strike an 
estimate of the significance of this combination! 

In every possible way we must develop the significance of our 
Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefac¬ 
tor of all those who voluntarily submit to us. 

The aristocracy of the goyim as a political force is dead—we 
need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can 
still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self-sufficing in 
the resources upon which they live. It is essential therefore for us 
at whatever cost to deprive them of their land. This object will be 
best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property—in 


2 5 

loading lands with debts. These measures will check land-holding 
and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission. 

The aristocrats of the goyim, being hereditarily incapable of con¬ 
tenting themselves with little, will rapidly burn up and fizzle out. 

At the same time we must intensively patronize trade and Indus¬ 
try, but, first and foremost, speculation, the part played by which is 
to provide a counterpoise to industry: the absence of speculative in¬ 
dustry will multiply capital in private hands and will serve to re¬ 
store agriculture by freeing the land from indebtedness to the land 
banks. What we want is that industry should drain off from the 
land both labour and capital and by means of speculation transfer 
into our hands all the money of the world, and thereby throw all 
the goyim into the ranks of the proletariat. Then the goyim will 
bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the right to 

To complete the ruin of the industry of the goyim we shall bring 
to the assistance of speculation the luxury which we have developed 
among the goyim, that greedy demand for luxury which is swallow¬ 
ing up everything. We shall raise the rate of wages which, how¬ 
ever, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same 
time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, 
alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle- 
breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources 
of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to 
drunkenness, and side by side therewith taking all measure to ex¬ 
tirpate from the face of the earth all the educated forces of the 

In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the 
GOYIM before the proper time we shall mask it under an alleged ar¬ 
dent desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of 
political economy about which our economic theories are carrying 
on an energetic propaganda. 

Protocol No. 7 

Object of the intensification of armaments. Ferments, discords 
and hostility all over the world. Checking the opposition 
of the goyim by wars and by a universal war. Secrecy 
means success in the political. The Press and public 
opinion. The guns of America, China and Japan. 

The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces— 
are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. 
What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of 
the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a 
few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers. 

Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, 
in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hos¬ 
tility. Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we 
keep in check all countries, for they well know that we have the 


2 6 

power whenever we like to create disorders or to restore order. All 
these countries are accustomed to see in us an indispensable force 
of coercion. In the second place, by our intrigues we shall tangle 
up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all 
States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obli¬ 
gations. In order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and 
penetration during negotiations and agreements, but, as regards 
what is called the "official language," we shall keep to the opposite 
tactics and assume the mask of honesty and compliancy. In this 
way the peoples and governments of the goyim, whom we have 
taught to look only at the outside whatever we present to their no¬ 
tice, will still continue to accept us as the benefactors and saviours 
of the human race. 

We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition 
by war with the neighbours of that country which dares to oppose 
us; but if these neighbours should also venture to stand collectively 
together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal 

The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of 
its undertakings; the word should not agree with the deeds of the 

We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action 
in the direction favoured by our widely-conceived plan, already ap¬ 
proaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as 
public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that 
so-called "Great Power" —the Press, which, with a few exceptions 
that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands. 

In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of 
the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one 
of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility 
of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of 
America or China or Japan. 

Protocol No. 8 

Ambiguous employment of juridical rights. Assistants of the 
Masonic directorate. Special schools and super-educational 
training. Economists and millionaires. To whom to en¬ 
trust responsible posts in the government. 

We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents 
might employ against us. We must search out in the very finest 
shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law 
justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judg¬ 
ments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust, for it 
is important that these resolutions should be set forth in expressions 
that shall seem to be the most exalted moral principles cast into 
legal form. Our directorate must surround itself with all these 
forces of civilization among which it will have to work. It will sur¬ 
round itself with publicists, practical jurists, administrators, diplo- 


2 7 

mats and, finally, with persons prepared by a special super-educa¬ 
tional training in our special schools. These persons will have cog¬ 
nizance of all the secrets of the social structure, they will know all 
the languages that can be made up by political alphabets and 
words; they will be made acquainted with the whole underside of 
human nature, with all its sensitive chords on which they will have 
to play. These chords are the cast of mind of the goyim, their ten¬ 
dencies, shortcomings, vices and qualities, the particularities of 
classes and conditions. Needless to say that the talented assistants 
of authority, of whom I speak, will be taken not from among the 
goyim, who are accustomed to perform their administrative work 
without giving themselves the trouble to think what its aim is, and 
never consider what it is needed for. The administrators of the 
goyim sign papers without reading them, and they serve either for 
mercenary reasons or from ambition. 

We shall surround our government with a whole world of econom¬ 
ists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal 
subject of the teaching given to the Jews. Around us again will be 
a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and —the 
main thing — millionaires, because in substance everything will be 
settled by the question of figures. 

For a time, until there will no longer be any risk in entrusting 
responsible posts in our States to our brother-Jews, we shall put 
them in the hands of persons whose past and reputation are such 
that between them and the people lies an abyss, persons who, in 
case of disobedience to our instructions, must face criminal charges 
or disappear—this in order to make them defend our interests to 
their last gasp. 

Protocol No. 9 

Application of masonic principles in the matter of re-educat¬ 
ing the peoples. Masonic watchword. Meaning of Anti- 
Semitism. Dictatorship of masonry. Terror. Who are the 
servants of masonry. Meaning of the "clear-sighted" and 
the "blind" forces of the goyim States. Communion be¬ 
tween authority and mob. License of liberalism. Seizure 
of education and training. False theories. Interpretation 
of laws. The "undergrounds" (metropolitains). 

In applying our principles let attention be paid to the character 
of the people in whose country you live and act; a general, identical 
application of them, until such time as the people shall have been 
re-educated to our pattern, cannot have success. But by approach¬ 
ing their application cautiously you will see that not a decade will 
pass before the most stubborn character will change and we shall 
add a new people to the ranks of those already subdued by us. 

The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our 
masonic watchword, namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," will, 
when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words no 


longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, 
into: "The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of broth¬ 
erhood." That is how we shall put it—and so we shall catch the bull 
by the horns. . . . De facto we have already wiped out every 

kind of rule except our own, although de jure there still remain a 
good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against 
us it is only pro forma at our discretion and by our direction, for 
their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of 
our lesser brethren. I will not enter into further explanations, for 
this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us. 

For us there are no checks to limit the range of our activity. Our 
Super-Government subsists in extra-legal conditions which are de¬ 
scribed in the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible 
word—Dictatorship. I am in a position to tell you with a clear con¬ 
science that at the proper time we, the lawgivers, shall execute 
judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as 
head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We 
rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a 
once powerful party, now vanquished by us. And the weapons in 
our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless ven¬ 
geance, hatreds and malice. 

It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in 
our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating mon¬ 
archists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and Utopian dreamers 
of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task: each one 
of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of 
authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order. By 
these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are 
ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them 
peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Gov¬ 
ernment, and with submissiveness. 

The people have raised a howl about the necessity of settling 
the question of Socialism by way of an international agreement. 
Division into fractional parties has given them into our hands, for, 
in order to carry on a contested struggle, one must have money, and 
the money is all in our hands. 

We might have reason to apprehend a union between the "clear 
sighted" force of the goy kings on their thrones and the "blind" 
force of the goy mobs, but we have taken all the needful measures 
against any such possibility; between the one and the other force 
we have erected a bulwark in the shape of a mutual terror between 
them. In this way the blind force of the people remains our sup 
port and we, and we only, shall provide them with a leader and, of 
course direct them along the road that leads to our goal. 

In order that the hand of the blind mob may not free itself from 
our guiding hand, we must every now and then enter into close com¬ 
munion with it, if not actually in person, at any rate through some 
of the most trusty of our brethren. When we are acknowledged as 
the only authority we shall discuss with the people personally on 


2 9 

the market places, and we shall instruct them on questions of the 
political in such wise as may turn them in the direction that suits us. 

Who is going to verify what is taught in the village schools? But 
what an envoy of the government or a king on his throne himself 
may say cannot but become immediately known to the whole State, 
for it will be spread abroad by the voice of the people. 

In order not to annihilate the institutions of the goyim before it 
is time we have touched them with craft and delicacy, and have 
taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanism. 
These springs lay in a strict but just sense of order; we have re¬ 
placed them by the chaotic license of liberalism. We have got our 
hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elec¬ 
tions, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into 
education and training as being the corner-stones of a free ex¬ 

We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim 
by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to 
be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated. 

Above the existing laws without substantially altering them, and 
by merely twisting them into contradictions of interpretations, we 
have erected something grandiose in the way of results. These re¬ 
sults found expression first in the fact that the interpretations 
masked the laws: afterwards they entirely hid them from the eyes 
of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything 
out of the tangled web of legislation. 

This is the origin of the theory of course of arbitration. 

You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if 
they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West 
we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the 
very stoutest hearts quail—the undergrounds, metropolitains, those 
subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven 
under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown 
into the air with all their organizations and archives. 

Protocol No. 10 

The outside appearances in the political. The "genius" of 
rascality. What is promised by a Masonic coup d'etat? 
Universal suffrage. Self-importance. Leaders of Masonry. 
The genius who is guide of Masonry. Institutions and their 
functions. The poison of liberalism. Constitution—a 
school of party discords. Era of republics. Presidents— 
the puppets of Masonry. Responsibility of Presidents. 
"Panama." Part played by chamber of deputies and presi¬ 
dent. Masonry—the legislative force. New republican con¬ 
stitution. Transition to masonic "despotism." Moment 
for the proclamation of "The Lord of all the World." 
Inoculation of diseases and other wiles of Masonry. 

Today I begin with a repetition of what I said before, and I beg 



you to bear in mind that governments and peoples are content in 
the political with outside appearances. And how, indeed, are the 
goyim to perceive the underlying meaning of things when their rep¬ 
resentatives give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves? 
For our policy it is of the greatest importance to take cognizance of 
this detail; it will be of assistance to us when we come to consider 
the division of authority, freedom of speech, of the press, of religion 
(faith), of the law of association, of equality before the law, of the 
Inviolability of property, of the dwelling, of taxation (the idea of 
concealed taxes), of the reflex force of the laws. All these questions 
are such as ought not to be touched upon directly and openly before 
the people. In cases where it is indispensable to touch upon them 
they must not be categorically named, it must merely be declared 
without detailed exposition that the principles of contemporary 
law are acknowledged by us. The reason of keeping silence in this 
respect is that by not naming a principle we leave ourselves free¬ 
dom of action, to drop this or that out of it without attracting no¬ 
tice; if they were all categorically named they would all appear to 
have been already given. 

The mob cherishes a special affection and respect for the gen¬ 
iuses of political power and accepts all their deeds of violence with 
the admiring response: "rascally, well, yes, it is rascally, but it’s 
clever! ... a trick, if you like, but how craftily played, how magnifi¬ 
cently done, what impudent audacity!" . . . 

We count upon attracting all nations to the task of erecting the 
new fundamental structure, the project for which has been drawn 
up by us. This is why, before everything, it is indispensable for us 
to arm ourselves and to store up in ourselves that absolutely reckless 
audacity and irresistible might of the spirit which in the person of 
our active workers will break down all hindrances on our way. 

When we have accomplished our coup d'etat we shall say then 
to the various peoples: "Everything has gone terribly badly, all have 
been worn out with sufferings. We are destroying the causes of your 
torment — nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages. You are at 
liberty, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly 
be a just one if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial of 
what we are offering you ."... Then will the mob exalt us and bear 
us up in their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expec¬ 
tations. Voting, which we have made the instrument which will set 
us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest 
units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings 
and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will 
play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make 
close acquaintance with us before condemning us. 

To secure this we must have everybody vote without distinction 
of classes and qualifications, in order to establish an absolute ma¬ 
jority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. 
In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall 
destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its edu- 


3 1 

cational value and remove the possibility of individual minds split¬ 
ting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the 
front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us 
only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall 
create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move 
in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head 
by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime 
because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earn¬ 
ings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits. 

A scheme of government should come ready made from one brain, 
because it will never be clinched firmly if it is allowed to be split 
into fractional parts in the minds of many. It is allowable, there¬ 
fore, for us to have cognizance of the scheme of action but not to 
discuss it lest we disturb its artfulness; the inter-dependence of its 
component parts, the practical force of the secret meaning of each 
clause. To discuss and make alterations in a labor of this kind by 
means of numerous votings is to impress upon it the stamp of all 
ratiocinations and misunderstandings which have failed to pene¬ 
trate the depth and nexus of its plottings. We want our schemes 
to be forcible and suitably concocted. Therefore, WE OUGHT NOT 
of the mob or even of a select company. 

These schemes will not turn existing institutions upside down Just 
yet. They will only affect changes in their economy and consequently 
in the whole combined movement of their progress, which will thus 
be directed along the paths laid down in our schemes. 

Under various names there exists in all countries approximately 
one and the same thing. Representation, Ministry, Senate, State 
Council, Legislative and Executive Corps. I need not explain to you 
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions to one another, 
because you are aware of all that; only take note of the fact that 
each of the above-named institutions corresponds to some important 
function of the State, and I would beg you to remark that the word 
"important" I apply not to the institution but to the function, con¬ 
sequently it is not the institutions which are important but their 
functions. These institutions have divided up among themselves all 
the functions of government—administrative, legislative, executive, 
wherefore they have come to operate as do the organs in the human 
body. If we injure one part in the machinery of State, the State falls 
sick, like a human body, and . . . will die. 

When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Lib¬ 
eralism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States 
have been seized with a mortal illness—blood-poisoning. All that 
remains is to await the end of their death agony. 

Liberalism produced Constitutional States, which took the place 
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim, namely, Despotism; 
and a constitution, as you well know, is nothing else but a school of 
discords, misunderstandings, quarrels, disagreements, fruitless party 
agitations, party whims—in a word, a school of everything that 



serves to destroy the personality of State activity. The tribune of the 
"talkeries" has, no less effectively than the Press, condemned the 
rulers to inactivity and impotence, and thereby rendered them use¬ 
less and superfluous, for which reason indeed they have been in 
many countries deposed. Then it was that the era of republics be¬ 
came possible of realization; and then it was that we replaced the 
ruler by a caricature of a government—by a president, taken from 
the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves. This 
was the foundation of the mine which we have laid under the goy 
people, I should rather say, under the goy peoples. 

In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presi¬ 

By that time we shall be in a position to disregard forms in carry¬ 
ing through matters for which our impersonal puppet will be re¬ 
sponsible. What do we care if the ranks of those striving for power 
should be thinned, if there should arise a deadlock from the im¬ 
possibility of finding presidents, a deadlock which will finally disor¬ 
ganize the country? . . . 

In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall ar¬ 
range elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past 
some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other—then they 
will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans 
out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone 
who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, ad¬ 
vantages and honor connected with the office of president. The 
chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect 
presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or 
make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to 
the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the 
authority of the president will then become a target for every pos¬ 
sible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self- 
defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of 
the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an 
appeal to that same blind slave of ours—the majority of the mob. 
Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right 
of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the 
ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the coun¬ 
try must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense 
of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will 
belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution. 

It is easy to understand that in these conditions the key of the 
shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any 
longer direct the force of legislation. 

Besides this we shall, with the introduction of the new republican 
constitution, take from the Chamber the right of interpellation on 
government measures, on the pretext of preserving political secrecy, 
and, further, we shall by the new constitution reduce the number of 
representatives to a minimum, thereby proportionately reducing po¬ 
litical passions and the passion for politics. If, however, they should. 


3 3 

which is hardly to be expected, burst into flame, even in this mini¬ 
mum, we shall nullify them by a stirring appeal and a reference to 
the majority of the whole people. . . . Upon the president will depend 
the appointment of presidents and vice-presidents of the Chamber 
and the Senate. Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments we 
shall reduce their sittings to a few months. Moreover, the president 
as chief of the executive power, will have the right to summon and 
dissolve Parliament, and, in the latter case, to prolong the time for 
the appointment of a new parliamentary assembly. But in order 
that the consequences of all these acts which in substance are illegal, 
should not, prematurely for our plans, fall upon the responsibility 
established by us of the president, we shall instigate ministers and 
other officials of the higher administration about the president to 
evade his dispositions by taking measures of their own, for doing 
which they will be made the scapegoats in his place. . . . This part 
we especially recommend to be given to be played by the Senate, the 
Council of State, or the Council of Ministers, but not to an individual 

The president will, at our discretion, interpret the sense of such 
of the existing laws as admit of various interpretations; he will fur¬ 
ther annul them when we indicate to him the necessity to do so; 
besides this, he will have the right to propose temporary laws, and 
even new departures in the government constitutional working, the 
pretext both for the one and the other being the requirements for 
the supreme welfare of the State. 

By such measures we shall obtain the power of destroying little 
by little, step by step, all that at the outset when we enter on our 
rights, we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States 
to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every 
kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form 
of government into our despotism. 

The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruc¬ 
tion of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come 
when the people, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompe¬ 
tence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will 
clamor: "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth 
who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords—frontiers, 
nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet, 
which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives." 

But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the pos¬ 
sibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is in¬ 
dispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with 
their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, 
hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, 
see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty 
in money and in all else. 

But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the mo¬ 
ment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive. 


3 4 

Protocol No. 11 

Programme of the new constitution. Certain details of the 
proposed revolution. The goyim —a pack of sheep. Secret 
masonry and its "show” lodges. 

The State Council has been, as it were, the emphatic expression 
of the authority of the ruler: it will be, as the "show" part of the 
Legislative Corps, what may be called the editorial committee of the 
laws and decrees of the ruler. 

This, then, is the programme of the new constitution. We shall 
make Law, Right and Justice (1) in the guise of proposals to the 
Legislative Corps, (2) by decrees of the president under the guise of 
general regulations, of orders of the Senate and of resolutions of 
the State Council in the guise of ministerial orders, (3) and in case 
a suitable occasion should arise—in the form of a revolution in the 

Having established approximately the modus agendi we will oc¬ 
cupy ourselves with details of those combinations by which we have 
still to complete the revolution in the course of the machinery of 
State in the direction already indicated. By these combinations I 
mean the freedom of the Press, the right of association, freedom of 
conscience, the voting principle, and many another that must dis¬ 
appear forever from the memory of man, or undergo a radical 
alteration the day after the promulgation of the new constitution. 
It is only at that moment that we shall be able at once to announce 
all our orders, for, afterwards, every noticeable alteration will be dan¬ 
gerous, for the following reasons: if this alteration be brought in 
with harsh severity and in a sense of severity and limitations, it 
may lead to a feeling of despair caused by fear of new alterations 
in the same direction; if, on the other hand, it be brought in in a 
sense of further indulgences it will be said that we have recognized 
our own wrongdoing and this will destroy the prestige of the infalli¬ 
bility of our authority, or else it will be said that we have become 
alarmed and are compelled to show a yielding disposition, for which 
we shall get no thanks because it will be supposed to be compulsory. 

Both the one and the other are injurious to the prestige of the 
new constitution. What we want is that from the first moment of 
its promulgation, while the peoples of the world are still stunned 
by the accomplished fact of the revolution, still in a condition of 
terror and uncertainty, they should recognize once for all that we 
are so strong, so inexpugnable, so superabundantly filled with power, 
that in no case shall we take any account of them, and so far from 
paying any attention to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and 
able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation 
thereof at every moment and in every place, that we have seized at 
once everything we wanted and shall in no case divide our power 
with them. . . . Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes 
to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all. 


3 5 

The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you 
know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? . . . 

There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for 
we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have 
taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and 
tamed all parties. . . . 

It is not worth while to say anything about how long a time they 
will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties. . . . 

For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and 
insinuated it into the minds of the goys without giving them any 
chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if 
not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered 
tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served 
as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS 

God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of the disper¬ 
sion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has 
come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the thresh¬ 
old of sovereignty over all the world. 

There now remains not much more for us to build up upon the 
foundation we have laid. 

Protocol No. 12 

Masonic interpretation of the word "freedom." Future of the 
press in the masonic kingdom. Control of the press. 
Correspondence agencies. What is progress as understood 
by masonry? More about the press. Masonic solidarity in 
the press of today. The arousing of "public" demands in 
the provinces. Infallibility of the new regime. 

The word "freedom," which can be interpreted in various ways, 
is defined by us as follows: 

Freedom is the right to do that which the law allows. This in¬ 
terpretation of the word will at the proper time be of service to us, 
because all freedom will thus be in our hands, since the laws will 
abolish or create only that which is desirable for us according to 
the aforesaid programme. 

We shall deal with the press in the following way: What is the 
part played by the press today? It serves to excite and inflame 
those passions which are needed for our purpose or else it serves 
selfish ends of parties. It is often vapid, unjust, mendacious, and 
the majority of the public have not the slightest idea what ends 
the press really serves. We shall saddle and bridle it with a tight 
curb: we shall do the same also with all productions of the printing 
press, for where would be the sense of getting rid of the attacks of 
the press if we remain targets for pamphlets and books? The prod- 


3 6 

uce of publicity, which nowadays is a source of heavy expense owing 
to the necessity of censoring it, will be turned by us into a very 
lucrative source of income to our State: we shall lay on it a special 
stamp tax and require deposits of caution-money before permitting 
the establishment of any organ of the press or of printing office; 
these will then have to guarantee our government against any kind 
of attack on the part of the press. For any attempt to attack us, if 
such still be possible, we shall inflict fines without mercy. Such 
measures as stamp tax, deposit of caution-money and fines secured 
by these deposits, will bring in a huge income to the government. 
It is true that party organs might not spare money for the sake of 
publicity, but these we shall shut up at the second attack upon us. 
No one shall with impunity lay a finger on the aureole of our gov¬ 
ernment infallibility. The pretext for stopping any publication will 
be the alleged plea that it is agitating the public mind without occa¬ 
sion or Justification. I beg you to note that among those making 
attacks upon us will also be organs established by us, but they will 
attack exclusively points that we have pre-determined to alter. 

Not a single announcement will reach the public without our 
control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch 
as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they 
are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then 
be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dic¬ 
tate to them. 

If already now we have contrived to possess ourselves of the 
minds of the goy communities to such an extent that they all come 
near looking upon the events of the world through the coloured 
glasses of those spectacles we are setting astride their noses: if al¬ 
ready now there is not a single State where there exist for us any 
barriers to admittance into what goy stupidity calls State secrets: 
what will our position be then, when we shall be acknowledged 
supreme lords of the world in the person of our king of all the 
world. . . . 

Let us turn again to the future of the printing press. Every one 
desirous of being a publisher, librarian, or printer, will be obliged 
to provide himself with the diploma instituted therefor, which, in 
case of any fault, will be immediately impounded. With such meas¬ 
ures the instrument of thought will become an educative means in 
the hands of our government, which will no longer allow the mass 
of the nation to be led astray in by-ways and fantasies about the 
blessings of progress. Is there any one of us who does not know that 
these phantom blessings are the direct roads to foolish imaginings 
which give birth to anarchical relations of men among themselves 
and towards authority, because progress, or rather the idea of prog¬ 
ress, has introduced the conception of every kind of emancipation, 
but has failed to establish its limits. . . . All the so-called liberals are 
anarchists, if not in fact, at any rate in thought. Every one of them 
is hunting after phantoms of freedom, and falling exclusively into 


3 7 

license, that is, into the anarchy of protest for the sake of pro¬ 
test . . . 

We turn to the periodical press. We shall impose on it, as on all 
printed matter, stamp taxes per sheet and deposits of caution-money, 
and books of less than 30 sheets will pay double. We shall reckon 
them as pamphlets in order, on the one hand, to reduce the number 
of magazines, which are the worst form of printed poison, and, on 
the other, in order that this measure may force writers into such 
lengthy productions that they will be little read, especially as they 
will be costly. At the same time what we shall publish ourselves to 
influence mental development in the direction laid down for our 
profit will be cheap and will be read voraciously. The tax will bring 
vapid literary ambitions within bounds and the liability to penalties 
will make literary men dependent upon us. And if there should 
be any found who are desirous of writing against us, they will not 
find any person eager to print their productions. Before accepting 
any production for publication in print the publisher or printer will 
have to apply to the authorities for permission to do so. Thus we 
shall know beforehand of all tricks preparing against us and shall 
nullify them by getting ahead with explanations on the subject 
treated of. 

Literature and journalism are two of the most important educa¬ 
tive forces, and therefore our government will become proprietor of 
the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious in¬ 
fluence of the privately-owned press and will put us in possession 
of a tremendous influence upon the public mind. ... If we give per¬ 
mits for ten journals, we shall ourselves found thirty, and so on in 
the same proportion. This, however, must in nowise be suspected 
by the public. For which reason all journals published by us will 
be of the most opposite, in appearance, tendencies and opinions, 
thereby creating confidence in us and bringing over to us our quite 
unsuspicious opponents, who will thus fall into our trap and be ren¬ 
dered harmless. 

In the front rank will stand organs of an official character. They 
will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their in¬ 
fluence will be comparatively insignificant. 

In the second rank will be the semi-official organs, whose part 
it will be to attract the tepid and indifferent. 

In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearances, 
opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what 
looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart 
will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us 
their cards. 

All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions—aristo¬ 
cratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical—for so long, of 
course, as the constitution exists. . . . Like the Indian idol Vishnu 
they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a 
finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse 
quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims 


3 8 

for an excited patient loses all power of Judgment and easily yields 
to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the 
opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opin¬ 
ion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief 
that they are following the organ of their party they will in fact 
follow the flag which we hang out for them. 

In order to direct our newspaper militia in this sense we must 
take especial and minute care in organizing this material. Under 
the title of central department of the press we shall institute literary 
gatherings at which our agents will without attracting attention 
issue the orders and watchwords of the day. By discussing and con¬ 
troverting, but always superficially, without touching the essence of 
the matter, our organs will carry on a sham fight fusillade with the 
official newspapers solely for the purpose of giving occasion for us 
to express ourselves more fully than could well be done from the out¬ 
set in official announcements, whenever, of course, that is to our 

These attacks upon us will also serve another purpose, namely, 
that our subjects will be convinced of the existence of full freedom 
of speech and so give our agents an occasion to affirm that all or¬ 
gans which oppose us are empty babblers, since they are incapable 
of finding any substantial objections to our orders. 

Methods of organization like these, imperceptible to the public 
eye but absolutely sure, are the best calculated to succeed in bring¬ 
ing the attention and the confidence of the public to the side of our 
government. Thanks to such methods we shall be in a position as 
from time to time may be required, to excite or to tranquillize the 
public mind on political questions, to persuade or to confuse, print¬ 
ing now truth, now lies, facts or their contradictions, according as 
they may be well or ill received, always very cautiously feeling our 
ground before stepping upon it. . . . We shall have a sure triumph 
over our opponents since they will not have at their disposition or¬ 
gans of the press in which they can give full and final expression to 
their views, owing to the aforesaid methods of dealing with the press. 
We shall not even need to refute them except very superficially. 

Trial shots like these, fired by us in the third rank of our press, 
in case of need, will be energetically refuted by us in our semi-offi¬ 
cial organs. 

Even nowadays, already, to take only the French press, there" are 
forms which reveal masonic solidarity in acting on the watchword: 
all organs of the press are bound together by professional secrecy; 
like the augurs of old, not one of their numbers will give away the 
secret of his sources of information unless it be resolved to make 
announcement of them. Not one Journalist will venture to betray 
this secret, for not one of them is ever admitted to practice litera¬ 
ture unless his whole past has some disgraceful sore or other. . . . 
These sores would be immediately revealed. So long as they remain 
the secret of a few the prestige of the journalist attracts the ma¬ 
jority of the country—the mob follow after him with enthusiasm. 


3 9 

Our calculations are especially extended to the provinces. It is 
indispensable for us to inflame there those hopes and impulses with 
which we could at any moment fall upon the capital, and we shall 
represent to the capitals that these expressions are the independent 
hopes and impulses of the provinces. Naturally, the source of them 
will be always one and the same—ours. What we need is that, until 
such time as we are in the plenitude of power, the capitals should 
find themselves stifled by the provincial opinion of the nation, i.e., 
of a majority arranged by our agentur. What we need is that at the 
psychological moment the capitals should not be in a position to 
discuss an accomplished fact for the simple reason, if for no other, 
that it has been accepted by the public opinion of a majority in the 

When we are in the period of the new regime transitional to that 
of our assumption of full sovereignty we must not admit any reve¬ 
lations by the press of any form of public dishonesty; it is necessary 
that the new regime should be thought to have so perfectly con¬ 
tented everybody that even criminality has disappeared. . . . Cases 
of the manifestation of criminality should remain known only to 
their victims and to chance witnesses—no more. 

Protocol No. 13 

The need for daily bread. Questions of the Political. Ques¬ 
tions of industry. Amusements. People’s Palaces. ’’Truth 
is One.” The great problems. 

The need for daily bread forces the goyim to keep silence and be 
our humble servants. Agents taken on to our press from among the 
goyim will at our orders discuss anything which it is inconvenient 
for us to issue directly in official documents, and we meanwhile 
quietly amid the din of the discussion so raised, shall simply take 
and carry through such measures as we wish and then offer them 
to the public as an accomplished fact. No one will dare to demand 
the abrogation of a matter once settled, all the more so as it will be 
represented as an improvement. . . . And immediately the press will 
distract the current of thought towards new questions (have we not 
trained people always to be seeking something new?). Into the dis¬ 
cussion of these new questions will throw themselves those of the 
brainless dispensers of fortunes who are not able even now to un¬ 
derstand that they have not the remotest conception about the mat¬ 
ters which they undertake to discuss. Questions of the political are 
unattainable for any save those who have guided it already for 
many ages, the creators. 

From all this you will see that in securing the opinion of the mob 
we are only facilitating the working of our machinery, and you may 
remark that it is not for actions but for words issued by us on this 
or that question that we seem to seek approval. We are constantly 
making public declaration that we are guided in all our undertak- 



ings by the hope, joined to the conviction, that we are serving the 
common weal. 

In order to distract people who may be too troublesome from 
discussions of questions of the political we are now putting forward 
what we allege to be new questions of the political, namely ques¬ 
tions of industry. In this sphere let them discuss themselves silly! 
The masses are agreed to remain inactive, to take a rest from what 
they suppose to be political activity (which we trained them to in 
order to use them as a means of combating the goy governments) 
only on condition of being found new employments, in which we are 
prescribing them something that looks like the same political object. 
In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are 
about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes 
passions people's palaces. . . . Soon we shall begin through the press 
to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests 
will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should 
find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more 
disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people 
will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall 
be offering them new directions for thought ... of course through 
such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us. 

The part played by the liberals, Utopian dreamers, will be finally 
played out when our government is acknowledged. Till such time 
they will continue to do us good service. Therefore we shall con¬ 
tinue to direct their minds to all sorts of vain conceptions of fan¬ 
tastic theories, new and apparently progressive: for have we not 
with complete success turned the brainless heads of the goyim with 
progress till there is not among the goyim one mind able to per¬ 
ceive that under this word lies a departure from truth in all cases 
where it is not a question of material inventions, for truth is one, 
and in it there is no place for progress. Progress, like a fallacious 
idea, serves to obscure truth so that none may know it except us, 
the Chosen of God, its guardians. 

When we come into our kingdom our orators will expound great 
problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to 
bring it at the end under our beneficent rule. 

Who will ever suspect then that ALL THESE PEOPLES WERE 

Protocol No. 14 

The religion of the future. Future conditions of serfdom. In¬ 
accessibility of knowledge regarding the religion of the 
future. Pornography and the printed matter of the future. 

When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that 
there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with 
whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People 



and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of 
the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. 
If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see today, it will not, be¬ 
ing a transitional stage, interfere with our views, but will serve as 
a warning for those generations which will hearken to our preach¬ 
ing of the religion of Moses, that, by its stable and thoroughly elab¬ 
orated system has brought all the peoples of the world into sub¬ 
jection to us. Therein we shall emphasize its mystical right, on 
which, as we shall say, all its educative power is based. . . . Then at 
every possible opportunity we shall publish articles in which we 
shall make comparisons between our beneficent rule and those of 
past ages. The blessings of tranquility, though it be a tranquility 
forcibly brought about by centuries of agitation, will throw into 
higher relief the benefits to which we shall point. The errors of the 
goyim governments will be depicted by us in the most vivid hues. 
We shall implant such an abhorrence of them that the peoples will 
prefer tranquility in a state of serfdom to those rights of vaunted 
freedom which have tortured humanity and exhausted the very 
sources of human existence, sources which have been exploited by 
a mob of rascally adventurers who know not what they do. . . . Use¬ 
less changes of forms of government to which we instigated the 
GOYIM when we were undermining their state structures, will have 
so wearied the peoples by that time that they will prefer to suffer 
anything under us rather than run the risk of enduring again all 
the agitations and miseries they have gone through. 

At the same time we shall not omit to emphasize the historical 
mistakes of the goy governments which have tormented humanity 
for so many centuries by their lack of understanding of everything 
that constitutes the true good of humanity in their chase after fan¬ 
tastic schemes of social blessings, and have never noticed that these 
schemes kept on producing a worse and never a better state of the 
universal relations which are the basis of human life. . . . 

The whole force of our principles and methods will lie in the 
fact that we shall present them and expound them as a splendid 
contrast to the dead and decomposed old order of things in social 

Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various 
beliefs of the goyim, BUT NO ONE WILL EVER BRING UNDER 

In countries known as progressive and enlightened we have cre¬ 
ated a senseless, filthy, abominable literature. For some time after 
our entrance to power we shall continue to encourage its existence 
in order to provide a telling relief by contrast to the speeches, party 
programme, which will be distributed from exalted quarters of ours. 
. . . Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the goyim, will com¬ 
pose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to 



influence the minds of the goyim, directing them towards such un¬ 
derstanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by 

Protocol No. 15 

One-day coup d'etat (revolution) over all the world. Execu¬ 
tions. Future lot of ^/m-masons. Mysticism of authority. 
Multiplication of masonic lodges. Central governing board 
of masonic elders. The "Azev-tactics." Masonry as leader 
and guide of all secret societies. Significance of public 
applause. Collectivism. Victims. Executions of masons. 
Fall of the prestige of laws and authority. Our position 
as the Chosen People. Brevity and clarity of the laws of 
the kingdom of the future. Obedience to orders. Measures 
against abuse of authority. Severity of penalties. Age- 
limit for judges. Liberalism of judges and authorities. 
The money of all the world. Absolutism of masonry. 
Right of appeal. Patriarchal "outside appearance" of the 
power of the future "ruler." Apotheosis of the ruler. The 
right of the strong as the one and only right. The King 
of Israel. Patriarch of all the world. 

When we at last definitely come into our kingdom by the aid of 
coups d'etat prepared everywhere for one and the same day, after 
the worthlessness of all existing forms of government has been def¬ 
initely acknowledged (and not a little time will pass before that 
comes about, perhaps even a whole century), we shall make it our 
task to see that against us such things as plots shall no longer exist. 
With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all who take arms 
(in hand) to oppose our coming into our kingdom. Every kind of 
new institution of anything like a secret society will also be pun¬ 
ished with death; those of them which are now in existence, are 
known to us, serve us and have served us, we shall disband and send 
into exile to continents far removed from Europe. In this way we 
shall proceed with those GOY masons who know too much; such of 
these as we may for some reason spare will be kept in constant fear 
of exile. We shall promulgate a law making all former members of 
secret societies liable to exile from Europe as the centre of our rule. 

Resolutions of our government will be final, without appeal. 

In the goy societies, in which we have planted and deeply rooted 
discord and protestantism, the only possible way of restoring order 
is to employ merciless measures that prove the direct force of 
authority: no regard must be paid to the victims who fall, they 
suffer for the well-being of the future. The attainment of that well¬ 
being, even at the expense of sacrifices, is the duty of any kind of 
government that acknowledges as justification for its existence not 
only its privileges but its obligations. The principal guarantee of 
stability of rule is to confirm the aureole of power, and this aureole 
is attained only by such a majestic inflexibility of might as shall 



carry on its face the emblems of inviolability from mystical causes 
—from the choice of God. Such was, until recent times, the Russian 
autocracy, the one and only serious foe we had in the world, without 
counting the Papacy. Bear in mind the example when Italy, 
drenched with blood, never touched a hair of the head of Sulla 
who had poured forth that blood: Sulla enjoyed an apotheosis for 
his might in the eyes of the people, though they had been torn in 
pieces by him, but his intrepid return to Italy ringed him round with 
inviolability. The people do not lay a finger on him who hypnotizes 
them by his daring and strength of mind. 

Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall 
act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic 
lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who 
may become or who are prominent in public activity, for in these 
lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of in¬ 
fluence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central adminis¬ 
tration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, 
which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have 
their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned 
administration of masonry and from whom will issue the watch¬ 
word and programme. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot 
which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their 
composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret 
political plots will be known to us and will fall under our guiding 
hands on the very day of their conception. Among the members 
of these lodges will be almost all the agents of international and 
national police since their service is for us irreplaceable in the re¬ 
spect that the police is in a position not only to use its own par¬ 
ticular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our 
activities and provide pretexts for discontents, et cetera. 

The class of people who most willingly enter into secret societies 
are those who live by their wits, careerists, and in general people, 
mostly light-minded, with whom we shall have no difficulty in deal¬ 
ing and in using to wind up the mechanism of the machine devised 
by us. If this world grows agitated the meaning of that will be 
that we have had to stir up in order to break up its too great solid¬ 
arity. But if there should arise in its midst a plot, then at the head 
of that plot will be no other than one of our most trusted servants. 
It is natural that we and no other should lead masonic activities, for 
we know whither we are leading, we know the final goal of every 
form of activity whereas the goyim have knowledge of nothing, not 
even of the immediate effect of action; they put before themselves, 
usually, the momentary reckoning of the satisfaction of their self¬ 
opinion in the accomplishment of their thought without even re¬ 
marking that the very conception never belonged to their initiative 
but to our instigation of their thought. 

The goyim enter the lodges out of curiosity or in the hope by 
their means to get a nibble at the public pie, and some of them in 
order to obtain a hearing before the public for their impracticable 



and groundless fantasies: they thirst for the emotion of success and 
applause, of which we are remarkably generous. And the reason 
why we give them this success is to make use of the high conceit 
of themselves to which it gives birth, for that insensibly disposes 
them to assimilate our suggestions without being on their guard 
against them in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own 
infallibility which is giving utterance to their own thoughts and 
that it is impossible for them to borrow those of others. . . . You 

cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the goyim can be 
brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this 
condition of high conceit of themselves, and at the same time how 
easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, 
though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they 
had, and to reduce them to a slavish submission for the sake of 
winning a renewal of success. . . . By so much as ours disre¬ 

gard success if only they can carry through their plans, by so much 
the GOYIM are willing to sacrifice any plans only to have success. 
This psychology of theirs materially facilitates for us the task of 
setting them in the required direction. These tigers in appearance 
have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their 
heads. We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the 
absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of collectivism. . . . 
They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect 
that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important 
laws of nature, which has established from the very creation of the 
world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of in¬ 
stituting individuality. . . . 

If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid 
blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the de¬ 
gree to which the mind of the goyim is undeveloped in comparison 
with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success. 

And how far-seeing were our learned elders in ancient times 
when they said that to attain a serious end it behoves not to stop at 
any means or to count the victims sacrificed for the sake of that 
end. . . . We have not counted the victims of the seed of the 

goy cattle, though we have sacrificed many of our own, but for that 
we have now already given them such a position on the earth as 
they could not even have dreamed of. The comparatively small 
numbers of the victims from the number of ours have preserved 
our nationality from destruction. 

Death is the inevitable end for all. It is better to bring that end 
nearer to those who hinder our affairs than to ourselves, to the 
founders of this affair. We execute masons in such wise that none 
save the brotherhood can ever have a suspicion of it, not even the 
victims themselves of our death sentence, they all die when re¬ 
quired as if from a normal kind of illness. . . . Knowing this, 

even the brotherhood in its turn dare not protest. By such methods 
we have plucked out of the midst of masonry the very root of pro- 


test against our disposition. While preaching liberalism to the 
goyim we at the same time keep our own people and our agents in 
a state of unquestioning submission. 

Under our influence the execution of the laws of the goyim has 
been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has been ex¬ 
ploded by the liberal interpretations introduced into this sphere. In 
the most important and fundamental affairs and questions judges 
decide as we dictate to them, see matters in the light wherewith we 
enfold them for the administration of the goyim, of course, through 
persons who are our tools though we do not appear to have any¬ 
thing in common with them—by newspaper opinion or by other 
means. . . . Even senators and the higher administration accept 

our counsels. The purely brute mind of the goyim is incapable of 
use for analysis and observation, and still more for the foreseeing 
whither a certain manner of setting a question may tend. 

In this difference in capacity for thought between the goyim and 
ourselves may be clearly discerned the seal of our position on the 
Chosen People and of our higher quality of humanness, in contra¬ 
distinction to the brute mind of the goyim. Their eyes are open, 
but see nothing before them and do not invent (unless, perhaps, 
material things). From this it is plain that nature herself has des¬ 
tined us to guide and rule the world. 

When comes the time of our overt rule, the time to manifest its 
blessings, we shall remake all legislatures, all our laws will be brief, 
plain, stable, without any kind of interpretations, so that anyone 
will be in a position to know them perfectly. The main feature 
which will run right through them is submission to orders, and this 
principle will be carried to a grandiose height. Every abuse will 
then disappear in consequence of the responsibility of all down to 
the lowest unit before the higher authority of the representative of 
power. Abuses of power subordinate to this last instance will be so 
mercilessly punished that none will be found anxious to try experi¬ 
ments with their own powers. We shall follow up jealously every 
action of the administration on which depends the smooth running 
of the machinery of the State, for slackness in this produces slack¬ 
ness everywhere; not a single case of illegality or abuse of power will 
be left without exemplary punishment. 

Concealment of guilt, connivance between those in the service of 
the administration—all this kind of evil will disappear after the very 
first examples of severe punishment. The aureole of our power de¬ 
mands suitable, that is, cruel, punishments for the slightest in¬ 
fringement, for the sake of gain, of its supreme prestige. The suf¬ 
ferer, though his punishment may exceed his fault, will count as a 
soldier falling on the administrative field of battle in the interest 
of authority, principle and law, which do not permit that any of 
those who hold the reins of the public coach should turn aside from 
the public highway to their own private paths. For example: our 
judges will know that whenever they feel disposed to plume them¬ 
selves on foolish clemency they are violating the law of justice 


4 6 

which is instituted for the exemplary edification of men by penalties 
for lapses and not for display of the spiritual qualities of the judge. 

Such qualities it is proper to show in private life, but not in a 
public square which is the educationary basis of human life. 

Our legal staff will serve not beyond the age of 55, firstly because 
old men more obstinately hold to prejudiced opinions, and are less 
capable of submitting to new directions, and secondly because this 
will give us the possibility by this measure of securing elasticity in 
the changing of staff, which will thus the more easily bend under 
our pressure: he who wishes to keep his place will have to give blind 
obedience to deserve it. In general, our judges will be elected by us 
only from among those who thoroughly understand that the part 
they have to play is to punish and apply laws and not to dream 
about the manifestations of liberalism at the expense of the edu¬ 
cationary scheme of the State, as the goyim in these days imagine 
it to be. . . . This method of shuffling the staff will serve also 

to explode any collective solidarity of those in the same service and 
will bind all to the interests of the government upon which their 
fate will depend. The young generation of judges will be trained 
in certain views regarding the inadmissibility of any abuses that 
might disturb the established order of our subjects among them¬ 

In these days the judges of the goyim create indulgences to every 
kind of crimes, not having a just understanding of their office, be¬ 
cause the rulers of the present age in appointing judges to office 
take no care to inculcate in them a sense of duty and consciousness 
of the matter which is demanded of them. As a brute beast lets 
out its young in search of prey, so do the goyim give their subjects 
places of profit without thinking to make clear to them for what 
purpose such place was created. This is the reason why their gov¬ 
ernments are being ruined by their own forces through the acts of 
their own administration. 

Let us borrow from the example of the results of these actions 
yet another lesson for our government. 

We shall root out liberalism from all the important strategic 
posts of our government on which depends the training of subordi¬ 
nates for our State structure. Such posts will fall exclusively to 
those who have been trained by us for administrative rule. To the 
possible objection that the retirement of old servants will cost the 
Treasury heavily, I reply, firstly, they will be provided with some 
private service in place of what they lose, and, secondly, I have to 
remark that all the money in the world will be concentrated in our 
hands, consequently it is not our government that has to fear ex¬ 

Our absolutism will in all things be logically consecutive and 
therefore in each one of its decrees our supreme will will be respect¬ 
ed and unquestionably fulfilled: it will ignore all murmurs, all dis¬ 
contents of every kind and will destroy to the root every kind of 



manifestation of them in act by punishment of an exemplary char¬ 

We shall abolish the right of cassation, which will be transferred 
exclusively to our disposal—to the cognizance of him who rules, for 
we must not allow the conception among the people of a thought 
that there could be such a thing as a decision that is not right of 
judges set up by us. If, however, anything like this should occur, we 
shall ourselves cassate the decision, but inflict therewith such ex¬ 
emplary punishment on the judge for lack of understanding of his 
duty and the purposes of his appointment as will prevent a repeti¬ 
tion of such cases. ... I repeat that it must be borne in mind 
that we shall know every step of our administration which only 
needs to be closely watched for the people to be content with us, 
for it has the right to demand from a good government a good of¬ 

Our government will have the appearance of a patriarchal pater¬ 
nal guardianship on the part of our ruler. Our own nation and our 
subjects will discern in his person a father caring for their every 
need, their every act, their every inter-relation as subjects one with 
another, as well as their relations to the ruler. They will then be 
so thoroughly imbued with the thought that it is impossible for 
them to dispense with this wardship and guidance, if they wish to 
live in peace and quiet, that they will acknowledge the autocracy of 
our ruler with a devotion bordering on APOTHEOSIS, especially 
when they are convinced that those whom we set up do not put their 
own in place of his authority, but only blindly execute his dictates. 
They will be rejoiced that we have regulated everything in their 
lives as is done by wise parents who desire to train their children 
in the cause of duty and submission. For the peoples of the world 
in regard to the secrets of our polity are ever through the ages only 
children under age, precisely as are also their governments. 

As you see, I found our despotism on right and duty; the right 
to compel the execution of duty is the direct obligation of a govern¬ 
ment which is a father for its subjects. It has the right of the 
strong that it may use it for the benefit of directing humanity to¬ 
wards that order which is defined by nature, namely, submission. 
Everything in the world is in a state of submission, if not to man, 
then to circumstances or its own inner character, in all cases, to 
what is stronger. And so shall we be this something stronger for 
the sake of good. 

We are obliged without hesitation to sacrifice individuals, who 
commit a breach of established order, for in the exemplary punish¬ 
ment of evil lies a great educational problem. 

When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown 
offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the world. The 
indispensable victims offered by him in consequence of their suit¬ 
ability will never reach the number of victims offered in the course 
of centuries by the mania of magnificence, the emulation between 
the goy governments. 



Our King will be in constant communion with the peoples, mak¬ 
ing to them from the tribune speeches which fame will in that same 
hour distribute over all the world 

Protocol No. 16 

Emasculation of the universities. Substitute for classicism. 
Training and calling. Advertisement of the authority of 
"the ruler" in the schools. Abolition of freedom of in¬ 
struction. New Theories. Independence of thought. Teach¬ 
ing by object lessons. 

In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except 
ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism—the univer¬ 
sities, by re-educating them in a new direction. Their officials and 
professors will be prepared for their business by detailed secret pro¬ 
grammes of action from which they will not with immunity diverge, 
not by one iota. They will be appointed with especial precaution, 
and will be so placed as to be wholly dependent upon the Govern¬ 

We shall exclude from the course of instruction State Law as also 
all that concerns the political question. These subjects will be taught 
to a few dozens of persons chosen for their pre-eminent capacities 
from among the number of the initiated. The universities must no 
longer send out from their halls milksops concocting plans for a con¬ 
stitution, like a comedy or a tragedy, busying themselves with ques¬ 
tions of policy in which even their own fathers never had any power 
of thought. 

The ill-guided acquaintances of a large number of persons with 
questions of polity creates Utopian dreamers and bad subjects, as 
you can see for yourselves from the example of the universal edu¬ 
cation in this direction of the goyim. We must introduce into their 
education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up 
their order. But when we are in power we shall remove every kind 
of disturbing subject from the course of education and shall make 
out of the youth obedient children of authority, loving him who rules 
as the support and hope of peace and quiet. 

Classicism, as also any form of study of ancient history, in which 
there are more bad than good examples, we shall replace with the 
study of the programme of the future. We shall erase from the 
memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesir¬ 
able to us, and leave only those which depict all the errors of the 
government of the goyim. The study of practical life, of the obli¬ 
gations of order, of the relations of people one to another, of avoid¬ 
ing bad and selfish examples, which spread the infection of evil, 
and similar questions of an educative nature, will stand in the fore¬ 
front of the teaching programme, which will be drawn up on a sep¬ 
arate plan for each calling or state of life, in no wise generalizing 
the teaching. This treatment of the question has special importance. 
Each state of life must be trained within strict limits correspond- 



ing to its destination and work in life. The occasional genius has 
always managed and always will manage to slip through into other 
states of life, but it is the most perfect folly for the sake of this rare 
occasional genius to let through into ranks foreign to them the un- 
talented who thus rob of their places those who belong to those 
ranks by birth or employment. You know yourselves in what all this 
has ended for the goyim who allowed this crying absurdity. 

In order that he who rules may be seated firmly in the hearts 
and minds of his subjects it is necessary for the time of his activity 
to instruct the whole nation in the schools and on the market places 
about his meaning and his acts and all his beneficent initiatives. 

We shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction. Learners 
of all ages will have the right to assemble together with their par¬ 
ents in the educational establishments as it were in a club; during 
these assemblies, on holidays, teachers will read what will pass as 
free lectures on questions of human relations, of the laws of ex¬ 
amples, of the limitations which are born of unconscious relations, 
and, finally, of the philosophy of new theories not yet declared to 
the world. These theories will be raised by us to the stage of a 
dogma of faith as a transitional stage towards our faith. On the 
completion of this exposition of our programme of action in the 
present and the future I will read you the principles of these 

In a word, knowing by the experience of many centuries that 
people live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are imbibed by 
people only by the aid of education provided with equal success for 
all ages of growth, but of course by varying methods, we shall swal¬ 
low up and confiscate to our own use the last scintilla of indepen¬ 
dence of thought, which we have for long past been directing to¬ 
wards subjects and ideas useful for us. The system of bridling 
thought is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by 
object lessons, the purpose of which is to turn the goyim into un¬ 
thinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before 
their eyes in order to form an idea of them. ... In France, one of 
our best agents. Bourgeois, has already made public a new pro¬ 
gramme of teaching by object lessons. 

Protocol No. 17 

Advocacy. Influence of the priesthood of the goyim. Freedom 
of conscience. Papal Court. King of the Jews as Patriarch- 
Pope. How to fight the existing Church. Function of con¬ 
temporary press. Organization of police. Volunteer police. 
Espionage on the pattern of the kabal espionage. Abuses 
of authority. 

The practice of advocacy produces men cold, cruel, persistent, 
unprincipled, who in all cases take up an impersonal, purely legal 
standpoint. They have the inveterate habit to refer everything to 
its value for the defence and not to the public welfare of its results. 



They do not usually decline to undertake any defence whatever, 
they strive for an acquittal at all costs, cavilling over every petty 
crux of jurisprudence and thereby they demoralize Justice. For 
this reason we shall set this profession into narrow frames which 
will keep it inside this sphere of executive public service. Advo¬ 
cates, equally with judges, will be deprived of the right of com¬ 
munication with litigants; they will receive business only from the 
court and will study it by notes of report and documents, defend 
ing their clients after they have been interrogated in court on facts 
that have appeared. They will receive an honorarium without re¬ 
gard to the quality of the defence. This will render them mere re 
porters on law-business in the interests of justice and as counter¬ 
poise to the proctor who will be the reporter in the interests of 
prosecution; this will shorten business before the courts. In this 
way will be established a practice of honest unprejudiced defence 
conducted not from personal interest but by conviction. This will 
also, by the way, remove the present practice of corrupt bargain be¬ 
tween advocates to agree only to let that side win which pays 

We have long past taken care to discredit the priesthood of the 
goyim, and thereby to ruin their mission on earth, which in these 
days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence 
on the peoples of the world is falling lower. Freedom of conscience 
has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from 
the moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion: as 
to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with 
them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall set 
clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their 
influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress. 

When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court the finger 
of an invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, 
however, the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come for¬ 
ward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. 
By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure 
we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the 
entire strength of this place. 

The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the 
patriarch of an international Church. 

But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new 
traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay 
a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them by 
criticism calculated to produce schism. 

In general, then, our contemporary press will continue to con¬ 
vict State affairs, religions, incapacities of the goyim, always using 
the most unprincipled expressions in order by every means to lower 
their prestige in the manner which can only be practiced by the 
genius of our gifted tribe. 

Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom 
is found its personification—in our hundred hands will be, one in 


5 1 

each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see every¬ 
thing without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its 
rights which we elaborated for the use of the goyim, hinders gov¬ 
ernments from seeing. In our programme one-third of our subjects 
will keep the rest under observation from a sense of duty, on the 
principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no dis¬ 
grace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denuncia¬ 
tions, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be no devel¬ 
opment of abuses of this right. 

Our agents will be taken from the higher as well as the lower 
ranks of society, from among the administrative class who spend 
their time in amusements, editors, printers and publishers, book¬ 
sellers, clerks, and salesmen, workmen, coachmen, lackeys, etcetera. 
This body, having no rights and not being empowered to take any 
action on their own account, and consequently a police without any 
power, will only witness and report: verification of their reports and 
arrests will depend upon a responsible group of controllers of police 
affairs, while the actual act of arrest will be performed by the gen¬ 
darmerie and the municipal police. Any person not denouncing 
anything seen or heard concerning questions of polity will also be 
charged with and made responsible for concealment, if it be proved 
that he is guilty of this crime. 

Just as nowadays our brethren are obliged at their own risk to 
denounce to the kabal apostates of their own family or members 
who have been noticed doing anything in opposition to the kabal, 
so in our kingdom over all the world it will be obligatory for all our 
subjects to observe the duty of service to the State in this direction. 

Such an organization will extirpate abuses of authority, of force, 
of bribery, everything in fact which we by our counsels, by our 
theories of the superhuman rights of man, have introduced into the 
customs of the goyim. . . . But how else were we to procure 

that increase of causes predisposing to disorders in the midst of 
their administration? . . . Among the number of those methods 

one of the most important is—agents for the restoration of order 
so placed as to have the opportunity in their disintegrating activ¬ 
ity of developing and displaying their evil inclinations—obstinate 
self-conceit, irresponsible exercise of authority, and, first and fore¬ 
most, venality. 

Protocol No. 18 

Measures of secret defense. Observation of conspiracies from 
the inside. Overt secret defense—the ruin of authority. 
Secret defense of the King of the Jews. Mystical prestige 
of authority. Arrest on the first suspicion. 

When it becomes necessary for us to strengthen the strict meas¬ 
ures of secret defence (the most fatal poison for the prestige of au¬ 
thority) we shall arrange a simulation of disorders or some mani¬ 
festation of discontents finding expression through the cooperation 


5 2 

of good speakers. Round these speakers will assemble all who are 
sympathetic to his utterances. This will give us the pretext for 
domiciliary perquisitions and surveillance on the part of our servants 
from among the number of the goyim police. 

As the majority of conspirators act out of love for the game, for 
the sake of talking, so, until they commit some overt act we shall 
not lay a finger on them but only introduce into their midst observa¬ 
tion elements. It must be remembered that the prestige of 

authority is lessened if it frequently discovers conspiracies against 
itself: this implies a presumption of consciousness of weakness, or, 
what is still worse, of injustice. You are aware that we have broken 
the prestige of the goy kings by frequent attempts upon their lives 
through our agents, blind sheep of our flock, who are easily moved 
by a few liberal phrases to crimes provided only they be painted in 
political colours. We have compelled the rulers to acknowledge their 
weakness in advertising overt measures of secret defence and thereby 
we shall bring the promise of authority to destruction. 

Our ruler will be secretly protected only by the most insignificant 
guard, because we shall not admit so much as a thought that there 
could exist against him any sedition with which he is not strong 
enough to contend and is compelled to hide from it. 

If we should admit this thought, as the goyim have done and are 
doing, we should ipso facto be signing a death sentence, if not for 
our ruler, at any rate for his dynasty, at no distant date. 

According to strictly enforced outward appearances our ruler will 
employ his power only for the advantage of the nation and in no 
wise for his own or dynastic profits. Therefore, with the observance 
of this decorum, his authority will be respected and guarded by the 
subjects themselves, it will receive an apotheosis in the admission 
that with it is bound up the well-being of every citizen of the State, 
for upon it will depend all order in the common life of the pack. . . . 

Overt defence of the kind argues weakness in the organization of 
his strength. 

Our ruler will always among the people be surrounded by a mob 
of apparently curious men and women, who will occupy the front 
ranks about him, to all appearance by chance, and will restrain the 
ranks of the rest out of respect as it will appear for good order. This 
will sow an example of restraint also in others. If a petitioner ap¬ 
pears among the people trying to hand a petition and forcing his 
way through the ranks, the first ranks must receive the petition and 
before the eyes of the petitioner pass it to the ruler, so that all may 
know that what is handed in reaches its destination, that, conse¬ 
quently there exists a control of the ruler himself. The aureole of 
power requires for its existence that the people may be able to say: 
"If the king knew of this," or: "the king will hear of it." 

With the establishment of official secret defence the mystical 
prestige of authority disappears given a certain audacity, and 
everyone counts himself master of it, the sedition-monger is con¬ 
scious of his strength, and when occasion serves watches for the 


5 3 

moment to make an attempt upon authority. . . . For the goyim 

we have been preaching something else, but by that very fact we 
are enabled to see what measures of overt defence have brought 
them to. 

Criminals with us will be arrested at the first more or less well- 
grounded suspicion; it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a pos¬ 
sible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons 
suspected of a political lapse or crime, for in these matters we shall 
be literally merciless. If it is still possible, by stretching a point, to 
admit a reconsideration of the motive causes in simple crimes, there 
is no possibility of excuse for persons occupying themselves with 
questions in which nobody except the government can understand 
anything. . . . And it is not all governments that understand 

true policy. 

Protocol No. 19 

The right of presenting petitions and projects. Sedition. 

Indictment of political crimes. Advertising of political 


If we do not permit any independent dabbling in the political we 
shall on the other hand encourage every kind of report or petition 
with proposals for the government to examine into all kinds of 
projects for the amelioration of the condition of the people; this will 
reveal to us the defects or else the fantasies of our subjects, to 
which we shall respond either by accomplishing them or by a wise 
rebutment to prove the short-sightedness of one who judges wrongly. 

Sedition-mongering is nothing more than the yapping of a lap- 
dog at an elephant. For a government well organized, not from the 
police but from the public point of view, the lap-dog yaps at the 
elephant in entire unconsciousness of its strength and importance. 
It needs no more than to take a good example to show the relative 
importance of both and the lap-dogs will cease to yap and will wag 
their tails the moment they set eyes on an elephant. 

In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime 
we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and 
every kind of abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then 
confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace 
attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt. 

We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded, to obtain 
that the goyim should not arrive at this means of contending with 
sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in 
speeches, indirectly—in cleverly compiled schoolbooks on history, we 
have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accepted by 
sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal. This advertise¬ 
ment has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought 
thousands of goyim into the ranks of our livestock cattle. 

5 4 


Protocol No. 20 

FINANCIAL PROGRAMME. Progressive tax. Stamp progres¬ 
sive taxation. Exchequer, interest-bearing papers and 
stagnation of currency. Method of accounting. Abolition 
of ceremonial displays. Stagnation of capital. Currency 
issue. Gold standard. Standard of cost of working man 
power. Budget. State loans. One per cent, interest series. 
Industrial shares. Rulers of the goyim: courtiers and 
favoritism, masonic agents. 

Today we shall touch upon the financial programme, which I put 
off to the end of my report as being the most difficult, the crowning 
and the decisive point of our plans. Before entering upon it I will 
remind you that I have already spoken before by way of a hint 
when I said that the sum total of our actions is settled by the ques¬ 
tion of figures. 

When we come into our kingdom our autocratic government will 
avoid, from a principle of self-preservation, sensibly burdening the 
masses of the people with taxes, remembering that it plays the part 
of father and protector. But as State organization costs dear it is 
necessary nevertheless to obtain the funds required for it. It will, 
therefore, elaborate with particular precaution the question of 
equilibrium in this matter. 

Our rule, in which the king will enjoy the legal fiction that every¬ 
thing in his State belongs to him (which may easily be translated 
into fact), will be enabled to resort to the lawful confiscation of all 
sums of every kind for the regulation of their circulation in the 
State. From this follows that taxation will best be covered by a 
progressive tax on property. In this manner the dues will be paid 
without straitening or ruining anybody in the form of a percentage 
of the amount of property. The rich must be aware that it is their 
duty to place a part of their superfluities at the disposal of the State 
since the State guarantees them security of possession of the rest 
of their property and the right of honest gains, I say honest, for the 
control over property will do away with robbery on a legal basis. 

This social reform must come from above, for the time is ripe 
for it—it is indispensable as a pledge of peace. 

The tax upon the poor man is a seed of revolution and works to 
the detriment of the State which in hunting after the trifling is 
missing the big. Quite apart from this, a tax on capitalists dimin¬ 
ishes the growth of wealth in private hands in which we have in 
these days concentrated it as a counterpoise to the government 
strength of the goyim —their State finances. 

A tax increasing in a percentage ratio to capital will give a much 
larger revenue than the present individual or property tax, which 
is useful to us now for the sole reason that it excites trouble and 
discontent among the goyim. 

The force upon which our king will rest consists in the equilib¬ 
rium and the guarantee of peace, for the sake of which things it is 


5 5 

indispensable that the capitalists should yield up a portion of their 
incomes for the sake of the secure working of the machinery of the 
State. State needs must be paid by those who will not feel the bur¬ 
den and have enough to take from. 

Such a measure will destroy the hatred of the poor man for the 
rich, in whom he will see a necessary financial support for the State, 
will see in him the organizer of peace and well-being since he will 
see that it is the rich man who is paying the necessary means to at¬ 
tain these things. 

In order that payers of the educated classes should not too much 
distress themselves over the new payments they will have full ac¬ 
counts given them of the destination of those payments, with the ex¬ 
ception of such sums as will be appropriated for the needs of the 
throne and the administrative institutions. 

He who reigns will not have any properties of his own once all in 
the State represents his patrimony, or else the one would be in con¬ 
tradiction to the other; the fact of holding private means would 
destroy the right of property in the common possessions of all. 

Relatives of him who reigns, his heirs excepted, who will be main¬ 
tained by the resources of the State, must enter the ranks of serv¬ 
ants of the State or must work to obtain the right to property; the 
privilege of royal blood must not serve for the spoiling of the treas¬ 

Purchase, receipt of money or inheritance will be subject to the 
payment of a stamp progressive tax. Any transfer of property, 
whether money or other, without evidence of payment of this tax, 
which will be strictly registered by names, will render the former 
holder liable to pay interest on the tax from the moment of trans¬ 
fer of these sums up to the discovery of his evasion of declaration 
of the transfer. Transfer documents must be presented weekly at 
the local treasury office with notifications of the name, surname 
and permanent place of residence of the former and the new holder 
of the property. This transfer with register of names must begin 
from a definite sum which exceeds the ordinary expenses of buying 
and selling of necessaries, and these will be subject to payment only 
by a stamp impost of a definite percentage of the unit. 

Just strike an estimate of how many times such taxes as these 
will cover the revenue of the goyim States. 

The State exchequer will have to maintain a definite comple¬ 
ment of reserve sums, and all that is collected above that comple¬ 
ment must be returned into circulation. On these sums will be or¬ 
ganized public works. The initiative in works of this kind, pro¬ 
ceeding from State sources, will bind the working class firmly to the 
interests of the State and to those who reign. From these same 
sums also a part will be set aside as rewards of inventiveness and 

On no account should so much as a single unit above the definite 
and freely estimated sums be retained in the State treasuries, for 
money exists to be circulated and any kind of stagnation of money 


5 6 

acts ruinously on the running of the state machinery, for which it 
is the lubricant; a stagnation of the lubricant may stop the regular 
working of the mechanism. 

The substitution of interest-bearing paper for a part of the token 
of exchange has produced exactly this stagnation. The conse¬ 
quences of this circumstance are already sufficiently noticeable. 

A court of account will also be instituted by us, and in it the 
ruler will find at any moment a full accounting for State income 
and expenditure, with the exception of the current monthly ac¬ 
count, not yet made up, and that of the preceding month, which 
will not yet have been delivered. 

The one and only person who will have no interest in robbing 
the State is its owner, the ruler. This is why the personal control 
will remove the possibility of leakages of extravagances. 

The representative function of the ruler at receptions for the 
sake of etiquette, which absorbs so much invaluable time, will be 
abolished in order that the ruler may have time for control and con¬ 
sideration. His power will not then be split up into fractional parts 
among time-serving favourites who surround the throne for its pomp 
and splendour, and are interested only in their own and not in the 
common interests of the State. 

Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no 
other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge 
capitals have stagnated, withdrawing money from States, which 
were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals 
for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the 
payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capi¬ 
tals. . . . The concentration of industry in the hands of capi¬ 

talists out of the hands of small masters has drained away all the 
juices of the peoples and with them also of the States. 

The present issue of money in general does not correspond with 
the requirements per head, and cannot therefore satisfy all the 
needs of the workers. The issue of money ought to correspond with 
the growth of population and thereby children also must absolutely 
be reckoned as consumers of currency from the day of their birth. 
The revision of issue is a material question for the whole world. 

You are aware that the gold standard has been the ruin of the 
States which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the de¬ 
mands for money, the more so that we have removed gold from cir¬ 
culation as far as possible. 

With us the standard that must be introduced is the cost of 
working-man power, whether it be reckoned in paper or in wood. 
We shall make the issue of money in accordance with the normal 
requirements of each subject, adding to the quantity with every 
birth and subtracting with every death. 

The accounts will be managed by each department (the French 
administrative division), each circle. 

In order that there may be no delays in the paying out of money 
for State needs the sums and terms of such payments will be fixed 


5 7 

by decree of the ruler; this will do away with the protection by a 
ministry of one institution to the detriment of others. 

The budgets of income and expenditure will be carried out side 
by side that they may not be obscured by distance one to another. 

The reforms projected by us in the financial institutions and 
principles of the goyim will be clothed by us in such forms as will 
alarm nobody. We shall point out the necessity of reforms in con¬ 
sequence of the disorderly darkness into which the goyim by their 
irregularities have plunged the finances. The first irregularity, as 
we shall point out, consists in their beginning with drawing up a 
single budget which year after year grows owing to the following 
cause: this budget is dragged out to half the year, then they de¬ 
mand a budget to put things right, and this they expend in three 
months, after which they ask for a supplementary budget, and all 
this ends with a liquidation budget. But, as the budget of the fol¬ 
lowing year is drawn up in accordance with the sum of the total 
addition, the annual departure from the normal reaches as much 
as 50 per cent, in a year, add so the annual budget is trebled in 
ten years. Thanks to such methods, allowed by the carelessness of 
the goy States; their treasuries are empty. The period of loans su¬ 
pervenes, and that has swallowed up remainders and brought all the 
goy States to bankruptcy. 

You understand perfectly that economic arrangements of this 
kind, which have been suggested to the goyim by us, cannot be car¬ 
ried on by us. 

Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of 
understanding of the rights of the State. Loans hang like a sword 
of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who, instead of taking from 
their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched 
palm of our bankers. Foreign loans are leeches which there is no 
possibility of removing from the body of the State until they fall off 
of themselves or the State flings them off. But the goy States do 
not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to 
themselves so that they must inevitably perish, drained by volun¬ 
tary blood-letting. 

What also indeed is, in substance, a loan, especially a foreign 
loan? A loan is—an issue of government bills of exchange contain¬ 
ing a percentage obligation commensurate to the sum of the loan 
capital. If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent., then in twenty 
years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan 
borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty—treble, 
and all the while the debt remains an unpaid debt. 

From this calculation it is obvious that with any form of taxa¬ 
tion per head the State is baling out the last coppers of the poor 
taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealthy foreigners, from 
whom it has borrowed money instead of collecting these coppers for 
its own needs without the additional interest. 

So long as loans were internal the goyim only shuffled their 
money from the pockets of the poor to those of the rich, but when 


we bought up the necessary person in order to transfer loans into 
the external sphere all the wealth of States flowed into our cash- 
boxes and all the goyim began to pay us the tribute of subjects. 

If the superficiality of goy kings on their thrones in regard to 
State affairs and the venality of ministers or the want of under¬ 
standing of financial matters on the part of other ruling persons 
have made their countries debtors to our treasuries to amounts quite 
impossible to pay, it has not been accomplished without on our part 
heavy expenditure of trouble and money. 

Stagnation of money will not be allowed by us and therefore 
there will be no State-interest bearing paper, except a one-per-cent, 
series, so that there will be no payment of interest to leeches that 
suck all the strength out of the State. The right to issue interest- 
bearing paper will be given exclusively to industrial companies who 
will find no difficulty in paying interest out of profits, whereas the 
State does not make interest on borrowed money like these com¬ 
panies, for the State borrows to spend and not to use in operations. 

Industrial papers will be bought also by the government which 
from being as now a payer of tribute by loan operations will be 
transformed into a lender of money at a profit. This measure will 
stop the stagnation of money, parasitic profits and idleness, all of 
which were useful for us among the goyim so long as they were in¬ 
dependent but are not desirable under our rule. 

How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely 
brute brains of the goyim, as expressed in the fact that they have 
been borrowing from us with payment of interest without ever 
thinking that all the same these very moneys, plus an addition for 
payment of interest, must be got by them from their own State 
pockets in order to settle up with us. What could have been simpler 
than to take the money they wanted from their own people? 

But it is a proof of the genius of our chosen mind that we have 
contrived to present the matter of loans to them in such a light 
that they have even seen in them an advantage for themselves. 

Our accounts, which we shall present when the time comes, in 
the light of centuries of experience gained by experiments made by 
us on the goy States, will be distinguished by clearness and definite¬ 
ness and will show at a glance to all men the advantage of our innova¬ 
tions. They will put an end to those abuses to which we owe our 
mastery over the goyim, but which cannot be allowed in our king¬ 

We shall so hedge about our system of accounting that neither 
the ruler nor the most insignificant public servant will be in a posi¬ 
tion to divert even the smallest sum from its destination without de¬ 
tection or to direct it in another direction except that which will be 
once fixed in a definite plan of action. 

And without a definite plan it is impossible to rule. Marching 

along an undetermined road and with undetermined resources 
brings to ruin by the way heroes and demi-gods. 

The goy rulers, whom we once upon a time advised should be 


5 9 

distracted from State occupations by representatives' receptions, ob¬ 
servances of etiquette, entertainments, were only screens for our 
rule. The accounts of favourite courtiers who replaced them in the 
sphere of affairs were drawn up for them by our agents, and every 
time gave satisfaction to short-sighted minds by promises that in 
the future economies and improvements were foreseen. 
Economies from what? From new taxes?—were questions that might 
have been but were not asked by those who read our accounts and 
projects. . . 

You know to what they have been brought by this carelessness, 
to what a pitch of financial disorder they have arrived, notwith¬ 
standing the astonishing industry of their peoples. 

Protocol No. 21 

Internal loans. Debit and taxes. Conversions. Bankruptcy. 

Savings banks and rents. Abolition of money markets. 

Regulation of industrial values. 

To what I reported to you at the last meeting I shall now add a 
detailed explanation of internal loans. Of foreign loans I shall say 
nothing more, because they have fed us with the national moneys 
of the goyim, but for our State there will be no foreigners, that is, 
nothing external. 

We have taken advantage of the venality of administrators and 
the slackness of rulers to get our moneys twice, thrice and more 
times over, by lending to the goy governments, moneys which were 
not at all needed by the States. Could anyone do the like in re¬ 
gard to us? . . . Therefore I shall only deal with the details 
of internal loans. 

States announce that such a loan is to be concluded and open 
subscriptions for their own bills of exchange, that is, for their in¬ 
terest-bearing paper. That they may be within the reach of all, the 
price is determined at from a hundred to a thousand; and a dis¬ 
count is made for the earliest subscribers. Next day by artificial 
means the price of them goes up, the alleged reason being that 
everyone is rushing to buy them. In a few days the treasury safes 
are as they say overflowing and there's more money than they can 
do with (why then take it?). The subscription, it is alleged, covers 
many times over the issue total of the loan; in this lies the whole 
stage effect—look you, they say, what confidence is shown in the 
government's bills of exchange. 

But when the comedy is played out there emerges the fact that 
a debit, and an exceedingly burdensome debit, has been created. For 
the payment of interest it becomes necessary to have recourse to 
new loans which do not swallow up but only add to the capital debt. 
And when this credit is exhausted it becomes necessary by new 
taxes to cover, not the loan, but only the interest on it. These taxes 
are a debit employed to cover a debit. 

Later comes the time for conversions, but they diminish the pay- 



ment of interest without covering the debt, and besides they cannot 
be made without the consent of the lenders; on announcing a con¬ 
version a proposal is made to return the money to those who are 
not willing to convert their paper. If everybody expressed his un¬ 
willingness and demanded his money back, the government would 
be hooked on their own flies and would be found insolvent and un¬ 
able to pay the proposed sums. By good luck the subjects of the 
goy governments, knowing nothing about financial affairs, have al¬ 
ways preferred losses on exchange and diminution of interest to the 
risk of new investments of their moneys, and have thereby many 
a time enabled these governments to throw off their shoulders a 
debit of several millions. 

Nowadays, with external loans, these tricks cannot be played by 
the goyim for they know that we shall demand all our moneys back. 

In this way an acknowledged bankruptcy will best prove to the 
various countries the absence of any means between the interests 
of the peoples and of those who rule them. 

I beg you to concentrate your particular attention upon this point 
and upon the following: nowadays all internal loans are consoli¬ 
dated by so-called flying loans, that is, such as have terms of pay¬ 
ment more or less near. These debts consist of moneys paid into 
the savings banks and reserve funds. If left for long at the dis¬ 
position of a government these funds evaporate in the payment of 
interest on foreign loans, and are replaced by the deposit of equiva¬ 
lent amount of rentes. 

And these last it is which patch up all the leaks in the State 
treasuries of the goyim. 

When we ascend the throne of the world all these financial and 
similar shifts, as being not in accord with our interests, will be swept 
away so as not to leave a trace, as also will be destroyed all money 
markets, since we shall not allow the prestige of our power to be 
shaken by fluctuations of prices set upon our values, which we shall 
announce by law at the price which represents their full worth 
without any possibility of lowering or raising. (Raising gives the 
pretext for lowering, which indeed was where we made a beginning 
in relation to the values of the goyim.) 

We shall replace the money markets by grandiose government 
credit institutions, the object of which will be to fix the price of in¬ 
dustrial values in accordance with government views. These insti¬ 
tutions will be in a position to fling upon the market five hundred 
millions of industrial paper in one day, or to buy up for the same 
amount. In this way all industrial undertakings will come into de¬ 
pendence upon us. You may imagine for yourselves what immense 
power we shall thereby secure for ourselves. 

Protocol No. 22 

The secret of what is coming. The evil of many centuries as 
the foundation of future well-being. The aureole of power 
and its mystical worship. 



In all that has so far been reported by me to you, I have en¬ 
deavoured to depict with care the secret of what is coming, of what 
is past, and of what is going on now, rushing into the flood of the 
great events coming already in the near future, the secret of our 
relations to the goyim and of financial operations. On this sub¬ 
ject there remains still a little for me to add. 

In our hands is the greatest power of our day — gold, in two days 
we can procure from our storehouses any quantity we may please. 

Surely there is no need to seek further proof that our rule is pre¬ 
destined by God? Surely we shall not fail with such wealth to 
prove that all that evil which for so many centuries we have had 
to commit has served at the end of ends the cause of true well-be¬ 
ing—the bringing of everything into order? Though it be even by 
the exercise of some violence, yet all the same it will be established. 
We shall contrive to prove that we are benefactors who have re¬ 
stored to the rent and mangled earth the true good and also freedom 
of the person, and therewith we shall enable it to be enjoyed in 
peace and quiet, with proper dignity of relations, on the condition, 
of course, of strict observance of the laws established by us. We 
shall make plain therewith that freedom does not consist in dissipa¬ 
tion and in the right of unbridled license any more than the dignity 
and force of a man do not consist in the right of everyone to pro¬ 
mulgate destructive principles in the nature of freedom of con¬ 
science, equality and the like; that freedom of the person in no wise 
consists in the right to agitate oneself and others by abominable 
speeches before disorderly mobs, and that true freedom consists in 
the inviolability of the person who honourably and strictly ob¬ 
serves all the laws of life in common, that human dignity is wrapped 
up in consciousness of the rights and also of the absence of rights 
of each, and not wholly and solely in fantastic imaginings about 
the subject of one's ego. 

Our authority will be glorious because it will be all-powerful, will 
rule and guide, and not muddle along after leaders and orators 
shrieking themselves hoarse with senseless words which they call 
great principles and which are nothing else, to speak honestly, but 
Utopian. . . . Our authority will be the crown of order, and in 

that is included the whole happiness of man. The aureole of this 
authority will inspire a mystical bowing of the knee before it and a 
reverent fear before it of all the peoples. True force makes no terms 
with any right, not even with that of God: none dare come near to 
it so as to take so much as a span from it away. 

Protocol No. 23 

Reduction of the manufacture of articles of luxury. Small 
master production. Unemployment. Prohibition of drunk¬ 
enness. Killing out of the old society and its resurrection 
in a new form. The chosen one of God. 

That the peoples may become accustomed to obedience it is 


6 2 

necessary to inculcate lessons of humility and therefore to reduce 
the production of articles of luxury. By this we shall improve mor¬ 
als which have been debased by emulation in the sphere of luxury. 
We shall re-establish small master production which will mean lay¬ 
ing a mine under the private capital of manufacturers. This is in¬ 
dispensable also for the reason that manufacturers on the grand 
scale often move, though not always consciously, the thoughts of 
the masses in directions against the government. A people of small 
masters knows nothing of unemployment and this binds him closely 
with existing order, and consequently with the firmness of author¬ 
ity. Unemployment is a most perilous thing for a government. For 
us its part will have been played out the moment authority is trans¬ 
ferred into our hands. Drunkenness also will be prohibited by law 
and punishable as a crime against the humanness of man who is 
turned into a brute under the influence of alcohol. 

Subjects, I repeat once more, give blind obedience only to the 
strong hand which is absolutely independent of them, for in it they 
feel the sword of defence and support against social scourges . . . 
What do they want with an angelic spirit in a king? What they 
have to see in him is the personification of force and power. 

The supreme lord who will replace all now existing rulers, drag¬ 
ging on their existence among societies demoralized by us, societies 
that have denied even the authority of God, from whose midst 
breaks out on all sides the fire of anarchy, must first of all proceed 
to quench this all-devouring flame. Therefore he will be obliged 
to kill off those existing societies, though he should drench them 
with his own blood, that he may resurrect them again in the form 
of regularly organized troops fighting consciously with every kind 
of infection that may cover the body of the State with sores. 

This Chosen One of God is chosen from above to demolish the 
senseless forces moved by instinct and not reason, by brutishness 
and not humanness. These forces now triumph in manifestations 
of robbery and every kind of violence under the mask of principles 
of freedom and rights. They have overthrown all forms of social or¬ 
der to erect on the ruins the throne of the King of the Jews; but 
their part will be played out the moment he enters into his king¬ 
dom. Then it will be necessary to sweep them away from his path, 
on which must be left no knot, no splinter. 

Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: 
"Give thanks to God and bow the knee before him who bears on his 
front the seal of the predestination of man, to which God himself 
has led his starthat none other but Him might free us from all the 

before mentioned forces and evils." 

Protocol No. 24 

Confirming the roots of King David (?). Training of the 
King. Setting aside of direct heirs. The king and three 


6 3 

of his sponsors. The king is fate. Irreproachability of ex¬ 
terior morality of the King of the Jews. 

I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of 
King David to the last strata of the earth. 

This confirmation will first and foremost be included in that in 
which to this day has rested the force of conservatism by our learn¬ 
ed elders of the conduct of all the affairs of the world, in the direct¬ 
ing of the education of thought of all humanity. 

Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and 
their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capaci¬ 
ties, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the political, 
into schemes of government, but providing always that none may 
come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of action 
is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those 
who have not been inducted into the secret places of its art. . . . 

To these persons only will be taught the practical application of 
the aforenamed plans by comparison of the experiences of many 
centuries, all the observations on the politico-economic moves and 
social sciences—in a word, all the spirit of laws which have been un- 
shakably established by nature herself for the regulation of the re¬ 
lations of humanity. 

Direct heirs will often be set aside from ascending the throne if 
in their time of training they exhibit frivolity, softness and other 
qualities that are the ruin of authority, which render them incapa¬ 
ble of governing and in themselves dangerous for kingly office. 

Only those who are unconditionally capable for firm, even if it be 
to cruelty, direct rule will receive the reins of rule from our learned 

In case of falling sick with weakness of will or other form of in¬ 
capacity, kings must by law hand over the reins of rule to new and 
capable hands. 

The king's plans of action for the current moment, and all the 
more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are called 
his closest counsellors. 

Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know 
what is coming. 

In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of 
himself and of humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mys¬ 
terious ways. None will know what the king wishes to attain by his 
dispositions, and therefore none will dare to stand across an un¬ 
known path. 

It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must corre¬ 
spond in capacity to the plan of government it has to contain. It 
is for this reason that he will ascend the throne not otherwise than 
after examination of his mind by the aforesaid learned elders. 

That the people may know and love their king it is indispensable 
for him to converse in the market-places with his people. This en¬ 
sures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now di¬ 
vided one from another by us by the terror. 



This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for both 
these forces separately to fall under our influence. 

The King of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions, 
and especially of sensuality: on no side of his character must he 
give brute instincts power over his mind. Sensuality worse than 
all else disorganizes the capacities of the mind and clearness of 
views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of 
human activity. 

The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all 
the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all 
personal inclinations. 

Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachability. 

Lord Sydenham on the "Protocols" 

[The following letter appeared in the Spectator of August 27, 1921, and the 
late Lord Sydenham kindly consented to its reproduction.] 

SIR—When the Protocols first appeared in English it was pointed out that 
they embodied a forgery perpetrated by the Tsar's police with the idea of pro¬ 
moting pogroms. It now appears that they are adapted from a "pamphlet of 
1865 attacking the Second Empire." This is most interesting, but it explains 
nothing. As you point out, Mrs. Webster had shown the Protocols to be full 
of plagiarisms which she effectively explained by the use of parallel columns, 
and before her most able book appeared Mr. Lucien Wolfe had traced other 
similarities. As the Protocols were obviously a compilation this was to be ex¬ 
pected, and further resemblances may be discovered. The importance of the 
most sinister compilation that has ever appeared resides in the subject mat¬ 
ter. The Protocols explain in almost laborious detail the objects of Bolshevism 
and the methods of carrying it into effect. Those methods were in operation 
in 1901, when Nilus said that he received the documents, but Bolshevism was 
then Marxian Communism, and the time had not come for applying it by mili¬ 
tary force. Nothing that was written in 1865 can have any bearing upon the 
deadly accuracy of the forecasts in the Protocols, most of which have since 
been fulfilled to the letter. Moreover die principles they enunciate correspond 
closely with the recorded statements of Jewish authorities. If you will read 
the American edition, with its valuable annexes, you will understand this and 
the confirmatory quotations there given can be multiplied. Even the "Jewish 
world despotism," which you described as "a piece of malignant lunacy," is not 
obscurely hinted at. Take this one quotation from the Jewish State, by Theo¬ 
dore Herzl: "When we sink we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subor¬ 
dinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our 
terrible power of the purse." Compare this ominous statement with those of 
the Protocols, of which it is plainly an echo. 

I note with thankfulness that you say that the discovery of the French 
pamphlet "does not clear up the whole mystery." Indeed it does not. and if 
you will carefully read Mr. Ford's amazing disclosures you will wish for more 
light. The main point is, of course, the source from which Nilus obtained the 
Protocols. The Russians who knew Nilus and his writings cannot all have been 
exterminated by the Bolshevics. His book, in which the Protocols only form 
one chapter, has not been translated; though it would give some idea of the 
man. He was, I have been told by a Russian lady, absolutely incapable either 
of writing any portion of the Protocols or of being a party to a fraud. 

What is the most striking characteristic of the Protocols? The answer is 
knowledge of a rare kind, embracing the widest field. The solution of the 
"mystery," if it is one, is to be found by ascertaining where this uncanny knowl¬ 
edge, on which prophecies now literally fulfilled are based, can be shown to 
reside.—I am, Sir, &c.. 




The manifesto of Adolphe Cremieux, addressed to the Nation 
of Jewry on the occasion of the founding of the Universal Israelite 
Alliance. This has been pronounced a forgery, and something much 
less committal—especially written for Gentile consumption—has 
been produced as the "real" thing. The unfortunate part of the 
business is that the "forgery" corresponds infinitely more closely 
with the facts of history than that which is claimed to be genuine! 
It proclaims three incontrovertible truths: (1) that the Jewish Na¬ 
tion is the enemy of all nations; (2) that Jews claim that they are 
a people "Chosen" to dominate the whole earth, and take possession 
of all the riches of all peoples; (3) that the power of all nations is 
already in their hands, and that Jews think they are on the eve of 
their complete conquest of the rest of the human race. The date 
of this Protocol, No. 2 of our series, is 1860. 


We take this Protocol from the Morning Post of September 6th, 

"A correspondent writing in reference to the hidden perils draws 
attention to a Manifesto issued in 1860 to the 'Jews of the Universe,' 
by Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israelite Univer- 
selle, and the well-known member of the Provisional Government of 
1871. Adolphe Cremieux, while Grand Master of the French Masonic 
Lodges, offered 1,000,000 francs for the head of William I of Ger¬ 
many. On his tomb he requested the following sole inscription to be 

" 'Here lies Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israel¬ 
ite Universelle. 


Emblem: On top—the tablets of Moses, a little lower—two extended 
hands clasping each other, and as basis of the whole—the globe of the 

Motto: "All Jews for one, and one for all." 

The union which we desire to found will not be a French, Eng¬ 
lish, Irish, or German union, but a Jewish one, a Universal one. 

Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone 
have not co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries. 

A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Chris¬ 
tian or a Moslem before the moment arrives when the light of the 
Jewish Faith, the only religion of reason, will shine all over the 

Scattered amongst other nations, who from time immemorial 
were hostile to our rights and interests, we desire primarily to be 
and to remain immutably Jews. 

Our nationality is the religion of our fathers, and we recognize 
no other nationality. 

We are living in foreign lands, and cannot trouble about the 
mutable ambitions of countries entirely alien to us, while our own 
moral and material problems are endangered. 

The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth. Israelites! No 
matter where fate should lead—though scattered all over the earth, 
you must always consider yourselves members of a Chosen Race. 


6 6 

If you realize that the Faith of your forefathers is your only 

— if you recognize that, notwithstanding the nationalities you 
have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and 
only nation— 

— if you believe that Jewry only is the one and only religious 
and political truth— 

— if you are convinced of this, you, Israelites of the Universe— 

—then come and give ear to our appeal and prove to us your 


Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed. 
Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally 
wounded in the head. 

The net which Israel is throwing over the globe of the earth is 
widening and spreading daily, and the momentous prophecies of 
our holy books are at last to be realized. 

The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer 
for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity 
will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores. 

Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances. 

Our might is immense—learn to adopt this might for our cause. 

What have you to be afraid of? 

The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the 
earth will become the property of the Children of Israel." 

More than sixty years have elapsed since this Protocol was writ¬ 
ten, and the riches of the earth are now almost entirely in the pos¬ 
session or under the control of the Children of Israel. The Torah, 
said the Jew poet, Heine, is the Jews’ "portable Fatherland." Cre- 
mieux says practically the same thing—"the faith of our fathers is 
your only patriotism." The Jew regards all non-Jews as foreigners, 
and he is an alien everywhere. 



Appended to the prophecies of this Protocol we have put a few 
of the events which have happened in fulfillment. It will be seen 
that there is a close correspondence between this Protocol, the Cre- 
mieux Manifesto, and the epistle emanating from the "Prince of 
the Jews" in 1489 A. D., and published in a Rothschild magazine. 
It is probable that when the latter was published it was not imag¬ 
ined that any Gentile would ever think of connecting it with other 
documents emanating from Jewry, or with modern happenings. 

[In its issue of 21 October, 1920 (No. 195) La Vieille France pub¬ 
lished an extremely important Russian document in which the fol¬ 
lowing passage occurs: 

"There is a striking analogy between the Protocols of the Elders 
of Zion and the discourse of the Rabbi Reichhorn, pronounced in 
Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben- 
Ihuda, and published by Readcliffe, who paid with his life for the 
divulgation; Sonol, who had taken Readcliffe to hear Reichhorn, 
was killed in a duel some time afterwards. The general ideas for¬ 
mulated by the Rabbi are found fully developed in the Protocols." 

In its issue of 10 March, 1921 (No. 214) La Vieille France gives 
the version of this funeral oration which was published in La Russie 


6 7 

Juive. It is perfectly clear that the funeral oration and the Proto¬ 
cols of the Elders of Zion come from one and the same mint. Both 
are prophetic; and the power which made the prophecies has been 
able to bring about their fulfillment. This oration is so important 
that we append to it an account of the fulfillment of each of the 
sections. There can no longer be any doubt as to whose is the power 
which is disturbing the world, creating World Unrest, and at the 
same time reaping all the profits. Jewry is enslaving all Christian 
peoples of the earth. There IS a Jew World Plot and it now stands 
finally and completely unmasked.] 

1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been ac¬ 
customed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress 
towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised 
us, and our conquests over the enemy—Christianity. 

2. This year, united over the tomb of our reverend Simeon-ben- 
Ihuda, we can state with pride that the past century has brought us 
very near to our goal, and that this goal will be very soon attained. 

3. GOLD always has been and always will be the irresistible power. 
Handled by expert hands it will always be the most useful lever for 
those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not. 
With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can fix the 
rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidise all 
State loans, and thereafter hold the states at our mercy. 

4. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire 
world, the credits of all the governments, are in our hands. 

5 The other great power is THE PRESS. By repeating without 
cessation certain ideas, the Press succeeds in the end in having them 
accepted as actualities. The Theatre renders us analogous services. 
Everywhere the Press and the Theatre obey our orders. 

6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide 
the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of 
their nations, we shall sow discord everywhere. Reduced to impo¬ 
tence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK, always united, 
and always devoted to our Cause. 

7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their 
pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear 
the ground for us to put our own people into. 

8. The possession of the land has always brought influence and 
power. In the name of social Justice and Equality we shall parcel 
out the great estates; we shall give the fragments to the peasants 
who covet them with all their powers, and who will soon be in debt 
to us by the expense of cultivating them. Our capital will make us 
their masters. We in our turn shall become the great proprietors, 
and the possession of the land will assure the power to us. 

9. Let us try to replace the circulation of gold with paper money; 
our chests will absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of 
the paper which will make us masters of all the positions. 

10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning en¬ 
thusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the 
people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of 
the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the prole¬ 
tariat which will charge itself with annihilating Christian capital¬ 
ism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never 
dared to dream, but we shall also raise the price of necessities so 
that our profits will be greater still. 


6 8 

11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the 
Christians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the 

12. By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make 
their priests ridiculous then odious, and their religion as ridiculous 
and as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be masters of their 
souls. For our pious attachment to our own religion, to our own 
worship, will prove the superiority of our religion and the superiority 
of our souls. 

13. We have already established our own men in all important 
positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers 
and doctors; the lawyers are au courant with all interests; doctors 
once in the house, become confessors and directors of consciences. 

14. But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means 
we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children's brains 
as suits us. 

15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of 
justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as 
many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we 
become judges ourselves. 

16. The monarchs of the Christian world, swollen with ambition 
and vanity, surround themselves with luxury and with numerous 
armies. We shall furnish them with all the money their folly de¬ 
mands, and so shall keep them in leash. 

17. Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with 
Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the 
most closely locked circles. If our daughters marry Goyim they will 
be no less useful, for the children of a Jewish mother are ours. Let 
us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among Christian 
women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion. 

18. For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted 
have been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the 
mark. They control the economic life of the accursed Christians; 
their influence preponderates over politics and over manners. 

19. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose 
the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity will 
definitely enslave the Christians to Us. Thus will be accomplished 
the promise of God made to His People. 


[The "God" who promised to give "all the kingdoms of the world 
and the glory of them" to his worshippers we know. He is the God 
of Judas, of Herod and of Cain. Let us now see how he has carried 
out his promise. Paragraph by paragraph we will take the items. 
Let our readers compare them by their numbers.] 

1. Within the half century which has elapsed since this prophetic 
oration was made, Judaism has taken giant strides in its conquests 
over its age-long "Enemy"—Christianity. Purse, Press, Politics— 
these are the engines by means of which the Elders of Zion have 
made their conquest. 

2. Four of the Christian Empires—Russia, Austria, Germany and 
France—have already succumbed to the Jew power. Only the Brit¬ 
ish Empire is left, and all its most precious institutions are already 
under Jew control, which is working ceaselessly for its final be¬ 


3. The GOLD of the Nations is the real LORD OF ISRAEL. The Gold 
mart of England is closed on the Jews' "Holy days!" Said the Even¬ 
ing Standard. October 12, 1921 —"Gold was unregistered today owing 
to the Jewish religious observance." In the Jews' expert hands gold 
has bought Parliament, Premiers, Parties, Politics, Principles and 
Consciences, as the doings of the Parliament which was once Eng¬ 
land's reveal. Jews have flooded all nations with paper money, 
retaining the gold themselves. They control all the exchanges of the 
world and fix or unfix the rates of exchange as suits their interests. 
Jews have raised prices pari passu with wages and so have kept up 
Industrial Unrest, which is one of their chief assets. 

4. As for the principal Banks and Exchanges, the names of 
Rothschild, Gwinner, Bleichroder, Schroeder, Schuster, Gold¬ 
schmidt, Goschen, Speyer, Schiff, Loeb, Kahn, Kuhn. Cassel, Samuel, 
Warburg, Guggenheim, sufficiently attest the Overlordship of Jewry 
in Lucre's Empire. 

5. But without control of the World's Press, the power of Gold 
could not be maintained. The PRESS of one country would not be 
sufficient. Hence the necessity of securing control of all lines of 
communication, press agencies, Wolff Bureaux, Reuter's, Agence 
Havas, Marconi's, advertisement agencies as well as the actual 
ownership of papers, such as exists throughout the world today. In 
our own country there is not a single daily morning paper, except 
the Morning Post, which has any freedom from Jew control. The 
theatres and cinemas are equally tied, and the British Public are 
treated to Jew propaganda plays like the "Little Brother," "Welcome 
Stranger," "The Wandering Jew," and Mr. Levy's lavatory-and-bed- 
chamber plays in his Grand Guignol. "Everywhere the Press and 
the Theatre are under our orders." And the Jews are so well placed 
in regard to cinemas that they boast that they can censor their own 
films! (Jewish Guardian.) 

6. "Liberalism" is one of the chief instruments of the Jewish 
power. Through preaching this doctrine, and getting into the ma¬ 
chinery of Liberal parties Jews have exploited for their own ends 
the generous instincts of all the peoples who have received them 
into their communities. Jews have preached "democracy," and 
through getting their dupes to believe in it, have succeeded in rivet¬ 
ing on their necks the chain of Shylocracy, the rule of the Crowned 
Usurer. Shylock-Rothschild, who was admitted to England's parlia¬ 
ment by "Liberal" statesmen, now rules the world. Jew Banks ap¬ 
pear to be many, but in reality they are ONLY ONE. Reduced to im¬ 
potence the Nations bow before the Law—not of Moses even, but— 
of the Jew's Bank—"always united and always devoted to our (Jew¬ 
ish) cause." 

7. Thanks to the terrible power of this BANK, Jews have forced 
Christians into wars without number, culminating in the Great 
War. Wars have this especial value for Jews that Christians mas¬ 
sacre each other and make more room for the Chosen People. More¬ 
over, as Werner Sombart truly says, "Wars are the Jews' Harvests." 
The JEWS' BANK grows fat on the wars of Christians. Nearly one 
hundred millions of Christians have been swept off the face of the 
globe already by the War, which the Jews planned, and which is not 
yet by any means over in spite of official "Peace" celebrations, and 
the Lords of Gold are stronger than ever. 

8. By Jew-made laws the ancient proprietors of England are be- 


7 0 

ing rapidly deprived of their estates, and farmers and labourers 
are at the same time becoming more and more completely enslaved 
under Shylock's power. 

9. Jews have the gold and we have paper money. Jews give the 
paper the "value" which suits their interests. So that a good har¬ 
vest may mean ruin to a farmer just as readily as a bad one through 
Jew manipulation of prices and exchanges. At the present day, for 
purposes of selling, a litter of pedigree puppies will fetch as much as 
a good-sized stack of hay, although the hay will feed just as many 
horses as it did when hay was five times its present price. 

10. Oratory is another great asset of the Gold-Power of Jewry. 
Shinwells in Scotland, Monds in Wales, De Valeras in Ireland, 
Isaacses and Samuels in England and India with their Gentile 
Front megaphones like Lloyd George, Asquith, Churchill, McKenna, 
MacDonald, Henderson, Lansbury, Tom Mann, Watson, etc., are all 
serving the Jews’ ends. By gold and false promises they turn the 
proletariat against Christian capitalists—who are often not capi¬ 
talists at all but actual producers—and divert their attentions from 
the real Shylocks who are the actual villains of the piece. By 
raising the workman's wages to an impossible level they destroy 
trade, and by raising the prices of food they produce at once Un¬ 
employment and Starvation which make the enslaving power of 
Shylock and his tribe greater than ever. 

11. Thus come REVOLUTIONS in which Christians do all the fight¬ 
ing and of which Jews reap all the profits. Russia is completely de¬ 
stroyed by the Jews. Revolution has broken out in the Empire of 
Britain. Ireland is almost a Republic, in fact, if not in name, and 
the Jews are prospering amazingly. Our so-called "British" Cabinet 
is in point of fact a Bolshevik Cabinet in preliminary stage. 

12. Thanks to Jew educationalists in the Press and on the plat¬ 
form, the Churches are suffering from creeping paralysis. The Jews 
are preaching atheism to Christians, that Judaism may remain 
alone in the field. Mond with his English Review was doing the edu¬ 
cational work of his tribe in polluting the minds of English readers. 

13. The power of Jewry has put its own sons or its own Gentile 
agents in all positions of strategic importance. We have seen the 
Lloyd George-Sassoon combination presiding over the empire; 
Isaacs, Samuel, Meyer over India; Samuel over Palestine; Mond 
over the health of the Kingdom; to name only a few samples in 
this country, and in other countries it is even worse; whilst the 
League of Nations—as the Jews themselves boast—is essentially a 
Jewish concern. 

14. As for the monopoly of education, the names of Magnuses, 
Gollanczes, Waldsteins, Lees, Lowes, Hartogs, Monds, etc., etc., 
show how rotten with Judaism are the educational establishments 
of this country. The Professorial Chairs of Germany and France 
are almost all filled with Jews. 

15. Jews are so fond of "Law" that they are rapidly monopoliz¬ 
ing it. This helps them in many ways. How Jews defeat justice is 
shown by the Dreyfus case, and by the case of the Jews who mur¬ 
dered Pere Thomas, the Roman Catholic Priest of Damascus, and 
his servant. The murder was a ritual murder, but thanks to the 
efforts of the Jewish nation, headed by Adolphe Cremieux of France 
and Moses Montefiore of England the murderers, although tried and 
convicted on the clearest evidence, escaped the penalty. 



18. The crowned monarchs of the world are led by the Jews, as 
the German Emperor was by Walther Rathenau before and during 
the war. Jews lend monarchs money in order that they may work 
with it their own destruction. Jews can manipulate republics more 
easily than they can monarchies and that is one reason why they 
foster revolutions. 

17. The intermarriage of wealthy sons and daughters of Jews 
into aristocratic families has polluted almost all the once noble 
houses of the Christian world. Not to mention Jew "Peers," there 
are the examples of Lord Rosebery and the Rothschilds, and num¬ 
bers of Jew duchesses. Lord Crewe is married to the daughter of 
a Rothschild, and Lord Derby married his daughter to Lord Dal- 
meny, a Rothschild's son; Lord Sheffield married his daughter to 
the Jew Edwin Samuel alias Montagu. Lord Curzon of Kedlestone 
is son-in-law of a Jew. 

18. After "Society," Commerce. "Lyons" control the catering 
trade of the metropolis; Samuel controls petrol; Mond controls 
nickel and chemicals; Salmon and Gluckstein and their co-tribes¬ 
men control tobacco, etc., etc. And so the "accursed Christians" 
tamely submit to the yoke of Israel. 

19. The British Empire, so far as concerns its own coin (which 
the Jews control) is bankrupt. But its real wealth is greater than 
ever—its spirit, its courage, its ancient literature before Jewry 
touched it with polluting fingers, its enterprise, its deep down de¬ 
sire to fulfill its mission in the world—this is England's real wealth, 
and this wealth Jewry hopes to annihilate by means of Revolution 
and by planting England's crown family on Shylock's head. 

England's hour has not struck yet. May the sleeping giant awake 
in time to burst the paper bonds which England's indolence and 
England's generosity have combined to suffer Shylock to wind 
round England's limbs! 


A Russian newspaper, Prizyv, of 5th February, 1920, published in 
Berlin, contained an interesting document in Hebrew, dated De¬ 
cember, 1919, which was found in the pocket of the dead Jew Zun- 
der, the Bolshevik Commander of the 11th Sharp-shooter Battalion, 
throwing light on the secret organizations of Jewry in Russia. 

This Protocol has, like the first, never been called in question by 
the Nation of Jewry. It reveals identically the same plans and pur¬ 
poses of the Jews for World domination and revenge which pervade 
them all. This one especially gloats over the Jew conquest and en¬ 
slavement of Russia. 

In extenso it ran as follows: 

SECRET—To the representatives of all the branches of the Israelite 
International League. 

Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We 
stand on the threshold to the command of the world. That which 
we could only dream of before us is about to be realized. Only quite 
recently feeble and powerless, we can now, thanks to the world's 
catastrophe, raise our heads with pride. 

We must, however, be careful. It can surely be prophesied that, 
after we have marched over ruined and broken altars and thrones, 
we shall advance further on the same indicated path. 

The authority of the, to us, alien religions and doctrines of faith 
we have through very successful propaganda, subjected to a merci- 



less criticism and mockery. We have brought the culture, civiliza¬ 
tion, traditions and thrones of the Christian nations to stagger. We 
have done everything to bring the Russian people under the yoke 
of the Jewish power, and ultimately compelled them to fall on their 
knees before us. 

We have nearly completed all this but we must all the same be 
very cautious, because the oppressed Russia is our arch-enemy. The 
victory over Russia, gained through our intellectual superiority, 
may in future, in a new generation, turn against us. 

Russia is conquered and brought to the ground. Russia is in the 
agony of death under our heel, but do not forget—not even for a 
moment—that we must be careful! The holy care for our safety 
does not allow us to show either pity or mercy. At last we have 
been allowed to behold the bitter need of the Russian people, and 
to see it in tears! By taking from them their property, their gold, 
we have reduced this people to helpless slaves. 

Be cautious and silent! We ought to have no mercy for our en¬ 
emy. We must make an end of the best and leading elements of 
the Russian people, so that the vanquished Russia may not find any 
leader! Thereby every possibility will vanish for them to resist our 
power. We must excite hatred and disputes between workers and 
peasants. War and class-struggle will destroy all treasures and cul¬ 
ture created by the Christian people. But be cautious. Sons of 
Israel! Our victory is near, because our political and economic 
power and influence upon the masses are in rapid progress. We 
buy up Government loans and gold, and thereby we have controll¬ 
ing power over the world's exchanges. The power is in our hands, 
but be careful—place no faith in traitorous shady powers! 

Bronstein [Trotsky], Apfelbaum [Zinovieff], Rosenfeld [Kam- 
aneff], Steinberg—all of them are like unto thousands of other 
true sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In the towns, 
the Commissariats and Commissions of Food, House Commissions, 
etc., are dominated by our people. But do not let victory intoxicate 
you. Be careful, cautious, because no one except yourselves will 
protect us! 

Remember we cannot rely on the Red Army, which one day may 
turn its warfare on ourselves. 

Sons of Israel! The hour for our long-cherished victory over 
Russia is near; close up solid your ranks! Make known our peo¬ 
ple's national policy! Fight for eternal ideals! Keep holy the old 
laws, which history has bequeathed to us! May our intellect, our 
genius, protect and lead us! 

Signed, The Central Committee of the Petersburg Branch of the 
Israelite International League. 

It will be noted that the above was found in Hebrew, as the orig¬ 
inal of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and all the secret docu¬ 
ments of the Jews are. There are plenty of manifestoes in Christian 
languages that are intended for the Goyim to read. Of these we 
need take no account. "Israelite International League" can be none 
other than l'Alliance Israelite Universelle, founded by Cremieux and 
headed by Rothschild. 

All the Protocols tell the same tale of malice, revenge, cupidity 
and murderous hate against Christians and Christianity. Judaism 
is Satanism; and no amount of ritual and Kabalistic camouflage 
can hide this fact. 


First published by Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd. 
and translated by G. SHANKS, 1920 

First Britons Edition translated by G. SHANKS, 1920 

Three SHANKS Impressions, 1920 

Fifth Edition translated byMARSDEN, January 1921 

Seventy-six Impressions, 1921-1956 

Eighty-first Impression, March 1958 

Eighty-second Impression, November 1960 

Eighty-third Impression (Revised), November 1963 

Eighty-fourth Impression (Revised), December 1968 

T HE Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has become a 
best seller among political books published in this 

Having been translated into every language since it was 
first brought to light in 1919 and having reached over a 
million sales in the English editions alone, this remarkable 
set of documents is in greater demand than ever today. 

The years have shown that every great world event has 
followed the course laid down by the secret authors of this 
book. Wars, slumps, revolutions, the rise in the cost of living 
and chronic unrest are all foretold as leading to the ultimate 
goal of World Conquest through the "back-door" means of 
first establishing World Government "by consent". 

The thoughtful reader must reject the view, once held by 
some people, that the Protocols originated as an imaginative 
work of miraculous accuracy. The only rational view seems 
to be that the Protocols must be taken on their face value as 
a detailed plan of action, aiming at nothing other than the 
goal they themselves set forth. This goal is the World State 
which the nations are being urged by their leaders to accept 
as "the only alternative to annihilation". That is the choice 
which our politicians are offering us today. 

The eighty-first impression of the Marsden translation was 
presented under the new title World Conquest through World 
Government because the publishers believed that the ultimate 
conquest foretold in this terrible plan is nearing its final 



"Whence comes this uncanny note of prophecy, prophecy 
in part fulfilled, in parts far gone in the way of fulfilment? 
Have we been struggling these tragic years to . . . extirpate 
the secret organization of German world dominion only to 
find beneath it, another, more dangerous because more secret? 
Have we . . . escaped a Pax Germanica only to fall into a 
Pax Judaeica?" 

—The Times, London, May 8th, 1920. 

(Continued on inside back cover) 


"A document forged to defame a people." 

—The American Hebrew. 

"A clumsy forgery." 

—Lucien Wolf in The Spectator, London, June 12th, 1920. 

"Upon that much-vexed subject the authenticity of. . . The 
Protocols of Zion we shall not enter, except to say that if the 
document is a forgery, as alleged, then it is one of the most 
remarkable in the history of literature." 

—The Spectator, London, October 16th, 1920 

"Those who feel libelled by the Protocols have the most 
obvious remedy in the world; all they have to do is to rise 
and denounce the policy of them, instead of denying the 
authorship. . . . But when you come to read them, how can 
any reasonable man deny the truth of what is contained in 
them?" —Norman Jaques, M.P., in Canadian 

House of Commons, July 9th, 1943. 

"On the one hand, the authenticity of this document can¬ 
not be proved; on the other hand, the efforts made by some 
writers, principally Jewish, to show it to be a forgery do not 
carry conviction to many serious minds." 

—The Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp., B. A., D .D1939 


"Whosoever was the mind that conceived them possessed 
a knowledge of human nature, of history, and of statecraft 
which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in 
the objects to which it turns its powers. It is too terribly real 
for fiction, too well sustained for speculation, too deep in its 
knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery." 

—The Dearborn Independent, July 10th, 1920. 


"The United Nations is Zionism. It is the super govern¬ 
ment mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned 
Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897 and 1905." 

—Henry Klein, New York Jewish Lawyer, 
in Zionism Rules the World, 1948. 


"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is 
that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years 
old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. 
They fit it now." 

—Henry Ford in the New York World, February 17th, 1921. 

"In the desires of a terrible and formidable sect, you have only 
reached the first stages of the plans it has formed for that general 
Revolution which is to overthrow all thrones, all altars, annihilate 
all property, efface all law, and end by dissolving all society". 

The Abbe Barruel (1797) writing on the Anti- 
Christian Conspiracy. 

"Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound 
to spread in one form or another all over Europe and the whole 
world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no 
nationality and whose object is to destroy for their own ends the 
existing order of things." 

British Government White Paper, Russia No. 1 (1919). 

"There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an inter¬ 
national movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing 
between the leaders in America, France, Russia and England, with 
a view to concerted action." 

Directorate of Intelligence, Home Office, Scotland 
Yard, London, in a Monthly Report to Foreign 
Embassies, 16th July, 1919. 

"This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of 
Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky 
(Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and 
Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the 
overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the 
basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impos¬ 
sible equality, has been steadily growing." 

Winston Churchill in Illustrated Sunday Herald, 
February 8th, 1920. 


In 1961, the British Broadcasting Corporation devoted 
an entire peak listening hour to the subject of the Protocols 
of the Learned Elders of Zion. This created an enormous 
new interest in these controversial documents and we pre¬ 
sented a large new edition both in cloth and paperback to 
meet the demand from all parts of the world. Following 
the broadcast, the well-known writer, A. K. Chesterton 
published an article in Candour entitled The Learned Elders 
and the B.B.C. which was the subject of a long letter from 
Christopher Sykes, the author of the broadcast script. As 
both the broadcast itself and Mr. Sykes' letter contained 
some important inaccuracies, we later published Mr. 
Chesterton's article together with Mr. Sykes' letter and 
comments thereon, in the form of a booklet. (Still in print 
1 /3d each.) 

Possibly as a result of this new interest in the subject, in 
1967, the Jewish scholar, Professor N. Cohn, wrote a com¬ 
prehensive study of The Protocols entitled: Warrant for 
Genocide; "The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and 
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", published by Eyre & 
Spottiswoode Ltd. (who originally published The Protocols 
in 1920 and thereafter sold the plates to us). 

Professor Cohn's study claims that the myth of a Jewish 
world conspiracy forms a highly important, though largely 
unrecognised, aspect of the modern world. One does not 
have to agree with the author's conclusions to admit that 
this is an erudite and scholarly work from which even 
people with the most intractable Jewish conspiracy com¬ 
plex will have something to learn. 

Oth er Books Written Aga inst 


In addition to Professor N. Cohn's latest work, Warrant 
for Genocide, the following is a short list of some of the 
more famous attempts at refutation. All, unfortunately are 
now out of print but may be stocked in the larger Central 
Libraries or in the British Museum. 

The Truth About the Protocols: A Literary Forgery, 

by Philip Graves. Published by The Times, 1921 

The Jewish Bogey, by Lucien Wolf. Published by the 
London Jewish Board of Deputies, 1920 

The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs or the 
Truth About the Forged Protocols of the Elders of 
Zion, by Lucien Wolf. Published by Macmillan, 1921 

The History of a Lie and the Truth About the Protocols 
of Zion, by Hermann Bernstein in New York, 1921 and 

Anti-Semitism Through the Ages, by Count Heinric and 
Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, published in 
London, 1935 

Portraits of Mean Men, A Short History of the Protocols 
of the Elders of Zion, by John Gwyer. Published by 
Cobden-Sanderson, 1938 


The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion may be 
briefly described as a blueprint for the domination of the 
world by a secret brotherhood. Whatever may be the truth 
about their authorship—and, as will be shown, this has been 
the subject of bitter dispute—there can be no doubt that the 
world society to which they look forward is nothing more or 
less than a world police state. 

The book in which the Protocols were first embodied was 
published by Professor Sergyei A. Nilus in Russia in 1905, a 
copy being received in the British Museum on August 10th, 
1906. Professor Nilus's concern was to expose what he 
believed to be a ruthless, cold-blooded conspiracy for the 
destruction of Christian civilisation. Earlier, in August and 
September, 1903, the Russian newspaper Snamia had pub¬ 
lished the Protocols, and they are also believed to have been 
published in the winter of 1902/1903 in the newspaper 
Moskowskija Wiedomosti. They remained unknown outside 
Russia, however, until after the Bolshevik Revolution, when 
Russian emigrants brought Nilus's book to North America 
and Germany. 

The similarity between what was forecast in the Protocols 
and the fate which had befallen Russia under the Bolsheviks 
was so marked that, after these long years of neglect, they 
rapidly became one of the most famous (or notorious) docu¬ 
ments in the world. 

In Bolshevik Russia, the penalty for their mere possession 
was death. It remains so to this day, both in the Soviet 
Union and in the Satellite countries. Outside the Iron 
Curtain, in South Africa possession of the Protocols is also 
forbidden by law, although the penalty is less drastic. 

As a result of their rapidly growing fame, numerous 


attempts were made to discredit the Protocols as a forgery. 
But it was not until 1933 that the Jews resorted to legal 
action. On 26th June, 1933, the Federation of Jewish Com¬ 
munities of Switzerland and the Berne Jewish Community 
brought an action against five members of the Swiss National 
Front, seeking ajudgment that the Protocols were a forgery 
and a prohibition of their publication. The procedure of the 
Court was astounding, the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code 
being deliberately set aside. Sixteen witnesses called by the 
plaintiffs were heard, but only one of the forty witnesses 
called by the defendants was allowed a hearing. The judge 
allowed the plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to 
keep the register of proceedings during the hearing of their 
witnesses, instead of entrusting the task to a Court official. 

In view of these and similar irregularities, it was not 
surprising that, after the case had lasted just on two years, 
the Court pronounced the Protocols to be a forgery and 
demoralising literature. The decision was given on 14th May, 
1935, but it was announced in the Jewish Press before it was 
delivered by the Court! 

On 1st November, 1937, the Swiss Court of Criminal 
Appeal quashed this judgment in its entirety. Jewish propa¬ 
gandists, however, still declare that the Protocols have been 
"proved" to be a forgery. 

It was natural that the Jews should try to discredit the 
Protocols, for their growing fame was focussing more public 
attention on other revealing utterances. 

In Disraeli's The Life of Lord George Bentinck, written in 
1852, there occurs this quotation:— 

"The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last out¬ 
break of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrec¬ 
tion takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against 
religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic prin¬ 
ciple, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the 
Mosaic or the Christian form, the natural equality of men 
and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the 
Secret Societies which form Provisional Governments and 
men of Jewish Race are found at the head of every one 
of them. The people of God co-operate with atheists; the 
most skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with 


Communists; the peculiar and chosen Race touch the hand 
of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this be¬ 
cause they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom 
which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny they 
can no longer endure." 

Max Nordau, a Jew, speaking at the Zionist Congress at 
Basle in August 1903, made this astonishing "prophesy":— 

"Let me tell you the following words as ifl were showing 
you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: 
Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, 
the future world war, the peace conference, where with the 
help ofEngland a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." 

Walter Rathenau, the Jewish banker behind the Kaiser, 
writing in the German Weiner Frei Presse, December 24th 

"Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, 
govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect 
their successors from their entourage." 

Confirmation of Rathenau's statement came twenty years 
later in 1931 when Jean Izoulet, a prominent member of the 
Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, wrote in his Paris la 
Capitale des Religions :— 

"The meaning of the history of the last century is that 
today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of Lodges, rule the 

The London Jewish Chronicle, on April 4th, 1919, de¬ 

"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact 
that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals 
of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest 
ideals of Judaism." 

and on March 15th, 1923, the Jewish World asserted:— 

"Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian." 

These and many similar assertions from Jewish sources 
were damaging enough from the Jewish point of view. 
Taken in conjunction with the Protocols, with which more 
and more people were becoming familiar, they were 

The attitude of many people whose concern over the 
growing attack on Christian civilisation was rapidly increas¬ 
ing was summed up by the late Henry Ford senior, the 


founder of the world-famous motor manufacturing company. 
In an interview published in the New York World on 
February 17th, 1921, Mr. Ford declared: 

"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols 
is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen 
years old, and have fitted the world situation up to this time. 

Those who, like Henry Ford, could see that "they fit it 
now" only sixteen years after Nilus's first publication of the 
Protocols, naturally tended to concentrate their attention on 
the relatively recent phenomenon of Bolshevism. Few of 
them then understood the equally dangerous, if more in¬ 
sidious, danger of internationalism. 

Now, however, more than half a century after Nilus's 
publication of the Protocols, the reality of that danger must 
be crystal clear to anybody who views the world situation 

The Protocols are full of references to a "super-Govern- 
ment". Protocol VI, for example, states:— 

"In every possible way we must develop the significance 
of our super-Government by representing it as the Protector 
and Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us." 

That is exactly the way in which the United Nations 
organisation, set up at the end of the second World War, is 
represented to those who voluntarily submit to it. 

It is exactly the way the various United Nations special 
agencies—U.N.E.S.C.O. (U.N. Educational, Scientific and 
Cultural Organisation); I.L.O. (International Labour Or¬ 
ganisation); W.H.O. (World Health Organisation); F.A.O. 
(Food and Agriculture Organisation); Commission on 
Human Rights; Genocide Convention, etc.—are represented. 

For some years there has been in existence an inter¬ 
national organisation calling itself the World Association of 
Parliamentarians for World Government, which pursues the 
same objective as that of another long-established inter¬ 
national organisation, Federal Union. This body does not 
disguise the fact that the United Nations, by means of a 
few relatively minor changes in its Charter, could be trans¬ 
formed virtually overnight into a World Government. 

There has long been agitation for the creation of a World 
Police Force. This would enable the United Nations super- 


Government to function as the master of an all-powerful 
World Police State, and the closing years of the 1950's have 
seen the agitators for a World Police Force come close to 
achieving their objective. The U.N. Emergency Force, 
established after the Suez crisis of 1956, has been openly re¬ 
garded as a "pilot scheme". 

Should the few changes in the Charter necessary to trans¬ 
form the U.N. into a super-Government be made, it will 
have in the special agencies ready made Ministries of 
Education (or Propaganda), Labour, Health, Food and 
Agriculture, "Justice" etc. 

Can it be an accident that these things are so accurately 
fore-shadowed in the Protocols? 

The full-scale World super-Government is not the only, 
nor perhaps the most immediate, danger. It is obvious to 
everyone that the nations of the East are being herded into 
subjection under the dominance of the Soviet Union. But 
what of the nations of the West? Are they really the "free 
nations" which they are popularly supposed to be? 

Far from it! They are being herded into the same sort of 
pen as are the nations of the East under Communism—and 
often on the pretext that this is the only way in which they 
can save themselves from Communism. Late in 1957, the 
process had gone far enough to be given an official name. 
That name was the "policy of inter-dependence". 

The nations of the West are being brought under inter¬ 
national control at political, military and economic levels. 
They are rapidly in process of becoming controlled also on 
the social level. All alike are being told that their only hope 
lies in the surrender of national sovereignty. 

National Parliaments must give way to such bodies as the 
Council ofEurope or the Atlantic Council. National Forces 
must be submerged in such bodies as the North Atlantic 
Treaty Organisation (N.A.T.O.), the Baghdad Pact or the 
South-East Asia Treaty Organisation (S.E.A.T.O.), so that 
no nation has control over its own means of defence. 
National economies must be submerged in such bodies as 
the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation 
(O.E.E.C.), the European Payments Union (E.P.U.) or the 
World Bank, so that no nation may control its own econo¬ 
mic destiny. 


Even on the social level, individual national distinctions 
must disappear. For example, under the "Common Market" 
Treaty which unites six European nations on the economic 
plane, provision is made for the "equalisation of social 
policies". And strenuous efforts have been made to herd 
other European nations, Great Britain among them, into 
this same pen in the associated European Free Trade Area. 

In 1934, when the leader of the British Labour Party (Mr. 
Clement Attlee) told the party's annual conference:— 

"We are deliberately putting loyalty to a world order 
above loyalty to our own country", he was widely execrated. 

Twenty-three years of propaganda, however, leave their 
mark, and when, in 1957, a Conservative Prime Minister of 
Britain told the British people that they must surrender 
some of their national sovereignity to an unknown inter¬ 
national cabal, scarcely a voice was raised in protest. At 
the close of 1957 there was an official declaration of the 
British Government's support for the plan which was fore¬ 
shadowed in the Protocols over sixty years ago. The Earl 
of Gosford, Joint Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 
for Foreign Affairs, said in the Flouse of Lords on 7th 
November, 1957:— 

"Fler Majesty's Government are fully in agreement with 
World Government. We agree that this must be the goal, 
and that every step that is humanly possible must be taken 
to reach that goal." 

All over the world, "federation", "integration", "regionali- 
sation" and "inter-dependence" are the order of the day. 
All this is foreshadowed in the Protocols, published more 
than half-a-century ago by Sergyei Nilus, which, we are told, 
are a forgery. 

Can all this be coincidence? Could any forger be so 

Or are the Protocols what Nilus and many others believed 
them to be—the blueprint of a conspiracy to destroy 
Christian civilisation and place the whole world under the 
domination of a small, select cabal? 


A type-written copy of the Protocols on rice paper circulated in 
Siberia. It was taken from the 4th edition (1917) of Nilus. There 
are a number of interesting notes by an unknown editor. Taken 
to America from Vladivostok in August 1919. 


H8K1 6M3KBI! flQj)MTN46CKftfl B03M0WH0CTb. 

(HKmrco.lH :)A('h (All III CIOIII KI1XI. MV.U’KUOirj.) 

1902-1903 rr. 

Chapter title from the 2nd edition (1905) of Nilus, a copy 
of which is in the British Museum Library. 

(Vprfcrt ffn.iyri,.' 



. ii 


' H2H1j djlM3Kafl nOJIHTHHeCHafl B03M0WH0CTb. 



* H*I * — 

IIA I'l 1.0K ruo, 

ft.-. Tna«i|u4u lla|rfc«nMiiii«|.i lr»»uni.i,i K|u<n.«iu li)ii u 


Title-page of 2nd edition (1905) of Nilus, a copy of which is in the 
British Museum Library. The Library number can be seen at the 
top. It reads: Sergei Nilus, The Great In The Small and Antichrist. 
As a Near Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Christian. 
(2nd edition, revised and enlarged). Press of the Tsarkoye Selo 
Red Cross Committee. 1905. 


(Edition of 1905) 

According to the testament Of Montefiore, Zion is not 
sparing, either of money or of any other means, to achieve 
its ends. In our day, all the governments of the entire world 
are consciously or unconsciously submissive to the com¬ 
mands of this great Supergovernment of Zion, because all 
the bonds and securities are in its hands; for all countries 
are indebted to the Jews for sums which they will never be 
able to pay. All affairs—industry, commerce, and diplomacy 
—are in the hands of Zion. It is by means of its capital 
loans that it has enslaved all nations. By keeping education 
on purely materialistic lines, the Jews have loaded the 
Gentiles with heavy chains with which they have harnessed 
them to their " Supergovernment ". 

The end of national liberty is near, therefore personal 
freedom is approaching its close; for true liberty cannot 
exist where Zion uses the lever of its gold to rule the masses 
and dominate the most respectable and enlightened class 
of society. 

" He that hath ears to hear, let him hear ". 

It is nearly four years since the Protocols of the Elders of 
Zion came into my possession. Only God knows what efforts 


I have made to bring them to general notice—in vain—and 
even to warn those in power, by disclosing the causes of the 
storm about to break on apathetic Russia who seems, in her 
misfortune, to have lost all notion of what is going on 
around her. 

And it is only now when 1 fear it may be too late, that 1 
have succeeded in publishing my work, hoping to put on 
their guard those who still have ears to hear and eyes to 

One can no longer doubt it, the triumphant reign of 
the King of Israel rises over our degenerate world as that 
of Satan, with his power and his terrors; the King born of 
the blood of Zion—the Antichrist—is about to mount the 
throne of universal empire. 

Events are precipitated in the world at a terrifying speed: 
quarrels, wars, rumours, famines, epidemics, earthquakes— 
everything which even yesterday was impossible, today is 
an accomplished fact. One would think that the days pass 
so rapidly to advance the cause of the chosen people. 
Space does not allow us to enter into the details of world 
history with regard to the disclosed " mysteries ofiniquity," 
to prove from history the influence which the " Wise Men 
of Zion " have exercised through universal misfortunes, by 
foretelling the certain and already near future of humanity, 
or by raising the curtain for the last act of the world's 

Only the light of Christ and of his Holy Church Universal 
can fathom the abyss of Satan and disclose the extent of its 

I feel in my heart that the hour has already struck when 
there should urgently be convoked an Eighth Oecumenical 
Council which would unite the pastors and representatives 
of all Christendom. Secular quarrels and schisms would all 
be forgotten in the imminent need of preparing against the 
coming of the Anti-christ. 1 

1. This forecast of Sergius Nilus is all the more remarkable, when 
one considers that it appeared in the Epilogue to his edition of the 
Protocols of 1905. 


This Liberty Bell Publications edition 
was published ca. 1977. 

The preceding 18 pages of this pdf 
are taken from the 84th impression 
(revised) of December 1968. 




With introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin 
The Dial Press, Inc. 1967, New York 
Library of Congress Catalog card Number 67-27553 Printed in the U.S. 



Foreword 3 

Background Information 8 

Statement by "John Doe" 16 

The Report of the Special Study Group 18 

Letter of Transmittal 18 

Introduction 19 

Section 1. Scope of the Study 21 

Section 2. Disarmament and the Economy 24 

Section 3. Disarmament Scenarios 28 

Section 4. War & Peace as Social Systems 30 

Section 5. The Functions of War 33 

Section 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War 46 
Section 7. Summary and Conclusions 59 

Section 8. Recommendations 69 





"John Doe," as I will call him in this book for reasons that will be made clear, is 
a professor at a large university in the Middle West. His field is one of the 
social sciences, but I will not identify him beyond this. He telephoned me one 
evening last winter, quite unexpectedly; we had not been in touch for several 
years. He was in New York for a few days, he said, and there was something 
important he wanted to discuss with me. He wouldn't say what it was. We met 
for lunch the next day at a midtown restaurant. 

He was obviously disturbed. He made small talk for half an hour, which was 
quite out of character, and I didn't press him. Then, apropos of nothing, he 
mentioned a dispute between a writer and a prominent political family that had 
been in the headlines. What, he wanted to know, were my views on "freedom of 
information"? How would I qualify them? And so on. My answers were not 
memorable, but they seemed to satisfy him. Then, quite abruptly, he began to 
tell me the following story: 

Early in August of 1963, he said, he found a message on his desk that a "Mrs. 
Potts" had called him from Washington. When he returned the call, a MAN 
answered immediately, and told Doe, among other things, that he had been 
selected to serve on a commission "of the highest importance." Its objective was 
to determine, accurately and realistically, the nature of the problems that would 
confront the United States if and when a condition of "permanent peace" should 
arrive, and to draft a program for dealing with this contingency. The man 
described the unique procedures that were to govern the commission's work and 
that were expected to extend its scope far beyond that of any previous 
examination of these problems. 

Considering that the caller did not precisely identify either himself or his 
agency, his persuasiveness must have been a truly remarkable order. Doe 
entertained no serious doubts of the bona fides of the project, however, chiefly 
because of his previous experience with the excessive secrecy that often 
surrounds quasi-governmental activities. In addition, the man at the other end of 
the line demonstrated an impressively complete and surprisingly detailed 
knowledge of Doe's work and personal life. He also mentioned the names of 
others who were to serve with the group; most of them were known to Doe by 
reputation. Doe agreed to take the assignment — he felt he had no real choice in 
the matter — and to appear the second Saturday following at Iron Mountain, 
New York. An airline ticket arrived in his mail the next morning. 


The cloak-and-dagger tone of this convocation was further enhanced by the 
meeting place itself. Iron Mountain, located near the town of Hudson, is like 
something out of Ian Fleming or E. Phillips Oppenheim. It is an underground 
nuclear hideout for hundreds of large American corporations. Most of them use 
it as an emergency storage vault for important documents. But a number of 
them maintain substitute corporate headquarters as well, where essential 
personnel could presumably survive and continue to work after an attack. This 
latter group includes such firms as Standard Oil of New Jersey, Manufacturers 
Hanover Trust, and Shell. 

I will leave most of the story of the operations of the Special Study Group, as 
the commission was formally called, for Doe to tell in his own words 
("Background Information"). At this point it is necessary to say only that it met 
and worked regularly for over two and a half years, after which it produced a 
Report. It was this document, and what to do about it, that Doe wanted to talk to 
me about. 

The Report, he said, had been suppressed — both by the Special Study Group 
itself and by the government INTERAGENCY committee to which it had been 
submitted. After months of agonizing, Doe had decided that he would no longer 
be party to keeping it secret. What he wanted from me was advice and 
assistance in having it published. He gave me his copy to read, with the express 
understanding that if for any reason I were unwilling to become involved, I 
would say nothing about it to anyone else. 

I read the Report that same night. I will pass over my own reactions to it, except 
to say that the unwillingness of Doe's associates to publicize their findings 
became readily understandable. What had happened was that they had been so 
tenacious in their determination to deal comprehensively with the many 
problems of transition to peace that the original questions asked of them were 
never quite answered. Instead, this is what they concluded: 

Lasting peace, while no theoretically impossible, is probably unattainable; even 
if it could be achieved it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of a 
stable society to achieve it. 

That is the gist of what they say. Behind their qualified academic language runs 
this general argument: War fills certain functions essential to the stability of our 
society; until other ways of filling them are developed, the war system must be 
maintained — and improved in effectiveness. 


It is not surprising that the Group, in its Letter of Transmittal, did not choose to 
justify its work to "the lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher 
political or military responsibility." Its Report was addressed, deliberately, to 
unnamed government administrators of high rank; it assumed - considerable 
political sophistication from this select audience. To the general reader, 
therefore, the substance of the document may be even more unsettling than its 
conclusions. He may not be prepared for some of its assumptions — for instance, 
that most medical advances are viewed more as problems than as progress; or 
that poverty is necessary and desirable, public postures by politicians to the 
contrary notwithstanding; or that standing armies are, among other things 
social-welfare institutions in exactly the same sense as are old-people's homes 
and mental hospitals. It may strike him as odd to find the probably explanation 
of "flying saucer" incidents disposed of en passant in less than a sentence. He 
may be less surprised to find that the space program and the "controversial 
antimissile missile and fallout shelter programs are understood to have the 
spending of vast sums of money, not the advancement of science or national 
defense, as their principal goals, and to learn that "military" draft policies are 
only remotely concerned with defense. 

He may be offended to find the organized repression of minority groups, and 
even the reestablishment of slavery, seriously (and on the whole favorably 
discussed as possible aspects of a world at peace. He is not likely to take kindly 
to the notion of the deliberate intensification of air and water pollution (as part 
of a program leading to peace), even when the reason for considering it is made 
clear. That a world without war will have to turn sooner rather than later to 
universal test-tube procreation will be less disturbing, if no more appealing. But 
few readers will not be taken aback, at least, by a few lines in the Report's 
conclusions, repeated in its formal recommendations, that suggest that the long- 
range planning—and "budgeting" — of the "optimum" number of lives to be 
destroyed annually in overt warfare is high on the Group's list of priorities for 
government action. 

I cite these few examples primarily to warn the general reader what he can 
expect. The statesmen and strategists for whose eyes the Report was intended 
obviously need no such protective admonition. 

This book, of course, is evidence of my response to Doe's request. After 
carefully considering the problems that might confront the publisher of the 
Report, we took it to The Dial Press. There, its significance was immediately 
recognized, and, more important, we were given firm assurances that no outside 
pressures of any sort would be permitted to interfere with its publication. 


It should be made clear that Doe does not disagree with the substance of the 
Report, which represents as genuine consensus in all important respects. He 
constituted a minority of one — but only on the issue of disclosing it to the 
general public. A look at how the Group dealt with this question will be 

The debate took place at the Group's last full meeting before the Report was 
written, late in March, 1966, and again at Iron Mountain. Two facts must be 
kept in mind, by way of background. The first is that the Special Study Group 
had never been explicitly charged with or sworn to secrecy, either when it was 
convened or at any time thereafter. The second is that the Group had 
nevertheless operated as if it had been. This was assumed from the 
circumstances of its inception and from the tone of its instructions. (The Group's 
acknowledgment of help from "the many persons....who contributed so greatly 
to our work" is somewhat equivocal; these persons were not told the nature of 
the project for which their special resources of information were solicited.) 

Those who argued the case for keeping the Report secret were admittedly 
motivated by fear of the explosive political effects that could be expected from 
publicity. For evidence, they pointed to the suppression of the far less 
controversial report of then-Senator Hubert Humphrey's subcommittee on 
disarmament in 1962. (Subcommittee members had reportedly feared that it 
might be used by Communist propagandists, as Senator Stuart Symington put it, 
to "back up the Marxian theory that was production was the reason for the 
success of capitalism.") Similar political precautions had been taken with the 
better-known Gaither Report in 1957, and even with the so-called Moynihan 
Report in 1965. 

Furthermore, they insisted, a distinction must be made between serious studies, 
which are normally classified unless and until policy makers decide to release 
them, and conventional "showcase" projects, organized to demonstrate a 
political leadership's concerns about an issue and to deflect the energy of those 
pressing for action on it. (The example used, because some of the Group had 
participated in it, was a "While House Conference" on intended cooperation, 
disarmament, etc., which had been staged late in 1965 to offset complaints 
about escalation of Vietnam War.) 

Doe acknowledges this distinction, as well as the strong possibility of public 
misunderstanding. But he feels that if the sponsoring agency had wanted to 
mandate secrecy it could have done so at the outset. It could also have assigned 
the project to one of the government's established "think tanks," which normally 
work on a classified basis. He scoffed at fear of public reaction, which could 


have no lasting effect on long-range measures that might be taken to implement 
the Group's proposals, and derided the Group's abdication of responsibility for 
its opinions and conclusions. So far as he was concerned, there was such a thing 
as a public right to know what was being done on its behalf; the burden of proof 
was on those who would abridge it. 

If my account seems to give Doe the better of the argument, despite his failure 
to convince his colleagues, so be it. My participation in this book testifies that I 
am not neutral. In my opinion, the decision of the Special Study Group to 
censor its own findings was not merely timid but presumptuous. But the refusal, 
as of this writing, of the agencies for which the Report was prepared to release 
it themselves raises broader questions of public policy. Such questions center on 
the continuing use of self-serve definitions of "security" to avoid possible 
political embarrassment. It is ironic how often this practice backfires. 

I should state, for the record, that I do not share the attitudes toward war and 
peace, life and death, and survival of the species manifested in the Report. Few 
readers will. In human terms, it is an outrageous document. But it does 
represent a serious and challenging effort to define an enormous problem. And 
it explains, or certainly appears to explain, aspects of American policy 
otherwise incomprehensible by the ordinary standards of common sense. What 
we may think of these explanations is something else, but it seems to me that 
we are entitled to know not only what they are but whose they are. 

By "whose" I don't mean merely the names of the authors of the Report. Much 
more important, we have a right to know to what extent their assumptions of 
social necessity are shared by the decision-makers in our government. Which do 
they accept and which do they reject? However disturbing the answers, only full 
and frank discussion offers any conceivable hope of solving the problems raised 
by the Special Study Group in their Report from Iron Mountain. 

L.C.L. New York June 1967 



[The following account of the workings of the Special Study Group is taken 
verbatim from a series of tape recorded interviews I had with "John Doe." The 
transcript has been edited to minimize the intrusion of my questions and 
comments, as well as for length, and the sequence has been revised in the 
interest of continuity. L.C.L.] 


...The general idea for it, for this kind of study dates back at least to 1961. It 
started with some of the new people who came in with the Kennedy 
administration, mostly, I think, with McNamara, Bundy, and Rusk. They were 
impatient about many things....One of them was that no really serious work had 
been done about planning for peace—a long-range peace, that is, with long- 
rang planning. 

Everything that had been written on the subject [before 1961] was superficial. 
There was insufficient appreciation of the scope of the problem. The main 
reason for this, of course, was that the idea of a real peace in the world, general 
disarmament and so on, was looked on as utopian. Or even crack- pot. This is 
still true, and it's easy enough to understand when you look at what's going on 
in the world today....It was reflected in the studies that had been made up to that 
time. They were not realistic... 

The idea of the Special Study, the exact form it would take, was worked out 
early in '63...The settlement of the Cuban missile affair had something to do 
with it, but what helped most to get it moving were the big changes in military 

spending that were being planned.Plants being closed, relocations, and so 

forth. Most of it wasn't made public until much later.... 

[I understand] it took a long time to select the people for the Group. The calls 
didn't go out until the summer. 


That's something I can't tell you. I wasn't involved with the preliminary 
planning. The first I knew of it was when I was called myself. But three of the 
people had been in on it, and what the rest of us know we learned from them, 
about what went on earlier. I do know that it started very informally. I don't 
know what particular government agency approved the project. 



All right—I think it was an ad hoc committee, at the cabinet level, or near it. It 
had to be. I suppose they gave the organizational job—making arrangements, 
paying the bills, and so on—to somebody from the State or Defense of the 
National Security Council. Only one of us was in touch with Washington, and I 
wasn't the one. But I can tell you that very, very few people knew about 
us....For instance, there was the Ackley Committee. It was set up after we were. 
If you read their report—the same old tune—economic reconversion, turning 
sword plants into plowshare factories...I think you'll wonder if even the 
President knew about our Group. The Ackley Committee certainly didn't. 


Well, I don't think there's anything odd about the government attacking a 
problem at two different levels. Or even about two or three [government] 
agencies working at cross-purposes. It happens all the time. Perhaps the 
President did know. And I don't mean to denigrate the Ackley Committee, but it 
was exactly that narrowness of approach that we were supposed to get away 

You have to remember — you've read the Report—that what they wanted from 
us was a different kind of thinking. It was a matter of approach. Herman Kahn 
calls is "Byzantine"—no agonizing over cultural and religious values. No moral 
posturing. It's the kind of thinking that Rand and the Hudson Institute and 
I.D.A. (Institute for Defense Analysis.) brought into war planning...What they 
asked up to do, and I think we did it, was to give the same kind of treatment to 
the hypothetical nuclear war...We may have gone further than they expected, 
but once you establish your premises and your logic you can't turn back.... 

Kahn's books, for example, are misunderstood, at least by laymen. They shock 
people. But you see, what's important about them is not his conclusions, or his 
opinions. It's the method. He has done more than anyone else I can think of to 
get the general public accustomed to the style of modern military 

thinking.Today it's possible for a columnist to write about "counterforce 

strategy" and "minimum deterrence" and "credible first strike capability" with¬ 
out having to explain every other word. He can write about war and strategy 
without getting bogged down in questions or morality. 


The other big difference about or work is breadth. The Report speaks for itself. I 
can't say that we took every relevant aspect of life and society into account, but 
I don't think we missed anything essential... 


I think that's obvious, or should be. The kind of thinking wanted from our 
Group just isn't to be had in a formal government operation. Too many 
constraints. Too many inhibitions. This isn't a new problem. Why else would 
outfits like Rand and Hudson stay in business? Any assignment that's at all 
sophisticated is almost always given to an outside group. This is true even in the 
State Department, in the "gray" operations, those that are supposed to be 
unofficial, but are really as official as can be. Also with the C.I.A.... 

For our study, even the private research centers were too institutional... A lot of 
thought went into making sure that our thinking would be unrestricted. All 
kinds of little things. The way we were called into the Group, the places we 
met, all kinds of subtle devices to remind us. For instance, even our name, the 
Special Study Group. You know government names. Wouldn't you think we'd 
have been called "Operation Olive Branch," or "Project Pacifica," or something 
like that? Nothing like that for us—too allusive, too suggestive. And no minutes 
of our meetings—too inhibiting.... About who might be reading them. Of 
course, we took notes for our own use. And among ourselves, we usually called 
ourselves "The Iron Mountain Boys," or "Our Thing," or whatever came to 


I'll have to stick to generalities....There were fifteen of us. The important thing 
was that we represented a very wide range of disciplines. And not all academic. 
People from the natural sciences, the social sciences, even the humanities. We 
had a lawyer and a businessman. Also, a professional war planner. Also, you 
should know that everyone in the Group had done work of distinction in at least 
two different fields. The interdisciplinary element was built in. 

It's true that there were no women in the Group, but I don't think that was 

significant.We were all American citizens, of course. And all, I can say, in 

very good health, at least when we began.... You see, the first order of business, 
at the first meeting, was the reading of dossiers. They were very detailed, and 


not just professional, but also personal. They included medical histories. I 
remember one very curious thing, for whatever it's worth. Most of us, and that 
includes me, had a record of abnormally high uric acid concentrations in the 

blood.None of us had ever had this experience, of a public inspection of 

credentials, or medical reports. It was very disturbing... 

But it was deliberate. The reason for it was to emphasize that we were supposed 
to make ALL our own decisions on procedure, without outside rules. This 
included judging each other's qualifications and making allowances for possible 
bias. I don't think it affected our work directly, but it made the point it was 

supposed to make.That we should ignore absolutely nothing that might 

conceivably affect our objectivity. 

[At this point I persuaded Doe that a brief occupational description of the 
individual members of the Group would serve a useful purpose for readers of 
the Report. The list which follows was worked out on paper. (It might be more 
accurate to say it was negotiated)/. The problem was to give as much relevant 
information as possible without violating Doe's commitment to protect his 
colleagues' anonymity. It turned out to be very difficult, especially in the cases 
of those members who are very well known. For this reason, secondary areas of 
achievement or reputations are usually not shown. 

The simple alphabetical "names" were assigned by Doe for convenient 
reference; they bear no intended relation to actual names. "Able" was the 
Group's Washington contact. It was he who brought and read the dossiers, and 
who most often acted as chairman. He, "Baker," and "Cox" were the three who 
had been involved in the preliminary planning. There is no other significance to 
the order of listing. 

"Arthur Able" is an historian and political theorist, who has served in 

"Bernard Baker: is a professor of international law and a consultant on 
government operations. 

"Charles Cox" is an economist, social critic, and biographer. 

"John Doe." 

"Edward Ellis" is a sociologist often involved in public affairs. 


"Frank Fox" is a cultural anthropologist. 

"George Green" is a psychologist, educator, and developer of personnel testing 

"Harold Hill" is a psychiatrist, who has conducted extensive studies of the 
relationship between individual and group behavior. 

"John Jones" is a scholar and literary critic. 

"Martin Miller" is a physical chemist, whose work has received inter- national 
recognition at the highest level. 

"Paul Peters" is a biochemist, who has made important discoveries bearing on 
reproductive processes. 

"Richard Roe" is a mathematician affiliated with an independent West Coast 
research institution. 

"Samuel Smith" is an astronomer, physicist, and communications theorist. 

"Thomas Taylor" is a systems analyst and war planner, who has written 
extensively on war, peace, and international relations. 

"William White" is an industrialist, who has undertaken many special 
government assignments.] 


We met on the average of once a month. Usually it was on weekends, and 
usually for two days. We had a few longer sessions, and one that lasted only 

four hours.We met all over the country, always at a different place, except 

for the first and last times, which were at Iron Mountain. It was like a traveling 
seminar....Sometimes at hotels, sometimes at universities. Twice we met at 
summer camps, and once at a private estate, in Virginia. We used a business 
place in Pittsburgh, and another in Poughkeepsie, [New York]....We never met 
in Washington, or on government property any where.... Able would announce 
the times and places two meetings ahead. They were never changed. 

We didn't divide into subcommittees, or anything else that formal. But we all 
took individual assignments between meetings. A lot of it involved getting 


information from other people.... Among the fifteen of us, I don't thing there 
was anybody in the academic or professional world we couldn't call on if we 

wanted to, and we took advantage of it.We were paid a very modest per 

diem. All of it was called "expenses" on the vouchers. We were told not to 
report it on our tax returns.... The checks were drawn on a special account of 
Abie's at a New York bank. He signed them....I don't know what the study cost. 
So far as our time and travel were concerned, it couldn't have come to more 
than the low six-figure range. But the big item must have been computer time, 
and I have no idea how high this ran. 


Yes, it is. I can understand your skepticism. But if you had been at any of our 
meetings you'd have had a very hard time figuring out who were the liberals and 
who were the conservatives, or who were hawks and who were doves. There IS 
such a thing as objectivity, and I think we had it... I don't say no one had any 
emotional reaction to what we were doing. We all did, to some extent. As a 
matter of fact, two members had heart attacks after we were finished, and I'll be 
the first to admit it probably wasn't a coincidence. 


The most important were informality and unanimity . By informality I mean 
that our discussions were open-ended. We went as far afield as any one of us 
thought we had to. For instance, we spent a lot of time on the relationship 
between military recruitment policies and industrial employment. Before we 
were finished with it, we'd gone through the history of western penal codes and 
any number of comparative psychiatric studies [of draftees and volunteers]. We 
looked over the organization of the Inca empire. We determined the effects of 
automation on underdeveloped societies....It was all relevant.... 

By unanimity, I don't mean that we kept taking votes, like a jury. I mean that we 
stayed with every issue until we had what the Quakers call a "sense of the 
meeting." It was time-consuming. But in the long run it saved time. Eventually 
we all got on the same wavelength, so to speak. 


Of course we had differences, and big ones, especially in the beginning... For 
instance, in Section I you might think we were merely clarifying our 
instructions. Not so; it took a long time before we all agreed to a strict 
interpretation.... Roe and Taylor deserve most of the credit for this... There are 
many things in the Report that look obvious now, but didn't seem so obvious 
then. For instance, on the relationship of war to social systems. The original 

premise was conventional, from Clausewitz.That war was an "instrument" 

of broader political values. Able was the only one who challenged this, at first. 
Fox called his position "perverse." Yet it was Fox who furnished most of the 
data that led us all to agree with Able eventually. I mention this be- cause I 
think it's a good example of the way we worked. A triumph of method over 

cliche.I certainly don't intend to go into details about who took what side 

about what, and when. But I will say, to give credit where due, that only Roe, 
Able, Hill and Taylor were able to see, at the beginning, where our method was 
taking us. 


Yes. It's a unanimous report... I don't mean that our sessions were always 
harmonious. Some of them were rough. The last six months there was a lot of 
quibbling about small points... We'd been under pressure for a long time, we'd 

been working together too long. It was natural.that we got on each other's 

nerves. For a while Able and Taylor weren't speaking to each other. Miller 
threatened to quit. But this all passed. There were no important differences... 


We all had a hand in the first draft. Jones and Able put it together, and then 
mailed it around for review before working out a final version... The only 
problems were the form it should take and whom we were writing it for. And, of 
course, the question of disclosure.... [Doe's comments on this point are 
summarized in the introduction.! 


I wanted to say something about that. The Report barely mentions it. "Peace 
games" is a method we developed during the course of the study. It's a 
forecasting technique, an information system. I'm very excited about it. Even if 
nothing is done about our recommendations—which is conceivable—this is 
something that can't be ignored. It will revolutionize the study of social 


problems. It's a by-product of the study. We needed a fast, dependable 
procedure to approximate the effects of disparate social phenomena on other 
social phenomena. We got it. It's in a primitive phase, but it works. 


You don't "play" peace games, like chess or Monopoly, any more than you play 
war games with toy soldiers. You use computers. It's a programming system. A 
computer "language," like Fortran, or Algol, or Jovial.... Its advantage is its 
superior capacity to interrelate data with no apparent common points of 
reference.... A simple analogy is likely to be misleading. But I can give you 
some examples. For instance, supposing I asked you to figure out what effect a 
moon landing by U.S. astronauts would have on an election in, say, Sweden. Or 
what effect a change in the draft law-a specific change—would have on the 
value of real estate in downtown Manhattan? Or a certain change in college 
entrance requirements in the United States on the British shipping industry? 

You would probably say, first, that there would be no effect to speak of, and 
second, that there would be no way of telling. But you'd be wrong on both 
counts. In each case there would be an effect, and the peace games method 
could tell you what it would be, quantitatively. I didn't take these examples out 
of the air. We used them in working out the method....Essentially, it's an 
elaborate high-speed trial-and-error system for determining working algorithms. 
Like most sophisticated types of computer problem-solving... 

A lot of the "games" of this kind you read about are just glorified and 
conversational exercises. They really are games, and nothing more. I just saw 
one reported in the Canadian Computer Society Bulletin, called a "Vietnam 
Peace Game." They use simulation techniques, but the programming hypotheses 
are speculative.... 

The idea of a problem-solving system like this is not original with us. ARPA 
(the Advanced Research Projects Agency, of the Department of Defense DoD.) 
has been working on something like it. So has General Electric, in California. 

There are others.We were successful not because we know more than they 

do about programming, which we don't, but because we leaned how to 
formulate the problems accurately. It goes back to the old saw. You can always 
find the answer if you know the right question. 



Certainly. But it would have taken many times longer. But please don't 
misunderstand my enthusiasm [about the peace games method]. With all due 
respect to the effects of computer technology on modern thinking, basic 
judgments must still be made by human beings. The peace games technique isn't 
responsible for our Report. We are. 



Contrary to the decision of the Special Study Group, of which I was a member, 

I have arranged for the general release of our Report. I am grateful to Mr. 
Leonard C. Lewin for his invaluable assistance in making this possible, and to 
The Dial Press for accepting the challenge of publication. Responsibility for 
taking this step, however, is mine and mine alone. 

I am well aware that my action may be taken as a breach of faith by some of my 
former colleagues. But in my view my responsibility to the society for which I 
am a part supersedes any self-assumed obligation on the part of fifteen 
individual men. Since our Report can be considered on its merits, it is not 
necessary for me to disclose their identity to accomplish my purpose. Yet I 
gladly abandon my own anonymity it is were possible to do so without at the 
same time comprising theirs, to defend our work publicly if and when they 
release me from this personal bond. 

But this is secondary. What is needed now, and needed badly, is widespread 
public discussion and debate about the elements of war and the problems of 
peace. I hope that publication of this Report will serve to initiate it. 




To the convener of this Group: 

Attached is the Report of the Special Study Group established by you in 
August, 1963, 1) to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a 
transition to a general condition of peace, and 2) to recommend procedures for 
dealing with this contingency. For the convenience of nontechnical readers we 
have elected to submit our statistical supporting data, totaling 604 exhibits, 
separately, as well as a preliminary manual of the "peace games" method 
devised during the course of our study. 

We have completed our assignment to the best of our ability, subject to the 
limitations of time and resources available to us. Our conclusions of fact and 
our recommendations are unanimous; those of use who differ in certain 
secondary respects from the findings set forth herein do not consider these 
differences sufficient to warrant the filing of a minority report. It is our earnest 
hope that the fruits of our deliberations will be of value to our government in its 
efforts to provide leadership to the nation in solving the complex and far- 
reaching problems we have examined, and that our recommendations for 
subsequent Presidential action in this area will be adopted. 

Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the establishment of this 
Group, and in view of the nature of its findings, we do not recommend that this 
Report be released for publication. It is our affirmative judgment that such 
action would not be in the public interest. The uncertain advantages of public 
discussion of our conclusions and recommendations are, in our opinion, greatly 
outweighed by the clear and predictable danger of a crisis in public confidence 
which untimely publication of this Report might be expected to provoke. The 
likelihood that a lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher political or 
military responsibility, will misconstrue the purpose of this project, and the 
intent of its participants, seems obvious. We urge that circulation of this Report 
be closely restricted to those whose responsibilities require that they be apprised 
of its contents. 

We deeply regret that the necessity of anonymity, a prerequisite to our Group's 
unhindered pursuit of its objectives, precludes proper acknowledgment of our 
gratitude to the many persons in and out of government who contributed so 
greatly to our work. 


[signature withheld for publication] 

30 SEPTEMBER, 1966 


The Report which follows summarizes the results of a two-and-a-half-year 
study of the broad problems to be anticipated in the event of general trans¬ 
formation of American society to a condition lacking its most critical current 
characteristics: its capability and readiness to make war when doing so is 
judged necessary or desirable by its political leadership. 

Our work has been predicated on the belief that some kind of general peace may 
soon be negotiable. The de facto admission of Communist China into the United 
Nations now appears to be only a few years away at most. It has become 
increasingly manifest that conflicts of American national interest with those of 
China and the Soviet Union are susceptible of political solution, despite the 
superficial contraindications of the current Vietnam war, of the threats of an 
attack on China, and of the necessarily hostile tenor of day-to-day foreign 
policy statements. It is also obvious that differences involving other nations can 
be readily resolved by the three great powers whenever they arrive at a stable 
peace among themselves. It is not necessary, for the purposes of our study, to 
assume that a general detente of this sort will come about—and we make no 
such argument—but only that it may. 

It is surely no exaggeration to say that a condition of general world peace would 
lead to changes in the social structures of the nations of the world of 
unparalleled and revolutionary magnitude. The economic impact of general 
disarmament, to name only the most obvious consequence of peace, would 
revise the production and distribution patterns of the globe to a degree that 
would make changes of the past fifty years seem insignificant. Political, 
sociological, cultural, and ecological changes would be equally far-reaching. 
What has motivated our study of these contingencies has been the growing 
sense of thoughtful men in and out of government that the world is totally 
unprepared to meet the demands of such a situation. 

We had originally planned, when our study was initiated, to address ourselves 
to these two broad questions and their components: What can be expected if 
peace comes? What should we be prepared to do about it? But as our 
investigation proceeded, it became apparent that certain other questions had to 


be faced. What, for instance, are the real functions of war in modern societies, 
beyond the ostensible ones of defending and advancing the "national interests" 
of nations? In the absence of war, what other institutions exist or might be 
devised to fulfill these functions? Granting that a "peaceful" settlement of 
disputes is within the range of current international relationships, is the 
abolition of war, in the broad sense, really possible? If so, is it necessarily 
desirable, in terms of social stability? If not, what can be done to improve the 
operation of our social system in respect to its war-readiness? 

The word peace, as we have used it in the following pages, describes a 
permanent, or quasi-permanent, condition entirely free from the national 
exercise, or contemplation, of any form of the organized social violence, or 
threat of violence, generally known as war. It implies total and general 
disarmament. It is not used to describe the more familiar condition of "cold 
war," "armed peace," or other mere respite, long or short, from armed conflict. 
Nor is it used simply as a synonym for the political settlement of international 
differences. The magnitude of modern means of mass destruction and the speed 
of modern communications require the unqualified working definition given 
above; only a generation ago such an absolute description would have seemed 
utopian rather than pragmatic. Today, any modification of this definition would 
render it almost worthless for our purpose. By the same standard, we have used 
the work war to apply interchangeably to conventional ("hot") war, to the 
general condition of war preparation or war readiness, and to the general "war 
system." The sense intended is made clear in context. 

The first section of our Report deals with its scope and with the assumptions on 
which our study was based. The second considers the effects of disarmament on 
the economy, the subject of most peace research to date. The third takes up so- 
called "disarmament scenarios" which have been proposed. The fourth, fifth, 
and sixth examine the nonmilitary functions of war and the problems they raise 
for a viable transition to peace; here will be found some indications of the true 
dimensions of the problem, not previously coordinated in any other study. In the 
seventh section we summarize our findings, and in the eight we set forth our 
recommendations for what we believe to be a practical and necessary course of 



When The Special Study Group was established in August, 1963, its members 
were instructed to govern their deliberations in accordance with three principal 
criteria. Briefly stated, they were these: 1) military-style objectivity; 2) 
avoidance of preconceived value assumptions; 3) inclusion of all relevant areas 
of theory and data. 

These guideposts are by no means as obvious as they may appear at first glance, 
and we believe it necessary to indicate clearly how they were to inform our 
work. For they express succinctly the limitations of previous "peace studies," 
and imply the nature of both government and unofficial dissatisfaction with 
these earlier efforts. It is not our intention here to minimize the significance of 
the work of our predecessors, or to belittle the quality of their contributions. 
What we have tried to do, and believe we have done, is extend their scope. We 
hope that our conclusions may serve in turn as a starting point for still broader 
and more detailed examinations of every aspect of the problems of transition to 
peace and of the questions which must be answer- ed before such a transition 
can be allowed to get under way. 

It is a truism that objectivity is more often an intention expressed than an 
attitude achieved, but the intention—conscious, unambiguous, and constantly 
self-critical — is a precondition to its achievement. We believe it no accident 
that we were charged to use a "military contingency" model for our study, and 
we owe a considerable debt to the civilian war planning agencies for their 
pioneering work in the objective examination of the contingencies of nuclear 
war. There is no such precedent in the peace studies. Much of the usefulness of 
even the most elaborate and carefully reasoned programs for economic 
conversion to peace, for example, has been vitiated by a wishful eagerness to 
demonstrate that peace is not only possible, but even cheap or easy. One official 
report is replete with references to the critical role of "dynamic optimism" on 
economic developments, and goes on to submit, as evidence, that it "would be 
hard to imagine that the American people would not respond very positively to 
an agreed and safeguarded program to substitute an international rule of law and 
order," etc. Another line of argument frequently taken is that disarmament 
would entail comparatively little disruption of the economy, since it need only 
be partial; we will deal with this approach later. Yet genuine objectivity in war 
studies is often critized as inhuman. As Herman Kahn, the writer on strategic 
studies best known to the general public, put it: "Critics frequently object to the 
icy rationality of the Hudson Institute, the Rand Corporation, and other such 
organizations. I'm always tempted to ask in reply, 'Would you prefer a warm, 
human error? Do you feel better with a nice emotional mistake." 1 And, as 


Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has pointed out, in reference to 
facing up to the possibility of nuclear war, "Some people are afraid even to look 
over the edge. But in a thermonuclear war we cannot afford any political 
acrophobia." Surely it would be self-evident that this applies equally to the 
opposite prospect, but so far no one has taken more than a timid glance over the 
brink of peace. 

An intention to avoid preconceived value judgments is if anything even more 
productive of self-delusion. We claim no immunity, as individuals, from this 
type of bias, but we have made a continuously self-conscious effort to deal with 
the problems of peace without, for example, considering that a condition of 
peace is per se "good" or "bad." This has not been easy, but it has been 
obligatory; to our knowledge, it has not been done before. Previous studies have 
taken the desirability of peace, the importance of human life, the superiority of 
democratic institutions, the greatest "good" for the greatest number, the 
"dignity" of the individual, the desirability of maximum health and longevity, 
and other such wishful premises as axiomatic values necessary for the 
justification of a study of peace issues. We have not found them so. We have 
attempted to apply the standards of physical science to our thinking, the 
principal characteristic of which is not quantification, as is popularly believed, 
but that, in Whitehead's words, " ignores all judgments of value; for instance, 
all aesthetic and moral judgments." Yet it is obvious that any serious 
investigation of a problem, however "pure," must be informed by some 
normative standard. In this case it has been simply the survival of human 
society in general, of American society in particular, and, as a corollary to 
survival, the stability of this society. 

It is interesting, we believe, to note that the most dispassionate planners of 
nuclear strategy also recognize that the stability of society is the one bedrock 
value that cannot be avoided. Secretary McNamara has defended the need for 
American nuclear superiority on the grounds that it "makes possible a strategy 
designed to preserve the fabric of our societies if war should occur." A former 
member of the Department of State policy planning staff goes further. "A more 
precise word for peace, in terms of the practical world, is stability. ... Today the 
great nuclear panoplies are essential elements in such stability as exists. Our 
present purpose must be to continue the process of learning how to live with 
them." We, of course, do not equate stability with peace, but we accept it as the 
one common assumed objective of both peace and war. 

The third criterion-breadth-has taken us still farther afield from peace studies 
made to date. It is obvious to any layman that the economic patterns of a 
warless world will be drastically different from those we live with today, and it 


is equally obvious that the political relationships of nations will not be those we 
have learned to take for granted, sometimes described as a global version of the 
adversary system of our common law. But the social implications of peace 
extend far beyond its putative effects on national economics and international 
relations. As we shall show, the relevance of peace and war to the internal 
political organization of societies, to the sociological relationships of their 
members, to psychological motivations, to ecological processes, and to cultural 
values is equally profound. More important, it is equally critical in assaying the 
consequences of a transition to peace, and in deter- mining the feasibility of any 
transition at all. 

It is not surprising that these less obvious factors have been generally ignored in 
peace research. They have not lent themselves to systematic analysis. They have 
been difficult, perhaps impossible, to measure with any degree of assurance that 
estimates of their effects could be depended on. They are "intangibles," but only 
in the sense that abstract concepts in mathematics are intangible compared to 
those which can be quantified. Economic factors, on the other hand, can be 
measured, at least superficially; and international relationships can be 
verbalized, like law, into logical sequences. 

We do not claim that we have discovered an infallible way of measuring these 
other factors, or of assigning them precise weights in the equation of transition. 
But we believe we have taken their relative importance into account to this 
extent: we have removed them from the category of the "intangible," hence 
scientifically suspect and therefore somehow of secondary importance, and 
brought them out into the realm of the objective. The result, we believe, 
provides a context of realism for the discussion of the issues relating to the 
possible transition to peace which up to now has been missing. 

This is not to say that we presume to have found the answers we were seeking. 
But we believe that our emphasis on breadth of scope has made it at least 
possible to begin to understand the questions. 



In this section we shall briefly examine some of the common features of the 
studies that have been published dealing with one or another aspect of the 
expected impact of disarmament on the American economy. Whether 
disarmament is considered as a by-product of peace or as its precondition, its 
effect on the national economy will in either case be the most immediately felt 
of its consequences. The quasi-mensurable quality of economic manifestations 
has given rise to more detailed speculation in this area than in any other. 

General agreement prevails in respect to the more important economic problems 
that general disarmament would raise. A short survey of these problems, rather 
than a detailed critique of their comparative significance, is sufficient for our 
purposes in this Report. 

The first factor is that of size. The "world war industry," as one writer has aptly 
called it, accounts for approximately a tenth of the output of the world's total 
economy. Although this figure is subject to fluctuation, the causes of which are 
themselves subject to regional variation, it tends to hold fairly steady. The 
United States, as the world's richest nation, not only accounts for the largest 
single share of this expense, currently upward of $60 billion a year, but also 
"...has devoted a higher proportion [emphasis added] of its gross national 
product to its military establishment than any other major free world nation. 

This was true even before our increased expenditures in Southeast Asia." Plans 
for economic conversion that minimize the economic magnitude of the problem 
do so only by rationalizing, however persuasively, the maintenance of a 
substantial residual military budget under some euphemized classification. 

Conversion of military expenditures to other purposes entails a number of 
difficulties. The most serious stems from the degree of rigid specialization that 
characterizes modern war production, best exemplified in nuclear and missile 
technology. This constituted no fundamental problem after World War II, nor 
did the question of free-market consumer demand for "conventional" items of 
consumption—those good and services consumers had already been 
conditioned to require. Today's situation is qualitatively different in both 

This inflexibility is geographical and occupational, as well as industrial, a fact 
which has led most analysts of the economic impact of disarmament to focus 
their attention on phased plans for the relocation of war industry personnel and 
capital installations as much as on proposals for developing new patterns of 
consumption. One serious flaw common to such plans is the kind called in the 


natural sciences the "macroscopic error." An implicit presumption is made that 
a total national plan for conversion differs from a community program to cope 
with the shutting down of a "defense facility" only in degree. We find no reason 
to believe that this is the case, nor that a general enlargement of such local 
programs, however well thought out in terms of housing, occupational 
retraining, and the like, can be applied on a national scale. A national economy 
can absorb almost any number of subsidiary reorganizations within its total 
limits, providing there is no basic change in its own structure. General 
disarmament, which would require such basic changes, lends itself to no valid 
smaller-scale analogy. 

Even more questionable are the models proposed for the retaining labor for 
nonarmaments occupations. Putting aside for the moment the unsolved 
questions dealing with the nature of new distribution patterns—retraining for 
what?- the increasingly specialized job skills associated with war industry 
production are further depreciated by the accelerating inroads of the industrial 
techniques loosely described as "automation." It is not too much to say that 
general disarmament would require the scrapping of a critical proportion of the 
most highly developed occupational specialties in the economy. The political 
difficulties inherent in such an "adjustment" would make the outcries resulting 
from the closing of a few obsolete military and naval installations in 1964 sound 
like a whisper. 

In general, discussions of the problem of conversion have been characterized by 
an unwillingness to recognize its special quality. This is best exemplified by the 
1965 report of the Ackley Committee. One critic has tellingly pointed out that it 
blindly assumes that "...nothing in the arms economy-neither its size, nor its 
geographical concentration, nor its highly specialized nature, nor the 
peculiarities of its market, nor the special nature of much of its labor force— 
endows it with any uniqueness when the necessary time of adjustment comes." 

Let us assume, however, despite the lack of evidence that a viable program for 
conversion can be developed in the framework of the existing economy, that the 
problems noted above can be solved. What proposals have been offered for 
utilizing the productive capabilities that disarmament would presumably 

The most common held theory is simply that general economic reinvestment 
would absorb the greater part of these capabilities. Even though it is now 
largely taken for granted (and even by today's equivalent of traditional laissez- 
faire economists) that unprecedented government assistance (and concomitant 
government control) will be needed to solve the "structural" problems of 


transition, a general attitude of confidence prevails that new consumption 
patterns will take up the slack. What is less clear is the nature of these patterns. 

One school of economists has it that these patterns will develop on their own. It 
envisages the equivalent of the arms budget being returned, under careful 
control, to the consumer, in the form of tax cuts. Another, recognizing the 
undeniable need for increased "consumption" in what is generally considered 
the public sector of the economy, stresses vastly increased government spending 
in such areas of national concern as health, education, mass transportation, low- 
cost housing, water supply, control of the physical environment, and, stated 
generally, " poverty." 

The mechanisms proposed for controlling the transition to an arms-free 
economy are also traditional—changes in both sides of the federal budget, 
manipulation of interest rates, etc. We acknowledge the undeniable value of 
fiscal tools in a normal cyclical economy, where they provide leverage to 
accelerate or brake an existing trend. Their more committed proponents, 
however, tend to lose sight of the fact that there is a limit to the power of these 
devices to influence fundamental economic forces. They can provide new 
incentives in the economy, but they cannot in themselves transform the 
production of a billion dollars' worth of missiles a year to the equivalent in food, 
clothing, prefabricated houses, or television sets. At bottom, they reflect the 
economy; they do not motivate it. 

More sophisticated, and less sanguine, analysts contemplate the diversion of the 
arms budget to a non-military system equally remote from the market economy. 
What the "pyramid-builders" frequently suggest is the expansion of space- 
research programs to the dollar level of current expenditures. This approach has 
the superficial merit of reducing the size of the problem of transferability of 
resources, but introduces other difficulties, which we will take up in section 6. 

Without singling out any one of the several major studies of the expected 
impact of disarmament on the economy for special criticism, we can summarize 
our objections to them in general terms as follows: 

No proposed program for economic conversion to disarmament sufficiently 
takes into account the unique magnitude of the required adjustments it would 


Proposals to transform arms production into a beneficent scheme of public 
works are more the products of wishful thinking than of realistic understanding 
of the limits of our existing economic system. 

Fiscal and monetary measures are inadequate as controls for the process of 
transition to an arms-free economy. 

Insufficient attention has been paid to the political acceptability of the 
objectives of the proposed conversion models, as well as of the political means 
to be employed in effectuating a transition. 

No serious consideration has been given, in any proposed conversion plan, to 
the fundamental nonmilitary function of war and armaments in modern society, 
nor has any explicit attempt been made to devise a viable substitute for it. This 
criticism will be developed in sections 5 and 6. 



SCENARIOS, as they have come to be called, are hypothetical constructions of 
future events. Inevitably, they are composed of varying proportions of 
established fact, reasonable inference, and more or less inspired guesswork. 
Those which have been suggested as model procedures for effectuating 
international arms control and eventual disarmament are necessarily 
imaginative, although closely reasoned; in this respect they resemble the "war 
games" analyses of the Rand Corporation, with which they share a common 
conceptual origin. 

All such scenarios that have been seriously put forth imply a dependence on 
bilateral or multilateral agreement between the great powers. In general, they 
call for a progressive phasing out of gross armaments, military forces, weapons, 
and weapons technology, coordinated with elaborate matching procedures of 
verification, inspection, and machinery for the settlement of international 
disputes. It should be noted that even proponents of unilateral disarmament 
qualify their proposals with an implied requirement of reciprocity, very much in 
the manner of a scenario of graduated response in nuclear war. The advantage 
of unilateral initiative lies in its political value as an expression of good faith, as 
well as in its diplomatic function as a catalyst for formal disarmament 

The READ model for disarmament (developed by the Research Program on 
Economic Adjustments to Disarmament) is typical of these scenarios. It is a 
twelve-year program, divided into three-year stages. Each stage includes a 
separate phase of: reduction of armed forces; cutbacks of weapons production, 
inventories, and foreign military bases; development of international inspection 
procedures and control conventions; and the building up of a sovereign 
international disarmament organization. It anticipates a net matching decline in 
U.S. defense expenditures of only somewhat more than half the 1965 level, but 
a necessary redeployment of some five-sixths of the defense-dependent labor 

The economic implications assigned by their authors to various disarmament 
scenarios diverge widely. The more conservative models, like that cited above, 
emphasize economic as well as military prudence in postulating elaborate fail¬ 
safe disarmament agencies, which themselves require expenditures substantially 
substituting for those of the displaced war industries. Such programs stress the 
advantages of the smaller economic adjustment entailed. Others emphasize, on 
the contrary, the magnitude (and the opposite advantages) of the savings to be 
achieved from disarmament. One widely read analysis estimates the annual cost 


of the inspection function of general disarmament throughout the world as only 
between two and three percent of current military expenditures. Both types of 
plan tend to deal with the anticipated problem of economic reinvestment only in 
the aggregate. We have seen no proposed disarmament sequence that correlates 
the phasing out of specific kinds of military spending with specific new forms 
of substitute spending. 

Without examining disarmament scenarios in greater detail, we may 
characterize them with these general comments: 

Given genuine agreement of intent among the great powers, the scheduling of 
arms control and elimination presents no inherently insurmountable procedural 
problems. Any of several proposed sequences might serve as the basis for 
multilateral agreement or for the first step in unilateral arms reduction. 

No major power can proceed with such a program, however, until it has 
developed an economic conversion plan fully integrated with each phase of 
disarmament. No such plan has yet been developed in the United States. 

Furthermore, disarmament scenarios, like proposals for economic conversion, 
make no allowance for the non-military functions of war in modern societies, 
and offer no surrogate for these necessary functions. One partial exception is a 
proposal for the "unarmed forces of the United States," which we will consider 
in section 6. 



We have dealt only sketchily with proposed disarmament scenarios and 
economic analyses, but the reason for our seemingly casual dismissal of so 
much serious and sophisticated work lies in no disrespect for its competence. It 
is rather a question of relevance. To put it plainly, all these programs, however 
detailed and well developed, are abstractions. The most carefully reasoned 
disarmament sequence inevitably reads more like the rules of a game or a 
classroom exercise in logic than like a prognosis of real events in the real world. 
This is as true of today's complex proposals as it was of the Abbe de St. Pierre's 
"Plan for Perpetual Peace in Europe" 250 years ago. 

Some essential element has clearly been lacking in all these schemes. One of 
our first tasks was to try to bring this missing quality into definable focus, and 
we believe we have succeeded in doing so. We find that at the heart of every 
peace study we have examined-from the modest technological proposal (e.g., 
to convert a poison gas plant to the production of "socially useful" equivalents) 
to the most elaborate scenario for universal peace in out time—lies one common 
fundamental misconception. It is the source of the miasma of unreality 
surrounding such plans. It is the incorrect assumption that war, as an institution, 
is subordinate to the social systems it is believed to serve. 

This misconception, although profound and far-reaching, is entirely 
comprehensible. Few social cliches are so unquestioningly accepted as the 
notion that war is an extension of diplomacy (or of politics, or of the pursuit of 
economic objectives). If this were true, it would be wholly appropriate for 
economists and political theorists to look on the problems of transition to peace 
as essentially mechanical or procedural—as indeed they do, treating them as 
logistic corollaries of the settlement of national conflicts of interest. If this were 
true, there would be no real substance to the difficulties of transition. For it is 
evident that even in today's world there exist no conceivable conflict of interest, 
real or imaginary, between nations or between social forces within nations, that 
cannot be resolved without recourse to war—if such resolution were assigned a 
priority of social value. And if this were true, the economic analyses and 
disarmament proposals we have referred to, plausible and well conceived as 
they may be, would not inspire, as they do, an inescapable sense of indirection. 

The point is that the cliche is not true, and the problems of transition are indeed 
substantive rather than merely procedural. Although was is "used" as an 
instrument of national and social policy, the fact that a society is organized for 
any degree of readiness for war supersedes its political and economic structure. 
War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of 


social organization conflict or conspire. It is the system which has governed 
most human societies of record, as it is today. 

Once this is correctly understood, the true magnitude of the problems entailed in 
a transition to peace—itself a social system, but without precedent except in a 
few simple preindustrial societies—-becomes apparent. At the same time, some 
of the puzzling superficial contradictions of modern societies can then be 
readily rationalized. The "unnecessary" size and power of the world war 
industry; the preeminence of the military establishment in every society, 
whether open or concealed; the exemption of military or paramilitary 
institutions from the accepted social and legal standards of behavior required 
elsewhere in the society; the successful operation of the armed forces and the 
armaments producers entirely outside the framework of each nation's economic 
ground rules: these and other ambiguities closely associated with the 
relationship of war to society are easily clarified, once the priority of war¬ 
making potential as the principal structuring force in society is accepted. 
Economic systems, political philosophies, and corpora jures serve and extend 
the war system, not vice versa. 

It must be emphasized that the precedence of a society's war-making potential 
over its other characteristics is not the result of the "threat" presumed to exist at 
any one time from other societies. This is the reverse of the basic situation; 
"threats" against the "national interest" are usually created or accelerated to 
meet the changing needs of the war system. Only in comparatively recent times 
has it been considered politically expedient to euphemize war budgets as 
"defense" requirements. The necessity for governments to distinguish between 
"aggression" (bad) and "defense" (good) has been a by-product of rising literacy 
and rapid communication. The distinction is tactical only, a concession to the 
growing inadequacy of ancient war-organizing political rationales. 

Wars are not "caused" by international conflicts of interest. Proper logical 
sequence would make it more often accurate to say that war-making societies 
require—and thus bring about—such conflicts. The capacity of a nation to make 
war expresses the greatest social power it can exercise; war-making, active or 
contemplated, is a matter of life and death on the greatest scale subject to social 
control. It should therefore hardly be surprising that the military institutions in 
each society claim its highest priorities. 

We find further that most of the confusion surrounding the myth that war¬ 
making is a tool of state policy stems from a general misapprehension of the 
functions of war. In general, these are conceived as: to defend a nation from 
military attack by another, or to deter such an attack; to defend or advance a 


"national interest"—economic, political, ideological; to maintain or in- crease a 
nation's military power for its own sake. These are the visible, or ostensible, 
functions of war. If there were no others, the importance of the war 
establishment in each society might in fact decline to the subordinate level it is 
believed to occupy. And the elimination of war would indeed be the procedural 
matter that the disarmament scenarios suggest. 

But there are other, broader, more profoundly felt functions of war in modern 
societies. It is these invisible, or implied, functions that maintain war-readiness 
as the dominant force in our societies. And it is the unwillingness or inability of 
the writers of disarmament scenarios and reconversion plans to take them into 
account that has so reduced the usefulness of their work, and that has made it 
seem unrelated to the world we know. 



As we have indicated, the preeminence of the concept of war as the principal 
organizing force in most societies has been insufficiently appreciated. This is 
also true of its extensive effects throughout the many nonmilitary activities of 
society. These effects are less apparent in complex industrial societies like our 
own than in primitive cultures, the activities of which can be more easily and 
fully comprehended. 

We propose in this section to examine these nonmilitary, implied, and usually 
invisible functions of war, to the extent that they bear on the problems of 
transition to peace for our society. The military, or ostensible, function of the 
war system requires no elaboration; it serves simply to defend or advance the 
"national interest" by means of organized violence. It is often necessary for a 
national military establishment to create a need for its unique powers—to 
maintain the franchise, so to speak. And a healthy military apparatus requires 
"exercise," by whatever rationale seems expedient, to prevent its atrophy. 

The nonmilitary functions of the war system are more basic. They exist not 
merely to justify themselves but to serve broader social purposes. If and when 
war is eliminated, the military functions it has served will end with it. But its 
nonmilitary functions will not. It is essential, therefore, that we understand their 
significance before we can reasonably expect to evaluate whatever institutions 
may be proposed to replace them. 


The production of weapons of mass destruction has always been associated with 
economic "waste." The term is pejorative, since it implies a failure of function. 
But no human activity can properly be considered wasteful if it achieves its 
contextual objective. The phrase "wasteful but necessary," applied not only to 
war expenditures but to most of the "unproductive" commercial activities of our 
society, is a contradiction in terms. "...The attacks that have since the time of 
Samuel's criticism of King Saul been leveled against military expenditures as 
waste may well have concealed or misunderstood the point that some kinds of 
waste may have a larger social utility." 

In the case of military "waste," there is indeed a larger social utility. It derives 
from the fact that the "wastefulness" of war production is exercised entirely 
outside the framework of the economy of supply and demand. As such, it 
provides the only critically large segment of the total economy that is subject to 
complete and arbitrary central control. If modern industrial societies can be 


defined as those which have developed the capacity to produce more than is 
required for their economic survival (regardless of the equities of distribution of 
goods within them), military spending can be said to furnish the only balance 
wheel with sufficient inertia to stabilize the advance of their economies. The 
fact that war is "wasteful" is what enables it to serve this function. And the 
faster the economy advances, the heavier this balance wheel must be. 

This function is often viewed, oversimply, as a device for the control of 
surpluses. One writer on the subject puts it this way: "Why is war so wonderful? 
Because it creates artificial demand...the only kind of artificial demand, 
moreover, that does not raise any political issues: war, and only war, solves the 
problem of inventory." The reference here is to shooting war, but it applies 
equally to the general war economy as well. "It is generally agreed," concludes, 
more cautiously, the report of a panel set up by the U.S. Arms Control and 
Disarmament Agency, "that the greatly expanded public sector since World War 
II, resulting from heavy defense expenditures, has provided additional 
protection against depressions, since this sector is not responsive to con¬ 
traction in the private sector and has provided a sort of buffer or balance wheel 
in the economy." 

The principal economic function of war, in our view, is that it provides just such 
a flywheel. It is not to be confused in function with the various forms of fiscal 
control, none of which directly engages vast numbers of control, none of which 
directly engages vast numbers of men and units of production. It is not to be 
confused with massive government expenditures in social welfare programs; 
once initiated, such programs normally become integral parts of the general 
economy and are no longer subject to arbitrary control. 

But even in the context of the general civilian economy war cannot be 
considered wholly "wasteful." Without a long-established war economy, and 
without its frequent eruption into large-scale shooting war, most of the major 
industrial advances known to history, beginning with the development of iron, 
could never have taken place. Weapons technology structures the economy. 
According to the writer cited above, "Nothing is more ironic or revealing about 
our society than the fact that hugely destructive war is a very progressive force 
in it. ... War production is progressive because it is production that would not 
otherwise have taken place. (It is not so widely appreciated, for example, that 
the civilian standard of living rose during World War II.)" This is not "ironic or 
revealing," but essentially a simple statement of fact. 

It should also be noted that the war production has a dependably stimulating 
effect outside itself. Far from constituting a "wasteful" drain on the economy, 


war spending, considered pragmatically, has been a consistently positive factor 
in the rise of gross national product and of individual productivity. A former 
Secretary of the Army has carefully phrased it for public consumption thus: "If 
there is, as I suspect there is, a direct relation between the stimulus of large 
defense spending and a substantially increased rate of growth of gross national 
product, it quite simply follows that defense spending per se might be 
countenanced on economic grounds alone [emphasis added] as a stimulator of 
the national metabolism." Actually, the fundamental nonmilitary utility of war 
in the economy is far more widely acknowledged than the scarcity of such 
affirmations as that quoted above would suggest. 

But negatively phrased public recognitions of the importance of war to the 
general economy abound. The most familiar example is the effect of "peace 
threats" on the stock market, e.g., "Wall Street was shaken yesterday by news of 
an apparent peace feeler from North Vietnam, but swiftly recovered its 
composure after about an hour of sometimes indiscriminate selling." Savings 
banks solicit deposits with similar cautionary slogans, e.g., "If peace breaks out, 
will you be ready for it?" A more subtle case in point was the recent refusal of 
the Department of Defense to permit the West German government to substitute 
nonmilitary goods for unwanted armaments in its purchase commitments from 
the United States; the decisive consideration was that the German purchases 
should not affect the general (nonmilitary) economy. Other incidental examples 
are to be found in the pressures brought to bear on the Department when it 
announces plans to close down an obsolete facility (as a "wasteful" form of 
"waste"), and in the usual coordination of stepped-up military activities (as in 
Vietnam in 1965) with dangerously rising unemployment rates. 

Although we do not imply that a substitute for war in the economy cannot be 
devised, no combination of techniques for controlling employment, production, 
and consumption has yet been tested that can remotely compare to it in 
effectiveness. It is, and has been, the essential economic stabilizer of modern 


The political functions of war have been up to now even more critical to social 
stability. It is not surprising, nevertheless, that discussions of economic 
conversion for peace tend to fall silent on the matter of political 
implementation, and that disarmament scenarios, often sophisticated in their 
weighing of international political factors, tend to disregard the political 
functions of the war system within individual societies. 


These functions are essentially organizational. First of all, the existence of a 
society as a political "nation" requires as part of its definition an attitude of 
relationship toward other "nations." This is what we usually call a foreign 
policy. But a nation's foreign policy can have no substance if it lacks the means 
of enforcing its attitude toward other nations. It can do this in a credible manner 
only if it implies the threat of maximum political organization for this purpose— 
which is to say that it is organized to some degree for war. War, then, as we 
have defined it to include all national activities that recognize the possibility of 
armed conflict, is itself the defining element of any nation's existence vis-a-vis 
any other nation. Since it is historically axiomatic that the existence of any form 
of weaponry insures its use, we have used the work "peace" as virtually 
synonymous with disarmament. By the same token, "war" is virtually 
synonymous with nationhood. The elimination of war implies the inevitable 
elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional nation-state. 

The war system not only has been essential to the existence of nations as 
independent political entities, but has been equally indispensable to their stable 
internal political structure. Without it, no government has ever been able to 
obtain acquiescence in its "legitimacy," or right to rule its society. The 
possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which nor 
government can long remain in power. The historical record reveals one 
instance after another where the failure of a regime to maintain the credibility of 
a war threat led to its dissolution, by the forces of private interest, or reactions 
to social injustice, or of other disintegrative elements. The organization of a 
society for the possibility of war is its principal political stabilizer. It is ironic 
that this primary function of war has been generally recognized by historians 
only where it has been expressly acknowledged—in the pirate societies of the 
great conquerors. 

The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. 
(There is, in fact, good reason to believe that codified law had its origins in the 
mles of conduct established by military victors for dealing with the defeated 
enemy, which were later adapted to apply to all subject populations.) On a day- 
to-day basis, it is represented by the institution of police, armed organizations 
charged expressly with dealing with "internal enemies" in a military manner. 
Like the conventional "external" military, the police are also substantially 
exempt from many civilian legal restraints on their social behavior. In some 
countries, the artificial distinction between police and other military forces does 
not exist. On the long-term basis, a government's emergency war powers — 
inherent in the structure of even the most libertarian of nations — define the 
most significant aspect of the relation between state and citizen. 


In advanced modern democratic societies, the war system has provided political 
leaders with another political-economic function of increasing importance: it 
has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary social 
classes. As economic productivity increases to a level further and further above 
that of minimum subsistence, it becomes more and more difficult for a society 
to maintain distribution patterns insuring the existence of "hewers of wood and 
drawers of water". The further progress of automation can be expected to 
differentiate still more sharply between "superior" workers and what Ricardo 
called "menials," while simultaneously aggravating the problem of maintaining 
an unskilled labor supply. 

The arbitrary nature of war expenditures and of other military activities make 
them ideally suited to control these essential class relationships. Obviously, if 
the war system were to be discarded, new political machinery would be needed 
at once to serve this vital subfunction. Until it is developed, the continuance of 
the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to 
preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an 
incentive, as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization of 


Under this heading, we will examine a nexus of functions served by the war 
system that affect human behavior in society. In general, they are broader in 
application and less susceptible to direct observation than the economic and 
political factors previously considered. 

The most obvious of these functions is the time-honored use of military 
institutions to provide antisocial elements with an acceptable role in the social 
structure. The disintegrative, unstable social movements loosely described as 
"fascist" have traditionally taken root in societies that have lacked adequate 
military or paramilitary outlets to meet the needs of these elements. This 
function has been critical in periods of rapid change. The danger signals are 
easy to recognize, even though the stigmata bear different names at different 
times. The current euphemistic cliches—"juvenile delinquency" and "alienation" 
— have had their counterparts in every age. In earlier days these conditions were 
dealt with directly by the military without the complications of due process, 
usually through press gangs or outright enslavement. But it is not hard to 
visualize, for example, the degree of social disruption that might have taken 
place in the United States during the last two decades if the problem of the 
socially disaffected of the post-World War II period had been foreseen and 


effectively met. The younger, and more dangerous, of these hostile social 
groupings have been kept under control by the Selective Service System. 

This system and its analogues elsewhere furnish remarkably clear examples of 
disguised military utility. Informed persons in this country have never accepted 
the official rationale for a peacetime draft—military necessity, preparedness, etc. 
-as worthy of serious consideration. But what has gained credence among 
thoughtful men is the rarely voiced, less easily refuted, proposition that the 
institution of military service has a "patriotic" priority in our society that must 
be maintained for its own sake. Ironically, the simplistic official justification for 
selective service comes closer to the mark, once the non-military functions of 
military institutions are understood. As a control device over the hostile, 
nihilistic, and potentially unsettling elements of a society in transition, the draft 
can again be defended, and quite convincingly, as a "military" necessity. 

Nor can it be considered a coincidence that overt military activity, and thus the 
level of draft calls, tend to follow the major fluctuations in the unemployment 
rate in the lower age groups. This rate, in turn, is a timetested herald of social 
discontent. It must be noted also that the armed forces in every civilization have 
provided the principal state-supported haven for what we now call the 
"unemployable." The typical European standing army (of fifty years ago) 
consisted of "...troops unfit for employment in commerce, industry, or 
agriculture, led by officers unfit to practice any legitimate profession or to 
conduct a business enterprise." This is still largely true, if less apparent. In a 
sense, this function of the military as the custodian of the economically or 
culturally deprived was the forerunner of most contemporary civilian social- 
welfare programs, from the W.P.A. to various forms of "socialized" medicine 
and social security. It is interesting that liberal sociologists currently proposing 
to use the Selective Service System as a medium of cultural upgrading of the 
poor consider this a novel application of military practice. 

Although it cannot be said absolutely that such critical measures of social 
control as the draft require a military rationale, no modern society has yet been 
willing to risk experimentation with any other kind. Even during such periods of 
comparatively simple social crisis as the so-called Great Depression of the 
1930s, it was deemed prudent by the government to invest minor make-work 
projects, like the "Civilian" Conservation Corps, with a military character, and 
to place the more ambitious National Recovery Administration under the 
direction of a professional army officer at its inception. Today, at least one 
small Northern European country, plagued with uncontrollable unrest among its 
"alienated youth," is considering the expansion of its armed forces, despite the 
problem of making credible the expansion of a non-existent external threat. 


Sporadic efforts have been made to promote general recognition of broad 
national values free of military connotation, but they have been ineffective. For 
example, to enlist public support of even such modest programs of social 
adjustment as "fighting inflation" or "maintaining physical fitness" it has been 
necessary for the government to utilize a patriotic (i.e. military) incentive. It 
sells "defense" bonds and it equates health with military preparedness. This is 
not surprising; since the concept of "nationhood" implies readiness for war, a 
"national" program must do likewise. 

In general, the war system provides the basic motivation for primary social 
organization. In so doing, it reflects on the societal level the incentives of 
individual human behavior. The most important of these, for social purposes, is 
the individual psychological rationale for allegiance to a society and its values. 
Allegiance requires a cause; a cause requires an enemy. This much is obvious; 
the critical point is that the enemy that defines the cause must seem genuinely 
formidable. Roughly speaking, the presumed power of the "enemy" sufficient to 
warrant an individual sense of allegiance to a society must be proportionate to 
the size and complexity of the society. Today, of course, that power must be one 
of unprecedented magnitude and frightfulness. 

It follows, from the patterns of human behavior, that the credibility of a social 
"enemy" demands similarly a readiness of response in proportion to its menace. 
In a broad social context, "an eye for an eye" still characterizes the only 
acceptable attitude toward a presumed threat of aggression, despite contrary 
religious and moral precepts governing personal conduct. The remoteness of 
personal decision from social consequence in a modern society makes it easy 
for its members to maintain this attitude without being aware of it. A recent 
example is the war in Vietnam; a less recent one was the bombing of Hiroshima 
and Nagasaki. In each case, the extent and gratuitousness of the slaughter were 
abstracted into political formulae by most Americans, once the proposition that 
the victims were "enemies" was established. The war system makes such an 
abstracted response possible in nonmilitary contexts as well. A conventional 
example of this mechanism is the inability of most people to connect, let us say, 
the starvation of millions in India with their own past conscious political 
decision-making. Yet the sequential logic linking a decision to restrict grain 
production in America with an eventual famine in Asia is obvious, 
unambiguous, and unconcealed. 

What gives the war system its preeminent role in social organization, as 
elsewhere, is its unmatched authority over life and death. It must be emphasized 
again that the war system is not a mere social extension of the presumed need 


for individual human violence, but itself in turn serves to rationalize most 
nonmilitary killing. It also provides the precedent for the collective willingness 
of members of a society to pay a blood price for institutions far less central to 
social organization that war. To take a handy example..."rather than accept 
speed limits of twenty miles an hour we prefer to let automobiles kill forty 
thousand people a year." A Rand analyst puts it in more general terms and less 
rhetorically: "I am sure that there is, in effect, a desirable level of automobile 
accidents—desirable, that is, from a broad point of view; in the sense that it is a 
necessary concomitant of things of greater value to society." The point may 
seem too obvious for iteration, but it is essential to an understanding of the 
important motivational function of war as a model for collective sacrifice. 

A brief look at some defunct premodern societies is instructive. One of the most 
noteworthy features common to the larger, more complex, and more successful 
of ancient civilizations was their widespread use of the blood sacrifice. If one 
were to limit consideration to those cultures whose regional hegemony was so 
complete that the prospect of "war" had become virtually inconceivable —as 
was the case with several of the great pre-Columbian societies of the Western 
Hemisphere—it would be found that some form of ritual killing occupied a 
position of paramount social importance in each. Invariably, the ritual was 
invested with mythic or religious significance; as will all religious and totemic 
practice, however, the ritual masked a broader and more important social 

In these societies, the blood sacrifice served the purpose of maintaining a 
vestigial "earnest" of the society's capability and willingness to make war— i.e., 
kill and be killed—in the event that some mystical—i.e., unforeseen — 
circumstance were to give rise to the possibility. That the "earnest" was not an 
adequate substitute for genuine military organization when the unthinkable 
enemy, such as the Spanish conquistadores, actually appeared on the scene in 
no way negates the function of the ritual. It was primarily, if not exclusively, a 
symbolic reminder that war had once been the central organizing force of the 
society, and that this condition might recur. 

It does not follow that a transition to total peace in modern societies would 
require the use of this model, even in less "barbaric" guise. But the historical 
analogy serves as a reminder that a viable substitute for war as a social system 
cannot be a mere symbolic charade. It must involve risk of real personal 
destruction, and on a scale consistent with the size and complexity of modern 
social systems. Credibility is the key. Whether the substitute is ritual in nature 
or functionally substantive, unless it provides a believable life- and-death threat 
it will not serve the socially organizing function of war. 


The existence of an accepted external menace, then, is essential to social 
cohesiveness as well as to the acceptance of political authority. The menace 
must be believable, it must be of a magnitude consistent with the complexity of 
the society threatened, and it must appear, at least, to affect the entire society. 


Men, like all other animals, is subject to the continuing process of adapting to 
the limitations of his environment. But the principal mechanism he has utilized 
for this purpose is unique among living creatures. To forestall the inevitable 
historical cycles of inadequate food supply, post-Neolithic man destroys surplus 
members of his own species by organized warfare. 

Ethologists have often observed that the organized slaughter of members of 
their own species is virtually unknown among other animals. Man's special 
propensity to kill his own kind (shared to a limited degree with rats) may be 
attributed to his inability to adapt anachronistic patterns of survival (like 
primitive hunting) to his development of "civilizations" in which these patterns 
cannot be effectively sublimated. It may be attributed to other causes that have 
been suggested, such as a maladapted "territorial instinct," etc. Nevertheless, it 
exists and its social expression in war constitutes a biological control of his 
relationship to his natural environment that is peculiar to man alone. 

War has served to help assure the survival of the human species. But as an 
evolutionary device to improve it, war is almost unbelievably inefficient. With 
few exceptions, the selective processes of other living creatures promote both 
specific survival and genetic improvement. When a conventionally adaptive 
animal faces one of its periodic crises of insufficiency, it is the "inferior" 
members of the species that normally disappear. An animal's social response to 
such a crisis may take the form of a mass migration, during which the weak fall 
by the wayside. Or it may follow the dramatic and more efficient pattern of 
lemming societies, in which the weaker members voluntarily disperse, leaving 
available food supplies for the stronger. In either case, the strong survive and 
the weak fall. In human societies, those who fight and die in wars for survival 
are in general its biologically stronger members. This is natural selection in 

The regressive genetic effort of war has been often noted and equally often 
deplored, even when it confuses biological and cultural factors. The 
disproportionate loss of the biologically stronger remains inherent in traditional 
warfare. It serves to underscore the fact that survival of the species, rather than 


its improvement, is the fundamental purpose of natural selection, if it can be 
said to have a purpose, just as it is the basic premise of this study. 

But as the polemologist Gaston Bouthoul has pointed out, other institutions that 
were developed to serve this ecological function have proved even less 
satisfactory. (They include such established forms as these: infanticide, 
practiced chiefly in ancient and primitive societies; sexual mutilation; 
monasticism; forced emigration; extensive capital punishment, as in old China 
and eighteenth-century England; and other similar, usually localized, practices.) 

Man's ability to increase his productivity of the essentials of physical life 
suggests that the need for protection against cyclical famine may be nearly 
obsolete. It has thus tended to reduce the apparent importance of the basic 
ecological function of war, which is generally disregarded by peace theorists. 
Two aspects of its remain especially relevant, however. The first is obvious: 
current rates of population growth, compounded by environmental threat to 
chemical and other contaminants, may well bring about a new crisis of 
insufficiency. If so, it is likely to be one of unprecedented global magnitude, not 
merely regional or temporary. Conventional methods of warfare would almost 
surely prove inadequate, in this event, to reduce the consuming population to a 
level consistent with survival of the species. 

The second relevant factor is the efficiency of modern methods of mass 
destruction. Even if their use is not required to meet a world population crisis, 
they offer, perhaps paradoxically, the first opportunity in the history of man to 
halt the regressive genetic effects of natural selection by war. Nuclear weapons 
are indiscriminate. Their application would bring to an end the disproportionate 
destruction of the physically stronger members of the species (the "warriors") in 
periods of war. Whether this prospect of genetic gain would offset the 
unfavorable mutations anticipated from postnuclear radioactivity we have not 
yet determined. What gives the question a bearing on our study is the possibility 
that the determination may yet have to be made. 

Another secondary ecological trend bearing on projected population growth is 
the regressive effect of certain medical advances. Pestilence, for example, is no 
longer an important factor in population control. The problem of increased life 
expectancy has been aggravated. These advances also pose a potentially more 
sinister problem, in that undesirable genetic traits that were formerly self- 
liquidating are now medically maintained. Many diseases that were once fatal at 
preprocreational ages are now cured; the effect of this development is to 
perpetuate undesirable susceptibilities and mutations. It seems clear that a new 
quasi-eugenic function of war is now in process of formation that will have to 


be taken into account in any transition plan. For the time being, the Department 
of Defense appears to have recognized such factors, as has been demonstrated 
by the planning under way by the Rand Corporation to cope with the breakdown 
in the ecological balance anticipated after a thermonuclear war. The Department 
has also begun to stockpile birds, for example, against the expected proliferation 
of radiation-resistant insects, etc. 


The declared order of values in modern societies gives a high place to the so- 
called "creative" activities, and an even higher one to those associated with the 
advance of scientific knowledge. Widely held social values can be translated 
into political equivalents, which in turn may bear on the nature of a transition to 
peace. The attitudes of those who hold these values must be taken into account 
in the planning of the transition. The dependence, therefore, of cultural and 
scientific achievement on the war system would be an important consideration 
in a transition plan even is such achievement had no inherently necessary social 

Of all the countless dichotomies invented by scholars to account for the major 
differences in art styles and cycles, only one has been consistently unambiguous 
in its application to a variety of forms and cultures. However it may be 
verbalized, the basic distinction is this: Is the work war-oriented or is it not? 
Among primitive peoples, the war dance is the most important art form. 
Elsewhere, literature, music, painting, sculpture, and architecture that has won 
lasting acceptance has invariably dealt with a theme of war, expressly or 
implicitly, and has expressed the centricity of war to society. The war in 
question may be national conflict, as in Shakespeare plays, Beethoven's music, 
or Goya's paintings, or it may be reflected in the form of religious, social, or 
moral struggle, as in the work of Dante, Rembrandt, and Bach. Art that cannot 
be classified as war-oriented is usually described as "sterile," "decadent," and so 
on. Application of the "war standard" to works of art may often leave room for 
debate in individual cases, but there is no question of its role as the fundamental 
determinant of cultural values. Aesthetic and moral standards have a common 
anthropological origin, in the exaltation of bravery, the willingness to kill and 
risk death in tribal warfare. 

It is also instructive to note that the character of a society's culture has borne a 
close relationship to its war-making potential, in the context of its times. It is no 
accident that the current "cultural explosion" in the United States is taking place 
during an era marked by an unusually rapid advance in weaponry. This 
relationship is more generally recognized than the literature on the subject 


would suggest. For example, many artists and writers are now beginning to 
express concern over the limited creative options they envisage in the warless 
world they think, or hope, may be soon upon us. They are currently preparing 
for this possibility by unprecedented experimentation with meaningless forms; 
their interest in recent years has been increasingly engaged by the abstract 
pattern, the gratuitous emotion, the random happening, and the unrelated 

The relationship of war to scientific research and discovery is more explicit. 

War is the principal motivational force for the development of science at every 
level, from the abstractly conceptual to the narrowly technological. Modern 
society places a high value on "pure" science, but it is historically inescapable 
that all the significant discoveries that have been made about the natural world 
have been inspired by the real or imaginary military necessities of their epochs. 
The consequences of the discoveries have indeed gone far afield, but war has 
always provided the basic incentive. 

Beginning with the development of iron and steel, and proceeding through the 
discoveries of the laws of motion and thermodynamics to the age of the atomic 
particle, the synthetic polymer, and the space capsule, no important scientific 
advance has not been at least indirectly initiated by an implicit requirement of 
weaponry. More prosaic examples include the transistor radio (an outgrowth of 
military communications requirements), the assembly line (from Civil War 
firearms needs), the steel-frame building (from the steel battleship), the canal 
lock, and so on. A typical adaptation can be seen in a device as modest as the 
common lawnmower; it developed from the revolving scythe devised by 
Leonardo da Vinci to precede a horse-powered vehicle into enemy ranks. 

The most direct relationship can be found in medical technology. For example, 
a giant "walking machine," and amplifier of body motions invented for military 
use in difficult terrain, is now making it possible for many previously con- fined 
to wheelchairs to walk. The Vietnam war alone has led to spectacular 
improvements in amputation procedures, blood-handling techniques, and 
surgical logistics. It has stimulated new large-scale research on malaria and 
other typical parasite diseases; it is hard to estimate how long this t? Amoould 
otherwise have been delayed, despite its enormous nonmilitary importance to 
nearly half the world's population. 


We have elected to omit from our discussion of the nonmilitary functions of war 
those we do not consider critical to a transition program. This is not to say they 


are unimportant, however, but only that they appear to present no special 
problems for the organization of a peace-oriented social system. They include 
the following: 

War as a general social release. This is a psychosocial function, serving the 
same purpose for a society as do the holiday, the celebration, and the orgy for 
the individual—the release and redistribution of undifferentiated tensions. War 
provides for the periodic necessary readjustment of standards of social behavior 
(the "moral climate") and for the dissipation of general boredom, one of the 
most consistently undervalued and unrecognized of social phenomena. 

War as a generational stabilizer. This psychological function, served by other 
behavior patterns in other animals, enables the physically deteriorating older 
generation to maintain its control of the younger, destroying it if necessary. 

War as an ideological clarifier. The dualism that characterized the traditional 
dialectic of all branches of philosophy and of stable political relationships stems 
from war as the prototype of conflict. Except for secondary considerations, 
there cannot be, to put it as simply as possible, more than two sides to a 
question because there cannot be more than two sides to a war. 

War as the basis for the international understanding. Before the development 
of modern communications, the strategic requirements of war provided the only 
substantial incentive for the enrichment of one national culture with the 
achievements of another. Although this is still the case in many international 
relationships, the function is obsolescent. 

We have also forgone extended characterization of those functions we assume 
to be widely and explicitly recognized. An obvious example is the role of war as 
controller of the quality and degree of unemployment. This is more than an 
economic and political subfunction; its sociological, cultural, and ecological 
aspects are also important, although often teleonomic. But none affect the 
general problem of substitution. The same is true of certain other functions; 
those we have included are sufficient to define the scope of the problem. 



By now it should be clear that the most detailed and comprehensive master plan 
for a transition to world peace will remain academic if it fails to deal 
forthrightly with the problem of the critical nonmilitary functions of war. The 
social needs they serve are essential; if the war system no longer exists to meet 
them, substitute institutions will have to be established for the purpose. These 
surrogates must be "realistic," which is to say of a scope and nature that can be 
conceived and implemented in the context of present-day social capabilities. 
This is not the truism it may appear to be; the requirements of radical social 
change often reveal the distinction between a most conservative projection and 
a wildly utopian scheme to be fine indeed. 

In this section we will consider some possible substitutes for these functions. 
Only in rare instances have they been put forth for the purposes which concern 
us here, but we see no reason to limit ourselves to proposals that address 
themselves explicitly to the problem as we have outlined it. We will disregard 
the ostensible, or military, functions of war; it is a premise of this study that the 
transition to peace implies absolutely that they will no longer exist in any 
relevant sense. We will also disregard the noncritical functions exemplified at 
the end of the preceding section. 


Economic surrogates for war must meet two principal criteria. They must be 
"wasteful," in the common sense of the word, and they must operate outside the 
normal supply-demand system. A corollary that should be obvious is that the 
magnitude of the waste must be sufficient to meet the needs of a particular 
society. An economy as advanced and complex as our own requires the planned 
average annual destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product 
if it is effectively to fulfill its stabilizing function. When the mass of a balance 
wheel is inadequate to the power it is intended to control, its effect can be self- 
defeating, as with a runaway locomotive. The analogy, though crude, is 
especially apt for the American economy, as our record of cyclical depressions 
shows. All have taken place during periods of grossly inadequate military 

Those few economic conversion programs which by implication acknowledge 
the nonmilitary economic function of war (at least to some extent) tend to 
assume that so-called social-welfare expenditures will fill the vacuum created 
by the disappearance of military spending. When one considers the backlog of 
un- finished business—proposed but still unexecuted—in this field, the 


assumption seems plausible. Let us examine briefly the following list, which is 
more or less typical of general social welfare programs. 

HEALTH. Drastic expansion of medical research, education, and training 
facilities; hospital and clinic construction; the general objective of complete 
government-guaranteed health care for all, at a level consistent with current 
developments in medical technology. 

EDUCATION. The equivalent of the foregoing in teacher training; schools and 
libraries; the drastic upgrading of standards, with the general objective of 
making available for all an attainable educational goal equivalent to what is 
now considered a professional degree. 

HOUSING. Clean, comfortable, safe, and spacious living space for all, at the 
level now enjoyed by about 15 percent of the population in this country (less in 
most others). 

TRANSPORTATION. The establishment of a system of mass public 
transportation making it possible for all to travel to and from areas of work and 
recreation quickly, comfortably, and conveniently, and to travel privately for 
pleasure rather than necessity. 

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT. The development and protection of water 
supplies, forests, parks, and other natural resources; the elimination of chemical 
and bacterial contaminants from air, water, and soil. 

POVERTY. The genuine elimination of poverty, defined by a standard 
consistent with current economic productivity, by means of a guaranteed annual 
income or whatever system of distribution will best assure its achievement. 

This is only a sampler of the more obvious domestic social welfare items, and 
we have listed it in a deliberately broad, perhaps extravagant, manner. In the 
past, such a vague and ambitious-sounding "program" would have been 
dismissed out of hand, without serious consideration; it would clearly have 
been, prima facie, far too costly, quite apart from its political implications. Our 
objective to it, on the other hand, could hardly be more contradictory. As an 
economic substitute for war, it is inadequate because it would be far too cheap. 

If this seems paradoxical, it must be remembered that up to now all proposed 
social-welfare expenditures have had to be measured within the war economy, 
not as a replacement for it. The old slogan about a battleship or an ICBM 


costing as much as x hospitals or y schools or z homes takes on a very different 
meaning if there are to be more battleships or ICBM's. 

Since the list is general, we have elected to forestall the tangential controversy 
that surrounds arbitrary cost projections by offering no individual cost 
estimates. But the maximum program that could be physically effected along 
the lines indicated could approach the established level of military spending 
only for a limited time—in our opinion, subject to a detailed cost-and-feasibility 
analysis, less than ten years. In this short period, at this rate, the major goals of 
the program would have been achieved. Its capital-investment phase would 
have been completed, and it would have established a permanent comparatively 
modest level of annual operating cost—within the framework of the general 

Here is the basic weakness of the social-welfare surrogate. On the short-term 
basis, a maximum program of this sort could replace a normal military spending 
program, provided it was designed, like the military model, to be subject to 
arbitrary control. Public housing starts, for example, or the development of 
modern medical centers might be accelerated or halted from time to time, as the 
requirements of a stable economy might dictate. But on the long-term basis, 
social-welfare spending, no matter how often redefined, would necessarily 
become an integral, accepted part of the economy, of no more value as a 
stabilizer than the automobile industry or old age and survivors' insurance. 

Apart from whatever merit social-welfare programs are deemed to have for their 
own sake, their function as a substitute for war in the economy would thus be 
self-liquidating. They might serve, however, as expedients pending the 
development of more durable substitute measures. 

Another economic surrogate that has been proposed is a series of giant "space 
research" programs. These have already demonstrated their utility in more 
modest scale within the military economy. What has been implied, although not 
yet expressly put forth, is the development of a long-range sequence of space- 
research projects with largely unattainable goals. This kind of program offers 
several advantages lacking in the social welfare model. First, it is unlikely to 
phase itself out, regardless of the predictable "surprises" science has in store for 
us: the universe is too big. In the event some individual project unexpectedly 
succeeds there would be no dearth of substitute problems. For example, if 
colonization of the moon proceeds on schedule, it could then become 
"necessary" to establish a beachhead on Mars or Jupiter, and so on. Second, it 
need be no more dependent on the general supply-demand economy than its 
military prototype. Third, it lends itself extraordinarily well to arbitrary control. 


Space research can be viewed as the nearest modern equivalent yet devised to 
the pyramid-building, and similar ritualistic enterprises, of ancient societies. It 
is true that the scientific value of the space program, even of what has already 
been accomplished, is substantial on its own terms. But current programs are 
absurdly obviously disproportionate, in the relationship of the knowledge 
sought to the expenditures committed. All but a small fraction of the space 
budget, measured by the standards of comparable scientific objectives, must be 
charged de facto to the military economy. Future space research, projected as a 
war surrogate, would further research, projected as a war surrogate, would 
further reduce the "scientific" rationale of its budget to a minuscule percentage 
indeed. As a purely economic substitute for war, therefore, extension of the 
space program warrants serious consideration. 

In Section 3 we pointed out that certain disarmament models, which we called 
conservative, postulated extremely expensive and elaborate inspection systems. 
Would it be possible to extend and institutionalize such systems to the point 
where they might serve as economic surrogates for war spending? The 
organization of failsafe inspection machinery could well be ritualized in a 
manner similar to that of established military processes. "Inspection teams" 
might be very like weapons. Inflating the inspection budget to military scale 
presents no difficulty. The appeal of this kind of scheme lies in the comparative 
ease of transition between two parallel systems. 

The "elaborate inspection" surrogate is fundamentally fallacious, however. 
Although it might be economically useful, as well as politically necessary, 
during the disarmament transition, it would fail as a substitute for the economic 
function of war for one simple reason. Peace-keeping inspection is part of a war 
system, not of a peace system. It implies the possibility of weapons 
maintenance or manufacture, which could not exist in a world at peace as here 
defined. Massive inspection also implies sanctions, and thus war-readiness. 

The same fallacy is more obvious in plans to create a patently useless "defense 
conversion" apparatus. The long-discredited proposal to build "total" civil 
defense facilities is one example; another is the plan to establish a giant 
antimissile missile complex (Nike-X, et al.). These programs, of course, are 
economic rather than strategic. Nevertheless, they are not substitutes for 
military spending but merely different forms of it. 

A more sophisticated variant is the proposal to establish the "Unarmed Forces" 
of the United States. This would conveniently maintain the entire institutional 
military structure, redirecting it essentially toward social-welfare activities on a 
global scale. It would be, in effect, a giant military Peace Corps. There is 


nothing inherently unworkable about this plan, and using the existing military 
system to effectuate its own demise is both ingenious and convenient. But even 
on a greatly magnified world basis, social-welfare expenditures must sooner or 
later reenter the atmosphere of the normal economy. The practical transitional 
virtues of such a scheme would thus be eventually negated by its inadequacy as 
a permanent economic stabilizer. 


The war system makes the stable government of societies possible. It does this 
essentially by providing an external necessity for a society to accept political 
mle. In so doing, it establishes the basis for nationhood and the authority of 
government to control its constituents. What other institution or combination of 
programs might serve these functions in its place? 

We have already pointed out that the end of the war means the end of national 
sovereignty, and thus the end of nationhood as we know it today. But this does 
not necessarily mean the end of nations in the administrative sense, and internal 
political power will remain essential to a stable society. The emerging "nations" 
of the peace epoch must continue to draw political authority from some source. 

A number of proposals have been made governing the relations between nations 
after total disarmament; all are basically juridical in nature. They contemplate 
institutions more or less like a World Court, or a United Nations, but vested 
with real authority. They may or may not serve their ostensible post-military 
purpose of settling international disputes, but we need not discuss that here. 
None would offer effective external pressure on a peace-world nation to 
organize itself politically. 

It might be argued that a well-armed international police force, operating under 
the authority of such a supranational "court," could well serve the function of 
external enemy. This, however, would constitute a military operation, like the 
inspection schemes mentioned, and, like them, would be inconsistent with the 
premise of an end to the war system. It is possible that a variant of the 
"Unarmed Forces" idea might be developed in such a way that its "constructive" 
(i.e., social welfare) activities could be combined with an economic "threat" of 
sufficient size and credibility to warrant political organization. Would this kind 
of threat also be contradictory to our basic premise?—that is, would it be 
inevitably military? Not necessarily, in our view, but we are skeptical of its 
capacity to evoke credibility. Also, the obvious destabilizing effect of any 
global social welfare surrogate on politically necessary class relationships 


would create an entirely new set of transition problems at least equal in 

Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political 
substitute for war. This is where the space-race proposals, in many ways so well 
suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short. The most ambitious and 
unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace. 
It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the "last, best hope of 
peace," etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by "creatures" 
from other planets or from outer space. Experiments have been proposed to test 
the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat; it is possible that a few of 
the more difficult-to-explain "flying saucer" incidents of recent years were in 
fact early experiments of this kind. If so, they could hardly have been judged 
encouraging. We anticipate no difficulties in making a "need" for a giant super 
space program credible for economic purposes, even were there not ample 
precedent; extending it, for political purposes, to include features unfortunately 
associated with science fiction would obviously be a more dubious undertaking. 

Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require "alternate 
enemies," some of which might seem equally farfetched in the context of the 
current war system. It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the 
environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by 
nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. 
Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is 
already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; 
it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and 
political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a 
generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be 
sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution. 

It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this 
purpose; in fact, the mere modifying of existing programs for the deterrence of 
pollution could speed up the process enough to make the threat credible much 
sooner. But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years 
that it seems highly improbably that a program of deliberate environ- mental 
poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner. 

However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned 
may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and 
magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social 
disintegration. It is more probably, in our judgement, that such a threat will 
have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions. For this 


reason, we believe further speculation about its putative nature ill-advised in 
this context. Since there is considerable doubt, in our minds, that any viable 
political surrogate can be devised, we are reluctant to compromise, by 
premature discussion, any possible option that may eventually lie open to our 


Of the many functions of war we have found convenient to group together in 
this classification, two are critical. In a world of peace, the continuing stability 
of society will require: 1) an effective substitute for military institutions that can 
neutralize destabilizing social elements and 2) a credible motivational surrogate 
for war that can insure social cohesiveness. The first is an essential element of 
social control; the second is the basic mechanism for adapting individual human 
drives to the needs of society. 

Most proposals that address themselves, explicitly or otherwise, to the postwar 
problem of controlling the socially alienated turn to some variant of the Peace 
Corps or the so-called Job Corps for a solution. The socially disaffected, the 
economically unprepared, the psychologically unconformable, the hard-core 
"delinquents," the incorrigible "subversives," and the rest of the unemployable 
are seen as somehow transformed by the disciplines of a service modeled on 
military precedent into more or less dedicated social service workers. This 
presumption also informs the otherwise hardheaded ratiocination of the 
"Unarmed Forces" plan. 

The problem has been addressed, in the language of popular sociology, by 
Secretary McNamara. "Even in our abundant societies, we have reason enough 
to worry over the tensions that coil and tighten among underprivileged young 
people, and finally flail out in delinquency and crime. What are we to expect., 
where mounting frustrations are likely to fester into eruptions of violence and 
extremism?" In a seemingly unrelated passage, he continues: "It seems to me 
that we could move toward remedying that inequity [of the Selective Service 
System] by asking every young person in the United States to give two years of 
service to his country-whether in one of the military services, in the Peace 
Corps, or in some other volunteer developmental w? Am at home or abroad. We 
could encourage other countries to do the same." Here, as elsewhere throughout 
this significant speech, Mr. McNamara has focused, indirectly but 
unmistakably, on one of the key issues bearing on a possible transition to peace, 
and has later indicated, also indirectly, a rough approach to its resolution, again 
phrased in the language of the current war system. 


It seems clear that Mr. McNamara and other proponents of the peace-corps 
surrogate for this tar function lean heavily on the success of the paramilitary 
Depression programs mentioned in the last section. We find the precedent 
wholly inadequate in degree. Neither the lack of relevant precedent, however, 
nor the dubious social welfare sentimentality characterizing this approach 
warrant its rejection without careful study. It may be viable — provided, first, 
that the military origin of the Corps format be effectively rendered out of its 
operational activity, and second, that the transition from paramilitary activities 
to "developmental w? A" can be effected without regard to the attitudes of the 
Corps personnel or to the "value" of the work it is expected to perform. 

Another possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the 
reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political 
processes, of slavery. Up to now, this has been suggested only in fiction, 
notably in the works of Wells, Huxley, Orwell, and others engaged in the 
imaginative anticipation of the sociology of the future. But the fantasies 
projected in Brave New World and 1984 have seemed less and less implausible 
over the years since their publication. The traditional association of slavery with 
ancient preindustrial cultures should not blind us to its adaptability to advanced 
forms of social organization, nor should its equally traditional incompatibility 
with Western moral and economic values. It is entirely possible that the 
development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite 
for social control in a world at peace. As a practical matter, conversion of the 
code of military discipline to a euphemized form of enslavement would entail 
surprisingly little revision; the logical first step would be the adoption of some 
form of "universal" military service. 

When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war capable of directing 
human behavior patterns in behalf of social organization, few options suggest 
themselves. Like its political function, the motivational function of war requires 
the existence of a genuinely menacing social enemy. The principal difference is 
that for purposes of motivating basic allegiance, as distinct from accepting 
political authority, the "alternate enemy" must imply a more immediate, 
tangible, and directly felt threat of destruction. It must justify the need for 
taking and paying a "blood price" in wide areas of human concern. 

In this respect, the possible enemies noted earlier would be insufficient. One 
exception might be the environmental-pollution model, if the danger to society 
it posed was genuinely imminent. The fictive models would have to carry the 
weight of extraordinary conviction, underscored with a not inconsiderable 
actual sacrifice of life; the construction of an up-to-date mythological or 


religious structure for this purpose would present difficulties in our era, but 
must certainly be considered. 

Games theorists have suggested, in other contexts, the development of "blood 
games" for the effective control of individual aggressive impulses. It is an ironic 
commentary on the current state of war and peace studies that it was left not to 
scientists but to the makers of a commercial film to develop a model for this 
notion, on the implausible level of popular melodrama, as a ritualized manhunt. 
More realistically, such a ritual might be socialized, in the manner of the 
Spanish Inquisition and the less formal witch trials of other periods, for 
purposes of "social purification," "state security," or other rationale both 
acceptable and credible to postwar societies. The feasibility of such an updated 
version of still another ancient institution, though doubtful, is considerably less 
fanciful than the wishful notion of many peace planners that a lasting condition 
of peace can be brought about without the most painstaking examination of 
every possible surrogate for the essential functions of war. What is involved 
here, in a sense, is the quest for William James' "moral equivalent of war." 

It is also possible that the two functions considered under this heading may be 
jointly served, in the sense of establishing the antisocial, for whom a control 
institution is needed, as the "alternate enemy" needed to hold society together. 
The relentless and irreversible advance of unemployability at all levels of 
society, and the similar extension of generalized alienation from accepted 
values may make some such program necessary even as an adjunct to the war 
system. As before, we will not speculate on the specific forms this kind of 
program might take, except to note that there is again ample precedent, in the 
treatment meted out to disfavored, allegedly menacing, ethnic groups in certain 
societies during certain historical periods. 


Considering the shortcomings of war as a mechanism of selective population 
control, it might appear that devising substitutes for this function should be 
comparatively simple. Schematically this is so, but the problem of timing the 
transition to a new ecological balancing device makes the feasibility of 
substitution less certain. 

It must be remembered that the limitation of war in this function is entirely 
eugenic. War has not been genetically progressive. But as a system of gross 
population control to preserve the species it cannot fairly be faulted. And, as has 
been pointed out, the nature of war is itself in transition. Current trends in 
warfare-the increased strategic bombing of civilians and the greater military 


importance now attached to the destruction of sources of supply (as opposed to 
purely "military" bases and personnel)—strongly suggest that a truly qualitative 
improvement is in the making. Assuming the war system is to continue, it is 
more than probably that the regressively selective quality of war will have been 
reversed, as its victims become more genetically representative of their 

There is no question but that a universal requirement that procreation be limited 
to the products of artificial insemination would provide a fully adequate 
substitute control for population levels. Such a reproductive system would, of 
course, have the added advantage of being susceptible of direct eugenic 
management. Its predictable further development—conception and embryonic 
growth taking place wholly under laboratory conditions—would extend these 
controls to their logical conclusion. The ecological function of war under these 
circumstances would not only be superseded but surpassed in effectiveness. 

The indicated intermediate step—total control of conception with a variant of the 
ubiquitous "pill," via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, offset by a 
controlled "antidote"—is already under development. There would appear to be 
no foreseeable need to revert to any of the outmoded practices referred to in the 
previous section (infanticide, etc.) as there might have been if the possibility of 
transition to peace had arisen two generations ago. 

The real question here, therefore, does not concern the viability of this war 
substitute, but the political problems involved in bringing it about. It cannot be 
established while the war system is still in effect. The reason for this is simple: 
excess population is tar material. As long as any society must contemplate even 
a remote possibility of war, it must maintain a maximum supportable 
population, even when so doing critically aggravates an economic liability. This 
is paradoxical, in view of war's role in reducing excess population, but it is 
readily understood. War controls the general population level, but the ecological 
interest of any single society lies in maintaining its hegemony vis-a-vis other 
societies. The obvious analogy can be seen in any free-enterprise economy. 
Practices damaging to the society as a whole—both competitive and 
monopolistic—are abetted by the conflicting economic motives of individual 
capital interests. The obvious precedent can be found in the seemingly irrational 
political difficulties which have blacked universal adoption of simple birth- 
control methods. Nations desperately in need of increasing unfavorable 
production-consumption ratios are nevertheless unwilling to gamble their 
possible military requirements of twenty years hence for this purpose. Unilateral 
population control, as practiced in ancient Japan and in other isolated societies, 
is out of the question in today's world. 


Since the eugenic solution cannot be achieved until the transition to the peace 
system takes place, why not wait? One must qualify the inclination to agree. As 
we noted earlier, a real possibility of an unprecedented global crisis of 
insufficiency exists today, which the war system may not be able to forestall. If 
this should come to pass before an agreed-upon transition to peace were 
completed, the result might be irrevocably disastrous. There is clearly no 
solution to this dilemma; it is a risk which must be taken. But it tends to support 
the view that if a decision is made to eliminate the war system, it were better 
done sooner than later. 


Strictly speaking, the function of war as the determinant of cultural values and 
as the prime mover of scientific progress may not be critical in a world without 
war. Our criterion for the basic nonmilitary functions of war has been: Are they 
necessary to the survival and stability of society? The absolute need for 
substitute cultural value-determinants and for the continued advance of 
scientific knowledge is not established. We believe it important, however, in 
behalf of those for whom these functions hold subjective significance, that it be 
known what they can reasonably expect in culture and science after a transition 
to peace. 

So far as the creative arts are concerned, there is no reason to believe they 
would disappear, but only that they would change in character and relative 
social importance. The elimination of war would in due course deprive them of 
their principal conative force, but it would necessarily take some time for the 
transition, and perhaps for a generation thereafter, themes of sociomoral conflict 
inspired by the war system would be increasingly transferred to the idiom of 
purely personal sensibility. At the same time, a new aesthetic would have to 
develop. Whatever its name, form, or rationale, its function would be to express, 
in language appropriate to the new period, the once discredited philosophy that 
art exists for its own sake. This aesthetic would reject unequivocally the classic 
requirement of paramilitary conflict as the substantive content of great art. The 
eventual effect of the peace-world philosophy of art would be democratizing in 
the extreme, in the sense that a generally acknowledged subjectivity of artistic 
standards would equalize their new, content-free "values." 

What may be expected to happen is that art would be reassigned the role it once 
played in a few primitive peace-oriented social systems. This was the function 
of pure decoration, entertainment, or play, entirely free of the burden of 
expressing the sociomoral values and conflicts of a war-oriented society. It is 


interesting that the groundwork for such a value-free aesthetic is already being 
laid today, in growing experimentation in art without content, perhaps in 
anticipation of a world without conflict. A cult has developed around a new 
kind of cultural determinism, which proposes that the technological form of a 
cultural expression determines its values rather than does its ostensibly 
meaningful content. Its clear implication is that there is no "good" or "bad" art, 
only that which is appropriate to its (technological) times and that which is not. 
Its cultural effect has been to promote circumstantial constructions and 
unplanned expressions; it denies to art the relevance of sequential logic. Its 
significance in this context is that it provides a working model of one kind of 
value-free culture we might reasonably anticipate in a world at peace. 

So far as science is concerned, it might appear at first glance that a giant space- 
research program, the most promising among the proposed economic surrogates 
for war, might also serve as the basic stimulator of scientific research. The lack 
of fundamental organized social conflict inherent in space work, however, 
would rule it out as an adequate motivational substitute for war when applied to 
"pure" science. But it could no doubt sustain the broad range of technological 
activity that a space budget of military dimensions would require. A similarly 
scaled social-welfare program could provide a comparable impetus to low- 
keyed technological advances, especially in medicine, rationalized construction 
methods, educational psychology, etc. The eugenic substitute for the ecological 
function of war would also require continuing research in certain areas of the 
life sciences. 

Apart from these partial substitutes for war, it must be kept in mind that the 
momentum given to scientific progress by the great wars of the past century, 
and even more by the anticipation of World War III, is intellectually and 
materially enormous. It is our finding that if the war system were to end 
tomorrow this momentum is so great that the pursuit of scientific knowledge 
could reasonably be expected to go forward without noticeable diminution for 
perhaps two decades. It would then continue, at a progressively decreasing 
tempo, for at least another two decades before the "bank account" of today's 
unresolved problems would become exhausted. By the standards of the 
questions we have learned to ask today, there would no longer be anything 
worth knowing still unknown; we cannot conceive, by definition, of the 
scientific questions to ask once those we can now comprehend are answered. 

This leads unavoidably to another matter: the intrinsic value of the unlimited 
search for knowledge. We of course offer no independent value judgments here, 
but it is germane to point out that a substantial minority of scientific opinion 
feels that search to be circumscribed in any case. This opinion is itself a factor 


in considering the need for a substitute for the scientific function of war. For the 
record, we must also take note of the precedent that during long periods of 
human history, often covering thousands of years, in which no intrinsic social 
value was assigned to scientific progress, stable societies did survive and 
flourish. Although this could not have been possible in the modern industrial 
world, we cannot be certain it may not again be true in a future world at peace. 




War is not, as is widely assumed, primarily an instrument of policy utilized by 
nations to extend or defend their expressed political values or their economic 
interests. On the contrary, it is itself the principal basis of organization on which 
all modern societies are constructed. The common proximate cause of war is the 
apparent interference of one nation with the aspirations of another. But at the 
root of all ostensible differences of national interest lie the dynamic 
requirements of the war system itself for periodic armed conflict. Readiness for 
war characterizes contemporary social systems more broadly than their 
economic and political structures, which it subsumes. 

Economic analyses of the anticipated problems of transition to peace have not 
recognized the broad preeminence of war in the definition of social systems. 

The same is true, with rare and only partial exceptions, of model disarmament 
"scenarios." For this reason, the value of this previous work is limited to the 
mechanical aspects of transition. Certain features of these models may perhaps 
be applicable to a real situation of conversion to peace; this till depend on their 
compatibility with a substantive, rather than a procedural, peace plan. Such a 
plan can be developed only from the premise of full understanding of the nature 
of the war system it proposes to abolish, which in turn presupposes detailed 
comprehension of the functions the war system performs for society. It will 
require the construction of a detailed and feasible system of substitutes for those 
functions that are necessary to the stability and survival of human societies. 


The visible, military function of war requires no elucidation; it is not only 
obvious but also irrelevant to a transition to the condition of peace, in which it 
will by definition be superfluous. It is also subsidiary in social significance to 
the implied, nonmilitary functions of war; those critical to transition can be 
summarized in five principal groupings. 

ECONOMIC. War has provided both ancient and modern societies with a 
dependable system for stabilizing and controlling national economies. No 
alternate method of control has yet been tested in a complex modern economy 
that has shown itself remotely comparable in scope or effectiveness. 


POLITICAL. The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable 
government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It 
has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured 
the subordination of the citizen to the state, by virtue of the residual war powers 
inherent in the concept of nationhood. No modern political ruling group has 
successfully controlled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing 
credibility of an external threat of war. 

SOCIOLOGICAL. War, through the medium of military institutions, has 
uniquely served societies, throughout the course of known history, as an 
indispensable controller of dangerous social dissidence and destructive 
antisocial tendencies. As the most formidable of threats to life itself, and as the 
only one susceptible to mitigation by social organization alone, it has played 
another equally fundamental role: the war system has provided the machinery 
through which the motivational forces governing human behavior have been 
translated into binding social allegiance. It has thus ensured the degree of social 
cohesion necessary to the viability of nations. No other institution, or groups of 
institutions, in modern societies, has successfully served these functions. 

ECOLOGICAL. War has been the principal evolutionary device for maintaining 
a satisfactory ecological balance between gross human population and supplies 
available for its survival. It is unique to the human species. 

CULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC. War-orientation has determined the basic 
standards of value in the creative arts, and has provided the fundamental 
motivational source of scientific and technological progress. The concepts that 
the arts express values independent of their own forms and that the successful 
pursuit of knowledge has intrinsic social value have long been accepted in 
modern societies; the development of the arts and sciences during this period 
has been corollary to the parallel development of weaponry. 


The foregoing functions of war are essential to the survival of the social systems 
we know today. With two possible exceptions they are also essential to any kind 
of stable social organization that might survive in a warless world. Discussion 
of the ways and means of transition to such a world are meaningless unless 
a)substitute institutions can be devised to fill these functions, or b) it can 
reasonably be hypothecated that the loss or partial loss of any one function need 
not destroy the viability of future societies. 


Such substitute institutions and hypotheses must meet varying criteria. In 
general, they must be technically feasible, politically acceptable, and potentially 
credible to the members of the societies that adopt them. Specifically, they must 
be characterized as follows: 

ECONOMIC. An acceptable economic surrogate for the war system will require 
the expenditure of resources for completely nonproductive purposes at a level 
comparable to that of the military expenditures otherwise demanded by the size 
and complexity of each society. Such a substitute system of apparent "waste" 
must be of a nature that will permit it to remain independent of the normal 
supply-demand economy; it must be subject to arbitrary political control. 

POLITICAL. A viable political substitute fir war must posit a generalized 
external menace to each society of a nature and degree sufficient to require the 
organization and acceptance of political authority. 

SOCIOLOGICAL. First, in the permanent absence of war, new institutions must 
be developed that will effectively control the socially destructive segments of 
societies. Second, for purposes of adapting the physical and psychological 
dynamics of human behavior to the needs of social organization, a credible 
substitute for war must generate an omnipresent and readily understood fear of 
personal destruction. This fear must be of a nature and degree sufficient to 
ensure adherence to societal values to the full extent that they are acknowledged 
to transcend the value of individual human life. 

ECOLOGICAL. A substitute for war in its function as the uniquely human 
system of population control must ensure the survival, if not necessarily the 
improvement, of the species, in terms of its relations to environmental supply. 

CULTURAL AND SCIENTILIC. A surrogate for the function of war as the 
determinant of cultural values must establish a basis of sociomoral conflict of 
equally compelling force and scope. A substitute motivational basis for the 
quest for scientific knowledge must be similarly informed by a comparable 
sense of internal necessity. 


The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for 
consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they 
may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or 
invalidate their possible application here. 


ECONOMIC, a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward 
maximum improvement of general conditions of human life, b) A giant open- 
end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets, c) A permanent, 
ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a 

POLITICAL a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force, 
b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace, c) Massive global 
environmental pollution, d) Fictitious alternate enemies. 

SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL LUNCTION. a) Programs generally derived from 
the Peace Corps model, b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery. 
MOTIVATIONAL LUNCTION. a) Intensified environmental pollution, b) New 
religions or other mythologies, c) Socially oriented blood games, d) 
Combination forms. 

ECOLOGICAL. A comprehensive program of applied eugenics. 

CULTURAL. No replacement institution offered. SCIENTILIC. The secondary 
requirements of the space research, social welfare, and / or eugenics programs. 


The models listed above reflect only the beginning of the quest for substitute 
institutions for the functions of war, rather than a recapitulation of alternatives. 

It would be both premature and inappropriate, therefore, to offer final 
judgments on their applicability to a transition to peace and after. Furthermore, 
since the necessary but complex project of correlating the compatibility of 
proposed surrogates for different functions could be treated only in exemplary 
fashion at this time, we have elected to withhold such hypothetical correlations 
as were tested as statistically inadequate. 

Nevertheless, some tentative and cursory comments on these proposed function¬ 
al "solutions" will indicate the scope of the difficulties involved in this area of 
peace planning. 

ECONOMIC. The social-welfare model cannot be expected to remain outside 
the normal economy after the conclusion of its predominantly capital- 
investment phase; its value in this function can therefore be only temporary. 


The space-research substitute appears to meet both major criteria, and should be 
examined in greater detail, especially in respect to its probable effects on other 
war functions. "Elaborate inspection" schemes, although superficially attractive, 
are inconsistent with the basic premise of a transition to peace. The "unarmed 
forces" variant, logistically similar, is subject to the same functional criticism as 
the general social-welfare model. 

POLITICAL. Like the inspection-scheme surrogates, proposals for 
plenipotentiary international police are inherently incompatible with the ending 
of the war system. The "unarmed forces" variant, amended to include unlimited 
powers of economic sanction, might conceivably be expanded to constitute a 
credible external menace. Development of an acceptable threat from "outer 
space," presumably in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic 
control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility. The environmental- 
pollution model does not seem sufficiently responsive to immediate social 
control, except through arbitrary acceleration of current pollution trends; this in 
turn raises questions of political acceptability. New, less regressive, approaches 
to the creation of fictitious global "enemies" invite further investigation. 

SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL FUNCTION. Although the various substitutes 
proposed for this function that are modeled roughly on the Peace Corps appear 
grossly inadequate in potential scope, they should not be ruled out without 
further study. Slavery, in a technologically modern and conceptually 
euphemized form, may prove a more efficient and flexible institution in this 
area. MOTIVATIONAL FUNCTION. Although none of the proposed substitutes 
for war as the guarantor of social allegiance can be dismissed out of hand, each 
presents serious and special difficulties. Intensified environmental threats may 
raise ecological dangers; mythmaking dissociated from tar may no longer be 
politically feasible; purposeful blood games and rituals can far more readily be 
devised than implemented. An institution combining this function with the 
preceding one, based on, but not necessarily imitative of, the precedent of 
organized ethnic repression, warrants careful consideration. 

ECOLOGICAL. The only apparent problem in the application of an adequate 
eugenic substitute for war is that of timing; it cannot be effectuated until the 
transition to peace has been completed, which involved a serious temporary risk 
of ecological failure. 

CULTURAL. No plausible substitute for this function of war has yet been 
proposed. It may be, however, that a basic cultural value-determinant is not 
necessary to the survival of a stable society. SCIENTIFIC. The same might be 
said for the function of war as the prime mover of the search for knowledge. 


However, adoption of either a giant space-research program, a comprehensive 
social-welfare program, or a master program of eugenic control would provide 
motivation for limited technologies. 


It is apparent, from the foregoing, that no program or combination of programs 
yet proposed for a transition to peace has remotely approached meeting the 
comprehensive functional requirements of a world without war. Although one 
projected system for filling the economic function of war seems promising, 
similar optimism cannot be expressed in the equally essential political and 
sociological areas. The other major nonmilitary functions of war—ecological, 
cultural, scientific—raise very different problems, but it is least possible that 
detailed programming of substitutes in these areas is not prerequisite to 
transition. More important, it is not enough to develop adequate but separate 
surrogates for the major war functions; they must be fully compatible and in no 
degree self-canceling. 

Until such a unified program is developed, at least hypothetically, it is 
impossible for this or any other group to furnish meaningful answers to the 
questions originally presented to us. When asked how best to prepare for the 
advent of peace, we must first reply, as strongly as we can, that the war system 
cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until 1) we know exactly what it is 
we plan to put in its place, and 2) we are certain, beyond reasonable doubt, that 
these substitute institutions will serve their purposes in terms of the survival and 
stability of society. It will then be time enough to develop methods for 
effectuating the transition; procedural programming must follow, not precede, 
substantive solutions. 

Such solutions, if indeed they exist, will not be arrived at without a 
revolutionary revision of the modes of thought heretofore considered 
appropriate to peace research. That we have examined the fundamental 
questions involved from a dispassionate, value-free point of view should not 
imply that we do not appreciate the intellectual and emotional difficulties that 
must be overcome on all decision-making levels before these questions are 
generally acknowledged by others for what they are. They reflect, on an 
intellectual level, traditional emotional resistance to new (more lethal and thus 
more "shocking") forms of weaponry. The understated comment of then- 
Senator Hubert Humphrey on the publication of ON THERMONUCLEAR WAR 
is still very much to the point: "New Thoughts, particularly those which appear 
to contradict current assumptions, are always painful for the mind to 


Nor, simple because we have not discussed them, do we minimize the massive 
reconciliation of conflicting interests with domestic as well as international 
agreement on proceeding toward genuine peace presupposes. This factor was 
excluded from the purview of our assignment, but we would be remiss if we 
failed to take it into account. Although no insuperable obstacle lies in the path 
of reaching such general agreements, formidable short-term private-group and 
general-class interest in maintaining the war system is well established and 
widely recognized. The resistance to peace stemming from such interest is only 
tangential, in the long run, to the basic functions of war, but it will not be easily 
overcome, in this country or elsewhere. Some observers, in fact, believe that it 
cannot be overcome at all in our time, that the price of peace is, simply, too 
high. This bears on our overall conclusions to the extent that timing in the 
transference to substitute institutions may often be the critical factor in their 
political feasibility. 

It is uncertain, at this time, whether peace will ever be possible. It is far more 
questionable, by the objective standard of continued social survival rather than 
that of emotional pacifism, that it would be desirable even if it were 
demonstrably attainable. The war system, for all its subjective repugnance to 
important sections of "public opinion" has demonstrated its effectiveness since 
the beginning of recorded history; it has provided the basis for the development 
of many impressively durable civilizations, including that which is dominant 
today. It has consistently provided unambiguous social priorities. It is, on the 
whole, a known quantity. A viable system of peace, assuming that the great and 
complex questions of substitute institutions raised in this Report are both 
soluble and solved, would still constitute a venture into the unknown, with the 
inevitable risks attendant on the unforeseen, however small and however well 

Government decision-makers tend to choose peace over war whenever a real 
option exists, because it usually appears to be the "safer" choice. Under most 
immediate circumstances they are likely to be right. But in terms of long-range 
social stability, the opposite is true. At our present state of knowledge and 
reasonable inference, it is the war system that must be identified with stability, 
the peace system that must be identified with social speculation, however 
justifiable the speculation may appear, in terms of subjective moral or 
emotional values. A nuclear physicist once remarked, in respect to a possible 
disarmament agreement: "If we could change the world into a world in which 
no weapons could be made, that would be stabilizing. But agreements we can 
expect with the Soviets would be destabilizing." The qualification and the bias 


are equally irrelevant; any condition of genuine total peace, however achieved, 
would be destabilizing until proved otherwise. 

If it were necessary at this moment to opt irrevocably for the retention or for the 
dissolution of the war system, common prudence would dictate the former 
course. But it is not yet necessary, late as the hour appears. And more factors 
must eventually enter the war-peace equation than even the most determined 
search for alternative institutions for the functions of war can be expected to 
reveal. One group of such factors has been given only passing mention in this 
Report; it centers around the possible obsolescence of the war system itself. We 
have noted, for instance, the limitations of the war system in filling its 
ecological function and the declining importance of this aspect of war. It by no 
means stretches the imagination to visualize comparable developments which 
may compromise the efficacy of war as, for example, an economic controller or 
as an organizer of social allegiance. This kind of possibility, however remote, 
serves as a reminder that all calculations of contingency not only involve the 
weighing of one group of risks against another, but require a respectful 
allowance for error on both sides of the scale. 

More expedient reason for pursuing the investigation of alternate ways and 
means to serve the current functions of war is narrowly political. It is possible 
that one or more major sovereign nations may arrive, through ambiguous 
leadership, at a position in which a ruling administrative class may lose control 
of basic public opinion or of its ability to rationalize a desired war. It is not hard 
to imagine, in such circumstances, a situation in which such governments may 
feel forced to initiate serious full-scale disarmament proceedings (perhaps 
provoked by "accidental" nuclear explosions), and that such negotiations may 
lead to the actual disestablishment of military institutions. As our Report has 
made clear, this could be catastrophic. It seems evident that, in the event an 
important part of the world is suddenly plunged without sufficient warning into 
an inadvertent peace, even partial and inadequate preparation for the possibility 
may be better than none. The difference could even be critical. The models 
considered in the preceding chapter, both those that seem promising and those 
that do not, have one positive feature in common—an inherent flexibility of 
phasing. And despite our strictures against knowingly proceeding into peace- 
transition procedures without thorough substantive preparation, our government 
must nevertheless be ready to move in this direction with whatever limited 
resources of planning are on hand at the time—if circumstances so require>. An 
arbitrary all-or-nothing approach is no more realistic in the development of 
contingency peace programming than it is anywhere else. 


But the principal cause for concern over the continuing effectiveness of the war 
system, and the more important reason for hedging with peace planning, lies in 
the backwardness of current war-system programming. Its controls have not 
kept pace with the technological advances it has made possible. Despite its 
unarguable success to date, even in this era of unprecedented potential in mass 
destruction, it continues to operate largely on a laissez-faire basis. To the best of 
our knowledge, no serious quantified studies have even been conducted to 
determine, for example: 

—optimum levels of armament production, for purposes of economic control, at 
any given relationship between civilian production and consumption patterns: 

—correlation factors between draft recruitment policies and mensurable social 

—minimum levels of population destruction necessary to maintain war-threat 
credibility under varying political conditions; 

—optimum cyclical frequency of "shooting" wars under varying circumstances 
of historical relationship. 

These and other war-function factors are fully susceptible to analysis by today's 
computer-based systems, but they have not been so treated; modern analytical 
techniques have up to now been relegated to such aspects of the ostensible 
functions of war as procurement, personnel deployment, weapons analysis, and 
the like. We do not disparage these types of application, but only deplore their 
lack of utilization to greater capacity in attacking problems of broader scope. 
Our concern for efficiency in this context is not aesthetic, economic, or 
humanistic. It stems from the axiom that no system can long survive at either 
input or output levels that consistently or substantially deviate from an optimum 
range. As their data grow increasingly sophisticated, the war system and its 
functions are increasingly endangered by such deviations. 

Our final conclusion, therefore, is that it will be necessary for our government 
to plan in depth for two general contingencies. The first, and lesser, is the 
possibility of a viable general peace; the second is the successful continuation 
of the war system. In our view, careful preparation for the possibility of peace 
should be extended, not because we take the position that the end of war would 
necessarily be desirable, if it is in fact possible, but because it may be thrust 
upon us in some form whether we are ready for it or not. Planning for 
rationalizing and quantifying the war system, on the other hand, to ensure the 


effectiveness of its major stabilizing functions, is not only more promising in 
respect to anticipated results, but is essential; we can no longer take for granted 
that it will continue to serve our purposes well merely because it always has. 
The objective of government policy in regard to war and peace, in this period of 
uncertainty, must be to preserve maximum options. The recommendations 
which follow are directed to this end. 




We propose the establishment, under executive order of the President, of a 
permanent WAR/PEACE Research Agency, empowered and mandated to 
execute the programs described in (2) and (3) below. This agency (a) will be 
provided with nonaccountable funds sufficient to implement its responsibilities 
and decisions at its own discretion, and (b) will have authority to preempt and 
utilize, without restriction, any and all facilities of the executive branch of the 
government in pursuit of its objectives. It will be organized along the lines of 
the National Security Council, except that none of its governing, executive, or 
operating personnel will hold other public office or governmental responsibility. 
Its directorate will be drawn from the broadest practicable spectrum of scientific 
disciplines, humanistic studies, applied creative arts, operating technologies, 
and otherwise unclassified professional occupations. It will be responsible 
solely to the President, or to other officers of government temporarily deputized 
by him. Its operations will be governed entirely by its own rules of procedure. 

Its authority will expressly include the unlimited right to withhold information 
on its activities and its decisions, from anyone except the President, whenever it 
deems such secrecy to be in the public interest. 

The first of the War/Peace Research Agency's two principal responsibilities will 
be to determine all that can be known, including what can reasonably be 
inferred in terms of relevant statistical probabilities, that may bear on an 
eventual transition to a general condition of peace. The findings in this Report 
may be considered to constitute the beginning of this study and to indicate its 
orientation; detailed records of the investigations and findings of the Special 
Study Group on which this Report is based, will be furnished the agency, along 
with whatever clarifying data the agency deems necessary. This aspect of the 
agency's work will hereinafter be referred to as "Peace Research." 

The Agency's Peace Research activities will necessarily include, but not be 
limited to, the following : 

(a) The creative development of possible substitute institutions for the principal 
nonmilitary functions of war. 

(b) The careful matching of such institutions against the criteria summarized in 
this Report, as refined, revised, and extended by the agency. 


(c) The testing and evaluation of substitute institutions, for acceptability, 
feasibility, and credibility, against hypothecated transitional and postwar 
conditions; the testing and evaluation of the effects of the anticipated atrophy of 
certain unsubstantiated functions. 

(d) The development and testing of the corelativity of multiple substitute 
institutions, with the eventual objective of establishing a comprehensive 
program of compatible war substitutes suitable for a planned transition to peace, 
if and when this is found to be possible and subsequently judged desirable by 
appropriate political authorities. 

(e) The preparation of a wide-ranging schedule of partial, uncorrelated, crash 
programs of adjustment suitable for reducing the dangers of unplanned 
transition to peace effected by force majeure. 

Peace Research methods will include but not be limited to, the following : 

(a) The comprehensive interdisciplinary application of historical, scientific, 
technological, and cultural data. 

(b) The full utilization of modern methods of mathematical modeling, 
analogical analysis, and other, more sophisticated, quantitative techniques in 
process of development that are compatible with computer programming. 

(c) The heuristic "peace games" procedures developed during the course of its 
assignment by the Special Study Group, and further extensions of this basic 
approach to the testing of institutional functions. 

The WAR/PEACE Research Agency's other principal responsibility will be 
"War Research." Its fundamental objective will be to ensure the continuing 
viability of the war system to fulfill its essential nonmilitary functions for as 
long as the war system is judged necessary to or desirable for the survival of 
society. To achieve this end, the War Research groups within the agency will 
engage in the following activities: 

(a) Quantification of existing application of the non-military functions of war. 
Specific determinations will include, but not be limited to: 

the gross amount and the net proportion of nonproductive military expenditures 
since World War II assignable to the need for war as an economic stabilizer; 


the amount and proportion of military expenditures and destruction of life, 
property, and natural resources during this period assignable to the need for war 
as an instrument for political control; 

similar figures, to the extent that they can be separately arrived at, assignable to 
the need for war to maintain social cohesiveness; 

levels of recruitment and expenditures on the draft and other forms of personnel 
deployment attributable to the need for military institutions to control social 

the statistical relationship of war casualties to world food supplies; 

the correlation of military actions and expenditures with cultural activities and 
scientific advances (including necessarily the development of mensurable 
standards in these areas). 

(b) Establishment of a priori modern criteria for the execution of the non¬ 
military functions of war. These will include, but not be limited to: 

calculation of minimum and optimum ranges of military expenditure required, 
under varying hypothetical conditions, to fulfill these several functions, 
separately and collectively; 

determination of minimum and optimum levels of destruction of LIFE, 
PROPERTY, and NATURAL RESOURCES prerequisite to the credibility of 
external threat essential to the political and motivational functions; 

development of a negotiable formula governing the relationship between 
military recruitment and training policies and the exigencies of social control. 

(c) Reconciliation of these criteria with prevailing economic, political, 
sociological, and ecological limitations. The ultimate object of this phase of 
War Research is to rationalize the heretofore informal operations of the war 
system. It should provide practical working procedures through which 
responsible governmental authority may resolve the following war-function 
problems, among others, under any given circumstances: 


how to determine the optimum quantity, nature, and timing of military 
expenditures to ensure a desired degree of economic control; 

how to organize the recruitment, deployment, and ostensible use of military 
personnel to ensure a desired degree of acceptance of authorized social values; 

how to compute on a short-term basis, the nature and extent of the LOSS OF 
LIFE and other resources which SHOULD BE SUFFERED and/or INFLICTED 
DURING any single outbreak of hostilities to achieve a desired degree of 
internal political authority and social allegiance; 

how to project, over extended periods, the nature and quality of overt warfare 
which must be planned and budgeted to achieve a desired degree of contextual 
stability for the same purpose; factors to be determined must include frequency 
of occurrence, length of phase, INTENSITY OF PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION , 
extensiveness of geographical involvement, and OPTIMUM MEAN LOSS OF 

how to extrapolate accurately from the foregoing, for ecological purposes, the 
continuing effect of the war system, over such extended cycles, on population 
pressures, and to adjust the planning of casualty rates accordingly. 

War Research procedures will necessarily include, but not be limited to, the 

(a) The collation of economic, military, and other relevant date into uniform 
terms, permitting the reversible translation of heretofore discrete categories of 

(b) The development and application of appropriate forms of cost-effectiveness 
analysis suitable for adapting such new constructs to computer terminology, 
programming, and projection. 

(c) Extension of the "war games" methods of systems testing to apply, as a 
quasi-adversary proceeding, to the nonmilitary functions of war. 

Since Both Programs of the WAR/PEACE RESEARCH Agency will share the 
same purpose—to maintain governmental freedom of choice in respect to war 
and peace until the direction of social survival is no longer in doubt — it is of the 
essence of this proposal that the agency be constituted without limitation of 


time. Its examination of existing and proposed institutions will be self- 
liquidating when its own function shall have been superseded by the historical 
developments it will have, at least in part, initiated. 




1. The Economic and Social Consequences of Disarmament: ET.S. Reply to the 
Inquiry of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Washington, D.C.: 
USGPO, June 1964), pp. 8-9. 

2. Herman Kahn, Thinking About the Unthinkable (New York: Horizon, 1962), 

3. Robert S. McNamara, in an address before the American Society of News¬ 
paper Editors, in Montreal, P.Q., Canada, 18 May 1966. 

4. Alfred North Whitehead, in "The Anatomy of Some Scientific Ideas," 
included in The Aims of Education (New York: Macmillan, 1929). 

5. At Ann Arbor, Michigan, 16 June 1962. 

6. Louis J. Halle, "Peace in Our Time? Nuclear Weapons as a Stabilizer," The 
New Republic (28 December 1963). 


1. Kenneth E. Boulding, "The World War Industry as an Economic Problem," in 
Emile Benoit and Kenneth E. Boulding (eds.), Disarmament and the Economy 
(New York: Harper & Row, 1963). 

2. McNamara, in ASNE Montreal address cited. 

3. Report of the Committee on the Economic Impact of Defense and 
Disarmament (Washington: USGPO, July 1965). 

4. Sumner M. Rosen, "Disarmament and the Economy," War/Peace Report 
(March 1966). 


1. Vide William D. Grampp, "False Fears of Disarmament," Harvard Business 
Review (Jan.-Feb.1964) for a concise example of this reasoning. 


2. Seymour Melman, "The Cost of Inspection for Disarmament," in Benoit and 
Boulding, op. cit. 


1. Arthur I. Waskow, Toward the Unarmed Forces of the United States 
(Washington: Institute for Policy Studies, 1966), p.9. (This is the unabridged 
edition of the text of a report and proposal prepared for a seminar of strategists 
and Congressman in 1965; it was later given limited distribution among other 
persons engaged in related projects.) 

2. David T. Bazelon, "The Politics of the Paper Economy," Commentary 
(November 1962), p.409. 

3. The Economic Impact of Disarmament (Washington: USGPO, January 
1962), p.409. 

4. David T. Bazelon, "The Scarcity Makers," Commentary (October 1962), p. 

5. Frank Pace, Jr., in an address before the American Banker's Association, 
September 1957. 

6. A random example, taken in this case from a story by David Deitch in the 
New York Herald Tribune (9 February 1966). 

7. Vide L. Gumplowicz, in Geschichte der Staatstheorien (Innsbruck: Wagner, 
1905) and earlier writings. 

8. K. Fischer, Das Militar (Zurich: Steinmetz Yerlag, 1932), pp.42-43. 

9. The obverse of this phenomenon is responsible for the principal combat 
problem of present-day infantry officers: the unwillingness of otherwise 
"trained" troops to fire at an enemy close enough to be recognizable as an 
individual rather than simply as a target. 

10. Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War (Princeton, N.J., Princeton 
University Press, 1960), p.42. 11. John D. Williams, "The Nonsense about Safe 
Driving," Fortune (September 1958). 

12. Vide most recently K. Forenz, in Das Sogenannte Bose: zur 
Naturgeschichte der Aggression (Vienna: G. Borotha-Schoeler Yerlag, 1964). 


13. Beginning with Herbert Spencer and his contemporaries, but largely ignored 
for nearly a century. 

14. As in recent draft-law controversy, in which the issue of selective deferment 
of the culturally privileged is often carelessly equated with the preservation of 
the biologically "fittest." 

15. G. Bouthol, in La Guerre (Paris: Presses universitairies de France, 1953) 
and many other more detailed studies. The useful concept of "polemology," for 
the study of war as an independent discipline, is his, as is the notion of 
"demographic relaxation," the sudden temporary decline in the rate of 
population increase after major wars. 

16. This seemingly premature statement is supported by one of our own test 
studies. But it hypothecates both the stabilizing of world population growth and 
the institution of fully adequate environmental controls. Under these two 
conditions, the probability of the permanent elimination of involuntary global 
famine is 68 percent by 1976 and 95 percent by 1981. 


1. This round figure is the median taken from our computations, which cover 
varying contingencies, but it is sufficient for the purpose of general discussion. 

2. But less misleading than the more elegant traditional metaphor, in which war 
expenditures are referred to as the "ballast" of the economy but which suggests 
incorrect quantitative relationships. 

3. Typical in generality, scope, and rhetoric. We have not used any published 
program as a model; similarities are unavoidably coincidental rather than 

4. Vide the reception of a "Freedom Budget for all Americans," proposed by A. 
Philip Randolph et al; it is a ten-year plan, estimated by its sponsors to cost 
$185 billion. 

5. Waskow, op. cit. 

6. By several current theorists, most extensively and effectively by Robert R. 
Harris in "The Real Enemy," an unpublished doctoral dissertation made avail¬ 
able to this study. 


7. In ASNE, Montreal address cited. 

8. The Tenth Victim. 

9. For an examination of some of its social implications, see Seymour 
Rubenfeld, Family of Outcasts: A New Theory of Delinquency (New York: 

Free Press, 1965). 

10. As in Nazi Germany; this type of "ideological" ethnic repression, directed to 
specific sociological ends, should not be confused with traditional economic 
exploitation, as of Negroes in the U.S., South Africa, etc. 

11. By teams of experimental biologists in Massachusetts, Michigan, and 
California, as well as in Mexico and the U.S.S.R. Preliminary test applications 
are scheduled in Southeast Asia, in countries not yet announced. 

12. Expressed in the writings of H. Marshall McFuhan, in Understanding 
Media: The Extensions of Man (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964) and 

13. This rather optimistic estimate was derived by plotting a three-dimensional 
distribution of three arbitrarily defined variables; the macro-structural, relating 
to the extension of knowledge beyond the capacity of conscious experience; the 
organic, dealing with the manifestations of terrestrial life as inherently 
comprehensible; and the infra-particular, covering the subconceptual 
requirements of natural phenomena. Values were assigned to the known and 
unknown in each parameter, tested against data from earlier chronologies, and 
modified heuristically until predictable correlations reached a useful level of 
accuracy. "Two decades" means, in this case, 20.6 years, with a standard 
deviation of only 1.8 years. (An incidental finding, not pursued to the same 
degree of accuracy, suggests a greatly accelerated resolution of issues in the 
biological sciences after 1972.) 


1. Since they represent an examination of too small a percentage of the eventual 
options, in terms of "multiple mating," the subsystem we developed for this 
application. But an example will indicate how one of the most frequently 
recurring correlation problems—chronological phasing—was brought to light in 
this way. One of the first combinations tested showed remarkably high 
coefficients of compatibility, on a post hoc static basis, but no variations of 


timing, using a thirty-year transition module, permitted even marginal 
synchronization. The combination was thus disqualified. This would not rule 
out the possible adequacy of combinations using modifications of the same 
factors, however, since minor variations in a proposed final condition may have 
disproportionate effects on phasing. 

2. Edward Teller, quoted in War/Peace Report (December 1964). 

3. E.g., the highly publicized "Delphi Technique" and other, more sophisticated 
procedures. A new system, especially suitable for institutional analysis, was 
developed during the course of this study in order to hypothecate mensurable 
"peace games"; a manual of this system is being prepared and will be submitted 
for general distribution among appropriate agencies. For older, but still useful, 
techniques, see Norman C. Dalkey's Games and Simulations (Santa Monica, 
Calif. :Rand, 1964). 


1. A primer-level example of the obvious and long overdue need for such 
translation is furnished by Kahn (in Thinking About the Unthinkable,p. 102). 
Under the heading "Some Awkward Choices" he compares four hypothetical 
policies: a certain loss of $3,000; a .1 chance of loss of $300,000; a.01 chance 
of loss of $30,000,000; and a .001 chance of loss of $3,000,000,000. A 
government decision-maker would "very likely" choose in that order. But what 
if "lives are at stake rather than dollars?" Kahn suggests that the order of choice 
would be reversed, although current experience does not support this opinion. 
Rational war research can and must make it possible to express, without 
ambiguity, lives in terms of dollars and vice versa; the choices need not be, and 
cannot be, "awkward." 

2. Again, an overdue extension of an obvious application of techniques up to 
now limited such circumscribed purposes as improving kill-ammunition ratios 
determining local choice between precision and saturation bombing, and other 
minor tactical, and occasionally strategic, ends. The slowness of Rand, I.D.A., 
and other responsible analytic organizations to extend cost-effectiveness and 
related concepts beyond early-phase applications has already been widely re¬ 
marked on and critized elsewhere. 

3. The inclusion of institutional factors in war-game techniques has been given 
some rudimentary consideration in the Hudson Institute's Study for 
Hypothetical Narratives for Use in Command and Control Systems Planning 
(by William Pfaff and Edmund Stillman; Final report published in 1963). But 


here, as with other war and peace studies to date, what has blocked the logical 
extension of new analytic techniques has been a general failure to understand 
and properly evaluate the non-military functions of war. 



The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 
before the Court in Berne 


Dr. Karl Bergmeister 



Notes from the editor of this e-book: 

• The original scanned version of this book was downloaded from in July 2012. 

• All formatting & page breaks are identical to the original book. 

• Some minor spelling & printing errors have been corrected. 

The Jewish world conspiracy 

The lawsuit over the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which took place in 
Berne during the years 1934 and 1935, gave to Jewish and pro-Jewish publicists alike, the 
much wished-for opportunity to blazon forth into the world that in Berne, a judge after 
objective consideration, had pronounced judgement to the effect that the Protocols were a 

It is in this sense that the Jew Alexander Stein writes in his work "Adolf Hitler, Schuler der 
Weisen von Zion" (Adolf Hitler, a Pupil of the Elders of Zion), Graphia Verlag, Carlsbad, 
1936, and the Jew Ivan Heilblut in "Die offentlichen Verleumder, die Protokolle der Weisen 
von Zion und ihre Verwendung in der heutigen Politik" (The Public Slanderers. The Protocols 
of the Elders of Zion and their Use in Present-Day Politics), Europa Verlag, Zurich, 1937; 
similarly Irene Harland, the pro-Jewish propagandist, in her book "Sein Kampf, Antwort an 
Hitler" (His Struggle, a Reply to Hitler), Vienna, 1936, and the Freemason Count R. N. 
Coudenhove-Kalergi - married to a Jewess - in "JudenhaB von heute (Jew Hate in the Present 
Day), Pan-Europa Verlag, Vienna-Zurich, 1935. 

All the above, with apparent intent, pass over the fact that already in 1935, a short time 
after the proceedings in Berne, a book appeared from the pen of Dr. Stephan Vasz, entitled 
"Das Berner Fehlurteil fiber die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" (The Faulty Judgement in 
the Berne Protocols Case), Publishers the U. Bodung-Verlag, Erfurt, in which, from the 
documents submitted to the court, and the minutes of the proceedings, the author furnishes 
exhaustive proof of the fact that what took place in Berne was a mockery of justice. 

Moreover when Jewry, with incredible frivolity, initiated the proceedings, and led them to 
an apparent victory, they do not seem to have reckoned with the possibility that this very 
lawsuit, and the far reaching research which it was to initiate, would bring to light material of 
so valuable a nature, that from then on, it would hardly be possible for any thinking person to 
maintain that the Protocols were a forgery. 

In the present pamphlet, a certain familiarity with the Protocols is assumed. 


1. How the Protocols came into existence 

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion form the text of a lecture under 24 headings, dealing 
with the political, economic and financial programme of Judaeo-Masonry for the 
establishment of Jewish world domination. 

The authorship, time and place of the lecture, as well as the actual date at which it was 
written down, it has not up till now been possible to ascertain. 

In the matter of the authorship, the American writer F. Fry, following upon investigations 
carried out in Russia by Henry Ford, states that the Protocols are the work of the Jewish writer 
and leader Ac had Haam (Ascher Ginsberg), and that they originated in Odessa. Certain 
circumstances go to show that the Protocols - perhaps following upon the lines of a concept 
by Achad Haam - formed the subject of a lecture in French Masonic Fodges. The bases for 
this supposition are the following, namely: that Freemason policy follows the lines of the 
Protocols, and that S . A. N i 1 u s tells us that the copy which came into his hands in 1901 
bore the following inscription: "Signed by the Representatives of Zion of the 33 rd Degree." 

The story generally put about by Jewry, that in the case of the Protocols, we have to do with 
a pamphlet drawn up by the Russian Police, and more particulaly by Councillor P. J. 
Ratschkowsky, the purpose of which was to calumniate Jewry, is one which simply will 
not hold water; the so-called evidence brought forward in support of this story, being wholly 
without foundation of any kind. 

Equally untenable is the theory emanating from anti-Jewish quarters, that the Protocols owe 
their origin to the Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. There are however some grounds for the 
supposition that the text which had already been drawn up between the years 1890 and 1895, 
formed the subject of a debate at a meeting of brethren of the Bnai-Brith Order in Basel in 

Proved beyond all doubt however is the fact that the first person to possess a copy of the 
document in French, was the late Russian Major and Court Marshal Alexei 
Nicolajewitsch Suchotin of Tschern, in the Government of Tula. S. A. Nilus in his 
book "The Great within the Small" confirms this fact. It is further confirmed by S. S. Nilus, 
son of the above, in a written declaration dated 1936, to the effect that he personally was 
present when Suchotin handed the document to his father. 

I was successful in finding out a further relation of Suchotin's in the person of Madame 
Antonia Porphyrjewna Manjkowsky, nee Suchotin, widow of the Russian 
Admiral of that name, and resident at the moment in Jugoslavia. This lady gave me on the 13 th 
of December 1936, a written declaration to the effect that in her youth, she on many 


occasions visited the Suchotins on their estate. On the occasion of one of her visits about the 
year 1895, she was witness of how a transcript was made of a copy of the Protocols by 
Suchotin's sister Mademoiselle Vera Suchotin and his niece Mademoiselle Olga 
Wischnewetsky, later Madame L o t i n. 

Vera Suchotin being long since deceased, Madame Manjkowsky advised me to visit 
Madame Lotin who was still living in Paris. Much to my disappointment, I found that in 
consequence of the death of her husband Madame Lotin had become completely insane, and 
was now living in an asylum near Paris, and no longer capable of being interviewed. 

Having regard to the date in question, the declaration of Madame Manjkowsky assumes 
particular importance, for the reason that in her books "Waters Flowing Eastward", p. 89, and 
"Le Juif Notre Maltre", p. 95, Mrs. L. Fry publishes a letter written to her on the 17 th of April 
1927 by Philipp Petrowitsch Stepanoff (deceased 1932) late Procurator of the 
Holy Synod in Moscow, in which Stepanoff states that already, in 1895 he had received a 
transcript of the Protocols from Major Suchotin, and adds that he received it through the 
intermediary of a lady in Paris. 

Who this lady was, it has not been possible up till now to ascertain. S. A. Nilus also writes 
in his book that Suchotin, on handing the document to him in 1901, mentioned her name to 
him, but that he had forgotten it. In this connection Nilus's son informed me that his father had 
only mentioned the matter because Suchotin had made him promise to keep the lady's name a 
secret as long as she lived. From all this it becomes clear that a transcript of the Protocols was 
in existence in Russia in the year 1895 already, that is to say two years before the first 
Congress in Basel. 

According to data furnished by Nilus's son, the first publication of the Protocols took place 
in the Winter of 1902/1903 in the "Moskowskija Wiedomosti". I have unfortunately not up till 
now succeeded in obtaining a copy of this paper. As against this, it is a matter beyond all 
doubt that the Protocols were published in the "Snamja", the Paper formerly edited by 
Krusehewan, in the numbers appearing between the 28 th of August and the 7 th of 
September 1903. It was first in the year 1905, that Sergej Alexandrowitsch Nilus 
included the text of the Protocols in his book on Antichrist entitled "Welikoje w Malom i 
Antichrist kak bliskaja polititscheskaja wosmoschnost" (The Great within the Small, and the 
Antichrist as a Political Possibility in the Near Future). This was in the second edition of his 
book, of which the first edition which appeared in 1901 did not contain a copy of the 
Protocols. The third edition appeared in 1911, and the fourth in 1917, under the altered title 
"Blis jest pri dwerech" (He is at the Doors!). 

In the year 1906, the Russian author George But mi published the Protocols in his 
book "Oblitschiteljenja rjetschi, wragi roda tschelowjetscheskago" (Speeches which reveal the 
Truth, the Enemies of Mankind), the fourth edition of which appeared in 1907. 

In the rest of Europe the Protocols remained completely unknown. It was first after the 
World War that Russian emigrants brought Nilus's book to North America and to Germany. It 
was thus that a copy came into the hands of the President of the "Verband gegen die 
Uberhebung des Judentums" in Berlin, Muller von Hausen, who had it translated in 


year 1919, and published under his pseudonym Gottfried zur Beek, under the title 
"The Secrets of the Learned Elders of Zion". 

A second edition was published by Theodor Fritsch with the incorrect title of "The 
Zionist Protocols". A seventeenth edition of this brochure appeared in 1936 in the Hammer- 
Verlag, Leipzig, this time with the correct title "The Protocols of Zion". 

2. The first Jewish attempts at defence. 

In the year 1921, Jewry took up the defence against the Protocols. In rapid succession the 
three following articles appeared. 

On the 25 th of February 1921, the "American Hebrew" published an interview given by the 
Russian Princess Catherine Radziwill to the the Jewish reporter Isaac 

On the 12 th and 13 th of May 1921, the French Count Arm and du Chayla published 
an article in two parts in the Russian paper "Posljednije Nowosti" ("Dernieres Nouvelles") in 

The third article was from the pen of the English journalist Philip Graves, and 
appeared in three parts in the London "Times" on the 16 th , 17 th and 18 th of August 1921. 

Princess Radziwill declared that the Protocols were first drawn up after the Russo-Japanese 
war and the first Russian Revolution in 1905 by the Russian State Councillor Peter 
Ivanowitsch Ratschkowsky, Chief of the Russian Secret Police in Paris, and by 
his agent Matthew Golowinsky. During her stay in Paris at the time, the last named 
had shown her the manuscript which he had just composed, and which had moreover a large 
blue inkstain on the front page. It had been planned in Russian Conservative circles to incite 
the Czar Nicholas II against the Jews by means of this publication. 

Comte du Chayla wrote that he visited Nilus in Russia in the year 1909. The latter had 
shown him the manuscript with the blue jnkstain, and had told him that he had received it 
from his life-long friend Madame Natalia Afanassicwna K. (du Chayla afterwards 
stated that her name was Komarowsky) who had in turn received it from Ratschkowsky in 

Philip Graves wrote that the Protocols had been composed with the aid of the "Dialogue 
aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu", a book written by the French advocate 
Maurice Joly, the first edition of which appeared in Brussels in 1864, and the second in 

The only thing that is true about these reports, with which I will deal later on, is the 
statement that the author of the Protocols made extensive use of Joly's book, in that he copied 
whole sentences, and even whole paragraphs from it. He committed an open plagiarism on 
Joly. This fact however cannot be taken as furnishing the least proof that the Protocols are an 
anti-Semitic forgery; for it is not a question of whether the text of the Protocols came into 
being partly through the misuse of the text of another book, but solely of whether the 
Protocols contain the programme of Jewish world domination, and were written by a Jew for 
the Jewish people. The fact that externally a plagiarism is to hand, is no proof that 


the contents are a forgery. The question of forgery would first arise when it could be proved 
that the Protocols had actually been composed by an Anti-Semite for the purpose of slandering 

Jewry even made the attempt to bring proof of this, in that they caused Princess Radziwill 
to announce that Golowinsky had composed the document under the guidance of 
Ratschkowsky. The attempt to prove this however, as I will afterwards show, was a complete 

3. The Proceedings in Berne. 

When, in spite of the above, the Protocols made their way round the world, and made their 
appearance in practically every country, and in a variety of languages, Jewry finally decided to 
obtain a judicial finding upon the subject. 

On the 26 th of June 1933, "The Federation of Jewish Communities of 
Switzerland" and the "The Berne Jewish Community" brought an action 
in the courts with a view to obtaining a judgement to the effect that the brochure by Theodor 
Fritsch, "Die Zionistischen Protokolle" was literary trash, and further with a view to obtaining 
an order prohibiting its publication. As a matter of form the action was brought against five 
members of the "National Front", and of the "Heimatwehr", and among them, as principal 
defendant, Sylvio Schnell, who had distributed the brochure at a party meeting. As 
expert to the Jewish plaintiffs the judge appointed Dr. A. Baumgarten, Professor of 
Criminal Law at the University of Basel, and as Expert to the defendants the Director of the 
World Service at Erfurt, Lieut. Colonel U. Fleischhauer. As presiding expert he 
appointed the Pro-Jewish Swiss author C . A . L o o s 1 i. 

At the end of October 1934, the 16 witnesses called by the Jewish plaintiffs were heard, and 
on the 14 th of May 1935 judgement was entered to the effect that the Protocols were a forgery 
and demoralising literature. No other decision was possible, because on the one hand the 
Marxist judge accepted the falsehoods of the Princess Radziwill and of the Comte du Chayla 
as correct, and consequently was bound to accept the expertises of Baumgarten and Loosli, 
which were founded upon these falsehoods; and on the other hand because he refused to listen 
to the objections raised by the expert Fleischhauer against these falsehoods. Quite apart from 
this, the judge went so far in his preconceived opinion that the Protocols were a forgery, and in 
his lack of objectivity under undisguised pressure from Jewry, that he did not even stop at 
deliberately setting aside the conditions laid down in the Swiss Civil Code for the carrying out 
of legal proceedings. Thus he only allowed the witnesses brought by the Jewish plaintiffs to be 
heard, whereas of the 40 witnesses brought by the defendants, not a single one was allowed a 
hearing. The proceedings were accordingly carried on solely upon the testimony of the Jewish 
plaintiffs. And further, although Swiss law demands that in the case of every lawsuit, 
shorthand minutes of the proceedings be taken by an official of the court, the judge did not 
adhere to this condition, but permitted the Jewish plaintiffs to appoint two private 
stenographers to keep the register of the official proceedings 


during the hearing of their own witnesses. As therefore no legal record of the proceedings was 
kept, it follows that the whole procedure, and the verdict itself are both null and void. 

In other ways also bias may be said to have celebrated triumphs. Thus the expert 
Fleischhauer was hindered by a variety of expedients from making use of his legal right to 
examine the documents of the other side; and whereas the two Swiss experts were allowed a 
good eight months for the preparation of their expertises, the judge demanded that 
Fleischhauer should prepare his expertise within six weeks. It was only after a protest, that he 
agreed to extend this period by the insufficient term of one month. 

In consequence of all this, the principal defendant Silvio Schnell lodged an appeal through 
his counsel Hans Ruef. 

After a lapse of two and a half years, the case was reopened in the Court of Criminal 
Appeal in Berne on October 27 th 1937. 

Messrs Ursprung and Ruef, counsel for the defendants, demanded that the verdict given in 
the court of first instance be quashed, and their clients acquitted. Mr. Ruef submitted that the 
evidence taken down during the original proceedings had not been submitted to the witnesses 
for signature, and argued that little credibility could in any event be attached to their 
statements. He pointed out moreover that all the Russian documents which had been submitted 
to the court by M. Loosli were uncertified copies of the originals, and that a number of 
mistakes had been discovered in the different translations. 

Mr. Ruef finally declared that it was not possible to apply the Bernese law to the 
incriminated document, because its contents were of a political, and not of a moral nature. 

The Assistant Public Prosecutor Loder recognised that the manner in which the official 
record of the proceedings had been kept in the court of first instance had not been correct, and 
he further recognised that a whole series of errors in the sense of the Penal Code had been 

On the 1 st November 1937 the Appeal Court pronounced judgement in the following terms: 

"The accused Sylvio Schnell is acquitted without indemnity, all elements which might 
constitute a basis for the charge being absent." 

In summing up the President declared that any expertise on the authenticity or non¬ 
authenticity of the Protocols was superfluous. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion being a 
political pamphlet of a polemical order, the Bernese law did not apply. For this reason a 
complete acquittal had been pronounced. The President declared with emphasis that the judge 
in the court of first instance had no right to set on foot enquiries as to the authenticity or the 
non-authenticity of the Protocols for the reason that the matter was irrelevant to the 
consideration of whether an immoral publication was to hand. 

In this important lawsuit therefore Jewry have not attained their object. 

When in spite of this the Jewish press announce that all that was decided by the Court of 
Appeal was that the Protocols are not demoralising literature, and that the declaration of the 
judge in the court of first instance that they are a forgery retains its validity, this amounts to no 
more than a gross misleading of public opinion. 


In the Court of Appeal the judgement of the first court was quashed in its entirety, and the 
considerations upon which the first judge based his faulty judgement, and more especially his 
assumption that a forgery was to hand, were deprived of all weight. 

4. The supposed proofs of forgery. 

Of the evidence brought by Jewry against the authenticity of the Protocols already in 1921, 
and in Berne in 1934/1935, the following may be said to be the substance. 

The assumption made by Princess Radziwill that the Protocols were drawn up in 
the year 1906 after the Russo-Japanese War and the first Russian Revolution may be said to be 
false if only on the following grounds namely, that the text of the Protocols can be proved to 
have been in the hands of Stepanoff already in 1895, that in 1901 it was in the hands of Nilus, 
and that in the year 1903, it was published in the "Snamja". It can further be proved that in 
1905, and some years previously, both Ratschkowsky and Golowinsky were no longer in 
Paris. Thus does the whole catena of lies contrived by Princess Radziwill fall to the ground. 
This woman moreover falsely gave herself out as a princess in her interview with the Press in 
1921, whereas already in 1914, after her divorce from Prince William Radziwill, she married 
an engineer called Karl Emil Kolb, from whom she was again shortly afterwards divorced, and 
in 1921 following upon of a new marriage became Mrs. Danvin. It was in vain for the expert 
Fleischhauer to point out to the court during the proceedings that the evidence of this woman 
could not be taken seriously, if only for the reason that she was a proven forger and crook. The 
court refused to make any investigation of her previous career. It might therefore be fitting at 
this point to mention some of her shady actions in the past. About the year 1900 she attached 
herself to the diamond mine owner Cecil Rhodes, at the time he was going to South 
Africa. On the grounds of pure vanity apparently she published in a paper called "Greater 
Britain", which she edited there, what purported to be an interview with the late Marquess 
of Salisbury on the political situation in South Africa. In this interview Lord Salisbury is 
supposed to have expressed the view that Rhodes should be advanced to the position of 
Premier of Cape Colony. To put the matter beyond all doubt, the Princess showed Rhodes' 
private secretary the text of statement purporting to be signed by Lord Salisbury, and a 
telegram which she stated she had received from him inviting her to an interview. It came out 
afterwards that the telegram was not genuine, as it was not Lord Salisbury, but the Princess 
who had sent it to herself, that the interview had never taken place, and that moreover Lord 
Salisbury's signature had been forged. 

During the year 1901, she passed cheques to the aggregate amount of £ 29,000, signing 
them with the name of Cecil Rhodes. Following upon this she was arrested and sentenced to 
eighteen months hard labour. A full account of this affair, and of other exploits of this 
forgeress and adventuress may 


be found in the memoirs of two of Cecil Rhodes' private secretaries entitled "Cecil Rhodes, his 
private life by his private secretary Philip Jourdan" London, 1910 and "Cecil Rhodes, the man 
and his work by one of his private and confidential secretaries, Gordon le Sueur". London 
1913. Both books may be seen at the library of the University in Gottingen. 

After leaving South Africa this woman did not alter her way of life. In 1921, she was 
arrested at the instance of two hotels in New York for having piled up bills for meals, and then 
disappeared without paying them. 

A suitable witness indeed to prove that the Protocols are a forgery! 

The patently false statement that the Protocols were first drawn up after the Russo-Japanese 
war in 1905 was very awkward to the Chief Expert Loosli, so he in his turn 
proceeded to falsify the evidence and with the object of adding 
verisimilitude to the statement made by Radziwill, he in his 
expertise unobtrusively altered the year 1905 to 1895. He was 
compelled by Fleischhauer seven months later to own up to this before the court. Even this 
incident produced no effect upon the biased judge. There are moreover definite grounds for 
the supposition that Landman laid before the Princess what was definitely a text, the main 
contents of which had been prepared beforehand, and which was afterwards ornamented by a 
few personal comments of her own. It is also stated that she was paid the unusually high sum 
of 500 Dollars for the interview by Lewis Marshall, the B'nai Brith Mason and leader 
of American Jewry. This of course was no honorarium, but hush-money. 

The second in the this unholy alliance was Comte du Chayla, who was shameless 
enough to insist before the court upon the correctness of his article (previously referred to). 

It was only after the lawsuit was over, that I succeeded in discovering the whereabouts o f 
Sergej Sergej ewitsch Nilus, the son of the late S. A. Nilus, deceased in 1930, and 
the first publisher of the Protocols. In a detailed statement dated March 24 th 1936, Nilus junior 
states that Comte du Chayla published his report in "Dernieres Nouvelles" being fully aware 
that it was untrue, and thus he is a perfidious liar and slanderer. Nilus 
junior declared moreover that he himself was the legitimised son of S. A. Nilus, and of the 
latter's lifelong friend. This lady however was not Madame Natalia Afanassiewna, nor as 
stated by du Chayla, a Madame Komarowsky, but Natalia Afanassiewna 
Wolodimerow. She had never at any time been in touch with Ratschkowsky. She had 
moreover never had anything to do with the Protocols. Nilus junior declared himself prepared 
to state upon oath that he was himself present when in the year 1901, Major Suchotin, also a 
friend of his father's, had handed the manuscript over to him. He cannot remember having 
seen at the time the ominous inkstain upon the front page. 

Further enquiries revealed the fact that Comte du Chayla in the year 1921, was Chief of 
Propaganda on the Staff of the Don Cossack Corps of General Wrangel's Army. During his 
employment in this capacity, he was discovered to be acting as a Bolshevist agent, and as such 
was arrested and condemned to death for high treason. General Wrangel however, acting 
under pressure from the French Ambassador quashed the sentence, and had to content himself 
with expelling the treasonable officer from the army. 


Upon this matter and upon the previous career of the Count, State Councillor Gregor 
Petrowitsch Girtschitsch, formerly in the Judge Advocate General's Department 
of Wrangel's army and at present living in Tunis, has furnished exhaustive information in a 
report dated the 30 th April 1936, such information having added importance in view of the fact 
that Girtschiisch himself conducted the case against du Chayla. 

Already at the beginning of June 1936, Dr. Boris Liffschitz, a Russian Jew 
practising at the bar in Switzerland, and acting as counsel to du Chayla, was informed of the 
existence of these declarations, both of which were handed to the court. Du Chayla however 
omitted to bring any action for libel against S. S. Nilus. He apparently considered discretion to 
be the better part of valour, and that it was preferable in this instance to take the insult that he 
was a perfidious liar and slanderer sitting down, rather than take the risk of bringing an action 
against S. S. Nilus which would expose him to the danger of Nilus proving his contention true. 

Yet a third witness has recently come forward in the person of Andrej Petrowitsch 
Ratschkowsky in Paris. He is the son of State Councillor Ratschkowsky, whom 
incidentally, Du Chayla falsely described as a general, a rank which he never held. In a written 
statement dated 13 th July 1936, he states that he has searched through all the archives of his 
late father, which are in his possession, that is to say not only through his private 
correspondence, but also through all drafts of reports sent to the authorities in St. Petersburg, 
and that nowhere has he been able to detect the smallest trace of his father over having had 
anything to do with the Protocols. He had moreover never had so much as a hint from his 
father that the Protocols were known to him. His father had never been an Anti-Semite, he had 
had Jews as friends and collaborators, and more particularly at the time of the publication of 
the Protocols, his Secretary was the Jew M. Golschmann. Finally his father was never 
acquainted with the fabulous Madame Komarowsky, who was supposed to have handed the 
document over to him. 

Through the reports of those who might be described as the most telling witnesses in the 
case namely Nilus junior, Girtschitsch and Ratschkowsky junior, light has finally been brought 
to bear upon the forger's den. The statements of the crook and ex-Princess Radziwill, now 
Mrs. K. Danvin, and of the Bolshevist Agent and traitor Comte du Chayla are in all essential 
points untrue. State Councillor Ratschkowsky had never on any occasion anything to do with 
the Protocols. Nilus's lifelong friend who according to du Chayla was the go-between who 
handed him the Protocols, was not called Komarowsky, but Wolodimerow, and was never in 
contact of any kind with Ratschkowsky. 

Apart from this question, the research into the origins of the Protocols must be carried out 
to its very last detail. It would be particularly important to find out from whom Major 
Suchotin received the Protocols in 1895, or at an earlier date. Here we find ourselves at a dead 
end, which is all the more difficult to overcome, as the supposedly non-Jewish Soviet State 
puts difficulties in the way of all enquiries which are likely to prove disadvantageous to the 
Jews. Moreover the former Member of the Duma, Colonel Baron B. Engelhardt, in 
a communication from Riga, dated the 2 nd April 1935, states that in the Spring of 1917, 
immediately after the formation of the Provisional Go- 


vernment by the Freemason Prince Lwow, it became the principal care of that 
government to remove from the Ministry of Home Affairs and from the Police Department all 
confidential documents having relation either to Jewry or to the Protocols. 

All files and documents of a nature disagreeable to Jewry were collected, and under orders 
from Prince Lwow handed over against written receipt to the Jewish Politician W i n a w e r, 
a member of the Masonically influenced Miljukow party. From this time onwards the material 
in question completely disappeared. 

The expert Loosli did it is true, succeed through the intermediary of the Jewish solicitor 
T a g e r in Moscow in borrowing from the Soviet government documents for the composition 
of his expertise. These however, in spite of desperate efforts on the part of Loosli to nail down 
Ratschkowsky as the forger of the Protocols, do not afford the smallest ground for this 
assumption. Moreover apart from this, these documents of which Loosli was as proud as he 
was of the forgeries of Radziwill and of du Chayla, contain nothing whatever relating to the 
authorship of the Protocols. 

The fact that the authorship and the time of the composition of this document still remain a 
mystery, does not justify the assumption that the Protocols are an Anti-Semitic forgery; and 
even less, when the fact is taken into account that their contents are in complete and accurate 
accord with other Jewish writings, as also with the political occurrences of our time. This 
document has been in existence for many decades, and its validity has never yet 
been legally disproved. As long however as a forgery has not been proved, this 
document may be looked upon as genuine. For it is the inauthenticity of a 
document which must be proved by those who would attack it, 
and not its authenticity by those who would defend it. The Beme 
lawsuit has not cleared up the situation in any way; for of all the theses which have been 
brought to prove forgery, there is not one that will hold water. One and all rest upon a gross 
perversion of the facts. Only the guilty, and those who are afraid of the 
truth, make use of such methods as were used in Berne. 

5. Three orthodox Jews stand for the Authenticity of 

the Protocols. 

If up till now I have been principally concerned in the refutation of the assertions made by 
the opposing side, and have been able to show that Jewry have not been in the position to 
bring any valid evidence in support of forgery, I will now discuss a few important cases which 
go to show the authenticity of the Protocols. In this connection, I will quote the declarations of 
three orthodox Jews. 


About the year 1901, in the small Polish city of Schocken, now called Skoki, 
there lived one Rudolf Fleischmann, an assistant Rabbi, and slaughterer by trade. 
With this person the local Public Prosecutor, M. Noskowicz, entered into friendly 
relations. Fleischmann, whose honour had suffered serious injury at the hands of the Chief 
Rabbi Dr. Veilchenfeld, in that the latter had assaulted his fiancee, complained bitterly to his 
Christian friend, and related to him much in regard to the anti-Christian writings of the Jews. 
In this fashion they came to speak about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which at the time 
were already known in Russia. As Noskowicz has asserted in writing, Fleischmann assured 
him that the Protocols really did exist, and that they were no 
forgery. Moreover that they were positively of Jewish origin. He 
further laid it on him as a duty, to warn his Christian co-religionists and co-citizens of the 
Jewish danger. 

Noskowicz relates a second instance also. In the year 1906, he put the question direct to the 
well known Rabbi Griinfeld of Swarzedz in Poland, as to whether the Protocols 
were genuine or not. Thereupon Griinfeld gave him the following characteristically Jewish 
answer: "My dear Herr Noskowicz, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are 
not permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, 
and you are not supposed to know anything. For God's sake be careful, or 
you will be putting your life in danger." 

We are in possession of a further statement from the Russian Captain George (Our readers 
will understand that we cannot give his real name, as we otherwise might endanger the lives of 
his relatives in Soviet Russia.) In February 1924, in Jugo-Slavia, he visited the Jew 
Sawelij Konstantinowitsch Ephron, who was a refugee from Soviet Russia. 
Ephron in his early days had been a Rabbi in Vilna. He went over however to the Greek 
Orthodox Church, and became a mining engineer in St. Petersburg. He was moreover an 
author, and wrote under the nom de plume of "Litwin". He was the Editor of the Monarchist 
paper "The Light", and was a contributor to "The Messenger". He was also the author of the 
drama going under the name of "The Smugglers", which contains much severe criticism of 
Jewry. In consequence of this, he was brutally assaulted by some Jews, and his life being 
threatened when the Bolshevist revolution broke out he had to fly from his country, arriving 
finally in Serbia, where he found asylum in a cloister in the neighborhood of Petkowitze in the 
district of Schabatz. It was there that he died in the year 1926. 

When on a certain occasion Captain George questioned him on the subject of the 
genuineness of the Protocols, Ephron declared with emphasis that he had for long 
been well acquainted with their contents, indeed for many years 
before they were ever published in the Christian press. Ephron's 
words were written down by Captain George who made sure of the matter by obtaining a 
sworn statement regarding his bona fides from the Arch-Priest of the Russian Church 
in Paris in the month of October 1928. 

Both written declarations namely that of Public Prosecutor Noskowicz, and that of Captain 
George were included by Lieut. Colonel Fleischhauer 


in the expert report which he rendered to the Court in Berne. Like all other evidence offered 
by Fleischhauer however, these witnesses were completely disregarded by the Marxist Judge. 

The case of Ephron interested me quite exceptionally, and I therefore got into touch with 
different colonies of Russian emigres with a view to finding people who had been acquainted 
with him. The results were altogether beyond my expectations. I discovered a Russian who 
had formerly fought in Wrangel's Army, Wa s s i 1 ij S . (His real name is also concealed) 
who had made friends with Ephron at Petkowitze and who actually handed me a short treatise 
upon the Protocols in the Russian language written by Ephron himself. It is actually the 
concept of a letter addressed by Ephron in the year 1921, to the Russian Emigrant paper, 
edited by Burtzew in Paris, "Obschtscheje djelo" (La Cause Commune). Ephron had at about 
this time read an article in this paper, in which a writer by name of A. J. Kuprin, 
questioned the genuineness of the Protocols, and pretended to show that they were a forgery 
on the assumption that the Jews were incapable of producing an anti-Christian work of this 
description. The indignant Ephron thereupon wrote the following letter to the Editor: 

"In my quiet cloister (I am living in a Serbian monastery.) it is seldom that I see a 
newspaper. The other day however a copy of the "Obschtscheje djelo" came into my 
hand, and in it I read a feuilleton by A. J. Kuprin entiled "Guslitzkaja Fabrika". In this 
feuilleton Monsieur Kuprin discusses the Zionist Protocols of Nilus, and describes for 
the benefit of the reader the impressions which he gets from the perusal of this book. 
Whatever conclusion he comes to in this instance in regard to the genuineness of the 
Protocols, is a matter of little or no interest to me, for in the matter under 
consideration, Monsieur Kuprin cannot be considered an 
authority in any sense of the word. In spite of the above however, my 
attention was drawn to certain statements in this feuilleton. Monsieur Kuprin writes: 
"What surprises one in the Protocols is this downright, blind, stupid, one might say 
uniform hate against Christianity, which only an unimaginative and commonplace Jew- 
baiter, writing in accordance with his feelings against the Jews, could ascribe to the 
Elders of Zion. Every word of these Protocols breathes blood, revenge, slavery, 
destruction and ruin. One does not only feel the deadly and poisonous power of the 
word, but also the paralysing commonplace. When the diplomats of two different 
countries set out to ravish a portion of a third, or when two financiers set about plucking 
some trustful pigeons, they do not usually call things by their proper names, but are wont 
to conceal the hard reality with kindly words and tasteful forms. These 70 Elders, the 
highest authority of an intelligent people, and no doubt themselves also highly cultivated 
persons, would it is clear be ashamed of such a primitive and pogrom-like brutality as is 
attributed to them in the Protocols." 

"The above quotation from the article of this well meaning author breathes passionate 
resentment against the Protocols, and the Christian conscience of the writer cannot 
reconcile itself to the wickedness and the hate against Christianity with which the 
Protocols are per- 


meated. He is unable therefore to acknowledge that they are genuine, and out of 
goodness of heart he cannot recognize them. Thus must it be. It is difficult to come to 
terms with life when such wickedness and such hattfare found to exist. To an author 
brought up and educated in Christian ethics, they may seem impossible and an absurdity. 
But nevertheless ... This wickedness and this hatred of 
Christianity among the chosen people have both existed in 
the past, and exist up to the present day." 

"I propose to the well meaning author that he communicate with Monsieur Pasmanik, 
and ask him to be kind enough to translate the following words taken from the 
prayer which every Jew is bound to repeat thrice daily. (I take 
it that Monsieur Pasmanik is cognisant of ancient Hebrew, and is also familiar with the 


"These words, I repeat it, and I hope that Monsieur Pasmanik will confirm what I say, 
are repeated three times a day by every Jew in his prayers. Now if Monsieur Pasmanik 
will accurately translate the words of the Hebrew prayer, and Monsieur Kuprin comes to 
hear of their meaning, he will surely understand that as a Christian, and as a man of 
honour, he is bound publicly to withdraw what he has said in 
the above quoted statement, a statement clearly dictated by goodness of 
heart, and from feelings of Christian charity, and in no way attributable to any 
knowledge of Judaism, or of Jewish ethics." 

P. S. If in the course of the next fifteen days Monsieur Pasmanik does not 
communicate the meaning of the Hebrew prayer to A. J. Kuprin, I will print a translation 
in the Nowoje Wremja, as much for his own edification, as for the edification of other 
writers similarly placed, who have erred in all good faith." 

Upon Ephron's Russian concept the following further notes are to be found, and also a 
translation of the Hebrew text: 

"Up to the sixties of the previous century these words were printed in the Hebrew 
prayer books; at the beginning of the sixties however, they were forbidden by the 
Russian censorship, which naturally did not prevent the Jews then, as it does not prevent 
them now, from repeating them three times a day. 

"Schaketz tischakzenu", thou shall utterly detest it, (the Cross of Christ), 

"Save tissawenu", thou shalt utterly abhor it, 

"Ki cherem", for it is a cursed thing. 

"Hu", fye!" *) 

Burtzew never published this letter. He also suppressed it in his evidence before the Court 
in Berne. Whether Ephron also sent it to the Nowoje Wremja as he intended, is not known. 

It is altogether characteristic of Ephron's attitude to the Protocols, that it was just an article 
which pretended to prove them a forgery which 

*) For this curse the Jews make use of Deuteronomy VII, 26. 


he took as an occasion for repudiating any such theory. He does not express any direct opinion 
as to their authenticity, but it is sufficient that he denies to Kuprin the right to express any 
opinion upon the matter, upon the grounds that he does not understand the subject, and that he 
energetically repudiates the letter's attempt to establish a forgery. His attitude comes even 
more clearly to light in the following report compiled by Wassilij Smirinow in the presence of 
two witnesses on the 15 th of December 1936, viz: 

"After my arrival in Jugo-Slavia in the year 1921, in my capacity of an officer in 
General Wrangel's army, I came across a group of Russian emigrants in the village of 
Petkowitze, in the district of Schabatz, where it had been suggested that I should live. 

"In the vicinity of this village, the Serbian monastery of St. Pelko is to be found. As I 
heard shortly afterwards, in this monastery lived Sawelij Konstantinowitsch Ephron, who 
had found a home there, as age and infirmity (he was at the time 72) prevented him from 
doing any active work. Ephron had come there on the recommendation of Bishop 
Michael of Schabatz, in whose diocese this cloister was situated. Bishop Michael had in 
former times been the head of a Serbian religious house in Moscow. 

"It was at this time that I first began to receive the "Obschtscheje djelo", three copies 
of which were forwarded to me from Paris with a view to its distribution among the 
Russian emigrants. Ephron came to hear that I was receiving the "Obschtscheje djelo", 
and sent me a message through one of the Russians asking me to visit him, and saying 
that he would much like to see the paper in question. I visited him in the course of the 
next few days, and began also to send him the paper. Thus it was that my acquaintance 
with Ephron began. 

"Later, in No. 440 of the above periodical, a feuilleton written by Kuprin appeared 
under the title of "Guslitzkaja Fabrika", in which he attacked the author of the Protocols 
for the blind and bloodthirsty hate against Christianity exhibited in them. Kuprin further 
expressed doubts regarding the capability of the Jews to express such sentiments. What 
he meant was that only the most ordinary type of Jew-baiter could ascribe such 
sentiments to them. 

"This attitude of Kuprin to the Protocols disturbed Ephron very much, and on the 
occasion of my next visit, he started to relate to me the opinion which he had formed of 
the feuilleton in question. He had a reply to Kuprin already written, and addressed to the 
Editor of "Obschtscheje djelo", which he asked me to despatch. In the course of a further 
conversation regarding this feuilleton, he became very indignant about Kuprins' 
ignorance of the theme he had handled. He held him to be completely incompetent to 
express any opinion on the nature of the case. 

"On the occasion of this conversation, Ephron handed me the concept of the letter he 
had written to Kuprin with the words: "Take it, my dear friend, it may perhaps be of use 
to you some day." 

"In connection with this feuilleton of Kuprin's, there began between us the most open 
hearted conversations in the course of which he told me what he knew regarding the 
Zionist Protocols. In view of 


the fact that it is such a long time ago, I cannot now remember everything that he said, 
but one or two leading points which have graven themselves on my memory I will now 
quote in inverted commas, making use to the best of my recollection of Ephron's own 
words. He asked me once whether I had read the Protocols through, and on my replying 
in the affirmative, he began to say that the Protocols of the Elders of 
Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, 
but a compressed extract of the same. Then he said to me that he was 
very much troubled in his conscience as to whether he should reveal the 
secret of their origin or not, for he did not know whether in so doing he 
would be doing more harm than good. 

"I cannot here remember the exact course of our conversation, but as far as I know I 
had put to him a question regarding the origin and the existence of the original Protocols. 
In answer, he excitedly caught hold of me by the lapel of my coat, and said literally: 

"My dear friend, in the matter of the origin, and of the 
existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men 
in the entire world who know, and one of them is your 
servant." In saying these words he touched his breast with his forefinger and added: 
"My dear friend (this was his favourite mode of address where I was concerned), 
if you come to me often enough, it is just possible that I 
may bring myself to reveal this secret to you." 

"It was a short time after this that a position was offered me in Belgrade, and to my 
great regret I was compelled to part with him for good. It was in this fashion that he took 
the secret of the Protocols with him into the grave. He died 2 to 3 years after my 
departure, as I afterwards heard." 

"From what he told me, I learnt that he was a Jew, and that he went over to the 
Orthodox Church in Russia. After his conversion, he was a missionary in Central Asia, 
and was also a correspondent of the Academy of Science. He was moreover Editor of the 
paper "Istorritscheskij Wjestnik". He had a son, who had been an officer in the Russian 

"I have attached the aforementioned concept of Ephron's letter to Kuprin hereto. 

"The above statements I am at all times ready to confirm on oath." 

(Signed) Wassilij Smirinow. 

Former Commandant A. M. Dept., 
Propaganda Section, 
G. H. Q. South Russian Forces. 

As a result of further investigation, I was fortunate enough to find yet another Russian, who 
over a period of years had been personally acquainted with Ephron. This was Wassilij 
Michailowitsch Choroschun who lived at Petkowitze in Jugoslavia, and who at 
the time of Ephron's residence there, was the business administrator of the monastery in the 


Choroschun has given the following written declaration: 

"During the period between June 1924 and November 1929, I was resident at the 
Cloister of St Paraskewa (Petka), in the Province of Schabatz in Jugoslavia. To the 
different duties which the Prior of this religious house, the monk Aristarch, laid upon me 
belonged that of conducting the business affairs of the cloister. I consequently became 
familiar with the archives of the cloister, and with all matters pertaining to the persons it 

"As regards Sawelij Konstantinowitsch Ephron, I associated with him from the 
moment of his arrival in the monastery, up to the time of his decease. According to the 
letter of recommendation from Bishop Michael of Schabatz, which was entered in our 
files under the number 191, Ephron arrived at the cloister on June the 7th 1921. His 
decease took place on the night of the 23 rd of June 1925. He died alone and without 
witnesses. All his personal belongings, his notes, and his books were sent by General 
Tolstow, who was also resident in the cloister, to the office of the Agent for Russian 
Refugees in Belgrade at that time one Paleolog. I often had talks with Ephron. He used to 
tell me about his past, and used to communicate to me his thoughts upon different 
matters, and among them upon the Jewish question. I remember that he told me that he 
completed his rabbinical training at Vilna, and that afterwards he became a rabbi. He said 
that after he came to know of a certain secret law among the Jews (he did not say which) 
in which the hatred of humanity which it propounds had impressed him most, he decided 
to break with Jewry. After he had broken with Jewry, he entered the School of Mines in 
St Petersburg, and qualified there. Afterwards he took to a literary career. He became a 
collaborator on the "Nowoje Wremja", editor of Komarow's newspaper "Swet", and of 
the "Istoritscheskij Wjestnik", and Secretary of the Slavonic Committee. 

It was during the time that he was with on this Committee, that he became acquainted 
with the Prior of the Serbian Monastery in Moscow, the Archimandrite Michael, who 
afterwards when Bishop of Schabatz, arranged for his reception into the Cloister of Saint 
Paraskewa. Ephron told me that he had two sons who had remained in Soviet Russia, and 
who occasionally sent him money. I remember that on the day of his death 50 Dollars 
arrived from one of his sons. On one occasion Ephron made me a present of Nilus's book 
on the Zionist Protocols. I remember that on this occasion he said to me: "They (the 
Protocols) are an actual fact, and every word of them is 
true." In his conversations on the subject of Jewry, he asserted with all emphasis, that 
the Jews have secret books which they show to nobody but to the initiated. 

Three or four months before his death, the author Rodionoff wrote to him from 
Mostar urging him to reveal the secrets of Jewry. S. K. Ephron did not however wish to 
do this, as he was awaiting the visit of the Metropolitan Antonius, to whom 
he wished to reveal everything concerning the Jews. In his letters to Ephron, the 
Metropolitan Antonius promised him that he would visit the cloister in company with 
General Netschwolodow, who was coming from 


Paris for the purpose. In the last few days, as he felt death approaching, Ephron often 
gave expression for his distress at the Metropolitan not having arrived. He was 
apparently possessed with a great longing to reveal to him the secret of Jewry which was 
tormenting him. Unfortunately the Metropolitan never came, and thus did it come about 
that the secret was entrusted by Ephron to no-one. 

Testified by the undersigned 

Wassilij Michailowitsch Choroschun, 

Petkowitze, District of Schabatz, Jugoslavia. 

February 3 rd , 1937. 

The declarations of the Assistant Rabbi Fleischmann, of Rabbi Griinfeld and of 
the former Rabbi Ephron taken together, give incontrovertible proof of the correctness of 
the assumption that the Protocols are a genuine Jewish document. Of a particularly convincing 
order is the information supplied by Ephron to the three Russian witnesses Captain 
George, Major Smirnow and the Administrator Choroschun. From his 
testimony the following fact also becomes clear namely that the Protocols were drawn up 
before the Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897, and were already known to the initiated in 
Jewry; and moreover that the text which we possess through the intermediary of Nilus is a 
compressed extract only of an as yet undiscovered, and far more extensive secret document. It 
is therefore of particular importance to note that in this respect, Nilus makes practically the 
same assumption on page 54 of the third edition of his book, namely that the manuscript 
which had come into his hands was evidently "a fragment only of some very much more 
important manuscript, of which the beginning, and many details have either been lost, or may 
never even have been found." 

6. The Contents confirm the Authenticity. 

To prove the authenticity of the Protocols from their contents, would be beyond the scope 
of this treatise. There exists upon this subject a literature so extensive, and more particularly in 
the Expertise drawn up by Colonel Fleischhauer for the lawsuit in Berne, a mass of evidence 
so overwhelming, that I will confine myself to the following remarks only. 

It is not by any means first in the Protocols, but already in the books of the Jewish prophets 
that the political objectives of the Jewish people are laid down. Isaiah in particular, in chapters 
XL to LX promises quite undisguisedly world-domination to the chosen people. The same 
thing exactly is the aim of the Protocols, which may be said to differ only in the sense that 
they are a modern strategic plan, drawn up in a manner more suited to present-day conditions. 

Countless statements from Rabbinical sources, and by Jewish politicians, documentarily 
attested, agree in astonishing fashion with the general lines of the Protocols. 


The following fact moreover cannot be refuted namely, that the political occurrences of the 
present day, taking place as they do under the influence of Jewish Freemasonry, are 
developing in exact accordance with the lines laid down in the Protocols, and that more 
particularly in Soviet Russia, under "the leadership of Jewry, the Protocols have already 
become an accomplished fact. It is only necessary to think of the destruction of the Christian 
religion as ordered in the Protocols, of the destruction of all estates, of the moral poisoning of 
youth, and of the undermining of the family, of the enslavement of the working people, and of 
the famines created in a fashion so conscienceless, of the way in which Moscow organises 
agitation and incitement of the masses in all countries, more especially in the case of Spain, of 
the continuous strikes and economic crises in France, and of the subsidised and controlled 
revolutionary movements in Mexico and in China, to come to the only possible conclusion 
namely, that Jewry with the help of Bolshevism, Marxism and Freemasonry, is undeviatingly 
carrying out what is prescribed in the Protocols, in order to obtain for the Jewish people that 
world-domination which is promised to them by their God Jehovah. 

This fight for world-domination has been in full swing ever since Italian Fascism put an end 
to the destructive activities of Freemasonry, that most dangerous of all Jewish secret societies, 
and since Germany has declared openly that it is the Jew, and the Jew alone who is the driving 
force behind the destruction of political order among the different peoples. In complete 
accordance with the sense of Protocol 7, the dogs of war are to be let loose against those states 
who desire to free themselves from the Jewish reign of terror, such states as Germany, Italy, 
Spain, Portugal and Poland. 

On the above subject the following forms an interesting extract from the "Revue 
internationale des societes secretes, No 7 of the 1 st of April 1937: 

"A new war in defence of democracy and of alleged law is being prepared in all haste. 
An alliance of all the Jewish groups is already complete; it bears the official title of the 
alliance of the three great democracies, the English, the American, and the French. ... 
Israel requires a new world war, and soon! ... Israel is positively of 
the opinion that time is getting short. To them their world war is a necessity in 
order that, in the name of indivisible peace, all that portion of mankind who wish to cast 
off the Jewish yoke, may be laid low." 

It is just the three countries above mentioned who to-day are completely under Jewish- 
Masonic control. Practically every member of their respective governments is a Freemason. In 
their case also in all key positions, men of Jewish origin are to be found, or persons who either 
as a result of marriage, or of financial obligation, are open to Jewish influence. I will in 
general refrain from mentioning names. I should like however to point to one man only, in 
regard to whom Jewry are always proclaiming that he is not a Jew namely, Stalin. But Stalin in 
point of fact is married to a Jewess, and his all powerful Secretary of State is his brother-in- 
law Kaganowitsch. Only statesmen completely blind fail to recognise that the fate of the 
peoples entrusted to their charge no longer depends upon themselves, and that they will most 
certainly bring their peoples under the Jewish Bolshevist yoke if they do not first of all unite 
to fight the Jewish world danger. It is neither from 


Germany, Italy, nor Japan that danger threatens, but solely and only from the direction of 
Jewry, who in every country play a pretendedly patriotic role, but at the same time, by means 
of their international press, incite one country against the other, in complete accordance with 
the directions of Protocol 7: 

"Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents 
also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. ... We must compel the 
governments of the Goyim to take action in the direction favoured by our widely- 
conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall 
represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called 
"Great Power" - the Press, which with few exceptions that may 
be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands." 

The plan of Jewry as developed in the Protocols, becomes from year to year more clear and 
more terrible. Whoever still persists in refusing to recognise it, is either seriously incapable, or 
else guilty of a crime against his own people. 

And once again I will take as my authority a Jew, who unconditionally stands for the 
authenticity of the Protocols, and who asserts that Jewish mentality alone could draw up a 
programme like that of the Protocols, so that if only on these grounds, it is not possible to 
doubt the authenticity of the document. The authority referred to is the late Arthur Trebitsch, 
author of "Deutscher Geist oder Judentum", published 1921, on page 74 of which we find the 

"Anybody who like the author, has long since realised, seen, and heard with ominous 
dread, all the thoughts, aims and intentions derived from the entirety of our economic, 
political and intellectual life, and expressed in those secret documents, can with absolute 
confidence assert that they present the most genuine and unalloyed expression of that 
versatile spirit which is striving towards world-domination; and that an Aryan mind, 
however far it might have been driven along the road of forgery and calumny by Anti- 
Semitic rancour, could never, under any circumstances have devised these methods of 
action, these underhand expedients and these swindles as a whole." 


A Conference of the World Service, the international organisation for 
defence against Jewish aggression in all countries, took place in Erfurt from the 2 nd to the 5 th 
of September of this year. Distinguished experts, authors and political leaders, more especially 
from the following countries, took part: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Great-Britain, Finland, 
Greece, Holland, Italy, Jugoslavia, Canada, Lettland, the U.S.A., Norway, Austria, Poland, 
Russia (Emigration), Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. 

After the commission appointed to enquire into the authenticity of the Protocols had 
rendered a report of its two years of activity, the Congress unanimously adopted the following. 


"That the present Conference of the World Service taking place at Erfurt from the 2 nd to the 
5 th of September 1937, in which many experts, authors and political leaders from more than 20 
different countries are taking part, passes the following resolution relative to the authenticity 
of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion": 

That the verdict given in Berne on the 14 th of May 1935 to the 
effect that the Protocols are a forgery, is a faulty verdict. That it 
only became possible in consequence of the Judge having erroneously based his judgement 
upon the expertises of the two Swiss experts recommended by the Jewish side C. A. 
Loos 1 i and Professor A. Baumgarten, after he had heard the 16 witnesses for the 
Jewish side, and after having refused to hear any single one of the 40 witnesses brought by the 
Aryan side. 

The verdict in Berne has not shaken the authenticity of the Protocols. For their authenticity 
the following irrefutable fact, among many others, bears witness namely, that Jewry in the 
social, political, and religious sphere, persistently model all their actions along the lines laid 
down in the Protocols. 

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are accordingly the 
authentic programme of Jewish world politics." 














All rights reserved 

Mo. XXIV, 31 
Mpo. XIII, 7). 
,V. XXI, 31. • 



0 tomb, vcMy He nmnn BtpnTb 



Uoc4Minan>uM rindjy Xpirmoty 

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at* - , iiepcataauuue n ana* 
Miuc.ibuo ao hoc 
nojjiiMlmnim nac-TtuoBa- 
iiiflMii ii na&iKueuiauii. 

Btd, CpftTiS, HC BO TbM*, MTOfly 

AfHb (TocnoACHb) aacTin* aaci, 
KaK-b TaTb (1 Co.i. 5, 4). 

(IpeTepn^Buiin *e ao KOHua 
fiMcrtca. (Mate. 24, I3l 

CepriS Hzjiycx, 



REV. I, 3. XXII, 10 
DAN. XII, 4. 





Dedicated to the small herd of Christ 

"Ye, brethren, do not remain in the dark so that the day (of the Lord) shall not 
catch ye as thieves." (I Sol. 5, 4.) 

"He who suffers to the end shall be saved." (Matt. 24, 13.) 




Part One 


T HE world is in the midst of a crisis not less serious than 
that of the great war. While it was inevitable that the 
period following the war should be fraught with grave prob¬ 
lems for civilization, these problems have been made much 
more difficult by the presence of a new danger, namely, the 
destructive force of Bolshevism. Russia was the first victim 
of what proves to be a movement of an international char¬ 
acter, Russia being used as the base of operations. While 
powerful Bolshevist armies are overrunning Asia and men¬ 
acing the European countries to the West, an equally danger¬ 
ous force of Red propagandists, directed from Moscow, is 
operating on several continents, spreading its social poison 
throughout the world and threatening the destruction of the 
social and industrial morale of civilized nations. 

With the triumph of the Bolshevist revolution in Russia, 
a group of internationalists, most of whom were members 
of the Jewish race, seized the machinery of government and 
have held it ever since. 

The complete destruction of Russian civilization, which for 
centuries had been essentially a Christian civilization, and the 
reduction of the great majority of the Russian people to a 
state of abject misery and ruin, are accomplished facts. The 
Bolshevist leaders, however, not content with this destruction 
and the establishment of a cruel despotism in Russia, are 
making every effort to extend their revolution and their con¬ 
trol to other countries. 

The Communist revolution in Hungary, under Bela Cohen 
(alias Kuhn), a confessed ally and agent of Trotzky, was not 
terminated until it had wrought great havoc in that country. 
The same is true of the Spartacan revolt in Germany, where 
recently the struggle broke out anew and assumed the char- 



acter of a formidable civil war. Holland and Italy are to-day 
seriously threatened with uprisings inspired by the Bolsheviki, 
while in France the government has been compelled to expel 
the Bolshevist agents in large numbers. In the United States 
revolutionary agitation directly guided and fomented by agents 
of Lenin and Trotzky and subsidized with ample funds, re¬ 
cently reached such proportions that the Federal Government 
was forced to take strong measures, including hundreds of 
arrests and deportations. The enemy is in our midst. In this 
country, as elsewhere, alien agitators who are either Bolshevists 
themselves or emissaries of the Bolsheviki have wormed their 
way into some of the loyal labor organizations or put them¬ 
selves at the head of the Socialist or other radical political 
parties artificially stimulating social unrest and seeking to turn 
industrial strikes into political upheavals, leading to revolution 
and anarchy. 

Shall America be as slow to realize the real danger of in¬ 
ternational Bolshevism as she was to recognize the menace 
of German imperialism? Shall America again be unprepared? 

We must be ready to meet the danger at our doors and, if 
necessary, to suppress it in our midst with physical force, just 
as was necessary in the struggle with Prussian militarism. It 
has been said, however, and perhaps truly, that Bolshevism can¬ 
not be met by force alone. Certainly to meet it effectively its 
nature must be understood. To this end it is necessary to 
analyze the movement carefully and to discover its underlying 
causes — if possible the predominating cause. 

From the very beginning there was an element of mystery 
in the Bolshevist revolution in Russia. Was it, essentially, an 
attempt to put into effect the principles of international social¬ 
ism as promulgated by Karl Marx? Was it a disguised form 
of proletarian imperialism? Did it aim at the complete de¬ 
struction of Christian civilization? Or, finally, was it a long 
planned, gigantic revolt of the Jewish race against Christen¬ 
dom and its institutions? 

From the very start there was a terrible method in the mad¬ 
ness of Trotzky and those in league with him. Many of their 
moves which at the time seemed inexplicable afterwards ap¬ 
peared logical enough when their objects became apparent. 

The world was puzzled by Trotzky's famous remark at 
Brest-Litovsk, "No peace, no war." Later, however, the real 



meaning became known: "No war on Germany, no peace for 
Russia or the rest of the world." 

That the Bolshevist revolution was from the beginning 
almost entirely led and controlled by Jews is a fact which has 
gradually thrust itself upon the attention of the world. The 
Jews in many instances have admitted the dominating role 
which members of their race have played in international 
Bolshevism and have sought to defend it. Some of their 
recognized leaders have proclaimed their pride in Trotzky. 

The fact that the Jewish race has taken such an active part 
in the Russian Bolshevist movement, with its international 
ramifications, has been attributed in some quarters to the 
motive of revenge on the part of the Jews for what they regard 
as a long era of persecution. If this be so, is it impossible 
that Jews in various parts of the world imagine that now is 
their chance not only for revenge but for world domination? 

The air of confidence with which Trotzky and other Jewish 
leaders are proceeding with their drastic program in Russia 
is significant. Significant, also, is the enthusiastic support 
which is being given to the Soviet rule by various Jewish 
elements and groups outside of Russia. Whether this co¬ 
related movement of the Jews in support of Bolshevism is 
not being carried out on some concerted plan is a question 
of importance which warrants careful study and investigation. 
No facts which can possibly throw light upon this question 
should be disregarded. For this reason it is timely to con¬ 
sider the contents and origin of a document of extraordinary 
interest which, though made public in Russia some fifteen 
years ago, is generally unknown elsewhere. 

The document referred to is entitled, "Protocols of the 
Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," and was pub¬ 
lished for the first time in 1905 at Tsarskoje Selo in a Russian 
book entitled "The Great in the Little," written by Serge 
Nilus, a well-known Russian author. The Protocols set forth 
a comprehensive program for the substantial destruction of all 
Christian states, and propose certain practical methods for 
achieving world domination by the Jewish nation. So far as 
is known, the Protocols have never been repudiated publicly 
by recognized Jewish authorities. Quite recently the well- 
known firm of Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., printers for the 
British Government, published a pamphlet under the title, 



"The Jewish Peril, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." 
In the preface of this pamphlet it is explained that the Proto¬ 
cols referred to were translated from the Russian into English 
from Serge Nilus's book which appeared in Russia in 1905. 
While the editors do not give the title of Nilus's book, they 

"A copy of the original may be seen at the British Museum 
Library, under No. 3926-d-i7, stamped British Museum, 10th 
August, 1906." 

They state also that the publication of the English pamphlet 
at present is justified by the growing menace of Bolshevism 
throughout the world. The pamphlet concludes with the 


It seems obvious that the publishers, Eyre & Spottis- 

woode, Ltd., have used Nilus's book "The Great in the Little," 
published in Russia in 1905. 

A specific reference to the Protocols is to be found also in 
the French weekly magazine La Vieille-France, No. 160, pub¬ 
lished in February, 1920. In the editorial article entitled "The 
Jews Have Created Bolshevism" (pages 10-13) the follow¬ 

ing extract from the Zionist Protocols, as published by Nilus, 
is given in French: 

"A nous, son Peuple d'election, Dieu a donnele pouvoir 
d'expansion, et ce qui semble etre notre faiblesse a ete notre 

force. Nous sommes au seuil de la domination universelle. II 

reste peu a construire sur ces bases," etc. etc. 

The article asserts that Bolshevism is nothing but a phase 
of Judaism, and also states that the Jewish Bolshevist leaders 
in Russia were subsidized by Jewish banking houses in the 
United States and Germany. 

In January, 1917, Mr. Nilus published another book under 
the title "It is Near, At the Door," and in this book the 
Protocols were again published in full. A reproduction of 
the title page of this book is inserted at the beginning of this 

While the Protocols are generally unknown here, it is 
worthy of note that on October 27-28, 1919, the Philadelphia 
Public Ledger printed long excerpts from them in an article 
calling the attention of the American people to the document 
and to the terrible program which it presents. The article 



in the Ledger was somewhat misleading, however, since it 
was published under the captions "Red Bible" and "Bolshe¬ 
vist Propaganda." All words in the text itself indicating that 
the Protocols were of Jewish origin were omitted. The 
Hebrew word "Goys," signifying "Gentiles," used in the 
Protocols, nowhere appears in the Ledger article. Further¬ 
more, wherever in the Protocols the expressions "our people" 
or "we" — meaning the "Jewish people" or the "Jews" — 
are used, the author of the article makes it appear that the 
people thus referred to are the "Bolshevists," and speaks of 
the Protocols as a "Russian document," which clearly it is 
not. Mr. Nilus shows that the Protocols came into his hands 
in 1901. In 1901 the Bolshevist Party did not exist, for it was 
founded only in 1903 and was not really organized for work 
until several years later. Nowhere in the Protocols does the 
word "Bolshevist" appear, while the word "Jews" is used 
many times, although the writer more frequently uses the 
word "we" when speaking of the Jews. There is only one 
hypothesis upon which the Protocols could possibly be con¬ 
sidered "Bolshevist," namely, that the Bolshevist movement 
was of Jewish origin, in which case the plan outlined in the 
Protocols might have become "Bolshevist" by adoption. 

The very fact that a document purporting to be written by 
a Jew for Jews could be so easily described as "Bolshevist 
Propaganda" is of interest. 

Now, for the first time, the document entitled by Mr. Nilus 
"Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom" 
is published in full in the United States, correctly translated 
from the Russian. For this purpose we have used the Rus¬ 
sian text as it appears in Mr. Nilus's book, "It is Near, At the 
Door," 1917, published in the printing office of the Sviato- 
Troitzky Monastery. 

Before proceeding to examine the contents of the Protocols, 
let us briefly give Mr. Nilus's account of the way in which 
they came into his possession and of his views in regard to 
their origin. 

Mr. Nilus, at pages 86 to 92 of his book, "It is Near, 
At the Door," states that he received the manuscript containing 
the Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom 
in 1901 from Mr. Alexis Nikolajevich Souchotin, at one time 
Marshal of Nobility in the District of Chern, Central Russia, 



and later Vice Governor of the Government of Stavropol, 
South Russia, and that when giving the manuscript to 
Mr. Nilus, Mr. Souchotin said: 

"Take it into your full possession. Read it. Become in¬ 
spired and make out of it something useful to the Christian 
soul. Otherwise it might remain with me unused. From a 
political standpoint it is useless, for it is too late to act on it. 
From a spiritual standpoint, however, it might be otherwise. 
In your hands, with God's help, it will bear fruit." 

Mr. Nilus states that Mr. Souchotin told him that the manu¬ 
script was originally obtained by a lady whose name is not 
given and who, he said, obtained it in a mysterious way. 
Mr. Nilus showed it to several Russians of high standing, 
one of whom said: 

"Slavdom has not yet spoken its last word and, therefore, 
no matter how cunning and strong the Zionist Men of Wis¬ 
dom may be, their efforts are doomed to failure, and for this 
reason there is no need to despair." 

Mr. Nilus states that prior to 1905 he submitted the Proto¬ 
cols to Grand Duke Serge Alexandrovitch, who, having ex¬ 
amined them, sent him a message of two words only: "Too 

Subsequently, Mr. Nilus made several attempts to call the 
attention of the proper officials to the contents of this docu¬ 
ment but without result. In 1905 he published the second 
edition of his book, "The Great in the Little." In this edition 
the Protocols were for the first time incorporated. 

In his last book Mr. Nilus writes: 

"These Protocols produced a scarcely noticeable impression 
upon the world outside of the Christian church. The periodi¬ 
cal press, which in the main is in Jewish hands, or under the 
guidance and influence of the Jews, sought to conceal their pub¬ 
lication, scarcely mentioning them or referring to them as a 
fallacious invention or a fairy tale. Among loyal Christians, 
however, the Protocols bore fruit and created a success for my 
book far greater than could have been anticipated, for they 
spread the knowledge of the hidden mysteries of our time in 
a wide circle of those belonging to the Christian family. Since 
then my book, with all the Protocols, has appeared in its fourth 
edition; but only now I learn authoritatively from Jewish 
sources that these Protocols are nothing else than a strategic 
plan for the conquest of the world, putting it under the yoke 
of Israel, the struggler-against-God, a plan worked out by the 
leaders of the Jewish people during the many centuries of their 



dispersion, and finally presented to the Council of Elders by 
"The Prince of Exile," Theodor Hertzl, at the time of the first 
Zionist Congress, summoned by him at Basle in August, 1897." 

Again he writes: 

"In what way these documents, constituting the Holy of 
Holies of the hopes of Israel, the century-old mystery of its 
leaders, reached the general mass of the uninitiated has not 
been ascertained. As already mentioned, they were given to 
me in 1901. In that year, in circular No. 18, as well as in 
others dispatched to the Zionists on behalf of the Zionist 
'Actions Committee,' 1 Theodor Hertzl stated that certain con¬ 
fidential information, notwithstanding the admonition, has not 
been kept secret, and has been given undesirable publicity." 

Finally Mr. Nilus declares: 

"The Protocols are signed by the Zionist Representatives of 
the 33rd (highest) Degree of Initiation. These Protocols 
were secretly removed from the complete file of Protocols 
which, as we now know, pertained to the first Zionist Congress, 
held in Basle in August, 1897. All this was taken from the 
secret vaults at the main Zionist office which, at present, is 
located in French territory." 

In 1918 the "Protocols" were again published in Russian 
by a book publishing firm, "The Sentinel" at Novocherkassk, 
South Russia. The pamphlet referred to bears the title 
"Zionist Protocols. The plans for the Conquest of the Uni¬ 
verse by the Judo-Masons." In the introduction to the pam¬ 
phlet it is stated: "The 'Protocols' are a program carefully 
worked out in all its details for the conquest of the universe 
by the Jews. The greater part of this program has already 
been realized, and if we will not come back to our senses, we 
are inevitably doomed." In the concluding part of this intro¬ 
duction the publishers state as follows: "The 'Protocols,' 
indeed, are not only the key to our first unsuccessful revolu¬ 
tion, but they are also the key to the second, in which Jewry 
played such a sinister role for Russia. . . . For us, who are 
witnesses of the self-destruction of Russia, for us who hope 
for her regeneration, this document is all the more significant 
as it discloses the means of the enemies of Christendom for 
our enslavement. Only after having obtained the knowledge 
of the means it may become possible to successfully combat 
the enemies of Christ and of Christian culture." 

There is not, and in the nature of the case there hardly can 

■ "Actions Committee" has the same meaning as Executive Com¬ 
mittee. „ 


be, any direct evidence as to the authenticity of the Protocols. 
There is, however, a considerable body of facts having a 
bearing upon this question which the publishers of this book 
put before the reader, leaving him to draw his own conclusions. 

The facts to which we refer may be roughly grouped under 
three heads: 

(a) There is a remarkable similarity between the policies of 
destruction outlined in the Protocols and the actual measures 
of destruction put into effect by the Bolshevist regime in 
Russia, and there is evidence that this regime is under the 
control of Jewish leaders. 

(b) There is also a striking parallelism between certain 
passages in the Protocols and the statements of recognized 
Jewish leaders, both religious and political, appearing in their 
published writings and speeches. 

(c) Finally, certain Jewish activities outside of Russia coin¬ 
cide in a remarkable degree with certain parts of the Protocols. 

In Part Two of this volume evidence under these various 
heads is set forth. This evidence, however, can he intelligently 
considered only after a careful study of the Protocols them¬ 
selves, a translation of which appears in the following pages, 
preceded by a short summary prepared for the convenience of 
the reader. 


The title under which the Protocols are presented in 
Mr. Nilus's text, according to the literal translation from the 
Russian, is: 


The word "Protocols" can he used in several senses, but in 
the present case the context would indicate that the word 
means simply the written minutes of certain meetings — i.e. 
meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom. The arrangement 
is in twenty-four separate Protocols, each Protocol apparently 
recording the contents of an address to the meeting by one 
of its members. The context would also indicate that all the 
addresses were delivered by the same person, and it should 
also he noted that each Protocol deals with a more or less 
distinct part of one complete subject, like the chapter of a 



In the first Protocol it is stated that the speaker undertakes 
to formulate "our system both from our point of view and 
from that of the Goys." The word "Goys" or "Goyims" is 
an old Hebrew word signifying Gentiles, or persons who are 
not Jews. All of the following Protocols, whether they are 
the utterances of the same person who speaks in the first Pro¬ 
tocol or not, are a continuation of the same general subject. 

Taking the set of documents as a whole, they clearly pur¬ 
port to formulate a strategic plan for united action of the 
Jews as a nation, or a people, to obtain certain ends. These 
ends are nothing less than complete political and religious 
domination of the world. The means by which this universal 
domination is to be achieved are set forth with great clearness 
and considerable elaboration. 

The document as a whole is of the most extraordinary 
character, and while to some readers it may seem fanatical 
or visionary, others will be more impressed with its pro¬ 
found cleverness, with the cold logic of the reasoning, and 
with the general orderliness of statement and argument, in¬ 
dicating that the work, whatever the underlying motive may 
be, is the result of careful thought and mature deliberation. 

The strategic plan of action is Machiavellian and ruthless 
in the extreme, and is expressly founded on the propositions 
that "might is right" and that "politics have nothing in com¬ 
mon with morals." It is also explicitly stated that the end 
in view is to "subjugate all government to our super-govern¬ 
ment," and the Jewish super-government is to be an autocracy 
with a Jewish Sovereign at its head. 

Briefly summarized, the means by which this world domina¬ 
tion is to be achieved are as follows: 

1. The national power of non-Jewish states is to he broken 
down by the fomenting of internal revolutions through ap¬ 
peals to class hatred, and by pretended efforts to obtain greater 
freedom and privileges for certain classes of the people, using 
the words "liberty, equality, and fraternity" merely as catch¬ 
words to gain recruits for the Jewish cause. Autocratic gov¬ 
ernments, which alone are strong, must be weakened in the 
first instance by the introduction of liberalism, which will pave 
the way to anarchy. 

2. All wars must be "shifted to an economic basis," allow¬ 
ing no territorial advantages to result from war, and thus 



tending to make the Jewish control of wealth the determining 
factor in war. 

3. The Jewish international rights are to be strengthened 
at the expense of the national rights of the several Gentile 

4. The non-Jewish states are to be further weakened by 
promoting false and conflicting political policies; by obtain¬ 
ing secret control over the actions of public officials; by 
manipulation of the press, and by the gradual elimination of 
free speech. 

5. The authority of governments where liberalism prevails 
is to be weakened by the destruction of religion (other than the 
Jewish religion), since it is the conservative and moral force 
which makes liberal governments possible. 

6. In order to overcome the resistance of those states which 
are unwilling to make submission to the new Jewish power, 
there must be no hesitation in resorting to violence, cunning, 
hypocrisy, bribery, fraud, and treason, or to the seizure of the 
property of others. 

7. The destruction of the social and economic structure of 
Christian states will also be brought about by the destruction 
of industrial prosperity, through speculation and constant 
strikes, "throwing masses of workmen out of employment," 
artificially raising wages, thus increasing the cost of the 
necessaries of life, and finally by bringing about a general 
economic crisis and the disorganization of financial systems. 
The financial strength of the various non-Jewish states will 
also be undermined by causing them to overburden themselves 
with foreign and national loans on an ever increasing scale, 
which will ultimately lead to bankruptcy. 

8. Upon the social and political chaos created by these 
various means a Jewish dictatorship is to be gradually built 
up, principally through the "terrible" Jewish power of the 
purse and through the other great Jewish powers of control 
over the press and over the revolutionary labor movement. 

9. During the period of transition from Gentile to Jewish 
political control in every state there will be a secret government 
by the Jews, brought about through the manipulation of the 
press, misleading public opinion, mass terror, weakening the 
initiative of the Gentiles, misdirecting their education, and 
sowing discord among them. 


Protocols of the Meetings of the 
Zionist Men ofWisdom 


L ET us put aside phraseology and discuss the inner mean¬ 
ing of every thought; hy comparisons and deductions let 
us illuminate the situation. In this way I will describe our sys¬ 
tem, both from our own point of view and from that of the 

It must he remembered that people with base instincts are 
more numerous than those with noble ones; therefore, the best 
results in governing are achieved through violence and intimi¬ 
dation and not through academic discussion. Every man 
seeks power; every one would like to become a dictator if he 
possibly could; and rare indeed are those who would not sacri¬ 
fice the common good in order to attain personal advantage. 
What has restrained the wild beasts we call men? 

What has influenced them heretofore? 

In the early stages of social life they submitted to brute and 
blind force; afterwards — to the Law, which is the same force 
but disguised. I deduce from this that according to the laws 
of nature, right lies in might. 

Political freedom is not a fact hut an idea. One must know 
how to employ this idea when it becomes necessary to attract 
popular forces to one's party by mental allurement if it plans to 
crush the party in power. The task is made easier if the op¬ 
ponent himself has contradicted the idea of freedom, the so- 
called liberalism, and for the sake of the idea yields his power. 
It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory becomes ap¬ 
parent: the relinquished reins of power are, according to the 
laws of nature, immediately seized by a new hand because the 

The GOYS — the Gentiles. 



blind force of the people cannot remain without a leader even 
for one day, and the new power merely replaces the old, 
weakened hy liberalism. 

In our day the power of gold has replaced liberal rulers. 
There was a time when faith ruled. The idea of freedom can¬ 
not he realized because no one knows how to make reasonable 
use of it. Give the people self-government for a short time 
and it will become corrupted. From that very moment strife 
begins and soon develops into social struggles, as a result 
of which states are set aflame and their authority is reduced 
to ashes. 

Whether the state is exhausted by internal convulsions, or 
whether civil wars deliver it into the hands of external ene¬ 
mies, in either case it can be regarded as hopelessly lost: it 
is in our power. The despotism of capital, which is entirely 
in our hands, holds out to it a straw which the state must 
grasp, although against its will, or otherwise fall into the 

To him who, because of his liberal inclinations, would con¬ 
tend that arguments of this kind are immoral, I would pro¬ 
pound the question: If a state has two enemies, and if against 
the external enemy it is permitted and it is not considered 
immoral to use all methods of warfare, and as a protective 
measure not to acquaint the enemy with the plans of attack, 
such as night attacks or attacks with superior forces, then 
why should the same methods be regarded as immoral when 
applied to a worse foe, a transgressor against social order and 

How can a sound and logical mind hope successfully to 
guide the masses by means of reasonable persuasion or by 
arguments if there is a possibility of contradiction, even 
though unreasonable, but which may appear more attractive 
to the superficially thinking masses? Guided entirely by shal¬ 
low passions, superstitions, customs, traditions, and sentimental 
theories, the people in and of the mob become embroiled in 
party dissensions which prevent all possibility of an agree¬ 
ment, even though it be on a basis of perfectly sound reasoning. 
Every decision of the mob depends upon the accidental or 
prearranged majority, which, owing to its ignorance of polit¬ 
ical secrets, pronounces absurd decisions, thus introducing the 
seeds of anarchy into the government. 



Politics have nothing in common with morals. The ruler 
guided by morality is not a skilled politician, and consequently 
he is not firm on his throne. He who desires to rule must 
resort to cunning and hypocrisy. The great popular qualities 
— honesty and frankness — become vices in politics, as they 
dethrone more surely and more certainly than the most power¬ 
ful enemy. These qualities must be the attributes of GOY 
countries; but we by no means should be guided by them. 

Our right lies in might. The word "right" is an abstract 
idea, unsusceptible of proof. This word means nothing more 
than: Give me what I desire so that I may have evidence that 
I am stronger than you. 

Where does right begin? Where does it end? 

In a state with a poorly organized government and where the 
laws are insignificant, and the ruler has lost his dignity as the 
result of the accumulation of liberal rights, I find a new right, 
namely, the right of might to destroy all existing order and 
institutions, to lay hands on the law, to alter all institutions, 
and to become the ruler of those who have voluntarily, liberally 
renounced for our benefit the rights to their own power. 

With the present instability of all authority our power will 
be more unassailable than any other, because it will be invisible 
until it is so well rooted that no cunning can undermine it. 

From temporary evil to which we are now obliged to have 
recourse will emerge the good of an unshakable government, 
which will reinstate the orderly functioning of the mechanism 
of popular existence now interrupted by liberalism. The end 
justifies the means. In laying our plans we must turn our 
attention not so much to the good and moral as to the neces¬ 
sary and useful. Before us lies a plan in which a strategic line 
is shown, from which we must not deviate on pain of risking 
the collapse of many centuries of work. 

In working out an expedient plan of action it is necessary 
to take into consideration the meanness, vacillation, change¬ 
ability of the mob, its inability to appreciate and respect the 
conditions of its own existence and of its own well-being. It 
is necessary to realize that the power of the masses is blind, 
unreasoning, and void of discrimination, prone to listen to 
right and left. The blind man cannot guide the blind without 
bringing them to the abyss; consequently, members of the 
crowd, upstarts from the people, even were they men of 



genius but incompetent in politics, cannot step forward as 
leaders of the mob without ruining the entire nation. 

Only the person prepared from childhood to autocracy can 
understand the words which are formed by political letters. 

The people left to themselves, that is to upstarts from among 
them, are ruined by party dissensions created by greed for 
power and honors, and by the disorders resulting therefrom. 
Is it possible for the masses of the people to direct the affairs 
of the state without rivalry, and without interjecting per¬ 
sonal interests? Are they capable of protecting themselves 
against external enemies? — This is impossible, since a plan 
divided into as many parts as there are minds in a mob loses 
its unity, and consequently, becomes incomprehensible and 

Only an autocrat can outline great and clear plans which 
allocate in an orderly manner all the parts of the mechanism 
of the government machinery. From this it is concluded that 
the government which is the most efficient for the benefit of 
a country must be concentrated in the hands of one responsible 
person. Civilization cannot exist without absolute despotism, 
for government is carried on not by the masses, but by their 
leader, whoever he may be. A barbarous crowd shows its 
barbarism on every occasion. The moment the mob grasps 
liberty in its hands it is speedily changed to anarchy, which 
is in itself the height of barbarism. 

Look at those beasts, steeped in alcohol, stupefied by wine, 
the unlimited use of which is granted by liberty. 

Surely you cannot allow our own people to come to this. 
The people of the GOYS are stupefied by spirituous liquors; 
their youth is driven insane through excessive study of the 
classics, and vice to which they have been instigated by our 
agents — tutors, valets, governesses — in rich houses, by clerks, 
and so forth, and by our women in the pleasure places of the 
Goys. Among the latter I include the so-called "society 
women," their volunteer followers in vice and luxury. 

Our motto is Power and Hypocrisy. Only power can con¬ 
quer in politics, especially if it is concealed in talents which 
are necessary to statesmen. Violence must be the principle; 
hypocrisy and cunning the rule of those governments which 
do not wish to lay down their crowns at the feet of the agents 
of some new power. This evil is the sole means of attaining 



the goal of good. For this reason we must not hesitate at 
bribery, fraud, and treason when these can help us to reach 
our end. In politics it is necessary to seize the property of 
others without hesitation if in so doing we attain submission 
and power. 

Our government, following the line of peaceful conquest, 
has the right to substitute for the horrors of war less notice¬ 
able and more efficient executions, these being necessary to 
keep up terror, which induces blind submission. A just but 
inexorable strictness is the greatest factor of governmental 
power. We must follow a program of violence and hypocrisy, 
not only for the sake of profit, but also as a duty and for the 
sake of victory. 

A doctrine based on calculation is as potent as the means 
employed by it. That is why not only by these very means, 
but by the severity of our doctrines, we shall triumph and 
shall enslave all governments under our super-government. 

Even in olden times we shouted among the people the words 
"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." These words have 
been repeated so many times since by unconscious parrots, 
which, flocking from all sides to the bait, have ruined the 
prosperity of the world and true individual freedom, formerly 
so well protected from the pressure of the mob. The would-be 
clever and intelligent Goys did not discern the symbolism 
of the uttered words; did not notice the contradiction in the 
meaning and the connection between them; did not notice that 
there is no equality in nature; that there can be no liberty, 
since nature herself has established inequality of mind, char¬ 
acter, and ability, as well as subjection to her laws. They 
did not reason that the power of the mob is blind; that the 
upstarts selected for government are just as blind in politics 
as is the mob itself, whereas the initiated man, even though 
a fool, is capable of ruling, while the uninitiated, although a 
genius, will understand nothing of politics. All this has been 
overlooked by the GOYS. 

Meanwhile dynastic government has been based upon this, 
that the father passed to his son the knowledge of the course 
of political evolution, so that nobody except the members of 
the dynasty could possess this knowledge, and no one could 
disclose the secrets to the governed people. In the course of 
time the meaning of the dynastic transmission of the true 



understanding of politics has been lost, thus contributing to 
the success of our cause. 

In all parts of the world the words "Liberty, Equality, and 
Fraternity" have brought whole legions into our ranks through 
our blind agents, carrying our banners with delight. Mean¬ 
while these words were worms which ruined the prosperity 
of the GOYS, everywhere destroying peace, quiet, and solidar¬ 
ity, undermining all the foundations of their states. You will 
see subsequently that this aided our triumph, for it also gave 
us, among other things, the opportunity to grasp the trump 
card, the abolition of privileges; in other words, the very es¬ 
sence of the aristocracy of the GOYS, which was the only 
protection of peoples and countries against us. 

On the ruins of natural and hereditary aristocracy we built 
an aristocracy of our intellectual class —the money aristocracy. 
We have established this new aristocracy on the qualification 
of wealth, which is dependent upon us, and also upon science, 
which is promoted by our wise men. 

Our triumph was also made easier because, through our 
connections with people who were indispensable to us, we 
always played upon the most sensitive chords of the human 
mind, namely, greed, and the insatiable selfish desires of man. 
Each of these human weaknesses taken separately is capable 
of killing initiative and of placing the will of the people at the 
disposal of the buyer of their activities. 

Abstract liberty offered the opportunity for convincing the 
masses that government is nothing but the manager represent¬ 
ing the owner of the country, namely, the people, and that 
this manager can be discarded like a pair of worn-out gloves. 

The fact that the representatives of the nation can he de¬ 
posed, delivers them into our power and practically places 
their appointment in our hands. 


I T is necessary for us that wars, whenever possible, should 
bring no territorial advantages; this will shift war to an 
economic basis and force nations to realize the strength of our 
predominance; such a situation will put both sides at the 
mercy of our million-eyed international agency, which will be 



unhampered by any frontiers. Then our international rights 
will do away with national rights, in a limited sense, and will 
rule the peoples in the same way as the civil power of each 
state regulates the relation of its subjects among themselves. 

The administrators chosen by us from among the people 
in accordance with their capacity for servility will not be ex¬ 
perienced in the art of government, and consequently they will 
easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scien¬ 
tists and wise counselors, specialists trained from early child¬ 
hood for governing the world. As you are aware, these 
specialists have obtained the knowledge necessary for govern¬ 
ment from our political plans, from the study of history, and 
from the observation of every passing event. The GOYS are 
not guided by the practice of impartial historical observation, 
but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for its 
results. Therefore, we need give them no consideration. Until 
the time comes let them amuse themselves, or live in the hope 
of new amusements or in the memories of those past. Let 
that play the most important part for them which we have 
induced them to regard as the laws of science (theory). For 
this purpose, by means of our press, we increase their blind 
faith in these laws. Intelligent GOYS will boast of their 
knowledge, and verifying it logically they will put into prac¬ 
tice all scientific information compiled by our agents for the 
purpose of educating their minds in the direction which we 

Do not think that our assertions are without foundation: 
note the successes of Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzscheism, 
engineered by us. The demoralizing effects of these doctrines 
upon the minds of the GOYS should be already obvious to us. 

It is essential that we take into consideration the modern 
ideas, temperaments, and tendencies of peoples in order that 
no mistakes in politics and in guiding administrative affairs 
may be made. The triumph of our system, parts of whose 
mechanism must be adapted in accordance with the tempera¬ 
ment of the peoples with whom we come in contact, cannot 
be realized unless its practical application is based upon a 
resume of the past as related to the present. 

There is one great force in the hands of modern states which 
arouses thought movements among the people. That is the 

press. The role of the press is to indicate necessary demands, 



to register complaints of the people, and to express and foment 
dissatisfaction. The triumph of free babbling is incarnated 
in the press; but governments were unable to profit by this 
power and it has fallen into our hands. Through it we have 
attained influence, while remaining in the background. Thanks 
to the press, we have gathered gold in our hands, although 
we had to take it from rivers of blood and tears. 

But it cost us the sacrifice of many of our own people. 
Every sacrifice on our part is worth a thousand Goys before 


T D-DAY I can tell you that our goal is close at hand. 

Only a small distance remains, and the cycle of the Sym¬ 
bolic Serpent — the symbol of our people — will be complete. 
When this circle is completed, then all the European states 
will be enclosed in it as in strong claws. 

The modern constitutional scales will soon tip over, for we 
have set them inaccurately, thus insuring an unsteady balance 
for the purpose of wearing out their holder. The Goys 
thought it had been sufficiently strongly made and hoped that 
the scales would regain their equilibrium, but the holder — the 
ruler — is screened from the people by his representatives, 
who fritter away their time, carried away by their uncon¬ 
trolled and irresponsible authority. Their power, moreover, 
has been built up on terrorism spread through the palaces. 
Unable to reach the hearts of their people, the rulers cannot 
unite with them to gain strength against the usurpers of 
power. The visible power of royalty and the blind power of 
the masses, separated by us, have both lost significance, for 
separated, they are as helpless as the blind man without a 

To induce the lovers of authority to abuse their power, we 
have placed all the forces in opposition to each other, having 
developed their liberal tendencies towards independence. We 
have excited different forms of initiative in that direction; 
we have armed all the parties; we have made authority the 
target of all ambitions. We have opened the arenas in different 
states, where revolts are now occurring, and disorders and 
bankruptcy will shortly appear everywhere. 



Unrestrained babblers have converted parliamentary ses¬ 
sions and administrative meetings into oratorical contests. 
Daring journalists, impudent pamphleteers, make daily attacks 
on the administrative personnel. The abuse of power is defi¬ 
nitely preparing the downfall of all institutions and every¬ 
thing will be overturned by the blows of the infuriated mobs. 

The people are shackled by poverty to heavy labor more 
surely than they were by slavery and serfdom. They could 
liberate themselves from those in one way or another, whereas 
they cannot free themselves from misery. We have in¬ 
cluded in constitutions rights which for the people are 
fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called 
"rights of the people" can exist only in the abstract and can 
never be realized in practice. What difference does it make 
to the toiling proletarian, bent double by heavy toil, oppressed 
by his fate, that the babblers receive the right to talk, journal¬ 
ists the right to mix nonsense with reason in their writings, if 
the proletariat has no other gain from the constitution than the 
miserable crumbs which we throw from our table in return for 
his vote to elect our agents. Republican rights are bitter irony 
to the poor man, for the necessity of almost daily labor prevents 
him from using them, and at the same time deprives him of 
his guarantee of a permanent and certain livelihood by making 
him dependent upon strikes, organized either by his masters 
or by his comrades. 

Under our guidance the people have exterminated aristoc¬ 
racy, which was their natural protector and guardian, for its 
own interests are inseparably connected with the well-being 
of the people. Now, however, with the destruction of this 
aristocracy the masses have fallen under the power of the 
profiteers and cunning upstarts, who have settled on the 
workers as a merciless burden. 

We will present ourselves in the guise of saviors of the 
workers from this oppression when we suggest that they enter 
our army of Socialists, Anarchists, Communists, to whom we 
always extend our help, under the guise of the rule of brother¬ 
hood demanded by the human solidarity of our social masonry. 
The aristocracy which benefited by the labor of the people by 
right was interested that the workers should be well fed, 
healthy, and strong. 

We, on the contrary, are concerned in the opposite — in the 

1 9 


degeneration of the GOYS. Our power lies in the chronic mal¬ 
nutrition and in the weakness of the worker, because through 
this he falls under our power and is unable to find either 
strength or energy to combat it. 

Hunger gives to capital greater power over the worker than 
the legal authority of the sovereign ever gave to the aristoc¬ 
racy. Through misery and the resulting jealous hatred we 
manipulate the mob and crush those who stand in our way. 

When the time comes for our universal ruler to be crowned, 
the same hands will sweep away everything which may be an 
obstacle in our way. 

The GOYS are no longer accustomed to think without 
our scientific advice. Consequently, they do not see the im¬ 
perative need of upholding that which we will sustain by all 
means when our kingdom is established, namely, the teaching 
in the schools of the only true science, the first of all sciences 
— the science of the construction of human life, of social ex¬ 
istence, which requires the division of labor and, consequently, 
the separation of people into classes and castes. It is neces¬ 
sary that all should know that equality cannot exist, owing to 
the different nature of various kinds of work; that there can¬ 
not be the same responsibility before the law in the case of an 
individual who by his actions compromises an entire caste 
and another who does not affect anything but his own honor. 

The correct science of the social structure, to the secrets of 
which we do not admit the GOYS, would demonstrate to all 
that occupation and labor must be differentiated so as not to 
cause human suffering by the discrepancy between education 
and work. The study of this science will lead the masses to 
a voluntary submission to the authorities and to the govern¬ 
mental system organized by them. Whereas, under the present 
state of science, and due to the direction of our guidance 
therein, the people, in their ignorance, blindly believing the 
printed word, and owing to the misconceptions which have 
been fostered by us, feel a hatred towards all classes whom 
they consider superior to themselves, since they do not under¬ 
stand the importance of each caste. 

This hatred will be still more accentuated by the economic 
crisis, which will stop financial transactions and all industrial 
life. Having organized a general economic crisis by all pos¬ 
sible underhand means, and with the help of gold which is all 



in our hands, we will throw great crowds of workmen into 
the street, simultaneously, in all countries of Europe. These 
crowds will gladly shed the blood of those of whom they, in 
the simplicity of their ignorance, have been jealous since 
childhood and whose property they will then be able to loot. 

They will not harm our people because we will know of the 
time of the attack and we will take measures to protect them. 

We have persuaded others that progress will lead the GOYS 
into a realm of reason. Our despotism will be of such a 
nature that it will be in a position to pacify all revolts by wise 
restrictions and to eliminate liberalism from all institutions. 

When the people saw that they obtained concessions and 
license in the name of liberty, they imagined that they were 
the masters, and rushed into power; but like every blind per¬ 
son, they encountered innumerable obstacles; they rushed to 
seek a leader, with no thought of returning to the old one, and 
laid power at our feet. Remember the French Revolution, 
which we have called "great"; the secrets of its preparation 
are well known to us, for it was the work of our hands. 

Since then we have carried the masses from one disappoint¬ 
ment to another, so that they will renounce even us in favor 
of a despot sovereign of Zionist blood, whom we are preparing 
for the world. 

At present, as an international force, we are invulnerable, 
because if we are attacked by one state we are supported by 
other states. The unlimited baseness of the Goy peoples, who 
grovel before force, who are pitiless towards weakness, who 
are merciless to misdemeanors and lenient to crimes, who are 
unwilling to tolerate the contradictions of a free social struc¬ 
ture; patient unto martyrdom in bearing with the violence 
of daring despotism — this is what helps our independence. 
They tolerate and permit such abuses from their modern 
premiers — dictators — for the least of which they would be¬ 
head twenty kings. 

How can such a phenomenon be explained, such an illogical 
conception on the part of the mass of the people towards 
events of seemingly the same nature? This phenomenon can 
be explained by the fact that these dictators through their 
agents whisper to their people that by these abuses they injure 
the states for a supreme purpose, namely, for the attainment 
of the happiness of the people, their universal fraternity, soli- 



darity, and equality. Of course, they are not told that this 
unification will be achieved only under our rule. Thus, the 
people condemn the just and acquit the unjust, more and more 
convinced that they can do what they please. Owing to this, 
the people destroy all stability and create disorder on every 

The word "Liberty" brings all society into conflict with all 
authority, be it that of God or Nature. This is why, at the 
moment of our enthronement, we shall strike this word from 
the dictionary as being the symbol of brute power, which 
turns the masses into bloodthirsty beasts. It is true, how¬ 
ever, that these beasts go to sleep as soon as they have drunk 
blood, and then it is easy to shackle them; but if the blood is 
not given to them they will not sleep and will struggle. 


E VERY republic passes through several stages. The first 
stage is like the early period of insane ravings of a blind 
man throwing himself right and left. The second is the 
demagogy which breeds anarchy, which inevitably leads to 
despotism, not of a legal and open character and, consequently, 
responsible, but an unseen and unknown despotism, no less 
effective because exercised by some secret organization, acting 
even less ceremoniously because it is hidden under the cover 
and behind the backs of different agents. The change of these 
agents will even help the secret organizations, as it will thus 
be able to rid itself of the necessity of spending money to 
reward employees of long terms of service. 

Who and what can overthrow an unseen power? For such 
is the character of our power. External Masonry ■ acts as a 
screen for it and its aims, but the plan of action of this power, 
and its very headquarters, will always remain unknown to the 

Liberty could also he harmless and remain on the state 
program without detriment to the well-being of the people 

■ The reference is probably to those Masonic Lodges in Continental 
Europe which, contrary to the fundamental principles of Anglo-Saxon 
Lodges, have been converted into quasi political and anti-Christian or¬ 
ganizations. See Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, Article 
"Freemasonry," Vol. XI, p. 84. 



if it were to retain the ideas of the belief in God and human 
fraternity, free from the conception of equality for such a con¬ 
ception is in contradiction to the laws of nature which establish 
subordination. With such a faith the people would be 
governed by the guardians of the parish and would thrive 
quietly and obediently under the guidance of their spiritual 
leader, accepting God's dispensation on earth. It is for this 
reason that we must undermine faith, tearing from the minds 
of the Goys the very principle of God and Soul, and substitut¬ 
ing mathematical formulas and material needs. 

In order that the minds of the GOYS may have no time to 
think and notice things, it is necessary to divert them in the 
direction of industry and commerce. Thus all nations will 
seek their own profit, and while engaged in the struggle they 
will not notice their common enemy. But in order that liberty 
should finally undermine and ruin the GOY'S society, it is 
necessary to put industry on a basis of speculation. The result 
of this will be that everything, absorbed by industry from the 
land, will not remain in the hands of the Goys, but will be 
directed towards speculation; that is, it will come into our 

The intense struggle for supremacy, the shocks to economic 
life, will create, moreover have already created, disappointed, 
cold, and heartless societies. These societies will have com¬ 
plete disgust for high politics and religion. Their only guide 
will be calculation, i.e., gold, for which they will have a real 
cult because of the material delights which it can supply. It 
will be at that stage that the lower classes of the Goys, not 
for the sake of doing good, nor even for the sake of wealth, 
but solely because of their hatred towards the privileged, will 
follow us against our competitors for power, the intelligent 


W HAT form of government can be given to societies in 
which bribery has penetrated everywhere, where riches 
are obtained only by clever tricks and semi-fraudulent means, 
where corruption reigns, where morality is sustained by puni¬ 
tive measures and strict laws and not by voluntary acceptance of 
moral principles, where cosmopolitan convictions have elimi- 



nated patriotic feelings and religion? What form of govern¬ 
ment can be given to such societies other than a despotism 
such as I shall describe? 

We will create a strong centralized government, so as to 
gather the social forces into our power. We will mechanically 
regulate all the functions of political life of our subjects by 
new laws. These laws will gradually eliminate all the con¬ 
cessions and liberties permitted by the GOYS. Our kingdom 
will he crowned by such a majestic despotism that it will he 
able, at all times and in all places, to crush both antagonistic 
and discontented Goys. 

We may he told that the despotism outlined by me is in¬ 
consistent with modern progress, but I will prove to you that 
the contrary is the case. 

At the time when people considered rulers as an incarnation 
of the will of God, they subjected themselves without murmur 
to the autocracy of the sovereigns; but as soon as we inspired 
them with the thought of their personal rights, they began to 
regard the rulers as ordinary mortals. The holy anointment 
fell from the heads of sovereigns in the opinion of the people; 
and when we deprived them of their belief in God, then author¬ 
ity was thrown into the street, where it became public property 
and was seized by us. Moreover, the art of governing the 
masses and individuals by means of cunningly constructed 
theories and phraseology, by rulers of social life, and other 
devices not understood by the Goys, belongs, among other 
faculties, to our administrative mind, which is educated in 
analysis and observation, and is also based upon skillful reason¬ 
ing in which we have no competitors, just as we have none 
in the preparation of plans for political action and solidarity. 
Only the Jesuits could be compared to us in this; hut we were 
able to discredit them in the mind of the senseless mob as a 
visible organization, whereas we, with our secret organization, 
remained in the dark. After all, is it not the same to the 
world who will be its master — whether it be the head of 
Catholicism or our despot of Zionist blood? To us, however, 
the Chosen People, it is by no means a matter of indifference. 

Temporarily, a world coalition of the Goys would be able 
to hold us in check, but we are insured against this by roots 
of dissension so deep among them that they cannot now he 
extracted. We have set at variance the personal and national 



interests of the Goys; we have incited religious and race 
hatred, nurtured by us in their hearts for twenty centuries. 
Owing to all this, no state will obtain the help it asks for from 
any side because each of them will think that a coalition against 
us will be disadvantageous to it. We are too powerful — we 
must be taken into consideration. No country can reach even 
an insignificant private understanding without our being secret 
parties to it. 

Per me reges regnant — "Through me the sovereigns 
reign." The prophets have told us that we were chosen by 
God himself to reign over the world. God endowed us with 
genius to enable us to cope with the problem. Were there 
a genius in the opposing camp, he would struggle against us, 
but a newcomer is not equal to an old inhabitant. The struggle 
between us would be of such a merciless nature as the world 
has never seen before; moreover their genius would be too 

All the wheels of government mechanism move by the ac¬ 
tion of the motor which is in our hands, and that motor is 
gold. The science of political economy, invented by our wise 
men, has long ago demonstrated the royal prestige of capital. 

To attain freedom of action, capital must obtain freedom to 
monopolize industry and trade; this is already being done by 
an unseen hand in all parts of the world. Such liberty will 
give political power to traders, and will aid in subjugating 
the people. At present it is more important to disarm peoples 
than to lead them to war; it is more important to utilize flam¬ 
ing passions for our purposes than to extinguish them; more 
important to grasp and interpret the thoughts of others in 
our own way than to discard them. 

The most important problem of our government is to weaken 
the popular mind by criticism; to disaccustom it to thought, 
which creates opposition; to deflect the power of thought into 
mere empty eloquence. 

At all times both peoples and individuals have mistaken 
words for deeds, as they are satisfied with the visible, rarely 
noticing whether the promise is performed in the fields of 
social life. 

Therefore, we will organize ostensible institutions which 
will prove eloquently their good work in the direction of 



We will appropriate to ourselves the liberal aspect of all 
parties, of all shades of opinion, and we will provide our 
orators with the same aspect, and they will talk so much that 
they will exhaust the people by their speeches and cause them 
to turn away from orators in disgust. 

To control public opinion it is necessary to perplex it by the 
expression of numerous contradictory opinions until the GOYS 
get lost in the labyrinth, and come to understand that it is best 
to have no opinion on political questions. 

Such questions are not intended to be understood by the 
people, since only he who rules knows them. This is the first 

The second secret necessary for the success of governing 
consists in so multiplying popular failings, habits, passions, 
and conventional laws that no one will be able to disentangle 
himself in the chaos, and consequently, people will cease to 
understand each other. This measure would help us to sow 
dissension within all parties, to disintegrate all those collective 
forces which still do not wish to subjugate themselves to us; 
to discourage all individual initiative which might in any 
degree hamper our work. 

There is nothing more dangerous than individual initiative; 
if it has a touch of genius it can accomplish more than a mil¬ 
lion people among whom we have sown dissensions. We must 
direct the education of the GOY societies so that their arms 
will drop hopelessly when they face every task where ini¬ 
tiative is required. The intensity of action resulting from 
individual freedom of action dissipates its force when it en¬ 
counters another person's freedom. This results in heavy 
blows at morale, disappointments and failures. 

We will so tire the GOYS by all this that we will force them 
to offer us an international power, which by its position will 
enable us conveniently to absorb, without destroying, all gov¬ 
ernmental forces of the world and thus to form a super¬ 
government. In lieu of modern rulers, we will place a monster 
which will be called the Super-Governmental Administration. 
Its hands will be stretched out like pincers in every direction 
so that this colossal organization cannot fail to conquer all the 




W E will soon begin to establish great monopolies — reser¬ 
voirs of huge wealth, upon which even the large for¬ 
tunes of the Goys will depend to such an extent that they will 
be drowned, together with the governmental credits, on the 
day following the political catastrophe. 

You economists, here present, will please carefully weigh 
the significance of this scheme! . . . 

We must develop, by all means, the importance of our super¬ 
government by representing it as the protector and reward- 
giver of all those who willingly submit to us. 

The aristocracy of the GOYS as a political force is dead. 
We do not need to take it into consideration; but as land- 
owners they are harmful to us because they can be independent 
in their resources of life. For this reason we must deprive 
them of their land at any cost. 

To attain this object, the best method is to increase land 
taxes — the indebtedness of the land. These measures will 
keep land ownership in subjection. 

The aristocracy of the GOYS, which as a matter of heredity 
is unable to be satisfied with small things, will soon be ruined. 

At the same time it is necessary to patronize trade and 
industry vigorously, and more important, to encourage specu¬ 
lation, whose function is to act as a counterbalance to in¬ 
dustry. Without speculation, industry will increase private 
capital and tend to the amelioration of land ownership by 
freeing it from indebtedness created by the loans granted by 
agricultural banks. It is necessary that industry should suck 
out of the land both labor and capital and through speculation 
deliver into our hands all the money of the world, thus throw¬ 
ing all the GOYS into the ranks of the proletarians. Then the 
GOYS will bow before us in order to obtain the mere right of 

To destroy GOY industry we will create among the GOYS 
as an aid to speculation the strong demand for boundless 
luxury which we have already developed. 

Let us raise wages, which, however, will be of no benefit to 
the workers, for we will simultaneously cause the rise in 



prices of objects of first necessity under the pretext that this 
is due to the decadence of agriculture, and of the cattle 

We will also artfully and deeply undermine the sources of 
production by teaching the workmen anarchy and the use of 
alcohol, at the same time taking measures to expel all the in¬ 
telligent Goys from the land. 

That the true situation should not be noticed by the Goys 
until the proper time, we will mask it by a pretended desire 
to help the working classes and great economic principles, an 
active propaganda of which principles is being carried on 
through the dissemination of our economic theories. 


T HE intensification of armament and the increase of the 
police force are essential to the realization of the above- 
mentioned plans. It is necessary that there should be besides 
ourselves in all countries only the mass of the proletariat, a 
few millionaires devoted to us, policemen, and soldiers. 

We must create unrest, dissensions, and hatred throughout 
Europe and through European affiliations, also on other con¬ 
tinents. In this there is a twofold advantage: First, we will 
hold all countries under our influence, since they will realize 
that we have the power to create disorders or to restore order 
whenever we wish. All countries have come to regard us as 
a necessary burden. Second, we will entangle by intrigues all 
the threads stretched by us into all the governmental bodies 
by means of politics, economic treaties, or financial obligations. 
To attain these ends we will worm our way into parleys and 
negotiations, armed with cunning, but in so-called "official 
language" we will assume the opposite tactics of seeming 
honest and reasonable. In this way the peoples and the gov¬ 
ernments of the GOYS, taught by us to regard only the surface 
of that which we show them, will look upon us as benefactors 
and saviors of mankind. 

We must be able to overcome all opposition by provoking 
a war by the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose 
us. Should, however, those neighbors, in their turn, decide to 
unite against us we must respond by a world war. 



Chief success in politics lies in the secrecy of its undertak¬ 
ings. There must be inconsistency between the words and 
actions of diplomats. 

We must influence the Goy governments to action beneficial 
to our broadly conceived plan, now approaching its triumphant 
goal, creating the impression that such action is demanded by 
public opinion which in reality is secretly organized by us 
with the help of the so-called "great power," namely, the 
press; the latter, however, with few exceptions that need not 
be considered, is already entirely in our hands. 

In short, to sum up our system of shackling the GOY gov¬ 
ernments of Europe, we will show our power to one of them 
by assassination and terrorism, and should there be a possi¬ 
bility of all of them rising against us, we will answer them 
with American, Chinese, or Japanese guns. 


W E must provide ourselves with the same arms our ene¬ 
mies can employ against us. We must seek the most 
subtle expressions and evasions of the legal dictionary to 
justify those cases in which we will be forced to announce 
decisions which may seem unnecessarily bold and unjust, for 
it is important that these decisions should be expressed in 
terms so forcible that they will appear as the highest moral 
rules of a legal character. 

Our government must be surrounded by all the forces of 
civilization, in the midst of which it will have to function. It 
will surround itself with publicists, experienced lawyers, ad¬ 
ministrators, diplomats, and, finally, people educated along 
special lines in our special advanced schools. 

These people will know all the secrets of social existence; 
they will know all languages composed of political letters and 
words: they will be familiar with the reverse side of human 
nature, with all its sensitive chords, upon which they must 
know how to play. These chords are the structure of the 
intellects of the GOYS, their tendencies, their failings, their 
vices, and their virtues, the peculiarities of classes and castes. 
It is evident that the highly talented members of our govern¬ 
ment, to which I refer, will be recruited not from the ranks 



of the GOYS, accustomed to performing their administrative 
duties without questioning their aim, and without thinking 
why they are necessary. The GOY administrators sign papers 
without reading them and work for profit or for pride. 

We will surround our government by a whole world of 
economists. It is for this reason that economics is the chief 
science taught to the Jews. We will be surrounded by a 
crowd of bankers, traders, capitalists, and most important of 
all, by millionaires, because in essence everything will be 
decided by a question of figures. 

Meanwhile, as it is not yet safe to give the responsible 
government posts to our brother Jews, we will give them to 
people whose record and whose character are such that there 
is an abyss between them and the people; also to people for 
whom, in case of disobedience to our orders, there will remain 
nothing but condemnation or exile —thus forcing them to 
protect our interests to their last breath. 


I N applying our principles, turn your attention to the charac¬ 
ter of the people in whose countries you will be resident 
and among whom you will act, for a general similar applica¬ 
tion of them before the reeducation of a people according to 
our plan cannot be successful. But by advancing carefully 
in their application you will see that before ten years have 
passed the most obstinate character will have changed, and 
we can then count another people among those who already 
have submitted to us. 

When we are enthroned we will substitute for the liberal 
words of our Masonic catchword, "Liberty, Equality, and 
Fraternity," another group of words expressing simply ideas, 
namely, "the right of Liberty, the duty of Equality, the ideal 
of Fraternity." Thus we will speak and . . . we shall have 
the goat by the horns. . . . De facto, we have already de¬ 
stroyed all governments except our own, although de jure 
there are still many left. At present, if any of the govern¬ 
ments raises a protest against us, it is done only as a matter 
of form, and at our desire, and by our order, because their 
anti-Semitism is necessary to enable us to control our smaller 



brothers. I will not further explain this, as it has already been 
the object of numerous discussions. 

In reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super¬ 
government exists under such extra-legal conditions that it is 
common to designate it by an energetic and strong word—a 

I can honestly state that at the present time we are law¬ 
makers; we are the judges and inflict punishment; we execute 
and pardon; we, as the chief of all our armies, ride the leader's 
horse. We rule by indomitable will because we hold in our 
hands the fragments of a once strong party now subject to 
us. We possess boundless ambition, burning greed for merci¬ 
less revenge, and bitter hatred. 

From us emanates an all-embracing terror. People of all 
opinions and of all doctrines are in our service; people who 
desire to restore monarchies, demagogues, socialists, commun¬ 
ists, and other Utopians. We have had to put all of them to 
work; every one of them is undermining the last remnant of 
authority, is trying to overthrow all existing order. All the 
governments have been tortured by this procedure; they beg 
for peace, and for the sake of peace are prepared to make any 
sacrifice, but we will not give them peace until they recognize 
our international super-government openly and with sub¬ 

The masses have begun to demand the solution of the social 
problem by means of an international agreement. The division 
into parties has delivered all of them to us, because in order to 

conduct a party struggle money is required, and we have it all. 

We might fear the union of the intelligent power of the 
Goys' rulers with the blind power of the masses, but we have 
taken all measures against such a possibility. Between the 
two powers we have raised a wall in the form of mutual terror; 
thus the blind power of the people continues to be our sup¬ 
port, and we alone will act as its leader and, naturally, we 
will direct it towards our goal. 

To prevent the hand of the blind from freeing itself from 

our guidance, we must from time to time keep in close touch 

with the masses, if not through personal contact then through 
our most devoted brethren. When we become a recognized 
power we will personally address the masses in open places, 
and we will expound political problems in the desired direction. 



How verify what is taught in village schools? But whatever 
the representative of the government or the ruler himself 
states will be immediately known to the entire nation, for it 
will rapidly spread by the voice of the people. 

In order not prematurely to destroy GOY institutions, we 
have touched them with our efficient hands and grasped the 
ends of the springs of their mechanism. Formerly these 
springs were in rigid but just order; we have changed it to 
liberal, disorderly, and arbitrary lawlessness. 

We have affected legal procedure, electoral law, the press, 
personal freedom, and, most important, education, the corner¬ 
stone of free existence. 

We have misled, corrupted, fooled, and demoralised the 
youth of the GOYS by education along principles and theories 
known by us to be false but which we ourselves have inspired. 

Without changing substantially the existing law we have 
created stupendous results by distorting the laws through 
contradictory interpretations. These results first manifested 
themselves by the fact that interpretation has concealed the 
law itself, and thereafter has completely hidden it from the 
eyes of the governments by the impossibility of understanding 
such complicated jurisprudence. 

Hence the theory of the court of conscience.' 

You may say that there will be an armed rising against us 
if our plans are discovered prematurely; but in anticipation 
of this we have such a terrorizing manoeuver in the West 
that even the bravest soul will shudder. 

Underground passages will be established by that time in 
all capitals, from where they can be exploded, together with 
all their institutions and national documents. 


T O-DAY I will begin by reiterating what has already been 
stated. I beg you to remember that the government and 
the masses are satisfied with visible results in politics. How can 
they examine the inner meaning of things when their repre- 

This probably means the practice which arose of not adhering to the 
letter of the law but of judging by conscience. In European countries 
jurors are not compelled to render their verdict pursuant to the techni¬ 
cal provisions of law. 



sentatives consider that pleasure is above everything? It 
is important to know one detail in our policy. It will help 
us in discussing division of authority, freedom of speech, of the 
press, of religion (faith), the right of assembly, equality before 
the law, inviolability of property and of the home, indirect 
taxes and the retrospective force of law. All such ques¬ 
tions should never be directly and openly discussed before the 
masses. When it becomes necessary for us to discuss them, 
they should not be elaborated but merely mentioned, without 
going into details, pointing out that modern legal principles 
are being accepted by us. The significance of this reticence lies 
in the fact that a principle which has not been openly declared 
gives us freedom of action to exclude unnoticed one point or 
another, whereas if elaborated the principle becomes as good 
as established. 

The people feel an especial love and admiration towards the 
political genius, and they always react to their acts of violence 
as follows: 

"Yes, of course it is villainy, but how clever! — It is a trick 
but cleverly done! So majestically! so impudently! . . ." 

We count upon attracting all nations to the construction of 
the foundations of the new edifice which has been planned by 
us. It is for this reason that it is necessary for us first of all 
to acquire that spirit of daring, enterprise, and force which, 
through our agents, will enable us to overcome all obstacles 
in our path. 

When we accomplish our coup d'etat, we will say to the 

peoples: "Everything went badly; all of you have suffered. 

We will abolish the cause of your sufferings, that is to say, 
nationalities, frontiers, and national currencies. Of course 
you are free to condemn us, but would your judgment be just 

if you were to pronounce it before giving a trial to what we 

will give you?" Thereafter they will exalt us with a sentiment 
of unanimous delight and hope. The voting system which we 
have used as a tool for our enthronement, and to which we 
have accustomed even the most humble members of humanity 
by organizing meetings and prearranged agreements, will 
have performed its last service and will make its last appear¬ 

ance in the expression of a unanimous desire to become more 



closely acquainted with us before having pronounced a 

To attain this we must force all to vote, without class dis¬ 
crimination, to establish the autocracy of the majority, which 
cannot he obtained from the intellectual classes alone. Through 
this method of accustoming every one to the idea of self- 
determination, we will shatter the GOY family and its educa¬ 
tional importance. We will not allow the formation of 
individual minds, because the mob, under our guidance, will 
prevent them from distinguishing themselves or even express¬ 
ing themselves. The mob has become accustomed to listen 
only to us who pay it for obedience and attention. We will 
thus create such a blind power that it will he unable to move 
without the guidance of our agents, sent by us to replace their 

The masses will submit to this regime because they will 
know that their earnings, perquisites, and other benefits depend 
upon these leaders. 

The plan of government must emanate already formed from 
one head, as it would be impossible to put it together if disin¬ 
tegration by many minds into small pieces is allowed. That 
is why we only are allowed to know the plan of action; hut we 
must not discuss it in order not to affect its ingenuity, the 
correlation between its component parts, the practical force 
of the secret meaning of its every clause. Were such a plan 
to be submitted to and altered by frequent voting, it would 
reflect the stamp of the misconceptions of every one who has 
not penetrated its depth and the correlation of its aims. For 
this reason our plans must he strongly and clearly conceived. 
Consequently, the inspired work of our leader must not be 
thrown to the mercy of the mob or even of a limited group. 

These plans will not immediately upset contemporary insti¬ 
tutions. They will only alter their organization, and conse¬ 
quently the entire combination of their development, which 
will thus be directed according to the plans laid down by us. 

More or less the same institutions exist in different coun¬ 
tries under different names, such as representative bodies, 
ministries, senate, state council, legislative and executive 
bodies. It is not necessary for me to explain to you the con¬ 
necting mechanism of these different institutions, as it is well 
known to you. I only call to your attention that every one of 



the aforesaid institutions fulfills some important governmental 
function, and, moreover, I beg you to notice that the word 
"important" refers not to the institution hut to the function. 
Consequently, it is not the institutions that are important but 
their functions. Such institutions have divided among them¬ 
selves all the functions of government, namely, administrative, 
legislative, and executive powers; therefore, their functions in 
the state organism have become similar to those in a human 
body. If one part of the governmental machine is injured, 
the state itself falls ill, in the same way as the human body, 
and then it dies. 

When we injected the poison of liberalism into the state 
organism, its entire political complexion changed; the states 
became infected with a mortal disease, namely, the decomposi¬ 
tion of the blood. It is only necessary to await the end of 
their agony. 

Constitutional governments were born of liberalism, which 
replaced the autocracy that was the salvation of the GOYS, 
for the constitution, as you well know, is nothing more than a 
school for dispute, discussion, disagreement, fruitless party agi¬ 
tation, dissension, party tendencies — in other words, a school 
for everything which weakens the efficiency of government. 
The platform no less than the press condemned the authorities 
to inaction and impotency and thereby rendered them useless 
and superfluous, for which reason they were overthrown in 
many countries. The rise of the republican era then became 
possible, and then we substituted for the ruler a caricature of 
government — a president chosen from the mob, from among 
our creatures, our slaves. This was the kind of mine we laid 
under the GOYS, or, more correctly, under the GOY nations. 

In the near future we will make the president a responsible 
officer, whereupon we will no longer stand on ceremony in 
carrying out the things for which our dummy will he responsi¬ 
ble. What difference does it make to us that the ranks of 
those aiming at authority will thin out, that confusion will re¬ 
sult from inability to find presidents, confusion which will 
definitely disorganize the country? 

To accomplish our plan, we will engineer the election of 
presidents whose past record contains some hidden scandal, 
some "Panama" - then they will be faithful executors of 
our orders from fear of exposure, and from the natural desire 



of every man who has reached authority to retain the privi¬ 
leges, advantages, and dignity connected with the position of 
president. The Chamber of Deputies will elect, protect, and 
screen presidents, but we will deprive it of the right of 
initiating laws or of amending them, for this right will be 
granted by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our 
hands. Of course then the power of the president will become 
the target of numerous attacks, but we will give him the means 
of self-protection by giving him the right of directly applying 
to the people, for their decision, over the heads of their repre¬ 
sentatives. In other words, he will turn to the same blind 
slave — to the majority of the mob. Moreover, we will em¬ 
power the president to proclaim martial law. We will justify 
this prerogative under the pretext that the president, as chief 
of the national army, must control it in order to protect the 
new republican constitution, which he, as a responsible repre¬ 
sentative of this constitution, is bound to defend. 

It is obvious that under such conditions the keys to the 
shrine will be in our hands, and nobody except ourselves will 
be able to guide the legislative power. 

We will also take away from the Chamber, with the intro¬ 
duction of the new republican constitution, the right of inter¬ 
pellation in regard to governmental measures, under the 
pretext that political secrets must be preserved. With the 
aid of this new constitution we will reduce the number of 
representatives to the minimum, thus also reducing to the 
same extent political passions and passion for politics. If, in 
spite of this, those remaining are recalcitrant, we will abolish 
them completely by appealing to the majority of the people. 

The appointment of the president and vice presidents of the 
Chamber and Senate will be the prerogative of the president. 
Instead of continuous parliamentary sessions, we will shorten 
them to a few months. Moreover, the president, as chief ex¬ 
ecutive, will have the right to convene or dissolve parliament, 
and in the case of dissolution, defer the appointment of a new 
parliament. But to prevent the president from being held 
responsible before our plans are matured for the results of all 
these essentially illegal actions inaugurated by us, we will 
give the ministers and other high administrative officials sur¬ 
rounding the president the idea of circumventing his orders 
by issuing instructions of their own. Consequently, they will 



be made responsible instead of him. We recommend that the 
execution of this plan be given especially to the Senate, State 
Council, or Council of Ministers, and not to individuals. Under 
our guidance the president will interpret in ambiguous ways 
such existing laws as it is possible so to interpret. More¬ 
over, he will annul them when the need is pointed out to 
him by us: he will also have the right to propose temporary 
laws and even modifications in the constitutional work of 
government, alleging as the motive for so doing the exigencies 
of the welfare of the country. 

By such measures we will be able to destroy gradually, step 
by step, everything that, upon entering into our rights, we 
were obliged to introduce into government constitutions as a 
transition to the imperceptible abolition of all constitutions, 
when the time comes to convert all government into our 

The recognition of our autocrat may come even before the 
abolition of the constitution; the moment for this recognition 
will come when the people, tormented by dissension and the 
incompetency of their rulers, incited by us, will exclaim: 
Depose them, and give us one universal sovereign who will 
unite us and abolish the causes of dissension — national fron¬ 
tiers, religion, state indebtedness — and who will give us the 
peace and quiet which we cannot find with our rulers and 

But you know well that to render such a universal expression 
of desire possible, it is necessary continuously to disturb the 
relationship between the people and the government in all 
countries, and so to exhaust everybody by the dissension, 
hostility, struggle, hatred, and even martyrdom, hunger, in¬ 
oculation of diseases, and misery, as to make the GOYS see no 
other solution than an appeal to our money and complete rule. 

Should we give the people a rest, however, the longed for 
moment will probably never arrive. 


T HE Council of State will tend to accentuate the power of 
the ruler; in the capacity of an ostensible legislative body, 
it will act as a committee for the drawing up of laws and 
statutes on behalf of the ruler. 



The following is the program of the new constitution which 
we are preparing. We will make laws and control the courts 
in the following manner: 

1. By suggestions to the legislative body. 

2. By means of orders issued by the president as general 
statutes, decrees of the Senate, and decisions of the Council 
of State, as regulations passed by the ministries. 

3. And when the opportune moment arrives — in the form 
of a coup d'etat. 

Having thus roughly outlined the modus agendi, we will now 
take up in detail those measures by which we will complete the 
development of the governmental mechanism in the above 
direction. By these measures, I mean the freedom of the 
press, the right of assembly, religious freedom, electoral rights, 
and many other things which must disappear from the human 
repertoire, or must be fundamentally altered on the day fol¬ 
lowing the declaration of the new constitution. It is only at 
this moment that it will become possible for us to announce 
all our decrees, for at any time in the future every perceptible 
change would be dangerous, and this for the following 
reasons: If these changes should be introduced and rigidly 
enforced, it might cause despair by creating the fear of further 
changes in a similar direction; if, however, they are made 
with a tendency to subsequent leniency, then it might be said 
that we have recognized our mistakes, which would undermine 
the faith in the infallibility of the new authority; it might also 
be said that we were frightened, and that we were forced to 
make concessions for which nobody would be thankful since 
they would be considered as legitimately due. 

Any of these impressions would be detrimental to the prestige 
of the new constitution. It is necessary for us that, from the 
first moment of its proclamation, when the people are still 
dumbfounded by the accomplished revolution and are in a 
state of terror and surprise, they should realize we are so 
strong, so invulnerable, and so mighty that we shall in no 
case pay attention to them, and not only will we ignore their 
opinions and desires, but be ready to and capable of suppress¬ 
ing at any moment or place any sign of opposition with in¬ 
disputable authority. We shall want the people to realize that 
we have taken at once everything we wanted, and that we shall 
under no circumstances share our power with them. Then 



they will close their eyes to everything out of fear and will 
await further developments. 

The 60YS are like a flock of sheep — we are wolves. 

Do you know what happens to sheep when wolves get into 
the fold? 

They will also close their eyes to everything because we 
will promise to return to them all their liberties after the 
enemies of peace have been subjugated and all the parties 

Is it necessary to say how long they would have to wait 
for the return of their liberties? 

Why have we conceived and inspired this policy for the 
GOYS without giving them an opportunity to examine its inner 
meaning if not for the purpose of attaining by a circuitous 
method what is unattainable for our scattered race by a direct 

This constituted a base for our organization of secret 
masonry which is not known to and whose aims are not even 
suspected by these cattle, the GOYS. They have been decoyed 
by us into our numerous ostensible organizations, which appear 
to be Masonic lodges, so as to divert the attention of their 

God has given us, his chosen people, the power to scatter, 
and what to all appears to be our weakness, has proved to 
be our strength, and has now brought us to the threshold of uni¬ 
versal rule. 

Little remains to be built on these foundations. 


T HEword "Liberty" can be differently interpreted. We 
will define it as follows: 

Liberty is the right to do that which is permitted by law. 
Such a definition of this word will eventually serve us, because 
liberty will be in our power; and also because the laws will either 
destroy or construct only what we desire in accordance with 
the above mentioned program. 

We will deal with the press in the following manner: What 
is the present role of the press? It serves to arouse furious 
passions or egotistic party dissensions which may be necessary 



for our purpose. It is empty, unjust, inaccurate, and most 
people do not understand what end it serves. We will shackle 
it and keep a tight rein on it. We will also do the same with 
other printed matter, for what use would it be for us to rid 
ourselves of attacks on the part of the periodical press if we 
remain open to criticism through pamphlets and books? We 
will convert the products of publicity, now so expensive, owing 
to the need of censorship, into a source of income for our 
state. We will impose a special stamp tax. When a news¬ 
paper printing shop is started, bonds will have to be deposited, 
which will guarantee our government from all attacks on the 
part of the press. In case of an attack, we will mercilessly 
impose fines. Such measures as stamps, bonds, and fines, the 
payment of which is guaranteed by the bonds, will bring a huge 
income to the government. It is true that party papers might 
not fear the loss of money, so we will suppress these after the 
second attack on us. No one shall touch the prestige of our 
political infallibility and remain unpunished. The pretext for 
stopping a publication will be that the publication in question 
excites public opinion without cause or reason. I ask you to 
bear in mind that among those who attack us there will be 
also organs established by us, but they will attack exclusively 
those points which we plan to change. 

Not one notice will be made public without our control. 
This is already being done by us, since the news from all 
parts of the world is received through several agencies in 
which it is centralized. 

These agencies will then be completely in our power and 
they will publish only such news as we will permit. 

If we have already managed to subjugate the minds of the 
Goys to such an extent that almost all of them see world 
events through colored glasses which we put over their eyes; 
if, even at present, there is not one state which bars our access 
to state secrets, so termed by the stupid GOYS, then what will it 
be when we, in the person of our universal sovereign, are the 
recognized rulers of the world? 

Let us return to the future of the press. Anybody who 
wishes to become an editor, a librarian, or a printer, will be 
obliged to obtain a diploma, which in case of disobedience will 
be immediately revoked. 

With such measures, thought will become an educational in- 



strument in the hands of our government, which will not allow 
the people to be led astray into realms of fancy and dreams 
about beneficent progress. Who of us does not know that these 
fantastic blessings are the direct road to baseless hopes which 
lead to anarchistic relations between the people and the govern¬ 
ment? Progress, or better still the idea of progress, has led 
to the creation of different modes of emancipation without set¬ 
ting any limit to it. All so-called liberals are essentially anar¬ 
chists in thought if not in action. Each one of them pursues 
the phantom of liberty, becoming self-willed, that is to say, 
falling into a state of anarchy by protesting for the mere sake 
of protesting. 

We will now again refer to the question of the press. We will 
place stamp taxes secured by bonds on each page of all printed 
matter, while on books containing less than four hundred and 
eighty pages we will place a double tax. We will classify them 
as pamphlets, so as to lessen the number of magazines, which 
represent the worst printed poison — and on the other hand, 
to force writers to prepare such long works that they will he 
little read, especially as they will he expensive. Our own pub¬ 
lications, guiding public opinion in the direction we desire, 
will he cheap and rapidly bought. The tax will discourage the 
writing of mere leisure literature, whereas punishment will 
make the writers dependent upon us. Even if there were 
writers who would like to attack us, they would find no pub¬ 
lishers for their works. Before printing any work, the editor 
or printer will have to apply to the authorities for permission. 
We will then know beforehand of the attacks that are being 
prepared against us, and we will destroy them by coming out 
with advance statements on the subject. 

Literature and journalism are the two most important educa¬ 
tional forces; for this reason our government will become the 
owner of most of the periodicals. This will neutralize the 
injurious influence of the private press and have great influ¬ 
ence on the people. If we permit ten periodicals, we our¬ 
selves will print thirty, and so forth. This, however, must not 
be suspected by the public. All the periodicals published 
by us will seem to be of contradictory views and opinions, in¬ 
viting trust in us, thus attracting to us unsuspecting enemies, 
and in this way they will be caught in our trap and made 



The predominant place will be held by periodicals of an 
official character. They will always stand guard over our 
interests and consequently their influence will be comparatively 

In the second category we will place semi-official organs, 
whose aim will be to attract the indifferent and little interested. 

The third category will be our ostensible opposition, which 
at least in one of its publications will represent the opposition 
to us. Our real enemies will mistake this seeming opposition 
as belonging to their own group and will thus show us their 

All our newspapers will represent different tendencies, 
namely, aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anar¬ 
chistic, so long of course as the constitution lasts. Like the 
Indian God VISHNU, these periodicals will have one hundred 
arms, each of which will reach the pulse of every group of 
public opinion. When the pulse beats faster, these arms will 
guide opinion toward our aims, since the excited person loses 
the power of reasoning and is easily led. Those fools who 
believe that they repeat the opinions expressed by the news¬ 
papers of their party will be repeating our opinions or those 
which we desire them to have. Imagining that they are fol¬ 
lowing the press of their party, they will follow the flag which 
we will fly for them. 

In order that our newspaper militia may carry out our pro¬ 
gram, we must organize the press with great care. Under the 
title of the Central Department of the press, we will organize 
literary meetings at which our agents unnoticed will give the 
passwords and countersigns. Discussing and contradicting 
our policies, although always superficially, without touching 
their essence, our press will conduct an empty fire against 
official newspapers so as to give us only an opportunity to ex¬ 
press ourselves in greater detail than we were able to in our pre¬ 
liminary declarations. This, of course, will be done when it 
is useful to us. 

These attacks against us will also seem to convince the peo¬ 
ple that complete liberty of the press still exists, and it will 
give our agents the opportunity to declare that the papers 
opposing us are mere wind-bags, since they are unable to find 
any real ground to refute our orders. 

Such measures, which will escape the notice of public atten- 



tion, will be the most successful means of guiding the public 
mind and of inspiring confidence in our government. Thanks 
to them, we will as the need arises excite or pacify the public 
mind on political questions. We will be able to persuade or 
confuse them, sometimes printing the truth, sometimes lies, 
referring to facts or contradicting them according to the way 
they are received by the public, always carefully sounding the 
ground before stepping on it. We will surely conquer our 
enemies, because they will not have the press at their disposal 
in which to express themselves in full. Moreover, with the 
above mentioned plans against the press, we will not even 
need to refute them seriously. 

The trial balloons thrown out by us in the third category of 
our press, we will deny energetically, in case of need, in our 
semi-official organs. 

In French journalism there already exists the Masonic soli¬ 
darity of a password; all organs of the press are bound by 
professional secrecy; like the ancient augurs, not one member 
will disclose his secret if he is not ordered to do so. Not one 
journalist will dare to disclose this secret, for not one of them 
is admitted to literary headquarters unless he has a disgraceful 
action in his past record. The fact would immediately be made 
public. While these disgraceful actions are known only to a 
few, the prestige of the journalist attracts opinion throughout 
the country —he is admired. 

Our plans must extend chiefly to the provincial districts. 
There we must excite hopes and ambitions opposed to those 
of the capitals, by means of which we may always attack them, 
presenting such ambitions to the capitals as the inspired views 
and aims of provincial districts. It is obvious that their source 
will be ours. It is necessary for us that while we are not yet 
in full power, the capital should be under the influence of 
provincial public opinion; that is under the influence of the 
majority prearranged by our agents. It is necessary for us 
that at the critical psychological moment the capitals should 
not discuss an accomplished fact, for the mere reason that it 
had been accepted by the provincial majority. 

When we reach the phase of the new regime, which is tran¬ 
sitory to our accession to power, we must not allow the press 
to expose social corruption. It must be thought that the new 
regime has satisfied everybody to such an extent that even 



criminality has stopped. Cases of criminal activity must only 
be known to their victims or their accidental witnesses, and to 
these alone. 


T HE need of daily bread forces the GOYS to silence and com¬ 
pels them to remain our obedient servants. The agents taken 
from among them for our press will discuss the facts they are 
ordered to publish, when it is inconvenient for us to publish 
statements openly in official documents. While discussion and 
dispute are taking place, we will simply pass the measures we 
desire and present them to the public as an accomplished fact. 
Nobody will dare to demand the rejection of measures thus 
passed, and the more so as they will be interpreted as an im¬ 
provement. At this point the press will divert the thoughts of 
the people to new problems (we having accustomed the people 
always to seek new emotions). Those brainless creators of 
destiny, who heretofore have been unable to understand and do 
not now understand that they are ignorant of matters which 
they undertake to discuss, will also hasten to discuss these new 
problems. Political questions are meant to be understood only 
by those who have created them and have been directing them 
for many centuries. 

From all this you will realize that by aiming to control the 
opinion of the mob we will only facilitate the functioning of 
our mechanism, and you will also notice that we seek approba¬ 
tion, not for actions but for words uttered by us on various 
occasions. We always declare that we are guided in all our 
policies by the hope and certainty of serving the general good. 

To divert the over-restless people from discussing political 
problems, we now make it appear that we provide them with 
new problems, namely, those pertaining to industry. Let them 
become excited over this subject as much as they like. The 
masses will consent to remain inactive, to rest from so-called 
political activity (to which we ourselves accustomed them for 
the purpose of helping us in our struggle against the GOY gov¬ 
ernment), only on condition of a new occupation in which we 
can show them supposedly the same political background. 

To prevent them from reaching any independent decisions, 
we will divert their minds by amusements, games, pastimes, 



passions, and cultural centers for the people. We will soon 
begin to offer prize contests, through the press, in the field of 
art, and sports of all kinds. Such attractions will definitely 
deflect the mind from problems over which we would otherwise 
have to fight with the people. By losing more and more the 
custom of independent thought, they will begin to talk in 
unison with us, because we alone will provide new lines of 
thought through persons with whom of course we will presum¬ 
ably have no connection. 

The role of liberal Utopians will be definitely terminated 
when our government is recognized. Until that time, they will 
do us good service. For this reason we will still direct thought 
towards different fantastic theories which will appear to be pro¬ 
gressive. For it was by the word "progress" that we have 
successfully turned the brains of the stupid GOYS. There are 
no brains among the GOYS to realize that this word is but a 
cover for digression from the truth, unless it is applied to ma¬ 
terial inventions, since there is but one truth and there is no 
room for progress. Progress, being a false conception, serves 
to conceal the truth so that nobody may know it except our¬ 
selves, God's elect, who are its guardians. 

When our kingdom is established, our orators will discuss the 
great problems which have stirred humanity for the purpose 
of bringing it finally under our blessed rule. 

Who will then suspect that all these problems were insti¬ 
gated by us, according to a political plan which has not been dis¬ 
closed by any one during so many centuries. 


W HEN we become rulers we will not tolerate the exist¬ 
ence of any other religion except our own, which pro¬ 
claims one God, with whom our fate is bound up because we 
are the Chosen People, and our fate has determined the fate of 
the world. For this reason we must destroy all other religions. 
If the result of this produces modern atheists, as a transitory 
step, this will not interfere with our plans but will act as an 
example to those generations which will listen to our teach¬ 
ing of the religion of Moses, which, owing to its solid and 
thoughtful system, will eventually lead to the domination of 



all nations by us. We will also lay stress on the mystical truth 
of Masonic teaching which, we will assert, is the foundation 
of its whole educative power. 

On every possible occasion we will then publish articles in 
which we will compare our beneficial rule with that of the 
past. The benefits of peace, although attained through cen¬ 
turies of unrest, will serve to demonstrate the beneficial char¬ 
acter of our rule. The mistakes made by the GOYS during their 
administration will be pictured by us in the most vivid colors. 
We will cause such disgust towards the administration of the 
GOYS that the masses will prefer the peace of serfdom to the 
rights of the much lauded liberty which has so cruelly tortured 
them and drained from them the very source of human exist¬ 
ence, and by which they were exploited by a mass of adven¬ 
turers, ignorant of what they were doing. The useless changes 
of government, to which we ourselves prompted the Goys, 
when we were undermining their governmental apparatus, will 
become such a nuisance to the people by that time, that they 
will prefer to endure anything from us rather than risk a 
repetition of former unrest and hardships. We will, moreover, 
lay particular stress on the historical mistakes made by the 
GOY governments, which caused humanity to suffer for many 
centuries for lack of understanding of all matters pertaining to 
its true welfare, and because of their search for fantastic 
schemes of social welfare. The GOYS did not notice that such 
schemes instead of improving mutual relationship, which is 
the basis of human existence, have only made it worse. 

The whole force of our principles and measures will lie 
in the fact that they are put forward and interpreted by us as 
being in sharp contrast to the decayed social order of former 

Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the 
GOY religion, but nobody will ever discuss our religion in the 
light of its true aspect, and nobody will ever thoroughly under¬ 
stand it, except our own people, who will never dare to disclose 
its secrets. 

In countries so-called advanced we have created insane, 
dirty, and disgusting literature. For a short time after our 
entrance into power we will encourage its publication in order 
that the contrast between it and the speeches and programs 
which will be heard from our heights should be more pointedly 



marked. Our wise men, trained as guides to the GOYS, will 
prepare speeches, plans, memoranda, and articles, by which 
we will influence the minds and direct them towards the con¬ 
ceptions and the knowledge which we wish them to have. 


W HEN we finally become rulers by means of revolutions, 
which will he arranged so that they shall take place sim¬ 
ultaneously in all countries and immediately after all existing 
governments shall have been officially pronounced as incapable 
(which may not happen soon, perhaps not before a whole cen¬ 
tury), we will see to it that no plots are hatched against us. 
To effect this, we will kill heartlessly all who take up arms 
against the establishment of our rule. 

The establishment of any new secret society will be met by 
the death penalty, and those societies which now exist and are 
known to us and either work or have worked for us, will be 
disbanded and their members exiled to continents far removed 
from Europe. 

We will deal in the same manner with those Masons among 
the Goys who know too much. The Masons whom we may 
pardon for any reason will be kept under continual fear of exile. 
We will pass a law whereby all members of secret organiza¬ 
tions will be exiled from Europe, that being the center of our 
government. The decisions of our government will be final 
and there will be no right of appeal. 

In the GOY society, where we have planted such deep roots 
of dissension and protest, order can only be restored by merci¬ 
less measures which will serve as evidence that our power 
cannot be infringed. There is no necessity for regard towards 
the victims sacrificed for the future good. To attain good, 
even though by the sacrifice of life, is the duty of every gov¬ 
ernment which realizes that its existence depends not upon 
privileges alone, but upon the exercise of its duties as well. 

The most important means for erecting a stable government 
is to strengthen the prestige of authority. This is only ob¬ 
tained by its majestic and unshakable power, which will convey 
the impression that it is inviolable because of its mystical 
nature, namely, because chosen by God. Such until recently 



has been the Russian Autocracy — our only dangerous enemy 
throughout the world, with the exception of the Pope. Re¬ 
member Italy drowning in blood; she did not touch a hair on 
the head of Sulla who had shed that blood. Sulla had become 
powerful in the eyes of the people, although they were tor¬ 
tured by him; his manly return to Italy placed him beyond 
persecution. The people do not touch those who hypnotize 
them by bravery and steadfastness of spirit. 

Meanwhile, until our rule is established, we, on the con¬ 
trary, will organize and multiply free masonic lodges in all 
the countries of the world. We will attract to them all those 
who are and who may become public-spirited, because in these 
lodges will be the chief source of information and from them 
will emanate our influence. 

All these lodges will be centralized under one management, 
known only to us and unknown to all others; these lodges will 
be administered by our wise men. The lodges will have their 
own representative in this management in order to screen the 
above mentioned Masonic government; he will give the pass¬ 
word and elaborate the program. We will tie the knot of all 
revolutionary liberal elements in these lodges. Their member¬ 
ship will consist of all strata of society. The most secret polit¬ 
ical plans will be known to us and will fall under our leadership 
on the very day of their origination. Among the members of 
these lodges will be almost all the agents of the international 
and national police, whose work is indispensable for us, inas¬ 
much as the police not only are able to take independent meas¬ 
ures against the rebellious, but may also serve to mask our 
actions, provoke discontent, and so forth. 

Most people who become members of secret societies are 
adventurers, career makers, and irresponsible persons in gen¬ 
eral, with whom we will have no difficulty in dealing and who 
will help us to set in motion the mechanism of the machine 
planned by us. If this world becomes perturbed, it will only 
prove that it was necessary for us to disorganize it so as to 
destroy its too great solidarity. If a plot is laid, it must be 

headed by one of our most trustworthy servants. It is only 

natural that we want nobody but ourselves to guide the work 
of the Masons, 1 for we know where we are trending, we know 

It is important to point out that some of the Jews themselves in 

their writings have claimed that Masonry is largely controlled by 



the final aim of every action. The GOYS, however, understand 
nothing, not even the immediate results. They are usually con¬ 
cerned about the momentary satisfaction of their ambitions in 
achieving their intentions. They do not notice, however, that 
the intention itself was not initiated by them, but that it was 
we who gave them the idea. 

The GOYS become members of the lodges out of pure curi¬ 
osity, or hoping to receive their share in the public funds. 
There are others who come for the purpose of seizing the 
opportunity of putting before the public their impossible and 
baseless hopes. They long for the emotion of success and for 
the applause which we grant them lavishly. We create their 
success in order to utilize the self-deception that is born with 
it and by which people, without noticing, begin to follow 
our suggestions without suspecting them, and being fully con¬ 
vinced that their infallibility originates its own ideas and, 
therefore, does not need those of others. You have no idea 

how easy it is to bring even the most intelligent GOYS to a 

state of unconscious credulity, and, on the other hand, how easy 
it is to discourage them by the smallest failure, or merely by 
ceasing to applaud them, thus bringing them into servitude 
for the sake of achieving new success. To the same extent as 

our people ignore success for the sake of carrying out their 

plans, so are the GOYS ready to sacrifice all their plans for the 
sake of success. Their psychology makes the problem of di¬ 
rection easier for us. Those tigers in appearance have the 
souls of sheep and nonsense filters through their heads. As a 
hobby we have given them the dream of submerging human 
individualism through the symbolic idea of collectivism. 

They have not yet discovered and will not discover that this 
hobby is a clear infringement on the principal law of nature, 
which, from the beginning of the world, created a being unlike 
all others, precisely for the sake of expressing his individuality. 

If we were able to lead them to such insane and blind 

Jewish influence. In this connection the statement of Dr. Isaac M. Wise 
may be recalled: 

"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, decrees, charges, 
passwords and explanations are Jewish, from the beginning to the end, 
with the exception of only one by-decree and a few words in the obli¬ 
gation." (Dr. Isaac M. Wise, The Israelite, August 3rd and 17th, 1855; 
quoted by Samuel Oppenheim in his pamphlet "Jews and Masonry in 
the United States before 1810," American Jewish Historical Society, 
New York, 1910, No. 19, pp. 1, 2.) 



beliefs, does it not obviously prove the low level of development 
of the GOY mind as compared to our mind? It is precisely the 
thing which guarantees our success. 

How far sighted were our wise men of old when they said 
that to attain a serious object one must not stop at the means, 
nor should one count the victims sacrificed to the cause. We 
have not counted the victims from among the GOYS, those 

seeds of cattle. Although we have sacrificed many of our 
own peoples, we have already given them in return a formerly 
undreamed-of position on earth. The comparatively few vic¬ 
tims from among our own people have saved our race from 

Death is the unavoidable end of all. It would be better to 
accelerate this end for those who interfere with our cause 

than for our people or for us, ourselves, the creators of this 
cause, to die. We kill Masons in such a way that none but the 

brothers suspect, not even the victims; they all die when it 

is necessary, apparently from a natural death. Knowing this, 

even the brethren, in their turn, dare not protest. It is through 
such measures that we have uprooted the heart of protest 

against our orders from among the Masons. Preaching liber¬ 
alism to the GOYS, at the same time we hold our people and our 
agents under iron discipline. 

Through our influence the enforcement of the GOY laws 

has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has 
been undermined by the liberal interpretations introduced by 
us. The courts decide as we dictate the most important 

principles, both political and moral, viewing the cases in the 
light presented by us for the GOY administration. This we 
accomplished naturally through agents, with whom we have 
ostensibly no connection, namely, through the press or other¬ 
wise. Even senators and high officials blindly follow our ad¬ 
vice. The purely animal mind of the GOYS is incapable of 
analysis and observation, and even less so of foreseeing to 
what results the development of the principle involved in a case 
may lead. 

It is through this difference in the process of reasoning be¬ 
tween us and the GOYS that it becomes possible clearly to demon¬ 
strate the stamp of God's elect as compared to the instinctive 
and bestial mentality of the GOYS. They see, but they cannot 
foresee, and they cannot invent anything except material 



things. It is clear, therefore, that nature herself intended us to 
rule and guide the world. 

When the time comes for our open rule, then will he the time 
to show its benefits, and we will change all the laws. Our laws 
will be short, clear, irrevocable, and requiring no interpreta¬ 
tion, so that everybody will he able to know them thoroughly. 
The chief point emphasized in them will be a highly developed 
obedience to authority, which will eliminate all abuses, for all 
without exception will be responsible before the supreme 
power vested in the highest authority. 

Abuse of power by minor officials will then disappear, be¬ 
cause it will be punished so mercilessly that they will lose 
the desire to experiment with their power. We will closely 
watch every action of the administration, upon which de¬ 
pends the action of the government machinery, for corrup¬ 
tion there creates corruption everywhere; not a single violation 
of law or act of corruption will remain unpunished. Acts of 
concealment and willful neglect on the part of governmental 
officials will disappear after they have seen the first example 
of severe punishment. The prestige of power necessitates 
that appropriate, that is to say severe, punishments should he 
inflicted even for the smallest violations of the sanctity of the 
supreme authority, committed for the sake of personal gain. 
The guilty, if punished severely, will he like a soldier who 
falls on the battlefield of administration for the sake of Au¬ 
thority, Principle, and Law; these principles do not allow any 
digression from their social function for a personal motive, 
even on the part of those who rule. For instance: Our judges 
will know that by attempting to show stupid mercy, they over¬ 
step the law of justice, which was created solely for exemplary 
punishment of crimes and not for the manifestation of moral 
qualities on the part of the judge. Such qualities are com¬ 
mendable in private, but not in public life, which constitutes 
the educational forum of human life. 

The personnel of our judges will not remain in office after 
the age of fifty-five. First, because old people adhere more 
persistently to prejudiced opinions and are less capable of sub¬ 
mitting to new commands; and secondly, because that enables 
us to achieve a certain flexibility of change in the personnel, 
which will bend more easily under our pressure. He who 
wishes to retain his position will have to obey blindly. 



In general, our judges will be selected only from among 
those who will clearly understand that they must punish people 
and enforce the laws, and not indulge in dreams of liberalism 
at the expense of the educational plan of the government, as is 
now imagined by the GOYS. The method of changing the per¬ 
sonnel will also serve to undermine the collective solidarity of 
the governmental officials and will attach them to the cause 
of the government, which decides their fate. The younger 
generation of judges will be so educated as to prevent any 
criminal activity which might interfere with the inter-relation¬ 
ship which we have established for our subjects. 

At present the GOY judges, lacking a clear conception of the 
nature of their duties, make exceptions to all kinds of crimes. 
This occurs because the present rulers, when appointing judges, 
do not take the trouble to encourage the sense of duty and 
conscientiousness in the work to be performed by them. As 
the animal sends out its young in search of prey, so the GOYS 
are giving their subjects responsible offices without taking 
the time to explain their functions. Owing to this, their rule 
is undermined by their own efforts and through the actions of 
their own administration. Let us use the result of such actions 
as one more example of the advantage of our own rule. 

We will eliminate liberalism from all the important strategic 
positions in our administration upon which depend the train¬ 
ing of our subjects for our social order. These positions will 
be given only to those who have been trained by us for gov¬ 
ernmental work. 

In answer to a possible remark, that the putting of old 
officials on the retired list may prove expensive for the treas¬ 
ury, I can state first, that, prior to their dismissal, some private 
work will be found for them to replace what they are los¬ 
ing, and secondly, I may also remark, that all the world's 
money will be concentrated in our hands; consequently, our 
government need not fear expense. 

Our autocracy will be consistent in every respect, and con¬ 
sequently every manifestation of our great power will be re¬ 
spected and unconditionally obeyed. We will ignore grumbling 
and discontent, and all active manifestations of either will be 
suppressed by punishment, which will serve as an example to 
the rest of the people. 

We will abolish the right of appellate courts to annul judi- 



cial decisions, which will become the exclusive prerogative of 
the sovereign, for we cannot permit the people to think that an 
incorrect decision may possibly be rendered by the judges ap¬ 
pointed by us. Should, however, such an error happen, we 
ourselves will annul the decision; but the punishment which 
we will impose upon the judge for misconception of his duties 
and of his responsibility will be so severe that it will eliminate 
the very possibility of a recurrence. I repeat that we will 
watch every step taken by our administration in order to en¬ 
able us to satisfy the people, for they have a right to demand 
a good appointee from a good administration. 

In the person of our sovereign, our government will bear 
the appearance of a patriarchal or fatherly tutelage. The 
people, our subjects, will see in him a father who takes care 
of every need, every action, and who is concerned with every 
relationship, both among the subjects themselves and between 
them and the sovereign. 

Thus, they will become imbued with the idea that it is im¬ 
possible for them to do without this guardian and guide if they 
wish to live in a world of peace and quiet. They will recognize 
the autocracy of our sovereign, whom they will respect and 
almost deify, especially when they realize that our agents do 
not usurp his power, but merely execute his orders blindly. 
They will be glad that everything is regulated in their lives, as 
is done by wise parents who wish to educate their children to 
a sense of duty and obedience. With regard to the secrets of 
our political plans, both the masses and their administration are 
like little children. 

As you can see for yourselves, I base our despotism upon 
right and duty; the right of forcing the performance of duty 
is the direct function of government, acting as the father to 
its subjects. It is the right of the strong to utilize his power 
in order to lead humanity towards a social order established 
by the law of nature, namely, obedience. Everything in the 
world is subject, if not to some other persons, then to circum¬ 
stances, or to its own nature; but in any case, to something 
stronger than itself. Consequently, let us be the strongest for 
the common good. 

We must sacrifice without hesitation those individuals who 
violate the existing order, for in exemplary punishment of evil 
there lies a great educational problem. 



When the King of Israel places the crown offered to him by 
Europe on his sacred head, he will become the Patriarch of 
the World. The necessary sacrifices made by him will never 
equal the number of victims sacrificed to the mania of great¬ 
ness during the centuries of rivalry between the GOY govern¬ 

Our sovereign will be in constant communication with the 
people, delivering from tribunes addresses which will be spread 
to all parts of the world. 


F OR the purpose of destroying all collective forces except 
our own, we will nullify the universities, the first stage of 
collectivism, by reconstructing them along new lines. Their 
directors and professors will be trained for their work through 
detailed secret programs of action, from which they will not 
be able to deviate in the least with impunity. They will be 
appointed with special care and will be so placed as to be com¬ 
pletely dependent upon the government. 

We will exclude from the curriculum civic law, as well as all 
that touches upon political questions. These subjects will be 
taught only to a few dozen selected for their striking ability 
from among the initiated. The universities must not allow the 
callow youths to graduate who concoct plans of constitutions 
as they do comedies or tragedies, or who meddle with political 
matters which even their fathers do not understand. 

Poorly directed study of political questions by a great num¬ 
ber of people creates Utopians and poor citizens, as you can 
judge by the universal education as conducted by the GOYS 
along those lines. It was necessary for us to infiltrate into 
their educational system such principles as have successfully 
broken down their social order. When we are in power, we 
will eliminate all disturbing subjects from educational systems 
and will make young people obedient children of their supe¬ 
riors, loving the sovereign as their assurance of hope, peace, 
and quiet. 

For the study of the classics and ancient history, which 
contain more bad than good examples, we will substitute 
a program dealing with the future. We will obliterate from 



the memory of the people all those facts pertaining to former 
centuries which are not to our advantage, leaving only those 
which emphasize the mistakes of the GOY governments. The 
study of practical life, of obligatory social order, of the inter¬ 
relationship of human beings, the avoidance of evil, egotistical 
examples that plant the seed of evil, and other questions of a 
pedagogical nature, will head the educational program. This 
program will differ for each caste, never allowing education to 
be of a uniform character. Such a system is of special im¬ 

Each caste must be educated with strict limitations, accord¬ 
ing to its particular occupation and the nature of the work. 
Accidental genius has always been able and always will be able 
to rise to a higher caste; but, for the sake of this rare exception, 
to open the door to the inefficient, and to admit them to higher 
castes or ranks, enabling them to occupy positions of others 
born and trained to fill them — is absolute insanity. You, your¬ 
self, know what happened to the GOYS when they yielded to 
this nonsense. 

In order to implant the sovereign firmly in the minds and 
hearts of his subjects, it is necessary to acquaint the people, 
during his term of office, both in schools and in public places, 
with the importance of his activity and the benevolence of his 

We will abolish all unlicensed teaching. Students will have 
the right to gather, with their relatives, in their colleges as if 
in clubs. During these gatherings, on holidays, the teachers 
will read supposedly unbiased lectures on problems of human 
relationship, on the law of imitation, on the cruelty of un¬ 
restricted competition, and finally, on new philosophical theo¬ 
ries which have not yet been disclosed to the world. 

We will promote these theories into dogmatic beliefs, using 
them as stepping-stones to our faith. After having presented 
our program of action for the present and for the future, 
I will read to you the principles of these theories. 

In short, knowing from the experience of many centuries 
that men live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are 
imbued only by means of education given to persons of all 
ages, of course by different methods but meeting with equal 
success, we will absorb and appropriate to our own advantage 
the last traces of independent thought, which for a long time 



have been directed to the goal and to the ideas necessary to 
us. The system of enslaving thought is already in action 
through so-called visual education. 

This system tends to turn the GOYS into thoughtless, obedient 
animals, expecting to see in order to understand. In France 
one of our best agents, Bourgeois, has already announced a 
new program of visual education. 


T HE lawyer's profession makes people grow cold, cruel, 
stubborn and unprincipled, and compels them to take an 
abstract or purely legal viewpoint in all matters. They have 
learned to consider solely the personal gain derived from every 
case they handle and not the possibility of the social benefit 
of its results. They rarely refuse to take a case and always 
strive for acquittal at all cost, clinging to minor technical 
points of a legal nature. In this way they demoralize the 
courts. Therefore we will limit this profession, converting it 
into an executive public office. Lawyers will be deprived of 
the right of contact with their clients on the same basis as are 
the judges. They will receive their cases only from the court, 
preparing them on the strength of written reports and docu¬ 
ments and defending their clients after they have been ex¬ 
amined in court on the basis of the facts obtained during the 
trial. They will receive a salary, regardless of whether the 
defense has been successful or not. They will act as simple 
exponents of the case on behalf of the defense in counterbalance 
to the public prosecutor, who will act as exponent on behalf 
of the prosecution. This will shorten legal procedure and 
establish an honest and impartial defense, conducted not for 
the sake of personal gain, hut based on the personal conviction 
of the lawyer. This will also eliminate the existing bribery 
among fellow lawyers and prevent their allowing the side to 
win which pays. 

We have already taken care to discredit the clergy of the 
GOYS and thus to undermine their function, which at the 
present time could have been very much in our way. Their 
influence over the people diminishes daily. 

To-day freedom of religion has been proclaimed every- 



where; consequently, it is only a question of a few years before 
the complete collapse of Christendom. It will be still easier to 
deal with other religions, but it is too early to discuss this 
problem. We will confine clericalism and clericals within such 
a narrow field that their influence will have an effect opposite 
to what it used to have. 

When the moment comes to annihilate the Vatican com¬ 
pletely, an invisible hand, pointing towards this court, will guide 
the masses in their assault. When, however, the masses 
attack, we will come forward as defenders to prevent too 
much bloodshed. By this method we will penetrate its very 
heart and will not leave it until we have undermined its 

The King of Israel will become the real Pope of the 
Universe, the Patriarch of the International Church. 

But until we have accomplished the re-education of the 
youth to new transitional religions and finally to our own, we 
will not openly attack the existing churches, but will fight them 
by means of criticism, thus creating dissension. 

In general, our press will denounce governmental activities 
and religion, and will expose the inefficiency of the GOYS in the 
most unscrupulous terms, so as to humiliate them to such an ex¬ 
tent as only our ingenious race is capable of doing. Our rule 
will simulate the God Vishnu, who resembles us physically; 
each of our hundred hands will hold one of the springs of the 
social machine. We will see everything without the aid of the 
official police; in its present organization, however, which we 
have worked out for the GOYS, the police prevent the govern¬ 
ment from seeing anything. According to our program, one- 
third of our subjects will watch the others from a pure sense of 
duty, as volunteers for the government. Then it will not be 
considered disgraceful to he a spy and an informer; on the 
contrary, it will be regarded as praiseworthy. Unfounded re¬ 
ports, however, will be severely punished to prevent abuse of 
this privilege. 

Our agents will be recruited both from among the highest 
and the lowest ranks of society; they will be selected from 
among the pleasure-loving governmental officials, editors, 
printers, booksellers, salesmen, workmen, drivers, butlers, etc. 
This police force will have no official rights or credentials, 
which give opportunity for the abuse of power, and conse- 



quently it will be powerless; it will merely act as observer and 
will make reports. The verification of such reports and the 

issue of warrants for arrests will rest with a responsible group 

of police controllers. The actual arrests, however, will be 
made by a gendarme corps or the municipal police. In case of 
failure to report any political matter which has been observed 
or rumored, the person who should have reported it may be 
brought to trial for concealment of crime, if it is proven that 
he is guilty. 

In the same way that our brethren are now under obligation 
to report on their own initiative on all apostates, or on any 

person marked as being opposed to the Kehillah, so in our 

Universal Kingdom it will be obligatory for all subjects to 
serve the state in that direction. 

Such an organization will eliminate all abuse of power and 
various kinds of coercion and corruption, in fact, the very 
things which have been introduced into the customs of the 
GOYS by our councils and by the theories of the rights of 
supermen. But how otherwise could we foment the increas¬ 
ing causes for disorder in the midst of their administration? 
What other means could we use? Among these means, one of 
the most important is the employment of such agents for the 
preservation of order as are in a position to manifest their 
own evil inclinations in the course of their destructive work, 
namely, their self-will, abuse of authority, and, most important 
of all, bribery. 


W HEN the time comes for us to strengthen the measures 
of police protection (the most terrible poison for the 
prestige of authority), we will artificially organize disorder or 
simulate the expression of discontent with the aid of expe¬ 
rienced orators. These orators will be joined by sympathizers. 
This will give us the pretext for searches and special restric¬ 
tions which will be put in force by our servants among the 
G 0 Y police. 

As most conspirators work as amateurs for the sake of 
chattering, we will not disturb them until we see that they 
are about to take action; but we will introduce in their midst 



secret service agents. It must be remembered that the pres¬ 
tige of authority diminishes if conspiracies against it are often 
discovered, for that leads to the presumption of the weakness 
of the authority, or, what is worse, to the admission of its own 
mistakes. You are aware that we have destroyed the prestige 
of the ruling GOYS by frequent attempts made on their lives 
through our agents, who were but blind sheep of our flock, 
easily moved, by a few liberal phrases, to crimes, so long as they 
were of a political nature. We have forced the rulers to admit 
their own weakness by adopting open measures of police pro¬ 
tection, and thereby we have ruined the prestige of their 

Our sovereign will be protected only by the most invisible 
guard, because we will never allow any one to think that con¬ 
spiracy might exist against him which he is unable to combat and 
from which he has to hide himself. If we were to allow this 
thought to prevail, as it prevails among the GOYS, we would 
thereby sign the death warrant, if not of the sovereign him¬ 
self, then of his dynasty in the near future. 

Observing strict decorum, our sovereign will use his power 
only for the benefit of the people, but never for his own 
good or for that of his dynasty. By strictly adhering to this 
decorum, his authority will be respected and protected by his 
subjects; moreover, he will be worshiped, because it will be 
known that upon his authority depends the well-being of every 
citizen of the kingdom, and the stability of the social order 

To guard the sovereign openly is equivalent to an admission 
of the weakness of his governmental organization. 

Our sovereign, when amidst his people, will always appear 
to be surrounded by a crowd of curious men and women, who 
will stand beside him as though accidentally and will hold back 
the other people as though through respect for order. This ex¬ 
ample will implant an idea of self-restraint in others. If there be 
a person in the crowd trying to present a petition, and working 
his way through the ranks, the person nearest to him must 
take the petition and present it to the sovereign in sight of 
the petitioner himself, so that all may know that the petition 
presented has reached its destination and consequently that 
there exists a control of affairs on the part of the sovereign 
himself. The prestige of authority demands that the people 



should be able to say, "If only the king could know it," or, 
"The king will know about this." 

With the establishment of an official police guard the mystical 
prestige of authority vanishes at once; with a certain amount 
of audacity, every one considers himself superior to authority; 
the assassin realizes his strength and only has to watch his 
opportunity to make an attempt against an official. We 
preached differently for the GOYS, but we can see the results to 
which open methods of protection have led them. 

We will arrest criminals upon the first more or less well- 
founded suspicion. Because of the fear of a possible mistake 
political criminals should not be given the opportunity to 
escape; indeed towards political crime we will show no mercy. 
If, in exceptional cases, it may seem possible to allow the in¬ 
vestigation of motives which have led to ordinary criminal 
offences, there is no excuse for those who attempt to deal with 
matters which no one can understand except the government. 
Moreover, not even all governments are capable of under¬ 
standing the right policy. 


T H 0 U G H we will not allow individuals to become involved 
in politics, we will, on the other hand, encourage the sub¬ 
mission for the approval of the government of all petitions and 
reports containing suggestions and plans for bettering the 
condition of the people. This will bring to our knowledge 
the shortcomings or merely the fantastic aspirations of our 
subjects. These suggestions we will answer either by favor¬ 
able action or by refusals proving the lack of intelligence and 
the errors of those who have submitted such suggestions. 

Sedition is nothing but the barking of a lap dog at an ele¬ 
phant. From the point of view of a government which is well 
organized, not from the police standpoint but with regard to its 
social basis, the lap dog barks at the elephant because he does 
not realize his strength. It is only necessary for the elephant 
to show his strength once and the dog barks no more; he 
begins to wag his tail the moment he sees the elephant. 

In order to eliminate the prestige of martyrdom from polit¬ 
ical crime, we will seat the political criminal on the same bench 



with thieves, murderers, and other disgusting and dirty crimi¬ 
nals. Then public opinion will regard that class of criminals 
as quite as disgraceful as any other, and will brand them with 
equal contempt. 

We have endeavored to prevent, and I hope have succeeded 
in preventing, the GOYS from using such methods of dealing 
with seditious activities. In order to attain this end, we have 
made use of the press and public speeches; indirectly, through 
cleverly compiled historical textbooks, we have given publicity 
to martyrdom as though revolutionists had undergone it for 
the sake of human welfare. Such an advertisement has in¬ 
creased the contingent of liberals and forced thousands of 
GOYS into the herds of our cattle. 


T O-DAY we shall deal with the financial program, the dis¬ 
cussion of which I have postponed until the end of my 
report because it is the most difficult, conclusive, and decisive 
point in our plans. In approaching it, I will remind you that I 
have already intimated that the result of our actions is meas¬ 
ured in figures. 

When we become rulers, our autocratic government, for the 
sake of self-defense, will avoid burdening the people with 
heavy taxes, and it will not forget the role it has to play, 
namely, that of Father and Protector. But as government or¬ 
ganization is costly, it is necessary to raise the means for its 
maintenance. Consequently, we must carefully work out the 
plan of a fair distribution of taxation. 

In our government the sovereign will have the legal fiction 
of owning everything in his kingdom (which is easily put into 
practice), and can resort to legal confiscation of all money 
in order to regulate its circulation throughout the country. 
Consequently, the best method of taxation is the levying of a 
progressive tax on property. Taxes will thus be paid without 
difficulty or ruin in respective proportion to the amount of 
property owned. The rich must realize that it is their duty 
to give a part of their surplus wealth for the benefit of the 
country as a whole, because the government guarantees inviola¬ 
bility of the remaining part of their property and the right of 



honest gain. I say honest because the control of property will 
prevent legal theft. 

This social reform must come from above, for the time is 
ripe and it is becoming necessary as a guarantee of peace. 

The tax on the poor is the seed of revolution, and it acts 
detrimentally to the government, which loses the great in 
its pursuit of the little. Moreover, the taxation of capital 
will lessen the increase of wealth in private hands, in which 
at present we have concentrated it as a counterweight to the 
governmental power of the GOYS, namely, to the state 

Progressive taxation, assessed according to the amount of 
capital, will produce a much greater revenue than the present 
system of taxing every one at an equal rate, which is useful to 
us now only as a means of exciting revolt and discontent among 
the GOYS. The power of our sovereign will rest mainly in 
equilibrium and in guarantees of peace. For these, the capi¬ 
talists must cede a part of their income so as to protect the 
action of the government machine. Public needs must he met 
by those who can best afford to do so and by those from whom 
there is something to take. 

Such a measure will eliminate the hatred of the poor towards 
the rich, as they will be regarded as the financial supporters of 
the state and the upholders of peace and prosperity. The 
poor will also see that the rich are providing the necessary 
means to insure this end. 

To prevent intelligent taxpayers from being too discontented 
with the new system of taxation, they will he furnished with 
detailed reports of the disbursement of public funds, exclusive 
of such as are appropriated for the needs of the throne and 
administrative institutions. 

The sovereign will not own property, since everything in the 
state will seem to belong to him and these two conceptions 
would contradict each other. Private means would eliminate 
his right to own everything. 

The relatives of the sovereign, aside from his descendants 
who will also be supported by the state, must join the 
ranks of government officials, or otherwise work for the right 
of holding property. The privilege of being of royal blood 
must not entitle them to rob the state treasury. 

Sales, profits, or inheritances will be taxed by a progressive 



stamp tax. The transfer of property, whether in cash or 
otherwise, without the required stamp, will place the payment 
of the tax on the original owner, dating from the time of the 
transfer until the time of the reported failure to record the 
transaction. Transfer vouchers must be shown weekly at the 
local branch of the state treasury, together with a statement of 
the names, surnames, and the permanent addresses both of the 
original and of the new owner. The recording of the names 
of those participating in a transaction will be necessary in all 
transactions involving more than a certain amount for ordinary 
expenditure. The sale of prime necessities will be taxed only 
by a stamp tax, which will represent a certain small per cent of 
the cost of the particular article. 

Just calculate how many times the amount received from 
such taxes will exceed the income of the GOY governments. 

The state bank must keep a definite reserve fund, and all 
sums in excess must be put back into circulation. The cost 
of public works will be met out of this surplus fund. The 
initiative of such works emanating from the government will 
also tie the working class to the interests of the government 
and the rulers. Some of this money will be allotted to prizes 
for inventions and for the purposes of production. 

Even small sums in excess of a certain definite and broadly 
calculated fund, should not be allowed to be kept in the state 
treasury, because money is intended to circulate, and every 
impediment to circulation is detrimental to the governmental 
mechanism, which the money lubricates; the congestion of 
lubricating substances can stop the proper functioning of the 

The substitution of bonds for a part of the currency has 
created just such an impediment. The result of this has already 
become sufficiently evident. 

We will also establish an auditing office, so as to enable the 
sovereign to find at all times a full account of state revenues 
and expenses, except for the current month not yet made up, 
and that of the previous month not yet presented. 

The only person who will not be interested in robbing the 
state treasury will be the sovereign, its owner. This is the 
reason why his control will prevent the possibility of loss or 

Receptions for the purpose of etiquette, which waste the 



valuable time of the sovereign, will be abolished, because the 
ruler needs time for control and thought. Then his power will 
not be frittered away on the people surrounding the throne 
for the sake of appearance and brilliance, and who have only 
their own and not the public interest in mind. 

The economic crises were created by us for the GOYS only 
by the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge amounts 
of capital were kept idle and were taken away from the nations, 
which were thus compelled to apply to us for loans. Payment 
of interest on these loans burdened the state finances and made 
the states subservient to capital. The concentration of industry 
having taken production out of the hands of the artisan and put 
it into the hands of capitalists, sucked all the power out of the 
people and also out of the state. 

The present issue of money generally does not coincide with 
the need per capita, and consequently it cannot satisfy all the 
needs of the working classes. The issue of currency must 
correspond with the increase in population, and children must 
be reckoned as consumers from the day of their birth. The 
revision of the issue of currency is an essential problem for the 
whole world. 

You know that gold currency was detrimental to the gov¬ 
ernments that accepted it, for it could not satisfy the require¬ 
ments for money, since we took as much gold as possible out 
of circulation. 

We must issue a currency based on the value of the working 
power, whether it be of paper or wood. We will issue money 
in proportion to the normal demands of every subject, adding 
a certain amount at every birth and decreasing it with every 

Every department (the French administrative divisions), 1 
every district, will be in charge of its own accounts. 

To avoid any delay in paying government expenses, the terms 
of such payments will be decreed by order of the sovereign; 
this will eliminate any favoritism of the ministry (of finance) 1 
over any other department to the detriment of the others. 

The budget of revenues and the budget of expenditure will 
be placed side by side, in order that they may always be com¬ 
pared with each other. 

The words in parentheses would seem to be a comment of Nilus's. 

The words in parentheses are inserted by the editors. 



We will present plans for the reform of the GOY financial 
institutions and of their principles, as planned by us, in such a 
manner that nobody will be frightened. We will demonstrate 
the need of reform by the disorderly twaddle produced by the 
financial disorganization of the GOYS. We will show that the 
first reason for this confusion lies in the drafting of rough esti¬ 
mates for the budget, which increases from year to year. This 
annual budget is with great difficulty made to last during the 
first half of the year; then a revised budget is demanded and 
the funds thus allotted are spent in the next three months, after 
which a supplementary budget is called for and all this is 
wound up by a liquidation budget. As the budget of the fol¬ 
lowing year is based on the total expenditure of the preceding 
year, the divergence from the normal reaches fifty per cent 
annually, so that the annual budget trebles every ten years. 
Owing to such a procedure, resulting from the carelessness of 
the Goy governments, their treasuries became empty. The 
period of loans followed and used up the remainder and 
brought all the GOY states to bankruptcy. 

You can well understand that such a management of financial 
affairs as we induced the GOYS to pursue cannot be adopted 
by us. 

Every loan proves the impotency of the government and 
its failure to understand its own rights. Loans, like the 
sword of Damocles, hang above the heads of the rulers, who 
instead of placing temporary taxes on their subjects, stretch 
forth their hands and beg the charity of our bankers. Foreign 
loans are leeches, which can never be removed from the gov¬ 
ernmental body until they either fall off themselves or the 
government itself manages to get rid of them. But the GOY 
governments instead of throwing them off increase their 
number, so that these governments must inevitably perish 
through self-inflicted loss of blood. 

Indeed, what is a loan, especially a foreign loan, if not a 
leech? A loan is the issuance of government obligations 
which involve the liability to pay interest in proportion to the 
sum borrowed. If the loan pays five per cent, then in twenty 
years the government has unnecessarily paid in interest an 
amount equal to the principal sum borrowed. In forty years 
it has paid twice; in sixty years it has trebled the sum, while 
the loan still remains an unpaid debt. 



From this calculation it is evident that under the system 
of universal taxation the government takes the last penny 
from the poor taxpayers in the form of taxes in order to pay 
interest to foreign capitalists, from whom the money was bor¬ 
rowed, instead of collecting these same pennies for its needs 
free from all interest. 

So long as the loans were domestic, the Goys only shifted 
the money from the pockets of the poor into those of the 
rich; but when we bribed the proper persons to make the loans 
foreign, then national riches poured into our hands and all 
the GOYS began to pay us the tribute of subjects. 

The carelessness of the reigning GOYS in statemanship, the 
corruption of their ministers, the ignorance of other officials 
of financial problems, has forced their countries into debt to 
our banks to such an extent that they can never pay off their 
debts. It should be realized, however, that we have gone to 
great pains in order to bring about such a state of affairs. 

Impediments to the circulation of money will not be allowed 
by us, and therefore there will be no government bonds, 
except one per cent bonds, so that the payment of interest 
should not deliver the power of the state to the sucking of 
leeches. The right of issuing bonds will be exclusively 
granted to industrial corporations, which will easily pay the 
interest out of their profits. The government, however, does 
not derive profit on borrowed money as these corporations 
do, since the state borrows money for expenditure and not 
for production. 

Industrial bonds will also be bought by the government, 
which instead of being, as at present, the payer of tribute on 
loans, will become a sound creditor. Such a measure will 
prevent stagnation in the circulation of money, as well as indo¬ 
lence and laziness, which were useful to us so long as the Goys 
remained independent, but are not wanted by us in our gov¬ 

How apparent is the shortsightedness of the purely bestial 
brains of the GOYS! It manifested itself when they borrowed 
money for at interest. It did not occur to the GOYS that, 
at any rate, this money, with the additional interest on it, would 
have to be taken from the resources of the country and paid 
to us. Would it not have been more simple to take the needed 
money from their own people? 



I direct your express attention to the above circumstance, 
as also to the following: At present all domestic loans are 
consolidated into so-called floating debts; in other words, into 
those whose terms of payment are more or less close at hand. 
Such debts consist of money placed in savings banks. Being 
at the disposal of the government, for a considerable length of 
time, these funds vanish in the payment of interest on foreign 
loans, and they are replaced by an equal amount of govern¬ 
ment securities. The latter cover all the deficits in the govern¬ 
ment treasuries of the Goys. 

When we mount the throne of the universe, such financial 
expedients, being detrimental to our interests, will vanish. We 
will also destroy all stock exchanges, for we will not allow the 
prestige of our authority to be shaken by the shifting of the 
prices of our securities. We will fix the full price of their 
value legally without any possibility of its fluctuation. (A rise 
leads to a fall, and this was precisely what we did to the GOY 
stocks and bonds at the beginning.) 

We will replace the stock exchanges by great government 
credit institutions, whose functions will be to tax commercial 
values according to governmental plans. These institutions will 
be in a position to throw daily on the market 500,000,000 shares 
of industrial stocks, or to buy up a like amount. Thus all in¬ 
dustrial enterprises will become dependent upon us. You can 
well imagine what power that will give us. 


I N all that I have hitherto reported to you I have carefully 
tried to show you a true picture of the mystery of present 
events, as also of those of the past, which all flow into the 
stream of great events, the results of which will be seen in the 
near future. I have exposed our secret plans which govern 
our relations with the GOYS, as well as our financial policy. 
There remains but little to add. 

We hold in our hands the greatest modern power — gold. 
In the course of two days we can get it from our treasuries in 
any desired quantity. 

Is there any more need for us to prove that our rule is 
decreed by God? Do we not prove by such wealth that all the 



doubled, trebled, and even more, loaning the GOY governments 
money which in reality was not needed by the states at all. 
Who could do the same with regard to us? Therefore, I will 
only set forth details in regard to domestic loans. 

In announcing such a loan, the governments open a sub¬ 
scription to their bonds. To make them accessible to all, they 
vary the denomination from one hundred to thousands, and the 
first subscribers are allowed to buy below face value. The 
following day the price is artificially raised on the pretext that 
everybody hurried to buy the bonds. In a few more days 
there is a pretense that the treasury is filled and that it is not 
known what to do with the money, which has been oversub¬ 
scribed. (What was the use of taking it?) The subscription 
is evidently considerably in excess of the amount asked for. 
Therein lies the effect, for it is thus demonstrated that the 
public has confidence in the government obligations. 

But after the comedy has been played the fact of the debt 
appears, and it is usually a heavy one. In order to pay the 
interest, new loans have to be issued, which do not liquidate 
but increase the original debt. Then when the borrowing 
capacity of the government has been exhausted, it becomes 
necessary to meet the interest on the loan — not the loan 
itself—by new taxes. These taxes are nothing but a debit 
used to cover a debit. 

Then comes the period of conversions, but these only de¬ 
crease the payment of interest while they do not annul the 
debts. Moreover, they cannot be made without the consent 
of the bondholders. When a conversion is advertised, an offer 
is made to return the money to those who are not willing to 
convert their bonds. If everybody were to demand his money, 
the government would be caught in its own net and would be 
unable to return all the money. Fortunately, the GOY subjects, 
ignorant of financial affairs, always preferred to suffer a fall 
in the value of their securities and a reduction of interest to the 
risk of new investments; thus, they have given these govern¬ 
ments more than one opportunity of throwing off a deficit of 
several millions. At present, with the existence of foreign 
loans, the GOYS cannot play such tricks, for they know that 
we would demand all the money back. 

Thus, an avowed bankruptcy will be the best proof of the lack 
of common interest between the people and their government. 



I direct your express attention to the above circumstance, 
as also to the following: At present all domestic loans are 
consolidated into so-called floating debts; in other words, into 
those whose terms of payment are more or less close at hand. 
Such debts consist of money placed in savings banks. Being 
at the disposal of the government, for a considerable length of 
time, these funds vanish in the payment of interest on foreign 
loans, and they are replaced by an equal amount of govern¬ 
ment securities. The latter cover all the deficits in the govern¬ 
ment treasuries of the Goys. 

When we mount the throne of the universe, such financial 
expedients, being detrimental to our interests, will vanish. We 
will also destroy all stock exchanges, for we will not allow the 
prestige of our authority to be shaken by the shifting of the 
prices of our securities. We will fix the full price of their 
value legally without any possibility of its fluctuation. (A rise 
leads to a fall, and this was precisely what we did to the GOY 
stocks and bonds at the beginning.) 

We will replace the stock exchanges by great government 
credit institutions, whose functions will be to tax commercial 
values according to governmental plans. These institutions will 
be in a position to throw daily on the market 500,000,000 shares 
of industrial stocks, or to buy up a like amount. Thus all in¬ 
dustrial enterprises will become dependent upon us. You can 
well imagine what power that will give us. 


I N all that I have hitherto reported to you I have carefully 
tried to show you a true picture of the mystery of present 
events, as also of those of the past, which all flow into the 
stream of great events, the results of which will be seen in the 
near future. I have exposed our secret plans which govern 
our relations with the GOYS, as well as our financial policy. 
There remains but little to add. 

We hold in our hands the greatest modern power — gold. 
In the course of two days we can get it from our treasuries in 
any desired quantity. 

Is there any more need for us to prove that our rule is 
decreed by God? Do we not prove by such wealth that all the 



evil which we were forced to do during so many centuries has 
served in the end to true happiness —to the restoration of 
order? Although by means of violence, order will nevertheless 
be established. We will be able to prove that we are bene¬ 
factors, who have brought true welfare and individual freedom 
to the tortured world, insuring at the same time the possibility 
of enjoying peace, quiet, and dignity of relationships, upon the 
sole condition, of course, that obedience to the laws established 
by us is practiced. We will also make it clear that freedom does 
not mean license and in doing whatever people please, no more 
than dignity and power imply the right to propound destruc¬ 
tive doctrines, like freedom of conscience, equality, and similar 
things. Individual freedom by no means imports the right 
of disturbing oneself and others, disgracing oneself by making 
ridiculous speeches in disorderly gatherings, and implies that 
true liberty means individual inviolability through an honest 
and strict obedience to social laws; that moreover, human 
dignity implies the conception of one's rights as well as the idea 
of legal inhibitions which prohibit fantastic dreams about the 

Our power will be glorious because it will be mighty; it will 
rule and guide, and not helplessly crawl after leaders and 
orators, shouting insane words which they call great principles, 
and which in reality are simply Utopian. Our power will lead 
to order, which, in turn, brings happiness to the people. The 
prestige of this power will excite mystical adoration, and the 
peoples will bow before it. True power does not yield to any 
right, even be it that of God. None will dare approach it in 
order to deprive it even of an atom of its might. 


T O teach the people obedience they must be taught modesty, 
and to accomplish this the production of luxuries must 
be limited. We will thus improve customs, demoralized by 
rivalry, resulting from luxury. 

We will restore handicraft, which will undermine the private 
capital of manufacturers. This is necessary, because big manu¬ 
facturers often influence, although not always consciously, the 
thoughts of the people against the government. 



A people, practicing handicraft, does not know what 
unemployment means, and this makes them cling to existing 
conditions and consequently to the power of authority. Un¬ 
employment is most dangerous for a government. It will have 
finished its work for us as soon as authority falls into our 

Drunkenness will also be forbidden by law and will he pun¬ 
ishable as a crime against human decency, for man becomes 
bestial under the influence of alcohol. 

Once more I state, that people obey blindly only the hand 
that is strong and entirely independent of them, in which they 
see a sword of defense and a stronghold against the blows 
of social misfortune. Why should the sovereign have an 
angel's heart? They want to see in him the personification of 
might and power. 

The sovereign who will replace the present existing govern¬ 
ments, dragging along their existence in the midst of a society 
demoralized by us, which denies even the power of God and 
from whose midst rises on all sides the flames of anarchy, must 
primarily undertake to extinguish this all-consuming fire. 
Therefore, he must destroy such a society, if necessary drown 
it in its own blood, in order to resurrect it as a well-organized 
army, which consciously struggles against the infection of any 
anarchy affecting the state organism. 

He, God's elect, is chosen from above for the purpose of 
crushing the insane forces that are moved by instinct and not 
by intellect, by bestiality and not by humanitarianism. These 
forces are now triumphant, and assume the form of robberies 
and all kinds of violence exercised in the name of liberty and of 
right. They have destroyed all social order, so as to establish 
the throne of the King of Israel; hut their role will be ended 
with his coming into power. Then it will be necessary to 
sweep them from his path, on which not a twig or an im¬ 
pediment shall remain. 

Then we will say to the peoples: Pray to God and bow 
before him who hears the mark of predestination, to whom 
God Himself showed His Star, so that none but He Himself 
should free you from all sinful forces and from evil. 




N OW I shall refer to the manner in which we will strengthen 
the dynastic roots of KingDavidsoas to cause this dynasty 
to endure until the last day. This method will consist chiefly 
of the same principles which enabled our Wise Men to con¬ 
serve their power to cope with universal problems and to guide 
the education of the thoughts of humanity at large. 

A few members of the seed of David will train the sovereigns 
and their successors, who will he selected not by right of 
inheritance, but according to their personal ability. To them 
the deep political mysteries and the plan of our rule will be con¬ 
fided, but in such a wise manner that nobody will know these 
secrets. The aim of this method is to prove to all that power 
will not he given to the uninitiated in the mysteries of politi¬ 
cal art. 

Only such people will he taught how to apply the above men¬ 
tioned plans in practice, by comparing them with the experi¬ 
ences of many centuries, and only they will be initiated in the 
conclusions drawn from all the observations of political, eco¬ 
nomic, and social movements and sciences; in short, only they 
will know the true spirit of the laws, irrevocably established by 
nature for the purpose of regulating human relationship. 

Direct descendants of the sovereign will often he prevented 
from inheriting the throne if, during the period of their study, 
they show signs of frivolity, lenience, or other tendencies 
detrimental to authority, which would make them incapable 
of government and dangerous to the prestige of the Crown. 

Only those of an undoubtedly able and firm, even cruel char¬ 
acter, will receive the reins of government from our Wise Men. 

In case of illness, loss of will-power, or any other form of 
inefficiency, the sovereigns will he compelled to hand over the 
reins of government to new and able hands. 

The sovereign's immediate plan of action and its application 
in the future will be unknown even to the so-called closest 

Only the sovereign and his three sponsors will know the 

In the person of the sovereign, with his immovable will over 

7 2 


himself and humanity, all will recognize Fate itself with her 
mysterious paths. Nobody will know the aims of the sovereign 
when he issues his orders, and thus nobody will dare oppose 

Naturally the mental capacity of the sovereign must be 
equal to the plan of rule herein contained. For this reason he 
will not mount the throne before a test of his mind is made by 
the above mentioned Wise Men. 

To make people know and love their sovereign, it is necessary 
that he should address the people in public places, thus es¬ 
tablishing harmony between the two forces, now separated 
from each other by mutual terror. This terror was necessary 
for us until the time came to make both forces fall under our 

The King of Israel must not be influenced by his passions, 
especially by sensuality. No particular element of his nature 
must have the upper hand and rule over his mind. Sensuality, 
more than anything else, upsets mental ability and clearness of 
vision by deflecting thought to the worst and most bestial side 
of human nature. 

The Pillar of the Universe in the person of the World Ruler, 
sprung from the sacred seed of David, must sacrifice all 
personal desires for the benefit of his people. 

Our sovereign must be irreproachable. 


Part Two 



T HE most striking fact in connection with the Protocols 
is the close resemblance which their ruthless program 
bears in many respects to the policies actually put into effect 
by the Bolsheviki in Russia. Indeed, without this fact before 
us, the necessity for a serious consideration of the Protocols 
would he much less apparent. If the evidence shows that the 
Bolshevist movement is a movement conducted under Jewish 
leadership and principally controlled by Jews, and, further¬ 
more, that it closely corresponds with the political program 
outlined in the Protocols, then, indeed, we have facts of grave 
significance supporting the authenticity of the Protocols. 


With regard to the question as to how far the Bolshevist 
movement is a Jewish movement in the sense that it is under 
Jewish control, there is some disagreement. Certain promi¬ 
nent Jews in this country, while admitting that most of the 
Bolshevist leaders in Russia are Jews, claim that this is a 
mere coincidence, and claim further that the Bolshevist lead¬ 
ers are only apostate Jews who do not adhere to the Jewish 
religion. 1 The evidence, however, is not very convincing on 
either point, for on the one hand the proportion of Jews 
among the Bolshevist leaders in Russia is so large that it 

The Jewish sayings cited in this volume show that some of the 
great Jewish leaders maintain that the apostasy of a Jew in the matter 
of religion does not prevent him from remaining for all other purposes 
a Jew, or release him from his obligations as such. 



strongly tends to show that it is not accidental but must be 
otherwise explained, while on the other hand, as to the allega¬ 
tion of apostasy, this seems to be principally based upon 
evidence that the Jewish leaders in Russia are denouncing 
religion in general on the ground that it is the bulwark of 
the capitalistic system and the enemy of the Socialistic State, 
in accordance with the teachings of Karl Marx and his fol¬ 
lowers. Such evidence, however, does not prove very much 
if in practice only the Christian church is actually attacked. 

It is important to note in this connection that Karl Marx 
himself was a Jew, as are also practically all of the best 
known leaders of radical socialism, such as Bebel, Bernstein, 
Lassalle, Hillquit, the brothers Adler (in Austria), etc. The 
legend now prominently displayed by the Bolsheviki in Russia, 
that "religion is the opium of the people," was the saying 
of Karl Marx himself, while it was Behel who said: "Chris¬ 
tianity and Socialism stand towards each other as fire and 

Moreover, there is evidence that there has been a marked 
persecution of Christian priests and their congregations by 
the Bolsheviki, and that the Jewish rabbis have not been 
molested. Generally speaking, we believe that the preponder¬ 
ance of evidence strongly tends to show that Bolshevism is 
Jewish in character in the sense that it is under the control 
principally of Jews who occupy, either openly or secretly, 
almost all of the positions of importance in the Soviet govern¬ 
ment in Russia. This was equally true in regard to the recent 
Spartacan and Bolshevist revolutions in Germany and Hun¬ 
gary. The one important exception is Lenin himself, Trotzky 
and almost all the other important Bolshevist leaders to-day 
being members of the Jewish race. 

Evidence that the Bolsheviki in Russia have conducted a 
campaign of persecution against the Christian religion, while 
protecting the Jewish religion, will be considered below under 
the heading, "The Destruction of Religion and Christianity." 
For the present we shall confine ourselves to other evidence 
which tends to show that the Bolshevik movement in Russia 
is under Jewish leadership and may be regarded as primarily 
a Jewish movement. 



(a) Testimony before the Overman Committee 

The testimony of a number of reliable witnesses before the 
Overman Committee is to the effect that from the very begin¬ 
ning the leadership of the Bolshevist revolution in Russia has 
been principally Jewish and that the movement had powerful 
support from Jews returning to Russia in the spring of 1917. 

This testimony was taken early in the year 1919 and is con¬ 
tained in the printed Senate Report (a public document) 
entitled, "Bolshevik Propaganda — Hearings before a Sub¬ 
committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States 
Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, pursuant to S. Res. 439 and 


Among the witnesses who testified as to the Jewish char¬ 
acter of the Bolshevist movement before the Senate Com¬ 
mittee was Dr. George A. Simons, a Methodist clergyman 
who had been for many years in charge of a church and other 
property belonging to the American Methodists in Petrograd. 
He was there during the Kerensky regime and during the 
Bolshevist regime until October 6, 1918. 

Dr. Simons testified that "at the beginning of the so-called 
new regime [Kerensky's] there was a disposition to glorify 
the Allies and to make a great deal of what the French Revo¬ 
lution had stood for; within from six to eight weeks there 
was an undercurrent just the opposite, and things began to 
loom up in a pro-German way."' 

He then told of the arrival of Lenin from Switzerland via 
Germany, and of Bronstein (alias Trotzky) from New York, 
and how they conducted a vigorous agitation in Russia while 
Kerensky was "running up and down the front." He then 
goes on to testify as follows: 

MR. SIMONS. "Kerensky was spending a good deal of his 
time running up and down the front, trying to hearten the 
Russian soldiers in their warfare, and he was generally ac¬ 
credited with being a fine orator and doing splendid work, and 
I do not doubt but what he did manage to keep the men longer 
than they otherwise would have stayed in, but we were told 
there were hundreds of agitators who had followed in the trail 
of Trotzky-Bronstein, these men having come over from the 

"Bolshevik Propaganda. Hearings before a Subcommittee on the 
Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress," p. 111. 



lower East Side of New York. I was surprised to find scores 
of such men walking up and down Nevsky. Some of them, 
when they learned that I was the American pastor in Petro- 
grad, stepped up to me and seemed very much pleased that 
there was somebody who could speak English, and their broken 
English showed that they had not qualified as being real Amer¬ 
icans; and a number of these men called on me, and a number 
of us were impressed with the strange Yiddish element in this 
thing right from the start, and it soon became evident that 
more than half of the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik 
movement were Yiddish." 


MR. SIMONS. "They were Hebrews, apostate Jews. I do 
not want to say anything against the Jews, as such. I am not 
in sympathy with the anti-Semitic movement, never have been, 
and do not ever expect to he. I am against it. I abhor all po¬ 
groms of whatever kind. But I have a firm conviction that this 
thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the East 
Side of New York." 

SENATOR NELSON. "Trotzky came over from New York 
during that summer, did he not?" 

MR. SIMONS. "He did." 

SENATOR OVERMAN. "You think he brought these people 
with him?" 

MR. SIMONS. "I am not able to say that he brought them 
with him. I think that most of them came after him, but that 
he was responsible for their coming." 

MR. SIMONS further states (Senate Report, p. 114): 

"The latest startling information, given me by some one who 
says that there is good authority for it — and I am to be 
given the exact figures later on and have them checked up 
properly by the proper authorities — is this, that in December, 
1918, in the northern community of Petrograd, so-called — 
that is what they call that section of the Soviet regime under 
the presidency of the man known as Mr. Apfelbaum — out of 
388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, and all 
the rest Jews, with the exception possibly of one man, who 
is a negro from America, who calls himself Prof. Gordon, 
and 265 of the members of this northern commune government, 
that is sitting in the old Smolny Institute, came from the lower 
East Side of New York — 265 of them. ... In fact, I 
am very much impressed with this, that moving around here 
I find that certain Bolsheviki propagandists are nearly all Jews 
— apostate Jews. I have been in the so-called People's House, 
at 7 East Fifteenth Street, New York, which calls itself also 
the Rand School of Social Science, and I have visited that at 
least six times during the last eleven weeks or so, buying their 



literature, and some of the most seditious stuff I have ever 
found against our own Government, and 19 out of every 20 
people I have seen there have been Jews." 

On the same page, referring to a pamphlet written by one 
Albert Rhys Williams, Dr. Simons states: 

"I have analyzed certain questions and answers, especially 
with regard to this paragraph on religion, and I have no doubt 
in my mind that the predominant element in this Bolsheviki 
movement in America is, you may call it, the Yiddish of the 
East Side." 

On page 116 the witness further states: 

"I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after the 
great revolution of the winter of 1917 there were scores of 
Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes, and what not, 
talking until their mouths frothed, and I often remarked to my 
sister, 'Well, what are we coming to, anyway? This all looks 
so Yiddish.' Up to that time we had very few Jews, because 
there was, as you may know, a restriction against having Jews 
in Petrograd; but after the revolution they swarmed in there, 
and most of the agitators happened to be Jews. I do not want 
to be unfair to them, but I usually know a Jew when I see 

In a subsequent part of his testimony, he says: 

"I had occasion to speak with people who were working and 
people who were not bourgeois, I interviewed hundreds, and I 
asked them, 'Well, what do you think of this thing?' 'Well, 
we know that it is first of all German, and second, we know 
that it is Jewish. It is not a Russian proposition at all.' That 
became so popular that as you moved through the streets in 
Petrograd in July and August and September and the begin¬ 
ning of October, openly they would tell you this, 'This is not 
a Russian Government; this a German and Hebrew Govern¬ 
ment.' And then others would come out and say, 'And very 
soon there is going to be a big pogrom.' As a result of that, 
hundreds of Bolshevik officials who happened to be Jews were 
sending their wives and their children out of Petrograd and 
Moscow, afraid that the pogrom would really come." (p. 132). 

On page 142 of his testimony Dr. Simons introduced a list 
of names, which he said was widely circulated in Petrograd 
in August, 1917, giving the real names and the Jewish names 
of the most important Bolshevist leaders. This list is as 



" l. Chernoff 

2. Trotzky. 

3. Martoff 

4. Kamkoff 

5. Meshkoff 

6. Zagorsky 

7. Suchanoff 

8. D a n 

9. Parvuss. 

10. Kradek 

11. Zinovyeff 

12. Stekloff 

13. Larin 

14. Ryazanoff 

15. Bogdanoff 

16. Goryeff 

17. Zwezdin 

18. Lieber. 

19. Ganezky. 

20. Roshal 

Real name 
Von Gutmann 

L u r y e 






Dr. Simons also testified that when the Bolsheviki came into 
power the Yiddish language at once became predominant in 
official proclamations and posters. He says: 

"I might mention this, that when the Bolsheviki came into 
power, all over Petrograd we at once had a predominance of 
Yiddish proclamations, big posters, and everything in Yiddish. 
It became very evident that now that was to be one of the great 
languages of Russia; and the real Russians, of course, did not 
take very kindly to it." 

On page 135 Dr. Simons states: 

"Trotzky is a Jew. His real name is Leon Bronstein."' 

Testimony of Mr. William Chapin Huntington 

Mr. Huntington was Commercial Attache of the United 
States Embassy at Petrograd from June, 1916, until September, 
1918. He was in Petrograd at the outbreak of the Bolshevist 
coup d'etat in November, 1917, and remained there until Feb¬ 
ruary, 1918, when he was sent on a mission to Siberia by 

■ Ambassador Francis, in his testimony before the Overman Com¬ 
mittee, stated that Dr. George A. Simons is an absolutely reliable and 
trustworthy man (p. 977), and that the same is true of Mr. Roger E. 
Simmons, whose testimony is cited below. 



Ambassador Francis. When he returned to Russia he re¬ 
mained in Moscow from May, 1918, until August 26, 1918. 
He states on page 47: 

"The Bolsheviks are internationalists, and they were not in¬ 
terested in the particular national ideals of Russia." 

On page 69 he testified: 

"The leaders of the movement, I should say, are about two- 
thirds Russian Jews and perhaps one-sixth or more of some of 
the other nationalities, like the Letts, or the Armenians." 

Testimony of Mr. William W. Welsh 

Mr. Welsh was employed by the National City Bank and 
was in Russia from October, 1916, until September, 1918. He 
states on page 269: 

"In Russia it is well known that three-fourths of the Bol¬ 
shevik leaders are Jewish." 

In regard to the men who went to Russia from the East 
Side of New York, at the outbreak of the revolution, he 

"There were some — not many, but there were some — real 
Russians; and what I mean by real Russians is Russian-born, 
and not Russian Jews." 

The witness also stated that he knew "several cases" in 
which well-to-do Jews had been persecuted in the same way 
as other Russian bourgeois. On page 270 he states: 

"Bolshevism cannot be explained along racial lines alone. 
The Bolsheviks are made up of the very worst elements of 
many races. It is important, however, that Jews in this coun¬ 
try should not favor Bolshevism because of any liberties or 
privileges which they may think are being accorded to the 
Jews in Russia by the Bolsheviks. They should study the 
facts carefully and not be prejudiced by any racial feeling, or 
they are sure to bring the odium of Bolshevism unjustly to the 
door of the Jew. The best Jews in this country would do well 
to brand the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia as anti-Jews, which 
they really are, for they bring nothing but discredit to the Jew¬ 
ish race." 



Testimony of Roger E. Simmons 

Mr. Simmons was Trade Commissioner, connected with the 
United States Department of Commerce, who was in Siberia 
and Russia from July, 1917, until November, 1918. He was 
in Vologda in July, 1918, and gives a graphic account of his 
imprisonment there by the assistant of the commissar of that 
community, a man named Iduke. He says: 

"Iduke is a Lettish Jew, a man of a very irascible nature, 
and, on account of his experience in the uprising in Yaroslav, 
where the protest against the Bolshevik regime had become 
formidable, he had the reputation of being the cruelest and the 
most bloodthirsty Bolshevik leader of the revolution." 

Mr. Simmons then narrates how he himself escaped execu¬ 
tion only because he succeeded in bribing a Lettish soldier 
who had been in America to deliver a letter to the Swedish 
Consul General. An English subject who was imprisoned 
with him in the same cell was actually executed. Shortly 
before his death this Englishman said to Simmons: 

"I do not like the situation. I don't understand these people. 
They are not Russians. I don't know why they accuse me, nor 
what they are going to do with me." ■ 

Testimony of an Anonymous Witness 

Another witness, who was allowed to withhold his name, 
testified before the Senate Committee that he left Petrograd 
November 6, 1917, the night the Bolshevist uprising took 

place. His testimony on page 321 of the Senate Report is 
as follows: 

"With regard to the industrial conditions before the Bol- 
sheviki rising started, with the revolution of March, 1917, we 
found that there were quite a number of so-called Americans 
who had returned to Russia almost immediately after the revo¬ 
lution, commencing, probably, to arrive in April of 1917." 

SENATOR NELSON. "What sort of people were they? They 
were people who had been here, were they not?" 

MR.-. "People who had been in this country." 

SENATOR NELSON. "Were they Hebrews?" 

MR.-. "A large number of them were — that is He¬ 

brew by race, non-Slavs — and we were continually meeting 

"Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 310. 



these men on all sorts of labor conditions, (committees?) to 
regulate the hours of labor and the rates of remuneration, and 
quite a number of them spoke English." 

Testimony of Theodor Kryshtofovich 

This witness testified that he left Petrograd on December 15, 
1918, and that he had been there continuously for the three 
years previous to that date; that he belonged to no political 
party in Russia, but had lived among the peasants and work¬ 
men, teaching them agriculture. He at one time had been 
employed by the Russian Department of Agriculture, as an 
agent, in the United States. 

On page 424 he testified in regard to the Jewish aspect 
of the movement as follows: 

"And, besides these refugees, most of the people that are 
governing Russia now are Jews. I am not against Jews in 
general. They are a very capable and energetic people, but, 
as you Americans say, the right man must be in the right place. 
Their place is in the commission houses, in banks, in the offices, 
but not in the government of a fine agricultural country. They 
do not understand anything about agriculture, about produc¬ 
tion, about keeping materials, and about distribution. They do 
not know anything about those things at all." 

SENATOR WOLCOTT. "You mean those that are in charge 
of the Bolsheviki, do you not?" 

MR. KRYSHTOFOVICH. "I am talking about the Bolsheviki; 
because if you take out Bolshevik government, Lenine is a 
Russian and all these constellations that are turning around 
this sun are Jews. They have changed their names. For in¬ 
stance, Trotzky is not Trotzky, but Bronstein. We have Apfel- 
baum, and so on, and so on." 

(b) Other Evidence 

It is important that other official documents pertaining to 
the Bolshevist activities in Russia also refer to the question 
which we are now discussing, namely, the Jewish character 
of the Bolshevist regime. In this connection we quote from 
the British White Book, Russia No. 1 (1919), entitled "A 

Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia, presented to 
Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April, 1919." 

This document was published in London at the government 
printing office in 1919. In exhibit No. 33, a cablegram dis- 



patched by Mr. Alston to Earl Curzon, from Vladivostok to 
London, February 8, 1919 ("telegraphic — following from 

consul at Ekaterinburg, 6th February"), the following is 

"From examination of several labourer and peasant wit¬ 
nesses, I have evidence to the effect that very smallest per¬ 
centage of this district were pro-Bolshevik, majority of labour¬ 
ers sympathising with summoning of Constituent Assembly. 
Witnesses further stated that Bolshevik leaders did not repre¬ 
sent Russian working classes, most of them being Jews" 
(Page 33). 

In a cable dispatch from General Knox to the British War 
Office on February 5, 1919, from Omsk, Siberia, details are 
given as to the murder of the Imperial Russian family. This 
cable reads in part as follows: 

"With regard to the murder of the Imperial family at Ekat¬ 
erinburg, there is further evidence to show that there were two 
parties in the local Soviet, one which was anxious to save Im¬ 
perial family, and the latter, headed by five Jews, two of whom 
were determined to have them murdered. These two Jews, by 
name Vainen and Safarof, went with Lenine when he made a 
journey across Germany" (page 41). 

Again, in a report made by Rev. B. S. Lombard to Earl 
Curzon on March 23, 1919, referring to the results of the 
Bolshevist regime in Russia, among other things, the follow¬ 
ing is stated: 

"All business became paralyzed, shops were closed, Jews 
became possessors of most of the business houses, and horrible 
scenes of starvation became common in the country districts. 
The peasants put their children to death rather than see them 
starve. In a village on the Dvina, not far from Schlusselburg, 
a mother hanged three of her children" (page 57). 

Mr. Henry C. Emery, formerly Chairman of the United 
States Tariff Board, recently wrote a treatise on Bolshevism, 
of which Lord Bryce has said: 

"It seems to me the sanest and clearest exposition of Bol¬ 
shevist theory and practice that I have seen and confirms my 
view that between them and us there can be no peace." 

Mr. Emery comes to the conclusion that Bolshevism is the 
promotion of a relentless and universal class war, and that 
"a Bolshevik is a man who believes in the overthrow of the 



institution of private property by force of arms." While this 
is the definition which he gives of Bolshevism as a movement, 
and his argument in support of it is certainly a very able one, 
it is interesting to note what he says in regard to the Jewish 
support of the movement: 

"In the minds of some people, especially in Russia, Bolshev¬ 
ism takes on the color of a revolt of the Jews against the Rus¬ 
sians, who have so long kept them in subjection. Lenin is of 
course a pure Russian, and it is a mistake to say that all the 
other leaders of importance are Jews. On the other hand, the 
Jews have been active in the movement out of all proportion 
to their relative numbers. No one who ever made a visit to 
Smolny Institute, when that was the headquarters of the Bol¬ 
shevik government at Petrograd, could fail to understand how 
easy it was to get the impression that the Jews had at last 
seized the power." 

Mr. Robert Wilton, a well-known Englishman, who was the 
Petrograd correspondent of the London Times, and a Knight 
of St. George, in his book entitled "Russia's Agony," refers 
to the part which the Jews played in undermining the Keren¬ 
sky government and establishing the Bolshevist rule: 

"Subversion had been carried out by a handful of pseudo- 
Jew Extremists in the Soviet, but the Soviet was a party to 
the traitorous business. Most of the leaders — especially the 
pseudo-Jews — were a truculent pack, cowering behind the 
soldiery, intent upon realizing their revolutionary 'ideals,' but 
terrified by a possibility of failure and eventual reprisals." 

The author also states: 

"Afterwards their numbers [referring to the Jew Extremists 
in the Soviet] increased largely, and although they studiously 
concealed their identity under assumed Russian or Polish 
names, it became known that the principal ones were: Naham- 
kez — Steklov, Apfelbaum — Zinoviev, Rosenfeldt — Kame¬ 
nev, Goldmann —Gorev, Goldberg —Mekowski, Zederbaum — 
Martov, Himmer — Sukhanov, Krachman — Zagorski, Hol¬ 
lander—Mieshkowski, Lo u r i e r — L a r i m, Seffer —Bogdanov. 
Among the leaders of this gang — under Lenin — were: 
Trotzky, whose real name was Bronstein, and Feldmann, alias 
Chernov." 1 

In the well-known French periodical LTllustration, issued 
September 14, 1918, an article appeared under the title "Petro- 

"Russia's Agony," pp. 137, 138, published by Edward Arnold, London, 



grad under the Commune," from which we reproduce the 
following extract: 

"The Masters of the Hour. 

"The Bolshevist Movement and the Jews of Russia. 

"When one lives in contact with the functionaries who are 
serving the Bolshevist government, one feature strikes the at¬ 
tention, which is that almost all of them are Jews. 

"I am not at all anti-Semitic but I must state what strikes 
the eyes: everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in Provincial 
Districts, in all commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in 
the former ministries, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but 
Jews and again Jews. 

"A Jew is this District Commissary, former stock broker, 
with a double bourgeois chin. A Jew is this commissary of the 
bank, very elegant, with a cravat of the latest style, and a fancy 
waistcoat. Again a Jew, this inspector of taxes, with his 
hooked nose: he understands perfectly how to squeeze the 
bourgeois in order to cover the deficit in the Bolshevist budget 
which amounts for the first half year, 1918, to 14,000,000,000 
rubles! Jewish are these little stenographers, these secre¬ 
taries: the same hooked noses, the same jet black hair. 

"The more one studies the second revolution the more one 
is convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement which can 
be explained by the special conditions in which the Jewish 
people were placed in Russia." 

In the London Times of March 29, 1919, the following 

article appeared, entitled "Bolshevist Portraits III. Some 

"One of the most curious features of the Bolshevist move¬ 
ment is the high percentage of non-Russian elements amongst 
its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries or leaders 
who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement 
not less than 75% are Jews. . . . 

"If Lenin is the brains of the movement, the Jews provide 
the executive officers. Of the leading commissaries, Trotzky, 
Zinoviev, Kameneff, Stekloff, Sverdloff, Uritsky, Joffe, Ra- 
kovsky, Radek, Menjinsky; Larin, Bronski, Zaalkind, Volo¬ 
darsky, Petroff, Litvinoff, Smirdovitch, and Vovrovsky are all 
of the Jewish race, while amongst the minor Soviet officials 
the number is legion. Of all the Bolshevist leaders Petrovsky, 
the Commissary for the Interior, and a former member of the 
Duma, is practically the only one who in any way could be 
described as a working man. The rest are all intellectuals of 
bourgeois or paid bourgeois origin." 



In the issue of "ASIA" February-March, 1920, there is an 
article entitled "Inside Soviet Russia." The author of the 
said article, Mr. V. Anichkoff, is a well-known Russian scien¬ 
tist. Among other things, he states as follows: 

"In all the Bolshevist institutions the heads are Jews. The 
Assistant Commissar for Elementary Education, Grunberg, can 
hardly speak Russian. The Jews are successful in everything 
and obtain their ends. They know how to command and get 
complete submission. But they are proud and contemptuous 
to everyone, which strongly excites the people against them. 
Anti-Semitism in a strong degree has spread in all grades of 
the people. The people are inclined to see in the Jews the 
culprits of all their woes. They look on Bolshevism as a 
Jewish affair, and Anti-Semitism is widely spread in the Red 
army. The Red soldiers openly and strongly express their 
hatred of the Jews. One Red soldier related before me that he 
was discharged, and that at all the hospitals and halting stages 
the doctors and their assistants and nurses were Jews; that a 
Jewish doctor snatched the cross from one of his comrades 
and said: 'That is not wanted now, it has been done away 
with,' hut that he did not let the doctor do the same to him. 
At the present time there is a great national religious fervor 
among the Jews. They believe that the promised time of the 
rule of God's elect on earth is coming. They have connected 
Judaism with a universal revolution. They see in the spread 
of revolution the fulfilling of the Scriptures: ' Though I make 
an end of all the nations, whether I have scattered thee, yet 
will I not make an end of thee.' Bound up with the over¬ 
whelming part taken by Jews in the Revolution, an interest in 
masonry, Zionism and the mission of the Jews have spread 
among educated Russians." 

("ASIA," February-March, 1920, p. 223). 

We also refer the reader to the testimony of a well-known 
Jewish periodical published in London, The Jewish Chronicle, 
as to the identity of Bolshevism and Judaism. In part the 
article states as follows: 

"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact 
that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of 
Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals 
of Judaism." (See Jewish Chronicle, No. 2609, April 4, 1919, 
p. 7, article entitled "Peace, War, and Bolshevism.") 

It is significant that one of the well-known Jewish leaders, 
Israel Zangwill, addressing a recent conference of the Poale 
Zion Congregation in London, glorified "the race which has 



produced a Beaconsfield, a Reading, a Montagu, a Klotz, a 
Kurt Eisner, a Trotzky" (quoted from The Jewish Chronicle, 
February 27, 1920, No. 2656, p. 28). Referring to this state¬ 
ment, La Vieille-France says, "Thus, Trotzky is, in fact, the 
hero of Judaism" (No. 164, March 18-24, 1920). 

It is important to note that the Jewish character of the 
Bolshevist movement which is so accentuated in Soviet Russia 
was equally apparent in Soviet Hungary when that country 
was under the Red rule of Bela Cohen (Kuhn). Mr. Edward 
Dillon in his book "The Inside Story of the Peace Confer¬ 
ence," devotes much attention to this subject. Referring to 
the situation in Hungary, Mr. Dillon states as follows, at 
page 224. 

"By the first of August the lawless band that was ruling the 
country relinquished the reins of power which were taken over 
at first by a Socialist Cabinet of which an influential French 
press organ wrote: 'The names of the new . . . commissaries 
of the people tell us nothing, because their bearers are un¬ 
known. But the endings of their names tell us that most of 
them are, like those of the preceding government, of Jewish 
origin. Never since the inauguration of official Communism 
did Budapest better deserve the appellation of Judapest, which 
was assigned to it by the late M. Lueger, chief of the Christian 
Socialists of Vienna. That is an additional trait in common 
with the Russian Soviets.' " 

In this same connection the weekly magazine The New Wit¬ 
ness, published in London, in its issue of April 11, 1919, re¬ 
marked as follows: 

"It is not only among the Allies that the Jewish influence 
is making itself felt. We know what a tight grip they have 
on the governments at Petrograd and Berlin. It now appears 
that the new government of Hungary is dominated by Jews. 
Ninety-five per cent of Hungarians are Christians and eighty 
per cent of the ministers are Hebrew. This fact becomes the 
more remarkable when we are told that the ministers are 
nearly all mediocrities." 

The Jewish character of the Bolshevist movement in Russia 
has been explicitly referred to in the Bolshevist press itself. 
In substantiation of this we present the following evidence: 

In No. 1 of the Russian weekly newspaper, On to Mos¬ 
cow, published on September 23, 1919, in Rostov on the 
Don, an article was published, entitled "Not one Drop of In¬ 
nocent Blood." The article reads as follows: 



"In the newspaper 'Communist,' issued on April 12, 1919, 
No. 72, which paper was published in the City of Kharkoff, 
13 Karl Liebnecht Street, telephone No. 8-40, Mr. M. Cohan, 
in his article 'Services of the Jewry to the working class,' 
wrote as follows: 

" 'Various kinds of reactionary regimental organizations 
and radas are working out agrarian "laws," are giving away 
the land to the workmen, are establishing an eight-hour day, 
and throwing out other crumbs to the working masses with 
the sole object to remain in power. But let us unmask them 
and let us see what there is behind this servile mask. Let us, 
for instance, analyze their attitude towards the Jews. On all 
the territory which is occupied by the Don, Kuban and Vol¬ 
untary gangs, the Jews are being annihilated and oppressed. 
One is unable to trace a Jew holding any office, be it impor¬ 
tant or unimportant, and this is called "equality and frater¬ 
nity." The Voluntary executioners scream about their hu- 
manitarianism and at the same time they oppress a whole 
nation which always had the esteem of the whole world. It 
should not be forgotten that the Jewish people, who for cen¬ 
turies were oppressed by kings and czars, are the real prole¬ 
tariat, the real internationale, which has no country. 

" 'Without exaggeration, it may be said that the great Rus¬ 
sian social revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands 
of the Jews. Would the dark oppressed masses of the Rus¬ 
sian workmen and peasants have been able to throw off the 
yoke of the bourgeoisie by themselves? No, it was precisely 
the Jews who led the Russian proletariat to the dawn of the 
Internationale, and not only have led, but are also now lead¬ 
ing the Soviet cause which remains in their safe hands. We 
may be quiet as long as the chief command of the Red Army 
is in the hands of comrade Leon Trotzky. It is true that there 
are no Jews in the ranks of the Red Army as far as privates 
are concerned, but in the committees and in Soviet organiza¬ 
tions, as commissars, the Jews are gallantly leading the 
masses of the Russian proletariat to victory. It is not without 
reason that during the elections to all Soviet institutions the 
Jews are winning by an overwhelming majority. It is not 
without reason, let us repeat, that the Russian proletariat has 
elected as its head and leader the Jew comrade Bronstein- 
Trotzky. The symbol of Jewry, which for centuries has 
struggled against capitalism, has become also the symbol of the 
Russian proletariat, which can be seen even in the fact of the 
adoption of the Red five-pointed star, which in former times, 
as it is well-known, was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry. 
With this sign comes victory, with this sign comes the death 
of the parasites of the bourgeoisie, and let the supporters of 
Denikine, Krasnov and Kolchak tremble, these oppressors 
and executioners of the advance guard of Socialism — of the 



gallant Jewish people. Their servility before the working 
masses will not help them, and Jewish tears will come out of 
them in sweat of drops of blood.'" 

The publishers of the newspaper "On to Moscow" print a 
footnote to the article of Mr. Cohan which reads: 

"The issue of the newspaper 'Communist' is kept at the 
office and everybody is invited to ascertain its authenticity." 


(a) The Policy of Terror 

It will be recalled that the Protocols advocate a mass terror, 
a "program of violence." In this connection also the actual 
Bolshevist policies are in complete harmony with the pro¬ 
gram of the Protocols. With reference to this point it be¬ 
comes important to quote the Krasnaya Gazeta (Red Gazette), 
the official organ of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers', Red 
Army, and Peasants' Deputies, which body is presided over 
by Zinovieff, alias Apfelbaum, a Jew. On August 31, 1918, 
in an editorial article, the following is stated: 

"The interests of the revolution require the physical anni¬ 
hilation of the bourgeois class. It is time for us to start." 

More explicitly the program of violence is defined by the 
same paper on September 1, 1918, in an article entitled "Blood 
for Blood." Therein it is stated: 

"We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper 
in the fire of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. 
We will make our hearts cruel, hard, and immovable, so that 
no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at 
the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the flood¬ 
gates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will 
kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thou¬ 
sands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the 
blood of Lenin and Uritzki, Zinovieff and Volodarski, let there 
be floods of blood of the bourgeois — more blood, as much as 

Mr. Zinovieff — Apfelbaum went into further details as 
to the number of Russians whom he proposed to kill for the 
sake of Mr. Trotzky's regime. In a speech of Zinovieff's, 
reported in the Northern Commune, published in Petrograd 



on September 19, 1918, No. 109, the following plain statement 
is quoted: 

"To overcome our enemies we must have our own socialist 
militarism. We must win over to our side 90,000,000 of the 
100,000,000 of population of Russia under the Soviets. As for 
the rest, we have nothing to say to them; they must be anni¬ 
hilated. " 

To be sure that the Jewish Bolsheviks were not boasting, the 
following report of the American Consul General at Moscow, 
dated September 3, 1918, is of the utmost significance. This 
report, which was published in the "Memorandum on Certain 
Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in Russia," Washington, 
Government Printing Office, 1919, reads in part as follows: 

"Since May the so-called Extraordinary Commission to 
Combat Counter-revolution has conducted an openly avowed 
campaign of terror. Thousands of persons have been sum¬ 
marily shot without even the form of trial. Many of them 
have no doubt been innocent of even the political views which 
were supposed to supply the motive of their execution." 

The American Consul General concludes his report by 

"The situation cries aloud to all who will act for the sake of 
humanity." 1 

Trotzky made an attempt to justify "mass terror" in an 
article signed by him in the official daily newspaper Izvestia on 
January 10, 1919, under the title "Military Specialists and the 
Red Army." In this article Trotzky states among other things 
as follows: 

"Terror as the demonstration of the will and strength of the 
working class, is historically justified, precisely because the 
proletariat was able thereby to break the political will of the 
Intelligentsia, pacify the professional men of various cate¬ 
gories and work, and gradually subordinate them to its own 
aims within the fields of their specialties."* 

The London Times of November 14, 1919, printed a letter 
"sent by a British Officer in South Russia to his wife" stating 
that "the letter is published exactly as sent, except that names 

■ Memorandum on Certain Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in 
Russia," p. 11. Compiled by the U. S. State Department in October, 
1919 . 

* Page 12 of the same memorandum. 



and dates have been altered so that the writer and his wife will 
not be embarrassed." The officer appeals to his wife to do all 
she can to put before the British public the information which 
he gives her as to the atrocities committed by the Bolsheviki 
which he had himself witnessed while fighting with the army 
of General Denikin. 

"The Bolshevists are devils. ... I hope to send you copies 
of 64 official photos taken by British officers at Odessa when 
the town was retaken from the Bolshevists. ... As no paper 
will print them I suggest that you should have copies done. If 
we're too hard up you could pay for them by sending me no 
parcels, or selling my Caucasian dagger, or Persian book, or 
something. And I suggest that you should then do with them 
as you think fit, to make them most widely known. Their 
horror may make people realize. They must realize. By 
God, they shall realize! They show men who've been cruci¬ 
fied with the torture of the 'human glove.' The victim gets 

crucified, nails through his elbows. The hands are treated 

with a solution which shrivels the skin. The skin is cut out 
with a razor, round the wrist, and peeled off, till it hangs by 
the finger nails — the 'human glove.' I'm not sparing you. 
I hope you'll show and send them to everybody we know. 
People at home, apathetic fools they are, do not deserve to be 
spared. They must be woken up. John and Katie ought to 
see them. Most of the photos are of women. Women with 
their breasts cut off to the bone. . . . Two little bits, ref. 
Bolshevist atrocities, you might type in as many copies as you 
can. If you and several others left them in different tea- 

shops every afternoon, it might touch quite a lot of people. 
I shall send you chapter and verse if I can. If I haven't sent 
chapter and verse in a month, do your best without. Papers 
are no good, because papers would put it more delicately. We 
have here at H. Q. passes issued to Bolshevists by commis¬ 
saries on occupying Ekaterinodar. These passes authorize 

their holders to arrest any girl they fancy for the use of the 
soldiery. Sixty-two girls of all classes were arrested like this 
and thrown to the Bolshevist troops. Those who struggled 
were killed quite early on. The rest, when used and finished, 
were mutilated and thrown, dead and dying, into the two 
small rivers flowing through Ekaterinodar. In all towns oc¬ 
cupied by Bolshevists and reoccupied by us 'slaughter¬ 
houses' are found choked with corpses. Hundreds of 'sus¬ 
pects,' men, women, and children, were herded in these — 
doors and windows manned and the struggling mass fired 
into until most of them were dead or dying. The doors were 
then locked and they were left. The stench in these places, 
I am told, is hair-raising. These ' slaughter-houses' are verit- 



able plague spots and have caused widespread epidemics. I 
want you to proselytize Robinson and galvanize the Colonel 
and everybody else you can get hold of. I'd like James to 
see this and No. 47 and Dorothy. Above all the Mater. For 
I feel sure, that whatever happens, she and you will be glad 
that I've come out." 

("The Horrors of Bolshevism," reprinted from The Times, 
November 14, 1919, pp. 5 and 6.) 

In the same letter the writer refers to the Bolshevist plans 
of extending their power to Asia and Africa, and discusses 
the part played by the Jews in the Bolshevist regime in 

"... Bolshevist Russia is a channel of communication to 
the Committee of Union and Progress, to Egypt, India, and 
Afghanistan. Unless beaten by us, the Bolshies will beat us. 
It's a side issue for the present, but the danger of their rous¬ 
ing and letting loose the Chinese is not so very remote. They 
have declared war on Christianity. The Bible to them is a 
'counter-revolutionary' book, and to be stamped out. They 
are aiming at raising all non-Christian races against the 
Christian countries. The Bolshevists form about 5 per cent, 
of the population of Russia — JEWS (80 to 90 per cent, of 
the commissaries are Jews), Chinese, Letts, Germans, and 
certain of the 'skilled labor' artisans. The conscribed peas¬ 
antry, originally captured by the catchwords mentioned in the 
pamphlets, now often goaded beyond endurance, is rising 
against them over wide districts. Still conscribed and put 
up to fight, under severe penalties, they form most of the 
'cannon fodder' used by the Bolshies. They desert, often 
en masse, and many a peasant who marched for the Bolshe¬ 
vists last week is fighting for Denikin in the Volunteer Army 
to-day. Ref. Jews—In towns captured by Bolshevists the 
only unviolated sacred buildings are the synagogues, while 
churches are used for anything, from movie-shows to 
'slaughter-houses.' The Poles, Galicians, and Petlura have 
committed 'pogroms' (massacres of Jews). Not the Rus¬ 
sian Volunteer Armies under Denikin. Denikin has, in fact, 
been so strict in protecting the Jews that he has been accused 
by his sympathizers of favoring them. If, however, a Com¬ 
missary, steeped in murder, with torture and rape, with muti¬ 
lation, happens to be a Jew, as most of them are, should he 
receive exceptional treatment?" 

("The Horrors of Bolshevism," p. 5.) 

The London Times of December 3, 1919, published the 

statement of an eye witness of the "reign of torture" under 
the Bolsheviki at the time of the first capture of Odessa. The 



witness is the Rev. R. Courtier-Forster, late British Chaplain 
at Odessa and the Russian Ports of the Black Sea. Space 
permits the reprint here of only the following passages from 
this important testimony as to one chapter of the Bolshevist 

"While I was still British chaplain of Odessa the city was 
deluged with blood. When the Bolshevist elements, grafting 
on to their main support the 4,000 criminals released from 
the city gaols, attempted to seize the town, people of educa¬ 
tion, regardless of social position, offered what armed re¬ 
sistance was in their power. Workmen, shop assistants, sol¬ 
diers, professional men, and a handful of officers fought for 
freedom and liberty through the streets of the great port for 
three days and nights against the bloody despotism of the 
Bolshevists. Tramcars were overturned to make barricades, 
trenches dug in the streets, machine-guns placed in the upper 
windows of houses to mow the thoroughfare with fire. The 
place became an inferno. The Bolshevists were victorious. 
On capturing Odessa Railway Station, which had been de¬ 
fended by a few officers and a number of anti-Bolshevist 
soldiers, the Bolshevists bayoneted to death the 19 wounded 
and helpless men laid on the waiting-room floor to await Red 
Cross succour. 

"Scores of other men who fell wounded in the streets also 
became victims to the triumphant Bolshevist criminals. The 
majority of these wretched and unhappy sufferers completely 
disappeared. Inquiries at the hospitals and prisons revealed 
the fact that they were not there, and no trace of them was 
to he found. A fortnight later there was a terrible storm on 
the Black Sea, and the bodies of the missing men were washed 
up on the rocks of Odessa breakwater and along the shore; 
they had been taken out to sea in small boats, stones tied to 
their feet, and then been dropped over alive into deep water. 
Hundreds of others were captured and taken on hoard the 
Almaz and the Sinope, the largest cruiser of the Black Sea 
Fleet. Here they became victims of unthinkable tortures. 

"On the Sinope General Chormichoff and some other per¬ 
sonal friends of my own were fastened one by one with iron 
chains to planks of wood and pushed slowly, inch by inch, 
into the ship's furnaces and roasted alive. Others were tied 
to winches, the winches turned until the men were torn in two 
alive. Others were taken to the boilers and scalded with 
boiling steam; they were then moved to another part of the 
ship and ventilating fans set revolving that currents of cold 
air might blow on the scalds and increase the agony of the 
torture. The full names of 17 of the Sinope victims were 
given me in writing by members of their families or their 



personal friends. These were lost later when my rooms were 
raided, my papers seized, and I myself arrested and thrown 
into prison. 

"The house in the Catherine Square in which I was first 
in captivity afterwards became the Bolshevists' House of Tor¬ 
ture in which hundreds of victims were done to death. The 
shrieks of the people being tortured to death or having splin¬ 
ters of wood driven under the quick of their nails were so 
agonizing and appalling that personal friends of my own 
living more than a hundred yards away in the Vorontsoffsky 
Pereulok were obliged to fasten their double windows to pre¬ 
vent the cries of anguish penetrating into the house. The 
horror and fear of the surviving citizens was so great that 
the Bolshevists kept motor lorries thundering up and down 
the street to drown the awful screams of agony wrung from 
their dying victims. 

"This House of Torture remains as much as possible in 
the condition in which the Bolshevists left it and is now shown 
to those who care to inspect its gruesome and blood-bespat¬ 
tered rooms. 

"Week by week the newspapers published articles for and 
against the nationalization of women. In South Russia the 
proposal did not become a legal measure, but in Odessa bands 
of Bolshevists seized women and girls and carried them off 
to the Port, the timber yards, and the Alexandrovsky Park 
for their own purposes. Women used in this way were found 
in the mornings either dead or mad or in a dying condition. 
Those found still alive were shot. One of the most awful of 
my own personal experiences of the New Civilization was 
hearing at night from my bedroom windows the frantic 
shrieks of women being raped to death in the park opposite. 
Screams of shrill terror and despair repeated at intervals until 
they became nothing but hoarse cries of agony like the death 
calls of a dying animal. This happened not once, or twice, 
but many times. Never to the day of my death shall I forget 
the horror of those dreadful shrieks of tortured women, and 
one's own utter powerlessness to aid the victims or punish the 
Bolshevist devils in their bestial orgies." 

("Bolshevism, Reign of Torture at Odessa," by the Rev. 
R. Courtier-Forster, late British Chaplain at Odessa and the 
Russian Ports of the Black Sea. Reprinted from The Times, 
December 3, 1919, pp. 2, 3 and 4.) 

The Protocols speak of concealed executions as well as of 
open violence when making use of the weapon of terrorism to 
secure political domination. The Bolsheviki closely paralleled 
the Protocols in this respect. 

While it is true that the number of victims of outright exe- 



cution by shooting, drowning, etc., have run into very large 
figures, they are undoubtedly few in comparison with the 
number who have been deliberately starved by the Bolsheviki. 
In pursuance of their avowed policy of exterminating the 
bourgeois class the Soviet government divided the people into 
four categories with respect to the receipt of food, the bour¬ 
geoisie being placed in the last two categories as to which the 
allowance of food was insufficient to support life. A report 
by "Mr. E." found in the British White Book, "Russia No. l" 
(1919), relating to the conditions in February, 1919, shows 
that the last two categories have been done away with alto¬ 
gether. The report states that the Bolsheviki have published 
statistics "showing that the fourth category was not necessary, 
as there were so few members." "This proves," he says, 
"that the 4th category people have either been exterminated 
or have been forced to work under the Bolsheviks in order 
to live." The same witness states that the amount of food 
given to the first category was constantly varying according 
to the supplies. The rations allowed the four categories in 
October, 1918, are shown by the Bolshevist paper Vooruzheny 
Narod (The Armed People): 

"The Commissary of Food of the Petrograd Labor Com¬ 
mune states that on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 
for four days, the following products will be given on the pres¬ 
entation of the bread cards, according to category: 

1st category — 1 lb. (Russian) of bread and 3 lb. of 

2nd category— V2lb. of bread and 2 lb. of potatoes 
3rd category— VaVo. of bread and 1 lb. of potatoes 
4th category — V2lb. of potatoes."- 

Many witnesses have referred to the cruelty of this cate¬ 
gory system. Of course, these rations for the 3rd and 4th 
categories are quite insufficient to support life, and as the 
bourgeois classes were not only placed in these categories, 
but were also persecuted and prevented from getting employ¬ 
ment in many cases, it is not surprising that hundreds of 
thousands of them were exterminated by these measures. 

As to the question of how the Jewish element in the popu¬ 
lation came out on the question of food as compared with the 

British White Book, Russia No. 1 (1919), p. 86. 



Christian element there is little evidence at hand, but we may 
refer to one statement in a memorandum of a M r. B. contained 
in the British White Book, "Russia No. l (1919)," as follows: 

"At the Putilof Works anti-Semitism is growing, probably 
because the food supply committees are entirely in the hands 
of Jews — and voices can be heard sometimes calling for a 
'pogrom.' " ■ 

Wholesale starvation in Russian cities is one of the most 
striking features of Russia's tragedy. The bourgeoisie, and 
especially the intellectual classes of the Russian people, are 
systematically underfed by the treacherous rationing system 
of the Jewish Soviet officials. Manual labor as well as the 
intellectual workers are subjected to a most villainous tyranny, 
namely, to the tyranny of starvation. It is proper to pro¬ 
pound the question: Is this policy carried out in accordance 
with the stipulation of the Protocols which reads as follows: 

"Our power lies in the chronic malnutrition and in the weak¬ 
ness of the worker, because through this he falls under our 
power and is unable to find either strength or energy to coun¬ 
teract it." (Protocol No. III.) 

(b) The Program of Hypocrisy 

As already seen, the Protocols call for a program of hypoc¬ 
risy as well as terror. The nature of the Bolshevist regime 
viewed from this angle is graphically described by Mr. Roger 
E. Simmons in his testimony before the Overman Committee. 
On pages 298 and 299 of the Senate Report he states: 

"Along the trans-Siberian line, proceeding slowly, I had a 
chance of reading the literature that the Bolsheviki were dis¬ 
tributing in connection with their active propaganda; also the 
decrees, proclamations, and the public formal announcements 
of all kinds of the local and national authorities. Many of 
these sounded plausible, aimed to be constructive, ostensibly, 
and in their idealism and promises were golden. I could see 
how people would be attracted, and for the first 8 to 10 weeks 
understood their sanguine hopes. But after this time disin¬ 
tegration was rapid and I saw the awful results. The modus 
operandi was not in line with theories. They talked ideals but 
did not act ideals. Practices showed there was decided im¬ 
morality; decidedly, the game was not being played squarely, 

British White Book, Russia No. 1 (1919), p. 68. 



the people being deceived by the leaders. I suspected it from 
the very beginning from what I saw in Siberia. If you will let 
me, I will read to you a significant admission in that connection. 

"This statement was written to me, at my request, by an 
American that it could he given to the American Consul Gen¬ 
eral. It reads as follows: 

" 'Bonch Bruevitch, the executor of the acts of all the 
People's Commissars, not a strong man, hut a close friend of 
Lenine's, who, working in the same office, is able to influence 
Lenine strongly. A power in the government as long as 
Lenine lives. He states that the Bolsheviki have not worked 
out a code of morals yet, and until they do, the end justifies 
the means. Any lies or dictatorial methods are worth using 
as long as they are in the interests of the working classes. A 
close friend of his says he has no compunctions, lying when¬ 
ever there is an advantage to he gained from it for the Soviets.' 

"The movement is immoral, absolutely." 

In this connection it is of the utmost importance to call the 
attention of the reader to the statement of one of the best 
known Jewish Soviet officials, Zinovieff — Apfelbaum, Presi¬ 
dent of the Petrograd Soviet, regarding the means of spreading 
world-wide propaganda. The passage as quoted before proves 
how closely the policies advocated in the Protocols resemble 
the Jewish policies as carried out by the Soviet officials in 
Russia. This is what Zinovieff stated on February 2, 1919: 

"We are willing to sign an unfavorable peace with the allies 
... It would only mean that we should put no trust whatever 
in the bit of paper we would sign. We should use the breath¬ 
ing space so obtained in order to gather our strength in order 
that the mere continued existence of our government would 
keep up the world-wide propaganda which Soviet Russia has 
been carrying on for more than a year." ■ 

(c) The Destruction of Religion and Christianity 

Here again the actual policies of the Bolsheviki fully co¬ 
incide with the Protocols. 

The most important passage in the Protocols as to the 
policy advocated in regard to religion is the following: 

"Liberty could also be harmless and remain on the state 
program without detriment to the well-being of the people 
if it were to retain the ideas of the belief in God and human 

■ "Memorandum. Certain Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in 
Russia." Washington, Government Printing Office, 1919, p. 20. 



fraternity, free from the conception of equality which is in 
contradiction to the laws of nature which establish subordina¬ 
tion. With such a faith the people would be governed by the 
guardians of the parish and would thrive quietly and obedi¬ 
ently under the guidance of their spiritual leader, accepting 
God's dispensation on earth. It is for this reason that we must 
undermine faith, tearing from the minds of the Goys the very 
principle of God and Soul, and substituting mathematical for¬ 
mulas and material needs." 

It appears from the above excerpt that the Protocols advo¬ 
cate the destruction of religion and the religious spirit among 
the Gentiles on the ground that they are the political as well 
as the moral bulwarks of the Gentile states. In another place 
the Protocols state that the most formidable antagonist of the 
Jews in the past has been Rome, i.e., the Roman Catholic 

The Bolsheviki, whatever their real motives may he, have 
from the moment they came into power in Russia conducted 
a campaign of violence and persecution against the Christian 
religion, in the guise of a campaign against religion in gen¬ 
eral. While they have not attacked the Jewish religion or 
the Jewish rabbis, they have murdered and persecuted Chris¬ 
tian priests and harassed their congregations in the churches. 
While professing to be merely following the Socialist teach¬ 
ings of Karl Marx (himself a Jew), who attacked religion in 
general as the creature of capitalism, the Bolshevist campaign 
against religion is in fact directed against Christianity. 

Evidence of the above is found in the sworn testimony of 
several witnesses before the Overman Committee and in offi¬ 
cial reports of the British government and elsewhere. 

An English clergyman, the Rev. B. S. Lombard, in a report 
to Earl Curzon, dated March 23, 1919, referring to the con¬ 
ditions in Soviet Russia, stated as follows: 

"The treatment of the priests was brutal beyond everything. 
Eight of them were incarcerated in a cell in our corridor. 
Some of us saw an aged man knocked down twice one morning 
for apparently no reason whatever, and they were employed to 
perform the most degrading work and made to clean out the 
filthy prison hospital." 1 

Mr. George A. Simons testified before the Overman Com¬ 
mittee, in answer to a question of Senator King, as follows: 

British White Book, Russia No. 1 (1919), p. 57. 



SENATOR KING. "Did you find, then, that atheism perme¬ 
ates the ranks of the Bolsheviki?" 

MR. SIMONS. "Yes, sir. And the anti-Christ spirit as 

The testimony of Mr. Simons on this subject was as fol¬ 
lows : 

SENATOR KING. ''What I am trying to get at is, for my 
information, why Bolshevism is bitterly opposed to all sorts of 
religion or sacraments of the church — Christianity; because 
I suppose that they recognize that Christianity is the basis 
of law and order and of orderly government. I was wonder¬ 
ing if you had discovered why they were so bitter against 
Christianity, and if you found that all the Bolsheviks were 
atheistic or rationalistic or anti-Christian?" 

MR. SIMONS. "My experience over there under the Bol¬ 
sheviki regime has led me to come to the conclusion that the 
Bolsheviki religion is not only absolutely anti-religious, athe¬ 
istic, but has it in mind to make all real religious work im¬ 
possible as soon as they can achieve that end which they are 
pressing. There was a meeting —I cannot give you the date 
offhand; it must have been in August, 1918 — held in a large 
hall that had once been used by the Young Men's Christian 
Association in Petrograd for their work among the Russian 
soldiers. The Bolsheviki confiscated it; put out the Y. M. C. A. 
In that large hall there was a meeting held which was to be 
a sort of religious dispute. Lunacharsky, the Commissar of 
the People's Enlightenment, as he was called, and Mr. Spitz- 
berg, who was the Commissar of Propaganda for Bolshevism, 
were the two main speakers. Both of those men spoke in very 
much the same way as Emma Goldman has been speaking. 
I have been getting some of her literature, and recently I have 
been very much amazed at the same line of argumentation with 
regard to the attack on religion and Christianity and so-called 
religious organizations." 

SENATOR KING. "She is the Bolshevik who has been in 

jail in this country and who will he deported as soon as her 
sentence is over?" 

MR. SIMONS. "I do not know as she will be deported." 

SENATOR KING. "I think she will be." 

MR. SIMONS. "She ought to be put somewhere where she 
cannot issue any more of that literature. Lunacharsky and 
Spitzberg came out with pretty much the same things that she 
has been saying and printing. This is one of these theses: 'All 
that is bad in the world, misery and suffering that we have 
had, is largely due to the superstition that there is a God.' " 

SENATOR KING. "I noticed in yesterday's paper that in 



their schools the children are being taught, wherever they have 
schools at all, positive atheism. Did you verify that?" 

MR. SIMONS. "Lunacharsky, as the official head of the de¬ 
partment of education, Commissar of the People's Enlighten¬ 
ment, said: 'We now propose to enlighten our boys and our 
girls and we are using as a textbook a catechism of atheism 
which will be used in our public schools.' Yet he had the 
audacity to say: 'We are going to give all churches the same 
chance.' And a priest replied to him, saying: 'Then you ought 
not to put your catechism of atheism into the schools.' 1 

Referring further to the meeting at the Y. M. C. A., Mr. 
Simons said a little later in his testimony: 

"Lunacharsky and Spitzberg said in that meeting, and they 
sent it out in their proclamations: 'The greatest enemy to our 
proletarian cause is religion. The so-called church is simply 
a camouflage of capitalistic control and they are hiding behind 
it, and in order to have success in our movement we must get 
rid of the church.' Now a frank statement like that seems to 
me to indicate their anti-religious and anti-Christian animus."' 

Mr. Simons further testified as follows: 

SENATOR KING. "Has there been a confiscation of church 
property and buildings?" 

MR. SIMONS. "Yes, sir; and in quite a number of instances 
monasteries, with their wealth, have been taken, and all kinds of 
indecent things have been done by certain Bolshevik officials. 

"I have some data showing that they have turned certain 
churches and monasteries into dancing halls, and one instance 
has been reported to me where a certain Bolshevik official 
went into a church while the people were there waiting for the 
sacrament, and threw the priest out, so I am told, and himself 
put on the clerical garb, and then went on the altar and made 
a comedy of the ritual, which stirred up the religious sense of 
the people to that extent that they threatened — of course, 
among themselves — that they would yet kill that man. He 
happened to be an apostate Jew. 

Mr. Roger E. Simmons testified as follows in regard to the 
Russian priest who was put in the same prison with him by 
the Bolsheviki: 

"A high priest of the church was there. He had been 
preaching sermons publicly denouncing the immorality of the 
Bolsheviki. They imprisoned him and shot him. This priest 
told me that he was a great admirer of Dr. Mott of America." 

■ Senate Report. "Bolshevik Propaganda," pp. 136 and 137. 

5 Senate Report, "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 139. 



SENATOR NELSON. "Do you not think that the church in 
the end will prove the rallying center for the anti-Bolshevik 

MR. SIMMONS. "I think it certainly will be one of the prin¬ 
cipal factors: no doubt of it. That priest took the occasion, 
knowing that I was an official of the American Government, 
thinking that it was the last duty he could perhaps perform 
for Russia, to beg me to go back and tell the American people, 
'For God's sake, send us help.' He was speaking, gentlemen, 
not for himself, but for the large class of people that he 
represented." ■ 


"As you know, gentlemen, the Russians are a very religious 
people. Like here in the United States, there are very many 
denominations there, but most of the people belong to the Greek 
Church. Of course, the priests and religious people are not very 
pleasant to the Bolsheviki, because the Bolsheviki deny any 
religion or any religious sentiment. They oppose the Russian 
clergy and the Russian clergy oppose the Bolsheviki, and the 
Russian priests are treated very badly. For instance, they 
are set to do streetwork, cleaning the streets, paving streets, 
digging ditches, and so on. The workmen told me several 
times, 'The Bolsheviki are sending out priests to work in the 
streets. Why do they not send their rabbis?' And that is 
true. The Jewish Rabbis are not sent to work on the streets. 
The Bolsheviki are opposing religion to such an extent that 
lately when I was going to Petrograd they raised a question 
of teaching atheism in the schools. They boast that they have 
opened so many schools, but they do not say that they closed 
as many schools as they opened. We had schools in connection 
with the churches, in connection with every church there was 
a school, and all these schools are closed now."- 

Further evidence that the Bolsheviki, although attacking 
Christianity, protect the Jewish religion, is found in the fol¬ 
lowing article, which appeared on the 5th of July, 1919, in the 
weekly publication Soviet Russia, page 15. The article is 
entitled "Soviet Tolerance." It reads as follows: 

"The New York Jewish Daily, 'The Day,' in its issue of 
June 24th has the following cablegram from its European cor¬ 
respondent, N. Shiffrin: 'Glad Tidings from Russia.' 'The 
Zionists have organized throughout Russia Food Co-operative 
Societies which are united in every city into Central Co-opera- 

■ Senate Report, "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 316. 

- Senate Report, "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 431. 



tive Associations united in the All-Russian Federation of Jew¬ 
ish Food Co-operative Associations. The Federation is in part 
subsidized by the Moscow Soviet Government. All schools 
of the Zionists in which the language of instruction is ancient 
Hebrew, as well as the Hebrew High School in Minsk, have 
been taken over by the government. They have been incorpo¬ 
rated in the Public School System which is maintained by the 
Commissariat of Public Education.' " 

The significant part of this article consists in the fact that 
the old Hebrew is a religious language in which the Talmud 
is written. The old Hebrew can serve only for the study 
of the Talmud as well as of other Jewish religious writings. 
Thus, while combating the Christian religion, the Bolsheviki 
are extending protection to the Jewish religion and to the 

In a pamphlet entitled "The Russian Church under the Bol¬ 
sheviks," recently published in England, is printed the appeal 
of Father Serge Orlov, "who played an important part in the 
Reform movement in the Russian church," and who is now in 
Switzerland, where the National Consistory has expressed its 
sympathy for the Russian people by composing a special prayer 
for the liberation of Russia from the Bolsheviks. We quote 
the following passages from this appeal of Father Orlov: 

"Owing to Bolshevism the Orthodox Russian Church is 
passing through so acute a crisis that there is serious danger 
to the fundamental idea of the whole of Christianity. 

"Bolshevism is essentially hostile to Christ, and manifests 
even greater hatred towards Christianity than did the pagan 
power of the first centuries. 

"Bolshevism and the Christian Church cannot exist side 
by side. 

"The persecution of the Church began in January, 1918, 
and has been increasing since then. The Bolsheviks issued 
a decree on the disestablishment of the Church, although never 
had the Russian Church been so firmly in the grip of the 
secular authorities as in Soviet Russia. The Church has not 
only been robbed but treated with contumely. Every com¬ 
missary has the right of prohibiting a service if he suspects 
the priest or his congregation of counter-revolutionary ten¬ 
dencies. Practically whenever he chooses he can close a 
church, turn it into a cinema, mock at the ancient sacred relics, 
and in general insult people's religious feelings. 



"But it is strange that the greater the persecution of the 
Russian Church the nearer and dearer does it become to the 
tortured Russian people. Indeed, the priests of the Russian 
Church boldly denounce the Bolsheviks. Not one of the secular 
rulers has accused them so openly as Tikhon, the All-Russian 
Patriarch, over whom the Damocles sword of the Bolsheviks 
is always hanging. But the sword can only kill the body, and 
not the spirit. 

"As early as last February, Patriarch Tikhon excommuni¬ 
cated the Bolsheviks, the excommunication being read in the 
churches. At that time the persecution of the clergy had al¬ 
ready commenced, but the Patriarch had not been arrested. 
It was only later, in the autumn of 1918, during the univer¬ 
sal Terror, that he was placed under domiciliary arrest in his 
apartments in the Kremlin, with a guard of Chinese, Letts and 
Red Army men, and deprived of his rations. But even as a 
prisoner the Patriarch issued declarations against the Bolshe¬ 
viks, in which he severely denounced them. 

"It is not enough," writes the Patriarch, "that you have 
stained the hands of the Russian people with the blood of their 
brethren. You have instigated the people to open, shameless 
robbery. You have befogged their consciences and stifled 
their conviction of sin, but under whatever name you disguise 
an evil deed, murder, violence and robbery will always remain 
crimes and deeds of evil that clamor to Heaven for vengeance. 
Yes, we are going through a dreadful time under your domin¬ 
ion, and it will be long before it fades from the hearts of the 
nation, where it has dimmed the image of God and impressed 
that of the beast. 

"But as yet the Bolsheviks have not dared to raise their 
hand against the aged Patriarch. Apparently he is alive." 

A faint idea of what the Bolsheviks are doing to the 
Russian Church may be gathered from the following: 

"According to information received from A. Kartashov, 
former Minister of Cults, by December, 1918, the Bolsheviks 
had killed ten archbishops and bishops; it is difficult to ascer¬ 
tain the number of priests killed. It reaches several hundreds. 
The Patriarch is a prisoner in his own house. According to 
the (later) message from the Archbishop of Omsk, President 
of the Supreme Administration of the Orthodox Church, to 
the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Metropolitan of Kiev, 
twenty bishops and hundreds of priests have been assassinated. 
Some were buried alive. 'Wherever the Bolsheviks are in 
power,' says the Archbishop of Omsk, 'the Christian Church 
is persecuted with even greater ferocity than in the first three 
centuries of the Christian era.' 

"When, in January, 1919, the town of Yuriev (Dorpat) 



was taken by the Bolsheviks, Bishop Platon was arrested. 
The Reval papers thus describe the Bishop's last moments. 
The Bolsheviks burst into his house at night, dragged him from 
his bed. Barefoot and clad only in his under-linen, the Bishop, 
with 17 other persons, was dragged down to the cellars of the 
house they had been arrested in. Here the Red executioners 
rushed at them with their axes and killed them. 

"Near Kotlas, all the ten monks of the monastery, with the 
prior at their head, were shot for agitation against the Soviet 

Information has come from Omsk that as a result of a 
judicial investigation of the Bolshevik terror in Perm, the 
following has been discovered: — 

"Archbishop Andronik was buried alive; Vassili, Archbishop 
of Chernigov, who had come to Moscow to inquire about the 
fate of Archbishop Andronik, was cut down and killed with 
his two companions. Bishop Feofan was first tortured, then 
dipped several times into the river through a hole in the ice, 
and finally drowned in the River Kama. Besides this, it was 
discovered that 50 priests had been executed. Before being 
killed they were horribly tortured. 

"At the evacuation of Cherdyn the Bolsheviks took with 
them among other hostages a highly respected priest, Nicolas 
Koniurov, whom they subjected to atrocious torments. 

"During a severe frost they stripped the old man naked and 
poured water over him until he was transformed into a statue 
of ice." 

("The Russian Church under the Bolsheviks," pages 1, 

2, 3 -) 

The statement of the Rev. R. Courtier-Forster, British 
Chaplain at Odessa, already cited under the head of "Terror," 
contains the following passage as to the martyrdom of Chris¬ 
tians under the Bolsheviki: 

"It was the martyrdom of the two Metropolitans and the 
assassination of so many Bishops and the killing of hundreds 
of various Christian ministers of religion, regardless of denom¬ 
ination or school of thought, that proved the undoing of the 
Scourge. Russian Orthodox clergy, Protestant Lutheran 
pastors, Roman Catholic priests, were tortured and done to 
death with the same light-hearted indiscrimination in the name 
of Toleration and Freedom. Then it was that the Scourge, 
seeing the last remnants of Liberty ground under the heel of 
a tyranny more brutal in its methods than a mediaeval torture 
chamber, published another full-page cartoon representing 
Moses descending from the Burning Mount, bringing in his 



arms the Tables of Ten Commandments to Humanity, and 
being stoned to death by a mob of workmen's and soldiers' 

"The following Sunday afternoon I was passing through the 
Town Gardens, when I saw a group of Bolshevist soldiers 
insulting an Ikon of the Thorn-crowned Face of Christ. The 
owner of the Ikon was spitting in the pictured Face, while the 
others were standing around watching with loud guffaws of 
laughter. Presently they tore the sacred picture into frag¬ 
ments, danced on it, and trampled and stamped the pieces into 
the mud." 

("Bolshevism, Reign of Torture at Odessa," by Rev. R. 
Courtier-Forster, reprinted from The Times, Dec. 3, 1919, 

page 4.) 

(d) Inciting Class Hatred 

It will be recalled that the Protocols specifically refer to the 
incitement of class hatred as one of the most effective means 
of bringing about the destruction of Christian, that is, " G 0 Y " 
states. The concluding sentence of Protocol No. IV reads as 

"It will be at that stage that the lower classes of the GOYS, 
not for the sake of doing good, nor even for the sake of 
wealth, but solely because of their hatred towards the privi¬ 
leged, will follow us against the intelligent Goys, our competi¬ 
tors for power." 

This remarkable stipulation of the Protocols is literally 
followed by the Jewish Soviet officials in Russia. This is 
how Mr. Roger E. Simmons, in his testimony before the Over¬ 
man Committee, describes the policy of inciting class hatred 
by the Bolsheviki in Russia: 

MR. SIMMONS. "Being a social revolution, of course the 
worst parts about it are the results of the awful class hatred 
the Bolsheviki leaders are inciting. They are inciting it in 
every part of the country by their publications and in all their 
efficient propaganda. It has not been any more disastrous in 
any parts of Russia, I believe, than it has been in many villages 
among the peasantry. 

"Their policy has as an underlying motive the arousing of 
class antagonism, the proletariat hating the bourgeoisie. In 
practice it means that the less fortunate in every industry and 
institution bear animus against those qualified to hold better 
positions. This has been indirectly the cause of most of the 
incidents of terrorism witnesses have spoken of, more of which 
I will tell you about later. 

"When it was seen that the peasantry did not rally to the 



support of the Bolshevik cause and that they refused to sell 
grain for rubles without value, the Bolsheviki took the class 
issue to the villages. Lenine calls this movement awakening 
class consciousness of the peasantry. He organized for this 
work 'poor committees,' as they are called in translation. 
These committees of soldiers go out to the villages to inflame 
the dissatisfied elements and to extract by force food from the 
peasants. . . . But Lenine sends the poor committees, agita¬ 
tors, to incite peasants who have no land to conspire against 
those who have, and to take the guns he gives them for fight¬ 
ing, robbing, and plundering neighbors in their own and neigh¬ 
boring villages who have land. When you come later to 
read, gentlemen, the history of the Russian revolution, some 
of the bloodiest fights, you will find, and worst horrors, have 
occurred in villages. Those simple, peace-loving people have 
been living among themselves for centuries in more or less 
harmony under their communistic system. But all of a 
sudden Lenine, by his nefarious policies, sets the passions 
of the demoralized class aflame and turns them against the 
other two classes. Instead of promoting brotherly love and 
helping to make the sentiment of the nation one for the good 
of all, as we are striving to do in America, the Bolsheviki are 
trying by jealousy and animosity to disintegrate the population 
of various localities into classes with a view of the honest 
toiler being overcome and subjected. Now this is a serious 
matter. The peasantry represent 85 per cent of the 160,000,000 

"In Russia class hatred is seen manifested everywhere. I 
will mention one illustration which I saw in Petrograd —the 
undressing of a woman. I had heard about it before. It was 
about 6:30, growing dark, as I was walking down the Nevsky 
Prospect on my way home. I heard a yell of distress from a 
woman up a street running perpendicularly to the Nevsky. 
There two soldiers were removing the cloak — a very good 
substantial cloth coat — from a woman. And when protests 
were made by the standers-by, the answer was, 'We have 
blacked your boots and washed your clothes for many years. 
Now you bourgeoisie have got to bow to us and wash our 
clothes and black our boots.' Undressing to steal clothes went 
on to a considerable extent in Moscow, Petrograd and Kiev, 
according to reports. It went as far as taking off besides 
cloaks the very dresses of women, and where they could handle 
it, taking also the clothes and overcoats off men. . . . 

"Now, you can see that all their practices aimed to invite 
people to do acts of that kind showing intense hatred — I wish 
I could think of another word, it is more than hatred — de¬ 
testation—against people that they thought were a little 
higher up. Now, remember, as I pointed out in the first place 
this hatred is against a good many of these people in the cities, 



and people like the peasants who had land, who belonged to the 
proletariat. But because they did not agree, they call them 
bourgeoisie. You can see that they are fighting parts of the 
very class for whom they say they are trying to establish a dic¬ 
tatorship. They are not trying to put the proletariat in power, 
but the most demoralized elements of that class, which repre¬ 
sents, gentlemen, a very small per cent. 

"Now, this class hatred is a matter we have got to consider, 
I think, with a great deal of interest and a great deal of seri¬ 
ousness, because it is the basis of their international move¬ 
ment." ■ 

(e) Autocracy in Government 

The Protocols call for a world autocracy and state that 
liberalism in government is a source of weakness which should 
be encouraged by the Jews only for the temporary object of 
destroying Christian states with the ultimate purpose of es¬ 
tablishing a Jewish despotism over the whole world. 

"Only an autocrat can outline great and clear plans which 
allocate in an orderly manner all the parts of the mechanism 
of the government machinery." 

On the other hand, the Protocols state as follows: 

"In all parts of the world the words 'Liberty, Equality, and 
Fraternity' have brought whole legions into our ranks through 
our blind agents, carrying our banners with delight. Mean¬ 
while these words were worms which ruined the prosperity 
of the Goys, everywhere destroying peace, quiet, and solidar¬ 
ity, undermining all the foundations of their states." 

Ambassador Francis, when asked by Senator King whether 
Lenin and Trotzky and those who are in control of the Bol¬ 
shevik government were there as the result of a general elec¬ 
tion, testified: 5 

MR. FRANCIS. "No, no. They are there as usurpers." 

SENATOR KING. "By force and terror?" 

MR. FRANCIS. "I do not think they represent more than 
ten per cent of the Russians." 

SENATOR OVERMAN. "Of the whole 180,000,000?" 

MR. FRANCIS. "Of the whole 180,000,000." 

Mr. Roger E. Simmons also describes the Bolshevik gov¬ 
ernment as it existed when he left Russia in November, 1918, 
as follows: 

■ Senate Report. "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 301. 

5 Senate Report, "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 946. 



"The Soviet government, composed solely of Bolsheviks, 
of a portion only of the 'manual proletariat' is a government 
in name only. Rightly stated, it is a well-organized institution 
functioning to further the social revolution, the overthrow 
of all recognized standards of morality and civilization." 1 

That gradual despotism shown by the testimony of these 
witnesses to exist in 1918 has tended to become more and 
more complete is shown by evidence of a recent date. The 
British White Book, "Russia No. 1 (1919), Collection of 

Reports on Bolshevism in Russia," contains a report of a 
Mr. C. who was formerly connected with a commercial com¬ 
pany which had a branch in Moscow. This document bears 
the date of January 21, 1919. Among other information 
therein contained is the following: 

"All factories nationalized; only about half of them work¬ 
ing. Men all anti-Bolshevik. Very discontented with condi¬ 
tions of life, and with the working of the factories. Condi¬ 
tions getting worse and worse every day. A great many of 
the men have gone to the country, as it is practically impossible 
to live in the towns. ... In Petrograd more attempts to strike 
than in Moscow; this is because in Moscow the workmen are 
more under the power of the government, and they do not dare 
to strike. Even if they did there is nothing to gain by it, for 
the government would simply stop their wages, discharge a 
good many, and probably cancel their bread cards." 

As recently as in the fall of 1919 conditions in the factories 
were reported to be intolerable. The Soviet officials have 
gone far beyond that part of the program of Karl Marx in 
his "Communist Manifesto," which prescribes "Equal liability 
of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially 
for agriculture." The Soviet government's Code of Labor 
Laws, translated into English and published in New York 
in Soviet Russia, the organ of the Russian Soviet Bureau, in 
its issue of February 21, 1920, imposes compulsory labor upon 
every one, male or female, between the ages of sixteen and 
sixty, unless physically disqualified, and enforces iron disci¬ 
pline of the most tyrannical nature. 

Moreover, the New York World of Friday, April 9, 1920, 
published an article entitled "Mobilize Russian Labor," in 
which it was stated that Trotzky, addressing the ninth conven¬ 
tion of the Communist Party at Moscow on March 27, 1920, 
Senate Report, "Bolshevik Propaganda," p. 299. 



directed his address chiefly to defining the relation between the 
mobilization of industry to the industrial rehabilitation of 
Russia, and stated: 

"Mobilization is more necessary now than it was formerly, 
because we have to deal with the peasant population and 
masses of unskilled labor which cannot he utilized to the full¬ 
est extent by any other means than military discipline. Trades 
unions are capable of organizing great masses of qualified 
workers, but 30 per cent of the people cannot be reached by 
this means." 

An elaborate system among the workmen had been gradu¬ 
ally established and at present the communist spy reporting 
directly to the Soviets has almost mediaeval powers of execut¬ 
ing a man merely for the reason that he is opposed to the 
tyranny of the Soviets. Moreover, by the weapon of starva¬ 
tion, the workman is compelled to work more hours than 
under any preceding form of government. The very right to 
strike is entirely denied the workmen. Every strike is called 
sabotage against the Soviets and every act of sabotage is 
forbidden under pain of capital punishment. Supplementary 
Decree No. 27 deals specifically with incitements to strike. 
Persons violating such decree are brought before the Extraor¬ 
dinary Committees to Combat Counter-revolution. 

This situation strikingly recalls a passage in the Protocols 
where it is stated: 

"Civilization cannot exist without absolute despotism, for 
government is carried on not by the masses, but by their leader 
whoever he may he." 

Is Trotzky this leader? 

Immediately before his departure from the United States 
for Russia in order to join his brethren who were engaged 
in the destruction of the Russian state, Trotzky made the 
following boast: 

"I stand forth the world's greatest internationalist. I shall 
rule Russia." 

Then he made this appeal to the audience: 

"On with our world civil war! On with the world revolu¬ 
tion! Down with the governments!" 

Unfortunately, the wise step taken by the British Govern¬ 
ment in arresting Trotzky at Halifax while on his way to 
Russia was countermanded, and Lieut.-Colonel J. B. Maclean, 
proprietor of Maclean's Magazine, published at Toronto, in 



an article entitled "Why Did We Let Trotzky Go?", printed 
in the issue of June, 1919 (Vol. XXXII, No. 6), referring to 
various explanations for his release, says, "Finally it is said 
it was done at the request of the British Embassy at Washing¬ 
ton over the head of the British and American Intelligence 
Department; and that the Embassy acted on the request of 
the U. S. State Department, who were acting for some one 




There are many passages in the writings and speeches 
of well-known Jewish leaders at various times during the last 
hundred years which show a remarkable parallelism with some 
of the important ideas set forth in the Protocols. The fol¬ 
lowing instances may be cited as a result of a search which 
is by no means exhaustive. In each case we cite a passage 
taken verbatim from the Protocols, followed under the title 
of "Substantiations" by parallel quotations from well-known 


(a) "The prophets have told us that we were chosen by 
God himself to reign over the world. God endowed us with 
genius to enable us to cope with the problem." (Protocol 
No. V.) 

(b) "God has given us, his chosen people, the power to 
scatter, and what to all appears to be our weakness has 
proved to be our strength, and has now brought us to the 
threshold of universal rule." (Protocol No. XI.) 

(c) "When the King of Israel places the crown on his 
sacred head, offered him by Europe, he will be the Patriarch 
of the World." (Protocol No. XV.) 


(a) "The men of all nations shall be subject to Israel, but 
those who have ruled over you shall be destroyed with the 

(Apocalypse of Baruch (LXXII), a well-known Jewish 
work of the first century A.D.) 

(b) "Our task is great and holy and its success is guaran¬ 
teed. Catholicism, our greatest foe, lay wounded in its brains. 
The net which is being spread by Israel all over the surface of 
the earth will spread day by day, and the glorious prophecies 
of our holy rights will be finally realized. The time is ap¬ 
proaching when Jerusalem will become the home of worship 



of all peoples and the banner of the Jewish monotheism will 
be flying on the most distant coast. Our strength is enormous, 
we must learn how to apply it in practice. What have we to 
be afraid of? The day is approaching when all the wealth of 
the world will become the property of the Sons of Israel." 

(Isaac-Adolphe Cremieux, founder of the Alliance Israelite 
Universelle, quoted by Serge Nilus, in a footnote which ap¬ 
pears on page 1/2 in 1917 edition of his book, "It is near! 
At the door!" A reference to the same document of the Alli¬ 
ance Israelite Universelle can be found in issue No. 24, De- 


15, 1909 , of 




"Al Kalemat' 

' ("The 


which was published in 


York. See 



"A Chapter 






the Destroyers 


the Foundation 

of the 



pp. 461-464.) 

(c) "It has always been a unique feature of Judaism that 
its traits of particularism — essential to its self-preservation — 
have been blended with the highest aspirations of univer- 

(Paul Goodman, "Zionism and Liberal Judaism," Zionist 
Review, Nov. 1917J 

(d) "When we read in the Book of Isaiah that the prophet 
of the exile declared that the Jews were God's witnesses, 
chosen for a religious purpose and charged with a religious 
mission, we believe that he was speaking words which were 
inspired by God." 

(Cl. G. Montefiore, "Outlines of Liberal Judaism," p. 166. 

London: Macmillan and Co., Limited. 1912.) 

(e) "The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion with 
the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope, 
i.e., of world empire." 

(From speech of Dr. Mandelstam, Professor in the Univer¬ 

sity of Kiev, Russia, delivered at the Basel Zionist Congress 
of 1898. See H. S. Chamberlain's "The Foundations of the 
Nineteenth Century," Vol. I, p. 335. London: John Lane. 
1913 -) 

(f) "The Jew will never be able to assimilate himself; he 
will never adopt the customs and ways of other peoples. The 
Jew remains a Jew under all circumstances. Every assimila¬ 
tion is purely exterior." 

(From speech of Rabbi Dr. Leopold Kahn on Zionism, de¬ 
livered in July, 1901, in the orthodox Jewish school in Press- 

burg, Idem.) 

(g) "The governments of all countries, scourged by anti- 
Semitism, will serve their own interests in assisting us to ob¬ 
tain the sovereignty we want.” 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 11. Published by the 

Federation of American Zionists, New York, 1917.) 

(h) "Christianity itself seems to Jews only a stage in the 



preparation of the world for a purified, developed and univer¬ 
salized Judaism." 

(Cl. G. Montefiore, "Outlines of Liberal Judaism," p. 163. 
London. 1912.) 

(i) "Liberal Judaism has higher ambitions for the Jewish 
people. Above all, it seeks to preserve the Jewish religion in 
full beauty and power, and to extend its workings to a sphere 
co-extensive with the universe of men." • 

(Rabbi Mattuck, quoted by Paul Goodman in his article on 
"Zionism and Liberal Judaism," in the Zionist Review, No¬ 
vember, 1911. Reprinted by Petty & Sons, Ltd., Whitehall 

Printeries, Leeds, pp. 2 and 3.) 

(j) "It is not given to every one to understand that which 
is not yet finished. . . . Yes! The likelihood of realizing 
our demands and proposals grows with our numbers and with 
the increase in our strength. For the present we have reason 
to he satisfied with the spirit in which our aspirations were 
regarded by the mighty ones of the earth. Do not demand 
more than this intimation from your Action Committee. In 
this respect you must have implicit confidence in it. You may 
freely question it regarding all other matters." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "Congress Addresses," delivered at London, 
August 13, 1900, at the Zionist Congress. Published by the 

Federation of American Zionists, New York, 1917.) 

(k) "Let the sovereignty be granted us over a portion of 
the globe large enough to satisfy the reasonable requirements 
of the nation: the rest we shall manage for ourselves." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 11.) 


(a) "We must follow a program of violence and hypoc¬ 
risy, not only for the sake of profit, but also as a duty and 
for the sake of victory." (Protocol No. I.) 

(b) "When we finally become rulers . . . we will see to 
it that no plots are hatched against us. To effect this we 
will kill heartlessly all who take up arms against the estab¬ 
lishment of our rule." (Protocol No. XV.) 


(a) "Our people who are receiving the new country from 
the Society will also thankfully accept the new constitution it 
offers them. Should they, however, show signs of rebellion, 
they will he promptly crushed." (Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish 
State," p. 38.) 

1 All italics in Part Two of this book are our own unless otherwise 



(b) "The interests of the revolution require the physical 
annihilation of the bourgeois class. It is time for us to start.” 
(Red Gazette, Aug. 31, 1918, No. 159. Published by the Pet- 
rograd Soviet of the Workmens' & Soldiers' Deputies, presided 
over by the Jew, Apfelbaum — Zinoviev.) 

(c) "Blood and mercilessness must be our slogans.” (Leon 

Trotzky, International Communist Congress, Moscow, March, 
1919. Quoted, New York Evening Sun, March 18, 1919.) 


(a) "We will also artfully and deeply undermine the 
sources of production by teaching the workmen Anarchy 
and the use of alcohol, at the same time taking measures to 
expel all the intelligent Goys from the land. 

"That the true situation should not be noticed by the 
Goys until the proper time, we will mask it by a pretended 
desire to help the working classes and great economic prin¬ 
ciples, an active propaganda of which principles is being 
carried on through the dissemination of our economic theo¬ 
ries." (Protocol VI.) 

(b) "We will present ourselves in the guise of saviors of 
the workers from this oppression, when we suggest that 
they enter our army of Socialists, Anarchists, Communists, 
to whom we always extend our help under the guise of the 
rule of brotherhood demanded by the human solidarity of 
our social masonry." (Protocol III.) 


(a) "When the Jew gives his thought, his devotion, to the 
cause of the workers and of the dispossessed, of the disinher¬ 
ited of the world, the radical quality within him there, too, goes 
to the roots of things, and in Germany he becomes a Marx and 
a Lassalle, a Haas and an Edward Bernstein; in Austria he 
becomes a Victor Adler and a Friedrich Adler; in Russia, a 
Trotzky. Just take for a moment the present situation in 
Russia and in Germany. The revolution set creative forces 
free, and see what a large company of Jews was available for 
immediate service. Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviki, 
and Bolsheviki, Majority and Minority Socialists — whatever 
they be called . . . Jews are to be found among the trusted 
leaders and the routine workers of all those revolutionary 

(Rabbi J. L. Magnes in his address delivered at the opening 
session of the first Jewish Labor Congress, January 16, 1919, 

New York City. See the Jewish Forum, February, 1919, 
p. 722.) 

(b) "The Jew, therefore, does take an active part in revo- 



lutions; and he participates in them in so far as he is a Jew, 
or more correctly in so far as he remains Jewish." 

(Bernard Lazare, "Anti-Semitism: Its History and Causes" 
p. 312. Published by International Library Publishing Co., 
New York, 1903.) 

(c) "We must not, however, leave these problems (social) 
and this reform (social) outside of our Jewish thought, our 
Jewish activities. We must not let them he taken by active 
Christians and stamped as specifically Christian. 

(Rabbi Montefiore, "Outlines of Liberal Judaism," pp. 266 

and 267. London, 1912.) 

(d) "Das Folk, a Jewish periodical published in America, 
writes in 1905: 

" 'One cannot blame us that people with different mentalities 
and views as Social Democrats, Anarchists, and so on, are 

filled with our socialist territorial ideas, and enter in our ranks 
in order to struggle for a better future of the Jewish people. 
On the contrary, it shows that life itself has raised our ideal 
and drives all under our banner.' " 

(The Jewish Life, March, 1906, p. 173. Jewish newspaper 
published in Russian, found in New York Public Library.) 

(e) The following quotation is an estimate by Bernard 

Lazare, Jewish writer, of the part which was and is played 
by the Jews in the revolutionary movement throughout the 

"Their [ i.e., the Jews'] contribution to present-day Social¬ 
ism was, as is well known, and still is, very great. The Jews, 
it may be said, are situated at the poles of contemporary soci¬ 
ety. They are found among the representatives of industrial 
and financial capitalism, and among those who have vehe¬ 
mently protested against capital. Rothschild is the antithesis 
of Marx and Lassalle; the struggle for money finds its counter¬ 
part in the struggle against money, and the world-wide outlook 
of the stock-speculator finds its answer in the international 
proletarian and revolutionary movement. It was Marx who 
gave the first impulse to the founding of the Internationale 
through the manifesto of 1847, drawn up by himself and En¬ 
gels. Not that it can he said that he ' founded' the Interna¬ 
tionale, as is maintained by those who persist in regarding the 
Internationale as a secret society controlled by the Jews. 
Many causes led to the organization of the Internationale, but 
from Marx proceeded the idea of a Labor Congress, which 
was held at London in 1864, and resulted in the founding of 
that society. The Jews constituted a very large proportion 
of its members, and in the General Council of the society, we 
find Karl Marx, Secretary for Germany and Russia, and James 
Cohen, Secretary for Denmark. Many of the Jewish members 
of the Internationale took part subsequently in the Commune, 



where they found others of their faith. In the organization 
of the socialist party, the Jews participated to the greatest ex¬ 
tent. Marx and Lassalle in Germany, Aaron Libermann and 
Adler in Austria, Dobrojan Gherea in Roumania, are, or were 
at one time, its creators and its leaders. The Jews of Russia 
deserve special notice in this brief resume. Young Jewish 
students, scarcely escaped from the Ghetto, have played an im¬ 
portant part in the Nihilistic propaganda; some, among them 
women, have given up their lives for the cause of Liberation, 
and to these young Jewish physicians and lawyers, we must 
add the large number of exiled workingmen who have 
founded in London and New York important labor societies, 
which serve as centers of socialistic and even of anarchistic 

(Bernard Lazare, "Anti-Semitism," pp. 312, 313, and 314.) 

(f) "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, 
the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we 
rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 10.) 

(g) "Thus it would seem as if the grievance of the anti- 
Semite were well founded; the Jewish spirit is essentially a 
revolutionary spirit, and consciously or otherwise, the Jew is a 

(Bernard Lazare, "Anti-Semitism," p. 298.) 


"At present as an international force we are invulnerable." 
(Protocol III.) 


(a) "Nothing effectual can really be done to our injury." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State" p. 9.) 

(b) "The very impossibility of getting at the Jews nour¬ 
ishes and embitters hatred of them." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State" p. 10.) 

(c) "It is of course possible to get at shares and debentures 
in railways, banks and industrial concerns of all descriptions, 
by taxation, and where the progressive income tax is in force, 
all our realized property can eventually be laid hold of. But 
all these efforts cannot be directed against Jews alone, and 
where they have nevertheless been made, severe economic 
crises with far-reaching effects have been their immediate 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 10.) 

(d) "A distracted and divided people have been so well in¬ 
structed in thought that the unity of Israel is greater than all 
the differing religions, social, economic and political views of 
the individuals who make up a nation, that the Rabbis of East- 



ern Europe have entered in full force into the vanguard of the 

(Jacob de Haas. See his preface to Hertzl's "The Jewish 
State," p. 8.) 

(e) "... There is such a thing as a Kol (All) Israel policy 

to be pursued by all Jews together, regardless of their politi¬ 
cal, their economic, their spiritual outlook." 

(Rabbi Judas L. Magnes, Speech delivered at the Jewish 

Labor Congress, Jan. 16, 1919, at Yorkville Casino, New York 

City; quoted in the Jewish Forum, February, 1919, p. 720.) 

(f) "The Jewish people, traditionally and through its ex¬ 
perience, knows the meaning of internationalism, and it must 
apply the method of internationalism to its own national life 
as well, sharing the destiny of every people, free and op¬ 
pressed, in freeing the world in order that it itself may be 

(Rabbi Judas L. Magnes, Ibid., p. 721.) 

(g) "But, in order that the Jewish people may do its work 
in the world, it must be organized — organized for its specific 
purposes as well as for participation in all of the cultural and 
spiritual movements of humanity." 

(Rabbi Judas L. Magnes, Ibid., p. 724.) 

(h) "Here we are, just Jews and nothing else, a nation 
among nations. Take it or leave it." 

(From speech of Dr. Weizman, delivered in Manchester, 
England, Dec. 9, 1917, partially quoted in a pamphlet entitled 

"Great Britain, Palestine and the Jews," p. 73. Published by 
Geo. H. Doran Co., New York.) 

(i) "Our union is not a French one, nor English, nor Swiss, 
nor German. Nay, our union is Jewish and it is universal. 
The other peoples are split into nationalities. We, however, 
are the only ones who have no co-citizens, hut exclusively co¬ 
religionists. The Jew will not sooner become the friend of 
a Christian or a Mohammedan than at the time when the light 
of the Jewish faith — the only religion of reason — will spread 
throughout the world. Scattered among peoples who are hos¬ 
tile to our rights, to our interests, we wish above all to be and 
always to remain Jews. Our nationality is the religion of our 
fathers and we do not recognize any other. Living in lands 
of dispersion we cannot be concerned about the changing aims 
of those lands which are strange to us until the time when our 
own aims both moral and material are in danger. The Jewish 
teachings must spread all over the world. Sons of Israel! 
however much the faith would disperse you all over the earth, 
always consider yourselves as members of a chosen people. If 
you realize and if you understand that the faith of our ances¬ 
tors is our sole patriotism, if you realize that in spite of your 
cover nationalities you form only one and the same people, if 
you believe that only Judaism constitutes the religious and 



political truth, if you are convinced in the above, you universal 
sons of Israel, you will come to us, you will listen to our appeal 
and you will prove that you accept it." 

(In i860, Isaac Adolphe Cremieux, the well-known Jewish 
leader in France, founded the Universal Jewish Alliance 
(Alliance Israelite Universelle). On this occasion he issued 
a circular appeal to the Jewish organizations throughout the 
world. The above quotation is from this circular appeal. 
Quoted by A. Shmakoff. "Jewish Speeches," p. 131.) 

(j) "It is our opinion that the Jewish question can be 

solved only by the Jews themselves. . . . We no longer want 

to wear the mask of any other nationality." 

(Theo. Hertzl, in Congress Addresses delivered at Basle, 
December 26, 1901, p. 28. Published by the Federation of 

American Zionists, 1917, New York.) 

(k) "Furthermore, it is well understood in Germany and 
in Austria that the Jews of Russia have never had real citizen¬ 
ship in Russia, and although a Jew may have been born in 
Russia, that does not necessarily imply that he has been a citi¬ 
zen of Russia. Realizing that, and for other apparent reasons, 
the German and Austrian Governments are making every 
effort to secure the cooperation and good-will of the large Jew¬ 
ish population, now under their control.” 

(Rabbi Judas L. Magnes. See his letter to Mr. Byrlavski, 

June, 1916. Published in the Report of the Commission of 
the American Jewish Relief Fund. New York City, March, 
1917 -) 

(l) "Let us forget whence we spring. No more talk of 
'German' or of 'Portuguese' Jews. Though scattered over 
the earth we are nevertheless a single people." 

(Rabbi Salomon Lipmann-Cerfberr in his opening speech 
delivered on July 26, 1806, at the meeting preparatory to the 
Synedrion. Quoted by H. S. Chamberlain in his "Founda¬ 

tions of the Nineteenth Century," Vol. I, p. 329.) 

(m) "Israel is a nationality. We are born Jews, 'natu' be¬ 

cause we are born Jews. A child born from Jewish parents is 
Jewish. The very birth casts on him all the duties of an Israel¬ 
ite. It is not through circumcision that we obtain our Israelan 
quality. Nay, circumcision is in no way analogous to Christian 
baptism. We are not Israelites because we are circumcised, 
but, on the contrary, we circumcise our children because we 
are Israelites. We acquire the Jewish character through our 
birth, and we can never lose it nor get rid of it. Even if a Jew 
denies his religion, even if he is baptized, he does not cease 
to be an Israelite. All Israelite duties continue to remain 

with him." 

(Archives Israelites, 1864. Quotation from Ed. Drumont, 
"La France Juive," Vol. I, p. 14, 12th ed. Paris: C. Marpont 
E. Flammarion.) 




(a) "The economic crises were created by us for the 
Goys only by the withdrawal of money from circulation." 
(Protocol XX.) 

(b) "We hold in our hands the greatest modern power — 
Gold." (Protocol XXII.) 


(a) "The first official violation of Jewish liberties invari¬ 
ably brings about an economic crisis. Therefore, no weapons 
can be effectually used against us, because these cut the hands 
that wield them." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 43.) 

(b) "When we rise, there rises also our terrible power of 
the purse." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 10.) 

(c) "The day is approaching when all the wealth of the 
world will become the property of the Sons of Israel." 

(Isaac Adolphe Cremieux, quoted by A. Shmakojf, "Jewish 
Speeches," p. 131.) 

(d) "The Government of Palestine (in the hands of Jews), 

composed of men of wisdom and of intellectuals w ill guide 

the economic movement not only of the Orient and of Anatolia, 
but probably also of the w hole world." 

(The Inkilab, a Jewish paper published in Constantinople. 
Quoted in La Vieille France, No. 108, February 13, 1919, 

p. 21.) 


"At present, if any of the governments raises a protest 
against us, it is done only as a matter of form and at our 
desire and by our order, because their anti-Semitism is 
necessary to us to govern our smaller brothers." (Proto¬ 
col IX.) 


(a) "The governments of all countries, scourged by anti- 
Semitism, will serve their own interests in assisting us to ob¬ 
tain the sovereignty we want." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 11.) 

(b) "Disaster binds us together, and, thus united, we sud¬ 
denly discover our strength. Yes, we are strong enough to 
form a State, and a model State." 

(Theo. Hertzl, "The Jewish State," p. 10.) 




There are a number of important policies in the Protocols 
which find a striking parallel in certain activities and move¬ 
ments among Jews in various parts of the world outside of 
Russia. Among these policies of the Protocols are: the control 
of the press for political purposes, securing international or 
so-called "minority" rights for the Jews, the stirring up of 
class hatred and social disorder, and the promotion of revolu¬ 
tions and internationalism. 


l. The boast is made in the Protocols that in Europe the 
press, with unimportant exceptions, is under Jewish control. 
It is indeed true that the Jewish influence in the press in many 
parts of the world is very powerful. Just how powerful it 
is in America it is difficult to state. It is certainly a great 
and growing power in New York City. A Jewish magazine, 
The American Jewish News, recently pointed with pride to 
the great number of newspapers in New York which are 
either controlled by the Jews or in which Jews occupy im¬ 
portant strategic positions. In the article referred to, which 
was published in the issue of March 28, 1919, under the title 
"Men Who Make Our Newspapers," the following statement 
is made: 

"While it is an accepted fact that certain of our industries 
to-day are almost entirely directed and supported by Jewish 
minds and labor, there are nevertheless just as many which 
are not generally conceded to come within the same classifica¬ 
tion which have at their head men of Jewish descent. Most 
important among these latter is the greatest of all public insti¬ 
tutions— the press. 

"Hardly a newspaper of importance thrives in this city but it 
has at its head or in some position of paramount influence a 



man in whose fibre there is Jewish energy. And with one ex¬ 
ception the achievements of these men who mould and inter¬ 
pret American public opinion could provide material for books 
of incalculable inspiration." 

The article proceeds to refer to several large dailies in New 
York which are owned or controlled by Jews, with biographical 
sketches of these men and their subordinates. At the end of 
the article it is stated that the men mentioned are "but a few 
of a great number." 

That there is nothing new in the Jewish policy of control¬ 
ling the press is shown by the following statement of Isaac- 
Adolphe Cremieux, who in i860 founded the Alliance Israelite 

"Consider the governmental and public offices as nothing. 
Look upon all honors as upon nonsense. Do not pay any at¬ 
tention for the time being to money itself. . . . Capture the 
press! Through it everything will come to you in the natural 
course of events." 1 

The complete dictatorship over the press exercised by the 
Jewish Bolshevist leaders in Soviet Russia is such a generally 
accepted fact that it needs no extended comment. All news¬ 
papers that have attempted in any way to criticize the Bol¬ 
shevist government have been ruthlessly suppressed, and many 
writers who have dared to criticize Trotzky have been executed. 

The policy of the Bolsheviks is well expressed by one of 
the Soviet officials, N. Bukharin, in "The Communist Pro¬ 
gram," published by the Soviet printing office, called "The 
Communist," Moscow, 1918, Chapter VII, pp. 20-23: 

"The Communist (Bolshevist) party receives from all sides 
accusations and even threats like the following: 'You close 
newspapers, you arrest people, you forbid meetings, you 
trample under foot freedom of speech and of the press, you 
reconstruct autocracy, you are oppressors and murderers.' It 
is necessary to discuss in detail this question of the 'liber¬ 
ties' in a Soviet Republic. 

"At present the following is clear for the workingmen and 
the peasants. The Communist party not only does not demand 
any liberty of the press, of speech, meetings, unions, etc., for 

■ Quoted from A. Shmakoff. Address in defense of T. Vekshin 
and others, p. 36. Moscow: University Printing Office. 1907. 



the bourgeois enemies of the people, but, on the contrary, it 
demands that the government should be always in readiness to 
close the bourgeois press; to disperse the meetings of the ene¬ 
mies of the people, to forbid them to lie, slander, and spread 
panic; to crush ruthlessly all attempts at a restoration of the 
bourgeois regime. This is precisely the meaning of the dic¬ 
tatorship of the proletariat." 


2. From a practical point of view it is of the utmost im¬ 
portance to Christian countries to ascertain whether the Jews 
are to be treated as citizens who enjoy equal rights and equal 
duties with the rest of the community, or whether they are to 
have, in addition, special privileges uniform in every country 
because they are Jews. 

The American Constitution grants equal rights to all citi¬ 
zens of the United States, without distinction as to race or 
religion. The same conception of citizenship prevails in 
a majority of the western European countries (Great 
Britain, Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, 
and Sweden). 

During the last two years, however, the Jews in various 
countries have adopted a peculiar policy, threatening the funda¬ 
mental principles of equal citizenship, by demanding special 
national or minority rights in central and eastern European 
states. During the Peace Conference the Jews maintained an 
influential delegation at Paris which insisted that such rights 
be granted to the Jews in Poland, Austria, Roumania, Jugo¬ 
slavia, Czechoslovakia and Ukrainia. A special Bill of Jewish 
Rights was presented by the Jewish delegation to the Peace 
Conference. This bill contained the following stipulations: 

"First — New guarantees of citizenship for those born in 
the territories affected, or resident therein since August, 1909. 

"Second —All citizens to enjoy equal civil, religious, na¬ 
tional and political rights, without distinction of birth, race, 
nationality or religion. 

"Third — The right to use the language of any national 
minority in business, private intercourse, public meetings or 
the press shall be guaranteed; nor shall there be any restriction 
of such language in the schools or other institutions, nor shall 
the validity of any transaction or document be affected by the 
use of any language whatsoever. 

"Fourth — The state shall recognize the several national 



minorities as constituting distinct autonomous organizations, 
having the right to establish, manage and control schools and 
religious, educational, charitable and social institutions. 

"Fifth — Each national minority shall be allotted its pro¬ 
portion of state, departmental and municipal funds, based on 
the ratio of its numbers in the respective areas, as well as in 
the entire population. 

"Sixth —Proportional representation of national minorities 
in elected bodies. 

"Seventh — Those observing any other day except Sunday 
as Sabbath shall not be required to perform on such days acts 
they regard as desecrations, and shall be permitted to conduct 
business on Sunday if they so desire. 

"Eighth — The signatories to the treaty, or any minority 
which may be affected by failure to observe its provisions, shall 
be entitled to submit complaints for adjudication to the League 
of Nations, which will assume jurisdiction." (New York 
Tribune, June 12, 1919.) 

This Bill of Rights was strongly endorsed by the American 
Jewish Congress held in Philadelphia in December, 1918. We 
quote an article in the New York Tribune of May 14, 1919, 

on this subject: 



"According to a cable received by the Zionist Organization 
of America from its president, Judge Julian W. Mack, who is 
now in Paris, heading the American Jewish Congress delega¬ 
tion to the peace conference, and chairman of the Jewish 
delegations from every part of Europe, the treaty offered to 
Germany requires Poland and other nations to accept separate 
provisions guaranteeing rights to racial, religious and linguis¬ 
tic minorities within their boundaries. 

"Judge Mack says the word 'national' is not included in 
the treaty as now formulated, but that a decision on this point 
is expected in a few days. 

"He expresses himself as sanguine that the substance of the 
demands adopted by the American Jewish Congress, held in 
Philadelphia last December, will be obtained.” 

Moreover, the Bill of Rights was endorsed by most of the 
recognized Jewish organizations throughout the world. 

the title under which the universal support of Hebrew national 
rights within the boundaries of other nations was recorded 
by the New York Tribune on June 12, 1919. 



Mr. Edward Dillon, in his book "The Inside Story of the 
Peace Conference," referring to these national rights and to 
the support which was extended to the Jewish demands, stated 
that the Allied policy was "looked upon as anything but dis¬ 
interested." Mr. Dillon further said: 

"Unhappily this conviction was subsequently strengthened 
by certain of the measures decreed by the Supreme Council be¬ 
tween April and the close of the Conference. The misgivings 
of other delegates turned upon a matter which at first sight 
may appear so far removed from any of the pressing issues of 
the twentieth century as to seem wholly imaginary. They 
feared that a religious — some would call it racial — bias lay 
at the root of Mr. Wilson's policy. It may seem amazing to 
some readers, hut it is none the less a fact, that a considerable 
number of delegates believed that the real influences behind 
the Anglo-Saxon peoples were Semitic. 

"They confronted the President's proposal on the subject 
of religious inequality, and, in particular, the odd motive al¬ 
leged for it, with the measures for the protection of minorities 
which he subsequently imposed on the lesser states, and which 
had for their keynote to satisfy the Jewish elements in eastern 
Europe. And they concluded that the sequence of expedients 
framed and enforced in this direction were inspired by the 
Jews, assembled in Paris for the purpose of realizing their 
carefully thought-out program, which they succeeded in hav¬ 
ing substantially executed. However right or wrong these 
delegates may have been, it would he a dangerous mistake to 
ignore their views, seeing that they have since become one of 
the permanent elements of the situation. The formula into 
which this policy was thrown by the members of the Confer¬ 
ence, whose countries it affected, and who regarded it as "fatal 
to the peace of eastern Europe, was this: ’ Henceforth the 
world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon peoples, who, in 
turn, are swayed by their Jewish elements.' " (Pages 496, 497.) 

Mr. Dillon emphasizes that the Jewish demands for special 
national privileges were largely fomented by western Jews, 
including those of the United States. He even states that 
among the many Jews who were present at the Paris Peace 
Conference "the largest and most brilliant contingent was 
sent by the United States." (Page 12.) According to this 
author, "Their principal mission, with which every fair- 
minded man sympathized heartily, was to secure for their 
kindred in Eastern Europe rights equal to those of the popu¬ 
lations in whose midst they reside. And to the credit of the 
Poles, Rumanians, and Russians, who were to be constrained 



to remove all the existing disabilities, they enfranchised the 
Hebrew elements spontaneously. But the western Jews who 
championed their eastern brothers, proceeded to demand a 
further concession which many of their own co-religionists 
hastened to disclaim as dangerous — a kind of autonomy 
which Roumanian, Polish and Russian statesmen, as well 
as many of their Jewish fellow-subjects, regarded as tanta¬ 
mount to the creation of a state within a state." (Page 13.) 

The treaties imposed by the Allies upon Poland, Rumania, 
Czecho-Slovakia, Jugo-Slavia and Greece granted all, or 
nearly all the demands of the Jews contained in the above 
"Bill of Rights," while Austria and Hungary gave pledges 
in their treaties with the Allied and Associated Powers, that 
they would protect "minority rights" in the same general 
way defined in the treaties with the other five powers. 

These treaties, as Mr. Dillon correctly points out, go much 
further than to guarantee to the Jews residing in these sev¬ 
eral countries full political equality with other citizens, and 
freedom from persecution or discrimination on account of 
race or religion. Not only did the treaties contain such guar¬ 
antees,—which, Mr. Dillon states, the small powers in ques¬ 
tion were quite willing to give, — but they contained a principle 
new to international law, viz. that a racial minority should be 
treated in various relations as a separate entity within the 
State, with separate rights of its own, which it is permitted 
to enforce against the national government. An illustration 
of this new principle is found in certain articles of the treaty 
with Poland relating to educational matters. By these articles 
the Polish State is actually compelled to permit the Jews, in 
towns and districts where they constitute "a considerable 
proportion” of the population, to administer primary educa¬ 
tion in their own language in the Jewish schools, supported 
by an allocated part of the state funds. The articles of the 
treaty which create this extraordinary "minority right" are 
quoted verbatim below. The two articles must be read to¬ 
gether and compared with each other to bring out their full 


"Poland will provide in the public educational system in 
towns and districts in which a considerable proportion of 
Polish nationals of other than Polish speech are residents 



adequate facilities for ensuring that in the primary schools the 
instruction shall be given to the children of such nationals 
through the medium of their own language. This provision 
shall not prevent the Polish Government from making the 
teaching of the Polish language obligatory in the said schools. 

"In towns and districts where there is a considerable pro¬ 
portion of Polish nationals belonging to racial, religious or 
linguistic minorities, these minorities shall be assured an 
equitable share in the enjoyment and application of the sums 
which may he provided out of the public funds under the 
State, municipal or other budget, for educational, religious 
or charitable purposes. 

"The provision of this article shall apply to Polish citizens 
of German speech only in that part of Poland which was 
German territory on August l, 1914. 


"Educational Committees appointed locally by the Jewish 
Committees of Poland will, subject to the general control of 
the State, provide for the distribution of the proportional 
share of the public funds allocated to the Jewish schools in 
accordance with Article 9, and for the organization and man¬ 
agement of these schools. 

"The provisions of Article 9 concerning the use of lan¬ 
guages in schools shall apply to these schools." 

In some central European countries the Jews took prompt 
advantage of the favorable feeling created in Paris by the 
Jewish leaders towards the Jewish national demands. Thus, 
for instance, in Ukrainia a special ministry for Jewish affairs 
was established, headed by Krasny Pinhoos, a Jew. Accord¬ 
ing to information contained in an editorial article in the New 
Witness of April 11, 1919, the new minister of the Jews "told 
a press representative that the Jews take part in the spiritual 
and social life of the Ukraine under conditions of equality 
with those of the rest of the population, hut that in affairs 
appertaining to the Jewish community they would govern 

The New Witness made a rather peculiar deduction from 
the above statement of Mr. Pinhoos: 

"But it is anyhow a good thing that in one country at least 
the Jewish race should be regarded and should consent to he 



regarded as something different and separate. We presume 
that as soon as the Jewish State in Palestine is established, Mr. 
Pinhoos will change his title to that of Jewish Ambassador. 
Mr. Pinhoos hopes that before long there will be many other 
such ministries established, but while Isaacs and Mond can 
govern England and dictate to the Peace Conference, there is 
not much hope that they will desire to rule the affairs of 

Mr. Israel Zangwill, in a recent address at the Poale Zion 
Conference in London, went a step further when he stated 
that the race which produced "a Beaconsfield, a Reading, a 
Montagu, a Klotz, a Kurt Eisner, a Trotzky" should be repre¬ 
sented as an independent member of the League of Nations. 
(See Mr. Zangwill's statement in The Jewish Chronicle, Feb¬ 
ruary 27, 1920, No. 2656, p. 28.) 

In view of the adoption of this policy by the Jews in Paris, 
Americans are justified in ascertaining just what is the posi¬ 
tion of the American Jewry with respect to enforcing such 
a program here. Our Constitution knows no such thing as 
foreign national rights enjoyed by persons who at the same 
time enjoy the privileges of American citizens. A subject of 
a foreign nationality when he becomes an American citizen 
renounces his former allegiance, and it is upon this condition 
only that he becomes a member of our body politic. 

Nevertheless in the United States itself, where the Jews 
enjoy an absolute equality of rights with all other citizens, they 
have recently endeavored to build up an institution which is 
entirely opposed to the spirit of the American Constitution, 
namely, a special Jewish court which tries cases pertaining 
only to the Jews. This institution is known as "The Jewish 
Court of Arbitration" and holds its sessions in one of the 
Municipal Court rooms in New York City. This fact was 
briefly recorded by the New York Times in its issue of Feb¬ 
ruary 19, 1920, in an article under the title, "Jews Here Start 
Modern Sanhedrin." While this significant fact may have 
passed almost unnoticed by the American public, nevertheless 
it has already attracted attention in France. 

It is unthinkable to any American brought up under a sys¬ 
tem of government which has provided a check against the 
oppression of minorities by the majority, that special rights 
should be granted to any of the ethnic elements of our popu¬ 
lation, such as the Jews, the Chinese, the Negroes, or any other 



racial group, or that any of these groups should by virtue of 
such special rights diminish our sovereignty by a treaty pro¬ 
vision similar to Article XII of the special treaty with Poland. 
By this article Poland agreed that any member of the Council 
of the League of Nations should have the right to bring to the 
attention of the Council any infraction or any danger of in¬ 
fraction of any of these obligations (the national rights of 
the Jews), and that the Council may thereupon take such 
action and give such directions as it may deem proper and 
effective in the circumstances. 1 

The whole question of Jewish double national rights is of 
the utmost importance, since the recognized Zionist leaders 
and the international Zionist organizations have on various 
occasions strongly urged the adoption of such double rights. 
Such rights and privileges for the Jews indeed are more than 
"national rights"; they are in one sense international rights 
common to Jews living in different countries. In other words, 
under such a system they would enjoy both the rights of citi¬ 
zenship of the particular country in which they live, and in 
addition, special privileges granted to them alone. The grant¬ 
ing of such privileges to the Jews would constitute a series 
of international rights conferred exclusively upon the Jewish 

■ The full text of Article 12 of the Treaty between the Allied and 
Associated Powers and Poland is the following: 

"Poland agrees that the stipulations in the foregoing Articles, so far 
as they affect persons belonging to racial, religious or linguistic minori¬ 
ties, constitute obligations of international concern and shall be placed 
under the guarantee of the League of Nations. They shall not be modi¬ 
fied without the assent of the majority of the Council of the League 
of Nations. The United States, the British Empire, France, Italy and 
Japan hereby agree not to withhold their assent from any modification 
in these Articles which is in due form assented to by a majority of the 
Council of the League of Nations. 

"Poland agrees that any member of the Council of the League of 
Nations shall have the right to bring to the attention of the Council 
any infraction of the Council, or any danger of infraction of any of 
these obligations, and that the Council may thereupon take such action 
as it may deem effective in the circumstances. 

"Poland further agrees that any difference of opinion as to ques¬ 
tions of law or fact arising out of these Articles between the Polish 
Government and any one of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, 
or any other power, a member of the Council of the League of Na¬ 
tions, shall be held to be a dispute of an international character under 
Article 14 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. The Polish Gov¬ 
ernment hereby consents that any such dispute shall, if the other party 
thereto demands, be referred to the Permanent Court of International 
Justice. The decision of the Permanent Court shall be final and shall 
have the same force and effect as an award under Article 13 of the 



race. The Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom contem¬ 
plate this very thing in the following language: 

"Then our international rights will sweep away the national 
rights in a limited sense and will rule countries in the same 
manner as the civil power of each state regulates the relation¬ 
ship of its subjects among themselves." (Protocol No. II.) 

It is a question to what extent the demands for Jewish 
minority rights in eastern European states may he a part of 
the general Zionist movement. To this movement little at¬ 
tention can be given in this volume. It is sufficient to quote 
a portion of an article published in the New York Globe on 
January 25, 1919, under the title "Want Brandeis to Govern 
Judea." The staff correspondent of the New York Globe and 
Chicago Daily News in London, under date of December 31, 
1918, refers to the Zionist movement and the exposition of 
its objects and purposes by one of its leaders, Ittimar Ben Avi: 

"If the plans and ambitions of the recently proclaimed na¬ 
tion of Judea are fulfilled, Louis Brandeis, now Justice of the 
United States Supreme Court, will be the first of the new 
rulers of Israel. The dream of the renationalization of Pales¬ 
tine which has lived for 2,000 years in the hearts of the Jews 
is fast entering the realm of reality. Judea is sending its dele¬ 
gates to the peace conference. Its existence as a nation has 
been recognized by the allies, its declaration of independence 
has been signed and its diplomats and politicians are already 
busy moulding the future of its institutions. 

"Ittimar Ben Avi is the first of its peace delegates to reach 
London. An impassioned idealist who already visions Judea 
enrolled among the great powers of the world, is Ben Avi. 
But his idealism and his oratorical agitations on behalf of 
Judea have not impaired his worth as a diplomat. 


" 'Israel cannot leap to its feet, full grown and capable,' he 
explained. 'It has been scattered and dormant too long. As 
delegate to the peace conference, I am to outline the demands 
of the new Judea. The first and most important of these is 
the political desire of the new Hebrew nation. We desire a 
British trusteeship for a period of twenty-five years. We do 
not want to establish a parliament or congress in Judea for at 
least twenty-five years. The British have emancipated us from 
the Turk. Great Britain is more capable of governing or over¬ 
seeing Palestine as a colony than any one other country. 

" 'If the English will agree to this our plan then includes 
the appointment by England of a Zionist as governor-general 



of Judea. It is more or less known among Zionists that Mr. 
Justice Brandeis is the most logical man now living for the 
position of governor-general. Under him there should be two 
sub-governors — one a Christian and the other a Moslem. 
Both should be appointed by England. We also intend to have 
attorney generals for the various provinces and mayors for the 
various communities in Palestine. These are to be elected by 
the people. 

" 'After twenty-five years Judea may be in position to gov¬ 
ern herself. As a totally independent nation and part of an 
entente including Armenia and Arabia, Judea would be a 
powerful asset to the western world not only as a producer of 
culture and a contributor to the world's markets, but as a mili¬ 
tary barrier against any power seeking to control the Suez 


"Ben Avi's desire for a British over-lordship is inspired by 
the fact that were Palestine to proclaim a complete independ¬ 
ence to-day and seek by popular vote to elect its own ruler, 
the Moslem and Christian peoples living there would outnum¬ 
ber and outvote the Hebrew population. The result would be 
a nation in which the Jews were in the minority. By England's 
recognition of Judea as a Jewish nation and giving its Mos¬ 
lems and Christians representation through sub-governor gen¬ 
erals, the Zionists are confident that their dreams will be most 
practically fulfilled. 

"The history of Palestine's struggle towards renationalizing 
of the Jewish race is comparatively recent. Beginning some 
forty years ago with the agitation of a handful of idealists, 
the movement expanded slowly. Great effort to repopulate 
Palestine with Jews drawn from Russia for the most part 
met with indifferent success. In the face of ridicule and pro¬ 
test from their own race, the Jews of England, the United 
States, France, Russia and Germany, acting as an intensive 
minority, pursued their dream." 


3. The strategy of stirring up class hatred in Christian 
nations, and the encouragement of revolutionary radicalism 
to that end, which has such a prominent place in the Proto¬ 
cols, finds corroboration in the very prominent part which, in 
recent times, the Jews have been taking in the radical and 
revolutionary movement in many parts of the world, including 
Hungary, Germany, Holland, Poland, the United States, and 
certain South American states. 



The predominant influence of the Jews in the Bolshevist 
movement throughout the world is a question which is pub¬ 
licly discussed in the European press. The Budapest corre¬ 
spondent of the London Times some time ago stated: 

"Hungary is being terrorized by Jewish agitators." (Amer¬ 
ican Jewish News, May 2, 1919.) 

Charges of this kind have appeared in the press in many 
European countries. In this connection we call the attention 
of the reader to an article of the Morning Post, entitled "An 
Insult to Poland," August 30, 1919. In this article, among 
other things, the following is stated: 

"It is unfortunately true that Bolshevism is very largely 
a Jewish movement. In Russia the Jewish Bolsheviks have 
taken a terrible revenge upon all whom they regarded as 
enemies, and also upon all who protected the Russian peas¬ 
antry against the exactions of the Jewish usurers." 

This article closes with the following sentence: 

"And we warn Jews also, not for the first time. They are 
showing themselves not Englishmen of the Jewish faith, as 
we used to consider them, but a nation with a foreign policy 
of their own — and that policy hostile to the friends of Eng¬ 
land. And that is what in the end Englishmen will not stand." 

The three following documents are also of importance: 

(a) An editorial article which appeared in the London 

Morning Post on April 8, 1919, entitled "Bolstering the 


(b) A letter signed by Lionel Rothschild and nine other 
well-known British Jews to the editor of the London Morning 
Post, which practically justifies the stand that was taken by 
that paper. 

(c) Comment on the two above-mentioned documents pub¬ 
lished in the American Jewish News on May 2, 1919. 

We set forth in full these three documents. 

(a) "Bolstering the Bolshevik 

"The news from Russia fluctuates from day to day. It is 
now reported that the situation on the Murmansk Coast has 
somewhat improved; but the situation in Archangel is obvi¬ 
ously critical. Our soldiers have driven off formidable at¬ 
tacks; but the fighting is close and desperate. From South 
Russia the Bolsheviks reported that Odessa had been captured, 
and although we may hope that if this is true the Allied forces 



were safely evacuated, there remains a terrible anxiety as to 
the fate which may have overtaken our devoted friends in 
South Russia. For these critical situations we do not blame 
the War Office; but we do blame Allied policy which has 
trifled with the whole situation and has alternated between 
large promises to our Allies and obsequious approaches to our 
enemies. We are informed that although the anti-Bolshevist 
Armies in Russia have been promised arms and supplies in 
abundance, what they have actually received has been con¬ 
temptible. The result is that they are fighting almost naked 
and in many cases without arms. We may he certain both our 
soldiers and our allies in Russia are putting up a brave and 
desperate fight for their lives and their cause, but in these cir¬ 
cumstances they must feel that they have been forgotten, if 
not betrayed, by those upon whom they looked for support. 
And so it is in Poland. We hear from trustworthy sources 
that the spirit of the Poles is magnificent. They are ready to 
become a strong and trusty support of the Allies upon the east¬ 
ern borders of Germany; hut they ask in vain for munitions, 
supplies and raw materials, and they see their vital communica¬ 
tions with the Baltic left in the hands of their enemy and ours. 

"Poland and Russia are one problem in this sense. We 
must support our friends if we are to defeat the Bolsheviks, 
and their secret abettors the Germans. For it is certain in that 
while Germany consistently suppresses Bolshevism in Ger¬ 
many she encourages it in Poland and Russia. But we are not 
supporting our friends. We promised them supplies which 
did not arrive, and political support which breaks down before 
German opposition. What is the reason of it? We notice that 
the Daily Herald and the Daily News are persistently telling 
the people of this country that we are fighting Bolshevism in 
obedience to the pressure of the capitalists. Now that is a lie. 
We are fighting Bolshevism in opposition to a very strong 
group of German-Jewish and Russian-Jewish capitalists, who 
are secretly working for the Bolshevist cause. Mr. Lansing 
may or may not be aware of the fact, but he is helping as cor¬ 
rupt a group of international financiers as ever lived. And the 
object of that group is to support Bolshevism in Russia in order 
to make a deal with the Bolsheviks. We have mentioned sev¬ 
eral times the disagreeable fact that the Russian Bolsheviks 
were Russian Jews. These Jews are at the present moment 
in control of the Russian Government and they have powerful 
friends in all the Allied countries who are helping them. We 
have appealed to the British Jews, but appealed so far in vain, 
to dissociate themselves formally from a cause which is doing 
the Jewish people terrible harm in all parts of the world. In 
reply the Jewish press shower upon us not only abuse but 
threats. Thus, for example, the Jewish World threatens us 
with the fate of Mordecai: '. . . we wish it no harm, but we 



would beg it to recollect,' so it says, ' while yet it has its 
feet upon the earth, the fate of its anti-Jewish forbear in that 
narrative, in the hope that it may mend its ways betimes.' 

"We are aware of the significance of that threat. We fully 
understand what it means, and the secret Allies upon whom 
the Jewish World reckons when it makes it. We saw them at 
work in Glasgow and Belfast. We see them at work now in 
Budapest, where, it is reported, out of thirty members of 
the Bolshevik Soviet, twenty-six are Jews. We understand the 
threat, but we do not propose to be deterred in our duty to the 
British public by the terrorist methods of the Bolsheviks. And 
we suggest to the British Jewish community — most of whom, 
we believe, are by no means in sympathy with this crusade — 
that they are being served very badly in their newspapers, 
which openly threaten Bolshevik methods and scoff at advice 
which is tendered in a friendly spirit. In secret, we feel cer¬ 
tain, the majority of the British Jews distrust and dislike the 
fanatics who are now leading Jewry astray in the cause of a 
spurious Jewish Imperialism. But they are afraid to disso¬ 
ciate themselves publicly from the dervishes of Judaism. In 
the meantime these powerful influences are at work in every 
country, and chiefly in Paris, where they are working power¬ 
fully against the cause of Poland. An unseen hand is at this 
present time stifling the infant Poland in its cradle, and this 
is being done in the interests of German-Jewish Capitalism. It 
is a conspiracy which is assisted by so-called Liberal news¬ 
papers like the Daily News, and so-called Labor newspapers 
like the Daily World; but it is a conspiracy, nevertheless, which 
is directed against the cause of liberty in Poland and in the 
interests of alien Capitalism. For it remains true that our 
labor agitators, while they are the enemies of British Capital, 
contrive to be the friends of the Capitalism of the enemies of 
England. Mr. Lloyd George and President Wilson —those 
champions of liberty — also appear to be more susceptible to 
the influence of an alien capitalism than to the cry for free¬ 
dom of long enchained Poland. We ask our readers, who re¬ 
member the traditional friendship of England with the Polish 
cause, to mark the note of anguish in Mr. Paderewski's state¬ 
ment which we publish this morning. He speaks — and he 
speaks truly — of 'the bitterness of the disappointment of the 
Polish population,' but it is not only the Polish population that 
is disappointed by the great Danzig betrayal. Every student 
of Allied interests must see that, whereas a strong Poland 
might be a bulwark against both German militarism and Rus¬ 
sian Bolshevism, a weak Poland must be the vassal of one and 
the victim of the other. As to the economic side of the ques¬ 
tion, British commerce may bid farewell to all hope of a con¬ 
nection in Poland if it leaves Poland in such a situation as to 
be the enforced dependent of Germany." 



(b) "Bolshevism and Jewry — a Repudiation 


April 23rd, 1919. 


We have read with deepest concern and with sincere regret 
certain articles which have recently appeared in two closely 
associated Jewish newspapers in this country on the topic of 
Bolshevism and its ideals. In our opinion, the publication of 
these articles can have no other effect than to encourage the 
adoption of the theoretic principles of Russian Bolsheviks 
among foreign Jews who have sought and found refuge in 
England. We welcome, accordingly, your suggestion that 
British Jews should 'dissociate themselves from a cause which 
is doing the Jewish people harm in all parts of the world.' 
This is profoundly true, and we, on our behalf and on behalf 
of numbers of British Jews with whom we have conferred, 
desire to dissociate ourselves absolutely and unreservedly from 
the mischievous and misleading doctrines which those articles 
are calculated to disseminate. We repudiate them as danger¬ 
ous in themselves and as false to the tenets and teachings of 

Partly in order to counteract the mistaken policy of the 
newspapers referred to, the League of British Jews was 
founded in November, 1917. The proceedings and views of 
the League are published in a monthly bulletin, entitled Jew¬ 
ish Opinion, which can be obtained at the office of the League, 
708-709 Salisbury House, E.C. 2, and which may eventually be 
merged in a larger journal appearing at more frequent inter¬ 
vals. For we thoroughly concur with your criticism that 'the 
British Jewish community, most of whom,' as you rightly say, 
'are by no means in sympathy with this (Nationalist) crusade, 
are being served very badly by their newspapers.' Meantime 
we take this opportunity of repudiating in public the particu¬ 
lar statements in those newspapers to which you have felt it 
your duty to call attention. 

Yours, etc., 




(c) "Prominent London Jews justify anti-Semitic Attack 

"General Monash, Rothschild and Montefiore Figure 
in Agitation. 

"In reply to a recent article in the London Morning Post, 
in which the editor accused the Jews as being Bolsheviks, a 
letter justifying the stand of the Post in the matter was sent 
to that paper and signed by Baron Lionel Rothschild, Lord 
Swaythling, Sir Magnus, Sir Marcus Samuel, Sir Harry 
Samuel, General Monash, Sir Isidore Spielmann, Claude Mon¬ 
tefiore, Leonard Cohen and Professor Galantz. 

"As a result of this letter, a self-sanctifying leading edi¬ 
torial appeared in the Post, which cried out in virtuous indigna¬ 
tion against all those who had previously questioned that the 
majority of the Jews are Bolsheviks. The letter, coming as it 
has, at a time when the anti-Semitic pot is boiling in London, 
has a peculiarly unfortunate effect. The opinion of London 
Jewry towards these ten men they consider have betrayed them, 
may best be left to the imagination." 

It is significant that the feeling that the Jews are largely 
instrumental in promoting Bolshevism and radicalism in gen¬ 
eral is by no means confined to England. The New York 
World published on January 26, 1919, a cable from Buenos 

Aires entitled "Argentina Deports Fourteen Hundred Bol¬ 
shevists." The cable reads as follows: 

"Buenos Aires, January 25.— Fourteen hundred prisoners, 
charged with Bolshevist activities, are on board a cruiser here 
awaiting deportation, according to Secret Service Men. The 
majority of them are Russian Jews. Some Spaniards are 
among the number." 

In the same connection the New York Tribune, on Jan¬ 
uary 24, 1919, reported that in Buenos Aires posters were put 
up in which the Russian Jews were blamed "for the recent 
outbreaks, as well as the anarchistic outbreak in 1910," and 
it was demanded that "the government rid the nation of this 
Jewish pest." 

In the issue of The Review of March 13, 1920, an article 
was published entitled "Bolshevism in Holland." The article 
gives a brief description of the Bolshevist movement in Hol¬ 
land. It also gives the names of the most prominent leaders 
of the Bolshevist movement in that country. In part the 
article reads as follows: 

"First among these is Mr. David Wijnkoop, an Amsterdam 
Jew, of a fiery, impetuous temperament, a great orator with 



a strong hold on the masses. He is the Dutch counterpart of 
his Russian comrade Trotzky, whom he resembles even in out¬ 
ward appearance, and a faithful henchman of his Moscow 
alter ego in the spreading of the latter's international propa¬ 

It is a well-known fact that in Hungary, during the Bolshe¬ 
vist revolution of 1919, Bela Kun, whose real name is Cohen, 
a Jew, became the dictator. It was often reported in various 
papers that out of the thirty-one Soviet officials in Hungary 
twenty-six were Jews. 

In Austria revolutionary attempts were made to set up a 
Bolshevist government, and the two brothers Alder, as well 
as Friedrich Adler, all of whom are Jews, were the leading 
spirits of the Bolshevist revolutionary propaganda in that 

In Germany the first Spartacan revolt was almost exclu¬ 
sively under the control of Jews. Among others were: Rosa 
Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, Radek (whose real name is Sobel- 
sohn), Eugene Levine, Muscham. 

In the recent attempt to overthrow the Ebert Government 
and set up a Bolshevist Republic, almost all of the leaders in 
Berlin were Jews. The New York Sun, under date of 
March 18, 1920, gives the names of the Communist leaders 
who attempted to overthrow the government as follows: Colin, 
Daumig, Newmann, Dr. von Kahn, Kurt Bever, Levy. 

As to the United States the following should he stated: 

While it is a generally recognized fact that the Socialist, 
Communist, Radical, I. W. W., and Bolshevist movements 
are largely recruited from the foreign-born population of 
various nationalities, nevertheless it can scarcely he denied 
that the moving spirit of the destructive revolutionary propa¬ 
ganda is largely Jewish and fomented by Jews. Thus, for 
instance, the notorious "Russian" Soviet Bureau, headed by 
Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, a German, was almost exclusively 
composed of Jews. Those who were in charge of responsible 
departments in the Bureau were as follows: 

Abraham Heller .... Manager of the Commercial 


Nuorteva.Whose real name is said to 

be Neuherger, Manager of 
the Propaganda Department 



Gregory Weinstein . . . General Office Manager 

Morris Hillquit ) ... Counselors at law for the So- 

Charles Recht ) viet Bureau 

All of the five Socialists who were recently ousted from the 
Assembly of the state of New York by an overwhelming vote 
were Jews. Their names are: Louis Waldman, August Clas¬ 
sens, Samuel A. de Witt, Samuel Orr, and Charles Solomon. 
During the trial of these men one of the most sensational 
pieces of evidence introduced by the state to show that the 
Socialist Party advocated the overthrow of the government 
by violence and revolution, was a book published in Yiddish 
by the Jewish Socialist Federation of America. This federa¬ 
tion is a part of the Socialist Party. The official report of the 
Judiciary Committee of the Assembly of the State of New 
York remarks that in the book published in Yiddish, the prin¬ 
ciples of Socialism, "were not camouflaged, as they frequently 
are in English" (page 31). The book in question typifies the 
extreme of revolutionary Socialism in the United States. We 
quote some of the more striking passages: 

"Workingmen cannot depend on 'peaceful evolution'; they 
must prepare for a revolution, and class-dictatorship" (page 

"The Socialist movement rouses the workingmen to revolu¬ 
tion; it preaches to them class-struggle, awakens within them 
class-consciousness, makes all necessary preparations for a 
Socialistic order. When society is ready for the overturn, 
when the Socialist organization feels that the moment has 
come, it will make the revolution. To predict when and how 
this should be done is impossible. This is a thing which must 
be determined separately in every country, because the circum¬ 
stances in every country are different. No sooner than the 
revolution is made, however, the first aim of the Socialists 
must be to seize the government, the state, by whatever means 
they can succeed in doing this with and then their rule must 
establish the dictatorship of the Proletariat. 

"This dictatorship will be employed for one thing, to elimi¬ 
nate capitalism by force, take away by force the capital from 
private owners and transfer it to the ownership of the 

"Socialists seek to be elected into the government princi¬ 
pally for the sake of propaganda." 

"To the Socialist at present, the meaning of class struggle, 
Internationale, and dictatorship of the Proletariat must be 
clear. He must understand that Socialism is not a reform 



movement. He must know that Socialism is a Revolutionary 
world-perspective, and that the Socialist movement is a 
Revolutionary movement." 

The radical periodicals published in this country in Russian 
are almost entirely managed and completely controlled by 
Jews. For instance, the Russki Golos has an editorial staff 
composed of four men, all of whom are Jews, namely, Wein- 
baum, Zvesdichiy, Sokolov, Gisenkin. The official organ of 
the Russian Communist Branch of the American Communist 
Party, the Novy Mir, is edited by two Jews, namely, N. Hour- 
witch, and Stoklitzky. The Bolshevist weekly, Pravda, is 
edited by two Jews, namely, Finkelstein and Weinstein. The 
Ukrainian Bolshevist tri-weekly publication, Robitnik, is pub¬ 
lished by a Jew, K. Pitlar. At the same time, even leaving 
out the well-known Yiddish publication The Jewish Daily 
Forward, with pronounced pro-Bolshevist tendencies, the new 
Anarchistic periodical, The Communist World, published in 
English, has the following men on its editorial staff, all of 
whom are Jews: 

Maximilian Cohen Editor 

B. D. Wolfe.Associate Editor 

George Ashkenouzi.Business Manager 

H. Winitsky.Executive Secretary 

Winitsky was recently convicted of criminal anarchy in the 
New York Courts. 

Again, with the recently founded Communist Party of 
America, the role of the Jew is very important, inasmuch as 
its founder is Louis Fraina, an Italian Jew. Examples of 
this kind could be multiplied almost indefinitely. For this 
reason we must content ourselves with a reference to an article 
published in the New York Call. This is the official organ 
of the Socialist Party of America, which is issued under the 

"Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose 
but your chains, and a world to gain." 

The president of this publication is S. Block, a Jew. The 
article in question, entitled "Chicago Workers Plan Big May 
Day Demonstrations," deals with the arrangements for the 
May Day Parade of the Chicago radical labor organiza¬ 
tions in 1919. It enumerates some of the organizations 



which were represented in the conference which planned the 

"Joint Board, Cloak Makers' Union. 

it branchers of the Workmen's Circle. 

Millinery Workers, Local Union, 47. 

Northwest Side Jewish Socialist Branch. 

The Hebrew Trades. 

The Brushmakers' Union. 

The 13th Ward Jewish Socialist Branch. 

The Karl Marx Jewish Socialist Branch. 

Yipsel Jewish Socialist Branches 1 and 4. 

Carpenters' Union, Local 504. 

West Side Jewish Socialist Campaign Conference. 

The Northwest Side Jewish Socialist Campaign Conference. 

The 15th Ward Campaign Committee. 

West Side Jewish Socialist Branch. 

Amalgamated Local Union, 39. 

Waist Makers' Union, too. 

International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. 

Bakers' Union, 237. 

Capmakers' Union, Local 5. 

Young People's Progressive Dramatic Club. 

City Central Committee, Jewish Socialist Branches. 

City Central Committee, Workmen's Circle. 

Douglas Park Jewish Socialist Branch". 

Indeed, it can scarcely be denied that the Jewish labor or¬ 
ganizations as enumerated by this Socialist publication itself 
were in complete control of the whole May Day parade in 
one of the biggest cities in the United States. 

One more fact of importance which should be mentioned 
is that four Anarchists, who were convicted and sentenced 
to terms of twenty years by the United States District Court 
for the Southern District of New York, were Jews. Their 
names are: Jacob Abrams, Samuel Lippman, Hyman Lachow- 
sky, Mollie Stimer. 

Finally, we refer to the well-known activities of Emma 
Goldman and Alexander Berkman, both of whom are Jews, and 
who were deported on the Soviet Ark "Buford." 

Of course, it is significant that the radical labor movement 
is largely controlled by Jewish internationalists, but still more 
significant appears the fact that recently several rabbis have 
taken a definite stand in support of the Red movement. We 
shall refer here to two instances. On October 25, 1919, the 



New York Tribune stated that Rabbi Judah L. Magnes had 
publicly announced that "he was a Bolshevik and in full 
sympathy with their doctrines and ideals." The article re¬ 
ferred to is entitled "Bolshevik Talk Forces Magnes Out." 
Therein it is revealed that on account of his public announce¬ 
ment that he was in full sympathy with Trotzky, Rabbi Magnes 
was forced to resign from the American Jewish Committee. 
It is important to bear in mind that at that time Rabbi Magnes 
was one of the most honored members of the Jewish com¬ 
munity. Rabbi Magnes was deputed in 1916 to represent in 
Europe the American Jewish Relief organization, The Joint 
Distribution Committee, which, among other activities, so¬ 
licited and distributed money and supplies to the Jews in ter¬ 
ritories occupied by the Central Powers. Whenever there is 
a great mass meeting Rabbi Magnes appears as the chief 
Spokesman on behalf of the Jews in New York City, as has 
happened several times since his expulsion from the American 
Jewish Committee. Rabbi Magnes was one of the founders 
of the People's Council, which was dissolved by the United 
States Government during the war. Here is a tentative 
enumeration of Rabbi Magnes's activities as stated in the 
Tribune article above referred to: 

"Dr. Magnes was one of the organizers of the American- 
Jewish Committee which has been engaged in philanthropic 
work among the Jews for the last fifteen years. Most of the 
work of the committee was confined to countries where the 
people were oppressed. Dr. Magnes has held many important 
posts and at one time was Rabbi of the Temple Emanu-El. 
Shortly after we entered the war he became a strong pacifist 
and was active in the People's Council. 

"There was a movement started on the East Side early in 
the summer to make Dr. Magnes the Socialist candidate for 
Congress. The persons who attempted this move are now 
supporting Congressman London for reelection. Dr. Magnes 
is chairman of the American Jewish Kehillah." 

The other instance is that of Rabbi Maxwell Silver of 
Temple Shaari Zedek, Brooklyn, who, on January 8, 1920, was 
ousted by his congregation early in January, 1920, because of 
alleged radical utterances. "It was charged that he drew 
class lines and spoke of the rich as oppressors." (See New 
York Times, January 8, 1920.) This fact alone might not be 
of great importance, but the action of the New York Associa- 



tion of Reformed Rabbis, as reported in the New York daily 
press, is significant: 

"After the dismissal of Rabbi Maxwell Silver, of Congre¬ 
gation Shaari Zedek, of Brooklyn, the New York Associa¬ 
tion of Reformed Rabbis undertook the mediation of the 
trouble between the congregation and the Rabbi, and as a 
result pointed out that the whole difficulty was due to an un¬ 
fortunate misunderstanding. Thereupon the trustees decided 
to recommend the reinstatement of Rabbi Silver, and we are 
happy to state that such reinstatement was ratified by the con¬ 
gregation after a special meeting last night. By a special 
resolution the New York Association of Reformed Rabbis 
expresses its confidence in the worthiness of Rabbi Silver and 
also in the good intentions of the Congregation Shaari Zedek 
to serve the cause of Israel." 

It is also a peculiar fact to consider that certain powerful 
Jewish bankers were instrumental and active in spreading 
Bolshevism, which now threatens the whole world. In this 
connection we refer the reader to one of the "Sisson Docu¬ 
ments," published by the United States Government in 1917 
under the title "German Bolshevist Conspiracy": 

On September 21, 1917, one of the leading German Sparta- 
can leaders, a Jew, by name of Furstenberg, wrote a letter to 
a Bolshevist by the name of Raphael Scholan, who became 
later one of the Bolshevist commissaries in Soviet Russia, as 

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 21, 1917. 




The banking house, M. Warburg, opened an account for 
the enterprise of Comrade Trotzky, upon receipt of a tele¬ 
gram from the Chairman of the ' Rhein-Westphalian Syndi¬ 
cate.' A lawyer, probably Mr. Kestroff, obtained ammunition 
and organized the transportation of same, together with that 
of the money, to Lulea and Vardo, the firm of Essen & Son, 
Lulea, as to the consignee and the confidential persons to 
whom the sum demanded by Comrade Trotzky is to be handed. 
Fraternal greetings! 


Rumors that international Jewish financiers have been sup¬ 
porting the Bolsheviki in Russia are persistent. 



Who are the international financiers? Perhaps the answer 
is to be found in the following cable dispatch of the Wolff 
Agency on the German situation in 1919, published by 
La Vieille France in the issue of February 13, 1919: 

"The deputy Hyemann has revealed the curious fact: The 
Bolshevist movement is supported by financiers. The banker, 
Bleichroeder, has contributed two millions to the Extremist 

It is of course known that Bleichroeder is one of the most 
powerful Jewish financiers in Germany. 

It will be remembered that the Protocols bring out very dis¬ 
tinctly two ideas, namely, economic and social dissensions of 
all kinds, including anarchism and communism and also a 
world war. 

In a recently published book which has created much in¬ 
terest, entitled "The Inside Story of Austro-German Intrigue," 
by Joseph Goricar and Lyman Beecher Stowe, the authors 
advanced the theory that Jewish bankers have during the last 
century played an important role in European war conspira¬ 
cies. Mr. Goricar was, during the early part of the late war, 
Austro-Hungarian Consul in Berlin. We refer to one of the 
most important passages in the book bearing upon the subject: 

"The pro-war bankers of 1854 as well as those of 1914 
originated in the Semitic banking center of Frankfort-on-the- 
Main in Germany, the birthplace of the Bethmann-Hollwegs, 
the Goldschmidts, the Seligmans, Jacob Schiff,' and the Roths¬ 

It has been stated by one of the leaders of Zionism, namely, Israel 
Zangwill, author of "The Children of the Ghetto," that Mr. Jacob 
Schiff financed "the Japanese war against Russia." This statement is 
made in a pamphlet entitled "The Problems of the Jewish Race," 
p. 14, published by the Judean Publishing Company, New York City. 

In its report of a Socialist meeting held in Carnegie Hall on March 
23, 1917, to celebrate the revolution in Russia, the New York Times on 
March 24, 1917, says: 

"An authority on Russian affairs, George Kennan, told of how a 
movement by the Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom, financed 
by Jacob Schiff, had at the time of the Russo-Japanese war spread 
among 50,000 Russian officers and men in Japanese prison camps the 
gospel of the Russian revolutionists." 

The Jewish character of the first Russian revolution was strongly 
emphasized in a report presented to the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, 
by the Russian Foreign Minister, Count Lamsdorf, on January 3, 1906, 
published in full in English translation in "The American Hebrew and 
Jewish Messenger," in its issue of July 13, 1918. Therein it is stated 

that a very considerable part in the revolutionary activities was played 
by the Jews, "who individually, as ringleaders in other organizations. 



"All the vast wealth of the banking house of the Roths¬ 
childs, amounting at the beginning of the war to some twenty 
billion francs, was made chiefly in war operations, war financ¬ 
ing. The Rothschild brothers of the Central Empires have in 
fact sometimes financed simultaneously rival groups of bellig¬ 

"Frankfort-on-the-Main is, and has been for more than a 
hundred years, the chief source of financial backing for wars. 
Kings, emperors, and war ministers have had to await the 
pleasure of these bankers before issuing their ultimata. To 
that centre have been added Vienna, Berlin, and Budapest, the 
other important centres of Jewish world finance. In Vienna 
the Rothschilds' word is law; in Berlin, the Hahnemans, Bleich- 
roeders, Mendelssohns, especially the last named, who of late 
years have controlled Russia's finances. To these same 
sources may be traced the origin of the World War." (Pages 
56 and 57.) 

The "Protocols" have already attracted public attention in 
various countries. The attitude which the Jewish leaders will 

take in regard to them is a matter of great interest and deep 

concern. Until now they have kept silent. Only on rare 
occasions have the Jews referred, though very indirectly, to 
the question of the existence of a Jewish world conspiracy. 
The most explicit utterance on the subject in the United States 
is that of Rabbi Stephen Wise, in his address to the Congre¬ 
gation of Free Synagogues in Carnegie Hall, on March 1, 
1920. The reports of the address in the daily press are rather 
meager. We set forth in full the report which appeared in 

the New York Tribune on the following day: 



"Speaking to the congregation of the Free Synagogue in 
Carnegie Hall yesterday on the subject of 'The Jewish Con¬ 
spiracy,' which has had its most recent revival in a story pub- 

as well as through their own (the Jewish Bund in the Western Prov¬ 
inces), have always come forward as the most bellicose element of the 
revolution." Count Lamsdorf further stated: "We may feel entitled 
to assume that the above mentioned foreign support of the Russian 
revolutionary movement comes from Jewish capitalist circles. ... In 
June, 1905, a special Anglo-Jewish committee was openly established in 
England for the purpose of collecting money for arming fighting 
groups of Russian Jews: The well-known anti-Russian publicist. Lucien 
Wolf, was the leading member of this committee. . . . The Jews in 
America . . . collect money for helping the pogrom sufferers and for 
arming the Jewish youth." 



lished in the London Morning Post, charging that Jews were 
in a plot to seize control of the world, Dr. Stephen S. Wise 
said that the only serious 'conspiracy’ among the Jews to-day 
emanated from the young men who foreswore their ancient 

"Saying that oppression and injustice have attended the 
followers of the Jewish faith for centuries, Dr. Wise added 
that they had a right to be vindictive, but that it was not in 
their nature to be so. 

" 'It is the Jew who has been reduced to such a state of 
degradation hy oppression that he lies when he swears alle¬ 
giance to another faith which has not even touched his heart, 
who becomes a dangerous element in the life of the world,' 
said Dr. Wise. 

" 'The conspiracy,' if there is one, is among those of Jewish 
birth who are or seem ashamed of their origin. They follow 
false gods or none at all, and among them will be those who 
may seize power for their own ends." 


In conclusion it must be stated that the motives which have 
actuated the publication of this hook are not anti-Semitic. 
The object — already indicated in the introduction — is to call 
the attention of the American people to a document which 
may throw important light upon the international Bolshevist 
movement which menaces directly the vital interests of the 
United States. 

That this attention is amply justified appears from a review 
of the recent publication of the Protocols in England, which 
appeared in the London Times on May 8, 1920. The article 
is so significant that it is reprinted in its entirety. 


Call for Inquiry 
(From a correspondent) 

The Times has not as yet noticed this singular little book. 
Its diffusion is, however, increasing, and its reading is likely to 
perturb the thinking public. Never before have a race and a 

The Jewish Peril. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Lon¬ 
don: Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1920. 



creed been accused of a more sinister conspiracy. We in this 
country, who live in good fellowship with numerous represen¬ 
tatives of Jewry, may well ask that some authoritative criticism 
should deal with it, and either destroy the ugly "Semitic" bogy 
or assign their proper place to the insidious allegations of this 
kind of literature. 

In spite of the urgency of impartial and exhaustive criticism, 
the pamphlet has been allowed, so far, to pass almost unchal¬ 
lenged. The Jewish Press announced, it is true, that the anti- 
Semitism of the "Jewish Peril" was going to be exposed. But 
save for an unsatisfactory article in the March 5 issue of the 
Jewish Guardian, and for an almost equally unsatisfactory con¬ 
tribution to the Nation of March 27, this exposure is yet to 
come. The article of the Jewish Guardian is unsatisfactory, 
because it deals mainly with the personality of the author of 
the book in which the pamphlet is embodied, with Russian re¬ 
actionary propaganda, and the Russian secret police. It does 
not touch the substance of the "Protocols of the Learned 
Elders of Zion." The purely Russian side of the book and its 
fervid "Orthodoxy" is not its most interesting feature. Its 
author, Professor S. Nilus, who was a minor official in the De¬ 
partment of Foreign Religions at Moscow, had, in all likeli¬ 
hood, opportunities of access to many archives and unpublished 
documents. On the other hand, the world-wide issue raised by 
the "Protocols" which he incorporated in his book and are 
now translated into English as "The Jewish Peril," cannot fail 
not only to interest, but to preoccupy. What are the theses of 
the "Protocols" with which, in the absence of public criticism, 
British readers have to grapple alone and unaided? They are, 
roughly: — 

(1) There is, and has been for centuries, a secret inter¬ 
national political organization of the Jews. 

(2) The spirit of this organization appears to be an undying 
traditional hatred of the Christian world, and a titanic ambi¬ 
tion for world domination. 

(3) The goal relentlessly pursued through centuries is the 
destruction of the Christian national States, and the substitu¬ 
tion for them of an international Jewish dominion. 

(4) The method adopted for first weakening and then 
destroying existing bodies politic is the infusion of disinte¬ 
grating political ideas of carefully measured progressive dis¬ 
ruptive force, from liberalism to radicalism, and socialism to 
communism, culminating in anarchy as a reductio ad absurdum 
of egalitarian principles. Meanwhile Jewry remains immune 
from these corrosive doctrines. "We preach Liberalism to the 
Gentiles, but on the other hand we keep our own nation in en¬ 
tire subjection" (page 55). Out of the welter of world an¬ 
archy, in response to the desperate clamour of distraught 



humanity, the stern, logical, wise, pitiless rule of "the King of 
the Seed of David" is to arise. 

(5) Political dogmas evolved hy Christian Europe, demo¬ 
cratic statesmanship and politics, are all equally contemptible 
to the Elders of Zion. To them statesmanship is an exalted 
secret art, acquired only by traditional training, and im¬ 
parted to a select few in the secrecy of some occult sanctuary. 
"Political problems are not meant to he understood hy 
ordinary people; they can only be comprehended, as I have 
said before, by rulers who have been directing affairs for many 

(6) To this conception of statesmanship the masses are con¬ 
temptible cattle, and the political leaders of the Gentiles, "up¬ 
starts from its midst as rulers, are likewise blind in politics." 
They are puppets, pulled by the hidden hand of the "Elders," 
puppets mostly corrupt, always inefficient, easily coaxed, or 
bullied, or blackmailed into submission, unconsciously further¬ 
ing the advent of Jewish dominion. 

(7) The Press, the theatre, stock exchange speculations, 
science, law itself, are, in the hands that hold all the gold, so 
many means of procuring a deliberate confusion and bewilder¬ 
ment of public opinion, demoralization of the young, and en¬ 
couragement of the vices of the adult, eventually substituting, 
in the minds of the Gentiles, for the idealistic aspiration of 
Christian culture the "cash basis" and a neutrality of material¬ 
istic scepticism, or cynical lust for pleasure. 

Such are the main theses of the "Protocols." They are not 
altogether new, and can he found scattered throughout anti- 
Semitic literature. The condensed form in which they are 
now presented lends them a new and weird force. 

Incidentally, some of the features of the would-be Jewish 
programme bear an uncanny resemblance to situations and 
events now developing under our eyes. Professor Nilus's 
book was, undoubtedly, published in Russia in 1905. The 
copy of the original at the British Museum hears the stamp of 
August 10, 1906. This being so, some of the passages as¬ 
sume the aspect of fulfilled prophecies, unless one is in¬ 
clined to attribute the prescience of the "Elders of Zion" 
to the fact that they really are the hidden instigators of 
these events. When one reads (page 8) that "it is indis¬ 
pensable for our plans that wars should not produce any 
territorial alterations," one is most forcibly reminded of the 
cry, "peace without annexations" raised by all the radical 
parties of the world, and especially in revolutionary Russia. 
And again: — 

We will create a universal economic crisis, by all possible 
underhand means and with the help of gold, which is all in 
our hands. Simultaneously we will throw on to the streets 



huge crowds of workmen throughout Europe. We will in¬ 
crease the wages, which will not help the workmen as, at the 
same time, we will raise the price of prime necessities ... it 
is essential for us at all costs to deprive the aristocracy of their 
lands. To attain this purpose, the best method is to force up 
rates and taxes. These methods will keep the landed interests 
at their lowest possible ehh. 

Nor can one fail to recognize Soviet Russia in the follow¬ 
ing: - 

"... in governing the world the best results are obtained 
by means of violence and intimidation. ... In politics, we 
must know how to confiscate property without any hesitation, 
if by so doing we can obtain subjection and power. Our State, 
following the way of peaceful conquest, has the right of sub¬ 
stituting for the terrors of war, executions less apparent and 
more expedient, which are necessary to uphold terror, produc¬ 
ing blind submission. ... By new laws we will regulate the 
political life of our subjects as though they were so many 
parts of a machine. Such laws will gradually restrict all free¬ 
dom and liberties allowed by the Gentiles. ... It is essential 
for us to arrange that, besides ourselves, there should he in all 
countries nothing but a huge proletariat, so many soldiers and 
police loyal to our cause; ... in order to demonstrate our en¬ 
slavement of the Gentile Governments of Europe, we will show 
our power to one of them by means of crime and violence, 
that is to say, a reign of terror; . . . our programme will in¬ 
duce a third part of the populace to watch the remainder from 
a pure sense of duty or from the principle of voluntary service." 

Bearing in mind when this was published, we see, fifteen 
years later, a government established in Russia of which a 
high percentage of the leaders are Jews, whose modus oper¬ 
andi follows the principles quoted, and whose mainstay is a 
Communist Party, which answers to the last quotation. We 
see this, and it seems uncanny. The trouble is that all this 
fosters indiscriminate anti-Semitism. That the latter is ram¬ 
pant in Eastern Europe is a fact. That its propaganda in 
France, England, and America is growing is a fact also. Do 
we want, and can we afford to add exacerbated race-hatred to 
all our political, social, and economic troubles? If not, the 
question of the "Jewish Peril" should be taken up and dealt 
with. It is far too interesting, the hypothesis it presents is far 
too ingenious, attractive, and sensational not to attract the at¬ 
tention of our none too happy and none too contented public. 
The average man thinks that there is something very funda¬ 
mentally wrong with the world he lives in. He will eagerly 
grasp at a plausible "working hypothesis." 

What are these "Protocols"? Are they authentic? If so, 
what malevolent assembly concocted these plans, and gloated 



over their exposition? Are they forgery? If so, whence 
comes the uncanny note of prophecy, prophecy in parts ful¬ 
filled, in parts far gone in the way of fulfilment? Have we 
been struggling these tragic years to blow up and extirpate 
the secret organization of German world dominion only to find 
beneath it another more dangerous because more secret? 
Have we, by straining every fibre of our national body, es¬ 
caped a "Pax Germanica" only to fall into a "Pax Judaeica"? 
The "Elders of Zion," as represented in their "Protocols," are 
by no means kinder taskmasters than William II and his 
henchmen would have been. 

All these questions, which are likely to obtrude themselves 
on the reader of the "Jewish Peril," cannot be dismissed by 
a shrug of the shoulders unless one wants to strengthen the 
hand of the typical anti-Semite and call forth his favourite 
accusation of the "conspiracy of silence." An impartial in¬ 
vestigation of these would-be documents and of their history 
is most desirable. That history is by no means clear from the 
English translation. They would appear, from internal evi¬ 
dence, to have been written by Jews for Jews, or to be cast 
in the form of lectures, and notes for lectures, by Jews to Jews. 
If so, in what circumstances were they produced and to cope 
with what inter-Jewish emergency? Or are we to dismiss the 
whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such 
a book as this work unchecked? 

The publishers believe that the vast majority of the Jews 
in this country have never heard of the Protocols, and would 
denounce the plan which they set forth. The Jews here, con¬ 
stituting about three per cent of the population, enjoy the same 
rights and privileges as other citizens. All are equal before 
the law and all are free from persecution on religious grounds. 
American Jews are regarded by their fellow citizens, and for 
the most part doubtless regard themselves, as Americans of 
Jewish faith. They have indeed a special ground for grati¬ 
tude to the country of their adoption, for they have found 
here opportunities which they did not enjoy in many other 
countries. They have shared in all the activities leading to 
prosperity and they have prospered. That they do, in fact, 
recognize their favorable situation is shown by the statements; 
two of them are reported by the New York Times, in its issue 
of May 4, 1920, to have made at a mass meeting held on the 
preceding evening at Cooper Union under the auspices of the 
Independent Order of Brith Abraham, to express the grati¬ 
tude of the Jewish people to Great Britain for taking the man- 



date for Palestine. Judge Gustave Hartman, Grand Master 
of the order, is reported to have said in part: 

"We didn't know what a home was until we reached this 
greatest of all republics, the United States of America. Here 
we are given free and equal opportunity under the free insti¬ 
tutions of this country. In this country the Jews have lived 
and prospered, and in all this country there are no better citi¬ 
zens than the Jewish people." 

Judge Otto A. Rosalsky said "that it became the duty of 
the Jewish citizens of America to cherish the ideals of this 
country and keep them intact, so that they might be handed 
down to their children's children." 

Doubtless American Jews will recognize the menace to 
American institutions and American prosperity of any such 
political conspiracy as is outlined in the Protocols. But the 
situation demands more than tacit disapproval on their part. 
Bearing in mind the close parallelism shown to exist between 
the "Protocols" and the actual policies of Bolshevism as prac¬ 
ticed in Russia, the dominant position occupied by the Jews 
in the Soviet Government, and the open sympathy and ap¬ 
proval given to international Bolshevism by prominent Jews 
outside of Russia, it is vitally necessary that the American 
Jews should by word and deed express their condemnation 
not only of Bolshevism, but of any plan or program for world 
domination similar to that contained in the Protocols. Aside 
from their position on these matters, there is no likelihood 
of any change in the favorable situation of the Jews in this 
country unless by their own conduct they convince the Ameri¬ 
can people that they are hostile to our institutions or to our 
system of government, or that they desire to constitute within 
the borders of the United States a race apart, — to be treated 
as members of a foreign nation, enjoying special rights, privi¬ 
leges, or immunities. 


of Sir William Wiseman of the British Secret Service stationed in this 
country. In spite of the fact that k has so often been discredited, it is a fact 
that all it contains has beeen proven from other sources. In this report was 
the statement,’ "we will use the movement of the Earl of Dysart, the 
British Israel World Federation movement.” The status is much the same 
as that of the Protocols, so vigorously denied, but if you will refer to the 
Jewish Year Book, page 179, 1920-1921, you will find the reference to the 
Protocols. There is no denial of the Protocols or there authenticity but there 
is the statement "that the translator omitted a paragraph in which England 
is accused of being the accomplice of the Jews in this conspiracy.” 

It was in 1935 that the Earl of Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, ad¬ 
dressed an 'Admonition to King George V, in which he told die King to 
stop playing with this Communist movement, that it was Satanic, against the 
realm. He referred to the British Israel World Federation movement of 6 
Buckingham Gate, London. You can call the British Library of Information 
if you wish to satisfy yourself that such a movement exists. You will find 
the name of Sir William Wiseman listed as one of the supporters on the 
back cover of the National Message. 

In this country the movement, now known as the Anglo-Saxon Federa¬ 
tion of America, was located in the Fox Building, Detroit and the organ 
now called ‘Destiny’ was then called the ’Messenger of the Covenant.’ 

The Anglo-Saxon Federation of America was established at the time 
the Dearborn Independent was being published. William J. Cameron, Henry 
Ford’s man Friday was the editor of the paper. The protocols had been 
brought to this country from England, they were taken to Mr. Cameron. Two 
or more people have claimed the honor of taking them to Mr. Ford or Mr. 
Cameron, one, Haviland Lund, who had spent several years in England. Mrs. 
Lund had taken the ’missing Tea Pot Dome leases’ to President Harding from 
Secretary Fall’s office where she was employed. Marcia, well known in 
Washington circles as the advisor to many in the field of predictions, accom¬ 
panied her. The story was related to me when Mrs. Lund and I paid her a 
call. Those most interested in Tea Pot Dome did not want Mrs. Lund called 
to testify so she was sent to England. It was on her return that she brought 
the protocols and told me that she had taken them to Mr. Cameron. 

After these protocols were published Lt. Col. W. G. Mac Kendrick, of 
the Commonwealth Publishing Company, Toronto, Canada, with a convert 
Merton H, Smith went to Detroit, called on Mr. Cameron, told him he was 
making a mistake in publishing the Protocols and sold him the idea of 
British Israel World Federation. 

Mr. Cameron was British bom (Canada) be had lived in this country 
for over forty years and had voted all that time without being a citizen. It 
was only when he wished to leave the country and get a passport to return 
that he was made a citizen in three days by Judge Moinet (federal). See New 
York American, September 12, 1935. See also New Money Pamphlet. 

Through Mr. Cameron, Henry Ford was interested and became a 
liberal supporter financially of this propaganda. So great was Mr. Ford’s 
interest that if you wished to reach him on a public question, as happened 
with one of my friends, you were told that if you did not know or did not 
go along with British Israel you would not succeed in that which you sought. 




widespread massacres of Jews, notably at Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav 
and Krementchug, when General Denikin’s troops entered those 
towns; and whether he would immediately take steps to prevent 
any more British supplies of munitions or men being sent to 
General Denikin.— November 6 . London: In House of Commons, 
Lieutenant-Commander Kenworthy asks the Under-Secretary for 
Foreign Affairs if he would state who is His Majesty’s represen¬ 
tative at Budapest; whether reports had reached the Foreign 
Office dealing with the alleged pogroms against the Jews and 
excesses against not only the Socialists, but also the liberals and 
intellectuals in Budapest since the entry of the Roumanian army; 
what steps had been taken to prevent pogroms and a' white 
terror in Hungary.— 17 . London: In House of Commons, Under¬ 
secretary for Foreign Affairs, replies that regarding treatment 
of Jews in Poland he prefers postponing statement until return 
of Sir Stuart Samuel, and that the Foreign Office are not in 
position to give either an estimate or a return of the number of 
Jews killed in other parts of the former Russian empire.— 
December 11 . London: In House of Commons, the Prime Minis¬ 
ter, in reply to question of Mr. Swan, confirms report of attack 
by Cossacks on Jews of Podol, suburb of Kiev.— February. Appear¬ 
ance of “ The Jewish Peril: Protocol of the Learned Elders of 
Zion,” anonymous publication purporting to describe “ The plan 
and development of a sinister world-wide conspiracy, having for 
its object that of bringing the unregenerate world to its inevitable 
dismemberment.” Investigation by Jewish Guardian shows that 
publication is a translation of the appendix of a book published, 
in 1905 , by a Russian religious and nationalist fanatic, Sergius 
Nilus, and that the translater omitted a paragraph in which En¬ 
gland is accused of being the accomplice of the Jews in this 
“Conspiracy.”— March 29 . London: In written answer, to ques- 
tioil in House of Commons put by Lieutenant-Colonel Malone, as to 
whether his attention had been called to anonymous booklet en¬ 
titled “ The Jewish Peril ” recently issued, Mr. Shortt, Home Sec¬ 
retary, states: “ I understand that the booklet is an English trans¬ 
lation of a book published in Russian in 1905 by Serge Nilus. This 
book went through three or four editions. I am not aware that the 
pamphlet is a mutilation of the book, nor do I know the object of 
Serge Nilus in publishing this work. I fear the law confers no 
powers upon me to procure the suppression of the publication.”— 
31 . London: In House of Commons, Under-Secretary of State for 
Foreign Affairs, replying to question of Arthur Hayday, states that 
the Government has no confirmation of report that on Novem¬ 
ber 16 . in town of Keckskemet, Hungary, Lieutenant Hejjas, then 
town commandant, ordered one hundred and twenty Jewish citi¬ 
zens of the town out of their beds at midnight, and under pretext 
that they were to be taken to work, drove them into Irgovanyi 

The American Jewish 

Year Book 

September 13, 1920, to October 2, 1921 

Volume 22 

Edited by 

for the 



The Jewish Publication Society of America 

On the Protocols 

By Ezra Pound 

[Note: Ezra Pound, arguably one of America's greatest poets, moved to Italy in 1924 and 
became involved in the newly regenerated Italy of the time. He soon broadcasted from 
Fascist Italy during the Second World War. His broadcasts were a mix of politics, 
personal commentary, anecdotes, and old fashioned wit. These were heard in England 
and America with his aim to try and enlighten people on why the war was fought and for 
whom. His message was against the hyper-internationalism that held the world hostage 
under the thumb of finance bankers and criminal politicians. 

"To send boys from Omaha to Singapore to die for British monopoly and brutality 
is not the act of an American patriot...This war did not begin in 1939. It is not a 
unique result of the infamous Versailles Treaty. It is impossible to understand it 
without knowing at least a few precedent historic events, which mark the cycle of 
combat... Th is war is part of the age-old struggle between the usurer and the rest 
of mankind: between the usurer and peasant, the usurer and producer, and finally 
between the usurer and the merchant, between usurocracy and the mercantilist 
system ...The present war dates at least from the founding of the Bank of England 
at the end of the 17th century, 1694-8. Half a century later, the London usurocracy 
shut down on the issue of paper money by the Pennsylvania colony, A.D. 1750. 

This is not usually given prominence in the U.S. school histories. The 13 colonies 
rebelled, quite successfully, 26 years later, A.D. 1776." 

With the close of the war because of his broadcasts Pound was tried by the US 
government for treason and locked away in a mental institution in Washington D.C. He 
was later released and died in solitude in Italy. Following is a radio broadcast from Italy 
of April 20, 1943 discussing the controversial Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 

If or when one mentions the Protocols alleged to be of the Elders of Zion, one is 
frequently met with the reply: Oh, but they are a forgery. 

Certainly they are a forgery, and that is the one proof we have of their authenticity. The 
Jews have worked with forged documents for the past 24 hundred years, namely ever 
since they have had any documents whatsoever. And no one can qualify as a historian of 
this half century without having examined the Protocols. Alleged, if you like, to have 
been translated from the Russian, from a manuscript to be consulted in the British 
Museum, where some such document may or may not exist. 

What we know for certain is that they were published two decades ago. That Lord 
Sydenham wrote a preface to them. That their content has been traced to another sketch 
said to have appeared in the eighteen forties. The interest in them does not lie in [the] 
question of their having been, or NOT been concocted by a legislative assembly of 
Rabbis, democratically elected, or secretly chosen by the Mysterious Order of Seven 
Branched Antlers or the Bowling Society of Milwaukee. Their interest lies in the type of 
mind, or the state of mind of their author. That was their interest for the psychologist the 
day they first appeared. And for the historian two decades later, when the program 
contained in them has so crushingly gone into effect up to a point, or down to a squalor. 

What is interesting, perhaps most, to the historian is their definite campaign against 
history altogether, their declared intention to blot out the classics, to blot out the record, 
and to dazzle men with talk of tomorrow. That is a variant on the pie in the bait. As far as 
reality is concerned, as far as you and I are concerned it makes little difference whether 
prosperity is in heaven, or in the year 2300, or just round a corner that will never be 

A religious man might think his reward might be in heaven, but even a religious man 
ought to know that his reward will not be on earth in a hundred years time. In fact, the pie 
in the sky is a more reasonable proposition: an opium with more to it than Mr. Keynes' 
day after tomorrow. 

I am not concerned with fixing blame retrospectively so much as with judging the 
present: those who are against the true word, the protocolaires. Now Keynes whose fair is 
foul, foul is fair sentence can be taken as the quintessence of something or other, is the 
perfect protoclaire. It comes over me that on the one occasion I had the curious 
experience of seeing him, he managed to utter two falsehoods in a very short space of 
time. In fact never opened his mouth without doing so. First in stating that he is an 
orthodox economist, which he is not, second in saying that the then high cost of living 
was due to lack of labor, when there were millions of men out of work. 

You couldn't have done much better in two sentences if you were out for a record in the 
falsification. Protocol No. 8, second [paragraph]: 

"We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the 

reason why economic sciences form, etc. Around us again will be a whole 
constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and the main thing, millionaires, 
because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures." 

Is it possible to arouse any interest in verbal precision? Is it possible to persuade more 
than six or eight people to consider the scope of crossword puzzles and other devices for 
looking at words for something that is NOT their meaning? Cabala, for example, 
anything to make the word mean something it does NOT say. Anything to distract the 
auditor from the plain sense of the word, or the sentence? Even to communism that is 
NOT communism. To communism of the episcopal sort, which they want in England. A 
Bolshevism that is to leave the archbishops and curates just where they are, each with his 
living or benefice. A revelation against capital, allegedly against capital, that attacks 
property and leaves capital setting pretty. 

Lenin all out for making banking a state affair. And then twenty years during which it has 
seemed to drop decidedly into the background, when the world revolution was very busy 
about something else. 

It should by now be clear that some people fear NOT the outcome of the war, but the 
END of the war. Churchill, for example. Not defeat, not the ruin of the Empire that 
worries him, but the END of the war. End of the slaughter, end of the war conditions. 

Robert Clive has been clear enough, ex-British ambassador in Tokyo. Tells you and the 
world Japan can not be beaten. But the war must go ON, according to Churchill and 
Roosevelt. Churchill sees the end of monopoly and privilege, or at least a shift when the 
war ends, no matter HOW. That is the point you should consider. In regard to the 
protocols, either there is and was a plot to ruin all goyim, all nations of Europe, or some 
people are stark raving crazy. They want war to go on to certain wreck. WHO are they? 

Mere cannon fodder. The American troops in N. Africa know they are not there thru any 
wish of their own. The war was started for gold, to maintain the fetish value of gold. 
Plenty of other sidelines. Minor advantages have been COMMERCIALLY taken. Did the 
present regime in England WANT the troops to return after Dunkirk? Every move for 
reform in England is a fascist reform, or proposition along fascist lines. 

The supreme betrayal of Europe is inherent in the alliance of Anglo-Jewry with Moscow. 
Debts rise. That is one part of the war. It is a contest between STOPPING the war and 
going on with it. And only one side does any fighting. Namely the party that STARTED 
the war. They are for its continuance. Who are they? 

BUT they are also for starting the next one. They openly proclaim that AFTER (that is 
IF) America finishes with Japan, she will have to fight Russia. IF Russia should break 
into Europe. 

Only blindness and deafness can keep you unaware of these proclamations. The U.S. 

must protect the world7 Why? Does the world want it? The U.S., once this war is over, 
must be strong enough to beat Russia. 

The U.S. had a chance to maintain her prestige and unique position by staying 
NEUTRAL. Neutral while other powers exhausted themselves. And she DID not. 

Who are the lunatics? Was there a deliberate plot? That is what should concern you. 
WAS there a plot? How long had it been in existence? Does it continue, with its 
Lehmans, Morgenthaus, Baruchs? Proposals to send the darkies to Africa, to work for 
Judea, and the rest of it? And WILL you, after Japan is thru with you, take on Russia? In 
order to maintain the banking monopoly? With Mr. Wille Wiseman, late of the British 
secret service, ensconced in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., to direct you and rule you? 

The Truth About the Protocols 


Gerald B. Winrod 
Editor of The Defender 


The Book 
The Talmud 
The Awakening 



America's Precaution 

Universal Crisis 
Bankers and Bolshevism 

Russia's Ruin 

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 

AFTER observing the title of this book, some will accuse me of being anti- 
Semitic. If by this they mean that I am opposed to the Jews as a race or as a 
religion, I deny the allegation. But if they mean that I am opposed to a coterie of 
international Jewish bankers ruling the Gentile world by the power of gold, if they 
mean that I am opposed to international Jewish Communism, then I plead guilty 
to the charge. - Winrod. 


ON the shelves of the British Museum in the city of London there is a book in the 
Russian language, by Sergius A. Nilus, called the Protocols of the Wise Men of 
Zion. It contains twenty-four documents which purport to reveal the inner 
workings of a plot by certain international Jewish leaders to enslave the world 
through a dictatorship based upon the power of gold. 

Next to the Bible, this volume, translated into various languages, is perhaps the 
most widely read book in existence. The superintendent of the library told me that 
he constantly receives inquiries about it from all parts of the world. Its catalogue 
mark in the library is C 37.C.31. 

This book was received by the Museum August 10, 1906. It was purchased 
through regular trade channels and there was nothing extraordinary about the 
manner in which it reached England's greatest library. 

The first translation from the Russian into English was published by Eyre and 
Spottiswoode, official printers of the British government, in 1920. Victor E. 

Marsden, who had previously represented a London newspaper in Russia, made 
another translation about the same time. 

Because Mr. Marsden was a master in both languages, his work is generally 
regarded as being thoroughly accurate and dependable: He lived through the 
Russian revolution and was forced to spend considerable time in a Bolshevik 
prison. Injuries thus sustained, impaired his health and sent him back home a 
broken man. Later he accompanied the Prince of Wales on his tour of the British 
Empire but died suddenly afterwards. 

Nilus first published the Protocols in 1905, although they had come into his 
hands four years before. He regarded it a patriotic and religious duty to give 
them the widest possible circulation. From the beginning of the century, down to 
the present hour, the plot which these documents disclose has been fulfilled step 
by step. In them we see an advance unfoldment of the economic and political 
history of the nations. If the Protocols are forgeries, as some Jews assert, then it 
is a paradox, that everything which they outline should be coming to pass before 
our eyes. 


WHERE did the Protocols originate? 

It is necessary to examine this problem from three angles in order to arrive at a 
satisfactory answer to this question. 

First: the secret operations of ancient Jewish Kahal must be understood. 

Second: the rebirth of Jewish nationalism, involving the building of Zionism and 
Communism, must be studied. 

Third: the source from which Nilus claimed to have received the documents 
must be considered. 

Turning to the Encyclopaedia Britannica we find such phrases as "hidden 
doctrines", "hidden wisdom", and "mystic communion", used in discussing the 
mysterious nature and purpose of the Kahal. We are told that the germ of this 
organization "may be traced to sayings and beliefs mentioned in the Talmud and 
known to have existed among the gnostics." 

In my book, Adam Weishaupt, a Human Devil, we trace the vicious trail of 
Gnosticism from the beginning of the Christian era, through the centuries into 
occult llluminism, and finally into modern Bolshevism. For this reason we will not 
dwell on the subject here. But because of the intimate relation between the Kahal 

and the Talmud it becomes necessary to consider certain succinct features of the 
latter at this time. 

It is exceedingly difficult to secure even extracts from the Talmud in the English 
language, so well have Jewish leaders succeeded in keeping these writings 
away from the Gentiles. In her discussion of subversive movements, Mrs. Nesta 
Webster of England, offers several quotations from the Talmud which include 
such statements as, "Kill the best of the Gentiles" and "Tradition tells us that the 
best of the Gentiles deserve death". 

Graetz, a writer on Jewish history, speaks of a converted Jew and former student 
of the Talmud by the name of Donin who, after his baptism in the thirteenth 
century, "brought charges against the Talmud saying that it was filled with abuse 
against the founder of the Christian religion . . . Donin demonstrated that it was 
the Talmud which prevented the Jews from accepting Christianity, and that 
without it they would certainly have abandoned their state of unbelief. He stated 
that the Talmudical writing taught it was a meritorious action to kill the best man 
among the Christians . . . that it was lawful to deceive a Christian without any 

What stronger argument for the authenticity of such quotations from the Talmud 
is needed than to contemplate the solemn fact that exactly this kind of a program 
of destruction is being carried out, particularly in Russia where the orgy of killing 
has resulted in the slaying of millions of Gentile Christians? 

Lady Queenborough says in her treatise Occult Theocracy, "The obligations 
and rules of the rite for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud and 
Schulchan Aruk, but the esoteric teachings for the higher initiates are to be found 
in the Cabala ." 

"Therein are contained the mysterious rites for evocations, the indications and 
keys to practices for conjuration of supernatural forces, the science of numbers, 
astrology, etc." 

"The practical application of the Cabalist knowledge is manifested in the use 
made of it, through the ages, by Jews to gain influence both in the higher 
spheres of Gentile life and over the masses. Sovereigns and Popes, both, 
usually had one or more Jews as astrologers and advisers, and they frequently 
gave Jews control over their very life by employing them as physicians. Political 
power was thus gained by Jews in almost every Gentile country alongside with 
financial power, since Jewish court-bankers manipulated state funds and taxes." 

"With its B'nai B'rith Supreme Council as the directing head, the sect with its 
members swarming among all nations has become the sovereign power ruling in 
the councils of all nations and governing their political, economic, religious and 
educational policies." 

In exposing the nest of occultism which evil birds have built in the branches of 
Judaism, General Netchvolodow says in his book, Nicholas et les Juifs, "The 
Chaldean science acquired by many of the Jewish priests, during the captivity of 
Babylon, gave birth to the sect of the Pharisees whose name appears in the Holy 
Scriptures and in the writings of the Jewish historians after the captivity (606 B. 
C.)". The work of the celebrated scientist Munk leave no doubt on the point that 
the sect appeared during the period of the captivity. 

"From then dates the Cabala or Tradition of the Pharisees. For a long time their 
precepts were only transmitted orally but later they formed the Talmud and 
received their final form in the book called the Sepher ha Zohar." 

It was to this occult circle of heartless monsters that Jesus Christ addressed His 
powerful polemics, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the 
damnation of hell". "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye 
will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, 
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his 
own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, 
hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful 
outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." 

Beyond doubt, this ring of conspirators was responsible for both the death of 
Christ and much of the persecution which the early Church suffered. Flavien 
Brenier, a recognized authority on the subject of Judaism, explains how the 
secret lodge of Pharisees attained their great power in Israel and succeeded in 
perverting the nation's leadership from spiritual ideals to physical channels. He 
says, "This group of intellectual pantheists was soon to acquire a directing 
influence over the Jewish nation. Nothing, moreover, likely to offend national 
sentiment ever appeared in their doctrines. However saturated with pantheistic 
Chaldeism they might have been, the Pharisees preserved their ethnic pride 
intact. This religion of Man divinised, which they had absorbed at Babylon, they 
conceived solely as applying to the profit of the Jew, the superior and 
predestined being. The promises of universal dominion which the orthodox Jew 
found in the Law, the Pharisees did not interpret in the sense of the reign of the 
God of Moses over the nations, but in that of a material domination to be 
imposed on the universe by the Jews. The awaited Messiah was no longer the 
Redeemer of original Sin, a spiritual victor who would lead the world, it was a 
temporal king, bloody with battle, who would make Israel master of the world and 
'drag all peoples under the wheels of his chariot'. The Pharisees did not ask this 
enslavement of the nations of a mystical Jehovah, which they continued 
worshipping in public, only as a concession to popular opinion, for they expected 
its eventual consummation to be achieved by the secular patience of Israel and 
the use of human means." 

It was in this realm that the Talmud, comprising the writings of the rabbis, was 
cradled. The fundamental likeness of the Talmud and the Protocols is most 

significant. Israel has been cursed for centuries with the false Messianic ideal 
that she is entitled to rule the world. It would be ridiculous for anyone to say that 
powerful apostate Jewish leaders have no desire to attain race supremacy. Such 
an assertion would be contrary to every basic tenet of the Talmud. No doubt the 
great rank and file of Jews are ignorant of the subversive schemes which their 
leaders have set in motion at the top of Jewry. But when David sinned, the whole 
house of Israel suffered. 

A few quotations from the Talmud will suffice to show the true nature of its 

"You axe human beings, but the nations of the world are not human but beasts." 
Baba Mecia 114,6. 

"On the house of the Goy, (Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging name for 
a non-Jew), one looks as on the fold of cattle." Tosefta, Erubin VIII. 

"When one sees inhabited houses of the Goy' one says, 'The Lord will destroy 
the house of the proud'. And when one sees them destroyed he says, 'The Lord 
God of Vengeance has revealed himself."The Babylonian Talmud, Berachot 

"Those who do not own Torah and the prophets must all be killed. Who has 
power to kill them, let him kill them openly with the sword, if not, let him use 
artifices till they are done away with. " Schulchan Aruch: Choszen Hamiszpat, 

"A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be 
perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured." 
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 318. 

"Should a Goy to whom a Jew owed some money die without his heirs knowing 
about the debt, the Jew is not bound to pay the debt. " Schulchan Aruch, Choszen 
Hamiszpat 283,1. 

"The son of Noah, who would steal a farthing ought to be put to death, but an 
Israelite is allowed to do injury to a Goy; where it is written, Thou shalt not do 
injury to thy neighbor, is not said, Thou shalt not do injury to a Goy." Miszna, 
Sanhedryn, 57. 

"A thing lost by a Goy may not only be kept by the man who found it, but it is 
forbidden to give it back to him." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat. 266,1. 

"Who took an oath in the presence of the Goys, the robbers, and the custom¬ 
house officer, is not responsible." Tosefta Szebnot, 11. 

The authors of the Talmud knew what it would mean if this horrible moral code 
ever became known among the Gentiles. Therefore, they incorporated the 
following statement into their writings to protect the leaders of the race who are 
responsible for putting the doctrines into practice, "To communicate anything to a 
Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all the Jews, for 
if the Goys knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. " Book of 
Libbre David 37. 

From the above quotations one comes to understand that if the Protocols 
are bad, the Talmud is worse. But the primary purpose of these examples of 
perverted Israelitish literature is to show the background of the Kahal, the 
mysterious organization which has been built within the bounds of international 
Jewry for the purpose of putting the teachings of the Talmud into operation. 
Assuming for the moment that the Protocols are true, it is not difficult to see the 
spirit in which they were conceived. 

The Talmudic writings, growing out of a mixture of Babylonian paganism 
and Old Testament teachings, were responsible for the spiritual blindness 
of the Jewish leaders in the days of Christ. Hence His words recorded in 
Matthew 15:6, "Ye have made the commandment of God of none effect by your 

Secret societies, occult in nature and tainted with the moral pollution of Babylon, 
grew up among the ancient Jews. These poison nerve-centers became dotted 
throughout the nation. They were eventually enlarged into a system of invisible 
government which became known as the Kahal. This sinister organization was 
responsible for fomenting the revolt against the Romans under Hadrian that 
resulted in the dispersion of the Jews in the year A.D. 135. 

But far from destroying the Kahal, the scattering of the race only intensified its 
activity and increased its power by broadening its scope. Now instead of having a 
single organization concentrated in one place, the Kahal had expanded, into 
small units, scattered over all parts of the civilized world. It became the 
international underground organization which bound Jews everywhere into an 
organic whole. 

We learn on good authority, "Wherever Jewish emigrants settled, they founded 
communities apart under the direction of the fraternities, and held to the precepts 
of the Talmud. Each community had its representative, its Rabbi, its synagogue: 
it was a miniature Kahal. The different aims of these communities always found 
themselves intimately related with those of the central body upon which their 
existence depended. 

"For if the ruling clique or caste had begun by grinding down its own race, it now 
saw that, by drafting them into its organization, it could exploit the Gentiles on a 
far grander scale. The number of fraternities was increased by the addition of 

trade unions, every trade in which the Jews engaged being represented. To 
strengthen its control and to advance the interest of the Jews as a whole, it 
developed and perfected that system of espionage which it still maintains." 

Thus, in every locality where a Kahal existed there was always a state within a 
state. Each local unit shrouded itself in secret mysticism. An international system 
of Jewish occultism was thereby created. By this means it has been possible to 
bore under Christian and Gentile foundations. Outstanding individual Jews have 
always worked their way into positions of power and influence. Napoleon once 
asked, "By what miracle did whole provinces of France become heavily 
mortgaged to the Jews, when there are only sixty thousand of them in the 
country?". That the Jewish leaders scattered over the earth have maintained 
ways and means of communication, and have worked together through the 
centuries, is a fact that no informed person will take the trouble to deny. 

By this means a world-wide program of secret government, based upon the 
Talmud, has been kept intact with some of the mightiest leaders apparently 
hidden from the public view entirely. 


IN the year 1897 the first Zionist Congress convened in Basel, Switzerland. This 
event is generally credited with being the pivot on which the rebirth of Jewish 
nationalism turned. Theodore Herzl, a Hungarian Jew, was elected president of 
the organization, a position which he held until the time of his death. 

The rebirth of international Jewry did not occur in a day. Years were required to 
work up the interest and mould the sentiment which was expressed on that 
occasion. Prior to this gathering there had been years of planning. Jewish 
leaders in different parts of the world had conceived simultaneously, the plan of 
uniting their dispersed nation into one solid mass. 

No doubt such a herculean task involved the exchange of many letters and 
several personal conversations through the channels of the international Kahal. 
The men who were directing this undertaking were figures of outstanding 
prominence in the political, economic and religious circles of the world. It was not 
an easy task to pull the loose ends of the scattered nation together and breathe 
new life into its organism. 

After years of preparation, finally a great quickening took place and Zionism was 

Would it be a misuse of words to designate men who were capable of performing 
such a feat as "Wise Men"? Would it be erroneous to call the written records of 

their deliberations, "Protocols"? Would it be wrong to refer to their finished plans 
as the "Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"? That such a group of international 
Jews did actually collaborate over a period of years in planning the rebirth of the 
nation is a well attested fact. That some of them were actuated by sinister 
motives is evident. That the spirit of the Talmud and the occultism of the Kahal 
were manifested, is equally evident. 

Looking toward the West we discover that powerful Jewish movements had been 
established, over a period of years, in both the United States and the countries of 
Europe. Nathan Birnbaum, the man who created the name Zionism, had formed 
an organization called the Kadimah with headquarters in Vienna. Its avowed aim 
was to build a Jewish center in Palestine from which the world should be ruled 
through the three spheres of politics, economics and religion. According to his 
plan, members of the race were to be "planted" in every nation for the purpose of 
determining the policies of the nations. 

A similar movement had taken form in Russia, with its base in Odessa, under the 
leadership of a vicious fanatic by the name of Asher Ginzberg. He founded his 
order in 1889 and called it the "Sons of Moses". Ginzberg also used the name 
Ahadhaam and was known among his intimate followers as the "King of the 
Jews". These are the kind of men who blended their efforts for the purpose of 
building their people into a united body. As previously indicated, their advance 
preparations could be legitimately called Protocols since the dictionary definition 
of this word is, "The preliminary sketch or draft of an official document". 

The strange thing about the whole matter is not that such documents as the 
Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion should have been written; the miracle is that 
they should have ever reached the public eye. But frequently, in history, we find 
that plans have miscarried or providences have occurred, in which carefully 
hidden and secret schemes have leaked out. 

An instance of this kind occurred in the year 1785 when a man by the name of 
Jacob Lang was struck dead by lightning while walking with Adam Weishaupt, 
the founder of the Illuminati. When Lang's body was being prepared for burial, 
certain incriminating papers were found in his clothing which gave away many 
vital secrets of the organization. As a result, the property of the Illuminati was 
confiscated by the Bavarian government and a ban was placed upon its 

Many people who attach importance to the Protocols regard it as nothing short of 
miraculous that these documents should have ever been made available to the 
general public. 

At different times in Jewish history other Protocols have been issued by leaders 
as in the year 1492 when Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote for advice to the 
Grand Sanhedrin located in Constantinople. He received the following 

instructions which may truly be called a fifteenth century Protocol, "Beloved 
brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the 
anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great 
pain to hear it as yourselves. 

"The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: 

"1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christian: 
do it, since you cannot do otherwise. 

"2. for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: 
make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of 

"3. /4s for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons 
doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives. 

"4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons 
canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. 

"5. /4s for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons 
become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, 
that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be 
avenged on them. 

"6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by 
experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power. 
"(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople." 


EUROPEAN authorities, who have made a careful study of the Protocols of the 
Wise Men of Zion, regard them as being more the product of Asher Ginzberg's 
brain than any other one individual. He is believed to have put more into them 
than others who may have collaborated in their construction, because the 
fierceness and general language employed seems to reflect his intelligence and 
vocabulary. Moreover, they coincide with the plans and purposes of his order, the 
Sons of Moses. He is believed to have been more nearly the dominating figure of 
international Jewry than any other leader during the formative years when plans 
were being evolved for launching world-wide Zionism in 1897. 

Parenthetically, it is important to remind ourselves that Lenin and Trotsky 
attended these early Zionist gatherings. 

An important reference to Ginzberg appears in Col. E. N. Sanctuary's book, Are 
These Things So? "When the World War broke out it was soon discovered that 
there were many persons living in various European cities on American 
passports who had no right to those passports whatsoever," says Col. Sanctuary. 
This condition created difficult problems for American Consuls abroad to handle. 

In Ginzberg's Russian community, "there were a number of genuine Americans 
residing in his city who had every right and privilege of registering in the Consul's 
foreign office as Americans and, moreover, they had done so. But the police 
records of that city showed a much longer list of self styled 'Americans' who had 
never registered". 

The faithful Consul culled together the names of many of the so-called 
"Americans" who were evidently without passports and wrote the State 
Department in Washington saying that he was ready to clean the matter up if so 
authorized. "For reasons not then apparent, the Department had no enthusiasm 
in correcting this unfortunate situation, " but the Consul proceeded to perform his 
obvious duty any way. 

He wrote to each person asking them to call at his office with their passports to 
be registered as true American citizens, but received no reply. A second letter 
was sent to everyone, and it was likewise treated with indifference. "By this time 
it was evident that these people would yield to nothing but force, so force they 
should have. A third letter was sent to them telling them that in case of further 
disregard of the invitation the local police would be asked to take up their 
passports. That brought everyone in haste to the Consul's office, and lo, they 
were all members of the Chosen or Privileged Race - the Jews." 

Col. Sanctuary concludes by saying, "Not many days after this, the Consul 
received a call from an elderly individual known as 'the King of the Jews', a 
certain Asher Ginzberg. This elderly individual let it be known that he was very 
much displeased that the Consul had enforced the laws to the inconvenience of 
the people of his race." 

A few days later, the faithful Consul received a severe reprimand from 
Washington for having thus performed his normal duty and a few weeks later his 
resignation was demanded. Col. Sanctuary arrives at the conclusion that 
Ginzberg, in far away Russia, must have had tremendous secret strength with 
the United States government. 

Later, during the revolution when Russia was pillaged, few towns were so torn as 
Odessa, the home of Ginzberg and the headquarters of the Sons of Moses. 
Among other things a Christian orphanage was destroyed and all the children 
shot to death. The Jewish leader, Deutsch, head of the Soviet police, organized 
the rape of women. He brought in brutal Chinese and other foreigners, formed 
them into bands and turned them loose like savage beasts, to literally devour the 
Gentile women and girls of the locality. This horrible experience has been 
correctly termed, "an orgy of hell". For his services, the Moscow dictatorship 
decorated Deutsch with the Order of the Red Flag. 

Whether Ginzberg or some one else drafted the Protocols, their contents show 
that tremendous intellectual powers were behind their preparation. These 

documents reach to the very depth of economic, political and international affairs 
They purport to reveal an attack upon the Gentile nations, which if not 
counteracted by some opposing force, will ultimately deliver the entire world into 
the hands of a small group of conspirators who will put into action the perverted 
Messianic complex which now controls Russia through the medium of Jewish 


AT, ANY great public gathering there is always a steering committee in charge of 
advance arrangements. When one of the major political parties in the United 
States holds a national convention to select a candidate for the Presidency, there 
is a committee in the background that guides in the matter of preparation and 
procedure. As previously suggested, it is the concensus of best opinion among 
students who have made a careful study of the Protocols, these writings were 
originally drafted by certain men who were seeking to chart the course for the 
rebirth of Jewish nationalism. There are those who affirm that the documents 
were privately circulated among the leaders at the first Zionist meeting in 1897. 

Mrs. L. Fry of London, who is perhaps as well informed on this subject as any 
living person, says in her remarkable book, Waters Flowing Eastward, 
"Meantime, through Jewish members of the Russian secret police, minutes of the 
proceedings of the Basel Congress in 1897 had been obtained and these were 
found to correspond with the Protocols." 

Mrs. Fry says that shortly before the gathering was held in Basel, a woman by 
the name of Justine Glinka was doing intelligence work for the Russian 
government in France. In tracing out various lines of secret information, she 
heard about the Protocols and learned that copies were on file in the archives of 
the Mizraim lodge of Paris. 

The Rite of Mizraim is a Jewish secret order with its base in Egypt and 
ramifications reaching throughout Europe. Mile. Glinka is reported to have 
received two thousand five hundred francs from the Russian government which 
she gave to a Jew by the name of Joseph Schorst, who was a member of the 
Mizraim lodge. Having access to its secret files, Schorst was able to obtain the 
Protocols which Mile. Glinka immediately transmitted to St. Petersburg. 

According to the French police records, Schorst was murdered soon after this 
transaction was completed. 

Mile. Glinka kept a copy of the Protocols and when she returned to her home in 
the Orel district of Russia she gave them to a government official by the name of 
Alexis Sukhotin who in turn showed them to two friends, Philip Stepanov and 

Sergius A. Nilus. This was in the year 1897. Stepanov had them printed at 
once for private circulation among his intimate friends. The first time Nilus 
published them was in 1901 in a book which he called, The Great Within the 
Small. He reprinted them again in 1905. 

After the revolution, Stepanov fled from Russia and died an exile in Yugoslavia in 
1932. But his son, a gentleman now about forty-five years of age, lives in Paris at 
the present time; I talked with him in January 1935. I found Mr. Stepanov (the 
son) to be a most interesting Russian gentleman. He knew Nilus personally 
because they had both lived in the same Russian community. From him I learned 
many things about the personal life and habits of Nilus which were demolishing 
to the false reports I had so often read in both secular and religious magazines 
published in the United States. 

Nilus was not a monk. He never lived in a monastery. Nor was he ever a teacher 
in any school or university. He was a married man, raised a family, lived in 
moderate circumstances, and a son of his is now living in Poland. Being a firm 
believer in the Bible as the supernaturally inspired Word of God, he was deeply 
religious. Prayer was a habit with him and his life was said to have been a 
consistent testimony to his profession as a Christian believer. He possessed 
literary skill and his writings were widely read among the Russian people prior to 
the rise of Communism. 

Knowing the Jewish situation, he saw the revolution coming. He did his utmost to 
avert the catastrophe - but failed. With other students of Bible prophecy, Nilus 
believed that a great superman, known as the Beast and the Antichrist, would 
arise and set up a world-wide system of dictatorship during that period of the 
world's history which would precede the second coming of Christ. Consequently, 
he wrote a treatise entitled, Antichrist as a Near Political Possibility, which 
made particular reference to the Protocols. 

In explaining where he got the original copies of the Protocols, Nilus apparently 
tried to shield his compatriots who had helped him secure them. He once wrote, 
"These Protocols were secretly extracted from a whole bookful of Protocols. All 
this was got by my correspondent out of the secret depositories of the Head 
Chancellory of Zion. This Chancellory is at present on French territory." 

Seeing the revolution rapidly approaching, Nilus wrote another book, in 1917, 
which bore the title, It is Close at Hand: At the Gates. This work was hardly off 
the press when the storm broke over his country. He had tried in vain to awaken 
the Russian people to the seriousness of the situation. 

When the Jewish dictatorship was set up in Moscow it became a crime 
punishable by death for anyone to be found owning a copy of the Protocols. 

The Jewish Cheka of the city of Kiev arrested Nilus in 1924 and subjected him to 
severe tortures. The Red leaders told him that he had done their cause of world 
revolution incomparable harm by publishing his books prior to the revolution. He 
died soon afterwards, his death being hastened by what he had suffered at their 

The following statement written by Nilus in 1905 gives a remarkable insight into 
his mental processes. It will be noted that he makes use of Scripture to 
emphasize his views. Facing a dark future, with storm clouds gathering 
overhead, he wrote, "In our day, all the governments of the entire world are 
consciously or unconsciously submissive to the commands of this great Super¬ 
government of Zion, because all the bonds and securities are in its hands; for all 
countries are indebted to the Jews for sums which they will never be able to pay. 
All affairs - industry, commerce, and diplomacy-are in the hands of Zion. It is by 
means of its capital loans that it has enslaved all nations. By keeping education 
on purely materialistic lines, the Jews have loaded the Gentiles with heavy 
chains with which they have harnessed them to their 'Supergovernment'." 

"The end of national liberty is near, therefore personal freedom is approaching its 
close; for true liberty cannot exist where Zion uses the lever of its gold to rule the 
masses and dominate the most respectable and enlightened class of society." 

" 'He that hath ears to hear, let him hear'." 

"It is nearly four years since the Protocols of the Elders of Zion came into my 
possession. Only God knows what efforts I have made to bring them to general 
notice - in vain - and even to warn those in power, by disclosing the causes of 
the storm about to break on apathetic Russia who seems, in her misfortune, to 
have lost all notion of what is going on around her." 

"And it is only now when I fear it may be too late, that I have succeeded in 
publishing my work, hoping to put on their guard those who still have ears to hear 
and eyes to see." 

"One can no longer doubt it, the triumphant reign of the King of Israel rises over 
our degenerate world as that of Satan, with his power and his terrors; the King 
born of the blood of Zion - the Antichrist is about to mount the throne of universal 

"Events are precipitated in the world at a terrifying speed; quarrels, war, rumours, 
famines, epidemics, earthquakes - everything which even yesterday was 
impossible, today is an accomplished fact. One would think that the days pass so 
rapidly to advance the cause of the Chosen People. Space does not allow us to 
enter into the details of world history with regard to the disclosed 'mystery of 
iniquity', to prove from history the influence which the 'Wise Men of Zion' have 
exercised through universal misfortunes by foretelling the certain and already 

near future of humanity, or by raising the curtain for the last act of the world's 

"Only the light of Christ and of his Holy Church Universal can fathom the abyss of 
Satan and disclose the extent of its wickedness." 

"I feel in my heart that the hour has already struck when there should urgently be 
convoked an Eighth Oecumenical Council which would unite the pastors and 
representatives of all Christendom. Secular quarrels and schisms would all be 
forgotten in the imminent need of preparing against the coming of the Antichrist." 

Futile attempts have been made to refute the Protocols. Propagandists have 
brought all manner of charges against them. Communists usually become 
hysterical when they are mentioned. But the stubborn fact remains that they are 
being constantly fulfilled by world changes which they have announced almost a 
half century in advance. 

Perhaps the most effective attack which has ever been launched against them 
was the one appearing in the London Times back in August 1921. Three articles 
were published at that time which were purported to have been written by the 
Times' "Correspondent in Constantinople". The main charge was that because 
there was a similarity between the Protocols and certain previous writings that 
they must have resulted from plagiarism. All of the recent attacks appearing in 
religious journals in the United States are a mere rehash of what the Times 
printed fourteen years ago. 

Because Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Webster and others, have answered these articles so 
effectively, it is hardly necessary to go into detail here concerning this phase of 
the subject. But before passing on to something more important, we may take 
note of two things. 

First, The identity of the so-called "Times' Correspondent" has never been made 
public. He is simply known as "Mr. X-". The question naturally arises, Why the 

Second, The similarity of the Protocols with previously published writings does 
not necessarily prove Nilus to have been guilty of plagiarism; it rather tends to 
confirm the theory that the same subterranean unnamed occult organization has 
issued similar statements in the past, which, contrary to their wishes, also 
reached the public. 

A careful reading of the Protocols will show that they base the hope of acquiring 
world dominion upon the control of gold. This idea is not new. There are repeated 
instances in history where nations have tried to break the Jewish money power. 


THE men who framed the Constitution of the United States sought to safeguard 
the country against the power of the international Jewish bankers. These men 
knew what the nations of Europe had suffered at hands of the money power and, 
therefore, provided a plan whereby only the duly elected representatives of the 
people in Congress would have a right to control the country's finances. This was 
a new ideal in the science of government and it caused Europe's banking 
fraternity to shriek with mortal terror. 

There are indications that the fathers of the American government were alert to 
the dangers of the Talmudic system. It is reported that when the Constitution was 
being written, Benjamin Franklin even went so far as to demand that Jews should 
be entirely excluded from the country. He based his attitude upon the experience 
of the nations of Europe in dealing with this problem. 

Charles Pinckney of South Carolina, one of the framers of the Constitution, is 
said to have kept a diary of the conferences of the convention, in which Franklin 
is credited with the following statement: 

"In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered 
its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves 
and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the 
Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its 
restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to 
strangle that country to death financially as in the case of Spain and Portugal." 

"For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their said fate in that they 
have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did 
the world today give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some cogent 
reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not 
live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on 
Christians and other peoples not of their race." 

"If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution, in less 
than 200 years they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will 
dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we 
Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance and jeopardized 
our liberty." 

"If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be 
working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting 
houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the 
Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves." 

"Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will, or how many 
generations they are away from Asia, they never will be otherwise. Their ideas do 
not conform to an American's, and will not even though they live among us ten 
generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace 
to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this 

Observing the manner in which other nations were being choked by the money 
power, the men who drafted the Constitution did everything they could to protect 
generations unborn, although they could not consistently go as far as Benjamin 
Franklin demanded. For this reason they were careful to incorporate the following 
clause into Section eight of the first Article of the Constitution: "The Congress 
shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, 
and fix the standard of weights and measures." 

The purpose of this law was to forever keep the control of the nation's money out 
of private hands. The idea was that Congress alone, the people's duly elected 
representatives, should reserve this right. 

If we will examine briefly the origin of money it will help to better understand what 
the framers of the Constitution had in mind. While it is true that money is a 
mysterious substance because of the intangible power that goes with it, yet when 
its origin is known, it becomes more understandable. It has always been to the 
advantage of the money changers to keep the people in darkness as to the inner 
workings of international finance. This is part of the scheme for enslaving the 
masses. They have skillfully created the impression that money technique is 
beyond ordinary comprehension. 

The word money comes from the old Roman word Moneta, which was the name 
of a religious temple where gold was coined and deposited. The vaults of the 
place of worship were guarded by the priests. The yellow metal was regarded as 
being both precious and sacred. 

Walking among the ruins of the ancient temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece one 
day, I came upon a beautiful little building called the Athenian Treasury. Its floor 
had deep grooves carved out of solid rock. In these holes the pagan priests 
deposited the gold, silver, gems and jewels which were brought to them for safe 
keeping. The custodians of temple gold came to be known eventually as 

In olden times when a man produced more things than he needed for his 
personal use, the barter system was employed for exchange purposes. In other 
words, he would trade some object that he did not need for some other object 
that he did need. 

Beginning about seven centuries before Christ, the custom of coining money was 
introduced. The power to thus create coins was vested entirely with kings. If an 
individual was caught usurping this right, he was put to death. This arrangement 
continued until about the year 1650 when certain changes began to occur which 
laid the foundation for modern banking. 

The clever goldsmiths gained private control of the money of various nations, 
particularly England. Kings continued to manufacture gold and silver coins, but 
these began to be hidden away in vaults for the goldsmiths to use as a basis for 
issuing their own private money in the form of slips of paper. As the power of the 
goldsmiths increased, they were in many instances even able to control Kings. 

Because the goldsmiths were the only persons who had safe places in which to 
hide valuables, the merchants adopted the plan of bringing their gold and silver 
coins to them for safe keeping. In exchange, the goldsmith would give the 
merchant a receipt or certificate. After a while these receipts came to be used for 
exchange purposes instead of coins. The merchants were soon buying things 
with their receipts. 

Thus, paper money was born. Goldsmiths discovered before long that large 
quantities of gold and silver were accumulating on their hands, so they issued 
more receipts-currency. The love of money being the root of evil, designing 
goldsmiths conceived the plan of inflation and wrote out hundreds of times as 
many receipts as they had gold coins on deposit. This fraud was later made the 
lawful basis of modern currency. Had all of the receipt-holders demanded their 
gold and silver at the same time, there would have been a run on Mr. Goldsmith's 
"bank" - and in all probability a banker would have been found the next morning 
hanging by the neck from the limbs of a nearby tree. 

At this point in the evolution of money, the curse of interest was 
introduced. Goldsmiths were not content to loan something they did not 
possess; this alone was not sufficient to satisfy their greed; so they began 
requiring people to pay interest when they were forced to come back for 
more certificates. 

So, by the "dog eat dog" process, merchants, were compelled to work and 
scheme in order to get other certificates from their fellows to be able to pay back 
the certificates which they had borrowed from the goldsmiths. Business began to 
be transacted in terms of interest-bearing certificates instead of coins. 

Meanwhile, the goldsmiths used interest as a means for holding merchants by 
the throat. 

The invention of interest is called usury. It is the chain that binds the masses 
today. As long as the goldsmiths were able to control the gold, they could control 
the paper issued from the gold, and thus they could control the people who had 

to have the paper in order to live. Wherever the gold is, there rests the power to 
rule the world. 

Hence the words of President Garfield: "Whoever controls the money of a nation, 
controls that nation." 

We have now seen how the trickery of the goldsmiths became the foundation of 
the modern gold standard. The gold reserve behind paper money is all that the 
goldsmiths of the twentieth century need to produce whatever panics, 
depressions, riots and spasms of anarchy they may desire. 

That is why the international goldsmiths of today do not want to see silver taken 
as a basis for paper money as well as gold. There is so much silver in the world 
that it would be difficult for them to control it. 

The late F. G. Bonfils once said: "All the gold produced in the world in 438 
years would only make a block 38 feet square." This is the kind of a golden- 
calf that the world worships. By controlling this huge nugget, the internationalists 
find it possible to rule the world. 

The men who drafted the Constitution wanted to keep the modern goldsmiths 
from gaining control of the nation. They, therefore, placed the right to govern the 
country's finances solely in the hands of Congress. Under this plan, the most 
prosperous nation in the world was built up in less than one hundred years. 

But international bankers are not fools. They waited until the opportune time 
came and prevailed upon Congressmen to vote away the Constitutional rights of 
the people to "coin money (and) regulate the value thereof." How this deception 
was put over constitutes one of the darkest chapters in American history. It was 
manipulated by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs and other families of Jewish 

John Sherman, a United States Congressman from Ohio, was the tool that the 
Rothschilds used in driving in the opening wedge. Through their plot they were 
able to force Congress to vote the right of governing the money out of the hands 
of the people and give it over to private banking interests. 

On June 25, 1863, the Rothschilds of London wrote Ikleheimer, Morton and 
Vandergould, their New York banking representatives, as follows: 

"Dear Sirs: 

Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits 
that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your 
Congress, a copy of which act accompanied his letters. Apparently this act has 
been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers 

Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as 
one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity 
throughout the world. 

"Mr. Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for 
capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old 
plan of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast be 
most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the National Banks 
an almost absolute control of the National finance. 'The few who can understand 
the system,' he says 'will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on 
its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other 
hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the 
tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its 
burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system 
is inimical to their interest." 

"Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be 
of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New 
York. If you are acquainted with Mr. Sherman (he appears to have introduced the 
National Banking Act) we will be glad to know something of him. If we avail 
ourselves of the information he furnished, we will of course make due 

"Awaiting your reply, we are Your respectful servants, 

Rothschild Brothers" 

Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould replied as follows: 

"Dear Sirs: 

We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of June 25th, in which you refer 
to a communication received from the Hon. John Sherman of Ohio, with 
reference to the advantages and profits of an American investment under the 
provision of our National Banking Act." 

"The fact that Mr. Sherman speaks well of such an investment or of any similar 
one, is certainly not without weight for that gentleman possesses in a marked 
degree, the distinguishing characteristics of the successful modern financier. His 
temperament is such that whatever his feelings may be they never cause him to 
lose sight of the main chance. He is young, shrewd and ambitious. He has fixed 
his eye upon the presidency of the United States and is already a member of 
Congress. He rightfully thinks he has everything to gain both politically and 
financially (he has financial ambitions too) by being friendly with men and 
institutions having large financial resources, and which at times, are not too 
particular in their methods, either of obtaining governmental aid, or protecting 
themselves against unfriendly legislation. We trust him here implicitly. His 

intellect and ambition combine to make him exceedingly valuable to us. Indeed, 
we predict that if his life is spared he will prove to be the best friend the monied 
interest of the world have ever had in America." 

"As to the organization of a National Bank here, and the nature and profits of 
such an investment, we beg leave to refer to our printed circular enclosed herein. 
Inquiries by European capitalists, concerning this matter, have been so 
numerous, that for convenience we have had our views with regard to it put into 
printed form." 

"Should you determine to organize a bank in this City, we shall be glad to aid 
you. We can easily find financial friends to make a satisfactory directory and to fill 
official positions not taken up by the personal representatives you will send over." 

"Your most obedient servants, 

Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould." 

The National Banking Act was the ignoble deed which made it possible for 
Congress to delegate its power over the nation's money to the international 
Jewish banking fraternity. What the National Banking Act started, the Federal 
Reserve System finished. Paul Warburg, president of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, 
was the German Jew, who was sent over to America, to finish perverting the 
country's financial system. He is generally credited with having written the 
Federal Reserve Act which was enacted during the Jewish controlled Wilson 
Administration. From the hour this measure was adopted by Congress, the 
people lost complete control of their money. 

Like Warburg, the founder of the House of Rothschild was also a German Jew. 
The original Rothschild was born in 1743 and his real name was Mayer Amschel. 
He was a money lender by trade and used a Red Shield as the emblem of his 
company, from which the name Rothschild was derived. Like a gigantic octopus 
the financial tentacles of this Jewish organization now reach into all parts of the 

The primary purpose of the foregoing dissertation is to show how easy it 
would be for a group of internationally minded men to mould the world 
according to their desires if they had access to the sources from which 
money originates. To admit the possibility of such an arrangement is 
equivalent to admitting that such a plot as that disclosed by the Protocols 
of the Wise Men of Zion could exist. 

If such a conspiracy could exist, then the only question remaining to be answered 
is, Do we have evidence to suppose that it does exist? 


PROFESSOR Frederick Soddy of Oxford University takes the position that any 
group of financiers possessing the knowledge contained in the Protocols could 
bring the entire human family under their control if they wished to do so. "It is 
widely believed that there has been something akin to an actual conspiracy to 
enslave the world," says Soddy. After mentioning the Protocols, he continues, 
"Conspiracy or not, there can be little question that the power these discoveries 
have put into the hands of financiers will, if not controlled, enable them in their 
own time and choice effectively to conquer the world." 

"Whether or not there is a conspiracy among the 'chosen people' to reestablish 
by gold the dominance they were wont to derive from God - and the Biblical 
history (Exodus XXXII) recalls a strictly parallel attempt, frustrated by the 
energetic action of their chief legislator - it must be admitted that it would be a 
revenge on science for its iconoclastic tendencies, not without a certain sardonic 
humor, if we wake up one day and find instead of the ten commandments a 
single rule of gold. These are conjectural possibilities, and, no doubt, as in the 
time of Moses, there are still Jews and Jews. Let us hope so, at least." 

Bearing all of these facts in mind and contemplating the further fact that the 
Protocols were evidently written about forty years ago, the following threat from 
the third Protocol seems to indeed be prophetic, "We shall create by all the 
secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in 
our hands, a universal economic crisis whereby we shall throw upon the streets 
whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the countries of Europe. Those 
mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of 
their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will 
then be able to loot". 

"Ours they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be known to us and 
we shall take measures to protect our own." 

Individual nations have experienced crises at different times but not until the 
depression hit in 1929 had there ever been a "universal economic crisis." One 
result of the depression through unemployment, has been to throw "whole mobs 
of workers" upon the streets of the world. These mobs are already shedding "the 
blood" of the officials of governments - and from all indications the worst is yet to 
come. "Ours they will not touch", and it is a noteworthy fact that while Gentile 
fortunes were cracking up in 1929, there is no record that leading Jewish 
speculators lost anything by the crash of the stock markets. Their assets were 
such that they were prepared for the depression when it came. Newspaper 
reports are still declaring that the cause of the depression is a mystery. 

Could it have been planned? 


ON September 10, 1920 The American Hebrew declared, "The Jew evolved 
organized capitalism with its working instrumentality, the banking system." 

In the year 1880, Feodor Dostoyevsky wrote the following, "Yes, she is on the 

eve of her fall, your Europe, of a fall, universal, general, terrible ... Judaism 
and the banks now reign over everything, as much over Europe as over 
education, over the whole of civilization and Socialism, particularly over 
Socialism, because with its aid Judaism will tear out Christianity by the 
roots and destroy Christian culture. And if nothing comes of all this but 
anarchy, then even at the head of all will be found the Jew... and when all 
the wealth of Europe has been pillaged, the Jew bank alone will remain." 

For a long time, the connection between Bolshevism and international Jewish 
financiers was kept out of sight. But the public mind has a way of destroying 
camouflage and boring through to first causes. Perhaps the complete record will 
never be known but sufficient information has come to light to show that behind 
the so-called "Russian" revolution eighteen years ago, there was a bulwark of 
indomitable Jewish finance. In reality it was a "Jewish" revolution. 

No informed person longer doubts that Bolshevism is controlled and directed by 
a mysterious hierarchy of Jewish financial wizards. The rank and file of poor and 
laboring classes whose minds have become warped by soap-box oratory and 
Red propaganda are simply being duped into destroying one another through 
anarchy, class hatreds and mob violence. If the workers of the world continue to 
place themselves at the mercy of the conspirators and are finally exhausted in 
revolutionary outbreaks, it will then be a simple matter for the financiers to gag 
them in the coils of a system of secret police as has been done in Russia. By this 
means the international Jewish Reds expect to eventually rule the world, with the 
Gentile masses reduced to a state of slavery. 

Back in 1905, when the revolution in Russia was just beginning to foment on the 
surface, The Maccabean, a New York Hebrew journal, wrote, "The revolution 
in Russia is a Jewish revolution, a crisis in Jewish history. It is a Jewish 
revolution because Russia is the home of about half the Jews of the world, 
and an overturning of its despotic government must have a very important 
influence on the destines of the millions living there and on the many 
thousands who have recently emigrated to other countries. But the 
revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution also because Jews are the most 
active revolutionists in the Czar's empire." 

It is, therefore, erroneous to suppose that the unspeakable conditions now 
existing in Russia, in which the entire Gentile population has been reduced to the 

level of serfs, represents a sincere attempt on the part of the Russian laboring 
classes to improve their conditions. 

Not only in the United States, but in all parts of the world, large sections of the 
Jewish press openly encouraged Bolshevism when it first began to get its grip on 
Russia. In London, the propaganda became so strong and violent that the 
Morning Post and other reputable journals gave the matter serious attention and 
wide publicity. 

In 1919 the Jewish Chronicle had this to say, "There is much in the fact of 
Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact 
that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest 
ideals of Judaism." 

On January 6, 1933 the same magazine stated, "Over one-third of the Jews in 
Russia have become officials". 

In his book, The Alien Menace, A. H. Lane, a British army officer, raises the 
question, Who supplied Lenin and Trotsky with the funds to smash the Russian 
government in 1917? He answers, "It is now known and clearly proved that 
the money was provided by a group of international financiers with 
headquarters in Berlin, Stockholm and New York. While Lenin took with 
him from Switzerland a number of alien revolutionaries collected from all 
parts of Europe, his chief lieutenant, Trotsky, brought with him a horde of 
aliens from the United States. Trotsky himself was in prison in Halifax, 

Nova Scotia when the call came for him to join Lenin in Russia. His release 
from prison, so that he might assist Lenin in organizing the Bolshevik 
revolution, is a mystery that has never been explained. What powerful 
influence compelled the British authorities to order his release and to grant 
permission for his transport to Russia?" 

There were years of preparation and ocean depths of intrigue, behind the 
Russian holocaust. The plot was so carefully laid and the tracks of the despoilers 
were covered with such caution, that only now are the Gentiles realizing, to any 
appreciable degree, what actually took place. Certain "mystery men", whose 
activities will never be fully known, were planted in different parts of the world like 
a great international dragnet. 

An example of this is to be observed in the mysterious Dr. Helphand, who used 
the name Parvus as a literary pseudonym. A Russian Jew with the chief base for 
his operations in Stockholm, Helphand was a go-between for the conspirators of 
different countries. He possessed great riches and is described as an "obscure 
international speculator who acquired an enormous fortune, and styled himself as 
the ideal inspirer of Bolshevism." 

While Lenin and Trotsky did the dirty work on the surface, the true sponsors of 
world wide rebellion kept out of sight. Ganetsky-Furstenburg, another Jew who 
worked with Helphand, had financial interests which were also extensive and 
mysterious. A contemporary says that through these two strange individuals "the 
Bolsheviks used to obtain large sums of money from an unknown source 

Mr. Lane continues his appraisal of the situation, "How the subsidized alien 
revolutionaries, having invaded Russia, proceeded to murder and rob on a 
wholesale scale, has been recorded by many persons who had the misfortune to 
be in Russia during the Bolshevik revolution. All are agreed that the leaders of 
the revolution and the persons responsible for the most brutal and revolting 
murders were Jews". 

Victor E. Marsden was in Russia during, and immediately following, the 
revolution. He represented the London Morning Post and was in position to 
watch the Moscow bureaucracy as it was built from the ground up. Being in daily 
contact with the leaders he was able to study the personnel of the new 
dictatorship. Because he insisted on reporting the truth for the outside world to 
read, he incurred the wrath of the Jews, and though a British subject, was thrown 
into prison. He died a premature death from injuries thus sustained. 

In 1934 I succeeded in securing from England a copy of the list of names and 
nationalities of the leaders which Mr. Marsden compiled while living in Moscow. I 
published this complete tabulation in the Revealer as a permanent silencer to 
certain Hebrew Christians and religious editors who, up until that time, had 
denied the Jewish character of Communism. The complete list, running from A 
through to Z, showed that there were 545 offices in the bureaucracy and 
that 454 of them were occupied by Jews. Reliable reports indicate that 
about the same ratio obtains today. The nationalities, thus published, were as 

1. Jews 454 

2. Letts 33 

3. Russians 23 

4. Armenians 13 

5. Germans 12 

6. Fins 3 

7. Poles 2 

8. Georgians 1 

9. Karaims 1 

10. Hungarians 1 

11. Imeretians 1 

12. Czechs 1 
Total 545 

Millions of dollars were required by Lenin to put over his revolution. Such 
staggering sums could not possibly have been raised from private contributions. 
Only powerful international bankers could have subsidized propaganda on such 
an enormous scale. 

"At one time Trotsky was a favorite with Jacob Schiff", said Congressman Louis 
T. McFadden in a speech before Congress in 1933. "During the war Trotsky 
edited Novy Mir and conducted mass meetings in New York. When he left the 
United States to return to Russia he is said on good authority to have traveled on 
Schiff's money and under Schiff's protection. He was captured by the British at 
Halifax and immediately, on advice from a highly placed personage, set free. 
Shortly after his arrival in Russia he was informed that he had a credit in Sweden 
at the Swedish branch of the bank owned by Max Warburg, of Hamburg. This 
credit helped to finance the seizure of the Russian revolution by the international 
Jewish bankers." 

A year later, in another address on the floor of Congress, McFadden said, 
"Students of radicalism know that the present Soviet Government in Russia was 
organized by aliens and usurpers and not representative of the thoughts and 
ideals of the one hundred and fifty million citizens of Russia ..." 

"I want to remind loyal Americans that it is well to remember the 'boring-from- 
within' tactics pursued by these aliens and usurpers in Soviet Russia caused the 
downfall of their Government and the setting up of the present Communist- 
Jewish control government which is now in operation, and to point out that the 
same kind of aliens and usurpers are now at work in the United States to 
establish a form of government other than constitutional government, and in 
order to do this they are seeking to paralyze industry, to destroy patriotism, and, 
finally, to secure the overthrow of government itself in the United States." 

A further example of unity between bankers and Bolshevicks is to be noted in the 
labors of Leonid Borisovitch Krassin. This man, a Siberian Jew, also possessed 
considerable means. He participated in a revolutionary plot in Russia, in 1907 
and fled at once for Berlin where he started to work for a Jewish business 
concern. Two years later he returned to Russia as director of the St. Petersburg 
branch of his company. 

In 1917 we find him working with the mysterious Dr. Helphand and Ganetsky- 
Furstenburg, using Stockholm as the center of their activities. They worked back 
and forth between St. Petersburg, Stockholm and Berlin. This was the year in 
which arrangements were made for transferring Lenin and Trotsky, with their 
gang of cut-throats, through Germany in a sealed train. Krassin was one of the 
ring-leaders in making advance preparations for this trip. Included in his circle of 
friends were the principal leaders of the Jewish banking fraternity of Germany. 

Mrs. Webster sums this matter up in a single paragraph, "Krassin thus played a 
dual role, on one hand representing the interests of the great German-Jewish 
capitalists and on the other acting as lieutenant of Lenin, whose avowed aim was 
to destroy Capitalism. If any further evidence were needed of the connection 
between Bolshevism and international finance, the case of Krassin would provide 

Up until the time that Hitler came into power there was an intimate connection 
between Berlin and Moscow financiers. When the crisis of 1931 hit England, the 
newspapers announced that loans had become "frozen" in Germany, thus 
clogging the channels of finance. These reports were not true, however, for the 
reason, that although money had gone to Berlin, it had been passed on by 
Germany's Jewish bankers to Soviet Russia where it "froze". 

This policy of destroying the financial equilibrium of the world is provided for in 
the statement of Menjinsky of the Moscow oligarchy, "/As long as there are idiots 
to take our signature serious, and to put their trust in it, we must promise 
everything that is asked, and as much as one likes, if we can only get something 
tangible in exchange". 

Sensing the situation that funds going to Germany were being poured into 
Moscow, James W. Gerard declared in September 1931 that Germany "did not 
need any financial assistance and that a large percentage of loans from the 
United States was lent to Russia". He added, "If we are going to do business with 
Russia, let us do it directly and not through Germany, which has arranged to give 
Soviet Russia millions of dollars' credit to purchase commodities in Germany". 

Thus, the tricksters have the habit of crossing the wires of international finance 
for the purpose of creating unemployment and unrest among the masses. It is a 
simple matter for them to create the kind of conditions they want, by simply sitting 
at their desk and controlling the economic arteries of the world. 

So we see that the Russian people are not only being ruthlessly ruled by a 
group of heartless foreigners, but this group has been financed and 
maintained from the beginning by international bankers who are also aliens 
in the respective countries where they live for the reason that their ideas 
are inconsistent with the national desires of the Gentiles whom they 
dominate by the power of gold. 

And in November 1934, we find the President of the United States sending the 
following cablegram to the head of the Moscow dictatorship, "Please accept on 
this the seventeenth anniversary of the establishment of the Soviet Government 
the assurance of my best wishes for the welfare and prosperity of your Country." 


THE British Foreign Office published a document in April 1919, containing a 
report written by their representative in Russia, September 6, 1918, which reads 
as follows: "I consider the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest 
issue before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and 
unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound 
to spread in one form or an other over Europe and the whole world, as it is 
organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is 
to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things." 

In her book, From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk, Mrs. Ariadua Williams, the widow of 
a man who did journalistic work in Russia for years, says, "The predominant 
class which rapidly crystallized around the Bolshevicks was composed mainly of 
individuals alien to the Russian people. This fact is probably useful to them to 
keep control over the masses, for Bolshevist autocracy is founded on their 
absolute contempt for the people whom they rule. The most terrible trait of 
Bolshevism is its utter unscrupulousness as to ways and means, and the blunt 
cruelty of its leaders. Deceit, forgery, calumny, murder, violence, treachery - all 
the low, dark, brutal forces which mankind had for centuries endeavored to get 
rid of - have become weapons of governing at their hands . . . They especially 
numbered a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which 
they had seized power was a stranger to them, and, besides, they behaved as 
invaders in a conquered country”. 

In 1923 Lord Sydlenham declared in the House of Lords, "The total loss of life 
from the application of the principles of Karl Marx to Russia is now very 
little short of twenty million people. This is the most horrible crime in all 

On September 10, 1920 The American Hebrew said, "What Jewish idealism 
and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to produce in 
Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are 
tending to promote in other countries". 

Even more significant is the following editorial from the newspaper, Communist, 
in April 1919, "Without exaggeration it may be said that the great Russian 
social revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of Jews... The 
symbol of Jewry, which for centuries has struggled against capitalism, has 
also become the symbol of the Russian proletariat, which can be seen in 
the adoption of the Red five-pointed star, which in former times, as is well 
known, was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry." 

Sufficient has been quoted from both Gentile and Jewish sources to show 
unmistakably that internal Jews selected the Russian Empire, many years ago, 
as the logical country upon which to concentrate their efforts. By destroying 

Russia they were able to establish a base from which to operate in carrying out 
their plan to rule the world. Back as far as 1893-94 the Czar's government 
knew that the B'nai B'rith of New York had appointed Jacob Schiff to the 
position of chairman of the committee on Revolutionary Activities in 
Russia. In other words, Schiff sat in his office as president of Kuhn, Loeb 
and Company, in Wall Street, and directed the explosive outbursts against 
the government in far away Russia. 

The B'nai B'rith is an international secret organization to which only Jews can 
belong. It covers its political activities under the cloak of "benevolence and 
philanthropy". It was founded by a group of German Jews in New York in the 
year 1843. It maintains local organizations in all parts of the United States. We 
have the following statement on good authority, "From its inception until the 
present time, its main contact has been with Germany and its chief aim the 
establishment of the supremacy of the German Jews in all world affairs through 
the channel of 'internationalism'... The political activities of the leaders of the 
order in Roumania, Austria and Hungary are a matter of record, although the 
chief center of their power is in the United States where they have lately attained 
supremacy in the Jewish world by absorbing 'national' Zionism and submitting it 
wholly to their own 'international' policy when the Jewish World Agency was 
created in October, 1928." 

The former Grand Master of the Order of the B'nai B'rith in Russia, a Jew by the 
name of Sliozberg, was one of the early leaders in revolutionary activities. 

Schiff, being a German Jew, fitted into the B'nai B'rith program perfectly. He was 
born in one of the Rothschild houses in Frankfort, Germany and after arriving in 
America married the daughter of Loeb, thus becoming a part of the banking 
family Kuhn, Loeb and Company, the concern which is credited with having 
financed Lenin and Trotsky in overthrowing the Russian Empire. 

That Schiff was determined to destroy Russia is further evidenced by the fact that 
he financed Japan's previous war against the Czar's government. The Jewish 
Encyclopaedia says, "It (Kuhn, Loeb and Company) subscribed for and floated 
the large Japanese war loan in 1904-05, in recognition of which the Mikado 
conferred on Schiff the second order of the Sacred Treasure of Japan." When 
Theodore Roosevelt offered to serve as peacemaker between Russia and Japan 
and a conference between representatives of the belligerents was arranged to 
take place in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Schiff was present to demand his 
pound of flesh. 

Referring to the power that Jewish bankers wield over American finance, 
Congressman McFadden gave this interesting insight into the life of Schiff while 
delivering a recent address before Congress, "It was a mistake for the United 
States to permit the integrity of its foreign policy to be jeopardized or affected 
adversely by such religious, racial, and financial meddling as that practiced upon 

us by Schiff and his London associates. The United States should manage its 
foreign affairs with more distinction than that which is implied by the picture of 
Jacob Schiff shaking his fist at the White House and muttering threats against 
William Howard Taft, then President of the United States." 

While in Paris recently I talked with a former General who served in the army of 
the Czar prior to the revolution. This venerable old gentleman, a sincere 
Christian, now lives in exile from his native Russia. 

Few men were closer to the Czar and the royal family than this man. He told me 
many things about the inner workings of the Jewish plot which finally resulted in 
the destruction of his Country. The pogroms that occurred from time to time in 
Russia were attempts on the part of the Gentile population to protect themselves 
against what they saw coming. 

For instance, there were thousands of secret printing presses, owned by Jews, 
hidden in cellars and garrets, which poured forth a constant stream of subversive 
literature for the purpose of inflaming Gentiles against one another. The Czar and 
his agents were by no means blind to this assault but the conspirators were so 
well organized and financed that the government became helpless in their grasp. 

The former General told me that the Czar once said to him: "My heart bleeds 
because my poor people can not be made to understand that Jewish leaders 
have organized to destroy them." 

The Czar made a careful study of the Protocols, according to the General, and 
lived for several years in a state of fear as he saw the plot taking form, which 
these documents disclose. Russian officials who were conversant with the 
Protocols believed in their authenticity because of the manner in which they were 
being fulfilled. 

As these words are written I have before me a reproduction of a photograph 
produced by Robert Wilton of the London Times which shows the room in which 
the Czar and his family were murdered in the little town of Ekaterinburg. They 
died horrible deaths at the hands of merciless Red beasts in 1918 after having 
been banished to Siberia. 

The murder was planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews 
Yourovsky, Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov and Voikov. Mr. Wilton remarks, 
"This was an act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader". 

Gleb Botkin, whose father was the personal physician of the royal family, 
reconstructs vividly the killing of these people, in his book The Real Romanovs. 
He says that the Czar, Czarina, their four daughters, and young son were 
slaughtered like cattle. "Nobody knows exactly to what indignities the unfortunate 
Sovereigns and their children were subjected during the last months of their 

captivity. They were forced to live in the closest association with their perennially 
drunk and debauched jailers whose rooms adjoined those of the prisoners. Not 
only were they forced to eat, at one table with the Bolshevick soldiers, but from 
one common bowl. In short, the last period of captivity was one of a living 
martyrdom which it is difficult even to faintly visualize. 

"On the night of July 16-17, 1918, the Commissar Yourovsky woke up his 
prisoners and told them to go down to the cellar. . . The prisoners dressed 
themselves as ordered and went to the cellar. "They never came out alive. 

The name of the town Ekaterinburg has been changed to Sverdlovsk, in honor of 
the Jewish President of the court, Sverdlov, who ordered the assassination. 

After the murder, a formal inquest was held, many photographs were taken of the 
room in which the crime was committed, the bodies were exhumed, and careful 
reports were made. The picture mentioned above which was published by Mr. 
Wilton in his book The Last Days of the Romanovs was reproduced from the 
official records compiled by the Bolshevicks. On one of the walls where the 
victims were murdered, there appears an occult Jewish Cabbalistic inscription. 
There are three letters and a strange mark in the mysterious inscription, written in 
a Hebrew manner from left to right. 

After giving a detailed interpretation of the hidden meaning of these Cabbalistic 
markings, Mrs. Fry concludes, "Whoever wrote this inscription was a man 
well versed in the secrets of the ancient Jewish Cabbalism, as contained in 
the Cabbala and the Talmud. In accomplishing the deed in obedience to 
superior order, this man performed a rite of black magic. It is for this 
reason that he commemorated his act by a Cabbalistic inscription in 
cipher, which belonged to the rite." 

"The inscription therefore proves:" 

"1. That the Czar was killed." 

"2. That the murder of the Czar was committed by men under the command of 
occult forces; and by an organization which, in its struggle against existing 
power, resorted to the ancient Cabbalism in which it was well versed." 

The dictionary definitions of the words Cabal and Cabbala are, Cabal, "To form a 
plot", and Cabbala, "The mystic theosophy of the Hebrews. Any occult or mystic 

The deeper one goes into a study of the Protocols, the more firmly he is gripped 
with the fact that they are rooted in the deepest, most mysterious and Satanic 
occultism known to the human family. 

We need to remember that Karl Marx, another German Jew, wrote the First 
Communist Manifesto in 1848. From all indications, he was one of the ring 
leaders of the Hidden Hand of his day. His writings constitute the highest 
standard of authority in the ranks of Reds all over the world at the present time. 

In Russia, the people have been worn down by starvation to a state of utter 
helplessness. This condition was anticipated in Protocol number three, 

"We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this 
oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting 
forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists -- to whom we always give 
support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all 
humanity) of our social masonry . The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the 
labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well 
fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite -- in the 
diminution, the killing out of the goyim. Our power is in the chronic 
shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that 
this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own 
authorities either strength or energy to set against our will." 

Protocol number three also outlines the system of secret police with which the 
Russian people are now cursed, known as the GPU, "These beasts, (the 
workers who have been stirred to form mobs and riots) it is true, fall asleep 
again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such times 
can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they 
will not sleep and continue to struggle." 

The entire Bolshevick government is concentrated at one point -- Moscow. All 
liberties have been denied the Russian masses and the people have become 
slaves of the state. These are features of the plot recorded in Protocol 
number five many years before the Jews took over the country, "We shall 
create an intensified centralisation of government in order to grip in our 
hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all 
the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will 
withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been 
permitted by the goyim, and our kingdom will be distinguished by 
despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in 
every place in a position to wipe out any goyim who oppose us by deed or 

Constant terror is a part of the Bolshevick program in Russia. By this means the 
people are kept in a weakened state of perpetual fear. This reign of misery is 
provided for in Protocol number nine, "It is from us that the all-engulfing 
terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all 
doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, 
and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the 
task: each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last 
remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order. 

By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready 
to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they 
openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with 

Since the Talmud, as well as the Protocols, regard Gentiles as being no better 
than animals, religion is to be taken from them and atheism substituted. 

Everyone knows that this has since been done in Russia. "When we come into 
our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other 
religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by 
our position as the Chosen People, and through whom our same destiny is 
united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all 
other forms of belief. If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see today, 
it will not, being only a transitional stage, interfere with our views, but will 
serve as a warning for those generations which will hearken to our 
preaching of the religion of Moses, that, by its stable and thoroughly 
elaborated system has brought all the peoples of the world into subjection 
to us." 

The destruction of Christianity is contemplated in Protocol seventeen, 
"Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only 
years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian 
religion: as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing 
with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall set 
clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their influence 
move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress." 

Protocol number fifteen threatened the destruction of the "Russian 
autocracy". This took place on scheduled time as we have seen from the 
killing of the Czar and his family. 

In the foregoing brief synopsis we have barely scratched the surface of the 
scheme as it has been carried out in Russia to say nothing of the world-wide 
aspect of the plot now unfolding on an international scale. 

All over the world it is possible to trace the sinister workings of the program 
revealed in these documents. It is an interesting diversion to be able to hold the 
Protocols in one hand, the daily newspaper in the other, and see how often the 
latter reflects the evident subterranean activities of the former. 

If it is true that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating", it is also true that the 
glaring fulfillment of the Protocols is one of the chief arguments for their 

Order from - Sons of Liberty, P.O.Box 214, Metairie, La. 70004 U.S.A. truth.htm 






The purpose of this article is not to analyse a literary hypothesis but to solve 
definitely and for all time, a mystery that is causing destruction to all the peoples of 
the world. 

Is there a single country that has escaped the depression which has thrown its 
sinister shadow on our life since 1929? The statesmen are seemingly powerless and 
seek in vain for means to avert the fall of the nations of the world, into the pit of 
bolshevism. Our entire Christian civilization is in danger of going down in smoke 
and chaos. 

How can we check that moral cancer that devours slowly all that is beautiful and 
noble in every nation? 

How can we save our spiritual inheritance, which is many times more valuable than 
all material wealth? 

No cure is possible as long as we do not understand the cause of our ailment; a 
correct diagnosis must precede the application of the medicine in order to relieve 
the sickness which we all observe around us, but do not comprehend. [AMEN! - 

First of all, it should be clearly realized that the crisis in whose deadly grip we are 
now overtaken, is not incidental but was carefully prepared by a gang of powerful 
criminals. No recovery is possible until the tools of destruction are taken away from 
these nefarious poison mixers of the universe. 

Adolph Hitler realized this. A howl of rage from all corners of the world was the 
answer to his quick action - but he tore the burning fuse from the bomb set to 
explode in the summer of 1933. 

And but for this quick action, Germany today would be suffering the tragic lot of 

This article must not be considered as the product of "religious intolerance of the 
middle ages," nor as an attempt to stir up pogroms and persecution, as the greater 
part of the world press, would like to have you believe, in order to mislead public 
opinion at the behest of Judah. 

No, we certainly do not recommend anything that can appear so gruesome and 
unjust. All that we demand, is the elimination in all countries, of those persons in 
key positions, who do not merit confidence. Such an unavoidable housecleaning was 
performed in Germany, to the relief of the population, after its long period of 

From now on, the truth cannot be concealed. Facts carefully hidden by obscure 
conspirators are now common knowledge among sixty million people. 

Conscienceless criminals have decided to destroy the existing order of the whole 
world and to impose upon it the rule of a Satanical Messiah. 

The yeast is fermenting. In many countries there are men who perceive the 
impending danger and work in the direction of uniting forces for he struggle against 
the common enemy. There will be no obstacles in the way of creating friendly 
relations among Christian Gentile nations as soon as traitors, who cause continuous 
friction, are eliminated. 

The truth will come out into the daylight and all who will struggle against it, will be 
ground down, and this is the truth which must be loudly proclaimed. The depression 
was deliberately planned for a certain hour and had been directed carefully and 
groomed, through decades by criminals obsessed with the lust for power, murder 
and greed. 

The actual program was drawn up about 40 years ago and was first revealed in 
print, in a small pamphlet known as "The Secrets of the Learned Elders of Zion." 

The first two editions of this remarkable book were published in 1901 and 1905. 
They quickly disappeared from circulation and attracted little or no attention. One 
copy nevertheless reached the British Museum in 1906 and was catalogued under 
the number 3926 D. 17. 

The London "Times” stated on August 17,1921: 

"These documents attracted only a little attention before the Revolution of 1917. The 
astounding breakdown of a great state due to attack by Bolshiviks and the presence of 

countless Jews among them, had the result that many people were looking for - 
reasonable explanations of the catastrophe. The "Protocols" furnished this 
explanation, especially as the tactics of the Bolsheviks at many points, were identical 
with the recommendations of the "Protocols." 

The "Protocols" were published in many countries although powerful efforts were 
made to prevent their publication. 

One edition dated 1917 (in German) bears the title "The Jewish-Danger;" it 
attracted much attention. Public opinion became excited through the sudden 
revelation of this hellish conspiracy for the destruction of the Christian Civilization. 

The "Morning Post" of London devoted several columns to this subject. A 
sensational article appeared in the "Times" of May 8,1921, from which the 
following quotation was taken: 

"What do they mean, those "Protocols?" Are they Genuine? Has a gang of criminals 
really drawn up such plans and is triumphing over their fulfilment? Are they a 
forgery? But how can one explain then this terrible prophetic gift that foretold all this 
before hand? Did we fight all these years to destroy the world power of Germany only 
to find ourselves now facing a much more dangerous enemy? Have we saved ourselves 
through enormous efforts from PAX GERMANICA only to fall a victim to PAX 

The "TIMES” concludes this article with the following 
significant words: 

"If the "Protocols" were written by the Learned Elders of Zion then 
everything that was attempted and done against the Jews, is justified, 
necessary and urgent" 

Some weighty words! 

Is there any wonder then that the powerful influences against which this terrible 
indictment is directed, made all possible efforts to bring this document into 

Clever steps were undertaken to prove that the "Protocols" were forgeries. The 
Jews have again and again disputed their authenticity. There is still pending in the 
Courts of Berne, Switzerland, in which a publisher is accused of defamation for his 
allegations as to the genuineness of the "Protocols." The Jewish plaintiffs demand 

the Court brand the document a forgery and thereby prohibit its circulation by the 


On the 16th, 17th and 18th of August 1921 the London "Times" published a series 
of articles in which it asserts that the "PROTOCOLS" are only a clumsy fraud 
produced by a conscienceless plagiarist who paraphrased a book published in 
Brussels in 1865. That book called "DIALOGUES IN HELL" is reported to be 
written by a "Frenchman" named Maurice Joly. 

The "Times" published several passages from both books in parallel columns thus 
proving beyond any doubt the spiritual kinship between them. The forgery version 
seemed to be well established. 

The "Times" emphasized carefully its standing in regard to the Jewish press as 
being absolutely non-partisan and pretended to have exposed this "remarkable 
forgery" for the sake of the truth only, as it was very important that this 
disappear as soon as possible and for ever. 

Indeed so, since the matter in question is of tremendous importance! The last of 
these articles terminated with the following words: 

"The fact that we have to do with a plagiarism, only, is definitely established. Let 
the "Legend" now become a matter of the past." 

But this pious wish failed to materialize. There are many circumstances that make it 
impossible to accept the assertion of the "Times" as a final decision. Something is 
rotten in Denmark ... And if we investigate we make some interesting discoveries. 

We are far from doubting the "non-partisanship" of the "Times,” but the 
"NATIONAL TIDSCRIFT" of Oslo, Norway, in its July issue 1922, reports that a 
certain JEWISH banker acquired the control of the "Times" at the time when the 
last mentioned series of articles appeared. This statement to our knowledge was 
never refuted. 

The "Times" explains that the "Forgery" was discovered "accidentally." If true 
then it was a very lucky "ACCIDENT," considering the great importance of the 
question involved. 

According to the "Times" a "correspondent" in Constantinople became acquainted, 
by mere luck, with a certain Russian. (Wishing to remain incognito, he was referred 

to as "Mr. X,") This mysterious stranger handed the correspondent of the "Times" 
the particular booklet by Joly which made it possible to discover the "Forgery." 

The whole story seems to be somewhat dark and romantic. In fact anyone may 
become a correspondent of a newspaper by simply writing a letter. No evidence was 
produced that this correspondent ever was in Constantinople and met a Russian 
there. The identity of "Mr. X." was never revealed. 

Why so much mystery about it? If a "very important matter" is at stake, wouldn't it 
be simpler to produce those two star witnesses? The names of the two gentlemen 
rightly deserve to be the possession of posterity, especially in consideration of the 
tremendous service rendered to Israel. 

Thanks to those two gentlemen, public opinion was cleverly focused away from the 
"PROTOCOLS", Such valuable service should not remain unrewarded. 

The "Correspondent" hinted that the "Forgery" was concocted with the purpose of 
influencing the conservative Russian Court against the Jews bv rendering to the 
imaginary "Jewish Peril," the aspect of reality. But no evidence what-so-ever was 
produced in this respect. 

How did the long since forgotten Joly book find it's way to Russia? That problem 
was never solved. Several untenable theories were advanced. The mind of the reader 
was switched at lightning speed from Constantinople to St. Petersburg and from 
Corsica to London.... so that the brave British "Goyim" became dizzy and unable 
to keep in step, remaining far back in ignorance. The game was won! 

The "Times" proclaimed triumphantly that "indisputable evidence" was 

Is that so? How wonderful... 

Now, if this watered "evidence" is properly scrutinized and subjected to distilation 
the only solid substance that is left is the fact that one of the books represents an 
overwriting and further development of the other one. 

Under these circumstances can the ugly word "Forgery" be applied? 

A further development and widening of a certain text can not be classified as 
"Forgery," otherwise every preacher who quotes a passage from the Bible without 
mentioning the verse and chapter would also be considered as a forger and 

Such a conclusion is simply ridiculous when we consider that the Holy Scriptures 
contain many parallel passages. 

We respectfully invite the attention of the Honorable Elders of Zion to the following 
passages of the Holy Scripture: II. Kings 18,14 (also preceding verses) as compared 
to Isaiah 36. The text is nearly identical. Also I. Moses 36,31 (and preceding verses) 
as compared with word to word reproduction in I. Chron. 1,43. 

Suppose that the above passages were printed in parallel columns (as was the case 
with the "Protocols" and the book of Joly) the result would be just as convincing 
that one of the Scriptures is a paraphrase of the other. 

Would this justify the statement that a clumsy fraud was concocted and that one of 
the Scriptures was a forgery? 

It is evident that since Moses is the author of I. Book of Moses and the book I. 
Chron. is attributed to Ezra and Nehemiah and since certain places of the last book 
indicate that it was written after the Captivity of Babylon or about 860 years after 
the death of Moses, that in line with the logic of the "Times," Ezra and Nehemiah, 
are also "Plagiarists" if the uniformity of the text is to be considered a "Forgery." 

Those who with us believe that the Holy Scriptures were inspired by God, who can 
commit no mistakes, will welcome this uniformity as proof of the Almighty's 
wisdom. This uniformity has a certain purpose - it shall furnish in the "Last Days" 
the all smashing argument against the hords of Anti-Christ. [AMEN! -BeWISE] 

It is as clear as daylight that no plagiarism was committed whether from the Holy or 
Satanical writers. They were using in their writings material with which they were 
familiar beforehand. 

shall the Rabbis continue to insist on a "forgery" then also their own Prophets shall 
be accused as they committed the same "crime." 

Now let us continue our investigation. The path we are following is getting warmer - 
we step on dangerous soil! Let us find out who is the gentleman identified as 
Maurice Joly; the mysterious correspondent (from Constantinople) "incidentally" 
paid no attention to his identity. 

Who was this "Frenchman," the author of the "Dialogues in Hell?” This problem is 
solved by Gottfried zur Beck in his preface to the German edition of the 
"Protocols." In which we find that Maurice Joly, according to the record, in his 
infancy was circumcised as Moses Joel! 

How strange! 

Israel is doing its utmost to prove that the "Protocols" were written with the 
purpose of bringing the jews into contempt - and now there is evidence that this 
satanical plan as outlined in both of these books has the same Jewish heart and the 
same jewish mind as a source of origin. 


The highly remarkable book "Waters Flowing Eastward" by L. Fry contains much 
valuable information regarding Maurice Joly (Moses Joel). In the "Memoirs of 
Rene Mareuil," (one of the members of the Ministerial Cabinet of Polignac of 
France) is stated that Maurice Joly was born in 1831 and was employed in 1848 in 
the ministry at Chebreau as a minor employee. The young man was strongly 
influenced by Adolph Israel Cremieux (the founder of the Alliance Israelite 
Universelle.) Eater he became a communist and was jailed for two years. In 1878 he 
committed suicide and at his burial the Jew Gambetta (former prime minister of 
France) delivered a post-mortem speech. 

It should be remembered that Gambetta played a certain part in the French 
commune, that Bolshevik reign of terror that existed in France from March 18th to 
May 29th, 1871, during which time Paris was robbed and ruined. Nevertheless, by a 
most remarkable "coincidence none of the 145 houses owned by Alphonse 
Rothschild were damaged. 

What are the conclusions that can be drawn from the foregoing information? They 

1. The Jewish author that furnished the inspiration for the "Protocols" did not 
confine himself to nefarious theories; he did not hesitate to apply them practically in 
criminal actions. 

2. The "Protocols" have nothing whatsoever' to do with the Russian Secret police, as 
the "Corrrespondent" of the "Times" infers. 

3. The "Dialogues" are not a creation of an anti-semite, but on the contrary they 
represent the Quintessence of Jewish Idealism. 

4. The satanical development of ideas of this book is extracted from a still older 
work, thus proving Joly to be a plagiarist himself. 

"The Dialogues Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" is the title of this older 
book, published by Franz Duncker at Berlin in 1850. The author of this book was 
the Jew Jacob Venedey. He was born in 1805 in Cologne, Germany; expelled from 
Germany he settled in Paris in 1835... Prosecuted by the police for his subversive 
activities, he was protected and defended (as was the case with Joly) by Cremieux. 
Venedey was an intimate friend of Karl Marx (alias Jew Mordechai). 

With Marx's assistance he organized in 1847 "The Communist Workers Feague. In 
1843 he visited England and organized another secret society having as a purpose 
the promotion of Israel's World Domination. 

Thus it is definitely proved that both books that served as a foundation for the 
"Protocols," were written by Jews, both of whom were friend of the founder of the 
"Alliance Israelite Universelle," ADOLPH ISRAEL CREMIEUX. 

Under these circumstances it can not be doubted that all three books are the 
product of Jewish thought. 

Anyone who will study carefully these books should be very much surprised to hear 
the Jews whining about Jews being innocently persecuted and forced to defend 
themselves against "Lies & Defamation." There can be no talk about "Forgery" 
whatsoever, as we have to do only with slightly different versions of "ideas" coming 
from the same powerful political and economical circle of influence. 

The secret society that was organized by Karl Marx and Venedey was in fact only 
an outgrowth of an older Jewish organization known as "The Jewish League for 
Culture and Education," which already existed in 1819. The program for this league 
was taken over by A. Cremieux and further developed. 

One easily understands the "Aims" of this "leaque" if he reads carefully the letter 
written by the Jew Baruch Levy to Karl Marx. Here is what he writes: 

"The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. His reign over the 
Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the 
elimination of frontiers. A Universal Republic will come into being in which the 
Sons of Israel will become the directing element. We know how to dominate the 
Masses. The governments of all nations will gradually fall, THROUGH VICTORY 
will become the possession of the PRINCES OF ISRAEL - they will own the wealth 
of all lands. Thus will be realized the promise of the TALMUD that when the time of 
the Messiah comes the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the 
peoples of the world." 

The spiritual relation between this letter and the "Protocols" is exactly the same as 
between an acorn and an oak. 

This dreadful plan is transmitted into action in our midst every day. 

The "Pan-Europa" a periodical of Count Coudenhove-Calergi proclaimed that the 
Aristocracy of the future will be Jewish. (In the "New York Times" of April 14, 

1933, Samuel Untermyer made a statement to the same effect, claiming that the Jew 
is the Aristocrat of the world. -Editor.) 

The character and behavior of this new "Aristocracy" is substantially different 
from the old. The names of Bela Kun (Cohen), Kurt Eisner as well as the Jew-Soviet 
"Nobility” will be written for all time in world history in letters of blood. 

An interesting article appeared in the newspaper "Die Front" published in Zurich, 
Switzerland on January 3,1934, which reported that a group of Jews, more 
powerful and more influential than the Zionists, has organized a "Cultural 
Movement" on a world-wide scale with the purpose of putting every country under 
Jewish domination. 

Always the same leading idea - not the slightest variation in the program. 

The French magazine "Libre Parole" in its issue of November 1933, page 27, and 
earlier "La Vielle France" issue of March 10,192 1, published a remarkable speech 
of Rabbi Reichhorn delivered in Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi 
Simeon-ben-Ihuda; he said in part: 

"For centuries the Sons of Israel have been despised and persecuted, but they have 
fought bravely to prepare the way for victory. Now they are approaching their aim. 
They already dominate the economic life of the damned Christians; their influence 
is just as great in politics and in moral fields. At the wished for hour, fixed in 
advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christians 
will definitely enslave Christendom to us. Thus will be accomplished the promise of 
God made to his people." 

This promise is already accomplished in Russia. What country will be next to 
experience the same tragic fate? [WOW! -TRY A HOST OF OTHERS SINCE 

In a recent issue of the Jewish publication "Freurid von Israel" the editor deplores 
the fact that the modern Jewish youth seems to have disrespect towards God and his 
laws. He says, "the Godless Jew seems now to be the master of all Jewish powers. 
Israel runs the danger of becoming a Satanical race." 

A remarkable acknowledgement! This utterance is not made by an anti-semite but 
by a leader of a Jewish mission! 

The danger is, in fact, grave. Israel has ceased, to believe in Jehovah and is 
worshipping the Golden Calf only. 


A Jewish Weekly ' Judische Pressezentrale," published in Zurich, Switzerland, 
claims in its issue of December 1 5,1933, that the "Protocols" were fabricated by 
the Russian secret police in 1905 shortly after the Japanese war. 

It is unwise to defend a cause by simply insisting on something, that could easily be 
proved false. How is it possible that a document, which existed 20 years previously, 
in three languages, could be concocted in 1905 - a document with which several 
persons were already familiar? 

That Jewish assertion is simply ridiculous. 

It has been convincingly proved that the "Protocols" were written first in Hebrew, 
then in French and last in Russian. 

The "Protocols" represent a strategical plan, an assembly of authenticated 
documents, which were kept secret for a long time. That new edition, which 
attracted so much attention throughout the whole world was compiled and edited by 
the KAHAL, the secret Jewish Government. 

L. Fry says that the actual editorial work was done by ASHER GINZBERG, also 
known as ACHAD-HA-AM. This important person (also used to be known locally in 
Odessa as "King of the Jews" -Editor) was one of the four Jews who forced Balfour 
to make known the declaration of November 2,1917., through which the Jews 
obtained a "National Home" in Palestine. Herewith they achieved one of the 
"Aims" contained in the "Protocols." 

This evidence is of paramount value! 

ASHER GINZBERG was born in the township of Skvira, Government of Kieff, 
Russia in 1856, the son of a Jewish tax collector. He received an excellent Talmudic 
eduction. Early in life he became prominent in Jewish literature for his articles, 
which he signed Ahad-ha-Am. 

GINZBERG settled in Odessa, Russia in 1886, residing in Yamskaya Street. In 1889 
he organized a secret society known as "B'nai Moshe" (Sons of Moses). The 
meetings of this secret society were held in his house. Among the first members 
were: Ben Avigdor, Zalman Epstein, Louis Epstein and Jacob Eisenstaat. 

It is through persons who lived in Odessa at that time that information was obtained 
that a manuscript of the "Protocols" in the Jewish language was circulated among 
the Jews. 

The Jew BERNSTEIN, publisher of the "FREE PRESS" of Detroit, Michigan, 
admitted in the presence of William Cameron secretary to Henry Ford, that HE 

Now let us follow up the destiny of the French translation. One copy of the 
'Protocols" was kept in the Masonic Lodge of "Miz. raim." One member of this 
lodge, the Jew Joseph Schorst - alias Shapiro - became a traitor to his race and sold 

the document for 2,500 francs to Miss Justina Glinka daughter of a Russian 
General. This lady who was employed by the Russian foreign intelligence service, 
sent the French copy together with the Russian translation to General Orgensky in. 
St. Petersburg, with the request to pass it on to her superior General Cherevin, who 
was the Minister of the Interior and whose duty it was to take action accordingly. 

But, as regretful as it may appear now, Gen. Cherevin was deeply entangled 
financially with rich and powerful Jews and did not dare to fulfill such a dangerous 
mission. He pigeonholed the document in his archives, where it was found after his 
death in 1896. 

The Jew Schorst was obliged to flee for his life, but was murdered in Egypt. 

In the meantime invisible enemies were persecuting Miss Glinka. She was framed 
and fell into disfavor with the Tsars Court and was finally exiled to her estate in the 
Government of Orel. 

There she met the Governor General of this district, ALEXIS SUKHOTIN and 
handed him a copy of the Protocols, pointing out that SYPIAGUIN (another 
Minister of the Interior) had been murdered for attempting to check the Jewish 
Revolutionary activities. 

Sukhotin showed the document to two friends, STEPANOFF & NILUS. 

The former circulated it privately in 1897; the second Professor Sergius Nilus, 
published it in 1901. 

This information is mostly drawn from L. Fry's work: "Waters Flowing Eastward." 
It is corroborated by a statement made by Philip Stepanov, Chamberlain, Privy 
Councillor and former Procurator of the Holy Synod at Moscow; it is witnessed by 

This evidential document, delivered on April 1 7th 1927, has been photographically 
reproduced, and the writer of these pages owns a copy of it. Stepanov states he 
received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895 from Major Sukhotin. He had them 
printed privately and gave a copy to A. T. KELEPOVSKY, chief of Grand Duke 
Sergius' household. After reading them, the Grand Duke sighed and murmured; 
"TOO LATE!" He was assassinated shortly afterward. 

It has been often asserted that the "Protocols," which are a strategic plan for the 
conquest of the world and domination by Israel were read at the First Zionist 
Congress in 1897 at Basle, Switzerland. The Jews always deny it most vigorously 
and use as an argument the fact that the official record of the Congress makes no 
mention of it. That sort of argument has no value at all, when one takes into 
consideration that the furious differences between Ginzberg and Herzl were also not 

mentioned in the record. The officially published record is incomplete and does not 
possess any convincing power in that respect. 

Only a few participants at that Congress are still alive; one of them Marcus 
Ehrenpriss the chief Rabbi of Stockholm, Sweden, explained in the " Judisk 
Tidskrift" no. 6,1926, that the triumph of Israel was prophetically foreseen by 
Hertzl 20 years ahead. 

Thirty million Christians were sacrificed in the World War - but the Jewish aims 
were achieved. Russia was destroyed; the "Peace came without Victory;" all sides 
were impoverished - and Palestine was handed to the Jews! (The next war which is 
now in preparation shall lead to the complete downfall of the Goyim.) 

The secret-record of the Zionist Congress in Basle was secured by the Russian 
Government through the efforts of secret service man Ratchkovsky, who bought it 
from two Jews Eno Asev and Rabbi From. The latter sought later security in a 
monastery in Jugoslavia, where he died in 1925. 

When the secret record of the Basle Congress was examined by the Russian police it 
was discovered to their great surprise that the acquired documents were identical 
with the "Protocols. 

Ratchkovsky died suddenly under' "mysterious circumstances," shortly after 
making an important report to the Chief of Gendarmes, General Kourloff. Kourloff 
was convinced that Ratchkovsky was murdered. 

Professor Nilus was subjected to inhuman tortures by the Cheka and died in 1929. 

All these circumstances form a chain of steel links, each of which can be checked up. 
The witnesses introduced are not unknown adventurers, but are educated and 
trustworthy persons of high social rank. 

We really feel obliged to ask the "Judische Pressezentrale" to explain; how was it 
possible for all those persons to read, translate and circulate documents ten, fifteen 
and twenty years before they were composed? 

The Jews pretend that the "Protocols" were concocted by two members of the secret 
police of Russia. Suppose, but the whole prophetical program has since turned into 

How was it possible for two minor police officials to alter completely the face of the 
whole world, to overthrow thrones and to destroy empires? How did they succeed in 
accumulating all the gold of the world in their hands, to ruin entire nations and to 
muzzle the press? ? ? 


The very essence of the Jewish Danger is hidden in that one word. No other artifice 
yields so much profit as the art of "camouflage." 

The "Goyim" are so pathetically gullible in that respect - a new name is sufficient to 
make a gentleman out of a criminal. 

Camouflage is a very recent invention. If Nero could have thought of this brilliant 
idea and had changed his name to Socrates his reputation would doubtless have 
been as clean and spotless as that of Mr. Finklestein-Litvinoff! 

When that "famous" diplomat was pompously received first by the Prime Minister 
of Great Britian and later by President Roosevelt all "delicate" subjects were 
carefully avoided. 

Twenty-five years ago that "Guest of honor" was arrested at the Gare du Nord in 
Paris by police inspector Guichard for circulating stolen bank notes. Those bank 
notes were obtained during an armed robbery in Tiflis; bombs were exploded and 
terrific fire from automatic pistols catised the death of fifty persons. The robbers 
obtained one million roubles. 

If Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Roosevelt care to have a suitable souvenir of their guest, 
all they have to do is to ask the Paris police for his fingerprints. 

There are, no doubt, in England and America, some old fashioned people who are 
shocked by such "visitors" and deeply ashamed of such affiliations. 

A powerful movement to the contrary is developing in this country, but is 
perceptible only by the most keen observers; it grows daily and is bound to assume 
tremendous proportions soon. 

The Jews have spotted it already - their fine sense of observation tells them that 
something has changed. 

Recently Rabbi Shulman of Chicago speaking before a large audience expressed 
himseif as follows: 

"The Jews become anxious on account of a precedent set up by Hitler, which might 
also be followed by other countries. The Jews are being accused of having caused 
the depression. They are afraid of their lives as nobody can tell whether or not some 
day the great extermination of the Jews will break out." 

That is just the great danger! It is written: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 
(2nd. Moses 21, 24) and "They have sown the wind and will reap the storm." (Hosea 
8, 7.) 

Those prophetic words should be remembered by all true Christians with anxiety. 
We want Justice which does not exclude Mercy, but no vengeance and no physical 

The problem today is: how to save the Aryan peoples from the claws of the Jews. 

Tomorrow another complicated problem arises: how to save the Jews from the 
vengeance of the Gentiles? 


Now that we have produced ample evidence on the authenticity of the "Protocols" - 
we will give for the benefit of the reader, a short synopsis of the gigantic strategical 
plan. The persons who are not as yet awake to the great conspiracy for the 
destruction of Christian Civilization should study it carefully and realize the great 
danger impending. 

They should examine minutely the "bait" that is laid out for them and let us hope 
they will have enough common sense not to swallow it. One can never be sure of it 
anyway as many prefer to continue to sleep quietly instead of straining their brains. 
"Kismet!" There is no God's law for the saving of the imbecile. 

Here is the plan invented by the "Learned 
Elders of Zion," the master program laid 
down in the "Protocols." 


1. Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. 

2. Destroy the family life. 

3. Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices. 

4. Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature. 

5. Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy 
through scandalous stories and back up the so called "Higher Criticism" 

so that the old fundamental faith is shattered and quarrels and 
controversies become permanent in the churches. 

6. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spendthrift ideas so 
that the ality for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost. 

7. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, 
prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking. 

8. Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and 
shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons. 
(Alcohol, Nicotine, Drugs, Demineralized foods, etc. -Editor.) 9. Instigate 
class hatred and class war among the different classes of people. 

10. Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high traditions by 
excessive taxes and replace it with the "Knights of the Golden Calf." 

11. Poison the relations between the employees and employers through 
strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation. 

12. Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by adverse 
publicity raise the hate of the people toward them. 

13. Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry 
by wild speculation. 

14. Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the people into a 
labyrinth of impractical ideas. 

15. Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to 
the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the 
first necessities of life. 

16. Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which 
will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting 

17. Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the destiny of nations 
depend upon ignorant people. 

18. Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far 
as possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in 

some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our 
obedient servants. 19. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare 
the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism. 

20. Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes of the 
Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the 
"hour" when the industrial crisis will start. 

21. Destroy all financial stability; increase economic depressions to the 
extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy; stop the wheels of 
industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money worthless; accumulate all 
the gold of the world in the hands of a certain few people thus withdrawing 
tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the 
exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic. 

22. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through 
suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!!! 

That is the program! 

The chief element necessary for the success of this plan is "Secrecy." Therefore the 
invisible enemy has taken special precautions for keeping humanity in ignorance of 
their systematic efforts in preparing THE KINGDOM OF ANTI-CHRIST. 

Indeed everything was foreseen in that program and nothing disregarded. 

Was the "Times" justified or not in saying: 

"If the "Protocols" were really written by the Learned Elders of Zion, then 
everything that was attempted and done aganst the Jews, is justified, necessary and 


The "Hidden Hand" is exposed; its game is lost as it can act only in the darkness. 
Will Judah admit its defeat or will it continue to fight? The proud dream of World 
Domination has faded out as the main condition of success consisted in taking the 
world by surprise. The Russian Giant was asleep as well as deeply wounded, but 

Germany which happened to be very much awake to the danger, sounded the alarm 
which keeps ringing in all corners of the world. 

It is not between "Berlin" or "Moscow" that humanity has to choose today but 
between CHRIST and ANTI-CHRIST. There can only be two camps; the one of the 
"God-fearing" and the other of the "Godless." In these two camps there is plenty of 
room for all races and nations. 

The good ones in any nation should fight and suppress the wicked ones. 

How can it be achieved? 

With possibly a single exception there will be hardly a newspaper in the world 
which will have the courage to print this message. 

But still and all the whole power of Judah is not sufficient to prevent this message 
from spreading like an electric spark from pole to pole. All over the world a new 
generation is arising which did not bend its knee before the "Golden Calf." This 
generation will clean out the "Angean Stables" - from the governments by all 
nations it will drive out the jittering political old men with evil smelling pockets. 

The stolen billions shall be again distributed for the welfare of the suffering people. 
Friendly cooperation shall replace fruitless rivalry. 

A "National Home" for the Jews shall be created in a distant place on the globe 
where the Jews can work among themselves and prove to the world that they can 
make good. The confiscated money will richly pay for the general Jewish 
repatriation in the "New Palestine." The "Goyim" which have been bought by 
Jewish money may follow their masters into exile. That would be just and not 

A deep breath of liberation will then be released by the whole suffering world. A 
mountain of trouble will fall from its shoulders! [End] 

REMEMBER: The "Protocols" must be STUDIED, not merely read. 

Unfortunately the tone can get a bit harsh in revealing these Truths. Be WISE 
would like to re-emphasise that we are in no way blaming every single individual 
Jew for this NWO push. That would be ridiculous and wrong since we actively work 
with many precious Jews all across the world. We are clearly pointing out that this 
push for global control as laid out in the Protocols comes mainly from the Jewish 
LEADERS and their cronies - their politically correct "yes men" ... However, it is a 
FACT that many Jews are used willingly by these diabolical leaders and their 
agendas as are many other people ... and that is sad ... 

In fact, BeWISE just received yet another surprising 
CONFIRMATION of what we post on this Site from a former high-level 
rabbi who rejected the LIES of Judaism and accepted Christ. He stated to 
us verbally and quite directly: 

"I am now 100 percent convinced, without a shadow of any 
doubt whatsoever, that the entire world is being run and 
manipulated by non-believing Jews." 

WOW! We have complete documentation of this incredible revelation 
by this precious and courageous man. 

* For written copies of this manuscript write to: 




At first these "Protocols," printed in broad sheets by the millions, were used to stir up fear and hatred 
of Jews in Germany. They were then re-issued, somewhat revised, and directed at England to stir up 
hatred of the English. In Russia the "Protocols" were used to back up charges against the Jews for 
"ritual murders." 

Mackey's Encyclopedia of Preemasonry 1 

The Jewish Holocaust of World War II fulfilled a prophecy made 150 years earlier by the orthodox 
rabbis in Germany, who warned the Frankist-Reform Jews that persecution would start at Berlin if they 
persisted in their amoral destruction of society. To help fulfill this prophecy, anti-Semitic Gentile 
Freemasonry engineered the exposure of the Jews through the fraudulent creation of The Protocols of the 
Learned Elders of Sion. These Protocols, a compilation of twenty-four documents, developed the required 
anti-Semitism that ended in the death of six million Jews in the midst of World War II. 

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were first said to have been the minutes of the first Zionist 
Congress at Basel, Switzerland, August 29-31, 1897. According to Robert John, author of Behind the 
Balfour Declaration, the 197 Jewish delegates were a mixture of the orthodoxy, nationalists, liberals, 
atheists, culturalists, anarchists, socialists and capitalists. 2 In three days these Jews are said to have 
discussed, debated, then agreed upon a detailed conspiracy for world dominion. The alleged outcome of 
that Congress was a document containing the minutes to twenty-four lengthy meetings detailing how the 
Jewish intrigue was to unfold. 

It defies imagination, how Jews of such mixed convictions, who find it difficult to agree on any issue 
within their own persuasion, completed twenty-four Protocols in just three days. 

Those who read the documents were apparently convinced that Zionist Jews were planning to take over 
all governments through a 


well-orchestrated plan of subversion, using the press, secular schools, and Gentile Masonry as a cover. The 
Jews allegedly were planning to enslave the world through this conspiracy. Their first insurrection was to 
take place in Russia, which in retrospect many believed to have climaxed in the Bolshevik Revolution of 
1917. So well had Gentile Freemasonry placed the Jews in the forefront of that insurrection that the West 
began hearing rumors of Jews taking over Russia. Appendix 2, Fig. 33 presents the caricatures of these 
allegations that were printed in newspapers throughout the world. 

History of the Protocols 

We have learned that Sion is the French spelling for the English Zion. The original Protocols were 
written in French, stolen from a Masonic lodge in Paris in 1884 (as we shall see), then taken to Russia 
where they were translated and first published in that language in 1903. 

After the first publication of the Protocols in Russia, they were banned in 1905 by the ill-fated Czar 
Nicholas II following an attempt to topple his government. In 1917, following the February Revolution, the 
new Kerensky government confiscated and burned the second edition before it reached the streets and 
immediately outlawed anti-Semitism. 3 On April 5, 1917, the Russian Jews won emancipation. 4 By October 
Kerensky's government had lost to the Bolsheviks, who, in 

the "Red Terror" that followed, appeared to fulfill the slaughter written of in the Protocols. 

After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Protocols made their way back to the West, where, from 1921 to 
1935, the newspaper-reading-public of the world was made aware of their contents. 

Publishing the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion was a most malicious crime committed against 
the House of Israel. At the same time as the Protocols began to circulate throughout Europe, conspiracy 
researchers were attempting to connect the Bolsheviks with the Illuminati. In many ways the two 
movements were the same. We see this, for instance, in their colors. Weishaupt had selected the color red 
to represent his bloody revolution. Likewise, the Communists. Since then Communists have been 
nicknamed "Reds." 

Those who opposed the Reds formed their own republic called Belorussia, or White Russia, bordering 
on Poland. Lithuania, and Latvia. The Whites waged a short-lived counterrevolution against the Reds but 
lost in 1919 for lack of funds. When the Whites fled to the West, most settled in Germany. With them 
came copies of the Protocols. Soon 


these documents were in the hands of Hitler, who set out to rid the world of this so-called Judeo-Masonic 
conspiracy. Hitler's Mein Kampf makes mention of the Protocols as proof of a Jewish conspiracy. 5 

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion have been suppressed so successfully since the Jewish 
Holocaust that today most people have not heard of them. During the 1920s and 1930s, however, their 
contents were on the lips of every political official in Europe, Asia and America. Appendix 2, Lig. 10 
shows reproductions of two book covers of the Lrench and Spanish editions of the Protocols. The Jewish 
caricatures on the covers reveal the vicious anti-Semitism of the time. 

The Birth of Zionism in Russia 

The Zionist movement was the result of anti-Semitic seeds sown in Russia by Grand Orient 
Lreemasonry. In 1840 the German Grand Orient sent Reform Jews to that vast empire where Jewish 
Orthodoxy was the strongest. Their assignment was to destroy the Russian Jews through assimilation into 
Russian society. The Reform, however, had not anticipated the power of the leading Russian Rabbi, 
Tzemach Tzedek, who victoriously opposed them. In retaliation the Reform began to spread lies about the 
Orthodoxy. Czarist Russia believed these lies and became violently anti-Semitic. Pogroms, which are 
organized massacres of helpless people, broke out everywhere against the Jews. 6 

Rabbi Antelman informs us that the Reform was headquartered in the Grand Orient "League of the Just," 
known in Germany as the "Bund." While the Bund financed Karl Marx's communist activity in Prance and 
England, it also sought virgin territory to export its communist doctrine to the East. Antelman gives us the 

Reform was now ready for expansion into other areas. The Bund decided to export its heresies to 
Russia and selected Dr. Max Lillienthal (1814-1882) for the job. Lillienthal was partially successful. In 
1840 he succeeded in opening a Jewish school where he could implant the seeds of destruction against 
Judaism. In December 1841, he laid the groundwork for government sponsored Jewish secular schools 
in Russia. However, Lillienthal was not totally successful because he had never reckoned with the 
power of the great Lubavitcher Chasidic rabbi who lived at that time in Russia called the Tzentach 
Tzedek. It was he who completely dissipated these efforts and taught the Communists a lesson that they 
never forgot, so much so, that 


generations later after the revolution they imprisoned this man’s descendant known as the Lubavitcher 
Rebbe of Russia, threatened to kill him and threw him down a flight of stairs. 7 

According to Rabbi Antelman, Max Lillienthal became so enraged with his defeat, that before he left 
Russia he guaranteed the destruction of his own race there. Antelman writes: 

Dr. Lillienthal and his cohorts in Russia made concerted attacks against the Torah and Judaism. 
Agents of the society were dispatched to spy on the Tzemach Tzedek. They also instigated the writing 

of scores of denunciatory letters which arrived daily to the Ministry of Interior, Culture and the Secret 
Police, which spoke against Jewish religious leaders and key merchants, villagers or innkeepers 
whose morals or integrity they could not compromise. These letters charged rebellion, contempt for 
Christianity, misappropriation of taxes, violation of the restricted areas which only Jews may inhabit, 
smuggling, bribery and usury. 

On one occasion Lillienthal attempted to impress Count Uvarov, the Minister of Culture. He stated 
that the rabbis condone all sorts of unethical iniquities with Gentiles including usury and 
misrepresentation. In addition he accused the rabbis of preaching a policy of separatism from the good 
Gentile neighborhoods and he claimed that the most notorious offender was the saintly Tzemach 

All the years that Lillienthal was in Russia, pressure from above the government, and pressure 
from below through his educators and enlightenment societies [Grand Orient Freemasonry] continued 
to be applied to the Jewish communities to assimilate.... All during this period the Czar was applying 
further pressure of assimilating Jews with his forced conscription law so that during 1842-1843, 
22,000 Jews had been converted to Christianity and between 1846-1854, 7,000 were baptized. 
However, things got worse and finally came to a head. 

On May 6, 1843, the first meeting of a government commission aimed at finalizing Jewish 
assimilation was convened. The Tzemach Tzedek stood strongly in opposition to what the conspirators 
wanted to do. The gauntlet was thrown on the table when he stated that if it was the government 
intention and that of the Maskilim (seekers of enlightenment) to carry out their plan that he and his 
colleagues were prepared to suffer death rather than to transgress. 8 


Death is what they received. Pogroms broke out everywhere. Against this terror the Orthodox Jews 
began to dream of a Jewish homeland, specifically a return to Palestine. During these trying times, the word 
"Zionism" was coined for their movement. Although Zionism was not officially recognized until 1896- 
1897, Theodore Herzl (1860-1904), a Viennese Jewish journalist, "offered a focus for a Zionist movement 
founded in Odessa in 1881, which spread rapidly through the Jewish communities of Russia, and small 
branches which had sprung up in Germany, England and elsewhere." 9 

Zionism was an escapist reaction that grew from the anti-Semitic seeds sown by the Reform.' 0 Within 
four decades Zionism became a nationalistic movement of Jews around the world. Herzl created the first 
Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. Twenty years later Russia experienced "the 
vengeance of the Jews" in the Bolshevik Revolution, so stated those who had read and believed the 
"evidence" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. 

Rabbi Antelman states that Reform Judaism financed the Bolshevik Revolution through a bewhiskered 
anti-Zionist Jew named Jacob Schiff, a New York City banker. Speaking to the cause of the Russian 
pogroms, Antelman carries the reader back to the Reform's failure to assimilate Jews into Russian society. 
He states, "It was., this stunning defeat that heightened extreme disdain for Russian Jews which was mani¬ 
fested in many ways by Jacob Schiff." 11 

Jews and the Two 1917 Russian Revolutions 

Jacob Schiff was a puppet of Max Warburg, the Jewish banker from Frankfurt, Germany. You may recall 
that the Rothschild and Warburg families were in competition in Frankfurt during the Napoleonic Wars, 
after which the House of Rothschild moved its banking headquarters to London. Years later competition 
between the two Jewish clans was manifested in two areas other than banking. First in religion, the 
Warburg clan were Reform Jews, whereas the Rothschilds were Zionists; second, in Masonic affiliation, 
the Rothschilds were English Masons, whereas the Warburgs were Grand Orient Masons. 

These divisions, and not their banking rivalry, brought the Rothschilds and Warburgs into conflict in the 
two Russian revolutions of 1917. Although both insurrections were planned by Gentile Freemasonry (see 
chapter 19), the Rothschilds and the Warburgs took opposite sides in funding the competing factions. 

Lord Rothschild, in February 1917, backed the Russian Socialist and Scottish Rite Mason, Alexander 
Kerensky, who attempted to install 


a government in Russia similar to that of the United States. At Kerensky's side were Zionist Orthodox 
Jews. On April 5th all Jews won emancipation. 

The other Jewish party, the Reform Jews, did not want socialism, but communism. Their 
counterrevolution in October was led by Russian Grand Orient Mason, Vladimir Lenin. His uprising was 
funded by the German Grand Orient Mason Max Warburg. At Lenin's side were anti-Zionist Reform Jews. 
After the Bolsheviks toppled the Kerensky government, Rothschild funded the White Russians against the 

Most conspiracy researchers know of the Jewish involvement in both revolutions. Yet, they have been 
unable to differentiate between the anti-Zionist Reform Jews and the Zionist Orthodox Jews. Not until 
Rabbi Antelman explained this division in his 1974 book was the Gentile world to know. Lacking this 
knowledge, investigators in the 1920s blamed the authorship of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion 
on the Zionist Congress of 1897. 

Origins of the Protocols 

Dating the authorship of the Protocols at 1897 has since been established as too late. The Protocols date 
much earlier. Yet Jewry had already been damaged with the world-wide publication of their falsely 
incriminating contents. For example, the Protocols were distributed to the White Russian Army soon after 
the House of Rothschild began financing the Whites against the Reds. The Whites, thinking they now 
understood the cause behind the destruction of Russia, indiscriminately slaughtered 60,000 Jews, blaming 
them for the Bolshevik Revolution. Rothschild grieved over this unwarranted carnage and withdrew his 
funding, upon which the Whites fell to the Reds.' 2 Escaping to the West, many Whites settled in Germany 
and joined the Nazis. Soon Hitler set out to rid the world of this so-called Jewish conspiracy. 13 The result 
was six million Jews slaughtered during World War II. 

Masons began to promote the Jews as the author of the Protocols. From 1920 through 1922 the 
Protocols were serialized in America in The Dearborn Independent, a Dearborn, Michigan, newspaper 
distributed by 33rd degree Freemason Henry Ford. Later, Ford's serialization was bound in a book entitled 
The International Jew and distributed throughout Nazi Germany. 


Even young Winston Churchill, a Master Mason at the time, promoted the Protocols as Jewish. The 
London Jewish Chronicle of February 13,1920, accused him as follows: "The Secretary of War, Winston 
Churchill, charges the Jews with engineering a world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization." 14 

Authentic or forged, its contents true or false, to withhold from mention in general history the existence 
of documents that caused World War II, and with it the ritual murder of six million Jews and five million 
Gentiles, is a travesty of justice to world history. On the other hand, to speak of them - worse yet, to allow 
them to be published and read would once again bring certain death to the Jews, so deceptively 
incriminating is the "evidence" against them. Certainly, the Jews must, and did fight to prove those 
documents not of Jewish origin. They received vindication from the Court of Berne on May 14, 1935, when 
the Court ruled the Protocols not of Jewish origin. 15 

If not of Jewish origin, from whence came the Protocols of Sion? The Court of Berne discovered that the 
original documents were in French. We have learned that the birthplace and home of the Priory of Sion 
was, and still is, France. 16 We have also discovered that the Priory of Sion is not Jewish, but a Jewish 
counterfeit. Moreover, we have suggested that the Priory of Sion may be those individuals, written of by 
the Apostle John, who "say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie..." Revelation 3:9). 

Therefore, if the Protocols of Sion is the product of the Priory of Sion, and not of the Zionist Jews, it is 
understandable why the Jews would denounce it everywhere as a forgery. Finally, in 1921 the London 
Times "made the sensational discovery through its correspondents in Constantinople., .of a French book 
which they called the Dialogues of Geneva, published anonymously at Brussels in 1865. This book, the 
Times affirmed, had been plagiarized by the author[s] of the Protocols. " I7 

After the Dialogues of Geneva were published, the Times is quoted as saying: "'It was soon discovered 

by the police of Napoleon III that the author of the book was a certain lawyer, Maurice Joly, who was 
arrested, tried, and sentenced to two years imprisonment [from April 1865], as it was averred that he had 
written his book as an attack against the government of Napoleon III to which he had lent all the 
Machiavellian plans revealed in the Dialogues. 1,18 

Maurice Joly (1831-1878) was a Gentile French lawyer, a writer. Freemason, and member of a Rose- 
Croix order. Most significant, he was intimate with Victor Hugo (1802-1885), the famous French poet, who 
was also a member of the same Rose-Croix order. 19 This is the 


same Victor Hugo, who, following the communist uprisings of 1848, coined the phrase, the "United States 
of Europe" at the Masonic Peace Conference in 1849. 

From 1844 until his death in 1885, Victor Hugo was Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. 20 The authors 
of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, suggest that the Rosicrucian order to which both Joly and Hugo belonged was 
the Priory of Sion. 

Maurice Joly was also a close friend of the Jewish Freemason, Adolphe Isaac Cremieux (1796-1880). 
Cremieux was mentioned in the previous chapter as being involved with Victor Hugo in the 1848 
communist uprisings in France and was one of the orators applauding its success. Most significant was 
Cremietix's Masonic rank. He was a 33rd degree Mason sitting on the Supreme Council of the Ancient and 
Primitive Rite of Mizraim at Paris, the same Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge founded by Sionist-Illuminatus 
Cagliostro. The rituals practiced in the Mizraim Lodge were the same Isis cult mysteries of Egypt observed 
by the Priory of Sion. Sion's English Masons also act out the same Isis legend in the Master Mason 
ceremony. 21 

The facts of Maurice Joly's life make him an interesting man indeed. First, he was a Gentile Frenchman, 
a lawyer, a Freemason, and a writer. Second, he was the man who wrote the Dialogues of Geneva (in 
French), from which the original version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion allegedly were 
plagiarized (in French). Third, he was closely associated with Victor Hugo, the Grand Master of the Priory 
of Sion. Fourth, Joly was involved with Aldolphe Cremietix, a ruler in a Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge, a 
lodge founded by Sionist Cagliostro. Fifth, both Hugo and Cremieux were heavily involved in the French 
Masonic Revolution of 1848. This circumstantial evidence points to these three men as having been 
involved in creating the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. 

Zionism versus Sionism 

Circumstantial evidence? Of course. The activities of Cremieux, however, make the intrigue even more 
fascinating. For six years (1864- 1870) Cremieux was president of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, a 
genuine Jewish political order founded in 1860, and headquartered in the same Sionist Masonic Lodge 
where Cremieux sat as a ruler on the Supreme Council. The Alliance, an arm of the Priory of Sion, was 
created to counter the Zionist movement that was budding in Russia during the 1850s. 

Zionism was nationalistic, desiring a Jewish homeland, whereas the Alliance Israelite Universelle was 
exactly what its name implies, an 


Alliance of Universalist Jews. As Universalists, the Alliance encouraged all Jews to keep their identity in 
Gentile nations. Naturally, they opposed those Jews who longed for a homeland. The Alliance also opposed 
Reform Judaism, which desired that Jews lose their identity in Gentile nations through assimilation. In 
subsequent years the Uuniversalist Jews spread throughout Europe, but never crossed the English Channel, 
where English Freemasonry reluctantly backed Zionism at the bidding of the Rothschilds. 

Not only was Zionism a bewilderment to the Universalist Jews, it took Reform Judaism by total surprise. 
A homeland for the Jews would, in effect destroy the Reform's planned destruction of the Jewish race 
through assimilation. As a matter of course, then. Reform Judaism, already anti-Semitic, became anti- 

The Universalist Jews, on the other hand, were not anti-Semitic, but were anti-Zionist - yet, for a 
different reason than that pursued by the Reform Jews. For example, nationalistic Zionism posed a threat to 

the counterfeit "King of Jerusalem" cult of Merovingians, who desired someday to reinstate their universal 
throne at Jerusalem where it had been established during the Crusades. It was the Priory of Sion's ultimate 
task to crown the "Lost King" on a Jerusalem throne. Therefore, Zionism was on a collision course with 
Sionism. Should the Zionists succeed in establishing a Jewish homeland, a genuine Jewish king ascending 
the throne of a bonafide Israelite nation would destroy the millennium-old Merovingian dream. As a matter 
of course, then, the Priory of Sion became anti-Zionist, founding the Alliance Israelite Universelle to 
counter the Zionist movement. 

The Alliance, although founded by the Priory of Sion, was an exclusively Jewish Order headquartered in 
a Gentile Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge. Reform Judaism, on the other hand, was Templar, headquartered in 
Gentile Grand Orient Freemasonry, and hence, an adversary of the Priory of Sion. Yet, Zionism gave cause 
for the Alliance to ally 'with the Reform in an effort to destroy this nationalist movement. 

Adversaries with common enemies make strange bedfellows. These two adversaries would cooperate, if 
necessary, in a revolution in Russia, either to destroy Zionism at its source, or contain it within Russian 
borders. Hence, we find many Jews of both persuasions involved in Kerensky's Socialist Revolution and 
Lenin's Communist Revolution. Kerensky's technique for containing the Zionists was to emancipate the 
Jews, hoping to quiet their drive for a Jewish homeland. The Bolshevik technique was to forcibly keep the 
Zionists within Russian borders, disallowing them emigration to the Holy Land. 22 

For sixty years (1860-1920) the information connecting these Jewish movements remained obscure. Not 
until the 1920s, when many 


professional and amateur revisionist historians began searching for the source of the Protocols, did the 
documentation about Joly, Cremieux, Mizraim Freemasonry and the Alliance surface. Although a mixture 
of Jews and Gentiles were found on Mizraim membership rolls, it appeared to tile investigators that the 
Alliance and the Mizraim Lodge were both Jewish-run institutions. 

Sion Confused with Zion 

Because their symbols were identical, Zionists were also mistakenly implicated with the intrigues at 
Mizraim. Mizraim's herald was the "interlaced triangle," or six-pointed star of the Priory of Sion. In 1917, 
when the world first saw the Zionists hoist the so-called "Star of David" on their flag at Palestine, 
conspiracy investigators assumed Mizraim Freemasonry and the Alliance were connected to Zionism. 

The "identical syndrome" of Masonic symbols once again confused investigators. Zionists, however, 
had more right to the six-pointed star than did the Priory of Sion. Long before the Priory and its Masonic 
lodges adopted it as their coat-of-arms, it was a Jewish symbol of scattered Israel. Before that it was a 
pagan symbol. For clarification, we will trace its origin. 

The interlaced triangle was originally a decorative motif or magical emblem, symbolic of the pagan 
star-god in Hinduism. Later it migrated to the Assyrians and there was adopted by the ten northern tribes of 
Israel before they were taken into captivity in 721 B.C. 23 (II Kings 17:1- 23). This is confirmed by the 
prophet Alnos, whom God sent to the ten tribes to warn them of impending bondage if they did not repent 
of their idolatry with Assyrian gods. Alnos, speaking for God, warns Israel in 5:26-27: 

But ye have borne the tabernacle of.. Chiun. . the star., god, which ye made to yourselves. 

Therefore, will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The 

God of hosts. 

Chiun is the planet Saturn, the star-god, symbolized by the two interlaced triangles, or six-pointed star 
called the hexagram. 24 The hexagram is also known as the Lucifer Star. 23 Idolatrous Israel had "borne," or 
carried, "the star...god" by wearing the hexagram as an amulet. It was also carved in the door frames of 
every Israelite house, ostensibly to ward off the "fire god." Since that time the six-pointed 


star has been a Jewish symbol found in synagogues from the very beginning of the Diaspora. This was 

1,700 years before the Priory of Sion appropriated it in the first millennium A.D. 26 Mter that it appeared on 
the heraldic flag of the Jews in Prague in 1527, a full two centuries before Gentile Freemasonry adopted it 
from the Jewish Cabala. 27 Therefore, it would be natural for both the Alliance in 1860 and the Zionists in 
1897 to select it as their herald. 

To make the symbol even more Jewish, the Zionists in 1904 renamed the six-pointed star "Magen 
David," or "Shield of David." 28 At their first meeting at Basel in 1897, Robert John reports that "On either 
side of the main doorway of the hall hung white banners with two blue stripes, and over the doorway was 
placed a six-pointed 'Shield of David.'" 29 

Since this knowledge was unavailable during the 1920s, it was popular to connect Mizraim Freemasonry, 
the Alliance and Zionism by this symbol. Also, the word "Sion" in the Protocols was suspect. Therefore, 
these documents were thrown in with the hodgepodge of circumstantial evidence implicating Jews. 
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, accusations against the Jews were broadcast everywhere. Naturally, Jews 
of every persuasion were concerned. For their own survival they must discredit the Protocols. And with all 
their resources they did. 

Another enigma confronting researchers was the fact that while Cremieux sat on the 33rd degree 
Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry (a Rosicrucian Order), he was also Supreme Master of its 
adversary, the Templar Grand Orient at Paris.” Jews were controlling both sides of the conspiracy," 
investigators would write. Therefore, it was a simple matter to accuse them of writing the Protocols of 

In retrospect, there are obvious reasons why Cremieux joined an adversarial Lodge. In those days 
Masonry was continually receiving advanced occult knowledge from research done on the Templar 
documents looted from the Vatican archives during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, working on this 
project was the Priory of Sion's Eliphas Levi (Louis Constant 1810-1875). Each advanced enlightenment 
was cause for the invention of more advanced degrees of Masonry. For example, Mizraim had jumped from 
33 to 90 degrees by 1868. In 1871 the Mizraim Rite was carried to London where it was absorbed by 
Memphis Freemasonry. By 1875 it merged with Memphis worldwide and grew to 97 degrees. In France the 
Grand Orient remained at 33 degrees. 30 

Stiff esoteric competition between lodges was commonplace. Each had highly specialized agents to 
penetrate the other's lodges to learn 


of its new occult secrets. It would be natural, then, for Cremietix to seek knowledge from an adversarial 
lodge. Hence, he joined the Grand Orient, working his way up the chairs to Supreme Commander. 

Moreover, Cremietix had a strong dislike for Napoleon HI (1808-1873), who was also a member of the 
Grand Orient. The Grand Orient was known as the Lodge for French politicians. As its Grand Commander, 
Cremietix had access to state secrets, which would benefit Rosicrucian Great Britain. 

Although many conspiracy researchers have tried to connect the two, there was no cooperation between 
the Rosicrucian Mizraim lodges and the Templar Grand Orients. This fact is confirmed in Mackey's 
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry: "an attempt was unsuccessfully made to obtain the recognition of the Grand 
Orient of France. [Their non-recognition] had the effect of making them illegal." 31 

Dr. Mackey does admit, however, that Mizraim Freemasonry borrowed from the Grand Orient Scottish 
Rite degrees. Who borrowed but Cremietix? This was common practice among competing lodges. 

Non-recognition meant that Mizraim Freemasonry was considered clandestine by the Grand Orient. 
How, then, did a Rosicrucian, such as Cremieux, obtain membership in a Templar Lodge, much less 
become its Supreme Master, if he was known to be a ruler in an adversarial lodge. No conspiracy 
researcher has given a satisfactory answer, outside of tying the two lodges together. It may be that the 
Grand Orient was ignorant of Cremietix's affiliation with Mizraim. In this secret war of intelligence 
gathering from competing lodges, membership lists are suppressed by issuing secret code names to the 
hierarchy. Cremieux may have been a double agent, as was Cagliostro, founder of Mizraim. 

Mizraim Freemasonry and Intelligence Gathering 

Intelligence gathering was established as a Masonic activity at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. When 

European Grail royalty united within British Freemasonry to protect the Priory of Sion secret, they built for 
themselves a spy network operating out of the Grand Lodge Alpina in Switzerland. From there they kept an 
eye on Masonic developments in France by penetrating the Grand Orient with their agents. Alpina's agents 
were none other than Sionists Cremietix, Joly, and Victor Hugo, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. 
All three were intimate with Rosicrucian Mizraim Freemasonry. It seems likely that Cremietix was a 
Rosicmcian spy who penetrated the Templar Grand Orient, the lodge for French politicians, working his 
way through the chairs to the top position. 


Edith Miller, in Occult Theocrasy, documents that English Free-masonry was in communication with 
Mizraim during Cremieux's day. Its counterpart in London was Memphis Freemasonry, known in England 
as "The Ancient and Primitive Rite." The Rite of Mizraim was amalgamated with that of Memphis in 
1775.32 At the head of Memphis in London was 33rd degree Mason lohn Yarker (1833-1913). A member of 
its ruling hierarchy in France was Cremieux (1836-1871). It would have been common practice for 
Cremieux to transfer state secrets to Yarker through Masonic channels. 

Brief History of Masonic Intelligence Operations 

The Templars and Sion have been spying on each other since 1188. Such spying continues to the present 
day. We will briefly examine the history of Masonic intelligence operations below. 

lohn J. Robinson, author of the recent pro-Masonic book. Bom in Blood: The Lost Secrets of 
Freemasonry, informs us that in the 12th and 13th centimes the Knights Templar were the precursors of 
our modern intelligence services. He says they "were known to maintain intelligence agents in the principal 
cities of the Middle East and the Mediterranean coast, and they would necessarily have employed covert 
means of communication. International financial dealings required total secrecy, naval operations required 
it to hide shipping information from Moslem or pirate forces, and military administration over two conti¬ 
nents would certainly require it. 

When the Templars founded their form of Freemasonry, intelligence operations naturally travelled 
through a chain of their lodges. Likewise, Sion's Rosicrucians penetrated the masonic working man's guilds 
a century before Cromwell’s revolution. Moreover, Cromwell himself used the secret halls of an aristocratic 
Masonic lodge called the "Crown" to organize his insurrection. 

A century later Adam Weishaupt turned Continental Freemasonry into an intelligence gathering 
machine. He founded the Illuminati to penetrate Templar French Masonry. His assignment was to ignite the 
French Revolution and depose the Bourbons on behalf of the Priory of Sion. Instead, the Illuminati itself 
was penetrated by the Templars. The Revolution occurred as scheduled, but not under the command of 

Adversarial lodges penetrating each other's ranks is not as difficult as one may imagine. The irony is that 
both Freemasonries employ the same identifying grips and passwords. Entry is granted readily by a 


spy using these secret codes. Once inside the lodge brother Masons fraternize freely with each other. The 
unsuspecting brothers tell every- thing they know to an enemy who shakes hands correctly. 34 

An example of how British Masons used intelligence networks in Cremieux's day is given by Msgr. 
George Dillon. Dining that time the Prime Minister of Great Britain was 33rd degree Freemason, Lord 
Palmerston, who was, in a sense, a double agent. Palmerston, a Templar Scottish Rite Mason, was in 
command of Rosicrucian English Freemasonry. Dillon states that Palmerston, after he failed to acquire 
financial aid from Parliament for Mazzini's Templar Grand Orient revolution in Italy, successfully tapped 
the British secret service for funding the Italian Masons. 35 

During World War I, we find another example of Masonry's intelligence gathering. This war was the 
first global conflict between British and French Freemasonry to determine which political system would 
rule the world - monarchies or republics. In future chapters we shall discuss the Masonic intrigue of that 
conflict, with one Order penetrating the other to obtain the enemy's battle plans. A hint of the level of 

intelligence activity is provided by a German author, Friedrich Hasselbacher, whose book. High Treason of 
the Military Lodges, is an unanswerable and damning document. It reproduces in facsimile a mass of letters 
and "Field Post Cards" from Masons to their lodges in Germany. In one letter, a Brother Mason writes to 
his Grand Master suggesting that he get in touch with English Masons via the Grand Lodge of Norway, in 
order to find out their "war aims. » 

Masonic intelligence services were employed again in World War II. For example. Freemasonry in 
France was used as a secret service to help the resistance. The story is revealed by Frenchman Henri Coston 
in La Republique du Grand Orient, which de Poncins quotes in Freemasonry and the Vatican. Coston 
confirms that during the Nazi occupation of northern France, Pierre Laval, a French politician, assisted the 
resistance when he '"attached the services of the secret societies to the Surete Nationale, the state 
intelligence service. "87 

In our day the Masonic Lodge is tied directly to state intelligence services. Agents are placed according 
to certain requirements and abilities, one of which is the ability to keep a secret. Therefore, agents who are 
Masons are given preference for top positions. For example, in the U.S.A. the heads of both the FBI and the 
CIA have always been either 33rd degree Masons, or high initiates in affiliated secret societies. In fact, J. 
Edgar Hoover (33rd degree) obtained a charter for the FBI's own Masonic lodge, the Fidelity Lodge. Curt 
Gentry, in his book J. Edgar Hoover, informs us that "Membership and attendance at the Monday- 


night meetings were 'voluntary,' but those who aspired to higher positions soon realized that associating 
with the director on this one semi-social occasion was almost a prerequisite to advancement. "38 

The weakness in this system of selection is readily apparent, since Masons freely talk to, and advance 
brother Masons. If an enemy agent joins a Masonic Lodge frequented by an intelligence agent whom he 
wishes to compromise, his task is simple. Many examples of this are presented by the late Stephen Knight 
in The Brotherhood. Knight, a British investigative journalist, documented time and again how the KGB, 
prior to and after World War II, successfully penetrated British intelligence by joining Western 

Knight informs us, for example, how after the Bolshevik Revolution, Russian intelligence used 
Freemasonry to its own ends. The Soviet intelligence service learned of the art of Freemasonry while inves¬ 
tigating Russian Grand Orient Lodges. When Stalin outlawed the Brotherhood in 1925, he ordered his 
intelligence service to establish religious centers for training appropriate agents to be sent to Western and 
Third World countries. A school for agents bound for Britain and other English-speaking countries was in 
Lithuania prior to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. These agents were trained in the exploitation of English 
Freemasonry. ’ Knight quotes a British Intelligence officer as saying: 

If the KGB had a target in England - somebody they wanted to "turn" or from whom they wanted to 
obtain information by one of a number of means - and this person was a Freemason, I have no doubt 
that it would instruct an agent to join the same lodge. That would be an obvious move. If being a 
Freemason makes a man more likely to bare his soul to another Freemason than to an outsider, any 
intelligence service worth its salt would exploit that. 40 

One of the most damaging episodes described by Knight was that of a KGB agent turning master spies 
Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, and Guy Burgess into double agents for Russia. Knight suggests this 
transformation was accomplished through Freemasonry. The intelligence world was shocked when these 
three men defected to Russia in 1952 and 1962. It was discovered 30 years too late that Philby, while head 
of a division in MIS (initials for Mission Impossible, division No. 5), was also a high-ranking KGB agent. 
The irony in this story is that Philby remained on the British intelligence payroll after defection. 41 He died 
in Moscow, November 5, 1988- taking to the grave his reason for defecting. 42 


Stephen Knight revealed that the penetration of Western Free- masonry was a standard KGB practice: 

I can reveal that senior officers of British Intelligence are concerned that the KGB has been using 

Freemasonry in England for decades to help place its agents in positions of responsibility and 
influence.... According to the evidence now available the undoubted "jobs for the brethren" aspect of 
British Freemasonry has been used extensively by the KGB to penetrate the most sensitive areas of 
authority, most spectacularly illustrated in the years since 1945 by its placing of spies at the highest 
levels of both M15 and Ml6. Even today, members of the security services privately admit that they 
have no idea of the extent of this penetration. 4. 

The "old boy network," the favoritism and the use of Masonry for professional and social advancement 
- all proscribed by the [Masonic] Constitutions but all nevertheless widespread, as this book has shown - 
are of obvious value to Englishmen recruited to spy for a foreign power. 44 

Cremieux - Double Agent 

Intelligence gathering, spying, and the use of double agents are commonplace in this war between 
Scarlet and the Beast. If Great Britain had wanted to penetrate the French government in Cremieux's day, it 
would have done so through a French Rosicrucian Freemason. Who would be more likely than Cremieux? 
If he were to become involved in French politics, which he was, he would join the Grand Orient Lodge, to 
which most French politicians belonged. From there he could learn state secrets and pass them to London. 

English Freemasonry had need of spies in French politics for two specific reasons. First, the two 
movements of socialism and communism, which had developed in Grand Orient Freemasonry were of 
grave concern to Great Britain's capitalists. Second, Emperor Napoleon III had cooperated with the Grand 
Orient Revolution in Italy by ousting the oligarchy's Austrian army. Spy master Cremieux and British 
Freemasonry had something in common. Both hated Napoleon III. If Cremieux was assigned the task of 
deposing the Emperor, his success would be better realized if he could attain the top position within the 
Emperor's lodge. 


Shades of Mission Impossible, you say? Perhaps. Nonetheless, everything Cremieux accomplished was 
of benefit to English Freemasonry, as well as profit to the oligarchy of the Priory of Sion, which it 
protected. It is most likely that Freemason Cremieux was a master spy, a double agent, a Rosicrucian mole 
for British Intelligence in the French Templar Grand Orient administration of Napoleon III. Such a scenario 
certainly fits the Masonic modus operandi. 

Maurice Joly 

Gentile Maurice Joly, whose father was a staunch Italian Mason, was also a Mason. Joly was tied to the 
Alliance Israelite Universelle through his association with Freemason Cremietix and the Mizraim Masonic 
Lodge. He was also linked to the Priory of Sion through mutual membership in a Rose Croix order with 
Victor Hugo. This Masonic influence secured Joly a post in the Ministry of the Interior under Freemason 
M. Chevreau, just before the coup d'etat in 1851 by Louis Napoleon. 

Joly was not included in the new government, nor did he want to be. He had an inveterate hatred of the 
Bonapartes. Moreover, he disagreed with Grand Orient politics, which politics demanded a strong man to 
solidify its failing revolution of 1848.45 

For nine years following Napoleon's 1851 coup, Joly withdrew from politics and satisfied himself by 
returning to his law practice. Suddenly, in 1860, he began writing articles attacking the government and the 

What, or who rekindled Joly's anger? The answer is Adolphe Cremieux, who also hated the Emperor. 
Cremieux's animosity grew from a rebuff he received from Louis Napoleon. At the time of Napoleon's 
coup, Cremieux was legal adviser to the Bonaparte family and an intimate of Louis Napoleon. When Louis 
became Emperor, he offended Cremieux by not appointing him to the most desired political post - that of 
Chief Executive - a position vital in dealing with Great Britain. 46 The Emperor's first mistake was his 
refusal to appoint his Masonic superior. Cremieux became his enemy. 

Napoleon's second error was his refusal to take orders from Grand Orient Masonry, which had placed 

him in power. Afar his 1851 coup and after declaring himself as Emperor in 1852, he immediately began 
exerting authority, emulating his great uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. 47 Now the entire Grand Orient was his 

Napoleon's third mistake was exiling Victor Hugo. We shall soon see that Hugo's exile was a 
consequence of his disagreements with Napoleon 


following the coup. The Priory of Sion soon became the Emperor's enemy. 

Napoleon's fourth and fatal mistake was military action against Austria's occupation army in Italy. 
Napoleon's military success in removing this arm of the British Masonic oligarchy from Italy allowed 
Mazzini's Grand Orient revolution to succeed. With English Freemasonry now his enemy, the Emperor did 
not have a prayer. 

Source of the Protocols 

It was unnecessary for British Freemasonry to intrigue against Napoleon, for the Emperor had created 
enough hostility and enemies on his own. With an angry Cremieux encouraging the pen of an acrimonious 
Joly, the Grand Orient planned to depose the Emperor. Joly wrote Dialogues between Machiavelli and 
Montesquieu, which was a compilation of articles in which loly depicted Napoleon III as Machiavelli. As 
Victor Hugo's poetry had done in the 1850s (discussed later in this chapter), 50 too Joly's articles turned 
public opinion against the Emperor in the 1860s. And as we learned earlier, the London Times (1920) 
reported that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were plagiarized from Joly's Dialogues, which the 
Times called Dialogues of Geneva. 

Another factor we must consider in discovering the source of the Protocols is that in Joly's day 
communism was the political fad of Grand Orient Freemasonry. Its spokesman was 32nd degree German 
Grand Orient Mason and Reform Jew, Levi Mordechai (alias Karl Marx).48 Joly, however, was a Socialist, 
and hated both communism and Karl Marx. Aware that communists were the remnant of the Jacobins, who 
had carried out the 1793 Reign of Terror, Joly wrote: "Socialism seems to me one of the forms of a new life 
for the peoples emancipated from the traditions of the Old World. I accept a great many of the solutions 
offered by Socialism but I reject Communism either as a social factor or as a political institution. 
Communism is but a school of Socialism. In politics I understand extreme means to gain one’s ends - in 
that, at least, I am a Jacobin." 49 

Although Joly hated communism, he agreed with its Jacobin principles; yet he accused Napoleon III of 
that same ruthlessness. What he actually hated was the Emperor's absolutism. Absolutism is what 
Freemasonry can not tolerate. Jacobinism is fine, but not outside the auspices of the Masonic hierarchy. 
When Napoleon Ill ignored the orders of his Masonic superiors, Joly's hatred toward him was rekindled 


by Cremieux. The Grand Orient contracted with Joly to expose the Emperor as Machiavellian. To protect 
himself, Joly signed the dialogues "Mr. X" 

Why did the London Times in 1920 call Joly's book the Dialogues of Geneva? The answer can be found 
in the Masonic-Marxist events which took place in Geneva prior to an international communist meeting in 
London in 1864, the year before Joly published his work. In an earlier chapter we saw that following the 
Congress of Vienna in 1815, both English and French Masonic lodges were established at Geneva for the 
express purpose of plotting intrigue on neutral ground. According to Nesta Webster, Geneva, Switzerland, 
was the meeting-place for all the revolutionaries of Europe. 50 Edith Miller reports that the Geneva meetings 
took place in the Grand Orient Masonic lodge. Temple Unique. Those in attendance put the name of the 
Temple on their cards and bills 

Following the Geneva gatherings, the Communist revolutionists met in London during the summer of 
1862. There they attended the London International Exhibition. The Exhibition was a Marxist front used by 
French Communists to penetrate Great Britain's labor force. This Exhibition marked the beginning of anti¬ 
capitalist labor unions. On August 5, 1862, all the delegates met at a dinner given for them by their English 

colleagues at Freemason's Hall. An address was read which formed the platform for the First Communist 
International. 52 

On September 28, 1864, the French Communists met again in London at another Masonic lodge called 
St. Martin's Hall. 53 At this meeting Grand Orient Freemason Kail Marx obtained control of the two-year old 
International Working Men's Association. A number of secret societies, such as the Anarchists, Nihilists, 
and Young Europe, were immediately absorbed by this communist body. That same year anarchist Mikhail 
Bakunin (1814-1876), a Russian Grand Orient Mason, founded his Alliance Sociale Democratique on the 
exact lines of Weishaupt's Illuminism. 54 

In 1866, one year after Joly's book was published, the inaugural congress of Karl Marx's First 
Communist International met in Geneva, again at the Masonic lodge. Temple Unique. 55 Miller reports that 
what was decided at that Masonic meeting was "the abolition of standing armies, the destruction of the 
monopolies of great companies, and the transfer of railways and other means of locomotion to the 
people." 56 

Also confirmed at that meeting was the declaration that revolution would be transported to foreign soil - 
perhaps in reference to Russia, since in Russia, Zionism was to be contained, if not destroyed. 


When the First International met again in 1869 at Basel, Switzerland, Russian Freemason Mikhail 
Bakunin fought for control of the organization. He spoke thus without reserve: "'By social liquidation I 
mean expropriation of all existing proprietors, by the abolition of the political and legal state, which is the 
sanction and only guarantee of all property as now existing, and of all that is called legal right; and the 
expropriation, in fact, everywhere, and as much and as quickly as possible by the force of events and 
circumstances.'" 57 Thirteen years later, in 1882, on the orders of Bakunin, Czar Alexander II of Russia was 

Target: Napoleon III 

In finding the answer to why the London Times called Joly's book the Dialogues of Geneva, we must 
investigate the Masonic intrigues in Italy, which occurred a decade before the Geneva meetings. In late 
1856 the Italian Grand Orient Masons, already known as the Mafia, were contracted by Lord Palmerston of 
England to assassinate Napoleon III. In early 1857 several Masons met in London to plan the murder. Four 
were from Russia, one of whom was Mikhail Bakunin.59 Chairman of the meeting was the Mafia leader 
himself, Giuseppe Mazzini. At his side were Francesco Crispi (1819-1901), the Sicilian Mason selected to 
do the job, and his comrade-in-arms. Freemason Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896).6o 

In January 1858 Crispi and Lemmi met in Paris with Freemason Felice Orsini. Orsini, a lodge brother of 
Napoleon III, taught the two assassins how to manufacture a bomb, then kept them abreast of the Emperor's 
movements. During the next few weeks several attempts were made on Napoleon's life, each failing. Crispi 
and Lemmi escaped, but Orsini was captured, tried and condemned to death. Before his execution on 
March 13, 1858, Napoleon visited him in prison. Orsini warned the Emperor that if he did not assist the 
Italian Freemasons in their struggle for democracy, other bombs were reserved for him. Napoleon 
acquiesced, meeting at Piedmont in July with Count Camillo Benso di Cavour. Mazzini was not at this 
meeting. Cavour was Grand Master of an English warranted lodge in Italy, a revolutionary lodge competing 
with Grand Master Mazzini's Grand Orient. 61 Miller tells what united these two rival Grand Masters: 

The policies of the Grand Master Cavour and the Grand Master Mazzini, each representing two 
different Masonic currents [English and French] emanating from different 


sources, met on the issue of the destruction of the Papacy which it was hoping to submerge through the 
unification of Italy. 

Cavour aimed at unity in the form of a constitutional monarchy under the house of Savoy, and 
Mazzini, aiming at a republic, found himself forced into a compromise which obliged him to accept, 
temporarily at least, a Piedmontese monarchy for United Italy .62 

Together they agreed to accept assistance from Napoleon. France, with Piedmont-Sardinia, declared 
war on Austria in order to expel Austria's troops from Italy. Miller quotes the French deputy Monsieur 
Keller's remark before the legislative body on March 13, 1861 on the cause of these events: "The Italian 
war was the execution of the will of Orsini." 63 

Meanwhile, Victor Hugo, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, was in exile writing satirical poetry 
against Napoleon. Hugo's poetry was intended to manipulate public opinion to drive the Emperor from 
office. Three of these works were: (1) Napoleon le Petit, an indictment of the "little" Napoleon III as 
opposed to the "great" Napoleon I; (2) Histoire d'un crime, a day-by-day account of Louis Bonaparte's coup 
as seen by a dissentient witness; and (3) Les Chatiments, ranking among his most powerful satirical poems, 
a presentation of Napoleon as a thief and a killer. 64 

As a result, the Emperor's popularity began to decline during the latter half of the 1850s. To perpetuate 
the decline, Joly was chosen in 1860 to take up the cause, which culminated in the Dialogues of Geneva in 

Hugo planted the seed of dissension; Joly cultivated it and Napoleon reaped a harvest of discontent from 
his subjects. During the latter half of the 1860s, the anti-imperial opposition strengthened. In 1871 
Napoleon III was deposed. 

Joly's Source 

How could Joly, a Rosicrucian Freemason, know of the Communist goings-on in Geneva, which caused 
the London Times to call his book the Dialogues of Geneva? Joly was neither a member of the Templar 
Scottish Rite of Grand Orient Freemasonry, nor its left-wing Communist Party. He hated Communism and 
would not have attended their meetings if invited. 

Here is where Cremieux comes in. As Supreme Commander of the Scottish Rite of Grand Orient 
Freemasonry, Cremieux was well aware 


of the agenda of the communist meetings at the Masonic lodge at Geneva and may have attended himself. 
He is known to have induced Joly to write the Dialogues. Whether Cremieux actually handed Joly minutes 
of those Machiavellian meetings or verbally informed him of their contents is not known. In any case, 
Cremietix, a fellow Rosicrucian and intimate of Joly, most certainly guided him in the contents of his 

This is a Masonic modus operandi - as we have seen previously in the relationship between Frederick 
Engels and Karl Marx. Marx followed Engel's suggestions, putting them in revolutionary form. Likewise, 
two decades later Cremieux suggested what Joly should write. Joly, a government lawyer prior to the 
Emperor's rise to power, would be credible. Joly's articles implied that the Machiavellian decisions of the 
several Geneva Communist congresses were the Emperor's plans for the destruction of France. When 
bound in a book, the articles were titled Dialogues of Geneva. As planned, this Masonic disinformation 
aroused public opinion against Napoleon III. 

Joly wrote only under the guarantee of anonymity; hence the pseudonym, Mr. X. Yet, in order to arouse 
public opinion, the author had to be revealed as someone with authority - someone acquainted with the 
political climate of the day. Joly, therefore, was betrayed two months after publication. As a result of this 
unusual and swift exposure, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to two years in prison. 

Joly's exposure, trial, conviction and punishment are another example of the Masonic modus operandi. 
In this world of Masonic intrigue, where the end justifies the means, there are those expendables who are 
used as scapegoats to protect the conspiracy. Joly, only a Blue Lodge Mason, was sacrificed for the greater 
cause. Whether Cremietix exposed Joly is not known, but it is a distinct possibility. Albeit, the scheme 
worked, and Napoleon III was out of government within six years of the publication of Joly's book. 

Who were the winners? First, Rosicrucian English Freemasonry now rid of the man who ousted the 
oligarchy's occupation forces from Italy. Second, French Templar Grand Orient Freemasonry, which 
deposed an Emperor for refusing to take orders from his Masonic hierarchy. Third, Cremieux, whose 
vengeance was the deposition of Napoleon III for denying him high political office. 

Cremieux's revenge, however, had far-reaching consequences. For example, Joly’s book contributed to 
the release of documents called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion, which in turn fueled post- 
World War I Europe against the Jews, giving rise to Fascism. In this climate. Hitler went unchallenged 
when he engineered the slaughter of six million Jews and five million Gentiles in concentration camps. 


Nesta Webster makes a strong case for Joly as the source of the Protocols. In Secret Societies and 
Subversive Movements, she states: 

"The Protocols were largely copied from the book of Maurice Joly, Dialogues aux Enfers entre Machiavel 
et Montesquieu, published in 1864. Let it be said at once that the resemblance between the two works could 
not be accidental. Not only are whole paragraphs almost identical, but the various points in the programme 
follow each other in precisely the same order. -65 

On the other hand, it is plausible to suggest that the Protocols were not a plagiarism of Joly's book at all, 
but were the actual minutes to the Marxist revolutionary meetings held in the Masonic lodge at Geneva. As 
earlier suggested, these notes may have been given to Joly by Cremieux. This author's hypothesis is that 
Joly plagiarized the Geneva minutes, which he reshaped into the Dialogues of Geneva. 

Whether the Protocols were a plagiarism of Joly's book, or the Dialogues a plagiarism of the Protocols, 
the result was the same. Most significant to our investigation is that Joly, a Freemason, was a close 
associate of Cremieux. Cremieux, in turn, was on the Supreme Council of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge at 
Paris. It was from this lodge that the "Protocols" were stolen in 1884. 

If, in fact, Joly did plagiarize the minutes to the Geneva meetings in 1865, apparently they were 
carelessly stored and forgotten in the archives of the Mizraim Lodge. Two decades later they were "found" 
by a casual peruser, who, not knowing their original purpose, stole them. 

An interesting story concerning the 1884 discovery of the Protocols was told in 1934 by Victor E. 
Marsden in his English translation of the Russian Protocols. Marsden had been the Russian correspondent 
for The Morning Post of London when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out. He reports that 

[I]n 1884 [two years after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by Masonic Nihilists] the daughter of a 
Russian general. Mile. Justine Glinka, was endeavoring to serve her country in Paris by obtaining 
political information, which she communicated to General Orgevskii in St. Petersburg. For this purpose 
she employed a Jew, Joseph Schorst, member of the Mizraim Lodge in Paris. One day Schorst offered 
to obtain for her a document of great importance to Russia, on payment of 2,500 francs. This sum being 
received from St. Petersburg was paid over and the document handed to Mile. Glinka. 

She forwarded the French original, accompanied by a Russian translation, to Orgevskii, who in turn 
handed it to his chief. General Cherevin, for transmission to the Tsar. "66 


The document was the French original of The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Sion. 
General Cherevin did not give them to the Royal Court as Glinka had requested. Instead, he filed them, and 
they lay dormant for the next two decades. 

What lends credence to this story is that Mile. Justine Glinka was arrested shortly after on trumped up 
charges, not at all related to the Protocols, and banished to her estate in Orel, Russia. Some believe this was 
engineered by Freemasonry in an attempt to keep Mile. Glinka from further investigation. 67 As for the 
Masonic traitor Joseph Schorst - In payment for his part played in the intrigue, he was hunted down and 
murdered in Egypt possibly by Masonic agents. 68 

The strongest case for linking the Protocols of Sion to Gentile Freemasonry is the Protocols itself. Read 
in the light of Masonic hegemony, the fourth Protocol, for instance, seems to confirm that the 33rd degree 
Supreme Council of Universal Freemasonry, and not Zionist Jews, is the manipulator of world revolution: 

Who or what can dethrone an invisible power? Now, this is just what our Government is. The 
Masonic Lodge throughout the world unconsciously acts as a mask for our purpose. But the use we are 
going to make of this power in our plan of action, and even our headquarters, remain perpetually 
unknown to the world at large. 69 

The "Government" referred to in this Protocol could well be the Supreme Council of Freemasonry. And 
the Dialogues, upon which we believe the Protocols is based, could have been of much earlier origin than 
the 1860s, for it echoes Weishaupt's correspondence with his co- conspirators in the Illuminati. The 
Dialogues could as well have been the correspondence between members of the Templar hierarchy, such as 
Mazzini in Italy, Pike in America, Palmerston in England, and Bismarck in Germany. 

It is also just as likely that Karl Marx, or Mikhail Bakunin, both of whom were at the Geneva Masonic 
Congress, spouted the fourth Protocol from that forum. It certainly would have befitted their Communist 
program. In fact, a segment of Protocol twelve could have been spoken at Geneva against Russia by this 
remnant of Communist Jacobins. It reads: 

Briefly, in order to demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments in Europe, we will 
show our power to one of them by means of crimes of violence, that is to say by a reign of terror. 70 


By using the word "Gentile," the anonymous authors of the Protocols suggested to general readers and 
investigators that the authors and planners of the "crimes of violence" were Jews. When the barbarous 
Bolshevik Revolution destroyed old Russia, conspiracy researchers pointed to this Protocol, because of the 
word "Gentile," and blamed the Revolution on the Jews, who they believed were retaliating against the 
Russian czars for their persecution of the Russian Jewish populations. 

The Protocols, Jack the Ripper and Gentile "Non-Masons" 

Gentile Freemasonry refers to its initiates as Jews, refers to its lodges as Solomon's Temple, and calls 
non-Masons Gentiles. Likewise, a republic founded by Freemasonry and governed by Masons is by 
inference a Jewish nation. Conversely, a kingdom not ruled by Freemasonry, such as Russia, would be 
considered a Gentile nation. Christian Russia, then, would certainly be called a "Gentile government" by 
"them that say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie." 

Stephen Knight documents the Masonic use of the word "Gentile" in The Brotherhood. When a meeting 
is called at the Masonic Temple, he says Masons converge on the lodge from all directions. "Once inside 
the Hall, each turned his steps towards the Crypt, which was cordoned off so that no intruder could make 
his way down the stair and report the goings-on to any 'Gentile'." 71 

Knight connects the Protocols to Gentile Freemasonry by examining a seemingly unrelated subject: the 
notorious murders of Jack the Ripper, committed in 1888 between August and November. "The Jack the 
Ripper murders in the East End of London in 1888," asserts Knight, "were perpetrated according to 
masonic [sic] ritual and a subsequent police cover-up was led by the Commissioner and Assistant Commis¬ 
sioner of the Metropolitan Police, both Freemasons. "72 

To comprehend what is meant by "murders...according to Masonic ritual," we must understand the 
Masonic ceremony of the 3rd degree - the Master Mason degree. Stephen Knight explains the Masonic 
ritual focus on murder: 

Much of Masonic ritual centres on murder. At the 3rd degree, the victim is Hiram Abif, mythical 
architect in charge of the building of Solomon's temple. The ceremony involves the mimed murder of 
Hiram by three Apprentice Masons, and his subsequent resurrection. The three Apprentices are named 
Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum - known collectively as the Juwes [Masonic spelling for Jews]. In masonic 
[sic] lore, the Juwes are hunted 


down and executed, "by the breast being torn open and the heart and vitals taken out and thrown over 
the left shoulder," which closely parallels the details of Jack the Ripper's modus operandi. 73 

In 1888, Sir Charles Warren was Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and one of the country's 

most eminent Freemasons. Two years earlier Warren also helped found the most secret of Masonic Lodges, 
the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research. Knight reports that 

Warren impeded the investigation of the murders at every turn, caused endless confusion and delays, 
and personally destroyed the only clue the Ripper ever left. This was a scrawled chalk message on a 
wall inside a tenement block near the site of the fourth murder. Beneath the message was a blood- 
soaked piece of cloth which Jack the Ripper had recently cut from the apron of his latest victim. The 
message itself, according to a careful copy made by a conscientious PC who was at the scene early - 
which had been concealed in the Scotland Yard files on the case for nearly ninety years before I gained 
access to them - read: 

"The Juwes are 
The Men That 
will not be blamed 
for nothing" 

The moment he was told of this, Warren, who had not previously ventured near the East End. 
rushed to the place before the message could be photographed and washed it away. This has never 
been explained. The truth was that Warren, who had been exalted to the Royal Arch in 1861, had 
realized that the writing on the wall was a masonic -sic] message. 

Warren, a founder of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research and by the time of the 
Ripper murders a Past Grand Sojourner of the Supreme Grand Chapter, knew only too well that the 
writing on the wall was telling the world, "The Free-masons are the men that will not be blamed for 
nothing." 74 

The significance of the word "Juwes" in the Ripper's message will not escape anyone versed in 
Masonic lore. As Knight pointed out in a previous book. Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (1976), 


refer to themselves as Jews, and use the word "Gentile," "borrowed from Hebrew and used to mean non- 

How does the message at the scene of the fourth "Ripper" murder shed light by analogy on who may 
have authored the Protocols? First, it confirms that Freemasonry establishes decoys, then calls those 
decoys Jews. Second, the scrawled chalk message on the wall above the scene of the fourth Ripper murder 
can be extrapolated and applied to all Masonic intrigues and their authors, including authors of the 
Protocols: "The Freemasons are the men that will not be blamed for the Protocols." Third, by making the 
Protocols read like a Jewish manuscript, the Gentile Masonic conspiracy continues unimpeded by sending 
researchers chasing the Jewish scapegoat. 

In 1935, after studying the Protocols and hearing months of testimony, the court at Berne, Switzerland, 
declared that they were not of Jewish origin. If we accept the court's declaration, the only logical 
explanation for the Protocols authorship is Gentile Freemasonry: "those that say they are Jews, and are not, 
but do lie." The creation of the Protocols is another facet of the age-old plot of Satan to destroy both Jews 
and Christians alike. 

Stephen Knight's intent in exposing the reason behind the Masonic use of the word "Juwes" was not to 
reveal Freemasonry's anti-Semitic symbolism, but to tie the Protocols to Gentile Freemasonry. He offers 
even more convincing evidence of the Protocols Masonic authorship:” The translator of the Protocols 
claimed they were in the form of minutes which were removed from a large book of notes for lectures. 

They were signed, he said, by Freemasons of the highest rank, the thirty-third degree." 76 

Thirty-third degree Masons, of course, meet separately from their Masonic brethren of the lower degrees. 
Significantly, Edith Miller informs us that the name of the meeting hall in Paris where the 33rd degree 
Supreme Council of Mizraim Masons gathered was the Sanctuary of Levites, corroborating Knight's 
discovery that Gentile Masons refer to themselves as Jews. 11 Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry sheds 
more light on French Freemasonry's fixation on becoming Jews, when documenting that in the French 
lodges, "Levite" is the "highest of the Masonic Degrees...." 78 How could a person, or persons, who 

supposedly forged the Protocols, have known to connect Jewish terminology used by a Gentile Masonic 
Lodge in Paris, unless he, or they, were 33rd degree Masons from that same lodge? We know that Adolphe 
Cremieux was that Mason who sat on the Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry. We also know that 
the Protocols were stolen from that same Lodge. Stephen Knight concludes: 


It must be stated that the Protocols have been the subject of debate since they first appeared in 
print. Hitler twisted their meaning and alleged that they proved the existence of a worldwide 
conspiracy by the Jews, and used them in a hopeless attempt to justify his extermination programme. 
Chiefly because of the Nazi atrocities many writers have attacked the Protocols as forgeries. The 
argument continues to rage, and there are strong points both for and against. 

An important point to bear in mind is that they had been in existence a long time before they were 
finally published.... Forgeries or not, the product of fanatical minds or not, the fact is they have been 
taken in deadly seriousness by thousands of people. 

Of course, even accepting for a moment that there were no questions of the documents' 
authenticity, it would still be ludicrous to believe that they form the code by which all Freemasons 
live. Most Masons do not progress beyond the third degree, so the vast majority of Freemasons before 
the Protocols were published would never have heard of them. 

But what they [the Protocols] would have conveyed to those high initiates, who not only read 
them, but took them seriously, is fascinating and disturbing. 79 

The Masonic "Protocol" Conspiracy in Russia 

The Reform Jews left Germany for Russia in 1840 to destroy Judaism there. Their tactics were 
reprehensible, resulting in violence and bloodletting. In anger the Reformers spread vicious lies about their 
Jewish brothers, inciting Christian Russia to anti-Semitism. The most horrendous were accusations of blood 
libels. One such incident took place in the small town of Villovich where the Reform Jews took revenge on 
the local rabbi. They dressed up one of their women as the rabbi's wife. "The impersonation was perfect," 
wrote Rabbi Antelman. "She appeared before the local priest and said that she saw the rabbi kill a Christian 
child for Passover. Because of this incident, the rabbi and all the members of his congregation were killed 
after a brief trial. The rabbi's wife and his five remaining children were tortured into accepting 

Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry confirms that "[I]n Russia the Protocols were used to back up 
charges against the Jews for ’ritual murder.'" 1 Is Mackey's statement Freemasonry’s subtle way of 
suggesting that the authors of the Protocols were Reform Jews? 


Protocols of Sion and the Priory of Sion 

The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail suggest that the Priory of Sion, and not the Reform Jews, was 
connected to the Protocols of Sion in Russia. The authors build their case around Rosicrucian French 
Masons who had worked their way into the good graces of Czar Nicholas II. Here is their story: 

The role of Rasputin at the court of Nicholas and Alexandra of Russia is more or less generally 
known. It is not generally known, however, that there were influential, even powerful esoteric enclaves 
at the Russian court long before Rasputin. During the 1890s and 1900s one such enclave formed itself 
around an individual known as Monsieur Philippe and around his mentor, who made periodic visits to 
the imperial court at Petersburg. And Monsieur Philippe's mentor was none other than the man called 
Papus. 82 

Papus (1865-1916), a Gentile, was the Masonic code name for Dr. Gerard Encausse, a 33rd degree 
Mason from Paris, who became the occult adviser of the ill-fated Czar Nicholas U. 83 Papus was Grand 
Master of both Memphis and Mizraim Freemasonries, the two Rosicrucian lodges that had merged in 1875. 

One of Papus's acquaintances was Claude Debussy (1862-1918), a famous composer who set a number of 
Victor Hugo's poems to music. Debussy was the next Grand Master of the Priory of Sion following Hugo's 
death in 1885, and reigned in that position until 1918.84 

Freemason A.E. Waite tells us that in 1894 Papus was also the Grand Master of the Martinist Masonic 
Supreme Council in Paris. Martinism admitted both male and female members on equal terms. This Order 
had a number of lodges throughout Europe and Russia. Chapters were also established in Great Britain, the 
United States, Argentina and Guatemala, as well as throughout the Orient. 85 

Martinism was originally founded in 1754 by a Rosicrucian Spanish Jew named Martines de Pasqually, 
or Martinez Paschalis. The emblem for this branch of Freemasonry consists of six dots, which we have 
learned in a previous chapter is a subtle form of the Masonic six-pointed star. The six-pointed star is the 
same herald of the Priory of Sion, the Mizraim Masonic Lodge and Zionism.86 

Pasqually's Lodges were first organized at Marseilles, Toulouse, and Bordeaux, then in Paris. Before 
long Rosicrucian Martinist lodges spread all over France, with the center at Lyons. Martinism was thought 


to have been a Jewish secret society. It was operated, however, in the same manner as was the Mizraim 
Lodge, in that Jews and Gentiles alike were members. Behind the scenes, however, was the Priory of Sion, 
distinguished by the Rose-Croix capstone in Martinist Lodges. 

Nesta Webster explains: "After the first three Craft degrees came the Cohen degrees of the same - 
Apprentice Cohen, Fellow Craft Cohen, and Master Cohen - then those of Grand Architect, Grand Elect of 
Zembbabel of Knight of the East; but above these were concealed degrees leading up to the Rose-Croix, 
which formed the capstone of the edifice." 87 

Webster also claims that Martinist "disciples inherited from Pasqually a large number of Jewish 
manuscripts." 88 She leaves the reader with the impression that these manuscripts are none other than the 
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion - in existence a full century before they were stolen from its sister 
Mizraim lodge in 1884.89 If so, these documents may only have suggested Judaic origins because of the 
Davidic claims expressed within them by the Priory of Sion. 

A century later the stamp of "Priory of Sion" is even more evident on Martinism when a Freemason 
named Alphonse Louis Constant (1810-1875) joined the Martinist Order. Constant was a Gentile Mason 
who assumed the Jewish name - Eliphas Levi. This is the same Eliphas Levi who assisted the Grand Master 
of Sion, Charles Nodier, in methodically sifting and cataloging thousands of Templar documents looted 
from the Vatican by Napoleon Bonaparte. Levi was also acquainted with Nodier's successor, Victor Hugo. 
After Levi joined the Martinist Masonic lodge, the lodge merged with both the Memphis and Mizraim 

Levi apparently had access to the forgotten Protocol documents in the Mizraim Lodge a decade before 
they were discovered in 1884. Webster informs us that "[bjefore his death in 1875 Eliphas Levi announced 
that in 1879 a new political and religious ’universal Kingdom’ would be established, and that it would be 
possessed by ’him who would have the keys of the East.'"90 

Three Protocols have significant relationship to this prophecy: 

Protocol 15: When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe 
he will become patriarch of the world. 

Protocol 17: The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the patriarch of an 
international Church 

Protocol 24: I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the last 
strata of the earth. 


The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David 
must sacrifice to his people all Personal inclinations. 

These Protocols are highly suggestive of the Priory of Sion, those who claim to be of the seed of David. 
Eliphas Levi most likely was referring to Sion's King of Jerusalem cult when he prophesied, "A new 

political and religious 'universal Kingdom' will be established, and it will be possessed by 'him who would 
have the keys of the East.'" 

The authors of Holy Blood inform us that Victor Hugo and Eliphas Levi were both members of the same 
Martinist Lodge. 91 As we have seen, Victor Hugo was associated with Maurice Joly and Adolphe Cremieux 
in the sister Lodge of Mizraim Freemasonry. Papus, who was Grand Master of both the Mizraim and 
Memphis lodges, was also a Martinist, and acquainted himself with Hugo's successor Claude Debussy. All 
these men, except Cremieux, were Gentiles. 

This circumstantial evidence points to the Priory of Sion as the author of the Protocols. In the Old 
Testament, King Solomon himself, who is revered by all Masons, says in Proverbs 14:9, "The common 
bond of rebels is their guilt. "92 In other words, these Masonic rebels are guilty by association. 

French Martinism and English Freemasonry 

English Freemason A.E. Waite states that French Martinism had shut its doors to Masons belonging to 
English Freemasonry. 93 Yet Edith Miller, in Appendix IV of Occult Theocrasy, reproduced a private letter 
dated March 26, 1906, from one "Dorec" to 33rd degree Grand Orient Mason Theodore Reuss, informing 
him that 33rd degree English Mason John Yarker was the Martinist delegate in London.- 

Miller claims the existence of another private letter, in which Papus refers to himself as the delegate of 
John Yarker for the Swedenborg Rite in France. Correspondence of this nature between the most note¬ 
worthy Masons of that day contradicts Mr. Waite and reveals that Mr. Waite is spreading disinformation by 
alleging a feud between English Masonry and French Martinism where none exists. 95 

It is true that Rosicrucian English Freemasonry severed fellowship in 1877 with Templar French Grand 
Orient Freemasonry. However Martinism is not Grand Orient Templarism, but rather, Rosicrucianism. 
Naturally there would be a tie to English Freemasonry. Obviously the French Martinists would want to 
keep this familial tie secret in order 


to keep abreast of the developments in Templar French Masonry. Martinism apparently functioned as an 
intelligence lodge for English Freemasonry, as did Mizraim. Later the two merged with Memphis, their 
English counterpart. 

A.E. Waite could not have been ignorant of this fact. If cognizant, he would have published an opposing 
view in an attempt to hide the facts. His motive would be to protect Rosicrucian Orders on the Continent, 
which were subversive to the Templar Grand Orient. No other interpretation makes sense of why the 
hierarchy of the Templar Grand Orient - Dorec and Reuss - would expose the connection. 

Apparently, Rosicrucian Martinism was a front for the Priory of Sion. English Freemasonry used it as 
an intelligence gathering lodge in the same manner as it did the Mizraim Lodge. Both having similar 
doctrine, they merged in 1875. As the Mizraim Masonic Lodge provided for Great Britain moles in the 
French Templar Scottish Rite Lodge, through double agents such as Cremieux and Levi, so Papus served in 
that same capacity when Mizraim merged with Martinism following the deaths of Levi and Cremieux in 
1875 and 1880. 

There are other Martinist ties to British Freemasonry. In 1887 Martinist Freemason Papus joined the 
Theosophist Society, a Rosicrucian order headquartered in New York, with a branch in Paris. The 
Theosophist Society was founded in 1775 by female Freemason Helena Blavatsky, who moved her 
headquarters from New York to London in 1887. In 1891 Papus helped found the Gnostic Catholic Church. 
In 1895 he became a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, an English Masonic Rosicrucian order 
founded in 1887 in London, with a branch in the Paris Lodge Ahathoor. In 1902 Papus became Grand 
Master of the newly formed homicidal Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) at Paris, a spin-off of the Golden 

In 1899 Philippe de Lyon, protege' of Papus, went to Russia and established the Priory of Sion's 
Martinist lodge at the imperial court, possibly initiating Grigoni Rasputin, since it is known that Grigorii 
was a Martinist. Philippe was introduced to the Imperial Court first, oddly enough, by the same man who 
was Rasp tin's sinister adviser, the anti-Zionist and Reform Jew, Manoussevitch Manouilof (see chapter 
19). In 1900 Papus followed Philippe to St. Petersburg, where Papus became a confidant of the Czar and 
Czarina. Papus visited Russia on at least three occasions, the last in 1906. When he became Grand Master 

in Fiance of London's O.T.O., Papus then carried the rituals of this homicidal Masonic lodge to Russia, 
initiating many Russians in St. Petersburg in preparation for the Russian Revolution. Papus died on October 
25, 1916, one year before he could taste the rotten fruits of his labor in the bloody Bolshevik ~ 


Substantial evidence suggests that high Masons in France, England and Russia were involved in the 
Russian Revolution. In fact communications were shuttled back and forth between Europe and Russia prior 
to the Bolshevik Revolution by high Masons. Among them were 33rd degree John Yarker, who represented 
the Martinist Order at London; 33rd degree Papus, who, according to Miller's documents, was under the 
control of Yarker; Freemason Philippe, who was the mentor of Papus, and Rasputin, who in turn was the 
Martinist mole in the Royal Court at St. Petersburg following Philippe. All these High Masons were 
Gentiles not Jews. 

As evidenced by the Masonic activities between Russia and France at the turn of the 20th century, both 
English and French Freemasonry were cooperating in fomenting the Russian Revolution. These activities, 
with the arrival of the stolen Protocols taken from a French lodge and carried to Russia, were significant in 
stopping Zionism at the Russian border. In 1903 the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were first 
translated into Russian and published. Whether engineered by this coalition of subversives or not, the 
events which led up to their circulation could not have been by accident. 

The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail outline the sequence of events. The Protocols were stolen from 
the Mizraim Lodge in 1884 and taken to Russia by Mile. Justine Glinka. She gave a copy to Alexis 
Sukhotin, the marshal of the district of Orel who in turn showed them to two friends Stepanov and a 
contemptible old man named Sergei Nilus. In 1903 Nilus presented the Protocols to the Czar. The Czar, 
who had placed himself under the occult council of the two subversive Freemasons, Philippe and Rasputin, 
declared the document to be an outrageous fabrication and ordered all copies of it desttoyed. Nilus was 
banished from the court in disgrace. 97 

The document, or a copy of it, survived. In 1903 it was serialized in a newspaper, but failed to attract 
interest. In 1905 it was published again as an appendix to a book by a distinguished mystical philosopher, 
Vladimir Soloviov. This time it began to attract attention. In following years it became one of the single 
most infamous documents of the twentieth century. 98 

Protocols of the Priory of Sion 

The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail argue strongly that the Protocols have a Masonic source - the 
Priory of Sion: 


Modern scholars have dismissed them as a total forgery, a wholly spurious document concocted by 
anti-Semitic interests intent on discrediting Judaism. And yet the Protocols them-selves argue 
strongly against such a conclusion. They contain, for example, a number of enigmatic references - 
references that are clearly not Judaic. But these references are so clearly not Judaic that they cannot 
plausibly have been fabricated by a forger, either. No anti-Semitic forger with even a modicum of 
intelligence would possibly have concocted such references in order to discredit Judaism. For no one 
would have believed these references to be of Judaic origin. 

Thus, for instance, the text of the Protocols ends with a single statement, "Signed by the 
representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree." 

Why would an anti-Semitic forger have made up such a statement? Why would he not have 
attempted to incriminate all Jews, rather than just a few - the few who constitute "the representatives 
of Sion of the 33rd Degree?" Why would he not declare that the document was signed by, say, the 
representatives of the international Judaic congress? In fact, the "representatives of Sion of the 33rd 
Degree" would hardly seem to refer to Judaism at all, or to any "international Jewish conspiracy." If 
anything, it would seem to refer to something specifically Masonic. 

The Protocols contain other even more flagrant anomalies. The text speaks repeatedly, for example. 

of the advent of a "Masonic kingdom. 

The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail concluded: "On the basis of prolonged and systematic research 
we reached certain conclusions about the Protocols of the Elders of Sion. They are: 

1. There was an original text on which the published version of the Protocols was based. This original 
text was not a forgery. On the contrary, it was authentic. But it had nothing whatever to do with 
Judaism or an "international Jewish conspiracy." It issued, rather, from some Masonic organization 
or Masonically oriented secret society that incorporated the word "Sion." 

2. The original text on which the published version of the Protocols was based need not have been 
provocative or inflammatory in its language. But it may very well have 


included a program for gaining power, for infiltrating Freemasonry, for controlling social, political, 
and economic institutions. 

3. The original text on which the published version of the Protocols was based fell into the hands of 
Sergei Nilus. Nilus did not at first intend it to discredit Judaism. On the contrary, he brought it to the 
czar with the intention of discrediting the esoteric enclave at the imperial court - the enclave of 
Papus, Monsieur Philippe, and others who were members of the secret society in question. Before 
doing so he almost certainly doctored the language, rendering it far more venomous and 
inflammatory than it initially was. When the czar spurned him, Nilus then released the Protocols for 
publication in their doctored form. They had failed in their primary objective of compromising 
Papus and Monsieur Philippe. But they might still serve a secondary purpose - that of fostering anti- 
Semitism. Although Nilus' chief targets had been Papus and Monsieur Philippe, he was hostile to 
Judaism as well. 

4. The published version of the Protocols is not, therefore, a totally fabricated text. It is, rather, a 
radically altered text. But despite the alterations certain vestiges of the original version can be 
discerned.... These vestiges - which referred to a king, a Pope, an international church, and to Sion - 
probably meant little or nothing to Nilus. He certainly would not have invented them himself. But if 
they were already there, he would have had no reason, given his ignorance, to excise them. And 
while such vestiges might have been irrelevant to Judaism, they might have been extremely relevant 
to a secret society. As we learned subsequently, they were - and still are - of paramount importance 
to the Prieure de Sion." 

The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail conclude that the Protocols issued from the 33rd Degree Supreme 
Council of the Rite of Mizraim, which in turn is controlled by the Priory of Sion! They were "signed by the 
representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree." The phrase "representatives of Sion" does not imply that the 
signatories were part of a group called "Sion," but rather, is indicative of agents, or, shall we say, a front for 
some organization which incorporates the name "Sion": 
namely the Priory of Sion. The Mizraim Lodge was that front. 

The mistake made by the Supreme Council of Mizraim is the mistake made by all Freemasonry. It never 
destroys any of its written work. 


Every word spoken in every Supreme Council throughout the world is recorded and safeguarded for 

A handful of modern conspiracy researchers link the covert Priory of Sion to the Protocols of the 
Learned Elders of Sion. These investigators do not see the Protocols associated in any way with genuine 
Jewish Zionism that exists overtly. J.R. Church is one of them. He said. "The title itself, which mentions 
the 'learned elders of Zion,' seems to refer to the mystery religion of the so-called Holy Grail and to the 
Priory of Sion organized by Godfroi de Bouillon in 1099 for the purpose of establishing a world 

government and providing a Merovingian king for its throne."'100 

Finally, according to the Chicago Daily News, June 23, 1920 (p.2), Empress Alexandra, wife of Czar 
Nicholas II, noted in her diary under the date April 7, 1918 (OS): "Nicholas read to us the protocols of the 
free masons.'" 101 

Commentary on the Protocols of Sion 

Protocol 1: Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invisible 
than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that 
no cunning can any longer undermine it. 

Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate 
without running the risk of seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught. 

This Protocol describes an organism that houses a hidden "power." We believe the organism is 
Freemasonry housing the Priory of Sion. It was the Priory of Sion that founded the Rose-Croix, which in 
turn founded English Freemasonry. This began many centuries ago, as the Protocol indicates. 

The statement, "Before us is a plan., the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of 
seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught," suggests that Sion is in serious trouble. Perhaps 
this refers to the establishment of the unexpected movement of Zionism in Russia. The "plan" which is 
"before us" may also refer to a takeover of Russia to stop the Zionist movement. 

Protocol 3: To-day [sic] I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a 
small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the 
Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. 


When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vise. 

When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be crowned it is these same hands 
which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance thereto. 

"Ours" they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be known to us and we shall take 
measures to protect our own. 

Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in 
the end they should turn also from us in favour of that King-Despot of the blood of Sion, whom we are 
preparing for the world. 

The symbols referred to in this Protocol are of course Rosicrucian. The symbol of the Priory of Sion's 
Rosicmcian Order is a rose, representing the Serpent, wormed around the upright part of the Christian 
Cross. The second symbol of the Rosicrucians was the circle, or snake biting its own tail, superimposed on 
the Christian cross. This same symbol of the snake is incorporated in the 33rd degree Masonic Jewel 
(Appendix 2, Fig. 7). 

Dr. John Coleman, a retired British intelligence officer, states in Black Nobility Unmasked, that the 
Monarchs of Europe have always referred to themselves as "Crowned Cobras." The monarchs of Europe 
carry the Grail blood. All of them, according to Coleman, are Masons of the British obedience. 

The statement: "'Ours' they will not touch," etc., eliminates the possibility that the Protocol is Jewish. If 
the Protocols outlined a Jewish conspiracy, the "our" would have evaded the holocaust of Hitler, according 
to this Protocol. Yet, after World War II it was Freemasonry, as we shall learn in chapter 24, that came 
back stronger than ever, founding the United Nations. 

Finally, this Protocol identifies the Priory of Sion with the statement "King-Despot of the blood of Sion, 
whom we are preparing for the world." This obviously refers to Sion's reigning "King of Jerusalem." 

Protocol 4: Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what 
our force is. Gentile masonry [sic] blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of 
action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery. 

As we have seen, the Priory of Sion's kings believe themselves to be Jews. When the Priory founded 
Freemasonry, it was mainly Gentiles 


who joined. Gentiles are its predominant members and leaders. Naturally the Priory would call 
Freemasonry "Gentile Masonry." 

Protocol 5: In place of the rulers of to-day [sic] we shall set up a bogey which will be called the 
Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all direction like nippers and its 
organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the 

What is the "bogey" that is to be called "the Super-Government Administration?" There are two 
possibilities here. First, this could refer to Russian Communism, which would be used to conquer the 
world. The top governing power in the U.S.S.R. was called the Supreme Soviet. Soviet in Russian means 
Council. In other words, it was the Supreme Council that ruled former Soviet Russia, the same Supreme 
Council we find in 33rd degree Freemasonry. Second, this body could be the League of Nations. Following 
World War I, as we shall see in chapter 21, the League was founded by French Freemasonry. After World 
War II, English Freemasonry founded the United Nations. The United States of Europe became a reality by 
1993. We shall learn that it too is of Masonic origin. From this may come the world kingdom of the Beast - 
the ultimate "bogey." 

Protocol 8: We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why 
economic sciences [work]. [They come] from the principal subject of the teaching given to the Jews. 
Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and - the main 
thing - millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures. 

Notice this Protocol mentions the "Jews," but in a disconnected sense, as if they are used by the 
conspiracy for their economic prowess alone. This Protocol suggests why English Freemasonry is overloaded with 
Jewish bankers and economists. The Priory of Sion admits that Jews are superior economically. Incidentally, the 
word "Jew" is mentioned only twice in the Protocols, and both times in a disconnected sense. 

Protocol 10: These schemes will not turn existing institutions upside down just yet. They will only 
affect changes in their economy and consequently in the whole combined movement 


of their progress, which will thus be directed along the paths laid down in our schemes. 

By such measures we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, all that at the 
outset when we enter on our rights, we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States to 
prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is 
come to turn every form of government into our despotism. 

This Protocol enunciates the format of English Freemasonry, called "gradualism," whereas its adversary, 
French Masonry, takes over rapidly and viciously. 

Protocol 15: When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe 
he will become patriarch of the world. 

Twelve royal families in Europe today have Grail blood flowing through their veins. Two of them carry 
the title of "King of Jerusalem:" Otto von Habsburg, Pretender to the Austrian throne, and Juan Carlos, 
King of Spain. 

Protocol 17: The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the patriarch of an 
international Church. 

But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in 
ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight them by criticism 
calculated to produce schism.... 

Notice that "The King of the Jews" will replace the Pope. Jews would not be concerned with replacing 
the Pope. They do not even recognize the Church. On the other hand, the Priory of Sion used the Catholic 
Church to build its empire. It was subject to the Roman Church for centuries, but withdrew during the 
Reformation, and through Free-masonry became adversarial to the Church. Naturally, the Priory would 
want to call their king "the real Pope of the Universe." 

Also, notice the reference to New Age religion. Before the New Age can be perfected, the Protocol states 
that "criticism" must first divide the Church. This "criticism" is likely the new "Biblical criticism," the 
sources of which Orthodox Rabbi Marvin Antelman has revealed to us. In his book. To Eliminate The 
Opiate, he devotes a whole chapter entitled "The Birth of Biblical Criticism" to the subject. He lays 
Biblical Criticism at the feet of the Frankist-Reform Jews who were protected 


by illuminated Masonic lodges in Germany. Rabbi Antelman confirms that Biblical criticism did not 
originate with Orthodox Jews, but rather; was orchestrated by apostate Jews bent on the destruction of 
Jude- Christian religion. 

Protocol 20: We shall so hedge about our system of accounting that neither the ruler nor the most 
insignificant public servant will be in a position to divert even the smallest sum from its destination 
!sic] with-out detection or to direct it in another direction except that which will be once fixed in a 
definite plan of action. 

Is this the Mark of the Beast? 

Protocol 24:1 pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the last 
strata of the earth. 

Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and their heirs, selecting not by right 
of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the political, 
into schemes of government, but providing always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. 
The object of this mode of action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those 
who have not been inducted into the secret places of its art. 

The king's plans of action for the current moment, and all the more so for the future, will be 
unknown, even to those who are called his closest counselors. 

Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. 

The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David 
must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations. 

The Priory of Sion is the protector of the so-called seed of King David. Notice in the second paragraph 
the statement that many kings and their heirs are being prepared, but only one will be selected. There are 
twelve royal families of Grail blood in Europe today. The entire 24th Protocol seems to describe the 
"hidden hand" in the Priory of Sion, which we believe is housed in the 33rd degree of English 


(Not printed at Government expense) 


Corrected Testimony of Mrs. Catherine P. 
Baldwin on the United Nations Charter 






Saturday, July 28 (legislative day of 
Monday, July 9), 1945 

Mr. LANOER. Mr. President, I ask 
unanimous consent to have printed in 
the Appendix of the Record the corrected 
testimony on the United Nations Char¬ 
ter, given by Mrs, Catherine P. Baldwin, 
of New York City, before the Committee 
on Foreign Relations. ' 

There being no objection, ■ 

mony was ordered to be printed in the 
Record, as follows: 

Mrs. Baldwin. My name Is Mrs. Catherine 
F. Baldwin, 1245 Madison Avenue, New York 
City. I represent myself; an American 
woman, a mother, a grandmother. 

The Chairman. Proceed. 

Mrs. Baldwin. I am objecting to this char¬ 
ter as given to us from San Francisco be¬ 
cause it is in contradiction to our United 
States Constitution, which all of you Sena¬ 
tors, and the President of the United States, 
and every man who holds office from the 
highest to the lowest, in this country, is 
sworn to uphold. If you. sign this charter 
you are signing away the sovereign rights of 
the people of this country, which you are 
not authorized to do. You are given specific 
instructions when you are sent here to repre¬ 
sent us. Those authorities are clearly de¬ 

I do not concur with Senator Vandenbeso 
when he says we should accept this because 
it was agreed upon by President Roosevelt at 
Yalta—when we were told it was San Fran¬ 

The late Mr. Roosevelt is not here to speak 
for himself. And, furthermore, be had not 
the authority to promise anything in the 
name of the American people without the 
concurrence of two-thirds of this body— ' 
which has not been given. 

This is, to my mind, a very direct attempt 
to sabotage the Constitution of the United 
States, to take away our sovereign rights. 

It is not a new plan. It is one that has 
been going on for many, many years. Im¬ 
mediately after the last? War the procession 
Btarted. The highly financed propaganda 
permeated pur. schools. Our colleges, our 
churches, 'ft fact, every phase of our Ameri¬ 
can life. Attempts have been made to de¬ 
stroy the Star-Spangled Banner—they are 
still going on. Our histories were rewritten 
so that you would not recognize American 
history. , 

Gentlemen, it is in fact the apex of the 
pyramid we are facing today. It Is well 
known to the people throughout the length 
and breadth of this land. The women know 
what is going on, and we do not Intend to 
stand by and see our sons sent again to fight 
another' foreign war which is not of our 

Under this charter five men not elected, 
merely appointed, whom we do not know and 
whom we may not trust, are given the des¬ 
tiny of this country. It is a demagogic, oli¬ 
garchic project. It is an Instrument of war. 

You say that this is an Instrument for 
peace, but it ls.well known throughout the 
length and breadth of this land that World 
War in Is in the making. That war Kill be 
with Russia. That war will be In the Middle 
East. We women are not willing to be silent 

and see our boys drafted again and sent to 
the four corners of the earth to fight and to 
give away our substance. 

Under this charter you say we will distrib¬ 
ute the raw materials of the world. That is 
not new, either. You can find that in the 
1833 edition of Andrew Carnegie’s book, 
Triumphant Democracy, the last chapter, A 
Look Ahead, or the Reunion of Britain and>. 

If you give away our raw materials, you 
will be trespassing on States’ rights.. H you 
give them away, you are sending the Aw ma¬ 
terials of this country to foreign powers who 
will manufacture them at the lOw European 
level, and the goods will be Rent back here 
for us to buy. It clearly tells us that because 
England will ce&trol the seas she will supply 
the Atlantic States and the West, dr Pacific 
States, and bur manufacturers can supply 
the Middle States., We will not like it at 
flrftptiiey say, but we will soon find it is our 
-duty to the mother country. , . 

When you say that you will give, away bil¬ 
lions of dollars of our money to England, 
Russia, and the rest Of the world, where are 
you going to get that money? Where is it 
coming from? Or are you banking on the 
capital-levy tax that is in the making? 

Those are things the people of the United 
States should know. 

I am willing to say that if, under due 
process of law, you submit this charter as an 
amendment to the Constitution, to the peo¬ 
ple of this country—and after a full and 
free and honest discussion of the merits 
and demerits. of the matter—they vote to 
give away -their sovereignty and their sub¬ 
stance, then I have nothing further to say. 
But, until that is done, under the consti¬ 
tutional process of the United States, then 
I do object, and object strongly. I am not 
willing to have my sons or Wy grandsons 
drafted to be put under the authority of 
five men whom I do not know, or know any¬ 
thing about, or know what their idea of 
life Is. 

When the President of the United States 
went before your body, he did not tell you 
that this charter guaranteed one single lota 
of anything. He simply told you it “seeks” 
to do this, it "seeks” to do this, it “seeks” 
to do this. It means nothing; nothing at 
all. You cannot go before the American 
electorate today with a lot of verbiage, and 
ask them to give away their substance. 

This charter -guarantees nothing. But 
under the Constitution of the United States, 
and the Bill of Rights, I am guaranteed life, 
liberty, and the pursuit of -happiness. 

Some ol your colleagues—challenged—have 
admitted on the public platform that this is 
unconstitutional. If it is unconstitutional, I 
do not see how you can even discuss it here 
in the Senate- 

Several of you Senators have admitted if. 
Some of you have said we must circumvent 
the Constitution. 

There are' groups in this country, highly 
financed pressure groups, who are doing very 
good propaganda Work down here in Wash¬ 
ington. But you are not hearing from the 
rank and file back home. 

I wish you could be in my place. I go to 
market and stand perhaps 2 hours to see if 
I can get enough food for my family for the 
day. The people are very bitter; they talk 
to me. The colored, the white, the Christian, 
the Jew, and the Gentile. They say, "What 
does it all mean? Of course, we know war 
is in the making.. They are not fooling us. 
What is the matter with the Senate down in 
Washington? What are they down there 

Gentlemen, the people of this country are 
slow to arouse. They know they have been 
betrayed. They have talked, but you turned 
a silent ear. There comes a time in the his¬ 

tory of every country'wSen the people’s sil¬ 
ence is very dangerous. 

Asm the Bible of old, it is said, 'Tut on the 
taxes. &£f"the people grumbled. Put on 
mCrejfis. And the people grumbled. And 
so keg as the people grumbled it was all 
right. But when they put on more taxes, and 
the people were ellent, they knew it was the 
danger signal.” 

When I go to meetings of the highly 
financed pressure groups, as I went to that 
of the Women for Victory, or the Women's 
Action Committee, and I hear Anne O’Hare 
McCormick say, “We women put over pro¬ 
hibition in the last.war while the boys were 
away; and we women All put over the world 
government while the-boys are away in this 
war”; gentlemen. Is that fair? Is that 
honest? Is that honorable? Is It American? 

You will probably hear from them. T have 
seen some of their members here. 

And when I. go to the meeting of the 
ftrminiiiiiteai fur Hut niiii nnl~ntinn of Peace. 
and I hear Mr. Shotwell say “The postwar 
world will not be governed by international 
financiers, but by international cartels,” I 
say, gentlemen, under this charter’we are 
going to get international cartels, demagogic 
government by five men. 

I am sure that you will agree with ms that 
the honorable, honest way for the United 
States Senate to handle this matter is by 
constitutional means. No one can criticise 
you for that, when you'go before your elec¬ 
torate and tell them the truth of what this 
document stands for and what it means. 

Mr. Connallt, you, yourself, said it would 
be done by constitutional means. The Re¬ 
publican platform said It would be done by 
constitutional means. The Democratic plat¬ 
form said it would be done by constitutional 


Mr. Fulbright said it would be done by 
constitutional means; I heard Mr. Fulbeioht, 
at the luncheon for the Commission for the 
Organization for Peade, say, “We freshmen 
Congressmen went to Congress pledged to the 
world government.” 

Gentlemen, did he forget that he took an 
oath of office to uphold the Constitution of 
the United States, or does not an oath of 
office mean anything any more? If It does 
not, then it is time the American people 
knew it. 

We are not children; we understand what 
is going on. We think it is just about time 
we got back to the founding fathers, and 
to the Constitution of the United States. 
I know that when you think at this in your 
serious moments you will not want to put 
yourselves in the position of having the peo¬ 
ple back home spy that you were not true to 
your oaths. 

I beg of you, gentlemen, before you put 
your names to this document, to weigh it 

This is not a peace document; this is a 
document of force, of aggression, of grab¬ 
bing—grabbing the raw materials of this 
country; grabbing our boys, grabbing our 

We went to war in 1776 because of unfair 
taxes. What do you think we are going to do 
when you try to tax us to send billions of 
dollars to Europe and all over the world? 
Do you think we are going to stand for that? 
And where are you going to get it? These 
are the things you must weigh, and think of 
carefully. These are the things you must 
discuss. These are the things for which you 
must answer to the American people. 

So, gentlemen, in all fairness, I, an Amer¬ 
ican woman, a mother, and a grandmother, 
I beg you—do not go down In history as the 
betrayers of your country. 

I thank you. 

The Chairman. Thank you very much, 
Mrs. Baldwin. 


Helen Peters 

Conspiracy is invisible otherwise there would be no need 
for this book. In fact, if conspiracy WERE visible, there 

would BE no conspiracy. 

The origin of the Union Jack conspiracy is its 
mockery of Christ in Rev. 1:8. It is made up 
of two outstanding crosses. X is Alpha. + is 
Omega. This is what Christ called Himself. 

The rulership of the world by the British 
Empire is a usurpation of the sovereignty of 
Jesus Christ The mongrel banner shown on 
the front cover originated in the mind of a 
demented tyrant who acquired his mammoth 
fortune in America - one Andrew Carnegie. 

This half Union Jack and half Stars and 
Stripes mean more than a freak flag waving 
in the breeze. It represents a Satanic 
conspiracy to control the world with a 
pseudoChristianity that is opposite to the 
grace of Jesus Christ. 



• Prologue and Dedication 

• British Israel Propaganda And Deceit 

• Political Messianism And The Right Wing 

(Undermining America With Americanism) 

• Identification of British Israel And Its Goals 

(Undermining America With Anti- 
Communism and "Patriotism") 

• World Evangelism And The Scofield Bible 

(Undermining America With "Christianity”) 

• British Israel - Judeo-Masonry And The 

Catholic Church 

(Undermining America With Jew-bait And 
Anti- Catholicism) 

• The Hope Of Israel Is The Triumph Of 


(Undermining Christianity with 

• Masonry And British Israelism 
(Undermining America With Brotherhood) 



This Book Proposes 

to Awaken the Honest Seekers to the Truth 


1. Conspiracy accomplishes most of its 
purpose under a "Christian cloak". 

2. Conspiracy enlists the "patriots" to promote 
the conspiracy without their knowing it. 

3. World Government is already a fact and all 
nations have bowed their knee to Baal. 

4. Baal has a universal religion to deceive the 
world -- the Kingdom Message. 

5. Baal has a world "money" system and it is 
called monetized debt. 

6. The thought police in America have 
changed our language to deceive us in our 
own thoughts. 

7. The Constitution of the United States of 
America is an imaginary relic that still 
deceives the people into believing that they 
have freedom. The belief that it is still there 
when it is in fact not there promotes the 
illusion of freedom. 

8. Government is organized crime and 
continues in power because it has the 
support of the people. It has the support of 
the people because they have been 
humanized through the influence of the 
Masonic Lodges and the "Church of their 

9. The Anglo-American Government has stolen 
the wealth of the world with their paper 

10. The Government owes nothing and 
pays nothing. It simply issues monetized 
debt (paper "money") for all goods and 
services that it wants and continues to roll 
over and expand debt. Government debt is 
a polite term for theft. 

11. The United States Government does 
not need to collect taxes from its citizens 
because the citizens cannot pay taxes with 
monetized debt, called dollars. 

12. The work of the Internal Revenue 
Service is to regulate and control 
consumption and to gather information for 


Big Brother. 

13. To keep a nation of willing slaves the 
Government must control religion, 
education, and regulate consumption. 

14. Governments cannot control and 
deceive Christians. 

15. Governments cannot control people 
who barter and do not use the paper money 
debt system. 




Will it be said by future generations that this 
nation died without suspecting the cause of its 
mortal sickness? 

It requires approximately one thousand minutes 
reading this volume, after which the reader will 
reject or accept it, as it is no haven for neutrals 
and no camouflage for treason. It is intended that 
this revelation will force upon the reader an 
unequivocal division of the issues pertaining to a 
suffering world; that he may penetrate the deeper 
meaning of world revolution from which he will 
find himself on one side or the other. It will, it is 
hoped, remove the veil of imaginary patriotism 
and catapult the reader from his state of euphoria 
into the conscious reality of the spiritual power 
that has moulded him into a mental zombie. 

This is not a justification for the preconditioning 
of the American people but a challenge to it. It is 
most definitely not an essay on the social evils of 
a collective world state but is an analysis of its 
spirit of subterfuge. 

Seeing that Christianity could not be consumed 
by so many and great persecutions, but t from 
them instead the impetus to "fill the whole earth," 
the workers of wrath have attacked the 
conscience of the world by fabricating a 
counterfeit Christianity. More deceptively 
however, they have added the dimension of 
feigned persecution to their stratagem of 
"Fundamental Christianity," the reaction to which 
is to deceive humanity into a world social state in 
the name of Jesus Christ. Americans will be 
surprised to learn that America is being used as 
the major incubator of this neo-orthodox 
Christianity which is not antagonistic to Marxian 
Communism at all, but is indeed the spirit of it. It 
is this spiritual Communism in the guise of 
Christianity that is to emerge as the crowning 
achievement of world revolution. 



This book is solemnly dedicated to two great 
women, Helen P. Lasell and Catherine P. Baldwin. 
Their research and writings lead to the "nigger in 
the woodpile" of the American captivity--the 
British Empire. 

This is a time of treason when men rise up as 
patriots so as to become traitors. Nothing has 
been left undone to hide the truth from the 
American people. The work of these two patriots 
is little known and every effort to discredit and 
destroy their invaluable work has been carried 

The worth to American freedom of these women 
cannot be measured but it has only come to the 
attention of a precious few. The time is already 
come that bears positive proof that their appraisal 
of conspiracy, its sources and trends are accurate 
and any honest contender for knowledge can only 
come to the same conclusions if the vital link of 
their efforts can be supplied. This is a humble 
effort toward that end. May they rest in peace! 



In this discourse we shall demonstrate the 
incredibility that the British Empire is the source 
of the world's agony and that it has disguised this 
fact to the millions of humanity that it controls. 
While the Empire has advanced what Americans 
understand as international Communism with 
increased momentum since World War II, it has 
for over one hundred years been preparing the 
people of America through their churches for 
what would appear as a spontaneous reaction to 
the threatened evil of a world Communist slave 
state. Through a long process of religious re¬ 
education, British propaganda (called British 
Israel in this context because of its self identity 
with Christianity) has solidified the thinking of 
the American people to an unshakeable 
Pharisaism which has led them to expect divine 
deliverance from Communism into the universal 
kingdom of God on earth. 

To recognize the gangster perpetrators of this 
stratagem all that is necessary is to recognize the 
veiled identity of the British Empire. It is given to 
us as the kingdom of God on earth. It is the 
kingdom of God British Empire that has sown 
world chaos in the name of Russian Communism. 
It is through the established conflict of Russian 
Communism versus the fiction of Christian 
Civilization that is planned to deceive the world 
into the most absolute tyranny under the 
sanctimonious pretense of God's kingdom on 

Of course it seems ridiculous to suggest that the 
international villain is the British Empire to the 
American people, who have been told a million 
times over that the Empire is nigh extinction and 
only through the grace of Uncle Sam remains 
even a semblance of political and economic 
stability. Of course we Americans do not think in 
terms of Machiavellian power politics and 
therefore we cannot understand what we cannot 
see. We emphasize that the British Empire today 
is hidden beneath its pseudonym, kingdom of 
God on earth. Unless one can translate in his 
mind this fact he cannot be convinced of the yet 


universal power of the British Empire, nor 
recognize its propaganda. 

To make truth of the accusation that the British 
Empire is all powerful and is working intrigue 
through the spiritual deceit of a synthetic 
Christianity, we shall decode the meaning of the 
kingdom message propaganda that has swamped 
America like the black plague, completely 
oblivious to a people preoccupied with the decoy 
of Russian Communism. 

The overthrow of the American nation appears to 
the American people to fit their logic of dividing 
war and chaos between the bad guys and the 
good guys. But the thought processes of Satan do 
not cater to the ideal and the conventional. The 
American people are entangled in myth and 
countermyth which has brought them to a 
planned state of confusion. They are in, what 
seems to them, an ideological split between 
Christianity and Communism. We make it our 
task to prove that this pretended Christianity is 
as materialistic and Communistic as its supposed 
adversary. Then we shall show the essential 
ingredient of this Christian-Communism and 
establish for it a common denominator which will 
demonstrate many times over that it is 
inseparable from what Americans have been 
propagandized to believe is a world despotism 
with the name Communism. 

The norm of revolution does not allow for human 
understanding and reason. Revolution and the 
overthrow of national governments does not 
transpire at the ideal level. What cannot be 
measured by a ruler does not exist to most 
Americans and their inclination to choose 
between those ideals that appear stands in 
opposition to the fact of revolution which has no 
ideal but parasites upon ideal. Satan builds 
synthetic truth and proceeds to persecute it the 
more to make it flourish. 

The so-called freedom of the American people 
today is a monument to despotism and unless we 
come to an awareness hitherto unknown for a 
century our legacy to posterity shall be 



Americans are controlled through confusion and 
as they separate in their thinking what they 
believe to be different ideologies, they gravitate 
mentally, socially, and politically to that arena 
which has been defined for them as conservatism 
or liberalism, not realizing or understanding the 
certain analogy between that which they are and 
that which they presume to oppose. "Free" 
Americans who "think for themselves" cannot 
originate the mental initiative to break through 
the preplanned stratagem within which there is 
no alternative to treason. Communism versus 
Americanism (Fundamental Christianity) is a 
Siamese twin sired by the same serpent to block 
all outlets to spiritual and mental freedom. They 
must eject their inquiry outside the sphere of 
"Christianity versus Communism" in order to see 
the twin conflict strategy which is working 
Americans against themselves to a state of total 
destruction. Then they can view those yet within 
and observe that the minds that planned 
revolution planned the issues and the battles to 
be fought. If Americans can comprehend the 
subversive spiritual force of "Fundamental 
Christianity" they can understand that which is 
forbidden to be known - that is that the conflict 
which is being promoted between Communism 
and "Christianity" is intended to produce a 
unified world political-religious state. To apply 
this world state to the language of today's 
Christianity, it means universal salvation for 
every creature. 

As the objective mind moves outside the whirlpool 
of created conflict he sees that antagonisms 
which once seemed like life or death become for 
him unrelated to the underlying cause and he 
begins to see the analogy of the substance of 
supposedly different ideologies. The combatants 
dim in distinction and they become essential 
allies, unaware of course, to the outcome of their 
war. It is a matter of recognizing that there is one 
evil with two heads. One head has the hammer 
and sickle of social and political Communism and 
one has the cross of spiritual Communism and as 
they "fight" they unite into universal despotism 


frocked with "Christianity." 

The hydra of "Fundamental Christianity" is built 
upon a hybrid and mongrel faith. It is the epitome 
of blasphemous pretension and its deception has 
been accomplished by its juxtaposition (use) of 
Christian symbols and a parallelism of Bible 
language. It is a desecrating horror with a 
seductive appeal based on prophecy. It is the 
spirit of world-wide carnage which has reached 
crescendo proportions. It appropriates Christ's 
kingdom of salvation to a world political state 
under the veil of Biblical language and 
expressions. It is power politics operating to 
control humanity with a world government 
religion. It is Zionism. 

Americans must cast off the straight jacket of 
Communism versus "Christianity" in order to 
escape entrapment of this action-counteraction 
power play that means certain annihilation. 

"Fundamental Christianity, " or as some would 
have it Judeo-Christianity, is a multifarious evil 
characterized, as we shall show, by many names 
and fronts. Our understanding of it for its true 
meaning and purpose will depend upon our faith- 
that is, whether or not we believe the kingdom of 
God is spiritual and not of this world, or if it is 
flesh and blood and is of this world. Regardless of 
what pretense or name "Fundamental 
Christianity" may assume, its spirit is millennial 
Zionism which says that God's kingdom shall 
come upon the earth. And no matter its 
proclamations of salvation in Christ, it is striving 
for a material and physical world state and 
imputing it as God's kingdom on earth. 

We need not look for consistency in the hypocrisy 
of "Fundamental Christianity" for, as we have 
stated, it is a hydra with many heads and as one 
is exposed it sprouts two more in its place. It 
appears to support Americanism but it educates 
for world government. It appears to be pro-Jew 
but it is "anti-semitic" for it discriminates against 
those in Judaism, misleading them to political 
Zionism instead of the grace of Christ. It preaches 
peace on earth but it prophecies "wars and 
rumors of wars" and ascribes chaos and 


confusion to God and His Divine Revelation. It 
predicts a paradise earth to come but promotes, 
with its erroneous prophecies, famine and world 
calamity. Where then is the consistency in this 
Phariseeic Christianity? It is its spirit of an 
earthly kingdom. "Fundamental Christianity" is a 
supposition of truth and a faked allegiance to 
Jesus Christ. 

To move from the smugness of our self-conceit 
and our preconditioning we must see that the 
progress of revolution works within the confines 
of the natural or five senses but it is motivated by 
the invisible force of spiritual power (complete 
thought control). This thought control rests with a 
subversive and extra-legal Christianity which is 
immune from prosecution and invisible to its 
subjects. It is sedition and treason that seems 
innocent and patriotic. 

The practicability and power of this "Christian" 
cancer can only make sense if we can somehow 
bring that which is above the threshold of 
consciousness and convey it to the objective 
intelligence of the world. To do this we must find 
a key to the door or a bridge to span the gap from 
that which is not seen to that which can be seen. 
The unchanging key that puts the light on the 
Communism of "Fundamental Christianity" is its 
undying spirit to bring Christ back to earth to 
reign over a unified humanity in a world state. 

This plot must be exposed to the world in the 
exact same manner that it is imposed upon them. 
As Americans are overwhelmed with the political- 
theology which says the Divine Plan of God is to 
build a flesh and blood kingdom with or without 
social government, they must fight back with the 
Sword of the Spirit that will identify this moral 
evil that operates essentially within the limits of 
the Christian faith in order to divert the moral 
sense of the populace away from the 
Supernatural kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ. 
Christians must tell other Christians how the 
Bible is being misused as an instrument of mind 
control to lead the nations into a world state 
under the veil that it is God's kingdom on earth. 

Due to the universal expansion of this "new 


Christianity" and its many many fronts it is nigh 
impossible to defend against its every tentacle. We 
can however move to the offensive quickly and 
avoid frustration and confusion by discerning in 
every utterance of "Fundamental Christianity" its 
goal of a kingdom on earth. Through an analogy 
of its terms, definitions, and use of a futuristic 
scheme of Bible Prophecy, we can expose the plot 
of Zionism and its Communist Millennial World 

We must show how the "Fundamental Christians" 
appropriate the name of Jesus Christ to their 
World Government religion in which they fully 
expect to receive the paradise earth. Their 
deception could not be more complete and their 
damnation more certain. They are pagans with a 
mission - World Government in the name of 
Christ. They are imbued with blind hypocrisy not 
knowing that they have the name of Christianity 
without the faith. It is time that Christian 
Americans discern their spirit and designate them 
orthodox heathens. With their religion they serve 
a foreign power and they are building a spirit that 
will bring anarchy and destruction to the land 
that so freely gave them "freedom of religion." Too 
bad they cannot have a small preview of the 
commune world nightmare which they believe is 
heaven on earth. Is it unthinkable that 
Christianity is actually being promoted so as to 
carry deadly and subversive propaganda along 
with Christian truth? 

It is true and we shall demonstrate that 
Christianity is the pretense and excuse to fulfill 
the New World Order of Millennial Zionism. 

To teach the world through Christianity that the 
mission of the Messiah is to unify the world in a 
material and political sense is the false hope of 
Jew-Pharisaism and is as much to their own 
damnation as it is to that of professing Christians 
whom they have deceived. The only difference in 
the Jew's religion (kingdom of God on earth) today 
and of antiquity is that the Jew's religion today is 
generally believed to be Christianity. 
Fundamentalism or Millennialism are fronts for 
this pseudo-Christianity. They lead one's faith to 
the opposite of orthodox and historic Christianity 


into a carnal naturalism which appeals to the 
natural man. 

Promoting the Jew's religion of an earthly Zionist 
state as Christianity is no half cocked scheme. It 
is a subtle aberration which has had the effect of 
neutralizing and paralyzing the rank and file 
members of the churches to such an extent that 
they do not recognize that the great promotion of 
Christianity today has for its concealed purpose 
spiritual deceit unrivaled for two thousand years. 
Who would ever believe that Satan would further 
World Evangelism so as to conceal within it a 
cancer that intends to destroy it? This is an 
illusion which the unthinking cannot understand. 

First, we must recognize thecomplete saturation 
of our land with this veiled propaganda. Secondly, 
we must decipher its hidden meaning as the 
advancement of the World State British Empire 
under the alias kingdom of God on earth. Thirdly, 
we can test the validity of this conspiracy by 
attempting to expose it, and finally we can face 
the reality that the political, economic and 
military force symbolized by the hammer and 
sickle is the front for the most organized plot of all 
time to control the spirit of humanity which in 
turn is hidden behind Christian symbolism, and 
conceals itself within its expressions of Biblical 
language in order to move the world away from 
Jesus Christ in His name. 

So that the reader can quickly grasp the subject 
of British Israel it is imperative that we define the 
term at the outset. To give an accurate definition 
of British Israel including all of its fronts and 
disguises would require more than a volume the 
size of the combined Encyclopedias Britannica. 
But this would be an impossible approach leading 
to a swamp of confusion and frustration not 
unlike that of the American people today. So we 
shall therefore approach British Israel from the 
opposite direction, giving instead a definition of 
its spiritual dogma so that with a brief and 
precise understanding the reader can readily 
apply this definition as a key to understanding 
this book. Then he can use the same brief 
principle to test any presumption of Christianity 


or patriotism that may come to his attention. 

Let us warn our reader of one very important 
thing before we go on with our definition. The 
fronts, names, terminology, cliches, and etc. may 
or may not be consistent. They are many times 
contradictory. But British Israel, like anything 
else, must have a common denominator or an 
unchanging foundation upon which to build its 
deceptions. It is from this basic substance or 
common element which gives British Israel its life 
blood and which simultaneously gives us the 
necessary knowledge to understand it and combat 

the only consistency it has and must have to 
continue operative as a mind control force. 
Therefore this simple test can be used to search 
out truth from propaganda whether it be in the 
form of conservatism or radicalism, or however it 
may appear. 

British Israel can make a perfect front for 
patriotism except it must rear its head sooner or 
later to turn patriotism to treason by twisting it to 
World Government under the pretense of Bible 
sanction Unclad of its Biblical and Christian 
cloak, British Israel is a world government 
religion. Need we spend time here proving the 
seriousness of a world government religion which 
is now rampant over America and the world 
parading as "Fundamental Christianity"? Though 
"Fundamental Christianity" came along in recent 
years with the buildup ofthe right wing in 
America, the earthly kingdom religion has held 
the "Jews" in spiritual and social bondage since 
before Christ. It was this very deceit that caused 
their rejection of the Messiah and it is this same 
deceit carried over to "Fundamental Christianity" 

The ideology, or religion of the earthly kingdom is 
a Jewish notion in the sense that it has been 
directed from the Rabbis and Synagogues for 
centuries, not for the purpose of exalting their 
people but for the purpose of keeping them in 
subjection dooming their souls against the 
kingdom of Christ's grace. As we shall show later 


this is how the Jewish earthly kingdom, or what 
St. Paul called the Jew's religion, is as "anti- 
semitic'" as it is anti-Christian and anti- 
American. If the religion of the "Jews" is 
dangerous to Christians it is no less dangerous to 
the "Jews" who have been held out of the kingdom 
of God's grace because of it. The idea of the 
earthly world kingdom is not according to Moses 
and the Prophets but according to the Pharisees 
and the Rabbis. It is not essential that we locate 
the world Sanhedrin today but that we identify its 
pernicious and Satanic spirit. It is the task of 
British Israel to get its Jew's religion or earthly 
kingdom imprinted upon the consciousness of the 
world as Christianity. 

So one can say he is a Fundamentalist or a 
Premillennialist or a Jehovah Witness and so on 
but he is essentially and necessarily of the Jew's 
religion for all of the above require for their 
substance or faith an earthly kingdom. This is 
how British Israel can infect and infiltrate 
everything, adapting itself to any church, 
organization, or name - always skillfully 
insinuating and indoctrinating the earthly 
kingdom message. 

The earthly kingdom versus the Heavenly 
kingdom or the kingdom of grace is the arena 
upon which all issues hang. There is no mixing or 
mingling to get a mongrel faith or compromise. It 
is either one or the other. The idea of an earthly 
estate whether we call it a millennium, a restored 
earth, a paradise, or by any other name, is 
Judaism. It does not matter when it comes or if it 
is a social and political government or whether it 
is just a peaceful earth "where there is no sin" 
and only saints dwell. The hope or faith in any 
kind of future earthly existence is Judaism and 
the very opposite of Christianity. The Christian 
hope after death is Heaven and there is as much 
difference in the Heavenly hope and the earthly 
hope as there is difference between Christianity 
and Judaism. 

This is not a new axiom but the only valid one. 
The kingdom of Heaven versus the kingdoms of 
this world has been the battle of Armageddon 
since the Cross. No amount of twisting or 


perverting Scripture can blur or compromise this 
truism. You are on one side or the other 
regardless of the name you assume. This is the 
total concept of Christianity and the day we 
recognize this truth is the day we regain mental 
freedom. This is the day we gain moral integrity. 
This is the day we recognize the machinations of 
the synagogue of Satan under any pretext or 

We hear often that "one can get any interpretation 
from the Bible." This is the confusion of Satan. 
These are only two concepts of understanding. 
One gives Heaven to Christians. One gives the 
earth to all others. There is only grace in this 
Gospel Age and no race in a future age even a 
sinless one. There is no such thing as grace and 
race at the same time as a Christian dogma. It is 
either the kingdom of grace or the kingdom of 
race. It is either one or the other. It is NOT both. 

At this point it is good to explain why we use the 
word anti-semite in quotations. The word Semitic 
comes from the root Semite which refers to a 
specific racial lineage from Shem to 70 A.D. when 
all genealogical records were destroyed. Therefore 
there can be no proof of any racial purity. 
Consequently the term anti-semitic is a 
completely false term when used, as it commonly 
is, to refer to a present day race whether they be 
so-called Jews or Arabs or Anglo-Saxons. British 
Israel propaganda promotes the idea of racial 
identity or racial heritage and fuses it with 
nationality to get an ad-mixture or Jewish 
Christianity which is blasphemous and totally 
misleading. Sometimes the Jew baiters will apply 
the term Semitic to the Arabs only to promote the 
same confusion as does those who say the "Jews" 
are Semites. The idea of race in any sense is not 
Christian anymore than nationality or sex is. This 
does not, in the Christian mind, lend support to 
the Masonic crime of integrating the races to 
mongrelize them. Any Christian should strive to 
preserve his color and integrity but never to 
confuse race with grace. British Israel is a religion 
of race the same as was its previous front of 
National Socialism under Adolph Hitler. 

The term British Israel is the combination of 


nationality (British) and Israel (Biblical identity of 
nationality in the Old Testament.) Of course the 
purpose is to confuse the Christian faith by 
mixing in its place a heterodoxy (heretical) of race 
and religion. Actually the term British Israel is 
used less than any other term to describe its own 
subversion because of the desire of the 
perpetrators to hide their crime of sedition. 
Therefore if one looks for these traitors under 
their formal name as we refer to it, he will mostly 
miss them for they appear under many names. 
They have in many cases dropped one identity 
and changed to another to keep up a constant 
smoke screen over their true identity and true 
purpose. Some call themselves Covenant people. 
Some say they are Anglo Israel and drop the word 
British. Some say they are of the Israel Identity, 
even teaching that they are of certain of the 
twelve tribes or sub-tribes. To understand British 
Israel it is NOT necessary to learn a hundred 
different foolish names or fronts because they can 
add more daily. The dogma of the cult is the 
important thing as we have said. This dogma or 
religion is the building of a unified humanity in a 
paradise earth. With this earthly kingdom idea 
sifted from the mixture of cults we at once see a 
panoramic view of the whole British Israel system 
including Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, 
Seventh Day Adventism, Herbert W. Armstrong's 
Church of God, and most of Protestantism. With 
this vast network of kingdom religionists, America 
has become a Jewish nation because the kingdom 
on earth (millennial reign of Christ) is the Jew's 

An interesting observation here is the fact that 
the above named cults each have an 
organizational entity and members move within 
their own church organization. All move from 
seemingly different directions toward the same 
faith. They are in many cases antagonistic and 
even harsh toward one another while they all 
have essentially the same religion, namely the 
pursuit of the paradise earth. The old Arian 
heresy has been used to lead men away from the 
Divinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity. In some 
cases denial of the Trinity is direct, as in the case 
of the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormonism. In 
others it is indirect in that the Trinity is espoused 


but denied with millennial Zionism, disguised as 
Christianity; This is true because any earthly 
kingdom idea is opposed to the supernatural 
kingdom of Christ. So one can deny the Trinity 
indirectly by having faith in an anti-Trinity 
doctrine. Satan works in devious ways to control 
men's minds, hence we see them opposed by 
church affiliation yet united in faith against 
Christ, thinking they are Christians. Millions are 
controlled by a vast network of pseudo Christian 
cults. Little do they know that they are working 
under the direful direction of a political religion 
which will in the end unite them in the name of 
Christianity against Jesus Christ. They know not 
that they serve a kingdom of this world, a 
kingdom whose state religion is Judaism and 
whose throne is the throne of Britain. This is the 
worst spiritual plague on earth, to use the truth 
to destroy it. This is the trail of the serpent but it 
can be found out and we shall pursue it herein. 

To the members of American churches of all 
faiths, if this is an attack upon what you have 
been led to believe is the truth, then the challenge 
is yours to refute it. To the non church member, if 
it sounds like religious fanaticism, it is absolute 
mind control which as a general object of 
scientific experiment has been proven. To the 
pseudo patriots who have done more to destroy 
their country than to save it, unless your vanity 
hides your cowardice, you may be ready to 
challenge the force that has controlled your 
thinking and beguiled you to treason under the 
pretense of Americanism and Christianity. 

If this writing is to have any meaning then it must 
have one requirement - honesty. If the reader has 
notions of what is the truth about America and 
his knowledge is well grounded he will not fear 
this revelation. Truth has no fear and it has 
withstood the conflict of the ages reinforced and 
untarnished, waiting for whosoever will. 

Our responsibility is primarily to expose the 
spiritual plot as conceived and carried out 
through the forces of the British Empire. No 
matter the form name or outward appearance we 
hope to prove the unity of spirit and united 
purpose of political propaganda clothed in Biblical 


language and fed to our nation and the world. 
Only secondary do we bring in the physical forces 
in terms of organizations, churches and 
individuals and then only to make clear the 
harmony of the political revolution to the spiritual 
as promoted through the kingdom message. 



When we say that the British Empire is all 
powerful, we say that we must understand this 
fact in terms of its alias, kingdom of God on 
earth, and furthermore the extent of this power 
over America is nationwide. It is in almost every 
church. It is in every newspaper. It is on every 
radio station. It is in every phase of American life, 
either in the form of a political antagonism called 
Communism, or in the form of a spiritual 
antagonism called the kingdom of God on earth. 

When we speak of power here we must examine 
it. This power is mind control which has come 
about as a result of a constant bombardment of 
religious propaganda. This religious propaganda 
is a skillfully organized world government religion 
which gives every appearance of orthodox 
Christianity. It gradually carries millions to a 
completely false Christianity with out any 
knowledge on the part of its victims of its evil 
intent. It crosses every church affiliation or 
denomination and is radiated out from each as if 
it had started within. Christianity is only the veil 
of this deceit. 

The British Empire does not have to operate in its 
own name anymore than a series of conglomerate 
corporations operate under the name of the 
parent company. Anyone knows if he will think 
for a moment that many things which are, such 
as corporations, operate under a different name 
from that of the owner. Almost every store or 
business in America has a name other than that 
of the owners. Therefore why is it impossible to 
believe that the British Empire can carry on world 
revolution under a name or front other than the 
British Empire? Certainly it is not desirable that 
anyone should know that the kingdom of God on 
earth means world government via the British 
Empire, so the propaganda says it is to be a 
kingdom of Christ. This is quite simple but 
devastating in its effect. An examination of this 
scheme will prove that British Israel propaganda 
is not Christianity but a political religion and an 


instrument of power politics to unify the nations 
through religious deception under the British 
Empire. The propaganda is never expanded in 
political terms and can never be recognized as a 
political plot unless and until we can see that it is 
coded with spiritual or Biblical language. Those it 
controls are absolutely helpless to break its 
spiritual deceit until they gain a proper knowledge 
of the true kingdom of God. This deceit is so 
absolute that those who believe it think that the 
earthly kingdom religion originates in Holy Writ. 
They cannot honestly believe that the kingdom of 
God on earth is a bastard Jewish religion to 
control humanity under a World Government 
British Empire. It is a devil religion which appeals 
to a chaotic world. Most people who believe this 
kingdom religion have never heard it under the 
term British Israel or Anglo Israel. They believe it 
to be Christianity and deny any connection with 
British Israel. It is the age old Arian heresy, as we 
shall see. 

Since British propaganda gains mind control 
through spiritual deceit it needs no political ] 
organization and organizational structure of any 
kind. It simply operates through existing 
churches and evangelistic organizations. So we 
cannot defeat British Israel by attacking political 
organizations, church groups or denominations, 
or evangelistic associations, etc. We must expose 
the British Israel kingdom religion which they 
teach. From this approach all be exposed upon 
the basis of their unanimous perversion of the 
kingdom of God. This is the basis upon which the 
world is being deceived into the New Order of the 

Let us examine in this light the worldwide radio 
ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong. Herbert W. 
Armstrong's propaganda organization is British 
Israel and he is accused of it many times, which 
he of course consistently denies. Many of the 
people who accuse him of it believe it themselves 
under another name or through another church 
organization. So nothing is gained here only self 
contradiction by two people with the same 
religion. The minute both are condemned for their 
kingdom religion they promptly become allies and 
all other differences fade away. It is the essential 


and necessary earthly kingdom religion which 
unites them all, regardless of what church name 
they assume or how much they believe they are 
opposed to each other. As long as they have the 
kingdom religion in common nothing else matters. 
A Jehovah Witness has more in common with a 
"Fundamentalist" Baptist than either of them 
believe. Both have a world kingdom religion and 
this is all that is necessary to unite them against 
Christ's spiritual kingdom. This also is how the 
Jew-baiters get wealthy under the pretense of 
Christianity. They condemn the so-called Jew and 
promote Judaism (kingdom of God on earth) 
under the name of Christianity. They get away 
with millions of dollars and no one recognizes 
that their earthly kingdom religion is only 
Judaism and a world government religion. The 
reason this is termed Jew-bait is because Jew is 
the bait to deceive one into Judaism disguised. 
We will discuss later British Israel in the form of 
Jew-bait as promoted by such traitors as Gerald 
L.K. Smith and as was promoted by the late 
Elizabeth Dilling. 

British propaganda is advanced on two seemingly 
opposite fronts. Political Communism is its left 
wing front and tactical phase. "Fundamental 
Christianity" or Spiritual Communism (the British 
Israel kingdom of God on earth) is its right wing 
front and ultimate world order. 

The designed polarity of Communism versus the 
coming world kingdom of God is a prepared 
action counter action process. As the anti¬ 
communist tempo gains strength, the world is 
moved closer to one global crystallization with 
complete inhibition of national initiative. 

In order to turn the anti-Communist movement 
from treason to true patriotism we must remove 
the spirit of Communism from our land. 

It is difficult to enter into this debate without 
warning the reader that his own thoughts and 
words have been cleverly twisted in order to move 
him in the opposite direction to that which he 
intends and to do so without his knowing. For 
instance, if a man has known North from South 
since childhood and he comes upon a crossroads 


where the north-south signs have been switched, 
certainly he does not ponder but pursues the 
wrong direction to a destination opposite to that 
intended. A confused mind can quickly reach a 
state of total break down simply by reversing 
word meanings. A whole nation can be motivated 
along a certain course of action inimical to its 
vital interest by manipulating high sounding 
principles and ideals to implicit inconsistencies or 
self contradictions. This concept, cleverly used, 
can openly operate sedition in any country and 
within the law of the land. It is possible and is in 
fact being done, that the United States 
Constitution is being used to help overthrow the 
American government. Does not the Constitution 
guarantee freedom of speech and are not "free" 
speakers today advocating World Government 
while at the same time shouting for the 
preservation of Constitutional rights? This is legal 
but it is treason. 

We intend to prove here that the concealed object 
of Conservatism, Americanism and Patriotism is 
the promotion of what is termed Fundamental 
Christianity. "Fundamental Christianity" is 
educating the American people for World 
Government which of course means the sacrifice 
of America as an independent nation. Now their 
religion is as legal as any other under the United 
States Constitution but it is treason and 
subversion and no more pro-American than 
would be an invading army. Simply by changing 
the meaning of Christianity to the opposite of 
truth they are able to carry on a well organized 
and highly respectful sedition with immunity from 
prosecution and every advantage for protection. 
They have every advantage of the law without fear 
of prosecution. They are in a quasi or extra legal 
haven. They are engaging in what can accurately 
be termed legal treason. 

For purpose of this discussion we many times use 
quotation marks around a word or phrase to 
designate it as the common usage today but that 
the same word in conventional usage meant just 
the reverse. We use regular quotations when 
making a direct quote from a source of 
information but in most cases quotes around 
words and phrases are intended to convey that 


such word or phrase has been manipulated to 
disguise betrayal. In order to clear up the 
confusion that has been imposed upon us, we 
must understand the original meaning of our own 
language as well as how it is being misused 
against us. This is vital and we cannot hope to 
pursue correct action unless our thinking fits our 
language and our language communicates our 
thinking. So badly have Americans been 
bewitched by their own language, we have in this 
text invented terms and ideas to help unscramble 
the confusion by reversing the double-think 
language. For example we have used the term 
"Christian" Communism to show the essential 
unity of the beliefs of the "Fundamentalists" and 
those of their supposed enemies. A word or 
phrase can be placed in a different context and 
through a process of repetition will change its 
meaning in short order. After the new usage 
becomes dominant and we use it based on its root 
or original meaning, it not only will deceive the 
listener it will deceive the user unless he 
understands. Twenty years ago the term 
Fundamental Christianity meant basic or 
orthodox Christianity as derived from Apostolic 
teaching. Today, through improper application 
intended to hide deceit, Fundamental Christianity 
means Premillennialism and a world social state 
supposedly headed by Christ. It is hard to 
imagine how very unfundamental to Christianity 
a worldly and material kingdom would be. 
Nevertheless, the Fundamentalists term their 
hope for a natural Messiah, Christianity. 
Therefore "Fundamental" when in quotations 
refers to the British Israel Kingdom religion and 
not original Christianity. 

Definitions and concepts are all important. It is 
not the words and expressions we use but their 
meaning and common usage and it is not always 
what we believe but why do we believe it. So 
critical is this idea that our whole thought 
process turns either one direction or the other 
upon it. For example Christians believe Christ 
has a kingdom and professing Christians believe 
also that Christ has a kingdom. While both have 
the name Christian both do not have the 
Christian faith. Christians believe that Christ's 
kingdom is grace and salvation - a spiritual 


kingdom. Professing or as stated above, 
"Fundamental Christians" believe that Christ's 
kingdom is yet to be in the form of a material 
earthly paradise which they call the kingdom of 
God on earth. Although the Fundamentalists or 
Premillennialists talk about grace they only do so 
to achieve a closer identity to Christianity. They 
have a hybrid or mongrel faith which deceives 
them away from Christ to a Judaic Pharisaism 
which is antithetical and opposite to Christianity. 
So here we have two people called Christians. The 
world believes they are both Christians and they 
themselves believe they are Christians but when 
we get at an understanding of why, or a definition 
of what they believe we come to a polarity or a 
positive and a negative. 

Furthermore "Fundamentalists" believe one must 
obey God's law for fear of physical punishment. 
Christians believe one must obey God's law 
because they love their Saviour Both concepts are 
based on obedience but it is why should we obey 
that turns us either to legalism or to Christianity. 

Another enlargement of this concept in regard to 
our study of legal sedition or legal treason is the 
mass promotion in America today of literature, 
radio broadcasts and books which are preparing 
the American people for a gigantic famine or mass 
starvation. When we inquire into the exact 
meaning and use of this propaganda we see that 
it is two dimensional and is designed to develop a 
certain thought process no matter which initiative 
or from what angle we approach it. The 
"Fundamentalists" believe and promote the idea 
that a future famine is a judgment of God 
according to their interpretation of the Book of 
Revelation. As we shall see Christ's kingdom has 
nothing to do with famine on earth only as 
imputed to do so by fake Christians. The "anti¬ 
communists" or "patriots" believe that planned 
famine is a Communist plot, meaning political 
Communism in this sense. There is a tactic of 
famine scare and hysteria which may in fact be 
brought to occur to fulfill the expectations of 
twisted prophecies - in other words the Scriptures 
are twisted to furnish the climate and sanction to 
lead America into world government under the 
fear hysteria that it is Divine judgment. The air is 


saturated with these perverted prophecies of 
things to come and when they are performed or 
enacted on the world stage, the deception is 
compounded many times. A "prophesied" famine 
is not so much to starve the physical body of food, 
but to control humanity spiritually. Here again it 
is NOT the idea of whether or not there will be 
famine, but what is its meaning is the important 
thing. Understanding the USE being made of 
famine propaganda gives us at the same time the 
know how to expose it. 

Now there are books such as *111 Fares the Land* 
by Dan P. Van Garder which make no use of 
"prophecy" in itself to promote the idea of famine 
but this does not change the concept of 
propaganda USE at all. Predictions of famine 
based upon a Communist plot or mismanagement 
in government has the double effect of 
misapplying cause and effect. It is like creating a 
problem or a crisis and purporting to expose the 
crisis instead of the perpetrators of it, or if 
perpetrators are exposed they are fronts or 
stalking horses. For example on page VIII of the 
above named book is this statement "The 
American government, for the past forty years, 
has done more to help Communism succeed than 
have all the non-Communist nations of the world 
combined." Now this statement is accurate but its 
use serves the seditious cause of the author. It is 
the intention of the author to confuse the 
definition of Communism by using a half truth to 
build an erroneous conception. As he has it, 
Communism is the enemy instead of the 
instrument of the enemy and of course his 
presumption to any "anti-Communist' would 
mean that Communism is synonymous with 
Russia. Except for his desire to mislead why 
would not the author reveal that Russia, as it 
exists, is a Jew-Masonic achievement used as a 
base of operations and decoy for Anglo American 
finance. Communism as he implies it means 
nothing only as a dummy state from which to 
operate wars to kill American troops and to serve 
as a catch all for the blame of what ails us, which 
must be put on somebody. If the author of this 
book oriented planned famine to the proper cause 
the book would not be mass produced by Western 
Islands and he would be lucky to exist. So we say 


again that such propaganda on a secular level is 
not designed to starve the body but to control the 
mind by confusing cause and effect and word 
meaning, thereby gaining mental control. The 
only absolute tyranny is mind control which gives 
the tyrants the power to create the will of the 
people to their own enslavement. 

Has the meaning of the English language been 
reversed to serve the masters of thought control? 
We believe it has and we believe we can reveal 
how it is controlling 200 million Americans who 
believe they live in a free country. 

The propaganda mills grind constantly to instill 
fear and confusion. Every angle is worked up to 
bring on a desperate air of imminent chaos. 
Hardly a day passes without at least a hundred 
different publications and radio programs 
teaching the myth that over population is adding 
pressure by the minute to imminent mass famine 
and disease. The peril of hydrogen war and 
mutual annihilation goes out constantly. What is 
the solution to it all? They always have one. It is 
the World Government of God. Only God can save 
us now by taking all political authority says the 
religious propaganda. One British Israel 
publication stated that only "with the 
inauguration of this New Order, poverty, 
oppression and distress will vanish from this 
earth. Divine Laws and the perfect economic 
system of the kingdom will take the place of the 
old and ensure the equitable distribution of the 
blessings of life to all men." So we solve our 
problems with the kingdom of God Communism 
but they of course don't call its Communism. 

There are many propaganda tricks. Alger Hiss 
was called a Communist, the inference being that 
he was some kind of Russian agent. This is 
misapplication of cause and effect and leads all 
suspicion away from the fact that Alger Hiss was 
a British Communist Rhodes Scholar. 

We understand that Karl Marx was a Communist. 
Did he not come from London --- if he existed? 

There is the term "Christ or Chaos" and "Christ is 
the only hope." What do these terms mean and 


how are they used? They imply and teach that a 
political Christ, a worldly Caesar, can save us 
from Communism by Russia to be exchanged for 
Communism by the kingdom of God on earth. The 
idea behind this propaganda is to drive people to 
expect and accept a worldly Christ and a political 
world government as the alternative to absolute 

Then we hear the term "This is a Christian 
Nation" and we are therefore God's people. How 
much explanation does it take to demonstrate 
that this repetitive statement teaches a national 
religion? A nation is a political and geographical 
entity - a kingdom of this world. To apply the 
word Christian to any nation is to apply 
Christianity to Pharisaism and British Israelism. 
Even if the Supreme Court says America is a 
Christian Nation, it is not. Then the "patriots" say 
"For God and Country." This again promotes 
British Israel, suggesting and teaching that God 
will condemn and then bless this country. The 
word God when used with country could only 
mean God of this world, who is Satan. Where is 
our wisdom? 

What about the idea of "One World Under God's 
Law?" What is a world under God's law? Law 
refers to something legal, to ordinances and 
political governments. This is only a trick to lead 
away from a world under God's grace. "The World 
Under God's Law" applies to national or 
international Israel and the world under God's 
grace applies to spiritual Israel, the faithful of 
Christ. The first promotes British Israel and the 
second promotes Christianity. 

British Israel promotes its kingdom religion 
within organized Christianity. It is also very much 
active as a political force. But it never promotes 
Communism in its own name, neither spiritual 
Communism nor political Communism. 

Like a boomerang! If the Communists are traced 
they become British Communists. If the C.F.R.. 
members are traced they are interlocked with the 
Pilgrims Society, whose source and representation 
is in England. If political action runs constantly 
against the American people we will find that the 


Masons in power are under the direction of the 
Grand Lodge of England, and all of them are 
united in their subversive World Brotherhood 
Religion. If Socialism is in the vogue and the 
street rioters are rampant, we find no justice in 
the Masonic courts whose Masonic judges are 
dedicated to the destruction of the National 
Sovereignty of the United States of America. If the 
Christian churches who once taught the Trinity 
and Deity of Jesus Christ now teach that peace 
will come via an earthly kingdom, we find that it 
is British 

Israel which is promoting the Jewish kingdom 
religion as Christianity. If the American people are 
driven to insanity with so-called Russian 
Communism they of course have to accept "Christ 
or Chaos" - "Christ" being the Messiah of a nearly 
foolproof false Christianity. If supplies to the Viet 
Cong are traced they come not via bugaboo 
Russia, but via Her Majesty's ships of the United 
Kingdom, who go in and out of the Port of 
Haipong unbombed and unexposed in the 
American press. 

Like a boomerang if the United Nations Charter is 
traced, it was spawned upon British Communism 
- yes! British trained Rhodes Scholars and 

One of the main propaganda performances of 
British Israel is to establish Judas goat fronts and 
phony opposition. Almost all students of 
revolution have heard of the terms Zionism, 
Illuminati, Capitalist conspiracy, Communist 
Conspiracy, Socialism, and the Talmud. These 
terms are fronts for British Israel. The American 
press is directed against Communism but always 
with attacks upon the effect rather than the 
cause. Never do they mention British 
Communism directed under a spiritual or 
Christian cloak. 

The Zionists, the Communists, the Socialists and 
the Illuminati are said to be anti-Christ opposed 
to the Christian nations. It is a struggle between 
"Christ versus Anti-Christ" says their mass 
propaganda. Jesus Christ is not concerned about 
who controls the United States government, 


whether they be Zionists or Bolsheviks. Even if 
every individual in America was a Christian, 
America would not be a Christian nation in a 
national and collective sense. 

The confusion in America today might be termed 
anti-Christ versus antichrist, as it has nothing to 
do with the supernatural and Divine kingdom of 
Jesus Christ. 

Inequities such as Social Security, Income Tax, 
skyrocketing property taxes, etc., are created to 
redistribute and confiscate the wealth of the 
American people. The political prostitutes of 
Masonry perpetuate themselves in power with the 
money of the people they suppress. In the main 
however, the effect calculated to take hold is the 
final rebellion of the people in a blind revolution 
to destroy their own freedom by destroying their 
Constitution and the American government. 
When the people are finally driven to revolt they 
do not distinguish between their institutions of 
freedom and the vermin that have corrupted 
them. They attack en masse and with one fell 
swoop commit national suicide and few of them 
will ever know that they were tricked into it. 
Constructive criticism and blind revolution are 
two entirely different things but the dissatisfied 
and depressed people do not know the difference 
as they grasp for the freedom they once had when 
freedom meant freedom and free men were not 

We are dealing in the main with the source and 
inspiration of blind revolution so as to make clear 
the difference in the overthrow of a government 
on one hand and a purifying of it on the other. 
The way the people react to the injustices and 
propaganda that are thrust upon them 
determines the effect of their efforts to save 
themselves politically. The only way a rebellion 
can misfire on its incendiaries is for the people to 
properly understand the goal and techniques of 

The very weapons of propaganda which have 
whipped the American people to a state of 
disparity can be turned against their creators 
instead of the United States Government if the 


people can break the code of the spiritual 
revolution of British Israel and its pseudonym 
Fundamental Christianity. In so doing they can 
understand the past and predict the future. They 
can identify the Masonic arms and legs which 
carry into effect the political realities of British 
Israel prophecy. They can remove the veil of 
spiritual power and lay bare the goal of Judeo- 
Masonry to crucify America and resurrect her into 
the world state British Empire under the alias 
kingdom of God on earth. 

We insist that the revolution is over and was won 
at the point when the American people became 
sufficiently imbued and indoctrinated with the 
kingdom message (the idea that there will be a 
new order called the kingdom of God on earth). All 
that remains is the final destruction of the form 
and outward structure of the American 
government. The mental condition of the 
American people has already been adequately 
prepared and they are now drugged to such an 
extent that they are witnessing the collapse of the 
United States, both politically and economically, 
and they cannot discern its meaning nor 
understand its reality. 

The American Flag still flies over the shell of a 
depraved and confused people as they 
unknowingly await final obliteration. Our military 
might is impressive, our standard of living is at 
an all time high but we are spiritually dead, 
diseased and overcome with the kingdom message 
of British Israel which has paralyzed our military 
machine and turned our material prosperity to 

Like the perfect balance of a gyro the American 
people whirl and revolve in all directions as they 
are moved to the consummation of their 
destruction, concealed within an aura of British 
Israel propaganda which is preparing and 
educating the people for a "New Heaven On Earth" 
World State Empire. 

The American people not only do not know their 
enemy, they are fighting his battles both foreign 
and domestic and they are solidifying their own 
final ruin all in the name of Christianity, 


Americanism and Patriotism. British propaganda 
has reeducated the people to such an extent and 
removed them so far from the truth that their 
almost every utterance and action betrays their 
best interest. To further the deceit, a "hard core" 
patriotism has been developed which conceals 
within it betrayal and promotes revolution by 
exploding and enlarging upon every injustice 
imaginable while never understanding their 
reason for being nor the source of their 
inspiration. They only echo the propaganda of the 
"suppressed books" which were prepared 
especially for them. These "suppressed books" 
which cause "persecuted" patriots are the same 
dusty relics which prepared the rise of Nazi 
Germany on the myth that it would free itself 
from the Jews. This Jew bait only freed the 
Germans of their freedom and their nation as the 
"Jews" made off with their wealth, with which to 
finance the same thing again on a world wide 
scale which is designed to bring birth to a Jew 
British World State. 

Judeo-Masonry has worked this Jew bait 
Messianic Arian white race scheme since 
Napoleon to raise up false nationalism's, which 
are guided to destruction under the banner "For 
God and Country." People have not been able to 
recognize this Jew-Masonic chicanery which 
creates fictitious Nazi-like attacks upon itself 
while it establishes its domination and power 
under other forms and names. It attacks 
Communism and promotes it under the 
pseudonym of kingdom of God on earth and if we 
unveil it we discern its spirit so as to see its 
miscegenation under whatever form or name it 
may appear. 

It is the spiritual power of British Israel Judeo- 
Masonry which causes the "hard core" patriots to 
attack its visible forms as they embrace its spirit. 
The Adamic Race of Anglo Saxondom is only the 
bait to cast the revolution into seemingly 
conflicting ideologies. Race wars are financed and 
directed from both directions as a destroyer of 
political states, as the same finance promotes the 
kingdom message to establish the spiritual 
(religio-political) state universal. 


It is our purpose to demonstrate the latent 
meaning of our now total confusion and to show 
that what seems like confusion and contradiction 
to us is perfectly ordered and guided by the 
invisible power of British Israel. To conquer the 
world and then hold it in subjection, its spirit 
must first be overcome and this is the purpose of 
the kingdom message of British propaganda. We 
hope to show its true nature and scope and to 
what extent it has made us a vassal state, as 
surely as if we were bound with chains. 

We wish to make it unequivocally clear that if a 
people is imbued with the spirit of the kingdom 
message (the belief that there is to be a millennial 
paradise), it is hopeless futility to fight the 
political intrigue, as they cannot fight that which 
they believe in their hearts. 

Emphasis is NOT on political British Jew Masonic 
Communism, but upon the spiritual British Jew 
Masonic kingdom of God on earth. Our concern is 
the attempt of the Jew British cartel and their 
Masonic stooges throughout the world to build 
the world state in the name of Christ. It is not 
their politics, it is their spirit that has 
overwhelmed us. 

They would remove our faith from God's 
Supernatural kingdom and relegate us to the 
natural order based upon the degeneracy of a 
Luciferian sex cult given to us in the pious name 
of kingdom of God on earth. 

It is our spirit which determines if our faith is in 
the Alpha and Omega of the living Christ or the 
kingdom of God on earth of the fallen angel. 

British Israel is the mask for a commercial 
enterprise the likes of which the world has never 
known. This mask is spiritual propaganda 
through which it is educating the people for world 
government. It is fed to us in Biblical language, 
building its blue print of action with a predictive 
and futuristic scheme of Bible prophecy. When we 
unmask and remove the cloak of self- 
righteousness we find that the spiritual deception 
of British Israel is laying the foundation for world 


domination by the British Empire. 

The mantle of the British Empire is British Israel, 
a Phariseeic Christianity, which is a spiritual lie 
that says Anglo Saxondom and the Jews make up 
God's people on earth and that as the physical 
seed of Abraham, they are to form the theocratic 
world government to enforce peace on earth 
under the rulership of Christ. World Jewry and its 
cabalistic Masonry are working the political and 
economic intrigue to fit the scheme of British 
Israel prophecy. World events are manipulated so 
as to merge with the predictions of British Israel 

and the very elect will be deceived-if it 

were possible. 

The curtain is about to be raised for the final act 
of World War III. 

Absolute control of the world propaganda 
apparatus has successfully made the people of 
the world believe that as a military and economic 
power the British Empire is gone. Therefore we 
must decipher its propaganda and penetrate the 
myth of a bygone Empire and recognize that only 
its name and outward appearance has changed 
hiding the same world confederation of political 
and economic power and progressing forward 
toward its goal of a world state in which it seeks 
the control of the wealth and governments of all 
nations. Paramount in this struggle is the battle 
for the spirit of the world, making political and 
military considerations only complementary. 
Therefore it is the building of the spiritual- 
political state through which the British Empire 
seeks absolute domination and we must now 
recognize the neo British Empire in terms of this 
spiritual power, which we identify as a crypto- 
Christianity. This power is hammering away at 
the five senses of the world, instilling the people 
with a revived Judaic Pharisaism that the 
Commonwealth of Israel of God is the British 
Israel Commonwealth of the World. We perceive in 
this "New Christianity" which has enveloped the 
globe the absolute power of the supposedly dead 
British Empire, which is silently and skillfully 
closing its stranglehold on a people deluded with 
this fictitious fundamental Christianity. 


If we expect to understand the power struggle in 
the world, which is prescribed only by the British 
Empire, we must recognize its might under its 
new symbols of the Christian Cross and the 
Christian flag. As the military and political 
significance of the Union Jack is lowered from 
sight, the spiritual power is increased under the 
now universal Christian Cross and Flag. The 
power is the same and the struggle is the same. It 
is only that the political and military and 
economic aspects of the Empire have been 
concealed with the spiritual power of British 
Israel "Christianity" It is only Satan appearing as 
an angel of light. 

If seekers of the truth would understand the 
political forces they must see the spiritual power 
that is guiding them to harmonize toward the 
world state in the name of Christ. 

American politics, economy and military posture 
is being carefully guided to fit the propaganda of 
the kingdom message. We are being betrayed and 
ravished in the name of an unbiblical scheme of 
Bible prophecy which is preparing us for final 
ruin under the guise of a synthetic hogwash 
called Christianity. The excuse for our agony and 
coming destruction is j our "national sins" which 
are justified with quotations from Old Testament 

Americans have been lied to so much by the 
prophets of Jew-Masonic-British Israel that even 
now the truth is stranger than fiction. 

Our purpose is to make known that the treachery 
and betrayal of the American people is covered 
with the pious prophecies of the coming kingdom 
of God on earth. We shall analyze the meaning of 
this very efficient propaganda and reveal its extra- 
biblical attempt at merging Bible prophecy and 
secular history to advance the plan of world 
domination by the British Empire. 

The kingdom of God on earth that Christ 
established is the kingdom of GRACE. It filled the 
whole earth yet it came not with observation. It is 
a kingdom of the election according to GRACE 
from all nations and generations. Christ through 


His atoning blood is our personal Saviour 
individually, sad not collectively in a racial or 
national sense. 

In these pages there are many repetitions but we 
offer no apology for them. When, as in this 
discourse, basic causes are persistently ignored 
and basic principles persistently forgotten, it is 
necessary that they be patiently reiterated until 
they are understood by at least a few. If this 
sounds like contempt for the average reader, it is 
only to say that because the object of our 
revelation is so subtle it appears to be unreal and 
even ridiculous to the unsuspecting John Q. 
Public. We hurriedly inject that it is this subtle 
nature that has caused the malignant growth of 
the most gigantic fraud the world has ever 
endured. Then too, if our theme is not repeated 
over and over again it cannot in any way 
overcome years of propaganda which has instilled 
into the American people a conditioned response 
when approached with information not in 
harmony with their limited credibility- a response 
that blots out all attempts to pierce the set 
notions of what is or is not the truth concerning 
the chaotic world we live in. Even some of the 
ones who claim that they believe what is here set 
out almost in the same breath declare the exact 
opposite by their words and deeds as if they had 
never been exposed to the facts at all. 

Not being able to grasp the new concept which is 
the most Satanic ever used to destroy a nation 
and which defies all deceit as the biggest lie in the 
name of truth of every age, they tenaciously (even 
if completely honest) hold on to what has already 
made an indelible impression upon their minds. 
For example the facts contend that so-called 
Communism is only an instrument of British 
Israel, that it is fed and bred as a coercive force to 
channel the people in the desired direction. To 
use the language of British Israel, "Russia is 
God's battle ax to hammer (hammer and sickle) in 
the kingdom of God on earth." The nature of this 
decoy of so-called Communism, which is being 
used by the British Empire to destroy national 
states and leaving them in absolute control of the 
world, precludes even honest people with their 
one track minds or mundane mentalities from 


reverting inevitably back to an "anti-Communist" 
stance as if this sham fiction is a physical law of 
the universe. They cannot see this Communist 
versus anti-Communist hoax as a visible and 
physical agent provocateur of a much greater 
invisible power. Not understanding this, the 
masses of Americans who are alerted to the chaos 
in today's world naturally attack the obvious 
straw man, not realizing or believing that all their 
efforts toward or against the so-called Communist 
conspiracy with its attendant evils including the 
Negro revolution, only adds to the deception by 
leading others to believe that the ills of the world 
are caused by Russian Communism when they 
are not. Let us add that any interpretation that 
the writer is pro-Communist is asinine. Our 
purpose is to show the true nature of 

Social customs, as Americans have been 
"educated" to understand it, is a social and 
political phenomenon dedicated to an enforced 
world slave state. But Communism has a dual 
nature as we shall show. It has its left wing so- 
called atheistic God hating side and it has its 
right wing so-called Fundamental Christianity 
side. We propose to prove in this text that any 
true understanding of Communism must include 
not only the social-political but also the religio- 
political. Reduced for clarity, there is a Social 
Communism and there is a Spiritual 
Communism, and when the proper analogy is 
shown they are one force. Americans are unaware 
of the existence of this spiritual or "Christian" 
Communism and that it is the invisible and 
permanent phase of world revolution. This 
spiritual or right wing Communism, or "Christian" 
Communism, will be shown as we go on in terms 
of Judeo-Christianity, Fundamental Christianity, 
World Brotherhood, Millennialism, Zionism and 
other terms which require for their existence what 
they term a paradise earth with a political 
theocracy and a natural messiah. Therefore 
"Christianity" is political Zionism as expressed by 
so-called conservatism hence our term "Christian" 
Communism when referring to the "anti- 
Communist patriots." 

We are primarily concerned with right wing or 


"Christian" Communism in this text because of its 
power and deception to beguile Americans into 
self destruction totally within and under the guise 
of true Christianity. We use quotation marks 
around the word Christian and many other words 
and phrases to convey to the reader that said 
word or phrase has been perverted from its 
original and true meaning, to mean the very 
opposite. For example, Christian Communism is 
an inherent contradiction but "Christian" 
Communism is not and applies to the fakery of 
the conservative movement in America. How then, 
can "Christianity" be Communism? "Christianity" 
or "Fundamental Christianity" is promoting a 
world wide millennial government of Christ. Since 
this idea is opposite to Christ, Who said my 
kingdom is not of this world, then "Fundamental 
Christianity" is a political religion designed to 
deceive Americans into world government at the 
expense of the national sovereignty of the United 
States. Communism is a world state, 
"Fundamental Christianity" is a world state, 
therefore our term "Christian" Communism. Of 
course the term Christian Communism without 
the quotes is self contradictory, but no less so 
than the millions of Americans who are under the 
spell of false patriotism. 

For the first time in the history of the world has 
an empire of men sought to make itself God. The 
British Empire has successfully acquired the 
world, which it runs via Masonry and Rhodes 
Scholars. At one and the same time, it has 
completely hidden this power behind the 
materialistic Jew's religion under the false notion 
of Christianity and God's kingdom on earth. 
Through the use of religious deception which we 
refer to herein as spiritual power, the British 
Empire holds in bondage men's souls the world 
over. They have harnessed their mad drive to 
dominate the world to the Jew's religion of an 
earthly kingdom and a natural Messiah. Therefore 
their World Empire is consolidating itself upon a 
World Government religion which compels 
allegiance from the heart, shutting out faith in the 
only true God — Jesus Christ. 

Russian Communism is specifically a visible 
revolutionary force of a greater and more sinister 


invisible spiritual revolutionary force, namely 
British Israel and the British Empire. Our 
contention as the facts will show, that to fight 
Communism the agent instead of British 
Imperialism the master, is an exercise in futility 
and needless to say, "it was planned that way." 
Since Russian Communism is only a decoy for 
treason in temporary use, a few finally come to 
see that anti-Communism, which is also a decoy 
for treason, promotes the same goals of 
Communists simply by being hoodwinked into the 
mythical fraud. It causes honest people, by their 
zealousness, to center their attention on Russian 
Communism instead of on British Imperialism, 
which is the source and foundation of 
Communism, both political and spiritual. 
Therefore we cannot kill the supposed monster by 
continuing to revive it. We cannot condemn it and 
yet embrace it. We must understand it, for we 
cannot destroy with one hand what the other 
hand continues to build. So goes the Communist 
versus anti-Communist hoax. 

We are concerned that Americans be alerted to 
the dominion over their minds which has been 
brought about under the auspices of the gospel of 
Jesus Christ, but which is in reality a crude 
barbarism. So uniform and irresistible is this 
force that its victims promote its success and 
obey all its commands to their uttermost 

Why should it be unthinkable that in a space age 
technology, that mind control propaganda is also 
a technological advancement? The control of 
whole populations through propaganda is a 
present reality and the extent of this control has 
no relationship to the formal education of the 
people. Most Americans will laugh you down if 
you attempt to explain how they are controlled, 
and to suggest that they are controlled through 
their churches is the most fantastic thing they 
could imagine and the last thing most of them 
would ever believe. What we advise here is that 
the churches have been slowly saturated with 
anti-Christian doctrines which are in effect 
leading the people away from the historic 
Christian faith without their being aware. Could 
Satan find a better place than within the 


churches to instill his heresies? People sort of 
think of their churches as untouchable and 
incorruptible ivory towers where evil fears to 
enter. Evil has entered. 

Further, Communism and Socialism, as social 
and political ideals, are relics of past idealists and 
their greater value is that of a vehicle to 
expansion of the British Empire. The other side of 
this coin, and we hasten to add by far the most 
deceptive, is the instrument of British Israel 
which most accurately named is called political 
Messianism. Political Messianism is supposedly 
opposed to Marxian Communism. Parenthetically 
Communism appears as left wing and its fake 
opposite comes to us as political Messianism or 
right wing. An analogy of the ingredients of the 
two and their purpose will show them to be 
identical, though they appear opposite, and 
working as a pincers movement toward a 
synthesis of complete and universal control of the 
world by the British Empire. 

The scheme of British Israel is not a ludicrous 
speculation. It is not child's play and it is not just 
another road to world government. It is THE road 
to world government, and the most Satanic 
betrayal of humanity to come upon the face of the 
earth. The result of this madness is incredible 
mind control with almost no probabilities of 

The networks of varied revolutionary forces are 
working toward a perfect fusion under the 
carefully guided plan of British Israel. The total 
effort is to cause universal mind control through 
confusion. The people of the world are not 
supposed to know that world government is to 
come through a false Christianity. We say it is 
false but it appears in almost every respect to be 
the true faith. British Israel "Christianity" is 
promoted with the rationale and semantics of true 
Christianity on one hand and the rationale and 
semantics of Americanism and Conservatism on 
the other. It applies Christianity to its national 
religion. British Israel is Spiritual Communism. If 
is treason. 

One of the key methods of concealing the source 


of British Israel is the raising of many false issues 
and counter issues and getting the people 
involved in effect rather than cause. Millions of 
printed words are put out attacking this or that 
as un-American or blaming revolution on Russian 
Communism. All this "educates" the people to an 
incredible ignorance concerning the cause and 
ultimate objective of international strife. 

Non profit Christian fronts are promoting false 
world evangelism at the expense of the American 
people. The word is constantly that we must 
accept "Christ or Communism." The Christ of the 
Christian fronts is of course a political Christ, a 
worldly Christ and a natural Messiah. 

First class mail from these non profit Christian 
fronts goes from coast to coast for one cent while 
private mail costs six cents at the present rate. 

Right Wing Communism has much to say about 
the coming of the "Anti-Christ" and the end of the 
age. According to the plan of British Israel there is 
to be a Christ and an Antichrist. When we come 
to understand their spiritual deception, we 
immediately know that the Christ of the Christian 
fronts is only another anti-Christ. Historic and 
orthodox Christianity does not interpret the Bible 
to instruct t that there is to be a Christ versus 
anti-Christ end of the age showdown in any 
political or military confrontation. This Christ 
versus anti-Christ" and "The Battle of 
Armageddon" is a notion derived from Jewish 
perversions of Holy Writ, and teaches a 
completely erroneous Christianity. 

A very important consideration in the study of 
British Israel propaganda is symbolism. The 
Cross of Christ in one form or another is the main 
symbol for the world crusade to bring in a new 
order of "Christianity." Through the ages 
deceptive appeals have quickly grasped and 
utilized ancient Christian symbols to gain a closer 
identity to the true faith. One of the symbols 
which are used most frequently is the symbol of 
the fish Go to next chapter 

In placing the blame of this one world super-state 
plot upon the British Empire, the fact of history 


will support that the Machiavellian intrigue of the 
British Empire and their international finance has 
inaugurated every major war in modern history. 
Contrary to popular belief the British Empire is 
not defunct. It is not as they have made 
Americans believe, a diseased body bound to 
oblivion. This is a fiction and deception 
unparalleled in the annals of modern propaganda. 
The fact is that the character of the British 
Empire is different from any of the great empires 
that have preceded it, and that because of this 
nature it must dominate to survive. Just the 
visible part of the British Empire consists of 
rulership of over five hundred million people, over 
one fourth of the land surface of the world, and 
the suzerainty of five seas. Then the British 
Empire owns or controls other vast areas of the 
world by the control of vital port cities. The 
massive might of Red China that we hear so 
much about is a mere possession of the British 
Empire, which has a noose around the throat of 
China through the control of Hong Kong. China, 
like any other nation, would die without 
commerce and this lifeline is through Hong Kong 
controlled by the British Empire. 

Few Americans believe or understand the 
immensity of the British Empire. It is not confined 
to the little island of England and Scotland, but 
was around 17,000,000 square miles before 
World War II; an area six times greater than the 
United States. This vast Empire since has 
acquired the colonial areas of Germany and Italy. 
The hypocrisy of the British is enough to make 
any American sick. While they keep over 
500,000,000 colored subjects in absolute control 
and subjection they support the Negro revolution 
in the United States. Why, you ask? To destroy 
this nation and subject it to the humiliating 
status of a crown colony. 

The policy of the British Empire is to establish 
naval bases around the world to control the sea 
and commerce lanes, so as to blockade and starve 
into submission any nation or group of nations 
which oppose the Empire. Of major importance 
and a must for the success of the scheme is the 
reacquisition of a lost possession N the United 


States of America. 

The British are masters at creating disturbances 
against themselves (such as Communism, always 
under full control) to keep the world from the 
truth. The most recent example of this hide and 
seek is the Rhodesian affair. Of course the 
deluded rank and file right wingers in this 
country took up the echo. 

The Empire has floated the world in blood to gain 
its goal of world control and it may shock many to 
know that the vast wealth of American business, 
including the tax-free foundations , has helped 
realize the dreams of Cecil Rhodes and Andrew 
Carnegie to control the world for the British 
Empire, with the control of the United States 
economy via the Federal Reserve System and the 
infiltration of British spies under the pseudonym 
of Rhodes Scholars, the Empire has used 
American boys to fight its wars and police the 
world and it has had no difficulty in guiding our 
foreign policy for the last seventy years. Every 
excuse for the sell out is a part of a general 
scheme to create confusion and contradiction in 
the minds of the people, and to avoid disclosure of 
the British Empire intrigue to use its control of 
international finance to attain its planned 
objective of world domination. 

As remote as it might seem to to unthinking 
observers, the chicanery and deceit of power 
politics extends its control over Russia, using it as 
a base and decoy to serve world revolution. It is 
common knowledge that the Russian takeover 
could not have happened without the millions of 
the financial oligarchy of international finance. 
And if these Investors of Satan bought the 
Russian takeover, who have they since sold it to? 
The truth is that they have not sold it and do not 
intend to let anyone take it away. It is a very 
useful investment as a base of operations for 
world intrigue. We are always terrorized with the 
bugaboo Russian Communism. Witness the non¬ 
interference of Russia in the recent Arab-Israeli 
sham. The British, who control Israel, had a 
propaganda timetable to fulfill so they created the 
war and made it very successful in order to fit the 
scheme of British Israel political Messianism. 


Why did not powerful Russia intervene directly? 
The only answer is that they were not allowed to 
by the British Empire. Now in a reverse situation 
the British Empire turned the Red Chinese loose 
on American boys in Korea after they (the reds) 
had been defiantly beaten. The British Empire 
has had secret control of China for over a 
hundred years and they keep that control by 
utilizing controlled revolutionists against their 
own secret government 

As we pursue this discourse it is necessary, if we 
are to understand the real enemy of this 
Republic, to see the concealed dual nature of the 
British government. This dual and doubleheader 
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde structure of government, 
known to Americans simply as the British 
government, hides the answers as to why the 
turbulent world today and the dim outlook to the 
future. The fact that American school textbooks 
and works of popular reference, and the books of 
thousands of pseudo history experts have woven 
a fabric of deceit and created popular acceptance 
of an illusion and a fallacy by the cumulative 
force of constant repetition, does not change the 
facts one iota. There is a distinction between the 
government of Great Britain, which is largely 
confined to the internal government of the British 
Isles, and the British government which controls 
the British Empire. 

To those who are bewildered by the turn of events 
in this country and the world, an explanation that 
it is just a Communist plot, will not stand up. We 
must explore further if we are to survive. 

If this attempt pierces the armor of British Israel 
propaganda given to us as Communism and anti¬ 
communism and "prophecy," then it will be 
because there are a few Christian Americans left 
who can see with the heart as well as with the 
eye. Christians know that their personal salvation 
is through the sovereign grace of our Lord Jesus 
Christ and that now is the day of salvation and 
there is no other. The salvation of degenerate man 
in this life is the grace of God through Christ. 
This at once eliminates all Arian heresies of racial 
and national salvation and the hoax of divine 
national origin. There are no physical and 


material blessings promised us in the gospel of 
Christ. If there are, all rich men are Christians 
and all poor men are lost. In this last and final 
age the gospel of the kingdom, or gospel of grace, 
applies to regenerate spiritual Israel and not 
degenerate physical Israel, under whatever name. 
The Israel of God coming from the Heavenly city 
of Jerusalem which is above, is all those born 
again Christians from all nations of the earth and 
is not the "Jews" (those who say they are the 
Jews) and Anglo Saxondom. The sovereign Lord 
Jesus has established His sovereign and complete 
reign in the hearts of believers of His gospel. The 
kingdom of God on earth is the gospel of salvation 
and is extended through the grace of Christ. The 
kingdom of grace has filled the whole earth of 
every nation and every tongue. (Col. 1:23). The 
peculiar people and the Holy nation of God are 
the elect, according to grace, from all nations and 
races and not limited to any one nation or group 
of nations, or one race. 

If Americans are content with the deteriorating 
condition of our beloved country, then, they will 
deserve their fate which will be subjection and 
humiliation far exceeding anything our forefathers 
knew as a colony of the British Empire. We must 
take our country back today. We must breach the 
veil of propaganda and expose the plot to our 
fellow Americans no matter how unpleasant or 
unpopular it might be. Remember, it is no more 
promising today than it was when a handful of 
early American patriots declared independence 
the first time, and shed their blood for it and us. 

This writing will not be a profit item to the Right 
Wing and their Christian fronts. It will be either 
loved or hated. It is not intended to further the 
deception of honest Americans, but to deliver 
them from it. It proposes to rise above the 
confusion and propaganda of pretended 
patriotism and bring before the reader the real 
issue in world conflict. This issue is whether or 
not Christ's kingdom is of this world. Those who 
believe that Christ's kingdom is an earthly hope 
in this age or any future age are herein 
designated to Judaic Zionism regardless their 
acclaims of Christianity or the Christian name 
they assume. Over against this are those 


Christians today and throughout the centuries 
who have seen the Cross as the final act of God to 
redeem humanity. These are they who shun the 
pseudo Christians when they mix of spirit of God 
with the political governments of this world. 

World revolution moves above the mentality of the 
man on the street. So far removed is the cause of 
revolution from the present chaos and confusion 
that any suggestion that that British Empire is 
the "nigger in the wood pile" is laughable even to 
most intelligent people. Of course this state of 
mental incredibility is no accident. All available 
evidence point students of world unrest in the 
opposite direction from the point of origin. In the 
front rank of social and political strife are the 
vague "Communists " who are sometimes Negroes 
and sometimes agent provocateurs. Behind them 
and not so visible is the court system on whose 
benches sit Masonic judges who day after day give 
socialistic and permissive interpretation which 
continues the aggravated situation toward social 
and political breakdown. In the government are 
even less visible Rhodes Scholars and Masons 
who turn every action against the American 
people, all in the name of human liberty. Then in 
the background and almost imperceptible to the 
majority of the people, is British Israel power 
politics and propaganda. Even most of the people 
who believe in the coming of a worldwide kingdom 
of God refuse to believe that this is a ruse to cover 
the domination of the world by the British 
Empire. The British Empire has simply cloaked 
itself in the Jew's religion of an earthly kingdom 
and named itself the Kingdom of God on earth. 
And all the church talk about Christ returning to 
set up His millennial reign compounds this deceit. 
What better way is there to build a world empire 
than through a world government religion? People 
will fight Holy Wars in defense of their earthly 
kingdom religion and bleed white without 
knowing they serve the cause of British 
Imperialism. Holy Wars and Crusades of history 
have been fought in the name of God and with the 
excuse that it is divine will. That God intervenes 
in behalf of His people, has been used to lead men 
to slaughter for hundreds of years. Today, events 
have moved the American people to such a state 
of confusion that they have grown cynical and 


desperate, while the kingdom cults and 
evangelists shout that divine intervention is 
imminent and the world kingdom of peace for a 
thousand years is about to begin. All is only 
another Christian pretense to hide the biggest 
international crime in history. 

Americans who believe that Christ's kingdom is of 
this world are ushering in world government. 
They have a sickness called Communism of the 
heart or spiritual Communism. Spiritual 
Communism is a political religion. It is a religion 
dedicated to a world government kingdom in 
which national states vanish under the central 
authority of the political theocracy. This is the 
plot and behind the Jewish kingdom religion is 
the Jewish State, which is the British Empire. 

The sacrifice of truth is a science peculiar to 
revolution which is in essence, the very 
perversion of truth. Revolution has repeatedly 
disguised itself in the cloak of Christianity in 
order to pervert the mind and enslave the body of 
mankind. Therefore it is the duty of all Christians 
to expose the abominable lies on which all 
movements pretending to be Christian 
Conservatism are founded and follow the example 
of our Lord Who denounced evil under whatever 
wrap it appeared. Left Wing activity is obvious, 
even to the vain, so our main concern is to reveal 
the anti-Christian and subversive efforts of the 
Christian fronts because their part in the 
American revolution is not suspected nor 
understood. We call them Christian fronts 
because they present themselves as Christian to 
disguise themselves and their revolutionary 
activity. If we would know the truth about the 
leaders and direction and about the nature and 
essence of the Right Wing or "patriotic 
movement," we should as upright men and 
Christian Americans, investigate the religious and 
unethical principles of the Luciferians who are 
providing the leadership for us to follow. In the 
name of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith we 
are duty bound to look beneath their expressions 
and beyond their external forms and penetrate 
the veils which they have thrown around 
themselves and their followers. We dare not 
continue to follow them into hell simply because 


they express themselves in terms of Christian 
ideas and thoughts and give their activities a 
Christian coloring, the more effectively to deceive, 
mislead and hoodwink us into active participation 
of our own destruction. Satan has appeared as 
the angel of light. 

So-called Christian Conservatism identifies the 
work of all the organized anti-Communist groups 
in America and like their mythical enemy 
Communism, conceals within itself a false 
messianic idea. It is only for Christians to 
recognize that it, like Communism, is rotten fruit 
from the same corrupt tree. Communism is world 
Socialism and World Government say the 
"patriots," and we agree, but anti-Communism in 
its many forms says the same thing under a 
different name. That name is world government 
alias the kingdom of God on earth. Which is more 
deceptive? The anti-Communist patriots condemn 
while embracing and only a deceived person 
cannot recognize the inconsistency. 

The parable of the story of Communism versus 
anti-Communism is the same as Dr. Jekyll and 
Mr. Hyde. Only the do-gooders do not recognize it 
is the same man. 

We know the "patriots" will disagree, saying that 
they are not for world government in any form but 
they do not know where their leaders seek to lead 

They should realize that after the months and 
years of crusading against Communism that the 
United States is worse off than ever, and there is 
more confusion than ever. One should logically 
realize that anti-communism and pro¬ 
communism is a myth and participation from 
either side perpetuates a fraud against America 
by keeping the truth from the people. The 
"patriots" are stabbing this nation to death in the 
name of Christianity and Americanism. We shall 
try to explain. 

The British Empire, unlike any aspirant to world 
domination heretofore, has foregone its external 
vanity in order to accomplish its purpose. It has 
hauled down the Union Jack time and time again 


in order to impress upon the world the idea of a 
dead Empire. It has subjected and exploited its 
own people, extracting their consent based upon 
the fiction that austerity means survival be it ever 
so rigid. They have devaluated the pound and 
inflated (devaluated) the dollar, but only to 
contain the people in economic bondage, while 
the Empire uses another system of international 
finance to dominate and manipulate the world. 
Money is for the exploitation of the dumb people. 
It has no effect upon the people who print it, or 
else they would hold the value up. Instead they 
are preparing the people for the final removal of 
their only individual means of independence and 
accumulation of wealth. The purpose of the many 
books on the "money conspiracy" is to destroy 
money and not to conserve it. When money is 
gone it will then be credit which one cannot hoard 
or save. Then the economics of Karl Marx has 
been accomplished in the name of Conservatism 
and the Constitution. It will then be production 
for use and not for profit N- hence every man a 
slave. The destruction of our money is justified 
with the twisting of Biblical language, such as the 
economics of this "Gentile System" or "Babylonian 
System" must be destroyed by God to make ready 
for the New Age wherein there is no greed or 
selfishness because of the "love of money." With 
the removal of this "evil," all then can be 
brotherhood. They condemn the use of gold while 
they use it themselves to subject the people and 
consolidate their power of the One World Super¬ 
state British Empire in the name of Christ, and 
ironically enough with the use of the Cross and 
the Christian Flag the people are led to believe 
that Heaven will come down to earth and we will 
have the kingdom of God on earth millennium. 

The British Empire is a vampire of jackals who 
have used Machiavellian intrigue to conceal their 
identity and by perverting Scripture from grace to 
race they have sought to replace confidence in the 
spirit of Christ for confidence in the flesh, and 
upon this basis have led men to believe that the 
kingdom of God is carnal and temporal. It is with 
the revival of this ancient Pharisaism, popularized 
and evangelized worldwide, which is used to 
manipulate history and nations in the name of 
Christ. The plot is to destroy political nationalism 


and totally integrate the nations into an organic 
unity. This process is attained and held through 
the SPIRITUAL. In this instance we mean spiritual 
darkness. The substitution of flesh for spirit or 
the kingdoms of this world for the kingdom of God 
is spiritual darkness and certain bondage to those 
who believe it. And the Pharisees said to Christ, 
"We be Abraham's seed, and were never in 
bondage to any man." Christ spoke of their 
spiritual bondage and they thought He spoke of 
chains. Bondage of the spirit renders unnecessary 
bondage with chains, and it is out of this truth 
which determines if man is divided against 
himself. And it is with this principle that the 
world is being put into chains politically. It must 
first be evangelized against itself then it will not 
rebel from that which it believes, nor indeed can 
it. After this SPIRITUAL UNITY is accomplished, 
the organic unity is sure to follow. In this is the 
power of British Israel and it does not even fly the 
Union Jack nor need it ever, lest it be overcome 
with the containment of its vanity and glory. 
Nations of the world need not apparently give up 
their sovereignty, their flag and their false 
security for this is like a child with his toys 
surrounded by a fence. For though a nation may 
have its government, its flag and its Constitution 
(as the patriots fight for), it is its spirit, the beliefs 
of the people, that determines its freedom. It is 
upon this plane that we have become justly called 
the bondage of the free. It is spiritual darkness 
which causes us to do evil thinking that we do 
good. It is spiritual bondage which causes us to 
become victims of our own frustrations when we 
condemn evil under one name and promote it 
under another. It is spiritual bondage which 
causes us to fight against ourselves and stir up 
revolution based on shams, for the main ally of 
British Israel is the blindness of those on whom it 

If spiritual unity or the world is attained, physical 
unity is a certainty and individual sovereignties, 
such as the United States once was, only become 
a link in the chain that binds them. A house 
divided against itself cannot stand and no matter 
what kind of convulsions it goes into to save itself, 
it only adds to the dilemma of its disease. Go to 


next chapter. 

If the spirit of the citizens of a nation is in truth, 
the good health of the body politic is a natural 
consequence and no physical power on earth can 
destroy it. 

The central theme of capturing the world through 
British Israel (spiritual) is to dominate with the 
CONSENT of the subjects. This is unlike any 
world empire before that has held its power with a 
superior military machine against the will of the 
people. World evangelism with British Israel is 
bringing about just such a colossus through 

And what is Spiritual unity? Spiritual unity is a 
belief or beliefs held in common. For example, the 
people who make up the Methodist Church have 
certain spiritual unity, in that they believe alike. 
Likewise the people of the Catholic Church or any 
other church have spiritual unity or beliefs in 
common. When we speak of spiritual unity this 
could mean united in truth or united in error, and 
it is the latter which applies to the fake 
Christianity which covers the deceit of the Right 
Wing. It is the work of British Israel to carry 
spiritual unity across denominational lines and 
establishes in each church wherever possible, the 
common belief or common Bible interpretation 
that Jesus Christ will unify the world in peace 
under His personal rule. Of course when they say 
that Christ will personally put down all rebellion 
and establish world government, they mean in a 
material and political sense. Therefore this 
materialism is just as Communist as that of Karl 
Marx. Because one thinks that a materialistic and 
earthly kingdom interpretation of the Bible is 
Christianity does not make it so, but it does put 
him in spiritual unity with the Communists 
whom he wishes to oppose. Hence he is himself a 
spiritual Communist because his faith in a world 
government on this earth will lead to the same 
inhuman slavery as Russian Communism. We say 
then that the building up of Spiritual 
Communism (carnal or materialistic Christianity) 
within the church and in the form of Christianity 
is the plot planned from the start to finally 
overcome Russian Communism and establish in 


its place a Christian Communism or Spiritual 
Communism. But as long as the world is in the 
conflict stage of world revolution, Russian 
Communism must be made to appear the mortal 
enemy to "Fundamental Christianity," or as we 
have termed it, Spiritual Communism. The 
"Christian" or Spiritual Communist and their 
Right Wing patriotism and conservatism will win 
over imported Russian Communism, but it will be 
done in the name of Christianity. It will be made 
to appear that world government came in through 
the victory of Christianity over evil Communism. 
What could be more deceptive than to use 
Christianity to establish a world Communist 
state? It is so, and it is being done with this 
materialistic, futuristic interpretation of the Bible. 
The scheme is to get this earthly kingdom belief 
into every church so that spiritual unity can be 
established upon the belief that world government 
is to come and that it is to be Divine. 

Now it is impossible to understand Spiritual 
Communism by looking at Marxism or at Russia. 
The idea of spiritual unity as an instrument of 
power politics is a gradual Biblical re-educational 
process leading people away from their national 
identity and merging them into a world 
government through religion. The British Empire 
could not be successful with their world grab 
unless they could be removed from the blame that 
would be sure to come if they operated in their 
own name. This they have done by operating in 
the name of Christianity. World government 
under the Empire would be opposed but world 
government of Christ would not. Therefore 
spiritual unity is established at that point where 
we desire a material world government 
(supposedly of Christ) to replace the Constitution 
of the United States. Is it not easy to see how 
sedition can be worked through religion without 
so much as a fraction of 200 million people ever 
suspecting it? 

The effort to get people into this common belief or 
spiritual unity of the coming world kingdom is the 
most determined and organized deceit that has 
ever been. It would be infantile to attempt to 
prove this truism when it is the most obvious 
thing in the world. Every significant endeavor of 


patriotism or Christianity carries this kingdom 
message. Every patriotic group in America is 
promoting deceit when they attempt to teach that 
Russian Communism is the real Communism. 
Russian Communism is bad enough but it pales 
into insignificance when almost every church in 
America is teaching their people spiritual 
Communism under cover of Christianity. 

Spiritual Communism cannot be fought with 
foreign aid and foreign wars for it is of the heart. 
Spiritual Communism cannot be attacked by 
super weapons of war nor is it attacked by the 
fictitious anti-Communists, for it is their belief 
and their faith. World government will not be 
established by Russian Communists but it may 
be brought about through spiritual unity in the 
form of Christianity. This is a plan well designed 
to use America for its own destruction, but it need 
not succeed if we can be alerted to the 
propaganda of the kingdom message 

The established conflict of "Christian 
Communism" versus Russian Communism and 
appropriating the outcome to Divine Will is the 
confusion of British Israel. The question of Divine 
Will intervening to establish a socialistic kingdom 
of God on earth is blasphemy to the Christian 
faith. Jesus Christ is not the God of this world 
and His kingdom is not a kingdom of this world. 

This is indeed conquest with consent. It is 
Satanic. It is invisible. It is indefensible with 
military force. It is all powerful. It is a world super 
state in complete control of mind and body. 

If the people know the truth in Christ they can 
use their would-be chains to beat off the 
synagogue of Satan who would imprison the 
world by twisting the Scriptures to fit a scheme of 
political messianism alias world government in 
the name of Christ. 

Our patriots are fighting Communism in every 
strata of our society, only to be infected with the 
same disease in our churches under the 
pseudonym of the kingdom of God on earth. They 
are overjoyed and docile as a lamb as they are 
given wholesale doses of this same ideology which 


they believe they fight. They are victims of a 
scheme of predictive prophecy and political 
messianism which is not in the Bible at all. It has 
never been the purpose of God to glorify the body 
but to redeem man from his sin. 

If the citizens of this nation can be motivated by 
British Israel to give up their freedom and their 
country, they have become aliens in their own 
land while spending billions for defense. British 
Israel is brainwashing the people to believe that 
the chaos in the world is foretold in the Bible, and 
further that a New World under God's Law is 
coming after this one is destroyed, and that this 
world government is to be directed by Christ 
himself. Students of the Bible should recognize 
that this is only the extension of the hopes of the 
Pharisees who killed Christ because He refused to 
satisfy their demands for a worldly glory. So they 
seek to demote Christ from His throne in Heaven 
and dishonor Him with a filthy throne in 
Jerusalem in contradiction to His statement that 
"My kingdom is not of this world." John 18:36. On 
this perversion billions are being spent and many 
are being deceived while the prophets of Baal 
work overtime to make the people believe that 
God is intervening in history to establish world 
government and to oppose it is to dishonor God. 
The world is literally being put through the fires 
of revolution so that the people will work toward 
the establishment of this spiritual world super¬ 
state in the name of Christ and at the expense of 
their own freedom. If we fall for this deceit we are 
no better off than the people in India who starve 
while they worship a cow. 

While we brandish the most sophisticated 
weapons in history we are not even master in our 
own house. These very weapons with the blood of 
American soldiers are being used to bolster the 
ramparts of the only real enemy the United States 
ever had; the British Empire. We are using our 
substance to set the stage for World War III, 
which event is to fulfill the perverted prophecies 
of British Israel and solidify the new British 
World. While Americans are taxed to death to 
support this military machine, they are 
bombarded with British Israel propaganda which 
is more powerful than the H bomb. When one 


commits suicide he at least knows his fate. 
Americans are adding insult to injury not being 
content with just suicide. They are digging their 
own grave. Only a victim of deceit could destroy 
himself with such deliberateness. This indeed is 
the chicanery of British Israel, and it is given to 
us through our churches and great evangelistic 
movements In the name of Christianity. When 
unveiled it is nothing more than political intrigue 
to capture this nation by fast capturing its spirit. 
Laid bare it is Pharisaism clothed in Christian 
terminology, built on a system of Bible 
interpretation which is designed to cause the 
people to give up their country, thinking they will 
inherit the earth in a glorified theocratic world 
state called the kingdom of God on earth. 

Against this heresy there is no military defense 
but the success of it is a guarantee to the victors 
beyond any of the wildest imaginations of past 
dictators. The difference is in conquest by 

The attack is two-pronged as a pincers movement, 
in the form of the political on the one hand and 
the religious or spiritual on the other. The 
purpose of the political is to create confusion, war 
and general chaos and it is the purpose of the 
religious to explain it all in Biblical terminology, 
thereby giving justification to the plan of British 
Israel. When man needs justification for what he 
does not understand he will generally accept any 
scheme of Biblical interpretation. 

It is from this viewpoint that we are both captive 
and captors of our own debauchery for we are not 
political or military prisoners of war. We are 
ecclesiastical victims which causes us to 
perpetuate the disease that has made us sick. We 
keep those in public office because they utter for 
God and country, no matter how they conduct 
themselves or what kind of life they live. We are 
ecclesiastical prisoners of British Israel and the 
undefended subjects of the Empire, which is 
thought to be defunct. We are subdued to an 
ideology from which we do not conspire against. 
That power which holds us need not govern us or 
fear us as the people of this nation are ruled by a 
principle (spiritual deception) which the human 


mind cannot fathom. People think in terms of 
military power and massive forces, not 
understanding that a tiny island can control the 
world for a thousand years through spiritual 
deception. China and India are controlled with 
this weapon of spiritual darkness. All 
developments are calculated to drive men into 
this spiritual trap from which they cannot escape. 
This is a concept which defies military strategy by 
decreasing the physical object of attack while it 
increases its spiritual power. Like LSD it 
paralyzes the senses to all true perspective and 
encounters no obstacles neutralizing its 
adversaries. This is the enigma of British Israel 
and by nature it must not be a visible physical 
power which can be attacked by men and 
machines. For those who consider that the British 
Empire is dead, they should take another look at 
its dual nature. 

What force pays the bill for this country and the 
world to be soaked twenty-four hours a day with 
this peculiar kingdom of God on earth British 
Anglo-Israel theology? The British Empire has 
been made to appear dead physically while it 
extends its power spiritually through American 
churches and mammoth evangelistic movements. 
Unless we grasp this concept of war we cannot 
begin to undo the havoc before our eyes which the 
patriots believe to be Russian Communism. 
Communism is simply a hammer to drive us into 
this SPIRITUAL trap. If the Empire is gone, 
whence comes this blanket of political theology 
which exalts Britain as the "Covenant" nation 
prophesied to rule by 'Divine Right" and "Divine 
Might"? The measure of this deception is seen in 
how the people are beguiled into helping finance 
this hoax to their own enslavement. 

The prophets of British Israel promise us no 
peace without world government and they have a 
plan to make us beg for "salvation." We shall he 
more enslaved than the Egyptians, more 
oppressed than the Chinese, our unity more 
shattered than Germany's, our independence 
crushed, our property despoiled, our people 
lacerated and overrun. We shall be made to bear 
every sort of desolation in the name of the "Beast" 
and "False Prophet" (see section on the Catholic 


Church) and then we shall be "redeemed" by 
British Israel for Britain and her dominions are 
ordained of God to rule the earth under Christ 
"for the good of the world" for a thousand years -- 
so says British Israel and death to Americans if 
they believe it. If a people suffer enough hardship 
they will jump at any opportunity to extricate 
themselves from their misery, especially if they 
have been prepared for years to believe that it is 
the Divine Plan of the Ages. 

If our credibility will permit we shall show that 
the real power of the British Empire is to be found 
underneath its cloak of "Fundamental 
Christianity" and World Evangelism. It is not 
necessary and indeed an illusion that the political 
and military power of a nation exists in terms of 
military might. Mind control propaganda is far 
more powerful and it is self-perpetuating upon a 
tax exempt status and non profit church and 
evangelistic organizations who operate 
"constitutionally" under the guise of freedom of 
religion. The criterion for measuring myth and 
counter-myth, such as Rhodesia versus the 
British Empire, is not upon racial, social, 
economical, or military considerations per se, but 
upon the motivating spirit of the alleged 
adversaries. Has Rhodesia stopped the kingdom 
message propaganda from being broadcast within 
her borders? Not at all. Then the people of 
Rhodesia and the world are being manipulated on 
fictitious pretensions or a created crisis. The 
overshadowing power of any international juggling 
of nations is the constant bombardment of the 
kingdom message. 

To recognize power it must be understood in all of 
its manifestations and ramifications. Complete 
power opposes itself even to humiliation in the 
eyes of its subjects, so that it emerges from this 
camouflage to the apex of absolute domination. 
The Union Jack is in suspense until it can be 
raised in complete power. 

We insist that the reader test our revelations here 
given and prove it or disprove it according to the 
reality of the situation in America today as well as 
according to Bible truth. 


In order for this subject to convince the reader of 
its validity he must do that thing which is the 
farthest from his thinking. He must investigate 
the teachings in his own church and/or 
conservative appeal which seem to him to be 
truth. If he discovers in the "church of his choice" 
a teaching that God the Father, God the Son, and 
God the Holy Spirit can be found outside of Divine 
Revelation, and in the speculation of men, then 
he has become infected with the pantheistic 
teaching of the worldly church. And furthermore 
if he is being taught a political theology that 
promises universal salvation and brotherhood in 
a unified material world state, he will find this 
antithetical to the teaching of Jesus Christ, to the 
Roman Catholic Church, and to the Protestant 
Reformers. There is no salvation to be in a 
restored earth. It must be through the grace of 
Christ or not at all. 



Undermining America with Americanism 

Advertising and magnifying revolution promotes it 
from any viewpoint either Communist or anti¬ 
communist. For it is a single monster with two 
heads. It is the principle of dualism which is the 
combat of two apparently opposing ideologies; the 
end result being essentially that which is 
presumed to be opposed. Now any effort which 
exposes Communism as opposed to anti¬ 
communism promotes it under the guise of 
exposing it. The conflict is necessary to carry on 
revolution just as two opposing teams are 
necessary to a football game and if this be true 
then the right wing is subversive as well as the 
left and even more deceptive because it, (the right 
wing) operates behind a Christian front. So it is to 
be exposed as one movement to establish world 
government after it has successfully destroyed 
national states. This so-called conflict of 
ideologies (communism versus capitalism) is the 
revolutionary force that destroys national states 
in preparation for world government. 

Careful analysis of the front runners of the 
presumed opposition will reveal that their 
ideology is the same but is simply fed under 
different names. They carry on the stage play to 
keep the crisis boiling and growing which results 
NOT in the restitution of the "Constitutional 
Republic” but the complete destruction of it. Our 
participation in it magnifies it in direct proportion 
regardless of our good intentions. The solution is 
to demonstrate that all forces are manifestations 
of the same movement and the plot is to destroy 
that which they claim to defend. Confusion which 
is shown produces results that do not appear but 
promotes a more subtle conspiracy. We keep 
looking at the obvious produced only for the vain 
which is not the substance of revolution but only 
the shadow or decoy of it. 

If it appears from time to time that in this text the 
spiritual is co-mingled or confused g with the 


political, the explanation is that to any Christian 
the spiritual is the brighter light which will unveil 
and expose the political conspiracy which is 
posing and presenting itself as spiritual 

Christianity. The very immunity which the 
political conspiracy enjoys is maintained only 
because they have identified with Christianity. So 
the gospel of Christ gives us the power to 

recognize the tares who have no part in the 
kingdom of God but only claim to. 

Briefly stated British Israel or political 

Messianism is synonymously used with the 
"Kingdom Message" which proclaims the coming 
kingdom of God on earth many times called the 
millennium. In decoded political jargon this 
means that when the British Empire has 
complete control of the world there will be 

enforced peace for a thousand years. According to 
Cecil Rhodes it is to be a world ruled by a 
benevolent despotic intelligentsia, and so to 
create "peace for all eternity." This enforced peace 
means first the destruction of the United States 
as a nation and second it means the exploitation 
of the conquered world for the good of the British 
Empire. The Empire builder Cecil Rhodes left 
particular provisions in his will designed to bring 
the United States among countries "possessed by 
Great Britain." In support of this plan we notice 
the technique of modern Machiavellians in having 
their own stalking horses grasp the leadership of 
their real opponents, and then as their own veiled 
and hidden action is gradually unfolded, have 
their Pied Pipers oppose them on spurious and 
superficial pretexts in such a way as to obscure 
and conceal as far as possible the real reasons 
and objectives, thereby confusing and 
confounding the real opponents and leading them 
into a swamp of futility. Everybody remembers 
Alger Hiss, a Rhodes Scholar, and his defender 
Dean Acheson, an Anglophile and John Foster 
Dulles, another Rhodes Scholar. Today we have 
blood letting in Vietnam and elsewhere around 
the world due to the U. S. Foreign Policy headed 
by Dean Rusk, another Rhodes Scholar. The 
Commander of U.S. Forces in Vietnam is an agent 
of the British Empire-alias Rhodes Scholar-- 
namely General Westmoreland. 


The operation of British Israel through the 
spiritual is their real power. It is their veil 
concealing their dual and political nature and 
consequent objectives. Their proclamation of a 
flesh and blood kingdom of God on earth is a 
heresy and a revival of ancient Pharisaism. This 
paganism of antiquity is being used in a 
tremendous effort to initiate the human race into 
the pure Luciferian doctrine. It is a direct 
contradiction to orthodox historic Christian faith 
which teaches that the gospel of Christ is the true 
kingdom and entrance is gained by grace through 
faith in Jesus Christ. 

To suspect the presence of political Messianism 
as an ideal of a sect is one thing but to see it 
develop into a universal presumption of 
Christianity is to witness a grotesque seditious 
monster which moves over America with 
respectability and with the silent consent of the 
United States Government. 

The climate for revolution is set between the 
savage hands of anarchy who dutifully violate, 
plunder and murder and are without mercy or 
decency and the fake conservatives who say the 
solution to the whole thing is to be a happy 
Golden Age, when all things are common to all 
men, and men live in a paradise earth with 
neither property nor want, and all have equal 
rights and equal abundance. Abolish the greedy 
materialism of private property and replace it with 
a worldwide materialism where we can share the 
world in community. This is the religion of the 
right wing and it means darkness, desolation and 
death to America ending in human misery and 
oppression under the hoax of a Millennial 
Christian World Government. This is sedition and 
subversion which is "untouchable" because it 
operates within the limits of "freedom of religion." 
The spirit of World Government is being formed 
before the political reality becomes visible. This is 
false patriotism and Americanism using the law of 
the land to destroy America. The right wing and 
its "Fundamental Christianity" promotes a 
seditious world government religion which should 
be stamped out by laws of the land pertaining to 
the protection of the United States from her 


enemies both foreign and domestic. 

The real purpose of British Israelism or Anglo 
Israelism as proclaimed in the Kingdom Message 
is least what they most say and most what they 
least say. It is a religio-political conspiracy to set 
up world government under the British Empire by 
calling it the Kingdom of God on earth. British- 
Anglo-lsraelism holds that the Anglo Saxons or 
the White Adamic Race is chosen of God and that 
they are modern Israel. They claim that Britain 
possesses the Throne of David now occupied by 
Queen Eiizabeth and that Christ will soon come 
back to earth to reign for a thousand years. The 
British Empire claims it is made up of the 
Covenant Nations and that it shall rule the world 
by divine right and divine might. In other words 
the United States must merge into a more noble 
New Order of the Ages to "serve humanity" under 
the domination of the British Empire. This is only 
an enlargement of the theme that the so-called 
Jews of Palestine are chosen of God and are flesh 
and blood descendants of Abraham and are 
destiny bound to rule the world in an earthly 
glory. Must we fall for this deception simply 
because it is called the Kingdom of God on earth 
instead of what it is -- namely British Israel 
propaganda designed to conquer the world by 
doing it in the name of Christ? 

British Anglo-Israel is a religious movement and it 
is a political movement, and it is working to 
establish world government in the name of Christ. 
We shall try to identify British-Anglo-Israel, its 
method of operation and its intent to subvert this 
nation once again into the British Empire. In the 
spiritual sense British-Anglo-lsrael is unscriptural 
and anti-Christian but this is where it has its 
greatest power and has accomplished the most 
because it appeals to the carnal and natural mind 
of man. In the political sense it makes its greatest 
pins by appearing under the banner of Christian 
conservatism. Let us look first at the spiritual 
aspects of this fraud and then the political arm. 

In the realm of the spiritual British-Anglo-lsrael 
or political Messianism has its whole school of 
prophets. It says little about the New Testament 
except the book of Revelation but confines itself to 


the Old Testament prophets. If the people who are 
deluded by this perversion of Scripture would 
read the New Covenant Of New Testament they 
would see that the birth of Christ, His ministry, 
crucifixion and resurrection, sending of the Holy 
Ghost at Pentecost, and destruction of Jerusalem 
and the temple, was the fulfillment of those 
prophecies. Then they would conclude that 
British-Anglo-Israel denies the Divinity of Christ 
and the gospel by: 

1. Denying that Christ is reigning now. Rev. 1:5,6; 
5-8. 2. Annuls this dispensation as last days. 
Heb. 1:1. 3. Makes God false to His promises. Mk. 
1:14,15. 4. Alternates Judaism and Christianity. 
Heb. 8:5-7; 9:9,10. 5. Minimizes Gospel- belittles 
Church. Eph. 3:9-11. 6. Revokes the great 

commission. Matt. 28:19,20. 7. Nullifies salvation 
to Gentiles now. Acts 15:14-18. 8. Demotes Christ 
from throne in Heaven to the earth, His footstool. 
Heb. 1:3-13. 9. Makes first coming of Christ a 
failure. Gal. 4:4,5; Jn. 17:1-14. 

Tons of propaganda are unloaded on Americans 
and the world daily which carry the kingdom 
message either openly or thinly veiled, 
propagandizing for the kingdom of God on earth 
to come. This kingdom theme is cleverly taught by 
nearly all organizations and churches including 
all the occult groups. Many false issues and 
myths are raised to create confusion and 
misunderstanding, but through this maze of 
double talk one can always see the "kingdom 
message." As the art has been improved upon and 
perfected it has grown more subtle and more 
powerful. British Israel seeks to capture the spirit 
by appearing as an angel of light. On the religious 
side the main weapon of propaganda of British 
Israel is their use of (or rather misuse of) 
prophecy. Here is something vital and the main 
points of prophecy to watch are the Great 
Tribulation or seven years tribulation, Millennium 
or 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth, Battle of 
Armageddon, Reign of the Anti-Christ, regathering 
of the Jews to the Holy Land with the 
reestablishment of their Mosaic Law and temple 
worship, and the final destruction of Romanism. 

Of course to those who understand, the use being 


made of this peculiar interpretation of the Bible is 
only trickery to get the world to the abyss of this 
world government from which there is no return 
even if some of them realize, too late, that they 
have been tricked into world government in the 
name of Christ. Through the maze of secular and 
religious cults and organizations we see the 
malignant growth of this kingdom of God on earth 
idea. As stated, this idea is promoted with a 
scheme of Bible prophecy and may be equally 
seen and synonymous with the New Age cult of 
Masonry, and all of its illegitimate offspring 
whether they appear in the form of Comnmunism 
or Christianity. 

In this connection it is sad to say that out of most 
of our churches come this pernicious doctrine of a 
kingdom of God on earth. Of course the preachers 
could not have accomplished so much without 
excellent training from the many pseudo Bible 
Colleges that have sprung up around the country. 
And naturally they have that most handy Scofield 
Bible. (See section on Scofield Bible). 

Now prophecy is an intoxicating subject and 
people love to be told about the exact pattern of 
things to come and the many, many ministers are 
ever ready to oblige with this scheme of 

So what are we talking about? They take for the 
main example the Great Tribulation (which has 
already happened as a study of the seventy weeks 
of Daniel 9:24-27 will reveal) and project it in the 
future, stating there will be seven years of death 
and destruction in which the anti-Christ will reign 
and everyone will take the mark of the beast. The 
beast is the resurrected Roman Empire united 
with the Harlot or Catholic Church, according to 
these "prophets." The idea of a future "Great 
Tribulation" is used over and over and serves to 
terrorize people into believing that it is to be the 
wrath of God upon the nations. If people are lead 
to expect it and look upon it as Divine revelation 
then the coming destruction, which has already 
been planned, will not be resisted. So there will be 
a destruction or "judgment" of nations but it will 
be profane or manmade and it will not be 
according to Bible prophecy as they say, just as 


the manmade kingdom of God on earth will not be 
what they say it will be, but totally opposed to the 
kingdom of God that was established almost two 
thousand years ago and into which "flesh and 
blood cannot enter" and "which came (comes) not 
with observation." 

Now it is that age-old race versus grace 
controversy and if we hadn't been so "blessed" by 
a despiritualized Christianity then we could lift 
the veil from these deceptions and frauds of the 
modern day Zeus Gods. We could tear away the 
cloak of the modern day Voltaires and Jean J. 
Rosseau's and cast them out of our country 
where they have devoured the flesh of the living 
dead (the de-Christianized churchites of America) 
and let them parasite on each other so that they 
may choke on their own venom. For these vain 
fools who call themselves patriots could not live 
by their own fruits but only upon Christians 
which they so desire to destroy. 

If we are to recognize and expose the British Israel 
conspiracy then we must first stop serving it by 
being beguiled into fighting hocus pocus myths 
that they have set up for us. We should view the 
vulgar left wing in its true light and purpose and 
begin to center our attention as well on the 
British Israelites who are waving the American 
flag and preaching the coming kingdom of God on 
earth. This is why the so-called conservative or 
right wing movement is far more dangerous and it 
issues from and is controlled by that same occult 
cabal that finances and controls the radical left. 
In this connection it is well to recall that Karl 
Marx said that all things must be destroyed so all 
things can be made new. He was talking about 
world revolution which must be, so that out of the 
ashes a new society could be built. British Israel 
says all nations will be destroyed by "the Great 
Tribulation" so all things can be made new and 
that perfect peace can begin. Is there a similarity 
here? There definitely is because the goal of 
"Communism" is identical to that of British Israel 
and they emanate from the same source and 
serve the same masters. Capitalism finances 
Communism and Russian Communism is state 
capitalism. Communism promises a perfect 
society and British Israel promises a paradise on 


earth. Are they the same? 

It should be mentioned that there is unlimited 
financing for the British Israel occult movement. 
Plenty of money comes from the privately owned 
Federal Reserve System, which holds us in 
economic bondage via our national debt, as well 
as the many public endowments including the 
very occult Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, 
Guggenheim and other foundations which work 
together to promote the Republic of Man united in 
the Fatherhood of the Grand Architect of the 
Universe (Satan). Be reminded here that the true 
God who is Jesus Christ is not a builder 
(architect) but the creator. His kingdom is not 
flesh and blood. 

The kingdom of God on earth as promoted 
through the Kingdom Message is a spiritual lie 
designed to deceive the world into world 
government in the name of Christianity. 

While Americans fight Communism to "save their 
nation" they are reeducated with the Kingdom 
Message to believe that world government is 
coming and that it is inevitable because it is a 
"work of God." Even those most zealous patriots 
who are doing their all to save their country have 
a latent feeling that all is in vain because Christ is 
coming back to set up His world government and 
"rule with a rod of iron." This is a result of the 
neutralizing and paralyzing effect of the Kingdom 
Message because people begin to believe that they 
are opposing God's will. 

By now the reader may be able to identify the 
work of some of the important groups as to 
whether they are promoting the Kingdom 
Message. Now we do not accuse the followers of 
these cults of being aware but this does not 
lessen the damage. Are many of our churches 
mixing profanity with things sacred by promoting 
political Messianism and with it the destruction of 
our nation? 

There are many visible organizations and 
"churches" which pour forth voluminous 
literature and carry on national and world-wide 
broadcasts propagandizing for the coming 


kingdom of God on earth. Many, many large and 
well financed organizations could be named such 
as the National Council of Churches, but it is 
needless to name the obvious ones, only those 
operating under the facade of Christianity and 

These pious advocates of an earthly kingdom 
never refer to Christ's statement that "My 
kingdom is not of this world." They project 
Christ's kingdom future, adding a "New Age" 
where none ought to be. In this they glorify race 
and diminish grace. Now is the day of salvation 
from Pentecost to Christ's second appearing and 
there is no other. We would remind the followers 
of these modern day Pharisees that they are 
denying God's grace by centering their attention 
and hope on a future political system which 
promises a glorified and earthly bliss which will 
never come anymore than it did when the 
Pharisees of old thought Christ was to be a 
political king ruling the world from Jerusalem. 

Most of the evangelistic or church groups never 
mention the Anglo-Saxon tribal theories of 
British-Anglo-Israelism. In fact if they ever do 
mention British Israel at all they violently deny 
any affiliation with it and persistently deny that 
they teach it. They even attack each other but 
this does not change their unity of spirit in 
seeking and promoting an earthly kingdom. Most 
of them confine their racial theories to the so- 
called Jews, leaving out the larger British-Anglo- 
Israel tribal theories which includes all of the 
Anglo Saxons. Careful students observe, however, 
that the Kingdom Message or the kingdom of God 
on earth is peculiar to them all. In fact the 
presentation of disguised political Messianism is 
the common bond that makes them all a part of a 
political-religious conspiracy to capture control of 
the world for the British Empire and escape 
detection by calling their conspiratorial work the 
kingdom of God on earth. 

Most of the religious groups specialize in what 
they call "Bible Prophecy," emphasizing the 
coming "Great Tribulation" to be followed by the 
1,000 year kingdom of God on earth. If they are 
successful in their unprecedented attempt to 


deceive the people then we will have the hell on 
earth they are bringing about and falsely calling 
Bible Prophecy. In the layman's language all this 
simply means no peace on earth without world 
government. The idea is to torment the American 
people and the rest of the world so much that 
they will declare for this new peace on earth at 
any price. In British Israel terminology the 
confusion and war that we see is "God's judgment 
of the nations and the purpose is to chastise 
Israel in order to purify her and get her ready for 
rulership in the kingdom of God on earth." 

So the revolution must go on and culminate in 
that "Great Tribulation" so that after this "system 
of things" has been destroyed then we can have 
and enjoy so they say, that "paradise on earth" 
bought with the blood of saints whose hope is not 
this world but eternity with Jesus Christ. 

One may get the feeling that if every great reward 
comes in the Heavenly hereafter, why bother? It is 
the duty of every Christian to preach the gospel 
which is the only true kingdom of God on earth. It 
is the perfect kingdom which is a gift of God. We 
are resurrected or reborn into that kingdom by 
our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and wherein 
there is happiness and joy in the Holy Spirit. But 
if the modern Pharisees can keep us out of that 
spiritual kingdom by causing us to center all hope 
and expectation on a future earthly carnal 
kingdom, then will we not also accept a false 
king? For the true king will not reign over a 
kingdom of this world in contradiction to His clear 
statement that "My kingdom is not of this world." 
So the Pharisees of today cannot enter the 
kingdom without faith anymore than their 
ancestors could and they are still trying to keep 
the saints out by building a kingdom of God on 

If the plot succeeds, and it will unless we have a 
spiritual awakening, and when and if we emerge 
out of this hell on earth holocaust which is 
prepared for us by these occult devils, the 
instruments of torment such as the United 
Nations, Communism and the Negro Revolution 
will be removed. Then the occult masters will 
point to the New World peace and remind us of 


how terrible things used to be. Also there will be 
no more local churches and no more United 
States of America for these too will have served 
their purpose as far as the British Empire is 
concerned. But there is that remnant according to 
grace and there will be that remnant which 
belongs to that universal church invisible and 
which Christ established with these words, "Upon 
this rock I build my Church and the gates of hell 
shall not prevail against it." 

America is not dying. She is being murdered by 
Americans who have been deceived into fighting 
false issues. How many Americans would ever 
believe that they have been beguiled into 
destroying our great nation while believing that 
they are saving it? The answer is very few; and 
very few will endeavor to understand what we are 
talking about here. The spirit of Satan has 
deceived many. 

Remember, if these cloak and dagger "saints" can 
steal your soul they can steal your country with 
no trouble at all. The British Empire holds India 
and China and many others in abject slavery 
because these nations are not free spiritually. 
God will not save or deny our America as a 
collective whole any more than China or India, 
but if a goodly number of her individual citizens 
cling to Bible truth they will be able to detect the 
machinations of this political intrigue operating in 
the name of Christ. 

There are many artifices and deceptions used by 
phony pretenders of Christianity and patriotism 
to reeducate the American people to accept 
Communism under the pretense of Christianity. 
John R. Rice is a Protestant Jew whose front is 
called THE SWORD OF THE LORD. In one of his 
many writings called "Christ's Literal Reign on 
Earth," he states on the front, unequivocally, 
quote "that Israel, the Jews, are to return to 
Canaan and possess it forever -- that Christ, the 
seed of David, is to restore David's kingdom to 
Palestine and rule over the whole earth from 
Jerusalem — that this coming kingdom of Christ 
according to the flesh is foretold in many, many 
Scriptures, in both the Old and New Testaments." 
End quote. This is crass immorality. It is 


deception. It is not Christianity. It is Zionism and 
it is subversive to the United States Constitution, 
because if a fleshly Christ rules over the whole 
earth from Jerusalem the United States will be 
only a component part of a World Government. 
Americans must build their first line of defense 
against this pseudo Christianity which is most 
accurately called Spiritual Communism. This 
kingdom religion is power politics and revolution 
and should not be given sanctuary as the 
Christian religion or any other religion under the 
United States Constitution. Could it be possible 
that John R. Rice, along with the many other Jew 
Protestants, is not familiar with I Cor. 15:50 
"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of 
God." Christ's kingdom is not fleshly nor worldly 
nor is it to be localized in Jerusalem in any future 
Jewish Millennium. This is a false and malicious 
counterfeit of truth and deceives so-called Jews 
and professing Christians alike. It absolutely 
denies the Christian faith, replacing it with a 
universal materialism identical to that under the 
name of Russian Communism. 

There is no fellowship in patriotism and Zionism 
and those phony patriots who persist are helping 
overthrow the United States Government in favor 
of British Israel. 

British Israel builds its deceptions and control 
under Christian fronts and false patriotism but as 
Satan invariably reveals himself, British Israel 
reveals itself to be Communism. Its prophecies of 
a millennial kingdom is Communist propaganda. 
It is British Communism. 

Once we understand this trickery it becomes a 
matter of right wing Communism versus left wing 
Communism. People are confused by false labels 
that camouflage treason. 

British Israel actually builds a nation within a 
nation when it can deceive literally millions into a 
world government as God's kingdom on earth. 
There is no way to escape this treachery unless 
and until Americans can understand this 
religious propaganda for its true meaning and 
purpose. British imperialism is via spiritual or 
religious deceit. It is a stratagem of mind control 


and a design for American surrender once and for 
all. Will enough Americans understand in time? It 
is better to know our enemy and fight with honor 
than for our children to despise us for our 
ignorance, for some of them will surely know that 
we were hoodwinked into treason and self 
destruction when they see the shadow of the 
Union Jack behind the hammer and sickle. 

Almost everyone has heard the cliche of "divide 
and conquer." This has never been more used 
than against Americans in their churches. The 
money power of the British Empire has created 
innumerable cults and groups including every 
kind of heresy imaginable - something for 
everybody technique. Let us emphasize here again 
that no matter how different they appear, from 
Mormonism to Jehovah Witnesses, their modus 
operandi is the "Kingdom Message" under 
whatever name or pretense. They have divided the 
"churches" physically but have united them 
spiritually and we hasten to say not according to 
the grace of God, but according to the race of 
British Israel. Among the many groups, the most 
ardent of the devil's advocates have never heard 
of their master British Israel, but they build its 
ramparts diligently thinking they serve the true 
and living Christ. "All who say Lord Lord will not 
enter the kingdom of heaven." 

Christian Americans, if you doubt this, 
investigate for yourself. Search the literature and 
publications that are raining upon us. You will 
find that no matter the color, design or name of 
the church, association or group, their most 
exaggerated efforts are toward dissemination of 
political propaganda cloaked in Bible prophecy, 
sugar coated with Bible terminology advocating 
World Government alias kingdom of God on earth. 
At this point we yield to the vanity of Satan and 
his vampires of intrigue. They are Satanically 
clever. They will deceive many into believing that 
they have merged the kingdoms of this world with 
the kingdom of God. The elect will not be deceived 
but will continue to serve their Lord and Saviour 
Who is the living Jesus Christ. He has already 
established His kingdom and His children of His 
kingdom of grace will occupy until His second 
appearing without sin unto salvation. He bought 


them with His blood and has redeemed them 
forever. He is sovereign today and He reigns over 
His sovereign kingdom. His kingdom is not defiled 
by flesh and blood and never shall be. He is the 
door of light and the door of life. We have abiding 
with us the Holy Spirit teaching us all things 
concerning the kingdom of God which we occupy 
till His second appearing by teaching and 
preaching the grace of God. 

Remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood and 
the Wolf and also the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. 
Hyde, for here is the parable of British Israel. It 
has been most successful because it has been 
able with its dual personality to make war with 
the true kingdom of God while at the same time 
appearing to embrace it. The true kingdom of God 
on earth is the kingdom of grace, its citizens being 
bought by the blood of Christ. The false kingdom 
of God on earth is a political system, its citizens 
being bought by the money of international 
finance aspiring to world domination of the 
British Empire. 

Christians must beware of a sham fight of those 
who "fight" Communism and Socialism and seek- 
to establish the same thing under the name of the 
kingdom of God on earth. Satan's ministers say 
they believe that Jesus is the Christ but they 
preach another gospel and therefore another 
kingdom. No wonder Christ said to the Pharisees 
"Ye neither go in the kingdom nor suffer them to 
go in." If they can persuade you to look for 
another, you have not been reborn into the 
present true kingdom which flesh and blood 
cannot enter. Not only that, they cause you to 
deny the very existence of God's kingdom now 
and attempt to make Christ's mission a failure 
and make all the prophets liars. Such is the 
blasphemy of British Israel and death to 
Americans and America if we believe it. 

The purpose of political Messianism is to prepare 
the minds of people for eventual destruction of 
this social order, and more particularly the 
destruction of the national sovereignty of the 
United States of America. The continuous 
prophesying of wars and famine and confusion 
etc., is part of the scheme of British Israel to 


condition the people to the chaos they (the British 
Israelites) have created, falsely calling it Bible 
prophecy. They mix things sacred with things 
profane and in this way they do through the 
churches what they could not do with their 
armies. Old Testament prophecies, that 
Christians know have already been fulfilled in 
Christ, are fed to the people as future events of 
things to come. Then on the world stage they re¬ 
enact these prophecies and propagandize the 
people into believing it is God enacting His 
kingdom on earth as foretold by the prophets of 
old. As they continue to prophesy and continue to 
fulfill politically more and more people will believe 
it. Being preoccupied with making a living and 
entertaining themselves, they accept it at face 
value not knowing that the purpose and intent is 
to destroy a nation -- namely ours; the United 
States of America. 

The consequence of the dastardly plot is the 
creation within the people a state of mind which 
will cause them to be the major participants of 
their own destruction. If they are brought to 
believe that prevalent conditions are "God's 
judgment upon the nations," as British Israel 
propaganda says, then they will not only accept it 
as fact they are imbued with this same spirit of 
deception causing them to propagate the heresy 
themselves. It seems the bigger the lie the more 
zealous its adherents; We say the power of the 
enemy is the subtlety of identifying with truth. 
Thus Satan appears as an angel of light. 

In order to keep this subject in focus we reiterate 
that the British Israel kingdom of God on earth 
means the domination of the world by the British 
Empire with a corresponding subjection of the 
United States of America. This "Kingdom 
Message" gives lip service to salvation by grace 
but in the main perpetuates itself on a national 
and racial fiction it says is salvation. It is a 
concoction distinctly inferior to our way of life 
under the United States Constitution let alone the 
GRACE of Christ. Many honest people have come 
under the spell of this Luciferian attraction and 
they have become participants of their own 
destruction while under the illusion and 
deception that they defend their nation and their 


faith. National Salvation and Divine National 
Origin decoded means the rulership of the world 
by the Covenant nation which is Britain, and only 
is the United States included to disarm and allay 
suspicion of the American arm of the movement. 
Through this chicanery and deceit the "Mother 
Country" seeks to bring the American colony back 
into the fold, not as an equal partner to dominate 
the world, but as a humiliated stepchild to be 
exploited and used to serve the Mother Country. 
This revolutionary scheme or blueprint is carried 
on under the veil of Bible prophecy and in the 
name of Christ. 

We are told repeatedly that we are in a life and 
death struggle between Soviet Communism and 
Western Democracy (Western Civilization), the 
latter representing God's nations. Both are 
ideologies of man and represent the kingdoms of 
this world and neither (they are dual forces of the 
same plot) is of God. The true kingdom of God is 
not represented by the kingdoms of this world. 
The true kingdom of God is the kingdom of Grace 
and is not flesh and blood. It is the gospel of 
salvation of individuals and not nations. 

We are told that the United Nations and 
Communism is an attempt of man at world 
government in rebellion to God and His Divine 
law. But the New Testament says, "We are not 
under the law but grace"... Then we are told that 
the only solution to the hopeless confusion is the 
uniting of all nations under the government of 
God ruling the world from Jerusalem. You may 
have your choice but take world government 
under whatever name. Karl Marx said production 
for use and not for profit. British Israel says 
production for use and not for profit. Now we ask, 
is it Communism or British Imperialism? Either 
route you take, the left wing or right wing, you 
wind up under the Union Jack. 

Let us stop this discussion in its tracks and add 
parenthetically that if the reader is remaining 
aloof believing that this accusation does not apply 
to his church or his preacher, he should apply the 
test according to our discussion. We shall give a 
specific outline, though not complete, for the 
reader to follow. Does your preacher teach that a 


physical Jew and a physical Israel has a peculiar 
place of prominence in New Testament 
Christianity? Does he take Old Testament 
prophecies, all already fulfilled, saying they are 
yet to be fulfilled? 

Does he believe in the national salvation of 
physical Israel or any nation by any name? Does 
he teach and preach a millennial kingdom on 
earth to come after this age or allow other 
preachers to do so in his church? Does he teach 
that the visible confusion in the world is a result 
of God's judgment of the nations? Does he teach 
that we are faced with a seven years tribulation 
and a literal battle of Armageddon? Does he teach 
that we are under the law (Mosaic Law) or that we 
will be under the law in a future kingdom of God 
on earth? Does he teach the social gospel 
including the brotherhood of man under the 
fatherhood of God? Does your preacher try to 
explain events in the world in terms of Bible 
prophecy? In short, does he try to make the Bible 
a history book instead of a plan of salvation? If 
the answer to any of these questions is yes, then 
you and your church and your pastor have not 
escaped the intrigue of British Israel deceit. We do 
not accuse your pastor of knowingly serving this 
scheme, which will eventually destroy him and 
your church, but this does not lessen the damage 
being done. In the first place it is not the gospel of 
grace and in the second place it is subversion of 
the United States Constitution and our way of life 
contained therein. Remember it is not only those 
who tell a lie that are guilty but also those who 
believe a lie. It is our INDIVIDUAL responsibility 
to know the truth of Christ regardless of how it 
may conflict with our preacher, our church and 
our fellow man. And if what we are saying does 
not fit your preconceived patterns of thought and 
notions of what is or is not truth, then the burden 
to prove or disprove our contentions (by divine 
revelation and historical fact) is upon you. If your 
ineptness or indifference has tranquilized you to 
no challenge then your defense is lost by default 
and your plight is worse than if you had never 
heard these facts at all. 

British Israel is blasphemy which seeks to make 
Christianity a legal system enforceable by an all- 


powerful political government alias "one world 
under God's law." 

The effect of a political theocracy operating and 
controlling society with "God's Law" causes its 
subjects to believe that their salvation comes 
through obedience to this legal system instead of 
through Christ. The consequent result is man's 
dependence upon the state for salvation instead 
of upon God. What's more a political theocracy is 
only paganism which calls itself Christianity and 
exempts itself from the scheme it uses to control 
the mind of man by controlling his spirit. 

The Revelation of Jesus Christ cannot be codified 
upon tablets of stone — only upon the hearts of 
those who believe it. Moses received codified law 
upon tablets of stone and gave it to his people. 
Christ glorified the law upon the conscience of the 
believers. One is external and one is internal - one 
is flesh and blood and one is spirit - one is 
national and one is individual - one is bondage 
and one is freedom - one is condemnation and 
one is salvation and never shall the twain be one. 

We call your attention to the fact that the most 
powerful weapon of British Israel is not the H 
bomb but the Holy Bible. This is Satan appearing 
as an angel of light perverting the truth of God 
into a scheme with which he expects to capture 
the spirit of man and thereby control his mind 
and body. It is your faith- your spiritual 
allegiance toward this non-Biblical prophetic hoax 
which is aimed at and if one believes it he is first 
an enemy of Christ and secondly an enemy of his 
country. This system of political intrigue called 
Bible prophecy seeks to destroy the United States 
and all national states through a planned and 
prophesied "Great Tribulation" to be followed by a 
New Age World State under the Union Jack. Down 
pax Romanum, up Pax Brittanicia to a complete 
British world. 

It is a noteworthy fact that the many ardent fake 
nationalist British Israelites who are selling the 
Protocols never mention the fact that early 
editions of the same were censored which 
revealed the complicity of "Jews" (they are not 
true Jews, only modern Pharisees) with the 


British Empire to control the world and the fact 
that England is home base and authority for all 
Grand Orient and Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry. The 
intention of these fakers is to Jew bait honest 
seekers of the truth away from British Israel. 
These so-called right wing patriots are shock 
troops of the British Empire and aliens in our 
midst. Remember, Hitler deceived Germany with 
this Jew bait. Fake nationalism is a danger to 
avert and is not to be confused with true 
patriotism. This militant nationalism is calculated 
to destroy the United States, not to conserve 
constitutional government independent of foreign 
alliances and confederations of any sort. 

If our reader is still foggy about what is British 
Israel we repeat by stating that it is a political 
scheme clothed in spiritual language fed to 
Americans and the world through "Bible 
prophecy." Its weapon is the Bible, misuse of 
truth, and its symbol is the Cross and its mission 
is world evangelism with this Pharisaism which 
they call Christianity, and its main base of 
operations in the United States is the American 
churches. It accomplishes most when parading 
under Christianity, Patriotism and Americanism. 
It is the same as its illegitimate offspring's of 
Fascism and Communism. British Israel promises 
world order and peace after this one is destroyed. 
Communism also promises paradise on earth. 
Both are anti-Christian and both are anti- 
American. Both are one. Confusion, revolution, 
famine, disease and destruction of this "Gentile 
System" (including the U.S.A.) are necessary to 
fulfill the British Israel system of political 
Messianism, which they falsely call Bible 
prophecy. We promise the reader that through 
every cloud of confusion from the left or right he 
can detect the "Kingdom Message" if he will look 
for it. The world must suffer so much that it will 
be glad to get relief under the Union Jack, alias 
kingdom of God on earth. British Israel says 
everything in this worldly system must be 
destroyed because it represents the "Gentile 
System" or "Babylonian System." This means in 
decoded language that our country, our money, 
and our freedom must be exchanged for the New 
Age British world. The British Empire and its 
Rhodes Scholar agents who run our government 


promise us no peace without world government. 
We are being punished by so-called Communism 
in order to drive us into this One World 
Superstate Empire Imperium. The Soviet system 
of Russian Communism is simply a tool in the 

The question arises why is the right wing, for the 
most part, subversive? The answer is, because it 
serves as a decoy to cover up the real enemy and 
secondly to propagate British Israel itself, by 
creating antagonisms against the American 
Government so as to get the people to distrust the 
constitutional system instead of the Judas goats 
who are steering the ship of state to destruction. 
The right wing serves as the framework of the 
back lash against the evils of the left wing. They 
claim they are saving us from Communism while 
delivering us to British Israelism. The net result is 
no different in either case. The key issue in this 
context is that the right wing is not patriotic at 
all, but escapes detection because they hide 
behind the American Flag and meet in churches. 
Their slogan is God and Country. We ask, what 
God and what country? 

The right wing is a necessary part of revolution as 
well as the left. Their fight against Communism 
causes people to believe in Communism in a 
negative sense, as many of them do. Russian 
Communism is the straw, the fake bogey, to take 
the attention of the American people off of the 
British Empire. America is in danger - the gravest 
in her history but the sources of that danger are 
not what the anti-Communist crusaders say it is. 
Why do they never point to the fact that this 
country is being undermined by Rhodes Scholar 
agents and Anglomaniacs? These are the real 
"Fifth Columnists" in our land and they despise 
America. They want us to look at Russian 
Communism as the enemy instead of such things 
as "Union Now" with Britain schemes whereby we 
would be a subject of the British Empire. The 
right wing, as well as the rabble of the left, is an 
instrument of British Israel and they have the 
audacity to quote our Patriot Fathers and pledge 
allegiance to the American Flag to bless their 
treason to this nation. Their treason is to cover up 
the real enemy until it is too late by blaming 


everything on Communism. Communism and 
Soviet Russia is only a pawn and has no power or 
direction except as dictated by the British Empire 
and their agents in this country. The "prophecies" 
of British Israel say Russia will never attack the 
United States. This is fair indication of who 
controls Russia. 

Why do the prophecies of British Israel say that 
America will never be attacked by Russia? Do 
they know? Yes, they know that current events 
and the future are being skillfully guided along 
the lines of the false prophecies which are being 
taught in American churches throughout the 
land. This is a scheme of using religion to get 
mind control. The "Wonderful World of Tomorrow" 
that Herbert Armstrong promotes through his 
Zionist British Israel church is world domination 
under the British throne. Armstrong and all the 
Judaized Millennialists are preparing humanity 
for this pretense they call God's government over 
the earth, if you think it's funny, ask your 
neighbor if he believes in the millennial reign or 
earthly kingdom. Of course he would not ever 
believe that he has a World Government religion 
but would say he is a Christian. This is a blight 
over America. If the whole nation is literally 
praying for World Government, they think under 
Christ, how shall we survive? They are 
unwittingly aliens because of their religion, which 
is nothing more than a political scheme to get the 
world united under Britain. British Israel is clever 
deception. It is completely hidden within the 
whole of Christianity and it is a perfect and 
complete disguise to hide the British Empire. How 
many Americans who believe in the coming 
kingdom could possibly believe that that kingdom 
is to be a British kingdom? Not one! To them, it is 
a divine kingdom and so the deception is 
complete. Pseudo Christian allegiance to a world 
state is ending this once Republic. Atheism is no 
threat but false Christianity is. When the 
founders made freedom of religion inviolate under 
the Constitution, surely they did not know that 
religion would be used by Britain to destroy us 
and get us back into the British Empire. Maybe 
they thought such would be impossible. Such is 
incomprehensible to millions of deceived 
Americans. God help us! Revolution has become 


the religion of the land and religion has become 

We are terrorized with Russian Communism and 
at the same time we are told through British 
Israel "prophecies" that America will never be 
attacked by Russian Communism. This points up 
the forked tongue of the dual conspiracy -- 
destroy us with Russian Communism on one 
hand and "save" us with British Israel 
Communism on the other. 

Few would-be patriots know that the effect of 
their good intentions in fighting Communism 
makes them renegades and revolutionists, and 
they are destroying the very thing which they 
think they save. Because of their sham fight they 
are serving to create antagonisms which will not 
bring back Constitutional government, but will 
tread the Constitution under foot in order to set 
up a New Order over the dead body of American 
independence and economic freedom. The so- 
called patriots are the cats paw to scare us to 
death with the bugaboo Communism so that 
British Israel can "save us," — save what's left for 
the British Empire. 

For students of history, and especially revolution, 
this is not a new trick but is classical 
demagoguery which has been used since the 
heyday of the Greeks. By far it is more 
sophisticated than ever, and by far it is harder to 

British Israel alias Fundamental Christianity is as 
grotesque as it is sinful and we are striving to give 
the sternest warning concerning the peril of 
pretended anti-communism. This mysterious 
"anti-Communist" avalanche is the pretext to milk 
millions of debt dollars out of a confused America. 
It is the nemesis who extracts the blood from 
American sons under the phobia of a counterfeit 
patriotism and Divine Destiny. All nations are 
involved in this idolatry and its historical 
catastrophe but they need not be implicated in 
the final debacle which will seduce the world from 
the worship of the Triune God and subject their 
tribute to the vampires of moral degeneracy who 
appropriate and establish their rulership of the 


physical and spiritual world as Divine authority. 

There is no separating so called anti-communism 
and political Messianism because it is the created 
conflict of Communism versus anti-communism 
which is to bring about a world fusion under a 
political Messiah. This world millennium trick is 
predicated upon the myth that the people of God's 
covenant kingdom are the Adamic race and the 
Jews who are being besieged by an atheistic 
Communism. The outcome, say the anti¬ 
communists, is Divine intervention of Christ into 
history with the annihilation of Communism and 
the establishment of His earthly kingdom. 

The identity of this false patriotism is hidden from 
its instruments of action by appropriating 
multiple meanings to expressions of Americanism 
and raising fake issues to fight. It has a seductive 
appeal which it keeps alive with endless 
"Christian anti-Communist" propaganda, always 
keeping its people under control by confusing 
cause and effect. Therefore, through the use of 
anti-Russian Communism, one is led right into 
Communism. What is a moneyless Kingdom of 
God World State but a communal society? 
Betrayal is the design of this double headed 
Communism versus anti-communism. 

Who commissioned the right wing and its 
religious cult which always predicts world conflict 
to the end of our present civilization, after which 
comes the New Age of world "Christianity?" Is it 
not logical and reasonable to see that anyone 
promoting such a gigantic movement as 
Communism is presumed to be, would also be 
wicked enough to take precautions for controlling 
any opposition that might arise? They could not 
hope for success if they did not. So, as Marx and 
Engels were commissioned to launch social and 
political Communism from London, it was London 
also where pretended anti-communism or 
Spiritual Communism originated for world 
consumption. As we have shown, the propaganda 
of the right wing champions the cause of Spiritual 
Communism, which they say is the "real 
Christianity" but which is only a world communal 


Communism and anti-communism are racially 
oriented not unlike the racism of the propaganda 
ministry of Adolph Hitler. Must we draw a minute 
analogy to demonstrate that America is in the 
same grip that brought devastation to Germany? 
Hitler had a goat he called Communism and 
another one he called the Jew, and with these 
pretentious lead the German people 
wholeheartedly into self destruction. Always both 
ends are played toward the middle or central 
purpose. The right wing in America always 
presumes to include all faiths and races but as 
we shall show it uses Biblical expressions and 
sanctions to hide its "anti-Semitism," its anti- 
Catholicism, and anti-Negroism. What is the 
central purpose of the pretended conflict of 
Communism versus anti-Communism? The 
conflict of races, on one hand or the pretension to 
amalgamate them on the other, is only a ruse to 
bring about a mongrel Christianity. It is indeed 
the amalgamated race, the mulatto race, the 
hybrid race or the mongrel race which torments 
the world stage. But the central purpose is to fuse 
an amalgamated spirit, a mulatto spirit, a hybrid 
spirit or a mongrel spirit. What is this spirit? It is 
a social, communal, legalized Christianity which 
is Communism in all but name. The kingdom of 
God on earth is moral and spiritual degeneracy 
which originates in hate, suspicion, violence and 
strife and leads its victims into the enemy camp. 
Those honest Americans who have come under 
the anti-Communist cult must come to know that 
they are being led right into Communism under 
the cloak of Christianity. They must not dissipate 
themselves in fighting one Communism only to be 
led into another Communism called the kingdom 
of God on earth. They must at all costs come to 
the conscious reality that the division of truth 
from a lie is as distinct as Heaven and earth, and 
that until the people of America and the world 
can come to understand the real issue their 
future is in jeopardy. The line of separation is 
quick and sharp. It has on one side those 
Christians who believe that Christ's kingdom is 
spiritual and that Heaven after death is the hope 
and reward of the faithful, and on the other side it 
has those "Fundamental Christians" who believe 
that the messianic kingdom is earthly and fleshly. 
There is no equivocation on this issue and no 


amount of twisting or lying can hide the traitors. 
One must be on one side or the other with no 
identity or fellowship with the advocates of the 
World Government religion called the kingdom of 
God on earth. There is no true patriotism to be 
found in political Messianism. It is treason and 
dedicated to the destruction of this Constitutional 

The right wing has its symbolism to support its 
nationalist religion. The scheme is to build up the 
idea of divine intervention under the cloak of 
Christianity. Historic Christian symbolism is 
mixed with national symbols and paganism. All 
this reminds one of the "Jews" under the Roman 
Empire and their religion which gave them hope 
of national deliverance under an all powerful 
political Messiah. Well, what we are witnessing 
today is the same old Jew's religion being used to 
control and direct the people of America into 
Communism via a nationalistic religion. Some or 
them have even called it Christian Communism. 

This represents Dr. Fred Schwarz's national 
religion in his booklet "The Christian Answer to 
Communism." On page 20 and 21 his British 
Israel "Christianity" shows up clearly, and we 
quote: "God will now hear and answer prayer to 
those of other praying Christians that God will 
bring to pass a mighty revival that repentance 
may bring divine intervention and national 
salvation from the Communist threat. Evangelism 
is a vital part of any effective anti-Communist 
Crusade." End quote. Anyone not under the 
control of the kingdom cults can see his deceit of 
mixing Christianity with nationalism. And those 
expecting divine intervention and national 
salvation are under the worst despotism ever to 
plague men's minds 

Some of the main church groups such as Jehovah 
Witnesses and the Mormons have little symbolism 
but they play a major part in preparing millions 
for the advent of a political Messiah and a 
political kingdom of God on earth They cover their 
kingdom religion with spiritual language. They of 
course believe they are true Christians and would 
never believe that their kingdom to come is to be 
ruled from the throne of Britain. It is a system of 


controlling people and nations with religion. As 
we shall show British Israel can control a 
diversity of cults, all being tied with the kingdom 
religion. This is a clever scheme of religious 
integration without the various churches being 
aware of the kingdom theme that binds them all 
together. Below is a wagon wheel demonstration 
showing how the Jewish Kingdom religion is 
cleverly worked in all the religious groups, and 
ties them together in a nationalistic religion. 

True Christianity is not to be confused with these 
kingdom on earth cults. Christ's kingdom is a 
kingdom of faith in the Triune God. (Holy Trinity). 
Theirs is the Heavenly hope not an earthly 
kingdom. The earthly kingdom heresy is truly 
anti-Christ. Christ's mission was the bringing in 
of salvation to individual souls and not to save 
nations or destroy them. 

It is a curious fact that the zealous "patriots" do 
not observe the connections between their leaders 
and their clandestine schemes to defeat what they 
call the Communist conspiracy. Nor do they 
recognize that their literature never tells them of 
the connections of the traitors of this country to 
the British Empire. 

Concerned Americans who are honest do not 
understand the perverse inner strategy of modern 
revolution. Even so one should eventually realize 
that this brand of patriotism is not carrying the 
American nation back to Constitutional 
government but further away from it. The rank 
and file right winner is a victim of subterfuge 
which deludes the unthinking, though ostensibly 
extolling the very traditions and institutions 
which are dear to the hearts of patriotic 
Americans. It would seem in this connection that 
the would-be patriots could see this in action 
objectively when Earl Browder in the thirties 
heaped praise upon Lincoln and Jefferson as 
great "liberals." 

Americans do not understand how truth misused 
or half truths are totally misleading them. Don 
Bell said in his May 18, 1962 report, quote: "This 
practice of telling only a part of the truth in order 
to gain popular support for a scheme which 


would be immediately denounced if all the truth 
were known, is a scheme as old as the devil 
himself." End quote. We agree with this and that 
Don Bell knows more than he tells. Mr. Bell well 
knows the sinister and seditious purpose of the 
John Birch Society, yet he supports and promotes 
almost as if a religion, such things as T. Robert 
Ingram's WORLD UNDER GOD'S LAW which he 
says "is a must for every Christian library.' Well 
this book is sold in John Birch Society American 
Opinion bookstores in America. Mr. Bell would 
say they (John Birch Society) simply hold the 
truth in unrighteousness. The John Birch Society 
is a well financed society for deception and 
reeducation and they know as Don Bell surely 
must, that the above book teaches a legal 
Christianity and supports a national religion. 
Such duplicity can only be detected when one 
knows as much about the spiritual plot as Don 
Bell does. Here is another example of his half 
truth twist on the subject of Freemasonry 
discussed in his February 2, 1962 Report. We 
quote the context in whole so as to get his full 
intention: "It is important to note that the 
Freemasonry that is here being condemned is not 
the original British Blue Lodge Masonry, but the 
Grand Orient Freemasonry, as it developed on the 
Continent of Europe, then extended itself to 
include all types of Masonry in Asia, Africa and 
the Americas. The Grand Orient was created in 
1772, formed a coalition with the Grand Chapter 
(England) in 1786, and was Illuminized in 1789, 
just prior to the outbreak of the French 
Revolution. After the Grand Orient bad been 
found responsible for fomenting a series of 
revolutions N beginning with the second French 
Revolution of 1848 - the Grand Chapter of 
England became alarmed at the long record of 
subversions and international intrigues, and 
officially severed relations with the Grand Orient 
in March, 1878." End quote. Mr. Bell does as 
Nesta Webster does (Nesta Webster's books are 
promoted by the right wing) in making Grand 
Orient Masonry the goat, thus cleverly twisting 
the truth so that it completely misleads. The 
Grand Lodge of England may well have severed 
relations above the table but under the table 
there is no change. Relations or official 
connections mean nothing in Freemasonry; no 


more than a church building controls the religion 
of the congregation. It is religion which ties and 
makes Freemasonry a universal brotherhood. 

As the American people are bewildered, confused 
and over-awed by the magnitude of the Russian 
bear, we are put in shackles by the Union Jack 
with the use of equivocations and perversions of 
the historic pronouncements of Washington and 
Jefferson. Truth is twisted until it furnishes 
sanctions for destruction of our American way of 
life. Such is the chicanery and hypocrisy of 
British Israel. Their prostitute "prophecy" says 
Communism will fail because of divine 
"intervention into history" but we will have the 
kingdom of God instead. Take your choice but 
take world government under the British Empire. 

Why is it so easy for Americans to be confused 
about the source of Communism? And why can 
Americans not believe that the British Empire is 
more powerful today than ever in history? Do they 
think that Rhodes Scholar internationalists who 
have key positions in United States institutions 
and government are made in Russia? Certainly 
they come from Oxford, England. In the year 1951 
there were some interesting articles printed by the 
Chicago Tribune on Rhodes Scholars. The 
Tribune of course would not do so again nor 
would any big newspaper. Instead they have all 
been assigned the job of playing down the 
importance and strength of the British Empire. In 
the July 15, -1951 article in the Tribune entitled 
"Rhodes Ideals Slant State Dept. Policies," 
subtitled "Key Posts Held by Oxford Scholars," by 
William Fulton, we quote: "New York, July 15 - 
Key positions in the United States department of 
state are held by a network of American Rhodes 
scholars. Rhodes scholars are men who obtained 
supplemental education and indoctrination at 
Oxford University in England with the bills paid 
by the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire 

"Rhodes wrote about his ambition to cause 'the 
ultimate recovery of the United States of America 
as an integral part of the British empire.' The late 
diamond and gold mining tycoon aimed at a world 
federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His 


intimates have admitted the scholarships were 
established for the primary purpose of instilling 
'political Bias' rather than providing education." 
End quote. Then on July 15, 1951, under the title 
"Rhodes' Ideas Find Fertile Ground in U. N." 
subtitled " 'Scholars' Advance British Schemes," 
by William Fulton, we quote; "New York, July 16 - 
American Rhodes scholars, men who have 
received education and indoctrination at Oxford 
University, England,- are prominent in the affairs 
of the United Nations. The U.N. is an outgrowth of 
schemes developed by the scholars' patron, Cecil 
Rhodes, the British empire builder. 

"Rhodes dreamed of an Anglo-Saxon federation 
with the British dominating, an organization 
powerful enough to police the world and preserve 
the peace. In his writings the diamond despot of 
South Africa showed he hoped the scholarships 
would promote his grandiose idea. Thirty-two 
American collegians go to Oxford each year under 
terms of Rhodes' will." End quote. On July 17, 
1951, under the title "Scholars Help British Cash 
In On U.S. Billions," subtitled "Rhodes Men Hold 
Key Dole Jobs," by William Fulton, we quote; 
"New York, July 17-'Diamonds are a girl's best 
friend,' the popular song goes, and diamonds also 
are a Rhodes scholar's best friend. Approximately 
1,400 Americans have gone to Oxford University, 
England, since 1904 with the way paid from the 
estate of Cecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and 
British empire builder. 

"Today numerous Rhodes scholars are in a 
position to repay their educational benefactor in 
dollars for the sparklers dug up in their behalf 
from the diamond lands seized by the British in 
South Africa during the last century. 

"Rhodes scholars dominate the United States 
department of state, which directs the doling out 
of billions in foreign aid, with the United Kingdom 
getting the major share. The savants also hold 
down important positions in the economic 
cooperation administration, mutual defense 
assistance program, and other foreign handout 

"This is all in keeping with Rhodes' overweening 


ambitions for a world federation dominated by 
Anglo-Saxons for the purpose of enforcing peace 
and the status quo. He also aimed at 'the ultimate 
recovery of the United States of America as an 
integral part of the British Empire.' 

"With the Oxford-indoctrinated Rhodes scholars 
holding key positions in the Washington 
administration, Britain obtained 31 billion dollars 
from Uncle Sam in the form of 'lend lease' outlays 
during the war. That was followed by the 3.75 
billion dollar 'gift loan' to Britain in 1946. 

During the first three years of the Marshall plan 
ECA largesse, the United Kingdom received 2 
billion 706 million dollars, by far the largest 
allotment. A bill providing 8% billion dollars for 
the military and economic aid program abroad is 
pending before congress." End quote. On July 19, 
1951, in the Tribune under the title "Rhodes' 
Wards Hawk Global Scheme In U.S.," subtitled 
"Peddle Propaganda for 'One World," by William 
Fulton, we quote: "New York, July 19 - Rhodes 
scholars, returning from schooling and 
indoctrination at Oxford university, England, are 
the principal hawkers of globalist propaganda in 
the United States. 

"The American scholars obtain their education 
abroad through terms of the will left by the late 
Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and South 
African despot. Rhodes aimed at the return of the 
United States to the British empire and a world 
federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. He hoped 
his scholars would be instilled with 'political bias' 
toward these ends, according to his intimate 

"Previous articles in this series have disclosed 
that many of the 1,185 living American Rhodes 
scholars have obtained key positions in the state 
department, the United Nations, the economic 
cooperation administration, the mutual defense 
assistance program, and other government 
agencies where they have worked toward 
fulfillment of the schemes of their imperial 
patron." End quote. On July 20, 1951, under the 
title "Rhodes' Wards Head Global Foundations," 
subtitled "Dole Out Cash for One Worlders," by 


William Fulton, we quote: "New York, July 20 - 
American Rhodes scholars, who are spoon-fed 
doses of internationalism a la mode British 
imperialism at Oxford University, England, are 
prominent back home in the affairs of the big 
foundations doling out funds toward globalist 
schemes and one world propaganda. 

"Higher echelon offices in Carnegie, Rockefeller 
and other privately-endowed foundations are held 
by Rhodes scholars. This is in keeping with the 
aims of the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire 
builder. He left his fortune for the conversion of 
scholars who would promote his dream of an 
Anglo-Saxon federation to dominate the world. In 
this way Rhodes hoped to return the United 
States to the empire. 

"So far the Rhodes will has underwritten the 
education and indoctrination of 1,400 Americans 
at the English university since 1904. The annual 
output is 32. They have fastened onto key 
positions in the state department and other 
governmental agencies, just as Rhodes hoped it 
would happen. 

Funds Further U. N. 

"Both-the Carnegie and Rockefeller institutions 
have contributed heavily toward 'international' 
studies to further the United Nations and other 
supra-governmental plans designed at chipping 
away American sovereignty. They have also 
financed organizations and students which 
according to congressional sources, smack of 
communism, in itself a form of internationalism. 

"The foundations have been the big moneybags 
for globalist propaganda through the Woodrow 
Wilson Foundation, World Peace Foundation, 
Foreign Policy Association, Council on Foreign 
Relations, and Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace. Former president for the last- 
named, it will be recalled, was Alger Hiss, the 
state department adviser for Roosevelt at the 
Yalta conference. Hiss is now serving sentence in 
a federal prison for perjury involving war time 
espionage for the Russians. 


"Two Carnegie top executives are Rhodes 
scholars. They are Whitney H. Shepardson, 
director of the Carnegie Corporation British and 
Colonies fund, and O. C. Carmichael, president of 
the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of 
Teaching." End quote. 

On July 21, 1951, under the title "Rhodes Grads 
Influential In Eastern Press," subtitled "Aid 
British, Global Propaganda," by William Fulton, 
we quote: "New York, July 21 The picture of the 
American Rhodes scholars network in the United 
States - a rabid movement toward 
internationalism - is completed and glued 
together by their numbers in the field of molding 
public opinion. They are highly influential in the 
eastern press, magazines and radio chains. 

"Rhodes scholars in this country represent 32 
campus leaders carefully selected each year to go 
to Oxford University, England, for supplemental 
schooling. Their patron, the late Cecil Rhodes, 
British empire builder and diamond tycoon, 
aimed at instilling in his proteges 'political bias' 
rather than education, according to his intimates. 

"This bias, as revealed by the Rhodes seven wills 
and writings, was to recover the United States for 
the British empire in the form of an Anglo-Saxon 
federation. The federation would be powerful 
enough to dominate the world and enforce the 

"Time Follows Rhodes' Line 

"Closely following the Rhodes' line of propaganda 
is the Time, Inc., magazine group headed by 
Henry Luce. Luce was not a Rhodes scholar but 
he did spend a year at Oxford where he sponged 
up some of the imperialistic doctrines carried 
later in his magazines. Several of his top brass 
editors have been Rhodes Scholars. 

"From the start Luce followed the Anglophile trail, 
whooping it up for American intervention in war 
when the British were in trouble and damning 
pro-Americans as 'isolationists.' He is a charter 
member of the 'Eisenhower-for-President' cult, 
favors entrapment of Republicans by Truman's 


so-called bipartisan foreign policy, and the 
Marshall plan, which has paid off his magazines. 

"In addition to pushing the British concept of 
policing the world with American soldiers and 
economic aid, the Luce publications have been 
infiltrated by another form of globalism. 
Whittaker Chambers, devotee of world 
communism and confessed courier for a soviet 
spy ring, was a senior editor ($30,000 a year) for 
Time magazine. Chambers informed on Alger 
Hiss, Roosevelt adviser at Yalta. Hiss is now in a 
federal penitentiary for perjury in a case involving 
soviet espionage. 

"Rhodes Men on N. Y. Times 

"The New York Times, which has been pro-British 
since the first World war, also has its share of 
Rhodes scholars on the staff. An interesting 
footnote in journalistic history is that at the time 
Rhodes' final will was published in 1902, the New 
York Times condemned the idea of American 

" 'Why should an American youth go to Oxford 
when he can get a better education at home in 
respect of those attainments which chiefly make 
for national greatness?' inquired the Times in 
1902." End quote. 

Can anyone deny the widespread influence, or 
should we say control, by Rhodes scholars over 
America? This is in truth the "iron curtain over 
America" that is undermining American 
sovereignty. Do the paid patriots inform us about 
British Communism via Rhodes Scholars? 

Do the "patriots" tell Americans about Masonic 
Communism? Do they think that Masonry was 
made in Moscow? Certainly not! It was made in 
England and every Masonic politician and federal 
judge in America has given allegiance to Masonry 
over the United States Constitution. They cannot 
be Americans and true to the global scheme of 
Masonry at the same time. Why is this so difficult 
to understand? The big red five pointed star that 
rules over Russia and China was made in 
England and still gives allegiance to the same. Do 


the "anti-Communists" know this, or are they 
Masons too? 

Russia is a menace to be sure, but the British 
Empire originated the Russian system of 
Communism to exploit the world as a front for 
British Imperialism while they use religion from 
the churches to set up their scheme as a divine 
kingdom. Confusion comes from everywhere but 
always the "poor" British Empire continues to 
crumble, so says the propaganda. 

A further analogy of the double dealing of British 
Israel is recalling the devotion of the American 
people to the Declaration of Independence of 
1776. So the conspirators use 1776 and place the 
label on the very betrayal of free America "The 
Spirit of ’76." But this time it will not be an 
American Declaration, but a move to put us back 
into the Empire we left in 1776 — this time 
interdependence. Union with Great Britain means 
destruction of our national sovereignty and our 
individual freedom. 

Some of our citizens who most sincerely and most 
loudly warn against Communism are proclaiming 
the kingdom message from coast to coast, 
propagandizing for the coming kingdom of God on 
earth. Never was there a better example of 
straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. This 
kingdom message is a farce to allow the British 
Empire to dominate the world and subject all but 
her nobility to slavery. We emphasize that 
Communism is not separate from British Israel. 
Communism is an instrument of British Israel, 
held up for us to fight until we can be totally 
"saved" (destroyed) by British Israel. Communism 
is called the antichrist by the patriots while 
British Israel is called Christ. The world is to be 
punished by anti-Christ forces and saved from it 
all by a "Christ" sitting on Queen Elizabeth's 
throne (removed to Jerusalem) and ruling the New 
Earth under the Union Jack. 

Americans, we challenge you to take an honest 
and objective look at the many pseudo patriotic 
organizations and their charlatan leaders. Who 
are these pied pipers who are getting paid so 
much to "save" America from Communism? Much 


information that is put out by the many 
organizations is factual in itself. Here is the 
sophistry. It is not the thing itself, but the USE 
made of it, which is the determining factor. The 
line of demarcation is very thin, when cleverly 
used, between facts as facts, and the subtle USE 
of them for propaganda. 

It is the USE of anything which determines the 
effect that it has, and no force on earth utilizes 
this concept more than British Israel. This is the 
web that has snared the patriots because they 
have failed to realize the negative effect of their 
attacks on the United States government. Though 
their facts in most cases may be 100 per cent 
true, their method of USE produces an effect 
contrary to that supposed by the user, and his 
constant harangues on "what's wrong in 
Washington" builds a revolutionary state of mind 
in the American people and creates false 
antagonisms and loss of confidence, the effect of 
which will destroy the American government 
instead of restoring constitutional guarantees. So 
the patriots gain respect for their vast knowledge 
of facts while they use them to mold "American 
opinion" against America. This is British Israel at 
work, and it multiplies its strength by turning 
Americans against America by turning the truth 
into a lie, and at the same time reserves to itself 
respectability under the cloak of Christian 
terminology and the American Flag. It conceals 
itself within the very thing that it seeks to 

The use of facts to serve the truth is directly 
opposite to the use of facts as propaganda and it 
is this two-edged sword with which British Israel 
is stabbing America. It is a parasite and a 
malignancy and it feeds upon and hides within its 
victim while it subdues it to death. The concept 
may better be understood when one thinks, as 
poison under certain uses is medication, and with 
other uses the same poison is deadly. There again 
it is not the poison, it is the use made of it which 
determines its effect. 

This concept we call self alienation, in that British 
Israel cleverly turns one unwittingly against his 
own country. This is the why of the many books 


and publications which may contain a great deal 
of truth supported by an impressive array of 
facts, which have swamped the land. The critical 
thing is that these so called exposes never contain 
all of the facts, and if one does not have all of the 
facts, he does not have a whole truth. Half truths 
are lies but most people cannot extend their 
credibility to understand the reverse effect which 
these widely distributed publications have on 
their thinking. They are designed to bring down 
the United States government and the fragment of 
constitutional government that we have left. 
Cannot the patriots see the dead end street, 
hopeless and without solution that all this deluge 
of queer patriotism has led them to? The only 
purpose of magnifying the ills of our country is to 
cause total loss of confidence by the people, who 
in turn will seek the New Order for relief from the 
one they help destroy. 

The issues are fictitious and do not relate to the 
master force of British Israel. Therefore, insofar as 
we peddle these frauds, we are promoting a cover- 
up while causing hatred and dissension in the 
land. This is the predicament of those who want 
to save their country but do not understand the 
enemy. All political issues culminate in 
exhaustion for the would-be patriot, unless he 
can understand their relationship as a destroyer 
and a cover for the spiritual revolution that is 
unifying the people in the belief of the coming 
kingdom. It makes not one whit how much people 
fight each other over civil rights, urban renewal, 
foreign policy, United Nations, National Council of 
Churches, monetary policy, scandals in 
government, use of LSD, states rights, race 
relations or any other concoction real or imagined 
(the stirring of these shams helps British Israel) 
unless they can see how these things are used to 
confuse and dumbfound the people while they are 
enshrouded, overcome and unified with the 
spiritual lie of British Israel, called the kingdom of 
God on earth. 

This same principle is true in the use of exposes 
about individuals, such as "A Texan Looks at 
Lyndon," "The Politician," and "None Dare Call It 
Treason." These things are foolishness to keep us 
looking the other way while we are being 


propagandized with the Kingdom Message. The 
plot is to tear us asunder with political issues of 
every description and divide the United States 
into every faction and dissension imaginable while 
we are united spiritually through British Israel to 
believe in the coming kingdom. The book "None 
Dare Call It Treason" is a prime example of right 
wing treason. The book condemns Russian 
Communism in about the first two thirds and 
then the author, in the last part of the book, gives 
Spiritual Communism as a cure to Russian 
Communism. No, he does not call his religious 
deception Spiritual Communism. He calls it 
interpretation of Bible prophecy, as do all 
Protestant Jews. He talks about divine 
intervention and the establishment of a universal 
peace via Christ. This is indeed Spiritual 
Communism, and little do Americans know that 
any earthly kingdom is only the cloak for world 
rulership of the Jew-Masonic British Empire. The 
earthly kingdom anti-Communist cult that 
operates freely within Christianity and under the 
laws of the land is promoting a universal 
despotism under the British Empire all in the 
name of religion, or worse, in the name of Christ. 
Using religion to control people is an essential 
fact of World Revolution. The trusting American 
people would do well to read "The Prince" by 
Niccolo Machiavelli, and they would not be so 
quick to take the false patriots at face value. In 
those pages is a revelation of the cloak and dagger 
technique that is used to gain power through 
deception. It is an excellent portrayal of how 
myths or crises are created and counter-myths or 
anti-crises are used to confuse and control whole 
nations and the world. If one's acumen is sharp, 
he can readily see how the anti-Communists are 
promoting revolution by causing general 
dissatisfaction with the American government 
without giving proper cause and effect of our 
general chaos. Men are much more impressed by 
political matters and social disturbances than 
detecting a subtle plot that controls their minds 
with religion. Machiavelli says that humanity is 
controlled by a principle that the human mind 
cannot fathom N religion. On page seven he says, 
regarding ethics and politics, "According to this 
classical conception, which was of Greek origin, 
refined and elevated by contact and fusion with 


the Christian gospel, politics had been conceived 
as a science subordinate to ethics." And the 
British Israel plot that has engulfed America to 
the point of a terminal cancer is nothing more 
than Machiavelli is describing as politics fused 
with Christianity, or in other words, a political 
religion under the mantle of Christianity. It is a 
concealed instrument of despotism generally 
misunderstood to be Russian Communism. 

All this leads concerned Americans to one simple 
task, that being to inquire as to why we are 
sedated with a gospel of a social millennium 
instead of being revived with the gospel of grace 
and a kingdom of salvation. What then must we 
do to be saved as a nation? Take the politics out 
of Christianity. Recognize and condemn millennial 
Zionism and any form of spiritual deception that 
uses Christianity to build a so-called paradise 
earth. Is it not simple to conclude that if we have 
a political religion that feeds in us hope of a 
worldly kingdom, then our loyalty to the universal 
king automatically downs the American flag? -The 
political religion calls the New Age Christ and his 
kingdom - few there be who know and who will 
know that this political theocracy is none other 
than the British Empire. This fact becomes truth 
only as we are able to penetrate the veil of false 
Christianity that Britain is using to establish 
universal Communism. 

Just as religion is the motor in man, political 
Messianism is the religion of the right wing and 
Communism via "Christianity" is their subtle plot 
N so subtle that most of the anti-Communist cult 
are completely and blindly dedicated to self 
destruction. Betrayal of one's country sometimes 
brings temporary fortune and esteem among 
traitors, but self betrayal comes from a twisted 
mind, with death the only refuge. What greater 
deceit than revolution via religion? Is religion 
more than a jot or tittle? Let us see what Martin 
L. Wagner says - in his Interpretation of 
Freemasonry. I quote: "Religion has ever been and 
is even now the most powerful factor in human 
activities. In some form it has been the motor 
back of the commanders of the armies, and of 
statesmen that founded the great world empires 
of the past, that animated and upheld the most 


despotic governments that fomented the bloodiest 
revolutions, that precipitated nations into 
sanguinary conflicts and that united alien peoples 
into almost indissoluble unions; that established 
the most arbitrary and despotic priest craft, 
enforced intellectual thralldom, and the tyranny 
of rulers. It has instigated, sustained and justified 
the most dastardly, atrocious, barbarous, and 
licentious acts in human annals, as well as the 
most liberal, just and pure. It has inspired the 
erection of the most stupendous, most elaborate, 
and the most costly structures as monuments to 
its power, and as shrines for its gods. It has 
produced the finest specimens of art, voiced the 
sweetest and holiest of song and inspired the 
loftiest flights of the intellect in all the realms of 
human knowledge. It has transformed human 
perverts into saints, and changed moral creatures 
into demons of lust, fury and crime. It has 
enabled timid women and children to defy the 
threats of tyrants, and smile upon the terrors of 
dungeons flames, and death. It has cemented 
brotherhoods and cults into unions which detest 
the sagacity of statesmen, the erudition of jurists, 
the skill of marshals, the power of kings and the 
anathema's of popes, to destroy. Religion is 
without doubt the most powerful motor in man, 
and religion is the motor in Freemasonry." 
Endquote. Pages 13 and 14. So there we have it. 
Religion is the motor in false patriotism and it 
insidiously undermines the good intentions of the 
would be patriots. Embodied in their efforts is 
treason via religion. Surely there has never been 
so many that have done so much for self 

We are disintegrated politically and nationally 
while we are unified spiritually and 
internationally with the kingdom message. This is 
the clear and consistent pattern which may be 
seen through the chaotic situation in America 
today, and this is why all issues are spurious 
when unrelated to the mammoth spiritual 
deception that has permeated every phase of our 
lives in this once free country. While Americans 
engage every visible malfunction of our society 
and pay their tithes to the fright peddlers of a 
nebulous disease called Communism, the giant 
shadow of British Israel moves over the land 


invisible, unabated and all powerful, devouring its 
victim that it now has drugged on the kingdom 
message. This fictitious Christianity has 
enveloped the nation with its tentacles, awaiting 
only for its prey to exhaust itself in agony so that 
it can be delivered into the World Superstate built 
upon the shattered faith of fictitious Christians. It 
needs only to perform the acts which it has been 
telling the world is the Biblical climax of this age. 

Can we now unmask the villain's who cooperate 
to dominate the world? Can we identify them 
personally so the people of the world can behold 
their masters? No! Even if it could be done, it 
would not change the chaotic world one fraction. 
In this text we are dealing with the only concept 
that can bring an understanding out of confusion. 
This concept is called "Fundamental Christianity," 
which is a Christian front for Zionism. Its spirit is 
the kingdom of God on earth. All false fabrics 
have been woven upon the idea that Jesus Christ 
is the Messiah of a terrestrial kingdom. The idea 
of a future kingdom age on earth is the root cause 
of all deceit. It is the refuse of rascals and the 
only lie that can distinguish Satan from an angel 
of light. It is the aim of big business to thoroughly 
intoxicate the world with its anti-Communist 
world evangelism and bring the world to believe 
that only a millennial world government can bring 
peace on earth. This is a religion. It is the religion 
of the right wing and its fake conservatism. It is 
the subversive political religion of political 
Messianism. It is a world government religion and 
it is Spiritual Communism. What does it matter if 
we lose our country through something called 
Russian Communism or a Communism called the 
kingdom of God on earth? And why could not 
Communism originate from the right wing also 
under the pretext of Christianity? There is no 
understanding of left wing Communism without 
understanding right wing Communism. Right 
wing Communism is a world despotism called the 
kingdom of God on earth. The kingdom of God on 
earth is the "Fundamental Christianity" of 
American patriotism, and with this "Christian" 
Communism the "anti-Communists" are leading 
us into world government. We shall see that the 
social order of the Judaic kingdom of God is 
identical to that of Karl Marx. Wake up, America, 


before you die thinking you are a "Christian 

How do the patriots who are fighting for what they 
believe to be true American nationalism justify 
their beliefs in the kingdom message which is 
internationalism disguised as something Biblical? 
If they could understand British Israel trickery 
they could understand their contradictory and 
hopeless situation. One does not truly oppose a 
political world government if he believes in a 
spiritual world government under any name or 

It is by using the truth to tell a lie that most 
people are mislead. This concept of revolution 
defies military science and tactics making the 
British Israel movement the most deceptive, clever 
and difficult to detect in the world. Deception, 
pretense and confusion make detection almost 
impossible. The activities of the right wing are in 
the realm of religion, education, patriotism and 
politics. And be sure of one thing, anyone 
engaging in this subversive movement would be 
the last one to admit British Israel, though there 
are few of the rank and file who have ever heard 
of it. 

The effect of the activities of these Christian 
fronts is to create counteraction against the 
United States government, which in turn builds 
the revolution to a point where the people 
themselves overthrow their own government, 
thinking all the time that they are patriots. The 
purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel 
is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of 
mind and then the people will bring down their 
own government. The anti-Communist movement 
as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti- 
American; while parading with the American Flag 
it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the 
American government, just as Hitler did in 
Germany. Of course the claim of these people is 
that they want to get back to constitutional 
government and most of them sincerely want to, 
but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their 
actions is to destroy that which they believe they 
save. If they could understand the esoteric 
(hidden) purpose of their organizations, they 


would not be so anxious to be led to the 
slaughter. They should realize that as revolution 
increases constitutional government decreases. 
Government by crisis is a dictatorship. 

So called non-profit anti-Communist 
organizations get mail service for a fraction of 
what it costs American taxpayers. For example, 
Billy James Hargis and Fred Swartz send first 
class mail anywhere in the United States for one 
cent, at this writing. This is favoritism to 

Many have heard the right wing Communists 
such as Billy James Hargis, scream about tax 
persecution from the government. Anyone can 
observe that he has unlimited funds and has 
every advantage of "non-profit" mail service and 
tax status. His voluminous mail and that of other 
crypto Jews goes out all over America. Why are 
these British Israel Communists getting such 
favored treatment for their treason? It is because 
they are promoting world government through a 
false Christianity and receiving funds and tax 
exemptions because they carry on their sedition 
under the pretense of freedom of religion. Also it 
is a well known fact that Billy James Hargis gives 
his pseudo patriotic pitch many times from 
Masonic Lodges and Temples. 

And why, they ask, should we not expose the 
frauds in government? The answer is that they do 
not expose — they cover up- The proof of this is in 
the fact that after hundreds of books and 
mountains of "anti-Communist' literature, things 
get worse and worse. This should be obvious even 
to the asinine - Americans are too anxious to echo 
what someone tells them or believe what they 
read, and consequently they do not suspect the 
hidden implications of this reverse psychology 
type revolution which has engulfed the world. If a 
man keeps going to the doctor and the doctor 
keeps telling him that he is sick, then pretty soon 
he will be sick in truth, and a nation is no 
different - We are told that America cannot last, 
that she is going the way of ancient Rome - But 
America will not die if her beguiled and befuddled 
citizens don't kill her regardless of what the 


prophets of doom say. 

America has an acute disease which is aggravated 
with treatment called confusion. Americans run 
to a quack doctor called anti-communism, who 
keeps building the disease by attacking the 
symptoms. Americans are going to suffer so much 
that a few of her people are going to finally realize 
that the mass produced "anti-communism" offers 
no promise to restored national health. 

It is therefore axiomatic that we reorient and 
bring in a totally new comprehension of the term 
Communism. Understanding the disease certainly 
will give the maximum advantage toward cure. 

This text is shock treatment for most Americans, 
who have an incurable anti-Russian Communism 
sickness which has come about by a gigantic 
build up of propaganda from organizations and 
churches, all of whom are carefully guided into 
Communism under the pretense of exposing it. 

What cure and what solution does all this 
upsurge of 'patriotism" offer? Is it the return of 
Christ and His earthly reign? Or is it world 
brotherhood? Or is it the Adamic Race? Is it a 
legal system called "the world under God's law?" 
Is it a new moral order? Is it a restored paradise 
earth? Is it the world state of Zionism? Is it a 
World Commonwealth? All these enigmas merge 
into one concept - the universal world state under 
the name kingdom of God on earth. All these have 
a common mode and goal, and you may take one 
to suit your fancy and still arrive in a 
blasphemous God-State World Empire. All these 
ideologies are identical and all are Communism. 

Can we not reason then that the "patriotism" and 
"Americanism" of the right wing is not 
conservatism at all, but is indeed the disease 
which brought on our deadly sickness? Is not the 
above named world government the opposite to 
patriotism? Are we not relying upon a doctor who 
keeps giving us the disease under the pretense of 
building up an immunity? 

The hard and conclusive results of this injected 
trauma is not seen because time and again we are 



drugged and tranquilized to such an extent that 
we either feel that we are being cured, or at least 
unable to detect that we are being destroyed with 
our "anti-Communist" -medicine. 

Life and property demand that we find a new 
direction - a new and true anti-communism. Will 
the treatment and recovery from this fake 
Communism be worse than the disease? No 
indeed; not if we are honest and sincere and are 
willing to spend a fraction of the time getting out 
of the trap which so much skill and time has lead 
us into. Let us realize one principle. If we are 
infected with an anti-American ideological 
disease, we are certainly carriers of it no matter 
our noble intentions. 

Conspiracy always has a DUAL nature. It has the 
right wing and the left wing. It has the peace 
groups and the war groups. It has the religious 
and the atheist. It has the white race and the 
black race. It has those in power and those out, it 
has those at the top and those at the bottom. 

Those in power such as in America today 
inaugurate socialistic programs and protect the 
street rioters thus creating the revolution from 
the top. Then the right wing dutifully calls it 
Communism and proceeds to heat up the sham. 
The dilemma is that the real issue and the real 
power is never revealed and this is the dilemma 
that puts those at the top and those on the 
bottom on the same side — the wrong side of 
constitutional government. The effect of this 
fictitious confrontation is confusion and deception 
which is fuel for the revolutionary fire, and the 
result of it is the destruction of constitutional 
government and not the preservation of it. A 
bewildered people is the desire of world revolution 
and constructive criticism of government can 
come only when the people know fact from 
fantasy. British Israel is a cancer which controls 
the mind through confusion. With control of the 
mind the control of the body is automatic. If one 
has a basis for truth which is the true gospel and 
God's redemptive purpose, then he can see that 
there is a clear pattern to be seen through British 
Anglo Israel confusion which can be recognized 
through their consistent goal which is world 


government, under whatever name. Their 

strength is in twisting truth into a lie. 

The whole structure of British Israel is one of 
many fronts, complications and devices for 
misleading the people and they seem to have no 
trouble at all concealing their identity with their 
use of semantics. They want people to believe that 
they are opposed to Communism so they name 
their pursuit kingdom of God on earth, thus 
accomplishing the same goal of world 
government, which will shackle the world into a 
more complete bondage than it is now SPIRITUAL 
BONDAGE. If you have a man's spirit you have 
his body at your command. If you have a nation's 
spirit you have its body at your command. If you 
have a nation's spirit you have the country 
regardless of the flag they fly. The thing that 
makes spiritual bondage complete is that the 
people don't know it, and if they don't know it 
they will not resist it, but will embrace it. This is 
the revolution that has entangled America and it 
is no different from that of St. Paul on the road to 
Damascus to kill Christians, thinking he was 
doing good. 

The whole system of British Anglo Israel 
substitutes confidence in the flesh for faith in 
Jesus Christ. It is in this light that we identify the 
work of the many Christian fronts who claim that 
they are Christians and patriots when they are 
neither. While they claim to fight Communism 
they substitute a counterfeit Messiah and a 
worldly British Empire in the name of kingdom of 
God on earth. 

This cult comes to us in many colors and 
fashions. Many organizations and individuals 
adhere to politics, patriotism, and education while 
others engage in politics and religion. Then there 
are the mammoth religious organizations and 
church groups which operate strictly on the 
religious with their main emphasis on "prophecy." 
As already stated it is not primarily within the 
scope of this work to name such obvious evils as 
the National Council of Churches. That the 
National Council of Churches is a subversive and 
Satan inspired organization is beyond question. 
Our main concern is that the ideology and 


theology of the right wing forces closely (as 
contrasted to the left wing) identify with the 
acceptable precepts of the average American 
whose thinking has been diluted by all manner of 
modern theology and Churchianity. It is because 
of this identification that they are able to get 
honest Americans to fall for their deception, not 
realizing the false political Messianism that they 
are helping to foster. 

British Israel conceals itself by habitual use of the 
American Flag and by constantly using and 
hiding behind such terms as Americanism, 
American Opinion, Freedom of Enslaved Peoples, 
Constitution, Anti-communism, Fundamental 
Christianity, Christian Heritage, Judeo-Christian, 
American Heritage, Anti-Christ, Liberty, Equality, 
Fraternity, Justice, Identity, Progress, White 
Adamic Race, White Christians or White Race, 
Anglo-Saxon, Destiny, For God and Country, 
Kingdom, Western Civilization and Western 
Destiny, Christian Civilization, Israel Message, 
Throne of David, Prophecy, Prophecies of the 
Great Pyramid, Lost Tribes of Israel or Twelve 
Tribes of Israel, and World Evangelism as well as 
many others. Now these words and phrases are 
harmless of themselves but it is the USE of them 
that identifies the work of British Israel. 

It is also the use of these terms that neutralizes 
resistance against British Israel. They are 
concepts twisted to fit British Israel political 
theology and the use and effect of them is to turn 
Americans against themselves by changing the 
truth into a lie. Most people look objectively at a 
thing rather than its effect upon them. This 
reverse use of propaganda has permeated every 
phase of American life and yet it has remained 
invisible and imperceptible to most. Hence the 
ostensible purpose of the anti-Communist 
crusades are to restore constitutional government 
and it is within this framework that gives them 
respectability but the constant attacks on the 
United States government has the effect of 
causing mass loss of confidence of the people in 
the American governmental system, and so it is 
with this idea that the people are beguiled into 
destroying their own form of government while 
they think they are patriots. True patriotism is 


not divided against itself because it is based upon 
truth and not the improper relationship of facts 
which is indeed the very opposite. 

Oh! You say you have no religion but you are a 
right wing anti-Communist. And maybe you are 
not even a "Fundamentalist' or a Fraternal 
brother of the New Age cult. So no one has tricked 
you into a hoax and deceived you into treason. So 
you think for yourself. Maybe you are Dr. I.Q. or a 
smart lawyer or an intellectual giant. Well, have 
you attacked left wing Communism and right 
wing Communism? If you are only an anti- 
Russian Communist and are not getting paid for 
it, you are indeed dumb because billions are 
being spent to keep it going. With this deceit you 
can earn a fortune as thousands are doing, and if 
you have political aspirations you might become a 
U.S. Senator or perhaps President if you are 
especially skilled in creating fear hysteria of an 
imminent Communist invasion of our shores. But 
if you have not attacked and exposed right wing 
Communism called the kingdom of God on earth, 
then you are not anti-Communist as you pretend 
or believe. It is the kingdom of God British Empire 
World Order that is to survive and this is where 
the bets are because this is where the money is 
being spent also by the bale. Oh, you don't believe 
it? See if your local radio station will sell you time 
to expose it, as they do Herbert W. Armstrong to 
propose it. 

All the good "Fundamentalists" and "anti¬ 
communists" are against what they believe is 
Russian Communism but they are only a smoke 
screen to hide the real Communism, which is 
veiled under the Christian name kingdom of God 
on earth. The more smoke is made the better the 
cover-up. If you are not anti " Fundamental 
Christianity" you are not anti-Communist 
regardless of what you think. "Fundamental 
Christianity" is Communism of the most devilish 
sort and its goal is the most absolute despotism 
the human mind can imagine. A World State 
Communion which the "Fundamentalists" call the 
kingdom of God on earth is the very opposite of 
the moral and spiritual kingdom of Christianity. It 
is only those who know that God's kingdom is not 
flesh and blood (but salvation) who will recognize 


this age old earthly kingdom Pharisaism which is 
now on the world stage under the guise of 
Christianity. Christianity is a moral government 
and a spiritual kingdom not of this world. 
Communism, alias "Fundamental Christianity," is 
a political and social government (world 
federation) and an earthly world state. The desire 
of the Jews for a natural Messiah caused them to 
murder Jesus Christ. I Thess. 2:14. Will Christ 
now set up a kingdom of this world? It is the 
Jew's religion, which is syruped with the name 
"Fundamental Christianity," which turns Divine 
Revelation into a lie to support the earthly 
kingdom heresy. It is blasphemy. It is treason. 

In our presentation of word usage to demonstrate 
their propaganda value let us dwell for a minute 
upon the term Judeo-Christian. To most 
Americans this is a high sounding brotherly love 
term. Its real implication is that Judaism is being 
promoted at the expense of Christianity in the so- 
called Christian Churches. Judaism or political 
Messianism today is being fed to the American 
people in the form of Christianity, in Christian 
terms and expressions and as we said, in 
"Christian churches." The essential hope and the 
essential identity of Judeo-Christianity is its drive 
to establish a kingdom of earthly dominion which 
is opposite and opposed to the spiritual dominion 
of Jesus Christ. Hence we have our tax exempt 
"Christian Anti-communism." 

British Israel (the teaching of an earthly theocracy 
or kingdom of God) is Judaism. Yes, it is Judaism 
pure and simple and Judaism or the Jew's 
religion, as St. Paul refers to it, is poison to the 
soul of man and has been the enemy of 
Christianity before and since the coming of our 
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. After the 
fulfillment of Daniel's seventieth week or the 
Great Tribulation, national Israel came to an end 
and with it its dream of a political Messiah to 
establish national Israel in universal sovereignty 
in an earthly kingdom. But the agents of Satan 
have never given up in their attempt to deceive 
mankind about the kingdom of grace already 
established and made complete through the 
atoning blood of our Lord. Many and various 
fronts have been used to advance the use of the 


Jew's religion to control the spirit and mind of 
humanity. We have se n it rear its head in the so- 
called Christian Crusades, it was used in 
European wars and promoted under such terms 
as Divine Destiny. Certainly we recognize Adolf 
Hitler and his National Socialism as a front and 
pseudonym for the Jew's religion. Hitler's 
propaganda led the German people to believe that 
they were a kind of super nation and race with a 
supranational and Divine purpose. Then National 
Communism came on the world stage with 
deification of its national leaders. Today the 
ultimate in deceit has arrived but nevertheless 
the same old Jew's religion. Proselyte Jews and 
religious prostitutes of every cult imaginable have 
united under the name of Christianity to cause 
the greatest mind control apparatus in the history 
of man. They use Holy Writ to destroy it. They 
promote Christianity to pervert it and they 
acclaim Christ as Lord to deny His Lordship. They 
accomplish their deceit with an evil mixture of 
innuendo and misrepresentation, always under 
the sanctity of Christianity. They misuse the 
whole Bible to turn it from the gospel of salvation 
to the gospel of materialism or as they term it, an 
earthly kingdom of God. With an admixture of 
Christianity and heathen Judaism they have 
imposed upon professing Christianity the belief 
that God's purpose for man will be a paradise 
millennium in which National Israel shall become 
International Israel and Christ shall be the 
political as well as Divine Sovereign of the 
universe. Further depravity is added to this lie 
through the teaching that Anglo Saxondom is 
chosen of God to help establish this Novus Ordo 
Seclorum (New Order of the Ages) through the 
throne of Britain, which is they say, to be finally 
removed to Jerusalem and become the throne of 
Christ on earth. The Jewish State is the British 

Americans have become entangled in the 
semantics of their own language which has made 
of them slaves which first made them free. As a 
man thinks in his heart, so is he, and if he 
believes right is wrong and wrong is right he is 
nonetheless zealous in it. It is this peculiar 
trickery of British Israel which causes a man to 
turn against himself and it is from this basis 


which the most vain unwittingly despise 
themselves. Ego fights self unto death when free 
men are not free. It is in this predicament that 
men are ever learning but never able to come to 
the knowledge of the truth. 

Again we emphasize that perhaps the greatest 
concentration of this propaganda is on the 
religious with the constantly quoting of the 
Scriptures to explain everything past, present and 
future through Biblical prophecies. It is this 
seemingly harmless and invisible force that 
makes the British Israel movement so dangerous 
to our national independence. The idea of using 
the churches to conquer a nation is indeed a 
study in sophistry. We are confused politically 
while enchained spiritually. This is the subtlety of 
Satan who has appeared as an angel of light. 

America is being destroyed under the facade of 
Christianity and Americanism by people who call 
themselves patriots. They are not patriots but 
aliens in our midst tearing out the very heart of 
the greatest nation on earth. 

We point out a few of the many political and so- 
called educational organizations whose activities 
we identify as anti-Christian and/or subversive to 
the American nation. Remember many of them 
have at one time or another at least mentioned 
British Israel as their opposition. This takes the 
heat off of them when they are accused of B1 but 
this does not take away the truth that they are, in 
fact, British Israel and their consuming purpose 
is British Israel. As stated before the last thing 
they will do is admit that they are British Israel, 
and as such are agents of the British Empire 
seeking to abolish our government in favor of (to 
quote Robert Welch in the John Birch Society 
Blue Book, tenth printing 1961 copyright) page 
163: "an honestly intended federation of 

nations...", ostensibly to increased individual 
freedom. Fellow Americans you don't increase 
freedom under world government, least of all a 
British World, and this is only the double talk of a 
Judas goat leading the sheep to slaughter. In this 
regard let us look at other anti-Communist 
Christian fronts. The land is overrun with 
fictitious patriotism as seen in the Conservative 


Society of America, Christian Crusade, Twentieth 
Century Reformation Hour, Soldiers of the Cross, 
Freedom Foundation, American Council of 
Christian Churches, Christian Nationalist 
Crusade, Minutemen, Nazi Party, Ku Klux Klan, 
National States Rights Party, Masonic Order, 
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, occult 
groups and many others. In the minds of the 
people these organizations represent different 
ideologies but they do not. It is simply a 
something for everybody scheme and all of them 
are feverishly keeping the revolutionary fire in 
America burning by blaming everything on 
Russian Communism. Some of them Jew bait 
along the way while others harp on the White 
Race. Anything to fan the fire and cover up the 
truth is their purpose. Some of the above dwell on 
the "Jewish Menace" and their supporters do not 
realize they are instruments of these same 
Pharisees which they falsely call Jews. Further 
identification of these fakers with the object of 
their attacks is their acclamations of the precepts 
of British Israel. They attack on one hand and 
propagate the same heresy on the other under a 
different name. The art of creating fictitious 
antagonisms against the powers that be has 
nowhere excelled as in the United States. Further, 
the direct connections of these Luciferians to the 
Fraternal Organization which advocates the NEW 
AGE reveals their identity and true purpose. 

Communism does not fight Communism and we 
cannot fight Communism with more Communism. 
We are burdened with the task of a determination 
of what Communism is and then we can properly 
come to understand the concept of patriotic 
subversion or conservative treason. Are all these 
"non-profit churches" and Christian fronts 
carrying on legal treason? Yes, they are, with 
special tax privileges which Americans who are 
paying the bill do not have. These "patriotic" and 
Christian fronts simply make themselves legal by 
operating under the pretext of Constitutional 
guarantees such as freedom of religion and 
freedom of speech, and receive tax subsidies by 
organizing church fronts. This trick of treason to 
a lawyer would be an extra legality. This extra 
legality is the idea of being outside the law and 
therefore exempt from the law. This gives the 


right wing as well as the left wing a haven or 
sanctuary to use the laws of the land to destroy 
this country without fear of prosecution under the 
National Defense Provision of the Constitution. 
The only solution to this chicanery is to place the 
proper definition or identification upon their 
presumptions of Americanism, thereby laying 
them open for prosecution for sedition under the 
United States Constitution. It is our purpose here 
to define their activities and let them defend their 
treason to the American people. Many 
newspapers and magazines promote the Kingdom 
Message. Some of them keep up racial friction 
against the Negro while others Jew bait and still 
others stick to anti-communism and pro-Jew 
bait. They work all areas in order to keep 
confusion at a peak and at the same time conceal 
British Israel until it is too late for any recovery of 
the true national independence of the United 
States. In this group of publications we call your 
attention to a few of the many thousands and 
many of them are free for the asking. The 
Councilor, Common Sense, Cross and Flag, 
Pilgrim Torch, Intelligence Digest, Human Events, 
Thunderbolt, . . . Fiery Cross, Conservative 

Viewpoint, American Opinion, National Chronicle, 
Destiny, Plain Truth , The Watch Tower, Christian 
Beacon, Prophetic Newsletter, Dan Smoot Report, 
the New Age, Candour, Capsule News, Task 
Force, Christian Crusade, and many others one 
way or another promote revolution in the name of 
Patriotism, Americanism and Christianity. Most of 
our daily newspapers and more sophisticated 
publications such as United States News and 
World Report are not exempt. United States News 
and World Report does a mammoth job of 

magnifying America's problems without ever 
revealing the source of those problems. At the 
same time this publication regularly plays down 
the power and influence of the British Empire. 

If it is beginning to appear that British Israel has 
enshrouded us with its poison then we are 

beginning to make our point. British Israel 
propaganda reaches into every phase of our 

national and local affairs. There is no escape 
unless we are armed with the truth to combat 
and expose it. First we must recognize this 

powerful and invisible force and then we must 


destroy it and banish the traitors in our country 
who would sell us out to the British Empire World 
Superstate in the name of Christ. 

How do we separate the bad guys from the good 
guys? It is by understanding the religion of 
"patriotism," or shall we say the Judaism of the 
right wing. First a fictitious anti-communism can 
be spotted if it does not include an expose of the 
Kingdom Message which is "pure" Communism. 
Then by an understanding of "Fundamental 
Christianity" and its scheme to establish a ghost 
Christianity as a vehicle to control the minds of 
humanity by cleverly twisting Scripture to 
sanction a World Brotherhood commune, we can 
unmix those Christians and true patriots from all 
others. Then with the Sword of the Spirit we can 
abolish the deceit of a carnal "Christian" kingdom 
and reestablish conservative battle lines 
absolutely without fear of infiltration. There is 
only one thing that will pull pseudo patriotism 
out in the open. This is forcing them to expose the 
kingdom of God Communism. Try it! 

We despise the vulgar revolution in the guise of 
Civil Rights and so on, but the most dangerous 
traitors are the sophisticated and well dressed 
preachers, teachers, and Americanism speakers 
who are stabbing the American people to death 
with British Israel propaganda sugarcoated with 
Christian terminology. Yes, this Satanic concept 
of revolution is at its best to destroy the very 
people who have shed their blood and shared 
their substance for the British Empire. It is this 
monster called the British Empire, which has 
floated the world in blood to attain its ends. The 
agents of this colossus are of many variations 
ranging from so-called Communist agents to 
Rhodes Scholars including modern day Pharisees 
who call themselves Jews. Though they appear 
different they may be identified by this goal which 
is a New World under the Union Jack, erected 
upon the ashes of National States. According to 
William Allen White, a noted British propagandist, 
"It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon 
race to dominate the world and kill off or else 
reduce to a servile status all other inferior races." 
Who says it was Hitler who started the bunkum of 


the "Master Race?" 

There have been thousands of books written 
which purport to expose Communism and other 
fictions related thereto. Almost in every case one 
can detect the advocacy of world government 
while presuming to fight Communism. Careful 
analogy reveals that all angles lead to world 
government as a solution to a crisis ridden world. 
The plot is to tear down this social order and give 
a solution of world government of "righteousness" 
to replace it. In prophetic terms after the "Great 
Tribulation" a new world alias kingdom of God on 
earth is to come. 

We name a few books which cleverly misuse truth 
and outright advocate or promote the very thing 
they claim they oppose. They are: Iron Curtain 
Over America, New Unhappy Lords, as well as 
other books by the same author; The Plot Against 
the Church, The Plot Against Christianity, as well 
as the other Jew bait of Elizabeth Dilling; The 
International Jew by Henry Ford, World 
Revolution by Nesta Webster, None Dare Call it 
Treason and Death of A Nation by John Stormer, 
The Politician, Imperium, Race and Reason, Race 
and Heredity and Civilization, Race and Social 
Revolution, Red Fog Over America; all the race 
books of Lothrop Stoddard; The Protocols, The 
Rulers of Russia, The Zionist Network; Trail of the 
Serpent, World Aflame, and A Choice Not an 

That civil disorder which is called Communism 
and its counterpart Anti-communism magnifies 
and advertises discontent while concealing its 
own true nature and source. This is the dual 
purpose of its existence—to first create confusion 
as to what is what, and secondly to hide the real 
conspiracy. Simple logic requires that we look at 
the result of this sham in order to determine its 
validity and genuineness, and it cannot be said 
that we have not had enough time. Billions have 
been spent in so-called wars against Communism 
and the cotton candy patriots have imposed their 
anti-Communist rot on the American people for 
half a century and the result is confusion 
compounded and a complete cover up of the real 
conspiracy. Of course the mass of participants do 


not understand the implications of their own 
actions but this does not lessen the harm done. 
They have been foxed into a double dimension 
plot against themselves in which they are the 
major participants. To fill up the measure of this 
irony the patriot cannot advance nor retreat from 
his own encirclement and any move he makes or 
contemplates is calculated to deter him from true 
patriotism. Like a dog chasing his tail he runs 
himself ragged to destroy his country. He never 
stops to penetrate the effective reality of his self 
extinction. Like the victim of an hallucination he 
fights his way into prison to gain his freedom and 
he has the gall and ignorance to call the beguiled 
Uncle Toms a conspiracy. Is the right wing anti- 
Negro? Very! Christian colored people in America 
should investigate how they, too, are being 
worked against themselves both from the left and 
the right. On the left he is the front man and the 
cannon fodder for civil disturbances. On the right 
he will find his ultimate reward if he can decipher 
British Israel "Fundamental Christianity." He is 
not only designated a servant race in the New 
Order, he is a beast, not being subject to the 
grace of Christ. The Negro can find no refuge in 
the American catastrophe except with true 
Christians who will give him what he earns and 
deserves, and will not deceive him in his salvation 
by a perversion of the Gospel which gives him a 
beast role in a paradise earth. Christianity is not 
racially concerned as is false Christianity. Only 
the hypocrisy of Satan with his "Fundamental" 
Zionism would pretend to befriend the Negro and 
damn his soul at the same time. We find this 
racism in "In The Image of God" by Destiny 
Publishers, Merrimac, Massachusetts, on page 5. 
I quote: "Professor Charles Carroll engaged in 
profound and copious research to discover the 
truth about the 'beast of the earth,' or 'beast of 
the field,' and found this 'beast' to be of the ape 
order, or family, but not an ape. He is not human, 
but an animal order after his own kind N he is 
black N he is the Negro." End of quote. On page 
15 we find under a caption "Biblical Proof," this: 
"From the Bible itself we have presented proof 
that the 'beast d the field' (or earth) are a high 
order of animal life who are vocal, intelligent, who 
can sin and repent, as well as pray. They are the 
pure stock of the Negro, a servant order." End of 


quote. Notice the author did not say they could be 

The imprudence of men leads them to take up 
something because at the moment it seems good, 
and they do not detect the poison which it 
conceals within. This is the cause of made in 
England patriotism and it hides within it treason 
and once men grasp for it, it undoes them before 
they can regain their understanding of what 
happened. If Americans, who have been tantalized 
into this fake patriotism, could but take one step 
backward in order to see the subjective aspect of 
this trap, they could see how in reality they have 
unwittingly jumped into the ridiculous situation 
of self-negation. They are debased and deceived 
creatures, prostrate before the altar of a 
monstrous falsehood simply because it calls itself 
"Divine Truth." Spiritual blindness has caused 
Americans to grab every straw in the wind which 
is stamped with Christianity and patriotism. What 
fools we mortals be! Can we not force ourselves to 
believe that Satan appears as an angel of light, 
that the American churches are being used as a 
base of operations to destroy our faith and our 

According to the prophetic scheme of British 
Israel or "Fundamental Christianity we are 
approaching the time of Jacob's Trouble which 
will bring the Great Tribulation down upon the 
earth with the reign of anti-Christ. One might 
wonder if this is according to the Bible, why 
would the "patriots" waste their substance 
supporting anti-Communism? Why would they 
delay the hand of God? After all, according to 
British Israel the Millennium is to follow, and why 
delay a paradise earth when we need it so badly? 

We concede perhaps that they believe they are 
doing good works by warning the world of the 
great events to come according to Bible prophecy. 
Here again their spiritual blindness causes them 
to activate those forces which will bring their own 
ruin. Their "tithes and offerings" to such political 
intrigue is helping to advertise and promote a 
conspiracy against the true Gospel and the 
tragedy of it all is that this scheme calls for world 
government. Communism calls for world 


government. British Israel calls for world 
government under the alias of kingdom of God on 
earth. If one has come to believe in the Kingdom 
Message he is a Communist. World government is 
world government under any name and in any 
case it necessitates the destruction of the 
sovereignty and national independence of the 
United States of America. 

This pincers thrust of Communism on one side 
and Millennialism on the other is calculated to 
destroy our freedom and society while it prepares 
the people of America and the world for the New 
Order of the Ages in the kingdom of God on earth. 
The idea is to drive the people to such desperation 
(through civil disorder, inflation, famine and war), 
that they will gladly see the "end of the age" come. 
What they do not suspect is that this order would 
be replaced with a dark age both spiritual and 
physical which may well last a thousand years. It 
could not happen except its victims help prepare 
the way. Mankind is beguiled into bearing its own 
cross not to a celestial glory but to terrestrial ruin 
because they love darkness more than they love 
light. Could man despise himself and his country 
so much except he be spiritually blind? 

The crusaders say "I know that the Bible is God's 
Word, and I can prove it by what is happening 
today." What they do not know is that the Bible is 
not a history book to justify British Israelism. The 
Bible is a plan of salvation and does not foretell 
events to justify the evil intent of British Israel 
and its prostitute theologians who parade under 
the name of Christian. The Bible does not set 
forth a plan of world government on this earth, 
centered from Jerusalem, except as men twist the 
Scriptures into a lie. Events are enacted on the 
world stage such as those in Palestine and evil 
men pervert the Word of God and change the 
truth into a lie so that man will believe that those 
events are of God. How can Americans believe 
such nonsense is Biblical when Christ said "My 
kingdom is not of this world," and that flesh and 
blood cannot enter His kingdom? How shall these 
modern Pharisees escape the judgments of God? 

In this text we have condemned Communism as 
an ideology and base of operations which is being 


used to drive America and the world into the 
greatest spiritual trap since the dark ages, which 
in turn guarantees physical domination by the 
force that wields this spiritual power. Then we 
have demonstrated that this spiritual trap is a 
political Messianism which is an attempt to 
establish a world government in the name of 
Christ, and that it is the right wing and Christian 
fronts that are carrying out this Satanic plot while 
they siphon huge sums of money from the 
bewildered American people. British Israel is right 
wing Communism and is being foisted on the 
people with the churches and patriots through 
the spiritual. This movement, as has been stated, 
has its peculiarities, phrases, books, publications 
and activities, which identify it as against 
Christianity (when one understands its dual 
purpose) and true patriotism, but is most 
successful operating under these veneers. This 
political intrigue is no different from its supposed 
enemy Communism, as its goal is identical. We 
have pointed out that this British Israel 
movement is synonymous with Millennialism, the 
kingdom of God on earth, Political Messianism, 
the New Age, Communism, Pharisaism under the 
name of Judaism, Anglo Israelism, and the 
movement manifests itself and is given to the 
people in terms of Bible prophecy and 
brotherhood. The plot is ages old and it seeks to 
establish in the minds of men that they shall 
inherit the blessings of Abraham as his physical 
seed. If men can be persuaded that the New Israel 
is not spiritual (Israel is spiritual ) (Israel is 
spiritual as taught in the New Testament) but 
that it is national and fleshly as in the Old 
Testament, then they have made the Gospel of 
none effect and with this spiritual bondage they 
are subdued politically and nationally into a 
world super state. We do not intend to confuse 
things spiritual with things physical or things 
earthly with things heavenly or things sacred with 
things profane, but evil men have done this to 
accomplish worldly glory and power. This is the 
power of darkness that seeks to dethrone Christ 
in Heaven and demote Him to earth to satisfy 
their age old demand of an earthly paradise. They 
rob us of the Gospel and turn us again to 
spiritual bondage so that they may impose a 
political theocracy upon the earth in the name of 


Christ. The true "Beast System" of the earth is 
British Israel and with this deceit they seek the 
allegiance of God's people by leading them to 
believe in an earthly kingdom and an earthly 
king. God's people are not earth people. With the 
sword of the spirit Christians shall fight this 
heresy and they may lose their nation but they 
will keep the faith once delivered to the saints. 
They shall continue in the truth of the Lord Jesus 
Christ and they shall remain a part of Christ's 
kingdom. He promised that the gates of Hell 
should not prevail against His kingdom. This is a 
concept of total war between truth and a lie and it 
must be in this spiritual battle that we shall fight. 
Then we can truly sing "Onward Christian 

1985 UPDATE: 

Nine out of ten people in America today believe in 
some form of racial and/or national religion. 
America is therefore more Nazi than Germany 
ever was. No we do not have the goose steppers 
nor the torchlight parades but we do have the 
same racial and national religion. It is only a 
question of who is the Master Race. 

We have identity cults of every description 
(Christianity, Identity, Israel Identity, etc., etc.) 
who are tooting racial and national salvation. 
They are nothing but neo-Nazis under a Christian 

Now turn on your radio to any station and you 
will hear the propaganda of the Kingdom 
Message. This is World Government propaganda 
in Biblical language about how Jesus Christ will 
set up His government and reign for a thousand 
years on a paradise earth. You hear it from all the 
religious prostitutes of Baal. 

And the "patriots" are involved in this treason. 
This is their practicing religion. 

Finally, can the "patriots" oppose their own 





Undermining America 
with Anti-Communism and "Patriotism" 

British Israel has many facets and complications. 
It endeavors to work from every angle, slant and 
direction but always the central purpose of every 
seemingly unrelated or antagonistic movement or 
effort is first the destruction of national states in 
the world while at the same time preparing the 
people for the New Age. This dual purpose is seen 
in every effort from alleged Communist wars to 
the deluded patriots. All roads lead to this central 
purpose of establishing a World Theocracy -- a 
spiritual dictatorship of a spiritually blind people. 

British Israel is British Communism and it is 
spreading its subversion and subterfuge under 
the cloak of religion and what's more it is using 
the Christian religion. 

While America is exhausting its resources fighting 
foreign wars against what is popularly understood 
as Russian Communism, British Communism 
operates within America and within the law and 
we quickly add, under the protection of the law, 
simply by pretending religion. The truth is that 
British Israel is a seditious political enemy within, 
with complete immunity from apprehension. 
British Israel is a political religion, a religion of 
materialism, a World Government religion and it 
deserves no freedom under the Constitution of the 
United States. 

Many of the pseudo conservatives say they cannot 
engage in a religious battle with the kingdom 
cults. This is an excuse for not exposing the 
hidden enemy of the American people. 

We may be sure that the Constitution should 
have been more expository in the section holding 
Freedom of Religion. There should be no religion 
or political movement with religious fronts which 


advocate World Government. British Israel is 
such a religio-political movement holding the 
American people under control more completely 
than could an occupation army. Not only is this 
true, it has, through its religious appeal, enlisted 
literally millions of Americans with its 
materialistic and political kingdom false 
Christianity. Never in the history of the world 
have so many millions of humanity and nations 
been deceived into surrender in the name of 
religion. And simultaneously, never has there 
been such a gigantic effort toward World 
Evangelism, supposedly Christian. This is the 
reason for the mass hypnosis of the American 

Billy Graham is at this writing promoting British 
Israel in the name of Jesus Christ. By this we 
mean that he is teaching that a World government 
under Christ is soon to come on earth. If he 
should revert to Christianity and the kingdom of 
Grace, he would be as infamous as Christ was 
among the Jews who wanted and still want a 
kingdom of this world. 

People who believe in any form of earthly 
paradise, Heaven on earth, New Age or Millennial 
Age are supporting British Communism. It is 
strongly objected that because one believes in 
Premillennialism or an earthly reign of Christ, 
that he is not necessarily a British Israelite or 
promoting British Communism. Many people 
want to differentiate between Millennialism and 
British Israelism. They are the same, if the truth 
hurts. It is true that there are minor differences 
over how long the earthly kingdom is to last and 
various points of how the kingdom shall be 
started and so on. But an earthly kingdom is an 
earthly kingdom whether it be called the 
Millennial Age or British Israelism. If one can be 
brought from Christ's kingdom of Grace to 
materialism, what does Satan care what route he 
travels to get there? 

The kingdom of God on earth is British 
propaganda and an argument over word definition 
will not alter their final purpose of World 
Government. It matters not how much the 
Millennialists believe that their thousand year 


kingdom is a Christian doctrine, it is Communism 
and supports the British scheme of world 
Communism through religion. 

Many object to this charge. Many argue that 
because they believe in an earthly kingdom this 
does not promote the British Empire. It makes no 
difference whether one is aware of the 
implications of his beliefs or not. It is what he 
believes that controls him. 

British Israel or British Communism can be 
identified and it can be understood, though it is 
very important to understand that it has no 
organizational structure but is promoted within 
existing institutions. Its essential dogma is the 
coming of the kingdom of God on earth with 
Divine law and Divine government. 

First, British Communism poses as the Christian 
religion and as such it operates freely to 
overthrow the American government. 

Secondly, by a system of complicated fronts, it 
has hidden its identity. 

Thirdly, it enlists Americans against their own 
country without them ever knowing it. 

Fourth, it is the originator and greatest pretender 
of anti-communism, thereby neutralizing any 
genuine effort of patriotism. 

Fifth, it is not inhibited by the expense and 
logistics of a military effort. 

Sixth, it can use Marxian Communism to cause 
conflict between nations and conflict between 
races within nations and keep complete control 
over all sides through the kingdom religion and 

Seventh, it extols the American tradition, 
American ideals, the Constitution and everything 
dear to the heart of patriotic Americans. 

Eighth, it controls all political parties including 
independent parties and third and fourth parties. 


Opposition is simply fabricated on false issues 

We are told that Communism is in Russia, in 
Vietnam, in China and spreading daily. 

Fellow countrymen, British Communism has been 
in the White House for many years. It controls 
nearly all churches. It is the colossus of an 
invisible Empire. It is a spiritual force - a mental 

But there is a defense and the best defense is the 
best and only offense, as follows: Number one, 
British Communism must be identified as the 
whole network of pseudo religious cults that 
teach a kingdom of God on earth. They must be 
dealt with as would any treason. At the same time 
we must understand that such teaching is not 
Christianity. Number two, we must understand 
that Masonry is the visible agency of the Empire 
carrying out systematic destruction of liberty and 
property under the Constitution. (See Masonic 
section). This simple understanding by enough 
people will eliminate at once false patriotism, race 
conflict, foreign wars, the farce of Democracy and 
the hypocrisy of World Brotherhood. 

In understanding the power politic use of religion 
for mind control and consequent physical control, 
it is important to understand that religion can be 
anything real or imagined as long as its adherents 
have faith or belief in same, enough to give over 
their allegiance to it above all else. Religion need 
not refer to the Supernatural or Divine only in 
name; thus the ruse of substituting the kingdom 
of God on earth as Christianity to hide British 

Regardless of the foundation upon which Religion 
is built, whether it be truth or falsehood, it is the 
motor in man and the motivator of history by 
whoever uses religion for deceptive control. In the 
preface of Martin L. Wagner's book 
these words, and I quote: "Religion has ever been 
and is even now the most powerful factor in 
human activities. In some form it has been the 
motor back of the commanders of the armies, and 
of statesmen that founded the great world 


empires of the past, that animated and upheld 
the most despotic governments, that fomented the 
bloodiest revolutions, that precipitated nations 
into sanguinary conflicts and that united alien 
peoples into almost indissoluble unions; that 
established the most arbitrary and despotic priest 
craft, enforced intellectual thralldom, and the 
tyranny of rulers. It has instigated, sustained and 
Justified the most dastardly, atrocious, 
barbarous, and licentious acts in human annals, 
as well as the most liberal, just and pure. It has 
inspired the erection of the most stupendous, 
most elaborate, and the most costly structures as 
monuments to its power, and as shrines for its 
gods. It has produced the finest specimens of art, 
voiced the sweetest and holiest of song and 
inspired the loftiest flights of the intellect in all 
the realms of human knowledge. It has 
transformed human perverts into saints, and 
changed moral creatures into demons of lust, 
fury, and crime. It has enabled timid women and 
children to defy the threats of tyrants, and smile 
upon the terrors of dungeon, flames, and death. It 
has cemented brotherhoods and cults into unions 
which defeat the sagacity of statesmen, the 
erudition of jurists, the skill of marshals, the 
power of kings and the anathema's of popes, to 
destroy. Religion is without doubt the most 
powerful motor in man, and religion is the motor 
in Freemasonry." End quote. 

This, we think, is an accurate description of the 
mental control that religion has over man. 
Likewise it follows that any movement in the 
name of religion or under the facade of religion 
has the same power such as British Israel 

We move then to the certain conclusion that 
tyrants can control the world through religion 
when all else would fail. Hence British Israel has 
done the one thing no army in the world could do 
- made Americans reject their own freedom with a 
super allegiance to a false kingdom of God. 

It is amazing to behold the many different church 
denominations (many of them antagonistic toward 
each other) but all of them preaching and 
teaching the kingdom message. (See diagram on 


page 37). They may differ as to details of worship 
and ritual but again the central theme and 
driving force is toward the establishment of the 
kingdom of God on earth. Few church people 
realize this main consistency which permeates so 
many apparently different denominations and 
church groups. The idea is to let people disagree 
on everything but that they shall all believe that 
the kingdom of God is earthly, and that it is soon 
to be established. 

Prophecies of famine, war, disease, crime, 
national and international disasters are foretold 
every minute by the prostitutes of British Israel. 
They are preaching the doom of this social order 
thereby helping it to a speedy end. Few ever 
understand their complicity in this coming 
calamity which they justify according to what they 
term Bible prophecy. It is not in the 
understanding of the average American to believe 
that American churches are being used as a 
vehicle for political propaganda. They have been 
taught that they should "go to the church of your 
choice" and that they should "light the world with 
their faith." As a result of these campaigns they 
have developed a certain guilt complex in the 
people who don't go to the church of their choice. 
More often than not people who don't go to 
church have not become infected with this 
political theology or kingdom message and 
consequently they actually can see the truth of 
this British Israel heresy much quicker. This is by 
no means a blanket condemnation of every 
church and individual who goes to church. There 
are many, many true and faithful Christians who 
have attended church all their lives. Our point is 
that nearly all churches are organized and 
directed so as to carry out this propaganda effort. 
Though it is subtle, it is true. 

Let's not kid ourselves. Who can learn about the 
living Christ from an army of Masonic preachers 
who are dedicated in spirit to His destruction? 
They have spread over the land like locusts with 
their pious faces and Bible in hand to change the 
Heavenly hope of a once great people to the 
promise of a worldly paradise if they would but 
get this old U.S.A. out of existence. 


Yes, they hammer away at the depravity in the 
land while their fraternal brothers in politics work 
the other end. That Masons are in almost every 
position of influence in politics is a fact unknown 
only to lunatics and dumb animals. Must we ask 
then who are the hands that hold the dagger that 
is stabbing America? Who votes for welfare dole? 
Who votes for foreign no-win wars? Who vote 
themselves pay raises? Who sits on the benches 
of the high courts and deals out unconstitutional 
decisions under the guise of Americanism? Who 
paroles and turns criminals out on society to 
repeat their crimes? Who runs Communism and 
who runs anti-communism? Who runs the 
political parties? The answer is Masons and their 
grand lodge is in London and their goal is the New 
Age -- the Millennium. They will spill every drop of 
blood of humanity to gain this end and they have 
deceived and hoodwinked their followers into 
believing they are Christians. 

If our readers think we have turned away from 
our study of British Israel we would remind him 
that we are only identifying the work of the New 
Age cult. The important thing is that this New Age 
of Masonry is the Millennium of British Israel and 
we recognize it as such. Further the Red Star of 
the Shriner's is the same red star of Communism 
and the Knights Templar Cross of Nazi Germany 
is the Knights Templar Cross of Masonry and the 
fountainhead of all these mysteries is the Grand 
Lodge of London. (See pages 12-14 how Masonic 
symbols are related to BI). 

That the power of British Israel is complete 
(though invisible because it is thought control) is 
now obvious to those who understand. Therefore 
it is no problem to direct the affairs of the world 
to conform to the scheme of the unbiblical 
doctrine of British Israel and unregenerate 
Americans are only a pawn in the game. That 
British Israel is in control of our government and 
the world even at this time is seen in the complete 
freedom of nationwide and worldwide broadcasts 
which the kingdom message propaganda has in 
America. A nation in control of its own existence 
would not allow this poisonous sedition rampant 
from coast to coast. 


The political power of British Israel has 
prostituted the churches both Catholic and 
Protestant to seduce the spirit of the people and 
blind them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, 
replacing grace with race and the worship of the 
"great beast system" revealed here as Pax 
Brittanica under 


Alias kingdom of God on earth. 

Ironically these church servants of this beast will 
be maneuvered into a position of destruction after 
they have prostituted themselves to the powers of 
British Israel. 

We repeat that the whole scheme of World 
Revolution is that we can have no peace on earth 
without world government which can only be built 
upon the ashes of this social order and part of 
those ashes are those of America. This concept of 
revolution is termed British Israel because it 
operates from a basis of SPIRITUAL deception and 
this evil SPIRITUAL force operates at its optimal 
in the name of Christianity. It misuses the Bible 
to prepare its advances by changing the beliefs of 
the people to conform to its carnal goal of world 
power through SPIRITUAL deception. So the real 
meaning of the New Order of the Ages is that it 
would be a political SPIRITUAL colossus if it could 
deceive God's elect into believing that the true 
kingdom is indeed flesh and blood. 

There are many devices used to promote this 
SPIRITUAL deception and at the same time 
conceal its true nature and identity. Some of 
these devices are Jew baiting or fighting the Jews, 
fighting Communism in general, fighting the 
Negroes, fighting the government in Washington 
on spurious issues, fight the International 
Bankers, raising issues for and against our 
participation in the no-win wars, and many, many 
other activities which are designed to draw the 
people into sham fights. Few participants ever 
recognize the hidden spiritual purpose and 
deception within these movements. To engage for 
or against any commotion will entangle one 
against his best intentions unless he can see how 


such activity is being used to promote a 
SPIRITUAL plot. And it is from this proper context 
that he may engage the enemy otherwise his 
"good works" is in vain. 

As stated all confusion and chaos is 
predetermined to first destroy and tear asunder 
this social order and second to prepare the people 
at the same time for "a better world." What cause 
may we ask, does it serve to point out the evils of 
our society and the evil doers, unless we at the 
same time identify the purpose of this total 
confusion? To build "a better world" is a concept 
used many times to justify the blasphemy and evil 
deeds of those who are helping destroy this one. 

It is the determination of the British Empire to 
drive America into no alternative than uniting 
with the British Empire by holding America in 
subjection to Russian Communism. This is the 
broad implication of all British created 
Communism both from within the United States 
and from without. From a convergent though 
hidden push comes the religious Communism 
which if carried out without the crisis of Russian 
Communism, would eventually be entirely 
successful. Religious deception and religious 
propaganda however can progress more rapidly 
from a crisis situation which serves to screen out 
or otherwise divert attention to spurious or 
irrelevant matters. The cause of twentieth century 
strife is concealed under the regalia of religion. It 
is not a new idea but it is refined and 
sophisticated to the point of negligible detection. 
While Americans seek out the "Communist 
menace" in the swamps and jungles of Vietnam, 
Communism has been instilled into their minds 
through religion. 

One cannot engage this fight from any angle and 
hope to expose it unless he relates it to the 
SPIRITUAL lie that is called the kingdom of God 
on earth. One may expose every fraud in the land 
and present his case with the skill and perfection 
of a Philadelphia lawyer and if he fails to relate 
the USE and purpose of these forces in promoting 
a SPIRITUAL deception then he has not only not 
revealed the plot he is a part of it. This is the trap 
well laid and well planned to beguile the people 


into their own destruction. One cannot engage a 
physical force with impunity unless he can relate 
its effect upon the mind of man. One can choose 
his weapons and choose his side in this fight but 
unless he can see the significance of the 
SPIRITUAL force he only becomes a victim of 
crossfire and could do more for his country by 
deserting it. This is why it matters not who or 
what one attacks or exposes as long as he does 
not relate it to British Israel. This is the 
explanation and justification of the many pseudo 
Christian fronts and patriotic appeals. They are 
conceived and expanded from this basis and as 
they take the tithes and offerings of a bewildered 
people they steal their freedom and prepare their 
minds for the Millennial Age. 

Remember that we have pointed out that the 
prophecies which British Israel says are Biblical 
(but are not) teach that Communism will fall after 
it has "defeated the enemies of Israel." What this 
means of course is that Communism and all its 
manifestations are controlled by Anglo Saxondom 
and that it is being used to punish the world 
while preparing the world for the New Order of the 
Ages. This Novo Ordo Seclorum as seen on our 
one dollar bill means this New Order of the Ages, 
or kingdom of God on earth. The pyramid is that 
of British Israel and that of Masonry and the all 
seeing eye at the top is that of Jehovah and that 
of the Grand Architect of Masonry. This further 
demonstrates the identity of Masonry with British 
Israel and that they are one is conclusive. Also 
the selection of the one dollar bill on which to 
inscribe the above is significant as one is unity 
and Britain and America is one. 

Communism is kept alive by British Israel and 
their goy Masons work both sides of Communism 
in order to cover the grand plot of British Israel. 
Communism is used for two good reasons. One is 
to keep the real plot of British Empire hidden 
while the Empire's use of British Israel (the 
spiritual plot) to indoctrinate the kingdom 
message unto the people. The second reason is to 
destroy the United States of America with 
Communism so that it can be "saved" into the 
British Empire with British Israel. The idea is to 
create as much havoc and confusion with 


Communism while at the same time using 
Communism to advance British Israelism in a 
hidden and concealed way (spiritual way). This 
explains how the conservatives and liberals can 
have constant warfare and both sides serve 
British Israel and never reveal their purpose. The 
Sadducees and Pharisees were at war with each 
other but united against Christ and His truth. 

The seeds of social chaos are sown constantly in 
order to keep the issues hot. The newspapers and 
magazines magnify and enlarge the chaos while 
careful never to reveal the real purpose and the 
real power behind it all. It is entertaining if not so 
sad for America, to watch two supposedly 
opposing senators get on nationwide television 
and debate the issues such as the Vietnam war. 
In the first place they are not opposed to each 
other, both being Masons, (the U.S. Congress and 
Senate is almost 100% Masonic) and in the 
second place they are not opposed to the Vietnam 
war where thousands are spilling their blood. 
They are doing all they can to keep it going and at 
the same time to conceal its purpose. Not one of 
them will tell that American boys are policing the 
world for the British Empire. They are almost 
unanimous in this British Israel Masonic 
debauchery. As the illegitimate sons of Satan help 
bleed America white by spending her substance 
their preachers are telling the people that America 
is suffering because of her sins and that America 
must suffer some more. She must go through the 
"great tribulation" and be cleansed so that "Divine 
Intervention" can save her for her world service in 
the New Age Millennium. 

Fellow Americans the only national sin, if there 
were such a thing Biblically, we have is letting the 
British Empire use Masonry to ruin our country 
and deceive us into accepting it as Communism. 
If you doubt that Masonry is running this country 
take a head count. If you doubt they are working 
for the New Age, both spiritually and physically, 
then you don't understand Masonry and this is 
not to say that most of them are aware of what 
they do, as they are not. The point is that once 
one is imbued with the spirit of Masonry he is no 
hireling, he is an idealist, and he conforms to the 
patterns of his order no matter its effect upon him 


and his country. This is how Masonry appears to 
support Americanism while tearing it to pieces 
while building and preparing the New Age at the 
same time. True Americanism and the New Age 
are mutually exclusive and only the spiritually 
blind proselytes of the order cannot understand 
this dual concept. This divides one against 
himself and he cannot believe in the New Age of 
Masonry and at the same time true Americanism, 
as the first excludes the last, and the last 
excludes the first. 

We have said that the political arm of British 
Israel creates and generates the political wars and 
confusion and the spiritual arm, which is most of 
the churches and evangelistic groups in America, 
explains it and justifies it according to a perverted 
scheme of Bible interpretation with the main 
emphasis on Bible prophecy. It is this peculiar 
prophecy that foretells the New Age or 
Millennium, or kingdom of God on earth, which 
will relieve mankind from war, disease, famine, 
hate, etc., when none of it should exist anyway 
but for their use by Satan to deceive the nations 
into believing that the kingdom of God is a 
political and earthly glory instead of a spiritual 
and heavenly glory. 

Nearly every church leader in the land says he is 
opposed to Communism while he promotes it 
under the name of kingdom of God on earth. Most 
are honest but their spiritual blindness keeps 
them active in promoting this political theology 
which seeks the goals of Communism under the 
name of Christianity and the establishment of a 
World State (spiritually controlled) in the name of 
Christ. Through this ulterior motive of the powers 
of British Israel and its Masonry they have 
instilled the spirit of Masonry in the hearts of the 
people and have made them accept it under the 
name of Christianity. It is this new Christianity 
which is carrying the propaganda load that is 
deceiving Americans into separation from their 
true faith in Christ and His heavenly and spiritual 
kingdom and it is separating them from their 
country, their property and their freedom while 
they pay the bills and man the guns of the 
mightiest military machine in history. 


Man is carnal and opposed to God's truth by 
nature says Saint Paul and it is easy for them to 
be deceived about the true Christ. This same 
spiritual deception causes him to give up his 
country, his property and his freedom as he 
thinks it necessary to save them. This is trickery 
and Satanically clever and few there be that 
understand it. 

It's like buying something one doesn't need to 
save money and we are paying for Communism 
that the British may have our country. 

According to PROPHECY ON PARADE by William 
C. Nabors, 1944 page 188 ..."the plan of the Bible 
requires and demands the reunion of the British 
Commonwealth and the United States to furnish 
the leadership of the nations of Israel..." What 
this means is that as the Empire increases 
America decreases and a share in the loot is only 
the bait. We are the loot and most prized of all. 
Yes we are lend lease Manasseh (of the Bible) and 
it is our lot to finance our own destruction. 

In this same book on page 94 is given us a 
justification for our afflictions. In speaking of our 
chastisement for our national sins which will end 
with the "great tribulation" the author states, 
"This judgment will destroy the last phase of this 
Gentile power (we will demonstrate later that this 
"Gentile power" means the resurrected Roman 
Empire and the Catholic Church according to 
British Israel) and elevate to world rule a 
corrected, purified and restored Israel." This Israel 
(according to British Israel) is Anglo-Saxondom 
and the Pharisees called Jews. On page 58 he 
says "When the smoke of this World War and the 
effect of the world-wide famine passes, the British 
Empire and America will emerge as the 
possessors of the only surviving government and 
the only surviving economy and will take their 
places to heal a world that will then be ready for a 
doctor. The throne of David will be at the head (he 
is referring to the throne of Britain to be removed 
to Jerusalem) of world government and the 
American dollar and the British pound sterling, 
perfectly and righteously blended together and 
freed from all marks of Babylon, shall dominate 
the commerce of the world." This is about as clear 


as to the intentions of British Israel as anything 
could be and maybe this is why they took the 
book we quote from out of circulation. Further 
explanation of why peace for a thousand years 
instead of war for profit is that according to the 
same author on page 24, "The solution for world 
peace lies in world commerce." He means the 
control of it will make war unnecessary. 

And a word for the masses of people who believe 
the British Empire is dead. W. C. Nabors, a 
prophet of British Israel, says, "Let us remind 
ourselves again that the throne of David which we 
can now identify as the throne of the British 
Commonwealth in London was established 
forever. (II Samuel 7:8-16 is his reference). All talk 
of the collapse of the British Empire and the 
removal of its government seat is therefore 
definitely not of the book. David's throne is as 
sure as day and night." Remember that the 
throne is slated to be in Jerusalem but if it 
happened to end up in New York it would still be 
God's throne a la British Israel, and it would still 
be in the British Empire. This is the British Israel 
kingdom of God on earth. It is not God's kingdom 
and the propaganda of its preachers and teachers 
and speakers notwithstanding. 

On page 146 Mr. Nabors goes on to reveal the 
purpose of the great judgment. "But in the final 
struggle in the time of judgment, all nations will 
be involved and Israel will be reunited. The 
reunion first to take place is between Ephraim 
(Britain) and Manasseh (U.S.A.) to reunite the 
sons of Joseph who inherit the leadership of the 
elect." We remind the reader that at this time the 
"complete desolation" of the United States of 
America is to take place and the people are ready 
to accept it as Biblical. Mr. Nabors says on page 
159 that "The goal is to establish the kingdom of 
God on earth; and the road is a series of human 
experiences planned in the Divine foreknowledge 
of God dealing with the peoples of the world to 
produce the goal." Then he goes on to explain how 
the plan is being worked. "When we understand 
the plan of the Bible for culminating events, we 
readily see all world affairs since the beginning of 
World War I conform to a plan exactly fitting the 
writings of the prophets." What he is saying is 


that history is being enacted to fit the writings of 
the prophets and then events are explained and 
justified to the people in terms of the fulfillment of 
these prophets. The truth is that Christ has 
already fulfilled the prophets and established His 
kingdom, but with this British Israel lie the very 
elect will be deceived if it were possible. It might 
be more correct to say that the old prophecies are 
being applied to the world stage of events in order 
to justify events Biblically. 

That the British Israel movement is an unholy lie 
and cares not one whit about the gospel Mr. 
Nabors states on page 175, "Peace for a thousand 
years to come will follow the history now being 
written in blood." That British Israel is built upon 
blood and greed instead of Christ can be seen in 
this quote of W. C. Nabors , "It is the destiny of 
the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the 
world and kill off or reduce to a servile status all 
other inferior races." This kind of thinking is not 
Christian but it is getting its support and life from 
people who think they are Christians and who go 
to church regularly. Shame on American 
churches and their preachers. They shall not be 
held guiltless as this involves the truth of Christ 
and it is their duty to know and to teach it and 
shame on Americans who go to church and allow 
this deception. The Judgment of God shall not 
only condemn those who tell a lie, but also those 
who believe it. It matters not that the preachers 
and their hearers are deceived and honest about 
it, as the Gospel is free to all and Christ comes to 
those who seek Him. 

Now if all this seems too fantastic to be true, all 
we ask is that you objectively observe the 
prophets of doom in action. It is a monolithic 
effort well financed and advanced from every 
angle both political and spiritual to destroy our 
nation while preparing the minds of the people to 
accept the new world. The New Age or Millennium 
which is as they say to relieve us of our misery 
and Communism and in turn give us a perfect 
peace, is only bait to steal our country and 
enslave us spiritually and physically. Once we are 
beguiled into this trap we cannot easily return to 
a free America. 


This mystery of British Israel may be seen as a 
wagon wheel (see page 37), and no matter how 
seemingly unrelated any political or spiritual 
activity may seem, they are all spokes of a wagon 
wheel supporting its central hub of British Israel. 
The general diffusion of wild rumors, the wide 
advertising of occult seeresses like Jean Dixon 
and Edgar Casey with their "prophecies," foreign 
wars such as Korea and Vietnam, mass inflation, 
civil turmoil, communism and anti-communism, 
the banking conspiracy, the Jew conspiracy, and 
all other angles are advertised and magnified to 
cause a hopelessness in the people without telling 
them the true causes and solution to their 
calamity. This is revolution and its purpose is to 
destroy our America and justify it with Bible 
prophecy and this same prophecy is preparing the 
world stage for the British Empire kingdom of 
God on earth. 

Now those who are serving the cause of this 
kingdom scheme always give us a solution for 
their created crisis. That solution is that the 
world must be under God's law in order to restore 
peace and happiness. These same advocates are 
now destroying this nation in the name of 
Christianity and patriotism. In the name of 
freedom of speech and under constitutional 
guarantees these confusers are ripping the social 
order to pieces with their emphasis of "what's 
wrong in America." In so doing their aim is to 
bring the thinking of the people to a state of 
anarchy and futility so that the people become 
enlisted against themselves by perpetuating 
"what's wrong in America." Then the final result is 
that the people enmasse are beguiled into 
destroying their own government without even 
knowing the effect of their good intentions. 

Of course evil is rampant in the land. It is 
planned that it should be by men who want power 
and money while they deliver their prey back to 
Mother England. The reason given for our chaotic 
dilemma is Communism, and as the people 
become infected with this deception they commit 
treason by their inadvertent cover-up of British 
Israel and/or British Communism. 

That the only solution (according to British Israel) 


to our disaster is a New World under God's Law 
which means that we must be saved out of our 
"tribulation" by British Israel, to those who 
understand. The idea of the world under God's 
law is a collective world state which is 
Communism in everything but name. It is trickery 
and is in no sense Biblical. The only law extant 
under New Testament Christianity is moral law 
which is obeyed from the heart because of our 
love for Christ. Christian law is not a legal system 
which can be enforced by a world state. A 
collective world state religion is the opposite to 
individual and personal salvation as taught in the 

So therefore the advocates of British Israel would 
seduce the unknowing with their solution of 
saving the world with Divine intervention and the 
establishment of Divine Law to regulate the 
political affairs of men. 

Salvation is grace to those who believe but to 
those who would dethrone Christ and demote 
Him to earth, salvation is the race of mankind in 
a collective world state lured under the guise of 
the New World under God's Law. These advocates 
of the New Order under Divine Law are the 
destroyers of this order under the cloak of 
Christianity and Americanism. 

The question might arise in our discourse as to 
why is it necessary to destroy the world with 
revolution and war in order to build it anew? The 
answer which gives us understanding is that 
independent national states must be destroyed so 
that upon their ashes the British World will have 
no competitors. Therefore the destruction of the 
United States is justified by the spiritual lie that it 
is God's chastisement for our national sins. 

Only those who want to confiscate our faith, our 
country, our property and our freedom want a 
New Order. The Millennium cult is only a 
deception which will destroy America and reduce 
the people to the common level of slavery while 
the rich get richer by dividing up the markets and 
capital that they have stolen under the 
philanthropy of World Evangelism. The industrial 
and money barons of the Anglo Saxon world have 


destroyed the tariffs which have held Americans 
to the highest standard of living in the world. 
These tariffs are no longer needed when the 
commerce of the world is controlled by this clique. 
Through removal of our tariffs under the guise of 
free trade they are preparing the way for an 
economic collapse through which they expect to 
gain control of the property and wealth of the 
American people. 

The men who planned the scheme of British Israel 
knew that there are more profits to be made from 
peace once they gained the world commerce in 
the hands of a few. Therefore they must first 
dissolve national states with Communism in 
order to take the wealth of their citizens. Those 
American industrialists who are going along with 
this scheme will deserve what they will surely get 
once the New Age begins. Many of them will be 
stripped of their profits and property which they 
have acquired through their participation in this 
plot. Satan will rend himself when he can no 
longer parasite upon truth for his existence. 

Mrs. Catherine Baldwin says in her great but 
suppressed book that the multi-billion dollar tax 
free foundations are financiers of sedition under 
the guise of philanthropists. This is true as they 
finance Russian Communism and propaganda on 
the left and British Communism disguised as 
Christian anticommunism on the right. The 
American people are caught in the middle. With 
unlimited funds and absolute control of all news 
media the American people can be educated to 
believe black is white almost overnight. We 
recommend highly Mrs. Baldwin's book, AND 
MEN WEPT, if the reader is lucky enough to find 
one. Mrs. Baldwin knew that Communism in 
America originated in the British Empire. She 
also knew and wrote about the British plan to use 
religion to put over World Communism. She also 
knew of false patriotism and how the "anti¬ 
communist" cult is used to promote the earthly 
kingdom religion under a Christian front. 

Speaking of British Israel in America, Mrs. 
Baldwin says on page 25 that Professor Frazier of 
Swarthmore College stated "You will have world 
government whether you like it or not, it will be 


accomplished more through the spiritual than the 
political." "Through religion Britain is trying to 
put over her plan of world government, claiming 
that they are the Israel people and as such are 
ordained of God to rule the world, and under this 
system of Kingdom of God on Earth plan, there 
would be a system of production for use and not 
for profit. This was the plan as enunciated by Karl 
Marx." Mrs. Baldwin says two important things 
here. First, she says it is a spiritual plot called the 
kingdom of God on earth. Second, she says that 
the spiritual plot leads to the same Communism 
of Karl Marx. Another observation is that the 
spiritual plot operates from the sanctuary of 
Christianity and patriotism while Marxian 
Communism operates of course from the left. 
Many people at this point might say "I believe in 
the millennial reign of Christ and this has nothing 
to do with British Communism." They are wrong. 
Granted Britain is not mentioned in what the 
premillennialists call prophecy, but British Israel 
and a Zionist Millennial World Theocracy are one 
and the same regardless of the name or front that 
covers the deceit. Millennialism is Judaism 
(Pharisaism) and it is being used to promote world 
government under the Throne of Britain. 

Therefore the simple conclusion is that when the 
people can be cleverly educated through the 
churches and the "anti-Communist" movement to 
believe that the earthly reign of Christ is the 
antidote to Russian Communism, they have 
Spiritual Communism in their hearts long before 
Communism becomes a political fact. This is a 
bitter truth and this is why the spiritual plot 
must be exposed. 

Millennialism (British Israel) is a political religion 
spawned in the mind of Satan to turn men to an 
earthly materialism instead of the heavenly 
kingdom of grace. The Israel of God is not a 
fleshly people nor an earthly nation. Mrs. Baldwin 
goes on with a World War I British Secret Service 
report (pages 25,26) of Sir William Wiseman of the 
British Secret Service stationed in this country 
(USA). "In spite of the fact that it has so often 
been discredited, it is a fact that all it contains 
has been proven from other sources. In this 
report was the statement, 'we will use the 


movement of the Earl of Dysart, the British Israel 
World Federation movement.' The status is much 
the same as that of the Protocols, so vigorously 
denied, but if you refer to the Jewish Year Book, 
page 179, 1920-1921, you will find reference to 
the Protocols. There is no denial of the Protocols 
or their authenticity but there is this statement 
'that the translator omitted a paragraph in which 
England is accused of being the accomplice of the 
Jews in this conspiracy.'" The reader has no 
doubt noticed the promotion of the Protocols by 
the right wing "anti communist" groups. The 
reason is given above - namely the British are left 
out of the scheme. Therefore the Protocols which 
don't expose British Communism are misleading 
and fall into the category of Jew bait as we list the 
Protocols in this book later on. 

The idea of using religion to establish World 
Communism is fantastic to many especially after 
being conditioned to believe that Russian 
Communism is anti religious. British 
Communism is a religious cult and it has been 
quite successful up to now. We must face this 
religious plot or else. 

International finance is using Russian 
Communism to despoil and desolate the world 
while it is educating the masses with British 
Israel to an internationalism that will entail great 
political sacrifices on the part of the nations. 
Through religion which they call Christianity, 
Britain is attempting to put over world 
government and the United States is being 
sacrificed for the British Commonwealth of the 
World. This is the intent and purpose of the wide 
dissemination of the kingdom message 
propaganda in America and the world. People can 
be brought to destruction through religion when 
they cannot be deceived otherwise. 

It is the spiritual power of the British Empire 
through the kingdom message which is the 
moving strength of world revolution. Once it is 
identified under its many colors and cloaks it 
emerges before our eyes as a universal mind 
control force propagandizing the people to such 
an extent that they cannot see the development of 
their ordered and planned destruction through 


the chaos that is rampant and world wide. 
Whether this deception is received in the lodges, 
the churches or some anti-Communist or 
communist front or is received in the mass media 
or radio or television, its effect and force is the 
same. The kingdom message propaganda 
develops in the people a mental control which 
cannot be broken and incapacitates them to any 
rational analysis of power politics. This spiritual 
deception shields the people from the reality of 
their situation and leaves them helpless before 
this enigma as they chase after every fraud in the 
land ranging from the international bankers, such 
as the Rockefellers, and Rothschilds, to the 
depraved hippies. The kingdom message prepared 
the people and conditioned them long before the 
unleashing of the political puppets for them to 
fight. As the patriots exhaust themselves 
documenting isolated segments of the political 
arena so as to pin the blame on individuals, 
organizations and races, they never realize that 
they are engaging the object rather than the 
subject of their misery. They are dealing with the 
shadow and footprints and not the substance and 
in fact they themselves are a part of the 
substance imbued with its power and extending 
its control. They can never be patriots until they 
sever themselves from the ideology of the kingdom 
message and this they cannot do unless they 
recognize its existence and its power. The very life 
breath of patriotism as it exists today was 
spawned by British Israel and British Israel 
furnished it its literature and books and its 
straws to fight all controlled and all within the 
limits of its (British Israel's) power. 

Though one may escape the belief in the kingdom 
of God on earth British Israel traps him within its 
political ideology causing him to be sidetracked 
and entrapped in such frauds as Communism, 
anti-communism, Jew conspiracy, Negro 
revolution, white supremacy, and hundreds of 
others. We say they are frauds because of their 
use as decoys and dead end issues, but seen in 
the light of their true purpose and goal they are 
all a part of the revolution which is effecting the 
destruction of our economic and political system 
which is only the spadework in preparation for 
the "world tomorrow." These must be seen as 


destroyers and not ends in themselves. To serve 
the truth rather than the ideology of British Israel 
they must be viewed as the teeth of the British 
Empire which are chewing up national states and 
grinding their institutions to nothing in 
preparation for the new world superstate. Again 
we are faced with the particular use of facts to 
determine their effect and consequent result. We 
emphasize this truth because British Israel has 
amazing talent in twisting the truth against the 
user deceiving him on the one hand and enlisting 
him in its service on the other. Once we see the 
proper use of the many issues and relate them to 
the true goal of the world superstate in the name 
of Christ (alias the kingdom of God on earth) they 
can no longer be used against us and we change 
positions from the USED to the USER. To 
demonstrate what we mean, a deadly weapon may 
be compared to British Israel ideology. If this 
weapon is used against its owner it is it deadly 
but if used in his defense it means freedom. It is 
the same weapon and its use determines its 
effect, the result of which can be good or bad. If 
we recognize British Israel we are not likely to be 
beguiled into self destruction. Alas we say to the 
deceived patriots "hell froze over with good 

Communism is the tool by which Britain's 
international finance is knocking down national 
governments in the interest of world government, 
world police and world currency." These are the 
words of Nicholas Murray Butler at the Lord Cecil 
luncheon November 19, 1937 at the Hotel Astor. 
Mr. Butler was president of Columbia University 
and head of the Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace. In this connection it should 
be noted how unafraid of communism Britain is 
and how odd that American boys die on foreign 
battle fields fighting Britain's communism. The 
whole world could see that Russia did nothing 
while Israel, which also belongs to Britain, 
destroyed the military machine of the Arab states 
who are supposed to be allies of the Soviet Union. 
In this same war the Israeli plane that shot up an 
American ship was in truth a British plane as 
Israel is a British state. Also Nasser of Egypt is a 
stooge of the British Empire and his being a 
Grand Orient Mason puts him squarely under the 


power of the Grand Lodge of England. This makes 
him a traitor to his people whose soldiers he has 
slaughtered in his fake wars with Israel, the 
propaganda effect being to exalt the name of so- 
called Israelites as God's people. This was only 
another slaughter in the name of Christianity to 
fulfill and justify the conspiracy of British Israel. 
All of this blood letting is an attempt to build the 
British Commonwealth of the World through 
spiritual deception. The work of World Evangelism 
is to educate the people of the world against their 
national governments in favor of a political- 
spiritual colossus which to the people will justify 
world government. This is not to say that there 
are not many Christians doing a wonderful work 
for Christ in spreading the Gospel to foreign 
lands. What we are saying is that most of the 
missionaries are millennialists of one 
denomination or another and they are unwittingly 
preparing the people for world government in the 
name of Christ. This is not Christian and 
certainly not Biblical as it serves the cause of 
British Israel. 

It is an intriguing question as to why high finance 
with its foundations and its partners in giant 
industry are engaging in sedition and subversion. 
To a straight thinking American these people 
would only be undercutting themselves to destroy 
the system that has given them life and 
prosperity. The reason is simple in that the 
financial power sees in British Israel an 
opportunity to sacrifice the freedoms of the 
American people in exchange for control and 
domination of world commerce under the 
proposed New Age economy which they tell us is 
supposed to be based on the Mosaic Economy. 
Americans generally think in terms of competitive 
business but the giants of finance and industry 
see in British Israel a scheme for complete 
monopoly and complete power. They see in 
British Israel a scheme to monopolize the wealth 
of the world. They then can have peace because 
all power and all wealth is in their hands and the 
freedom of Americans under the Constitution 
means nothing to the possessors of the world. 

What the smaller business men do not realize is 
that they are through once the dollar goes and the 


Union Jack becomes the World Flag. 

Again we say the doing away of our tariff walls in 
the name of free trade is a trick to do away with 
the principal bulwark of a scale of wages and a 
standard of living far above those of other 
countries and reduce the American people to the 
common level of the rest of the world. They use 
the sophistry that Americans are too material 
minded and have strayed from God (which God?) 
to justify the coming collapse of the economic 
system under which we have prospered. In this 
regard it is the task of the "kingdom message" 
propaganda to put over the idea that we have 
sinned with the economic system of "Mystery 
Babylon" and have become materialistic and that 
God will relieve us of our property so that we can 
share it with the rest of the world "each according 
to his needs" in the New Age kingdom now being 

To the greedy American business men who care 
not for their country and the American people we 
give a word of warning that in your delusions of 
grandeur don't forget your junior status in the 
organization of the Master Planners of an 
eventual totally British dominated world. 

This game of power politics permits no enduring 
friendships and anyone who knows the British 
contempt for America knows that it is an 
everlasting hate and at best the American 
business man is participating in his own 

And too are the American people not better off 
than ever? Americans are temporarily given 
prosperity while they are drugged with the 
kingdom message and few of them realize that 
inflation is calculated to take back what seems 
like prosperity now. After all we must be lulled 
while we are abolished for world government in 
the interest of Universal Peace. Under the British 
Israel economic system, which they claim is 
according to Mosaic Law, theirs is a system for 
production for use and not for profit. This is the 
plan of Karl Marx and this is the plan of British 
Israel and they are identical because the kingdom 
message is Communism and Communism is the 


kingdom of God on earth. Under this economy 
which capital and industry is striving for there is 
no profit for the workers. All profit is in the hands 
of a few and this is the crux of the matter. If 
people cannot have profit they cannot have 
savings and they are slaves to the state. People 
are fighting this politically and believing it 
spiritually, and it is through the spiritual that the 
scheme is being put over. World Evangelism is 
building the spiritual foundation for what is 
called "a better world," and which is a British 
World in which America is only a plundered 

We go back to Mrs. Baldwin for her further 
explanation of how British propaganda is worked 
to lead this nation to ruin. Mrs. Baldwin stated 
that Douglas McArthur said in a private 
conversation to her after he was removed from 
Korea that he was aware that the British were 
behind his defeat and the unleashing of the Red 
Chinese from Manchuria. The doubting Thomas's 
of course would not believe that the British 
control China but indeed they do. The red star of 
Red China is the red star of the Shrine. Here is a 
definite tie to those who understand how 
Freemasonry is being used in world revolution. 
Communist China and free China are puppets for 
our consumption and entertainment. McArthur of 
course was made a 33! Mason and when he tried 
to win the Korean War he was removed by 33! 
Harry Turban who took his orders from other 33! 
Masons. There is no mistaking this net of 
subversion once the British are recognized as the 
"nigger in the woodpile." Is there one voice in the 
U.S. Government raised against the British 
supplying the Viet Cong? Not one! Is there any 
protest from the F.B.I. about British Communism 
and their widespread kingdom message 
propaganda in America? NONE! Do they know 
about British Communism via British Israel? You 
tell them! 

Certain carefully laid obstacles have been placed 
as blinds or fronts so that the American people 
cannot discover that Communism is more 
synonymous with Britain than Russia. It reminds 
one of a soldier trying to get through a mine field 
to get at the enemy. Of course the greatest decoy 


or front is Russia (under the same Red Star) and 
from there everyone can choose his own kick. We 
have the left wing revolutionaries, the right wing 
anti-Russian Communists. We have the Viet Nam 
War. We have domestic problems and social 
upheaval. Last and certainly a most important 
disarmed and deflector is the press of the world 
playing down the role of a supposedly bankrupt 
British Empire. Certainly anyone could see the 
necessity from the British point of view, for the 
propaganda mills playing down constantly the 
strength and might of the British Empire. All this 
smoke can be penetrated by a quick analysis of 
the spiritual plot and how religion and prophecy 
are being used to disguise World Communism by 
the one real villain in all history — the British 
Empire. American churches have become social 
institutions preparing the people for a political 
Messiah and it so happens that this Lord is to 
reign from the Throne of Britain. Do the "anti¬ 
communists" reveal this plot as a Communist 
plot? Read EMPIRE OF THE CITY by E. C. Knuth 
(address at the back of this book) for a study in 
British power politics and their system of fronts 
and decoys and subversion. 

No one need believe this because we say so. Turn 
on your radio and listen to the "prophecies" of the 
world tomorrow and how the millennial kingdom 
will be an end to Communism and a beginning of 
a paradise earth. This is the greatest deception of 
history to get universal cooperation in building a 
universal Communism through religion. 

Let us quote Mrs. Baldwin again to enlarge upon 
our explanation of British Israel. Keep in mind 
how political events today are being worked to 
harmonize with the much publicized prophecies. 
On page 31 of AND MEN WEPT, I quote: "Based 
on the statement that Abraham was the starting 
point of a chosen generation, that this generation 
was to develop into a ruling race, a dominant 
race, highly spiritual, interpreting in its life and 
administration the supreme spirit of 
righteousness in the earth. That this ruling, 
righteous and dominant race should be organized 
into God's Kingdom of Priests in the earth and 
that by their activities all the families, all the 
nations of the earth should be blessed, that this 


Kingdom should be a model Kingdom. The 
Constitution should be the ideal preached 
throughout the Mosaic and Christian eras." 

"The British Israel adherents claim that '"the 
Babylonian System of Empires came to an end in 
1918 and that now the Kingdom of God is to be 
reestablished on earth and must become 
universal. They claim it is a step forward in 
Anglo-Saxon history and world history.'" 

"Citing the 'fall of the remaining Continental 
Empires and that the children of Israel should 
take the Kingdom on Earth and that this Kingdom 
should become universal in the earth; that a new 
covenant is to be made with the House of Israel, 
Britain should take the Kingdom on earth and 
that it become universal in the Earth, that the 
Middle East should come into the hands of 
Britain, including Egypt, Ancient Israel, and 
Ancient Assyria or as we know them Egypt, 
Palestine, Transjordania and Iraq. The Turkish 
Empire should be removed, the British Naval and 
Military base for Palestine should be established 
at Haifa and should be called Armageddon, that 
Abyssinia should be involved under its old name 
Ethiopia and Tripoli under its old name Libya.'" 

"Thereafter Russia and her allies should invade 
Palestine from the North and Ethiopia and Libya 
from the South, Egypt will be lost to us for a time 
and Jerusalem will be taken for a time." They 
predict all sorts of pestilence, famine, 
earthquakes and so on, finally:--" 

"'Sick of war and utterly bankrupt, perforce of 
economic circumstances, the WORLD WILL WIPE 
ANEW, (emphasis mine). That the world will be 
unified into one universal nationality, Britain or 
Anglo--Saxondom will be the center of the Unity. 
The Common Law purified will be established 
universally with centralized administration. Thus 
the world will be reorganized into the universal 
Kingdom of God, under our Lord's own 
administration of the Common Law.'" 

"'In other words European Empire rule is being 
transferred to Anglo-Saxon rule, under the New 


Covenant made with the House of Israel."' end of 
quote within the book AND MEN WEPT, but 
continuing to quote from the book itself: 

"This, then, is the basis of the World Government 
project that is costing the lives of many American 
boys. The United Nations was but a step along the 
way to the real objective. But remember Andrew 
Carnegie said, 'do it by little steps one by one, by 
peaceful means, if possible, if not by war, -little 
steps rather than by one big move.'" 

"This seems to be a good time to relate the 
situation in Egypt;--the revolution was on, the 
British wires were cut, the Americans were 
approached and asked to send through the 
British messages. To do this the British code had 
to be broken. The message that went through:-- 
'break the revolution at all costs, use bribery if 
necessary.' I omit the name of my informant, out 
of courtesy. I can assure you that it is factual, 
reliable and witnessed." 

"Can you honestly believe that men can foretell 
the events of the world from the measurements of 
the Pyramid of Gizeh? .... If so then why have 
the former predictions failed? Is it not rather that 
the prophecies of the Old Testament have been 
used to fit the picture and by this hoax brought 
men's minds to the unthinking state that we are 
in today?" 

"Recent issues of the National Message print the 
aims of the British Israel Federation; in the 
February 23, 1932 issue, as follows:—"To spread 
the knowledge of the origin, mission and destiny 
of the British race. To demonstrate that the 
British Commonwealth of Nations represents the 
national basis of God's Kingdom on Earth. To 
show that Britain is the lineal continuation of the 
Israel Nation (as distinct from Jews) and that 
every mark of identification is possessed by the 
Anglo-Saxon race as a whole. To reveal the role of 
the British people as the inheritor of Israel's 
Charters, the possessor of her immunities from 
destruction, and the executor of her commission 
to develop the new order of civilization." This 
needs no explanation, it plainly states that Britain 


is to rule as the Kingdom of God on Earth." 

"In the 'Youth Message' (issued as the organ for 
the Youth of the British Israel Federation, May 
1938, we find these words —'He would produce a 
deliverance through a NEW DEAL, a new 
economic system, one freed from the Babylonian 
principles'. By this it meant the forgiveness of 
debts." If you would question that this country is 
being run on the pattern of the British Israel plan 
then it will be of interest for you to read this 
passage from the National Message, October 12, 
1935, page 679:—quote:—'It was told to me by a 
heavy weight American financier before the crash 
came, that the crash was coming, that it would be 
permitted to run to the danger point, and that 
when the danger point was passed it would be 
reversed by measures "Carefully prepared in 
advance to meet the situation. I carefully noted 
what he said and left it for events to prove the 
value of his statement.' Did you lose your money, 
your all in the stock market crash of 1929, did it 
occur to you that this was a premeditated crash, 
a deliberate act against the American people?" 

"We are now facing World War III, not because 
Russia is the bad boy but because it is part of the 
plot to enable Britain to control the whole world. 
This coming war will be in the Middle East, it will 
be for the control of the oil of the world. The plan 
was put in print, emanating from 6 Buckingham 
Gate, London as far back as 1935 from the record 
I have." 

"The Middle East, destined they claim, to be once 
more the center of the Kingdom of God on earth, 
is, therefore, 'Crown granted by the King of Kings 
to Israel, Britain, with whom is or shall be united, 
Israel-America, Israel Judah and the remnants of 
Israel to be found in other lands.'" 

"'As the power appointed of God to be responsible 
for the Middle East, God has given to Britain- 
Israel, Ancient Bosra, now Basra on the Persian 
Gulf. He had given to us Akaba, the taking of 
which gave us the power to turn the flank of the 
Central Powers in the Great War. This port is now 
in our hands and will be of the utmost 


importance to us later on.'" 

'"The open roadstead of the Bay of Acre into a 
defensive harbor for the fleet together with the 
transformation of the undefended Plain of 
Megiddo into the defended and occupied plain of 
Armageddon, these shall become the G. G. Q. 
forces in the East.'" 

"This is the British plan, the plan for the final 
battle in the Middle East, World War III, this is 
where American boys will be sent to set up what 
they call the Kingdom of God on Earth-- ruled 
over by British-Israel." end of quote from AND 

Mrs. Baldwin goes on to tell how Britain disguises 
its New World Order by calling it God's plan and 
only through His wisdom are the British people 
the center of that Great Plan. They claim it is not 
Communism but the antithesis, it is not 
Socialism nor Capitalism, it is the Kingdom of 
God. World Rule they claim, now reverts to the 
Kingdom of God, and Britain must proceed with 
the establishment of the Kingdom of God. In truth 
it is British Communism and tyranny. In the 
political realm Britain is spreading the 
propaganda of Communism from Russia in the 
United States and thus conditioning the minds of 
the American people so that they will be willing to 
fight Russia. While doing this Britain does not tell 
the people that the British Israel World 
Federation had put in print in 1933 and repeated 
in 1937 the fact that they would use the Soviet 
System to establish their British Commonwealth 
of the world; nor does she tell of the statement on 
page 95 of the book "THE THREE HEADED 
EAGLE" wherein is written that Communism 
would be the tool that they would use to 
overthrow the countries in Europe, that they 
would do this under the power of Russian Victory 
prestige. Thus we find one country, Russia, being 
pitted against the United States while Britain 
plays with both. Thus does she weaken this 
country with so-called Russian Communism 
while she gains the domination of the world 
through British Israel and their Kingdom 
Message. Using Russian Communism as the goat 
and decoy is only used to bully, bluff, bribe, 


besmear and bewilder the American people by 
being able through control or intimidation of 
public sources of information to accuse each of 
the successive challenges of "One World" and its 
(British Israel's) own ideology of world rule and 
exploitation; and to convict them of its own lies 
and crimes. We must continue to bear in mind 
that in recent years all "One World" schemes are 
creations of the British Empire and they are used 
by the Empire under different names such as 
Communism, etc., to further the Master Plan of 
the British Israel political spiritual super-state 
which seeks control of the world through the 
spiritual deception that God has established His 
kingdom upon earth. This is how we accomplish 
nothing for America when we fight British 
Communism in the streets and accept British 
Israel Communism under the name of God's 
kingdom on earth in our churches. This is, as has 
been demonstrated, how we actually promote this 
false messianic scheme when we are beguiled into 
a ruckus with Russian Communism as such. 
Russian Communism is only one of the many 
created antagonisms our opposition to it serving 
to foster misunderstanding and a cover up of the 
source of this power. Communism is not sourced 
in Russia but the British Empire and more 
specifically London, which is also the source of 
the British Israel plot which we recognize in the 
kingdom message which is so universal today. 
This dual thrust is designed to seduce the faith of 
Americans to a worn out Pharisaism and through 
this deception relieve them of their country, their 
property and their freedom while telling them that 
their enemy is Russian Communism. 

Any time we find the promotion of 
internationalism, we are face to face with 
Communism. Rhodes Scholars are 
internationalists who want a world order and a 
World Government. Somehow, these traitors who 
are brainwashed at Oxford, are not recognized as 
British Communist Agents. We recommend that 
you read the series of articles which are now in 
booklet form and which first appeared in the 
CHICAGO TRIBUNE July 15, 1931-1951, under 
the title, "RHODES' GOAL: RETURN U.S. TO 


International finance based in London with 
branches and agents in New York did not finance 
the Russian take over to give it away. The British 
Empire and the Pharisee Jews who own it 
conceived in so-called Russian Communism an 
opportunity to use Russia as a base of operations 
to destroy any opponent and to put the world 
under stress and strain and while the world fights 
Russian Communism they are put in chains with 
British Communism in the form of the "Kingdom 
Message" promoted from our churches. The Jew 
Pharisees killed Christ because He would not 
serve their lusty desires for control of the world 
under a political theocracy and now they still seek 
this wealth and power as they use British Israel 
to justify it spiritually. British Israel is a spiritual 
lie called the kingdom of God on earth which the 
"masters of deceit" are using in the name of 
Christ to steal the commerce and wealth of the 
world and then rule over the subjects which they 
have put in spiritual darkness. With this British 
Israel propaganda they excuse their crimes 
against humanity while they build the "better 
world" on a war torn earth which they have 
drenched in blood under the guise of 
righteousness. This is the truth about "what's 
wrong in America." It is the British Empire riding 
the old Pharisee dream of rulership of the world 
and the very elect will be deceived almost. All that 
is necessary that the plan succeed is that through 
British Israel the people can be brought to believe 
that the kingdom of God on earth is Christian. 
Through this propaganda the people are made to 
believe in things fleshly instead of things spiritual 
and they change spiritual Israel back to physical 
Israel and so once having freedom they turn again 
to bondage. If a man believes this British Israel lie 
he cannot be free but he will imagine that he is 
and so goes America if they believe it. 

The ultimate goal of the British Empire of course 
is absolute domination of the world both physical 
and spiritual and it is through the spiritual that 
they are gaining this control. With the use of the 
Kingdom Message they are turning the beliefs of 
the people into Pharisaism by causing them to 
center their hopes on a coming New Age 
Millennium. As Christ warned they neither go in 
the kingdom or suffer us to go in. With British 


Israel they are deceiving men to believe that God’s 
Kingdom is yet future and thereby keeping them 
out of God's true spiritual Kingdom now. 

That British Israel is sourced in London and is of 
the British Empire is conclusive. British Israel 
heresy begins with the idea that the so-called 
Jews are God's chosen people according to the 
flesh and that they are yet to receive the physical 
blessing that God promised Abraham and that 
they shall receive these physical blessings in the 
Millennial Age. Many people believe this much of 
British Israel and this much is all that is 
necessary to cause them to place their hope in a 
future kingdom of God on earth. This segment of 
Millennialists in most cases violently deny they 
are British Israel and most of them are honest but 
spiritually blind as to the true nature of God's 
Kingdom. In this we see the limited power of 
Satan in the form of British Israel to deceive the 
nations. This proves that if men can be made to 
believe in the fleshly kingdom of the Pharisees 
then they become enemies of Christ in His name. 

The British Israel heresy is also an enlargement of 
the Jew Race myth, making the twelve tribes of 
ancient Israel include all of the Adamic Race 
which has its modern manifestation in Anglo- 
Saxondom centered in the British Empire with 
the throne of Britain being the throne of Christ 
which He shall sit upon after it is removed to 
Jerusalem and He returns to earth to rule the 
nations in an earthly paradise. This is only a 
political scheme derived from the very people who 
crucified Christ because He did not conform to 
their expectations of a political theocracy on 

According to this "Kingdom Message" America is 
to participate in this glorified earth as co-ruler 
after she has been cleansed of her selfish 
nationalism. The only sin America has according 
to the British Empire is their independence from 
their masters in London. American finance and 
big business is a partner to this conspiracy and 
they should know that their lot will be no better 
under the New British World than that of the 
American people whom they are now helping 
subdue thinking they will participate in this world 


grab. They are getting fat now financing both 
sides, but when the Communist angle has served 
its purpose and the kingdom angle begins to 
dominate politically, these fat cats will be skinned 
alive and they should be for their part in this 
Satanic plot to steal the wealth of the world and 
destroy the faith of its people in the true Christ. 

No one should question why American finance 
would participate in this when they look at the 
stakes. It is simple that they intend through 
British Israel to have their profits and ours too, as 
well as the whole world. Then the Satanic angle of 
this money power is that they control the beliefs 
(spirit) of the world at large as well as its wealth. 
We emphasize that it is with this spiritual 
darkness that they have confused the world today 
and that they expect to completely control it in 
the future. The only defense against this 
conspiracy is truth and this Americans do not 
have because they love darkness more than they 
love light. 

In our identification of British Israel we have 
sought to prove its dual nature of political and 
spiritual. At the same time we have sought to 
demonstrate that the British Expire is very much 
alive both politically and geographically and that 
the United States is completely subdued already 
so much so that the United States appeared on 
the list of Commonwealth Nations of the 
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 
Meeting held at London, England, 1961. 

While the propaganda mills grind out the theme 
that the British Empire is gone it is the major 
trouble maker in the world. It has lowered its flag 
many times to support the myth that the Empire 
is dead while it keeps the power in foreign lands 
through its Rhodes Scholar Agents and power of 
the press. It reaches its tentacles into every town 
and hamlet through its Masonry controlled from 

As they decrease the Empire from the eyes of men 
they have increased it with the cloak of 
Christianity in the form of the "Kingdom 
Message." In this Kingdom Message we see how 
they justify the apparent chaos of the United 


States and Britain. 

The task of the "Kingdom Message" propaganda is 
to make the people believe that only Divine 
intervention can save America and Britain. 
Therefore they are mangling our social order so as 
to destroy our independence so that after the final 
cataclysm of World War III it will look as if the 
British Empire and its American colony were 
miraculously saved by God. Then Anglo 
Saxondom can rule the world for a thousand 
years for the "good of the world." In truth then, 
the world will be under British Communism. 
While the British beguiled us into self destruction 
fighting their Russian Communism, they trick us 
into British Communism under the cloak of 
Christianity. This is the meaning of British Israel 
for America. 

Britain and America are now being cleansed of 
their national sins and being made ready for 
rulership in the New Age, they say. And how will 
they again be made so powerful as to control the 
world for a thousand years? Of course it is with 
this power that they are saying that they do not 
now have, and we shall go on to prove that the 
power IS there and how it is at this time using 
nations (including our United States) and armies 
as mere pawns in the game. The Empire with the 
control of the United States is now strong enough 
to dominate the world and set the stage of events 
to fit its scheme of British Israel while at the same 
time it subdues its own personality and conceals 
its identity. Only complete power is invisible and 
only an invisible power is complete. Russian 
Communism is not invisible. Spiritual 
Communism is. No small power could do this as 
the press of the other powers would expose it but 
the press of the world is now under the British 
Empire and it therefore supports its propaganda. 
No power or state or combinations of states has 
the military and economic power of Great Britain 
and the United States to force the Kingdom 
Message propaganda on the rest of the world. In 
our identification of the work of British Israel we 
remind our reader not to overlook the use of 
created fake nationalism to hide British Israel. 
The cardinal example to demonstrate this truth is 
Adolph Hitler and his National Socialism. Hitler 


was also put into power because of his opposition 
to so-called Russian Communism and had the 
right wingers or patriots of Germany stopped to 
analyze what was happening, they might have 
seen that there is no difference in Communism 
and National Socialism; only the name. As Hitler 
rose to power under the symbolism of Masonry he 
did that which was planned. He destroyed the 
German Nation and the German people and today 
the political situation in Germany is developing in 
the same manner if the people of Germany, like 
the people of America, could only see it. And if the 
radical left creates too big a reaction and tends to 
backfire then a fake nationalism under the right 
wing will come to political power in the United 
States for the same reason Hitler did in Germany 
-- that is, to preside over the final destruction of 
the United States of America! Americans should 
seek a true nationalism but they should beware of 
the British Israel Masonic candidates who give 
allegiance to a supreme being who is not Jesus 
Christ while they lead the country to destruction 
with pet phrases of Americanism and Patriotism. 

Another fake nationalism comes to mind--that of 
Rhodesia under the much heralded Ian Smith. 
Ian Smith is an acknowledged British Israelite 
and "independent" Rhodesia is saturated with 
British Israel propaganda just as America is. The 
people of Rhodesia have no independence under 
the British stooge Ian Smith. Through British 
Israel teaching they too hope for a worldly 
Communist Kingdom under the throne of Britain. 
They do not expect it to be Communism as is 
generally understood, but they do not understand 
the trickery of British Israel. They already have 
Communism in their hearts. 

Here is a small nation who has been led to believe 
they are now independent. Surely there are some 
in Rhodesia who understand the cloak and dagger 
power politics of British Israel. This 
"independence" maneuver adds up to the big lie 
that the Empire is gone. How stupid we mortals 
are and how long shall we be betrayed because of 
our ignorance? No country can be independent 
and free with the seditious propaganda of British 
Israel educating its people for World Government. 
Somehow people cannot come to the reality that a 


conspiracy through religion is the most 
invulnerable and subtle scheme that can befall a 
victim nation. Conversely if the religious plot can 
be detected it can be shattered. British Israel is 
the religion of Communism. How simple, but oh 
how deceptive and how unwilling people are to 
hear the truth! 

After many years and a terrific beating Americans 
cannot get the meaning of this forked tongue 
power politics which carries them to new lows 
after every election. These stalking horses with 
spurious issues to take over the opposition is a 
trick well used in Machiavellian politics and they 
may well raise up such a man in the United 
States so that he can "kill" some of their 
Communism thereby raising the prestige of this 
invisible power and adding to its power in the 
eyes of the people. Destroying created opposition 
is a method of solidifying power. The case of little 
George Wallace of Alabama is an example of 
created opposition based on spurious or false 
issues. Now many Americans have reached for 
this forked tongued little man who has 
accomplished both York Rite and Scottish Rite 
Masonry to the 32!. George is a little man with big 
ambition and he has sold his soul and his fellow 
countrymen. If he ever had any good intentions 
for the people, he is helpless to carry them out as 
he well knows the power of British Israel. He 
would not dare open his mouth against British 
despotism that controls this land from the court 
system to the Armed Forces. Yes, George attacks 
Communism as all so-called Conservatives do but 
he does not attack British Israel Communism. He 
is only stooge opposition. With this same idea a 
crisis is created and is solved with more controls 
and increased power over the people as they 
cannot perceive the real meaning of the crisis in 
the first place. The final destroying of created 
Russian Communism which has caused the world 
so much heartache is the event which will 
inaugurate the new communism under the name 
of kingdom of God. In the minds of the deceived 
the kingdom of God, British Communism, will 
have saved them from total annihilation from 
Russian Communism. In the vernacular they 
swap the devil for the witch and they jump from 
the frying pan into the fire which will only be 


realized when the fire of this new kingdom begins 
to burn their fat. 

The Machiavellian nature of the British 
government permits no written policy and to 
survive it must dominate commerce, control the 
seas and acquire the world. Before the world can 
be made safe for British control of commerce, the 
British Empire must bring all competitors under 
its control. To acquire this complete control they 
are butchering the world order now with their 
communism while setting the stage for World War 
III in which the Empire expects a final 
annihilation of the United States and all other 
would be national states. The plan is to get them 
to eliminate each other leaving the British Empire 
sole owner of the world. This giant steal is called 
in pious language "the reconstruction of the moral 
order" into the kingdom age. For this great event 
the British Empire has been preparing the way 
almost since America won its independence. In 
the last one hundred years they have multiplied 
their propaganda through the establishment in 
this country of a rash (numbering into the 
hundreds) of religious cults designed to prepare 
the people for this millennial age. The Plymouth 
Brethren were organized in the early nineteenth 
century to expand the propaganda of 
Millennialism. Then came Rutherford and Russell 
with the same anti-Christian Millennialism which 
has now been expanded worldwide through the 
cult of Jehovah Witnesses. Mormonism under 
Joseph Smith with its Masonic symbols has 
grown into a mammoth New Age cult actively 
preparing for the worldwide kingdom to come. 
Then in later days since 1900 this peculiar 
kingdom message has infiltrated the biggest part 
of Protestantism moving the churches in the 
service of British Israel away from the faith of the 
Reformers and the true Apostolic faith. As has 
been said many different church groups appear 
different in their ritual ceremony and independent 
church doctrines and they disagree with each 
other but the "modus operandi" of the maze of 
churches, unknown to their members, is the 
preparing of the people for this New World Order 
in the name of Christ. There is a church for 
everybody and they are encouraged to go to the 
one of their choice because the deception is now 


so complete that one is likely to get the kingdom 
message in almost any of them. Americans do not 
sin because they go to church. Their sin is their 
unbelief in the living Christ and the fact that all 
power has been given Him in heaven and earth. 
With this powerful, British Israel force the people 
have become imbued with the spirit of the 
kingdom so much so that they fight communism 
with their hands and establish it with their 
hearts. Man cannot strive against his beliefs. This 
is the deceit of British Israel and it has made us 
enemies of the land of our freedom. Americans 
cannot have the British Israel world kingdom and 
have an independent and free America at the 
same time. They must understand this and 
choose sides. 

That the British Empire and its infinite number of 
agents in the United States control this country 
and are steering it to collapse is seen in the mass 
dissemination of the kingdom message 
propaganda. No sane people aware of their enemy 
would allow such a campaign to reeducate the 
people toward world government, which 
necessitates their own destruction; But this is the 
fact about the condition of America today. We 
charge that the United States is being raped and 
ravished and its Constitution torn to bits and the 
final tumult is to remove the outward appearance 
and form of American institutions of government. 
Out of this chaos America will be resurrected only 
to be part of the land mass that comprises the 
new British World. Then those who have worked 
so hard for the New Age can behold their serfdom 
to their masters whom they have served so 

Other stages in this process toward world 
government are seen in the regional world 
governments such as SEATO, NATO, and the 
Common Market, etc. These are but steps which 
will be the components of world government in 
the British Israel kingdom of God on earth. 

If Americans will read the literature and listen to 
their radios they cannot deny that the whole effort 
is propaganda, through the spiritual, to build the 
British Commonwealth of the world over which a 
British Sovereign would rule. It is British political 


communism which is battering the civil order of 
America while the British Israel spiritual explains 
it and leads the people into the New World Super 
State. Communism is British and its design for 
Americans is the same under any name, whether 
it be exported Russian Communism via the 
British Empire or the kingdom of God on earth. It 
is the same force with the same source, all made 
in London. It is a British-Jew-Pharisee scheme to 
control the world and enslave its people. It means 
the rulership of the elite with the combine of a 
giant monopoly built upon the ashes of 
competitive enterprise. These mad men do not 
want competitive business, they want monopoly 
and they are perverting the Word of God to get it. 
They are mixing things sacred with things profane 
to gain the kingdoms of this world. Is Satan 
loosed for a little season to deceive the nations? 

The British Israel kingdom of God on earth is a 
commercial enterprise and has nothing to do with 
the Gospel of Christ and His true spiritual 
kingdom. British Israel is a British-Jew trick to 
grab the world by turning God's truth into 
profanity. Many Christians have understood the 
evils of Millennialism but they cannot imagine 
that it is being used as a political scheme to 
establish world government in the name of Christ. 

May we be sure that our reader is not swamped 
with confusion because of the many names used 
to designate, describe and reveal the true nature 
of British Israel? Because of the sinisterness of 
the monster we encounter, we reemphasize that 
British Israel comes to us under many names, 
cloaks and movements. Many of them appear 
Christian. We have identified the New Age of 
Masonry, the Millennialism of Protestantism, the 
kingdom of God on earth, political Messianism, 
Communism, anti-communism, brotherhood, the 
New Order, the New Era, as all being but different 
names for British Israel and all of them like the 
spokes of a wagon wheel supporting the central 
purpose of world government under the British 
Empire. And all of the above serve two purposes - 
one to destroy this order while they prepare the 
way for the next. We perceive one thing common 
to all movements whether political or religious 


and that is to change this order into a new one. 

We have not dealt with the many political aspects 
of British Russian Communism such as the 
United Nations, the Pilgrim Society, Council of 
Foreign Relations, National Council of Churches, 
and so on ad ad infinitum. Also we have not 
mentioned the many individuals and stalking 
horses which are fronting for the British Empire. 
These things are advertised daily as a cover up so 
we have sought in the main to identify British 
Israel spiritual, for here is the main line of our 
deception and destruction. British Israel is 
Spiritual Communism. It is esoteric (hidden) 
Communism and the spiritual counter- part of 
Political Communism, also made in London and 
exported to Russia. The intent is to drive the 
people into this spiritual Communism while they 
exhaust themselves fighting the political frauds. 
This is the nature of the Jew-British fellowship 
and they intend to take us physically by deceiving 
us spiritually. 

If we have demonstrated that the British Israel 
kingdom of God on earth is not according to the 
Bible (see section on the Hope of Israel), but that 
it is a cover for a political-commercial conspiracy 
to dominate the world, then we have 
accomplished the purpose of this writing. If this 
kingdom message spiritual deception concept can 
be understood then we have no trouble tearing 
away its mask and identifying it as a scheme of 
world government identical to that of 
Communism. And in addition we begin to see how 
stirring up the political friction's adds to the 
confusion and promotes its dual plot of British 
Israel by hiding it in Biblical language. British 
Israel with its kingdom message "attacks" itself 
under the name of Communism while it educates 
the world "Biblically" to got ready for world 
government. What British Israel says is bad 
politically it promotes spiritually which in effect is 
saying that God's plan of salvation For the world 
is Communism. British Israel has a forked tongue 
and a dual nature when seen in its true form. 
Communism is British Israel and British Israel is 
Communism in all but name. One cannot be a 
part of one without being the other. One cannot 
be truly an anti-Communist if he is not anti- 


British Israel, as he cannot oppose physically 
what he believes spiritually and this is precisely 
why any proposed expose of Communism must 
include at the same time an expose of spiritual 
(British Israel) Communism; otherwise he 
promotes it. 

The British Israel "conservatism" and communist 
"radicalism" has America in its claws and one can 
be in either right or left and wind up with World 
Government under the British Empire. There is 
no escape from this pincers movement without 
true knowledge of its identity. 

Many good people are ever ready to fight 
Communism politically, but when shown that the 
kingdom of God on earth bunk is the same thing 
they immediately defend it because they have 
been conditioned in their churches to believe that 
the kingdom message is Biblical and of course 
they haven't bothered to see that it isn't. So their 
good intentions are hopeless and futile and their 
frustrations over "what's wrong in America" only 
grow. Lack of faith and interest in the true Gospel 
has caused Americans to believe in the race of 
British Israel instead of the grace of Christ. 

It is popular and profitable to "fight" Communism 
but it is unforgivable to know about British Israel 
and scarcely a radio station in the land would sell 
time to expose the intrigue of the British Empire 
with their use of British Israel to reeducate 
Americans and hoodwink them into World 
Government. anti-Communist racketeers have 
used every scheme imaginable to get the wealth 
and substance of Americans while deluding them 
about Communism. They prey on their victims by 
scaring them to death about a takeover by the 
Communists. These crooks have all kinds of 
investment schemes, hideout schemes, survival 
schemes to escape what they call the takeover of 
Communism, and these very tactics are confusing 
the people and scaring the money out of them 
and causing a dismal hopelessness. We have the 
fright peddlers who charge our emotions with 
their horror stories of life in Russia and as the 
patriots bleed they give their money away. 
Americans are natural bait for this foolishness. 
These so-called anti-Communists are not only 


playing a con game, they are promoting revolution 
on one hand and blaspheming Christ with the 
kingdom message on the other. 

If Americans can begin to see through the veil and 
fabric of British Israel "Christianity" they will 
come to understand that the ancient earthly 
figure of the throne of David is a disguise to hide 
the coming world throne of the Royal House of 

In order for Israel (the meaning of Israel is the 
unification of Anglo-Saxondom in the Jew's 
religion under the pretense of Christianity) to 
dominate the world they must first be united. 
According to British Israel, all Anglo-Saxondom 
must awaken to their national identity as the 
Israel of God. Hence we are bombarded constantly 
with the national identity doctrine that we are 
God's people in a national sense. The propaganda 
seeks to instill the old idea of fleshly Israel's 
special relationship to God as a Christian doctrine 
by building the belief that America is a Christian 
nation, a Christian Republic, and we therefore are 
a Christian civilization with a Divine purpose to 
be realized in the coming World Government of 

T. Robert Ingram says in his book THE WORLD 
UNDER GOD'S LAW on page three, "Since we are 
a people under God's law, we are a people under 
God, or God's people." On page five he says "It is 
that legal system which identifies ours as a 
Christian civilization and these United States as a 
Christian nation." May we remind the above 
author that it was "the law" or legal system of 
Pharisaism that caused Saul to kill Christians in 
the name of God. It was when Saul became Saint 
Paul the Christian, that he was persecuted by the 
Jew's religion that he once believed. Now it was 
this legal system of national Israel (Jew's religion) 
that caused the rejection of Christ and blinded 
the people to His saving grace. 

The grace of Christ is anathema to the race and 
national identity of British Israel Pharisaism. 
Americans must discern the spirit that would 
steal their faith and leave them a promised land 
in its stead. If Judaism alias British Israel 


"Christianity" can merge the concept of racial 
origin and national identity with the Christian 
faith, the world state is established already under 
and in spite of the independence of the stars and 
stripes of Old Glory. 

In "PROPHECY ON PARADE" we find this quote 
on page 157-8, "Inherently we call this 'God's 
Country' and, whether we know it or not, we do 
so on the authority of the Bible for truly God has 
given it to us as our inheritance as a part of the 
tribe of Joseph. The Bible is our abstract of title. 
Time has arrived in the world's history when our 
title is challenged. We now must establish our 
claim or abandon the property. Thank God for a 
title that goes back to the World Supreme Court 
of last resort, the unconditional contract 
(covenant) of God. If we hold this land as God's 
country, then it necessarily follows that we are 
God's people. Then let's tell the world who we are 
and return to our Father's house." 

Then we must conclude that the slogan "For God 
and Country" alludes to patriotism, but in 
essence and in fact promotes the concept of 
identity with the other "Israelite" nations which in 
turn leads to their fusion with total loss of 
national sovereignty. Therefore, the concept 
betrays us under its pretense of conservatism. 

"The object is to re-establish mankind into the 
kingdom of God on earth, a perfect relationship 
between God and certain of mankind who are of 
the Adamic race. This certain group is the whole 
house of Israel, whom He will cause to accept His 
son and return to His land and laws. Those who 
know the identity of Israel know that this will be 
done through the leadership of Ephraim (the 
British Commonwealth) and Manasseh (the 
United States of America)." Quoted from pages 66 
and 67 of PROPHECY ON PARADE, by W. C. 
Nabors, and published by Destiny Publishers, 
Haverhill, Mass., which is the front headquarters 
for the British Israel World Federation in America. 

Now there are many good people who will 
immediately deny that their faith includes the 
divine national origin propaganda of British 
Israel. But any belief in national or racial 


salvation such as the "Jew's" being the chosen of 
God, supports to the maximum British Israelism. 

Hitler used the same propaganda with a reverse 
twist which most Germans never understood. He 
promoted the spirit of national socialism which 
said in its propaganda that it was anti-Jew and 
anti-communism, but he established the same 
Jew-communism under the name of National 
Socialism with the Aryan or super race fiction to 
support it. If Americans can decipher the anti¬ 
communist crusade in America they can 
understand that behind the fine sounding term 
"For God and Country" is the merging of "Israel 
America" with "all Israel" into a world state NOT 
under Christ, but under the Union Jack. 

It is the task of the British Anglo Israel Kingdom 
Message propaganda to extol Americanism and 
build at the same time a world government 
religion under the cover of Christianity. After it 
builds the spirit of World Government in the 
name of Christ, it can justify national and 
international calamity with the simple 
explanation that God's judgment is upon us. 

Of course the real meaning of international 
"tribulation" is to disguise the British Empire's 
desolation of the United States, subverting us into 
a New Order of the Ages under the pretense of 
Divine Destiny. 

World Communism by way of the British kingdom 
of God is now being built upon a spiritual 
foundation. Here we coin a phrase which 
accurately describes what British Israel is striving 
for with a false Christianity--that is Protestant 
Judaism. With the Kingdom Religion (Jew's 
religion) they are working through all the 
Protestant churches until now most all 
Protestants teach Judaism under the notion that 
they are teaching Christianity. They talk about 
the fulfillment of prophecy and the coming 
kingdom of God. Any kingdom of God on earth is 
materialism and it is the Jew's Religion and a 
false hope. It is easy to see (if one does not believe 
in an earthly kingdom) how a millennialist is a 
One Worlder and an alien in his own country. 


Despotism has no equal to British Israel. All of 
Protestantism has been skillfully changed to a 
crypto Judaism completely unaware. 

Americans clap their hands at every Israeli move 
in the Middle East as in expectation of the 
fulfillment of prophecy. Every Arab knows more 
than "educated" Americans, to wit that Zionism is 
British Communism with the Jew's Religion, and 
that Judaism is a tool for establishing a 
Communist World Order under the name 
Kingdom of God. An excellent example of Zionism 
or as we have more accurately termed it, Spiritual 
Communism, is found in Richard W. De Haan's 
September 1969 Bible Booklet, ISRAEL AND 
GOD, and I quote from page 21, "When the nation 
of Israel accepts Christ as Messiah and Savior, it 
will be restored to the place of favor with God. 
Paul speaks of this event as 'life from the dead.' 
Some Bible teachers believe that in these words 
he refers to the physical resurrection of all Israel 
at the beginning of the millennial age. Others take 
this expression to mean that the nation, which 
has been dead in the sin of unbelief, will receive 
spiritual life. Both ideas are possible because the 
resurrection of Old Testament saints will take 
place at the beginning of the millennium and also 
because a vast majority of Israelites living on 
earth at that time will be saved, spiritually 
passing from death to life. Furthermore, the entire 
earth will undergo a transformation which will be 
like 'life from the dead.' It will be marked by 
universal peace, prosperity, and justice. Isaiah 
declared that 'the earth shall be full of the 
knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the 
seal (Isaiah 11:9). Yes, the small nation called 
Israel, struggling for survival in the Middle East, 
is destined for spiritual renewal and restoration to 
God. When this takes place, the whole earth will 
experience unimaginable blessing." End of quote. 
Not a Christian 

that ever lived could fail to detect that De Haan is 
teaching Judaism with their national salvation 
scheme and a communist millennium. This is 
sedition that boasts of a world wide ministry of 
radio, television, and literature. Of course De 
Haan will not be hindered with his political 
religion. His pretext is Christianity; his purpose is 


treason whether he knows it or not. He holds out 
a false hope to the "Jew" and leads many from 
God's grace to an earthly materialism which he 
calls the millennium. Of course the "Jews" are for 
this messianic millennial worldly order, and this 
apostasy is keeping them blinded today as it 
caused their rejection and crucifixion of Christ. 
The synagogue Jews are not offended by 
Christianity as they believe but by their own 
leaders and proselyte Jews such as Richard De 
Haan who keep the chosen nation myth as a hope 
for Jewish exaltation and world peace. Synagogue 
Jews are like Protestant or Proselyte Jews. They 
are held in bondage by their own religion of 
millennial communism. The New World Order will 
do away with private wealth accumulated under 
the American system. The Jews will not like this, 
but they are helping promote it because of their 
false religion. 

British Israel is the perfect crime and once an 
individual comes under its spell, he immediately 
becomes a spiritual communist. He is seditious 
just by virtue of his kingdom religion, and is in 
fact his own worst enemy. This is bondage of the 
spirit and bondage without chains. It is the plan 
of British Communism and it is a battle for the 

British Israel enlists hundreds of thousands in its 
religious army and most never suspect that they 
are a part of British Communism, The Jehovah 
Witnesses is a case in point. They say they have 
no country and least of all Britain, but their 
kingdom religion promotes the British Empire and 
not their Jehovah as they believe. It is perfect 
trickery how British Israel can use so many 
kingdom cults by disguising the Empire with the 
pseudonym kingdom of God. When one begins to 
add up all who have the kingdom religion, he can 
quickly see that Her Majesty has more loyal 
subjects in America than in Britain, and what's 
worse it will take an act of God to convince most 
people that they are citizens of the world by virtue 
of their millennial religion. Her Majesty has an 
imperial cult within the nation which is as fatal to 
America as cancer is to the body. This is the truth 
about British Communism and Russia means 


nothing by comparison. 

British Israel builds a nation within a nation and 
creates a definite immunity against patriotism 
and nationalism. It actually steals the loyalty of 
the people under the precepts of their own beliefs. 
British Israel can acclaim Americanism while 
destroying it with its kingdom religion. This 
trickery is hard to comprehend unless one 
understands British Israelism. There is no other 
way to truth. There is a direct relationship to 
treason and one's religion. Ironically, a nationalist 
religion as De Haan teaches destroys nationalism. 
Hitler's Germany is our classic example. 

We hear so much from the Right Wing that 
"America is a Christian nation." This of course is 
promoting a national religion by confusing 
Christianity. All this propaganda fits the British 
Israel scheme of "divinely chastising" America for 
her national sins and "saving" her again in the 
New Order with glory in the new kingdom. Such 
catch phrases were originated for mind control. 
They always sound innocent and Christian. There 
is no difference in saying America is a Christian 
nation than in saying Germans are the Master 
Race. Both ideas came from Internationalists not 
nationalists. This is psychological warfare and 
Americans certainly do not understand it. 

British Israel simply appropriates multiple 
meanings to expressions of Americanism and the 
unthinking quickly pick up hybrid and false 
patriotism. Thought expressions and cliches are 
promoted which have inherent contradictions 
which cannot be readily detected. This neutralizes 
real patriotism. Likewise British Israel promotes 
moral degeneracy with Christian concepts and 
Bible expressions. 

Satan will not be outdone and what he corrupts 
with "evolution" and "God is dead,' he uses as 
faked persecution to his pagan Christianity in 
order to build and solidify the spirit of the 
kingdom of God on earth in the name of Jesus 
Christ. What he creates with his "left" hand he 
uses to promote his creation of his 'right" by 
feigned attacks upon the latter. The victims of 
deceit are caught up in the planned reaction, 


which moves the conflict into the emerging New 
Order. What seems like an honest life and death 
struggle between Communism and Americanism 
develops into the preplanned "World Under God's 
Law." The crime is made perfect through the 
invention and use of a grotesque "Christianity" 
which merges race with the grace of Christ. 

If the substance of our faith is a future world 
peace under the rulership of God, we are spiritual 
communists dedicated to self destruction. If we 
return to spiritual freedom we can return to 
political freedom. We cannot be spiritual 
communists and political patriots at the same 
time. Americans cannot be divided against 
themselves! To reestablish political sovereignty we 
must publicly expose the intrigue of the British 
Empire and its kingdom propaganda to build the 
World State in the name of Christ. We must 
expose political communism and spiritual 
communism and not be tricked into either under 
any name or pretense. 

Any attempt to restore a sick America to good 
health without correcting or removing the cause 
of our consternation is pure idiocy. We have 
shown here a correct identification of 
Communism so that it can be recognized under 
any cloak or front. We can now clear the fog and 
deal squarely with it. If we aren't willing to face it 
or believe that our "patriotic" leaders have 
deceived us, there will be a time when it will be 
too late to question anything. Then what will you 
say? --Why didn't someone tell us?? 

Yes, all subversion is traced to British 
Communism inspired by the billions of Cecil 
Rhodes and Andrew Carnegie who planned a 
British World Empire which includes both Russia 
and America as component parts. The "masters of 
deceit" hide most their own identity and the 
source of their power which originates in the 
British Empire and promotes the Jewish Kingdom 
Religion as Christianity to cover the Empire grab 
for world dominion of mind and property. 

Right political action in America must be 
predicated upon an accurate understanding of 
British Communism which is being promoted as 


Christianity. Right political action can never come 
by way of the hands of Masonry and Rhodes 
Scholars or any of the Jewish Kingdom 
Religionists. We propose first to expose the British 
Anglo Israel Communist spiritual plot to educate 
the American people for World Government with a 
false Bible interpretation and a false Christianity. 
We must recognize that the origin of the United 
Nations is British, that the origin of the 
withholding tax (income tax) is British, that the 
kingdom cults are British, that phony anti¬ 
communism is British and that Masonry is 
British, and so the cause of world unrest is 
British, and Russia is only the instrument. 

Communism is a creation of the British Empire 
and is its weapon of world revolution. Its Judas 
Goat for political, military and economic 
Communism is Russia. Its Judas Goat for 
spiritual communism is the kingdom of God on 
earth alias Christianity, which is hidden in 
American churches; World Evangelism and its 
"Crusade for Christ." 

If Americans divest themselves of the spiritual 
propaganda which prophesies a coming thousand 
year political government of Christ on earth, they 
can identify in one second the spiritual plot to 
unify the world into absolute despotism. They can 
understand the meaning of Communism versus 
Christian Civilization and the dual nature of the 

Americans must decode the spiritual communism 
of the kingdom of God on earth. If they 
understand the kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ 
they can translate the kingdom message 
propaganda to mean the rulership of the world by 
the British Empire. If they cannot they are a part 
of it, promoting anti-Americanism and the religion 
of Satan. This they will not believe until the 
monster they help promote shackles them. 

The best way to cover conspiracy is to create 
phony opposition. This principle we must 
understand so as not to get trapped in a false 
patriotic movement or a flag-waving anti¬ 
communist movement. The people behind these 
movements know very well how to twist them into 


treason without even one participant being aware. 
There is great objection to labeling so-called 
patriotic groups and their books and literature as 
subversive. When they do not name the enemy 
they hide him and which one of them has taught 
us that the origin of Communism is British? Or 
that Soviet Communism is a front for British 
Imperialism? And who has told us of British 
sedition through the kingdom cults that now 
controls millions of Americans? This brings to our 
attention a recent effort to twist patriotism into 
treason in the form of a book called PLOT 
AGAINST THE CHURCH which we have already 
named as sedition. Let us here analyze this artful 
ruse for all to see; with the following analysis of 
this book: 

"It does not take one long to discern that the book 
Pinay is indeed itself a plot against the Catholic 
Church and against any individual of the 
Christian faith. It is at once recognizable that the 
intention of the publishers of this instrument of 
revolution are seeking to destroy with a 
vengeance the very institution which they claim to 
defend against the enemies of Christ. With 
cynicism and sophistry the author(s) describe 
how the clergy within the church defend the 
Jews, their Masonic marionettes, and "Jew 
communism", immediately identifying the 
Catholic Church with Communism, Judaism and 
Masonry. He plainly states on page 296 that 
Catholicism is responsible for Castro's victory in 
Cuba. He strives to make Communism and 
Catholicism arm in arm companions in order to 
make Communism and Catholicism appear 
decadent and beyond recovery from the 
insinuations of a nebulous disease called 
Judaism. This is a clever trick designed to help a 
bleeding victim die. The whole vile thing is a Jew 
bait trap aimed at dissident Catholics and others 
in order to entrap them into a reactionary 
movement of anti-communism (antiCatholicism) 
which itself is the fake opposite of its blood 
brother Communism, has the same masters and 
direction and the net result being the total 
destruction of the Catholic Church." 

Who are these 'defenders' of the Catholic 


Church? Are they not preparing the Church for 
destruction by aligning her with Communism, 
thus manipulating her into the role of 'Mystery 
Babylon' in order to 'prophetically' destroy every 
spiritual and physical vestige of the Roman 
Church. The 'plot' is to cast the Church in the 
most distorted light possible in order to more 
effectively destroy it." 

"The author indeed makes Catholicism 
synonymous with Communism. Therefore it 
becomes a simple deduction to come to the 
understanding that those who are drawn into the 
'anti-communist' sham are necessarily anti- 
Catholic. Here is the subtlety of Satan and those 
Catholics who are fighting Communism in order 
to save their church are in fact the worst enemies 
of it. This fact cannot be understood until one 
sees Communism and anti-communism as one 
force and not two. They are only fake opposites 
working as a pincers movement toward the same 
goal of the Universal Masonic Republic alias 
kingdom of God on earth." 

"Communism is Judaism according to the author 
but he fails to mention that anti-communism is 
its fake opposite. Therefore he is a part of the evil 
conspiracy which he proposes to expose. He 
elaborates at length to prove that Communism is 
Judaism but he carefully avoids mention that 
anti-communism is equally 'Judaism.' It is a 
pitiful fact that anti-communism is anti-Christian 
and escapes detection because it wraps itself in 
the American flag and quotes the Bible (Scofield 
Bible) from the Church altars. Only those who 
know the plan of salvation can see the deception." 

"The author claims over and over that the Jews 
(those who say they are the Jews) are the source 
of evil Communism and strife, but he 
dogmatically and persistently honors them with 
such titles as 'descendants of Abraham, Israelites, 
sons of Israel and Hebrews.' This is the grossest 
contradiction and insult to the faithful ones of 
Christ Christians) who are the sole heirs to these 
titles. Does he not condemn the Jew Pharisees in 
name but embrace them in fact with all the force 
at his command? These perpetrators of iniquity 
have never been 'the chosen ones' as he so states. 


The author is the epitome of the big lie and with 
the forked tongue of a rattle snake he seeks to 
Jew bait honest Catholics into helping destroy 
their own Church.' 

"Ironically if the Jews have such absolute control 
of everything and are so opposed to the book 
PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH, why and how has 
it been boastfully printed in four or five languages 
and spread around the world? Ponder this. 

spearhead attempt to quicken revolution by 
helping build the reactionary 'anti-communist' 
movement and Jew is the bait. The time and 
setting has changed but the scheme is not new, it 
is only for us to recognize what it is. I submit that 
the author is a Luciferian Mason and that he 
despises the Catholic Church and the Christian 
faith. His subtlety of identifying with the Church 
gains a vantage point from which to war against 
the truth of Christ." 

"The serpent always devours himself. For those 
who know the meaning of world revolution the 
author(s) is quite revealing on page 292 where it 
states 'that the re-enlivement of Arianism in the 
East coincided with the persecutions of 
Catholicism and with a preferential treatment of 
Jewry.' He admits Arianism alias British Israelism 
is united with those (those who the British 
Israelites claim are the Jews) they claim they 
hate, to destroy the Catholic Church. In fact he 
states on page 296 that 'the Jews were the 
initiators and propagandists of the Arian heresy.' 
This somewhat allies Hitler with so-called Jews of 
which he was supposed to have killed six million." 

"Even the most vain fool can see how the author 
has the greatest praise for those he pretends are 
the arch enemy of the Roman Church. Over and 
over he usurps titles long ago used to designate 
only the people who believe in Jesus Christ as 
God and Saviour, even referring to Graetz as an 
'outstanding Israelite.' This is not to say that 
Graetz did not write a book, but to say that he 
was not an Israelite anymore than Hitler was. 

"Again and again the author relates the 


decadence of the Catholic Church, stating that 
the Fifth Column from within has almost totally 
corrupted the Church and at the same time he 
further degrades and spits upon the Church by 
using the Church to propagate a myth called 
Jews and Judaism. True Christians in the Roman 
Church are keenly aware that 'those who say they 
are the Jews are not' and therefore do not give 
them recognition that they do not deserve by 
carrying on fake anti-Jew warfare and 

"Christians in and out of the Roman Church do 
not recognize anyone as being a Jew except 
themselves, and all others who have been 
regenerated in Christ. Paul the apostle taught 
that only those who have faith in Christ are true 
Jews. This disqualifies Maurice Pinay's definition 
of Jew and indicts him as a propagator of an age- 
old lie that makes devils a special people of God 
or a special people against God when the so- 
called Jews he speaks of are no more than a 
segment of the unsaved people of the world and 
deserve only recognition as such. The author 
relegates Christian Catholics to ignorance and 
seeks to entrap them by claiming that they 
recognize his fictitious Jews as a special enemy of 
the Church, let alone that Christians are 
propagators of the heresy of anti-Jew or pro-Jew 
hogwash. This in fact would be his best 
accomplishment as subtle as it might seem." 

"If then the author's mythical Jew does not exist 
as Hitler did not then his accusations that the 
Roman Church is infested with the peculiar 
vermin makes him a gigantic liar and leaves him 
a member of the cesspool of unbelievers in Christ 
he calls the Jews. The truth of the matter is that 
Christian Catholics are not concerned with the 
mythical Jew heresy but are concerned that 
Christ is their Saviour by His atoning blood and 
that it is their duty to preach His saving grace to 
all unbelievers whatever sect they be." 

"The only difference in Christian Catholics and 
any other Christian is that the Catholic Church 
has been selected as 'Mystery Babylon' by 
workers of iniquity in order to be destroyed so 
that it might fulfill the perverted prophecies of 


premillennialism and British Israelism. THE PLOT 
AGAINST THE CHURCH is no less a part of this 
scheme to destroy the Roman Church and all 
Christians of any church anywhere." 

"Pinay would fain hope that he could succeed as 
the devil's advocate by urging Catholics to attack 
and disrupt their own Church by getting them 
side tracked into a sham fight called Jew. He 
wants them to make a Jew where none exists. He 
strives to instruct the reader that the foundation 
of the Catholic Church is based on a negative 
absurdity of anti-judaism. This is a rank 
misrepresentation of the efforts of Christian 
Catholics who have based their faith in Jesus 
Christ instead of some cocked tale Jew heresy." 

"If the vendors of this trash have read it then they 
must be aware that the author gives as his 
solution to the bugaboo Jew, world government 
through union of national states and alliance of 
all religions. He says we must 'unite in a brotherly 
way' page 637) and 'National and racial rivalries 
should be laid aside...' Further he states that 
world peace can only be obtained by the political 
uniting of all peoples (page 637). On page 638 he 
states that we must bring about unity to save 
ourselves and that 'all lands of the earth can form 
a world organization.' Perhaps this is another way 
of propagandizing the British Israel attempt at 
world government in the name of Christ. Read it 
for yourselves. In black and white it advocates 
World Government. Is this patriotism?" End of 
quotes from analysis of the book PLOT AGAINST 

This is only one example of false patriotism and 
deception used by the enemies of America to hide 
the identity of the largest underground movement 
in history. 

The most one can say for this garbage is that it is 
an insult to the common sense of an idiot, let 
alone the mass of Christian Catholics who believe 
the Gospel of Christ. 

We read in PROPHFCY ON PARADE, page 16-20, 
"The enemies of Israel, who are the Gentiles (sons 
of Japheth) nations of Europe, will reveal 


themselves as the desolators and attempt to 
displace the nations of Israel from any national 

"Charted here are the moves of the three unclean 
spirits: Nazism, Facism and Communism (Rev. 
16:13). Do not overlook the work assigned to 
these unclean spirits by the 'little book' from 
which our understanding is to come, for they 
were 'to gather them to the battle of that great day 
of God Almighty.' (Rev. 16:14). And do not 
overlook the fact that Communism is our last and 
greatest enemy who brings together and heads 
the 'Great Confederacy' of which God's Word 
warns us and from which we hold His sure word 
of promise and protection when we inquire of 

These are not the statements of an isolated nut, 
but a propagandist who knows the spiritual plot 
to build a world slave state in the name of Christ. 
And who has not heard the same thing called 
"God's judgment of the enemies of Israel" in 
almost every church in the land? 

To those who understand the British Empire plot 
to dominate the world under the aegis or God's 
kingdom, the above quotation reveals the buildup 
of a new Nazi Germany and a "revived Roman 
Empire" to be used to destroy the United States 
under the Biblical pretense of Divine Judgment 
upon America. 

In fact the destruction of the United States is the 
meaning of all the "prophecies" of British Israel 
and its army of soothsavers and diviners. This 
propaganda neutralizes any genuine effort to 
defend our country. It is the master stroke of 
twentieth century power politics. 

1985 UPDATE: British Israel never operates in its 
own name and it is not an organization. It is a 
religious organism and a super cult that crosses 
religious affiliations and denominations. British- 
Israel is the Kingdom Message, i.e., the teaching 
that there is coming an earthly kingdom of God 
for a thousand years. 

British Israel is a religious organism that has no 


membership list and no visible organization. No 
one really understands how he is being silently 
guided and directed right into Communism 
through this false Christianity. 

The Kingdom of God on Earth is the propaganda 
of this subversive "Christianity". 

Today we have many identity cults, all of them 
denying that they are British Israel but they do 
not deny that they are propagandists for the 
Kingdom Message. Some say "We are not British 
Israel; we are Anglo Israel" or, "we are Christian 
Identity or Israel Identity". They are all the same 
because they all toot the Kingdom Message. This 
they will not and cannot deny. 

How has this Spiritual Communism covered our 
land with the help of the American people without 
their knowledge? The answer is religion. A 
doctrine of World Government Socialism has 
insidiously been introduced to them and they 
have swallowed it under the name 
Fundamentalist Christianity. 

You should be able to see by now how 
Fundamentalist Christianity with its doctrine of 
racial and national salvation and its coming 
earthly kingdom is nothing more than Nazism 
under a Christian cloak. Whereas the Nazism of 
Germany was used on the country of Germany, 
Fundamentalist Christianity is being used on the 
whole world through World Evangelism. 

Fundamentalism is that stratagem or deception 
that neutralizes, blinds and divides a man against 
himself. Is this indeed the beast that all shall 
worship both great and small save those elect 
who have the spirit of God to keep them from 
spiritual deception? 

If you understand this book, stop where you are 
and give thanks to God that He chose you to 
reveal it to you. If you do not understand this 
book, search the list at the back of this book and 
do as we are commanded in Matthew 6:33: "Seek 
ye first the kingdom of God,..." 

Even though Scripture warns over and over of the 


Judaizers, Fundamentalist Christians have given 
themselves over to Jewish fables. 



Undermining America with Anti-Communism 
and "Patriotism" 

World Evangelism to most Americans means 
telling the world about the Gospel through foreign 
missionaries and huge Evangelistic and literature 
campaigns. This movement has individuals from 
one end of the world to the other teaching and 
preaching the coming kingdom of God on earth 
and that Christ is soon to come and deliver the 
world from the yoke of bondage and then the 
Anglo Saxons and the Jews (a racial and national 
system of religion) will administer "justice" in 
God's kingdom. 

This is simply an extension of the hopes of the 
Pharisees before Christ came to extend His grace 
to all believers. The only difference now is that the 
world through British Israel deception has been 
brought to believe that this flesh and blood 
kingdom is Christ's kingdom. This is only a veiled 
commercial enterprise to dominate the world with 
this spiritual lie. This foolishness does not apply 
personally to the disseminators of world 
revolution. It is only the bait to move the people 
into world government under the British Empire. 
Because the language of this propaganda is 
hidden in Christian terminology and Biblical 
"prophecy" (man made) few people can imagine 
that they are being cleverly educated toward 
world government. When enough people have 
been reeducated to believe that this Pharisaic 
scheme is Divine, then we will have reached the 
point of no return to a true independence as 
Americans have known it under the Constitution. 
The goal of the British Empire through British 
Israel is a world wide British world state allowing 
no independent nations such as the United 
States. This is the real meaning and significance 
of the kingdom message propaganda that is now 
universal, unopposed and unabated to rethink 
our spiritual values to conform to this political 
world state with the throne of Britain becoming 


the throne of Christ. 

Communism in a political and military sense is to 
be the destructive force of the world system of 
independent states. It is also the catalyst to 
terrorize the world into the British Israel spiritual 
trap. So torment comes via Anglo Saxon exported 
to Russia Communism, and "salvation" and 
unification comes through Anglo Saxon British 

So as Americans are overcome with Communism 
they go to church and pray that God will send His 
kingdom to deliver them from their anguish. As 
their "Bible College" preachers and professors 
condemn Communism they promote it through 
the kingdom message. It is from our churches, for 
the most part, that people have come to believe in 
this spiritual communism as they did not get it 
from God's Word. 

World Evangelism has been literally poured over 
the world under the symbols of the Cross and the 
globe. This fake Christianity even undergoes 
planned persecution so as to milk the churches of 
America out of every emotional dollar. When they 
tell how the "Communists" persecute these 
kingdom message Christians the tithes and 
offerings pour in. It is only a veneer of 
Christianity and conceals within it the 
destruction of the Apostolic faith as well as a 
hidden political conspiracy. It has drugged the 
spirit of the world and the world like a dope 
addict is craving this fake Christianity which is 
sealing its doom in the name of truth. To the 
victims of this blasphemy truth is sacrificial for 
relief from their frustration which was caused in 
the first place because truth is sacrificed. British 
Israel Evangelism has made of the world a 
spiritual paralytic which can now only get 
satisfaction from more British Israelism. It feeds 
on truth (misused) and multiplies its cancerous 
disease to destroy its victims whom it has 
deceived. It deceives most those who believe it 
most and neutralizes them against British Israel 
while it deprives them of truth which alone can 
give them freedom. This is why people who once 
become infected with this spiritual disease cannot 
return from it and this is why they cannot put 


political issues in proper perspective. British 
Israel causes people to constantly fight against 
their own best interest and more often than not 
they are in the midst of their enemies thinking 
they are among friends. Man does not fight 
against that which he believes. He can dissipate 
himself trying to be a patriot but it is impossible if 
his spirit is overcome with British Israel. 

British Israel World Evangelism is stalking the 
earth unseen and untaxed, eating the vitals out of 
the remnants of national states and would-be 
opposition to the cloak and dagger British 
Empire. British Israel is universal and versatile 
and aligns itself with truth whatever men 
consider it to be. It has through world evangelism 
become the ghost of Christianity and like a locust 
that has left its shell, it has only the form of 

If a man scoffs at this spiritual conflict he belittles 
his own beliefs. His beliefs determine his actions 
and if he does not have beliefs he is relegated to 
the animal kingdom. Therefore our beliefs 
emanate from our convictions and we act 
accordingly. If we have become imbued with the 
spirit of British Israel we are its ecclesiastical 
prisoners and soldiers in its army. The power of 
British Israel is its enlisting men unwittingly in its 
vast army by cleverly superimposing its spiritual 
power to conform to man's concept of what is 
good. Then the "new creature" is guided to 
destruction, with his own concepts and within the 
framework of his own thinking. He never realizes 
that British Israel has given him a new meaning 
for his vocabulary and he is hexed with semantics 
which tricks him against himself and his country. 
He is bewitched and under the spell of spiritual 
darkness which he now believes is light and he is 
zealous in it. 

Communism is used to bombard us externally 
while silently and skillfully we are overcome 
internally with British Israel. The consequence of 
this "new faith" is world citizenship and this world 
citizenship spiritual is a prelude to world 
citizenship physical and world evangelism is the 
advance guard. 


We make no apologies for the true Christian 
missionaries who are preaching the kingdom of 
grace, but by and large the driving force and 
purpose of World Evangelism is British Israel. 

British Israel is a parasite that feeds on the 
natural man and it is for this same reason that 
the natural man succumbs to this deception. 

The natural man cannot see through the cloak of 
British Israel and decipher its language to see 
that it is only Communism under another name. 
Even if men suspect British Israel, they cannot 
bring themselves to comprehend its power as a 
concealed political-spiritual force that has now 
spread its tentacles over the earth. Its pious 
appearance decorated with the Christian Cross 
shields it from its most persistent adversaries and 
world evangelism with this fake Christianity has 
made detection of British Israel as a plot against 
humanity undetectable and if detected, 
invulnerable. To point out that this enigma has 
hidden itself within our churches and is using 
them for a base to destroy the United States is to 
invite ridicule and charges of insanity to anyone 
who dares utter such a fantastic concept. Do not 
the church goers of America expect Satan to 
appear as an angel of light? Do not the people 
wonder that this new Christianity is rampant in 
the land and yet no one seems to be able to detect 
that the kingdom message of British Israel is not 
according to God's Word? Churchianity is literally 
flourishing in the land and yet the people are 
plagued with confusion and spiritual darkness. 
People are so busy going to church that they do 
not have time to study their Bibles. The 
magnificent structures with air-conditioned 
comfort of these modern day synagogues are 
spiritually dead and their people have lost contact 
with the universal church invisible and the living 
Jesus Christ Who established it. 

Where are God's people? Have they returned 
again to bondage after having received the 
Gospel? Have they given their very souls and their 
country too in exchange for the promises of a 
commune world built upon the blood and 
despoiled property of humanity? Are people foxed 
into believing that the very deception that is 


destroying them now will save them again? 

Our Lord warned that if they speak not according 
to His Word there is no light in them. If our 
people seek Christ through this worldwide 
artificial Christianity they will not find Him as He 
is no more popular than He has ever been but His 
name is on the lips of the world. "All who say Lord 
Lord will not enter the kingdom of heaven..." That 
is, all do not understand that God is spirit, that 
His kingdom is spiritual and that His consuming 
purpose for man is spiritual regeneration. 

The kingdom of British Israel is flesh and blood 
but the kingdom of our Lord is happiness and joy 
in the Holy Spirit. Never shall the two be one. 
That they are one is the lie of British Israel. 

Throughout the ages men have been enslaved and 
killed for their beliefs. Today the world believes 
British Israel and it is being put in slavery as a 
consequence of it. Truth makes man free but this 
same truth misused can enslave him again. All 
that is necessary that British Israel succeed is 
that people believe that God's kingdom is to come 
in the form of a political theocracy upon the 
earth. It is not essential that one be a Jehovah's 
Witness or a Southern Baptist or a member of any 
church -- only that he believe that the kingdom 
will come upon the earth. In this they are all 
united. They may despise each other but they are 
unified in their hope for the earthly kingdom of 
"righteousness." What British Israel divides 
physically it unites spiritually through the 
kingdom message. Some of the most ardent 
advocates of the kingdom of God on earth call 
themselves "fundamental Christians. In this they 
have emphasized their name to hide their 
identity; nevertheless they are identified in their 
belief of the millennial kingdom on earth, and 
they are brother Pharisees to all other cults of 
this deception. Through the apparent maze of 
churches in the land the consistency of the 
kingdom message overshadows the inconsistency 
of the multiple doctrines and creeds. This unity in 
belief of the kingdom on earth is the work of 
British Israel and its world evangelism. As 
innocent as it sounds this kingdom belief is the 


tie that binds and blinds them. 

As people become dissatisfied with their 
particular brand of Christianity they break away 
and form new churches and carry their Scofield 
Bibles with them. They change their location and 
perhaps the name of their church but they retain 
their beliefs in the kingdom of God on earth to 
come. Families are divided, politicians are 
divided, nations are divided and the world is 
divided but all are united in the spirit of British 
Israel and its coming kingdom. It is amazing how 
British Israel causes dissension and confusion 
and yet causes men to strive together in spiritual 

This British Israel Luciferian degeneracy is now 
butchering the world while it prepares it for the 
New Age with the kingdom message. It has 
prepared its advances so well with its propaganda 
that its victims are perpetuating their own 
destruction in their haste to spread this 
contagious disease. The adherents of this 
deception are anxious to inoculate the world with 
this newfound "Christianity" which promises 
heaven on earth. People spend their money and 
erect beautiful churches that their "good works" 
may help spread darkness over the land. 

All this upsurge in "Christianity" seems good to 
men and they do not discern its spirit. Through 
its outward appearance and form they deem it 
good and glorify their father who is Satan. They 
are callous, indifferent and hostile with self 
righteousness. Their emotions are charged only 
when threatened with physical annihilation not 
caring one whit about spiritual truth. The only 
spirit that makes sense to the vain is the deceit of 
British Israel that promises them peace and 
plenty on earth. 

America has literally been corrupted with this 
fake Christianity so that they can be cleverly 
despoiled of their faith and their country. Never 
will they believe that the source of their deception 
is their churches and brave is the man that tries 
to tell them. Betrayal is wrapped in the thing that 
people trust most — their teachers, preachers and 
churches, and they compromise their faith with 


apathy. People are intellectually lazy and spoon¬ 
fed Christianity suits their pace of living and gives 
them a certain satisfaction that they have served 
their God with their inanimate appearance at 
church. While they are indifferent to the Gospel, 
they are indoctrinated with another Gospel — the 
Gospel of British Israel. 

All of the armies in the world could not do to 
America what British Israel is doing at this 
moment -- annihilating our country in the name 
of Christianity and we lift not a finger to prevent 
it. We amass armies around the world while we 
are poisoned with the propaganda of the kingdom 
message on every radio station in the land 
educating people for World Government in which 
at most our lot will be "World Service." Our 
"fortune" is world service to the British Empire 
even now, but we are still allowed to fly our flag. 
We are policing the world as we help prepare the 
stage for the last finale in which the real jackals 
of the British Empire intend to bury us. 

Can one observe that we are being swamped with 
the kingdom message and then doubt the power 
of its perpetrators? Does not the invisible Empire 
become at once visible and in fact a colossus 
monster stealing the commerce of the world 
through British Israel? While it uses every trick to 
hide its identity it imposes its spiritual power over 
the country dulling its senses while it saps its 
wealth and destroys its economy. The British 
Empire is actually destroying this country and 
taking its people prisoners and justifying it 
Biblically. If our dead soldiers could come back 
would they die again for such a depraved people? 

The only true racial issue today is that the 
American race, black and white, should declare 
that the British race stop its vengeance and forget 
its ambition of a World Empire. The only new laws 
that we need are those forbidding Kingdom 
Message Communism and those forbidding 
Rhodes Scholars in the United States 
Government. The only thing we have in common 
with the British world is our language and we 
should use it to expose their plot and drive their 
agents from this country. 


There are many Christian Americans who would 
help reestablish our independence if they could 
understand that the kingdom message is British 
propaganda which is preparing the world for 
another blood bath. And most especially would 
they be mad if they understood how their 
churches are being used in this Satanic plot. 

To any reasonable American the idea of 
destroying our country and giving up our freedom 
and property is not in his thinking. Yet we are 
being prepared for this very thing through British 
Israel and we do not object because we are 
hoodwinked into believing that it is God's will and 
plan instead of that of the British Empire. 

We need not exhaust ourselves documenting facts 
that this organized conspiracy exists. This 
propaganda is the biggest fact of all ages. All that 
is necessary is that we look at its essence and its 
substance and identify its purpose. British Israel 
cannot hide its goals and all that is important is 
that we penetrate its lies to see that it is a plan of 
World Government and a British World 
Government at that. British Israel is Satanic and 
it must continue to advocate the earthly kingdom 
and if we look closer we see that this kingdom is 

Like the proverbial octopus, the British Empire 
and its British Israel has many tentacles and 
equally as many names and colors. If one tentacle 
is recognized the dupe is simply ensnared with 
another. It is a monster with many faces. It has 
Masonry for the vain, it has political parties for 
the power seekers, it has Americanism for the 
patriots, it has soothsayers for the superstitious, 
it has religion for the religious, it has Nazism for 
one country, it has Communism for another, it 
has Socialism for still another, and it has World 
Evangelism for the world and the world is its 
domain. It recognizes no nationalism but creates 
them and destroys them at will. It causes wars 
and finances them and wanton murder and 
slaughter are its only expediency. On the other 
hand it gives a penance to philanthropy and gives 
lip service to good works. British Israel cannot be 
traced as it leaves no tracks because it identifies 
with and hides within its victim of the moment 


and when one victim dies its ghost moves to 
another. It cannot be seen under its own banner 
and if someone begins to recognize its course it 
attacks itself until it becomes ridiculous to its 
would-be enemies. It divides nations, it divides 
families, and it divides man against himself. It 
divides all so that it can unite all again with one 
spirit and One World in the name of Christ. It 
must first destroy and then synthesize the unity 
of man in a world state and this is how we 
recognize it. British Israel is the chaos of this age 
and the kingdom of God in the next, but it admits 
only the latter. It is a seducer of man's spirit 
because it conceals itself within his values to do 
it. British Israel is the perfect crime and we 
cannot fingerprint it but those who have eyes to 
see and hearts to understand recognize its goal of 
World Government and see its havoc now to that 

The work of World Evangelism is to advertise the 
form of Christianity while it denies its spirit. It is 
in truth a legal system which has the appearance 
of good works. It is the degeneration of British 
Israel and not the regeneration of the Holy Spirit 
and the power of truth separates them in the 
hearts of men. True to the nature of British Israel, 
World Evangelism knows no boundaries or 
nations as it builds the kingdom of humanity 
under the sign of the Cross. This international 
crusade is educating the world for the New Order 
on the foundation of this one that it has 

As the stress and strain of political confusion 
drives the people to desperation, World 
Evangelism fills the air with the good news of the 
coming kingdom on earth to give us rest. The 
world unknowingly is being forced into this 
British Empire kingdom through British Israel- 
spiritual, and as Communism the destroyer is 
built up World Evangelism the "Saviour" becomes 
universal salvation for a torn world. World 
Evangelism is a tax exempt colossus which has 
engulfed the world with its innocence as it piously 
and skillfully educates the world for its kingdom 
of God on earth. It gives lip service and mention of 
Bible truths which it cleverly fits into its scheme 
of World Government. It parades and overruns 


like a Trojan horse with its kingdom message as it 
condemns the world for its sins. It is impervious 
to its lies and its victims whose spirit it tramples. 
It knows no one will attack a saint as it yells 
"Jesus is coming." 

British Israel and its World Evangelism is wearing 
out God's people and the very elect would be 
deceived if it were possible. Christians must see 
through its veil and discern its spirit that it is 
fictitious and artificial. At the same time they 
must recognize its power that it has derived from 
its adaptation to Christianity. It does not deceive 
with a lie, it deceives with the truth, misused. Its 
power is seen in that it has the world looking for 
the establishment of the kingdom of God upon 
earth. Those who deny it believe it, and those who 
believe it deny it. Truth becomes a lie and a lie 
becomes the truth — to those who believe it, a lie 
has become the truth and to those who deny it, 
truth has become a lie. 

The real aim of World Evangelism is to rotate the 
conscience of man so that evil becomes good and 
good becomes evil. This must be done with truth 
and this is why British Israel World Evangelism 
parades under the cloak of Christianity and 
operates within the framework of its terminology 
so as to change the meaning of Christianity 
without changing its name. Few there be who 
understand this concept of power as it is 
invisible, undetectable, indefensible (with armies) 
and all powerful. 

In this new Christianity the hope of the world has 
become the kingdom of God on earth and by this 
same analogy this is how America has again 
become a part of the British Empire while it still 
flies its own flag. It is not the Christianity one 
acclaims, it is what are his beliefs? It is not the 
flag we fly, it is where is our allegiance? 

British Israel has changed the meaning of our 
language so that our thoughts and actions betray 
us. As we strive for Americanism betrayal is 
concealed within it. As we seek Christianity it 
unites us against Christ. The values that once 
made us free are now making us slaves and this 
is the meaning of the giant expansion of this new 


Christianity and the buildup of patriotism. On 
them is the stamp of betrayal if we could but 
penetrate its spirit we could see its purpose. 

British Israel is aloof from the petty issues that it 
has given us to fight and if we win, lose or draw 
we are still within the limits of our bondage. It is 
callous to its creations, immune from its intrigue 
and suspended from attack. It could write itself 
across the sky and the world could read it, but it 
could not perceive its meaning. 

Any presumed expose of British Israel is absurd 
to the Pharisaic world that believes this new 
Christianity. This is why the Jew Baiters can 
scream that Communism is a Jewish plot as they 
promote British Israel which is the same Anglo- 
Jew plot. The real Jewish plot is British Israel, 
which is to be the fulfillment of their Messianic 
dreams and any attempt to limit them to the Jew- 
communist conspiracy supports the Anglo-Jew 
British Israel conspiracy by hiding it. Jew- 
communism is the bait — Jew British Israel is the 
plot. The heartbeat of British Israel is Jew 
Pharisaism with the name of Christianity. 

Our Lord did not oppose the Jews on their put-up 
myths like Communism. He opposed them 
because they wanted an earthly kingdom in His 
name and for this He was crucified by them, but 
today this same earthly kingdom is the hope of 
the world through British Israel World 
Evangelism. The world does not know that this 
new Christianity has become Jew Pharisaism in 
all but name. Christianity through British Israel 
has become an enemy to its own faith. This 
alienation of man from the true faith is the work 
of World Evangelism. It builds its altars in the far 
ends of the earth; its missionaries live in squalor 
and suffer persecution, it fights Holy Wars to gain 
political control of the world so that it can expand 
evangelism with the theme "Jesus is coming." 
Little do its faithful servants know that they are 
part of a commercial enterprise that has sheltered 
itself in World Evangelism and that they are the 
screen for the greatest deception of the ages. 

The world writhes in agony and confusion as the 
big finance of Anglo-Saxondom promotes World 


Evangelism as a front for its world grab. Tax 
exempt foundations do not finance "Bible 
Colleges" and "Christian Schools" to promote 
Christ, but to promote the British scheme of 
world domination through the spiritual. They 
want the kingdom message imprinted upon the 
world and they will spill every drop of blood of 
every goy to attain this end. They kill our faith 
and take our country in the name of 
righteousness and our spiritual blindness has 
made of us its most faithful servants. 

Most people who get a glimpse of British Israel 
cannot imagine that such a seemingly harmless 
thing as the kingdom message is power politics. 
Its disguise as Christianity has disarmed 
suspicion and made it subtle and it is this 
subtleties that enhances its power and lessens it 
delectability. It is so subtle and so powerful that it 
manipulates the world both politically and 
religiously and it is not suspected by one in one 
million. It is so subtle and so powerful that it has 
the world prepared for World Government and the 
world believes that it is Christian. What must be 
done to prove to the patriots that ridiculous 
political issues, race antagonisms, and 
biographies of who did it are a waste of time and 
remove one from the best interest of patriotism 
unless he can see and exploit the over-all British 
plot to take the world through British Israel? 

To overlook the use of the Scofield Bible in the 
explosion of this world wide fake Christianity 
would be to pass over an important link in our 
effort to identify British Israel. We say that it is 
Scofield's Bible, as it is not God's. The text of the 
Scofield Bible is King James Version, but the 
critical thing is that C. I. Scofield and a group of 
"Bible Scholars" of the Millennial Kingdom Cult 
have inserted their notes and peculiar 
interpretation throughout the Bible in most cases 
at the bottom of the pages in note form. The 
consequence of this is that through the Scofield 
Bible notes millions have learned the kingdom 
message of British Israel, thinking it is the Word 
of God. 

This Bible has been in circulation for about sixty 
years and it is the favorite of so-called 


fundamental Christianity and now there is of late 
a new edition which emphasizes even more the 
legal system of Jew-Pharisaism under the pretext 
of Christianity, of course. 

The Scofield Bible sets out a scheme of 
interpretation which exactly supports and teaches 
the British Israel kingdom message. It seeks to 
conceal its objective as does all British Israel by 
giving lip service to spiritual truth, but it cleverly 
guides its reader to the Kingdom Age. We perceive 
that our reader by now will have no trouble 
identifying Scofield's Millennialism as being the 
same as the kingdom of God on earth of British 
Israel, the same as the Communism of Karl Marx, 
the same as the New Age of Masonry, and the 
same as the Messianic Age of Judaism. The 
building of the kingdom age is the object of all of 
them and the kingdom age makes them all one, 
and needless to say their flesh and blood earthly 
kingdom is not God's kingdom, only that they say 
it is. 

The preachers and teachers who carry the 
Scofield disease do not know the Lord Jesus 
Christ nor do they understand His plan of 
salvation. Theirs is a system of national and 
racial religion geared to the legalism of the Jews 
(we use the word Jew in the physical sense 
because the world does it but it is not Biblical to 
do so as the correct word is Pharisee) and with it 
they are fronting for the Jew British Empire in its 
seizure of the wealth and domination of the world. 
In this blasphemy they neither go in the kingdom 
of God nor suffer others to do so and they keep 
others out of God's spiritual and ONLY kingdom 
now by causing them to look for another yet 
future. This is a denial of the Gospel Age which is 
the only age for salvation and a denial that the 
great commission has given Christ all power in 
Heaven and earth. Christ's power is not petty 
political power according to British Israel. It is 
Divine power according to God and its purpose is 
to save men from their sins, not to glorify their 
flesh on earth. 

Now the Scofield Bible is a versatile book as it is 
used by nearly all of Protestantism and their 
many offshoot churches. They disagree and feud 


over everything imaginable but they are all bound 
to the Kingdom Message and they quickly 
harmonize on this common foundation. These 
modern Pharisees would crucify Christ again if He 
were to appear in the flesh and repeat that "My 
kingdom is not of this world." His kingdom will 
never be of this world, only British Israel says it is 
to hide their global plot to enslave the world 
spiritually and physically. 

The kingdom age of Scofield is a subtle heresy 
that denies basic Christianity as the Bible does 
not teach any historical procedure or train of 
events that ends with the kingdom of British 
Israel. This kingdom age of British Israel annuls 
the Gospel Dispensation now by making it yet 
future and in this they confuse the Heavenly hope 
of Christians with the rank materialism of the 
carnal kingdom of Jew-British Israel. British 
Israel is full of glaring inconsistencies and 
prophetic perversions but it is promoting the 
world state as planned. The camouflaged 
Pharisaism of Scofield gives no light to Christians 
but it does great wonders promoting the Kingdom 
Message as the "only hope of the world." The 
Scofield Bible is the chief promoter of the 
Kingdom Message and it admits of spirituality but 
it emphatically denies it with its carnalistic 
kingdom of God on earth. 

It is perfectly amazing how people can see how 
the Negroes are being used through their 
churches but yet they are under the same 
influence through the Scofield Bible and its 
kingdom message. This text book on 
Millennialism is leading the people to the same 
Communism taught in the Negro churches and 
yet we are beguiled into a constant race war. The 
perpetrators of race war use it to get us to destroy 
each other physically while we are overcome 
spiritually with the Kingdom Message. 

We are dealing with the Scofield Bible in this text 
to demonstrate its use (as British Israel spiritual 
deception) in changing spiritual Israel back to 
physical Israel and changing the spiritual seed of 
Abraham back to the flesh and blood race of Jew- 
Pharisaism. The Scofield Bible is an instrument of 
this spiritual lie as it changes the Heavenly hope 


to a future theocratic earthly kingdom and the 
belief of this earthly kingdom to come is the mask 
that is being used to blind the people of the world 
to the machination of the British Empire to gain 
complete domination over the physical world by 
controlling the beliefs or spirit of its people. And 
as stated before they are identifying with and 
misusing the truth of the Gospel in our churches 
to carry on this political-spiritual takeover of our 

The Scofield Bible is only another dimension in 
this Satanic plot albeit a very important one. In 
our study of British Israel we are revolving it three 
hundred sixty degrees in order that it might be 
seen from every angle with its many coloration's, 
names, characteristics and uses many of which 
seemed opposed to and antagonistic to each other 
but all united in their efforts to cause the people 
to believe that the Spiritual Israel of Christianity 
is physical Israel of British Israel. Changing 
Spiritual Israel into national or more correctly 
stated, International Israel, in the minds of the 
people is the work of British Israel to hide the 
scheme of its masters to establish their world 

We see the world rocked with "wars and rumors of 
wars" which is only an enactment of the religio- 
political scheme which seeks to destroy the flesh 
and then save it again with a natural Messiah. If 
we follow the notes of the Scofield Bible we see in 
them a teaching that physical punishment is the 
judgment of God on the nations so that the future 
kingdom of peace on earth will be seen as 
deliverance. This is clearly salvation of the flesh 
and naturally appeals to a war torn world and the 
ultimate aim is to remove all faith in the 
Supernatural Messiahship of Jesus Christ and 
replace it with the carnal state of British Israel. 
People do not understand that this hidden 
political plot which offers an earthly paradise in 
the name of Christ is the same British Israel 
Masonic power that is causing their misery now 
and justifying it with perversions of the Gospel 
such as the Scofield Bible. 

It is through the teaching of the Scofield Bible 
that people have come to believe that the chaos in 


the world is actually the "judgments of God upon 
a sinful world." God is not the author of confusion 
and His kingdom is spiritual and is happiness 
and joy and is in no way a part of the mess we 
witness to today that this new Christianity 
believes is God's wrath. It is only wrath justified 
and explained under the cover of Christianity and 
the Scofield Bible is its handiwork. 

The Scofield Bible like its British Israel designers 
alludes to Spiritual Israel but with its forked 
tongue and double talk it cleverly mixes physical 
Israel in so that physical Israel emerges over 
spiritual Israel and becomes the final purpose of 
God in a future millennial age. This is a doctrine 
of race and is the exact opposite of grace and the 
mixing of things sacred with things profane has 
caused the world to believe that physical Israel 
and Spiritual Israel are one. 

With this trickery the world is being put through 
the fires of hell under the guise that all is God's 
woes and judgments upon the nations. People are 
neutralized and will not resist or even try to 
understand their anxiety that their churches have 
told them is God's judgments. God only allows 
this spiritual deception to separate the believers 
from the unbelievers and not to confiscate their 
nations and property because the worlds are His 
and He has all power in Heaven and earth. The 
plan of God is salvation of man from his sin of 
unbelief that Jesus is the Christ and not to 
enchain him again with the yoke of bondage 
called national Israel. 

The world has been literally doped with British 
Israel and it is going to the slaughter like a 
tranquilized lamb not knowing the source of its 
agony. The British Israel kingdom message says 
in essence that the British Empire is God and the 
most the rest of the world can hope for is "world 
service" in this Jew-British World State. The 
kingdom of God on earth is only the bait of 
British Israel to move the world spiritually and 
physically into this world empire under the Union 

The only reason the Scofield Bible refers to 
spiritual Israel is to conceal its physical Israel and 


make it palatable to today's diluted Christianity. 
The proof of this is its scheme of interpretation 
which gradually diminishes spiritual Israel as it 
increases physical Israel into a world political 
state. This religio-political state which the Scofield 
Bible notes calls the kingdom of God, is clothed in 
spiritual terms and sanctioned with Biblical 
contradictions but when it is defrocked and laid 
bare it is the British Empire Superstate. 

The Scofield Bible is the script and the confused 
political situation is the act to prove the script so 
that people will believe it. Things are confused 
only to the people who have been overcome with 
the spirit of the Kingdom Message. Nothing 
political makes sense until we understand that 
the prophetic perversions of the Scofield Bible are 
being enacted on the world stage. Therefore 
America is to win no more wars and it cannot be 
saved from economic collapse as "prophecy" says 
it must give way to God's coming kingdom on 
earth according to British Israel. America cannot 
win any wars in its own behalf as long as the 
agents of the "beast system" British Empire 
control us. The most we can do is police the world 
until we are exhausted of our blood and money. 

That the Scofield Bible supports British Israel 
heresy is beyond question and in order to 
demonstrate the usefulness of this "Bible" to the 
Kingdom Message, we quote from THE TRIUMPH 
OF BRITISH-ISRAEL, a book published by 
Covenant Publishing Company, Ltd., which 
publishes the books of the British Israel World 
Federation with headquarters in London, 
England. This book, by Rev. James Mountain, 
D.D., page 44, states as follows: "It will be 
observed that we make frequent quotations from 
'THE SPEAKERS COMMENTARY,’ one of the most 
learned of its day, and prepared largely by 
Bishops of the Church of England; also from 
prepared by eight of the most learned and 
eminent American Divines, including the Rev. 
Arthur T. Pierson, D.D., who for many years was 
a regular Speaker at the Keswick Convention. 
When the name of Dr. Scofield only is given, 



"So far as we know, none of the Authors of these 
valuable Commentaries has given any direct 
endorsement of British-Israel teaching. But our 
readers will perceive that their interpretations of 
many important parts of Holy Scripture furnish 
valuable indirect support to the fundamental 
statements of British-Israel advocates." End of 

The scheme of millennial interpretation that the 
notes of the Scofield Bible puts on the Scripture 
has caused the development of a spiritual 
stratum which excludes any objective analysis of 
the relationship of the Kingdom Age Millennium 
and Communism. This spiritual power changes 
the meaning of the facts so that when these facts 
of the Kingdom Message come face to face with 
Communism they seem to be in conflict, when in 
fact it is a superficial conflict between aspects of 
the same ideology under different names. This 
illusory spiritual force wedges an individual's 
beliefs so that he can no longer see or understand 
objectively his predicament. This spiritual 
deception changes a person's relationship to his 
culture by changing the form of his facts and 
when he tries to apply his concepts in an effort to 
free himself he always ends up with a result just 
the opposite to that which he presupposes 
because he does not realize that his new spiritual 
values have changed the meaning of his concepts. 
This is precisely what we mean when we say a 
man is divided against himself and anything he 
does works to his detriment until he can 
recognize his subjection to this spiritual force and 
extricate himself from it. This is why true 
patriotism becomes subversive once the meaning 
of basic concepts such as Americanism change. 

Therefore we have concluded that all 
revolutionary activity is incidental, secondary and 
subordinate to this spiritual force which changes 
the basic relationship of a people to its national 
culture by changing the meaning of their 
language. Once this inner conflict is established 
then the acts of the people to save themselves are 
inconsistent with their best interest and any 
future would-be patriot is inhibited within the 


bounds of his bondage. What we are saying to the 
reader is that America cannot keep her 

independence if her people come to believe that 
the Kingdom Message is the Gospel because the 
Kingdom Message means World Government and 
World Government is antithetical to the 

independence of any state or nation. 

The very purpose of the Scofield Bible is to change 
the spirit of the people so that it is impossible for 
them to be objective. We can see in this how a set 

of facts mean truth to one man and a terrible 

untruth to another. These facts need not 
necessarily be rearranged to cause this conflict, 
only that they mean one thing to one person and 
something else to another. This is how the Gospel 
can mean an earthly world state to some, and 
salvation to others while both believe that the 
Bible is truth. British Israel has changed the 
meaning of the Bible in the case of the former and 
failed of its purpose in the case of the latter. 

If the meaning of our language and concepts 
change then we cannot use them with the same 
intent lest they betray us. Therefore if British 
Israel changes our beliefs from Heaven to earth, 
from spirit to flesh, we can no longer oppose 
World Government without promoting it. We 
cannot fight that which we believe regardless of 
the form it takes or the name it adopts. Such is 
the deceit of British Israel. 

All can agree on a set of facts but they must agree 
on their meaning before understanding is 
reached, and the facts must mean truth to be 
consistent with the best interest and use of the 
people. We see how "Christianity" and World 
Evangelism is a religio-spiritual plot to deceive the 
people into world government rather than teach 
them salvation through Christ. 

As the Americanist screams about the 
materialism of the Godless Communist he 
flounders like a soulless idiot in the depravity of 
the Kingdom Message which is rank materialism 

in its most pious form. What they condemn with 
their lips they establish with their hearts which 
have been overcome with a crude caricature 


having only the name of Christianity. 

World Evangelism and the Scofield Bible are 
unifying the people with the spirit of the Kingdom 
Message. It is a new faith which multiplies itself 
upon the conflicts that it inspires for its victims. 
This spiritual power that the patriots do not even 
know exists is the chain that binds them and 
while they strain at a gnat they swallow an 
elephant. They are grabbing at a straw while the 
wind blows them away. They must heal 
themselves before they can heal the land. 

World Evangelism and the teaching of the Scofield 
Bible is esoteric Communism veiled under the 
sign of the Christian Cross and concealed within 
the terminology of the Christian language. This is 
understood by a few but imposed on hundreds of 
millions. Political feuds and even world wars 
heretofore are novel in comparison to the religio- 
political power politics of British Israel. Engaging 
the political shams and the Negro revolution is 
immense naivete compared to British Israel. The 
United Nations, race war, urban renewal, Vietnam 
and Korea are only casual events and mere waste 
products of the spiritual power of British Israel. 

The Scofield Bible and World Evangelism spreads 
a system of predictive prophecy which has as its 
purpose to conceal within Biblical terms a plot to 
debauch the world with a depraved fleshly 
Judaism so that it can later present its Christ and 
a synthetic Christianity as the only "hope of the 
world." This imitation Christianity has justified 
the destruction of nations and millions of people 
and made the people of the world believe it is 
God's judgment. It is in truth the blood suckers of 
Judeo-Masonic-British Imperialism and their 
Satanic deeds of the past will only be exceeded by 
their last grand act of World War III, which their 
Scofield Bible teaches is the "Great Tribulation." 
In this they debase the Word of God to hide their 
evil deeds. 

No one could appreciate the fantastic nature of 
this revelation more than the writer, nor is he 
oblivious to the fact that Americans are at least 
one hundred years removed from the truth of 
reality. The universal and complete dissemination 


of the Kingdom Message through the Scofield 
Bible and World Evangelism has insulated the 
people of the world against any penetration of 
reality and locked them within the limits of this 
spiritual power. This is true to such an extent 
that most are completely incapacitated as far as 
any objective analysis of power politics is 
concerned because British Israel propaganda has 
reeducated them so completely that they are like 
a gyroscope spinning in all directions but unable 
to move in any direction. The most the victims of 
this deceit can do is develop a sense of negative 
hopelessness which causes them to honestly seek 
the hope of British Israel which they believe is the 
kingdom of God on earth. 

The most any would-be patriot does is pounce 
upon the inequities of American society and 
blame the imbalance on Communism and few 
there be who recognize that these pitched battles 
were made in England and woe unto those who 
cast questions at the "Christian" synagogues who 
are blasting the people with the spiritual 
deception of the Kingdom Message. 

The promoters of the Kingdom Message do not 
care how much truth the churches teach as long 
as they teach the lie that Christ will come again to 
rule the world for a thousand years. This made- 
in-England heresy is a camouflage of the greatest 
political intrigue of the ages and we say it is 
exported from England because the seat of the 
American Government has moved back across the 
Atlantic to London and the so-called "fallen 
British Empire" now includes the United States of 
America. That this is true is believed and 
understood only by those who know the real 
meaning of the Kingdom of God on Earth 

World Evangelism has created an imitation of 
Christianity and with it captured the allegiance of 
the people whom it has deceived. It cleverly 
diminishes the power and mission of Christ by 
constantly repeating the theme that "Jesus is 
coming." World Evangelism parasites and dwells 
on the form of Christianity while it denies its 
spirit and its truth. As it makes Christ's Mission a 
failure, it changes the hope of the world to a new 


salvation yet future. The work of British Israel 
through its World Evangelism is to cut the world 
off from the spirit of God after which the physical 
control of the world gives way to spiritual control, 
making armies of occupation unnecessary. Seen 
in this light America is occupied with its own 
army which in turn is controlled by the British 
Empire, which is the wielder of the spiritual 
power through British Israel. 

We call British Israel spiritual power because it 
controls the minds of men through the Kingdom 
Message propaganda. It is educating the people of 
the world for World Government under the guise 
and deception that it is Christianity. More 
particularly it is teaching that the Jews and the 
British Commonwealth of Nations represents the 
national basis of God's kingdom on earth. 

British Israel teaches through the churches that 
we are bound for spiritual, moral and intellectual 
bankruptcy of our day because we are in the time 
of "Jacob's Trouble" according to Bible prophecy. 
In this so-called modern-day "Jacob's Trouble" is 
the front and excuse for the present chaotic 
condition which is leading to disintegration 
preceding reconstruction into the new order of 
God's kingdom. This "Jacob's Trouble," which will 
end with the "Great Tribulation" (according to the 
scheme of British Israel), is the pious and 
religious justification for the destruction of our 
Constitution, racial strife, political disintegration, 
ecclesiastical disintegration, financial, economic 
and institutional disintegration. This great climax 
called in Biblical terms the "Great Tribulation" is 
calculated to "Biblically" destroy independent 
nations with their institutions in preparation for 
reorganization into the new British World 
Superstate. But according to British Israel 
prophecy we need have no worry as we shall only 
lose our nation in exchange for the New Age 
Millennial Righteousness and peace. 

The erroneous scheme of prophetic interpretation 
set forth in the Scofield Bible has as its purpose 
to hide the political intrigue to bring about World 
Government. This error begins with the 
Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 15:18 which sets 
forth God's promises to the seed of Abraham 


according to the flesh. The Scofield notes strive to 
convey that this physical promise has never been 
fulfilled in its final stage and that it will be so 
fulfilled in the kingdom age. 

In the first instance this is a disregard of the new 
seed of Abraham according to the faith. These 
spiritual seed are the only seed of Abraham in the 
New Testament. Galatians 3:26 states "For ye are 
all the children of God by FAITH in Christ Jesus" 
and verse 29 states "And if ye be Christ's then are 
ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the 

In the second instance Scofield makes God false 
to His promises when he states that the land 
promises of the Abrahamic Covenant have not 
been fulfilled. This is blasphemy especially when 
he omits to mention the Scripture which infallibly 
proves that the physical aspects (land etc.) of the 
Covenant have been fulfilled exactly according to 
the Word of God. We are referring to Joshua 
21:43-45 where Scofield has not a single note. 
"And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land which 
he sware to give unto their fathers; and they 
possessed, and dwelt therein. And the Lord gave 
them rest round about, according all that he 
sware unto their fathers; and there stood not a 
man of all their enemies before them; the Lord 
delivered all their enemies into their hands. There 
failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord 
had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to 

This passage for which Scofield had no notes 
fulfills the physical promise unequivocally leaving 
the "everlasting blessings" to the spiritual 
believers in Christ in the Gospel Age which we are 
in today. 

Though Scofield mixes and mingles and confuses 
spiritual Israel with natural Israel his intent is to 
teach that the Hope of Israel today is the land of 
Abraham instead of the faith of Abraham. After 
having once received freedom in Christ he would 
turn Christians back to the beggarly elements of 
Judaism in a veiled attempt at the political 
theocracy of British Israel. The originators of Jew- 
British Israel heresy know that as long as people 


believe in the spirit of Christ they will never 
accept the flesh of British Israel, so they strive to 
exchange spiritual Israel for National, or more 
correctly International, Israel in the hearts of 
men. This is the work and purpose of the 
kingdom of God on earth propaganda taught in 
the Scofield Bible. 

According to the teaching of the Scofield Bible the 
purpose of this judgment is to destroy the last 
phase of "Gentile Power" and elevate to world rule 
a "corrected, purified and restored Israel." Our 
understanding of this veiled language means the 
destruction of the Christian Church and the 
United States Constitution in favor of Talmudic 
Judaism in alliance with the British Empire with 
the seat of its World Zionist State in Jerusalem. 
(Israel is part of the British Empire). 

The "Time of Jacob's Trouble" which is heralding 
the "judgment of the nations" and ending with a 
"Great Tribulation" is the camouflage to hide the 
machination of war and revolution out of which 
the British Empire is to "providentially" become 
the Theocratic State of the New World Order. The 
New Order or New Age is to be a joint function of 
church and state. These British Israel Jew 
Masonic Satanists are the loudmouths who have 
yelled separation of church and state for three 
hundred years while they simultaneously worked 
feverishly for the spiritual state of World 
Brotherhood under the universal Masonic 
paradise alias Kingdom of God on Earth. 

That the Scofield Bible notes teaches and 
promotes the religio-political scheme of British 
Israel can be seen by the frequent references to 
the Scofield Bible in the many writings which 
advocate the Kingdom Message. In a book entitled 
GREAT PYRAMID'S PROPHECY circulated by the 
British Israel World Federation in London, we find 
on page 25 a recommendation of the Scofield 
Bible in which we read "We are now, obviously, at 
the beginning of the period of prophecy known as 
the time of 'Jacob's trouble' (Jer. XXX). The best 
guide to the significance of that 'trouble,' in 
relation to our own history, is the life of Jacob, 
particularly when 'mystically' interpreted under 


the helpful guidance of the annotations and 
headings in The Holy Bible: WITH SCOFIELD 

The author (David Davidson) of this same book on 
page 26 states "Dr. Scofield's marginal 
annotations to Genesis XXXIII are instructive as 
to the successive steps of Jacob." Of course the 
Scofield Bible develops a World Israelite political 
state which he says is promised to the seed of 
Abraham. He teaches the coming of a new Judaic 
Heaven on earth within Christian concepts and 
Biblical jargon and this exactly fits the fictitious 
Christianity of British Israel. 

Author Davidson says that the period of the 
calling out of God's people (Anglo-Saxons and the 
Jews) and of their humiliation, sacrifice and 
purification means the deliverance of His people 
from their bondage and that Divine intervention is 
upon the world and is employing the forces of 
destruction in such a manner and sequence of 
evolution as will bring the nations of the world 
under the dominion of the kingdom of Christ 
(British Empire). Denuded of hypocrisy this 
means that the world stage of nations are being 
dangled like puppets so as to fit the predictions of 
British Israel propaganda. 

In regard to this context of "the judgment of the 
nations" the author is almost honest at least for 
those who know his propaganda. He states on 
page 34 "This is the message of prophecy for us 
concerning our own time! Would it not, therefore, 
be a grand thing if we could all look upon this 

from the viewpoint of the Will of God, suffer our 
set-backs gladly as the steppingstones to 
deliverance, and praise God for the sure signs of 
the imminent redemption of all Israel?" Of course 
this is exactly the brainwash that this 
propaganda is striving for. The British Expire is 
hiding its crimes on humanity by saying that it 
(the British Empire) has fallen to pieces only to 
show itself again after it has established the new, 
British World under the aegis or concealment of 
kingdom of God on earth. 

And listen to the role of America at the hands of 


the so-called collapsed British Empire in 
Davidson's book on page 37: "The most that we 
can say is that America has for the present a 
twofold destiny to fulfill in a failing world. It is her 
destiny to support the weak and supply the 
needy, and at the same time to uphold, by 
successive and temporal proppings, all that is 
best in the sagging and crumpling old world 
order, until the new and better world order is 
ready to take its place." This is our "world service" 
as delegated by the direction of the New Age and 
can anyone look around and deny it is 
happening? Our substance and wealth is being 
spoiled in paying the expense of our future 
slavery and poverty which is planned for us as 
world servers of the New Age. 

The British Empire will stay submerged beneath 
the propaganda of the kingdom of God on earth 
until it can emerge ("providentially" of course) 
after its final act of genocide to dominate the 
fragments of a bewildered people long before 
George Orwell's 1984, maybe. Already the 
preachers of the kingdom message are smarting 
and sneering at the misery created by the British 
Empire as it manipulates world events to fulfill its 
"Divine" mission. 

One peculiar and definite sentiment developed by 
the Scofield Bible is the building of the anti- 
Catholic spirit. This unification of the anti- 
Catholic spirit is to play a key role in the passing 
of events preparatory to World War III. And as 
always this deceit has a dual meaning in that it is 
building against real Christianity both Catholic 
and Protestant. Therefore the pied pipers of this 
anti-Catholic spirit should take note of the 
meaning of this plot for them. There is no 
alignment with Satan that endures beyond his 

Another act of blasphemy of the Scofield Bible is 
its twisting of Scripture to establish a future 
"great tribulation" which again is only a screen to 
hide the identity of the force that is planning the 
death of millions in the name of Bible Prophecy. 
In the lingo of British Israelite W. C. Nabors in his 
book PROPHECY ON PARADE published by 
Destiny, Haverhill, Massachusetts, we quote his 


reference to the final "great tribulation." "It simply 
means the final period in the judgment of the 
nations during which the various movements 
within the human family under Divine Guidance 
and the intercession of Christ will be guided to 
clean up this world mess and begin the 
restoration of the nations of the world to a 
peaceful government under Israel. This 
restoration is to be initiated at Armageddon in the 
destruction of the seed of desolation (he refers 
here to the revived Roman Empire united with the 
Catholic Church) and the return of Israel (Anglo- 
Saxondom and the Jews) to world government 
after she is punished (this means self inflicted 
punishment to disguise the source of the 
conspiracy) and after the experience of going 
through this world fire will remove from her all of 
the dross and impurities (his 'dross and 
impurities' is our profit system and Constitution) 
and refine her into a true national representative 
of God's elect." End quote. 

The source of this futurist interpretation of "the 
great tribulation," which serves so well to conceal 
planned mass murder of unparalleled 
proportions, is the seventy weeks of Daniel 
(Daniel 9:24-27). 

The seventy weeks which the angel Gabriel 
mentions in talking to Daniel refers to seventy 
weeks of years or four hundred ninety years. That 
this is true is agreed upon even by the British 
Israel millennial cult. The critical thing is that 
they make an unnatural and unscriptural 
division of the first sixty-nine weeks (483 years) 
and the last week (seven years). The Scofield Bible 
notes say that there is a gap between the sixty- 
ninth and seventieth week which is a period not 
fixed and not foreseen or foretold by the prophets. 
This "unknown" period according to Scofield is 
the Church Age (now) which is indefinite but that 
it will end with the final seven years which is 
called the great tribulation. 

We quote the Scripture so that the reader who is 
not brainwashed on Millennialism may wonder 
how such a perversion could be except that it fits 
a prophetic scheme that moves the fulfillment of 
this prophecy of the past to the future in order to 


justify and hide slaughter on a grand scale. 
Daniel 9:24 reads "Seventy weeks (not 69 - 
church age + 1) are determined upon thy people 
and upon thy Holy city, to finish the 
transgression, and make an end of sins, and to 
make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in 
everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the 
vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy." 
End of quote. 

We might add here that not one of the Reformers 
believed or taught such an adulteration of Daniel 
(separation of sixty-ninth from the seventieth 
week) and not one of them believed or taught the 
coming of a millennial age after this Gospel Age. 
Luther, Calvin, Knox, Wesley nor any others 
believed or taught such Jewish hypocrisy. 

The seriousness of this unscriptural doctrine 
cannot be over estimated as Scofield and the 
whole school of British Israel Millennial cultists 
puts, not Christ—but a future anti-Christ at the 
center of the last seven years, which they say is 
yet future. This is no little thing and is not merely 
a difference in doctrine or interpretation as the 
Cross of Christ is involved. The Jews object to 
Calvary and their attempt at an unscriptural 
division to establish a future "great tribulation" is 
true to their hate of the living Christ. This is 
skipping over Calvary and in essence and in fact 
it is a denial that Jesus is the Messiah and the 
living God by saying that the seventieth week 
(which was the time of Christ's ministry, death 
and resurrection), is yet future. This is to say that 
Christ never came in fulfillment of prophecy, and 
shed His atoning blood for the sins of the world. 
Such is the blasphemy of Jew-British Israel and 
one would wonder what more could they do to 
add to the fullness of their transgression that they 
did not do in crucifying God. They go on today to 
fill up the measure of their sins by keeping others 
from the truth of the Gospel with their wicked 
minds. Not only do they keep the world from the 
truth, they twist it to establish themselves in the 
place of God by replacing in the hearts of men 
British Israel on earth for the Israel of God which 
is above and free. 

In the woes Christ pronounced upon the Jews, 


"Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers...that 
upon you may come all the righteous blood shed 
on the earth...Verily I say unto you, all these 
things shall came upon THIS generation (meaning 
them at that time and not future)." 

Saint Paul did not equivocate about who were the 
enemies of Christ when he said in I Thessolonians 
2:14-16 "For ye, brethren, become followers of the 
churches of God which in Judea are in Christ 
Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your 
own countrymen, even as they have of the JEWS 
WHO both killed the Lord Jesus and their own 
prophets, and have persecuted us, and they 
please not God, and are contrary to all men, 
forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they 
might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the 
wrath is come upon them to the uttermost." 

This doesn't sound as though Paul thought that 
the fleshly "Jews" are "God's chosen people" and 
that they would receive future blessings because 
of it. But people today believe that a fleshly "Jew" 
is a special people with a special place in God's 
plan and this belief has been largely derived from 
the Scofield Bible. 

Why cannot anyone see the inconsistency of this 
Zionist scheme to the plan of salvation taught in 
the New Testament? Galatians 3:26-29 "For ye 
are all the children of God by FAITH in Christ 
Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized 
into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither 
Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, 
there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one 
in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's then are ye 
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the 
promise." In fact there is no "flesh and blood" in 
the kingdom of God and therefore any teaching 
which contradicts this is not according to the 
word of God. 

In our discussion of the seventy weeks of Daniel 
and the "great tribulation" it is surprising to find 
that those who say that the words of Scripture 
should be taken in their natural, literal meaning 
are the very ones who insist that there are already 
nearly two thousand years between the sixty- 
ninth and seventieth weeks! What is the sense to 


this inconsistency except to serve as the blueprint 
of a most sinister plot to build a religio-political 
commercial world state in the name of Christ? 

If the grammar of Daniel 9:24 means what it says, 
the seventieth week immediately followed the 
sixty-ninth. The word translated "determined" 
means to cut off, or to divide. It is of no little 
matter to note that while the subject of the 
sentence (seventy weeks) is plural, the verb 
determined is singular. This can only mean that 
seventy weeks must be considered collectively as 
denoting an uninterrupted period of time. Did 
Gabriel know that a Judaic cult would try to stick 
a nondescript two thousand or so years where 
none ought to be? Could he have known that men 
would misuse Scripture to make liars of the 
prophets, to deny the crucifixion of Christ and to 
build a kingdom in the name of Christ? We think 
he knew and we know the blasphemy of British 

The crowning achievement of the Scofield Bible in 
behalf of British Israel Judaic Pharisaism is the 
attempt at deriving from Revelation 20:4 a 
teaching that there is to be a kingdom age on 
earth yet future for a thousand years. Here again 
we find those who claim truth is based on 
literalism very hypothetical and non literal. 

The angel is talking to John who is in the spirit as 
he sees the development of the triumph of Christ 
in Revelation. Revelation 20:4 reads: "And I saw 
thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment 
was given unto them, and I saw the souls of them 
that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, 
(John saw headless bodies -- is this literal or 
spiritual?)-and for the word of God and they lived 
and reigned with Christ a thousand years." 

Of course to those who understand that the 
seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24-27 is already 
fulfilled exactly according to the prophets also 
know and believe that the kingdom of God 
followed the manifestation, ministry, death and 
resurrection of our Lord. They know according to 
the Scripture that the kingdom (spiritual) began 
with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost 
and that if any other kingdom or any other form 


of this same kingdom was to be then the Apostles 
of Christ were duty bound to reveal it as they 
were commanded to go into the world and preach 
the Gospel. They failed not of their mission and 
they mentioned not an earthly kingdom to come 
because none is to be according to the Scripture. 

What then is the meaning of a future millennium 
or one thousand year reign of a Christ on earth? 
We recognize in this the exact expectations of the 
Jews before the appearance of Christ. They had 
been taught in their synagogues as is taught 
today in the neo-Christian synagogues that a 
Messiah would (will) come and satisfy their fleshly 
desires for an earthly bliss. This is a doctrine of 
the flesh, Satanic in its inception and full of 
meaning in our understanding of the religio- 
political plot today which calls itself Christian. 

As has been stated the real meaning of this new 
Judeo-Christianity is the emergence of the British 
Empire as the only surviving power, after the 
smoke of World War III and the effect of planned 
worldwide famine passes, to dominate the 
commerce of the world. Already this planned 
spiritual deception has far exceeded the wildest 
dreams of any past dictator who exhausted 
himself trying to conquer the world with military 
and political power. With this new concept 
conquest comes through spiritual control, control 
of the beliefs of man, relegating political and 
military power almost insignificant. It is a simple 
matter of reeducating the masses to believe that 
spiritual Israel has merged with physical Israel 
and that the new state is God. 

The American people would do well to understand 
the full significance and import of the kingdom 
message. As the Prophets of the kingdom message 
quote from Jeremiah they predict famine and 
disease and war that is to ravish the land of 
America and there is being planned just these 
things through which the British Empire expects 
to pour out its vengeance on the hated Yankees 
and in the same stroke bring them back to the 
humble status of a vassal satellite. All that is 
necessary that the plan be successful is that the 
minds of the people be indoctrinated with the 
kingdom message and then they are exploited 


with impunity as they cannot discern the source 
of their misery. 

As we discuss the great tribulation and decipher 
its meaning it is not amiss to dwell for a moment 
on economic tribulation which is directly related 
to the Great Tribulation which Scofield says (at 
least twenty-three times in his notes to the New 
Testament) is yet future. 

We presume at this point that almost everyone in 
America has recognized the continuing inflation of 
our money but we grant that there may be fewer 
who are ready to believe that there is indeed an 
organized conspiracy to destroy our economic 

British Israel economics has already made the 
dollar fiat money and there is a concerted effort to 
attack their own established system of national 
banks such as the Bank of England and the 
Federal Reserve Bank in the United States. 
Caution must prevail among those who attack the 
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank because 
as we have demonstrated, the intent behind these 
attacks is entirely different from that supposed by 
would-be patriots. Upon inquiry into the dual 
purpose of the feud over the Federal Reserve's 
unconstitutional system of private banking we see 
a subtle plot to manipulate the so-called expose of 
the Federal Reserve into a complete destruction of 
our profit system under the guise of 
Constitutionality. We must remember that 
betrayal more often appears beneath 
respectability and there is no exception in the 
money conspiracy. 

If we study the effect that the privately owned 
Federal Reserve System has had upon the 
stability of the dollar not to speak of the ups and 
downs of the economy and attendant world wars 
since its inception in 1913, we must conclude 
that the very intent of the Reserve Banking 
System was to destroy the dollar and 
consequently our profit system. If we can see then 
that the purpose of the "Fed" was a phase out 
plan of our economic system then we immediately 
see that it was temporary and that a concerted 
attack upon the system, without full knowledge, 


only accelerates the phase out of our dollar 

Now true patriots visualize a return to a sound 
Constitutional money system but the implications 
of their efforts are betraying their good intentions. 

We go to British Israel for the clarification and 
explanation of what we are trying to say as it only 
exposes itself (the "attacks" on the Fed were 
planned just as the system was planned) when it 
is about to change colors or form. The scheme 
was and is to move the dollar from a hard 
currency to a fiat money via the "Fed" then to 
extinction wherein there is no exchange medium 
at all. This is all "justified" because the New Order 
of the coming kingdom calls for a return to the 
"Mosaic Economy." An understanding of this so- 
called Mosaic Economy will tell us very accurately 
the direction of our profit system and its meaning 
for Americans. The Federal Reserve is 
insignificant when we begin to see international 
finance operating under the spiritual deception of 
British Israel to establish a world monopoly with 
the pseudonym of Mosaic Economy. 

With the passing of the dollar which we are told is 
"the economic system of Mystery Babylon" we 
enter the New Age under an economic system 
which is production for use and not for profit. If 
this sounds strikingly like that of Karl Marx it is, 
because it is exactly the economic system of 

The new economic system is to be one of national 
credit which serves each according to his needs 
and extracts work from each according to his 
ability. Very quickly we see the complete control 
of our lives and as the profit system goes so goes 
our wealth and savings. Under this system of 
credit we can accumulate no savings and we 
move to total dependence upon the state. In the 
vernacular this is serfdom. 

The intent and purpose of the fictitious Mosaic 
Economy of British Israel is the confiscation of 
our wealth. 

We quote from W. C. Nabors in his PROPHECY 


ON PARADE, page 142. "Interwoven within the 
pattern through trial and error are our 
experiences dealing with taxation, inflation, etc., 
but always we work in the economic direction and 
on the chronological time chart outlined by Bible 
Prophecy. All things are interrelated and all 
things work together for the good to them 
(nations) that love the Lord and are called to set 
their economic house in order to conform with the 
purpose of God." End of quote. 

His statement that "all things are interrelated..." 
may well be taken seriously as all things are 
interrelated when seen as a British-Jew-Masonic 
plot. (We use British-Jew-Masonic in this 
hyphenated form because they originate and are 
controlled from the same source, they are all of 
one spirit and have one purpose, and they work 
in complete harmony toward the world superstate 
alias kingdom of God on earth). 

The once sound dollar (hard currency backed by 
gold) was the envy of the world until the Federal 
Reserve began to manipulate our supply of money 
by juggling the interest rate up and down to 
regulate the new controlled economy. The Fed 
with the control of money began to steer America 
to destruction through planned "economic 
tribulation" and world wars which were financed 
with a debt money system from which the 
privately owned Federal Reserve System is 
collecting over ten percent of the national income 
of the United States Government for interest 
alone at this time. The "Fed" has regulated the 
supply of money not according to the needs of the 
free enterprise American system but according to 
a planned scheme of destruction of the free 
economic system to one of a world monolithic 
monopoly centered in and controlled by the 
British Empire. 

To give credibility, in the minds of the 
unsuspecting, to the fact that the Federal Reserve 
has manipulated the American Nation to 
economic chaos we quote from U. S. NEWS AND 
WORLD REPORT, December 20, 1965 issue, page 




BOOM OF 1919-20: 

Drastic steps were taken to restrain credit. 
Discount rate was raised in 3 jumps from 4 to 7 
per cent. 

Boom ended, depression took hold. Stock prices 
dropped 47 per cent. Industry's output fell by a 
third. Employment declined sharply. 

BOOM OF 1928-29: 

Another crackdown on credit. Discount rate 
raised in 4 steps to 6 per cent. 

Depression that followed was the worst ever. 
Stock market, after crash in October, 1929, fell 
90 per cent. Banking system collapsed. 
Unemployment rose to 13 million, one fourth of 
labor force. 

BOOM OF 1936-37: 

Credit was tightened by squeezing bank reserves. 
A short, sharp recession went on from mid-1937 
to mid-1938. Stock prices declined 48 per cent. 
Production fell. Employment dropped. 

BOOM OF 1948: 

In 10 months, discount rate was raised twice, 
reserve requirement 3 times. Recession began in 
December, 1948, lasted 11 months. Stock prices 
declined 16 per cent, industry's output 8 per cent. 
Employment dropped. 

BOOM OF 1952-53: 

Restraint on credit was mild. Discount rate was 
raised from 1 3/4 to 2 per cent. Recession of 
1953-54, also was mild, and was due largely to 
military cutbacks following Korean War. 
Industry's output fell 10 per cent. 

BOOM OF 1955-57: 

Repeated moves to restrain credit. Discount rate 


raised 7 times in 29 months from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 
per cent. Stock market credit restricted. Mild 
recession followed. Stocks dropped 19 per cent, 
industrial output 14 per cent. Prices kept 
creeping upward. 

BOOM OF 1958-60: 

Credit was tightened over 13-month period, 
discount rate raised 5 times, from 1 3/4 to 4 per 
cent. Interest rose to highest rates in a 

Business decline began in mid-1960, 9 months 
after discount rate was raised for fifth time. 
Downturn was mild, ended in spring of 1961. 

BOOM OF 1961-65: 

Credit policy has been generally expansive since 
early 1961. Since mid-1963, however, discount 
rate has been raised 3 times, now 4 1/2 per cent. 
Record prosperity still going on. Boom now 58 
months old." End of quotes from U. S. NEWS AND 

Of course the article did not tell the whole truth 
as it failed to state that the American people have 
been shouldered with over three hundred billions 
of dollars of interest bearing debt since the 
beginning of the Federal Reserve chartered under 
the pretense of stabilizing the economy. Well, the 
above information shows that our economy has 
been anything but stable, Americans have been 
disallowed private ownership of gold money, the 
gold backing is being removed and the staggering 
truth is that the dollar is inflating to nothing. 

There has been a deluge of books printed to 
"expose" the Federal Reserve System and many of 
them are the product of English writers who 
attack our economic system under the Fed as 
being ruled by a "Babylon dollar backed by gold" 
which is destined to go to destruction with the 
"gentile economic system of Mystery Babylon" to 
be replaced with the "economy of the kingdom." 

American patriots attack the Federal Reserve 
System for an entirely different reason which they 


do not often make plain. In the first place they do 
not want the profit system of free enterprise 
replaced with the kingdom economy trickery of 
British Israel. In the second place they do not 
want to remove our gold backing which made the 
dollar the most sought after money in the world. 
Furthermore, they are not interested in so-called 
"free trade" which is designed to dump the fiat 
paid labor and goods of the world on the 
American market. The reason for the continuing 
howl over United States loss of gold is to prepare 
(educate) the American people for total collapse of 
the dollar. 

There is nothing wrong with our economic system 
that constitutional money wouldn't solve and not 
a single American is ready to give up his property, 
his savings and his freedom for the kingdom 
economy of British Israel. None would give up to 
this trickery if they understood that the private 
banking system of the United States was designed 
to serve alien interests (and now that it has 
almost served its purpose) and that most of the 
attacks now going on against this system are 
equally serving alien interests. Reasonable and 
prudent men do not act until they calculate the 
effect of their acts. 

To point out the hidden meaning of the 
disappearing dollar we quote from a booklet 
distributed by the British Israel World Federation 
in London entitled ECONOMICS A PHASE OF 
DIVINE LAW. The author, D. S. Milne, states on 
page 11 'Then, to obey the principles of God's law, 
the surplus should be given to those who are in 
need. Let us begin with the aged, the invalids, the 
children and the mothers." (the fathers will be all 
dead, killed in foreign wars to build the kingdom 
of God). "Let the Government issue credit and give 
it, sufficient for the need. As the tide of 
production rises, let the Government issue credit, 
as a national dividend, to all the people, sufficient 
to distribute the surplus." 

"The Divine laws of distribution depend upon 
individual love. As Jesus said, the chief law is to 
love God, 'and the second is like unto it. Thou 
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two 
laws hang all the law and the prophets.' That is 


why the Kingdom of God can be attained only by 
its citizens being born again. Selfishness and 
greed have no place in a Christian order." 

"But in those days the means of production were 
in the hands of individuals with the power to 
disburse the products. Now, that power is limited 
to sharing a few vegetables with neighbors. The 
means of production belong more and more to the 
community. Manufactures are financed by 
companies. Even farmers are little more than cogs 
in the wheel. Their production depends also upon 
makers of farm machinery and clothing. The 
interlocking of effort is so complete that in effect 
we are all units in the scheme of production by 
the community." 

"The result of this is to remove the responsibility 
of distributive justice from the individual to the 
community. The individual conscience becomes 
the community conscience. The aged and the sick 
are less a family responsibility and more a social 
responsibility. A community of loving individuals 
would see that pensions are adequate. Indeed, we 
all have the will to increase pensions, and they 
would be increased had the Government the 
power to apply the Divine law and issue credit 
according to need. The hindrance is the debt and 
interest system of finance which restricts the 
power of creating credit to the trading banks. Let 
Government take the sovereign power of issuing 
currency and credit, and then it would be able to 
carry out the wishes of a benevolent people." 

On page 13 he says "The obvious and sensible 
remedy is to issue more credit to equate with the 
increased amount of the harvest. Applied as a 
national dividend (credit), the bounty of the apple 
crop or the wheat harvest would be immediately 
distributed to an appreciative people." 

On page 16 Dr. Milne states: "We have seen that 
in God's law human need must be freely and 
gladly supplied, without usury, and without 
perpetual debt. God's law enjoins lending for 
consumption, protects the consumer, and 
promises prosperity to the forgiving creditor. 
God's law obeyed would provide ample for all, 
freedom from debt and crushing taxation. 


Therefore 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and 
his righteousness, and all these things shall be 
added unto you."' 

"It is sometimes objected that the Social Credit 
idea of issuing credit and distributing it as 
pensions and national dividends would encourage 
laziness - 'money for nothing.' But it is not money 
for nothing. It is credit issued to represent 
something that has already been produced in 
excess of available purchasing power. Whereas it 
is evil for a trading bank to issue credit out of 
what the bank does not possess, it is right and 
proper for the people through their Government to 
issue credit to distribute that which they have 
already produced. Should the people forget that 
their standard of living depends upon their work, 
and should they be tempted to sit back and enjoy 
the national dividend without pulling their weight, 
a rude awakening would be in store. With 
decreasing effort, the production would fall, and 
the national dividend would disappear." 

"But we have seen that new era, or the Kingdom 
of God, must be a Christian order and that 
Christ's standards must prevail. Worldly 
standards, the lust of the flesh, the desire of the 
eyes, and the pride of life, lead only to self- 
seeking, greed, and discord. Jesus set a new 
standard. 'Whosoever will be great among you, let 
him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief 
among you, let him be your servant: even as the 
Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but 
to minister, and to give his life a ransom for 

"Imbued with the spirit of service, every citizen 
will be eager to give the best to the common weal. 
There will be no longer the spur of fear to grab 
and hoard. There will be no longer competition to 
gain selfish advantage, but rather there will be 
competition to render service, and added joy and 
pride of the skillful craftsman, or husbandman. 
'And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the 
Lord, and not unto men...' (Col. 3:23)." End of 

Now if the honest reader cannot see the true 
nature of this coming kingdom from the above 


quotation he is far removed from reality. It is an 
absolute world tyranny hidden under the sanctity 
of the pious name - kingdom of God on earth. The 
author says there is no hoarding (savings) and 
that social credit is the economy of this new 
kingdom. This is positively opposed to the 
independent spirit of Americans both white and 
black and they would not fall for this deception if 
they knew its meaning. 

To further give us understanding of the meaning 
and direction of the British Empire through its 
British Israel (spiritual) propaganda we quote 
from THE ECONOMIC CRISIS, a booklet 
distributed by the British Israel World Federation 
in London. "We are building for Eternity. The 
Empire can only be maintained permanently by a 
clear conviction of its ultimate goal -- the spiritual 
entity of the whole British Empire — THE 
KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH." End of quote. 

This quote makes it quite clear that the political 
conspiracy is being promoted under the guise of 
spiritual truth and it comes more from our 
"Christian" churches than from the marchers in 
the streets. 

The following quotation by David Davidson in his 
put out by the British Israel World Federation 
with headquarters in London, England; makes it 
quite clear as to the sacrifices that we must make 
in order to receive "Divine" protection from the 
British Empire: "Upon emerging from tribulation 
and before their initiation into the mysteries of 
the new world order, the English-speaking 
peoples will be required to give up in sacrifice the 
doctrines and ideals which constitute the 
materialistic basis of the present world order. 
Upon submission to this requirement the English- 
speaking peoples in succession will receive divine 
protection during the divine assessment and 
judgment and will be sustained by divine 
providence until the economic system of the 
Kingdom of Heaven has been established on 
earth. Guidance in making the great sacrifice is 
indicated as operating through the regenerated 
Body Politic of the English-speaking peoples." 


We ask Christian Americans to look beneath the 
spell of the Billy Grahams, the John R. Rices, the 
L. R. Sheltons, the Carl Mclntires, the Richard 
Dehaans, the Oral Roberts and the Herbert W. 
Armstrongs, all of whom voice the kingdom 
message. Their mammoth national and 
international evangelism is a propaganda 
campaign to prepare the faith of Americans for 
their servitude in the coming British World 
Kingdom of God on earth. 

As they take the tithes and gifts of deceived 
Americans, they instill them with guilt and 
hopelessness on one hand and threaten them 
with God's judgment on the other. Their lies and 
their hypocrisy are veiled with their expression 
"Jesus is coming." 

Americans need to get back to the Bible and 
Divine revelation individually and independent of 
the spirit of the kingdom message of world 

1985 UPDATE: 

This chapter certainly would not be complete 
without the inclusion of Rev. Jerry Falwell. 

Why does Jerry Falwell, friend and consultant to 
President Reagan, have such clout and honor 
among the "Jews"? 

Does it all support the picture of fulfilling the 
perverted prophecies of premillennialism and 
British Israelism? 

Nominal Christians have been taken again by the 
Judaizers and their system of racial and national 
salvation. Jerry Falwell and Menachem Begin 
would act appalled if you accused them of 
Nazism. But once again, it is only a question of 
who is the master race and who is the chosen. 

Many alert Christians noted that President 
Reagan used British Israel words and phrases 
such as "Armageddon' in the recent election 



Undermining America 
with Jew*Bait anti-Catholicism 

Our discourse by now may have proved to the 
reader that the British Empire is not as mythical 
as the propaganda would have us believe. We 
quote from THE NATIONAL MESSAGE, of London, 
England, by James McWhirter; to identify the 
British Empire under its name of kingdom of God 
on earth: 

"The history of the past two thousand years has 
been written in vain for those who cannot see that 
the success of the Church has largely been 
dependent on national factors. Contrast, for 
instance, the history of the Holy Roman Empire 
with that of the British Empire. Without the 
temporal power of this material Empire, which 
gives every facility for the spreading of the Gospel, 
we cannot imagine how limited that work would 
be in the world today. It is only the prestige of 
that power that keeps many doors open in the 
East. Mahatma Gandhi has said that he would 
not have one Christian missionary in India if he 
rose to power. And if the Zionist Jews became the 
governors of Palestine all missionary work there 
would come to an end." 

"The French empire was one of the custodians of 
the Roman Catholic faith, and, like the Italian 
empire, supported the characteristic religious 
intolerance of the Roman Church, whose system 
has always been inimical to the preaching of the 

"The British Empire is not merely a prophetic 
hope or a theoretical ideal -it is a fact. Of it a 
statesman has said: 'They had demonstrated to 
the world in actual practice that difficulties could 
be resolved by discussion as they could not be 
resolved by force. Moreover, the British 
Commonwealth was founded on the conception 


that war between its component parts was 
unthinkable, impossible -- a conception as 
striking as it was new to political theory."' 

"The Archbishop of York said recently: 'We 
English Christians should constantly be asking 
ourselves for what purpose God has entrusted to 
us so great an influence in the affairs of the 
nations of the earth...It is surely an indication of 
some Providential call upon us. We ought never to 
take for granted such a great event as the 
uprising of the British Empire. But we have no 
right to this position of special and honorable 
responsibility unless we are determined to use it 
to the full, not for our own glory, but for the glory 
of God.' The Archbishop's question is answered in 
the words of Hugh Redwood: 'The true imperial 
import of Britain's world mission was the spread 
of God's eternal word.'" 

"Here is a comparison in favor of Britain which 
has appreciated considerably since it was made in 
1922 by the German Professor Dr. Dibelius. It 
was recently quoted in THE TIMES by the Canon 
of Westminster: 'Christian ideas of conduct have 
been realized in Anglo-Saxon lands with a 
fullness to which the whole rest of the world can 
show nothing equal or even comparable.'" 

"Speaking of Britain's rule Earl Baldwin said: 'The 
Empire is not built upon trade agreements, nor 
can it be maintained solely by tariffs or 
preferences. It can only be maintained 
permanently by a clear conviction of its ultimate 
goal--the spiritual unity of the whole Empire--the 
Kingdom of Heaven on earth.' (THE TIMES, 
August 16th, 1932)." 

"The claim is often made that the Bible is the 
source of Britain's greatness, but it is outside the 
scope of this article to prove that our Christian 
commonwealth of nations, whose ruler bows to 
the sovereignty of the Son of God, owes not only 
its greatness to the teaching of the Book, but that 
the same Book proclaims the Empire's origin and 

"Spiritually viewed, the Empire is the most 
gigantic force for good on earth. The ancient 


Israelitish commonwealth was negligible in its 
spiritual influence on the world when compared 
with the British commonwealth." 

"Let us face the facts. The prime reason for the 
existence of the Israel nation was that it should 
reveal God to all mankind. It was when Britain 
underwent a spiritual change and was converted 
to Protestantism that the great worldwide 
missionary movement was born. Since then the 
King has been 'the defender of the Protestant 
reformed Faith."' End of quotes. 

We have shown also that if we are able to 
understand the technique of today's power 
politics as carried on by the unseen British 
Empire then we must look to its spiritual cloak of 
British Israel "Christianity." 

The spiritual power of the British Empire which is 
carried out through the kingdom message 
(kingdom of God on earth) crosses national 
boundaries which are only imaginary to the Supra 
Invisible State. The mobility and universality of 
the kingdom message propaganda is proof that 
remaining political divisions have yielded to its 
sovereignty and exist only to fulfill their 
"prophetic" destruction. The remaining national 
governments are transitory awaiting the 
enactment of the British Israel prophetic time 
table which will permit and justify their gradual 
extinction. That this propaganda operates 
internally and externally on every continent 
oblivious and impervious to every political 
division is absolute proof of who controls the 
world. One will find the British Empire today with 
a new name - THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON 

This third dimension of the Empire is spiritual 
and it is corralling humanity into a world state 
unabated. Its political and military power takes 
on the color and "patriotism" of any country it 
may find itself in. The people pledge their loyalty 
to the land of their birth but their faith to the 
kingdom of God. There is a dual allegiance and 
that of the spiritual is dominant. 

If then we ply beneath this spiritual deception 


which now parades around the world as 
Christianity we begin to see the source of the 
inspiration that is spending billions on so-called 
world evangelism. Then if credibility permits we 
begin to realize that indeed Satan does appear as 
an angel of light and that the kingdom message 
propaganda has in the main (in this country) its 
base of operations in the American churches of 
nearly all denominations. 

We have pointed out that as a whole the 
preachers and teachers of the kingdom message 
are totally unaware that they are victims of a plot 
that will spell their ruin if they don't find out 
about it and expose it. Needless to say the plot 
could never have succeeded to this point had it 
not been invisible to its servants and to the 
masses. Now in the same voice we are under no 
illusion that just because of what we say here in a 
few words we will undo decades of brainwash 
which has gradually changed the meaning of 
Christianity to a Pharisaic-Judaism while 
retaining the name of Christian. It is our intention 
however to point out a few truths that may be 
recognizable even to the most blind so that they 
might use what we say here as an hypothesis for 

We feel that in the main the basis for embracing 
the doctrines of Judaism in the place of 
Christianity is a failure to recognize the change in 
Covenants at the Cross of Christ. 

We see then that today's neo-Christianity is 
inconsistent with the change in economy at 
Calvary and consequently its adherents cling to 
the "race" and nation (long gone) of Judaism 
instead of the grace of Christ which has been 
extended to all people everywhere making 
salvation a matter of spirit (grace through faith) 
rather than the flesh of decadent Judaism. 

Now those who claim grace through faith on one 
hand and cling to race and nation (of Judaism) on 
the other are alternating Christianity with 
Judaism and they can never have the happiness 
and joy and understanding of the kingdom of God 
(Gospel) as long as they hold two antagonistic 
faiths. They are mutually exclusive and never will 


they be one. 

Furthermore Christ fulfilled the law and the 
prophets as foretold and to believe that His 
kingdom is yet future is to not believe that Jesus 
is the Christ and that His kingdom has already 
come. His reign is a reign of Grace. That Jesus is 
not the Messiah spoken of by the prophets is the 
position of Judaism. These same Pharisees still 
look for the Messiah and an earthly kingdom and 
they are still in their sin of unbelief. 

Now the semi-Jewish position of mixing grace 
with race is the trump card of British Israel. 
While British Israel talks about grace and faith 
they deny it with race. Their plan of deception 
which calls for a future political messianic 
kingdom is the age long hope of Jew-Pharisaism 
and they are operating within the framework of 
the British Empire and delegating their dirty work 
to their cabalistic Masonry. Judeo-Christianity 
(British Israel) is the spirit of world revolution, the 
British Empire is its body and structure, Masonry 
is its servants working into every facet of political, 
military and religious control and the blueprint 
for world conquest is a scheme of "Bible 
Prophecy" which seeks to justify mass murder in 
the world as it enacts its prophecy on the way to 
its kingdom of God on earth. 

Once we see that this prophetic scheme is 
dedicated to a religio-political state in the name of 
Christ we have shaken its spiritual control and 
are ready to challenge it with the truth of Christ 
Who said "My kingdom is not of this world." 
"Christian education" today is committed to the 
lie that God's kingdom is of this world and that 
we may expect to be "world servers" of it. This 
"Christian education" is a creature and creation of 
British Israel as a haven for those who begin to 
feel the jabs of integration and civil disorder of 
British Communism. The basis of this new 
Christian education is that the world must be 
under God's law in a legal sense in order to have 
peace and justice on earth. We recognize in this 
teaching suppression from the state in the name 
of-God's law. God's true law goes from the heart 
out and not from the state in. It is only more 
trickery and deception when one discerns the 


spirit of British Israel. British Israel compounds 
its deception and hypocrisy by putting up mock 
attacks on evolution and Darwinism. The 
foolishness of evolution was propounded in the 
first place by Jew-Masonic British Israel to serve 
as a basis for a sham opposition and shield at the 
same time the crypto-Christian conspiracy of 
British Israel. British Israel always divides issues 
between two myths of its own creation -- one to 
represent "bad" and one to represent "good." 
Some recognizable examples of this double 
dealing are materialism versus the kingdom of 
God; separation of church and state versus the 
theocratic state; God is dead versus crypto- 
Christianity; paganism versus Millennialism, 
Americanism versus communism, Republicanism 
versus Democracy, communism versus the free 
world, National Socialism versus Communism, 
Heathenism versus Western Civilization, 
superstition versus religion, white Christian 
versus Negro, paganism versus Christian 
Civilization, totalitarian Communism versus the 
world under God's law and Godless atheism 
versus Judeo-Christianity. One can change 
ideologies and still be under the spiritual-political 
control of British Israel. 

As stated it is no longer necessary to see the 
British Empire as a political and military power 
but that we recognize its spiritual power in order 
to identify its work and understand its goal of the 
"Christian State." 

To enlarge upon the spiritual aspects of 
international intrigue we see clearly that the aim 
of Jew-British Pax Brittanica is the removal of Pax 
Romanum as a spiritual force in the world. Since 
the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the British Empire 
has sought to wrest the political power and 
wealth of Catholic States through Machiavellian 
politics. The Empire has extended its control 
under many names and fronts from National 
Socialism to Communism to Republicanism and 
many times it has maneuvered these ideologies 
against itself and against each other to advance 
its cause. Its ace front is the "Christian State" and 
it is the ideology of the kingdom of God which has 
advanced the spiritual attacks of the Empire upon 
the Catholic Church both from without and from 


within. In this context it has been able to 
permeate its propaganda into the church and 
infiltrate the leadership almost completely 
undetected by the vast majority of Catholicism. 

Not until the Empire hid itself with the spiritual 
power of its kingdom of God Christian State 
propaganda did it realize its chance to finally 
destroy the Catholic Church. No longer is it 
necessary to carry on a frontal attack with 
political and military forces but through British 
Israel advances are secured through "toleration." 
True to the dual nature of the Empire, its also has 
a dual meaning. It is like the man who wanted a 
fur coat and volunteered to let a bear eat him. 
The man in this riddle is the Catholic Church. 
This peculiar toleration has a very definite 

The British Empire has changed its expression 
from one of venomous hatred to one of a spirit of 
"toleration." Under this guise it has concealed its 
plot and allayed suspicion and distrust of world 
Catholicism. Buts its vengeance is only postponed 
and we see in its blueprint of prophetic action a 
patient gradualism that will culminate in filling 
up the measure of its hatred of the Catholic 
Church and all Christians everywhere. 

The British Empire is tolerant only as a barnacle 
and a parasite of the Church which has become 
paralyzed with the propaganda of British Israel. 
By now many in the Church have come to believe 
through the propagandism of "separation of 
church and state" that British Anglo-Masonry is 
indeed impartial and that if there be yet enemies 
of the Church the origin of such is based in 
Grand Orient Freemasonry or Continental 
Masonry. That Continental and Anglo-Saxon 
Masonry are one need only be realized in their 
oneness of spirit and political effort toward the 
establishment of the dominance of the British 
Empire - alias kingdom of God on earth. 

The domination of the British Empire in the 
spiritual realm (British Israel) necessitates the 
removal of Rome and its now diluted world 
influence. To this end the Roman Church is being 
manipulated into the role of "Mystery Babylon" to 


fit the arrangement of British Israel prophecy. The 
Church is being given the image of idolatry and 
decadence as it is maneuvered to destruction 
seemingly without motivation. 

We urge that those who clap their hands at the 
prospect of obliteration of the Catholic Church 
should take warning that the plot against the 
Church has a dual significance and that no 
church with Christian teaching will survive the 
Roman Church by one hour. Hidden behind the 
roar of the "great tribulation" is a design of the 
British Empire to emerge as the only world 
political and military power and its crowning 
achievement would be the emergence of the fake 
Christianity of British Israel as the only Saviour of 

The puritanical innocence of Protestantism which 
can only see the Catholic Church as their enemy 
must somehow gain a moment of honesty. The 
hogwash of British Israel has developed a self 
conceit in Protestantism that amounts to gross 
hypocrisy in regard to the Catholic Church. They 
have been beguiled into an ideology of anti- 
Catholicism which is only a cover for British 
Israel and which finally will claim Protestantism 
also as its victim. British Israel is allied now with 
Protestantism only in the same sense that it is 
with Catholicism. It aims at conflict between the 
churches on the one hand and identity with them 
on the other, all calculated to bring them to ruin 
out of which the new faith of the Judaic-Christian 
State in universal unity will emerge. This is 
indeed a union of church and state. 

All Christians must realize the technique of 
British politics which has successfully 
accomplished the mystical displacement of the 
Empire from a material and military power to 
spiritual power. The material aspects are still 
there but they have been removed from sight by 
changing the form of operation of the Empire. The 
giving of mock independence such as to India is 
an example in point. The Rhodesian 
independence movement is another form of this 
Machiavellian "independence." 

In order to look at the blueprint of conquest of the 


British Empire we look again at the Scofield Bible. 
We notice a development of a resurrected Roman 
Empire as a "prophesied" future event. This so- 
called beast system of ten nations is emblematic 
of the ten toes of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's 
dream according to British Israel. In alliance with 
this beast system of nations is the Catholic 
Church (Mystery Babylon) and this "unholy" 
union is destined to attack Israel (Anglo- 
Saxondom and the Jews) and in the final battle of 
Armageddon God will deliver His people whom he 
has allowed to suffer in the "great tribulation." 
The now complete political power of the Empire is 
setting the world stage to enact what it hopes will 
be the final drama to usher in the new spiritual- 
economic order. Though political and military 
power are under the control and direction of the 
Empire they must solidify these gains with the 
establishment of the "spiritual Christian State" 
with a show of "Divine deliverance" to an 
apparently besieged Israel. This enactment of 
prearranged "prophecy" is designed to unify the 
spirit of mankind. 

In order to work this fakery the British Empire 
has infiltrated the Church with its Cabalistic 
Jews and Masons in order to give the Church the 
prophetic appearance of the harlot of mystery 
Babylon so that it can be "prophetically" 
destroyed. The illumined minds of Masonry 
visualize the end of their last opposition to their 
universal Masonic Republic. 

The destruction of the Catholic Church and 
historic Catholic States is called in British Israel 
"the burning of the body of the Eagle." We quote 
from the book THREE HEADED EAGLE, page 95, 
by British Israelite A. E. Ferris. "All the nations 
forming the body of the Eagle, such as France, 
Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Spain, in 
fact all the Roman Catholic countries, will suffer a 
terrible judgment under the wrath of God. The 
annihilation of all Roman government, law, 
religion, kings, priests, and so on will be so 
complete that never again will the Roman Eagle 
appear, nor her heads, wings little wings, etc. 
This can only be accomplished by an atheistic 
infidel revolution on the continent. As the author 
forecast in 1940, the obvious agency to bring this 


about is the spread of Communism on the high 
tide of Russian victory prestige. Time will show. 
But it would seem that the fiery destruction of the 
2,000 years old Roman civilization could only be 
achieved by an atheistic ideology sweeping in. 
With the moral backing of such a great power as 
Soviet Russia, such a revolution seems 
inevitable." End of quote. 

The United States of Europe and later the 
Common Market is the nucleus of the planned 
"resurrected" Roman Empire. Another rape of 
Europe is planned with a Neo-Nazi type Germany 
at the helm of leadership. The German Nation and 
all Europe should come to the reality of the 
meaning of another fake nationalism under the 
sign of the Eagle and the Cross. The blood bath of 
World War II was a vindication of the blood 
suckers of the British Empire whose agents 
directed the proverbial "Rise and Fall of the Third 
Reich." Need we argue the point or shall we look 
at a destroyed and divided Germany between 
British Communism and the British controlled 
"Free World." 

While we are harassed with the memory of the evil 
deeds of a misled German people who killed a 
mythical six million Jews, nothing is said of the 
multimillions of dead and destitute Germans who 
were maneuvered into self destruction with the 
cliches of race and nation under the leadership of 
a Judas Goat front man Hitler who must have 
known that the source of the Aryan Race bunk 
originated in the British Empire. Nazi 

Germany is a living example that the scheme of 
race and divine national origin is an ideology of 
power politics to move whole nations to their 
death and sadly enough this scourge has 
overcome America and is about to rear its head 
again in Europe. 

The grand act of World War III will have a new 
twist in that the "resurrected" and remilitarized 
Roman Empire will be used to bring total 
annihilation to the United States with the death of 
millions after which event Russia and China will 
be used to engage Europe to get the expected 
result of mutual annihilation leaving a sovereign 


British Empire. The killing of millions of 
Americans is explained in THE TRUE ECCLESIA 
distributed by the British Israel World Federation. 
"When the people of God (America and Britain) sin 
"Assyrian" (Germany) is permitted by the Eternal 
God to chastise them by the very wrath of man as 
in the days of Isaiah." End of quote. In 
preparation for World War III the "German 
Menace" is kept alive with daily reviews of World 
War II Naziism. We have no quarrel with the great 
people of Germany but we have swapped the 
death of our soldiers in two giant wars because of 
our brainwash with British propaganda. 

THE UNION JACK Close observation will reveal 
the Jewishness" of the British Israel Jewbaiters as 
they concoct a myth of "good" and "bad" Jews. 
The "bad" Jews it is claimed are the Asiatic Jews 
or Khazars and the "good" ones are the 
Sephardim or white Jews. Well, both have the 
religion of Satan, the Talmud, and both have the 
same political and religious aspirations of the 
British Israel-Jew World State which is against 
our way of life. 

It is quite obvious that the Jew-baiters use their 
anti-judaism in a very controlled manner which is 
designed to stir up race hatred, civil chaos and 
mass hysteria. In the main of course the 
overriding purpose is to establish the British 
Israel-Jew state under the mantle of Christianity. 
Likewise the pro-neo-Judeo-Christianity is 
striving for the same goal. Is this not in harmony 
with our pincers movement idea of two seemingly 
opposite forces driving toward each other to form 
a complete synthesis? 

The Jew-baiters launch their attacks upon the 
political conspiracy of JewCommunism but not 
one word against their spiritual conspiracy called 
the Kingdom of God on Earth. In fact most of the 
Jew-baiters exhaust themselves promoting the 
spiritual lie of the Kingdom Message. A search for 
the meaning of the Jew propaganda will reveal 
that its hidden purpose is to establish the spirit of 
Judaism in the name of Christ. While they claim 
religious tolerance they seek to dethrone Christ 
and usurp His kingdom. "Religious toleration" 
and the idea of "separation of church and state" 


are blinds behind which there is no toleration and 
church and state merge. The spiritual state 
becomes a reality built upon the captive minds 
which are prisoners to the kingdom propaganda 
of the Jew-baiters. 

As we have shown most churchites have been 
schooled in Scofield style millennialism which 
teaches that a fleshly Jew is the chosen people of 
God and that their restoration to Palestine (Israel) 
is the fulfilling of prophecy. It would seem that if 
this restoration theory is so important it is quite 
odd that not one of the New Testament writers 
mentioned a restoration of the Jews to Palestine 
or the restoration of any race to any land 
anywhere let alone the Anglo-Saxon or white 
nations. The Israel of God changed at the Cross 
and deals with a spiritual nation which in no 
sense is fleshly or national. The reign of Christ is 
a reign of grace in the regenerated reborn hearts 
of Christians (new Jews). All national or Land 
promises were fulfilled as emphasized in many 
places in both Old and New Testaments. See 
Joshua 21:43. The bond woman cannot exist with 
the free such as in British Israel. Galatians 4:30- 

Any attempt to replace grace with race or to mix 
the two is contrary to the Gospel of Christ 
(kingdom of Christ) and has been used for 
hundreds of years to blot out the true kingdom of 
God in which the true King Jesus Christ rules 
and reigns in the hearts of men. Satan's Jew- 
British Messianic synthetic Christianity will not 
prevail over the Gospel of Christ because 
Christians know that Satan was conquered at the 
Cross and we can also conquer him by our faith 
in Him who died on the Cross. If Christ did not 
conquer Satan then He failed because the Jews 
changed their minds as Scofield so states. Satan 
was in fact bound at the Cross and he has that 
freedom to deceive the lost only as allowed him by 

Christianity is not blessings or curses in the 
physical sense as "the sun shines on the just and 
the unjust." God works His plan of salvation 
prepared from the beginning. Christianity is not 
the "social justice" of the kingdom message. It is 


not the Jew and Israel (physical) but it is the 
Gospel of Christ and Him crucified and everyone 
that believes it enters into His kingdom and 
thereby gains everlasting life. 

The very fact that the Jew-baiters both pro and 
anti establish that a fleshly Jew exists, let alone 
that he is a people of God is blasphemy according 
to Revelation as stated above. The kingdom of 
God is a present reality for those who believe that 
Jesus is the Christ and that He is both God and 
Lord and the saviour of man from sin and death. 

British Israel is only baptised paganism whose 
every breath is dependent upon its identification 
with true Christianity. The work of the Jew- 
baiters is to hide this truth. We must know their 
spirit before we can identify their treason. Their 
spirit is the kingdom of God on earth and their 
politics are to its attainment. 

Some one hundred sixty years ago Talleyrand said 
that diplomats and politicians are paid to lie until 
the truth suffices to mislead their listeners. This 
is indeed the epitome of the double-think 
brainwash of British Israel and its army of paid 
Jew-baiters. The hard worked "Jew-communism" 
is a decoy from the Jew Kingdom Message of the 
Jew-baiters. Jew Communism is a base of 
operations from which to hammer in the 
permanent phase of world revolution which is the 
triumph of the "Christian state." The focusing of 
attention on Communism leads to a 
misunderstanding of its temporary nature as a 
catalyst to build the kingdom of God. 
Communism is only a political instrument to prod 
and direct wars and revolutions in harmony with 
the master plan of the spiritual plot. Fighting 
Communism as such promotes the spiritual 
counterfeit kingdom. Hence the harangues of the 
Jew-baiters against Communism serve very well 
this reverse psychology. Communism has been 
expanded and enlarged so that the final anti¬ 
communist reaction will usher in the kingdom of 
God on earth. "Atheistic Communism must be 
defeated by the kingdom of God" so says the 
propaganda of British Israel. (Every time we refer 
to British Israel we mean at the same time Anglo- 
Israel). We would call attention to some of the 


many books and publications which fall into the 
Jew-bait ideology which are supposedly 
distributed to and cater to the deep students of 
the so-called Communist conspiracy. Though 
many of these "hard core" patriots are unaware, 
they are prize victims and servants of British 
Israel. It is these super patriots who are the 
ideological gestapos of British Israel. They have 
been moved to the completion of the brainwash 
and their zealousness in their new education has 
made of them "Jews" impatient with gradual 
revolution and militant in their desire for blind 
revolution. They are seditious with respectability 
under complete control of the spiritual power of 
British Israel. Their new education of "what's 
behind Communism" has hidden the master plan. 
Such is the deceit of British Israel that can 
alienate a nation against itself by changing its 

We name the following Jew-bait books: JUDAISM 


Nesta Webster, THE RULERS OF RUSSIA by 
William P. Gale, and many many more. We add to 
the list of books a few journals and magazines 
which are seditious Jew-bait. They are: THE 
CROSS, and many others. None of these books 
and publications expose the Christian State plot 
carried on mostly by the right wing. 

In the Jew-bait trickery we must understand that 
ideologies are divided between created or 
fabricated political issues with the combatants all 
of one spirit. To understand this spirit we must 
dissect the etymology of the extra Biblical 
Christian State Kingdom of God on Earth, for 
herein is the plan of conquest by the British 

Here also is the explanation of Masonic anti- 
judaism (politically) and Masonic anti¬ 
communism (politically) which is a farce to cover 
the progressive advance of the spiritual unity of 
all races and nations. 

The idea of spiritual power as a weapon of power 
politics is an imposing reality when we see how it 
has held the unity of the Catholic Church for 
centuries. This unity through spiritual power has 
crossed national boundaries while maintaining its 
direction from Rome. Though Catholics live in 
many nations their spiritual allegiance (to God) is 
through the Vatican and it is from this source 
that flows the administration of the Church. The 
spiritual unity of Catholicism has expressed itself 
in political matters in harmony with Church 


This is the exact scheme of spiritual control of the 
British Empire through British Israel. Its 
counterfeit messiah (to come) is the pope of 
British Israel. Its domain is the unification of all 
nations under the control of the "Christian State" 
and its name is the kingdom of God. It is the 
mystery of iniquity in the form of Christianity. It 
is ecclesiasticism with vengeance and it must 
destroy the Roman Church and to do so it (British 
Israel), is manipulating the Church into the role 
of "Mystery Babylon" so that it can be "Divinely" 
destroyed as an apostate harlot. 

The sleeping Christians would do well to awaken 
to the inspiration of their agony. The cliches of 
religious freedom and brotherhood are fronts for 
the most diabolical plot of all time. 

While we have talked about the spirit of British 
Israel we have not described its nature in detail. It 
is Talmudic Judaism based upon the degenerate 
worship of sex. Its esoteric meaning is a 
venomous hate for Jesus Christ and its goal is the 
spiritual allegiance of all mankind. Back to Eden 
is the trail of the serpent and the fruit of the 
forbidden tree is the Kingdom of Lucifer. 

We reserve a detailed study of the spirit of British 
Israel Masonry for the last section of this 

To add evidence to our contention that British 
Israel is an anti-Christian force, we quote from an 
article distributed by Herbert W. Armstrong of 
Pasadena, California, entitled HOW YOU CAN BE 
five we quote, "How plain that God is a Family - a 
kingdom, not a limited trinity. The doctrine of the 
trinity was foisted upon the world beginning with 
the council of Nicaea. It is merely a continuation 
of the pagan Babylonish trinity of Nimrod, 
Semiramis and Horns - of father, mother and 
child - except that in this instance the apostate 
churches substituted the Holy Spirit for the 
mother (Semiramis) and called it a "person." I 
John 5:7: 'For there are three that bear record in 
heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: 
and these three are one' -- this verse is NOT 


INSPIRED - it was not written by the apostle 

"This verse is a deliberate hoax, foisted upon a 
deceived world by an uninspired writer centuries 
after the inspired John wrote the book." 

"...Instead of teaching the trinity, Mathew 28:19 
teaches that God is a growing Family or kingdom 
into which we may enter. God is a Family, a 
kingdom, not a trinity." End of quote from Herbert 
W. Armstrong. 

How crystal clear that the god of British Israel is 
the British Empire Kingdom and that the god of 
the New Order is the British Empire. 

Maybe the Empire State of New York has dual 
meaning. Could it be that treason is the reason 
for its name? We quote from WORLD 
FEDERATION NOW, Volume 1 No. 1, April 1339, 
under the caption "Proposed Memorial To The 
President of the United States by the people of the 
State of New York Represented in Constitutional 
Convention petitioning The President to Summon 
a World Constitutional Convention -- The people 
of the State of New York, represented in 
Constitutional Convention, held at Albany, July 
1938, respectfully urge the President of the 
United States to summon without delay a World 
Constitutional Convention to set up an all- 
inclusive, democratic non-military Federation of 
Nations, organized and modeled after the 
Constitution of the United States, in order to 
promote peace, justice and mutual understanding 
among nations." — Introduced by the Honorable 
Hamilton Fish, Jr., but not passed. Sponsored by 
the campaign for World Government." End of 

The continuing process toward the World State 
Kingdom of God British Empire is understood 
only in terms of its progressive unification and 
synthesis of the biological, social, and SPIRITUAL 
evolution. The natural reaction of unification into 
a cosmic unity (universal) is conflict rather than 
harmony as seen in the present world situation. 
We note that the Nazi swastika has the occult 
meaning of fire. Fire is the symbol of destruction 


on one hand and the symbol of the life principle of 
generation on the other; hence we have the 
pattern of revolution which must move through 
world chaos to the kingdom of God. The political 
puppets of National Socialism and Communism 
are the destroyers of this social order after which 
the world is "reborn" into the cosmic Christ 

The ideological and political reality of the 
Communist state was created and designed to 
forge the unification of the world through conflict. 
Anticommunism under the guise of patriotism 
was a planned contribution to this necessary 
conflict. According to a quotation of Professor 
John MacMurray on page 161 of the book 
CHRIST he says "The separation of Communism 
and Christianity into conscious antagonism 
means that the kingdom of heaven is at hand." 
We know that the definition of Christianity used 
here is the kingdom of God of British Israel with 
the opposite meaning to the New Testament 
Christianity of Jesus Christ. 

The defense of "Christian Civilization" as so often 
stated by Winston Churchill is in fact the 
advancement of the British Empire under the 
name of kingdom of God. Churchill knew whereof 
he spoke when he said that he did not become 
Prime Minister to preside over the dissolution of 
the British Empire. We have to but recognize its 
new name. 

Therefore the "free world" concept is imbued with 
the spirit of the Kingdom Message and it is from 
this basis that the anti-communist crusade is 
advanced. The spirit of the nation is so infused 
with the kingdom message that "patriotism" has 
become sedition. The development of the spirit of 
the universal kingdom and its brotherhood 
through evolution and revolution has readapted 
the concept of conservatism until in essence it is 
extreme liberalism. The terminology no longer fits 
the ideology. We cling to a word system that has 
taken on a completely new meaning. What was 
once truth becomes respectable treason. This was 
the hidden treason behind the apparent ultra 
Nationalism of Nazi Germany. Naziism was 


Judaism in the form of National Socialism and it 
was no less Jew than the Communism it opposed. 
Hitler blinded the people with Jew-bait and 
insulted them to a man by his establishment of 
his Nazi-Jew State. Propaganda taught the 
German people the word Jew but it did not teach 
them to recognize its political form as it gave them 
temporary glory while it led them to destruction. 
The people did not correlate the Jew-bait with the 
Jew-plot of the Aryan Race Myth. 

If we change the setting to America we see the 
ideology of the white race or Adamic race and 
recognize it as Jew-Pharisaism. White Supremacy 
is an ideological weapon of Judaism but it 
appears under the auspices of Christianity and 
patriotism. British Israelism is Judaism with the 
name of Christianity and therefore we see clearly 
how the Jew-baiters work their wrath with 
impunity from Christianity on the one hand and 
with financing from the Jews on the other. They 
may be identified by their attacks upon the Jew 
and their consistent proclamation and promotion 
of Judaism whether it be Communism, anti¬ 
communism or the kingdom message. They 
condemn it by name and support it in fact. In the 
United States this paragraph refers to the work of 
the Identity Movement. The development and 
expansion of Judaism under the name of 
Christianity is the essence of British Israelism. 
This semantic trick has given respectability to 
world revolution, making Christ its leader. It has 
enlisted the American Churches to forge its 
propaganda upon the spirit of the people, 
changing their loyalty to the Supranational 
Kingdom of God, all in the name of Christianity. 
We must readopt the name Judaism to fit the 
substance of the World Kingdom religion, and we 
can do this by discerning the spirit of British 
Israel. If our concept of Christianity and 
patriotism is inconsistent with the origin of its 
meaning then we must expect betrayal. The 
Kingdom of God on Earth is Judaism, not 
Christianity nor patriotism. 

Defense of the so-called free world is in harmony 
with the Communist versus Democracy world 
conflict strategy of British Israel. The conflict of 
nations and races is promoted in order to unify 


the exhausted society into a complete 
homogenization. We see in this conflict-strategy 
the reason for unrestrained racial antagonism in 
America today. It should be obvious that it is not 
only allowed it is promoted; therefore true 
patriotism must loose itself from the spiritual 
control of the fake Christianity called the kingdom 
of God. 

American patriotism just as that in Germany 
under Hitler has been molded to fit the limitations 
of preplanned treason although it all appears 
spontaneous. The long process of revolution and 
war is calculated to conform to the ultimate 
accomplishment of the "Christian State." We 
quote again from THROUGH WORLD CHAOS TO 
COSMIC CHRIST, page 17. "When world history is 
presented in the light of its ultimate reality it will 
appear as the record of the operation of a Divine 
Plan of Interference in the disastrous course of 
age-long human effort...Out of chaos cometh new 
order!" On page 19 he says, "The Divine Plan of 
Interference is revealed as operating according to 
a Special Law of Intrusion into the working of 
Natural Law in physical being, with the ultimate 
purpose that humanity should be 'shaken' into 
operative harmony with the perfection of God's 
Creation." We recognize this as an attempt to 
merge Heaven and earth in the minds of men, and 
we see that it is the task of the Kingdom Message 
propaganda to create the belief that such is the 
plan and purpose of God. 

To demonstrate further the meaning of conflict 
and chaos we find additional explanation in the 
above quoted book on page 73: "Every state of 
approach to the 'End of the Age'--repeating on a 
vaster scale the various stages of approach to the 
Final Tribulation on Jerusalem--crises financial, 
economic, political and ecclesiastical; with the 
portrayal of the epoch of Hitler's administration; 
the decline, failure and renewal of British 
influence; the approaching coalescence of British 
and American power and interest; and the utter 
failure and disintegration of human 
administration, with the collapse of its financial 
and economic world power organization — all were 
foreshown and interpreted in revealing words and 
phrases before the sequence of events happened; 


which, as was subsequently shown, were 
duplicated in the revealing words and phrases 
which interpreters of history, such as Professor 
Arnold J. Toynbee, employed to express the 
sequence of events when they had happened." 
End of quote. Can we not begin to see that our 
yoke of bondage is wielded by the British Empire 
through its Kingdom Message propaganda? To 
understand the use of the "destroyer" states of 
National Socialism and Communism along with 
the ideologies of anti-Semitism and anti- 
Catholicism, it is necessary to understand the 
concept of created conflicts in the process of 
ultimate unification. We quote from a booklet 
AGE, Set I page 12, "These stages of unification 
mingle in various proportions, creating 
intermediate stages in which groups and blocs are 
formed, divided from, and often in conflict with 
other groups and blocs. This connotes specifically 
this present moment. There is a danger in this 
situation. But it can, and we hope that it will be 
avoided through a further stage and 
demonstration of the trend to unification 
resulting in an organic synthesis on all levels and 
leading up to world synthesis, to the one 
humanity." End of quote. The overpowering and 
dominant influence which guides these conflicts 
is mental development. This mental development 
which enshrouds and limits all phases of conflict 
to the purpose and intent of British Israel has in 
the same instance insulated British Israel from 
any effective penetration of its treason. Therefore 
the many and varied projects of mass education 
which are being implemented all over the world 
are molding the conscience of man toward the 
"Christian State" rendering all possibilities of 
inquiry improbable. Few will chance the fool 
image which is derived from honest research into 
this new Christianity. Once the spirit of British 
Israel is complete the thought processes of a 
people no longer fit their language and any 
suggestion of truth seems preposterous. British 
Israel develops in its victims a credibility gap 
which cannot be closed until the individual is 
freed from the captivity of his mental control. 
Conservatism as Americans have been educated 
to understand it, is treason. Truth becomes an 
illusion and man's most honest efforts to save 


himself (politically) and his country betray him. 

Americans cannot free their country until they 
free their spirit and to do this they must remove 
the subversive motivating influence of the 
kingdom message and they cannot originate this 
desire until they come to understand that the 
kingdom of God on earth is the rulership of the 
world by the British Empire. The Empire aspires 
to world domination, political and spiritual, and it 
has sought to make itself God. Has God ordained 
this abomination that declares His name and 

British Israel propaganda has changed the 
meaning of our language so that our thought 
patterns are inconsistent with our intentions. 
This is the strategy of dividing a man against 
himself and subverting a nation with the use of 
ultra nationalism and patriotism. This reverse 
pattern of subversion is an illusion which moves a 
nation backward toward internationalism at 
exactly the same speed as the apparent 
progression of nationalism (Constitutionalism). 
See section on semantics in the Epilogue. It is 
treason in the name of freedom but this 
relationship is never understood. Thus the new 
concept of Christian Civilization (through British 
Israel propaganda) has the hidden meaning of a 
collective world state or the so-called Christian 
State; therefore when the term Christian 
Civilization is used (even with the intent based 
upon individual salvation through Christ) it 
betrays its user to British Israel and the effect of 
his efforts is subversion. 

Another example of this chicanery is the use of 
the word "Jew" as a basis to establish a racial 
theory as a Biblical concept of salvation. The Jew 
in a fleshly racial sense does not exist and never 
has from Old Testament times until the second 
appearance of Christ at the consummation of the 
final age of the Gospel (kingdom of God). The only 
true application of Jew should be Pharisee based 
upon the religion or belief of the tradition of 
Rabbinism and Talmudism. Therefore our use of 
Jew (and we use it thusly because the world 
would not otherwise understand) refers to a 
religious sect based upon Luciferianism. One is 


not born a fleshly Jew but he becomes a Jew by 
virtue of his beliefs. Jew as used in the Old 
Testament referred to the people of a nation of 
certain locality. It was circumcision not race 
under the Mosaic Economy that constituted one a 
true Israelite (Genesis 17:9-14), and of the seed of 
Abraham but this fact is never revealed in the 
racial theories of British Israel. (Let us hurriedly 
inject that the myth of racial purity is more of this 
double dimension trickery to cause cleavages and 
sub groups and nations because the most 
emphatic aim of this hypocrisy is the 
amalgamation of all races, religions and creeds 
into a subservient collective zombie. Race purity 
is only bait to cause conflict.) To further explode 
the Jew-race myth we quote from Esther 8:17 
..."And many of the people of the land BECAME 
Jews: for the fear of the Jews fell upon them." 
Therefore a valid attack upon the fleshly "Jew" 
must be related to his Devil religion whereas 
conversely the sham racial attacks upon the so- 
called Jew by the propaganda of British Israel 
(alias National Socialism, alias Communism) 
contributes to the conflict of world revolution. A 
Jewish race never existed and any approach for or 
against this mythical Jew is political intrigue 
wrapped in Biblical language. The millennial cult 
which promotes the chosen of God Jew heresy is 
promoting the religion of Satan and his aspiration 
of the fake messianic kingdom which has 
identified Rabbinism for ages and which 
originated the plot and crucifixion of our Saviour. 
The other side of this dual plot which accuses 
what it terms the Jew race of anti-Christ is 
promoting this very Talmudic rabbinical 
Millennialism which in both cases is the 
unification (through conflict) of mankind into a 
hoax Christian State. One must be outside of this 
pincers movement (toward unity) to see that it is 
not a divided effort against Christ's people. We 
have to know its spirit to see that it is "the 
blasphemy of them who say they are the Jews 
and are not." The new Jew relates to the Christian 
faith brought forth by circumcision of the heart 
and belief in Jesus Christ as both Lord and 
Saviour. The Jew-race is a Jewish fable that turns 
men from the truth. St. Paul says in Galatians 
1:13-14, "I profited in the Jew's religion above 
many my equals in mine own nation." He did not 


say he was of a Jew-race. 

Another example of this paradox-harmony 
ideology may be clearly seen in the propaganda of 
Christ versus anti-Christ. What was once a 
legitimate concept of Christianity which referred 
to the spirit of Satan versus Christ has come to be 
understood through the brainmould of British 
Israel as two political rulers fighting over control 
of the nations. This is another example of dividing 
the same ideology into two fake opposites 
containing no truth in either. Propaganda 
competes against itself to control all thought. In 
the first place the great commission gave Christ 
all power in Heaven and earth and in the second 
place the reign of Christ is a reign of grace above 
all supernatural, and not in conflict with the rule 
of Caesar or government. It is the concerted 
attempt of Caesar to be both political ruler and 
God that brings out the real truth of Christ versus 
anti-Christ. This is precisely the blasphemous 
usurpation and intrusion of the British Israel plot 
upon the sovereignty of Christ. The Christ of 
British Israel is the Cosmic Christ; the collective 
totality of the human race. Therefore the purpose 
of the anti-Christ propaganda is the force 
designed to solidify and unify the "Christ" and the 
"Christian State." We must see then that the use 
of the term antichrist versus Christ is the 
apostasy of British Israel and conveys its purpose 
and extends its domain wherever used without 
clarification. Therefore the myth of Christian 
Civilization is a front for the somewhat narrower 
concept of Western Civilization which in turn is 
the mantle for the plot to establish the "Christian 
State." We must know its spirit to understand its 
purpose which is the treason of British Israel. See 
Epilogue on anti-Christ. 

The social justice of the British Israel Kingdom of 
God is not the Gospel of Christ but its movement 
within the language and form of the decalogue 
has established a phony Christianity which in 
essence and in spirit is a genuine hate of Jesus 
Christ. It is Satanic in its deceit and has beguiled 
almost the whole of once Orthodox Christianity 
into its fold. All social and political phenomena is 
organized to bulldoze humanity into this ultimate 
triumph of Satan's Christian State. All is set to 


appear as "Divine intervention" to save a 
butchered and bewildered world from itself. 
Human government has failed says the 
propaganda and nothing short of the direct 
intervention of Christ to set up His kingdom will 
save the world from suicide. It is a union of 
Church and state with final authority in the 
Godstate. This occult theocracy is the aim and 
purpose of the propaganda that we hear so much 
about. It is the "Divine Plan" of Lucifer to merge 
Heaven and earth and it is the work of British 
Israel to establish this spirit. 

We have tried to demonstrate the reality of the 
British-Jew plot revealing that which its pied 
pipers and stalking horses do not dare mention. 
We have shown that the leaders of the fight 
against Communism are without exception 
internationalists promoting "patriotism" with the 
treason of the Kingdom Message. The 
internationalist-led United States Government 
has soaked the earth of foreign lands with 
American blood in what they describe as 
containment of Communism. We say this to 
demonstrate that all ideology, under whatever 
political name, is controlled. The alignment of an 
individual or nation under any version is captivity 
to the same. 

The political framework of the "Christian State" is 
now complete (all nations now conform to the self 
phase-out scheme of the "Judgment of the 
nations") providing the basis for the freedom of 
movement of the Supranational "Christian State" 
with its kingdom message propaganda. That 
politically independent nations exist in name only 
is proved in their absolute conformity to the 
blueprint of "prophecy" of British Israel. None are 
allowed to express themselves in opposition to the 
Supranational force which hangs over them like 
the sword of Damocles. They are powerless before 
the transcendent power of the British kingdom 
which insults them with its extra-legal existence 
and its intrusion into their internal affairs. It has 
forced its extra-legality upon all nations allowing 
no objections to its propaganda and no inquiries 
into its sovereignty. Its army of Masonry 
dedicated to the task of the "Christian State" 
carries out whatever act it is directed to do. They 


are dedicated to God and country: their God is 
collective humanity and their country is the 

The God-State kingdom has a system of 
international law (intrigue) which regulates 
nations and populations while it exempts itself 
from punishment of its crimes of genocide. It is 
this extra-legal state of existence which removes 
the British kingdom outside the scope of national 
authority and proves in the same instance its 
state of being as a colossal world superstate. 

To investigate further the meaning and direction 
of the double think conflict-harmony language of 
revolution we look for a moment at the identical 
twin of materialism versus religion. Generally 
speaking we understand material as substance 
and religion as thought (belief in a God). In the 
case of British Israel, religion is a faith in 
materialism and not opposite to it at all. The 
gimmick is that by mass dissemination of the 
expression of "materialism versus religion" that 
people choose one or the other, without inquiry 
into the meaning of the terms. The kingdom 
message religion is rank materialism and 
anathema to the supernatural kingdom of Christ. 
Materialism is the creation and the worship of the 
creation is the religion of the kingdom evangelism 
which is the deification of that creation through 
unification of the human race into harmony with 
the natural order. The blending of the race with 
nature is the pantheistic materialism of the 
kingdom of God religion. It is this aspect which 
unites all paganism against the Divine revelation 
of Christianity. 

World plunder through thought control is the 
strategy of British Israel and it has accomplished 
most under the auspices of "Freedom of the 
Press" and "Freedom of Speech." These freedoms 
are peculiar only to the distributors of 
propaganda and no inquest is aired beyond the 
limits of thought control. The exchange of 
information among a very limited fraction of one 
percent of the population is of no consequence in 
its effect upon the movement of millions via the 
"free press." 


The use of this control has enabled the British 
Empire to almost completely submerge its 
physical power from the eyes of the world as it 
has increased its spiritual power. Now, the fact- 
thinkers who scoff at this as ludicrous are victims 
of intellectual vanity and are themselves 
controlled by the spiritual superstructure of 
British Israel. Such a conspiracy is not credible 
within the thought processes of even the most 
educated who have been told for three hundred 
years that theirs is a free country. There is simply 
no inner imperative to question that history just 
might not be a natural process, let alone that it is 
being forged and guided with definiteness. 

One cannot expect to take British Israel into a lab 
and dissect its parts as he would geopolitics. He 
must recognize the tempo of its soul which makes 
it invisible as well as all powerful. It has 
permeated its spirit into the thinking of the people 
with the expression that "Jesus is coming." This 
idea promotes the end of the age in the minds of 
men with the suggestion that this economic and 
social order is not according to God's will and that 
it is run by man and running headlong into total 
suicide. Man must be saved in spite of himself 
and this shall be through "Divine intervention" of 
the Christ and the inauguration of a new age of 
harmony and justice with a unified humanity 
under the rulership of God. Preparation of the 
mind for this earth bound God-state is the work 
of British Israel and its Identity Movement. 

The pretense of nationalism is like the fiction 
called history. Nationalism is nominal and the 
conflict between pretended nationalisms is the 
process of synthesis or unification. Prefabricated 
nationalisms do not serve their subjects; they 
serve the international chess game of "wars and 
rumors of wars" to grind the nations into 
amalgamation. "Out of chaos cometh the new 

The interplay of events in the natural order are 
allowed but God has not ordained the deification 
of the state. The true kingdom of God shall never 
be the kingdom of earth. Perpetuation of the faith 
does not mix spirit with matter. The land of 
Abraham and the people are condemned; it is 


their faith that makes them whole. It is the 
circumcision of the heart that separates Heaven 
from earth in the hearts of men. British Israel 
would turn us again to bondage with circumcision 
of the flesh in a God-state glorified earth. 

The true kingdom of God is not a "judgment of the 
nations"--it is happiness and joy in the Holy 
Spirit. It is God's revelation (not His creation) 
which leads man to salvation through Christ. The 
Hope of Israel found its fulfillment at the Cross 
extending God's grace to all men. The kingdom of 
God is a present reality to born again Christians. 
The mission, the revelation, the authority, the 
kingdom and glory of Christ is fulfilled according 
to all that was foretold and there is no teaching in 
the Holy Scripture which supports or predicts a 
return to the materialism of British Israel- 
Judaism. This subtle heresy which parades as 
Christianity and evangelizes the world in 
preparation for a world state is an insulting 
repudiation of New Testament Christianity and it 
is the invisible and moving spirit of world 
revolution. It has the phraseology of Christianity 
and works through the Churches building a 
pernicious spirit which has blinded humanity to 
the grace of Christ and enlisted them an the 
social gospel of world brotherhood. Once one is 
imbued with the spirit of this universal 
brotherhood which calls itself Christianity, it is 
impossible for him to be a conservative or a true 
patriot. He may imagine that he is, but it is 
impossible for a Judaized-Masonic mentality to 
comprehend the inconsistency of his spirit 
(beliefs) to the reality of orthodox Christianity or 
conservatism. Constant bombardment of British 
Israel propaganda changes the spirit and 
allegiance of a people from national to 
international without their being aware of it. It is 
a process of alienation which separates a people 
from their sense of values making it impossible 
for them to recognize any distinction in 
nationalism and internationalism. It is a 
development of a spiritual sense of 
interdependence phasing out all true perspective 
of independence. The establishment of faith in 
materialism alias kingdom of God on earth 
solidifies a spiritual stratum which precludes 
rational or objective comprehension. The victims 


of this deceit (a process of Judaization through 
British Israel-Masonry) begin to unconsciously 
aspire to the hopes of Pharisaism which is the 
unity of man in the God-State. Men in ages past 
have been chained to their task; today men are 
educated to a task making them much more 
efficient. Physical coercion makes no comparison 
to the united efforts of mind and body and it is 
the work of British Israel to enlist or capture the 
mind. British Israel propaganda is maneuvering 
mental involuntary servitude to the World State 
under the guise of social justice. All men are not 
willing recipients of passive propaganda but the 
pressure of world events coupled with the 
prophecies of British Israel force upon the 
mentality of the people no alternative but "the 
Christ." Today we are witnessing abuse; we are 
being jabbed and stabbed to the limits of 
toleration. The screws are being tightened, and a 
final rape of the American nation is planned. It 
will be a massacre explained and justified 
according to British Israel in fulfillment of Ezekiel 
which says (paraphrasing) a third shall die by the 
sword (war), a third shall die by famine and 
disease (mass innoculation and infestations in the 
name of public health) and a third shall be taken 
into captivity, meaning export of the population to 
a foreign country. 

The seemingly incoherent direction of the 
American nation is not meaningless at all. It is 
being skillfully and systematically betrayed to the 
British Empire alias kingdom of God on earth. 

British Israel has rehabilitated Rabbinical 
Judaism very successfully under the 
paraphernalia of Christianity so that Christianity 
as most Americans know it today is Judaism. The 
Jew-baiters say that Jew-communism is a threat 
to America. The threat is that Americans have 
become Jews (Pharisees) through the spirit of 
British Israel. The danger has never been so 
much that Jews become Americans as Americans 
become Jews through the spiritual deceit of 
British Israel; the first is citizenship and the latter 
is the faith of Rabbinism. The changing of the 
faith through British Israel propaganda has 
changed the allegiance to the world state. The 
spirit of this world state is Rabbinical Talmudic 


Judaism, the instrumentality is Masonry, the 
framework of the world kingdom is the British 
Empire and the ultimate reality is the unification 
of body and spirit under the pseudo Christian 
Theocratic World Government. 

The belief in the materialistic millennial kingdom 
of God-British Empire is a disease of the 
conscience and the Empire has used its British 
Israel propaganda to mould the mind of man to 
believe that "Christ is the answer." Who is the 
Christ of this seemingly innocent barbarism? It is 
the messiah of a Judaized world -- the deification 
of mankind collectively. The true spirit of British 
Israel is a materialistic paganism foisted and 
forced upon America and the world in the name of 
Jesus Christ. 

The natural mind of man seldom rises above this 
subtle heresy which is Christian in name only. 
Therefore Mr. and Mrs. America cannot imagine 
that Communism versus Americanism is a 
conflict of annihilation process. It is the attrition 
of the last elements of potential adversaries of the 
British Empire. The kingdom message pseudo- 
Christianization is a cloud over the world which 
provides the spirit of the conflict and the spirit of 
the resulting synthesis of the Phariseeic kingdom 
of God. The kingdom of God millennial 
Pharisaism not only provides the spirit of world 
revolution, it provides the smoke to smother the 
truth that the synthetic kingdom of God of British 
Israel is the British Empire. 

The work of British Israel is to Judaize the world 
by fabricating the belief that Heaven is here upon 
earth. The crystalization of this spirit increases in 
direct proportion to the amount of fake 
Christianization that is administered to the world. 
The more this neo-Christianity can be advertised 
and promoted the closer the world comes to 
benevolent despotism. The world is being moved 
away from Christ in His name -- this is the spirit 
of British Israel. 

Russian Communism and American Democracy 
are allies in their efforts to crush any would be 
opponent of the kingdom of 


God-British Empire. The "patriotism" of the 
British Israel Jew-baiters means allegiance to the 
kingdom of God-British Empire and counterfeit 
nationalisms are only a means to this end. Stalin 
said in his address at Sverdlov University in April, 
1924 "The combination of the Russian 
revolutionary sweep with American efficiency is 
the essence of Leninism in Party and State work." 
(cf: Leninism by J. Stalin, Lawrence and Wishart, 
London. 1940, Authorized Trans; p 85). Of course 
he did not state that the puppet fight of 
Americanism versus Communism is designed to 
build the Pharisee-Christian State and that its 
intent is to purge the apostolic faith from the face 
of the earth. 

Christianity is the label for conservative - treason 
and British Israel is our paradise lost. "Enter ye 
in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and 
broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and 
many there be which go in thereat: Because strait 
is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth 
unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of 
false prophets, which come to you in sheep's 
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather 
grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" Matthew 
7:13-16. "For such are false apostles, deceitful 
workers, transforming themselves into the 
apostles of Christ, and so marvel; for, Satan 
himself is transformed into an angel of light." II 
Corinthians 11-14. 

The desecration of the earth is advanced with the 
slogans "Jesus is coming" and "Christ is the 
answer." The world's last hope says British Israel, 
is the Christ - - the unification of humanity into 
brotherly love. 

The monotonous dogmatism of "Jesus is coming" 
is a shadow over the Jesus Christ Who has come. 
It is a constant bombardment of the idea that the 
mission of the Messiah is yet to be -- that the 
hope of the world is a paradise earth against 
salvation of man from sin and death. 

British Israel has the form of Christianity and the 
spirit of Satan; it exalts the name and denies the 


power. It is heresy and it is world revolution. 

The mission of Christ was not to butcher the 
earth but to establish truth upon it. His Gospel 
was (is) the good news that NOW is come 
salvation, and strength and the kingdom of our 
God. Revelation 12:10. 

The cross of Christ is the triumph over Satan. 
"Behold NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW 
is the day of salvation." II Corinthians 6:2. 

"Having begun in the Spirit (Christ) are ye now 
made perfect in the flesh?" Galatians 3:3. Flesh is 
the doctrine and salvation of British Israel. It is 
the fusion of race and a blasphemer of grace. It is 
Satan appearing as an angel of light. 

This drawing shows how the British Empire 
directs world revolution from America and Russia 
and how the pitched fight between Russia and 
America is designed to merge into the New Order 
or New Age. People will believe that it is a 
Christian Theocracy or Government of God. This 
is the World Government that Tom Anderson and 
Robert Welch and the whole phony conservative 
movement are working for and fronting for. Watch 
their tongue twisting. Robert Welch says he 
wouldn't be opposed to an honestly intended 
world federation of states. He is talking about the 
British Israel kingdom of God on earth. 

The British Israel movement is Masonic and it is 

The pyramid is already on our one dollar bill, 
watch for ever increasing appearances of it. 
Finally it will be sugar coated to our school 
children with an explanation that it is a symbol of 
the New Christian Age. 



Undermining Christianity with Christianity 

The purpose of this section is to make plain to the 
reader that the Gospel, pure as delivered to the 
Saints, is our weapon. 

First it gives us the power to know and 
understand the worldly subterfuge of false 
Christianity. Secondly, we use the Gospel as an 
offense weapon against phony Christians and 
false patriots. Thirdly, the Gospel is a spiritual 
weapon that cannot be stamped out by the foes of 

We do not here imply or suggest that we not 
defend our country and our homes with arms 
when necessary. What we are saying is that no 
correct action is ever taken without proper 
knowledge. We remind you that it is through the 
Gospel perverted that we have been led into the 
swamp of confusion and anxiety of today. 

The whole social order in America has been 
turned into anarchy by a Federal Court system 
made up of men whose Masonic religion has 
perverted and demented their minds so badly that 
they cannot believe that the evil that they have 
created will turn on them. They have sold their 
very souls in this life and the life to come and 
have destroyed the liberties of the American 
people and wrecked the greatest country in the 
history of the world. All this because they are tied 
to a religious order that destroys the conscience 
absolutely. While Masonry is widely accepted as a 
Christian brotherhood, it is the greatest 
instrument of human misery in history. And so is 
all false religion a tormentor of men and leads 
them to sorrow and death in ignorance. 

"Out of His mouth proceedeth a sharp sword." 
Rev. 19:15. This is Christ's only weapon. It is the 
same two edged sword seen in Rev. 1:16 and 
2:12. The Word of the Lord is that powerful, that 
it can break into pieces the enemies of His 


kingdom. In Isa. 11:4 we read, "He shall smite the 
earth with the rod of His mouth." In Heb. 4:12 we 
read, "For the word of God is living, and active, 
and sharper than any two-edged sword and 
piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of 
both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the 
thoughts and intents of the heart." 

And so it is with the Gospel that gives us the 
knowledge to know the thoughts and intents of 
the hearts of wicked men who pose as Christians. 
By promoting the Gospel of Christ as taught by 
the New Testament writers, by St. Augustine, and 
by the reformers, we bring to open shame and 
wrath the materialists who prophecy a millennial 
Zionism in the name of Christ. 

Satan knows that the Gospel Age is his last 
chance to deceive the elect and this he does by 
appearing as an angel of light. 

In accusing world revolution of operating under 
the cloak of Christianity we have sought to tear 
away its pious mask in order to reveal its 
hypocrisy. We have pointed out that the forces of 
world revolution cannot be identified politically 
but that we must know their spirit to understand 
their treason; treason to the faith and treason to 
America. This spirit is the kingdom of God on 

The spirit of the kingdom of God (British Israel) 
has set the world stage into a duality of conflict. 
On the left it has its political Communism, 
ostensibly operated from Russia and China and 
on the right it has its Spiritual Communism 
("Christian Civilization") as represented by the 
British Empire, including the United States. Out 
of this controlled conflict (which is progressing 
according to an unbiblical scheme of prophecy) 
will emerge Spiritual Communism. This spiritual 
Communism we have described as Satan's 
Christian State or the kingdom of God on earth. 

It is under the stress of "wars and rumors of 
wars" that the kingdom message of world 
evangelism has imprinted upon the conscience of 
mankind a faith and hope for the promised 
tranquillity of a millennial age. It has been 


adequately stated that Millennialism finds its 
most fertile soil in a crisis ridden world. Therefore 
we perceive that a planned chaotic situation has 
been developed out of which can arise the cosmic 
Christ as a Saviour of the physical world. 

Unexcelled in history the spiritual darkness of the 
mystery of iniquity is emerging under the banner 
of truth and righteousness. It is the most positive 
identification with the apostolic faith that has 
ever been accomplished. While it punishes man 
on one hand it promises to save him on the other 
with the self righteousness of world brotherhood. 

The scourge of the kingdom message must be 
removed if our faith is to be restored and our 
sensibility returned. We cannot cleanse our land 
until we purify our hearts. We must understand 
that our bewilderment and confusion stems from 
our inner conflict of political patriotism to 
America and spiritual patriotism to the kingdom 
of God World State British Empire. We cannot 
divide our patriotism or our faith; therefore if we 
can remove our faith in the carnality and 
materialism of the kingdom message we can 
remove our conflict of conscience and identify our 
enemies in the same instance. We must again 
render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's 
and unto God the things that are God's. Caesar 
cannot become God. 

Christians should yield to human governments. 
They know the difference in the kingdoms of this 
world and the kingdom of our God. St. John did 
not call for other Christians to rescue him when 
banished to Patmos. Paul did not call for help 
when he was in chains in Rome. John the Baptist 
was beheaded and Christ made no effort to 
intercede. Even though human governments are 
established under the permissive will of God, they 
are many times corrupt and tyrannical but we are 
subjects in peace and obedience. It is when 
human government interferes with our superior 
allegiance to Christ that we are to become 
Christian soldiers and die if necessary. This is 
precisely the subject of this book. Caesar desires 
to be God. We are living in a time when human 
despotism is in a mad plot to control humanity 
spiritually with a World Government religion. 


Israel after the flesh persecutes Israel after the 
spirit. Nearly all of professing Christianity is 
lusting after natural Israel. 

Political Communism is the hammer and sickle of 
Bolshevism designed to "persecute" Spiritual 
Communism as represented by British Israel neo- 
Christianity. We have shown already that the 
kingdom of God propaganda is only veiled 
Communism and in essence and in spirit it is no 
more than Pharisee Judaism. 

The Hope of Israel has been fully realized in 
Christ and His Gospel of the kingdom. The 
Christian hope is salvation from sin and death. 
The blessings of Abraham are extended to the 
seed through the righteousness of faith. The 
inheritors of the faith of Abraham make up the 
household of faith which is the kingdom of God. 
British Israel diminishes faith in Christ by 
establishing faith in natural Israel. The veiling of 
the conscience with the kingdom message 
removes the distinction between the material and 
the spiritual and man cannot reconcile the 
inherent contradiction and mutual exclusiveness 
of natural Israel and spiritual Israel. The king of 
spiritual Israel is the Christ of Calvary. The king 
of British Israel is the "Jesus (who) is coming." 

British Communism via British Israel is rendering 
millions insensible to the meaning of the false 
Christianity called the millennial reign of Christ. 
Few can discern that this is a ruse of Zionism to 
set up World Government and world control 
through religion. Once people are under this 
belief, they are unable to understand its 
consequences and their process of reason is 
completely distorted and confused as if drugged. 
First it is almost impossible for them to 
understand that they are controlled. Second this 
religious deception places a false Christian 
immunity upon the deceivers. Third, there is 
almost a guarantee that most will never be free 
from this religious mind control ant fourth, they 
will obediently follow the British Israel blueprint 
of "prophecy" which will lead them unwittingly 
into World Government. 

The Zionist preachers all agree that "prophecy is 


being fulfilled before our very eyes" and soon 
comes the millennial government headed by 
Christ Himself, they say. Christ would say to 
them again that you do err not knowing that my 
kingdom is not of this world. 

British Israel and its false prophecy is the lying 
wonder of the world and it is a work of Satan 
against Christ and has convinced the multitudes 
of the world that an earthly kingdom is ordained 
of God. The kingdom of grace has been rejected 
for a kingdom of this world. 

Babylon of all ages has gathered against God's 
people, not with hammer and sickle, not with 
armies of men, not with open attack upon the 
saints, but with the very Word of God, appearing 
as an angel of light. The cruelty of this barbarism 
is more complete than all the wars of history. 
British Israel has caused more deceit. It has 
control over more people. It controls all nations. It 
is the cause of human suffering but is the least 
understood of any tyranny that has ever ruled 
over this earth because it uses religious deception 
to neutralize and control all. What we believe is 
what we are. 

The first plagues came to America in the form of 
kingdom cults and of course Masonry. The 
American churches became the ivory towers of 
treason and so today we are a controlled and 
confused people with a false religion. We are 
physically and morally bankrupt but still 
desperate to finance and promote our final ruin. 
The combined effort of pseudo conservatism and 
our synagogues of Satan have the American 
people hoping and expecting the fulfillment of 
their lying prophecy. 

The interpretation of prophecy is no little thing 
because it relates to the Messiah and His mission. 
The material minded Jews did not receive the 
promise (faith of Abraham) "...because they 
sought it not by faith." To the Christian there is a 
natural Canaan and a spiritual Canaan; there 
was a natural Israel and there is a spiritual Israel; 
there was a natural (material) Temple where a 
High Priest made intercession once a year and 
there is Jesus Christ Who has made intercession 


for us once and forever; there is the city of 
Jerusalem on earth and there is the city of God 
which is Heavenly. It is the intended co-mingling 
and confusing the spiritual with the natural that 
is perpetuating the Rabbinism of British Israel in 
the form of Christianity. 

British Israel is a doctrine of the flesh and it 
promises hope to a suffering world. It creates 
anxiety by making of none effect the Word of God 
and would offer peace and plenty in the place of 
salvation from sin to its desperate victims. 

The kingdom of God on earth is the religion of 
revolution and before this paralysis of the mind 
was unleashed upon America we were a free 
country. The many Jew proselyte cults which 
have spread out over the land have now reached 
the reality of their intent which is the 
solidification of the spirit of Judaism under the 
name and facade of Christianity. 

The political revolution in America cannot be 
separated from the spiritual revolution of British 
Israel. Proof of this is the utter failure of the 
fictitious anti-communism to identify and expose 
our enemies. The spiritual communism of British 
Israel is heralded throughout the land as the 
Hope of Israel. The faith of the nation is in the 
world government of the kingdom of God and we 
cannot save our nation politically until we 
reestablish the Apostolic faith of Orthodox 
Christianity which separates the spirit from the 

The kingdom of God is not merely a doctrinal 
matter as some suppose; it is the Gospel. The 
earthly kingdom of British Israel is the Gospel of 
man and the Heavenly kingdom of Jesus Christ is 
the Gospel of salvation from sin and death. One is 
flesh and one is spirit; one is condemnation and 
one is salvation. 

The rejection of Christ's kingdom by first century 
Rabbinism caused their rejection of the 
sovereignty of Jesus Christ. They rejected His 
kingdom and they rejected His kingship. The 
rejection of the kingdom of God is the rejection of 
Christ and the rejection of Christ is the rejection 


of His kingdom. The kingdom of God of Jesus 
Christ comes through the New Covenant of 
justification by faith. Jesus came into Galilee 
preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and 
saying "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of 
God is at hand; repent ye and BELIEVE the 
gospel." If our Lord said that "The time is fulfilled" 
then the "millennium" (gospel age) began and 
salvation through Christ is the promised 
kingdom. It is a kingdom of the faithful and can 
only be seen with eyes of faith rather than eyes of 
the flesh. 

The Hope of Israel is salvation through 
regeneration in Christ. The Hope of British Israel 
is not regeneration of the spirit but recreation of 
the earth. 

It has been justly said that "if the promises of the 
Old Testament demanded an earthly kingdom as 
fulfillment, then the only possible way Jesus 
could claim to be the Messiah was to fulfill them. 
He could not alter God's eternal purpose and be 
'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and 
forever.' Heb. 13:8. Any deviation from the 
prophetic fulfillment would immediately have 
convicted Him of being an impostor, and indeed 
that is what the Jews maintained He was." 
Quoted from MISSION OF THE MESSIAH by H. C. 
Heffren). Furthermore the New Covenant is 
coextensive with the Gospel Age and since it is 
the final covenant where is there justification or 
Scripture for the contradictory world government 
of God of British Israel Judaism? 

The mission of Christ is in turning man from 
iniquity and salvation of the soul from sin is the 
blessing that God promised to Abraham. This is 
the promise that has become the kingdom that 
has filled the whole earth and it is the fulfillment 
of all that was written "concerning Him, they took 
down from the tree." "Through this man is 
preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by 
Him all that believe are justified from all things, 
from which ye could not be justified by the law of 
Moses." Acts 13:38-39. Of course we can see that 
Christ is not the fulfillment of prophecy to the 
faithless ones. Did Christ not condemn His 
disciples "...O fools, and slow of heart to believe 


all that the prophets have spoken." Luke 24:25. 
St. Paul says in Romans 16:26 "But it is now 
made manifest and by the Scriptures of the 
Prophets, according to the commandment of the 
everlasting God, made known to all nations for 
the obedience of Faith." "Know ye therefore that 
they which are of faith, the same are the children 
of Abraham. So then they which be of faith are 
blessed with faithful Abraham." Galatians 3:7,9. 

Jesus Christ transcends history, and time and 
space and the materialism of the kingdom 
message, and His incarnation was a 
manifestation of the glory of His eternal kingship 
of righteousness. We quote again from the booklet 
"On the enthronement of the Messiah..there are 
two facts that we should observe in the sermon 
preached by Peter on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 
2:30 Peter referred to the promise that Christ, the 
Son of David, was to sit on His throne. We have 
already made it clear that the pronoun 'His' does 
not refer to David's earthly throne in Jerusalem. 
Verse 33 lends additional proof to this fact in 
these words, 'Therefore being by the right hand of 
God exalted.' This exaltation of Christ to the 
throne on the right hand of God Almighty, is the 
throne referred to as 'His throne.' This is the 
throne that will last forever and from which 
Christ wields the scepter of righteousness spoken 
of in Hebrews 1:8. This is the throne Christ 
ascended to when He said, 'All power is given 
unto me in Heaven and Earth.' Matthew 28:18. 
He is there now." End of quote. 

The kingdom message of world revolution is the 
spirit of antichrist and it is the blinding light of 
our travail. The propaganda of Christ versus 
antichrist is the anachronism and delusion of 
British Israel - the blasphemer of Christ. 

The unity of the spirit of humanity into the 
brotherhood of man into a world spiritual-political 
kingdom is the force and power and meaning of 
Pax Britannica. True nationalism and 
independence must divorce itself of the cancerous 
propaganda of the kingdom message. Patriotism 
must divest itself of Pharisaism so that the 
objectives of constitutional government can be 



The rise and fall of nations in today's power 
politics is directly related to the spirit of the 
nations. America is in danger of sinking into a 
thousand year worship of the God of this world 
with its attendant social depravity. All that is 
necessary that they face this reality squarely is to 
look for a moment at India and China. The 
societies of these vassal states are in hopeless 
destitution not because they do not work or have 
national resources, but because they are slaves to 
spiritual darkness and the kingdom of God 
"utopia British Empire" which controls them 
keeps them in this state of spiritual depravity. We 
use this illustration not to say that God will save 
us nationally if we return to the faith. This is the 
deceit of British Israel. But that we can save 
ourselves nationally and politically if we have the 
purity of the Christian faith, which will show us 
the error of the spiritual darkness of the kingdom 
message. We cannot have nationhood and world 
brotherhood at the same time. Pax Britannica 
would unite the nations under its control by 
uniting their spirit and faith in the kingdom of 
God on earth. The sceptre of the Empire is not the 
righteousness of faith but the depravity of the 
ancient mysteries offered to the human race as a 
paradise on earth. V So that we may remove the 
pious sanctimony of British Israel hypocrisy 
concerning the government of its coming world 
state, we quote from Richard DeHaan in a booklet 
entitled 2,000 YEARS OF PEACE OF EARTH, page 
12: "It will therefore be an age of righteousness 
and peace, but this peace will be built upon 
righteousness only. Rebellion in that golden age 
will be immediately and summarily put down by 
instantaneous death of the rebels. The King will 
insist upon absolute obedience and that 'every 
knee shall bow to him, and every tongue confess 
that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the 
Father,' or suffer the consequences immediately." 
End of quote from Richard DeHaan. It is not 
difficult to understand from this quote that the 
austerity of the "Christian state" overshadows its 
pretensions of "righteousness." Can any Christian 
believe Christ forced the Gospel upon the world 
via physical and political tyranny, including death 
itself? Does this not point out the forked tongue 


technique of British Israel to trick the world into 
spiritual and political despotism in the name of 

It is intended that the kingdom of God on earth is 
to be the panacea of a punished world. 
Preparation for this "universal salvation" now 
comes forth from the world's churches. Spiritual 
darkness that has blinded humanity to its created 
chaos promises peace and plenty in a New Age. 
"But the devil, seeing the temples of the demons 
deserted, and the human race running to the 
name of the liberating Mediator, has moved the 
heretics under the Christian name to resist the 
Christian doctrine, as if they could be kept in the 
city of God indifferently without any correction, 
just as the city of confusion held the philosophers 
who were of diverse and adverse opinions." 
Quoted from CITY OF GOD, page 284. Yea, the 
enemies of the church persecute her faithful not 
with the lion's den or the rack, but with their 
malicious infusion into the church of pernicious 
and altruistic counterfeit political Messianism. 
This they do as they exercise the patience of the 
saints; they use Biblical expressions for 
persuasive doctrine; they exercise the benevolence 
and beneficence of the Christian life and alas, 
even the wisdom of the church. The enemies of 
Christ as wolves in sheep's clothing and their 
spirit is the carnality of man in an earthly 
kingdom. They despise the heavenly throne of 
Christ and the Heavenly hope of the Israel of God. 
They confuse our faith and make desolate our 
land in the name of our Saviour. 

If spiritual Israel is to remove the veil that has 
distorted their faith, they must search the spirit of 
British Israel which seeks to merge the Heavenly 
city with the city of Jerusalem. The Israel of God 
must cast out the spirit that would exchange the 
righteousness of faith for the glorification of race. 
The regressive spirit that seeks the land of 
Abraham denies the faith of Abraham and seeks a 
political theocracy to rule over the victims it has 
blinded. "And fear not them which kill the body, 
but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear 
him which is able to destroy both soul and body 
in hell." Matthew 10:28. The mystery of iniquity 
that kills both soul and body is the spirit of the 


kingdom of God on earth. The kingdom of God on 
earth is the promise of material bliss for a season 
in exchange for eternal salvation. The 
ambivalence of our faith in a dual allegiance of 
Heaven and earth must give way to the spirit of 
revelation, while we sever our faith in the 
creation. Through revelation we attain the hope of 
Israel; through creation we get the deceit of 
British Israel. The Israel of God is eternal; the 
Israel of this world is temporal. In the first is 
salvation, in the second is condemnation. 

If the affluent Society would relieve its misery it 
must cleanse its spirit of the contradictory errors 
of a Judaized Christianity. Christians must 
discern the intent of the spirit that condemns an 
"atheistic communism" and establishes the same 
spiritual and political tyranny in the name of 
Christ. The household of the faithful must 
become aware of the ethereal aura of sanctity, 
called the kingdom of God on earth, which 
deceives the natural mind with its pious 
pronouncements of Christianity as it silently 
moves world revolution through chaos to the 
"Christian State" British World Empire. 

If the hope of Israel is to be a political theocracy 
with the death penalty for rebels as DeHaan 
states, St. Paul was in error when he said in II 
Corinthians 10:3, "For though we walk in the 
flesh we do not war after the flesh. For the 
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty 
through God to the pulling down of strongholds." 
Paul's statement does not indicate an enforced 
righteousness in the kingdom of God but he 
sought death for Christians before his allegiance 
changed from physical Israel to Spiritual Israel. It 
seems that DeHaan's "Christian" police state is 
more in harmony with Saul the Pharisee than 
Paul the Christian. 

The idea of a civil political government on earth 
for a thousand years was never mentioned by 
Jesus, Paul, or any of the Apostles. According to 
Paul, all who believe not and accept not the 
Gospel shall be cut off from God for all eternity, 
but according to Judaic British Israel 
millennialists the Jewish rejecters of the Gospel 
and their proselyte millennialists are to be blessed 


with a thousand years of perfect happiness and 
prosperity. What a complete twist of the Scripture 
to support the establishment of a world police 
state in the name of Christ! 

The heathen superstition of corrupted Judaism 
cannot understand that the kingdom of God is 
salvation and not the dead carcass of natural 
Israel. But for the Holy Spirit, Christ's disciples 
would not give up natural Israel for the Israel of 
God wherein there is no meat and drink but 
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy 
Ghost. Romans 14:17. This same Pharisaism is 
the veil that is being used to establish the Israel 
of God as a political Christian Theocracy. It is 
blasphemy and it is world revolution in the name 
of Christ. The despotism of the "Christian State" 
is being prepared by "Christianizing" the spirit of 
the people with the Pharisaism of the kingdom of 
God on earth. What treachery to blaspheme the 
Faith and desecrate the earth in the name of our 
Saviour! What grinding depravity to plot mass 
famine and universal war under the auspices of 
the Gospel of Christ! What degeneracy to horrify 
the people with fear hysteria of a Communist 
State, and then force upon their prepared minds 
the acceptance of the same criminal conspiracy 
with the name, Kingdom of God! What deceit to 
foist upon the world a natural Messiah to unify 
the nations into total bondage against a self- 
inflicted disease called Communism! What 
chicanery to so blot the conscience of the world 
with the propaganda of a kingdom of peace to 
come that collective humanity literally strives for 
this promised utopia that will completely destroy 
them, body and soul! What trickery to punish the 
world into accepting a false Christ as "the only 
hope of a dying world!" This "Christ State" that 
the world is being led to is not the much-talked- 
about anti-christ as represented by the social and 
so-called Communist revolution, as British Israel 
would lead us to believe via Scofield. The final 
"Christ" is to be the brotherhood "Christ," which 
at this time is veiled with Americanism and the 
kingdom of God on earth. The "Good Christ" of 
British Israel World Revolution is to have the 
benevolence of the World Brotherhood Kingdom of 
God as contrasted to the obvious evil of its 
Communist instrument. The kingdom of God on 


earth is (one force) World Revolution. On its left it 
has the social cataclysm of World Communism. 
On its right it has the spiritual stratagem of 
"Fundamental Christianity." Out of this conflict is 
to emerge the triumphant "Christian State." Out 
of the feigned persecution of the kingdom of Israel 
after the flesh, Divine Intervention will destroy the 
enemies of the kingdom, and the work of 
Communism and the social revolution will be 
finished, giving way to the perfect "peace" of the 
Cosmic Christ. 

In a British Israel publication entitled "The 
Morning Cometh" we see how Russia is used in 
the scheme as a temporary desolator and then 
removed. We quote, "When Russia has completed 
her part in the purpose for which 'the three heads 
of eagles' were raised...she herself as one of the 
three heads and part of the image of Daniel II and 
the 'second beast' of Daniel 7:5 will be destroyed, 
as God states that he will 'incite you (Gog) and 
induce you, and bring you up from the far north 
and lead you to the hills of Israel,' where at 
Armageddon he will destroy Gog (Russia) and his 
army for their love of cruelty and anti-God and 
anti-Israel activities." End of quote. 

The despotism of "the Christ" cannot be seen 
because the hope of natural Israel is salvation 
from Communism. The darkness of the sham 
benevolence of the kingdom of God World State 
cannot be seen beyond the brightness, intensified 
to blindness, of the world wide "Crusade for 
Christ," the limita- tions of which are legion. The 
saturation of the conscience with the expec¬ 
tation that "Jesus is coming" telescopes and 
funnels all desperation toward the peaceful 
Theocracy of God. The world is not aware of the 
nature of this kingdom of God on earth nor that it 
is being forced upon it. Christianity in form and 
name is being emphasized to the extremities of 
the earth to mask the most Satanic deception of 
all ages. "Christianity," "Christianity" everywhere, 
and no truth can be found in it. This is the 
spiritual deceit of British Israel and this is the 
spiritual revolution that has overwhelmed our 
people. This is the spiritual Communism that is 
not exposed and it is the true World Revolution. 
The scheme of the British Empire to erect the 


world spiritual state is to first ravish the earth 
with Communism and then force the 
"redemption" of the kingdom of God upon the 
people that it has ravished. The hope of spiritual 
Israel is eternal salvation through Christ. The 
hope of British Israel is an occult theocracy that 
will enslave the body and kill the soul. 

Richard DeHaan says an page 22 of his booklet 
THE COMING GOLDEN AGE (this booklet is mass 
distributed free — why??) and I quote: "His 
(Christ's) Kingdom has not yet come..I repeat, it 
(his will) has not yet been done." End of quote. 
Indeed Christ's kingdom (Gospel) has not been 
revealed to the world of Pharisaism that is looking 
and expecting physical rewards and blessings to 
be derived from the Christian Faith. But there is 
Scriptural proof that the kingdom of God and/or 
kingdom of Heaven has been fulfilled in Christ as 
predicted by the prophets. "Those things, which 
God before had showed by the mouth of all his 
prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so 
fulfilled...which God hath spoken by the mouth of 
all his prophets since the world began...and all 
the prophets from Samuel and those that follow 
after, as many as have spoken, have likewise 
foretold of these days" (Acts 3:18, 21, 24). The 
context shows clearly that the days mentioned are 
the present days (from Christ to the end of the 
world) and therefore the subject and object of all 
the prophecies is Jesus Christ. 

It is a simple deduction to conclude that if Christ 
has not fulfilled all the prophets, then He is not 
the Messiah and indeed very God. But the New 
Testament writers say rhythmically "this is that" 
spoken of by the prophets. In Acts 2:16-17 Peter 
said "But this is that which was spoken by the 
prophet Joel; and it shall come to pass in the last 
days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon 
all flesh." Peter says that the kingdom of spiritual 
regeneration has come as it was foretold. People 
who blindly follow the Millennial Cultists (alias 
modern-day Judaizers) should take note that they 
exalt the name of Christ but deny His divinity by 
denying that He established salvation and grace 
to the whole world, in fulfillment to all that was 
foretold. Salvation and grace to all men is the 
kingdom of God. The prophets foretold a universal 


salvation; a world of the spirit. They did not 
predict a natural Messiah to head a world wide 
civil government, but the rabbis led the people 
away from Christ by teaching them the coming of 
a natural Messiah and an earthly glory. And when 
God came in Christ with the message of eternal 
salvation instead of temporal grandeur they 
rejected Him and His kingdom. This same deceit 
of an earthly kingdom is now heralded around the 
world as Christianity. 

Christianity is not civil power nor is it in conflict 
with civil power, but it is in conflict with the 
spiritual darkness that has darkened the world in 
the name of Jesus Christ. World revolution under 
the cloak of the kingdom of God on earth is a 
universal system of false doctrine which is 
enslaving the world in the name of Christ and 
under the pretense of the Gospel. Until Americans 
recognize the meaning of the fantastic growth of 
this new "Christianity" they shall not identify their 
enemies, which are not in the streets but appear 
as an angel of light in our churches. Conversely, if 
they come to understand that the kingdom of God 
on earth to come that they hear so much about is 
not the kingdom of righteousness established by 
Christ, then they shall at once understand the 
deeper and hidden World Revolution and 
recognize its every footstep both past and future. 

An appeal to the natural man is the basis of all 
heresy opposed to the revelation of Jesus Christ. 
The sounding of a future world peace is sweetness 
to a world blinded on the Pharisaism of British 
Israel. What the victims of this deceit do not 
understand is that the builders of the New Age 
are the corrupters of this one, and they conspire 
in the name of our Saviour. 

The kingdom of God which answered the hope of 
Israel was and is a spiritual development not 
limited to history but beyond it. The kingdom of 
God was not extended to man to please his carnal 
nature but to save him from it. The kingdom of 
God was never intended to exalt the human race 
but to redeem it through Grace. "To him give all 
the prophets witness, that through his name 
whosoever believeth in him shall receive 


remission of sins." Acts 10:43. 

We cannot love the world and love Christ at the 
same time. We cannot have the heavenly hope of 
eternity and a temporal hope of a millennial age 
on earth. We cannot place our trust and faith 
equally in the Creator and the creation. We 
cannot serve both God and mammon and we 
must know the difference for the mystery of 
iniquity appears as an angel of light. "Woe unto 
you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye 
shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for 
ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them 
that are entering to go in." (Matthew 23:13). And 
so it is that Israel after the flesh persecutes Israel 
after the spirit and they would keep Spiritual 
Israel out of the kingdom of Christ by substituting 
the kingdom of man in Christ's name. 

The kingdom message propaganda is advancing 
the silent and hidden world revolution with its 
faked righteousness which shall burst into open 
despotism once it moves the faith of mankind 
toward the materialism of a universal God-state 
and past the point of no return to the true Gospel. 
Behind the pious mask of this new "Christianity" 
are the dead bodies of millions, but all is not over. 
There is in the making "the Judgment of the 
nations" and its "great tribulation," in which 
genocide is incidental to a worldwide holocaust 
which is the prelude to "The World Tomorrow." 

The work of Christ is complete for Spiritual Israel 
and the rest are blinded. The work of British 
Israel (natural Israel) is deceit and Satan's 
Christian State is their planned reward. Through 
the Creator, man gains eternal salvation. Through 
the creation man is condemned. The world 
without the redemption of Jesus Christ is void. 
Though it be called the kingdom of God, the 
creation cannot become God. St. Paul says in 
Phil. 3:3, "For we are the circumcision which 
worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ 
Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh." 

The imperialism of the British Empire is hidden 
beneath its world "Crusade for Christ." The 
religio-political propaganda says that the Anglo- 
Saxons and the Jews in general are Israel but 


Britain in particular is the Covenant Nation and 
therefore ordained to rule the Universal Kingdom 
of God intended to arise out of the chaos of "wars 
and rumors of wars." Cannot we begin to see the 
old Aryan heresy with its denial of the deity of 
Jesus Christ as the basis of British Israelism, 
Nazism and all "chosen" or "master race" 
propaganda? The sedition of the kingdom 
message propaganda, which moves over America 
and the world unabated was prepared for by the 
wide diffusion of "Fundamental Christianity" 
(Millennialism) with all of its latent errors, and in 
all of its forms. The propaganda of the kingdom of 
God on earth carnalizes the Christian hope and 
destroys nations in the name of Christ. By its own 
arguments British Israel insists that salvation is 
of the flesh. The hope of Spiritual Israel is 
salvation from sin and spiritual blindness. 

If the Lord of the World becomes a British 
sovereign he shall be crowned upon the spiritual 
deceit of the kingdom of God on earth. The mask 
of Christianity covers the most tyrannical plot in 
history, to herd the people into abject slavery. The 
spiritual Church must be in total war with the 
imperial church which hides the Union Jack 
behind the Cross and the Christian Flag. We have 
entered the good fight. It is the Israel of God 
versus the Israel of this world and Our 

Lord has won. Out of the darkness of our 
calamity we see the risen Christ and we brandish 
the sword of the spirit with our battle 
hymn...Onward Christian Soldiers. 

Nothing is plainer to a sober Bible student than 
that the kingdom of Christ is simply the whole 
company of those redeemed by his blood from the 
days of Adam till the end of the world. 

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matthew 23:13 
for shutting "up the kingdom of heaven against 
men." How could the Pharisees of Christ's time 
shut up the kingdom of God if it was not to come 
to earth until another age, and indeed why would 
the Pharisees want to close the kingdom to 
humanity if it was to fit their depraved and carnal 


Today the same Pharisaism shuts up the kingdom 
of Grace by substituting a kingdom of flesh. They 
exalt the name of Christ but deny His Gospel. 
They expand Christianity in form and outward 
appearance but inwardly they harbor deceit and 

Salvation, not carnal, earthly rule, was the 
meaning of the kingdom of God from the very 
beginning. The Apostle Matthew tells us that the 
angel addressed Joseph as the son of David and 
commanded that the child who was to be born of 
Mary should be called Jesus (Joshua), for "he 
shall save his people from their sins." Saving 
sinners is a kingdom of grace and the Apostles 
understood that entering the kingdom of God was 
the same as salvation from sin. When Christ 
likened entering the kingdom to a camel going 
through the eye of a needle, the disciples said, 
"Who then can be saved?" Matthew 19:23-25. 
Jesus agreed with them that entering the 
kingdom and being saved are the same thing, for 
he continued: "With men this is impossible; but 
with God all things are possible." Verse 26. 

The nation of Israel once received a king in 
violation of God's will. And the Lord said to 
Samuel "they have rejected me, that I should not 
reign over them." I Samuel 8:5-9. If it had been 
God's purpose to glorify the Commonwealth of 
Israel why would the demand for a natural 
Messiah displease Him? The reason is that 
throughout the whole Bible the throne of David is 
not a symbol of Jewish, carnal rule, but the 
symbol of the rule of Christ in His saving and 
sanctifying power. 

The government of God as predicted by Isiah in 
Isiah 9:6 is fulfilled in the Rulership of Christ in 
His kingdom of righteousness. We become co¬ 
rulers in this kingdom of the faith through the 
grace of Christ. Our faith, as was Abraham's, is 
imputed to us for righteousness. 

It is important to recognize that the political 
kingdom of British Israel is contrary to and 
opposed to the Gospel of Christ. It is easy to see 
through the prophets of the kingdom of God 
"Christian" Pharisaism or Judeo-Christianity that 


the fear of punishment for the violation of God's 
laws is the basis for the New World Order. 
Punishment of the physical man answers the 
demand for justice in the New World under God's 
Law. Contrary to this, those of the new birth, the 
inner man, obeys God through the love of 
righteousness. "And, indeed, this is already sin, to 
desire those things which the law of God forbids, 
and to abstain from them through fear of 
punishment, not through love of righteousness." 
Quoted from CITY OF GOD, page 21. 

The simple Gospel of Christ offers eternity in 
righteousness for those who believe in the saving 
grace of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The 
Gospel of British Israel would force its political- 
theology upon the world with control of the 
interplay of the world stage of events. As it tears 
the nationhood out of country after country with 
Communism, Nazism and Zionism, it makes 
complete their destruction by hiding itself behind 
the opaque refraction of a pretentious anti¬ 
communism advancing under the pseudonym of 
Christian Conservatism with the hidden destiny 
of the British World Commonwealth State. It is a 
monster who has named itself Israel, binder the 
pretense of anti-communism and of offering hope 
to the people it despises, British Israel with its 
"Christian" propaganda is moving the people 
toward total tyranny with the help and consent of 
the people themselves. They will not be saved out 
of their "tribulation," as promised by the masters 
of this fake righteousness. After the vapor and 
illusion of this "Christian" propaganda has tricked 
the world into universal devastation under the 
guise of the "Great Tribulation," the survivors will 
awaken to the identity and meaning of "Divine 
Intervention." They will then know that the veiled 
kingdom of God on earth is the rulership of the 
world by the British Empire, and that their task 
in the "New World" is that of a vassal state. 

The kingdom of God on earth is an appeal to the 
natural man and likewise it imposes upon the 
natural man under the pretext of enforcement of 
God's laws. In the supernatural kingdom of Israel 
the inner man serves the living God with 
happiness and joy in the Holy Spirit, neither 
asking physical blessings nor rewards but 


praising their Lord who has saved them from sin. 

British Israel is a World Government Religion 
which hides behind Christianity in order to 
destroy the hope of the world in the grace of 
Christ. It has murdered millions of Christians and 
debased the faith of millions more. It has 
scourged the earth with war and famine in the 
name of Christ. It has spread over America under 
the guise of truth in order to enlist Americans in 
the destruction of their faith and their nation. It 
"opposes" Communism in order to establish it 
universally. It is "Christian" Communism and it is 
the invisible World Revolution. 

The Israel of God is the oneness of faith in Jesus 
Christ. Spiritual Israel is subject to the Creator. 
Physical Israel is earth bound and it would 
become as God by the deification and glorification 
of man. It seeks to perpetuate hope beyond death 
through endless incarnation. If man is immortal 
he must express himself in endless eternity. To 
think himself immortal he must deny the 
personal God and his subjection to the Saviour, 
Jesus Christ. Satan fell because he would not 
humble himself to His creator. The spirit of man 
aspires to immortality of the flesh because he is 
unregenerate and does not know the eternal glory 
extended through Christ. 

British Israel has raised up cult after cult to 
separate humanity from the personal God, Jesus 
Christ. It has its Joseph Smiths, its Mary Baker 
Eddys, its Edgar Caseys, its William Pelleys, its 
Jean Dixons, its Manly Halls, its Rutherfords and 
its Russells, and other sub-cults which catch the 
excited victims of world revolution. It is certain 
that these cults would term voodooism as 
heathen superstition and paganism. Nevertheless, 
they are just as deceived and separated from 
Jesus Christ. 

Those British Israel sub-cults seem to appeal to a 
nebulous "Christ" and they confuse the 
relationship of man to God. In unison they deny 
the Divinity of Christ and make the Gospel of 
Grace of none effect. Their appeal is man's 
dependency upon man instead of upon God. They 
control their cults by controlling their spirit 


(belief) and their spirit is the kingdom of God on 

If Americans would be quickened to the source of 
their madness, they must recognize the cancerous 
mind control of the kingdom message 
propaganda. They must look up to see the eternal 
riches of the personal Saviour who sits on His 
throne in Heaven. We can become the adopted 
sons of God by partaking of the sovereign Grace 
of our Sovereign Lord and Saviour. We have a 
king and we have a kingdom made without hands 
eternal in the Heavens. 

What Americans have gained through the brute 
force of hard labor and ingenuity they are now 
losing through their churches in the name of 
Christ and under the pretense of Christianity. The 
kingdom of God on earth World Government 
Religion is preparing a commune world 
government dictatorship behind the mask of 
benevolence. This planned World Theocracy is 
based upon absolute mind control brought about 
by enacting secular history to merge with a 
perverted Pharisaic scheme of Bible prophecy. If 
Americans can decode and decipher this kingdom 
message propaganda they can see and 
understand the most deceptive grandstand 
treason of all ages. Furthermore they can 
understand how this propaganda turns nations 
into self destruction after it has veiled their eyes 
and hearts with the smoke screen of the kingdom 
of God on earth. Once the malignancy of the 
kingdom message separates its victims spiritually 
from the supernatural kingdom of Christ, they 
cannot save their national sovereignty, nor will 
they ever uncover the source of its collapse. At 
best, would-be patriots exhaust themselves 
fighting created fictions such as Atheism, 
Darwinism, civil chaos and so on ad infinitum, 
not realizing that their very actions with which 
they intend to right the social order precipitates 
the conflict out of which will emerge the synthesis 
of One World. 

This kingdom of God World Government heresy 
certainly did not originate with the leaders of the 
reformation. This should be meaningful to at least 
a few who base their faith on the interpretation of 


the Gospel of any one of the reformers. "All great 
Reformation leaders broke not only with 
Catholicism but also Judaism, which also meant 
breaking with chiliasm (Millennialism or the 
kingdom of God on earth)." This quote was taken 
from John Calvin, Calvin's Institutes, 1536, Book 
III, Section XXXV, Paragraph 5. 

Yes, this self-styled neo-orthodox Christianity was 
anathema to Jesus Christ, to the Apostles, and 
later to the reformers because at their respective 
ages they recognized the earthly kingdom heresy 
as corrupted Judaism. This same corrupted 
Judaism rejected the Lord of Lords and His 
kingdom of grace. It killed the prophets and is 
contrary to all men. I Thess. 2:14. Simply by 
changing its name to Fundamental Christianity it 
has become the vortex of world revolution under 
the pretense of Christianity. To its proselytes we 
warn that this Pharisaism, based on the carnality 
of fleshly Israel is keeping you out of the kingdom 
of grace and when it has destroyed your faith it 
will enslave your body, binder deception, 
pretense, fraud and murder it intends to beguile 
humanity into world government in the name of 

St. Paul said in Romans 13:1,2, "Let every soul be 
subject into the higher powers. For there is no 
power but of God: the powers that be are 
ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth 
the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and 
they that resist shall receive to themselves 
damnation." Notice he said that the powers that 
be are ordained of God, not that they are God. 
Christ further clarified the distinction between the 
natural and the supernatural, flesh and spirit, 
when he said render unto God the things that are 
God's and unto Caesar the things that are 
Caesar's. Luke 20:25. Never can Caesar become 
God nor a world political state become spiritual 
Israel. The essence of truth is that God is the 
Creator and the world is the creation, and we are 
not admonished to worship Israel after the flesh 
(the creation) simply because it says it is God. The 
World Kingdom of Israel after the flesh is not 
God's kingdom of righteousness and never shall 
the two be one. We cannot trust in fleshly Israel 
and yet be born of the spirit of God. We must 


serve the living Jesus Christ and His gospel of 
grace. We must condemn the political theocracy 
of British Israel and its kingdom of race, and we 
must know the difference. 

What does it profit Americans to recognize 
political and social Communism if they cannot 
recognize Spiritual Communism? Spiritual 
Communism is the kingdom of God on earth. The 
development of this spiritual control (faith in the 
earthly kingdom) renders futile all presumed 
patriotism. Right action is not divided against 
itself and if it be right action it must be based 
upon the conscious reality of the distinction of the 
spirit of Christ and the spirit of Satan. The grace 
of Christ is like vistavision to the new man after a 
world of total darkness. The inner conflict and 
fusion of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of 
this world is at once resolved, and no spiritual 
stratagem such as the kingdom message 
propaganda can cloud his perspective nor beguile 
him into self extinction. 

The spirit man is in control of physical man and if 
physical man seeks self preservation he must 
seek first the kingdom of God. If man has the 
spirit of Christ, he can recognize truth as distinct 
from the spirit of subterfuge. 

Spiritual darkness inflicts divisions among men 
and within men. What it separates from the truth 
it unites in error and it draws its very existence 
from the truth that it would corrupt. 

The world spiritual state seeks to establish its 
absolute control of humanity by identifying with 
and parasiting upon the truth of the Gospel of 

But the sovereignty of Jesus Christ is absolute. 
Through His death and resurrection He removed 
the iniquities of His people. It was predicted in 
Isaiah 54:14, "In righteousness shall thou be 
established." In Matthew 3:15 Jesus said before 
His baptism, "it becometh us to fulfill all 

The universal righteousness extended to the 
whole earth by Jesus is not the civil power of an 


autocratic state. The kingdom of righteousness is 
imputed to the faithful who believe and trust in 
the personal God, Jesus Christ. 

Man cannot extend himself nor save himself. He 
must be saved by his Creator. Man must 
recognize the deity and pre-existence of Jesus 
Christ and look to Him for eternal redemption. "In 
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was 
with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. "And 
the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." 
John 1:14. Verse 17 of John says ..."grace and 
truth came by Jesus Christ." Christ is the giver of 
an eternal kingdom of righteousness (grace and 
truth); He is not concerned with a Pharisee world 
who can understand only a temporal political 
world government. Only the carnal depravity of 
Judaism would exchange the pleasure of the flesh 
for a season in exchange for eternity with God. 
"And the world passeth away, and the lust 
thereof..." I John 2:17. 

The kingdom cultists consistently deny the deity 
(trinity) of Jesus Christ and they are therefore cut 
off from His saving grace. "For there are three that 
bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and 
the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." I John 
5:7. They only use the name of Christ in order to 
disguise their contempt for Him. 

Let us say further that the larger segment of 
kingdom on earth religionists express belief in the 
deity of Jesus Christ but they absolutely deny 
Him when they deny His kingdom of grace, 
placing their expectations and faith in a future 
temporal messianic kingdom of the human race. 
Their proclamations that Jesus is the Christ is lip 
service to a deceptive spirit which seeks a new 
earth instead of Christ's kingdom of 
righteousness, which is the only fulfillment of the 
prophets concerning God's plan for humanity of 
all ages. Any hope in a future fulfillment of the 
prophets concerning the kingdom of God is a 
rejection of Christ as the Messiah who has come 
and established His kingdom of salvation and 
grace. The kingdom of grace is spirit and 
supernatural and is ruled over by God Who is a 
spirit. (See John 4:24.) The kingdom of race is 
flesh and blood and is ruled over by a political 


messiah. The first is of God and the second is of 
this world. 

The natural man longs for social justice and 
Judaism alias Fundamental Christianity promises 
just this with the advent of a natural messiah 
garbed with supernatural fakery. The Christianity 
established by Christ seeks only the kingdom of 
righteousness which is separate and distinct from 
the carnality of the civil order of humanity. 
"Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made 
perfect by the flesh?" Gal. 3:3. 

The denial of the Trinity and deity of Christ the 
personal Saviour by the millennialists is nowhere 
more explicit than when they follow the pied piper 
C. I. Scofield in declaring that large numbers of 
Jews will be saved during a future "Great 
Tribulation" without the presence of the Holy 
Spirit. Can their demented minds not see that 
this is blasphemy? 

If the rumbling of the earth means a prelude to 
the messianic World State to the carnal minds of 
Judeo-Christianity, it means to the Christian only 
another chapter in the ages of time of the 
attempted erection of the God-state. 

Peace on earth for a thousand years is a pretense 
of Satan's Christian State. Whom the spirit of 
darkness has beguiled to the abyss of spiritual 
depravity it seeks to coerce finally and completely 
away from God by the manipulation of the 
nations into a fictitious supernatural theocracy. 

It is the satanic deceit of British Israel to blame 
the death ("judgment") of nations on Jesus Christ. 
It is a depraved lust for spiritual power that would 
pretend to Christ while manipulating His name to 
the leadership of world revolution. 

Peace with God does not mean peace on earth. 
"For we are the circumcision, which worship God 
in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have 
no confidence in the flesh." Phil. 3:3. To look at 
the chaotic social order and world unrest and 
reason that it is so because Christ has not 
conquered Satan is to reject the triumph of Jesus 
Christ on the Cross. Here again the natural man 


seeks only the harmony of a flesh and blood 
kingdom and he naturally equates physical 
blessings with the Christian faith. Christianity is 
not the society of man, good or bad. It is the spirit 
man, the inner man who partakes of the limitless 
joys of the kingdom of grace in the midst of the 
madness of human existence. The natural man 
pursues his carnal nature to self denial of the 
riches of a righteous faith. In search for an 
ordered paradise his lettered mind escapes the 
spirit of God. He is not able to transpose 
figurative representations to the quickening 
reality of a glorious kingdom which filled the 
whole earth. His literal mind shields him from his 
Saviour whose triumphant kingship is universally 
complete. "Who also hath made us able ministers 
of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the 
spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth 
life." II Cor. 3:6. 

The triumph of Christ over Satan is not a future 
event to Christianity. "Now is the judgment of this 
world: now shall the prince of this world be cast 
out." John 12:31. "Of judgment, because the 
prince of this world is judged." John 16:11. Satan 
was conquered at the Cross and bound within the 
limits of subjection to the Sovereign Christ. 
Cannot the self contradictory Jew proselyte 
kingdom on earth cultists see that their 
expectations of a future world political messianic 
social order denies them the present reality of 
God's kingdom of salvation and righteousness? If 
they would look back at the Cross for a minute 
they could see the disgrace of a phony thousand 
year political theocracy. The purpose of the Cross 
was to make an end of sins for humanity and to 
bring in everlasting righteousness as was 
predicted in Daniel 9:24. Everlasting 
righteousness is not an autocratic World 
Government. It is the kingdom of grace extended 
to all men. The mission of Christ was to bear the 
sins of man and to make intercession that man 
may enter a righteous kingdom through the blood 
of Christ. Isaiah 53:12. "Thou shalt call his name 
Jesus, for he shall save his people from their 
sins." Matthew 1:21,25. 159 THE UNION JACK To 
the proselytes of Judaism who deny the deity of 
Christ (that Christ is God) they have forfeited 
their salvation in exchange for the promise of a 


New Age of Social Security. "Neither is there 
salvation in any other: for there is none other 
name under heaven given among men, whereby 
we must be saved." Acts 4:12. Jesus Christ is 
both God and Saviour to Christians. 

The social justice of a future golden age can come 
only when Christ conquers Satan at the battle of 
Armageddon, say the proselytes of Judeo- 
Christianity. Christ said, "I have overcome the 
world." John 16:33. Christians are conquerors 
(Romans 8:37) even to victory (I Cor. 15:57) and 
they reign with Christ, though not with carnal 
weapons but "This is the victory that overcometh 
the world, even our faith." I John 5:4. 

In our development of the phenomenon of 
spiritual control we have sought to demonstrate 
that it is the inner man which motivates our 
being and therefore the control of the spirit man 
is the hidden meaning of world revolution. This is 
not religious fanaticism, it is the very essence of 
our being. While Americans are assaulted with 
social chaos and all manner of overt pressure, 
they are being insinuated with the persuasive 
guile that God's redemption for man will come in 
the form of a bodily paradise. 

If we cannot bring ourselves to the realization that 
mind control is the most absolute despotism, 
then we cannot initiate a sustained attack upon 
the forces that are beguiling us into a collective 
religio-political world state. Not suspecting such 
Satanic intrigue, we naturally focus ourselves, on 
those visible forces which seem to threaten our 
physical security. The illusion of the social 
revolution is that it is not the substance of our 
confusion but is the catalyst to force humanity 
into a state of mind which will leave no alternative 
but "Christ." Having been conditioned to the 
vitiated and depraved heresy that Christianity 
means bodily redemption, there is no possible 
way that the herd of humanity can understand 
that they are being driven into a World 
Government trap through spiritual deceit. 

Through the deceit of the kingdom message the 
spiritual paradise is turned to flesh and blood, 
corrupting the inner man to spiritual darkness 


and self destruction. The kingdom on earth 
propaganda identifies man physically and 
spiritually with the earth and gradually blots out 
all inclination or inner imperative to aspire for the 
heavenly hope. Once man is imbued with this 
spiritual control the lie of God's political kingdom 
on earth becomes for him truth and he becomes a 
citizen of the world state which he presumes he is 
against. He cannot extricate himself from it, for 
he does not imagine that he is controlled by it 
because he cannot see an armed guard at his 
door. It matter not one's political views, whether 
he thinks to militant conservatism or radical 
liberalism, if his faith is the World Government 
religion kingdom of God. Political freedom (though 
a complete fiction) has a show of genuineness if 
the religion of a people is World Government. 

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. 
By definition substance is that which underlies all 
outward manifestation. Substance is the real, 
unchanging essence or nature of a thing. 
Therefore we are not engaging in philosophical 
drivel when we confront the reality that the 
kingdom of God World Government religion is the 
substance of world revolution. 

If faith in natural Israel is the substance of our 
spirit and the end of our hope we are aliens in our 
land and have "done despite unto the Spirit of 

British Israel world government seeks to move 
men away from their Creator by moving their 
spiritual allegiance back to the terrestrial Israel. 
They would reverse the triumph of Christ by 
changing the shadow, which was the earthly 
kingdom, into the substance which is the 
Christian faith. When the allegorical prefiguration 
of terrestrial Israel becomes the celestial Israel of 
God in the hearts of men, they have unwittingly 
rejected the kingship of Christ. If in man's 
conscience he reverts to the shadow of carnal 
Israel, he rejects the immortality of the kingdom 
of grace. He has sinned against God. Faith in 
temporal Israel is retrogression from Christ's 
Heavenly kingdom. One cannot divide his faith 
between the kingdoms of this world and the 


kingdom of God. The first is flesh and the second 
is spirit. "If ye be risen with Christ, seek those 
things which are above, where Christ sitteth on 
the right hand of God." Col. 3:1-3. 

To the carnal world who seeks peace on earth 
without grace, we refer back to the Cross in order 
to see the triumphant Christ. "The last enemy 
that shall be destroyed is death." I Cor. 15:26. If 
the last enemy is destroyed already then the 
kingship of Christ is sovereign. It is not a future 
event (not a military battle). "Forasmuch then as 
the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he 
also himself likewise took part of the same; that 
through death he might destroy him that had the 
power of death, that is the devil." Hebrews 2:14. 
"But is now made manifest by the appearing of 
our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished 
death, and hath brought life and immortality to 
light through the gospel:" II Timothy 1:10. 

To a Judeo-Christian world which looks for 
political peace as implicit of Christ's kingship, we 
can only say they have not seen (with their 
hearts) the kingdom of God. Christ rules with a 
rod of iron and death has no more dominion over 
Him. Romans 6:9. To say that Our Lord must yet 
conquer Satan is to say that He died in vain. 

Christ is not Caesar nor did He come to take the 
power of Caesar. Had His supposed crime been 
sedition then Pontius Pilate could not have given 
Christ over to the Jews. After questioning Christ 
repeatedly about His kingship, Pilate understood 
that Christ did not come to usurp the civil and 
political power of Rome, but that He was a 
righteous king and that according to His own 
testimony His mission was to "bear witness unto 
the truth." John 18:37. 

After Pilate said "I find in him no fault at all" he 
turned Christ over to the Jews. Even the Jews 
understood that Christ claimed to be the Messiah 
and indeed very God, because they accused him 
of blasphemy in making himself God. John 10:33. 
Indeed His claim of His own deity caused them to 
murder Him. 

The triumph of Christ is that He is Lord and 


Saviour. The peace of Christ is not the carnal 
felicity expected by a Judaized world. The peace of 
the living God is the perfectly ordered and 
harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one 
another in God. 

The kingdom of Christ is righteousness. But with 
righteousness shall He judge...and He shall smite 
the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the 
breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked. Isaiah 
11:4,5. The sword of the Lord is the sword of the 
spirit and the Gospel is the power of God. The 
Gospel is God's power of salvation and he who 
cannot be saved by the Gospel cannot be saved 
via earthly Jerusalem. 

But when has the wolf dwelled with the lamb and 
the lion, and when has the child played on the 
hole of the asp? Isaiah 11:6-8. To the children of 
the flesh this tranquil picture is a paradise earth 
which is the end of their hope. To the children of 
the promise this is not the end of their faith, but 
it is a description of earthly tranquility, which in 
prophetic fashion, God has set forth by the figure 
of earthly peace and harmony to demonstrate the 
abundance of spiritual peace that identifies the 
state of mind and the repose of the soul in the 
kingdom of Christ. 

The children of the desolate cannot see the 
substance of the kingdom of God through the 
shadow of temporal Israel. Being ignorant of the 
righteousness of God, the children of natural 
Israel seek after the transient pleasure of a self- 
righteous kingdom of man on earth. 

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in 
Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:26. This does away with any 
identification of Christianity with the racial and 
national Judaism of British Israel and its spirit of 
Communism alias kingdom of God on earth. 

If the British Empire is able to establish out of its 
royalty a king of the world who pretends to be 
Christ, surely there will be an attempt by them to 
destroy completely and finally the power of the 
Gospel, especially II Cor. 5:16, which says, 
"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the 
flesh; yea, though we have known Christ after the 


flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more." 
This does away with a worldly throne and the 
supranational political messiah of British Israel. 

Triumphant Jesus Christ is the Spirit of the Israel 
of God. A collective world state of British Israel is 
the spirit of Communism. 

Political Communism is built with the money of 
Anglo-American finance under the pretense of 
Communist Russia. Spiritual Communism is built 
with the same finance under the pretenses of 
God's kingdom on earth. The first is obviously 
revolutionary. The second has the mask of 
Christianity concealed within American churches 
and expanded with innocent zeal as the Gospel of 
Jesus Christ. 

To reject political Communism and accept 
Spiritual Communism is to cast all against 
ourselves. We cannot prevail against Communism 
if we lust after it in our hearts. We cannot gain 
the promise of the Israel of God until we have 
seen the glory of the triumphant Christ. 

We appeal to people of America whose "new faith" 
is based on the traditions of the Pharisees -- that 
is, the kingdom of God on earth. We insist that 
the harmony of New Testament Christianity 
demands that Christ is the center of all prophecy 
and the end of the law and the prophets. 

Many people are trying to reach Christ by 
traveling the road of tradition that rejected Him as 
the Saviour of the world. Their excessive 
literalism, superficial study, and emotional 
presuppositions leads them away from the 
literally spiritual kingdom of salvation into a 
swamp of contradictory monstrosities which is 
Christian in name only. 

An appeal to the Gospel of Christ, to the early 
Church history and to the reformers and we find 
from none of them a basis for believing that God's 
plan for man is a theocratic political kingdom on 
earth, not in this age or any other. 

The New Covenant or new dispensation is God's 
revelation of Himself to man. The physical death 


of Jesus Christ with its attendant agony does not 
teach that the blessings of Christ are physical, 
but spiritual regeneration. 

The blood of Christ does not mix with the race of 
man but atones for his sin and gives him the 
power of a new life, redeemed again to his creator. 

The study of the New Age millennium is not a 
casual academic discussion as it postpones the 
deity, the lordship and redemptive work of the 
Lord Jesus Christ. The doctrine of the kingdom 
age paradise relegates the Church of Jesus Christ 
to a "parenthesis age" to be followed by still 
another unbiblical new covenant. If there is to be 
a national or international salvation, then there is 
to be a new covenant. Where is it? 

We must remember that the Bible is an Oriental 
book translated from Hebrew, Aramic, and Greek. 
We know that we must use care in interpreting it 
into the thought world of our time. The best way 
to study the Bible is to study the whole book, 
keeping in mind the times and conditions of 
culture under which it was composed and the 
intention of the writer. This is the way to 
understand any writing. For example, if the Book 
of Revelation had not been in highly figurative 
and symbolic form, it would have caused a certain 
blood bath by the Romans upon first century 
Christians who had already undergone great 
tribulation. But instead the Revelation of John 
meant nothing to the civil power of Rome, but it 
showed to the Christians the glory of the Lordship 
of Christ over His redeemed. 

The emotions which surround one's faith in the 
kingdom message are highly sensitive because in 
most cases the doctrine comes from people whom 
we deeply love and respect, such as relatives or 
trusted ministers. We are insinuated with a 
vicarious religion without foundation based on 
our own search for Christ. 

What every contender for the faith should know is 
that our only substitute is Jesus Christ and no 
philosophy of man and no cunning of the devil 
can disturb it. 


It is the duty of man to search his own salvation 
and he will find that his spiritual experience of 
the Christian faith does not guarantee him a 
perfect world order in temporal affairs of this life, 
but will restore to him the lost estate through the 
blood of Christ. 

The kingdom message that is as thick as the air 
we breathe has deceived Americans away from 
Jesus Christ for the hope of an earthly kingdom 
yet to come. The propaganda denies us our 
Saviour and clouds our reason as to our loyalty to 
our country. The doctrine of the coming world 
Israelite political state confuses our perspective of 
the Israel of God and distorts our sense of 

It is interesting to note that our Lord actually 
rejected the earthly kingdom in reply to the 
question regarding the woman with seven 
husbands. The story is given in Matthew 22:23- 
28 and Mark 12:18-27. The Pharisees were 
referring to this prophecy of Enoch that the saints 
in Messiah's reign should live till they had 
begotten thousands of children. Therefore, they 
inquired which of the woman's seven husbands 
would be her husband in the Messiah's kingdom. 

In reply, Jesus told them plainly, "ye do err, not 
knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For 
in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are 
given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in 
heaven." Matthew 22:29-30. In other words, 
Jesus repudiated this whole idea of an earthly, 
carnal kingdom of God and transferred its 
expectations to the eternal rest of the saints in 
Heaven in a purified and spiritual manner of life. 

The spirit of man that the kingdom message 
heresy deceives it uses to enslave and control 
their human temples It is self-conquest by the 

The figure of ancient Babylon exists today in the 
spiritual Babylon of "Christianity." It draws not 
the sword to dip the blood of martyrs but seeks to 
cut off their spirit from God for eternity. 



Undermining Christianity with Brotherhood 

In our frequent references to Masonry in this text 
we have accused Masonry of not only complicity 
in the political aspects of the British Israel 
conspiracy but that it is the work of the Masonic 
Order to build the spiritual state of World 
Brotherhood, which is only the Masonic term for 
the kingdom of God on earth. If, then, we can 
recognize the subversive and pernicious spirit of 
World Brotherhood, then we can identify Masonry 
and British-Israelism as one. 

In this section we shall dwell only for a moment 
on the political intrigue of Masonry but the frontal 
attack shall be upon the spiritual lie of the order 
that has deceived hundreds of thousands 
throughout the years. 

In developing the process of the spiritual 
revolution or the religion of revolution we have 
attempted to prove that the spirit (belief in) of the 
New World Order is incompatible with the 
national sovereignty of America or any nation. If 
we can get this idea across then anyone can see 
the utter futility of political action to save our 
country as long as it is smothered with the spirit 
of the New Age. The chaos of spiritual bondage 
must be broken from the American people before 
they can save themselves politically. The captive 
mind cannot understand the contradiction of a 
constitutional government as set out in the 
United States Constitution and the kingdom of 
God on earth. Political action cannot be fruitful 
until the air is cleared of the propaganda of the 
kingdom message and/or World Brotherhood. 

Masonry is the spirit of anti-Christ and the spirit 
of the unity of faith into a world religio-political 
state. While it denies with every breath the union 
of church and state, it is its spirit that has 
harmonized humanity into a collective world 
spiritual union. Though it takes on every political 
color imaginable it is of one spirit and one faith -- 


the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of 

As has been said, Americans are so far removed 
from the truth that they can no longer identify 
Masonry as the spirit of anti-Christ. Masonry has 
changed the spirit of the American churches so 
that its victims cling to the name of Christian, but 
have the faith of brotherhood. Identification with 
the Christian faith is the source of power of 
British Israel-Masonry but we shall show that it is 
indeed the mystery of iniquity appearing as God. 

To establish the Satanic Christian State, Masonry 
(which also is the arms and legs of world 
revolution) must amalgamate humanity into a 
colorless hybrid race. We quote from a publication 
distributed by the Edgar Cayce Foundation called 
THE SEARCHLIGHT Volume 14, #9, September 
1962: "Though there may come those periods 
when there will be great stress, as brother rises 
against brother, as group or sect or race rises 
against race - yet the leveling must come..." "If 
there is not the acceptance in America of the 
closer brotherhood of man, the love of the 
neighbor as self, civilization must wend its way 
westward..." End of quote. On the hidden 
meaning of Americanism there is shed some light 
under the caption The New Order of Peace, and I 
quote: "The readings draw a very clear picture of 
the kind of world peace that will eventually be 
established. Reassuring is the terminology of the 
readings here, for they say this will come about, 
and that it will come about by the Spirit of God 
moving the hearts of men. Furthermore, the 
readings state that the principles in Americanism 
and the Masonic Order, will be the principles 
ruling the world!" V "For, with the changes that 
will be wrought, Americanism - the ism - with the 
universal thought that is expressed and 
manifested in the brotherhood of man into group 
thought as expressed by the Masonic Order, will 
be the eventual rule in the settlement of affairs in 
the world." "Not that the world is to become g 
Masonic Order, but the principles (spirit) that are 
embraced in the same will be the basis upon 
which the new order of peace is to be 
established...Raise not democracy nor any other 
name above the brotherhood of man, the 


Fatherhood of God." End of quotes. 

Any Mason aspiring to true patriotism is a 
pathetic self contradiction and a slave to the 
"light" that he supposes that he received from 

Upon initiation into the Masonic Order the initiate 
becomes a citizen of the world ant as he receives 
more "light" in Masonry he develops the faith of 
world brotherhood. First he becomes a physical 
part of a world order which supercedes 
citizenship of the country of his birth. Then as the 
Mason becomes indoctrinated with the spirit of 
brotherhood his allegiance changes to the world 
brotherhood state and most do not realize that 
world brotherhood is diametrically opposed to the 
indefinite survival of independent nations. We 
have already seen that this same trickery is 
worked in the churches through the doctrine of 
the universal kingdom of God on earth. This is 
the same spirit of World Brotherhood and is 
different in name and outward form only. Often 
times we observe condemnations of Masonry by 
the kingdom message cultists. Positively this 
stems from spiritual deceit, because the faith of 
World Brotherhood is the faith in the collective 
salvation of man in the natural order kingdom of 
God. The millennialist and the Mason may believe 
that they are enemies but they are of one faith 
and one spirit. Now we repeat that if we can 
identify the spirit of world revolution we can know 
its treason under whatever name or form it may 

"Light and darkness are the relative terms for the 
operation of good and evil in humanity under 
human administration. All these things have to 
pass to make way for the new creation in which 
we are invited to cooperate. But before that 
cooperation can come we are asked to participate 
understandingly in the destruction of the false 
world order by accelerating the process of 
destruction, by coming out of it before it 
collapses..." Quoted from page 144 of the book 
What kind of world can humanity expect from the 
destroyers of the faith and the murder of 
millions? The truth of the matter is, we must die 


spiritually (reject Christ and His supernatural 
kingdom) and if need be die physically, in order to 
receive the blessings of the kingdom age. 

The Aquarian or kingdom age of Masonry is a 
concept of a new world political-spiritual order 
centered and controlled in the British Empire. 
When one is made a Mason he is a physical and 
spiritual world citizen and his resulting faith in 
the salvation of the world through brotherhood 
becomes his "righteousness." To him the temple of 
humanity collectively attains its salvation based 
on the righteousness of man. The ultimate 
paradise to him is a marriage of heaven and 
earth. It is glorification of man and it is "imputed 
to him" for righteousness by Masonry. The carnal 
spirit of brotherhood cannot transcend a physical 
earthly glory. The Empire as the possessor of this 
spiritual power can dominate and control 
humanity under the false pretense of "world 
service." As to "...marking the progress of the 
Divine Plan of Interference in the normal course 
of world history...The whole theme of this cosmic 
prophecy relates to the approach to the ultimate 
reality of the prophecy - the symbolic resurrection 
of the race. This is revealed as to be effected by 
the Displacement of America from the government 
of the Motherland and the coalescence again of 
the Displaced governments at the End of the Age." 
Quoted from pages 457 and 458 of THE GREAT 
quote not tell us that the goal of the spiritual 
revolution is to put America back into the British 

We quote now an article taken from the official 
organ of The Supreme Council 33rd Degree A. & 
A. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J.U.S.A., 
published at 1735 Sixteenth Street N.W., 
Washington, D. C., in the NEW AGE of September 
1950, page 551; from the article entitled "God's 
Plan In America" by C. William Smith, New 
Orleans, Louisiana: 

"There are three plans in action in America today 
and they all have different purposes. The first 
plan is God's plan, a nonsectarian plan; the 
second is the Roman Catholic plan, and this is a 
denominational or sectarian plan, and the third is 


the Communistic plan, an anticapitalist plan." 

"God's plan is dedicated to the unification of all 
races, religions and creeds. This plan, dedicated 
to the new order of things, is to make all things 
new -- a new nation, a new race, a new civilization 
and a new religion, a nonsectarian religion that 
has already been recognized and called the 
religion of 'The Great Light.'" 

"Looking back into history, we can easily see that 
the Guiding Hand of Providence has chosen the 
Nordic people to bring in and unfold the new 
order of the world. Records clearly show that 95 
per cent of the colonists were Nordics-Anglo- 

"Providence has chosen the Nordics because the 
Nordics have prepared themselves and have 
chosen God. They are not church worshippers, for 
they worship God's word--the Holy Bible. The 
Nordics are the great Bible-reading people of the 
world today, and the Nordics--Anglo-Saxons-- 
were the first people to print the Holy Bible in 
great quantity, and they were known as the 
people of a book, that book being the Holy Bible." 

"But, in order to read the Bible, it is necessary to 
know how to read. In the Nordic race there is no 
illiteracy. In Norway there has been no illiteracy 
for more than a hundred years. Another fact that 
shows clearly that the Nordics are God's chosen 
people this time is they are always looking for 
more light on the mission of life. Looking at their 
station of life, these great Bible-reading people 
should open the eyes of the world. King Gustaf of 
Sweden is a great light in the nonsectarian 
Masonic Brotherhood, and King Haakon of 
Norway is a Masonic light in Norway. The late 
King Christian of Denmark was a Masonic spirit 
in his Denmark; also King George of England is a 
Masonic light to his Anglo-Saxon people." 

"Just as Providence has chosen the Jewish race-- 
the Children of Israel--to bring into the world 
righteousness by carrying the 'Ten 
Commandments' which emphasize 'Remember the 
Sabbath Day and keep it holy,' so also Providence 
has chosen the Nordic Race to unfold the 'New 


Age' of the world--a 'Novus Ordo Seclorum."' 

"One of the first of the Nordics to reach the New 
World was the Viking, Leif Ericsson. He sailed 
from Norway to bring to his people in Iceland a 
new message, the message of the Christian God. 
But Providence moves in a mysterious way His 
wonders to perform, and so Leif the Lucky was 
sent by Providence to the New World. From the 
abundance of grapes found there Leif Ericsson 
called the place Vinland." 

"It is easy to sense that Leif Ericsson was sent by 
the Guiding Hand of Providence to bring the 
Norse spirit of the 'All-Father' to the shores of the 
New World." 

"The Nordics are the highest branch of the fifth 
Aryan Civilization. The Latins are of the fourth 
Aryan Civilization, and the American race will be 
the sixth Aryan Civilization. This new and great 
civilization is like an American Beauty rosebud, 
ready to open and send its wonderful fragrance to 
all the world." 

"George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin 
Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Paine and many 
others of the founders of the new nation in the 
New World were Nordics." 

"Thomas Paine, the spark plug of the American 
Revolution, loved God but hated sectarianism. In 
'These Are the Times,' he wrote: 'We have it in our 
power to begin the world all over again! A 
situation similar to the present hath not 
happened since the days of Noah, 'til now. The 
birthday of a New World is at hand.'" 

"As stated before, God's Plan in America is a 
nonsectarian plan. Our Constitution is 
nonsectarian. Our great American Public Schools- 
-God's chosen schools--are nonsectarian. The 
Great Spirit behind this great nation is 

"Our great American Public Schools have never 
taken away from any child the freedom of will, 
freedom of spirit or freedom of mind. That is the 
divine reason that Great God our King has chosen 


the great American Public Schools to pave the 
way for the new race, the new religion and the 
new civilization that is taking place in America." 

"Any mother, father or guardian who is 
responsible for the taking away of freedom of 
mind, freedom of will or freedom of spirit is the 
lowest criminal on this earth, because they take 
away from that child the God-given right to 
become a part of God's great plan in America for 
the dawn of the New Age of the world." End of 
quotes from NEW AGE. 

If anyone can read this and not grasp the 
meaning of race war in America and see at the 
same time the instrumentality of Masonry behind 
it, he is simply dishonest and deserves the deceit 
received from affiliation with the Masonic Order. 
He who does not want the whole truth does not 
deserve any truth. Albert Pike agrees with this in 
a negative sense, in that he says that those 
Masons who do not aspire to esoteric or hidden 
Masonry deserve to be mislead and in fact are 
mislead as to the real meaning of the Order. To 
this, we add, is the understatement of all time. 
Albert Pike says in MORALS AND DOGMA, page 
220, "The whole world is but one republic, of 
which each nation is a family, and every 
individual a child. Masonry, not in anywise 
derogating from the differing duties which the 
diversity of states requires, tends to create a new 
people, which composed of men of many nations 
and tongues, shall all be bound together by the 
bonds of science, morality and virtue." What Pike 
is saying here is, that Masonry as a political 
institution, can fit itself to any scheme of 
government in order to build the one faith of the 
coming world kingdom. Masonry is a diversity of 
politics and a unity of spirit. In other words, 
Masonry does not conflict with its ultimate goals 
when it promotes "Americanism," (by Masonic 
definition, Americanism is World Brotherhood), at 
the national level and promotes internationalism 
(spiritual state) at the same time. The only 
inconsistency is in those who follow the precepts 
of Masonry under the auspices of Christianity, 
patriotism and Americanism. 

There is no question but that the government of 


the United States is run by Masonry and the 
mechanical and perfunctory activities of Congress 
are a rubber stamp betrayal to the British Empire 
alias kingdom of God. The division of political 
parties is a farce that deceives the American 
people into believing they have a political choice 
according to the Constitution. The politics of 
Masonry as well as the spirit of Masonry are 
dedicated to the "Mother Country." The oath of 
allegiance of 33rd degree Masonry at the initiation 
rites in Seattle, Washington, May 15-17, 1941, 
pledges allegiance to the Supreme Council which 
is the Mother Council of the World, which is the 
Grand Lodge of England located in London. We 
quote the article entitled Allegiance: "The Bodies 
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of 
Freemasonry, in the Valley of Seattle, Orient of 
Washington; acknowledge and yield allegiance to 
The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the 
World) of the Inspectors General Knights 
Commanders of the House of the Temple of 
Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient 
and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the 
Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of 
America." End of quote. 

How many Masons are aware that behind the face 
of philanthropy Masonry is the instrument of 
power and subversion of and for the British 
Empire and that its codes and signs and symbols 
have a double meaning, the hidden meaning 
being treason to the Constitution of the United 
States? According to the final authority of 
Masonry, one Albert Pike, he says in his book 
MORALS AND DOGMA, page 104, "Masonry, like 
all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism 
and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except 
the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false 
explanations and misinterpretations of its 
symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be 
misled; to conceal the truth which it calls Light, 
from them, and to draw them away from it." On 
page 148 he states, "The symbols and ceremonies 
of Masonry have more than one meaning. They 
rather conceal than disclose the Truth." On page 
819 Pike states, "The Blue Degrees are but the 
outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the 
symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he 
is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It 


is not intended that he shall understand them; 
but it is intended that he shall imagine he 
understands them. Their true explication is 
reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. 
...and who so attempts to undeceive them (the 
mass of Masons) will labor in vain..." End of 
quotes. This is not anti-Masonic evidence but is 
the confession of Masonry itself coming from the 
writings of the "Universal Pontiff of Masonry." 

And we realize that Albert Pike knew the Satanic 
deceit of Masonry when he said "whoso attempts 
to undeceive them labors in vain." Few there be 
who come to understand the synthetic 
brotherhood of Freemasonry and fewer ever know 
its allegiance is outside the United States of 

Masonry is spiritual and political Communism 
dedicated to British-Jew domination of the world 
and is enacting the scheme of British Israel to 
deceive and lure the people to believe that the 
New Age Kingdom World Government is a plan of 

"The Communist International and Soviet Russia 
stand today as monuments of the Masonic ideal 
of Albert Pike symbolized by the three: 

Destruction - Its organization of Terror 

Materialism - Its assault on Religion 

Imposition - Its communist State 

This is a quotation from OCCULT THEOCRACY, 
page 618, and we agree only with some further 
clarification. Destruction and terror on one hand, 
and peace movements on the other, are a phase of 
uprooting governments. We would clarify the 
second stage by saying that the materialism of 
British Israel Masonry has assaulted Christianity 
by identifying with it. Materialism is the religion 
of British Israel Masonry and is not in conflict 
with itself as it would have us to believe. In the 
third stage of imposition of the Communist State 
we would more accurately identify the final 
objective as the Communist Christian Kingdom of 
God of British Israel. We do not agree that the 


Communist State, as Russia supposedly is, is the 
ultimate aim of world revolution, but an embryo 
progenitor disguise of the same. 

The aim of world revolution is to identify in form 
and substance with Christianity and the kingdom 
propaganda is carrying out this plot undetected, 
unopposed and unexposed. Any attempt to point 
at political Communism hides the identity and 
subversion of the other isms. Americans must 
realize that the spirit of anti-Christ is to be found 
as close to the truth as it can get. 

We have repeated that moral evil operates and 
exists parallel to truth. Any obvious conflict of 
truth is only a shadow or decoy of a more 
concealed evil, i.e., such as Satan appearing as 
an angel of light. We see politics operating in the 
same manner. Americanism is a high sounding 
thought but its use is betrayal as it is promoted 
through Masonry. Americanism is now being used 
as a front for the treason of World Brotherhood. 

We quote now from Foster Bailey's THE SPIRIT 
OF MASONRY, page 127, to demonstrate that the 
ultimate quest is the spiritual state and that the 
spiritual reality sought by Masonry is the same 
brotherhood kingdom of God on earth of British 
Israel. "The three degrees typify body, mind and 
spirit, the three essential parts of man. Often 
have we heard this. The same great trinity of 
stages of consciousness, and of achievements, 
which we enact as candidates, is being enacted by 
Masonry as a whole. Therein lies the significance 
of the present era and of the future." 

"The greatest change in Masonry which has ever 
taken place was the transition of our order from 
Operative to Speculative Masonry. Pause and 
consider how few of us would be here tonight if 
Masonry were still Operative. This great group 
change required time and was dictated by events. 
When the religious reformation of the sixteenth 
century brought an end to the extensive 
ecclesiastical building programme in Europe, the 
usefulness and indeed the necessity of 
Speculative Masonry could not be long delayed. 
As the human race became more mental, 
Masonry perforce became more mental. Physical 


skill in building, which had been an essential 
prerequisite, eventually became entirely 

"The period of Masonic history before the 
sixteenth century was the degree of Planetary 
Free Masonry. It was the physical body stage, 
wherein there was an absolute requirement of 
bodily work and bodily skill. Then came the era of 
the second degree for all Masonry throughout the 
world, the mental stage, wherein knowledge was 
our quest. In this era the Masonic Fraternity has 
passed its Fellowcraft initiation, has learned its 
lecture well. We now stand ready to be Raised. 
That is why only the substitute word is available 
in the world today. The lost word cannot be found 
until the Masonic Fraternity itself is raised. Until 
then we have but the reflection of a promised 

"Again the age of crisis comes and we find great 
turmoil on every side. World events rush forward. 
Great change impends. The sons of men have 
come of age. New values emerge, new tasks 
appear, our vision dimly sees new goals. Man the 
thinker rules the world. He passes on through 
suffering to better things. The soul of humanity is 
being born. The sublime degree is about to be 
enacted on our planet." 

"So must our noble Order achieve its high 
destiny, even as our Master Hiram traced the 
course upon the board. The Great Plan for man 
runs true. The Grand Architect shall not be 
mocked. Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry 
shall play its part and enter through the gate and 
tread the Way." 

"Physical Masonry became Mental Masonry. 
"Mental Masonry shall become Spiritual Masonry. 
"We enter now this final stage, the greatest quest 
of all." 

"The future of masonry shall be more glorious 
than the past. Our destiny is greater than we 
have yet dared dream. The breath of God is upon 
our order." End of quote. Surely we can begin to 
see that the progression of Masonry toward the 
spiritual state is simply the reality of the kingdom 


of God on earth. Masonic Communism under the 
leadership of such Masons as Bela Kun of 
Hungary, Lenin, Trotsky and Kerensky (now in 
the United States of America living peacefully 
after his Masonic takeover of Russia) are blood 
brothers (spiritual and revolutionary) to Masonic 
British Israel "Christianity." In fact it is the 
spiritual and political unity of the kingdom of God 
which represents the synthesis of these supposed 
enemies (Masonic Communism and "Christianity") 
into the reality of their "pure doctrine of Lucifer." 
It is the spirit of British Israel (the kingdom 
message) which proclaims the collective totality of 
humanity in an earthly paradise, which identifies 
Masonic Communism and Masonic neo- 
Christianity as one. The state of mind 
(brotherhood) produced by Freemasonry disguises 
fictitious antagonisms (Communism versus Anti¬ 
communism), especially when veiled under 
different names. All revolution and war is toward 
the establishment of the kingdom of God British 
Commonwealth of the World. This 
"Commonwealth of Israel" is the universal 
Masonic Republic. Masonry is indeed the 
"veritable Sphinx" which is the motivator and 
mover of humanity into the World State. Satan's 
Christian state must be a spiritual as well as a 
political power. In our search for the perpetrators 
of revolution we must identify the spiritual plot in 
order to forestall the political advances. 

We will see in esoteric Masonry the blending of 
opposites (male and female) into perfect harmony 
or equilibrium. Thus we need only to look at 
world revolution as it appears in the "Christ 
versus anti-Christ" facade in order to see its 
parallel and the source of its spirit. We can see 
also the "Christ" World State as the intended final 
World Brotherhood. The New Age Kingdom of God 
on Earth has for its goal the initiation of the 
human race into the ancient mysteries which it 
calls "the Christ." "The Christ," interpreted, is the 
sex force of the human male, but this aspect is 
veiled to the masses until the materialism 
(Masonry attempts to throw sand in our eyes with 
its hypocritical condemnation of materialism; it is 
itself materialism with the most emphatic 
definition of the word. It is what it condemns and 
its religion, based on the worship of generation, is 


the most base sort of materialism) of the New Age 
can come in through the preparation of the 
collective mind for the earthly kingdom. 

If we are to understand world revolution we must 
look beyond the five senses and discern the spirit 
of revolution. It is in its spirit that we recognize 
treason. If our trust is in Masonic politicians and 
ministers we must surely fall into outer darkness 
and national destruction. 

The Masonic spirit (deification of man in an 
earthly bliss) has permeated the churches of all 
names and creeds and imprisoned their members 
with the aura of its counterfeit humanitarianism. 
It bleeds the soul of the grace of Christ and 
establishes instead the spiritual darkness of the 
Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. 
We have noted that British Israel divides issues 
between ideological myths of its own creation and 
consistently we see its Masonic Communism 
"fight" its Masonic Christ. This ostensible battle 
between the forces of evil and the forces of good is 
designed to evolve into complete victory for the 
(cosmic) Christ and the "Christian State." We see 
then that so-called fundamental Christianity is 
the vehicle and camouflage for the Universal 
British Empire alias kingdom of God on earth. 
Thus the spiritual deception of the New Age 
Millennium is the veil that covers the political- 
spiritual unification of the world under the British 
Empire. The theocracy of Judaic-Masonic British 
Israel is a political religion whose spiritual 
deception leads to the unification of God (God of 
this world) and state. It is the development of 
faith and allegiance in the God-state which 
diminishes patriotism and nationhood. It is this 
unconscious world faith which establishes an 
unavoidable inner conflict between real patriotism 
and that which is imagined by the followers of the 
political messianic kingdom of God propaganda. 
No true appeal to patriotism can be made until 
the ridiculous contradiction of World Brotherhood 
can be understood for its true meaning. Its 
politics is Communism and its spirit is the 
kingdom of God on earth. It is one. We cannot 
condemn its politics and embrace its spirit. We 
cannot advocate political patriotism and spiritual 
treason as does Masonic British Israel. If we do, 


we have not understood the duality of the plot 
which has beguiled us into self betrayal, under 
the cloak of Americanism. The terms patriotism, 
world brotherhood and/or the kingdom message 
are consistent by definition only with traitors and 
conversely if Americans aspire to patriotism they 
must divest themselves of the kingdom 
propaganda lest they too become traitors. True 
patriotism and true Americanism is opposed to 
political and Spiritual Communism. In this 
context we can see how the pied pipers of the 
right wing can give such perfect eulogies of 
patriotism while leaving us in a dense fog when 
we seek a solution to combat the evil Communism 
which they say is about to devour us. It seems 
incredible to imagine that they are profiteers and 
traitors whose pious prayers have disguised their 
half-truth hypocrisy and treason. We should 
begin to ask them about the Spiritual 
Communism called the kingdom of God on earth 
which is the plot of the British Empire to control 
the world in the name of Christ. Their reaction to 
this should prove that they are indeed the 
conspiracy themselves. They are the Communists 
that they accuse. Political action even with the 
intent of patriotism, is treason if it originates from 
a mind imbued with brotherhood or the kingdom 
of God on earth. Right action cannot originate 
from spiritual darkness. Patriotism is not possible 
from a spirit of World Brotherhood, it is only 
frustration and deceit. The avowed aims of 
"separation of church and state" does not tally 
with the avowed aims of the Universal 
Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of 
God; the first is its (Masonry) front; the second is 
its plot. 

It is with the establishment of this political 
religion in the name and form of Christianity 
which has caused the hope of the world to be the 
kingdom of God on earth. This spiritual unity of 
heaven and earth is the Judaised Pharisaic veil of 
world revolution. It is precisely the political 
rabbinicism which caused the blindness of the 
Jews, their rejection of Christ's kingdom of Grace 
and His subsequent crucifixion by them. It is also 
the source of spiritual blindness which denies the 
blessings of the grace of Christ and divides us 
against ourselves. We cannot have God The Holy 


Spirit and a natural messiah; we cannot have 
America and the kingdom of God on earth. We 
must choose this day between Jesus Christ and 
the Cosmic Christ of British Israel Masonry; we 
must choose this day between the United States 
of America and the World State Kingdom of God 
on Earth British Empire. We cannot serve both 
God and mammon; we cannot serve both the 
Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack. 

We must keep in mind that the Empire runs the 
world with its servant Masonry and that Masonry 
knows the meaning of the anxiety of race war and 
revolution in America and its planned objective of 
World Government in the name of Christ. 

Masonry is spiritual darkness and it perverts the 
moral sense absolutely so that its participants 
cannot understand its iniquity and constant war 
against the Christian faith. It is certain that if the 
mass of Masons understood the hidden meaning 
of the Masonic Order, many of them would 
disassociate themselves from its shame and 

Our consistent purpose, however, is to show that 
as a nation becomes insinuated with a spiritual 
force dedicated to a world state, the political 
realities of national sovereignty become a farce 
and a fictitious sham. If our thought patterns on 
patriotism cannot escape the treason of World 
Brotherhood, we are indeed aliens in our own 
land in pursuit of its destruction. Diabolicism has 
never had a more dedicated ally than the 
American people, whom it has made world 
citizens via its propaganda of a coming world 
kingdom of God Masonic paradise. We cannot 
save America if our allegiance transcends the 
Constitution. We can pledge allegiance to the flag 
and die in foreign wars, but all is in vain to a 
captive spirit. As a nation thinks in its heart so is 

Masonry is a religion; but it is not the Christian 
faith but a World Government religion based upon 
the deceit that man collectively can become its 
own God and Saviour. 

It is impossible to be a Mason, spiritually, and be 


a Christian at the same time 

It is equally impossible to reach true patriotism 
through Masonry. 

It takes more honesty than most people have, to 
admit even after they are shown, that they as 
Masons, are enemies of the Christian faith and 
enemies of their country. 

Of course the Order does not reveal to the mass of 
Masons, as shown in Pike's statements, the 
hidden meaning of the Order. Masonic language, 
ceremonies and high sounding moral principles 
and precepts delude its members and 
nonmembers by identifying with the Christian 

Masonry is not simply an innocent social 
fraternity as most of its members suppose. It is a 
political-religious brotherhood dedicated to the 
unification of the spirit of humanity into an 
earthly world kingdom without Jesus Christ but 
under the facade of Christianity. 

That Freemasonry claims to be the supreme 
religion is voiced by Masonic authority. According 
to the motivators of the Order, Masonry is the 
supreme universal religion and all other religions 
including Christianity are only perversions of 
Masonry. Albert Pike says in MORALS AND 
DOGMA, Page 324, that Masonry is the 
foundation of all religions. Buck says in MYSTIC 
MASONRY, Pages 113 and 114, that Masonry is 
not only a universal science, but a worldwide 
religion, and it is the universal religion because it 
embraces all religions. 

Masonry embraces all religions in order to build 
and harmonize them into the coming one world 
religion of the kingdom of man. Masonry also 
embraces all politics from Communism to 
Democracy in order to arrive finally into a 
political-spiritual synthesis. It is not inconsistent 
with Masonry for one Mason to be a left wing 
Communist and his fraternal brother to be a right 
wing "patriot." The very purpose of this 
"antagonism" is to bring final conformity out of 
conflict and all that is necessary to understand 


this, is to look at the spirit of Masonry — it is one 
world under the Fatherhood of God and the 
brotherhood of man, alias kingdom of God on 

The Masonic doctrine, like Mormonism and all the 
materialistic kingdom on earth cults, is 
universality, materialism and pantheism. It 
blends all heresies into one synthesis. Is this not 
Communism? Masonry promotes Judaism as 
Christianity aiming at a progressive universal 
religion while seeking to unite in itself all faiths 
and the cults of every people on earth. This is 
collectivism of the spirit, or Spiritual 

Does the Masonic religion and the many cults 
such as Jehovah Witnesses and the 
fundamentalists parade their materialism before 
the world? No indeed, they heap rebuke on the 
mythical frauds of Communism and atheism for 
such heresy while they are the chief promoters of 
One Worldism, always using Christianity to hide 
their deceit. The mass of kingdom cults in 
America do not have to take the blame and bear 
the shame of their treason. They have Russian 
Communism to use as a goat. 

The constant striving, sometimes through created 
conflicts and sometimes through harmony, to 
unify the spirit of man against Divine revelation is 
the spirit of World Revolution. Says Mackey on 
page 502 of MASONIC Jurisprudence: "The 
universal law of nature is therefore the only law 
suited in every respect to be adopted as the 
Masonic code." Not grace through Christ but the 
blending of the human spirit with God's creation. 
In other words, the law of nature or lex naturae is 
the religion of the New Age. 

British Israel Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry changes 
the truth of Christ into a lie, and exalts its lies to 
the position of "Divine Truth." In the view of 
Masonry, the Bible is a pseudo-revelation because 
it does not appeal to the natural man. Sotheran 
says, "There is no institution that has done so 
much, and is yet capable of such great 
undertakings in the future for humanity, religion 
and political government as Freemasonry." End of 


quote. It now proposes to sweep all opponents off 
the field and establish itself as the religion 
founded upon science and eternal reason. The 
Deist, Pantheist and Theosophist all are given 
welcome in its ranks, but the Christian must 
renounce his errors ere he can be a brother true, 
and a perfect man. 

The following extracts from Masonic authorities 
betray this spirit of arrogant supremacy on the 
part of Freemasonry. "The sacred books of all 
religion, including those of the Jews and 
Christians, were and are no more than parables 
and allegories of the real secret doctrine 
transcribed for the ignorant and superstitious 
masses." "Salvation by faith and the vicarious 
atonement were not taught, as now interpreted, 
by Jesus, nor are these doctrines taught in the 
exoteric scriptures. They are later and ignorant 
perversions of the original doctrines. In the early 
church, as in the secret doctrine, there was not 
one Christ for the whole world, but a potential 
Christ in every man. Theologians first made a 
fetish of the impersonal, omnipotent divinity; and 
then tore the Christos from the hearts of all 
humanity in order to deify Jesus, that they may 
have a God-man peculiarly their own. All the 
ancient Mysteries had the true doctrine, and the 
early Christians had it. Masonry uncontaminated 
by the disciples of Loyola, had and has it also." 

"Humanity in toto, then is the only Personal God 
and Christos is the realization or perfection of this 
divine Persona, an individual conscious 
experience. When this perfection is realized the 
state is called Christos with the Greeks, and 
Buddha with the Hindoos." "If the Christ state 
can be attained by but one human being during 
the whole evolution of the race, then the evolution 
of man is a farce and human perfection an 

"It also has been shown that every act in the 
drama of the life of Jesus, and every quality 
assigned to Christ, is to be found in the life of 
Krishna and in the legends of all the sun gods 
from the remotest antiquities." "Drop the 
theological barnacles from the religion of Jesus, 
as taught by him, and by the Essenes and 


Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes 
Masonry. Masonry in its purity, derived as it is 
from the old Hebrew Kabbala as a part of the 
great universal wisdom religion of remotest 
antiquity, stands squarely for universal 
brotherhood of man." End of quotes from MYSTIC 
MASONRY, pages 119, 130, 138, 139, 140. 

We see from this quote that the spiritual goal of 
Masonry is the Christ-state and the collective 
spiritual unity of humanity in the kingdom of God 
on earth. 

Persuasive logic nor factual evidence can 
overcome the vanity of the beguiled Masons. They 
must explore the spirit of Masonry in order to see 
its treason. 

Absolute tyranny must be erected upon mind 
control, the process of which, is completely subtle 
to its subjects. The reversing of the conscience of 
man, through a slow process of reeducation, 
builds a receptive spirit to the invisible power of 
suggestion. Man can then become enslaved and 
betrayed with his own thoughts. He has indeed 
become a mental robot, completely unaware that 
he is such, and absolutely oblivious to the 
invisible power that controls him. So then, as 
man thinks to do "good" he does evil; as he 
proclaims Christ he denies Him; as he seeks truth 
he tramples it; as he strives for political freedom 
he engages in sedition. In all these things he has 
the image of respectability and he believes in his 
heart he is right. 

Mind control motivates ideological zeal, as 
opposed to superficial conviction. It is the 
solidification of ideological zeal for the world 
kingdom that causes the people to unwittingly 
subvert their national system into a world order, 
and when man is divided against himself, he is 
divided against God and His country — not 
passively but actively. 

We cannot destroy Communism and promote it at 
the same time in the form of Masonry or 
"Christianity." We must understand its spirit to 
recognize its disguises. Its spirit is the collective 
kingdom of humanity without the personal 


redemption of Jesus Christ. 

The Great Architect of Masonry is antithetical to 
the Jesus Christ of Revelation and no juggling or 
distorting of religious terms can make them the 

Divine nature, says Masonry, is divided into male 
and female for the purpose of perpetual 
generation. Masonic religion and Masonic worship 
is related to the adoration of the generative 
powers of man. Phallicism is the religion of 
Masonry. Humanity is its own god and derives its 
deity from perpetual incarnation, says Masonry. 
Endless incarnation and the idea of the deity of 
man is the inspiration of all kingdom cults, which 
we have shown. 

The worship of the creative principle or Great 
Architect negates man to God, the Creator, and 
moves him to the worship of God's creation. 
Through the development of the idea that man is 
of a divine nature, he begins to identify with the 
natural order of creation and seeks redemption 
and peace through the spiritual unity of man in 
the physical order. 

The trickery of Masonry and the kingdom 
message propaganda is to deceive the spirit of 
man away from the personal God to the abode of 
Satan on earth after he was cast out of Heaven. 

The allusions of Masonry to Heaven after death, is 
a veil to hide its spiritual deceit which eclipses 
man from God eternally. The Heavenly estate is 
prepared only for those regenerated through the 
blood of the personal God. 

Those who can only see God in a perfectly ordered 
paradise earth are seeking God with the natural 
mind instead of God's revelation of himself 
through his kingdom of grace. They are seeking 
God in nature or they are seeking Divine nature 
and it is this "earthly" spirit that denies them the 
blessing they seek. Confusion as to the nature of 
God's kingdom sets the creation of God in the 
place of God. To say that the creation (man and 
the whole physical world), is to be God, is the 
spirit of the world kingdom religion- What then? 


Shall we render unto Caesar the things that are 

If, in our minds, Heaven and earth merge, our 
spiritual allegiance shall be to the natural 
messiah of humanity. 

The world by wisdom knows not God. The 
Trinitarian God can only come through the 
revelation of Himself to man. It is the carnal man, 
the natural man that seeks the "Supreme Being" 
in human history. The essence of God cannot be 
found in the natural world or through the 
speculation of men. 

The twisting of scripture to turn God's work of 
grace back to a paradise earth in a future age is 
the vain striving of finite man. This impersonal 
pantheism of man leads man away from the 
living, personal, triune God Who exists 
independently of the universe. 

The perfect order of God's supernatural kingdom, 
His new Heaven and new earth, has been a literal 
reality since the manifestation and revelation of 
Jesus Christ. It came in fulfillment of all the 
prophets. "The Law and the prophets were until 
John: since that time the kingdom of God is 
preached and every man presseth into it." Luke 
16:16. If the kingdom of God is preached, it is the 
gospel of Grace of Jesus Christ. 

The Christian God in the fullness of time 
manifested Himself incarnate in the person of 
Jesus Christ. The God of Christianity is the 
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; in which 
Trinity none is before or after the other; none 
greater or less than another; but the whole three 
persons co-eternal together, and co-equal. 

Masonry does not identify its God as the Triune 
God of Christianity. To Masonry, the Trinity is 
sectarianism. The religion of Masonry is broad 
enough to include all the religions of antiquity 
except the Christian religion. Freemasonry only 
parades under the Christian banner at times so 
that the unsuspecting may become easy prey. So 
again, it is not always the language of Christianity 
that identifies the spirit of Christ, but more often 


than not, it is used to veil thought expressions 
which are contrary to the Word of God. 

Unless we can understand the use of this 
spiritual force, which pretends Christianity, as a 
weapon of power politics to motivate events along 
a preplanned course, we shall continue a course 
of history which will end in another World War 
and the utter destruction of America by the 
British Empire. What cares the Empire who is 
governor, or who is president, if it can move the 
nations at will, in the name of Christ? 

Through a dual meaning of language and 
symbolism, the Masonic Order is used to carry 
out a systematic betrayal of its own fraternal 
brothers, while at the same time it uses them in 
their own betrayal. 

Masons who believe that Masonry is simply a 
Christian Fraternity are deceived. It is not only 
not a Christian Fraternity, it is a religion based 
upon the worship of the Grand Architect, 
antithetical to the Jesus Christ of Revelation. The 
essence of Freemasonry is such that it is morally 
and absolutely impossible to hold and adhere to 
it, and to hold and to adhere to Christianity at the 
same time. 

If Masons would honestly search the meaning of 
their Masonic Church and worship, they would 
find by authority of the makers and fathers of 
Masonry, such as Clavel, Ragon, Pike, Mackey 
and others, that Masonic symbolism in its 
original and proper meaning refers to the solar 
and phallic worship of the ancient mysteries, 
especially those of Egypt. That the Masonic 
religion is of a phallic nature is the opinion of the 
most eminent and best informed Masons. 

Masons should apply the religious test to their 
order which requires a belief in "God," or later 
such as in Knight Templarism, requires belief in 
Jesus Christ as the son of God. The following 
quote is from Martin L. Wagner's book 
religious test if honestly used and in its Christian 
sense, would exclude on the one hand all persons 
who do not believe that the unique Person, the 


Jesus Christ of the New Testament, is the 
incarnate Son of God, and the Redeemer and 
Savior of mankind; and on the other hand it 
would admit only those who do thus believe in 
him and accept him as their Lord and personal 
Savior. It is upon the assumption that this 'test of 
faith' is used and understood in the Christian 
sense, that Templarism is claimed to be a 
Christian institution, and sets forth nothing but 
the Christian religion." 

"Few things can be more misleading. The first 
element of truth that names be honestly used, is 
here ruthlessly violated. If this name of Christ 
were honestly used and in its Christian sense, 
this conclusion might be warranted. But it is not 
so used in Templarism, as any discerning student 
can plainly see, and it is therefore that sense in 
which it is used in this order, that determines the 
kind of religion, and the character of the religious 
ideas that qualify for admission into the order. 
Not what this name means in Christianity but 
what it means in Templarism determines whether 
this test is Christian." 

"The faith in Christ that is demanded as a 
qualification for this degree is historic faith, a 
belief that the person presented to us in the New 
Testament as Jesus Christ, did actually live in the 
time and land therein set forth, and that He is the 
Son of God. This much devils believe and tremble 
because of it, but this belief does not make them 
Christians. This much we will grant that 
Templarism demands and believes, but it does 
not make Templars or their order Christian. They 
must in order to be Christians believe from the 
heart that this Jesus, God has made Lord and 
Christ, that He is the Messiah of Moses and the 
prophets, that in Him all the promises of God 
made to the fathers, are fulfilled and accept Him 
as their personal and only Redeemer and Saviour. 
They believe in Jesus as a man, as an historic 
personage, or even as a divine person, but no 
more. They do not accept Him as earth's creator 
and man's Redeemer from sin, death and the 
power of Satan. This is not the faith in Christ 
which the Church demands, and which Christ 
demands. This is not saving faith in the Christian 
sense. This is not that faith which makes men 


Christians, and the confession of which marks 
them as Christians. True faith in Christ compels 
its confessors to rest absolutely in Him as their 
sole way to God's forgiveness and eternal 

"This 'Christ' of Templarism is not the Christ of 
the New Testament and of orthodox Christianity; 
the personal Being, Son of God and Son of Man, 
'the Mystery of Godliness,' 'God manifest in the 
flesh,' 'the Word made flesh.' He is not the Christ 
confessed in the ecumenical creeds and by 
orthodox churches, the 'Person in Whom dwells 
all the fullness of the Godhead bodily,' the One 
Who is 'true God begotten of the Father from 
eternity, and also true Man, born of the Virgin 
Mary.' The 'Christ' of Templarism is not the Christ 
of orthodox Christianity. The one is the product of 
human speculation, the other is God manifest in 
the flesh, the express image of His person, a 
record of Whom we have in the Holy Bible." 

"This 'Christ of Templarism' is the 'Christ' of the 
Gnostics, the 'Christ' of the old Templars, not a 
divine-human person, true God and true man, 
but a mere idea, an elastic glyph, a philosophical 
notion, an aeon, an emanation, a spiritual and 
ethical concept, one or all of these personified, 
but separate and distinct from that Person Jesus 
Christ of Nazareth, and so flexible in his nature 
and constitution as subjectively conceived of, as 
to satisfy the most diverse opinions, speculations 
and religions of men. This 'Christ' is a false 
Christ, and if accepted is fatal to the individual's 
Christian faith and religion. The Templar's 'Christ' 
is one of the false christs that has arisen, that 
makes his appearance in the secret chamber and 
in the desert of human speculation, and has 
deceived many. This 'Christ' has nothing in 
common with the Christ of pure Christianity. 
Belief or faith in this 'Christ' of Templarism no 
more makes a man a Christian, than paint on a 
pump gives character to water, or painting a 
negro white, makes him a Caucasian." 

"The qualification 'The Son of God' attached to 
this phrase and test of Templarism, does not 
change the matter. The Templar view of the 'Son 
of God' is the old Gnostic view, the view that has 


passed down through many sects which were 
influenced in their theology far more by the 
oriental and Platonic philosophies, than by the 
Word of God. The 'Christology' of Templarism (and 
all Masonry) is irreconcilable and incompatible 
with the Christology of orthodox and New 
Testament Christianity." Quoted from pages 271- 
Martin L. Wagner. 

What this all means as a weapon of power 
politics, is that the building race means the 
building of the spiritual race. The promotion of 
self-identity as the God-race or God's people is 
the building of spiritual unity and the idea that 
all men are spiritual brothers and therefore of 
"One World," The one world spirit in the name of 
the New Age or the millennial kingdom, removes 
the conscious affinity of the people for national 
subdivisions such as the United States of 
America. Unveiled, it is the law of nature built 
upon a pernicious spirit that causes man to 
identify with and seek redemption or reclamation 
in the creation rather than the Creator. 

To the extent that the spirit of man can be moved 
toward "Divine nature" or the kingdom of God on 
earth, to this extent he is moved away from the 
redemption of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

Should the God of this world merge the spirit of 
man into a paradise earth, it would not be God. 

If Americans can be separated from their national 
interest and goals, it cannot be done through the 
barbarism of the Communist hordes, but through 
the alienation of their spirit with the "Christian" 
propaganda of the kingdom message. 

As a nation thinks in its heart so is it. 

Masonic British Israelism is the bond that unites 
all forms of Millennialism (Kingdom Cults) into 
one great system of conspiracy with the design to 
mislead, always under the cloak of Christianity. 
Hence Masonry promotes Communism on one 
hand and a false Christianity on the other. 
Through their Christian fronts and World 
Evangelism they promote the kingdom message or 


Spiritual Communism. 

We must be careful that it is not the language but 
the thought which is conveyed that determines 
our understanding. 

The Bible is the most effective veil behind which 
Freemasonry can conceal its phallic religion. It 
hesitates not to employ that Holy Book in order to 
conceal its own falsehoods and idolatries and to 
deceive and mislead its over-confiding disciples. It 
calls things by their opposites. It substitutes 
legends for facts, expresses legendary lore and 
pagan myths in the language of Holy Scripture. It 
calls heathen deities by Biblical names of God, 
heathen rites by Christian phrases and Masonic 
doctrines in phrases and terms of Christian 
theology. The whole system is not what it appears 
or pretends to be. It is a pretense, a delusion, a 
fraud, a lie. 

By substitution and juggling, the conventional 
and ordinary sense of our language betrays us. 
For example when we see the term Americanism 
in a Masonic publication or used by the John 
Birch Society we are suspicious of its use as a 
cover term for conspiracy. Other examples are 
such terms as Divine Government or Divine Order 
should be tested to see if the thought intended is 
World Government or refers to the true 
supernatural kingdom of God. 

Watch the language and the kingdom message 
tie-in in all forms of pretended patriotism. 

When Masonry talks about the New Age or the 
New Order of the Ages it is promoting World 

Masonry is of every color and political slant. It 
runs Communism and anti-communism with the 
intended purpose of fusing the two into One 
World Government. 

O Almighty, Merciful and Gracious God and 
Father, with our whole heart we beseech Thee for 
all who have forsaken the Christian faith, all who 
have wandered far from any portion thereof, or 
are in doubt or temptation through the corruptors 


of Thy Word, that Thou wouldest visit them as a 
Father, reveal unto them their error, and bring 
them back from their wanderings that they in 
singleness of heart, taking pleasure alone in the 
pure truth of Thy Word, may be made wise 
thereby unto everlasting life; through Jesus 
Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen. 

The Masonic Pyramid consists of 
The Masonic Pyramid 

Grand Lodge of England uses the Jew's religion to 
establish World Government. ALL Freemasonry 
begins with the Grand Lodge of England. 

The origin of sources from which flows the 
Kingdom Message. One can quickly see from the 
Masonic Pyramid that he can be a Communist or 
anti-communist and still serve the same master 
to his own enslavement, both spiritual and 
physical. The KEY used to test any movement is 
the Kingdom Message. The Kingdom Message is 
phrased in many ways. Some refer to a Christian 
World Order, some say Christian Government, 
many speak of the reign of Christ meaning 
political and earthly. It all adds up to the same 
thing -- Spiritual Communism. 



The Watchtower Society, better known as 
Jehovah's Witnesses, is a massive international 
movement and an important crypto- Jewish cult 
in the spread of the kingdom message. In their 
issue of AWAKE on October 8, 1971, page 23 
under title The Barrier of Nationalism Removed, 
we read this statement: "God's kingdom will 
forever remove the barrier of nationalism; people 
of all races will live in peace under one 
government." End of quote. This is the purpose of 
all kingdom cults to remove the barrier of 
nationalism by teaching a false religion which 
promotes World Government. Is this not 

Fear hysteria is used constantly to drive 
humanity to a state of mind which causes them to 
desire the relief which is promised by the 
kingdom cults in their kingdom message. In the 
same Jehovah's Witnesses publication named 
above they play up the propaganda of crime, 
sickness, poverty, pollution, drug abuse, 
overpopulation and famine. All this is the big lie 
to bring us to expect a state of collapse at any 
time. This fear hysteria neutralizes us with a 
feeling of hopelessness. When one is under the 
influence of this propaganda, he stops doing 
anything constructive. No one ever does anything 
constructive while fearing an imminent crisis 
whether real or imagined. In this state of mind 
one would not plant a rose for fear he would never 
see it bloom. Our country is a haven for 
artificially induced public hysterias. A crisis is 
created out of thin air such as pollution or 
overpopulation and people are herded like cattle 
this way and that, always against their best 
interest. A case in point is Ralph Nader's 
consumerism which he builds on created myths 
and which has caused a higher cost of living for 
the consumer without any added benefits. 

A new publication by a British Israel Identity 
group called CHRISTIAN VANGUARD is off on 
Jew-bait as one would expect. In their issue #12 
they attack the books THE UNION JACK and 
SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM. On page six they made 


this revealing statement, quote: "To wreck both 
conservative and Identity movements they had to 
find a tie to link them together. That tie was in 
the almost universal belief, by ALMOST ALL 
return to earth to rule physically for 1,000 years." 

"Although there was no other point of similarity 
between 'conservatives' and the Identity 
movement, they found this one 'link.'" End of 

This one "link" is all important because it not only 
ties in the conservative and Identity Movements, 
it links them with the Jew's religion which the 
Identity people promote as the Kingdom Message. 
The Identity people are bastard offspring of 
Judaism because their belief in the earthly 
kingdom is Judaism. 

The John Birch Society has been a thorn in the 
flesh of many would-be patriots. The purpose of 
the John Birch Society is to soak up any effective 
opposition and neutralize it or turn it toward a 
false conservatism. Robert Welch and his Society 
has never attacked the Kingdom Message 
propaganda. In fact they promote British Israel 
under the cover of Fundamental Christianity. 
Welch laid to rest any questions on British Israel 
to his members in his booklet THE 
NEUTRALIZERS. We say that he who does not 
want the whole truth does not deserve any truth. 
With this in mind let us take a close look at 
Welch's double talk in his phony expose of British 
Israel. He simply attacks it by one name and 
promotes it under another. 

THE NEUTRALIZERS is a booklet distributed by 
the John Birch Society. Its purpose, according to 
its author, is to "minimize the effect of the whole 
splintering (efforts to destroy the John Birch 
Society) operation." According to Robert Welch 
none of his members are supposed to believe any 
bad stories about himself or his society unless 
they first check with headquarters in Belmont, 
Massachusetts. This, most of them dutifully do. 

If through guile, one wishes to twist men's minds, 
it is necessary to be compassionate, sincere, 


religious and, in this case, patriotic. These 
qualities of character cause an unfaltering 
admiration, stupefying followers and 
"neutralizing" opponents. The way for a villain to 
disguise his crime is to implicate it to others, 
blaming them for that which he is guilty of. 

THE NEUTRALIZERS is a case in point. If we 
suppose that Mr. Welch has a valid attack upon 
advocates of "Anti-Semitism," "Religious 
Neutralism," "Academic Neutralism," "Political 
Neutralism," and "Tangentitis," we have a right to 
examine him and his Society with regard to the 
same topics. (We have not checked with Belmont 
but we will go ahead.) As Mr. Welch so powerfully 
stated, on page 39 of THE NEUTRALIZERS, 
"Consistency is seldom a virtue of the bigot." End 
quote. With this we agree and with this in mind 
we turn the spotlight upon Mr. Welch and his 
"Anti-Communist John Birch Society." 

In the first section of THE NEUTRALIZERS on 
"Anti-Semitism" the term anti-Semitism is used 
twelve times. This of course injects the 
revolutionary tactic of racism because of the 
commonly false definition put upon the word 
"Semitic." With all the knowledge that Sir Robert 
possesses he cannot prove that there is a Semitic 
Race, let alone that the Jews are Semites. His 
genealogical proof of a Semitic Race today is as 
impossible as is any British Israelite's racial 
identity. Racial lineage dating back to any of the 
tribes of Israel was forever destroyed when the 
genealogical tablets were destroyed with the 
Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. The error of "Jewish 
Semitism" is as erroneous as the error of "Arab 
Semitism." But of course the idea of race helps 
promote conflict and revolution. 

Then with the gall of a brass monkey he equates 
religion with race in order to confuse the two. On 
page 8 he suggests that "Jews" are sometimes 
"Jews" and sometimes not — "but those who had 
formerly been Jews and many who had not been 
Jews." End quote. 

So Welch says on page 18 that the Communists 
do the "opposite of the appearance that they 
create so diligently." Is he not here following the 


same pattern of using racism (semitism) to 
promote revolution? 

Then like all good Masons do, he equates all 
religions to one big happy family. On page 20 he 
states that Communism must go "so that Jews 
and Christians alike, and Mohammedans and 
Buddhists, can again have a decent world to live 
in." End of quote. Now be not deceived that his 
plan graciously allows Christianity a fourth part 
with the heathens. His definition of Christianity is 
British Israel and is not based on the Deity of 
Jesus Christ at all. 

Then he passes us the great revelation on page 19 
that Alger Hiss was not a "Jew." But he was a 
Rhodes Scholar (which Welch omitted to say) and 
his great part in the formation of the United 
Nations and consequent objectives was in the 
service of Her Majesty's World Government British 
Israel Enterprise. 

In his Religious Neutralism he gets in the real 
punch line. On page 22 he states, "One of the 
most common roads to neutralism is made 
possible by the deeply religious nature of most 
earnest anti-Communists." End of quote. This is 
true only in a double sense which Welch does not 
divulge. The "anticommunists" are neutralized in 
favor of British Israel Communism with their 
"fundamentalist" religion. Is Welch not a so-called 
"fundamentalist" and oddly enough was not John 
Birch? "Fundamental Christianity" is only a cover 
term for British Israel. It is a world political 
system with a political messiah. Is this not 

Here is the greatest double talk one could 
imagine. On page 29 Welch states in speaking of 
the naming of Eisenhower's Camp David, "It 
would serve to strengthen the hopes and thus the 
spread of British-Israel, and at the same time to 
ally himself more closely with the top- 
Communists far behind the scenes, whose agents 
were carefully building British-Israel into a vague 
but mighty force to offset and neutralize what 
could otherwise be the extremely powerful anti¬ 
communist drive of fundamentalist 
Protestantism." End of quote. If a black snake has 


a forked tongue, he ain't got nothing on Mr. 

Welch. When some fools know that 

"fundamentalist Protestantism" IS British 

Israelism and that British Israelism is 

Communism, and that therefore Mr. Welch's anti¬ 
communists are promoting Communism and at 
the same time are neutralized against the real 
Communism, which is British Israel 
Fundamentalism. Anyone swallowing this line is 
getting an antidote worse than the disease. Work 
both ends against the middle and get the perfect 
crime. Work Communism against Communism 
and get a perfect fusion. Mr. Welch has deceived 
some of his greatest admirers and supporters but 
he well knows he is promoting British Israelism 
with so called "Fundamental Christianity" or 
"Fundamental Protestantism." The only thing 
fundamental about his religion is that it is 
fundamentally British Israel and is doing all to 
promote a false world kingdom of Christ. 

Mr. Welch and all the Right Wing Communists 
say the bad guys are in the Kremlin. They are bad 
all right because they are controlled by the same 
British Israel that controls Mr. Welch. The only 
thing is, their left wing Communism is going to 
give way to Mr. Welch's "Christian Communism." 

If Mr. Welch didn't "neutralize" the anti¬ 
communists away from HIS Communism with 
these double reverse NEUTRALIZERS, it isn't 
because he didn't load it with all the deception at 
his command. 

He goes on to make a few British Israel crackpots 
like Howard Rand and Wesley Swift the goat, 
always giving "good fundamentalist Christians" 
(page 31) as the patriotic Christian opposition. He 
continues to fight one fraud with another. In this 
he is consistent. 

Then on pages 35 and 36 he turns the British 
Israel on in grand "fundamentalist" style. In 
quoting from whom he calls a Major Coordinator 
of his John Birch Society, he says on page 36, 
"When Communism is destroyed (and it is only a 
question of when) it will happen only as a result 
of Divine Will." Here it is -- British Israelism in its 
purest form. The question of Divine Will 


intervening to destroy Communism or any ism is 
a Pharisaic deception that has controlled the 
minds of men for two thousand years and here it 
is dressed up in our time as anti-Communist 
Fundamental Christianity. Divine Will is 
concerned with the regeneration of men's 
individual souls. The fallacy of pitting right wing 
Communists versus left wing Communists and 
appropriating the outcome to Divine Will is the 
confusion of British Israel and not of God, Who 
said "My kingdom is not of this world." If Mr. 
Welch and all the Right Wing Communists bring 
off their world kingdom as a reaction to Russian 
Communism, it will have nothing to do with 
"Divine Will" -- only under the pretense of "Divine 
Will." The "masters of deceit" of all time have 
always built deception out of the fusion of two 
evils, but always being careful to implicate one of 
the evils to good. 

Therefore Robert Welch completely deceives and 
confuses the dupes of his unAmerican John Birch 
Society. He leads off against British Israel and 
turns on his reverse with "Fundamentalist 
Protestantism" which is British Israel under 
another name. His brand of "Fundamentalism" 
calls for the same natural messiah and World 
Government kingdom that British Israel does. 
How is it that so many well intentioned people are 
misled by such traitors as Robert Welch? He 
simply condemns Communism by one name and 
promotes it under another and the equation is 
never worked out by dedicated followers. The rule 
of his game is to deceive by changing terms. He 
attacks one error and counterattacks with 
another. He attacks Russian Communism with 
British Israel Communism which he cleverly calls 
Fundamentalist Christianity. Then he invokes 
"Divine Will" in behalf of British Israel 
Communism. It is easy to see why Welch does not 
expose Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry and Rhodes 
Scholars. It is easy to see why he pretends anti- 
Russian Communism and fails to tell his dupes 
that it is ships from the British Empire who 
unload war materials in the North Vietnam ports 
to kill American troops. It is easy to see why he 
attacks Earl Warren as the Chief Justice of the 
United States Supreme Court but did not attack 
him as a 33rd degree Mason under the Grand 


Lodge of England (an alien power). It is easy to 
see why he and his dupes promoted 32nd degree 
Mason George Wallace and 33rd degree Mason 
Curtis Lemay as conservative candidates for the 
United States Presidency and Vice Presidency. It 
is easy to see why he promotes British Israelism 
with John Stormer's book NONE DARE CALL IT 
too condemn one Communism and promote 
another in the name of Christianity. It is easy to 
see how Robert Welch is a British Communist 
with the best intention to "neutralize" the 
American people long enough to be deceived into 
a right wing Christian Communism. 

Robert Welch well knows that only his British 
Israel "insiders" and a few true Americans know 
that British Israelism is being promoted under the 
guise of "Fundamental Christianity." If there were 
such a thing as anti-Semitism nothing could be 
more "anti-Semitic" than Mr. Welch's 
Fundamental Christianity which deceives so- 
called Jews and professing Christians alike, 
teaching them that the "hope of the world" is a 
national system of salvation which is to be 
established via Divine intervention. If 
Communism has a religion, this is it. 

In Academic Neutralism Welch recommends and 
practices "writing letters, circulating petitions, 
and organizing ad hoc committees." (page 47). 
Now if we go to the doctor with appendicitis and 
he treats us for a sore mouth we would presently 
expire with ruptured appendix. This is the case of 
Welch's "academic neutralism" of which he is 
accusing others. He keeps his dupes so busy with 
"tangentitis" that they are led completely away 
from the objective of anti-Communism. 
Impeaching Earl Warren because of his leftist 
decisions and direction of the court is entirely 
different from opposing him as a 33rd degree 
Mason who represents a super world government 
centered in the British Empire. It is not enough to 
oppose. To oppose on spurious issues is to lead to 
wrong results. This Welch knows too. Welch is 
schooled in academic neutralism and it is his 
whole task. 

If Mr. Welch is an opponent of the "neutralizers 


victory is theirs for never have well intentioned 
people been more motivated with myths and false 
issues. Neutralism away from British Israelism is 
his grand design. So the Communism "far behind 
the scenes" to which Mr. Welch alludes are those 
Communists he represents under the pseudonym 
of Fundamental Christianity. 

The following article is very revealing in that it 
shows how far back the plot to take America with 
the Kingdom Message has been organized. 

It is certain that Senator Joseph McCarthy did 
much research on the Communist conspiracy. He 
came too close when he discovered British Israel 
and its Kingdom Message propaganda. The 
following quotes are from an article with the title: 
many of the people of the land became Jews." 
Esther 9:17. "The confession of General 
Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown 
has been well hidden by historians. History books 
and text books have taught for years that when 
Cornwallis surrendered his army to General 
Washington that American independence came, 
and we lived happily ever after until the 
tribulations of the twentieth century." 

"Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF 
SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to 
Washington that "a holy war will now begin on 
America, and when it is ended America will be 
supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her 
millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the 
Crown." Cornwallis went on to explain what 
would seem to be a self contradiction: "Your 
churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion 
and in less than two hundred years the whole 
nation will be working for divine world 
government. That government that they believe to 
be divine will be the British Empire. All religions 
will be permeated with Judaism without even 
being noticed by the masses, and they will all be 
under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand 
Architect of Freemasonry." And indeed George 
Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave 
back through a false religion what he had won 
with his army." 


"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was 
only the beginning of world catastrophe that 
would be universal and that unrest would 
continue until mind control could be 
accomplished through a false religion. What he 
predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of 
American religious history and we have seen 
Masonry infused into every church in America 
With their veiled Phallic religion. Darby and the 
Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity 
to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell 
started Jehovah Witnesses' Judaism which is now 
worldwide with their message of the divine 
kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon 
Judaism with its Jewish teaching of 
millennialism. At the turn of the twentieth 
century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a 
Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide 
use of this "helpful" aid all the American churches 
have silently become synagogues. We now have 
Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God 
Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many 
Protestant Jews throughout America. We are 
aliens in our own country because of false 
religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into 
that "Divine Government" which Cornwallis knew 
to be the British Empire. A false religion has been 
used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies 
of Yorktown and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun has 
been fired but the invisible and malignant process 
of conquering America with the Jew's religion has 
gone on unabated. The Union Jack has been 
planted in our hearts with religious deception. All 
has happened "legally," "constitutionally," "freely" 
and completely within our most sacred trust -- 
our churches. Religious deception is painless 
innoculation against truth. It cannot be removed 
from the conscience with surgery, yet it is the 
motivator of our actions and directly controls our 
lives. Once man gives over to false religion, he is 
no longer rational because he originates no 
thought. His life is controlled by whomever 
controls his religion." 

"The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles 
and its power to control humanity defies even the 
imagination of tyrants who use it." 

"This is not to say that George Washington was a 


traitor willingly, or knowingly. He was beguiled 
into a Satanic religious order that insidiously 
controls men's minds. So have American 
statesmen and military leaders down through the 
years given aid and allegiance to the enemies of 
the United States because they did not have 
knowledge of the invisible subterfuge that stalks 
this land. My eyes were opened the day my 
colleague from Ohio handed me Wagner's 
American would read it, they would no longer ask 
why and how it has happened." 

Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months 
before his mouth was closed forever. End of quote 

We have a final note for optimism. We sincerely 
believe that America can and will survive if her 
people are willing to come face to face with the 
propagandists who are trying to beguile us into 
World Government with a misuse of Bible 
prophecy. It is time to touch the untouchables 
and shake their ivory towers of constitutionally 
protected religion and lay open for all to see what 
is being done to us in the name of Christ. 

Nor do we believe the so-called "experts" of gloom 
and negative prophets of pollution, 
overpopulation, disease, famine, death and defeat 
who may have frightened you into believing that 
you, your family and your country are on a one 
way trip to doomsday. All this is part of fear 
hysteria propaganda. Pollution may be a problem 
in some congested areas but such propaganda of 
Ralph Nader and anti-pollution devices has 
increased the cost of automobiles to all 

Overpopulation is a favorite of the propaganda 
ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong. This is trite 
and it is the big lie. If America had the same 
population percentage wise as England we would 
have over three billion people. We are hardly 
crowded yet. 

Disease today is nothing by comparison to only 
thirty years ago when people died of polio, 


diptheria, malaria, pneumonia and you name it. 

The idea of famine is as unthinkable and 
ridiculous as it can be with today's mechanized 
farming. Fewer farmers can produce more than at 
any time in history. In fact there is so much 
surplus that farm programs have been socialized 
to hold prices up. If America and the world ever 
faces famine it will be no fault of nature or the 
farmer but the conspiratorial efforts of evil men 
who try to enact perverted prophecies. 

We believe America is great because her people 
are great and that we will survive because we 
want the truth that shall make us free. 

The truth is that Communism and pre- 
millennialism are more than equal to Masonry - 
they are the offspring of Masonry, conceived and 
designed by Masonry to do for Masonry what 
Masonry could not do in its own name. Pre- 
millennialism is used to debauch the churches 
into the synagogues of Satan. This is the best 
kept secret of the ages, but it is basic to 
understanding revolution and power. 

This by no means discounts numerous other 
"isms" such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, 
and many others. These are only subgroups of 
Masonry and once we understand the Gospel of 
Christ as well as the religion of Masonry we can 
identify instantly any "ism" as only a variation of 
Masonry. To say the least we should never be 
deceived by any Messianic millennial cult. 
Premillennialism is a conspiracy against Christ, 
whenever it rears its Masonic bead. 

It is not strange to a Christian in regard to 
Masonry, Communism, Premillennialism and 
Judaism that he cannot partake of one without 
accepting all, and likewise he cannot condemn 
one without condemning all. He who is a part of 
any of the four groups is a part of all of them. Did 
not Christ say be that he that is not with me is 
against me? 


Library of 






By Maurice Pinay 



Maurice Pinay 

Box 493 Baton Rouge, La. 70821 

The only purpose of this edition is to 
divulge the historic truth about great po¬ 
litical secrets and vital events now hap¬ 
pening in the world. 

We exhort all patriots in the world to 
diffuse this book among the highest pos¬ 
sible number of people, printing and dis¬ 
tributing this work, because neither the 
author nor the translator or the editor 
have reserved special rights for them¬ 
selves. Those who publish this book may 
do it either gratuitously or charging for it, 
but no one can reserve for himself exclu¬ 
sive rights of authorship, translation or 




Of all revolutionary systems, which throughout human 
history have been devised for the destruction of our civilized 
values, communism is without doubt the most perfected, most 
efficient and most merciless. In fact it represents the most ad¬ 
vanced epoch of the world revolution, in whose postulates it 
therefore not only acts to destroy a definite political, social, 
economic or moral institution, but also simultaneously to de¬ 
clare null and void the Holy Catholic Church as well as all 
cultural and Christian manifestations which represent our civi¬ 

All revolutionary currents of Jewish origin have attacked 
Christianity in its different aspects with particular one-minded- 
ness. Communism, spawned from this same revolutionary 
stream of thought, seeks to banish Christianity for the purpose 
of causing it to vanish from the face of the earth, without even 
the slightest trace remaining. The destructive fury of this Satanic 
striving, which brings before the eyes of the world the most 
terrible pictures of terror and destruction which are possible 
to imagine, can only be based on the essence of nihilism and 
the most evil, hate-filled rejection of everything hitherto existing. 
For otherwise, one would not be able to understand the in¬ 
describable insanity of its criminal acts and the spirit of destruc¬ 
tion, of annihilation, of insult, of contradiction, and of resis- 


tance by its leading personalities against everything, which 
represents fundamental features not only of Catholicism but 
of religion in general. 

The purpose of communism is, as we have indeed seen 
in Russia and in the other lands where it has been introduced, 
none other than to enslave the people in the economic, poli¬ 
tical, social, human and super-human sense, in order to make 
possible a minority rule through violence. From an interna¬ 
tional aspect, the goal cannot be dearer: 

"To attain through violence world domination by an 
insignificant minority, which destroys the rest of humanity 
by means of materialism, terror and, if necessary, by 
death, completely indifferent of whether in the process 
the enormous majority of the population must be mur¬ 

The urge to murder, which has characterized the leading 
Soviet personages, is known well throughout the world. There 
are few, who upon learning of the bloody purges, which have 
been undertaken by the Marxists in Russia, will not be seized 
by shudders of horror. One needs only to recall a few details 
to fill the most stout hearts with fear and alarm. 

"In its beginnings the Red Terror strove above all to 
exterminate the Russian Intelligentsia" (1). As proof of 
this assertion S. P. Melgunov affirms the following, in 
which he refers to the "Special Committees", which ap¬ 
peared in Russia in the first period of the social revolu¬ 

"The special committees are not organs of law, but 
of merciless extermination according to the decisions of 
the Communist Central Committee. The special committee 
is neither a commission of investigation nor a court of 
justice, but itself determines its own powers. It is an instru¬ 
ment of battle, which acts on the internal front of the civil 
war. It does not pardon whoever stands on the other side 
of the barricades, but kills them.” 

(1) Leon de Poncins. “Las Fuerzas Secretas de la Revolution". F. M.— 
Judafsmo. “Fax" Editions, Madrid. Page 161. 


“It is not difficult to form ideas of how in reality this 
extermination proceeds, when in place of the nullified 
legal code only the revolutionary experience and conscience 
command. This conscience is subjective and experience 
allows complete free play to the will, which always, ac¬ 
cording to the position of the judge, takes on more or less 
furious forms.” (2). 

"Let us not carry on war against individual persons" 
—wrote Latsis— "but let us exterminate the Bourgeoisie 
as a class. Do not investigate through study of documents 
and proofs, what the accused has done in words and 
deeds against the Soviet authority. The first question to 
be placed before him runs as to what class he belongs 
to, what is his origin, his education, his training and his 
profession." (3). 

During the bloody dictatorship of Lenin the Committee of 
Investigation under Rohrberg (Rohrberg, C.), which after the 
capture of Kiev entered this city with the white volunteers in 
August 1919, reported the following: 

"The entire concrete floor of the large garage (this 
was the place where the provincial Cheka of Kiev had 
carried out executions) was swimming in blood, which 
did not flow but formed a layer of several inches; it was 
a grisly mixture of blood with brain and skull fragments, 
as well as strands of hair and other human remains. The 
entire walls, holed by thousands of bullets, were spattered 
with blood and fragments of brain as well as head skin 
adhered to them." 

"A drainage ditch of 25 cm. width and 25 cm. deep 
and about 10 m. long ran from the middle of the garage 
to a nearby room, where there was a subterranean outlet 
pipe. This drainage ditch was filled to the top with blood." 

(2) S. P. Melgunov. “La Terreur Rouge en ftussie" from 1918 to 1923. 
Payot 1927. 

(3) ‘‘Latsis”. “Red Terror of November 1st., 1918." 


"Usually, immediately after the massacre the corpses 
were removed in lorries or horsedrawn wagons from the 
city and buried in a mass grave. In the corner of a garden 
we came upon an older mass grave, which contained 
about 80 corpses, in which we discovered signs of the 
most varied and unimaginable cruelties and mutilation. 
There were corpses, from which the entrails had been 
removed; others had different limbs amputated and others 
again were cut into pieces. Some had the eyes poked out, 
while the head, the face, the neck and the torso were 
covered with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse 
with an axe in the breast, while others had no tongues. 
In a corner of the mass grave we discovered many legs 
and arms severed from the trunk." (4). 

The enormous number of corpses, which have already 
been laid to the account of Communist Socialism and which in¬ 
crease terrifyingly all the while, will perhaps never be exactly 
known, but it exceeds everything imaginable. It is not possible 
to learn the exact number of the victims. All estimates lie below 
the real figure. 

In the Edinburgh newspaper "The Scotsman" of Novem¬ 
ber 7, 1923, Professor Sarolea gave the following figures: 

"28 bishops; 1,219 priests; 6,000 professors and 
teachers; 9,000 doctors; 54,000 officers; 260,000 soldiers,- 
70,000 policemen; 12,950 estate owners; 355,250 intellec¬ 
tuals and of the free professions,- 193,290 workers and 
215,000 peasants." 

The Information Committee of Denikin on the Bolshevik 
intrigue during the years 1918-1919 records in a treatise about 
the Red Terror in these two years "one million, seven hundred 
thousand victims." (5). In the "Roul" of August 3, 1923, 
Kommin makes the following observation: 

"During the winter of 1920 there existed in the USSR, 
52 governments with 52 Special Committees (Chekas), 52 

(4) $. P. Melgunov. Ibid. P. 161. 

(5) Leon de Poncins. Ibid. P. 165. 


Special Departments and 52 revolutionary courts. Besides 
countless subsidiary Chekas, transport-networks, courts on 
the railways as well as troops for internal security there 
were mobile courts, which were dispatched to mass ex¬ 
ecutions in the places concerned.” 

To this list of courts of torture must be added the special 
departments, that is to say, 16 army and divisional courts. All 
in all one must estimate 1,000 torture chambers. If it is borne in 
mind that at that time district committees also existed in addi¬ 
tion, then the number rises further. In addition the number of 
governments of the USSR increased. Siberia, the Crimea and the 
Far East were conquered. The number of Chekas grew in geo¬ 
metrical ratio. 

According to Soviet data (in the year 1920 when the 
terror had still not ebbed and the reporting of news was not 
restricted) it is possible to establish an average figure for every 
court; the curve of executions rises from one to fifty (in the 
great cities) and up to one hundred in the regions recently 
conquered by the Red Army. The crisis of terror was periodical 
and then ceased; in this manner one can daily estimate the 
(modest) figure of five victims. . ., which multiplied with the 
thousand courts, gives a result of five thousand, and then for 
the year roughly one and a half million. We recall this inde¬ 
scribable slaughter, not because in its totality it was either the 
most numerous or the most merciless stemming from a special 
situation with inflaming of passions which resulted from the 
Bolshevik revolution being victorious for the first time, but be¬ 
cause after expiration of forty-five years after these mass ex¬ 
ecutions, these could be obliterated from the present communist 
picture, even for the persons who were contemporaries of the 
events, and who today still living have forgotten those trage¬ 
dies with the ease with which people forget unpleasant events 
which do not directly concern them, but even those to which 
they fell victim. 

Unhappily, time has shown us a truly demoniac excess of 
communism in its murderous activity, about which we give no 
details and do not present the monstruous statistics because 
all this is known to us. Several of these cruel bloodbaths have 
only taken place recently, so that one still seems to hear the 


lament of the persecuted, the death-rattle of the dying and the 
dumb, terrible and haunting complaint of the corpses. (6). 

It may suffice to recall the recent giant bloodbaths in 
Hungary, Poland, East Germany and Cuba as well as the ear¬ 
lier mass killings by Stalin and the annihilation of millions of 
Chinese through the communist regime of Mao Tse-tung. But 
also the communist attempts at revolution, which could not 
achieve lasting permanence, such as that of Bela Kun who 
occupied Hungary in such a brutal way in the middle of 1919; 
of Spain in 1936, where the Bolsheviks gained control of Ma¬ 
drid and parts of the Spanish provinces and murdered more 
than 16,000 priests, monks and nuns as well as 12 bishops; 
further the happily unsuccessful attempt in Germany its most 
successful realization in the Red Republic of Bavaria in the year 
1919. All these attempts were in fact orgies of 1918, which 
was directed by Hugo Haase, and which had blood and un¬ 
restrained bestiality. 

One must also not forget that this Apocalyptic storm, 
which brings a flood of corpses, blood and tears, falls upon 
the world with the sole goal: of destroying not only the Catholic 
Church but the entire Christian civilization. (7). Before this shat¬ 
tering picture the world asks itself with heavy heart; who can 
hate our Christian features in such a form and try to destroy 
them with such Godless fury? Who has become capable of 
instigating this bloody mechanics of annihilation? Who can 
with such insensitivity direct and order this monstrous criminal 
process? And reality answers us completely without doubt, that 
the Jews are those responsible, as will later be proved. 

(6) A complete statiscal account of the victims of communism has been 
published in the small volume “Rivelazione d'interesse mondiale." 
Vermijon, Rome 1957, whose author for his part has taken informa¬ 
tion from the newspaper "Russkaja Mysl" of Nov. 30, 1947, 
published in France. 

(7) Traian Romanescu. “La Gran Conspiracion Judia." Third Edition. 
Mexico, D. F. 1961. Page 272. 




There is absolutely no doubt, that the Jews are the inven¬ 
tors of communism; for they have been the instigators of the 
doctrines, upon which that monstruous system is built, which at 
present with absolute power rules the greatest part of Europe 
and Asia, which stirs up the lands of America and with pro¬ 
gressive certainty floods over all Christian peoples of the world 
like a deadly cancerous growth, like a tumour, which steadily 
devours the core of the free nations, apparently without an 
effective means of cure being found against this disease. 

But the Jews are also the inventors and directors of the 
communist methods, of effective tactics of struggle, of the in¬ 
sensitive and totally inhuman government policy and of ag¬ 
gressive international strategy. It is a completely proven fact, 
that the communist theoreticians were all Jews, unheeded of 
what system the Jews lastingly use, as well as the theoreticians 
and the experienced revolutionaries, which has veiled from the 
eyes of the people, where they lived, their true origin. 


1. Karl Heinrich Marx: was a German Jew, whose real 
name was Kissel Mordekay, born in Trier, Rhineland, son of a 
Jewish lawyer. Before his famous work “Das Kapital" which 
contains the fundamental idea of theoretical communism, 
whose concepts he strove with inexhaustible activity up to his 
death in the year 1887 to spread over the world, he had writ¬ 
ten and published with the Jew Engels in the year 1848 the 
Communist Manifesto in London; between 1843 and 1847 he 
had formulated in England the first modern interpretation of 
Hebrew Nationalism in his articles, as in the publication in 
the year 1844 in the periodical “Deutsch-Franzosische Jahr- 
bucher (German-French Year Books) under the title “Concerning 
the Jewish question", and which shows an ultra-national ten¬ 

2. Friedrich Engels, creator of the “First International," 
and close collaborator of Marx, was a Jew born in Bremen 
(Germany). His father was a Jewish cotton merchant of the 
city. Engels died in the year 1894. 

3. Karl Kautski, whose real name was Kaus, was the 
author of the book “The Beginnings of Christianity," in which 
he mainly combats the principles of Christianity. He was the 
most important interpreter of Karl Marx and in 1887 published 
"The Economic Doctrine of Karl Marx Made Intelligible for All." 
“The Bloodbath of Chisinaw and the Jewish Question,” in the 
year 1903, "The Class Struggle," which for Mao Tse-tung in 
China was the fundamental book for communist instruction; 
and the work with the title "The Vanguard of Socialism,” in 
the year 1921. He was also the author of the “Socialist Pro¬ 
gramme" from Erfurt/Germany. This Jew was born in the 
year 1854 in Prague and died in 1938 in the Hague (Holland). 

4. Ferdinand Lasalle, Jew, born in the year 1825 in Bres¬ 
lau. He had interfered in the democratic revolution of 1848. 
In the year 1863 he published his work entitled “Open An¬ 
swers," in which he outlined a plan of revolution for the Ger¬ 
man workers. Since then he worked tirelessly for a "Socialist" 
crusade, which was directed at the rebellion of the workers. 
For this purpose he published a further work under the title 
"Capital and Labour." 


5. Eduard Bernstein. A Jew born in Berlin In the year 
1850. His principal works are "Assumptions concerning Social¬ 
ism," "Forward, Socialism," "Documents of Socialism," "His¬ 
tory and Theory of Socialism," "Social Democracy of Today in 
Theory and Practice," "The Duties of Social Democracy," and 
"German Revolution." In all his writings he expounds the com¬ 
munist teaching and bases it on the views of Marx. In the 
year 1918 he became Finance Minister of the German Socialist 
State, which, however, could fortunately only maintain itself 
a few months. 

6. Jacob Lastrow, Max Hirsch, Edgar Loening, Wirs- 
chauer. Babe, Schatz, David Ricardo and many other writers 
of theoretical communism were Jews. In all lands are found 
writers, almost exclusively Jewish, who preach communism to 
the masses, although with many opportunities they strive to 
give the appearance in their writings of a feeling of humanity 
and brotherhood. We have indeed already seen in practice, 
what this means. 18). 

However theoretical all Jews mentioned may have been, 
they were not satisfied with setting up the doctrinaire bases, 
but each one of them was an experienced revolutionary, who 
busied himself in whatever particular land he found himself, 
to factually prepare the upheaval, to direct or to give it sup¬ 
port. As leaders or members of revolutionary associations 
known only to one another, they took more and more active 
parts in the development of Bolshevism. But apart from these 
Jews, who in the main were regarded as theoreticians, we find 
that almost all materialist leaders, who develop communist 
tactics, also belong to the same race and carry out their task 
with the greatest efficacy. 

As indisputable examples two movements of this type can 
be recorded: 

A) In the year 1918 Germany was the showplace of a 
communist, Jew directed revolution. The Red Councils of the re¬ 
public of Munich were Jewish, as its instigators prove: Liebk- 
necht, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner and many others. With the 

(8) Data taken from Traian Romanescu: Ibid, pages 19-23. 


fall of the monarchy the Jews gained control of the country and 
the German Government. With Ministers of State Haase and 
Landsberg appear Kautski, Kohn and Herzfeld. The Finance 
Minister was likewise a Jew, had his racial fellow Bernstein 
as assistant and the minister of the Interior, likewise a Jew, 
sought the collaboration of his racial brother, Doctor Freund, 
who helped him in his work. 

Kurt Eisner, the President of the Bavarian Councils Re¬ 
public, was the instigator of the Bolshevik revolution in Mu¬ 

"Eleven little men made the revolution," said Kurt Eisner 
in the intoxication of triumph to his colleague, the Minister 
Auer. It is no more than right to preserve the unforgettable 
memory of these little men, who were, in fact, the Jews Marx 
Lowenberg, Doctor Kurt Rosenfeld, Gaspar Wollheim, Max 
Rothschild, Carl Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birnbaum, Reis 
and Kaisser. These ten with Kurt Eisner van Israelowitsch led 
the presidency of the Revolutionary court of Germany. All elev¬ 
en were Freemasons and belonged to the secret lodge N.° 
11 which had its seat in Munich at No. 51 Briennerstrasse. (9). 

The first cabinet of Germany in the year 1918 was com¬ 
posed of Jews. 

1. Preuss, Minister of the Interior. 

2. Freund, Minister of the Interior. 

3. Landsberg, Finance Minister. 

4. Karl Kautski, Finance Minister. 

5. Schiffer, Finance Minister. 

6. Eduard Bernstein, secretary of the State Treasury. 

7. Fritz Max Cohen, director of the official information 
service. (This Jew was earlier correspondent of the 
Jewish "Frankfurter Zeitung"). 

(9) Mons. Jouin. Le peril Judeo-Maconnique. 5 Vols. 1919-1927. Part 
1. P. 161. 


The second German Socialist government of 1918 was 
formed of the following Jews: 

1. Hirsch, Minister of the Interior. 

2. Rosenfeld, Justice Minister. 

3. Futran, Minister of Education. 

4. Arndt, Minister of Education. 

5. Simon, State Secretary of Finances. 

6. Kastenberg, Director of the Department of Science and 

7. Strathgen, Director of Development. 

8. Meyer-Gerhart; Director of the Department of the 

9. Wurm, Secretary of Food. 

10. Merz, Weil, Katzenstein, Stern, Lowenberg, Frankel, 
Schlesinger, Israelowitz, Selingsohn, Laubenheim, etc., 
took up high posts in the ministries. 

Among the remaining Jews who controlled the sectors 
vital to the life of the German state, which had been defeated 
through the American intervention in the war, were found in 
the year 1918, and later: 

1. Kohen, President of the German workers and soldiers 
councils (similar to the Soviet council of soldiers and 
workers of Moscow in the same year). 

2. Ernst, police president of Berlin. 

3. Sinzheimer, police president of Frankfurt. 

4. Lewy, police president of Hessen. 

5. Kurt Eisner, Bavarian state president. 

6. Jaffe, Bavarian Finance Minister. 

7. Brentano, Industry, Trade and Transport Minister. 

8. Talheimer, Minister in Wurttemberg. 

9. Heimann, another Minister in Wurttemberg. 

10. Fulda, in the government of Hesse. 

11. Theodor Wolf, Chief Editor of the newspaper "Ber¬ 
liner Tageblatt." 

12. Gwiner, Director of the "Deutsche Bank." (10). 

(10) Troian Romanescu. Ibid, page 259. 


B). Hungary in the year 1919. On March 20, 1919, the 
Jew Bela Kun (Cohn) took power in Hungary and proclaimed 
the Hungarian Soviet republic, which from that moment on 
was submerged in a hair-raising sea of blood. Twenty-eight 
Commissars formed with him the new government and of these 
18 were Israelites. That is an unheard of proportion, when 
one bears in mind that in Hungary lived one and a half million 
Israelites compared to 22 million inhabitants. These 18 Com¬ 
missars held the actual control of rulership in their hands 
and the eight Gentile Commissars could do nothing against 
them. (11). 

More than 90% of the members of the government and 
the confidence men of Bela Kun were also Jews. Here follows 
a list of members of the Bela Kun government: 

1. Bela Kun, general secretary of the Jewish government. 

2. Sandor Garbai, ‘‘official" president of the government, 
who was used by the Jews as a Hungarian man of straw. 

3. Peter Agoston, deputy of the general secretary; Jew. 

4. Dr. E. Landler, peoples commissar for internal affairs, 

5. Bela Vago, deputy of Landler, a Jew with the name 

6. E. Hamburger, Agriculture Commisar; Jew. 

7. Vantus, deputy of Hamburger; Jew. 

8. Csizmadia, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian. 

9. Nyisztor, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian. 

10. Varga, Commissar for Financial Affairs; Jew by name 

11. Szkely, deputy of Varga; Jew by name Schlesinger. 

12. Kunftz, Education Minister; Jew by name Kunstater. 

13. Kukacs, deputy of Kunfi; a Jew, who in reality was called 
Lowinger and was the son of the Director-General of a 
Banking House in Budapest. 

14. D. Bokanyi, Minister of Labour; Hungarian. 

15. Fiedler, deputy of Bokanyi; Jew. 

(11) J. Et. J. Tharaud. Causerie Sur Israel, 1926. Marcelle Lesage 
Page 27. 


16. Jozsef Pogany, War Commissar; a Jew, who in reality 
was called Schwartz. 

17. Szanto, deputy of Pogany; a Jew named Schreiber. 

18. Tibor Szamuelly, deputy of Pogany; a Jew named Samuel. 

19. Matyas Rakosi, Trade Minister; a Jew, who in reality 
was called Matthew Roth Rosenkrantz, present communist 

20. Ronai, Commissar of Law; a Jew named Rosentsgegl. 

21. Ladai, deputy of Ronai; Jew. 

22. Erdelyi, Commissar of Supply; a Jew named Eisentein. 

23. Vilmas Boehm, Socialization Commissar; Jew. 

24. Hevesi, deputy of Boehm; a Jew named Honig. 

25. Dovsak, second deputy of Boehm; Jew. 

26. Oszkar Jaszai, Commisar of Nationalities; a Jew named 

27. Otto Korvin, Political Examining Commissar; a Jew named 

28. Kerekes, State Lawyer; a Jew named Krauss. 

29. Biro, Chief of the Political Police; a Jew named Blau. 

30. Seiden, adjutant of Biro; Jew. 

31. Oszkar Faber, Commissar for Liquidation of Church Prop¬ 
erty; Jew. 

32. J. Czerni, Commander of the Terrorist Bands, which were 
known by the name "Lenin youth”; Hungarian. 

33. Hies, Supreme Police Commissar; Jew. 

34. Szabados, Supreme Police Commissar; a Jew named 

35. Kalmar, Supreme Police Commissar; German Jew. 

36. Szabo, Supreme Police Commissar; Ruthenian Jew, who 
in reality was called Schwarz. 

37. Vince, Peoples Commissar of the city of Budapest, who 
in reality was called Weinstein. 

38. M. Kraus, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew. 

39. A. Dienes, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew. 

40. Lengyel, President of the Austro-Hungarian Bank; a Jew 
named Levkovits. 

41. Laszlo, President of the Communist Revolutionary Court; 
a Jew, who in reality was called Lowy. (12). 

(12) Tralan Romanetcu. Ibid, pages 203-205. 


In this government which for a time held Hungary in 
thrall, the chief of the Hungarian Cheka Szamuelly, besides 
Bela Kun, distinguished himself through countless crimes and 
plunderings. While the latter rode through the land in his 
luxury automobile, for a symbol had a large gallows mounted 
on the vehicle, accompanied by his capable Jewish woman 
secretary R. S. Salkind, alias Semliachkay, the former travelled 
through Hungary in his special train and sowed terror and 
death, as a contemporary witness describes: 

"That train of death travelled snorting through the 
black Hungarian nights; where it stopped, one saw people 
hanging from trees and blood which ran on the ground. 
Along the railway line naked and mutilated corpses were 
to be seen. Szamuelly dictated his judgements in his train 
and whoever was forced to enter never lived to tell the 
tale of what he saw. Szamuelly lived constantly in this 
train. Thirty selected terrorists ensured his security. Selected 
executers also accompanied him. The train consisted of two 
saloon wagons, two first-class wagons, which were occu¬ 
pied by the terrorists, and two third class wagons for the 
victims. In the latter executions were carried out. The floor 
of this wagon was stiff with blood. The corpses were 
thrown out of the windows, while Szamuelly sat comfort¬ 
ably in the elegant workroom of his compartment which 
was upholstered in rose-coloured damask and decorated 
with polished mirrors. With a movement of the hand he 
decided over life or death.” (13). 

(13) C. D* Tormoy. Le Livre Proscrit. P. 204. 





International Jewry strives in its entirety towards Com¬ 
munist socialism in accordance with the doctrine of Marx, 
which has at present been realized by it in the Union of So¬ 
viet Socialist Republics and all its satellites. The direct goal of 
Communism is the striving for world domination and com¬ 
plete power over all peoples of the earth. This standpoint it 
has always manifested and from the beginning onwards has 
striven for this goal. This Communist aim is understood with 
absolute unanimity, by all Jews as their own goal, although 
many non-Jewish persons, who are lacking in knowledge and 
who are intentionally deceived, think that the great number of 
Jewish multi-millionaires which there are in the world and who 
even control world finance, must necessarily oppose this current, 
which attempts to snatch their wealth away from them. 

At first sight there is nothing more self-evident than to 
see in a rich financier, a well-to-do trader or an important in¬ 
dustrialist, the natural and keenest enemy of Communism. But 
if the industrialists, traders or financiers are Jews, there is not 


the slightest doubt that they are also Communists; for the Com¬ 
munist Socialism of Marx has been created and carried out 
by them, and in fact not in order to lose their goods and chat¬ 
tels which they possess, but to steal everything which does 
not belong to them to hoard together in their own hands the 
entire wealth of the world, which according to their assertion 
is unlawfully withheld from them by all who do not belong 
to the Jewish race. 

The well-known Jewish writer Werner Sombart says: 

"The fundamental characteristic feature of the Jew¬ 
ish religion consists in the fact that it is a religion which 
has nothing to do with the other world, but, as one might 
say, is solely materialistic. Man can experience good or 
evil only in this world; if God wishes to punish or reward, 
then he can do this only in the lifetime of man. Therefore 
the just man (righteous) must attain well-being here on 
earth and the Godless suffer." (14). 

"It is useless to dwell upon the difference, which 
derives from this contrast of two outlooks, relating to the 
attitude of the devout Jew and of the devout Christian, 
with regard to the acquisition of wealth. The devout Chris¬ 
tian who has got into debt with the usurer, was tortured 
on his deathbed by pangs of regret (repentance) and was 
ready to abandon everything which he possessed; for the 
knowledge of the unjustly acquired goods consumed him. 
On the other hand the devout Jew, when the end of his 
life approached, regarded with contentment the trunks 
and cases filled to the burstingpoint, in which the profits 
were accumulated, which during his long life he had taken 
off the wretched Christians and also the poor Moslems. 
It was a spectacle on which his devout heart could feast, 
for every roll of money which lay locked up there, he saw 
as a sacrifice brought to his God." (15). 

(14) . — Werner Sombart. Les Juife et la vie economique. P. 277 & 291. 

(15) .— Wemer Sombart: Ibid, P. 286. 


Simultaneously, Jewish money (which at present re¬ 
presents the greatest part of the money in the world) is 
the most powerful tool of all, which to a vast extent has 
made possible the financing of revolutionary movements 
without whose help the latter would never have been 
able to triumph and be able in such a manner to destroy 
Christian civilization in all its appearances; be it whether 
the individual is materialistically influenced by his being 
taught that money is to be preferred to otherworldly val¬ 
ues, or be it through the direct methods, which they know 
how to use so energetically, like bribery and embezzle¬ 
ment in public offices and taxation swindling as well as 
the general buying of consciences. 

The Jewish idea of accumulating all the money in 
the world through Communism appears in all transparen¬ 
cy with many famous Jewish writers like Edmond Fleg, 
Barbusse, Andre Spire and others; in particular most ex¬ 
pressly in the well known letter, which the famous Neo- 
Messianic Baruch Levy sent to Karl Marx which was dis¬ 
covered in the year 1888 and published for the first time 
in the same year. The text is as follows: 

"The Jewish people as a whole is its own Messiah. 
Its kingdom over the universe is obtained through the 
uniting of other human races, through the suppression of 
frontiers and monarchies, which are bulwarks for par¬ 
ticularism and hinder the erection of a world republic 
where citizenship is everywhere recognized to the Jew. 
In this new organization of mankind the sons of Israel, 
who at present are scattered over the entire earths surface, 
will all be the same race and of the same traditional cul¬ 
ture, without, however, forming another nationality, and 
be without contradiction the leading element in all parts, 
particularly if it is successful in laying upon the masses 
of workers a permanent leadership by some Jews. The 
governments of peoples all pass with the formation of 
the universal republic effortlessly into the hands of the 
Israelites in favour of the victory of the proletariat. Then 
the personal property of the rulers will be able to be sup- 


pressed by the rulers of the Jewish race who will every¬ 
where govern over the property of the peoples. Then the 
promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that when the 
time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will have the 
goods of all peoples of the world in their possession." (161. 

If one follows these tactics of economic accumulation, 
then it is completely natural that we see how the richest finan¬ 
ciers and the most important bankers of the world finance the 
Communist revolutions; it is also not difficult, bearing in mind 
the data mentioned, to explain a situation, which superficially 
studied appears senseless and absurd, namely that one always 
sees the richest Jews of the world united with the Israelite 
leaders of the Communist movements. If the explanations of 
the most wellknown Jews suffice to show us this close con¬ 
nection with clarity, then the evident facts are still all the 
clearer, so that they wipe away even the slightest trace of 

After the French defeat of 1870 and the fall of the Em¬ 
peror Napoleon III, the Marxists led by Karl Marx from London 
formed the Commune from March 18, 1871 onwards. During 
this period of more than two months, in Paris the National 
Guard, which had been transformed into an armed organiza¬ 
tion, was through and through dependant on the Marxist Inter¬ 

When the Commune could not resist the attack of the 
troops of the government, with its seat at Versailles, and the 
Communists saw their defeat as unavoidable, they devoted 
themselves to robbery, murder and incendiarism, in order to 
destroy the capital, in accordance with the plan already pro¬ 
posed by Clauserets in the year 1869: 

"Ourselves or nothing! I promise you, Paris will belong 
to us or cease to exist." 

Upon this occasion, the joint guilt of the french Jewish 
bankers together with the communists, was clearly revealed. 

(16).— Sallust*. "Les Origines Secretes Du Bolchevisme. Henri Heine et 
Karl Marx". Jules Tallandier Edition. Paris. P. 33. 


When it was established how Salluste in his book "Les origines 
secretes du bolchevisme" alludes to the fact that Rothschild 
exercised pressure on one side in Versailles with Thiers, the Pre¬ 
sident of the republic, in order to prevent a decisive fight against 
the Marxist Communists, by his talking of a possible unders¬ 
tanding and agreements with the central committee of the Fe¬ 
derate (Marxists), and on the other side enjoying total protec¬ 
tion of his person and also of his property in the city of Paris, 
which was thrown into horrible and bloody chaos. 

In this respect Salluste tells us in his afore-mentioned 
work, page 137: 

“It is certain that M. Rothschild had good reasons to 
hold a conciliation possible: his villa in the Rue Saint- 
Florentin was protected day and night by a guard troop 
of the Federate (Marxists), who had the task of preventing 
any plundering. This protective troop was maintained for 
two months up to the moment, when the great barricade, 
which was only a few paces away, was taken by the 
Versailles troops.” 

“When the hostages were shot, the most beautiful 
palaces of Paris went up in flames and thousands of 
Frenchmen died as victims of the civil war, it is worth men¬ 
tioning that the protection granted by the communists to 
the great Jewish banker did not cease for a moment.” 

In the year 1916 the Lieutanant-General of the Imperial 
Russian Army, A. Nechvolodof, described secret information 
which had been received from one of his agents, which on 
February 15 of the same year reached the supreme command 
of the Russian General Staff and read as follows: 

“The first secret assembly, which reveals the begin¬ 
ning of the acts of violence, took place on Monday, Feb¬ 
ruary 14, in the East Side of New York. Of the 62 repre¬ 
sentatives gathered, 50 were veterans of the revolution 
of 1905, and the others new members. The greater part 
of those present were Jews and among them many edu¬ 
cated people, as for example, doctors, writers, etc. .. . 
Some professional revolutionaries were also found amongst 
them.. ." 


"The first hours of this assembly were almost exclu¬ 
sively devoted to testing the methods and the possibilities 
of carrying out a great revolution in Russia. It was one of 
the most favourable moments for this." 

"It was stated that the party had just received in¬ 
formation from Russia, according to which the situation 
was completely and absolutely favourable; for all previ¬ 
ously agreed conditions for a favourable rising were pre¬ 
sent. The one serious hindrance was the question of mon¬ 
ey; but scarcely was this remark made, when several mem¬ 
bers at once answered that this circumstance should cause 
no reflection for at the moment when it was necessary, sub¬ 
stantial sums would be given by persons who sympathized 
with the movement for freedom. In this connection the 
name of Jakob Schiff was repeatedly mentioned." (17). 

At the beginning of the year 1919, the secret service of 
the United States of America provided high officials of the 
French republic who visited America with a memorandum, in 
which the participation of the most principal bankers in the 
preparation of the Russian Communist revolution was cate¬ 
gorically revealed: 

"7-618-6 Provided by the General Staff 

0 of the 20th Army. 

N. 912-S.R.2. copy. 

In February 1916 it became known for the first time that 
a revolution was being promoted in Russia. It was discovered 
that the following named persons and firms were involved in 
this work of destruction: 

1. Jakob Schiff; Jew. 

2. Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; Jewish firm. 

(17).— Esteban J. Malanni: "Comunismo y Judaismo," Editorial La Ma- 
zorca, Buenos Aires, 1944, P. 54. 



Jakob Schiff; Jew. 

Felix Warburg; Jew. 

Otto Kahn; Jew. 

Mortimer Schiff; Jew. 

Hieronymus H. Hanauer; Jew. 

3. Guggenheim; Jew. 

4. Max Breitung; Jew. 

At the beginning of the year 1917, Jakob Schiff began to 
protect the Jew and Freemason Trotsky, whose real name is 
Bronstein; the mission given to him consisted of the directing 
of the social revolution in Russia. The New York paper “For¬ 
ward,' a Jewish Bolshevik daily paper, likewise protected him 
for the same purpose. Also he was aided financially by the 
Jewish firm of Max Warburg, Stockholm, the Rheinisch-West- 
falische Syndicate, as well as the Jew Olef Aschberg, of the 
Nye-Banks, Stockholm, as well as the Jew Jivotovsky, whose 
daughter Trotsky married. In this manner relations were estab¬ 
lished between the Jewish multi-millionaires and the prole¬ 
tarian Jews. 

“The Jewish firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., has links with 
the Rheinisch-Westphalian Syndicate, a Jewish firm in 
Germany; just as it has links with Lazard-Freres, a Jewish 
house in Paris and also with the Jewish firm of Gunzbourg 
of Paris, and the same Jewish firm of Gunzbourg of Petro- 
grad, Tokyo and Paris; if we observe in addition that 
all affairs are likewise handled with the Jewish firms of 
Speyer & Co., London, New York and Frankfurt/M., exact¬ 
ly as with the firms of Nye-Banks, who are the agents for 
Jewish-Bolshevik business affairs in Stockholm, then we 
can draw the inference from this that the banking firm 
has relations with all Bolshevik movements,- one can see 
that in praxis it represents the true expression of a gen¬ 
eral Jewish movement, and that certain Jewish banking 
houses are interested in the organization of these move¬ 
ments." (18). 

(18).— Duque de la Victoria. "Israel Manda". Page 312. 


In the pamphlet of S. de Baamonde we again find some¬ 
thing new about the banking house of Kuhn Loeb & Co., Jakob 
Schiff was an Israelite of German origin. His father, who lived 
in Frankfurt, was in that city a modest local agent of the firm of 
Rothschild. The son emigrated to the United States. There he 
rapidly made a career which soon made him chief of the large 
firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the most important Israelite bank 
of America. 

“In the Jewish banking world Jakob Schiff not only 
distinguished himself through his knowledge of business 
and the daredevilry of his inventive power, but he also 
occasioned very resolute plans and intentions, even if 
neither new nor original, concerning the leading political 
activity, which each banking system should exert over the 
fates of the world: "The spiritual direction of human af¬ 

Another of the constant concerns of this plutocrat was 
mixing at all cost in the political affairs of Russia, in order 
to bring about a change of regime in that land. The poli¬ 
tical conquest of Russia, which up to then had evaded the 
influence of Freemasonry, thanks to its regime of reason, 
should be the best circle of effect to secure the power of 
Israel on the entire universe. 119). 

"In the spring of 1917, Jakob Schiff began to instruct 
Trotsky (Jew), how he should carry out the social revolu¬ 
tion in Russia. The Jewish Bolshevik newspaper of New 
York, ‘Forward’ also concerned itself with the same theme": 

"From Stockholm as centre, the Jew Max Warburg 
authorized Trotsky & Co., as did Rheinisch-Westphalian 
Syndicate an important Jewish company, as well as Olef 
Aschberg of the Nye Bank of Stockholm and Yivotovsky, 
a Jew, whose daughter married Trotsky." (20). 

(19) .— Duqwe de la Victoria. Ibid. Page 318. 

(20) .— Esteban J. Malannl. Ibid, page 58. 


“At the same time a Jew, Paul Warburg, found to 
have such a close connection with the Bolshevists that he 
was not selected again to the Federal Reserve Board.' " 
121 ). 

The “Times" of London of February 9, 1918 and the 
“New York Times" alluded in two articles by Samuel Gompers, 
which were published in the issues of May 10, 1922 and De¬ 
cember 31, 1923, to the following: 

“If we bear in mind that the Jewish firm of Kuhn- 
Loeb & Co., is connected with the Rheinisch-Westphalian 
Syndicate, a Jewish firm in Germany, with Lazard Freres, 
a Jewish firm of Paris and also with the banking house 
of Gunzbourg, a Jewish firm in Petrograd, Tokyo and 
Paris, and if we in addition point out that the afore-men¬ 
tioned Jewish trading firms maintain close relations to 
the Jewish firm of Speyer & Co. in London, New York and 
Frankfurt/Main, as likewise with Nye Banks, a Jewish- 
Bolshevik firm in Stockholm, then we can establish that 
the Bolshevik movement in itself is to a certain degree 
the expression of a universal Jewish movement, and that 
certain Jewish banking houses are interested in the or¬ 
ganization of this movement." (22). 

General Nechvolodof alludes in his work “L’Empereur 
Nicholas II et Les Juifs" (1924), to the strong Jewish financing 
of the Communist revolution in Russia: 

"During the years which preceded the revolution, 
Jakob Schiff had supplied the Russian revolutionaries with 
twelve million dollars. On their side the triumphant Bol¬ 
shevists, according to M. Bakmetieff, the ambassador of 
the Russian Imperial government in the United States, who 
died some time ago in Paris, transferred six hundred mil¬ 
lion gold roubles between 1918 and 1922 to the firm of 
Kuhn-Loeb & Co." 

(21) .— Esteban J. Malanni. Ibid, page 60. 

(22) .— Esteban J. Malanni. Ibid, page 62. 


According to these convincing proofs I do not believe that 
it occurs to anyone to arrive at the optimistic conclusion, that 
there exist wicked Jews (the Communist) and good Jews (the 
Capitalists); further, that, while the ones strive to cut off the 
wealth of private persons and to cause private property to 
vanish, the others strive for the defense of both things, so as 
not to lose their enormous riches. To the misfortune of our 
civilization the Jewish conspiracy shows features of uncondi¬ 
tional unity. Judaism forms a monolithic power, which is di¬ 
rected at forcing together all riches of the world without ex¬ 
ception, by means of Communist Socialism according to Marx. 

At the present time one sees in our civilized world the 
admission of racial discrimination as the greatest sin, into 
which man could fall. It is alleged to be a fault, which leaves 
behind an eternal and ugly wound of barbarity and animal 
nature, always presupposing that the Jewish people do not 
in practice commit this fault. Thanks to Jewish propaganda 
which is controlled almost exclusively in the world by the 
Israelites (cinema, radio, press, television, publishing, etc.) anti- 
Semitism is the most disgraceful of all racial manifestations; 
for the Jews have made out of anti-Semitism a truly destruc¬ 
tive weapon, which serves to nullify the efforts of countless 
persons and organizations, who have clearly recognized who 
the real head of Communism is, in spite of its camouflage and 
cunning, which this race uses to conceal its true activity. Par¬ 
ticularly such persons and organizations that have tried to 
sound the alarm, since they were filled with horror at the fatal 
end, which draws nearer and nearer. 

This network of lies is so successful, that the majority of 
anti-Communists, who wish to make an end of the Marxist 
monster, direct their energetic and courageous attacks against 
the tentacles of the octopus and know nothing of the existence 
of the terrible head which renews the destroyed limbs, con¬ 
ducts its movements and brings the activities in all parts of its 
system into harmony. The sole possibility of destroying the 
Communist Socialism of Marx consists in attacking the head 
of the same, which at present is Jewry as the undeniable facts 
and irrefutable evidence of the Jews themselves allow to be 


While the Christian lands are anti-racialist, because they 
build up their ideas on the concept of loving ones neighbour, 
the Jews were and are at present the most fanatical repre¬ 
sentatives of racial discrimination, which they base on ideas 
from the Talmud, because they proceed from the principle that 
the non-Jew is not even a human being. 

However, this Christian opposition to racial discrimina¬ 
tion is very skillfully utilized by the Jews; and in the shadow 
of the same they weld their devilish intrigues against the 
Catholic Church and all Christian order, by their forming the 
Communist system, where there is neither God nor church nor 
supersensual norms of any kind. As soon as they are attacked, 
they protest with crying lamentation and show themselves as 
victims of inhuman racial discrimination, only for the purpose 
of crippling that work of defense which opposes their destruc¬ 
tive attacks. 

In spite of this, one can regard the real defense against 
Communism, which must be forcefully directed against the 
Jews (against the head), in no manner as a sinful manifesta¬ 
tion of a feeling of revulsion towards a definite race; for the 
characteristic of racial discrimination is completely alien to our 
culture and our Christian principles,* however, one cannot avoid 
a problem of such weight and range out of fear of being 
described as "Antisemite," which doubtless occurs with those 
who do not understand the present situation of the world. 

Thus it is not a question of combating a race out of con¬ 
siderations of racial order. If one at present brings the problem 
under close inspection, the Jews alone must bear the respon¬ 
sibility of leaving us no other choice because of their racial 
discrimination in life and death, with their absolute disregard 
of all who are not of their race and with their greed for world 

For Catholics in particular, and for the civilized world in 
general, who still firmly believe in their established principles 
and other-wordly values, the confirmation cannot be simpler; 


for it is a problem of self-defense, which is accepted com¬ 
pletely in the moral and just order, if the pure dilemma, which 
Judaism shows us, is the following: "Either Jewish-Communist 
domination or extermination." 



In spite of their accustomed seclusion, and even in spite 
of their deceptive and clandestine manoeuvres, by which they 
have been successful in remaining concealed, so as not to 
reveal their Communist plan for world conquest, the Jews have 
had several weak moments, to which they have been induced 
either through optimism or excessive jubilation in the studying 
of their successes and which upon different occasions have 
called forth impetuous but highly factual declarations. Kadmi- 
Cohen, a highly regarded Jewish writer, affirms that: 

"As far as the Jews are concerned, their role in 
world socialism is so important that one cannot pass quiet¬ 
ly over it. Does it not suffice to recall the names of the 
great Jewish revolutionaries of the 19th and 20th centu¬ 
ries, such as Karl Marx, Lasalle, Kurt Eisner, Bela Kun, 
Trotsky and Leon Blum, so that in this manner it is clear 
who are the theoreticians of modern Socialism?" (23). 

(23).—> Kadmi-Cohen. Nomades. (Essai Sur L'Ame Julve) 1929. P. 80. 


"What a brilliant confirmation do the strivings of the 
Jews find in Communism, apart from the material coop¬ 
eration in party organizations, in the deep revulsion which 
a great Jew and great poet, Heinrich Heine, felt against 
Roman law! And the personal and passionate motives for 
the anger of Rabbi Aquila and Bar Kocheba of the years 
70 and 132 after Jesus Christ, against the Roman peace 
and the Roman law which was understood personally and 
passionately and felt by a Jew of the 19th century, who 
had apparently preserved no bond with his own race.” 

"The Jewish revolutionaries and Jewish Communists, 
who dispute the basic principle of private property whose 
firmly established foundation is the civil law book of Justi¬ 
nian, of Ulpian, etc.; only imitate their forefathers who 
opposed Vespasian and Titus. In reality it is the dead, 
who speak . ” 124). 

The blasphemous Jewish writer Alfred Nossig tells us: 

"Socialism and the Mosaic law in no way oppose one 
another, but there exists on the contrary a surprising simi¬ 
larity between the basic ideas of both teachings. Jewish 
nationalism may not remove itself as a danger, which 
threatens the ideal, further from Socialism than the Jew 
from the Mosaic Law; for both parallel-running ideals must 
arrive in the same way at execution." (25). 

"From the examination of the facts of the case it is 
revealed in a completely irrefutable manner that the mod¬ 
ern Jews have cooperated in a decisive way and manner in 
the creation of Socialism; their own fathers were already 
the founders of the Mosaic Law. The seed of the Mosaic 
Law took effect over the centuries upon doctrine and com¬ 
mand, in conscious manner for the one and unconsciously 
for the other. The modern Socialist movements are for the 
great majority a work of the Jews,- the Jews gave it the 

(24) .— Kadmi-Cohen: Ibid, page 86. 

(25) .— Westsaelicher Merkur. Zeitung von Munster, No. 405 of Oct. 6, 



stamp of their understanding; it was also Jews who had 
a striking share in leadership of the first Socialist republics. 
In spite of this, the enormous majority of Jewish Socialist 
leaders were divorced from the Mosaic Law; for in un¬ 
conscious manner there took effect within them the racial 
principle of the Mosaic Law, and the race of the old apos¬ 
tolic peoples lived in their brain and in their social char¬ 
acter. Present world socialism forms the first State in ful¬ 
filment of the Mosaic Law, the beginning of realization of 
the future World State, which was announced by the 
prophets.” (26). 

In his book "Integral Jewry" he confirms this idea of 
Socialism as Jewish teaching, when he writes the following: 

"If the peoples really wish to make progress they 
must lay aside the Medieval fear of the Jews and the 
retrogressive prejudices which they have against the latter. 
They must recognize what they really are, namely the 
most upright forerunners of human development. At the 
present day the salvation of Jewry demands that we open¬ 
ly recognize the programme facing the world; and the 
salvation of mankind in the coming centuries depends 
upon the victory of this programme.” (27). 

The reason for this Jewish revolutionary conduct is clear¬ 
ly explained by the well known Jewish writer E. Eberlin in the 
following excerpt: 

''The more radical the revolution is, all the more free¬ 
dom and equality for the Jews comes about as a result. 
Every current of progress strengthens further the position 
of the Jews. In the same manner every setback and every 
reaction attacks it in first place. Often, only a simple 
orientation towards the Right, will expose the Jews to 
boycott. From this aspect the Jew is the pressure-valve of 
the social (steam) boiler. As a body the Jewish people 

(26) .— A If rad Nossig: Integrals! Judentum. Pages 74 & 79. 

(27) .— Alfred Noisig: Ibid, page 21. 


cannot stand on the side of reaction; for reaction is the 
return to the past and means for the Jews the continua¬ 
tion of their abnormal conditions of existence." (28). 

The ill-reputed Jew Jakob von Haas, says to us in 
"The Macabean" quite clearly that "the Russian revolu¬ 
tion, which we experienced is a revolution of Jewry. It 
signifies a change in the history of the Jewish people. If 
we speak openly, it was a Jewish revolution; for the Jews 
were the most energetic revolutionaries in Russia." 

In the Jewish-French newspaper entitled "Le Peuple 
Juif" of February 1919 one can read the following: "The 
Russian Revolution, which we see at present, will be the 
exclusive work of our hands." 

One finds the following passage in a book by the 
famous Jewish writer Samuel Schwarz with a foreword 
by Ricardo Jorge: "When we ascend from the heights of 
pure science to the place of battle, which the passions 
and the interests of men clash against each other, there 
rises before us the oracle of the new social-political reli¬ 
gion, the Jew Karl Marx, the dogmatic leader of war for 
life and death. He finds in the head and in the arm of 
Lenin the realization of his confession of belief and sees 
in him the forefighter for the Soviet State, which threatens 
to overthrow the firm foundations of the traditional institu¬ 
tions of society." (291. 

In the same way another Jew, Hans Cohen, confirms 
in the "Political Idea," that "the Socialism of Marx is the 
purpose of our striving and efforts." 

In number 12 of the newspaper "The Communist" 
which was published in Kharkov on the 12th of April, 1919, 
the Jew M. Cohen writes: 

(28).— E. Eberlln: Les Juife D'Aujourd Hui. Page 201. 

(29).— Ricardo Jorge: “Os Cristaos Novos en Portugal no seculo XX". 
Foreword of Samuel Schwarz. Page X. Lisbon 1925. 


"Without exaggeration one can make the assurance 
that the great social revolution in Russia was carried out 
by the Jews. It is true that in the ranks of the Red Army, 
there are soldiers who are not Jews. Put in the committees 
and in the Soviet organizations, just as with the Commis¬ 
sars, the Jews lead the masses of the Russian proletariat 
to victory with courage." 

"At the head of the Russian revolutionaries marched 
the pupils of the Rabbinic school of Lidia." Jewry triumphed 
over fire and sword, with our brother Marx, who had the 
mandate for the fulfilment of all that our prophets have 
commanded, and who worked out the suitable plan for 
the demands of the proletariat." All these sentences ap¬ 
peared in the Jewish newspaper "Haijut" of Warsaw of 
August 3, 1928." 

"The Jewish World," of January 10, 1929, expressed 
this blaspheming view: "Bolshevism, the very fact of its 
existence, and that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, further 
—that the ideal of Bolshevism is in harmony with the 
most sublime ideal of Jewry, which in part formed the 
foundation for the best teachings of the founder of Chris¬ 
tianity, all this has a deep significance, which the thought¬ 
ful Jew carefully examines." 

In order not to range too widely at this point, we quote in 
conclusion the allusions which the Israelite Paul Sokolowsky 
makes in his work, entitled "The Mission of Europe," where 
he boasts of the predominant role which the Jews played in 
the Russian revolution and reveals details concerning the secret 
codes which they used to reach understanding with each other, 
even by means of the press, without the attention of the authori¬ 
ties being drawn to themselves, and how they distributed Com¬ 
munist propaganda which they prepared, through the Jewish 
children, whom they carefully schooled for these services in 
their settlements. (30). 

(30).— Lie. Alfonso do Castro. El Problema Judlo. Editorial Actualidad. 

Mexico, D. F. 1939. Pages 152 & 153. 


This hellish, Jewish-Communist hate, which is chiefly re¬ 
vealed against Christian civilization, is not unfounded, but it 
has its very deep causes, which can be judged with full clarity 
in this following excerpt from the “Sepher-Ha-Zohar", the holy 
book of modern Jewry, which represents the feelings of all 

"Jeshu (Jesus), the Nazarene, who has brought the 
world away from belief in Jehovah, who be praised, will 
each Friday be again restored. At day break of Saturday 
he will be thrown into boiling oil. Hell will pass but his 
punishment and his tortures will never end. Jesus and 
Mohammed are those unclean bones of offal of which the 
Scripture says: "Ye shall cast before the dogs. They are 
the dirt of the dog, the unclean, and because they have 
misled men, they are cast into Hell, from which they never 
again come out.” (31). 

As we proved in this book and is also demonstrated by 
hundreds of other books, the final objective of Judaism on earth 
is to establish Communist Socialism to dominate the world in a 
totalitarian way, and to plunder the wealth of other people and 
subject them to slavery. 

Due to the oaths of obedience rendered by all Jews to their 
leaders, the communities they compose are well-disciplined poli¬ 
tical armies, because dissidents are mercilessly poisoned by the 
secret police existing in each Israelite community, which has 
physicians that provide a certificate saying that he died because 
of "natural death”, in order to hide those poisonings from the 
public. Jews, by doing that, follow the biblical commands that 
demand the death penalty for those who disobey or revolt 
against their leaders. This fact has been decisive in order to give 
internal strength to the Jewish people throughout the world, that 
surpasses that of all other people. It is very dangerous for the 
Jews that free people become aware of the fact that they are 
the parents and propagators of Communism; that is why they 
attempt to misorient people and some of them make public state- 

131).— "Sepher-Ha-Zohar”. Translation of Jean de Pauly, Paris, Ernest 
Leroux 1907. Second Volume. Page 88. 


merits against Communism, and start verbal fights and polemics, 
while most Jews continue to promote Communism supported by 
their Jewish leaders who claim themselves to be anti-Communist, 
sometimes creating false anti-Communist organizations and 
through vast anti-Marxist wordiness, betray true anti-Commu¬ 
nist organizations and through vast anti-Marxist wordiness, 
betray true anti-Communists and sow disagreement in their 

Nevertheless, if a Jew — as any soldier of an army — can 
neither revolt nor disobey his leaders without being crushed, the 
leaders of an Israelite Regional Community have frequently en¬ 
tered into quarrels and conflicts against leaders of another Com¬ 
munity along the history of the Israelite People. These struggles 
lasted years and even decades, until they were settled by means 
of the ancient Rabbinic Synods that gathered all the representa¬ 
tives of the Israelite communities of a continent or the world, 
and presently they are settled by continental or world Congresses 
that coordinate the activities of the Autonomous Regional Com¬ 
munities and solve rivalries in order to restore unity in world 
Israel, which was temporarily broken. 

Particularly important in our time — in conflicts existing 
among Autonomous Regional Communities — is the strife be¬ 
tween the Autonomous Regional Communities that controls the 
Soviet Union in secret, and the Autonomous Regional Community 
that controls the State of Israel in secret too. Different things 
cause this family quarrel, and one of them is the fact that Jews 
that lead the Soviet Union in a totalitarian way and many others 
from different places of the world, consider it more important 
for Judaism to have a totalitarian power over the world than to 
enlarge the small State of Israel to the expense of the Arab ter¬ 
ritories, which could be done much more easily when Judaism 
has enslaved all people on earth by means of Communism. 

Most Jews from the State of Israel and Zionists in general, 
consider it is more important to enlarge the State of Israel as 
much as possible, and they deem they will have enough time 
later to implant Communism all over the world. 


As it can be seen, these two Jewish factions anti-Zionists 
and Zionists respectively, while quarreling among themselves, 
agree in the essential question: Both of them wish to have Com¬ 
munism established all over the world and both of them wish to 
have a gigantic State of Israel. They only disagree as to the time 
to accomplish this last goal. 

This family quarrel has allowed the Soviet Jewish faction 
to enlarge its influence in some Arab States and some of those 
of the so-called Third World; Judaism, then, has made profit and 
the Zionist faction has been allowed to annex Arab territories to 
Israel with the support of the United States, because United 
States Jews have made sure that Israel received better support 
than that given to the Arabs by the Soviets. Judaism has also 
profited by this. 

It is astonishing to see how Judaism always gains profit 
from both sides, even in its internal rivalries. But as an illustrious 
writer said wisely, we are not forced to let the tiger devour us 
despite how intelligent it may be. 

Jews leading the Soviet Union have attained so much in 
Africa with the complicity of United States Jews that they can 
even put their dissidents in insane asylums or jails instead of 
poisoning them as all Israelite communities in the world do. 

Despite their differences of opinion on the Zionist affair, 
Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews are closely committed in their final 
goal, that is to say, to dominate the world, to expropriate the 
wealth of other people and to subject them to slavery. 

Anyone wishing to research and widen their knowledge on 
the secrets of the conflict between the Soviet Union and Zionism 
and the State of Israel, may consult the valuable book written 
by the Polish author Louis Bielsky, titled “The Soviet-lsraelite 
Claw Strangles the Arabs". 




There exists therefore not the slightest doubt, that the 
Marxist theory (communism) is Jewish work, just as is also its 
every action, which aims at putting this doctrine into practice. 

Before the final establishing of Bolshevism in Russia the 
directors and organizers of all communist movements in their 
entirety were almost solely Jews, just as the great majority 
of the true organizers of the revolutions were to which they 
gave the impetus. But in Russia as the first land where Bolshe¬ 
vism finally triumphed, and where it was and still is the 
fulcrum or driving force for the communizing of the world, 
the Jewish paternity of the system of organization and of So¬ 
viet praxis also allows no doubt or error. According to the 
irrefutable data, which has been fully and completely proved 
and recognized by all impartial writers, who have dealt with 
this theme, the communist work of the Jews in the land of the 
Czars is so powerful, that it would be useless to deny this 
disastrous triumph as their monopoly. 


It suffices to recall the names of those who have formed 

the governments and the principal leading organs in the Soviet 

Union, in order to know what one has immediately to think 

of the clear and categorical proof of the evidence. 


(Council of Peoples Commissars) 

1. Ilich Ulin (Vladimir llich Ulianov or Nikolaus Lenin). Presi¬ 
dent of the Supreme Soviet Jew on mother’s side. His 
mother was called Blank, a Jewess of German origin. 

2. Lew Davinovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), Commissar for 
the Red Army and the Navy; Jew. 

3. losiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba (Joseph 
Vissarionovich Stalin), Nationalities Commissar; descen¬ 
dant of Jews from Georgia. 

4. Chicherin; Commissar for Foreign Affairs; Russian. 

5. Apfelbaum (Grigore Zinoviev), Commissar for Internal 
Affairs; Jew. 

6. Kohen (Volodarsky), Commissar for Press and Propagan¬ 
da; Jew. 

7. Samuel Kaufmann, Commissar for the Land Property 
of the State; Jew. 

8. Steinberg, Law Commissar; Jew. 

9. Schmidt, Commissar for Public Works,- Jew. 

10. Ethel Knigkisen (Liliana), Commissar for Supply, Jewess. 

11. Pfenigstein, Commissar for the Settlement of Refugees; 

12. Schlichter (Vostanoleinin) Commissar for Billettings (Con¬ 
fiscation of Private Houses for the Reds); Jew. 

13. Lurie (Larin), President of the Supreme Economic Council; 

14. Kukor (Kukorsky), Trade Commissar; Jew. 

15. Spitzberg, Culture Commissar; Jew. 

16. Urisky (Radomilsky), Commissar for “Elections”; Jew. 

17. Lunacharsky, Commissar for Public Schools; Russian. 

18. Simasko, Commissar for Health; Jew. 

19. Protzian, Agriculture Commissar; Armenian. 



(High officials of this Commissariat) 

1. Ederer, President of the Soviet of Petrograd; Jew. 

2. Rosenthal, Security Commissar of Moscow; Jew. 

3. Goldenrudin, Director for Propaganda of the Commis¬ 
sariat for Foreign Affairs; Jew. 

4. Krasikov, Press Commissar of Moscow; Jew. 

5. Rudnik, Vice-President of the Commissariat for Health, 

6. Abraham Krohmal, First Secretary of the Commissariat 
for the Accommodation of Refugees; Jew, alias Saguersky. 

7. Marthenson, Director of the Press Bureau of the Commis¬ 
sariat for Internal Affairs; Jew. 

8. Pfeierman, Chief Commissar for Communist Police of Pe¬ 
trograd; Jew. 

9. Schneider, Political Commissar of Petrograd; Jew. 

10. Minnor, Political Commissar of Moscow; American Jew. 

(Higher Officials) 

1. Margolin, Director of the Passports Office; Jew. 

2. Fritz, Director of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs; 

3. Lafet (Joffe), Soviet Ambassador in Berlin; Jew. 

4. Lewin, First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Berlin; 

5. Askerloth, Director of the Press and Information Offices 
of the Soviet Embassy in Berlin; Jew. 

6. Beck, Extraordinary Ambassador of the Soviet Govern¬ 
ment in London and Paris; Jew. 

7. Benitler (Beintler), Soviet Ambassador in Oslo; Jew. 

8. Martius, Soviet Ambassador in Washington; German (?). 

9. Lew Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Soviet Ambassador in Vienna; 

10. Vaslaw Vorosky, former Soviet Ambassador in Rome up 
to the year 1922, who was murdered by the former 
Czarist officer M. A. Kontrady on May 10th 1925 in Lau¬ 
sanne; Jew. 


11. Peter Lazarovich Voicoff, Soviet Ambassador in Warsaw 
up to June 7th 1927, when he was murdered by a young 
Russian; Jew. 

12. Malkin, Soviet Consul in Glasgow (Scotland) in the year 
1919; Jew. 

13. Kain Rako (Rokevsky), President of the Peace Committee 
of Kiev; Jew. 

14. Manuilsky, first adjutant of Rako and at present leading 
communist ruler in the Ukraine; Jew. 

15. Astzumb-llssen, first legal advisor of the Soviet Commis¬ 
sariat for Foreign Affairs (1918); Jew. 

16. Abel Beck, Consul General in Odessa; Jew. 

17. Grundbaum (Cevinsky), Consul General in Kiev; Jew. 


1. Merzvin (Merzwinsky), first Trade Commissar; Jew. 

2. Solvein, Secretary of Merzvin; Jew. 

3. Haskyn, General Secretary of the Soviet Trade Commis¬ 
sariat; Jew. 

4. Bertha Hinewitz, assistant of Haskyn; Jewess. 

5. Isidor Gurko (Gurkowsky), second Trade Commissar; Jew. 

6. Jaks (Gladneff), Secretary of Gurko; Jew. 

7. Latz (Latsis), President of the Trade Council; Jew from 

8. Weisman, Secretary of the Trade Council; Jew. 

9. Satkinov, Government Counselor of the Peoples Bank of 
Moscow,- Russian. 

10. Jaks (brother of the other), Government Counselor of the 
Peoples Bank; Jew. 

11. Axelrod (Orthodox) government counsellor of the Peoples 
Bank; Jew. 

12. Michelson, Government Counselor of the Peoples Bank; 
American Jew. 

13. Furstemberg (Ganetsky), Commissar for the Government 
of ‘‘Soviet-German’’ Trade Affairs. In reality he was the 
contact man of the Jewish revolutionaries of Russia, and 
the Jewish banking group of Kuhn-Loeb & Co., New 


York; Warburg, Stockholm; Speyer & Co., London; Lazar 
Freres, Paris, etc., which supported the communist rev¬ 
olution of Russia by way of the Rheinisch-Westfalische 
Syndicate for the Bank-system in Germany with money 

14. Kogon (one of the Kaganovich brothers), first secretary 
of Furstemberg; Jew. 


1. Joseph Steinberg, brother of Steinberg, who is the titu¬ 
lary Commissar; Jew. He occupies the post of first “Peo¬ 
ples” Commissar. 

2. Jakob Berman, President of the Revolutionary Court of 
Moscow; Jew; probably the same Jakob Berman, who is 
the present director for the Communist Party in Poland. 

3. Lutzk (Lutzky), Court Commissar of the “Peoples” Military 
Forces; Jew. 

4. Berg, Court Commissar of Petrograd; Jew. 

5. Goinbark, Director of the Department for Formulation of 
Laws; Jew. 

6. Scherwin, first Secretary of the “Peoples Commune" of 
Moscow; Jew. 

7. Glausman, President of the Control Commission at the 
Commissariat of Law; Jew. 

8. Schraeder (Schrader), Chief Commissar of the Supreme 
Court of Moscow; Jew. 


1. Groinim, Commissar for the Lands in the South of Russia; 

2. Lurie (brother of the President of the Supreme Soviet of 
Trade), director of the Department for Elementary Schools 
of the Commissariat for Public Education,- Jew. 

3. Liuba Rosenfeld, Directress of the Theatrical Section of 
the Ministry for Public Education; Jewess. 


4. Rebeca Jatz, secretary of the above-named; Jewess. 

5. Sternberg, Director of the Department for Sculpture of 
the Commissariat for Public Education; Jew. 

6. Jakob Zolotin, President of the Government Council of 
the Institute for Communist Education; Jew. 

7. Grunberg, Commissar of Instruction for the Northern 
Lands; Jew. 


1. Schorodak, personal advisor of Trotsky; Jew. 

2. Slanks, personal advisor of Trotsky; Jew. 

3. Petz, personal advisor of Trotsky; Jew. 

4. Gerschfeld, personal advisor of Trotsky; Jew. 

5. Fruntze, supreme commander of the communist southern 
armies; Jew. 

6. Fichmann, chief of general staff of the communist armies 
of the North; Jew. 

7. Potzetn, President of the Soviets (Government Council) 
of the Western front; Jew. 

8. Schutzman (Schusmanovich), military advisor for the dis¬ 
trict of Moscow; Jew. 

9. Gubelman, Political Commissar for the military district 
of Moscow; American Jew. 

10. Leviensohn, Law Counselor of the Red Army; Jew. 

11. Dietz, political advisor for the military district of Vitebsk; 

12. Glusman, military advisor of the communist brigade of 
Samara; Jew. 

13. Beckman, Political Commissar of the district of Samara; 

14. Kalman, military advisor of the communist military forces 
of Slusk; Jew. 


1. Dauge, Vice-Commissar of the Commissariat for Health; 


2. Wempertz, President of the Committee for the Fight 
Against Venereal Diseases; Jew. 

3. Rappoport, Director of the Pharmaceutical Department 
of the Commissariat; Jew (later political Commissar of 

4. Fuchs, Secretary of Rappoport; Jew. 

5. Bloschon, President of the Committee for the Struggle 
Against Infectious Diseases; Jew. 

(Moscow 1919) 

1. Rosenfeld (Kamenev), President of the Trade Soviet for 
Moscow; Jew. 

2. Krasikov, Vice-President of the Trade Soviet of Moscow; 

3. Abraham Schotman, Director of the Trade Soviet of Mos¬ 
cow; Jew. 

4. Heikina, secretary of Schotmans; Jewess. 

5. Eismondt, President of the Trade Soviet of Petersburg; 

6. Landeman, Vice-President of the Trade Soviet of Peters¬ 
burg; Jew. 

7. Kreinitz, Director of the Trade Soviet of Petersburg; Jew. 

8. Abel Alperovitz, Commissar for the Iron Foundry System 
of the Supreme Trade Soviet; Jew. 

9. Hertz (Herzen), Commissar for the Transport System of 
the Supreme Trade Soviet; Jew. 

10. Schilmon, secretary of Hertz; Jew. 

11. Travid, President of the Commissariat for the Harvesting 
of the Sunflower Seed Oil; Jew. 

12. Rotemberg, President of the Commissariat for Coalmining, 
which is subject to the Supreme Trade Soviet; Jew. 

13. Klammer; President of the Commissariat for the Fishing 
Industry; Jew. 

14. Kisswalter, President of the Commissariat for the Eco¬ 
nomic Reconstruction; American Jew. 



1. Moded, Council President; Jew. 

2. Smitdowitz, President of the Workers Commission; Jew. 

3. Leibu Kuwitb, President of the Soldiers Commission; Jew. 


4. Klautzner, Jew; 5. Andersohn, Jew; 6. Michelson, Jew; 
7. Scharach, Jew; 8. Grunberg, Jew; 9. Riphki, Jew; 10. Vim- 
pa, Latvian; 11. Kiamer, Jew; 12. Scheischman, Jew; 13. Lewin- 
son, Jew; 14. Termizan, Jew; 15. Rosenkoltz, Jew; 16. Katzstein, 
Jew; 17. Zenderbaum (Martov), Jew; 18. Solo, Latvian; 19. 
Pfalin, Jew; 20. Krasnopolsky, Jew; 21. Simson, American Jew; 
22. Schick, Jew; 23. Tapkin, Jew. 


1. Gimel (Sujanov), Jew; 2. Kauner, Jew; 3. Rappoport, 
Jew; 4. Wilken, Jew; 5. Siatroff, Jew; 6. Grabner, Jew; 7. Dia- 
mandt, Jew. 



1. Jankel Swerdin (Sverdolov), Committee President, Jew. 


2. Cremmer, Jew; 3. Bronstein (not Trotsky), Jew; 4. Katz 
(Mamkov), Jew; 5. Goldstein, Jew; 6. Abelman, Jew; 7. Zun- 
derbaum, Jew; 8. Urisky, Jew; 9, Rein (Abrahamovich), Jew; 
10. Benjamin Schmidowitz, Jew; 11. Tzeimbur, Jew; 12. Riph- 
kin, Jew; 13. Schirota, Jew; 14. Tzemin Chernilovsky, Jew; 
15. Lewin (Lewinsky), Jew; 16. Weltman. Jew; 17. Axelrod 


(Orthodox), Jew; 18. Lunberg, Jew; 19. Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), 
Jew; 20. Fuschman, Jew; 21. Krasicov, Jew; 22. Knitzunck, Jew; 
23. Radner, Jew; 24. Haskyn, Jew; 25. Goldenrubin, Jew; 26. 
Frich, Jew; 27. Bleichman (Soltntzev), Jew; 28. Lantzer, Jew; 
29. Lishatz, Jew; 30. Lenin, Jew on mother's side, Jew. 


1. Radek, President, Jew. 


2. Ganitzberg, Jew; 3. Knigknisen, Jew; 4. Amanessoff, 
Jew; 5. Tzesulin, Jew; 6. Rosenthal, Jew; 7. Pfrumkin, Jew; 
8. Koping, Jew; 9. Krilenko, Russian; 10. Jacks, American Jew, 
11. Feldman, Jew; 12. Bruno, Jew; 13. Rozin, Jew; 14. Theo- 
dorovich, Jew; 15. Siansk ISiansky), Jew; 16. Schmilka, Jew; 
17. Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Jew; 18. Samuel Kripnik, Jew; 19. 
Breslau, Jew; 20. Steinau, Jew; 21. Scheikman, Jew; 22. Aske- 
natz, Jew; 23. Sverdin, Jew; 24. Stutzka, Jew; 25. Dimenstein, 
Jew; 26. Rupzuptas, Latvian; 27. Schmidowitz, Jew,- 28. Na- 
chamkes (Steklov), Jew; 29. Schlichter, Jew; 30. Peterson, Jew; 
31. Sasnovsky, Jew; 32. Baptzinsk, Jew; 33. Valach (Litvi¬ 
nov), Jew; 34. Tegel (Tegelsky), Jew; 35. Weiberg, Jew; 
36. Peter, Lithuanian; 37. Terian, Armenian; 38. Bronstein, 
Jew; 39. Ganlerz, Jew; 40. Starck, Jew; 41. Erdling, Jew; 42. 
Karachen, Jew; 43. Bukharin, Jew; 44. Langewer, Jew; 45. 
Harklin, Jew; 46. Lunacharsky, Russian; 47. Woloch, Jew; 48. 
Laksis, Jew; 49. Kaul, Jew; 50. Ehrman, Jew; 51. Tzirtzivatze, 
Georgian; 52. Longer, Jew; 53. Lewin, Jew; 54. Tzurupa, Lat¬ 
vian; 55. Jafet (Joffe), Jew; 56. Knitsuck, Jew; 57. Apfelbaum, 
Jew; 58. Natansohn (Bafrof), Jew; 59. Daniel (Danialevsky), 



1. Derzhin (Derzinsky), Supreme Chief of the C.E.K.A. 
(CHEKA); Jew. 

2. Peters, Sub-chief of the C.E.K.A.; Lithuanian. 

3. Limbert, director of the ill-famed Tagansky prison in Mos¬ 
cow, where a great part of the Czarist aristocracy and 
many former ministers, generals, diplomats, artists, writ¬ 
ers, etc., of the old regime were murdered. Limbert is 
likewise a Jew. 

4. Vogel, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

5. Deipkyn, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

6. Bizensky, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

7. Razmirovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

8. Jankel Swerdin (Sverdlov), Executive Commissar of the 
CHEKA; Jew. 

9. Janson, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

10. Kneiwitz, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

11. Finesh, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

12. Delavanoff, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

13. Ziskyn, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

14. Jacob Golden, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

15. Scholovsky, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

16. Reintenberg, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

17. Gal Pemstein, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

18. Zakis, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Lithuanian. 

19. Knigkisen, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

20. Skeltizan, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Armenian. 

21. Blum (Blumkin), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

22. Grunberg, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

23. Latz, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

24. Heikina, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

25. Ripfkin, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

26. Katz (Kamkov), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

27. Alexandrovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Rus¬ 

28. Jacks, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

29. Woinstein (Zwesdin), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; 

30. Lendovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 


31. Gleistein, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jew. 

32. Helphand (Parvis), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; 

33. Silencus, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Jewess. 

34. Jacob Model, Chief of the Communist "Peter and Paul" 
troop for mass repression; Jew. 


1. Rodomill, Jew. 

2. Djorka (Zorka), Jew. 

OF PETROGRAD (1919-1924) 

1. Isilevich, Jew. 

2. Anwelt, Jew. 

3. Meichman, American Jew. 

4. Judith Rosmirovich, Jewess. 

5. Giller, Jew. 

6. Buhan, Armenian. 

7. Sispper (Disperoff), Jew. 

8. Heim Model, Jew. 

9. Krasnik, Jew. 

10. Koslowsky, Polish. 

11. Mehrbey, American Jew. 

12. Pawkis, Lithuanian. 


1. Benjamin Schmidt, Peoples Commissar; Jew. 

2. Zencovich, Secretary of Schmidt; Jew. 

3. Raskyn, General Secretary of the Labour Commissariat; 

4. Zarach, Director of the Supply Department for Workers; 

5. Woltman, second Commissar of Public Workers; Jew. 

6. Kaufman, assistant of Woltman; Jew. 


7. Goldbarh, President of the Commission for Public Works; 

8. Kuchner, first advisor of the Commissariat for Public 
Works; Jew. 


1. Isaac Latsk, Supreme Commissar of the Don Republic; 

2. Reichenstein, Peoples Commissar of the Don Republic; 

3. Schmulker, secretary of the above; Jew. 

4. Levinson, President of the Don Soviet; Jew. 

5. Haytis, Commissar for Siberia; Jew. 

6. Dretling, President of the Soviet of Kiev; Jew. 

7. Ziumperger, assistant of the above; Jew. 

8. Zickheim, President of the Soviet of Jaroslaw; Jew. 

9. Sheikman, President of the Soviet of Kazan; Jew. 

10. Willing, President of the Soviet of Orenburg (present day 
Chicakow); Jew. 

11. Berlin (Berlinsky), President of the Soviet of Sizrn; Jew. 

12. Limbersohn, President of the Soviet of Penza; Jew. 

13. Somur, Trade Minister of Transcaucasia; Jew. 

14. Schultz (Slusky), President of the Soviet of Tavrida; Jew. 

15. Herman, President of the Soviet of Tzarinsk; Jew. 

16. Rotganzen, President of the Soviet of Bielatzerkowski; 

17. Lemberg, secretary of Rotganzen; Jew. 

18. Daumann, President of the Soviet of Narwsky; Jew. 



1. Najames (Sketlov), Jew; 2. Jacob Golin, Jew; 3. Kohn, 
Jew; 4. Samuel Daumen, Jew; 5. Ilin Tziger, Jew; 6. Maximo 
Gorky, Russian; 7. Dean, Jew; 8. Bitner, Jew; 9. Kleisner, Jew; 


10. Bergman, Jew; 11. Alperowich, Jew; 12 Laurie (Rumiant- 
zeff), Jew; 13. Brahmon, Jew; 14. Grossman (Rozin), Jew; 
15. Abraham Torbeth, Jew. 



1. Abel Pretz, Jew; 2. Rafalowitz, Jew; 3. Gogan, Jew; 

4. Bastell, Jew; 5. Grochmann, Jew; 6. Bernstein, Jew; 7. Moch, 
Jew; 8. Abraham Salomon Emanson, Jew,- 9. Goldenberg, Jew; 
10. Slavensohn, Jew; 11. Benjamin Rosenberg, Jew; 12. Schu- 
man, Jew; 13. Kulliser, Jew; 14. Goldman, Jew; 15. Jacob Giler 
(Gilevl, Jew. 



1. Schumaker, Jew; 2. David IDavidov), Jew; 3. Jarin 
(Yarolavsky), Jew; 4. Lander, Jew; 5. Samson Lewin, Jew; 
6, Steinbeck, Jew; 7. Bilin, Jew; 8. Evron, Jew. 



1. Katz (Kamkov), Jew; 2. Jacks, Jew; 3. Eisenberg (Po 
liansky), Jew. 


1. Muraviov, President; Russian. 


2. Salomon, Jew; 3. Edelsohn, Jew; 4. Goldstein, Jew; 

5. Gruzenberg, Jew; 6. Tanker, Jew. 




1. Rabinovich, Jew; 2. Weinberg, Jew; 3. Larin, Jew; 4. 
Galalt, Jew; 5. Kreitman, Jew; 6. Zupper, Jew; 7. Krasnin, 
Russian; 8. Alperovitz, Jew. 



1. Sidelgenim, Jew; 2. Heikinn, Jew; 3. Lubomirsky, Rus¬ 
sian; 4. Kritzer (Krozov), Jew; 5. Tanger, Jew; 6. Kinstung, Jew. 


1. Ravetz, Jew; 2. Zmirnov, Russian; 3. Gitzemberg, Jew; 
4. Davidson, Jew; 5. Brillante, Jew. 


1. Sobelsohn (Radek), Soviet Military Representative in Ber¬ 
lin; Jew. 

2. Neinsenbaum, Military Representative in Bucharest; Jew. 

3. Bergman, Military Representative in Vienna; Jew. 

4. Abraham Baum, Military Representative in Copenhagen; 

5. Bergman, Military Representative in Vienna; Jew. 

6. Alter Klotzman, Military Representative in Warsaw; Jew. 

7. Abraham Klotzman, adjutant of the former; Jew. 


1. Katsell, Jew; 2. Goldman, Jew; 3. Walkperr, Jew; 4. 
Kasior, Jew; 5. Schnell, Jew; 6. Schorteil, Russian; 7. Zercov, 
Russian,- 8. Schmidt, Jew; 9. Blum, Jew; 10. Rudzistarck, Jew. 




1. Skentenberg, Jew; 2. Nadezda Krupp (Krupskaya, i.e.) 
the wife of Lenin, likewise Jewess not Russian as generally 
asserted; 3. Kraskowsko, Jew; 4. Gleitzenr, Jew, lover 
of the second wife of Stalin, for this reason shot in 1932, al¬ 
though in the affair he was made to appear as "trotsky- 
ite", Jew; 5. Keltsman, Jew; 6. Schutzka, Jew; 7. Schirolla, 
Finnish Jew; 8. Rotstein, Jew; 9. Reisner, Jew; 10. Josif Ra- 
kovsky, Jew; 11. Jacob Lurie, Jew; 12. Rozin, Jew; 13. Po¬ 
krovsky, Russian; 14. Karl Levin, Jew; 15. Gimel (Sujanov), 
Jew; 16. Budin, Jew; 17. Ehrperg, Jew; 18. Nemirovich, Jew; 
19. Coikburg, Jew; 20. Rapport, Jew,- 21. Grossmann, Jew; 
22. Fritz, Jew; 23. Najamkes, Jew; 24. Ludberg, Jew; 25. 
Dand (Dauzewsky), Jew; 26. Goldenbach (Riazonov), Jew; 
27. Kusinen, Finn.; 28. Weltman, Jew; 29. Salomon Olans- 
ky, Jew; 30. Ursiner (Ursinov), Jew; 31. Gurovich, Jew; 32. 
Rosa Luxemburg, German Jewess,- 33. Elchenkoltz, Jew; 34. 
Tzerkina, Jewess; 35. Gatze, Jew; 36. Moises Ulansk, Jew; 
37. Broito (Broitman) Jew. 



1. Polonsky, Russian; 2. Rosenthal, Jew; 3. Krutze, Jew; 
4. Bernstein (Koganov), Jew; 5. Zimanovich, Jew; 6. Klasin, 
Latvian; 7. Otzkins, Jew; 8. Wichter, Jew; 9. Kirtz, Jew; 10. 
Liphsitz, Jew; 11. Bitzk, Jew. 



1. Ethel Knigkisen, Peoples Commissar, Jewess. 

2. Goldman, secretary of the above,- Jew. 


3. Rosa Kaufman, assistant to the above; Jewess. 

4. Pautzner, Director of the Aid Committee; Jew. 

5. K. Rosenthal, Chief of the Central Office of the Aid Com¬ 
mittee; Jew. 


1. Abraham Shekman, Trade Representative in Stockholm 
with the Banks Warburg and Nye Bankon; Jew. 

2. Landau, Trade Representative in Berlin; Jew. 

3. Worowski, Trade Representative in Copenhagen; Jew. 


1. Jakob Davidov, Jew; 2. Paul Bitzk, Jew; 3. Jakob Ado- 
kolsky, Jew; 4. Joseph Beyer, Jew; 5. Abraham Gundram, Jew; 

6. Kastariaz, Armenian; 7. Veniamin Aronovitz, Jew. 


1. Tziwin (Piatinsky), Jew,- 2. Gurevich (Dan), Jew; 3. Sil- 
berstein (Begdanov), Jew; 4. Garfeld (Garin), Jew; 5. Rosen- 
blum (Maklakowsky), Jew; 6. Kernomordik, Jew; 7. Lowenshein, 
Jew; 8. Goldenberg (Meshkowski), Jew; 9. Tzibar (Martinovl, 


1. Lecntiner, Advisor of the Military Soviet of the Caucasian 
Army; Jew. 

2. Watsertish, Commander of the Western Front Against 
Czechoslovakia; Jew. 

3. Bruno, special advisor for the Eastern Front; Jew. 

4. Schulman, second Advisor of the Moscow Government 
(Council of the Peoples Commissars) for the East Front; 


5. Schmidowitz, (Commander of the Communist Military 
Forces in the Crimea; Jew. 

6. Jack, Second Commander of the Forces in the Crimea; 

7. Schnesur, third Commander of the same Army; Lithua¬ 

8. Meigor, Chief of the Military Soviet of Kazan; Jew. 

9. Nazurkoltz, Commissar of the Military Soviet of Kazan; 

10. Rosenkeltz, Commissar of the Military Soviet of Kazan; 

11. Samuel Gleitzer, Commissar and Commander of the So¬ 
viet Trooping School for the Frontiers (Frontier Guards); 

12. Kolman, Commander of the Military Commune of Mos¬ 
cow; Jew. 

13. Katzmer (Lazinov), adjutant of the above; Jew. 

14. Dullis, Military Advisor of the Soviet Government; Jew. 

15. Steinger, Military Advisor of the Soviet Government; Jew. 

16. Gitiz, Political Commissar for the Military District of Petro- 
grad; Jew. 

17. Dzenitz, Political Commissar for the 15th Communist Bri¬ 
gade; Jew. 

18. Bitziss, Commander of the Military District of Moscow; 

19. Gecker, Commander of the Communist Army of Jaroslaw; 

20. Mitkatz, Military Advisor of the Government for the Mili¬ 
tary District of Moscow; Jew. 

21. Tzeiger, Commander of the Military Soviet of Petrograd; 


1. Henrick, Special Commissar of the Government; Jew. 

2. Moisekovak, assistant of the above; Jew. 

3. Kahan, Controller-General for the Private Bank Depots; 
American Jew. 


4. Jacob Giftling, Technical Advisor of the Commissariat; 

5. Nathan Elliasevich, second Technical Advisor; Jew. 

6. Sarrach Elliasevich, assistant of the above; Jewess. 

7. Abraham Ranker, Advisor of the Commissariat; Jew. 

8. Plat, Jewish Advisor; Latvian. 

9. Abraham Rosenstein, Jewish Advisor; Jew. 

10. Lemerich, Advisor of the Commissariat; Jew. 


1. Veniamin Zeitzer, Jew; 2. Pozner, Jew; 3. Maxim Gorky, 
Russian; 4. Alter, Jew; 5. Eichenkoltz, Jew; 6. Schwartz, Jew; 
7. Berender, Jew; 8. Kelinin, Jew; 9. Hadasevich, Jew; 10. Le- 
ben (Lebedeff), Jew; 11. Kersonskaya, Jewess. 

How many leading posts of the new Jewish-Soviet State 
have been occupied by gentiles and how many by the descen¬ 
dants of Abraham, is shown by the following statistics: 



1 . 

Members of the first Communist Gov¬ 
ernment of the Mesed, (Council of Peo¬ 
ples Commissars). 




High officials, who belong to the Com¬ 
missariat for Internal Affairs. 




Higher officials of the Commissariat for 
Foreign Affairs. 




Higher officials of the Trade Commis¬ 




Higher officials of the Justice Commis¬ 




Higher officials of the Commissariat for 
Public Schools. 




Officials of the Commissariat for Armed 




Gentiles Jews 


Higher officials in the Commissariat for 




Members of the Supreme Soviet for Peo¬ 
ples Trade. 



10 . 

Members of the first Soldiers and Work¬ 
ers Councils of Moscow. 



11 . 

Members of the Central Committee of 
the Soviet Communist Party. 




Members of the Central Committee of 
the 40th Congress of Syndicates of So¬ 
viet Workers and Peasants. 




Members of the Central Committee of 
the 50th Congress of the Soviet Syndi¬ 




Directors of the CHEKA Police in Moscow 




Peoples Commissars in Petrograd. 




Executive Commissars of the CHEKA Po¬ 
lice of Petrograd. 




Members of the higher labour Commis¬ 




Communist Commissars and officials in 
the provinces. 




Editors of the newspapers "Pravda,” 
"Izvestia," and “Ekonomichenskaya Zi- 




Editors of the Communist newspaper 




Editors of the Communist newspaper 
“The Banner of Labour." 




Editors of the newspaper “Vola-Truva.” 




Members of the Commission for the ar¬ 
rest of sympathizers with the Czarist 




Members of the Central Bureau of State 
Consumer Bodies. 






25. Members of the Central Bureau of the 

Higher Trade Soviet. 1 5 

26. Members of the Central Committee of 

Artisans Syndicates. 1 4 

27. Representatives of the Red Army abroad. 0 7 

28. Members of Higher Juristic Corps. 1 9 

29. Professors of the Socialist Academy of 

Moscow. 2 34 

30. Members of the Higher Soviet of the Don 

Commissariat. 2 9 

31. Members of the Aid Commission for the 

Communists. 0 5 

32. Soviet Trade representatives abroad. 0 3 

33. Peoples Judges of Moscow. 1 6 

34. Permanent Commissars at disposal of 

the Supreme Soviet. 0 9 

35. Military Advisors of the Government of 

Moscow. 2 19 

36. Members of the Commissariat for the 

liquidation of private banks. 0 10 

37. Members of the Lingual Science Depart¬ 
ment of the Proletariat. 1 10 

Of a total of 502 offices of first rank in the organization 
and direction of the Communist revolution in Russia and in 
the direction of the Soviet State during the first years of its 
existence, no less than 459 posts are occupied by Jews, while 
only 43 of these offices have been occupied by gentiles of dif¬ 
ferent origin. Who then has accordingly carried out this terrible 
revolution? The gentiles perhaps? (32). Another statistic, which 
was published in Paris by the counter-revolutionary newspaper 
‘‘Le Russe Nationaliste", after the victory of the Jewish Commu¬ 
nists in Russia, reveals that of 554 communist leaders of first 
rank in different offices the racial composition was as follows: 

(32).— Traion Romanescu. Ibid. Cited Edition. Pages from 143 to 161. 






















During the Second World War and from then on up to 
our present time the Jewish clique which rules the Union of 
Socialist Soviet Republics continues to be very numerous, for 
at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a 
long time was regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it 
has been revealed, that he belongs to the Jewish race; for 
Djougachvili, which is his surname, means "Son of Djou," and 
Djou is a small island in Persia, where many banished Por¬ 
tuguese "marranos" migrated, who later settled in Georgia. 

Today it is almost completely proved, that Stalin had Jew¬ 
ish blood, although he neither confirmed not denied the rumors, 
about which mutterings began in this direction. (33). 

Let us look at a list of the Soviet officials in the govern¬ 
ment of Stalin: 

1. Zdanov (Yadanov), who in reality was called Liphshitz, 
former commander in the defense of Leningrad during the 
2nd World War. Member of the Politburo up to 1948 and one 
of the instigators of the decision which excluded Tito from the 
Cominform in the year 1948 and who shortly afterwards died. 

2. Lavrenty Beria, Chief of the M.V.D. Police and of Soviet 
heavy industry, member of the Soviet Atom industry, who was 
executed upon orders of Malenkov, and in fact for the same 
reason for which Stalin liquidated Yagoda. 

(33).— Bernard Hutton. French magazine ' Constellation" No. 167 of 
March 1962. P. 202. 


3. Lazar Kaganovich, director of Soviet heavy industry, 
member of the Politburo from 1944 to 1952, then member of 
the Presidium and at present President of the Supreme Presid¬ 
ium of the USSR. 

4. Malenkov (Georgi Maximilianovich Molenk), member 
of the Politburo and Orgburo until 1952, then member of the 
Supreme Presidium, President of the Ministerial Council after 
the death of Stalin; Minister in the government of Bulganin 
since 1955. He is a Jew from Ornsenburg, not a Cossack, as 
is asserted. The name of his father, Maximilian Malenk, is 
typical for a Russian Jew. In addition there is a very important 
detail, which reveals the true origin of Malenkov and also 
of Khruschev. The present wife of Malenkov is the Jewess 
Pearl-mutter, known as “Comrade Schans chuschne" who was 
Minister (Commissar) for the fish industry in the Soviet gov¬ 
ernment in the year 1938. If Malenkov had not been a Jew, 
it is extremely unlikely that he would have married a Jewess, 
and the latter would also not have married him. There exists 
no official description of the life of Malenkov. This is certain¬ 
ly to be attributed to the fact that he does not want his Jew¬ 
ish origin to be discovered. 

5. Nikolaus Solomon Khrushchev, present chief (1963) of 
the Soviet Communist Party, member of the Politburo since 
1939, i.e. since the year, when Malenkov was chosen member 
of the Orgburo. He is the brother of Madame Malenkov, i.e. 
of the Jewess Pearl-mutter. Khrushchev is a Jew and his real 
name is Pearl-mutter. Also, the present wife of Khrushchev, 
Nina, as well as the wives of Mikoyan, Voroshilov, Molotov, 
etc., are Jewesses. 

6. Marshal Nikolaus Bulganin, at present first Soviet min¬ 
ister, former bank official, was one of the ten Jewish members 
of the Commissariat for the liquidation of private banks in 
the year 1919. 

7. Anastasio Josifovich Mikoyan, member of the Politburo 
since 1935, member of the Supreme Presidium since 1952, 
Trade Minister and Vice-President in the Malenkov govern¬ 
ment. He is an Armenian Jew and not a true Armenian as is 


8. Kruglov, chief of the M.V.D. after Beria. Upon com¬ 
mand of Kruglov the imprisoned Jewish doctors were released, 
who had been imprisoned by Riumin, sub-chief of the police, 
during the rulership of Beria, in the year 1953. Likewise Jew. 

9. Alexander Kosygin, member of the Politburo up to 1952, 
afterwards deputy in the Supreme Presidium and Minister for 
light industry and food in the Malenkov government. 

10. Nikolaus Schvernik, member of the Politburo up to 
1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium and member 
of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist 
Party; Jew. 

11. Andreas Andreievich Andreiev, who was known as 
the "Politbureaucrat" of 3 A, member of the Politburo between 
1931 and 1952, Jew from Galicia (Poland). He writes under 
Russian pseudonym. 

12. P. K. Ponomareno, member of the Orgburo in the year 
1952; afterwards member of the highest Presidium and culture 
minister in the Malenkov government. 

13. P. F. Yudin (Jew), deputy member of the highest 
Presidium and titulary of the Ministry for Building Material in 
the Malenkov government in the year 1953. 

14. Mihail Pervukin, member of the Presidium of the 
central committee of the Communist Party since 1953. 

15. N. Schatalin, official in the sub-secretariat of the Cen¬ 
tral Committee of the Communist Party. 

16. K. P. Gorschenin, Justice Minister in the government 
of Malenkov. 

17. D. Ustinov (Zambinovich), Soviet Ambassador in 
Athens (Greece) up to the Second World War; Defense Minister 
in the Malenkov government. 

18. V. Merkulov, Minister for State Control at the time 
of Malenkov. 

19. A. Zasyadko, Minister for the Coal Industry under 


20. Cherburg, Soviet Propaganda chief. 

21. Milstein, one of the Soviet espionage chiefs. 

22. Ferentz Kiss, chief of the Soviet espionage Service in 

23. Postchreibitscher (Poschebicheve), former private sec¬ 
retary of Stalin, at present chief of the secret archives of the 

24. Ilya Ehrenburg, delegate for Moscow in the Supreme 
Soviet, communist writer; likewise Jew. 

25. Mark Spivak, delegate from Stalino (Ukraine) in the 
Supreme Soviet of Moscow. 

26. Rosalia Goldenberg, delegate from Birobidzhan in the 
Supreme Soviet. 

27. Anna E. Kaluger, delegate of Bessarabia in the Su¬ 
preme Soviet, her brother, not Koluger, but Calugaru in Ru¬ 
manian, is a communist official in the government of Rumania. 

Also Kalinin, one of the great Soviet officials under Stalin, 
who died some time ago, was a Jew. (34). 

It is only too well known, that the Anti-Semitism of Stalin 
was a misrepresentation of the facts, and that the blood bath 
among the Jews (Trotskyites) which he carried out in order to 
assert his power, was performed by other Jews. In the last 
instance the struggle between the Jew Trotsky and the Jew 
Stalin was a struggle between Jewish parties for control over 
the communist government, which they created; it was purely 
a family dispute. As proof, the following list of Commissars 
of Foreign Affairs, during the period when Stalin got rid of 
some certain Jews, who had become dangerous for his per¬ 
sonal power. 

1. Maxim Maximovich Litvinoff, Minister for Foreign Af¬ 
fairs up to 1939, when he was replaced by Molotov. He 
afterwards occupied high offices in the same ministry up to 
his death in February 1952. He was born in Poland as son of 

(34).— Traian Romanescu. Ibid. Pages 174-175. 


the Jew Meer Genokh Moiseevich Vallakh, a bankclerk. In 
order to conceal his real name Maxim Moiseevich Vallakh (Lit- 
vinoff used various pseudonyms during his real career, among 
them Finkelstein, Ludwig Nietz, Maxim Harryson, David Morde- 
cay, Felix, and finally, when he became an official in the 
Communist regime of Russia, he took on the name of Litvinoff 
or Litvinov. When this Jew was replaced by Molotov in the 
year 1939, the Jewry of the western world and the entire 
Jewish-Freemasonic press began to cry out that he had been 
removed through Stalin, because he was a "Jew", but they 
kept quiet afterwards concerning the fact that up to his death 
Litvinov remained in the ministry. Why also say this, if it was 
not of interest for the conspiracy? In the Memoirs of Litvinov, 
which were published after his death, he wrote that in his 
opinion nothing would alter in Soviet Russia after the death 
of Stalin. In fact, Stalin died a year after Litvinov and nothing 
was altered in the Soviet’s internal and external policies. 

What the West calls change in the policy of the USSR, is 
simply nothing further than a skilled propaganda for the 
necessities of the plan for world rule through the Jews. Noth¬ 
ing has altered since the death of Stalin. A certain unrest may 
have arisen on account of the lack of a new leader of the 
stature of Stalin or Lenin, that is all. For this reason the Jewish- 
Freemasonic conspirators of the West wish to paint the Soviet- 
Communist black raven over with the glittering colours of 
"Pacifism," of "Coexistence,” "Human friendliness," etc., in 
order to introduce it to the world as something harmless, until 
a dictator with the same lusts of his predecessors arises. 

When Litvinov asserted that nothing would alter with the 
death of Stalin, he knew very well, that this would be so, 
because Stalin was nothing more than one of the handymen 
of the Jewish band, which rules the USSR, and because after 
him other Jews would be at hand, to carry on the plan of 
world domination, for which Bulganin, Baruch, Reading, Tho- 
rez, Mendes France, David Ben Gurion and many others are 

In continuing the list of Jews in the Ministry for Foreign 
Affairs of the USSR, we mention: 


2. Andreas Januarevich Vishinsky, now dead, who was 
foreign minister of the USSR before the death of Stalin and 
afterwards permanent representative of the Soviet Union in 
the UNO. There he missed no opportunity to sling his obsceni¬ 
ties against the non-Communist lands, exactly as in the times 
when he was “Peoples Judge.” His Jewish name was Abraham 

3. Jakob Malik, Soviet representative in the UNO and a 
great personality in the Soviet diplomatic hierarchy; Jew. 

4. Valerian Zorin, for a time ambassador in London and 
likewise a great figure of Soviet diplomacy, who changes his 
post according to necessity. 

5. Andrei Gromyko, Jewish diplomat, Minister for Foreign 
Affairs since 1958. 

6. Alexander Panyushkin, former Soviet ambassador in 
Washington, ambassador in Peking during the year 1955, who 
is regarded as the dictator of Red China until Mao Tse-tung, 
who is loyal to the Stalinism, revolted against Kruschev when 
he betrayed Stalinism. 

7. Zambinovich (Ustinov), ambassador in Athens up to 

8. Admiral Rodionovich, ambassador in Athens between 
1945 and 1946, that is to say, as the Communist coup d’etat 
in Greece was prepared; Jew. 

9. Constantin Umansky, ambassador in Washington dur¬ 
ing the Second World War and afterwards official in the Min¬ 
istry for Foreign Affairs in Moscow. 

10. Manuilsky, former representative in the Ukraine and 
in the UNO, at present President of the Ukraine; likewise Jew. 

11. Ivan Maisky, ambassador in London during the war, 
afterwards high official of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. 

12. Madame Kolontay, ambassadress in Stockholm until 
her death in March 1952; Jewess. 

13. Daniel Solod, ambassador in Cairo in the year 1955. 


The latter, supported by a Jewish group which belongs to the 
diplomatic corps in Cairo, directs the Israelite conspiracy in¬ 
side the Arab world under Soviet diplomatic protection, with¬ 
out the Egyptian government noticing this. This government 
should not forget, that David Ben Gurion, first minister of Israel, 
as well as Golda Meyerson, Israel's Minister in Moscow, are 
Russian Jews like David Solod. (35). 

At present according to confirmed data 80% to 90% of 
the key positions in all ministries in Moscow and the remain¬ 
ing Soviet republics are occupied by Jews. 

"I do not believe that there can be any doubt of the origin 
of all those who occupy the highest posts in Moscow since the 
first moment of the revolution; for the Russians it is a lamen¬ 
table fact that after all this course of time things are much 
worse, for the number of Jews who live in Russia, has increased 
in frightening degree. All important leading positions are in 
their hands.. ." (36). 

As in Russia the countries of Europe where Bolshevism 
has gained control, are also completely ruled by a Jewish 
minority; the latter always appears in the direction of the 
Communist government with iron, criminal and merciless hand, 
so as to attain the utter enslaving of the native citizens through 
an insignificant group of Jews. 

More convincing than any other proof is an exact survey¬ 
ing of the most principal leaders of the Bolshevik governments 
of Europe, which are always found in the lands of the Israel¬ 
ites. We will quote the most principal ones: 


1. The most important Communist leader since the occupa¬ 
tion of this land by Soviet troops is Mathias Rakosi, an Israel¬ 
ite, whose real name is Mathew Roth Rosenkranz, who was 
born in the year 1892 in Szabadka. 

(35) .— Traian Romanescu. Ibid. Cited Edition. Pages 177 and 178. 

(36) .— Duque de la Victoria "Israel Manda". Editora "Latino Americana", 

S. A. Mexico, D. F. Page 287. 


2. Ferenk Munnich, first minister in Hungary in the year 
1959 after Janos Kadar. 

3. Erno Gero, Minister of the Interior until 1954. 

4. Szebeni, Minister of the Interior before the Jew Gero. 

5. General Laszlo Kiros, Jew, Minister of Interior since 
July 1954, simultaneously chief of the A.V.O. that is to say the 
Hungarian police, which corresponds to the Soviet M.V.D. 

6. General Peter Gabor, chief of the Communist political 
police of Hungary up to 1953, a Jew, who in reality was called 
Benjamin Ausspitz and was earlier a tailor in Satorai-Jeujhely, 

7. Varga, State Secretary for Economic Planning; a Jew, 
who in reality, is called Weichselbaum; former Minister of the 
Bela Kun government. He was also President of the Supreme 
Economic Council. 

8. Beregi, Minister for Foreign Affairs. 

9. Julius Egry, Agriculture Minister of the Hungarian Peo¬ 
ples Republic. 

10. Zoltan Vas, President of the Supreme Economic Coun¬ 
cil; a Jew, who in reality was called Weinberger. 

11. Josef Reval, dictator of the Hungarian press and di¬ 
rector of the red newspaper “Szabad Nep” (The Free People); 
a Jew, who is really called Moses Kahana. 

12. Reval (another), Minister for National Education; a 
Jew named Rabinovits. 

13. Josef Gero, Transport Minister; a Jew named Singer. 

14. Mihaly Farkas, Minister for National Defense; a Jew 
named Freedman. 

15. Veres, Minister of State. 

16. Vajda, Minister of State. 

17. Szanto, Commissar for purging of enemies of the 
State, in the year 1951 sent by Moscow; a Jew named Schreiber; 
former member of the Bela Kun government. 


18. Guyla Dessi, Justice Minister up to 1955; today chief 
of the Secret Police. 

19. Emil Weil, Hungarian ambassador in Washington; he 
is the Jewish doctor who tortured Cardinal Mindszenty. 

Among other important Jewish officials to be mentioned 


1. Imre Szirmay, director of the Hungarian radio compa¬ 

2. Gyula Garay, judge of the Communist “Peoples Court 
of Budapest." 

3. Colonel Caspo, subchief of the secret police. 

4. Professor Laszlo Benedek, Jewish dictator for educa¬ 
tional questions. 

The sole important Communist of Gentile origin was the 
Freemason Laszlo Rajk, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, 
who was sentenced and executed by his Jewish "brothers" for 
his "betrayal." 


1. Clemens Gottwald, one of the founders of the Com¬ 
munist Party in Czechoslovakia and president of the country 
between 1948 and 1953; a Jew, who died shortly after Stalin. 

2. Vladimir Clementis, former Communist minister of 
Czechoslovakia for Foreign Affairs, “sentenced and executed” 
in the year 1952; Jew. 

3. Vaclav David, present foreign minister of Czechoslova¬ 
kia (1955); Jew. 

4. Rudolf Slaski, former general secretary of the Com¬ 
munist Party of Czechoslovakia, "sentenced" in the year 1952; 
a Jew by name Rudolf Salzmann. 

5. Firi Hendrich, present general secretary of the Commu¬ 
nist Party; Jew. 


6. — General Bendric Reicin, "convicted" in 1952, Jew. 

7. Andreas Simon, sentenced in the year 1952; a Jew 
named Otto Katz. 

8. Gustav Bares, assistant of the general secretary of the 
Communist Party; Jew. 

9. Josef Frank, former assistant of the general secretary 
of the Communist Party, "sentenced” in year 1952; Jew. 


1. — Boleislaw Bierut, President of Poland up to 1954; 


2. Jakob Berman, general secretary of the Communist 
Party of Poland; Jew. 

3. Julius Kazuky (Katz), Minister for Foreign Affairs of 
Poland, who is well known for his violent speeches in the 
UNO; Jew. 

4. Karl Swierezewsky, former vice-minister for National 
Defense, who was murdered by the Anti-Communist Ukrainian 
country population in south Poland (the mass of the people 
is not always amorphous); Jew. 

5. Josef Cyrankiewicz, first Minister of Poland since 1954, 
after Bierut; Jew. 

6. Hillary Mink, Vice-prime Minister of Poland since 1954; 


7. Zenon Nowek, Second Prime Minister of Poland since 
1954; Jew. 

8. Zenon Kliszko, Minister of Justice; Jew. 

9. Tadaus Kochcanowiecz, Minister of Labour; Jew. 

The sole important Polish Communist of Gentile origin is 
Wladislaw Gomulka who was removed from political leader¬ 
ship since 1949, when he lost his post as first minister. Sooner 
or later he will share the same fate as Rajk in Hungary. 



1. Anna Pauker, Jewess, former Minister for Foreign Af¬ 
fairs of the "Rumanian Peoples Republic,” and spy No. 1 of 
the Kremlin in Rumania up to the month of June 1952. Since 
then she has remained in the shadows in Bucharest up to the 
present day, naturally in freedom. This Jewish hyaena, who 
was originally called Ana Rabinsohn, is the daughter of a 
rabbi, who came to Rumania from Poland. She was born in 
the province of Moldau (Rumania) in the year 1892. 

2. Ilka Wassermann, former private secretary of Anna 
Pauker, at present the real directress of the Ministry for Foreign 

3. Josef Kisinevsky, the present agent No. 1 of the Krem¬ 
lin in Rumania, member of the central Committee of the Com¬ 
munist Party and vice-president of the council of ministers. 
He is a Jew and comes from Bessarabia; his correct name is 
Jakob Broitman. Also he is the real chief of the Communist 
Party of Rumania, although "officially" the general secretary 
of the party is the Rumanian locksmith Gheorghe Gheorghiu 
Dez, who, however, only plays the simple role of a political 
front. Kisinevski took his present pseudonym from the name of 
the city of Kisinau in Bessarabia, where before the arrival of 
the Red Army he owned a tailors workshop. 

4. Teohari Georgescu, Minister for Internal Affairs in the 
Communist government of Bucharest between 1945 and 1952; 
at the present time he has been reduced to a second-rank post, 
although he was "officially” “expelled" from the Communist 
Party. He finds himself in the same position as Anna Pauker. 
His real name is Burach Tescovich. He is a Jew from the Ru¬ 
manian Danube harbour of Galatz. 

5. Avram Bunaciu, likewise a Jew, is the present (1955) 
general secretary of the Presidium of the great national assem¬ 
bly of the "Rumanian Peoples Republic", that is to say, the real 
leader of this assembly, for the "official" president Petru Groza 
is only an old Freemasonic marionette, who is married to a 
Jewess and plays only a purely static role. Avram Bunaciu is 
called in reality Abraham Gutman (Gutman translated into 
Rumanian is the corresponding name for "Bunaciu" that is to 
say the pseudonym taken on by this Jew.) 


6. Lotar Radaceanu, another Minister of the Communist 
government of Bucharest “deposed” in the year 1952, but 
who in 1955 reappeared on the honorary tribune. He is a Jew 
from Siebenburgen and is called Lothar Wurtzel. Since the 
"Wurtzel” in Rumanian translates “Radicinu," this Jew has 
simply transferred his Hebraic name into Rumanian and is now 
called "Radaceanu." 

7. Miron Constantinescu, member of the central Com¬ 
mittee of the Communist Party and Minister for Mining and 
Petroleum. Now and then he changes his Ministerial Posts. He 
is a Jew from Galatzi (Rumania), who in truth is called Mehr 
Kohn, and as is customary among them, uses a Rumanian 

8. Lieutenant General Moises Haupt, commander of the 
military district of Bucharest; Jew. 

9. Colonel General Zamfir, Communist "security chief" in 
Rumania and responsible for thousands of murders, which the 
secret police have perpetrated. He is a Jew and comes from the 
Danube harbour of Braila. He is called Laurian Rechler. 

10. Heim Gutman, chief of the civil secret service of the 
Rumanian Peoples Republic; Jew. 

11. Major-General William Suder, chief of the informa¬ 
tion service and of counter-espionage of the Rumanian Com¬ 
munist Army. He is a Jew, by name Wilman Suder and former 
officer of the Soviet Army. 

12. Colonel Roman, former director of the E.K.P. service 
(education, culture and propaganda) of the Rumanian Army 
up to 1949 and at the present time Minister in the Communist 
government. His Jewish name is Walter. 

13. Alexander Moghiorosh, Minister for Nationalities in 
the red government; Jew from Hungary. 

14. Alexander Badau, chief of the Control Commission 
for Foreigners in Rumania. He is a Jew, who originates from 
the city of Targoviste whose real name is Braustein. Before 
1940 his family in Targoviste possessed a large trading firm. 


15. Major Lewin, chief of press censorship, Jew and 
former officer of the Red Army. 

16. Colonel Holban, chief of the Communist "Security” 
of Bucharest, a Jew named Moscovich, former Syndicate (Union) 

17. George Silviu, general governmental secretary of the 
Ministry for Internal Affairs; a Jew named Gersh Golinger. 

18. Erwin Voiculescu, chief of the Passport department in 
the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. He is a Jew and is called Erwin 

19. Gheorge Apostol, chief of the General Labour Union 
of Rumania; he is a Jew named Gerschwin. 

20. Stupineanu, chief of economic espionage; Jew by 
name Stappnau. 

21. Emmerick Stoffel, Ambassador of the Rumanian Peo¬ 
ples Republic in Switzerland; a Jew from Hungary and special¬ 
ist in bank questions. 

22. Harry Fainaru, former legation of the Rumanian Com¬ 
munist Embassy in Washington up to 1954 and at present of¬ 
ficial in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Bucharest. He is a 
Jew named Hersch Feiner. Before the year 1940 his family 
possessed a grain business in Galatzi. 

23. Ida Szigally, the real directress of the Rumanian Em¬ 
bassy in London; Jewess; friend of Anna Pauker. 

24. Lazarescu, the "Charge d'Affairs" of the Rumanian 
government in Paris. He is a Jew and is really called Burach 
Lazarovich, the son of a Jewish trader from Bucharest. 

25. Simon Oieru, State under-secretary of the Rumanian 
Slate; Jew with name of Schaffer. 

26. Aurel Baranga, inspector general of arts. He is a Jew; 
Ariel Leibovich is his real name. 

27. Liuba Kisinevski, president of the U.F.A.R. (Associa¬ 
tion of anti-Fascist Rumanian women); she is a Jewess from 


Cernauti/Bukowina, and is called in reality Liuba Broitman, 
wife of Josif Kisinevski of the Central Committee of the Party. 

28. Lew Zeiger, director of the Ministry for National Econ¬ 
omy; Jew. 

29. Doctor Zeider, jurist of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; 


30. Marcel Breslasu, Director General of Arts; a Jew by 
name Mark Breslau. 

31. Silviu Brucan, chief editor of the newspaper "Scan- 
teia," official party organ. He is a chief and is called Brukker. 
He directs the entire campaign of lies, which attempts to de 
ceive the Rumanian people concerning the true situation created 
by Communism. At the same time the Jew Brukker directs 
the fake "Anti-Semitic” campaign of the Communist press of 

32. Samoila, governing director of the newspaper "Scan- 
teia"; he is a Jew; Samuel Rubinstein. 

33. Horia Liman, second editor of the communist news¬ 
paper “Scanteia"; Jew with the name of Lehman. 

34. Engineer Schnapp, governing director of the com¬ 
munist newspaper "Romania Libera" (Free Rumania), the sec¬ 
ond communist newspaper on basis of its circulation; likewise 
a Jew. 

35. Jehan Mihai, chief of the Rumanian film industry, 
communist propaganda by means of films; a Jew, whose name 
is Jakob Michael. 

36. Alexander Graur, director general of the Rumanian 
radio corporation, which stands completely and solely in the 
service of the Communist Party. He is a Jewish professor and 
is called Alter Brauer, born in Bucharest. 

37. Mihail Roller, at present President of the Rumanian 
academy, is a sinister professor, a Jew, unknown before the 
arrival of the Soviets in Rumania. Today he is "President" of 
the Academy and in addition he has written a "new history" 
of the Rumanian people, in which he falsifies the historical 


38. Professor Weigel, one of the tyrants of the university 
of Bucharest, who directs the constant “purging actions" among 
Rumanian students, who are hostile to the Jewish-Communist 

39. Professor Lewin Bercovich, another tyrant of the Bu¬ 
charest university, who with his spies controls the activity of 
Rumanian professors and their social connections; an immi¬ 
grant Jew from Russia. 

40. Silviu Josifescu, the official "literary critic," who cen¬ 
sures the poems of the best poets like Eminescu Alecsandri, 
Vlahutza, Carlova, etc., who all died centuries ago or more 
than half a century ago, and alters form and content, because 
these poems are "not in harmony" with the Communist-Marx- 
ist ideas. This literary murderer is a Jew, who in truth is called 
Samoson Iosifovich. 

41. loan Vinter, the second Marxist "literary critic" of the 
regime and author of a book with the title "The problem of 
literary legacy” is likewise a Jew and is called Jakob Winter. 

The three former secretaries of the General Labour League 
up to 1950, Alexander Sencovich, Mischa Levin and Sam Asriel 
(Serban), were all Jews. 


1. Marshal Tito, who by his real Jewish name is called 
Josif Walter Weiss, was born Poland. He was agent of the 
Soviet secret service in Kabul, Teheran and Ankara up to 1935. 
The true Brozovich Tito, in origin a Croat, died during the Span¬ 
ish civil war in Barcelona. 

2. Moses Pijade, general secretary of the Communist Party 
and in reality the “grey eminence" of the regime, is a Jew 
of Spanish origin (Sephardite). 

3. Kardelj, member of the Central Committee of the Yu¬ 
goslav Communist Party and Minister for Foreign Affairs; is a 
Jew of Hungarian origin and is called in reality Kardayl. 

4. Rankovic, member of the Central Committee of the 
Yugoslav Communist Party and Minister for Internal Affairs, 
is an Austrian Jew and was earlier called Rankau. 


5. Alexander Bebler, member of the Central Committee 
of the Communist Party and permanent representative of Yu¬ 
goslavia in the UNO, is an Austrian Jew. 

6. loza Vilfan (Joseph Wilfan), economic advisor of Tito, 
in reality the economic dictator of Yugoslavia, is a Jew from 

Since not so many Jews live in Yugoslavia as in other 
lands, we find a greater number of natives in the Communist 
government of this land, however, always in posts of second 
rank; for the above-mentioned principal leaders, control in real¬ 
ity the Yugoslav government completely and absolutely. (37)*. 

(37). Troian Romanescu. Ibid. Cited Edition. Pages from 185 to 214. 

* Countless Catholic writers have similarly to those quoted in this 
chapter, made further statistical investigations, which always 
close with the categorical statement that Bolshevism is a Jewish 
work. The book “La Guerra Oculta" by Malinsky and De Pon- 
cins, Milan, 1961, contains an appendix with a study carried 
out in this respect, compiled by Msgr. Jouin. A further study 
worthy of mention is published in the periodical “Civilita Cattoli- 
ca", the organ of the famous Society of Jesus, in the city of Rome, 
which began with its publication of this material from the end 
of the preceding century, and which has published a special 
work dealing with this theme under the title "La rivoluzione 
mondiale e gli ebrei," which corresponds to pamphlet 1836 of 
the year 1922. 



1. The Secret Driving Force Of Communism 

By Maurice Pinay . $2.00 

2. The Soviet Israelite Claw Strangles The Arabs 

By Louis Bielsky .$1.00 

3. What Is Judaism? 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

4. Chinese Communism And Chinese Jews 

By Itsvan Bakony.$1.00 

5. The Jewish Fifth Column In Islam 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

6. The Jewish Fifth Column In India 

By Itsvan Bakony .$1.00 

7. Is General Splnola The Kerensky Of Portugal? 

By Alfonso Castelo.$1.00 

8. Jews Want To Dominate The Negroes 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

9. The Jewish Fifth Column In Japan 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

10. Jewish Control Over Communist Movements And Governments 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

11. Paranoiac Judaism 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

12. Watergate: The Jewish Conspiracy To Seize The US Government 

ByE. Aguila.$1.00 

A number of the books in the Political Secrets series have been 
translated from the Hungarian of Itsvan Bakony into Spanish and then into 
English. To insure accuracy the quotes from Hungarian are as literal as 

New titles are constantly being added to the Political Secreta 
Series. If you wish to have your name added to our mailing list so you can 
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1. The Secret Driving Force Of Communism 

By Maurice Pinay . $2.00 

2. The Soviet Israelite Claw Strangles The Arabs 

By Louis Bielsky .$1.00 

3. What Is Judaism? 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

4. Chinese Communism And Chinese Jews 

By Itsvan Bakony.$1.00 

5. The Jewish Fifth Column In Islam 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

6. The Jewish Fifth Column In India 

By Itsvan Bakony .$1.00 

7. Is General Splnola The Kerensky Of Portugal? 

By Alfonso Castelo.$1.00 

8. Jews Want To Dominate The Negroes 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

9. The Jewish Fifth Column In Japan 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

10. Jewish Control Over Communist Movements And Governments 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

11. Paranoiac Judaism 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

12. Watergate: The Jewish Conspiracy To Seize The US Government 

ByE. Aguila.$1.00 

A number of the books in the Political Secrets series have been 
translated from the Hungarian of Itsvan Bakony into Spanish and then into 
English. To insure accuracy the quotes from Hungarian are as literal as 

New titles are constantly being added to the Political Secrets 
Series. If you wish to have your name added to our mailing list so you can 
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1. The Secret Driving Force Of Communism 

By Maurice Pinay .$2.00 

2. The Soviet Israelite Claw Strangles The Arabs 

By Louis Bielsky .$1.00 

3. What Is Judaism? 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

4. Chinese Communism And Chinese Jews 

By Itsvan Bakony.$1.00 

5. The Jewish Fifth Column In Islam 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

6. The Jewish Fifth Column In India 

By Itsvan Bakony .$1.00 

7. Is General Spinola The Kerensky Of Portugal? 

By Alfonso Castelo.$1.00 

8. Jews Want To Dominate The Negroes 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

9. The Jewish Fifth Column In Japan 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

10. Jewish Control Over Communist Movements And Governments 

By Itsvan Bakony .$2.00 

11. Paranoiac Judaism 

By Itsvan Bakony . $2.00 

12. Watergate: The Jewish Conspiracy To Seize The US Government 

By E. Aguila.$1.00 

A number of the books in the Political Secrets series have been 
translated from the Hungarian of Itsvan Bakony into Spanish and then into 
English. To insure accuracy the quotes from Hungarian are as literal as 

New titles are constantly being added to the Political Secrets 
Series. If you wish to have your name added to our mailing list so you can 
be notified of new books send to the address below. 

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5. Itsvan Bakony: 


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7. Afonso Castelo: 


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Library of 



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By Louis Bielsky 




The people of Israel, contrary to what some exalted 
antisemites have said, is one of the best-endowed peoples 
of the world and perhaps the most outstanding for its 
political and financial genius, being at the same time a 
nomadic people. But even before the destruction of the 
Jewish State by the Romans (Year 70 Christian Era), al¬ 
most nineteen centuries ago, the Jews were, like their 
brothers in race, the Phoenicians, a people which estab¬ 
lished migratory colonies in other countries, while at the 
same time they kept their own territorial state. When the 
Romans destroyed the Jewish State and demolished the 
Second Temple, Judaism, by then spread already in dif¬ 
ferent countries on earth, continued to exist by means of the 
Israelite colonies settled in the territories of those peoples, 
and which were reinforced and increased in number, with 


the arrival of the Jews who emigrated, fleeing, when 
their State was destroyed. 

All of these Israelite colonies have been endowed 
with institutions that have given them a great organic 
and political consistency, thus establishing the basic cells 
of which the Jewish nation, spread all over the world, is 
formed. They have been coordinated and directed inter¬ 
nationally by Rabbinic Synodus, which through the centu¬ 
ries have been generally held in secrecy. 

The king of the ancient Jewish State and the Great 
Sanhedrin, were replaced by the Nasi —prince or pa¬ 
triarch— who had supreme authority over the Israel of 
the Diaspora. Previously, the Nasi was the leader of the 
Great Sanhedrin. The Babylonian schism opposed to him 
the Exilarch or Prince of the Exile, with an equal authority 
to the Nasi over the Israelite communities which kept 
obeying him. 

In the IXth Century, the government of the Nasi 
as world leader of Judaism was suppressed, dividing this 
power in more than two hundred regional Talmudic and 
rabbinical republics, independent from each other, but 
coordinated in action when necessary by means of a Con¬ 
tinental or World Synodus, to which rabbis of each Re¬ 
public or regional community attended as plenipotentiary. 
In use of the independence and sovereignty enjoyed by 
the community they represented, these rabbis could exert 
the right of veto to the resolutions of the majority, —veto 
which prevented that such resolution could compell the 
rabbinic Republic he or they represented, but that veto 
did not annul for the others the vetoed resolution. 


However, it is fair to make notice, that the great 
idealism and great mystic power of the Jewish people 
prevented, —in general and except for a few cases—, 
the misuse of the right of veto by the plenipotentiary 
rabbis which would have made such Synodus fail in the 
coordination of the action of Judaism in the whole world. 

Until the beginning of the XXth Century, decisive steps 
were taken by the leaders of Judaism towards the cen¬ 
tralization of the Universal Israelite Super Government. 
However, even since the XVIth Century, attempts were 
again made for the achievement of that centralization, 
attempts which we further detail in this work. 

Each of the regional communities or Talmudic Rab¬ 
binic Republics is governed, even in our days, by a First 
Rabbi, a Great Kahal, a General Assembly of Representa¬ 
tives of the local communities of the Region, and a Beth-Din 
or Regional Court—based on a division of powers in 
legislative, executive and judicial—, centuries before such 
a division of powers became transplanted to the gentile 
world by revolutionary ideologists of Jewish descent such 
as the Marquis of Montesquieu and others whose ancestors 
were tied to some Jewish wealthy women, who suppossed- 
ly had converted to Christianity, violating the established 
laws in ihe gentile nobility of those times. These Israelite 
ladies —true "new Esthers" secretly initiated their children 
into JUDAISM, thus infiltrating the Jewish blood into the 
nobiliary blood of many Christian Kingdoms. 

Due to the fact that they formed a State within a 
State in the gentile countries, these Regional Israelite Repub¬ 
lics came to inspire suspicion, thus provoking violent reac- 


tions against its members despite of the fact that the 
European Medieval legislation granted them the Status 
of Autonomy, but not of sovereignty as the Jews wanted, 
since having as a base a false understanding of the Old 
Testament of the Bible they came to believe that they 
were the people chosen by God to dominate all nations 
in the world, and used the public or underground Israelite 
colonies they had in each country, as the means for its 
conquest and control. This has been proven with unde¬ 
niable documents by hundreds of books written on this 
topic in different nations for longer that fifteen centuries 
up to our time, and among which the most outstanding 
because of its documentation, is the book entitled “Plot 
Against the Church" by Maurice Pinay, a book we recom¬ 
mend to read; it headed this recommendation to scholars 
who wish to obtain the proofs I have just mentioned. 

In times of Napoleon Bonaparte and because of his 
initiative, the Great Sanhedrin was again called in public 
under the leadership of the Nasi. In the XXth Century, 
some institutions of the Israelite World Government came 
out to the public scene, once more. After the First World 
War we attest the appearance, as such, of the “Committee 
of Jewish Delegations” which had successfully participated 
in the Peace Conference, achieving in it the prevalence of 
the Israelite points of view. In August, 1932, September, 
1933, and August, 1934 several world Israelite Synodus 
met in Geneve; although most of their agreements were 
kept in secret, they met in public. They adopted the official 
name of “Jewish World Congress’’. As celebrating the 
last one of them, the organization of the Jewish World 
Congress, has been transformed, itself, into the permanent 
public agency of the universal government of the Israelite 


nation, spread all over the world. Such a Jewish World 
Congress was definitely installed in the city of Geneve 
itself, in 1936, by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, President of the 
old "Committee of Jewish Delegations”, which I men¬ 
tioned; before Wise made, in the name of International 
Israel, a statement worthy of careful examination, namely, 
that the Jews "are not (anymore) a creed, nor a religion, 
but they are a people, A JEWISH WHOLE which includes 
all of us." In fact, this International Israel includes not 
only the different religious factions that were engaged 
before in strong conflict among themselves, because of the 
different interpretations they gave to the religion of Israel, 
but it also includes all the Jews the theistic, the materialistic 
and atheistic Israelites, who, although they are not of the 
Jewish religion, are part of the people of Israel, and of 
the Jewish nation infiltrated in all the nations of the world, 
with the same rights of the believing Jews. 

But one of the greatest ideals of the International 
Israel of the Diaspora ("spreading Jews") was to establish 
again, as soon as it were possible, the State of Israel, 
not for the return to Zion, of all Hebrews spread in all 
countries on earth, as they have falsely said, since it would 
not be useful for them to abandon the positions that have 
allowed them the economic and political conquest of the 
gentile peoples, but simply because of patriotic and reli¬ 
gious reasons and because of an obsessive paranoic ten¬ 
dency to restore the Jewish State, which to a higher or 
lesser degree the Israelites have. 

The restoration of the State of Israel and of Solomon's 
Temple has been for the Jews an obsession for centuries, 
passing from one generation to another with the admirable 


tenacity and surprising energy typical of that great nation. 
However, even since the Second Century of the Christian 
Era, there were differences over this among the Israelites. 
Those in whose hearts the nationalist feeling prevailed 
over religious orthodoxy, dreamed of recovering Palestine 
by political or military means. On the contrary, orthodox 
Jews regarded that as a serious sin because the Messiah 
promissed in the Holy Scripture, to carry out this noble 
mission when He comes. 

The triumph of rabbinism, after the false Messiah 
Bar Cochba (Year 135 A.C.) failed in his attempt to conquer 
the Roman Empire and to liberate Palestine of Roman 
rule, caused this theological point of view to prevail. Any 
attempt to recover Palestine before the arrival of the 
Messiah was regarded as illegal, even a serious sin. 

Therefore many false Messiahs appeared in Israelite 
colonies of the world, from Sereno (Year 720 Christian Era) 
to Sabbatai - Zevi (1626-1676 Christian Era), and Jacob 
Frank (1757). This did not prevent, however, some Israelite 
leaders more patriotic than religious from planning the 
so-called return to Zion and the reconquest of Palestine, 
without waiting for the arrival of the Messiah, although 
challenging the opposition and anger of the rabbinic 
orthodoxy, whose theological doubts suffered, in the XIXth 
Century, a decisive blow because of two main reasons. 

In the midst of the schism which temporarily upset 
the organic and institutional unity of international Israel, 
provoked by the religious reformations initiated in the 
XVIIIth Century by Rabbi Moise Mendelssohn (Moise-Ben- 
Mendel), which started the Hascala Movement and neo- 


messianism, —to which I will refer later— a great theolo¬ 
gian, appeared among the Jews who were loyal to the 
old rabbinistic orthodoxy. He was Rabbi Tzvi-Hirsch-Ka- 
lisher 11795 1874), who published in 1862 a work entitled: 
"Derishat Tziyon", in which, with genial dialectics, he was 
able to remove most of the theological doubts which I men¬ 
tioned, stating that the reconquest of Palestine, was licit 
and even desirable, without waiting for the arrival of the 
Messiah. The preaching of this Rabbi, supported later by 
other communities that were still orthodox which were 
the great majority in International JUDAISM, prepared the 
way in a decisive manner to the Zionist movement, that 
was to appear years later. 

The other crucial factor that —in the International 
Israel— opened the doors to Zionism, was neo-messianism. 
Its main supporters were followers of the reforms made 
by Moise Mendelssohn, some members of the “Hascala" 
movement and of the “Union of Jews for Science and 
Civilization", some of the most outstanding being Rabbi 
Moise Hess and Rabbi Baruch Levy. The latter was one 
of the Israelite educators of the German Jew Karl Marx 
founder of modern communism (or so-called scientific so¬ 
cialism) whose father was a member of a rabbinical fami¬ 
ly, despite the fact he had officially converted into protes- 
tantism. When Karl was only six years old he was baptized, 
but sent in secret, at the appropriate age, to receive 
Jewish rabbinical education following the tradition of his 

Marx was therefore a "marrano’’, that is, an under¬ 
ground Jew or a crypto-Jew. Marx's father had done 
nothing except repeat the system the Israelites had used 


in the whole world for many centuries, in order to infiltrate 
Christian society and thus control it better; they converted 
themselves falsely to Christianity, removed their Israelite 
names and adopted Christian names, they removed their 
Jewish names and changed them for English, French, 
Spanish, Chinese, Persian and in general common second 
names typical of the country where lived these converted 
Jews, to Christianity, Islamism, Buddhism and other reli¬ 
gions. But at the same time that these Jews lived in the 
Judaism in appearance but they in secret continued to 
be Jews, attended secret synagogues, hidden in private 
homes, and formed part of the underground Israelite com¬ 
munities in each country, obeying their leaders blindly. 
Their purpose was and still is to conquer the country where 
they work, acting as secret agents of the Israelite Nation 
infiltrated in all nations of the world. 

The families of these Jews, converted falsely to Chris¬ 
tianity, publicly practice the Christian rites, sometimes 
with a great and apparent devotion. They baptize their 
sons, they educate them in Christian schools but once 
they got to an age when they are able to keep secrets, 
and after they pass strict proofs regarding this which 
shows that they could be trusted, they initiate them into 
the secrets of Judaism, in impressive ceremonies in which 
the boys pronounce terrible oaths, and they were and are 
yet, threatened with death if they revealed the secrets 
that had been entrusted to them; they were and are yet, 
later introduced to the ultra-secret societies or communi¬ 
ties of crypto-Judaism or underground Judaism. In this 
way millions of Christian, Islamic, or Buddhist families only 
in appearance, have been passing from parents to sons, 
from one generation to another, until our days, the under- 


ground doctrine of Judaism, many of them for many cen¬ 
turies. As centuries pass, all trace of their Jewish origin 
is lost; such families have suceeded in appearing as real 
and true members of the nation in which they live, be¬ 
coming a part of it, which allows them to infiltrate —with 
no problem— its government, its political parties, its 
armies and all of the associations and institutions of the 
country; they even infiltrate the clergy of all the sacerdotal 
religions, and the leadership of almost all the religions. 

Since among members of such families, Christianity 
or other gentile religions are practiced, sometimes in a 
pious way, this enables them to carry out such activities 
of infiltration better. Their goal is to conquer the country 
where they are settled and control it, since the Jewish reli¬ 
gion they practice in absolute secret, teaches them, as 
I already mentioned, that the Israelites are God's chosen 
people to conquer and dominate all nations by means of 
peaceful infiltration or the revolutions they organize, de¬ 
ceiving the people and appearing as their liberators, but 
whose real and secret goal is to give to the JEWISH fifth 
column the control of each country where they are settled. 

These false conversions of Jews to Christianity were 
discovered on many occasions both by the Christian Church 
and the Kings, who dictated laws and decrees to combat 
both the Israelite infiltrations in the Christian society and 
clergy, and the revolutions they organized to conquer the 
Christian countries; these revolutions were called heresies 
in the Middle Age, for they tried to subvert the religious 
order then existing. But many of them, as the Cathars, the 
Albigensians, and the Hussites, were revolutions of a 
communist character which not only tried to subvert the 


religious system but the whole political, social and eco¬ 
nomic order then prevailing; they were antecedents of the 
present communist revolution, which failed because Medi¬ 
eval Christianity created an organization capable of de¬ 
feating them. This organization, greatly slandered through 
history, as Jews slander whatever is opposed to their 
attempts of domination; was the Holy Inquisition, a re¬ 
pressive organism founded at the beginning of the XIII 
Century to unmask and burn at the stake those Christians 
who were secretly Jews, and to destroy the heresies or 
revolutions they organized to dominate the nations. While 
the Inquisition existed, the Israelites failed in all their 
attempts to dominate the peoples. The Inquisition used 
tortures to discover the heretics — who were the rev¬ 
olutionaries of those days — and the secret Jewish force 
that controlled the revolution. Once this secret Jewish force 
was destroyed the revolution failed. The inquisitors said 
that unless the head — Judaism — was destroyed, it 
would be impossible to pacify the Christian nations. 

This infiltration carried out against the Christian peo¬ 
ples, has taken place also in the Muslim and Buddhist coun¬ 
tries and even in India and Japan, countries where the 
Israelite immigrants in a great part, have falsely converted 
to the most important religion of the respective country, 
and have also taken away their Jewish first and family 
names and falsely adopted names of such a religion, 
which at the same time are typical names of each coun¬ 
try; and once the Jews marry Chinese, Hindi, Negroes 
from Africa, Japanese, etc., and their daughters married 
again native people of the country, the underground 
Jewish families appear as Chinese, Hindi, Negroes, Per¬ 
sian, Vietnamese, Arabs, etc. etc. who as stated by Jewish 


writers themselves, have the racial aspect of the authentic 
Chinese, Hindi, Negroes, Vietnamese or Japanese; and it 
is almost impossible to distinguish them from the rest of 
the population. In any official Encyclopedia of Judaism 
the reader will have information about Chinese Judaism, 
the ‘FALASHA’’ negroes, that of India and others. And 
even though the Jewish Encyclopedias are available for 
everyone, in public libraries, they hide in different ways 
the danger of these Jewish infiltrations in different races 
of the world; but they sometimes have an interesting biblio¬ 
graphy that can lead the investigator to the right track 
and to expand his knowledge on this topic. 

In this wonderful and admirable way, the people of 
Israel spread all over the world, infiltrate the roots of most 
countries becoming the hidden power that has actually 
taken the whole world to confusion and torn it with rev¬ 

Continuing with the study of neo-messianism in the 
Jewish people, we shall add that the German Israelite Karl 
Marx, whose Jewish name was Mordekai was a deter¬ 
mined supporter within Judaism of the new neo-messia- 
nist tendency, along with the famous poet Heinrich Heine, 
another crypto-Jew, and the Israelite historian Graetz, 
who in his masterwork on the History of the Jews, helped 
spread the neo-messianism of reformed Judaism. 

The prominent French researcher Salluste in his work 
entitled “Les origines secretes du Bolchevisme", gives valu¬ 
able information on this, and includes a valuable docu¬ 
ment which caused an uproar in Europe, and which fully 
describes the new neo-messianist tendency in International 


Israel. It is, of course, the well-known letter from Rabbi 
Baruch Levy to his disciple Karl Marx, in which he explains 
what neo-messianism is. In the letter the Rabbi says: “The 
Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah." “Its 
kingdom over the universe will be achieved by the unifica¬ 
tion of other human races, the abolition of monarchies 
and frontiers which are the bulwark of particularism and 
the establishment of a universal republic which will accept 
the rights of citizenship of Jews everywhere. In this new 
organization of humanity, the sons of Israel now spread 
all over the world, all of the same race and of equal tradi¬ 
tional education, will become without a great resistance 
the leading elite everywhere, especially if the direction 
of the Jews can be imposed on the working masses. Thus, 
through the victory of the proletarians, the governments 
of all nations will pass into Israelite hands. Then, private 
property will be suppressed by the governments of Jewish 
race, that will by this means handle the riches of all peo¬ 
ples everywhere. And thus the promise of the Talmud will 
become reality: that once the messianic times come, the 
Jews will have the key to the goods of all the peoples 
on earth." 

With these few statements Rabbi Baruch Levy sum¬ 
marized for his disciple the young Marx, what neo-mes¬ 
sianism is and how it will be carried out by means of a 
world communist revolution, using the working class mere¬ 
ly as a blind tool. The genius of Karl Marx would later 
develop these basic principles. 

But neo-messianism, which definitely rejected the idea 
of a personal Messiah, to be substituted by the Jewish 
nation as its own Messiah, while creating marxist socialism 


or modern communism made at the same time possible 
the appearance of Zionism, because it destroyed, once 
and for all, the rabbi scruples that the reconquest of 
Palestine and the creation of the State of Israel could only 
be carried out by the promised Messiah. The people of 
Israel spread all over the world, being its own Messiah, 
such people had the mission to restore the kingdom of 
Israel in Palestine. But some members of the Hascala 
Movement, among them Joseph Perl, momentaneously 
rejected, for political reasons, the restoration of an Israelite 
Palestine, a territory inhabited by Arabs and at the time 
a province of the Ottoman Empire. However neo-mes- 
sianism, once it overcame the theological objection I have 
repeatedly mentioned, opened the doors to Zionism 
among Israelites, who have increasingly rejected the idea 
of a personal Messiah, and adopted the one that Israel is 
its own Messiah; that the people on its own was to restore 
the Jewish kingdom in Palestine. I have been able to attest 
that even orthodox rabbis think already of the Messiah 
as a mere symbol and that the people of Israel is its own 
Messiah, regardless of what may be stated as an official 
opinion in this matter. 

The article of Faith in Orthodox Judaism which states: 
"I firmly believe in the arrival of the Messiah, and although 
he may be late I daily expect his arrival'' (1) is understood 
by many of them in a neo-messianic sense, considering 
that the expression arrival of the Messiah stands for “the 
arrival of the messianic times." 

(1) This article of Faith of Orthodox Judaism, is the twelfth of 
the thirteen articles established by Rabbi Moise Maimonides, 
one of the creators of the present Israelite religion; he praised 
crypto-Judaism, converting himself falsely into the Islamic 
religion, while in secret he remained a faithful Jew. 


Among contemporary Zionists, the neo-messianist 
Jews abound, Zionism is considered as a messianist move¬ 
ment, regardless of the arrival of a personal Messiah. 
The idea of Zionism as a messianist movement, generally 
accepted in Judaism, is a clearly neo-messianic idea; and 
the communist socialism of Karl Marx is also neo-mes¬ 
sianist; they are both tentacles of the same Israelite octopus 
which is trying to dominate the world and thus carry 
out its neo-messianic ideals. 

There are, however, ultra orthodox sectors in Inter¬ 
national Israel, that still regard the creation of the State 
of Israel before the arrival of a personal Messiah as illicit 
and sinful, but this sect is an small minority in the whole of 
International Israel. These ultra orthodox Jews have even 
predicted that the anger of God will terribly destroy a 
State of Israel created in a way contradictory to the divine 
orders. Those who believe so, agree with the old genuine 
rabbinic orthodoxy, maintained for centuries, and only 
modified until this past century, in the way I have stated. 
For them, if the State of Israel is destroyed in a catastrophic 
way by the gentiles, these would be acting as mere instru¬ 
ments of the anger of God. But as I have said, this re¬ 
mainder of the authentic Jewish orthodoxy is so small, 
that it has not been able seriously to hinder the develop¬ 
ment and progress of Zionism. 

Going back to the birth of Zionism, it is important to 
point out, that the thesis of the orthodox rabbi Kalisher 
—which opened the doors of orthodoxy to Zionism, also 


had a decisive influence on the communist rabbi and 
neo-messianist Moise Hess, at the time entirely devoted 
to the promotion of the communist revolution of the prole¬ 
tarians. Hess adopted Kalisher's proposal to return Pales¬ 
tine to the Jewish people, and in his book, "Rome and 
Jerusalem" attacked both the orthodox and reforming 
rabbis who had sacrificed the Jewish national goal and 
he launched the idea of calling a Jewish Congress whose 
task would be to undertake the colonization of Palestine. 

Hess admits that in his position in favor of an Israelite 
Palestine, he was influenced by the neo-messianist Graetz. 
Here we can clearly see, from the very beginning of 
Zionism, the unification of the leaders of Jewish ortho¬ 
doxy, the leaders of neo-messianism and of communism 
marching together. Moise Hess, communist, died in the 
year 1875, year in which were destroyed the theological 
scruples preventing the growth and development of an 
important Zionist Movement— the only thing then lacking 
for development of Zionism was an appropriate leader 
to give the necessary impulse to it, and this leader was 
Theodore Herzl, whose Israelite fanatism, similar to that 
of the Jewish founders of modern communism, Marx and 
Engels, persuaded him to wear, as the others did, the 
traditional beard ordered by the Tora whose rulings are 
also obeyed in this respect by that fanatic crypto-Jew 
Fidel Castro, —whose hebraic fanatism persuaded him to 
impose the use of such beard on all members of his pack 
of hounds—, although, to justify it, he tries to hide it 
under other reasons. The second name of Castro, as is 
well known, is one of the most typical of the Spanish 
"marranos" (crypto-Jews). 


Theodore Herzl was born in Budapest in 1860. In 
1896, he published his work entitled "The Jewish State”, 
with which he was able to overcome many objections in 
the Israelite communities of the world and obtain much 
support for the Zionist ideal, a term formed by the idea 
of the return to Zion. 

Herzl also founded and spreaded the "World Zionist 
Organization” to all nations and he obtained from the 
leaders of International Israel the organization which 
has been known by outsiders as the First Zionist Congress 
of Basle which was a true Israelite Universal Synodus that, 
as such, was an authentic representation of the Jewish 
nation spread all over the world. In this synodus, Inter¬ 
national Judaism gave its approval to the Zionist move¬ 
ment, agreements were reached relating to the political 
strategy of the Jews in the world, certain confrontations 
among Zionist Jews were resolved, and the opposition 
movement of many Israelite sectors against the Zionist 
movement were controlled. 

It was impossible however to suppress other rivalries 
that, without breaking the institutional organic unity of 
International Israel, were, as always, causing many a great 
loss. Among these rivalries, one has to be mentioned 
especially: the one between the Judaic gang that accepted 
Lenin as the leader and the so called "Jewish Socialist 
Bund" which led to the division between bolsheviks and 
mensheviks in the Russian Social Democratic Party of 
Workers (communist). This rivalry, although based on a 
real discrepancy on the strategy to be followed regarding 
the form in which Jews should direct the revolution and 
about the best way to execute it, also included rivalries 


based on Lenin’s ambition of power as well as the ambi¬ 
tion of his competitors. 

This struggle among Jews in the growing communist 
movement was going to be the beginning of the one which 
would later tear off the heart of international communism 
and thus that of Judaism. 

Theodore Herzl held in 1 898 another Congress in the 
city of Basle apparently only Zionist, and one more in 1899, 
thus assuring the future of the world Zionist movement. 
The plan was, first to invade Palestine —then settled by 
the Arabs— with Jewish immigrants, until a well-rooted 
Israelite population was formed which would be power¬ 
ful enough to achieve, —with the support of the great 
powers controlled by Judaism— the expulsion of the Arab 
population from the territory they had occupied for more 
than twelve centuries, confiscating also the Arabs’ proper¬ 
ties and murdering them if it was necessary, thus com¬ 
mitting a gigantic operation of genocide. 

It is therefore understandable that this enormous 
assault could have serious political consequences for many 
sectors of International Israel, and in the following years 
opposition to Zionism stiffened in some factions of Judaism, 
mainly in the reforming or liberal type. Basle continued 
to be the site of most of the Zionist Congresses the last 
of them, the 22nd, was also held in that city in 1946. 
Theodore Herzl not only sacrificed the rest of his life for 
this ideal, and granted generously all of his personal 
fortune, to the ideal of his existence. We wish he could 
be imitated, by burgeois gentiles, wealthy and selfish, 
who ought to sacrifice part of their time and riches, to 


fight for the defense of their people, and even of their 
own personal riches against the Jewish-communist menace. 
This dangerous selfishness of most of the gentile burgeois 
peoples is in great part the cause of the horrible disaster 
pending over all the gentile peoples, since the patriotic 
movements for the national defense, without the necessary 
economic power and the necessary collaboration of the 
intelligentsia of the great gentile burgeoisie, become 
weaker and walk directly to failure, mainly because of 
the lack of adequate financial support, since any political 
movement —in order to be sustained and achieve vic¬ 
tory— needs a great amount of money in a permanent 
and steady way. So, if the rich burgeoisie does not sup¬ 
port them, it condemns them to a failure which is suicide 
for the burgeoisie itself. 

In May, 1901, the untiring Theodore Herzl arranged 
hearings with the Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid, and 
his Great Visir, who agreed to receive Israelite immigrants 
in different parts of the Ottoman Empire. But they opposed 
to a massive immigration to Palestine as Herzl suggested, 
an idea that the Caliph of Islam, with his great political 
understanding considered this a danger for the Islam in 
Palestine. In reprisal International Israel and its puppet, 
Universal Masonry, launched against the patriotic and 
religious Caliph a world wide campaign of slander not 
yet extinguished in our days, making him appear as a 
mad man and as one of the most bloody tyrants of all 
times. In the hidden centers of International Israel this 
refusal also raised the idea that the disintegration of the 
Ottoman Empire was necessary in order to place Palestine 
under the control of a nation that would be a puppet of 
Judaism and which by allowing the emigration of hun- 


dreds of thousands of Israelites to Palestine, would make 
the future creation of the State of Israel possible. 

But in order to disintegrate the Turkish Empire and 
liberate Palestine from it, a war would be necessary; not 
only a Balkan war but a war in which the great naval 
powers would be involved, powerfully enough, to destroy 
the Ottoman Empire. This was another of the goals sought 
by International Israel, when they prepared and provoked 
the explossion of the First World War, when three young 
Serbian Israelites murdered the heir to the Austria-Hungary 
throne, starting the necessary flame to cause the devas¬ 
tating fire which was to facilitate the falling of the most 
powerful monarchies of continental Europe, making also 
possible the triumph of the communist revolution in Russia. 

All of this was part of the Jewish harvest in the First 
World War. In face of these evident and undeniable facts, 
it is perfectly understandable that International Judaism 
was the most important promoter of such a war, like docu¬ 
mented books have proven. Moreover the British govern¬ 
ment, a puppet of Judaism, did not have any kind of 
scruples about using the noble and justified Arab nation¬ 
alism to destroy Turkey, and later betrayed the Arab na¬ 
tionalism in the way we all know. Hebrew machiavelianism 
reached the extreme of using a great English patriot, an 
authentic British gentleman, Lawrence of Arabia, as a key 
element in this manoeuvre, deceiving him in a vile form 
so that, once deluded, he could in turn deceive his Arab 
friends. It is fair to state that Lawrence was a victim of 
the deceit from the Israelite powers of London, just as 
the Arab leaders themselves were victims of the same. 
The Jews, that once had used the Ottoman Empire against 


the anti-Jewish Spain and European Christianity, and who 
had used Turkey as a shelter and place of protection, 
receiving from the Sultans all kinds of benefits, now that 
Turkey was a hindrance for International Israel in its plans 
to conquer Palestine, did not hesitate about destroying 
their old and generous protector, the Ottoman Empire, this 
time using Christian armies to destroy the force which 
kept the Islamic unity, just as they had used the Muslim 
armies before to destroy the Christian powers which were 
fighting against Judaism. 

And as Maurice Pinay rightly points out in his well 
documented work "Plot Against the Church": How much 
longer are we gentiles going to allow the Israelites to use 
us as cannon fodder to break ourselves into pieces one 
against the other, Christians against Muslims, westerners 
against orientals, races against races, nations against 
nations, workers against patrons, political parties against 
political parties? Is it not already time to think seriously 
about stopping our being toys in the hands of our common 
and mortal enemies, unifying all of us against them and 
thus freeing ourselves from the cruel destiny they have 
in mind for us? 

The cynical participation of the Israelites in revolu¬ 
tionary action, —nihilist first, and Marxist later— against 
Imperial Russia, roused the logical and obvious reaction 
of the Russian people and government against the Israelite 
agitators, who were increasing then the pressure which 
was needed for the creation of the Jewish State, where 
fugitive Hebrews —who had no place in other countries—, 
could be established. And for this, as well as for other 
reasons, the Zionist movement was strengthened just as 


the movement of Hebrew settlers towards the Muslim 
Palestine. It was notable that the neo-messianist leaders 
of the Hascala Movement (creator of marxism, or modern 
communism) were in Russia precisely who gave the initial 
push to Zionism in this country. 

The First World War, 1914-1918, offered an oppor¬ 
tunity for Judaism to take a giant step towards the crea¬ 
tion in Palestine of the State of Israel. The projected desin- 
tegration of the Ottoman Empire by Judaism was to give 
it the opportunity to conquer Palestine. England was then 
governed by a masonic and crypto-Jewish government. 
In 1916, in the midst of the world war, the British War 
Cabinet, composed of freemason officials, promised to 
help establish a "Jewish National Home in Palestine." 

In 1917, Lord Balfour, also a freemason, made his 
famous declaration along the same meaning. In 1919, 
the new Society of Nations was kept in the hands of 
freemasonry, and in the hands of the hidden power of 
Judaism. That way the Israelites were able to get Palestine, 
which was snatched away from Turkey, following the 
order given to England by the Society of Nations then 
ruled by Judaism and its puppet the masonry,- the latter 
an institution to which its crypto-Jewish hidden leaders 
had imposed the mission of restoring the Temple of Solo¬ 
mon, without the gentile masons becoming aware of the 
hidden meaning of this apparently harmless symbol: that 
aside from referring to the real restoration of the Temple 
of Solomon and of the State of Israel, means —in JEWISH 
ESOTERISM—, the restoration of the power of Israel spread 
all over the world destroyed by the Popes, the kings and 
the wealthy and leading classes of the gentile peoples, 


who actually were the murderers of Hiram, which in 
Hebrew esoterism is the people of Israel, that must be 
revenged by the masonic Order. But the masons give a 
different meaning to the legend of Hiram, according to 
the different degrees in the masonic initiation, to lead 
the deceived gentile freemasons as obedient and blind 
instruments, to an enterprise that has as its goal the con¬ 
trol of the world by the Israelites. 

Initially the British Jews zealously supported the Zion¬ 
ism, that is, the movement towards the creation of the 
State of Israel, and the British government of Palestine 
helped the massive emigration of more than half a million 
Jews to that country, thus multiplying by twelve the num¬ 
ber of Israelite inhabitants in Palestine; but afterwards, 
among the Israelites in the oil business and the financial 
leaders from England and other Western powers, ap¬ 
peared a strong opposition, to the immediate installation 
of a Jewish State in Palestine, as they considered it would 
cause violent reactions in the Arab world which could 
endanger the Israelite financing interests in the Middle 
East and specially the oil interests. Besides, the opposition 
to Zionism had been strengthening in the reforming com¬ 
munities of liberal Judaism, for many years, because they 
feared that the creation of the State of Israel would make 
clear that Jews all over the world were agents of an alien 
nation; and even though in 1935 the liberal Judaism of 
the United States, declared its neutrality in the Zionist 
matter, the opposition to Zionism did not stop in many 
communities of the reformist Judaism. 

All of this brought as a consequence a delay in the 
plans of the British government, then controlled by the 


secret Jewish power, for the immediate creation of the 
State of Israel. Besides, the war against Hitler, that Juda¬ 
ism had already planned, advised the world Jewish lead¬ 
ership, in May 1939 not to align the Arabs in the Axis 
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo by creating at that moment an Israelite 
State in Palestine, harming the Arab population of that 

This motivated the British government to make a 
statement in May, 1939, assuring to Palestine to have its 
independence in a term of ten years from that date, with 
the protection of the interests of the Arab majority and 
the Jewish minority. This statement of the British govern¬ 
ment, despite of being inspired by the top leading elite 
of International Israel, caused strong dislike among the 
most fanatic Zionists, thus provoking a violent confronta¬ 
tion with the most impatient and extremist organizations 
of Zionism,- a struggle that without breaking the Hebrew 
worla institutional unity at the moment, soon was con¬ 
verted into terrorist attempts carried out by fanatic Zion¬ 
ist organizations Irgum-Zwai-Leumi, Stern and Hagana 
designed to force the British government to keep the old 
promise of Lord Balfour immediately. Hebrew magnates, 
who strongly opposed to such a plan, not only were ac- 
cussed by Zionists as worshippers of the golden calf, but 
also had to suffer attempts from the most fanatic Zionist 
organizations. But the persecution of Jews during the Sec¬ 
ond World War strengthened the Zionist arguments inside 
Judaism in favor of the immediate creation of the State 
of Israel, achieving that the Hebrews, internally divided 
on this matter, were unified; and the immediate creation 
of such a Jewish State was agreed. 


The government of England, formed in its majority 
by freemasons, accepted the orders of its hidden masters 
approving the creation of an Israelite State and at the 
same time that the Soviet Union, becoming the most im¬ 
portant godfather of Zionism, supported in April, 1947, 
the inclusion of the Palestine matter in the agenda of the 
United Nations and also approving the project to divide 
Palestine between Jews and Arabs. In November 29, 1947, 
the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the 
support of the delegations of the Soviet Union and of the 
satellite communist States, approved the creation of an 
independent Jewish State in Palestine; and finally the 
British government stated its decision to abandon Pales¬ 
tine the 15th of May, 1948, date in which the command 
conferred by the Society of Nations ended; England took 
steps towards the execution of such evacuation. 

The Israelites did not wait for the 15th of May be¬ 
cause it was Saturday and proclaimed the independence 
of the State of Israel the 14th of May, 1948, in the after¬ 

It was very significant that the Soviet Union was the 
first to recognize the State of Israel and the one that 
proposed its admission in the United Nations Organiza¬ 
tion, as all scholarly people may remember. The communist 
support of Zionism could not be clearer and more decisive. 




The struggle between Stalin and the State of Israel, 
which he had enthusiastically supported, came about in 
the following way. 

After the underground Jews Roosevelt and Harry 
Salomon Truman delivered Eastern Europe and China to 
their Israelite brother Stalin, according to Hebrew plans 
to establish communist dictatorship all over the world, 
Stalin’s paranoic aspirations of power made him feel al¬ 
most as if he were the master of the world, desiring to 
become, as we said, the supreme leader of International 
Judaism. This provoked, at the end of 1948, a rupture 
between Stalin and the stalinist Jewish communities on 
the one hand and the rest of International Judaism on the 


tn this case the differences between Stalin and stalinist 
Judaism, which were being discussed and resolved for 
some time in the parlamentary way it has been usually 
for many centuries, in the Jewish secret Universal Rab¬ 
binical Synodus, came to the extreme of totally breaking 
the institutional unity of International Israel. Stalin and 
his secret sect disregarded the authority of the World 
Jewish Congress and of Bernard Baruch, over the Israelite 
communities of the Soviet Union and of the red satellite 
States in Eastern Europe. At the same time they extended 
the schism all over the world, trying to attract to Stalin the 
greatest possible number of Jews. In Russia and in the 
satellite States he was able to impose the schism by brutal 
force, murdering or jailing every Israelite who opposed 
him. On the contrary, in the free world, it was possible to 
attract to schismatic Stalinism only a small minority of 
fanatic and activist Jews. 

The outcome of this temporal schism inside the peo¬ 
ple of Israel spread all over the world was harmful for its 
revolutionary enterprise. 

In the new State of Israel, stalinist Hebrews tried to 
control the government, but they failed, the Jewish State 
as well as the World Zionist Movement remained in the 
hands of the Jews loyal to the World Jewish Congress of 
New York, and to its hidden leader, Bernard Baruch. 
Baruch used Zionism —which had received great support 
from the Jewish Soviet leaders—, as a weapon against 
them, thus pushing the Israelite leaders of the Kremlin 
to start a ferocious war against Zionism, against the State 
of Israel, the World Jewish Congress of New York, the 
B’Nai-B’rith Order, and against the hidden leader of all 


this, Bernard Baruch. At the same time, Stalin and his 
Hebrew followers also started in the Soviet Union as well 
as in the Socialist dictatorships, a brutal prosecution, not 
only against Zionists but rabbis and Jewish community 
leaders, who were supposed to be loyal to the New York 
Jewish command. Those were replaced in their command 
of such communities by rabbis and leaders of Stalinist 
filiation. The jails were full of anti-Stalinist Jews and in 
these circumstances many Hebrew leaders and govern¬ 
ment officials of the communist world were murdered. 

The Jewish power in New York also reacted violently 
against Stalin. They imposed on their Hebrew subject, the 
President of the United States, Harry Salomon Truman 
—and on the other crypto-Jews who controlled or in¬ 
fluenced the governments of England and other western 
powers— the violent change in their international policy 
that many still do not understand and that saved the Free 
World from an imminent fall into the hands of com¬ 
munism, toward which the Free World was being con¬ 
ducted by the complicity of Washington and London, se- 
cretely controlled at the time by masonry and Judaism. 

Truman and the Hebrew gang that had handed 
Eastern Europe and China over to Stalin, now headed the 
struggle to prevent him from achieving the control of the 
world. Early in 1949 the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization) was formed, and later the Mediterranean 
Alliance, as well as the Baghdad and the South-East Asia 

The OAS, Organization of American States, was prac¬ 
tically converted into an anticommunist alliance. Thus the 


largest network of alliances in the history of Humanity 
was created, —because the world Jewish leaders remem¬ 
bered the slaughters of Jews — trotskysts, sinovievits, 
bujarinists, etc. — carried out by Stalin—. They felt them¬ 
selves in danger of being shot, if they did not prepare to 
stop the tremendous advances of Stalin, whom they had 
previously sponsored. 

Before this, Truman had planned to hand India and 
northern Japan over to Stalin, but these events prevented 
such a great crime. When this rupture of the crypto-Jew 
New York — London — Moscow axis took place, the Jews 
Truman and Marshal, who had silently and surreptitiously 
armed the loyal collaborator of Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and 
had done everything possible to finish off Chiang Kai-Shek, 
could not stop Stalin from taking over China. 

But they sent the Sixth Fleet to prevent the fall of 
Formosa into Mao's hands, thus protecting the last head¬ 
quarter of the nationalist Chinese regime, although they 
also did not allow offensive actions against the com¬ 
munist regime. During the period of this transitory Jewish 
wanted to prevent Stalin from achieving world control, 
they did not want to destroy communism at all, because 
that would mean the destruction of their own work and 
the loss of everything that the Jewish world revolution 
had gained in 32 years. 

Therefore, the policy of Judaism, directed from New 
York, was purely defensive both in the political and the 
military aspects trying to recover Russia, China, and the 


satellite states by means of the destruction of Stalin and 
Stalinism in general, substituting them with communist 
Jews loyal to the Jewish power from New York. 

Their policy was at first to convert Mao Tse-Tung into 
a new Tito, who at that time had betrayed Stalin and 
submit his communist dictatorship to the Hebrew powers 
located in the United States. 

Herein lies the key to many contradictions in the 
policy of Washington, which was sending troops to Korea 
and taking other defensive measures —both efficient and 
noisy— in order to stop Stalin and his collaborator Mao 
Tse-Tung, but at the same time it opposed any steps that 
would mean the complete defeat of the communists, and 
therefore, that would open the possibility of freeing the 
peoples enslaved by the reds and of destroying the existing 
communist regimes. 



Stalin, in his turn, in his fight against Zionism and 
the State of Israel, helped the Arabs in everyway, both 
with the purpose of attacking the rival Jewish band, and 
for the gradual attraction of the Arabs to the Soviet and 
socialist sphere. This Hebrew dictator was also planning 
to use the influence that the Arabs had on the Islam, and 
the latter has over the free Afro-Asian world, in order to 
attract these to the Soviet Socialist sphere of influence 
through the support of a false third world, which in fact 
would be gradually converted into a satellite of the com¬ 

The strange death of Stalin did not immediately 
change things. Nothing changed during the internal strug¬ 
gle which appeared among his Hebrew collaborators in 


their attempt to take over the Soviet dictatorship; they 
fought against each other like starving wolves murdering 
each other, sending people to jail, or exiling them to Si¬ 
beria. The Jew Nikita Salomon Kruschev finally gained 
control of the situation; his real name was Salomon Pearl 
Mutter, but like the rest of the Soviet Jews he changed it 
in order to hide his Judaism and to appear as an authentic 

For some years this schism, sheared off Judaism, and 
was extremely costly for it since, on the communist side, 
it destroyed the previous Hebrew plans in relation to Ger¬ 
many, for Stalin was rearming Eastern Germany and at 
the same time he was arming the Arabs against the State 
of Israel. And Kruschev, his successor, was supporting the 
Egyptian President Nasser in his attempt to recover the 
Suez Canal, under the threat of launching an atomic war 
if the western powers interfered to prevent it. On the other 
hand, in order to stop the progress of Stalin and prevent 
his conquest of the world, the International Jewish power 
located in New York was rearming Western Europe and 
urging the application of measures to make the economic 
revival of Western Europe and Japan really possible, thus 
rescuing them from the economic chaos caused by the world 
war. The Jewish financiers tried, of course, to keep Japan 
and Western Germany under their control in every possible 
way, because this new policy definitely frustrated the plan 
of the Jew Morgenthau of converting Germany into a 
state devoted entirely to agriculture, so as to prevent any 
possibility of political revival in the future. 

At the same time, the government of Truman, a 
satellite of the world Jewish power of New York, with its 


help, was surrounding the Soviet Union and Red China 
with the largest network of alliances of all times. 

They thus established military bases in several parts 
of the world, pointing to the heart of the communist pow¬ 
ers. They reached the extreme of stopping the war to 
death against the anticommunist regime of general Franco 
in Spain, in order to negotiate with him, for the establish¬ 
ment of air force bases in that country and reinforce the 
gigantic network of military bases aimed at the destruc¬ 
tion of the Stalinist dictatorship, in case it started the 
much-feared war of world conquest. 

But not wishing to stop the expansion of com¬ 
munism completely, the Jews supported the triumph of 
Ho Chi-Minh, which the Government of the French Jew 
Pierre Mendes France endorsed, by promising the future 
dictator of North Vietnam to move away from Stalinism. 
But suspecting the International Judaism that Ho Chi-Minh 
would not keep his promise, there was a manipulation 
in the Geneve Congress to give him a certain but limited 
triumph in order to see if Ho Chi-Minh would keep or 
break his promise. 

The ability of the red leader of Indochina consisted 
in making both sides believe that he was loyal to them 
in secret and thus he was able to obtain from the Soviet 
Union as well as from the two western powers the signa¬ 
ture for the Geneve agreements. Although this way only 
a limited victory for the Vietnamese red leader, he was 
forced to accept the agreements but with the intention of 
violating them as soon as he had a chance, in order to 
engage in the conquest of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cam- 


bodia. Who was fooled by Ho Chi-Minh? The Stalinism 
of the Kremlin and Peking or the Jewish anti-Stalinist pow¬ 
ers? We do not know. 

The strengthening of the free world because of rivalry 
between the two Jewish bands, naturally was causing 
everyday more sorrow and consternation in the Jewish 
organizations of both sides, who realized that they were 
losing in internal struggles what they had gained with the 
second World War. They greatly desired reconciliation. 

Once Kruschev became the absolute lord of the USSR, 
he started taking steps for the achievement of such a re¬ 
conciliation and the end of the internal Jewish schism. 
He released the Jewish medical doctors accused of trying 
to poison Stalin; he freed all the communist Jews Stalin 
had jailed; and he finally did not recognize Stalin himself 
as a hero and '‘destalinized’' the Soviet Union and the 
satellite states of Eastern Europe. 

However, the New York Jewish powers continued to 
distrust him, because he was a creation of Stalin. Annoyed 
because of this distrust, Kruschev, in one of his well-known 
outbursts of anger, supported the action taken by President 
Nasser of Egypt to take over the Suez Canal, throwing 
aside momentarily the work of Disraeli; but he felt sure 
that the Jewish power in Moscow could recover it in the 
future by means of the paratroopers and the advance of 
the Soviet tanks and armies over the Suez Canal, or by 
turning Egypt into a satellite state progressively controlled 
by the Soviet Union. 

Anyway, this incident caused even more anguish in 
Jewish communities of all the world, among the He- 


brews of both rival bands, and all the institutions of in¬ 
ternal reunification that I mentioned before, increased with 
success the attempts of reconciliation that finally were 
able to finish the disastrous schism which had slowed 
down the overwhelming advances of communism. 

After Kruschev’s trip to New York, during which he 
was the guest of Bernard Baruch, secret leader of the 
anti-stalinist Jewish faction, and in whose house he inter¬ 
viewed the crypto-Jewish Republican President of the 
United States, D. David Eisenhower, Nikita Salomon - once 
back in Russia - made his famous declaration that “the 
American citizen most loved in the Soviet Union was Ber¬ 
nard Baruch." 

The reconciliation of both opposing Hebrew factions 
was thus settled. We must remember that before this re¬ 
conciliation, in the Soviet Union many Jewish leaders in 
some way connected with Bernard Baruch were put to trial 
and even murdered. After this, things changed completely, 
and very soon the free world felt the terrible effects of 
the reunification of International Judaism. 

This way, soon after this, the Government of Eisen¬ 
hower would help Fidel Castro reach the power and Presi¬ 
dent Kennedy would prevent every EFFECTIVE action to 
overthrow him. In order to complete this betrayal, the 
crypto-communist John F. Kennedy planned secretly with 
Nikita Salomon Kruschev a way to justify, before the opi¬ 
nion of American people, a vile treaty that would pledge 
the United States government to support the red govern¬ 
ment of Fidel Castro against any invasion thus guar¬ 
anteeing the consolidation of the communist regime in the 
enslaved Cuba. 


But it was necessary to do it in such a way that 
Kennedy would not lose prestige before the free world 
and the American people. For that purpose Kruschev and 
Kennedy, with the support of the Master of both factions, 
the Jewish world leader, Bernard Baruch, and with the 
help of Hebrew technicians, thought of the comedy of the 
Soviet missiles. The USSR sent missiles to Cuba, seriously 
threatening the United States. Kennedy sent the fleet to 
block Cuba and demanded that the USSR withdraw the 
dangerous missiles. The Jewish-controlled press supporting 
the comedy, made a lot of noise about the possibility of 
an atomic war. Americans and the free world believed the 
farce and were alarmed. Then came the saving transac¬ 
tion. The USSR removed the atomic missiles from Cuba 
and the United States committed themselves to safeguard 
the government of the "marrano" (crypto-Jew) communist 
Fidel Castro, against any invasion. 

This farce was so wisely planned that only a few 
politicians of good vision, could realize that everything 
had been a treacherous manoeuvre of Kennedy, to ensure 
the long life of Castro’s regime, without losing his good 
image before the people, but rather, strengthening his 
prestige in view of the partial elections which were to be 
held in the United States. 

This way the unfortunate people of Cuba were defi¬ 
nitely crucified by Judaism, in the United States. This kind 
of farce is very frequent in the revolutionary strategy of 
Judaism, so, the patriots of the whole world must be alert 
not be deceived by them. 

Later on, Jewish plots to weaken and destroy the 


South East Asia Treaty Organization were intensified 
preventing at the same time every effective action from 
the Organization of American States against the com¬ 
munist murderer and tyrant Fidel Castro, and rounding 
up this treason with the world-wide campaign by the 
forces controlled by Judaism, to force the government of 
the United States to abandon the people of South Vietnam, 
leaving them at the mercy of communist slavery and thus 
facilitating the fall of all Southern Asia in the hands of 
the reds. 

Going back to the days of reconciliation, of the secret 
Jewish powers of Moscow and New York, it is necessary 
to add that after having achieved it in the way we have 
mentioned, a new problem was to grow for Judaism and 
its communist revolution. This was the conflict between 
the Soviet Union and Red China. 

The Jews went to China more or less two thousand 
years ago. Due to mixed marriages with Chinese, to the 
climate conditions and the food regime, a community of 
Chinese Jews was formed through the centuries; according 
to writers on this topic, they have a racial Chinese type, 
to a point that they are now confused with the authentic 
Chinese. They adopted Chinese first and last names, many 
were falsely converted into Buddhism and into Confu¬ 
cianism, and were able to obtain such important positions 
as that of Mandarin, hiding their Jewish religion, that 
they have kept in secret through generations. 

These Chinese Jewish "marranos” were the ones who 
organized the Chinese masonry first, and later they took 
very important part in the organization of the communist 


party in China. As in the western world, the Chinese 
underground Jews, made puppets of many real Chinese 
men, and Mao Tse-Tung, that had been eliminated, from 
the leadership of the communist party by the crypto-Jewish 
powers, could nevertheless, with the help of the red army, 
control again the Chinese communist party, but he could 
not save it, from the big infiltration of Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
Chinese crypto-Jews. 

A similar situation prevails in Korea and Vietnam. 
In Judaism these yellow Chinese Jews are known as Tiao- 
Kiu-Kiaou Jews, that have strong infiltrations both in the 
leading of the communist party and in the secret police, 
the government positions and in the army. When the 
Jew Nikita Salomon Kruschev turned against Stalin, Mao 
Tse-Tung became angry because of the steps taken by 
Kruschev, the Soviet dictator who was destalinizing the 
USSR and turning against Stalin, the man who had been 
able to give communism a power never achieved before; 
and Mao regarded as treacherous and revisionist all the 
antistalinist political reforms approved by Kruschev. 

For the moment, the Maoist communist government 
of China refused to degrade Stalin, keeping him in his 
high position as one of the great men of Marxism, along 
with Marx, Engels and Lenin. 

Later, the distance of the maoism from the Jews 
that rule Russia, became greater, although hidden at the 
beginning by the need that the Chinese communist regime 
had of the Soviet support, the need to mantain their 
defects at home, and to prevent world scandal which 


would be provoked by the division of international com¬ 

But when the Soviets decided to withdraw the sup¬ 
port they were giving to Mao, the hidden schism became 
public in a noisy manner. Aside from the ideological 
dispute, the logical ambition of Mao Tse-Tung was even 
more important. He wanted to become the supreme leader 
of communism and of the world revolution. 

In order to understand this well, we have to take 
into account that when Nikita Salomon Kruschev was a 
second class official in the Soviet hierarchy, Mao Tse-Tung 
was already, after Stalin, the most powerful leader of 
world communism. Therefore, it was natural that Mao and 
his followers thought that Mao, and not second class em¬ 
ployees of the Kremlin, should inherit Stalin’s place as 
the supreme leader of communism. This thing will never 
be accepted by the International Judaism, which wants 
to have Jews in the leadership of communism, to use it, 
in the benefit of the world domination by the Jews. An¬ 
other reason for the struggle between Moscow and Peking, 
is the territorial controversy. Maoism wants Russia to re¬ 
turn to China the territories that the Russian Empire and 
the Soviet Communism Union have stolen from China, and 
that are really Chinese lands. The Jews that rule Russia 
do not want to return to China these great territories. 

Just as in the case of Stalin mentioned, the Jewish 
Powers in no way want —through their dispute with Mao 
Tse-Tung—, the destruction of communism in China, as 
that would mean a catastrophic step back in Hebrew 


plans to communize the world. What they rather want, 
is to promote the revolt against Mao and his gang in 
China in order to overthrow and substitute them by com¬ 
munist Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews, loyal to Moscow. Or to wait 
patiently, for Mao-Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai to die; so the 
crypto-Jews Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, infiltrated in the communist 
party, the army and the government, can get control of 
red China, defeating in this struggle for power, the real 
communist Chinese. If the Chinese crypto-Jews get the 
control of Popular China, would transform it again, in a 
satellite of the Jewish Soviet Union. The same thing would 
happen if the Kremlin decides itself, to invade red China 
and can occupy militarily its territory, putting down the 
Maoist government and changing it for a Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
crypto-Jewish government controlled by the Soviet Union. 
In the case of a red Chinese war, American Judaism will 
try to put the big power of the United States of America in 
favor of the Jewish Soviet Union. All this would be a 
disaster for humanity, that would fall easily in the claws 
of the Jewish communist slavery. 

For all the above mentioned, it will be impossible for 
the patriot Chiang Kai-Shek to receive support from the 
United States to liberate China from the coils of com¬ 
munism, while the government of Washington continues 
under the control and decisive influence of the hidden 
powers of Judaism, although this may mean, both for the 
United States and the free world, to despise criminally 
the brilliant opportunity that the Moscow-Peking conflict 
represents to liberate North Vietnam, ending victoriously, 
that absurd merely defensive war in South Vietnam and 
even to liberate the unfortunate Chinese people. 

The most Washington governments will do, while 


being puppets of Judaism, will be to prevent the conquest 
of Formosa by Mao, in order to prevent him from be¬ 
coming more powerful. This will continue until the United 
States elects a patriotic and energetic President who can 
take advantage of the Peking-Moscow conflict, to finish 
off the Chinese communist menace, helping Chiang Kai- 
Shek to liberate his people. 

We hope there is still time for this to happen, but 
it is possible that any day Moscow and Peking will become 
friends again, if the underground Chinese Jews get con¬ 
trol in the future of the Government of Peking. 

With respect to the Arab-lsrael conflict, the Arabs 
have not realized the change in the situation, from the 
time the rival Hebrew bands directed by Moscow and New 
York became friends again. The Arabs attested that Stalin 
and his successors effectively helped them for several years 
against the State of Israel and its allies in the United 
States, England and France; such eloquent facts deserved 
the trust of the Arabs in the Moscow leaders. What the 
Arabs did not know is that everything has changed since 
the reconciliation between Moscow and New York. The 
situation according to information of a very confidential 
nature and worthy of trust which I have, is presently the 

In a common agreement, the leaders of World Juda¬ 
ism both from New York and Moscow, approved the fol¬ 
lowing policy with regard to the Arabs and the State of 

1 st.— The support provided by the Soviet Union to 
the Arabs, during the time of the Stalinist schism, had 


brought as a consequence the attraction of many Arab 
leaders to the Soviet socialist sphere; this was, in any case, 
beneficial to the plans of International Judaism of taking 
the world to socialism and communism. 

it should continue to be ADVANCED. Especially because 
of the fact that the Arabs, due to their position as the 
sacred people of the Islam, have influence upon the Islam 
itself and may have great influence upon the rest of the 
Muslim countries, both in Black Africa and in Southern 
Asia. The Muslim countries, in turn, have great influence 
upon the so-called underdeveloped world. 

Soviet support of the Arabs should continue as a 
price that had to be paid in order to bring them —and 
along with them, the Islam and Afro-Asiatic world— even 
closer to the communist and socialist sphere, something 
which would be hard to obtain through OTHER MEANS, 
as the Muslim religion rejects atheistic communism and 
the religious character of the Islam is presently much more 
intense than that of the Christianity. This religious character 
is —in many Muslim countries— comparable to that of 
the Christians three centuries ago. 

2nd.— But this support of the Arabs should not 
endanger the life nor the projected expansion of the State 
of Israel. Therefore, while the western Jews would pull 
the strings so as to have the governments of the big 
western nations arm Israel strongly and efficaciously, the 
Soviet Jews would arm the Arabs LESS EFFICACIOUSLY, 
so that they would surely be defeated in any new Arab- 
Israel war, anytime such war occurred. A war that —in 


the last instance— the Hebrews could win with the un- 
hesitant and efficacious support of some western nations 
in favor of Israel, and a skillful sabotage of the Soviet 
Union in the support that in decisive moments, they would 
have to provide for the Arabs, so as not to lose their 
influence upon them. 

Through a sabotage by the Soviets themselves of the 
support to the Arabs in decisive moments, these would be 
certainly defeated in that war, necessary for the territorial 
expansion of the Jewish State. The Jews could then allow 
for a greater emigration and this would also bring a 
quick duplication of the number of Jewish inhabitants in 
the State of Israel. 

3rd.— The defeat of the Arabs in such a war would 
cause one of the following results, both good for Inter¬ 
national Judaism: The State of Israel could conquer the 
Suez Canal totally, as well as the oil riches of several 
Arab states. Or, if such a step were not convenient, FOR 
THE TIME BEING, because of harmful international implica¬ 
tions, Judaism could force the Arabs, who need very badly 
foreign support, to abandon themselves even more to the 
hands of the Soviet Union. This would bring, on the other 
hand, continued support of the western powers in favor 
of Israel and opposition to any military and economic 
support for the Arabs. The Soviet government would be 
instructed to offer all kinds of military and economic help 
to the Arabs, but this would force them, WHETHER THEY 

The Arabs would thus be more involved in the social- 


ist and Soviet sphere, and THROUGH NEW THREATS OF 
or at least some of them, would accept the establishment 
of Soviet military bases in the Arab world, the supervision 
by the Soviets of the Arab armies —with the pretext of 
improving them but with the aim of actually controlling 
them—, the control of oil resources by the Soviets, which 
in the long run would allow the USSR to conquer these 
lands definitely and deprive the Free World of its most 
important source of oil. 

The Hebrew plan to conquer Arab territories, and 
when possible in the future, vital areas of the Arab world 
(Suez Canal, Red Sea - which should be a new Jewish 
Mare Nostrum, oil zones, etc.) is not to be carried out by 
the Jews in a total and sudden action, but rather, grad¬ 
ually with interspaced periods of peace and truce. 

These periods MUST ONLY BE USED to digest the 
lands conquered from the Arabs, to increase the Jewish 
population and the economic and military power of the 
State of Israel with further immigration, IN ORDER TO 
AT THE APPROPRIATE MOMENT. This offensive action may 
come through the use of the part of the nippers that is 
more convenient, that is, through an expansion of the 
Jewish State, or through the profits obtained by the Soviet 
Union and its communist satellites, as a price for its sup¬ 
port to the Arabs. 

The profits may consist of oil concessions, vital mili¬ 
tary bases, or even control by the Jews of the Kremlin of 
the Arab armies, under the excuse of preparing them for 


war against Israel. And, finally, control of the Arab gov¬ 
ernments by the Kremlin and the fall of those who oppose 
such a control. For the future, they even foresee the mili¬ 
tary occupation by the Soviets of the Arab lands not con¬ 
quered by the expansion of the State of Israel. 

The pretext would be to just send Soviet armies to 
Arab territories in order to defend them from the Jewish ag¬ 
gression. Communist armies that would occupy Arab lands, 
not to defend them, but to control them, just as they did 
when they occupied my homeland and other nations of 
Western Europe, supposedly to free them from the Nazis 
but later they stayed on to enslave them. This plan will be 
made easier if the Arab governments, threatened by a 
new Jewish aggression, make the suicidal mistake of re¬ 
questing communist troops to defend them from such 

Something that Judaism wants to obtain at any price, 
with those Soviet-lsrael nippers against the Arab World, 
is the official approval by the Arabs of the State of Israel; 
consequently, of course, the Arabs would lose all the 
territories that have been snatched away from them by 
the Jewish State. 

These ambitious plans have already been carried out 
partially and they will continue little by little in order not 
to cause dangerous reactions. The Jews have even foreseen 
the possibility of partially stepping back in some points 
of the plan, but only temporarily and in case a dangerous 
international reaction advises it. They would then attack 
again as soon as they could and whenever convenient. 
They have also considered the possibility of accelerating 


these plans, thus advancing quickly in their execution 
when there is a chance of doing it without danger. 

By this way, the Jewish-communist nippers will either 
make it easier for the State of Israel to conquer the 
BEING— or conquest it by the Soviet Union and socialism 
—SOMETHING MORE PROBABLE—, or a conquest in part 
obtained by the State of Israel and in part by the Soviet 
Union and socialism— SOMETHING ALMOST SURE. 

However, since this machiavelian plan was conceived, 
the creators of the plan, according to what my source of 
information states in this regard foresaw serious difficul¬ 
ties, that they would have to overcome. The following are 
some of them: 

1st. Since the plan was created, they have con¬ 
sidered the possibility that Judaism might lose control of 
the government of one or several of the big western 
powers, and that a gentile government, or a reactionary 
or "dictatorial” government (read patriot Government) 
could destroy the plan, offering the Arab states SUFFI¬ 
would be able to forego Soviet help. 

This could cause the FALL OF THE SOVIET-JEWISH 
BLACKMAIL that has been described, taking out of the 
hands of Judaism, at least for the moment, the oppor¬ 
tunity to push the Arabs deeper and deeper into the Soviet 
sphere. Such danger should be avoided by crushing the 
gentile government official or officials who dare to make 
such a step, because if the nippers of this blackmail fails, 


the whole plan for the communist-Jewish control of the 
Arab world and - through it - the Islamic world, could fail. 

2nd. The Soviet Union and the western government 
leaders under Jewish control will do everything possible 
UNION, even if Russia fails them at times; THEREFORE THE 
lack of FACTS. 

This manoeuvre could have complete success if the 
western powers continue to refuse helping the Arabs and 
efficaciously supporting Israel; in this case, as we said 
IT OR NOT. Or else they will have to surrender to Israel, 
thus recognizing its existence and the territories conquered 
by the Jews in Palestine or even outside Palestine when¬ 
ever possible. 

3rd. When the rebellion of Mao Tse-Tung became a 
clear schism, the creators and executers of this terrible 
plan foresaw another possibility that might make the plan 
fail. This was that communist China OFFERED HELP TO 
THE ARABS, with the intention of replacing the Soviet 
Union and its satellites, including the pretended neutralist 
Tito, in the increasing influence that these have had over 
the Arab world. It is necessary not to forget that the Jew 
Josip Broz Tito, dictator of Yugoslavia (whose real Jewish 
name is Iosif Walter Weiss, of Polish origin), is used now 
by International Judaism, as an agent to infiltrate and 
control the underdeveloped World. 


The Israelite communities and the underground Juda¬ 
ism or crypto-Judaism in all the nations, infiltrate and try 
to control political parties and organizations of the more 
opposed ideologies, from conservative parties, to liberal, 
socialist and communist organizations. Because the Jews 
want to control everything —as they sincerely think, it is 
their most sacred obligation—. Furthermore, the Jewish 
agents control most of the communist World and the 
majority of the developed countries of the capitalist World, 
and they are trying to get control over the poor and under¬ 
developed nations of the Third World. 

But to the possibility that the help of red China to 
the Arabs damage the Jewish Soviet influence, is given 
few probabilities, due mainly to the few possibilities that 
Red China has to equal the support —economically and 
in weapons— that the Soviet Union can provide for the 
Arabs. Soviet support should thus be increased so that it 
can not be challenged by Peking; but this would also 
force Judaism to obtain wider and more efficacious sup¬ 
port from the governments of the western powers in favor 
of Israel, support that would surpass that which the USSR 
and its satellites give to the Arabs, in order to avoid in 
any case a victory that the Arabs could obtain in their 
war against Israel. 

Further, or the Soviet invasion to China, or the in¬ 
ternal movement that would be organized in China, among 
the Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews, secretly loyal to the Hebrew 
powers of New York and Moscow, could finish off Mao 
and his gang thus solving the problem. Or at least they 
could create in Red China such an anarchy that would 
prevent China from providing enough support to the 
Arabs, has to replace the indispensable Soviet help. 


As con be seen, International Israel is strangling ihe 
Arab world by means of the crushing Soviet- Israelite 
nippers that has put Arabs against the wall. Thus Islam, 
which would be hard to be conquered by atheistic com¬ 
munism, has been penetrated in this skillful manner, and 
it can be gradually conquered if the powers of the Free 
World do not arise to stop it. 

This will be impossible while the government of the 
United States and others among the big western powers 
continue to give financial and military support to the State 
of Israel, thus seriously harming the Arabs, as well as 
their own nations. Because the nations will lose in any 
case if International Israel conquers the Arab world, 
whether it is through the territorial expansion of the State 
of Israel or through the conquest by the Jewish-communist 

The appearance in the big western powers of one or 
more gentile heads of State (—free from the Jewish- 
masonic tutelage—, with an understanding of this terrible 
threat for humanity, prepared to destroy in a corageous 
way these criminal Soviet-Jewish nippers that crush the 
Arabs) who offered the Arabs the necessary economic and 
military support for their legitimate defense war against 
the aggression of Israel —could destroy the Jewish— com¬ 
munist plans in the Middle East; because the Arabs, once 
they do not need Soviet support any longer, would be 
free from their oppressing claws, and the terrible nippers 
would be broken to pieces. 

These patriot leaders of the western powers who 
have the spirit of justice, the political vision and the 


courage to take this important and decisive decision for 
the destiny of the world, will receive the gratitude of not 
only the Arabs and Islam but of all free men in the whole 

It is obvious, of course, that such a movement, if it 
is efficacious enough to destroy the plans —herein de¬ 
scribed— that Jewish imperialism and the communist rev¬ 
olution have for the conquest of the Arab States and the 
Islamic world, would provoke the ferocious reaction of 
International Israel against the great patriot who carried 
out such a heroic deed; they would then try to finish him 
off politically, or strangle his government economically. 

Paris, February - 1965. 


1. Maurice Pinay: 


2. Louis Bielsky: 


3. Itsvan Balcony; 


4. Itsvan Bakony: 


5. Itsvan Bakony: 


6. Itsvan Bakony; 


7. Afonso Castelo: 


8. Itsvan Bakony; 


9. Itsvan Bakony: 


10. Itsvan Bakony: 


1 1. Itsvan Bakony: 


12 Esteban Aguila: 


Library of 







1 $ 



Itsvan Balcony 

Ediciones UDECAN 
Mexico, D. F. 

Ediciones UDECAN 
Apartado Postal 665 
Mexico 1, D. F. 

Impreso en Mexico. 
Printed in Mexico. 




The Library of Political Secrets now adds 
to its collection selected chapters from the book 
of the Hungarian researcher, Itsvan Bakony, 
entitled: “Imperialism, Communism and Juda¬ 
ism, the Three Forces Dominating the World”. 
The translation of the Hungarian original was 
completed in Paris in January 1969, and 
was later brought up to date by the author. 

The only purpose of this edition is to 
diffuse the truth about the great political se¬ 
crets and transcendental historic events cur¬ 
rently taking place in the world. 

We urge patriots in all countries to diffuse 
this work amongst the largest possible number 
of people, reprinting and distributing it freely, 
because neither the author, nor the translator 
or the editor, have reserved special rights. 
Those who desire to, may reproduce this book, 
but no people or entity may pretend to reserve 
the exclusive rights of the author or edition. 

UDECAN Editions 



What is Judaism? How is Judaism organized? These 
two questions have been asked by many scholars, none 
of whom have been able to answer either question satis¬ 
factorily, for the simple reason that the Hebrew people 
have surrounded all matters relating to their internal or¬ 
ganization with great secrecy. 

Jews practice a complete racial discrimination against 
the peoples that have sheltered them, preventing them 
from entering their private organizations. 

As soon as they arrive in a nation, they feel they 
have the right to get involved in all institutions and or¬ 
ganizations of the people that sheltered them; and if some¬ 
one attempts to prevent this, they loudly protest against 
racial discrimination. But as foreigners who demand and 
receive hospitality, they discriminate the natives in their 
own lands, thinking they have the right to impede the 
entrance of their hosts into their own Jewish communi¬ 
ties, private clubs and synagogues. 


The worst thing is that the host States tolerate this 
shameful situation, a fact which reveals the level of domi¬ 
nation the Jews have achieved in many nations of the 

When protests are made against this policy, which 
seem to the Jews to be dangerously strong, they organize 
foot ball games at an Israelite Sports Club and make 
these open to all public in general, or they will create 
some new Christian-Jewish mixed organization, or com¬ 
munities of Door Proselytes (see Chapter three) in order to 
exert more influence on Christians, but the entrance of 
any "goy", as they depreciatingly call those who are not 
members of their pretended race, into the inner organiza¬ 
tions of Judaism is forbidden. 

That is why when Jews speak about supposed racial 
discrimination, the organizations that defend their people 
against the Jews must answer with campaigns demand¬ 
ing that non-Jews be allowed to enter the private Israelite 
clubs and synagogues, communities and kehillas, and 
have the right to be part of their secret governments, as 
the Hebrews, demand to participate in the governments 
of the gentile peoples. We will see how the Jews will cate¬ 
gorically reject such demands. 

Such experiences would be useful to show the public 
that it is the Jews who are discriminating against the peo¬ 
ple that sheltered them, and will make them understand 
that if Israelites are so interested in keeping their meet¬ 
ings secret, it is because they are engineering something 
bad there. 

Despite the secrecy with which the Jews surround 
their internal organizations, one can have some idea, if 
only superficial, of what is Judaism and how it operates. 


As they do not know what it is, non Jewish people 
suffer painful mistakes. For example, they believe that 
the Jewish emigrant who enters to a country is like the 
emigrants of other nations, and they kindly open the door 
to him as to any other foreigner, without understanding 
that far from being just an emigrant, he is an active agent 
of a world imperialist organization that plans to conquer 
the country that receives him. 

Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of the United 
States, became fully aware of this problem and clearly 
foresaw that if things continued to be as they were, Israel¬ 
ites would end by taking over his country. The facts have 
confirmed Benjamin Franklin's predictions as the United 
States are so dominated by the Jews that they can be 
considered as a Jewish Colony. Yankee Imperialism has 
turned out to be an instrument of Jewish Imperialism. 

Jews are, first of all, a nation, and a nation which 
is world-organized, because they are spread throughout 
the countries of the world. It is a nation that in its great 
part lives in foreign lands, whose members live as para¬ 
sites in the territories of other peoples. For several centu¬ 
ries, Jews were deprived of a territory of their own, but 
at the end of World War II, they succeeded in arranging 
that Britain, dominated by the Hebrews, enabled them 
to immigrate in large numbers into the State of Israel, 
following which they threw out from there, in a criminal 
way, the majority of the Moslem inhabitants. 

Nevertheless, according to the 1961 census, only 
2,170,280 Hebrews live in Israel, while many times this 
figure live in other countries spread throughout the 
world. (*). 

(*) Editor's note: According to 1974 statistics the State of Israel 
has 3,300,000 inhabitants. 


It is unknown exactly how many Jews there are in 
the world because they themselves carefully seek to hide 
this information. Some say there are fifteen million, nat¬ 
urally counting only those who publicly profess Judaism, 
but it is evident that the number of underground Jews 
that live under the mask of the Christian, Moslem or other 
religions, who never appear in census and statistics, is 
much higher. 

During the Middle Age alone, there were more Jews 
who falsely converted to Christianity and Islam than those 
who remained practicing Judaism. 

In their private books, Israelite authors confess that 
almost all those conversions to Christianity and Islam were 
false and unsincere, while Hebrews secretly kept their 
ancient religion. 

Since the Renaissance, the process of false conver¬ 
sions to Christianity confinued, thus continually increasing 
the amount of clandestine Jews, and diminishing the num¬ 
ber of those who publicly professed Israel's religiorf. This 
process continues even in our days, especially in coun¬ 
tries such as the United States where they need to strength 
en their fifth column inside Christianity. It is therefore, 
difficult to calculate the number of underground Jews 
who are in any case many times more than those who 
officially and publicly recognize that they are Israelites. 

But in addition to being a nation spread throughout 
the world, Jews are also linked as members of a common 
religion — not like other religions, but an aggressive and 
imperialist religion full of hatred and filled with the desire 
to enslave mankind. 

This religion is private to the Jewish people, not 
apostolic as the others, that is why Jews are not in- 


terested in converting people to the real Judaism. The 
Jews believe that their religion is the result of Abraham's 
agreement with God, and that as such it is incumbent to 
the Lord's chosen people to dominate the world, because 
the rest of men are mere animals, lacking any human 
nature, who do not have the right to be seated at the 
table of the elected nor to be a part of the future aristocra¬ 
cy of mankind, who on the supposed command of God 
will enslave the peoples of the world. 

When Jews sincerely seek to convert a Christian or 
a Moslem to Judaism, it is because he is of the Jewish 
race, a descendant of Hebrews, whose parents or grand¬ 
parents lost contact with Judaism for some reason. The 
conversion of such a Christian or Moslem is intented to 
recover the lost blood. 

The Israelites plan — when the destroying machine 
of their atheistic communism annihilates all other reli¬ 
gions — to make Israel's religion the sole religion of the 
world. But gentiles will never be admitted in the real or¬ 
ganizations of the chosen people; they will only be enrolled 
in a special religion made for them which will have the 
outward appearance of Judaism, but which will only be 
the religion of the slaves, justifying their slavery and of 
the privileges which the Jews of blood will claim as mas¬ 
ters in that future world. That religion will be only slight¬ 
ly different from the ancient organization of the "prose¬ 
lytes of the door" — spiritual Jews adapted to the new 

In times of the Inquisition, many underground Jews 
(Christians only in public) frightened by the inquisitorial 
repression and by the blaze waiting for them as if they 
were discovered, untied themselves completely from Juda¬ 
ism, and hence their children were lost from Judaism also. 


Then it was the utmost duty, both of public and se¬ 
cret Jews, to recover the lost blood, bravely fighting to 
secretly initiate the renegades’ children, without resting 
until getting it. In the Inquisition's records there are con¬ 
stant examples of this kind of proselitism done both by 
Judaizing heretics, that is to say Christians in secret who 
practiced Judaism, and public Jews who openly recognized 
they were Jews. 

Among the reasons that determined the expulsions 
of the Jews from France, England, Spain and other coun¬ 
tries, there is that of Jews incited the converts and their 
descendants to go back to the “vomit of Judaism”. 

Judaism presently carries on intense proselitism in 
many countries among those who, either with a solid 
basis or not, are considered as descendants of those who 
were forced by the inquisitorial persecution to really sepa¬ 
rate themselves from Judaism. But because the antecessors 
of these persons, already sincere Christians, married Chris¬ 
tians in the next generations, their present descendants 
have more blood of the “gentile beast” in their veins than 
Jewish blood. That is why the Jews cannot accept them 
into the true Israelite organizations, exclusively destined 
for Jews of blood. To control these hybrids, Hebrews have 
created special communities and synagogues, persuading 
them by skillful deceits into the naive belief they are in¬ 
troducing them to the real Judaism, when in fact they 
are initiating these people in one of the many satellite 
organizations that the real Jew has organized to dominate 
the rest of men and use them as blind instruments of its 
pitiless imperialism. 

Nevertheless, as those deceived by this trick believe 
they are really Jews, they serve as unconditional puppets 
of the real Hebrews. It is therefore dangerous to trust 


politically in Christian families that have a Jewish ances¬ 
tor, although it may be true that the majority of their an¬ 
cestors are Gentiles. It is advisable to distrust all such peo¬ 

This eagerness to recover the lost blood is evident 
also regarding mixed marriages. It is well known that 
Jews forbid their children to marry people of another race 
or people, a measure of racial discrimination against those 
nations that shelter them, for the simple fact that they 
regard other races as inferior and of an almost animal 
nature. A Jew becomes stained if he marries a “gentile 
bitch" — as they call non-Jewish people. Love is, never¬ 
theless, something that cannot be controlled, and some¬ 
times a Jewish boy falls in love with a Christian girl or 
vice versa, despite of the numerous precautions taken to 
avoid it. In this case the family tear their clothes and 
tenaciously opposes the wedding, threatening the boy with 
reprisals. In many instances they succeed in making the 
Jewish lover give in to the pressures of his relatives and 
the whole Hebrew community. 

But when love is stronger, and the boy or girl marry 
against the Jewish will, the Jews start to plan how to 
secure the blood of the children of that couple, trying to 
initiate them into Judaism at the appropriate time. In a 
minority of cases the Jewish boy so threatened by his rela¬ 
tives and his so-called brothers of race, turns against his 
own people, although he does not apostate for fear of 
reprisals, he allows his wife to educate his children into 
Christianity or into another Gentile religion, with the re¬ 
sult that his descendants are lost to Jewry. This still does 
not prevent the Hebrews from trying to recover the “lost 
blood”, often with success. 


Israel, besides being a people and nation spread 
throughout the world, with its own religion, is most of 
all a sect, a secret society, because in all countries that 
the Israelites have colonies, and even in the State of Israel, 
they are organized as a sect, with secret ceremonies of 
initiation at the age of 13, hold political-religious meet¬ 
ings, with a rigorous ceremonial, rendering oaths of se¬ 
crecy and absolute obedience to the leaders — as is done 
in all Secret Societies— and participating in rigorous cere¬ 
monials and ritual banquets, of which the rituals and 
banquets of Freemasonry are merely an imitation. 

It is precisely this complex society, comprising the 
nation, people, religion and sect of the Israelite nation, 
that has been called Judaism. 




As the internal organization of Judaism is so secret, 
there is little that we as members of other nations, can 
know about it, because no member of another people is 
admitted in the Jewish organizations. I will only mention 
in this book those facts I have been able to investigate 
and confirm in this regard. 

The Family is the basic unit of Judaism, and this is 
still patriarchal in some countries. The family father or 
patriarch is a kind of high priest in the family; he leads 
the family's religious cult, practiced by means of daily 
prayers and very secret ceremonies subject to a solemn 
ceremonial, whose purpose is to impress on Hebrews since 
childhood and adolescence, the idea that they are God's 
people, chosen by him to dominate the other nations and 
take over their riches, forging an imperialist ideology that 
converts them into fanatical instruments of Jewish im¬ 
perialism in its struggle to conquer all nations of the world, 
and especially the nation in which the individual Israelite 
family happens to be living. 


Among these secret family ceremonies can be men¬ 
tioned the Jewish Passover, with its solemn ceremonial 
and secret banquets, and the Saturday family celebra¬ 
tion, which starts on Friday at sunset, when the parents 
join those of their children who are older than 13 (who 
have already been initiated in the secrets of Judaism) in 
their paternal house and also their grandchildren (if these 
are over 13) and their children’s wives, where those are 
already married. The house is locked, and no stranger is 
allowed to enter the room where the ceremony is held. 
The secret ceremony, often followed by a ritual banquet, 
in which pravers and speeches are delivered sometimes 
lasts until midnight, unless the adults have to attend the 
public or clandestine synagogue, (in that case both, the 
sabbatical ceremony and the banquet are suspended). The 
family mother presides over the special ceremony involving 
the kindling and blessing of two candles. 

Children younger than 13 are excluded from this and 
other ceremonies in clandestine Judaism sending them to 
a specially planned place. Where the family pretends to 
be Christian or Moslem, or any other Gentile religion, the 
young children do not know that their family is Jewish, 
and hides from them all its activities of secret Judaism. 
At the age of 13, and after great preparations, only those 
children who have proved themselves able to keep se¬ 
crets are very secretly initiated into their family’s clandes¬ 
tine Judaism. Those who have failed the test of discre¬ 
tion their parents put to them, will only be initiated in 
hidden Judaism when they eventually prove they can 
keep secrets. Those who cannot pass the proofs of secrecy, 
loyalty and others, or are mentally incapable are left out¬ 
side of this underground Judaism; but both the family 
and the clandestine Israelite community will do their best 
to win back the children of such Jews, where these are 
considered capable and worthy of membership of the se¬ 
cret Judaism. 


When the Medieval Inquisition used torture to force 
Jews to reveal the identity of other clandestine Jews, and 
tried to discover and destroy the underground Judaism 
—• already very infiltrated into Christian institutions — 
the clandestine Jews were forced to change the day 
of the family sabbatical ceremony, because Christians who 
were suspected of being secret Jews were watched care¬ 
fully, especially on Friday nights, to catch them “in fla¬ 
grant” in their family celebration of the Sabbatical cere¬ 

Jewish families are an example of unity; the mem¬ 
bers of those families are taught to exercise the highest 
loyalty to each other. That is why most Jewish fathers 
are exemplary parents, Jewish mothers are also exem¬ 
plary, and their children are a model of filial piety, feeling 
a veneration and respect for their parents, worthy of imi¬ 
tation, impressed through well studied plans, it is clear 
that there are some exceptions to this: bad parents, dena¬ 
tured mothers and unworthy children, but these are few. 

Unfortunately all these best virtues are always di¬ 
rected to the perverse goals of the political and religious 
order imposed by their imperialistic religion and the ha¬ 
tred to all other peoples, taught to Jewish children since 
their infancy in the very bosom of their families. 

In the case of underground Jews who pretend to 
practice Christianity, Islamism, Buddhism or Brahmanism, 
these familiar virtues confuse the true believers up to the 
point that when a member of clandestine Judaism is 
dedicated for example — as an apparent Christian — 
to infiltrate the Catholic or Protestant parties or into the 
clergy of the Christian Church, in order to sabotage the 
defense of Christianity and play the game of Freemasonry 
or Communism — led by Moscow or by New York Jews — 


the false Christian plays his role so well that when he is 
unmasked most people doubts his treason, considering 
that such an exemplary father and honest husband is 
incapable of having relations with the dark enemy forces 
within the nation, that pervert and destroy the non-Jewish 

Such a situation seems incomprehensible to those 
who are unaware of the tragic dimensions of the problem, 
and do not know that the Jew who either publicly or 
secretly tries to destroy the unity of the gentile families 
— precisely to weaken the peoples they attempt to con¬ 
quer — keeps his own families in a necessary state of 
unity and moral loyalty in order to maintain those basic 
cells of Israelite vigor. They know that a people with 
healthy and strong families — both materially and moral¬ 
ly speaking — will be more able to dominate the peo¬ 
ples with families unhinged by immorality and disunity. 
For this reason they deliberately spread ideas aimed at 
dissolving the gentile faith in marriage and the loyalty of 
the children to each other. 

In every place Jews compose a secret organization 
called a Community that integrates the Israelite families 
of the town or city, whose patriarchs or family heads are 
represented in the Kehilla or Supreme Council of that Jew¬ 
ish Community. 

Jews are also strongly organized in Brotherhoods 
and other organizations, whose goal is to take over and 
control the different associations and institutions, either 
political, syndicalist, economic, religious and of all kinds, 
of the peoples in whose territory the Jewish Communities 
operate, either openly or clandestinely. I use the term 
“clandestine” because it is much used in Jewish writings 
on this subject. 


These Brotherhoods were previously called simply 
synagogues, because “synagogue” means assembly. It is 
necessary to distinguish between the assembly-synagogue 
or Brotherhood and the temple or place where that assem¬ 
bly operates, which is also called synagogue. Sometimes 
each Brotherhood, that is to say each assembly-synagogue, 
has its own building, its own temple-synagogue; but some¬ 
times, several Brotherhoods or assembly-synagogues may 
operate within a single temple-synagogue. 

The assembly-synagogues are meetings of a religious, 
political and social character. The synagogue has very 
solemn rites and ceremonies, of which the Masonic cere¬ 
monies are a pale reflection. Alternating with ritual 
prayers, all political, economic and social affairs related 
with the control of the city or town where the Brotherhoods 
is located are discussed, as well as all those other matters 
that the united Jewish Brotherhoods of the whole gentile 
nation have as objective for the imperialist conquest and 
the domination of the unfortunate nation which years, or 
centuries earlier, made the mistake of allowing Jews to 
settle in her territory. 

Apart from possessing a ritual and ceremonies more 
impressive than those of the Masonic Lodges, the assem¬ 
bly-synagogue operates in a manner similar to that of 
Communist cells. 

Brotherhoods are also represented in the Council, 
which, as was previously indicated, is the Municipal Su¬ 
preme Command of the Community, acting together with 
the Secret Tribunal or Bet-Din. 

Regarding underground Judaism, whose very secret 
communities are composed of Jews that practice Chris¬ 
tianity or any other religion in public, the secret assem- 


blies or synagogues operate in private houses or else in 
very well disguised public places, so that non-Jewish mem¬ 
bers of the population remain unaware of its existence 
and its operation. 

Thus in the time of the Inquisition, when control was 
not so strong, secret synagogues operated with a certain 
regularity, but when persecution was hard, they were even 
suppressed for fear that the Inquirers might discover them. 
Then, clandestine Judaism could find refuge only in the 
family organization, because a family meeting could not 
seem suspicious, and thanks to this trick, clandestine Juda¬ 
ism could survive even through the times of great Inquisi¬ 
torial vigilance. The same thing happened in Germany 
and other European countries during the times of the Nazi 
persecution against the Jews. 

The word synagogue is sometimes used to refer to 
Judaism as a whole, as the word Church is used to refer 
to an ecclesiastic institution as a whole. 

Judaism — as Freemasonry — has different rites, 
which generally have a common racial meaning. For ex¬ 
ample, the Sephardite rite embraces all dispersed Jews 
throughout the world who are descendants from those ex¬ 
pelled from Spain in 1492, and from Portugal in the times 
of King Manuel, as well as the crypto-Jewish Christians 
that were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the times 
of Phillip IV, in the 17th century. 

The Ashkenazi rite gathers the Hebrews of German 
descent who are also spread throughout the world. 

The Beni-lsrael rite belongs to the Jews that about 
18 centuries ago arrived in India and infiltrated all Indian 
castes, and have since emigrated to various countries in 
Africa, Asia and even in England. People believe them to 


be Hindus, but in fact many of them are clandestine Jews 
of the Beni-lsrael rite, that presently control the Congress 
Party and the Indian government, which was subjected 
to the yoke of the Israelite imperialism with the help of 
the British Jews, who since the times of the Jewish Prime 
Minister of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli, in the last century, 
have made the British government an instrument of Jew¬ 
ish imperialism. In Africa and other places, these clandes¬ 
tine Jews who came from India with the protection and 
help of the London government, now control the commerce 
of many black nations and exploit their peoples some¬ 
times in a merciless way. 

Th is Beni-lsrael rite of India works in a very secret 
way, and has great influence in the destiny of India. Many 
of them act apparently as Brahmans or members of other 
religions, and through centuries they have acquired Hindi 
racial characteristics to such an extent that it is difficult 
in many cases to distinguish them from a real Hindu. 
They facilitated the British conquest of India, helping later 
to maintain London domination, and for a century and a 
half worked against the real Hindus who fought for In¬ 
dian independence until when the strength of the true 
patriots was destroyed, secret Beni-lsraeles Jews and their 
leaders, the so-called Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal 
Nehru, controlled the movement for independence, which 
was then granted by the Jews that controlled the British 
government leaving the Indian government in the hands 
of the secret Hindi Jews of the Beni-lsrael rite, allied, as 
was natural, with their Jewish brethren that lead the So¬ 
viet Union and with the Jews of Washington and London. 

I will report later on these clandestine Jews of India. 

Another rite is that of the secret Chinese Jews that 
arrived in China about seventeen centuries ago and mixed 


very much with the aboriginal population and with the 
Mongolian warrior tribes of the North, obtaining through 
centuries an almost perfect Chinese type. 

Many of them falsely embraced Buddhism, keeping 
Judaism in secret according to their customs. These Chinese 
Jews are known in Judaism as “Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou", which 
means: the sect that removes the tendon, a reference to 
the operation prescribed for ritual killing in the Bible 
(Genesis 37-33). 

These secret Chinese Jews live in all provinces of 
present Mainland China, hiding their Judaism and pre¬ 
tending to be loyal to Maoism, which they wish to oust 
because Mao is not Jewish but gentile, and Judaism wants 
to overthrow him to control his succession in order to place 
a Communist government composed by TIAO-KIU-KIAOU 
JEWS, about whom I will continue talking later. 

There are many rites which are original to the gen¬ 
tile state in which they have operated. But of all the rites 
existing in the different regions of the world, the most 
outstandingly important are those of the secret communi¬ 
ties of clandestine Jews of all countries that appear to be 
members of any non-Jewish religion, whose hidden com¬ 
munities constitute the Jewish fifth columns. They func¬ 
tion separately from the public Jewish communities, hav¬ 
ing, nevertheless, a very secret, close and efficient contact 
with them. The Jewish encyclopedias and books openly 
published do not mention them except in unusual instances. 
When in a town or city there is only one Jewish com¬ 
munity of one rite, the Council is composed solely of the 
representatives of that congregation; but when there are 
two or three communities of different rites, the Kehilla is 
formed from representatives of each one of the existent 
communities on the basis of proportional representation, 


relevant to the amount of families of each Congregation. 
Nevertheless, there are occasions where the representa¬ 
tion of each community in the Kahal or Kehilla is not de¬ 
termined by the number of families but by the amount 
each congregation gives to support the activities of the 
community; something similar to anonymous societies, 
which as everybody knows are of Jewish origin. This gives 
an idea of the great importance Hebrews give to the 
economic collaboration of the brethren, towards the ful¬ 
filment of the common ideal, for they know very well that 
the political strength of any organization depends greatly 
on the idealism of its members expressed in different ways, 
but mainly in the sacrifice of part of their own patrimony, 
which is collected not as a donation but as an obligatory 
tax, equivalent to the taxes charged by territorial states. 

Besides the Kehilla, Kahal or Council, there is the 
Bet-Din or secret Jewish Court that judges and condemns 
the traitors and those who commit any crime against their 
brothers in race, judging quarrels, attempting reconcilia¬ 
tions or dictating penalties — decisions that all Jews of 
the community are forced to obey. 

Different cultural and charity organizations also de¬ 
pend on the Kehilla or Council of each community; in some 
places the Israelite schools and in others the so-called 
Talmud-Thora schools that — as their name indicates — 
poison the Jewish children with the twisted teachings of 
Talmud and with false interpretation of the Old Testa¬ 
ment of the Bible. 

The brevity of this book prevents us from detailing 
the different kinds of cultural and charity organizations 
created by the different Kahals in the world, according 
to their importance. It is enough to say that culture and 
charity are granted only to Jews and not to the people 


that accepted them in their territory. Only when it is desir¬ 
able for them to win the sympathy of the non-Jewish peo¬ 
ple, do they perform some altruistic work to the benefit 
of that gentile people and giving ample publicity to it in 
order to obtain the desired sympathy. In this, as in every¬ 
thing, Hebrews are very practical. 

The secret Jewish occupational or professional Broth¬ 
erhoods have as their duty the seizure and maintainance 
of control over the association or institutions of the gentile 
people related with that profession or occupation and over 
the respective commercial, industrial or professional activi¬ 
ty. In this way, for example, the secret fraternity of shoe¬ 
makers will be responsible for controlling the manufac¬ 
turing and sale of shoes, eliminating, through ruinous 
and sometimes disloyal competition, the gentile shoe¬ 
makers and traders of the nation which the Jews seek 
secretly to conquer. Brotherhoods of Jewish traders work 
to gain control of the respective commercial branches, 
eliminating their gentile competitors, and secret Brother¬ 
hoods of bankers, industrialists, international traders, etc. 
work in the same way. 

Secret Brotherhoods of physicians try to dominate 
their gentile competitors in this profession and to control 
leading positions in hospitals, medical schools and other 
medical institutions. Secret Brotherhoods of workers try to 
control the management of their labor unions, and pea¬ 
sant Brotherhoods do the same. 

In order to complete the scheme of organization of 
the fifth column of the Israelite nation, silently introduced 
in other nations of the world, I must mention very im¬ 
portant control organisms which are similar to Communist 
cells, because the latter were partially copied from the 
Jewish cells or control committees consisting in the gath- 


ering together of all public and secret Jews who operate 
within any one gentile institution, that is to say, non-Jew- 
ish institution, in order to control over it and conquer its 
government. For example, if there is a group of Jews 
introduced into the local organization of a political party 
of the nation in which they live, they form a secret Jewish 
ceil, destined to control the direction of that particular 
branch of the political party. This cell will secretly collabo¬ 
rate with similar cells in other branches, to take over the 
provincial organization of that political party and especial¬ 
ly its national direction. On the other hand, if a group of 
public or underground Jews have positions in the local 
banks, a cell will be formed and its duty will be to in- 
defatigably work to control the major key positions in 
those banks, especially in those whose money belongs to 
gentiles. The same conquest work should be performed 
by all public or underground Jews who have infiltrated 
the organizations of industry and commerce, sports clubs, 
etc., but especially in political parties of the opposing 
ideologies, ranging from the extreme right to the extreme 
left, until they gradually dominate everything. 

Thus communities of underground Jews, covered with 
the mask of a false Christianity, have to work to gain 
control over Christian organizations, and even to infiltrate 
the clergy of the Churches, to take over their direction, as 
they have been doing for a long time. The same thing is 
done by the communities of crypto-Jews infiltrated in 
Islam, Buddhism and other religions. 

Jewish Imperialism in the Soviet Union is also main¬ 
tained through secret cells or Jewish committees of con¬ 
trol who operate very secretly behind the Central Com¬ 
mittee of the Communist Party, of the Supreme Soviet and 
other organisms of the Soviet government, as well as to 


control the secret police and all its branches, the army, 
the labor unions and other institutions. The same tech¬ 
nique is used to control the other Communist States. 

But regarding the secret domination exerted by Juda¬ 
ism in the capitalist or communist world, the members 
of these Jewish cells or control committees may exert 
great power, for they are at the same time members of 
the councils or directive bodies of the organizations they 
are entrusted to control. And as most Israelites in charge 
of that task are clandestine, and as the other members 
of the gentile organizations they control do not know their 
Jewish identity, gentiles are unable to perceive that their 
political party, their masonic rite, their labor union or 
other respective organization is dominated by Jews, and 
they think they are led by their own countrymen, because 
they do not know these apparent and false compatriots 
are Jews in secret. 

Regarding Freemasonry, it is necessary to remember 
that some of its highest gentile leaders, such as the Duke 
of Orleans (Felipe Igualdad) and the Duke of Brunswick, 
already felt and denounced the existence of a hidden pow¬ 
er behind the highest Masonic Councils, but they could 
never know the nature of this mysterious hidden power. 
It is very difficult to fight against a hidden power such 
as clandestine Judaism. 

Israelite Imperialism has been able by this system to 
conquer many nations without their become aware that 
they are being turned into colonies of the secret imperial¬ 
ism of the Israelite nation. The heads of these cells or con¬ 
trol blocks blindly obey the orders given by their hierarchic 
leaders in Judaism. 

It is necessary to make it clear that Jewish Impe¬ 
rialism, introduced in a nation by means of their fifth 


columns — the public or underground Israelite communi¬ 
ties — sometimes creates in that nation political parties 
and all kinds of financial, commercial, religious and cul¬ 
tural organizations deliberately in order to dominate the 
country, maintaining control over all of them through the 
secret Jewish cells mentioned before, also controlling their 
money in the case of economic enterprises. All of this is 
done while the Israelites try to take over the political par¬ 
ties and other organizations and institutions created by 
the gentile members of that nation, doing this through 
the infiltration of Jews organized in secret control cells 
that little by little take over the leadership of each gentile 
organization or institution, using the most efficient and 
often disreputable methods to achieve their goals. 

As the centuries passed, any time a people and its 
government knew that the Jews — who had been allowed 
by their ancestors to settle in their territory — were taking 
over the country, they naturally reacted and took defen¬ 
sive steps that varied according the different instances. 
Some governments created laws forbidding the Jews from 
public positions, from command in the army, from buying 
land or urban buildings and from all political rights in 
the country. In other cases, because of the persistent Israel¬ 
ite attempts to conquer the country through infiltration or 
violence, some civil and religious leaders deemed as ne¬ 
cessary to eliminate this fifth column of the foreign Jew¬ 
ish nation by expelling the Jews. As a result, Israelites 
loudly complain that most peoples have persecuted them 
in different ways. They complain about racial or religious 
discrimination and about supposed atrocities and injus¬ 

They spend large sums of money on books, movie 
pictures, press and television propaganda, etc.-, toward 


this goal. They attempt to deceive the nations, appearing 
as victims of the wickedness of other peoples and of gen¬ 
tile political and religious organizations; thus hiding the 
truth of what has really happened through the centuries, 
that is to say, that those peoples and their leaders were 
forced to expel I the Jews from their countries or to take 
various steps of repression against them, to prevent the 
public or underground Jews from conquering front the in¬ 
side the nation that had so naively allowed them to settle 
in its territory. 

Due to the great secrecy which surrounds their hidden 
organizations and their underground activities, it is very 
difficult for those who research the Jewish, problem to 
make a complete survey of all that has happened. 

Most of them have only discovered a small part of 
the problem, others have added new information but 
those of us that have been able to penetrate thus far into 
the secrets of Judaism are aware that there is still much 
to know and clarify, and that more investigation is ne¬ 
cessary to discover those secrets that no gentile has yet 
been able to learn. The Israelites are right when they say 
that Judaism is a net embracing more secret societies than 
have ever existed in the history of mankind. 

The Inquisitions of the Church and of certain Catholic 
kings were obliged to use torture to disclose the secrets 
of Judaism that the Church and government could not know 
otherwise, to force identified clandestine Jews to denounce 
the name of other underground Jews and their hidden 
leaders. When — through torture and other efficient re¬ 
sources — a Jew revealed the names of other under¬ 
ground Jews, these were also arrested, forcing them to 
denounce the names of all the clandestine Jews they knew. 


The new ones were also tortured to force them to de¬ 
nounce others, and so on, until the entire underground 
Jewish organization was disclosed. As was natural, wom¬ 
en were the ones who disclosed everything the most quick¬ 
ly. The Inquisition also obtained through torture the se¬ 
crets of the hidden organizations of Judaism and their 
clandestine subversive activities. That is how the Inquisi¬ 
tion learned, better than anyone else, the deepest secrets 
of Judaism. 

As has been recognized by some Jewish writers, the 
Inquisition could have destroyed the underground Juda¬ 
ism with this system, but when the jails of the Inquisition 
were full of clandestine Jews, the leaders of World Juda¬ 
ism sought and obtained decrees of general forgiveness, 
moving the Popes or Kings to pity or bribing them with 
large amounts of money. Those decrees allowed the im¬ 
prisoned Jews, and even those who had been condemned 
to death, to go free, thus destroying in a short time the 
Inquisitors’ hard work of many years. 

Due to this fact, and to a series of wise defensive 
steps, Judaism was saved from destruction, to win control 
over many governments and even over the Church and 
the Inquisition itself. Finally until Judaism succeeded in 
destroying the Church in many countries through the Pro¬ 
testant Reform promoted by them, and further weakened 
the European nations by the individualistic, liberal and 
burgeois revolutions of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, 
led always by clandestine Jews aided by their satellite. 
World Freemasonry, on behalf of so-called religious free¬ 
dom and tolerance and "human progress”. 

The power the Israelites presently have in the world 
has allowed them to paralyze the defenses of the host 
nations, and that is why we lack efficient means to un- 


cover the secret nets of clandestine Judaism and the deep¬ 
est secrets of the Israelite people and their secret organiza¬ 
tions which work for conquest by both peaceful and rev¬ 
olutionary means. 

Jews act hypocritically when they condemn the tor¬ 
tures used by the Inquisition and some other governments, 
because Hebrews themselves use torture in the Soviet 
Union and her satellite states, in a more cruel and pitiless 
way than the Inquisition or any other Gentile govern¬ 

To conceal the fact of Jewish terror and domination 
in the Soviet Union and the satellite states, which would 
cause antisemitic reactions throughout the world, thereby 
endangering the Israelite conquest of other nations, Jews 
have expended huge resources and energies to create pro¬ 
paganda about supposed persecutions of Jews in Russia 
and other communist states of Eastern Europe. 

But we who have lived under Jewish dictatorship 
and terror in those states, wherein Hebrews perversely use 
socialist dictatorship to exploit and enslave the non-Jews, 
know that this is a noisy farce, projected at a world level, 
for the aforesaid purposes. 

It is necessary, nevertheless, to distinguish between 
the farce of Jewish protests about supposed persecutions 
and the real quarrels between the Jews who lead the So¬ 
viet Union and the satellite states and those Jews who, 
due either to ambition or to internal quarrels, oppose the 
former. Sometimes these quarrels have ended, as in Stalin’s 
times, in the slaughter of opposing Jews, but I shall talk 
later about such conflicts among Israelites. 

In every capital of a province, or in its most impor¬ 
tant urban center, a Great Kahal or Supreme Council of 


the Federation of local Kahals of that province is estab¬ 
lished. This coordinates the activities of the local Kahals. 

The words Kahal, Kehilla and Great Kahal, are clas¬ 
sic, dating from the times of the Crusades, to refer to a 
Jewish organization or municipal or provincial govern¬ 
ment, but in different countries Jews have given different 
names to these organizations. In France, for example, they 
call them Consistories, and in other places they simply call 
them municipal or regional councils, a very proper denomi¬ 
nation, because the internal organization of Judaism has 
for several centuries been structured on the basis of Coun¬ 
cils of different hierarchy. 

The Soviet organization is nothing but a copy, al¬ 
though of inferior quality, of the organization which Jews 
have used for many centuries. It is also necessary to re¬ 
member that the word “Soviet” means, exactly, “Council”. 

The Great Provincial Kahals are confederated in a 
Secret National Council called with different names in dif¬ 
ferent countries. In some places it is called the Central 
Israelite Committee; in others, the Jewish Congress of such 
and such country, as in the United States, where it is called 
“American Jewish Committee". 

This highest Council coordinates the activities of the 
Great Regional Kahals, but respects their autonomy with¬ 
in their own territories, where each is responsible for the 
efforts to conquer fhe nation in whose territory it operates. 

The Jewish organizations established within a gen¬ 
tile nation and coordinated by a Central Committee are 
together called a Council or National Congress. Some¬ 
times, it is also called the Jewish Community of France, 
the Jewish Community of Argentina or the Chinese Jew¬ 
ish Community, according to the case. All these organiza- 


tions operate in a secret way unknown for all profanes 
in all countries that proscribed Judaism in sometime and 
forbade its functioning. And the communities of clandes¬ 
tine Jews still operate throughout the world in a highly 
secret manner, pretending to practice the religion of the 
country in which they live. 

The great Kahals or Regional Council and National 
Supreme Councils, in addition to having under their re¬ 
sponsibility the government of the Jewish organizations 
of a province or region of the entire country, also have 
the duty of conquering the country in which territory they 
operate, controlling their political parties, their press, their 
banks, their unions of trade, industrialists and profession¬ 
als, their universities, their religious organizations and 
their churches through the fifth column, but most of all 
they have the obligation of conquer the government, in¬ 
cluding the executive, legislative and judicial powers. 

To accomplish the conquest of the people that naively 
and generously gave them shelter, each Jew works tire¬ 
lessly for the development of the plans of conquest which 
range from infiltration and various maneuvers to monopo¬ 
lize the leading positions to the revolutions and coup 
d’etats when such are necessary. They also use masonic 
and communist organizations, political parties, labor 
unions and other associations which they secretly control. 

The most serious aspect of all this is that Hebrews 
believe they are sincerely fulfilling God's commands to 
his chosen people, and also fulfilling the more sacred prin¬ 
ciples of the Talmud, which they believe is the interpreta¬ 
tion of God’s will: “Wherever Hebrews settle, it is neces¬ 
sary they must become the masters; and as long as they 
do not have absolute domain, they should consider them¬ 
selves as exiled and prisoners. Although they may domi- 


note many nations, until they do not dominate all of them, 
they should not cease to proclaim: What a torment!, What 
an indignity!”. 

Following the introduction of Jews in the bosom of 
certain nations many centuries ago, they have provoked in 
those nations a chronic state of civil war, either in regard 
to intrigues in the royal courts, popular mutinies, reli¬ 
gious schisms, heressies, religious wars, conspiracies, re¬ 
volts and revolutions of the most varied kinds. 

Since the nations of the world allowed this cancer to 
grow in their bosom, they have not known a moment of 
internal peace, nor will they know such peace until they 
decide to uproot the terrible evil. We are completely sure 
that internal peace will not return to the peoples on earth 
in a lasting way until they succeed in eliminating those 
foreign parasites that attempt to dominate and enslave 
them from their territory. Every nation has a natural right 
of legitimate defense against such aggression, and a right 
to live in peace, free from such foreign intrigues and 

Regarding the World Jewish Government, which has 
always existed, in ancient times it functioned as an heredi¬ 
tary monarchy, with the Great Sanhedrim as the govern¬ 
ment of the Hebrew people. When the Romans, in times 
of Vespaciano and Tito — in the year 70 of the Christian 
Era — destroyed the Jewish State, the Hebrews from all 
the world were ruled by the YABNE Sanhedrim. This later 
changed to other cities, presided over by the Patriarch and 
in Babylon (1) by the “Exilarca" or Prince of Exile who 

(1) It is necessary to distinguish the ancient city of Babylon de¬ 
stroyed by the Medes and Persians from this Babylon, which 
was a region of the Persian Empire mostly inhabited by 


controlled all Jews throughout the world, except for a few 
lost tribes, such as those of China and India, who after 
losing contact with these centers ruled themselves. 

When the Patriarchate disappeared, during the tenth 
century of the Christian Era, and the Prince of Exile disap¬ 
peared in the eleventh century, the Regional Jewish Com¬ 
munities and their Councils coordinated Jewish activities 
through a continental or Universal Rabbinical Synodus, 
such as the one that met in Toledo, Spain, in the times of 
King Peter the Cruel organized and led by the Jew Samuel 
Ha-Levi, Great Rabbi of Castile and Prime Minister of the 
King of Castile. 

Interesting records about this Universal Jewish Syn¬ 
odus, held in the fourteenth century of the Christian Era, 
are still preserved in one of the older synagogues of Tole¬ 

Many investigators of Jewish Imperialism neverthe¬ 
less suspect that the Sanhedrim continued to operate se¬ 
cretly, because in 1808 when the French Emperor Napo¬ 
leon Bonaparte approached the Jews for the purpose of 
having direct negotiations with their world government, 
the Sanhedrim. This organism came out from clandestinity 
to please Napoleon so as to win benefits for the Jews liv¬ 
ing in Napoleon's Empire. 

At the present time, in addition to those Universal 
Synodus or congresses, which meet somewhat frequently 
with representatives of the Jewish communities in all parts 
of the world, there is a permanent body which appears to 
head international Judaism. This is called “the World 
Jewish Congress”, and is headquartered in New York. 
But as the World Jewish Congress contains representa¬ 
tives from only one segment of the Israelite communities 
of the world, and openly excludes others, it is evident that 


this world organism is only a visible piece of the world 
government of the Israelite people, who have kept the 
other pieces secret. 

Some investigators on the Jewish problem have 
stated that the Sanhedrim operates in clandestinity headed 
by its Patriarch, and even an American Jew, Bernard 
Baruch, was identified as such. Baruch was the power 
behind the throne and the gray eminence of the United 
States Presidents Woodrow Wilson, F. D. Roosevelt, Tru¬ 
man, Eisenhower and Kennedy, but we do not have the 
proofs of this claim. What is evident, on the other hand, 
is that Bernard Baruch was the foremost leader of Inter¬ 
national Judaism, even if he did not have the title of 
Patriarch. The great honors given to him by Jews through¬ 
out the world, including the Soviet Jews, seem to confirm 
it. The Jew, Nikita Solomon Kruschev, then dictator of So¬ 
viet Russia, declared to the world press that Mr. Bernard 
Baruch was the American citizen most appreciated in the 
Soviet Union. 

All that structure of town or city communities. Mu¬ 
nicipal Councils or Kehillas, Regional Federations of Jewish 
Communities of different rites, with their Great Kahals or 
Regional Councils, the federations or confederations of 
Great Kahals led by the Supreme Councils of Judaism in 
each country and the World Jewish Congress and the Uni¬ 
versal Secret Synodus that coordinate and lead all or¬ 
ganisms mentioned before, compose a national organiza¬ 
tion of the Jewish people on earth, based in the “Jus 
Sanguinis" and not in the “Jus Solis", because with the 
sole exception of the very small State of Israel and an¬ 
other state the Soviet Union assigned them, the Birobidjan 
Republic, the Jewish nation lives without a territory, living 
in the territory of other peoples. 


The Jewish organization is equivalent to that of the 
gentile peoples, composed by municipal governments, 
autonomous provinces or states, each with their own pro¬ 
vincial government, and the national state with its su¬ 
preme government. 

But above this infrastructure, there is a secret super¬ 
structure based on initiation degrees, into which only those 
who are permitted to know the great secrets of Judaism 
are invited. This superstructure is composed of secret so¬ 
cieties inside Judaism, such as the B’nai-B'rith and others, 
that secretly control all the machinery of the afore-men¬ 
tioned infrastructure. It is such hidden sects as these that 
really govern modern Judaism. 

This system of Jewish organization has existed since 
the time of Christ, when — above the national organiza¬ 
tion of the Hebrew people — there were secret societies 
of Pharisees, Sadduceans and Essenes, disputing for the 
control of Israel. 

Israel, the sect-people, is something much more com¬ 
plex than what those who have not studied it deeply sup¬ 
pose; that is why it is so dangerous when the civil or ec¬ 
clesiastical rulers, forced by pressures exerted by Hebrews 
and deceived by their agents in the Christian institutions, 
give dispositions in favor of the Jews without making a 
careful study on the problem. Before arriving at any re¬ 
solution, it would be wise to study the Jewish problem 
carefully, in order to avoid the risk of making agreements 
that may cause harmful and tragic results for the Church 
and the whole mankind. 

To end the descriptive picture of the Jewish organiza¬ 
tion, we must mention that aside from the national or¬ 
ganization itself, there are differences of a religious kind 
that in other times provoked internal fights among the 


Jewish people, such as those between the Karaites against 
the Talmudists, and between the Orthodox and the Re¬ 
formers and others. 

To prevent such religious differences and conflicts 
from weakening Judaism, a Universal Synodus or Con¬ 
gress was called in Berlin in 1 889, where through arduous 
negotiations between the antagonistic parties, an agree¬ 
ment was reached to establish a regime of religious free¬ 
dom in World Judaism permitting different ways of con¬ 
ceiving Israel’s religion, while at the same time permitting 
all Hebrew factions in the Jewish municipal, regional, na¬ 
tional or international governments. 

In this way World Judaism — in spite of its different 
antagonistic factions — retain its unity through these 
forms of government, whose Kahals have become real 
parliaments in which all religious or political factions are 
represented. The Hebrews adjust their quarrels and con¬ 
troversies there, and present a united front against what 
they call the gentile enemies, that is to say, all the other 
peoples on earth upon whom Judaism declared war many 
centuries ago, and against whom it is permanently in a 
state of war — a hidden war of conquest, where the vic¬ 
tims of the aggression in most cases do not even see the 
secret enemy who has declared war against them, and 
who is mercilessly exploiting them and attempting to con¬ 
quer and enslave them, as ordered in the Talmud and the 
Jewish interpretations of the Bible. 

Israelites of different religious shades-. Orthodox, Con¬ 
servatives, Reformers or Liberals, Karaites or of sects of 
minor importance, coincide, nevertheless, in their fanatical 
imperialist nationalism and their imperialist interpretation 
of the Bible, to the damage of the other nations. 


Even Jews who lost all belief in God, and fell into 
Atheism and Materialism, were kept as members of the 
Jewish nationality; the others respecting their views as 
long as they absolutely submit to the political and econom¬ 
ic resolutions of the respective Municipal and Regional 
Councils and the highest authorities of Judaism. 

It is worthwhile to note that materialistic and athe¬ 
istic Jews, differ from the unbelievers of other religions 
in that they do not try to look for proselytes for their ideas 
among the great majority of religious Israelites, because 
that small minority of unbelievers continues to support the 
imperialistic ideals of their people, and sees that Israel's 
religion reinforces those imperialistic ideals in a fanatical 
way. So, in the interest of their national goals, they refrain 
from inducing others to incredulity. This minority of un¬ 
believing and often atheistic Jews participates in the com¬ 
munities and different councils, and nobody bothers them 
because of their scepticism in religious matters. 

Nevertheless, it is an undisputable fact that the more 
religious Jews are the most fanatical ones in the imperial¬ 
istic activities of their people, because their acts are excited 
by their religious faith, which provides them with a more 
powerful motive than the simple nationalism with which 
they are also strongly saturated. 

In brief, the Jews are a people, a nation spread and 
infiltrated among the territories of the other peoples of 
the world. In the Jewish nation, as in many other modern 
nations, there is freedom of worship and cults, but a free¬ 
dom limited to the different modalities and sects of the 
Hebrew religion itself. That is to say, the Israelite cannot 
be a sincere Christian, Moslem, or Buddhist nor a true 
believer of any other religion except the Jewish. But he 
can practice Judaism in the Karaite style, that considers the 


Bible—to be—the only-source of-divine revelation, or in 
the style of the Orthodox, Reformist or other sects that pre¬ 
sently exist, and which were rivals in the political field, 
sometimes fiercely, until at the end of last century when 
the Universal Synodus or Congress of Berlin achieved unity 
among diversity, establishing that freedom of belief and 
Religion within the limits we have mentioned. 

Despite this, nevertheless, rivalries still often appear 
among the different religious sects or rites of the Israelite 
nation spread throughout the world, which to a greater 
or lesser degree have political roots. Most of these strug¬ 
gles are kept secret by the Jewish organizations and their 
secret parliamentary governments, especially when a 
friendly solution is obtained by means of compromises or 
transactions. But sometimes the struggle becomes so fierce 
that it breaks the hermetic secrecy of Israel and reaches 
the outside world, where non-Jews see, without under¬ 
standing, the spectacle of Jew attacking Jew. This lasts 
until the wise institution established by Judaism to settle 
such quarrels may after months and sometimes years of 
diplomatic arrangements — reach an agreement, as hap¬ 
pened with the schism that tore Judaism in Stalin's times, 
which was solved by the Hebrew Solomon Pearl Mutter, 
who changed his name to the Russian one of Nikita Krus- 
chev, the dictator of the Soviet Union, with the help of 
other negotiators. 

Nikita Kruschev re-established the secret axis that 
linked the Jewish Imperialism of the United States with 
the Social Imperialism of the Soviet Union, secretly joined 
for the exploitation and domain of all mankind. In order 
to achieve this, Kruschev naturally had to release all Jews 
who were in prison by Stalin's orders, including the Israel¬ 
ite physicians who had tried to poison him, he even turned 
against his former patron and teacher Stalin, removing 


from him the honor of being one of the four forgers of 
Communism (Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin), and pro¬ 
ceeded to destalinize the Soviet Union and her satellite 
states, only to please the world Jewish leaders of New 
York and to achieve the reunification of World Judaism, 
temporarily broken by the revolt of Stalin and his fol¬ 
lowers, in the secret world of Judaism (2). 

(2) What I say in this chapter is based not only on my petsonal 
information but also on the following informed works of 
Jewish authors: 

I. “Local and World Jewish Brotherhoods’’, by the Russian 
Jew Jacob Alexandrovich Brafman, who was murdered be¬ 
cause he revealed the secrets of Judaism. Russian editions 
in Russian and French — Peterburgh 1880 and Odessa 

II. “Kniga Kagala”, or “The Book of Kahal’’, of the same 
Russian Jewish author; several Russian editions of last cen¬ 
tury. A Russian edition of Odessa in French and the Ger¬ 
man edition of this century of "Hammer Verlag" Editions 
of Leipzig, 1928. 

III. "Jewish Traditions and Customs”, by the Israelite writer 
Erna C. Schlesinger. "Israel Publishing House of Buenos 
Aires", 2nd. edition, August, 1946. 




Before the coming of Christ, Jews had already fixed 
the rules for admission of the Door Proselytes. In this mat¬ 
ter of proselitism, racist Jews were facing a serious prob¬ 
lem: on the one hand, their false and racist interpretation 
of the Sacred Writings inclined them irresistibly to refrain 
from converting gentiles to the Jewish religion, because 
according to them, the so-called Abraham’s covenant was 
an agreement exclusively celebrated by God with the 
Patriarch and his blood descendants, who because of this 
agreement were considered to be God's chosen people. 
Under these conditions, entrance into Judaism, or as Jews 
say, the admission into Abraham's covenant, could only 
be feasible for his blood descendants because God had 
ordered that. Admission of gentiles to this blood agree¬ 
ment was impossible. The true Hebrew religion was ex¬ 
clusively for God's chosen people. 


On the other hand, several passages of the Bible talk 
about converting gentiles to the religion of Israel’s God, 
and Hebrews looked for the convenience of controlling in 
this way the peoples they attempted to dominate. For im¬ 
perialist racists Jews the problem had, in any case, serious 
difficulties of a theological order that they intended to solve 
with the establishment of the Door Proselytes, recognizing 
that Abraham's covenant was only valid for his blood 
descendants and that only the members and descendants 
of the chosen people could be admitted to the real Juda¬ 
ism. In this way, a special organization of gentiles con¬ 
verted to the Jewish religion,—who accepted monotheism 
and the basic points of Mosaism, and who were strongly 
controlled by the true Jews (those of Jewish blood) ig¬ 
nored the secrets that surrounded the real Jewish organi¬ 
zations— was created. 

The true Jews also discriminated against the unfortu¬ 
nate proselytes in such a rude form, that they did not 
allow them to enter the temple, and they had to stay 
outside the door (3), because only the blood descendants 
of Abraham were allowed to enter inside the temple. This 
was the reason why they were called Door Proselytes, be¬ 
cause they could only attend the divine cult from the en¬ 
trance door, but never inside the temple. It is understand¬ 
able that only a few people tolerated and resisted such 

After the Jewish Temple and State had been de¬ 
stroyed by the Romans, the Israelite people dispersed 
throughout the world — what the Hebrews call Dias¬ 
pora — did not have a uniform or constant policy. There 

(3) Except for the day they entered into Israel’s religion, when 
they had to present a sacrifice in the Temple. Sifre 108 and 
Ker 9th. 


have been times and places when it abandoned the work 
of recruiting proselytes of this kind. On the other hand, 
there have been occasions when circumstances have shown 
the necessity of reviving such institutions. So, when the 
gigantic progress of Christianity (whose strength was 
created by proselitism) put in serious danger the Judaic 
dreams of world domination, Hebrews thought they could 
counter Christianity by reviving the Door Proselitism with 
a more subtle discrimination, because the Jews understood 
that the humiliation of remaining outside the synagogues 
would discourage the recruitment of more proselytes to 
help Judaism in its fight against Christianity. 

Thus they found a subtle way to keep the proselytes 
at the door of Judaism, without allowing them to enter 
inside and learn the real secrets, and they used a trick: 
they formed a peripheric organization, with synagogues 
and communities specially designed for the Door Prose¬ 
lytes, but these had nothing of the real Judaism except 
the name and certain rituals, festivities, ceremonies and 
appearances. In that way, Abraham’s covenant in its 
exclusively racist sense — was kept as a privilege for the 
chosen people; at the same time gentiles were controlled, 
making them believe they were real Jews, so that in their 
fanaticism and convictions they could be used as blind 
instruments of the Synagogue. 

Catholic civil and ecclesiastic legislation since Cons¬ 
tantine frequently tries to prevent proselitism and same 
thing happened with the action of the Holy Office later. 
It is necessary to point out, nevertheless, that Door Prose¬ 
litism, as we said, has not been a permanent nor a gen¬ 
eralized phenomenon after the destruction of the Temple, 
because most of the converts to Judaism that the Church 
had to fight were Christian descendants of Israelites who 


practiced Judaism hiddenly, and who were baptized and 
educated in Christianity in their childhood (because chil¬ 
dren cannot keep secrets), but who later on, when they 
reached an adequate age, were secretly initiated in 
Abraham's covenant by their parents and received Moses’ 
light. Masonic light is only a Judaic idea translated by 
Israelites to their badly-made thing: Masonry. 

Sometimes the problem of the Door Proselytes has 
become complicated by the appearance of a gentile tribe 
or people who, sympathizing with the external appear¬ 
ance of Hebrew monotheism, spontaneously converted to 
the Mosaic religion without anyone asking them to do so. 
A typical example was the kingdom of the Khazars, ori¬ 
ginally pagans, whose king converted the entire nation 
to a sui generis Judaism, and who ruled by themselves in 
their own special way, with the knowledge they obtained 
from the religion of the chosen people. 

Israelite writers say that the influential Jew, Abu- 
Joseph Aben Hasdai, in the Court of the Cordoba Caliph 
Abd-er-Rahman III, won the Caliph’s confidence due to 
his ability as a physician, and acquired a very high posi¬ 
tion in the government (4). When he knew about the exis¬ 
tence of a Jewish kingdom with a Hebrew king he was 
so enthusiased that using every possible means he sent 
a letter to King Joseph of the Khazars, who replied with 
the desolating information that his people were originally 
pagans who had voluntarily converted to Judaism. This fact 
caused Aben Hasdai and other Israelites deep sorrow, be¬ 
cause they had thought that the Khazars were one of 
Israel's lost tribes. 

(4) “History of Jews in Spain and Portugal”. Madrid, 1875. 1st. 
vol. Aben Hasdai became the real ruler of the Caliphate. 


Although they were thrown out of their land by 
Sviatislav, the Russian prince of Kiev, the Khazars re¬ 
mained loyal to the adopted religion, and spread in 
Ukraine and neighboring places, but were systematically 
discriminated by Jews who never wanted to recognize 
them as true Hebrews because they did not have Israelite 
blood in their veins, until they were finally accepted as 
mere Door Proselytes. 

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Door Proselitism has 
increased in those countries where Judaism, for special 
reasons, thought it necessary to encourage it as a means 
to facilitate the conquest of those nations. So we have seen 
it flourish in the United States since the last century. In 
a rabbinical conference held in Philadelphia in 1869, it 
was recognized that in the United States Judaism had a 
golden opportunity to win converts simply by taking away 
the obstacle of the circumcision, and the basis for the or¬ 
ganization of proselytes were established, as a means of 
more effective domination over the country. 

On this matter of Judaic racism and proselitism it is 
necessary to distinguish two kinds of literature of Hebrew 
origin, as it is necessary to do it regarding everything in 
Judaism. The first is literature for the Christian or gentile 
public, intented only as propaganda to attract general 
sympathy toward Judaism. This does not present Judaism 
as it really is, but only as Hebrews wish Christians and 
gentiles to think it is, through an exposition of problems 
that are divorced from reality, excluding anything that 
may reveal the political imperialism, the fierce racism and 
the religious fanaticism that are the essence of modern 
Judaism. In these works, Hebrews are careful to eliminate 
the more dangerous matters that may provoke the natural 
anti-Jewish reactions. The Jewish encyclopedias belong to 


this kind of literature. Although in certain questions they 
speak relatively clearly, they always try to cover the pure 
truth with appearances designed to misorient the Chris¬ 
tian and other gentile readers without misorienting the 
Jewish reader, who is accustomed to these tricks and can 
read between lines. 

In this kind of literature, Hebrews, nevertheless, some¬ 
times commit important indiscretions, revealing secrets that 
in other passages, even of the same book, they tried to 

By contrast, literature destined exclusively for Jewish 
readers speaks more clearly, and its contents are more 
truthful. Fortunately in writing this book we had access 
to some of the very valuable sources of Hebrew origin 
that belong to this last type of literature. 

But going back to the matter of proselitism, we have 
to mention that one of the attacks against Judaism made 
constantly by the so-called antisemite writers — who 
should correctly be called “defenders of mankind” — is 
that the Hebrews are a religious people who are so ex¬ 
clusive that they must be judged as racist. The literature 
intended for propaganda, and even the encyclopedias, 
attempt to misorient the Christian and gentile readers 
about such a controversial matter, but even the best liar 
sometimes tells the truth because it escapes from him. In 
this way in the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”, after talk¬ 
ing about proselitism extensively while trying to hide the 
real meaning of it, makes a very revealing confession, 
when it says: “In practice, the position of the proselyte 
was far from being the same as the native Israelite. The 
class of the proselytes was added to the traditional classi¬ 
fication of the Kohanitas (priests) Levites and Israelites 
(Tos. Kid. 6.1) that in order of precedence they are placed 


in certain rabbinical enumerations even after the bastards 
and the netinim, slaves of the Temple (Hor. 13a)” (5). 

All of us know the tremendous situation of the adulteress, 
and of the bastard children of Judaism, so the humilia¬ 
tion and discriminatory state in which proselytes were 
held, being considered inferior to the bastards (children 
of adultery) and the mentioned temple slaves, is obvious. 

On the reluctance of the Jews to make real prose¬ 
lytes, Christ, the utmost authority for Christians, left an 
incontrovertible testimony, when he accused the Hebrew 
leaders of his time saying: ‘‘Woe to you hypocrite scribes 
and pharisees, because you go around the sea and the 
earth to make a proselyte” (6). 

But to know about the real situation of proselytes 
in modern Judaism, it is necessary to resort to the Talmud, 
the highly authoritative secret book of the Israelites (7). 

In this regard, the Talmud establishes this rule in two 
of its important treaties: ‘‘Do not trust a proselyte, not even 
in the twenty-fourth generation" (8). This rule must be 
considered as definitive, because the Talmud has for Jews 
the authority of “truth revealed by God” that cannot be 
modified by men. 

So the naive opportunists have illusory hopes when 
they convert to Judaism and enter into the communities 
and synagogues of Door Proselytes now called “spiritual 

(5) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 8th volume. Word: Proselyte. 

(6) St. Matthew's Gospel. Chapter 23, Verse 15. 

(7) Except the small minority of Karaites who only believe in 
the Bible. 

(8) “Babylonic Talmud”. Sanhedrim treaty 106 a and Niddah 
Treaty 61 a. 


Jews”, organized only in places where blood Hebrews, 
fhe true ones, think that it would be useful to enlarge 
the circle of blind and unconditional instruments in order 
to guarantee their conquest of those countries, as in the 
United States for example. 

These deceived people may wait 600 or 700 years 
until twenty-four generations pass, and their descendants 
will not be allowed entry inside the real synagogue. They 
are the pariahs of Judaism, and their organization is an 
inferior to those for Jews of stained blood, and may be 
compared with Masonry and other bourgeois secret socie¬ 
ties, or with the communist parties led from Moscow, des¬ 
tined to enlist gentile beasts to use them as instruments 
in the imperialist and revolutionary plans of Judaism. 

The only difference is that proselytes are even more 
thoroughly fooled, believing that they are real Jews, and 
that they are enrolled in the true organizations of the 
synagogue, to manipulate them better. 

One of these proselytes who wanted to learn the 
secrets of Judaism finally received the most tremendous 
disillusionment: We refer to the famous French Aime 
Palliere, who admired and loved the religion of Israel so 
much that he renegated from Christianity and insistently 
asked to be admitted to the synagogue. 

He proved his loyalty to the new faith with jealous 
and active actions in favor of Zionism and by his published 
writings in favor of the Jewish cause, with a fervor and 
loyalty worth of a better cause; but when he noticed that 
something was hidden behind the scene and he wanted 
to investigate the real organization of the synagogue, he 
was brutally disillusioned by his new Hebrew brothers, 
who made him see that “he did not have Jewish blood 


and that Judaism was a question of blood”. So great was 
the disillusionment of this admirer of the Hebrew religion, 
that he the wrote a book called: “The Unknown Sanctu¬ 

The Israelite Simon Goldberg, pronounced a tremen¬ 
dous speech against the former catholic converted to 
Judaism in the issue of June 1st, 1928 of the “Jeunesse 
Juive" (Jewish Youth) telling him: “Mr. Palliere, you are 
not Jewish, the Jewish people has physical and psychical 
features that cannot be acquired”. .. “None of your an¬ 
cestors bequeathed you our people's blood”. . . “Do not 
become hateful and continue your way. Simply remain, 
in the shade of a sanctuary unknown for you." (9). 

This is the sad situation of the Door Proselytes now 
called “spiritual Jews", that is to say, those who although 
they do not have Jewish blood in their veins want to be¬ 
come Hebrews. They remain in the shadow of a sanctuary 
unknown to them, serving only as blind instruments. 

(9) “Le Sanctuaire Inconnu". By the French writer, Jewish Door 
Proselyte or Spiritual Jew, Aime Palliere. More information 
about this also appeared in the French Israelite newspaper 
“Jeunesse Juive" June 1st, 1928 issue. 




Secret Jewish circles that must be of pure blood are 
a kind of aristocracy of Israel, that operates hiddenly in¬ 
side Judaism, so that persons of impure descent and ple¬ 
beians do not feel offended and discriminated against. 
Families who carefully keep their genealogic trees belong 
to these circles; those trees go back to the different He¬ 
brew kings or other Biblical personages. This division be¬ 
tween Jews of pure blood and those of blood mixed with 
gentile pigs appears in some Israelite communities, but 
I cannot either affirm or deny that it is a general rule of 
Judaism, because of lack of proofs. 

Outstanding among the aristocratic lineages are those 
who say they descended directly from King David. Their 
genealogic trees are carefully kept by the synagogue, be¬ 
cause it is supposed that the Messiah, the conqueror of 
Universe, will have to come from this stock. He, according 
to Orthodox Judaism, will definitively establish the com¬ 
mand of Israel over all the world. Reformist Judaism and 
other Israelite sectors believe that the Messiah is a mere 
symbol and that the Jewish people itself is the Messiah, 


which by its own efforts, with God’s help, will conquer 
the world. 

Other outstanding aristocratic lineages are the Co- 
hanim and Levites who descend directly from the ancient 
sacerdotal caste. It is necessary to explain, nevertheless, 
that many Hebrews have tried to falsify their genealogic 
trees to give their names a supposed ancestry. These can 
maybe deceive gentiles and plebeian Jews, but not the 
high hidden circles leading the synagogue — very secret 
circles of the initiated where no Jew of blood stained by 
mixtures is admitted. 

Mixtures of Israelites with other peoples originated 
in the mixed marriages that are considered as a mortal 
threat to Judaism by Hebrew authorities as distinguished 
as Rabbi David Kirshenbaum, of the “B’nai Moses Bern 
Jehuda Congregation”, London, Ontario, Canada, who 
in his interesting book called ‘‘Mixed Marriage and the 
Jewish Future” tells Jewish parents that by practicing care¬ 
fully the family religious rites and ceremonies they make 
their children feel a natural aversion to mixed marriages 
and thus preserve the integrity and strength of the He¬ 
brew people. This makes the parents responsible for the 
cancer such marriages represent, because they disregard 
the fulfillment of the family ritual and claim to heaven 
when their children marry either Christians or gentiles. It 
is too late, when they go to the Rabbi angrily to complain 
about the horrible treason their children wish to commit, 
and the Rabbi declares that the negligence of the parents 
and disregard for a strictly Jewish family life is the real 
cause of their children's behavior (10). The Bible and Tal- 

(10) Rabbi David Kirshenbaum “Mixed Marriage and the Jewish 

Future”, Bloch Publishing Co., editions. The Jewish Book Con¬ 
cern, New York, Jewish year 5718. Christian year 1958- 


mud say that in Judaism the marriage of Israelite and 
gentile is forbidden, unless it is authorized to allow Jews 
to gain control of important political, economic or social 

But race crossing by Hebrews, effected despite these 
prohibitions, with all the various peoples in the world, has 
made Israelites genetically similar to the aboriginal pop¬ 
ulations, and as many different local types of Hebrews 
have appeared through millenniums as there are peoples 
with whom they have mixed. That is why there are: white, 
blond, brunette, mongolic and black Jews, etc., according 
to the country they have lived for 500, 1000, 2000 or 
more years. 

On many occasions, bachelor Hebrew traders or ad¬ 
venturers made very long journeys, and as there were no 
Jewesses, they had to marry the women of the country 
where they settled. In other cases, the constant failures 
and defeats that the Israelites suffered repeatedly during 
thousands of years of wars, revolts, and conspiracies re¬ 
sulted in the Jewish fugitives fleeing from the gentile vic¬ 
tors became dispersed to far away countries, where, as 
there were no Jewesses, they similarly had to marry gen¬ 
tiles of the place in which they settled. 

Children from such marriages were initiated by their 
fathers into Judaism and received into Abraham's cove¬ 
nant, but in order to avoid marrying among brothers, and 
as an exception of major force, hybrids were authorized 
to marry natives, so that the grand-children, when they 
were initiated into Judaism, had more of the native blood 
and racial features than of their Hebrew ancestors. By law, 
among the Israelite people, the transmission of Judaism 
can only be made through the mother, but the instances 
mentioned above by Jewish historians prove that since 


centuries ago there were exceptions to the general rule, 
as there are in Pur days. 

In this way the Israelite communities in the forest 
places of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Spanish and Portu¬ 
guese America were formed, where the “marrano” of 
Spanish or Portuguese origin, who were publicly catholic 
and practiced Judaism in secret, once they were discovered 
by the Inquisition had to flee to the mountains if they 
wanted to escape from fire. 

In such far away places, where there were no other 
“marranos", the fugitives had to marry Indians, as also 
did their children so from California to Patagonia. So in 
the Latin American countries, we find secret communities 
which Hebrews call “Jewish Indians", whose members 
openly practicing Catholicism, but who had a decisive in¬ 
fluence in the masonic revolutions of the 19th and 20th 
centuries. They have been the cause, in most cases, of 
the virtually chronic state of civil war which has persisted 
in Latin America since her independence. 

It must be emphasized, nevertheless, that many of 
the “marrano" communities of underground Jews pre¬ 
sently existing in Spanish America and Brazil, descend 
from crypto-Jews that escaped from the Inquisitorial per¬ 
secutions, and remained without mixtures with the ab¬ 
original population. Those have the classic Jewish type 
ranging from the white and blond to the brunette of the 
present Spanish and Portuguese “marranos”. 

The “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia” says that in the 
formation of the very different types of Hebrews existing 
everywhere in the world, in addition to the mixture of 
races, other important causes had influence. “The final 
product, nevertheless, does not depend only on the genetic 


factors. The physical or anthropological features also de¬ 
pend on the climate and many other factors.” (11). This 
can explain why even in families that boast because they 
are of pure blood, through millenniums there has been 
forming different types similar to those races that gave 
hospitality to them, although some of the distinctive as¬ 
pects of what Israelites call the Judaic racial type are kept 
more loyally; this type frequently appears among those 
Jews of stained blood. 

There are contradictory opinions of the different He¬ 
brew writers as to whether there is a Jewish race or nor, 
according to whether their opinion is more political than 
scientific and vice versa (1 2). Those who analyze the prob¬ 
lem from a purely scientific point of view doubt the exis¬ 
tence of a Hebrew race or even deny it. They talk about 
the different racial groups that compose the Jewish peo¬ 
ple spread throughout the world, but we wish to clarify 
that among the books of Israelite authors we could con¬ 
sult, the political opinion prevails, as frequently occurs 
among the leaders of Judaism who disregard the scien¬ 
tific reality and try to impress on the Hebrew communi¬ 
ties the love and loyalty to the race, the Hebrew superiori¬ 
ty over the rest of races, creating a theologically-based 
imperialist racism. 

The high initiates in the Jewish Cabala translate the 
theological racism into a pantheistic racism, and deify the 
Jewish race. They take their paranoic delusions of gran¬ 
deur to incredible levels, and have fanatized all the He¬ 
brew people and its leading classes, giving them a sur- 

(11) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 9th volume. Word: Race. 

(12) In Jewish encyclopedias published to our days, the scientific 

opinion prevails. 


prising energy and perseverance in their millenary struggle 
for domination over the world. 

To complete the proofs already given regarding the 
previous chapters, we insert in full what one of the Co- 
hanim says in this regard. Because he is a Cohanim he is 
accepted in the most secret circles of high initiated of pure 
blood of Judaism. He is the highly prestigious and author¬ 
itative — in the Hebrew world — writer Cadmi-Cohen, 
who in his famous work “Nomades” says: “In the future 
of the race as in the Semitic character there is such a sur¬ 
prising firmness and immortality. Is that firmness explained 
because of the absence of mixed marriages? But, where 
can we find the cause of this reluctance for the man or 
women who are not of the race? Why that permanent 
negative?... As the consonants of their language the 
Semites appear since the first appearance of the race with 
their character clearly specified, with dry and poor forms 
that cannot either increase or diminish and hard as dia¬ 
mond that scratches all things and is not scratched by 
anyone. ‘I am who I am 1 , said the Eternal. The Eternal, 
the race is eternal. Its essence is one, not differentiated. 
One in the time, stable, eternal. .. That is why the blood 
running in their veins has maintained its primitive force 
and the passing of centuries will do nothing but reform 
the value of the race, that is definitely the predominance 
of the ‘jus sanguinis’ on the ‘jus solis’ ” (13). 

Here the bare, rude, imperialist racism of the Jewish 
people is shown. That racism that in the peripheric spheres 
maintains the form of an imperialist monotheism based 
on the false interpretation of the Bible and Talmud, but 
which in the high circles of the cabalist Hebrews takes 
form of an imperialist pantheism that practically deifies 

(13) Kadmi Cohen. “Nomades” pp. 14-19. French edition 


the Hebrew people and the Jewish race. The world has 
never before seen such an implacable and totalitarian im¬ 
perialism as that of the Israelite sect-people. 

In their fight against other racisms, Jews act hypo¬ 
critically, because their only intention is that the other 
racisms should disappear so that theirs might prevail. 

In the next chapters we will investigate more deeply 
regarding the Judaic racism and the racial discrimination 
which Hebrews who consider they are of purest blood 
show against those of mixed blood, using authoritative 
sources of the leaders of Judaism for this purpose, not 
destined for publicity as a means of propaganda, but 
only intended for the leading circles of the synagogue, 
such as the report submitted to western Judaism by the 
Hebrew Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II, after his tour 
to inspect the Israelite communities of Africa and Asia; 
the book of the Hindu Jewish leader Haeem Samuel 
Kehimker, written to ask world Judaism to help in the 
cultural improvement of the Beni- Israeles the native Jews 
of India; and others. These clearly and crudely, state facts 
without trying to cover or omit information, as in the case 
of Jewish books intended for distribution in countries that 
the Israelite Imperialism seeks to conquer, or in those other 
countries that have unfortunately already fallen under 
the domination of Judaism. 



1. Maurice Pinay: 


2. Louii Bielikyi 


3. Itjvan Balcony: 


4. Itsvan Bakony: 


5. Itsvan Bakony: 


6. Itsvan Bakony: 


7. Afonso Castelo: 


8. Itsvan Bakony: 


9. Itsvan Bakony: 


10. Itsvan Bakony: 


1 I. Itsvan Bakony: 


12. Esteban Aguilo: 


Library of 










The Israelite leader Israel Joseph Benjamin II, Cha- 
cham of Israel, after his visit to China at the middle of 
last century, says in his report on Chinese clandestine 
Judaism, presented to the western Israelite leaders, that 
in one epoch the Chinese Jews mixed themselves with the 
population of the mongolic race through mixed marriages: 
“They keep their faith with the characteristic tenacity distin¬ 
guishing the Hebrew race, they even now do not marry 
but women of their same religion”.. . “During the war 
among Tartar and Chinese peoples, a part of them moved 
to the Che-Kiang province, neighboring that in which our 
city is located, and became established in Kang Tchou, a 
city I intend to visit, and the other part is in Amoy in the 
Fo-Kien province. There are emigrants also in Peking and 
throughout China”. After this, the laborious Chacham re¬ 
ferring to what a German Jewish magazine said, talks 
about a group of Chinese Jews that: “Only one had a 


real Jewish type, but except for the religion and circumci¬ 
sion, they are completely converted into Chinese by their 
language , dressing, customs, and habits, they also have 
Chinese names... It is said that Jews came to China from 
the north-western part of India by about the third cen¬ 
tury after Christ; they first remained secretly in Ning-hia, 
Hantcheou and Peking, and later became established in 
Kai-fung-foo”. (1) A dangerous fifth column of secret Jews 
had entered China, who as a result of their total adapta¬ 
tion through the centuries, to the racial and social charac¬ 
teristics of the Chinese people are now dangerously con¬ 
founded and diluted in the population of that country. 
It should be noted that although the Israelites of the former 
celestial Empire are considered among the most mixed 
with the indigenous race, since the last century they have 
kept the rigid custom of marrying only among themselves, 
and the above mentioned Hebrew leader says that they 
have kept their faith “with the characteristic tenacity that 
distinguishes the Hebrew race”. 

The historian of the Chinese Jews, Alexandre Wyllie, 
in his valuable book called Investigations on the Existence 
of Jews in China, since the Most Ancient Times to These 
Days, notes that the existence of the Jews was hidden for 
the majority, but that, nevertheless, “some accidental ob¬ 
servations in Marco Polo’s trips, show that Jews were 
sufficient enough to be able to exert political influence in 
China and Tartaria” (2). It is natural that a clandestine 

(1) Israel Joseph Benjamin II. Chacham of Israel. “Eight Years 
in Asia and Africa from 1846 to 1855." Hanover Editions 
1863. Pages 206-209. 

(2) Alexandre Wyllie. “Recharches sur I'existance des juifs en 
la Chine depuis les temps les plus reculis, jusqu'a nos jours". 
French translation. Paris edition 1864. 


Judaism as secret as the one functioning in China for the 
last eighteen hundred years, was not easy for Marco Polo 
to identify, but the clandestine Jews who themselves know 
the problem very well, can identify its existence better 
than anyone else, through Marco Polo’s reports in his writ¬ 


Rev. H. H. Milman (a protestant) in his History of the 
Jews, writes of the Chinese: “They were cultivated, and 
some of them, according to existing inscriptions, have been 
highly honored by the imperial will and have obtained 
the rank of Mandarins. One of these inscriptions —dated 
in 1515— praises the Jews for their integrity and fidelity 
in agriculture, commerce, magistracy and in the army, and 
for the adequate observance of their own religious cere¬ 
monies”. This clergyman states — after saying that the 
Chinese Jews revered Confucio’s name and followed the 
Chinese custom of religiously revering their ancestors: “In 
other aspects they are strictly Jews... They only marry 
among themselves... They neither do not attempt to do 
proselitism" (3). 

S. M. Perlmann, the Jewish historian, in his History 
of the Jews in China, London, 1913, also tells of the exis¬ 
tence of Chinese Jews in the army and of Mandarins, one 
of whom, called Chao-Yng Cheng, commanded a section 
of the army and rebuilt the city of Kai-fung-foo. Hebrew 
historians agree in ascribing great military talents to the 
Chinese, Tartaric and Mongolian Jews, and this may ex- 

13) H. H. Milman. "The History of the Jews”. 3rd. volume. London 
edition 1868. Pages 166 and 167. 



Photo published in 1950 by the official Israelite work titled: "Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedic Handbook" of the Israelite author Pablo Link pub¬ 
lished by "Israel Editorial" of Buenos Aires. 1950, Jewish year 
5710. Page 205. Word: JEW. This picture is published in addition 
to others of Jews from other countries, under the title: "Some Jew¬ 
ish Types” 

plain their infiltration into the Chinese communist army, 
where they gossip against Chairman Mao Tse-tung and 
plead for a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, apparent¬ 
ly to achieve world communist unity, but in reality to turn 
Popular China into a satellite dominated by the Jews who 
lead the Soviet Union. Clandestine Jews infiltrated in the 
Chinese Communist Party and in the governing and social 
institutions of the country, work in the same direction. 

In another passage of his aforementioned book, the 
Hebrew S. M. Perlmann says that some Chinese Jewish 
children asked him why the Europeans had so much in¬ 
terest in them, and Perlmann replied: “Because all of us 
are from the Jewish nation and creed, all of us are descen¬ 
dants of Abraham", despite the fact that in his book he 
has confessed that: “The appearance of the Jews I inter¬ 
viewed was completely Chinese", except a young fellow 
who was seventeen years old who “really had something 
of the peculiar Jewish type.” “In their external appearance 
it was not possible to distinguish them from other Chi¬ 

The distinguished Israelite historian confesses some¬ 
thing that is well known, but which coming from a famous 
Jewish historian has greater probatory value: that it is not 
possible in most cases to distinguish the Chinese clandes¬ 
tine Jews —because of their Chinese names and last 
names, their Chinese racial type and customs— from other 
Chinese. Although they appear to be a part of the Chinese 
people, in fact they belong to a foreign nation and peo¬ 
ple — to the Jewish nation. In other words, they represent 
an infiltration of the Israeli nation and Israeli imperialism 
into the heart of the Chinese nation. 

It Is very interesting to note another statement by 
this Jewish historian, in reference to those Chinese Jews 
who did not hide their Israelite identity: “Before ending. 


Member of the ultra-secret sect Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, spread throughout 
China. Picture published about the middle of the 20th century by 
the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, Jewish official work of utmost 
authority on Judaism. Published in Mexico, 1948. Third volume. 
Word China. Page 326, 2nd. column. 

k \ 

jSt. Tf> 

I must add to be fair with this old and cultured Chinese 
nation, that Jews in China have never had to complain 
about intolerance; they were never under exceptional taws; 
they were never persecuted or despised because of their 
religion. They always enjoyed the same rights as the Chi¬ 
nese people." (4). 

This Jewish confession is of utmost importance. Israel¬ 
ites say that the slaughters, persecutions and expulsion of 
Jews from different countries of Christian Europe and the 
Islamic world, as an alternative to their conversion either 
to Christianity or to the Islam, forced the Jews both from 
the European nations and the Mohammedan world to 
falsely convert themselves to Islam or to Christianity to 
escape persecution, slaughters or expulsion and to remain 
in the country in which they were living. Nevertheless, if 
this were the only explanation from these pretended con¬ 
versions and for the decision of the clandestine Israelites, 
to hide their Jewish identity, how can it be explained that 
in China —where the famous Jewish historian S. M. Perl- 
mann confesses that the Israelites have never been per¬ 
secuted, and readily denies any case of intolerance— the 
phenomenon of clandestine Judaism has existed for many 
centuries up until our days, and Israelites hide their identi¬ 
ty to appear as part of the Chinese people? This and other 
similar cases are proof that while it is true that in many 
cases Jews have been compelled to sink into clandestinity 
to escape persecution, expulsion or death, in the majority 
of the cases it is evident that they have chosen this path 
as a political strategy to enable them to infiltrate the socie¬ 
ty of the country in which they live in order to monopolize 
the leading positions and to bring the host country under 
their control. 

(4) S M. Perlmann. "The History of the Jews in China" London 

edition 1913. Pages 24 to 37. 


On the other hand this reality has been acknowledged 
by authorized Israelite writers who have even admitted, 
in unusual gestures of sincerity, that the clandestine func¬ 
tioning of Judaism has been motivated by political strategy 
and pragmatic convenience. In this way the Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia, in a rare gesture of sincerity in these so 
secret affairs, declares as follows: “Jewish leaders ond 
writers such as Daniel Israel Bonafou, Miguel Cardoso, Jose 
Querido, Mardoqueo Mojiaj and others, defended Mar- 
ranism (Clandestine Judaism) AS A METHOD TO UNDER¬ 
MORE FLEXIBLE". And in another passage — referring to 
the same clandestine Jews — says that those from Spain 
considered that “Queen Esther, who did not confess nei¬ 
ther her race nor her birth, seemed to be their own mod¬ 
el." (5). In this regard it is necessary to remember that 
the Bible's Book of Esther — whose study is an obliga¬ 
tion to all Israelites, eulogises a Jewish girl who pretended 
to be Persian and hiding her Israelite birth, loyalty and 
religion, could become the Empress of Persia, and succeed 
in nominating one of her Jewish relatives as Prime Minister 
of the Persian Empire — bringing Persia under Jewish 
rule and destroying any Persians who opposed Israelite 
domination. The fact that the clandestine Jews — as the 
above authoritative Jewish document confesses — have 
mentioned Queen Esther as their model shows that the 
main reason for the hiding of Judaism has been to accom¬ 
plish the total infiltration in the country in whose territory 
the Jews live in order to accomplish what Queen Esther 
accomplished by the same means — the domination of 

(5) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Mexico, 1948. 4th volume. 

Word: Spain. 


the nations in which sects of Marranism or Clandestine 
Judaism function. In China, as in other countries of the 
world, clandestine Jews — as the mentioned authorized 
sources confess — obtained high positions as Mandarins, 
Magistrates and Chiefs of the CHINESE army. 

The Jewish leader Israel Joseph Benjamin II, writing 
at the end of the last century, describes the situation of 
the Tartaric Jews living in Siberia, stating that he was 
informed that “they settled in the Great Tartaria, where 
they live in freedom and in the best agreement with the 
natives. The leaders were equally chosen among the Jews 
and the Tartars and both of them shared the perils of war, 
but the Jews did not marry the Tartars and strictly adhered 
their own religious cult. It is worthwhile to observe that 
they think they are descendants of the tribe of Reuben." (6). 
In spite of such descent, the Tartaric Jews have a Tartaric 
type that enables them to live unidentified among the pop¬ 
ulation, as in the case of the Chinese, Hindi and Negro 
Jews, etc. But at least since the last century, they practiced 
racial discrimination against their cordial and kind hosts, 
refusing to marry them, believing in their own descent 
from Reuben's tribe. On the other hand, it is worthwhile 
to notice that the cordial reception given to them by the 
Tartars, and the freedom which the Tartars gave them, 
was repaid by the Soviet Jews with great slaughters of 
the unfortunate Tartars and the subjugation of the rest of 
them to communist slavery. This is another proof of He¬ 
brew ingratitude to those who offer them friendship! 

S. M. Perlmann, the Jewish historian, mentions that 
one of the Tartaric tribes adopted Jewish kings from a 
group of immigrants coming from Media and Persia, 
descendants of the tribes of Simeon, Ephraim and Mana- 

(6) Israel Joseph Benjamin II. Cited work. Cited edition. Page 

218 . 


sehh. He also states that these immigrant Israelites turned 
themselves in ferocious nomads and great warriors in Tar- 
taria (7). These Tartaric Jews are at present the bulldogs 
of the Soviet Jewish regime in Siberia, and it is well known 
that there are many Jewish-Tartaric officers in the Red 
Army, for the Chinese and Tartaric Jews differ from those 
of other nations in possessing great military talents. 

These millenary Chinese Jews, who have a Chinese 
racial aspect, practice Chinese customs, and use Chinese 
names, have been known to World Judaism, up to the 
present day, as Chinese Jews Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou. The Israelite 
leader. Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin, talking about the origin 
of the word Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, says as follows: “Some medi¬ 
eval commentators state that when Isahia (The Bible’s 
prophet) forecasted the restoration of 'the land of Sinim’ 
by the Jews, he had in mind those who travelled ten 
thousand miles from the Jordan through the Caucasus, 
Turkestan and the Tibet up to the Yellow river in China. 
Undoubtedly there are indications that centuries before 
the' Christian Age the Jews had trade relations with the 
'silk men’ (this is the Chinese) who called them Tiao-Kiu- 
Kiaou, that means those who remove the tendon (referring 
to the Jewish ceremony mentioned in the Genesis 32-33). 
Probably Judaism was diffused there by the Radanitas 
Jews, who went by sea or in caravans, through the Samar- 
kanda route to Khotan to exchange products from Africa 
and Europe for paper, glass, fine cloths and silk that were 
produced only in China at that time. They constantly in¬ 
creased in number in China producing wise and cultured 
people.’’ (8). 

(7) S. M. Perlmann. ‘The History of the Jews in China". Cited 

edition. Pages 29 and 30. 

(8) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin. "Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals". 

New York edition, 1953, page 417. 


In general, all Jewish historians who talk about the 
millenarian Chinese Israelites agree in saying that the 
origin of the name given to them (Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou) comes 
from their practice of the above mentioned rite in the Bible 
for ritual killing, and this was the name given in China 
to the members of a fraction that (as we will see later), 
practiced Judaism in an open way. The Castilian Jewish 
Encyclopedia says that this reference to ritual killing “re¬ 
veals the pre-rabbinic date of their entrance to the coun¬ 
try” (9) or in other words, that the Chinese Jews first ar¬ 
rived in China more than eighteen hundred years ago. 

Readers may consult Murray's translation of the tra¬ 
vels of Marco Polo with regard to the political and com¬ 
mercial influence of the Chinese Jews in 1286. (10). 

On the other hand, the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia 
says as follows, regarding public Jews: “Even often con¬ 
founded with Moslems, they are mentioned in the Chinese 
Annals for the first time in the ‘Yuen Shi’ of 1329, be¬ 
cause of a law on taxes to heterodoxes, and once more 
in 1354, when as a result of several revolts, rich Moham¬ 
medans and Hebrews were summoned to Peking to serve 
in the army. In both occasions Jews are called (in the Yuen 
Shi) Dju-Hudu, maybe a deformation of Yehudim.” (11). 

In addition to the communities of clandestine Jews 
spread throughout China, already referred to, there is an¬ 
other Israelite community in the city of Kai-Fung-Foo, 
former capital of Honan Province, which has been oper¬ 
ating in a more or less public way for several centuries, 

(9) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. Third volume. 

Word: China. Page 325, 2nd. column. 

(10) Marco Polo's trips. Translated and edited by Murray. Page 99. 

(11) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. 3rd. volume. 

Word: China. Page 325, 2nd. column. 

early references to this group being made by Jesuit Mis¬ 
sionaries, particularly Father Matteo Ricci, in reports sent 
to Europe in the XVII Century. 

Jewish encyclopedias and other books produced by 
the Jews for the Gentiles, provide, as I said before, much 
information on Judaism in respect of those things, which the 
Jewish imperialists allow the Gentiles to know, but hide, 
minimize and even misguide the Gentile reader on those 
affairs which Judaism considers to be POLITICAL SECRETS 
which MUST BE HIDDEN from the Gentile readers. This is 
why it is not strange that such encyclopedias and books 
when speaking of the very ancient Chinese Judaism, usual¬ 
ly only talk about the communities that have operated 
publicly mainly those of Kai-Fung-Foo city. About this com¬ 
munity they give much information which is highly in¬ 
teresting; saying that it flourished in other times but is 
today in painful decadence. The Jewish Encyclopedia, in 
addition to mentioning the Kai-Fung-Foo community also 
says that Catholic missionaries of the Seventeeth Century 
found other public Israelite communities in Hangchao-Foo 
and OTHER CHINESE TOWNS without expressly saying 
how many of them they found (12). The Encyclopedia adds 
that the attention of the Israelite historians has been con¬ 
centrated mainly in the community of Kai-Fung-Foo, and 
not on others because of the archeological relics found 
in an old Synagogue, comprising marble tablets engraved 
in the Chinese language which help clarify several un¬ 
known aspects of the history of Chinese Judaism. These 
marble tablets are dated 1489, 1512 and 1663 respec¬ 
tively. That of 1489, referring to the Jewish immigration, 
states: “Seventy families came from the West offering the 

(12) Jewish Encyclopedia. Published in New York and London, 
1903 Edition IV volume. Word: China. Page 34, 1st. column. 


Emperor tributes of cotton clothes; he allowed them to 
settle down in Peen-Lang, this is, Kai-Fung-Foo. In 1163, 
the Synagogue was built by a certain Yen-too-la, and in 
1279 it was reconstructed to a great scale. In 1390, 
Tai-tsou, founder of the Ming dynasty, gave these Jews 
lands and additional privileges. In 1421 the Emperor al¬ 
lowed a Jewish physician, highly honored by him, to re¬ 
pair the Synagogue"... The Jewish Encyclopedia gives 
further information regarding the engravings found in 
these archeological monuments, which cannot be detailed 
here due to the brevity of this work. Among them, how¬ 
ever, there is an engraving mentioning the Chinese Jews 
that reads: “They are outstanding in agriculture, commerce, 
in public positions (magistracy) and in the art of war” 
(army). In fact, it can be seen that Chinese Jews have 
stood out in trade, as the Jews have in other countries, 
and had achieved leading positions in the government, 
as the Jews have in the Gentile nations. But it seems to 
be a special characteristic of Chinese Judaism, as many 
Israelite historians have said — and also these archeologi¬ 
cal monuments confirm — that Chinese Jews Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
were experts in agriculture. This has allowed them to in¬ 
filtrate among the peasants, just as their great military 
talents have also allowed their infiltration in the army, 
creating a fifth column of Israelite Imperialism infiltrated 
at all levels in China. This must undoubtedly constitute a 
serious danger for the Popular Maoist China if it is not 
found and extirpated, because both the public or hidden 
Chinese Jews, like all Israelites around the world, are in 
reality members of a foreign nation and agents of a mil¬ 
lenary super-imperialism. As such, their complicity with 
their Jewish brethren of the Kremlin in their struggle to 
turn Popular China into a satellite of the Soviet Union, just 



From Kai-Fung-Foo in Honan Province in China. Picture published 
at the beginning of this century, taken from the monumental of¬ 
ficial Jewish work titled: "Jewish Encyclopedia". Published in New 
York and London, 1903 edition. Fourth volume, Word: China, 

Page 36. 


like the satellite socialist states of Eastern Europe, excepting 
Albania and Roumania. 

Going back to the engravings of the Kai-Fung-Foo 
Synagogue, another inscription mentions the revolt that 
overthrew the Ming dynasty that protected Jews. This 
engraving was built by a Jewish Chinese Mandarin who 
was later Minister of State of the Emperor, and who had 
written about Adam's virtues (who was, according to the 
Bible, the first man created by God) and also about the 
virtues of Noah, Abraham the Patriarch, of all Israelites 
and Moses, the founder of the Jewish religion. The en¬ 
graving made by this Mandarin refers to the fall of the 
city of Kai-Fung-Foo during that revolt and the destruc¬ 
tion of the Israelite Synagogue and slaughter of a number 
of Jews by the rebels in 1642. The engravings say that 
Jews had been protected by the Ming Emperors, and had 
obtained positions in the Government. They also say that 
in the middle of this disaster a Jewish Chinese Mandarin 
appeared leading an army, and that this Jewish Mandarin 
rescued the Sacred Writings (the Bible) that had been 
thrown into the water by the rebels, reconstructed the 
city of Kai-Fung-Foo, and that this Mandarin and his 
brother rebuilt the Israelite Synagogue in 1663. This Jew¬ 
ish Chinese Mandarin had — as both public or clandes¬ 
tine Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Israelites do — a typical Chinese name. 
His name was Chao-Yng-Cheng (13). 

These engravings, which constitute a historical monu¬ 
ment of incontrovertible documentary value, show the 
great political and military influence that Jews had in 
China in the XVII Century. Not only did they hold senior 
positions in the Imperial Government, but they had also 
Chinese armies under their command. 

(13) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition 4th volume. Word: China. 

Page 34, 2nd. column. 


vish Encyclopedic Handbook' 
of Buenos Aires, Argentina 
2nd. column. Word: China. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia says that the Jew Chao-Yng- 
Cheng was Mandarin of the Chen-Si province (14), that is 
to say he was the Governor of that Province — clear 
evidence of Jewish infiltration into the highest positions 
of the Chinese Government. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia, referring the Chinese Jews 
of Kai-Fung-Foo, also says that many of them: “emigrated 
— during the war between the Chinese and Tartars — 
to Kiang-su, Amoy and Peking; but they do not have 
synagogues in those places, and that some Jews with 
English protection, went to Shanghai and Hong Kong, 
where they practiced the traffic of opium and cotton." (15). 
This information provided by the Jewish Encydopedia, a 
Jewish document of unquestionable value, makes us see 
that the opium traffic, which led to the criminal war fought 
by the British Government against China, not only bene¬ 
fited British and Indian Jews, but also the Chinese Jews 
Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, who also participated in the opium traffic 
in Shanghai and Hong Kong under the protection of the 
British government, which as we all know was already 
a satellite under the control of Jewish Super-Imperialism. 
Under Jewish control, the British government even sent 
—betraying the ideals of democracy— its own people to 
fight and die to protect and expand the Jewish opium 
trade, so that the Jews might make a profit out of poison¬ 
ing the Chinese people, and Chinese Jews participated 
in this trade at the expense of their Chinese hosts. 

As Indian Jews and other Israelite communities of 
the Afro-Asian world were somewhat behind Western 
Judaism regarding the progress of their religious institu- 

(14) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. 3rd. volume. Word: 

Chao-Yng-Cheng. Page 665, 2nd. column. 

(15) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. Fourth volume. Word: 

China: Page 36, 1st column. 


tions and internal policies, Western Judaism, during the 
XIX Century, started a program to adapt the Secret Jew¬ 
ish societies in Africa, East and Southern Asia to the ad¬ 
vances of European and American Judaism, not only re¬ 
garding changes in Jewish religious and social institutions 
but also with regard to new techniques of infiltration and 
political control over the Gentile nations, including revolu¬ 
tionary techniques intended to accelerate their domina¬ 
tion. The revolutionary potential of the Afro-Asian Israelite 
communities began to develop progressively during the 
XIX Century, as Western Judaism sent experienced lead¬ 
ers to train them in all aspects in which they were back¬ 
ward in regard to Western Judaism. Regarding the Chi¬ 
nese Judaism and the Kai-Fung-Foo community, the Jew¬ 
ish Encydopedia reports that the Western Jews formed a 
special organization called the “Society for Rescuing the 
Chinese Jews” whose task was the revival of the Israelite 
religion among those Chinese Jews (16) that as we have 
previously studied is the main generator of the Israelite 
Imperialism in China. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia adds that the Jews of Shang¬ 
hai cooperated with this society. 

According to Jewish encyclopedias, the formerly fluor- 
ishing Israelite community of Kai-Fung-Foo, fell into a 
painful decadence, diminishing the number of its mem¬ 
bers to the point that they had to sell their Temple. We, 
as experienced researchers of the history of clandestine 
Judaism, find and can prove that every time Israelite his¬ 
torians talk about decadence or disappearance of a Jew¬ 
ish community in books which the Gentiles can read (such 
as encyclopedias and other writings) in most cases — for 
there are a few exceptions as is natural —what really 

(16) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. IV Volume. Word: China. 

Page 36, 1st. column. 


happens when there is a mass desertion from public Juda¬ 
ism, the majority of “deserters” are just pretending to 
abandon Judaism in favor of a Gentile religion, while 
secretly remaining loyal to the Israelite nation and reli¬ 
gion. In other words, they merely transfer from Public 
Judaism to Clandestine Judaism. 

Besides the millenary Chinese Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews 
— both the clandestine ones spread throughout China and 
those of Kai-Fung-Foo who openly practiced Judaism and 
who also emigrated, as the already mentioned Jewish 
book says, to different regions of China — this great na¬ 
tion received other Israelite immigrations which we will 
mention only briefly because of the limitation of space. 

Chavennes, the Orientalist, talks about another Jew¬ 
ish colony established in China between 960 and 1126, 
composed by Jews that came from India. The Israelite 
historian, Elkan Nathan Adler, also mentions another Jew¬ 
ish penetration into China, coming from Bokhara through 
Persia in the XVI Century (17). The first immigrants, ac¬ 
cording to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia “settled down 
in several Chinese regions.” 

Since 1840 China has experienced further migrations 
of Jews from different countries, mainly European. Ac¬ 
cording to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia the opening 
of the so-called "Ports of the Treaty” in 1840, brought a 
number of English Jews to China from Hong Kong and 
India. In 1850, Elias David Sassoon, a rich Jewish trader 
settled in Bombay, India, established a branch of his firm 
in Shanghai. Born in Baghdad, his father had been Trea¬ 
surer and banker to the Turkish Governor in that city. Re¬ 
ferring to Elias David Sassoon, the Castilian Jewish Ency- 

(17) Chavennes and Elkan N. Adler, quoted by the Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia, cited edition, 3rd. volume. Word: China. 

Page 325, 2nd. column. 


clopedia says that “he specialized in the trade of opium, 
among other things” and that when he established his 
branch in Shanghai, he was followed by the Kadoorie, 
great Jewish capitalists in Baghdad, and their big enter¬ 
prises — the Sassoons and Kadoorie's — built a syna¬ 
gogue in Shanghai, founding a new Israelite community 
which until 1905, was mainly Sephardic. So this new Jew¬ 
ish community had the honor of being founded by the 
enterprise of a great international Jewish opium dealer, 
whose son, as millionary as him, used the Moslem name 
of Abdula when in Baghdad, and used the Christian name 
of Albert while in London. His Jewish name, the good one 
always, was David. About this great international capi¬ 
talist, the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia says: “Sassoon 
Albert (Abdula, David) industrialist, banker and philan¬ 
thropist. Bom in Baghdad in 1817, died in Brighton, En¬ 
gland, in 1897. Eldest son of David Sassoon and head of 
commercial and industrial enterprises of the family. He 
founded one of the biggest textile factories in Bombay, 
India, donated a great modern dam to the dty and estab¬ 
lished several schools. Member of the Legislative Council 
from 1867 to 1871 and one of the most outstanding peo¬ 
ple in the society of Bombay. He frequented the Kings of 
England and his audience with the Persian Shah in 1889 
was one of the events of the English capital. He was en¬ 
nobled in 1872.” The Jews frequently received titles of 
nobility in England, especially since the long reign of Queen 
Victory, to such an extent that investigators have shown 
that most of the titles of Earl, Marquis, Viscount and Lord 
are presently in the hands of Jewish ennobled families 
or of ancient aristocratic English families linked with Jew¬ 
ish families. Dukedoms have been Judaized by means of 
marriages of Jewesses and ancient Dukes, and those 


Jewesses, with the help of the powerful Israelite com¬ 
munities, have secretly initiated in Judaism the eldest son 
of that marriage, this is to say, the new Duke. It is not 
strange, then, that the international Judaism is not in a 
hurry to overthrow the English monarchy, which is con¬ 
trolled by the Israelite imperialism. 

The Russian-Japanese war and the persecutions it ori¬ 
ginated against the Jews, the failed communist revolt in 
Russia in 1905, that the Imperial Russian government just¬ 
ly imputed to the Israelites, brought as a consequence the 
arrival in China of fugitive Russian Jews. In 1917 Russian 
Jews who arrived to Jarbin and Mukden in Manchuria 
were antagonized by White Russians who accused the 
Russian Jews in the country of being originators of the 
Red Terror in Russia. When the Japanese invasion of China 
in 1931, many Russian Jews living in China, who were 
fleeing from the Japanese (who accused them of being 
communists), were forced to move to Tientsin, Hankow 
and Shanghai, where they were reinforced by new immi¬ 
grations of Polish and Roumanian Jews. In 1928 an Israel¬ 
ite community of Ashkenazim Jews joined with the 
Sephardic community, under the auspices of the lodge, 
recently formed in Shanghai, of the secret order of world 
Jewish Masonry called B’nai B'rith, which was in this way 
starting to extend its tentacles into China. It must be re¬ 
membered that the self-government enjoyed by the Israel¬ 
ite communities throughout the world, and the ambitions 
of its leaders to command economic and political power, 
sometimes provoke deep rivalries between different Jew¬ 
ish communities; some of these remain the secret of the 
Jews, but others spread scandalously outside. One of the 
secret goals for which the Jewish Super-Masonry, the B'nai 
B'rith, was created, was to conciliate rivalries and dis- 


agreements and promote harmony and reunification, as 
it infiltrates among the various Jewish communities pos¬ 
sessing different rites. The B'nai B’rith achieved this objec¬ 
tive of unification regarding the Jewish Ashkenazim and 
Sephardic communities of Shanghai. 

A new Jewish immigration into China started in 1933; 
Israelites fled from Germany and Austria harassed by the 
Nazis. According to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia these 
new Jewish migrants of German origin obtained positions 
in the administration of the Republic of China. Among 
them the distinguished Israelite, Dr. Bernhard Weiss, who 
had been Vice President of the Police in Berlin, was en¬ 
trusted with the reorganization of the Chinese police by 
Chiang Kai-shek's government. The Castilian Jewish Ency¬ 
clopedia adds: “Many German officers of Jewish origin 
enlisted in Chiang Kai-shek’s army. Miriam Karnes, who 
died during the bombing to Nanking, founded a famous 
battalion of Chinese women. General Moshe Cohen helped 
organize the supplying of food, arms and equipment of 
the armed forces. Other (Jewish) refugees served in the 
nationalist rows as doctors and nurses. But the great 
amount of German Jews reached China only after the 
mournful year of 1938, that brought the Reich’s great 
slaughters, the annexation of Austria and the Sudetes.” 
In 1940, the B’nai B'rith in China was led by an English 
Jew called Mendel Brown 118). 

Jews have also used their women in China to ensnare 
great leaders, following the rules fixed in the Book of 
Esther in the Bible already mentioned, which tells how 
the Jewish Esther, hiding her Israelite origin and religion, 

(18) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. Word: China. 

Pages 328, 329 and 330, and word: Sassoon David. 9th vol¬ 
ume, page 460 2nd. column. Word: Sassoon Albert (Abdula, 

David) 9th volume, page 460, 2nd. column. 


beguiled the Persian Emperor into falling in love and mar¬ 
rying her, thus becoming Empress of Persia. From this posi¬ 
tion, she engineered the appointment of her uncle as the 
Prime Minister. In China the Song family of Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
Jews obtained great successes in this century by the same 
means. One of the Song sisters married Dr. Sun Yat-sen, 
the man who ousted the ancient Chinese monarchy and 
founded the Republic, becoming the first President. An¬ 
other sister married Marshall Chiang Kai-shek, President 
of Nationalist China. Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s widow became a 
member of the Maoist Popular China, where she presently 
lives and where, with the prestige of being the widow of 
the national hero, she can undoubtedly help the plans of 
international Judaism, in ensuring that a clandestine 
Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jew, or at least a Gentile Chinese easily 
manageable by the Jews, will succeed Chairman Mao 
Tse-tung when he dies. If this goal can be achieved, the 
Jewish Racist Imperialists would seize power in Popular 
China and subjugate that nation to its yoke, reconciling 
China with the Soviet Union and putting it at the Soviet 
Union's vassalage — as projected by international Juda¬ 
ism. Up till now the Jews in the Kremlin have failed in 
their attempts to oust Chief Mao Tse-tung, but they still 
seek through an internal revolution to substitute his re¬ 
gime for one which would make China a satellite of the 
Soviet Union. 

Despite past failures, the fifth column of clandestine 
Jews in China does not cease in their conspiracy to en¬ 
courage the establishment of pro-Soviet gangs in and out¬ 
side the Chinese communist party and army, deceiving 
many Gentile military and political leaders who do not 
know the imperialist background of this maneuver, by 
exploiting those who are ambitious for command and en- 


couraging the individual resentments that exist in China 
as in any other country in the world. Besides, the insatiable 
Jewish imperialism of the Kremlin has conceived the idea 
that due to the wars in Indochina, a war may start be¬ 
tween the United States and Popular China, which would 
give the Kremlin the possibility of sending armies to China 
to defend her, as it “defended” Poland from the Nazi op¬ 
pression and also other East European nations, only to 
enslave them later. 

In its effort to dominate China, the Jewish socialist 
imperialists of Moscow have even planned (in the event 
that other resources fail) a military invasion to the Chinese 
territory, similar to the invasions of Hungary and Czecho¬ 
slovakia. But to achieve this without serious danger it 
needs to secure its western frontiers through arrangements 
with Federal Germany and the other European powers, 
thus eliminating any possibility of a war on two fronts. 
It could then withdraw many of the armies it has on the 
European frontiers, and concentrate all its military strength 
against Maoist China, to surround her with an iron belt 
with the help of the Indian government controlled by Juda¬ 
ism and others it wants to align. (Editor's quotation: Please 
refer pamphlet No. 9 of Political Secrets series, titled: “The 
Jewish Fifth Column in India". Readers may find informa¬ 
tion on how Hindi Crypto-Judaism controls that country). 

It is urgent that German patriots and other western 
Europeans do not fall in this Soviet trap, covered under 
the bait of achievement of peace and security in Europe. 
If the Kremlin's Jews succeed in invading China and domi¬ 
nating it, they will turn against West Europe, which they 
have not otherwise dare to invade until they have been 
able to liquidate Mao Tse-tung’s regime, among other 
reasons, and replace it for another controlled by the Krem¬ 
lin and World Judaism. German patriots must be more 


aware than anyone else, for the secret Jew-Communist 
Willy Brandt is determined to help his Jewish brethren of 
the Kremlin in these falsely pacific purposes, whose only 
real objective is that the Kremlin should be left free to 
invade (if they think it is necessary) Mainland China, for 
the above-mentioned purposes. 

In the case of a successful invasion of China by the 
Soviet Union, the Soviet plan is to maintain occupation 
troops in China for an indefinite period of time, under the 
pretext of defending socialism as it has done in several 
countries of East Europe. The true and hidden reason is 
that Jewish Imperialism is convinced that the clandestine 
Chinese Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews are too scarce number (19), 

(19) All experts in Chinese Judaism agree that the Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
Jews in China are few, varying opinions from those who 
state they are more than two million, to Jewish writers that 
reduce its number to a minimum. This is not strange, for 
as we said before, it is an ancient and general custom of 
Jews to hide the real number of Jews in a country and of 
course of clandestine Jews. But even supposing they were 
more than two million, their proportion with the Chinese 
population of seven hundred million inhabitants would be 
barely three Jews for each thousand, which would be a very 
small percentage compared with that of the Jews in the 
Soviet Union. 

In any case, the fact that Jews always hide to the Gentiles 
the real amount of Jews in a Gentile nation, especially the 
number of clandestine Jews, makes it impossible for us to 
assure that the clandestine Chinese Jews, Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou 
and other sects, total 2 million people at most. The number 
may be larger or smaller. Only an investigation using all 
adequate means to find out the truth, would allow the total 
localization of Jews and find out the real number of this 
fifth column in China of a foreign imperialism, conqueror 
of nations, that acts through super secret societies of clan¬ 
destine Jews, who as members of the invaded country, are 


in proportion with the big population of China, to be able 
to totally dominate China. They would therefore need the 
support of Soviet troops, as is the case in those East Europe¬ 
an countries whose Jewish population was so decimated 
by the Nazis that the Jews are too few to retain power 
without the aid of Soviet troops. 

Judaism projects to control all kinds of governments 
— monarchist, democratic or communist — but it is an 
unacceptable tragedy for the Jewish nation (which uses 
communism to impose its totalitarian domination to man- 
kindl, that socialist or communist states should fall and 
survive in the hands of Gentile rulers, and it will not rest 
until it has overthrown all Gentile governments, even those 
that are socialist or communist — either existing now or 
that may appear in the future — to replace them with 
governments controlled by the insatiable imperialism of 
international Judaism. 

The Soviet Union is the strongest bulwark of Judaism 
in the communist camp, due to the high proportion of 
Jews among the Russian, Ukrainian and other popula¬ 
tions of the Soviet Union. Millions of Soviet Jews that con¬ 
trol the Party, the Army, the secret police and other re¬ 
pressive organs, keeping the power by themselves, with¬ 
out need of foreign help. So complete is the power in the 
Soviet Union that it is possible for them to help support 

1^1 Continued from page 25 

infiltrated in all political, military, cultural, religious and 
social institutions, until it takes over the governments by 
exploiting personal ambitions for power and personal resent¬ 
ments,- by sowing false ideas to promote discordance, inter¬ 
nal division and rebellion,- and also by effecting espionage 
and sabotage to the benefit of foreign powers when this is 
convenient to the plans of international Judaism for world 


their Israelite brethren in the government of other com¬ 
munist countries where they cannot achieve this by them¬ 

It is interesting to note that in all nations where the 
percentage of Israelites is small, in relation to the gen¬ 
uine population of these countries, there is a high rate 
of mixed marriages between public Jews and the real 
members of those nations. This question is highly impor¬ 
tant, because in such cases the Israelite imperialists try, 
by different means, to increase the number of Jews in 
those countries to facilitate their conquest and then to 
maintain control by their own forces. 

Thus the Jews increase the Israelite population in a 
country by promoting mixed marriages between Jewesses 
and natives of the country they attempt to conquer. Ac¬ 
cording to the Jewish laws, the principle is that mixed 
marriages of Jews and Gentiles are forbidden; but these 
laws prescribe certain exceptions, by which mixed mar¬ 
riages may be authorized by the Great Kahal or Regional 
Supreme Council, to obtain political positions, important 
espionage positions, or positions of economic or social in¬ 
fluence. Such exceptions include the many instances in 
which Jewesses have married kings, nobles, presidents of 
republics and other high Gentile leaders, or married own¬ 
ers of great enterprises, newspapers and other institutions 
Judaism wants to control. In general the marriage of Israel¬ 
ite women to Gentile men are authorized because the 
millenary Jewish law “Hagada” indicates that Judaism 
can only be transmitted to children of a mixed marriage 
through the mother, that is to say, when the mother is a 
Jewess. But this orthodox “Hagada” law has been over 
ruled by many Israelite communities, the reformists among 
others, who also accept as Jews the children of Jewish 
father and a Gentile mother. The fact that this has caused 


a controversy between the innovators and the more Or¬ 
thodox Jewish sects does not invalidate the fact that Jew¬ 
ish communities which accept the children of Jewish fa¬ 
ther and Gentile mother are still loyal Israelites, and con¬ 
sider the children as Israelites, introducing them, when 
they are 13 years old, in the secret organizations of total¬ 
itarian commands of the synagogal Fraternities, which 
exist among the Israelite communities of the different coun¬ 
tries of the world for the mixed Jews of "stained” blood, 
and which are led and controlled by those recognized 
to be of pure blood (even though this recognition does 
not always correspond to a strict reality). In this way, the 
descendants of mixed marriages between Jews and Gen¬ 
tiles are effectively organized and controlled by Israelite 
imperialism and are totally at its service. 

It must be stressed that when the Kahal or Regional 
Jewish Council authorizes a mixed marriage of a Jew or 
Jewess to a Gentile, they make the individual swear under 
severe penalties that he or she will do everything possible 
to have the children introduced at the age of 13 or later, 
to the community of Israel, in a secret way so that the 
Gentile husband or wife will be unaware of the introduc¬ 
tion. If the Jewish father or mother disregard this oath, 
in addition to the penalties applied to them, the local 
and regional Kahal seek the aid of other Jewish relatives, 
to ensure that the children of those mixed marriages may 
be prepared and introduced into Judaism and render the 
oath of obedience to the leaders and of secrecy, in an 
occult ceremony with impressive rites. 

The nazis, dealing with the Jewish problem, mainly 
as a racial problem, committed a serious mistake when 
they considered as Germans the descendants of three Ger¬ 
man grand-parents and only one Jewish grand-father. 
It is evident that from a superficial racial point of view. 


such children were predominantly German, but the Jew¬ 
ish problem is not only racial but something much more 
complex, as the reader may have attested; in fact, as the 
Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition said, it was enough to have 
only one Jewish grand-mother, or even only a Jewish 
great-grand-mother, or even only one great-great-grand- 
mother, for the descendant could be admitted to the Jewish 
secret societies. And all this because of the reasons we 
have just mentioned. This is why the laws that ruled Inqui¬ 
sitorial Europe and later Spain and Portugal were justified; 
they considered as "new Christians” and therefore as sus¬ 
pects of Judaism, anyone who two or more centuries back 
had only one Jewish antecessor, and excluded such peo¬ 
ple from positions in the government, in the army and 
the church, even when there were not enough evidence 
(which was difficult to obtain) that they practiced Judaism 
in secret. This legislation lasted until the Inquisitorial re¬ 
gime was suppressed. 

In China, as in other countries, communities of Ash¬ 
kenazim, Sephardic, Arab, Indian, Russian, German and 
Roumanian and other Jews have authorized, since their 
arrival in China, mixed marriages with Gentile Chinese; 
children with partially Chinese features came from these 
marriages, who after getting married with other Gentile 
persons of the country, had children with more Chinese 
than Jewish appearance. Later, mixed marriages have in¬ 
creased the number of fifth columnist Israelites, whose 
racial appearance is Chinese but who in secret are mem¬ 
bers of the nation of Israel, increasing in this way the 
clandestine Israelite fifth column. Although we believe 
that the Chinese population resulting from these mixed 
marriages may still be small, it would be an important 
investigation to calculate the number of clandestine Jews 
in China. 


Footnote of page 30 


Jewish secret societies, called Synagogal Fraternities, get together 
at least once a week, on Friday evenings, but in emergency on 
any other day, to solemnly read and comment a part of the Torah, 
the five first books of the Bible, and the Bible books of the Prophets, 
where according the Jewish belief, are the promises God made 
to Israelites to dominate nations where they settle and the world 
in general. Following this ceremonial reading and commentary, the 
members of the secret Fraternity inform the Assembly what they 
have done to dominate the political, military, economic, social, 
religious sectors, etc. whose control has been entrusted to the 
Fraternity by the Local Supreme Jewish Council. They also plan 
ways in which they can take over leading positions, and intrigue 
and manoeuvre to eliminate the Gentiles in such positions. 

During the Inquisition and the period of Nazi persecution, mem¬ 
bers of the Jewish clandestine Fraternities infiltrated into those re¬ 
gimes, taking skillful steps to prevent their meetings and opera¬ 
tions from being discovered, Judaism has centenary experience in 
this. This photo shows that Judaism is active in China for its task 
of conquest. Photo taken from the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 
Cited edition. 3rd. volume. Word: China, page 325, first column. 


What I have said before about the clandestine Tiao- 
Kiu-Kiaou Jews is also valid for Manchuria; but regarding 
this vast Chinese region we will give some additional in¬ 
formation regarding public Jews — the Jews who openly 
admit their identity. 

The Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia makes the follow¬ 
ing statement among others: “The building of the Transibe- 
rian Railroad brought (to Manchuria) a certain amount of 
Jewish traders that founded a Jewish community in Jar- 
bin”. That after the Bolshevik revolution, many Jews from 
the Soviet Union emigrated to Manchuria, and were an¬ 
tagonized by the White Russians, who committed several 
murders. That these new Israelite emigrants “were not 
delayed to incorporate themselves to the economy of the 
country as employees, merchants and industrialists” ... 
That the Japanese hostility to Jewish businesses when they 
occupied Manchuria in 1931, forced the Jews to emigrate 
to Southern China and other countries. The Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia also adds that in 1931 there were SEV¬ 
ERAL SYNAGOGUES in Jarbin, Mukden and Dairen as well 
as community philanthropic, cultural, pedagogical and 
Zionist institutions, etc. 

The Japanese did not know the secrets of Judaism, 
and they tried to erradicate it using wrong methods, simi¬ 
lar to those used during almost two thousand years by 
other nations in the world. In 1942 they closed all Syna¬ 
gogues (20) but they did not know that any time Gentile 
governments, through the centuries, have used this re¬ 
source, it has only served to force Israelites to turn from 
public Jews, identified as such, to clandestine Jews that 
hide their adherence to the nation of Israel, apparently 

(20) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. 7th volume. 

Word: Manchuria. Page 260 1st. column. 


becoming assimilated among the people in whose land 
they live; thus being more dangerous. In this way, due 
to the Japanese mistake, public Judaism in Manchuria 
massively sunk into clandestinity, except those who emi- 
grated with their enterprises to the south of China and 
other places. 

The fact that in some countries in Europe, and special¬ 
ly in America, there are Jews leading the Maoist organiza¬ 
tions, has made some people wrongly believe that Maoist 
communism is also controlled by the Jewish imperialism. 
However, what is really happening is that world Judaism 
— imitating Karl Marx's tactic of annuling Bakunin’s in¬ 
ternational by infiltrating and controlling it with Israelite 
agents — tries to do the same with the international com¬ 
munist movement that Mao Tse-tung has been creating. 
These public or clandestine Jews who pretend to be ene¬ 
mies of the Soviet Union and its satellite communist par¬ 
ties, infiltrate and obtain leading positions in Maoist or¬ 
ganizations of different countries; little by little they obtain 
control over many of those organizations or parties often 
following a genuine struggle against the puppet Moscow 
parties. But Judaism, as always, will win this game if it 
succeeds in taking over Maoist parties and organizations 
throughout the world, just as it won when it succeeded 
in infiltrating the international movement of the Gentile 
revolutionary, Michael Bakunin. 



Footnote of page 34 


Jews in China use very elaborate chairs to read the Torah in the 
respective sabbatical ceremony. However, clandestine Judaism, 
especially in times of danger, avoids using such furniture in their 
secret ceremonies and meetings, to prevent any Gentiles who 
might discover the meeting from realizing what is going on. Clan¬ 
destine Jews have centuries of experience at hiding their secret 
meetings, and have everything ready to camouflage their meetings 
to make them appear to be innocent meetings if a Gentile intruder 
discovers them. In times of the Inquisition, clandestine Jews some¬ 
times used catholic clergymen, who were secret Jews, to arrange 
for their secret weekly meetings to be held in the curacy of the 
church or in some other room of the catholic church, under the 
patronage of these clergymen. In this way if any Gentile discov¬ 
ered the meeting, the clergyman told him that the meeting was 
composed of faithful catholics of the Parish. In other cases they 
arranged for secret Jews who had infiltrated into the guilds of 
artisans to obtain the use of a room in the guild. If the meeting 
was discovered by somebody, the clandestine Jewish leader of 
the guild would declare that the meeting was being held to discuss 
some matter of interest to the guild. Similar secret meetings were 
arranged on the premises of other reputable Gentile organizations. 
Photo taken from the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition, 
3rd. Volume. Word: China. Page 325 first column. 



1. Maurice Pinay: 


2. Louis Bielsky: 


3. Itsvan Bakony: 


4. Itsvan Bakony: 


5. Itsvan Bakony: 


6. Itsvan Bakony: 


7. Afonso Castelo: 


8. Itsvan Bakony: 


9. Itsvan Bakony: 


10. Itsvan Bakony: 


11. Itsvan Bakony: 


12. Esteban Aguila: 




Itsvan Balcony 

P.O. Box 493 
Baton Rouge 
Louisiana 708? 1 





The Library of Political Secrets now adds to its 
collection selected chapters from the book by the 
Hungarian researcher, Itsvan Bakony, entitled: 
The translation of the Hungarian original was 
completed in Paris in January 1969, and was 
later brought up to date by the author. 

The only purpose of this edition is to make 
information available about the great political 
and historic events now taking place all over the 

We urge patriots in all countries to distribute 
this book to as many people as possible. This book 
may be reprinted by those receiving it as the 
author has reserved no copyright on it. 

P.O. Box 493 
Baton Rouge 
Louisiana 70821 




In Islam — as in Christianity — there is a fifth column 
of Jews who pretend to be Moslem and to practice Islamism 
piously, but who are Israelite in secret. This infiltration is 
tearing apart the land of Mohammed, sowing divisions, 
disabling Islamic unity and Arab unity, and in recent times 
even diffusing communism. I will show, with the testimony 
of Israelite historians regarded as authorities on Hebrew 
matters, how this Jewish fifth column came into being in 

It is necessary to keep in mind that in the Koran — 
which is for Moslems, as the Bible is for Christians, the 
source of divine revelation — Jews are considered as a 
people damned by God who sell the Sacred Writings, who 
have a padlock in their hearts, and have hell’s fire waiting 
for them. 

The Spanish historian of the XIX Century, Jose Ama¬ 
dor de los Rios, comments that “Sowing darnel in a so 


high a place, it should not surprise it fructified even ex¬ 
uberantly in certain moments” (1). 

As with Christianity, Hebrews have tried to conquer 
Islam from the inside, and toward this goal they have 
struggled both tenaciously and wickedly,- but up to now 
they have obtained less success than they have obtained 
in the Christian world. Nevertheless, it seems that nowa¬ 
days they have begun to decisively succeed, mainly due to 
the powerful fifth column that the Hebrews have secret¬ 
ly introduced in Mohammed's religion through centuries, 
whose destructive activities are now bearing important 

These hidden organizations of apparent Moslems, 
who in fact are crypto-Jews or underground Jews, have 
been growing for several centuries, as the famous Israelite 
historian Cecil Roth — considered as an oracle of Juda¬ 
ism — states in his history of crypto-Judaism in Christiani¬ 
ty: ‘‘The phenomenon (of hidden Judaism) was in no way 
confined to the Christian world. Ancient crypto-Jewish 
communities can be found in different parts of the Moslem 
world.” (2). This confession that the Moslem world is under¬ 
mined by communities of crypto-Jews, which still persist 
in this twentieth century in different places, is highly im¬ 
portant as it comes from an authoritative Israelite source. 

Later on, Roth explains how this crypto-Judaism op¬ 
erates, and gives examples: “The ‘daggatun’ of the Sahara 
continued practicing Jewish rules after their formal con¬ 
version to the Islam"... “The ‘donmeh’ of Salonika de¬ 
ll) Jos6 Amador de los Rios. “History of the Jews of Spain and 
Portugal”. Madrid, 1875. 1st. vol. Continuation of footnote 
No. 1 in page 108, at the end of page 109. 

(2) Cecil Roth. “A History of the Marranos". (Israel Publishing 
house. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1946. 5706 of the Jewish 
Era), p. 15. 


scend from partisans of the pseudo-Messiah Sabbatai 
Zevi... and although they ostensibly are faithful Moslems, 
in their homes they practice a messianic Judaism”. Referring 
to these crypto-Jews of the ‘'donmeh" sect the author of 
“A History of the Marranos” (footnote 3, page 15) says the 
following: “Since the Greek occupation and the systematic 
helenization of Salonika, many ‘donmeh’ have emigrated 
particularly to Adrianopolis. It is difficult to get exact data 
about their present condition and distribution. It worth 
noting that the movement of Turkish Youth in 1913 was 
led in a great part by members of this sect”. (3). This 
information, given by the same Israelite historian Cecil 
Roth — who has been described by numerous Jews as 
the Flavio Josefo of our days — is of capital importance, 
because the “Turkish Youth" was one of the many secret 
societies of a carbonary type, controlled by Masonry and 
at the top level, by crypto-Judaism which had as their 
mission the overthrow of the monarchies during the past 
century and their replacement by Jewish governments dur¬ 
ing the present century. 

Fortunately, in the case of Turkey the great patriot 
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, supported by the army, was able 
to take over the Turkish revolution and lead it in a more 
appropriate direction for the country, displacing the hidden 
power of Jewish-Masonry. Thus the underground Jews — 
mostly false Moslems belonging to the secret “donmeh" 
sect — were eliminated during many years from the power 
of the rising Republic. But the Turkish people must realise 
that many of these false Moslems still remain visible among 
the Turkish population, ostensibly “assimilated" but real¬ 
ly constitute a terrible fifth column ready to crush Turkey 
at the opportune moment; these crypto-Jews work along 
as accomplices of Moscow. 

(3) Cecil Roth, p. 15. 


Continuing his story ot the Crypto-Jewish Moslems, 
the famous Israelite historian Cecil Roth says that: “There 
are other examples to the East”. And later referring to Iran, 
he states: “Religious persecutions in Persia started in the 
seventeeth century left in the country, particularly in 
Meshed, numerous families that observe Judaism privately 
with punctilious scrupulosity while they openly are devoted 
t© the dominant faith” (4). All this information is to be 
found not only in the revelations of the irreproachable Jew¬ 
ish sources such as Cecil Roth, but also in an edition of 
“Israel Editorial” published in Buenos Aires, which as an 
official Jewish document cannot be labeled as antisemitic. 

Crypto-Judaism is a dangerous fact in Islam today. 
If Moslems do not take adequate steps to protect them¬ 
selves, they will be unhinged inside their own Islamic 
religious institutions as is happening in Christianity. 

The famous Jewish leader, Chacham Israel Joseph 
Benjamin II, who made an inspection tour to the Israelite 
communities of Asia and Africa during eight years, be¬ 
tween 1846 to 1855, in his report to western Jewish lead¬ 
ers referred to the Persian Crypto-Judaism, says as follows: 
“Only twenty years ago, about 3,000 Jews lived in this 
beautiful and flourishing city (he refers to Shiraz). Because 
of the persecutions, oppression and hatred ©f all kinds, 
more tisan twenty five hundred were forced to convert to 
the Moslem sect of Aii. Although they are apparently apos 
tales, a great number of these families still keep in their 
hearts their parents’ faith and even find the way to secret¬ 
ly circumcise their children (according to the Jewish rite). (5), 
He also affirms that the Shiraz Hebrews hove a Nassi, 
(4) Cecil Roth, p. 15 

(S' Choc hen Israel Joseph Benjamin II. “Eight Tears in Asia 
and Africa from 1846 to 1855". Hanover, Germany, 1861. 
pp. 229-230. 


who is a high Israelite leader of the internal organizations 
of Eastern Judaism, of a higher rank than Chatham. 

It is very interesting to notice how Hebrews infiltrate 
enemy organizations to dislocate them from inside. Despite 
the Koran's warnings about Jews, as a result of which 
Islam was since the beginning a religion hostile to Juda¬ 
ism, the Jews have been able to infiltrate Islam for their 
evil goals. They have also infiltrated Ali’s sect, which is 
considered heretical by orthodox Moslems, because ac¬ 
cording to the report of Chacham Benjamin, they were 
accepted as pious Moslems in Ali’s sect, despite the fact 
that Jews were the mortal enemies of the founder of that 
sect, and that Ali’s followers believed that he was mur¬ 
dered by an Israelite, according to Chacham Israel Joseph 


Among the interesting information contained in Cha¬ 
cham Benjamin's report, there is a datum that describes 
how the Jews were able to scale the highest positions in 
the Islamic monarchies — as they did in the Christian 
monarchies — using the farce of pretended conversior 
that has served them so well. Thus the studious Israelite 
Chacham Israel states that in Ispahan, the biggest city in 
the Persian kingdom at that time, “he was in touch with 
Minister Ismael, a native Jew named Jekutiel (6) who was 
raised by the Providence to such a high position. I was 

(6) According to the aforementioned Israelite leader whose re¬ 
port I am quoting, this Minister of the Persian Shah, whose 
Moslem name was Ismael, had the Jewish name of Jekutiel, 
following the use of the clandestine Jews in all the world 
of having two names-, a public one, in accordance to the 
religion the underground Jew pretendedly practices, or ac¬ 
cording to the customs of the country in which he lives; and 
an Israelite one, used only in the secret of his home and 
the ultra secret organizations of the clandestine Judaism. 


honored to be admitted several times to present my re¬ 
spects to him, his brothers Joseph and Mordacai and his 
father Aga Babi”. Then, the Chacham tells how this Jew¬ 
ish minister was elevated to that high position, saying that 
Jekutiel was an outstanding dancer; and that in a great 
party celebrated in the city in the honor of the Shah, Jeku¬ 
tiel danced very artistically and was so audacious as to 
kiss the king’s hand in one of his artistic jumps. The Shah, 
admiring his talent and even his temerity, invited him to 
the Court, where the young fellow grew up under his 
patron's eyes, demonstrating his loyalty to the Shah on 
several occasions and even risking his life for the king who 
eventually nominated him to be Prime Minister of the king¬ 
dom — a position which he held until the Shah’s death. 
The king’s son did not keep him in his privacy and dis¬ 
missed him. The Hebrew investigator says that Jekutiel, 
before the Shah appointed him Minister, converted to Islam 
and adopted the name of Ismael but that “despite of this 
fact, he helped his former brothers in religion as much as 
he could”, and also, as we have already seen, had fre¬ 
quent contacts with the Hebrew leader who recounted this 
significant piece of history. 17 ). 

We should not forget that the Jews who convert to 
Islam, instead of helping Islam against Judaism do the 
opposite. In this, they behave like the Jews converted to 
Christianity. It is enough to remember that the Lehman 
brothers, Jews apparently converted to Catholicism, con¬ 
tinued to help Judaism in the Christian citadel, as was 
shown by their active participation in the “Dreyfus Affair” 
in favor of Judaism and against the French Catholics, led 
by Drumont, who were fighting to save France from Jew¬ 
ish conquest. 

(7) Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II. pp. 237-240. 



Photo taken from the Great Jewish work titled: “Castilian Jewish 
Encyclopedia". Additional volume titled “Contemporary Judaism”. 
Mexico, D. F. 1961. Word Marrano. p. 878, 1st. col. MODERN 



Cases such as that of Jekutiel, alias Ismael, were 
numberless in the Courts of the Christian kings of the 
Middle Age and even in the Papal Courts. They infiltrated 
as humidity, performing imoressive actions, kissing the 
king’s hand or falling upon their knees in supplication in 
front of the Roman Pontiff in order to gain entrance to 
their confidential circles. Others do acts of true merit and 
show apparent loyalty to their masters until finally, at the 
opportune moment, execute their plans, achieving the ben¬ 
efits of the energies spent arid services rendered. 

In many cases these individuals caused real havoc to 
their masters, by betraying them in a catastrophic way 
ni the precise moment. In other cases, when it was con¬ 
venient to Israel, they only used their influence to favor 
the Jews in different ways and increase Jewish power in 
the respective country and church, by infiltrating crypto- 
Jews and close collaborators into the religious hierarchy. 

In his trip to inspect Persia, Chacham Benjamin in¬ 
forms that when he arrived to the city of Meshed, the 
Hebrews told him that the Moslems had recently attacked 
the Jews living there (about four hundred families) to force 
them to convert to Islam. Those who did not accept con¬ 
version were killed or had to flee, but regarding those 
who accepted conversion, the active Chacham comments: 

Here, as in other places, despite their apparent apostasy, 
the forced converts remained loyal to Mosaism in se¬ 
cret”. (8). 

Despite the fact that the conversion of Hebrews to 
another religion is a mere farce, which as a consequence 
brings only an increasing Jewish fifth column into the 
bosom of that religion, Moslems, with a naivety only com 
parable to that of the Christians (in spite of the fact that 

(8) Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II. pp. 241-242. 


they constantly discovered the farce and killed false Mos¬ 
lems who were discovered to practice Judaism in secret) 
continued to celebrate as a great victory the conversion of 
Israelites to Mohammedanism. So Chacham tells that: “The 
apostasy of a Jew and his conversion to the Moslem reli¬ 
gion, is a reason for a public festivity. Once the convert 
does the ordained purification, he is taken —nicely dressed 
-— inside the Mosque where the Achund receives him and 
gives him his new name. Afterwards, he rides a nicely gar¬ 
nished horse and is taken victoriously among all the peo¬ 
ple, and each one of them (the Moslems) congratulates 
him and gives him presents on this occasion”. Our com¬ 
ment in this regard is: Poor mankind, how easily the Jews, 
masters of deceit and lies, deceive you! 

This makes us recall the great religious feasts that 
were held in the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon 
to celebrate the conversion to Christianity of hundreds of 
thousands of Jews following the 1391 slaughters, pro¬ 
voked by the reaction of the people against a tyrannic 
and bloody Jewish domination long exerted by the Israelite 
ministers and advisers of the Castilian and Aragonese 
kings. The massive conversion of so many Jews, not only 
in Castile and Aragon, but also in Navarra and Portugal, 
astonished the Catholic people and ciergy, who every¬ 
where talked about a miracle of heaven The kings re¬ 
warded the most distinguished converted Jews with titles 
o* nobility and high positions in the government of the 
State, and the Church elevated them to the offices of Bish- 
■oo, Archbishop and even Cardinal. The feast was over 
when decades later it was discovered and confirmed that 
the massive conversion of Jews to Christianity was a pre¬ 
tense effected for the sole purpose of infiltrating Christian 
society, the Christian clergy and the Christian State to 
dominate them from inside, and that although the fami- 


lies of the converts publicly abandoned their Jewish names 
and Israelite last names to adopt Christian names of dif¬ 
ferent regions of Spain, even adopted aristocratic names, 
they were actually organized in secret society, practicing 
Judaism in a clandestine way and even keeping their Jew¬ 
ish names and last names, using them only at home and 
at the clandestine meetings, while in public in a hypocriti¬ 
cal way they practiced Christianity religiously and fer- 
vorously, observing all its rites meticulously, as the Mos¬ 
lem crypto-Jews do in the Islam. 

Then the great tragedy for Spain and Portugal started. 
In view of the discovery that the descendants of Jewish 
converts, apparently Christians, continued to be clandes¬ 
tine Israelites and had already taken over the main posi¬ 
tions in the leadership of the state and the church, domi¬ 
nating politics, finance and everything in the Iberian pen¬ 
insula, a general defensive reaction came, and the Inquisi¬ 
tion was created, first in Spain and later in Portugal. With 
the aid of torture, all secret nets of clandestine Judaism 
were discovered. The Inquisition would have saved those 
nations, if the ingenuousness of the Popes and the kings 
would not have granted general forgiveness to the Jew¬ 
ish conspirers, wasting the action of the inquirers and 
allowing clandestine Judaism to survive, until centuries 
later, infiltrated in the government positions, these secret 
Jews could destroy the inquisitorial regime. The Jews were 
then completely free to sow subversion and work to domi¬ 
nate not only Portugal and Spain but their former colo¬ 
nies in America, since converted into independent nations, 
where clandestine Jews, covered with the mask of Catho¬ 
licism and with Christian and genuine Spanish and Portu¬ 
guese names and last names, are the propagators of Com¬ 
munism and subversion of all kinds, and have al¬ 
ready enslaved Cuba and attempted to subdue and en- 


slave the rest of Latin America. This is the tragic result of 
the conversion of Jews to Christianity in the Iberic pen¬ 
insula as started in 1391. And still there are many ignorant 
people among Christians who seriously believe in the con¬ 
version of Jews to Christianity! During the Middle Age the 
pretended conversions of the Jews to Christianity occurred 
in all European countries without exception. Converted 
Jews adopted typical surnames from the country in which 
they lived. Naive Christians, specially the clergy, whose 
political blindness is traditional everywhere, celebrated 
with feasts the conversion of Jews in all places. 

And when the emperors, kings, Popes and councils 
of the Church discovered and confirmed that Israelite con¬ 
version to Christianity had been false, and that their de¬ 
scendants, in spite of being Christians in public, were se¬ 
cretly Jews, the feast for the conversion turned into a 
tragedy. During the XII Century the European countries 
were shaken by conspiracies and revolutions — the fa¬ 
mous medieval heresies and it was fully proved that all 
were led by clandestine Jews. To stop this heretic-revolu¬ 
tionary wave, the Medieval Pontifical Inquisition was 
created, which through tortures investigated and con¬ 
firmed that the heretic-revolutionary movements were al¬ 
ways led by secret Jews covered with the mask of Chris¬ 
tianity. By torturing those leaders, the Inquisition forced 
them to reveal the names of all clandestine Jews in that 
place. The inquisitorial regime would have definitely elimi¬ 
nated the clandestine Judaism and freed western Europe 
from that cancer, if the Popes and the kings would not 
have fell into the deceit and even the bribe of the Jews, 
and granted general forgivenesses, freeing the prisoner 
Jews from the inquisitorial jails, and frustrating repeated¬ 
ly during three centuries the work of the inquirers, allow¬ 
ing the conspiring Israelites to survive, until following the 



They were Christians in public and Jews in secret. They were con¬ 
demned for going to Mass and take communion as Christians, and 
keep the wafers taking them out of the mouth to profane them. 


Photo taken from the GREAT JEWISH WORK titled: “Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia" 2nd. vol. Word Belgium, p. 127, 2nd. col. 

Mexico, 1948. 

Protestant Reformation, they were able to liquidate the 
pontifical inquisitorial regime ruling Western and Central 
Europe. The result is that all European countries are today 
undermined by the secret sects of clandestine Jews, cov¬ 
ered with the mask of the different Christian churches: 
catholic, protestant and orthodox, because the Constan- 
tinoplan Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and its 
branches.- the Russian, Bulgarian, Roumanian, etc., com¬ 
mitted the mistake and naivete of receiving with feasts, 
honors and even dignities, the Jews who through centu¬ 
ries were infiltrating the Christian citadel by pretending 
conversion so as to win control of the Church and domi¬ 
nate it from inside. 





As indicated in the title of this Chapter, we are not 
going to refer to those Israelites that have practiced Juda¬ 
ism in Algeria openly and who are recognized as Jews 
by the rest of the population. Those of European origin — 
especially the French Jews — who vilely exploited work¬ 
ers and peasants of Algeria during the French domina¬ 
tion, were forced to leave the country after the indepen¬ 
dence was consumated. In this chapter we shall only refer 
to those Israelites whose ancestors apparently left Judaism 
to falsely convert to Islam, and their descendants although 
these openly practice Mohammed's religion, and appear 
as faithful members of the Algerian people, they continue 
to adhere secretly to the Israeli nation and to practice 
Judaism in a complete hidden way, thus forming the se¬ 
cret sect called “Mehadjerin", which infiltrates the Moslem 
political, religious and social institutions. These clandestine 
Jews practice the Islamic religion in a very zealous way — 
and appear as members of the Algerian people, as is the 
case with the clandestine Israelites that to a greater or 


lesser degree have infiltrated all the Moslem nations of 
Africa and Asia, forming an Israelite fifth column inside 
Islam, whose strength is surpassed only by the power that 
Judaism exercises in Christendom, by means of those se¬ 
cret sects of clandestine Jews that in public practice the 
different confessions of Christianity but who in secret are 
loyal to the Israeli nation and religion. 

Before proceeding to study the sect of the clandestine 
Algerian Jews called “Mehadjerin", I shall present a brief 
synthesis of the policy of the Jewish imperialism regarding 
Algeria in recent times. 

When it was convenient for international Judaism that 
the French imperialism — converted in a satellite of the 
Israeli imperialism — should conquer Algeria, the Jews 
living in this country betrayed it, making it easy for the 
French to conquer it and then helping the French to con¬ 
solidate their conquest. In return for this, Israelites living 
in Algeria obtained from the French government the widest 
protection that allowed them to exert domain and exploit 
the poor Algerian people. World Judaism considered it 
was the time to liquidate and destroy the liberal capi¬ 
talist imperialism, to replace it with totalitarian com¬ 
munism which would give Israel absolute power over the 
world, and the international Judaism agreed to destroy 
the French Empire. While on the one hand, most public 
Jews were on the side of France, infiltrating the move¬ 
ments in favor of a French Algeria and later in the Secret 
Army Organization, on the other hand, the clandestine 
Jews of the sect we will study, disguised under the mask 
of a false Islamism, infiltrated the army of Algerian in¬ 
surgents, trying to control the independence movement in 
order to guarantee Jewish domination on that country at 
the moment it was freed, and to lead it gradually to com¬ 
munism. It is necessary to understand that for the inter- 


national Jews the liberation of Algeria from the French 
domination has no other purpose than to replace the yoke 
of the French by the yoke of the clandestine "Mehadjerin” 
Jews, who pretended to be Mohammedan, and other 
crypto-Jews who were born in the country, whose activi¬ 
ties are revealed in Jewish documents of unquestionable 

This division of the Algerian Jews corresponded to 
another similar division in the rows of World Judaism. 
While in the State of Israel, Zionists and Zionist terrorist 
organizations such as the Irgun Zvai Leumi even provided 
arms in the struggle in favor of a French Algeria, the 
international powers of Judaism, headquartered in Mos¬ 
cow and New York, backed the cause of Algerian inde¬ 
pendence, with the hope that in achieving it, this coun¬ 
try fell into the crawls of the underground "Mehadjerin" 
Jews infiltrated in the national liberation movement. Al¬ 
though Jews always bet to both cards in the game, there 
is some evidence to believe that this time a real and 
irritated division exploded on the Algerian affair, be¬ 
tween Zionists and secret powers of the international Juda¬ 
ism, for the Zionists considered that Algerian independence 
instead of leading this country to communism, as Moscow 
and New York hoped, would throw the country into the 
crawls of the Arabian anti-Jews making it a serious threat 
for the State of Israel. 

For the Arabs and the whole world to miow how 
serious the problem of crypto-Judaism in Algeria is, we 
will start quoting a Jewish source of information that is 
highly authoritative. We are referring to the Great Rabbi 
of Constantino province, Ab-Cahen, who in 1866 wrote 
a detailed letter to M. Feraud, Secretary of the Archeologi¬ 
cal Society asking him to insert his letter — as he did — 
in the "Recueil" of that Society; where the full text of the 


mentioned document may be read. 

The Great Rabbi tries to justify in this letter the hatred 
the Hebrews have against Spanish, which led the Israelite 
communities of Northern Africa to establish a new reli¬ 
gious festivity similar to that of Queen Esther’s Purim, to 
annually celebrate the fall of the Spanish domination in 
North Africa in the XVI Century, and the defeat of the 
new attempt of invasion which occurred at the end of 
the XVIII Century. 

Later on, he refers to the existance of the “Mehadje- 
rin” sect, mentioning in that valuable and illustrative docu¬ 
ment, the pretended conversion to Islam of Algerian Jews. 
There are two stories: the first — which the Great Rabbi 
regarded as the less probable — says that at the middle 
of the XVIII Century one of the main, Ben-Djellab, forced 
all Hebrews in Tuggurt, Souf and other populations of his 
fief, to convert to Mohammed’s religion, due to a love 
incident; the another story — which the Great Rabbi con¬ 
sidered more credible in accordance with the customs 
of the country at that time, and which is also accepted 
by the ’’Mehadjerin” as true — says that at the middle 
of the Eighteenth century, “Ben D{ellab r the grand-father 
of the one that was in Tuggurt when the French arrived 
in Africa, was the prince of Tuggurt, Souf and the coun¬ 
try around there; as the Jews gave him a very beautiful 
present, he looked for the best way to reward them and 
gathered the main people of the country to consult about 
this with them. Different rewards were proposed such as 
personal privileges and the alleviation of taxes. Suddenly 
somebody told the prince: ‘As you wish to reward them 
in an extraordinary manner, give them permission to con¬ 
vert and the honor of receiving them among the true be¬ 
lievers’. The prince accepted this suggestion and informed 
the Jews about it, but they begged him that as they were 


Jews they wanted nothing but to remain being Jews. Ben 
Djellab, who thought he was granting an extraordinary 
mercy to them, became furious in view of this disdain, 
which hurt his dignity as a prince and a Moslem. He con¬ 
sequently ordered the Jews to choose immediately — 
within 24 hours — between the choise of becoming Mos¬ 
lems or of leaving the country without any hope of return¬ 
ing. The Jew's distress was great. Many of them fled and 
were persecuted and beheaded by the people of Ben- 
Djellab. Most Jews, nevertheless, foreseeing what was go¬ 
ing to happen, and without finding another solution to 
this situation than conversion — at least an apparent con¬ 
version — yielded up to the prince’s orders and accepted — 
at least publicly the Moslem religion”. 

“Still now, the name used by the descendants of these 
converts, reminds the facts of this second version. They are 
called ‘Mehadjerin’, that means: “the well rewarded” ... 

The high leader of World Judaism, the Constantino 
Rabbi continues to reveal that: “Like the Anussim of Spain, 
new Christians, Jews converted by the Inquisition, they 
openly practiced the Moslem religion, but in their homes 
they continued to practice the Jewish cult. Some of those 
who had left Tuggurt for other places in Africa, to live 
among Jews, were persecuted because of Ben-Djellab’s 
denunciation, and executed as renegades from the Mos¬ 
lem faith. These facts intimidated others, who, in order to 
escape from a similar situation, became ostensibly jealous 
and even fanatic Moslems. All went on the pilgrimage to 
Mecca, but the “Mehadjerin” nevertheless continued to 
live in their own separate neighborhood and refused to 
marry into other Moslem families, which is why they have 
kept their names, their features and their distinctive habits. 
It is said that even now they celebrate on Saturday or 
Sabbat of the Jews, but in secret. As was the case of the 


new Christians, this fact of isolationism may have two 
reasons, one of them that they wanted to remain isolated 
and without connection with other Moslems, especially dur¬ 
ing the first years, the other reason being the low regard 
the Moslem had for the converts”. 

Then, the high Jewish leader we are mentioning 
makes the most terrible and important of his revelations: 

“Nowadays, nevertheless, they are the main people 
of the country and most of all, the richest; they own al¬ 
most all houses and gardens of this oasis and trade is 
almost exclusively in their hands”. 

“ ‘Mehadjerins’ have frequently inherited goods from 
some Jewish relative living in Bou-Saada, Tmctssin or in 
Mzab. But Jews have not been permitted to be heirs to 
any ‘Mehadjerin’ relative. The Moslem legislation opposed 

The Great Rabbi continues in his letter, that at the 
time of writing, the Jewish origin of the “Mehadjerins” 
was not forgotten, and that the “Mehadjerins” were con¬ 
sequently afraid of Arabians. The high Hebrew leader 
closes his letter saying: “This letter is too long and I do not 
want to abuse of the space the Society has agreed to give 
me in the Recueil this year. I still have to talk about the 
Spanish expeditions of 1516 and 1542. In the Jewish po¬ 
ems there are certain details about these happenings that 
may be interesting for the Algerian history. Besides, it is 
my intention to write a monography of the North African 
Jews, and I would ask a place in the next Recueil of our 
society for this purpose. Signed: Ab-Cahen, Great Rabbi 
of the Constantino province (Algeria)”. (9). 

(9) Great Rabbi of Constantino Ab-Cahen. Letter addressed to 
M. Feraud, Secretary of the Archeological Society of Constan¬ 
tino, Algeria, inserted in the ''Recueil’' of that Archeological 


On the other hand, the existance of crypto-Judaism 
in Algeria goes back so many years before the false con¬ 
version of "Mehadjerins" to Islam. The Castilian Jewish 
Encyclopedia tells us that during the Almohade domina¬ 
tion in Algeria (1147-1269), and especially after the ad¬ 
vent of Emir Abd-al-Mumin, Hebrews were forced to con¬ 
vert to the Moslem religion but that as the Mohammedans 
uncovered many false conversions, they forced the con¬ 
verts to wear a special dress to distinguish them from 
original Moslems. 

It also states that the usual language of the Algerian 
Israelite is the Arabian (10). 

This measure of forcing the converts of Judaism and 
their descendants to use a special dress was regarded as 
a necessity of different parts of the Christendom and the 
Islam in view of the conviction of those supposedly con¬ 
verted Christians and Moslems were Jews hidding behind 
what they themselves have called a mask of Christianity 
or Islam, always hide their Jewish identity so as to per¬ 
form subversive activities in the society they live. Many 
rulers attempted to prevent this subversive activity by 
forcing Jews to wear a distinctive dress, cap or a special 
sign that let other people in the country know that the 
man so adorned was a converted Jew or the descendant 
of converts, and that all people should be careful with 
him despite his claim to practice Christianity or Islam in 
an apparently pious way. 

Finallv. another official book of Judaism the Jewish 
Encyclopedic Handbook, published by the "Israel Publish¬ 
ing House" of Buenos Aires, under the word "Algeria" 
states: “There were Jews there in the Roman age, sub¬ 
jected to religious persecution. The first Arabs treated their^ 

(10) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia". Mexico, 1948. Word Alge¬ 
ria. p. 430, 1st. col 


well, but the fanatic almohade (1130) converted them by 
force; these were the first crypto-Jews...’* (Hi¬ 
lt can be seen that the tradition of clandestine Juda¬ 
ism covered by the mask of the Moslem religion, has an 
ancient intermixture of roots in Algeria. That is why it is 
most dangerous for the Arab world and the Islamic World 
in general, because if these false Arabs, false Algerian 
Moslems, achieve — as is planned by the dark powers of 
Judaism based in Moscow or New York — to defeat the 
true Algerian patriots and establish there the first crypto- 
Jewish communist State in the Arab World, the result 
would constitute an extremely dangerous threat for the 
real Arab nationalists and the real Moslems. May the 
Algerians open their eyes in time and ward off such a 
tremendous menace! 

The needed brevity of this book avoids any inclusion 
of the study of clandestine Judaism in all the Moslem 
states, for this super-secret society has invaded all of them 
to a higher or lesser degree. Unfortunately, experience 
shows that the great majority of the people refuse to 
read bulky books, and that if we extend this book too 
much, it would be hopelessly condemned to be read by 
just a few people. Due to this fact we shall reduce to 
mention in this chapter — even we regret it — only some 
very illustrative examples on clandestine Judaism in some 
other Islamic States. 

In North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia 
Libya and Egypt, and even from Asia Minor to Yemen, 
the branch of clandestine Judaism composed by the super 
hidden society of false Moslems who are secretly a part 
of the nation and religion of Israel, has a very ancient 

(11) “Jewish Encyclopedic Handbook of Pablo Link". (Israel Pub¬ 
lishing House of Buenos Aires, 1950. Jewish Year 5710), 

Word Algeria, p. 40. 


origin, because it was consolidated by one of the highest 
Israelite leaders in the history of Judaism, Moses ben 
Maimon, universally known as Moses Maimonides. I will 
transcribe from the famous German Jewish historian’s 
—Heinrich Graetz— in his “History of the Jews", in order 
for the reader to appreciate this: “In the last third of the 
Twelfth Century, Judaism seemed to have lost its center 
of gravity. Once the Gaonato fell, the World direction (of 
Judaism) was taken by the South of Spain (which was 
Moslem then) with its communities in Cordova, Seville, 
Granada and Lucena; but due to the intolerance of the 
Almohade these places did not have (public) Jewish con¬ 
gregations and there were only Jews covered with the 
mask of Mohammedanism...” 

Then Graetz states that in those times the lack of 
able leaders had left Judaism without a capable world 
leadership but that in this critical period “Maimonides 
appeared and became the unifying factor for Judaism 
and a point of contact for all East and Western communi¬ 
ties; the man whose decisions as a rabbinic authority 
were the last word, although he was not invested with 
any official dignity. He was the spiritual king of the Jews, 
to whom the most important leaders gladly subjected." 

Graetz continues, saying that when Maimonides was 
13 years old, the city of Cordova (where he was born 
and lived) was taken by the armies of the Moslem sect 
of the Almohade in May or June 1148, and that Almohade 
tried to exterminate Judaism inside Islam trying to force 
the Jews to withdraw Judaism and to adopt the Moslem 
religion. With this purpose, the Almohade issued Edicts 
that gave Jews the alternative of embracing Mohammed’s 
religion, converting to Islam, or of dying, or at least of 
being expelled from the country. In view of that situation, 
Maimonides and his family had to apparently withdraw 


from Judaism and —according to Graetz’s expression 
“to cover themselves with the mask of Islam”, practicing 
the Moslem religion in public but keeping in secret their 
adherence to Judaism, as most Jews of the Moslem Spain 
and Northern Africa had to do, because they suffered 
the Almohade persecution. 

Years later, when Moses Maimonides' family moved 
to Morocco, Moses, being already the great leader of clan¬ 
destine Judaism, devoted himself to strengthening the Jew¬ 
ish convictions of the Israelites that had to live publicly 
as Moslems in North Africa, to prevent their Jewish faith 
from being weakened by the daily public practice of the 
Islamic religion ( 12 ). This practice continues among crypto- 
Jews who openly practice the different gentile religions, 
by the learned Rabbis of the underground Israelite com¬ 

Maimonides, as the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia 
says: “wrote the ‘Iggeretha-shemad epistle on conver¬ 
sions, for his crypto-Jewish brothers, in which he encour¬ 
aged them to be loyal to the religion of Israel (13). Maimo¬ 
nides, on the other hand, also tried to strengthen and 
give a greater moral justification to the practice of clan¬ 
destine Judaism, against those Israelites who were too 
fanatically religious to be skillful politicians and criticized 
those who hid their Judaism and in public practiced a 
false religion. 

In his famous epistle regarding apostasy, Maimonides 
recalled that saints and wise men such as Rabbi Meir and 
Rabbi Eleazar in ancient Rome had to pretend that they 

(12) Heinrich Graetz. “History of Hie Jews". Philadelphia, 1956. 
(Jewish year 5717. Edition made by "The Jewish Publica¬ 
tion Society of America"). 3rd. vol., ch. ( XIV, pp. 446 ff. 

(13) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 7th vol. Word Maimonides, 
p. 242, 2nd. col. 


practiced Paganism and that the Jew that hid his adher¬ 
ence to Israel's people and religion and openly and false¬ 
ly practiced Moslem or Christian religion, did not violate 
the rules of the Bible and Talmud, because when professing 
the Islamic faith, for example, “we only repeat a formula 
without real meaning..." “bound to deceive...” ( 14 ). 
And that although it was true that rules in the Bible and 
Talmud forbade idolatry “it was necessary to distinguish 
among the mere verbal transgression and those in fact” (15). 

It is true that as Maimonides had recognized, several 
years earlier, that many Jews including leaders as im¬ 
portant as Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Eleazar, had practiced 
Paganism in public, and that others later had pretended 
to practice Christianity or Islam. But this practice — more 
usual every time — had not prevented fanatic Jews who 
adhered too literally to the rules of the Bible and Talmud, 
from criticizing not only the hiding of the Jewish identity 
of Israelites, but also their practicing in public what they 
considered false religions. As centuries passed, neverthe¬ 
less, the political and economic advantages to Judaism 
from the infiltration of Jews into the Christian Church 
and the Moslem Mosque, facilitating their task of domina¬ 
tion of the nations, caused a decline in the opposition of 
the fanatics. But Moses Maimonides undoubtedly has the 
highest merit, and his example, his arguments and his 
great prestige, decisively influenced the Israelites to toler¬ 
ate those of their members who were driven to adopt 
other religions. Thus, what on other occasions had devel¬ 
oped as a forced resource to avoid persecution and save 
the life of Judaism, developed into a marvelous system 
that allowed the Israelite nation to create and extend a 

(14) Heinrich Graetz. 3rd. vol., ch. XIV, pp. 446 ff. 

(15) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin. “Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals”. 

New York, 1953. pp. 549-550 

world hidden power that has allowed her to secretly con¬ 
quer the nations using as auxiliaries such secret societies 
as Masonry, llluminism, Carbonarism, sinarchy and other 
sects, or the political parties and all kinds of organiza¬ 
tions secretly controlled by the clandestine Judaism with¬ 
out the gentiles in many cases can perceive it and not 
even suspect it. 

As the Israelite historian Graetz says, Maimonides, 
with his great wisdom and ability, became the leader of 
world Judaism, and also of the clandestine Jews who 
openly practiced the Moslem religion. He oriented them 
and also the crypto-Jews living in the Moslem Spain, those 
of North Africa until Egypt and even those of the far lands 
of Arabia in the Yemen, where according to what Graetz 
says, the Yemeni Jews were forced “the same as their 
African and South Spain brothers, to pretend they con¬ 
verted to Mohammed’s faith in 1172”. And in view of 
the danger that the clandestine Jews of Yemen hesitated 
in view of the persecution, Maimonides sent a letter to 
them and took other steps to raise their moral against 
the Moslem oppresion. (16). 

Disguised as a pious Mohammedan and with the 
long Arab name of ‘‘Abu-Amran Musa ben Maimun Obaid 
Allah”, Maimonides moved to Egypt, where at the same 
time that continued encouraging the world organization 
of Judaism, he successfully practiced medicine and could 
infiltrate in Sultan Saladin's court, getting the confidence 
of the Great Vizier Al-Fadel, who appointed Maimonides 
the physician of the Court. To this regard Graetz adds 
that “Encouraged by that example, other nobles that lived 
in Cairo required Maimonides and soon his time was so 
busy that he needed to neglect his studies”. 

(16) Heinrich Graetz. 3rd. vol., ch. XIV. 



Photo taken of the great Jewish work titled: “Castilian Jewish 
Encyclopedia” 7th vol. Mexico, D. F. 1950. Word Morocco, p. 302, 

2nd. col. 


All this gave Maimonides great influence in the 
Sultan’s court, which used to obtain that the persecution 
to Jews, including those of Yemen, diminished. Everything 
was all right, until somebody denounced him as a clan¬ 
destine Jew and apostate of the Islam, despite of the 
fact that he practiced the Moslem religion. These delicts 
were punished in Egypt and rest of the Islam in those 
days with death penalty; Maimonides was subjected to 
a trial that would have taken him to gibbet if his pro¬ 
tector the Great Vizier Al-Fadel had not have saved him 
in a so risky situation. And Al-Fadel also recognized him 
with the title of Head (nagib) of all the Israelite com¬ 
munities of Egypt, to the amazement and indignation of 
the pious Moslems, who thought it was absurd that a clan¬ 
destine Jew, apostate of Islam, instead of punishing him 
with death penalty he was rewarded as well as his Israel¬ 
ite fellow-companions. When Maimonides died on Decem¬ 
ber 13, 1204, his son Abulmeni Abraham succeeded his 
father in the position of physician of the Caliph (17). 

Clandestine Judaism in Yemen, Egypt and other Arab 
countries of North Africa for the same reason plays a 
very illustrious role in the history of the people of Israel. 

Going back to the report of Chacham Israel Joseph 
Benjamin II, it is inferred that the Hebrews of Alessandria, 
although they had not in those days recovered the ancient 
splendor destroyed by St. Cyril when they were expelled, 
remained very strong at the middle of the past century. 
The cited Hebrew authority reports that there were two 
communities one of the Italian rite and another of the 
native rite, but led by only one Chacham. This was Rabbi 
Solomon Chasan. Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II also 
says that there were other two communities in Cairo, one 
of the Italian rite and another one of the native rite, the 
(17) Heinrich Graetz. 3rd. vol., ch. XIV. 



Photo taken from the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 7th vol. 
, Mexico, D. F. 1950. Word Morocco, p. 306. 



last one with six thousand families and the Italian with 
only two hundred. He also says that in 1846 the two 
communities sent to Jerusalem for a new Chacham be¬ 
cause theirs had died. The illustrious Hebrew traveller con¬ 
tinues his account of the situation of all the Jewish com¬ 
munities of North Africa, giving details on the number of 
families, internal officials of those communities, synago¬ 
gues, places where the aristocratic circle of the Cohanim 
existed, and regions where Hebrews had positions in the 
Moslem government, indicating the case of the city of 
Susa where there was a crypto-Jewish Cadi (Arabian of¬ 
ficial) that was called Chogi among the Arabs and Isaac 
among the Hebrews H 8). This is another example of the 
double name used by crypto-Jews: a Christian, Moslem, 
Brahman or Buddhist, according the religion they practice 
in public, and a Jewish one; to be used only in the secret 
of the clandestine Jewish organizations they belong to. 

Talking about Algeria, Chacham Benjamin says that 
the French even paid the salaries of the Chachamin and 
the teachers, and that the Jews lived harmoniously with 
the French government in contrast with what occurred 
in the countries dominated by the Moslems, where ac¬ 
cording to what the active Jewish leader says, savagery 
reigned, including in the Arab provinces of the Ottoman 
Empire, as Syria. 

In Lebanon the secret societies of clandestine Judaism 
were of two kinds.- that grouping the crypto-Jews that 
publicly practice the Christian religion, and those who 
practice the Islamic religion. From the information we may 
infer that most belonged to families that live as Christians 
in public but who keep Judaism in the most absolute se¬ 

(18) Chacham Israel Joseph Beniamin II. “Eight Years in Asia and 

Africa from 1846 to 1855”. Hanover, 1862. pp. 277-279. 



Photo taken from the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. Additional 
volume titled: "CONTEMPORARY JUDAISM". Mexico, D. F. 1961. 
Word Libya, pp. 821-822. 




The Lebanese people are, like the Israelites, a nomad 
people. Most Lebanese have emigrated abroad and are 
grouped in each country in colonies with a certain in¬ 
ternal organization. In this way, approximately two thirds 
of the Lebanese live abroad and only one third live in 

Clandestine Lebanese Judaism has a special me maT 
in the nation of Israel is known as the LEBANESE RITE. Its 
members are infiltrated in the Lebanese colonies through¬ 
out the world and their activity in and outside Lebanon 
has been the sabotage and paralization of any effective 
Lebanese collaboration in the fight of the Arabs against 
the State of Israel, especially among Christian Lebanese, 
much more infiltrated than the Moslems of clandestine 
Judaism. In countries where the Lebanese colonies are 
highly infiltrated by Lebanese Jews covered with the mask 
of Christianity mainly, such false Lebanese (Jews in secret), 
have achieved the control of leading positions in the 
Lebanese clubs and associations, preventing any help to 
the Lebanese in their vital Arab struggle against the State 
of Israel and Zionism. In some cases these clandestine Jew¬ 
ish leaders from the Lebanese colonies have even reached 
the extreme of maintaining friendly relations with the is 
raelite colonies, to the astonishment of those who canno 
understand how such a thing is possible while a state o 
martial law between the Arabs and Israel does not exist. 

World Judaism intends to control the local and inter¬ 
national Lebanese association in its own benefit, and it 
is urgent that the sincere Lebanese patriots do everything 
possible to free their valuable people from the infiltra¬ 
tion and domination of their hidden enemies — the clan¬ 
destine Jews of the Lebanese Rite. This is important not 
only for Lebanon but for the Arab cause in general. Be¬ 
sides, the Lebanese colonies established in different coun- 



From a peasant town near Sanaa. Judaism uses the needy worker 
and peasant Jews of Yemen as of other countries, to lead the 
Marxist revolutions. Photo taken from the “Castilian Jewish Ency¬ 
clopedia”. 1st. vol. Mexico. 1948. Word Arabia, p. 405, 1st. col. 


tries of the world, and their world association, are a great 
world force, that if they fall into the hands of the clan¬ 
destine Judaism of the Lebanese Rite, it would be a catas¬ 
trophe not only for the Lebanese but for all mankind. 

Referring to the clandestine Judaism in Irak, we shall 
mention a very illustrative fact given by the Jewish Cha- 
cham Israel Joseph Benjamin If in the middle of last cen¬ 
tury in his aforementioned report. He says that there is 
a Mosque in Baghdad where the grave of the great Mara- 
but Abd-el-Kader is, which is visited by Moslem pere¬ 
grines, and he is a highly venerated saint in that city; 
and the aforementioned Jewish leader affirms that the 
Hebrew tradition says that “the Mosque was a Synagogue 
before”, and that “the Marabut was nothing less than 
the famous Talmudist Joseph Hagueliti”. (19) 

The irony used by the distinguished Jewish Chacham 
speaks by itself. The Moslem Marabut are, something simi¬ 
lar to the saints in the Catholic Church or in the Greek 
Orthodox Church, so that the facts told by Chacham Ben¬ 
jamin would be equivalent in the Catholic world to the 
fact that the Jewish clandestine clergymen that presently 
invade and control the Catholic Church, shows that the 
Church consecrated as a saint a false Jewish Christian, 
a real enemy of Christ and of the Church, and that after¬ 
wards those Judas in cassocks built a temple to honor him. 
Beware, Catholics and Moslems against such infamous 

In Christianity it is excessively demonstrated that the 
clandestine Jews, false professing the Christian religion, 
have been preferably dedicated, through the centuries, to 
activities of political domination and revolutionary agita¬ 
tion, and public Jews who openly practice their religion 
are mainly devoted to industry, commerce and to build 
(19) Chacham Israel Joseph Beniamin II, pp. 149. 



Solemn ceremonies and rites have given and continue to give Ju- 
dqism a great internal strength. They are of a synagogue or fami¬ 
liar character, according to if they are performed in the bosom 
of the Synagogue Fraternities or in the family. Ceremonies use to 
end with a Ritual Banquet in which every plate and every meal 
has a symbolic meaning. Masonic Banquets — like everything in 
Masonry — are mere copies of those celebrated in the secret of 
Judaism. For the gentiles to know about these RITUAL BANQUETS 
the Jewish books call them DINNER PARTIES, to hide the real 
meaning in Judaism. 


up the gigantic economic power of world Israel. This has 
helped Judaism to hide its leading participation in its revo¬ 
lutionary movements. 

Historical facts, nevertheless, have shown us that this 
has not been always an absolute rule and that in different 
occasions public Jews have participated in political and 
subversive activities, especially in some countries where 
they are either not many of them or their political col¬ 
laboration is required; or the successes obtained by them 
make them be too confident and abandon all kinds of 
precautions. But these interferences were precisely what 
helped gentiles to become aware of the Jewish threat, 
specially when the Holy Inquisition was destroyed and 
the Christian world was left without an institution that 
allowed it to discover and destroy the revolutionary activi¬ 
ties and the hidden domination developed by the under¬ 
ground Jews, who are apparently Christians. 

We are sure that both in the Christian and Moslem 
worlds and in other religions, with a nationalist police, 
defending the people against the domination of the Jewish 
imperialism, that using efficient means to force the guilty 
to tell the truth taking advantage when it is possible of 
the Inquisition's experiences, it is possible to discover that 
the focus of treason to the motherland, of masonic or 
communist subversion, although they do not appear to 
be led by Jews identified as such, they are led by under¬ 
ground Jews who are apparently Christians, Moslems, or 
profess another religion, as in other centuries the Inquirers 
could discover that there were almost always clandestine 
Jews organizing the subversive movements against the 
Church and the Christian States. That is why it is so urgent 
that the nations of the world organize this kind of polices 
as soon as possible, as the only means of defending from 
the conquering action of the Jewish imperialism and its 



Jewish authors say that the cradle of the Caucasic Hebrews was 
in Aturpakatan, called Soviet Azerbaijan today. They have spread 
into Georgia — Stalin's homeland — Turkey and especially in the 
Caucasus. Many of them are Moslem in public and Jews in secret, 

in Turkey. 


fifth columns, either public or clandestine, that as long as 
they are not localized and totally destroyed, they will con¬ 
tinue to destroy the peace of the nations, by provoking 
bloody and destroying wars and revolutions, and threat¬ 
ening all peoples with the most cruel conquest and slavery. 

At end of this chapter I will mention what researchers 
on the Jewish problem, in the far land of Pakistan, tell 
us about the labor of conquest and subversion of the Israel¬ 
ites in the Islamic society. The Moslem Pakistani Misbahul 
Islam Faruqi, in a book published by himself, titled “The 
Jewish Conspiracy and the Muslim World” whose first edi¬ 
tion appeared in Karachi, Pakistan in 1967, among other 
things he says the following, referring to the Jews infil¬ 
trated in the Islamic society: 

“They do produce schisms and dissensions among the 
Muslim society. There are many a cult and groups who 
are supported, nurtured and employed by the Jewry to 
create confusion in the Islamic ranks”. 

... “One of the most favorite techniques of the Jews 
is to sow seeds of dissension and discord among the Mus¬ 
lim community through their hirelings and agents in the 
press, on the platform or pulpit. They raises hell of fire 
on trifles and unimportant, controversial issues of no con¬ 
sequence and try to incite the masses and confuse the 
intelligentsia for ulterior ends. Examples from past and 
present can be cited from various countries. Indeed, Jews 
have a special knack in the art of spreading falsehood 
and mischief. Their career from Prophet’s (Mohammed) ( 20 ) 
day right up to the present time testifies to this truth. 
And how tragic if Muslims themselves fall prey to their 
tactics and become a plaything in their hands. Here in 

(20) For a better understanding of our non Moslem readers, we 

put that word in parenthesis. 


Pakistan a few so-called religious figures have made it 
their lifetime job, and they do not hesitate to coin and 
innovate newer and baser falsehoods against those who 
are dedicated to the ideal of the revival of Islam. They 
should be knowing that by attempting to weaken the 
forces of Islam in this country and placing hurdles in the 
way of Islamic movement they will only be serving the 
cause of Zionism. There can be nothing more dangerous 
to the interests of Zionism than a full-fledged Islamic move¬ 
ment aiming at establishing a truly Islamic order". 

“The Zionist agents take advantage of the difference 
of opinion about a matter in a society or exploit vorious 
schools of thought in an established religion by magnify¬ 
ing the otherwise minor matters of details out of all pro¬ 
portion to confuse public mind. If existing sects and groups 
do not serve their purpose they develop newer ones and 
create dissensions to torpedo the unity of thought and 
action in a people. When such a situation arises Muslims 
should pause to think and try to peep behind the forces 
at work, instead of jumping at conclusions about persons 
and parties, and not be carried away in the Niagra of 
propaganda of an insidious enemy. It should be remem¬ 
bered that Jewish hands are long, their agents everywhere 
and Muslims, particularly, are their target". ( 21 ). 

The Jewish techniques denounced by the illustrious 
Pakistani researcher are performed by the members of the 
Israelite fifth columns in the gentile nations, not only of 
Islam but also of Christianity and other religions, naturally 
adapted to the special circumstances of each country, as 
Jews are accustomed to do, especially as clandestine Jews. 

(21) Misbahul Islam Faruqi. “Jewish Conspiracy and the Muslim 
World”. Jeddah-Pakistan. pp. 109, 110-111. 





Now we will deal with a very serious problem, which 
is largely unknown nowadays, referring to the role He¬ 
brews played in the intervention by the European powers 
in internal affairs of the Asian and African continents — 
in some cases limitted to making or replacing govern¬ 
ments, but in others, even to subjecting the Afro-Asian 
nations to vassalage, thus forming in the XVIII, XIX and 
early XX centuries, the great colonial empires. 

Valuable information in this regard frequently ap¬ 
pears in authoritative Israelite sources that we have been 
able to consult, which due to the brevity of this book, 
cannot be inserted in full. Thus, in the valuable report of 
Chacham Benjamin on Persia, he says that: “My coreli- 
gionaries in Persia repeatedly asked me to publish in 
Europe a description of their present condition”. The ensuing 
report is extremely enlightening. 


Regarding his visit to the city of Shiraz, the Israelite 
leader tells about a curious and instructive episode. He 
indicates that Moslems in Persia, in order to distinguish 
the Israelite women from the Mohammedans, forced the 
former to wear a black veil, while the latter wore a white 
veil. And after telling that there was a revolt in Iran in 
those days, he says: “One day my room was gradually 
full of women wearing white veils all of them who came 
to me. And as Jewish women are only allowed to wear 
black veils, to be distinguished from the others, this visit 
upset me, because I thought my home had been attacked 
by insurgents. I was calmed, nevertheless, when they made 
it clear that all of them belonged to families that had 
been forced to embrace the Islamic faith, but who in se¬ 
cret adhered to the faith of their ancestors. My visitors 
took off the veil and kissed my forehead and my hand”. 
The pious Chacham continues, telling that the men who 
accompanied the women complained of the oppressive 
condition of the Israelites in Persia, and the Jewish leader 
told them something that is of capital importance: “Be 
patient, my brothers, and continue placing your confidence 
in God. Maybe the European monarchs, under whose pro¬ 
tection your (European) brothers live happy, may be able 
to alleviate your disgraces, putting noble governors on 
the Persian throne” ( 22 ) 

Which European monarchies could the active Jewish 
hierarch have referred here, in mentioning the possibility 
of their intervention in Iran in the selection of kings? Some 
facts indicate that he mainly referred to England, because 
of the following reasons: 

1. In those times, although governments of the 
European monarchies, according to the confession of Dis- 

(22) Israel Joseph Benjamin II. “Eight Years in Asia and Africa 

from 1846 to 1855”. Hanover, 1861. pp. 230-256. 


raeli and other Hebrew sources, were already undermined 
by Jewish or crypto-Jewish ministers — as the case of 
Mendizabal in Spain — the only monarchic state that 
had been completely conquered by the Jews was the Brit¬ 
ish, which they had taken as their own since the 1830 
revolution, in spite of the heroic resistance led by the pa¬ 
triotic Duke of Wellington. 

II. It was England —already converted into a sat¬ 
ellite of Judaism — who mainly interfered in Asia and 
Africa, placing and replacing governments. 

III. The Chacham, in another part of his vast and 
valuable report says that when he arrived in any place 
the first thing he did was to visit the British consul, which 
is not strange, because although the Hebrews had by then 
already infiltrated the diplomatic services of other Europe¬ 
an monarchies, they could achieve their goals more effec¬ 
tively through the British consulates, considering that the 
British Empire, after it was conquered by the Jews, was 
converted into a satellite of Jewish Imperialism. 

It is extremely common for English consuls and even 
ambassadors to be either public or clandestine Jews. The 
actions of these Jews and crypto-Jews gave British diplo¬ 
macy a reputation for hypocrisy and perversity, quite 
contrary to the qualities of the real English people, who 
are generally a model of honesty. But in this diplomacy 
it can be seen the characteristic seal of the Jewish perfidy, 
about which the Fathers of the Church, the Popes and 
Councils have talked so much. It is not a mere coincidence 
that international opinion, in view of the perversity of Brit¬ 
ish Jewish diplomats, has named England as “Perfidous 
Albion”, a remarkable coincidence to the terms used by 
the Fathers, Councils and Popes when many centuries ago 
talked about the “Judaic Perfidity”. 

Other cases, although less serious, of European inter- 


vention against the Moslem states that heroically resisted 
all attempts of Jewish domination, are presented by the 
aforementioned Jewish Chacham indicating that in Aleppo, 
near to Damascus, there were about 1500 to 2000 Hebrew 
families living there “who enjoy great privileges under the 
protection of the European consuls, some of them of their 
own faith, because Rafael di Piechotti, the Russian consul, 
and Elias Piechotti, the general consul of Austria, have ob¬ 
tained certain influence on the Pacha, which is often used 
in the benefit of their brethren” (23). 

One of the Hebraic tactics used in the Islamic coun¬ 
tries, employing foreign nations to help the Jews against 
the Moslems, was to infiltrate Hebrews in the consulates 
of those nations. The foreign consulates then used all their 
diplomatic influence in favor of the Jewish exploiters to 
free them from the just reprisals of the native Moslems. 
We have a wide bibliography on this subject, providing 
information about this generalized Jewish infiltration not 
only in the consulates of the European powers, but also 
in those of Latin America. Regarding this, the philosemitic 
Angel Pulido says in his book “Spanish without Mother¬ 
land” in 1905, that Solomon Levy Sephardite, consul of 
Venezuela in Oran reported to him: “Here in Oran there 
are above ten thousand Jews, one thousand natives and 
three thousand Spanish, that since the French conquest of 
this country have emigrated from Morocco”. (24). If the in¬ 
formation given by that consul is true, what a terrible 
proportion of Jews in the population of Oran. 

It should not surprise that the foreign consulates in 
this difficult time for Islam served as patronizing offices 
for the intrigues of Jewish imperialism against the Mos¬ 

(23) Israel Joseph Benjamin II, pp. 69-70. 

(24) Angel Pulido, “Spanish without Motherland”. Madrid, 1905. 

p. 468. 


The funny thing is that they not only used the con¬ 
suls from European power nations against the Moslems, 
but also to support those internal quarrels that frequently 
appear in Judaism. The same author, referring to the Pa¬ 
lestinian Jews, which was then an Ottoman province, says: 
“III.— Bouknhariotas, about 500. They and the Georgians, 
have attempted many times, with the support of the Rus¬ 
sian consul, from where most of them come, to substract 
to the jurisdiction of the Great Rabbi and be completely 
autonomous”. (25). 

He refers here to the Great Rabbi of the Jewish Com¬ 
munity of Palestine, and to the Magribi rite of the Israel¬ 
ites born in Morocco, who had been subjected, apparently 
against their will. We have already explained that in many 
cities there are Jewish communities of different rites that 
are autonomous one from the other, but federated to the 
others in the Kelillah which serves as the Government or 
Municipal Jewish Council of Jews residing in a gentile na¬ 
tion, to which all the Jewish communities are subject and 
which are of course also subject to the higher hierarchies 
of Judaism. Generally the Hebrew communities of a gen¬ 
tile municipality live harmoniously, but sometimes there 
are quarrels that become difficult to deal with and these, 
naturally, are reflected in divisions in the gentile revolu¬ 
tionary organizations they control. When this happens, 
the higher authorities of Judaism interfere to reestablish 
unity and harmony. 

Another instance of European intervention in favor 
of the Jews is told by the pro-semitic Spanish (possible 
Marrano) Angel Pulido, in his book “Spanish without Moth¬ 
erland” written in 1905, when he affirms that in Tunisia 
the indigenous Jews are subjected to the Arabic jurispru¬ 
dence and that they suffer in some cases, but that “those 

(25) Angel Pulido, p. 663. 


protected by the European nations, enjoy perfect equali¬ 
ty”. 126 ) 

A sad role was played by the European powers, 
whose governments were dominated or largely dominated 
by Jewish Masonry, and who were acting as blind instru¬ 
ments of Judaism to force the Afro-Asian peoples to un¬ 
chain the Hebrew beast and facilitate its work of domina¬ 
tion without the true Christians becoming aware of these 
powers or of what their Hebrew or masonic governors 
surreptitiously authorized. 

We have to make it clear that Israelites, with their 
proverbial ingratitude, far from thanking the European 
monarchies for their help, they overthrew one after the 
other, as soon as they could, starting with the Portuguese, 
Russian, Austrian and the German, and continuing with 
the Spanish and others whose diplomacies had helped the 
Hebrews so much in Islamic lands. 

Regarding the interference of Judaism to facilitate 
and consolidate the conquest of India by British Imperial¬ 
ism, the prestigious Israelite Indian leader and writer, 
Haeem S. Kehimker, President of the “Israelite School Com¬ 
mittee” of Bombay in his 19th century book “A Sketch of 
the History of Beni-lsrael_”, gives very interesting in¬ 

formation on how the Jews who had lived in India for at 
least sixteen centuries, helped England since the eighteenth 
century to extend and consolidate its domination of India, 
taking part as officers and commander's of the British con • 
trolled Indian regiments that helped to supress the Hindi 
patriots during the campaigns of 1750 and through all 
those that during the 19th century served to crush the 
revolts of the Patriotic Hindus who sought to win inde¬ 
pendence for their country. The Indian clandestine Jews 
—Hindu in appearance but Jews in secret — served as 

(26) Angel Pulido, pp. 505-508. 


bull dogs to subjugate the people that for so many cen¬ 
turies had granted them kind shelter, acting as spies to 
denounce the conspiracies of patriots and as leaders of 
the native police, that served the British Jews in their task 
to consolidate their domain on that great country. The 
aforementioned Israelite leader, in his call for help to Inter¬ 
national Judaism which appears in his aforementioned 
book, gives the names of military leaders — Beni-lsraeles 
Indian Jews — that were outstanding for their valuable 
services in crushing the resistance of the Hindu patriots, 
giving a very detailed information which is really eloquent, 
stating that the Beni-lsrael soldiers were more intelligent 
than the rest of the Hindus, and that there were Beni-ls¬ 
rael officers in all Anglo-Indian regiments and they also 
hay important positions in the British Viceroy's administra¬ 
tion. He also mentions how they were used by the London 
government as officers of the Indian troops in expeditions 
led against Afghanistan, Persia, and even the famous ex¬ 
pedition against Abyssinia in 1867 and 1868 (27). 

Maybe this was one of the first interventions of Hindu 
crypto-Jews in Africa in modern times, leading Indian 
troops, to favor the plans of World Judaism, which in those 
times used the resources and qualities of the British peo¬ 
ple, already dominated by the Jewish-Masonry, as a doc¬ 
ile instrument in the imperialist undertakings of the Israeli 
nation as it spread amongst and infiltrated all other na¬ 
tions in the world. 

The fact was that the British interferences in Ethiopia 
favored the enthroning of the present Negus Hailie Se¬ 
lassie’s dynasty of Jewish-Solomonic origin — according 

(27) Haeem Samuel Kehimker. (President of the Israelite School 

Committee of Bombay, India). “A Sketch of the History of 

Beni-lsrael and an Appeal for their Education”. Bombay edi¬ 
tion printed by the “Education Society's Press . pp. 24-36. 

4 7 

to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia — with the aid of 
Jewish advisers and technicians brought from Palestine 
and other places (28! whose ancestor Shoa, after a bloody 
civil war, took power thanks to the help of the Jewish 
British imperialism in 1889, under the name of Menelik II. 
Since then the negro Jews or "Falasha”, natives of Ab¬ 
yssinia, and the aforementioned Jewish dynasty of a 
Solomonic origin, together tyrannized Ethiopia, It is worth¬ 
while to note that only in this country and in Britain — 
where even the monarchy is now Judaized — the Masonic 
republican movements that Hebrews have organized in 
all the world do not appear until it is convenient for Juda¬ 
ism to change the way of government. 

Going back to the Beni-lsrael military in India, we 
can say that just as they at one time served to extend 
and consolidate the Jewish-British domination in India and 
other places of Asia and Africa, they are now helping 
Indira Gandhi and her Congress Party to control the Hindu 
armies and consolidate in India the domination of the 
native Jews, serving again as bull dogs in order to sub¬ 
jugate the native peoples who fight for their true indepen¬ 

Besides, the ancestral nomad temper of the Israelites 
has brought as a consequence that the secret sect of clan¬ 
destine Jews Beni-lsrael of India, as well as the also secret 
sects of the Indian Jews of Cochin have extended to other 
nations by means of a great migration. Thus the converted 
Israelites of India today comprise a powerful sector of 
World Judaism after the Ashkenazim and the Sephardites, 
the first of them native from Germany and the second 
from Spain and Portugal, and whose secret societies are 
spread throughout the world. 

(28) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 4th vol. p. 232. 2nd. col. 


Clandestine Indian Jews have invaded Asia and Afri¬ 
ca, where as traders, bankers and businessmen they ex¬ 
ploit, in different ways, the native population of those na¬ 
tions. Since they hide their Jewish identity and say they are 
natives from India (although in some cases it is true that 
true Indians do today live overseas in other countries) peo¬ 
ple only know them as Indian traders, bankers or business¬ 
men, without realizing that they are part of one of the 
most dangerous and exploitive fifth columns that Interna¬ 
tional Judaism has developed to dominate all other peo¬ 

In Africa they have invaded the nations ruled by 
negro governments, such as Uganda and Kenya, as well 
as the nations ruled by a white government, such as South 
Africa and Rhodesia. 

In the negro nations they are taking over the wealth 
of the country and mercilessly exploit the negro popula 
tion, many of them using British passports to have the 
protection of the British government in their infamous task 
of exploiting the people. They act as in other times did 
the Jews of different African and Asian countries who 
even adopted British, French or Spanish nationalities to 
obtain the protection of those governments in case the 
native population, becoming tired of so many exactions 
and exploitation, reacted against them. Others, neverthe¬ 
less, have adopted the nationality of the places they ex¬ 
ploit in order to seek assimilation, although only outward 
ly, for they remain Jews in secret covered with the mask 

of Indians. These are the most dangerous ones, because 
the nation invaded by this plague of false Indians may 
fall into the trap and think they should fight only those 
who have foreign passports without considering as dan 
gerous those who have adopted the nationality of the 


country they have invaded, and which are more harmful 
and dangerous than those of a foreign nationality, be¬ 
cause they are incrusted as a fifth column in the nation 
in whose territory they live and whose people they vilely 
exploit, and will try to dominate it with the help of the 
Super-Imperialism of Israel, either through the satellite 
imperialism of Moscow, Wall Street, or London, or through 
any other local or international power at their service. 

In some places such as South and East Africa and 
Guyana, apart from the migration of clandestine Jews of 
India, another migration of authentic Indians took place, 
but while the latter are mainly poor workers, the clandes¬ 
tine Beni-lsraeles are usually traders, usurers, business¬ 
men and people of good position, who seek to control the 
authentic Indian emigrants, using them to provoke distur¬ 
bances and problems in the country of their adoption 
whenever it suits their convenience. This secret Jewish sect 
has invaded even England, where many of the recent 
Indian emigrants are secretly Jewish, whose Israelite rulers 
were responsible for helping them to the invasion of many 
countries, in the world especially in Africa and Asia, and 
who refused to give independence to India until they 
could hand it over to Nehru and a Jewish controlled Con¬ 
gress Party Nevertheless, it is necessary to repeat that 
there are many independent forces in India even inside 
the Congress Party, that should be adequately helped to 
save that great nation from the yoke of these terrible se¬ 
cret societies and their main instrument, which is Indira 
Gandhi herself. 

Among the interesting episodes mentioned by the 
Indian Jew Kehimker, there is one about a Beni-lsrael 
Hindu that pretendedly converted to Christianism, but who 
continued to be Jewish rn secret. This was a certain Mi- 


chael Sargon (29), who first pretended to be a Hindu, but 
later lift off that mask to take a Christian one, while 
continuing to be a Jew in secret. This and similar exam¬ 
ples illustrates the way in which the Hebrews juggle with 
their pretended conversions, changing their external mask 
whenever it is convenient for them to do so. Here it could 
not be argued that they were forced to convert to Chris¬ 
tianity, because in India the predominant religion is Hin¬ 
duism, which, on the other hand, many Beni-lsraeles ex¬ 
ternally practice with great piety, observing Judaism in 
the most absolute secret, in order to remain firmly infil¬ 
trated in the Indian nation as powerful and dominant 
fifth column. The result of the British domination of India 
destroyed the defenses of the former leaders of that na¬ 
tion against Judaism, making it possible for the Jews who 
controlled Britain and hand over India to Nehru and his 
gang of clandestine Beni-lsraeles Jews while pretending 
to grant India its independence. The same has been done 
elsewhere, except where international circumstances forced 
British jewry to grant the independence to populations 
still not controlled by secret Jewish infiltrators. More in¬ 
teresting now is the fact that International Judaism is to¬ 
day seeking to destroy the power of England and the 
United States to open the door to Communist Imperialism 
led by the Jewish hidden power, and so to achieve the 
final goal of the great Hebrew revolution of modern times. 
So far they have not been able to convert the English and 
Americans to Judaic communism, because both peoples 
are accustomed to good life and free institutions. 

In his extensive report presented to Western Judaism, 
Chacham pointed with the darkest colors the situation of 

(29) Haee'm Samuel Kehimker, p. 21. 


Israelites in the Sultanate of Morocco at the middle of 
the 19th century, asking for the interference of the Europe¬ 
an powers in that kingdom. He said among other things, 
that the oppression of Jews in Morocco was worse than 
that in Persia, and that they were forced to use a Turkish 
cap to distinguish them from the Moslem population. 

It can be seen that in all places in the world the peo¬ 
ple menaced by the political conquest of the Jews tried 
to alert the population against them, distinguishing them 
with a sign, such as a cap of a certain color, a dress, or 
the star of David, so that non-Jews might know them 
and guard against their intrigues and subversion. These 
defensive steps appear in both the Christian and Moslem 
worlds, reoccurring at widely different times, often sepa¬ 
rated by several centuries one from the other. We have 
already seen how Jewesses were forced in Persia to wear 
a black veil to distinguish them from the Islamic women 
and how they evaded this step by pretending conversion 
of themselves and their families to the Islam, thus en¬ 
titling them to wear the white veil and to be confounded 
in consequence with the real Moslems. 

Returning to the subject of Morocco, Israel Joseph 
Benjamin II declares that the situation of the Jews was 
terrible there, due to the fanaticism of the Arabs and their 
arbitrariness, saying that: “If an Arab enters a house, the 
Jew must address him humbly as if he were a prince. 
If he takes something he likes, there should not be heard 
the least gossip, for on the opposite the intruder would 
immediately take his knife and there is no judge not law 
to protect the despoiled or oppressed”... “If all the great 
European powers attempted to oppose this barbarity in 
those places near their influence, they would do much in 
their own benefit, in the benefit of science and in favor 
of the oppressed”. (30). 

(30) Isrcr?! Joseph Benjamin II, pp. 319-325. 


This terrible invitation to Western Judaism, to whom 
this book is addressed, to persuade the European powers 
to interfere in Morocco, presents the Arabs as savages and 
criminals on the one hand and suggesting subtle argu¬ 
ments with which to induce the European powers to inter¬ 
fere. The story is repeated frequently in world history, for 
when the heroic Visigothic Empire constituted an obstacle 
to the Hebrew plans, the latter stimulated the Moslem 
ambition of domination and facilitated their invasion and 
conquest of Spain. Later on, when Moslems wanted to 
defend themselves against Jewish domination, the Jews 
favored the triumph of the Christian kings. And when, in 
the 14th century, Europe desperately fought to stop the 
domination of Jews and the subversive activity of their 
heresies, the Jews incited the Turkish to invade Europe, 
facilitating their conquests through the Jewish fifth col¬ 
umns which existed in all the Christian countries. Later on, 
when it was convenient for them to destroy the Turkish 
Empire, they turned the different European powers against 
the Turks, and for a time even favored Arab nationalism 
only to betray the Arabs later when they sought the con¬ 
quest of Palestine and the establishment of Israel. 

In the 18th and 19th centuries the Jews conquered 
the European monarchies from inside, achieving it better 
during the 19th century, using them to launch an attack 
on the Aslan and African countries which the Hebrews had 
not yet succeeded in conquering by internal subversion. 
However, the Jewish fifth columns inside these Afro-Asian 
countries betrayed their hosts in favor of the colonial enter¬ 
prises of the Jewish-manipulated Europeans, thereby sub¬ 
duing many states of Asia and Africa. They were then 
able to ensure, by different means, that the Israelite com¬ 
munities in such states were strengthened until they could 
dominate the peoples that had sheltered them. This also 


was often achieved with the support of the European em¬ 
pires, until the Jews and crypto-Jews could lead the Afro- 
Asian populations under the pretended banner of freedom 
in a demand for independence. As our reader will now 
realise, this was not to be a real freedom, for the inde¬ 
pendence movements were generally under the leadership 
of the secret Jews who sought to become national heroes 
and to become the absolute rulers of the "liberated” coun¬ 
tries once they had been granted their independence from 
their European rulers. Their intention was that once the 
ancient colonies become independent of the western pow¬ 
ers, they would be even more securely in the claws of the 
native Hebrews, or of the Jewish imperialism in the form 
of communist totalitarianism directed by the Jews of the 

Fortunately in many countries of Africa and Asia this 
plan of pretended liberation of the colonies failed and 
they could not prevent real heroes of the independence 
from taking power once it was consumated. In other cases, 
once the Jewish agents of the British government left the 
power in the hands of native clandestine Jews, or agents 
of the Kremlin Israelites, a patriotic military coup swept 
the false redemptors away, establishing a truly patriot 
government in the liberated colony while the Jewish world 
press protested against the military coup, which had de¬ 
prived Judaism of one of its possessions. 

We exhort our readers probe deeper in this subject, 
and those who do, will themselves discover the decisive 
Jewish participation in most of the imperialist ventures 
of the Dutch, British and French imperialisms in Africa 
and Asia. The famous companies of the Eastern Indies and 
the companies of the West Indies were created in Holland 
mainly with Jewish money to economically exploit the col¬ 
onies of the Dutch Empire, and similar companies were 


established in England and France to exploit the English 
and French conquests, mainly in the benefit of the Jewish 
capitalist monopolists, who in a secret agreement in the 
present century with the Jewish communist imperialists of 
Moscow have since approved the liquidation of the Dutch, 
English and French empires, when it was deemed con¬ 
venient to the supreme interest of the Israelite imperialism 
to replace the partial and uncomplete domination repre¬ 
sented by democratic capitalism by another more com¬ 
plete and absolute system of control — totalitarian com¬ 
munism — secretly led by the Jewish imperialists, using 
the clandestine Israelite communities which had infiltrated 
those countries as agents of domination following the sup¬ 
posed “liberation" of these lands. 

in the former European colonies of Asia and Africa 
that become "independent” countries, a fierce fight take? 
place between the super secret societies of clandestine Ju¬ 
daism that has often lived in those countries for centu¬ 
ries, who fight to submit those countries to the yoke of the 
communist Jewish imperialism led from Moscow and the 
gentile civil and mainly military leaders who genuinely 
wish to defend the nations' independence and work for 
its prosperity. The worse part of the situation is that while 
the clandestine Jewish minority knows very well the enemy 
it faces and even may infiltrate the ranks of the true pa¬ 
triots with spies and saboteurs, the true patriots of these 
Afro-Asian nations seldom understand the nature of the 
hidden enemy who directs the communist and socialist 
movements supported by the Jewish leaders of the Soviet 
Union and their puppet, the paranoid Marrano tyrant who 
has enslaved the unfortunate Cuban people. Until these 
heroic Afro-Asian patriots can identify and destroy the 
secret force behind subversion, uprooting the clandestine 
Israelite communities that compose it, they will be unable 


to enjoy either peace or prosperity, and will eventually fall 
one after the other into the claws of the totalitarian Jewish 
communist imperialism which will subject them to slavery, 
as it has already subjected the unfortunate people of the 
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Cuba. 

The worst problem facing the Asian and African na¬ 
tions, and in general all the underdeveloped countries, 
including those of Latin America, is that the Jewish Racist 
Imperialism holds them in the firm grasp of its pincers. One 
arm of the Jewish pincer is the capitalist Jewish imperial¬ 
ism of the International Monopolies, and the other arm 
is the Jewish communist imperialism directed from Mos¬ 
cow. The world Jewish super-imperialist pincer works with 
both arms in the following way: 

1st. The Jewish capitalists, through trans-national 
enterprises such as the Jewish Banks and the Jewish inter¬ 
national trading monopolies, buy at very low prices the 
raw materials of the under-developed nations and sell 
industrial products and technology at very high prices, 
provoking a bigger impoverishment every day. This sub¬ 
human exploitation of man by man enriches the Jewish 
owners of the exploiting monopolies. 

2nd. The exploitation we have just mentioned, and 
the progressive impoverishment of the developing — or 
under-developed — nations serves the Jews who carry 
the false banner of Israelite communism to incite the op¬ 
pressed people to rebellion against such exploration, facili¬ 
tating the control of the popular masse c ‘ and +he possibility 
of conducting them to a false "dictatorship of the prole¬ 
tariat” which would be, as in the Soviet Union, a Jewish 
dictatorship of the people resulting in their total enslave¬ 
ment. Capitalist exploitation of the developing countries 
and other abuses and crimes of the Jewish capitalist Im¬ 
perialism, justly irritate many gentile nationalist rulers, 


who upon receiving support against capitalist imperialism 
on the part of the Jewish communist dictatorships, frequent¬ 
ly fall in this skillful trick, even believing that there is no 
way to save their nations from the claws of the capitalist 
imperialism, except as allies of the Marxist socialist /dic¬ 
tatorships, without knowing that the Soviet Union and her 
satellite states (including Cuba! and the capitalist Jewish 
Imperialism and its agencies (including the United States 
and England) are mere pawns of a single secret super¬ 
imperialism, that uses this maneuver to persuade the na¬ 
tionalist rulers to fall into the trap, to start destroying 
barriers and defensive institutions, or to dictate other mea¬ 
sures that also facilitate the progress of the communist 
Jewish revolution in other nations, and sometimes even 
in their own country, without becoming aware that through 
these and other steps (the result of their friendship with 
the Soviets and the Soviet satellites) they are increasing 
the world and local strength of communist Jewish impe¬ 
rialism, which is responsible for the state of oppression 
and slavery from which they cannot liberate themselves. 

Those nationalist rulers should realise that Maoist 
China, Albania and Roumania are the only regimes in the 
communist field, that are independent at least until this 
moment — of both nefarious imperialisms, and that these 
states may yet be conquered by the Jews. 

Judaism, by controlling both arms of the super-im¬ 
perialist Israelite pincer, as we have just described, al¬ 
ways wins! 

It is evident that the only escape for the under-de¬ 
veloped peoples from the dual forces which oppress them, 
is to cooperate so that they have the combined strength 
to efficiently defend their interests against both imperial¬ 
isms; the capitalist and the communist. But Judaism, with 
its centuries of experience, takes precautions to prevent 


such defensive cooperation by infiltrating all fields, espe¬ 
cially those its opponents may create to protect them¬ 
selves. So we saw the Jewish emperor of Ethiopia, Haile 
Selassie, controlling the African Unity Organization to en¬ 
sure its failure. The Indian government, led by Judaism, 
has similarly infiltrated and nefariously influences the so- 
called third world. And the Jew Josip Bross (a) Tito, the 
Yugoslavian dictator, plays a similar role in the manipula¬ 
tion of the third world. That is why nationalist gentile gov¬ 
ernments, seeking to be independent of both the capitalist 
and communist imperialisms, will not be able to form truly 
defensive organizations as long as they do not expell from 
their organizations all governments infiltrated by and con¬ 
sequently subject to either the Jewish capitalist imperial¬ 
ism, or the Israelite Kremlin imperialism, from whose domi¬ 
nation and exploitation the under-developed peoples in 
the world must free themselves if they wish to overcome 
their present poverty and misery. 


Library of 














Itsvan Balcony 

P.O. Box 493 
Baton Rouge 
Louisiana 70821 




The Library of Political Secrets now adds to its 
collection selected chapters from the book by the 
Hungarian researcher, Itsvan Bakony, entitled: 
The translation of the Hungarian original was 
completed in Paris in January 1969, and was 
later brought up to date by the author. 

The only purpose of this edition is to make 
information available about the great political 
and historic events now taking place all over the 

We urge patriots in all countries to distribute 
this book to as many people as possible. This book 
may be reprinted by those receiving it as the 
author has reserved no copyright on it. 

P.O. Box 493 
Baton Rouge 
Louisiana 70821 




Haeem Samuel Kehimker, who was chairman of the 
Israelite School Committee, in Bombay, at the end of 
last century, in his book entitled “A Sketch of the History 
of Beni-lsraeles and an Appeal for their Education" states 
that the Indian Jews say they arrived in that country 
about sixteen or eighteen centuries ago. He further em¬ 
phasizes the fact that these Hindi Hebrews have two cir¬ 
cles: one for those descended directly from the original 
Jews and another for those descended from mixed mar¬ 
riages with gentiles. We also learn from his book that 
the pure Jews do not intermarry with those of mixed 
descent, but discriminate against them; “the distinction 
between the real descendants of Israel and those of for¬ 
eign women was strictly observed by them according to 
the rules of Ezra and Nehemiah. And the former do not 
marry the latter". 

In his valuable study, the chairman of the Israelite 
School Committee of Bombay also says that the latter 
group of Beni-lsrael Jews, though centered on Bombay, 
had spread throughout the Indian sub-continent through 
the centuries. By marrying Hindus of different castes, they 
had acquired a racial type similar to that of the original 
population of the country. Kehimker’s book also states 
that they changed their original Israelite surnames, adopt¬ 
ing names of Hindi appearance, and gave different 
examples of such transformations. 

The distinguished Israelite leader also describes the 
good services rendered by these Jews of India to the 
British Empire, helping the British to conquer India and 
to maintain the English domination there (1). We will 
give more information about this in the following chapter. 

As readers must know, the caste regime was estab¬ 
lished in India by the Hindi religion thousands of years 
ago, so the members of one caste cannot marry either 
the members of another Hindu caste or foreigners. Un¬ 
doubtedly this system made it difficult for the Jews to 
infiltrate Hindi society. But according to what Haeem Sa¬ 
muel Kehimker and other Israelite historians say about 
the Jews in India, the Israelites who emigrated to this 
great country sixteen or eighteen centuries ago not only 
penetrated into the different geographic regions of this 
enormous nation, but through mixed marriages with peo¬ 
ple of different castes, they were able to penetrate these 
castes and the entire structure of Indian society based 
upon these castes. 

(1) Haeem Samuel Kehimker. (President of the Israelite School 
Committee of Bombay, India). "A Sketch of the History of Beni- 
Israeles and an Appeal for their Education". (Bombay edi¬ 
tions, printed by the Education Society's Press), pp. 1-36. 


This means that in India, as in other countries of 
the world, the Jews were able to evade the restrictions 
established by the caste regime, which would otherwise 
have made Hindi society impenetrable to Jewish infil¬ 

We should have to consider thal using money, 
through bribery, Jews could infiltrate the blood nobility 
in Europe, marrying Jewesses who had pretended con¬ 
version to Christianity, not only to barons, earls and dukes, 
but also to blood princes, thereby allowing them to in¬ 
filtrate the gentile nobility and facilitate its fall. On dif¬ 
ferent occasions they were also able to buy with large 
sums of money, or great services, titles of nobility from 
the Christian kings, thus increasing their infiltration in 
the aristocratic caste that once governed Europe. It is 
therefore not strange that they achieved something equiva¬ 
lent in India. 

Kehimker states that the Beni-lsraeles —as other Israel¬ 
ite communities in the world— have TWO CIRCLES, that is 
to say two organizations; one for the Jews of pure blood, 
the descendants of Israelites only, and another one for the 
descendants of Jews and gentile women, according to the 
racist rules of Ezra and Nehemiah contained in the Ancient 
Testament of the Bible. This racial discrimination against 
the Jews of impure blood mixed with blood of gentiles, is 
based upon the Jewish theory that the world is divided 
—by Israel's God, as explained in the Bible and the 
Talmud— into two castes; one composed of the Israelite 
people, which is the chosen people of God destined to 
dominate the world and to become the owner of all 
wealth, ruling over the rest of mankind; and another 
caste composed of all the remainder of mankind, called 
"gentiles" in Israelite terminology, who were created by 


Israel’s God with a status similar to that of animals, and 
with a virtually animal nature, only to serve the people 
chosen by God. 

That is why, according to the Jewish religion, based 
on the Rabbinical interpretation of the Bible and Talmud, 
the so-called DIVINE PLAN elaborated by Israel's God 
for the benefit of his chosen people, has as its main ob¬ 
jective the domination of the Israelite people over the 
gentile nations, taking over their riches and enslaving 
their members. All this is to be done by the Jewish na¬ 
tion with God’s help, for it is only the realization of HIS 
plan; that is to say, it is the fulfilment of God's purpose 
in creating the universe and mankind. Following this pat¬ 
tern, it is logical that the seniority and privileges were 
given only to the Israelite people, who are, according to 
the Bible and Talmud the blood descendants of Abraham 
and Israel (also called Jacob), so the Arabs, who descend 
from Abraham and Ismael, are discarded. For the same 
reason, those who descend only partially from Israel, and 
partially from the "gentile beasts", are only half Jews 
and share only partially in the privilege of dominating 
the world. That is why they are discriminated against, 
leaving them in an OUTER CIRCLE composed by Israelite 
communities with all the apparatus of the synagogue, 
but (whenever possible) secretly controlled by the INNER 
CIRCLE of Jews that claim to be of pure blood. Neverthe¬ 
less, it is necessary to clarify that although some Jewish 
communities of Africa and Asia during the last century 
still practiced this discrimination in a barefaced way 
openly discriminating against the Jews of blood mixed 
with the gentile beasts, the general rule today is that the 
Israelites integrated in the official Jewish communities of 
the outer circle only know the existence of these, believ- 


These Beni-lsrael Jews of India have infiltrated the trading classes 
Photo taken from the “Jewish Encyclopedia”, an official and mon¬ 
umental work of Judaism. (Published in New York and London, 
Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1902). 3rd. vol. Word: Beni-lsrael, p. 18. 

ing that they are the sole representatives of the Israeli 
nation spread throughout the world, as Jewish circles 
of pretendedly pure blood are ultrasecret and their exis¬ 
tence is hidden from those Jews of stained blood, so that 
they are not offended by the discrimination and do not 
revolt against the inner circle. But the pure blooded Is¬ 
raelites organized in the inner circles do not marry — as 
Kehimker says — the hybrid Jews. 

The existence of these two distinct circles inside Ju¬ 
daism (and in some countries there is even an ultra-aris¬ 
tocratic circle of "Cohanim’’, this is to say of the descen¬ 
dants of the ancient Israelite priests), does not benefit 
the Gentiles, because the Jews of stained blood —half 
Jewish and half gentile— are also extensively inte¬ 
grated in the totalitarian political, religious and social struc¬ 
ture of the Israeli nation, and due to their predominant 
numbers they are the most dangerous force at the service 
of Jewish Imperialism. Besides, in the communities and 
synagogues in which they are integrated, there exists a 
legal equality of rights between Jews of pure blood and 
those of hybrid blood. The laws which govern these in¬ 
stitutions do not discriminate between the two. Discrimina¬ 
tion is effected in a secret and clandestine way, at least 
among the western Jews. Those Israelites that claim to 
be of pure blood, proving this with genealogies that 
start a thousand or even two thousand years ago, period¬ 
ically assemble in separate, secret circles. Within the 
relatively democratic organization of official Judaism, 
these secret aristocrats control the circle in which they are 
hidden by acting in secret unison, in order to secure the 
key leading positions in those communities and in the sy¬ 
nagogues or synagogal fraternities that compose them. 
I say in many cases, because it is evident that there are 



Jewish children of India, members of the poorest class. From these, 
are drawn the leaders of the revolutionary workers and peasants' 
movements, although sometimes such leaders also come from the 
Jewish burgeosie. Photo taken from the “Castilian Jewish Encyclo¬ 
pedia”. Additional volume called “Contemporary Judaism”. Mexico, 
1961. Word: India. 621-622 cols. 


countries where apparently there are no Jews that can 
prove pure blood, and also where there is no serious evi¬ 
dence that such secret aristocratic circles exist. 

Regarding the native Beni-lsrael Jews of India, the 
aforementioned Jewish leader Haeem Samuel Kehimker 
says that: “besides the indianization of their names, which 
we already mentioned, for the purpose of removing from 
the natives minds even the least trace of suspicion about 
their (Jewish) identity the Beni-lsraeles adopted Hindi sur¬ 
names and use these Hindi surnames in dealing with the 
people, retaining their Biblical names only for the occasion 
of their rites and ceremonies"(2). 

For the same reasons, this secret sect of Beni-lsrael 
Jews in India has followed the same tactics that the 
Jewish sects infiltrated in Christianity and Islam have fol¬ 
lowed for centuries: penetrate all social sectors, including 
the aristocracy, by means of mixed marriages; and 
create by intermarriage (and perhaps partially also by 
climate and diet) a network of Jewish families that have 
a racial appearance similar to that of the native gentile 
population, who will then falsely believe that the clan¬ 
destine Jewish families are a part of the aboriginal pop¬ 
ulation, ignorant of the fact that these Jewish families 
are a secret fifth column for the invasion of a foreign 
nation, that is to say the Israelite nation. While they use 
the names and surnames of the country, profess the gen¬ 
tile religion or religions reigning in that country, and adopt 
all the external customs practiced by the unfortunate people 
they have infiltrated, they strive to dominate and enslave 
by means of a socialist totalitarian dictatorship the gentiles 
amongst whom they live, to fulfill the pretended divine 
plan approved by Israel’s God, still accepted by religious 

(2) Haeem Samuel Kehimker, p. 18. 



Note that their features are similar to those of the native Hindu. 
These Jews belong to the working class. Photo taken from the 
“Jewish Encyclopedia". New York and London, 1902. 3rd. vol. 
Word: Beni-lsrael, p. 19. 

Jews, or to satisfy the creed of Jewish racial superiority to 
which both atheistic and also pantheistic Jews fanatically 

But in addition to the secret sect of the Beni-lsraeles 
that is organized in a special rite with the same name 
and spread through all India with headquarters in Bom¬ 
bay, there are two other sects, whose founders lived in 
Cochin for centuries, but who are now to be found also 
in other places in India. One is the sect of the so-called 
"white Jews" of Cochin and the other one of the so-called 
“black-Jews" of Cochin. 

The first one has its special rite and same thing hap¬ 
pens with that of the black Jews. There have been serious 
problems, nevertheless, between the sects because of the 
discrimination of the white Jews against the black Jews 
of Cochin, who are also discriminated against by the 
Beni-lsraeles. Both the communities and congregations of 
the white Jews of Cochin and those of the Beni-lsraeles, 
forbid marriages of their members with the black Jews 
of Cochin, thus proving the fierce racism of the Jewish 
imperialists even among the Israelites themselves. 

The Jewish leader Israel Joseph Benjamin II, Cha- 
cham of Israel, referring to the black Jews of Cochin and 
the racial discrimination against them says as follows: 
“They are real Jews, very religious and well informed". 
And about their origin, he says that the most acceptable hy¬ 
pothesis is that they descend from Israelite immigrants 
who came from Baghdad, Bassora, Yemen and other 
places, as bachelors, they bought negro slaves with 
whom they married. The respected author Chacham states 
that these Israelites lived mainly in those parts of India 
ruled by Europeans and that: “Negro Jews suffer because 
of their color. Just as most Jews of Baghdad avoid any 



Clandestine Beni-lsraeles Jews are spread not only throughout In¬ 
dia but also in Kashmir and Pakistan, being the strongest agents 
of the Jewish imperialism in those countries. Photo taken from the 
“Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia". Mexico, 1948. 5th. vol. Word: 
India, p. 611, 2nd. col. 


connection with the Beni-lsraeles, so white Jews reject 
any connection with their negro brethren". Going further, 
I. J. Benjamin II, quotes an interesting piece of informa¬ 
tion contained in “Ritter’s Erdkunde" vol. 5, book 2, Asia, 
page 599: “White Jews regard the negroes as an inferior 
and impure caste", and he comments later: “I have news 
in general that other Jews are more sympathetic for the 
Beni-lsraeles than for their negro coreligionaries, because 
they are concerned by their poverty and frequently have 
great trade business with them. Negro Jews of Cochin 
rejoice when they are recognized as brothers in the faith 
and they are very hospitable”. . . (3) 

In the works of the outstanding Jewish authorities 
just mentioned, which were prepared for the internal use 
of the Jewish leaders, the inexorable racism of Hebrews 
is openly discussed, although the Jews attempt to deny 
this racism in books written for the gentile people. This 
kind of discrimination of the purest race against those of 
impure lineage, although generally hidden in order to 
avoid annoying the hybrids, in occassions such as those 
mentioned before, appears in a bare manner, and then 
provokes a natural disagreement between the discrimi- 
tors and the discriminated. This occurs so frequently in 
the complex structure of Israelite society that even the 
two racial lineages that come from Europe, the most cult 
and powerful in the world, the Sephardites, natives of 
Spain and the Azhkenazim, natives of Central Europe 
(mainly of Germany) have had serious difficulties for this 
reason, for the former believe they are superior to the 
others, and very frequently have reached the point of 

(3) Israel Joseph Benjamin II. “Eight Years in Asia and Africa 

from 1846 to 1855". Hanover, 1863. pp. 183-185. 



Photo taken from the “Jewish Encyclopedia”. 4th. vol. ( p. 137. 

Word: Cochin. 


forbidding marriages between Sephardites and Azhke- 
nazim, with the consequent indignation of the latter. 

Nevertheless, it is a proven fact that despite such 
family quarrels, all Jews of pure or impure blood work 
together, fanaticized by their hatred of the rest of man¬ 
kind and by their ambitions for universal domination in 
the struggle for conquest of other nations. The official 
encyclopedias of Judaism, and all the Jewish books pub¬ 
lished and put in public libraries, since they can be 
read by gentiles, systematically hide the secrets of Jewish 
Imperialism, that is to say, all those things that if they 
known to gentiles would allow them to discover their 
hidden enemy with all its peril. And it is natural that 
Israelites take these precautions. When referring to the 
number of Jews in each country, they always reduce 
the total figure, often enormously, so that gentile readers 
will believe that Jews living in their country are a small 
peaceful and unoffensive minority that presents no dan¬ 
ger. Gentile readers of those Jewish encyclopedias and 
books published, should avoid being mislead by the mis¬ 
information deliberately published for that purpose. On 
the other hand, Israelite readers of these books are not 
confused, because they know all these tricks and under¬ 
stand the technique by which those matters Judaism is 
interested in hiding or minimizing are concealed. Any 
Jew who wish to know the truth on matters hidden from 
the gentile public, may study these in the internal secret 
books of Judaism, which kept dandestinity and never 
given publicity. Nevertheless, both the official Jewish en¬ 
cyclopedias and some Israelite books published, despite 
of all these precautions intended to misorient the gentile 
readers, contain very valuable data that may be used to 
clarify the truth. 



Wealthy members of the sect of "white" Jews of Cochin. They are 
generally traders, industrialists and even bankers. They are natives 
of Cochin but are spread in other parts of India and also in other 
countries. Photo taken from the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia". 
3rd. vol. Word: Cochin, p. 47, 2nd. col. 


The“Jewish Encyclopedia’'and the“Castilian Jewish 
Encyclopedia”in the small section devoted to the Jews of 
India, states that the Beni-lsraeles Jews (whose numbers 
they try to minimize), extended to Bengal, Malabar, Bur¬ 
ma and the British colony of Aden in Arabia, and that 
until relatively recent times, Beni-lsraeles or Bene-lsraeles, 
as called by the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”, were 
dedicated to the cultivation of the land and the manual 
tasks especially as oil millers. But “during the 19th cen¬ 
tury many of them joined the armed forces of the Com¬ 
pany of the Eastern Indies and those of the British Gov¬ 
ernment where they frequently were elevated to the 
highest ranks permitted to indigenous soldiers. Musayi 
Israel, a Jewish officer decorated with the Order of the 

In this way, the British imperialist enterprise called 
the "East India Company" controlled by British Jews and 
crypto-Jews, and dedicated to the economic exploitation of 
the Indian sub-continent, admitted the Beni-lsraeles Jews 
to the highest ranks allowed to natives in its army, and 
also used them as spies who betrayed their adopted mo¬ 
therland, India, in the benefit of the conquerors, as oc¬ 
curred with that army's officer Musayi Israel, who deno¬ 
unced the conspiracy of the Indian patriots in 1857 to the 
British command. 

This conspiracy attempted to obtain the indepen¬ 
dence of Hindu India, freeing it from the British domina- 

(4) “Jewish Encyclopedia'’ (New York and London editions. Funk 
and Wagnalls Co. 1902). 3rd. vol. pp. 17-21. Word Beni* 
Israel; Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 2nd. vol. Word Bene- 
Israel. pp. 148-149. 



Jews members of this sect in India are generally fishermen, fruit- 
sellers, workers, employees, woodmen and oil millers. Photo taken 
from the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia". Additional volume titled 
“Contemporary Judaism". Word: India. 623-624 cols. 


tion. But we will go further on this serious matter in the 
next chapter. 

In addition to the work specified before, the “Castil¬ 
ian Jewish Encyclopedia” says that the Beni-lsraeles sup¬ 
port themselves as government officials, judges, members 
of the courts of justice, workers, artisans, engineers, law¬ 
yers, school teachers, traders, and to a less extent as indus¬ 

It also says that the Beni-lsraeles are of dark skin 
and that for their features they seem to be more Hindi 
than Semite. But, nevertheless, they proudly claim the 
purest Israelite blood, although they do not eat cattle 
meat, undoubtedly to avoid provoking hostile reactions 
among the Hindus whose religion forbids the eating of 
cattle meat. 

The “Jewish Encyclopedia” says that some names 
used by the Beni-lsraeles are “Hindi modifications of the 
original Hebrew form”. Then Ezequiel turned into Hassayi; 
Benjamin in Benayi; Abraham in Abajee, Samuel in Sa- 
majee; Elia in Ellojee; Isaac in Essajee; Joseph in Essoob- 
jee; David in Dawoodjee; Jacob in Akhoofiee; Moses in 
Moosajee, etc. It also states that the surnames the Beni- 
lsraeles ostensibly use are sometimes derived from the 
name of the place of origin of the bearer, finishing in Kar 
or Ker, like Kehimker, for those who were born in Kehim, 
Penker for those original of Pen, Divekar, Cheulkar, etc., 
and that the Beni-lsraeles have produced distinguished 
writers and journalists (5). 

(5) “Jewish Encyclopedia”. 3rd. vol. Word Beni-lsroel, p. 20. 

“Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 2nd. vol. Word: Bene-lsrael, 

pp. 150-151. 



Lord Reading's true Jewish name was Rufus Daniel Isaacs. Born 
in London in 1860, the son of a fruit-trader, who became adviser 
to Queen Victoria. In 1913 he was appointed chairman of the 
highest Court of England. In 1917 he was awarded a title of 
nobility as Earl. In 1921 he was appointed Viceroy of India. After 
holding that high position for five years and as a reward for his 
services to Jewish-controlled British imperialism, he was awarded 
the title of Marquis of Reading, to be inherited by his successors. 

Information taken from S. Jackson. “Rufus Isaacs. First Marquis of 
Reading”. London edition 1936; C.J.C. Street. "Lord Reading”, 1928 
edition and the biography written by his son, the second Marquis 
of Reading, Gerald Rufus Isaacs. London, 1940. 

(Editor’s note: It was no accident that the last "British” Viceroy 
of India, Lord Louis Mountbatten, was a Jew —descended from 
the Jewish Battenburg family— and that his wife, Lady Louis 
Mountbatten, was a pure Jewess of the Jewish banking family 

of the Cassells). 


Jewish historians state that the Beni-lsraeles, although 
spread throughout India, diluted among the population 
of India, and confounded with it, are most heavily con¬ 
centrated in Bombay, and it is a coincidence that it is 
in this city that the Congress Party led by Indira Gandhi 
has more partisans. Bombay is the stronghold of the 
Beni-lsraeles Jews and also the fortress of Nehru's party, 
now led by his daughter. It is because the clandestine 
Beni-lsrael Jews control that party, and the present army 
of India, that the resources of America have been pillaged 
under the regimes of the clandestine Jews Harry Solomon 
Truman and D. David Eisenhower to support Nehru's re¬ 
gime with thousands of millions dollars, while it is in 
reality an instrument of Moscow Jews designed to enable 
them to control the neutralist nations in a way that bene¬ 
fits Israelite imperialism. 

Besides, it is well known that the Jews who are gov¬ 
erning England and are now liquidating the British Em¬ 
pire did not give independence to India until they could 
put Nehru and his Congress Party in power, so that India 
became a direct colony of the Jewish imperialism instead 
of an indirect colony of Jewish imperialism through mem¬ 
bership of the British Empire. The Jewish imperialists are 
changing it into a new satellite imperialism that intends 
to annex the Moslem Bengalis, that is to say Eastern 
Pakistan or Bangladesh, or at least to turn it into a sat¬ 
ellite state ruled by the clandestine Jews who live there 
under the patronage of the new Jewish imperialism of 
New Delhi; strengthening the belt of the Israelite Impe¬ 
rialism that is trying to strangle Maoist China, mainly 
for the benefit of the Soviet Jews of the Kremlin. 

But going back to the matter of the Congress Party 
in India, it is necessary to remember that as with all 



Jews of India emigrated to Singapore and other places of Asia 
and Africa, and in Singapore became diluted among the Malayans. 
Other Jews arrived in Singapore from Baghdad and Europe, main¬ 
ly from England. The Jews of Singapore were, as in other places, 
the strongest supporters of British Imperialism. Photo taken from 
the “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 5th. vol. Word: India, p. 610, 

1st. col. 


political parties of a pretended democratic nature founded 
by the crypto-Israelites, Jews are forced to give leading 
positions to Gentile puppets so that the parties have wide 
political influence. These Gentile leaders, taking advantage 
of the democratic structure of the Party, many even dis¬ 
pute against the Beni-lsraeles for control over the party, 
with the leader or the gang leading it even without real¬ 
izing that clandestine Jews control the real power. 

Nehru would have taken India to a socialist dictator¬ 
ship in Jewish hands if the tenacious opposition of the 
Gentile leaders in the Congress Party had not disputed 
the control of the Party by Indira Gandhi after Nehru’s 
death. Those Gentile leaders, many of them former heroes 
of the Indian independence movement, displeased with 
Mrs. Gandhi’s leadership for different reasons, have re¬ 
volted against that leadership thus creating a continuous 
fight between Ghandi and her Jewish team and the Gen¬ 
tile Indian patriot leaders of the Congress Party. On the 
result of this struggle depends the future of this immense 
country, which will get its independence if the patriots 
succeed in eliminating Gandhi and her gang of clandestine 
Jews or it will fall under the control of the Israelite Super- 
Imperialism if Mrs. Gandhi and her Judaic Mafia succeed. 

In the event that international Judaism can make 
Bangladesh into a satellite of India, Bengali clandestine 
Jews —either covered with the mask of Islam or any 
other— will have to dispute power there with the gentile 
Moslem leaders who have influence in that region, and 
the future of Moslem Bengal will depend on the result of 
that struggle. 

The “Jewish Encyclopedia" says that it is a difficult 
task to determine the percentage of Jewish blood in the 


Beni-israeles. However, it states that they boast of the 
purity of their Israelite blood, and says: “But in this, they 
are similar to the (native) Jews of China, who appear to 
have maintained the purity of their descent almost until 
our day. (6). Other Israelite historians, nevertheless, think 
that the Chinese features of the Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews, which 
makes them indistinguishable from the rest of Chinese, is 
due not only to the influence of climate and diet over two 
thousand years, but also to frequent mixed marriages cele¬ 
brated before our days”. 

With regard to subsequent immigrations of Jews into 
India, the first European Jews arrived in the Portuguese 
colonies mostly as crypto-Jews, that is to say, as clandes¬ 
tine Jews, pretending Christianity. The abundance of clan¬ 
destine Portuguese Jews seem to have been one of the 
reasons for the establishment of the Inquisition in Goa 
in 1561. Between 1561 and 1623, the Goa Inquisition 
condemned 3,800 persons, many for secretly adhering 
to Judaism. Some clandestine Portuguese Jews reportedly 
joined the Cochin community. These Portuguese Jews were 
largely engaged in the import and export trade, and in 
banking: “Having all the characteristics of the colonial 
magnates with their virtues and vices".(7) 

The “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia” mentions the em¬ 
igration of Dutch and English Jews of a Sephardic origin 
and their commercial activities. These Jewish traders 
united with the East India Company whose capital, as 
I mentioned, was mainly Israelite, were able to break the 
Portuguese monopoly of precious stones. 

(6) “Jewish Encyclopedia”. 3rd. vol. Word: Beni-lsrael. p. 21, 2nd. 


(7) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 5th. vol. Word India, pp. 



In the 17th century, Jews from Baghdad also arrived 
in India. They were dedicated to commerce, and combi¬ 
ned with Israelites coming from other Arabian countries 
as well as from Afghanistan and Persia, to become one 
of the most important Israelite communities in India. These 
Baghdadi Jews brought their Arab language to India 
and comprised very rich families, but according to the 
Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia "did not play such a lead¬ 
ing role under the British vice-regal regime as did the 
English Jews. British Jews even became viceroys of India, 
high commissioners, and high officials in the India Office 
in London, etc. Nevertheless, the Arab Jews also played 
important roles as for example, the Indian Jew of Arab 
rite, Sir Phillip Sassoon, who was a member of several 
English governments in India, and the lawyer of the same 
Israelite community called Solomon Judah, who wrote the 
“Indies Companies Act”. The “Jewish Encyclopedia” ends 
by confirming an already known fact (which when pub¬ 
lished in an official book of Judaism of unquestionable 
authority has even greater value as evidence) that the 
money earned by these rich Jews coming from Baghdad: 
“both in Calcutta and Rangoon, Burma, came from the 
opium traffic between India and China” (8). In fact, it is 
well known that the British Jews, the Indian Jews and oth¬ 
er Israelite monopolist magnates controlled the nineteenth 
century opium traffic with China, and that when the Chi¬ 
nese government wanted to prevent this criminal com¬ 
merce, in the interests of the Chinese people, the Jews that 
controlled the British government forced Britain into a war 
against China which vas as criminal as the opium traffic 
itself. This war has been fairly called the “opium war", and 

(8) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”. 5th. vol., p. 615. lrst. col. 

Word: India. 


was a disgrace to the British people, although it is evident 
that the true British people and native members of the 
United Kingdom had little responsibility for the criminal 
acts of their Jewish and crypto-Jewish rulers other than in 
permitting them to remain in power, due to the systematic 
brain washing and manipulation by the Jews of the mass 
media, the centers of education and by the Protestant and 
Catholic churches controlled by crypto-Jewish clergymen, 
and presently by the control Judaism has over the radio 
and television, and other tentacles of the hidden Israel¬ 
ite power. Such is the power of Judaism in Britain and 
the United States that both nations have become the in¬ 
corrigible satellites and colonies of Jewish imperialism, 
with its illusory pretensions of democracy, to the great 
misfortune of these countries and also of the rest of 

Jews from other countries also migrated to India, 
but in the interest of brevity, let it be sufficient to say that 
with the exception of the Soviet Union, where the Jews 
have imposed an absolute dictatorship, the United States 
and Britain —all of which are Israelite colonies— India 
is, among the big nations, the country in which Judaism 
has its strongest domain, because of the political, milita¬ 
ry and economic control that Jews of different rites have 
over the country. That is why we believe that it is impor¬ 
tant that India, as a colony of Jewish imperialism, should 
recover its real independence. This is possible only if In¬ 
dian patriots receive adequate help from abroad to over¬ 
throw the present government, which, as a puppet of 
Judaism, in addition to the help of Israelites that rule and 
tyrannize the Soviet Union, can always count on the sup¬ 
port of Jews in the United States and Britain. 

In the next chapter we will study how the clandestine 


Beni-lsraeles Jews, the more important Israelite communi¬ 
ty in India, served British Jewish imperialists as its main 
tools for the subjugation of the inhabitants of this im¬ 
mense country. (91. 

(9) Additional Bibliography. 

In addition to the books already mentioned, readers may con¬ 
sult the following books about the Jews in India: 

M. Pereyra da Paiva. “Notidas dot Judeos de Cochin”. 1687. 
Lord Henry. “A Display of Two Forraigno Sects in the East In¬ 
dies”. London, 1630; J.H. Lord. “The Jews of Indio” 1907. 
Israel Cohen. “The Journal of a Jewish Traveller”, 1925. I. A. 
Isaac, “A Short Account of the Calcutta Jews”. Calcutta, 1917. 
“Marco Polo’s Trips”. 2nd. vol. R. Reuber, “The Beni-lsrael of 
Bombay", Cambridge, 1913. 




Now we will deal with a very serious problem, which 
is largely unknown nowadays, referring to the role He¬ 
brews played in the intervention by the European powers 
in internal affairs of the Asian and African continents — 
in some cases limited to making or replacing govern¬ 
ments, but in others, even to subjecting the Afro-Asian 
nations to vassalage, thus forming in the XVIII, XIX and 
early XX centuries, the great colonial empires. 

Valuable information in this regard frequently ap¬ 
pears in authoritative Israelite sources that we have been 
able to consult, which due to the brevity of this book, 
cannot be inserted in full. Thus, in the valuable report of 
Chacham Benjamin on Persia, he says that: “My coreli- 
gionaries in Persia repeatedly asked me to publish in 
Europe a description of their present condition". The ensuing 
report is extremely enlightening. 


Regarding his visit to the city of Shiraz, the Israelite 
leader tells about a curious and instructive episode. He 
indicates that Moslems in Persia, in order to distinguish 
the Israelite women from the Mohammedans, forced the 
former to wear a black veil, while the latter wore a white 
veil. And after telling that there was a revolt in Iran in 
those days, he says: “One day my room was gradually 
full of women wearing white veils all of them who came 
to me. And as Jewish women are only allowed to wear 
black veils, to be distinguished from the others, this visit 
upset me, because I thought my home had been attacked 
by insurgents. I was calmed, nevertheless, when they made 
it clear that all of them belonged to families that had 
been forced to embrace the Islamic faith, but who in se¬ 
cret adhered to the faith of their ancestors. My visitors 
took off the veil and kissed my forehead and my hand". 
The pious Chacham continues, telling that the men who 
accompanied the women complained of the oppressive 
condition of the Israelites in Persia, and the Jewish leader 
told them something that is of capital importance: "Be 
patient, my brothers, and continue placing your confidence 
in God. Maybe the European monarchs, under whose pro¬ 
tection your (European) brothers live happy, may be able 
to alleviate your disgraces, putting noble governors on 
the Persian throne". (10) 

Which European monarchies could the active Jewish 
hierarch have referred here, in mentioning the possibility 
of their intervention in Iran in the selection of kings? Some 
facts indicate that he mainly referred to England, because 
of the following reasons: 

1. In those times, although governments of the 
European monarchies, according to the confession of Dis- 

(10) Israel Joseph Benjamin II. “Eight Years in Asia and Africa 

from 1846 to 1855". Hanover, 1861. pp. 230-256. 


raeli and other Hebrew sources, were already undermined 
by Jewish or crypto-Jewish ministers — as the case of 
Mendizabal in Spain — the only monarchic state that 
had been completely conquered by the Jews was the Brit¬ 
ish, which they had taken as their own since the 1830 
revolution, in spite of the heroic resistance led by the pa¬ 
triotic Duke of Wellington. 

II. It was England —already converted into a sat¬ 
ellite of Judaism — who mainly interfered in Asia and 
Africa, placing and replacing governments. 

III. The Chacham, in another part of his vast and 
valuable report says that when he arrived in any place 
the first thing he did was to visit the British consul, which 
is not strange, because although the Hebrews had by then 
already infiltrated the diplomatic services of other Europe¬ 
an monarchies, they could achieve their goals more effec¬ 
tively through the British consulates, considering that the 
British Empire, after it was conquered by the Jews, was 
converted into a satellite of Jewish Imperialism. 

It is extremely common for English consuls and even 
ambassadors to be either public or clandestine Jews. The 
actions of these Jews and crypto-Jews gave British diplo¬ 
macy a reputation for hypocrisy and perversity, quite 
contrary to the qualities of the real English people, who 
are generally a model of honesty. But in this diplomacy 
it can be seen the characteristic seal of the Jewish perfidy, 
about which the Fathers of the Church, the Popes and 
Councils have talked so much. It is not a mere coincidence 
that international opinion, in view of the perversity of Brit¬ 
ish Jewish diplomats, has named England as “Perfidous 
Albion", a remarkable coincidence to the terms used by 
the Fathers, Councils and Popes when many centuries ago 
talked about the “Judaic Perfidity". 

Other cases, although less serious, of European inter- 


vention against the Moslem states that heroically resisted 
all attempts of Jewish domination, are presented by the 
aforementioned Jewish Chacham indicating that in Aleppo, 
near to Damascus, there were about 1500 to 2000 Hebrew 
families living there “who enjoy great privileges under the 
protection of the European consuls, some of them of their 
own faith, because Rafael di Piechotti, the Russian consul, 
and Elias Piechotti, the general consul of Austria, have ob¬ 
tained certain influence on the Pacha, which is often used 
in the benefit of their brethren” 111). 

One of the Hebraic tactics used in the Islamic coun¬ 
tries, employing foreign nations to help the Jews against 
the Moslems, was to infiltrate Hebrews in the consulates 
of those nations. The foreign consulates then used all their 
diplomatic influence in favor of the Jewish exploiters to 
free them from the just reprisals of the native Moslems. 
We have a wide bibliography on this subject, providing 
information about this generalized Jewish infiltration not 
only in the consulates of the European powers, but also 
in those of Latin America. Regarding this, the philosemitic 
Angel Pulido says in his book “Spanish without Mother¬ 
land” in 1905, that Solomon Levy Sephardite, consul of 
Venezuela in Oran reported to him: “Here in Oran there 
are above ten thousand Jews, one thousand natives and 
three thousand Spanish, that since the French conquest of 
this country have emigrated from Morocco”. (12). If the in¬ 
formation given by that consul is true, what a terrible 
proportion of Jews in the population of Oran. 

It should not surprise that the foreign consulates in 
this difficult time for Islam served as patronizing offices 
for the intrigues of Jewish imperialism against the Mos¬ 

(11) Israel Joseph Benjamin II, pp. 69-70. 

(12) Angel Pulido, "Spanish without Motherland”. Madrid, 1905 

p. 468. 


The funny thing is that they not only used the con¬ 
suls from European power nations against the Moslems, 
but also to support those internal quarrels that frequently 
appear in Judaism. The same author, referring to the Pa¬ 
lestinian Jews, which was then an Ottoman province, says: 
'ill.— Bouknhariotas, about 500. They and the Georgians, 
have attempted many times, with the support of the Rus¬ 
sian consul, from where most of them come, to substract 
to the jurisdiction of the Great Rabbi and be completely 
autonomous”. (13). 

He refers here to the Great Rabbi of the Jewish Com¬ 
munity of Palestine, and to the Magribi rite of the Israel¬ 
ites born in Morocco, who had been subjected, apparently 
agajnst their will. We have already explained that in many 
cities there are Jewish communities of different rites that 
are autonomous one from the other, but federated to the 
others in the Kelillah which serves as the Government or 
Municipal Jewish Council of Jews residing in a gentile na¬ 
tion, to which all the Jewish communities are subject and 
which are of course also subject to the higher hierarchies 
of Judaism. Generally the Hebrew communities of a gen¬ 
tile municipality live harmoniously, but sometimes there 
are quarrels that become difficult to deal with and these, 
naturally, are reflected in divisions in the gentile revolu¬ 
tionary organizations they control. When this happens, 
the higher authorities of Judaism interfere to reestablish 
unity and harmony. 

Another instance of European intervention in favor 
of the Jews is told by the pro-semitic Spanish (possible 
Marrano) Angel Pulido, in his book "Spanish without Moth¬ 
erland” written in 1905, when he affirms that in Tunisia 
the indigenous Jews are subjected to the Arabic jurispru¬ 
dence and that they suffer in some cases, but that “those 

(13) Angel Pulido, p. 663. 


protected by the European nations, enjoy perfect equali¬ 
ty”. (14). 

A sad role was played by the European powers, 
whose governments were dominated or largely dominated 
by Jewish Masonry, and who were acting as blind instru¬ 
ments of Judaism to force the Afro-Asian peoples to un¬ 
chain the Hebrew beast and facilitate its work of domina¬ 
tion without the true Christians becoming aware of these 
powers or of what their Hebrew or masonic governors 
surreptitiously authorized. 

We have to make it clear that Israelites, with their 
proverbial ingratitude, far from thanking the European 
monarchies for their help, they overthrew one after the 
other, as soon as they could, starting with the Portuguese, 
Russian, Austrian and the German, and continuing with 
the Spanish and others whose diplomacies had helped the 
Hebrews so much in Islamic lands. 

Regarding the interference of Judaism to facilitate 
and consolidate the conquest of India by British Imperial¬ 
ism, the prestigious Israelite Indian leader and writer, 
Haeem S. Kehimker, President of the “Israelite School Com¬ 
mittee" of Bombay in his 19th century book “A Sketch of 
the History of Beni-lsrael-”, gives very interesting in¬ 

formation on how the Jews who had lived in India for at 
least sixteen centuries, helped England since the eighteenth 
century to extend and consolidate its domination of India, 
taking part as officers and commanders of the British con¬ 
trolled Indian regiments that helped to supress the Hindi 
patriots during the campaigns of 1750 and through all 
those that during the 19th century served to crush the 
revolts of the Patriotic Hindus who sought to win inde¬ 
pendence for their country. The Indian clandestine Jews 
—Hindu in appearance but Jews in secret — served as 

(14) Angel Pulido, pp. 505-508. 


bull dogs to subjugate the people that for so many cen¬ 
turies had granted them kind shelter, acting as spies to 
denounce the conspiracies of patriots and as leaders of 
the native police, that served the British Jews in their task 
to consolidate their domain on that great country. The 
aforementioned Israelite leader, in his call for help to inter¬ 
national Judaism which appears in his aforementioned 
book, gives the names of military leaders — Beni-lsraeles 
Indian Jews — that were outstanding for their valuable 
services in crushing the resistance of the Hindu patriots, 
giving a very detailed information which is really eloquent, 
stating that the Beni-lsrael soldiers were more intelligent 
than the rest of the Hindus, and that there were Beni-ls¬ 
rael officers in all Anglo-Indian regiments and they also 
hay important positions in the British Viceroy's administra¬ 
tion. He also mentions how they were used by the London 
government as officers of the Indian troops in expeditions 
led against Afghanistan, Persia, and even the famous ex¬ 
pedition against Abyssinia in 1867 and 1868 (15). 

Maybe this was one of the first interventions of Hindu 
crypto-Jews in Africa in modern times, leading Indian 
troops, to favor the plans of World Judaism, which in those 
times used the resources and qualities of the British peo¬ 
ple, already dominated by the Jewish-Masonry, as a doc¬ 
ile instrument in the imperialist undertakings of the Israeli 
nation as it spread amongst and infiltrated all other na¬ 
tions in the world. 

The fact was that the British interferences in Ethiopia 
favored the enthroning of the present Negus Hailie Se¬ 
lassie’s dynasty of Jewish-Solomonic origin — according 

(15) Haeem Samuel Kehimker. (President of the Israelite School 

Committee of Bombay, India). “A Sketch of the History of 

Beni-lsrael and an Appeal for their Education”. Bombay edi¬ 
tion printed by the "Education Society’s Press”, pp 24-36 


to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia — with the aid of 
Jewish advisers and technicians brought from Palestine 
and other places (16) whose ancestor Shoa, after a bloody 
civil war, took power thanks to the help of the Jewish 
British imperialism in 1889, under the name of Menelik II. 
Since then the negro Jews or “Falasha", natives of Ab¬ 
yssinia, and the aforementioned Jewish dynasty of a 
Solomonic origin, together tyrannized Ethiopia, It is worth 
while to note that only in this country and in Britain — 
where even the monarchy is now Judaized — the Masonic 
republican movements that Hebrews have organized in 
all the world do not appear until it is convenient for Juda¬ 
ism to change the way of government. 

Going back to the Beni-lsrael military in India, we 
can say that just as they at one time served to extend 
and consolidate the Jewish-British domination in India and 
other places of Asia and Africa, they are now helping 
Indira Gandhi and her Congress Party to control the Hindu 
armies and consolidate in India the domination of the 
native Jews, serving again as bull dogs in order to sub¬ 
jugate the native peoples who fight for their true indepen¬ 

Besides, the ancestral nomad temper of the Israelites 
has brought as a consequence that the secret sect of clan¬ 
destine Jews Beni-lsrael of India, as well as the also secret 
sects of the Indian Jews of Cochin have extended to other 
nations by means of a great migration. Thus the converted 
Israelites of India today comprise a powerful sector of 
World Judaism after the Ashkenazim and the Sephardites, 
the first of them native from Germany and the second 
from Spain and Portugal, and whose secret societies are 
spread throughout the world. 

(16) “Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia". 4th vol. p. 232. 2nd. col. 


Clandestine Indian Jews have invaded Asia and Afri¬ 
ca, where as traders, bankers and businessmen they ex¬ 
ploit, in different ways, the native population of those na¬ 
tions. Since they hide their Jewish identity and say they are 
natives from India (although in some cases it is true that 
true Indians do today live overseas in other countries) peo¬ 
ple only know them as Indian traders, bankers or business¬ 
men, without realizing that they are part of one of the 
most dangerous and exploitive fifth columns that Interna¬ 
tional Judaism has developed to dominate all other peo¬ 

In Africa they nave invaded the nations ruled by 
negro governments, such as Uganda and Kenya, as well 
as the nations ruled by a white government, such as South 
Africa and Rhodesia. 

In the negro nations they are taking over the wealth 
of the country and mercilessly exploit the negro popula¬ 
tion, many of them using British passports to have the 
protection of the British government in their infamous task 
of exploiting the people. They act as in other times did 
the Jews of different African and Asian countries who 
even adopted British, French or Spanish nationalities to 
obtain the protection of those governments in case the 
native population, becoming tired of so many exactions 
and exploitation, reacted against them. Others, neverthe¬ 
less, have adopted the nationality of the places they ex¬ 
ploit in order to seek assimilation, although only outward¬ 
ly, for they remain Jews in secret covered with the mask 

of Indians. These are the most dangerous ones, because 
the nation invaded by this plague of false Indians may 
fall into the trap and think they should fight only those 
who have foreign passports without considering as dan¬ 
gerous those who have adopted the nationality of the 


country they have invaded, and which are more harmful 
and dangerous than those of a foreign nationality, be¬ 
cause they are incrusted as a fifth column in the nation 
in whose territory they live and whose people they vilely 
exploit, and will try to dominate it with the help of the 
Super-Imperialism of Israel, either through the satellite 
imperialism of Moscow, Wall Street, or London, or through 
any other local or international power at their -service. 

In some places such as South and East Africa and 
Guyana* apart from the migration of clandestine Jews of 
India, another migration of authentic Indians took place, 
but while the latter are mainly poor workers, the clandes¬ 
tine Beni-lsraeles are usually traders, usurers, business¬ 
men and people of good position, who seek to control the 
authentic Indian emigrants, using them to provoke distur¬ 
bances and problems in the country of their adoption 
whenever it suits their convenience. This secret Jewish sect 
has invaded even England, where many of the recent 
Indian emigrants are secretly Jewish, whose Israelite rulers 
were responsible for helping them to the invasion of many 
countries, in the world especially in Africa and Asia, and 
who refused to give independence to India until they 
could hand it over to Nehru and a Jewish controlled Con¬ 
gress Party. Nevertheless, it is necessary to repeat that 
there are many independent forces in India even inside 
the Congress Party, that should be adequately helped to 
save that great nation from the yoke of these terrible se¬ 
cret societies and their main instrument, which is Indira 
Gandhi herself. 

Among the interesting episodes mentioned by the 
Indian Jew Kehimker, there is one about a Beni-lsrael 
Hindu that pretendedly converted to Christianism, but who 
continued to be Jewish in secret. This was a certain Mi- 


+ sc.: Ghana (q.). 

chael Sargon(l7), who first pretended to be a Hindu, but 
later lift off that mask to take a Christian one, while 
continuing to be a Jew in secret. This and similar exam¬ 
ples illustrates the way in which the Hebrews juggle with 
their pretended conversions, changing their external mask 
whenever it is convenient for them to do so. Here it could 
not be argued that they were forced to convert to Chris¬ 
tianity, because in India the predominant religion is Hin¬ 
duism, which, on the other hand, many Beni-lsraeles ex¬ 
ternally practice with great piety, observing Judaism in 
the most absolute secret, in order to remain firmly infil¬ 
trated in the Indian nation as powerful and dominant 
fifth column. The result of the British domination of India 
destroyed the defenses of the former leaders of that na¬ 
tion against Judaism, making it possible for the Jews who 
controlled Britain and hand over India to Nehru and his 
gang of clandestine Beni-lsraeles Jews while pretending 
to grant India its independence. The same has been done 
elsewhere, except where international circumstances forced 
British jewry to grant the independence to populations 
still not controlled by secret Jewish infiltrators. More in¬ 
teresting now is the fact that International Judaism is to¬ 
day seeking to destroy the power of England and the 
United States to open the door to Communist Imperialism 
led by the Jewish hidden power, and so to achieve the 
final goal of the great Hebrew revolution of modern times. 
So far they have not been able to convert the English and 
Americans to Judaic communism, because both peoples 
are accustomed to good life and free institutions. 

In his extensive report presented to Western Judaism, 
Chacham pointed with the darkest colors the situation of 

(17) Haeem Samuel Kehimker, p. 21. 


Israelites in the Sultanate of Morocco at the middle of 
the 19th century, asking for the interference of the Europe¬ 
an powers in that kingdom. He said among other things, 
that the oppression of Jews in Morocco was worse than 
that in Persia, and that they were forced to use a Turkish 
cap to distinguish them from the Moslem population. 

It can be seen that in all places in the world the peo¬ 
ple menaced by the political conquest of the Jews tried 
to alert the population against them, distinguishing them 
with a sign, such as a cap of a certain color, a dress, or 
the star of David, so that non-Jews might know them 
and guard against their intrigues and subversion. These 
defensive steps appear in both the Christian and Moslem 
worlds, reoccurring at widely different times, often sepa¬ 
rated by several centuries one from the other. We have 
already seen how Jewesses were forced in Persia to wear 
a black veil to distinguish them from the Islamic women 
and how they evaded this step by pretending conversion 
of themselves and their families to the Islam, thus en¬ 
titling them to wear the white veil and to be confounded 
in consequence with the real Moslems. 

Returning to the subject of Morocco, Israel Joseph 
Benjamin II declares that the situation of the Jews was 
terrible there, due to the fanaticism of the Arabs and their 
arbitrariness, saying that: “If an Arab enters a house, the 
Jew must address him humbly as if he were a prince. 
If he takes something he likes, there should not be heard 
the least gossip, for on the opposite the intruder would 
immediately take his knife and there is no judge nor law 
to protect the despoiled or oppressed”... “if all the great 
European powers attempted to oppose this barbarity in 
those places near their influence, they would do much in 
their own benefit, in the benefit of science and in favor 
of the oppressed”. (18). 

(18) Israel Joseph Benjamin II, pp. 319-325. 


This terrible invitation to Western Judaism, to whom 
this book is addressed, to persuade the European powers 
to interfere in Morocco, presents the Arabs as savages and 
criminals on the one hand and suggesting subtle argu¬ 
ments with which to induce the European powers to inter¬ 
fere. The story is repeated frequently in world history, for 
when the heroic Visigothic Empire constituted an obstacle 
to the Hebrew plans, the latter stimulated the Moslem 
ambition of domination and facilitated their invasion and 
conquest of Spain. Later on, when Moslems wanted to 
defend themselves against Jewish domination, the Jews 
favored the triumph of the Christian kings. And when, in 
the 14th century, Europe desperately fought to stop the 
domination of Jews and the subversive activity of their 
heresies, the Jews incited the Turkish to invade Europe, 
facilitating their conquests through the Jewish fifth col¬ 
umns which existed in all the Christian countries. Later on, 
when it was convenient for them to destroy the Turkish 
Empire, they turned the different European powers against 
the Turks, and for a time even favored Arab nationalism 
only to betray the Arabs later when they sought the con¬ 
quest of Palestine and the establishment of Israel. 

In the 18th and 19th centuries the Jews conquered 
the European monarchies from inside, achieving it better 
during the 19th century, using them to launch an attack 
on the Asian and African countries which the Hebrews had 
not yet succeeded in conquering by internal subversion. 
However, the Jewish fifth columns inside these Afro-Asian 
countries betrayed their hosts in favor of the colonial enter¬ 
prises of the Jewish-manipulated Europeans, thereby sub¬ 
duing many states of Asia and Africa. They were then 
able to ensure, by different means, that the Israelite com¬ 
munities in such states were strengthened until they could 
dominate the peoples that had sheltered them. This also 


was often achieved with the support of the European em¬ 
pires, until the Jews and crypto-Jews could lead the Afro- 
Asian populations under the pretended banner of freedom 
in a demand for independence. As our reader will now 
realise, this was not to be a real freedom, for the inde¬ 
pendence movements were generally under the leadership 
of the secret Jews who sought to become national heroes 
and to become the absolute rulers of the "liberated” coun¬ 
tries once they had been granted their independence from 
their European rulers. Their intention was that once the 
ancient colonies become independent of the western pow¬ 
ers, they would be even more securely in the claws of the 
native Hebrews, or of the Jewish imperialism in the form 
of communist totalitarianism directed by the Jews of the 

Fortunately in many countries of Africa and Asia this 
plan of pretended liberation of the colonies failed and 
they could not prevent real heroes of the independence 
from taking power once it was consumated. In other cases, 
once the Jewish agents of the British government left the 
power in the hands of native clandestine Jews, or agents 
of the Kremlin Israelites, a patriotic military coup swept 
the false redemptors away, establishing a truly patriot 
government in the liberated colony while the Jewish world 
press protested against the military coup, which had de¬ 
prived Judaism of one of its possessions. 

We exhort our readers probe deeper in this subject, 
and those who do, will themselves discover the decisive 
Jewish participation in most of the imperialist ventures 
of the Dutch, British and French imperialisms in Africa 
and Asia. The famous companies of the Eastern Indies and 
the companies of the West Indies were created in Holland 
mainly with Jewish money to economically exploit the col¬ 
onies of the Dutch Empire, and similar companies were 


established in England and France to exploit the English 
and French conquests, mainly in the benefit of the Jewish 
capitalist monopolists, who in a secret agreement in the 
present century with the Jewish communist imperialists of 
Moscow have since approved the liquidation of the Dutch, 
English and French empires, when it was deemed con¬ 
venient to the supreme interest of the Israelite imperialism 
to replace the partial and uncomplete domination repre¬ 
sented by democratic capitalism by another more com¬ 
plete and absolute system of control — totalitarian com¬ 
munism — secretly led by the Jewish imperialists, using 
the clandestine Israelite communities which had infiltrated 
those countries as agents of domination following the sup¬ 
posed "liberation" of these lands. 

In the former European colonies of Asia and Africa 
that become "independent" countries, a fierce fight takes 
place between the super secret societies of clandestine Ju¬ 
daism that has often lived in those countries for centu¬ 
ries, who fight to submit those countries to the yoke of the 
communist Jewish imperialism led from Moscow and the 
gentile civil and mainly military leaders who genuinely 
wish to defend the nations' independence and work for 
its prosperity. The worse part of the situation is that while 
the clandestine Jewish minority knows very well the enemy 
it faces and even may infiltrate the ranks of the true pa¬ 
triots with spies and saboteurs, the true patriots of these 
Afro-Asian nations seldom understand the nature of the 
hidden enemy who directs the communist and socialist 
movements supported by the Jewish leaders of the Soviet 
Union and their puppet, the paranoid Marrano tyrant who 
has enslaved the unfortunate Cuban people. Until these 
heroic Afro-Asian patriots can identify and destroy the 
secret force behind subversion, uprooting the clandestine 
Israelite communities that compose it, they will be unable 


to enjoy either peace or prosperity, and will eventually fall 
one after the other into the claws of the totalitarian Jewish 
communist imperialism which will subject them to slavery, 
as it has already subjected the unfortunate people of the 
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Cuba. 

The worst problem facing the Asian and African na¬ 
tions, and in general all the underdeveloped countries, 
including those of Latin America, is that the Jewish Racist 
Imperialism holds them in the firm grasp of its pincers. One 
arm of the Jewish pincer is the capitalist Jewish imperial¬ 
ism of the International Monopolies, and the other arm 
is the Jewish communist imperialism directed from Mos¬ 
cow. The world Jewish super-imperialist pincer works with 
both arms in the following way: 

1st. The Jewish capitalists, through trans-national 
enterprises such as the Jewish Banks and the Jewish inter¬ 
national trading monopolies, buy at very low prices the 
raw materials of the under-developed nations and sell 
industrial products and technology at very high prices, 
provoking a bigger impoverishment every day. This sub¬ 
human exploitation of man by man enriches the Jewish 
owners of the exploiting monopolies. 

2nd. The exploitation we have just mentioned, and 
the progressive impoverishment of the developing — or 
under-developed — nations serves the Jews who carry 
the false banner of Israelite communism to incite the op¬ 
pressed people to rebellion against such exploitation, facili¬ 
tating the control of the popular masses and the possibility 
of conducting them to a false "dictatorship of the prole¬ 
tariat" which would be, as in the Soviet Union, a Jewish 
dictatorship of the people resulting in their total enslave¬ 
ment. Capitalist exploitation of the developing countries 
and other abuses and crimes of the Jewish capitalist Im¬ 
perialism, justly irritate many gentile nationalist rulers, 


who upon receiving support against capitalist imperialism 
on the part of the Jewish communist dictatorships, frequent¬ 
ly fall in this skillful trick, even believing that there is no 
way to save their nations from the claws of the capitalist 
imperialism, except as allies of the Marxist socialist dic¬ 
tatorships, without knowing that the Soviet Union and her 
satellite states (including Cuba) and the capitalist Jewish 
Imperialism and its agencies (including the United States 
and England) are mere pawns of a single secret super¬ 
imperialism, that uses this maneuver to persuade the na¬ 
tionalist rulers to fall into the trap, to start destroying 
barriers and defensive institutions, or to dictate other mea¬ 
sures that also facilitate the progress of the communist 
Jewish revolution in other nations, and sometimes even 
in their own country, without becoming aware that through 
these and other steps (the result of their friendship with 
the Soviets and the Soviet satellites) they are increasing 
the world and local strength of communist Jewish impe¬ 
rialism, which is responsible for the state of oppression 
and slavery from which they cannot liberate themselves. 

Those nationalist rulers should realise that Maoist 
China, Albania and Roumania are the only regimes in the 
communist field, that are independent at least until this 
moment — of both nefarious imperialisms, and that these 
states may yet be conquered by the Jews. 

Judaism, by controlling both arms of the super-im¬ 
perialist Israelite pincer, as we have just described, al¬ 
ways wins! 

It is evident that the only escape for the under-de¬ 
veloped peoples from the dual forces which oppress them, 
is to cooperate so that they have the combined strength 
to efficiently defend their interests against both imperial¬ 
isms; the capitalist and the communist. But Judaism, with 
its centuries of experience, takes precautions to prevent 


such defensive cooperation by infiltrating all fields, espe¬ 
cially those its opponents may create to protect them¬ 
selves. So we saw the Jewish emperor of Ethiopia, Haile 
Selassie, controlling the African Unity Organization to en¬ 
sure its failure. The Indian government, led by Judaism, 
has similarly infiltrated and nefariously influences the so- 
called third world. And the Jew Josip Bross (a) Tito, the 
Yugoslavian dictator, plays a similar role in the manipula¬ 
tion of the third world. That is why nationalist gentile gov¬ 
ernments, seeking to be independent of both the capitalist 
and communist imperialisms, will not be able to form truly 
defensive organizations as long as they do not expell from 
their organizations all governments infiltrated by and con¬ 
sequently subject to either the Jewish capitalist imperial¬ 
ism, or the Israelite Kremlin imperialism, from whose domi¬ 
nation and exploitation the under-developed peoples in 
the world must free themselves if they wish to overcome 
their present poverty and misery. 


Library of 




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I want to thank the publisher of “Political 
Secrets" for having taken the decision of 
publishing in that collection the present report 
which will be given to his readers in order to 
inform them the truth about what happened 
in my unfortunate country. 

I also thanked the brave magazine which 
published it originally at its proper time. 

The rest of the newspapers-with only a few 
exceptions- continuously publish lies, hiding 
the truth about what is happening in the 
world, because the international news agencies 
are either owned by Jews or are infiltrated by 
Jews and, in addition because the great 
majority of important newspapers, radio and 
television are, also of the 
property of Jews and it is common and of 
notorious knowledge that they make 
propaganda in favor of the communist 
dictatorships and of the red subversive 
movements, while at the same time they heap 
lies and calumnies upon the patriotic 
anti-communist governments in order to 
discredit them on a world-wide scale, which 
shows us once more that socialism or marxist 
communism continues to be a "par excellence" 
Jewish enterprise, fully supported by world 
judaism, whereas Zionism and the State of 
Israel, although they have the strong support 
of powerful sectors of international judaism, 
have to reckon with many enemies among 
western Jewish leaders and mainly among 
Jewish leaders of the Soviet Union and other 
communist States for reasons I have already 

Lisbon - August - 1974. 


> ' ;: 


rt^ ; m- 

There exists an 
astonishing paralel- 
lism between the 
events previous to 
the bolshevik's tak¬ 
ing over of the pow 
er in Russia and .,. 
On the picture: Rus 
sian guards at the 
entrance oi the Smol 
ni Institute, on No¬ 
vember 7, 1917. 

Proiessional revolu¬ 
tionaries recruited 
by the Jew, Leon 
Bronstein Trotzlcy. in 
the suburbs oi New 

|i“ *! 


m ^ 


( . n , Q, 

<*V v 

• ii 


At a street comer, a 
small military tank 
witnesses acquies¬ 
cently the agitators 
who have come from 
abroad. , 

■t v ‘ 




What is awaiting 
the comrades oi Ri- 
beiro de Spinola. 
Soares, and Cunhal? 
The bolsheviks went 
about destroying 
them separately •— 
first the ones them 
the others — under 
different pretexts, 
employing their re¬ 
fined system of in¬ 
trigue and infiltration 
against all those 
who are not control¬ 
led by the com¬ 
munist party. 

On the picture: Mario 
Soares and Alvaro 
Cunhal, on May 1st, 
after their return to 

Rossio Square gave us The perfect picture of Antonio Ribeiro de 
Spinola's Portugal. Hammers and sickles daubed on red banners, raised-up 
fists, activists df the agit-prop cells distributing leaflets in which they call for 
class struggle and the dictatorship of the proletariat, shouts of "viva Russia", 
stale slogans such as "a united people will win" and the ones of "Socialist 
Portugal", reveal what kind of winds are lashing Portugal. 

The public watches in bewilderment the activist groups marching in the 
streets, singing communist songs and demanding the blood of the bourgeois. 

At a street corner, a small military tank witnesses acquiescently the 
agitators who have come from abroad, as if silently applauding their action. 

There exists an astonishing parallelism between the factious coup that 
overthrew the new anti communist State of Portugal and the events 
previous to the bolsheviks' taking over of the power is Russia. 

The similitude is not the product of some blind course of history, but of 
a plan, practically drawn by international communism in order to take 
possession of Portugal and deliver its overseas colonies to the red racists of 
FRELIMO (Mozambique Liberation Front) and its associates in Angola and 
Portuguese Guinea. 

The communists themselves are not hiding the fact that they <tre doing 
everything in their power to install a Soviet regime in my country 

Demonstrations are organized in the streets of Lisbon, very similar to 
those which Lenin, or rather that Kalmuk from a German Jewish mother 
Vladimir lllich Ulianov Blanck used to organize in Russia during the regime 
of the Russian Jew, Alexander Kerensky, with the slogan of "down with the 
bourgeois revolution! "for the proletarian revolution! " 

Might Antonio Ribeiro de Spinola be the Kerensky of Portugal 7 Might 
Cunhal be the Lenin who returned from exile in order to lead the 
"putsch"? Or might it be Colonel Vasco Goncalves, the recalcitrant com 
mumst who, acting in the role of Leon Bronstein, will forcefully impose the 
communist tyranny by means of a new red army? How did they arrive at 
this anguishing situation after a regime like that of Salazar was demolished* 
If this was possible, where did all the fictious accounts or the frightful 
dictatorship go? 

As in the Russia of the beginning of the century, infiltrators abound in 
the government. Among the army generals and even among the noble 
landowners there existed very powerful enemies of the regime who were 
simulating and dissembling in order to undermine, treacherously from 
within, the system they cynically claimed to be defending. 

Marcelo Caetano is the maximum infiltrator, a traitor who dissembled all 
the time in order to favor the advance of communism on the one hand, and 
on the other, in order to frustrate all action of the patriotic forces that were 
infinitely superior, by cunningly deceiving the old President of the Republic, 
Admiral Thomaz, whose advanced age did not permit him to exercise his 
power effectively 

It should be remembered that the great man, Oliveira Salazar himself, 
dismissed Caetano fiom his office when he discovered his treason Upon the 
death of the man who brought order and progress to Portugal, Marcelo 
Caetano came back, stealthy and false, to culminate his work with the 


support of other infiltrators. It took him four years to sow confusion, 
scepticism, defeatism and doubt, under the pretext of ''liberalizing” the 
regime. The doors were open for Kerensky to assail the power. Caetano 
furthered the promotion, within his regime, of infiltrators, covered up 
enemies who were plotting his destruction, thus bringing about in Portugal 
what Rasputin -following a different road- had brought about in Russia 
more than half a century ago, by deceiving the tsarina and the tzar, inducing 
them to place in key positions of the Russian imperial regime, secret enemies 
who prepared its fall from within. 

Caetano had it in his hand to destroy the conspirators of Caldas de 
Rainha but not only did he refuse to do so, he also prevented others from 
taking action. The Ust feint of the traitor, yielding to the pressures of the 
patriotic Portuguese sectors, was the dismissal of Ribeiro de Spinola and 
Gomez da Costa. 

He did nothing, however, to destroy the conspiracy at its root. Govern¬ 
ment radio stations were swarming with communist agents and so were the 

In the Russia of 1917, the abdication of the tzar was not immediately 
followed by the pro communist regime of Kerensky. First there was a period 
during which Prince Georgi Eugenovich Lvov established the first provisional 
government. In his cabinet, a lawyer called Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky, 
vice-president of the St. Petersburg soviet, occupied the office of secretary of 

From March 15 to June 21, all the traitors of the tzarist regime who 
perceived themselves as liberal democrats, resigned under the pressure of 
bolshevik agitation. Thus, Alexander Kerensky became Prime Minister, 
conserving however his connections with the soviet of the city where the 
bolsheviks were gaining positions day by day. 

Why did the bolshevik revolution come about several months after the 
fall of the tzar? Because Vladimir lllich Ulianov Blanck. known as Lenin, 
didn’t arrive in St. Petersburg to lead his faction until April 16, 1917, a 
month after the abdication of Nicolas Romanov. Before and after his arrival, 
together with 200 professional revolutionaries, recruited by the likewise 
Jewish Leon Bronstein Trotzky in the suburbs of New York, it was seen that 
the bolsheviks were only a minority with no hold on the masses and almost 
no control over the workers’ trade unions, army regiments, newspapers and 
the apparatus of public administration. 

Supported from above, by the apparent errors of Kerensky, the bolshe¬ 
viks received the control of the masses, the trade unions and soldiers' regi 
ments on a platter; had it not been for this, the group of Israelite Russian 
emigrants that surrounded Lenin would have seen themselves reduced to a 
minimum chance of expression 

Kerensky continued his manoeuvres for discrediting the liberal and de¬ 
mocratic sectors which coexisted in his cabinet with the socialists 

Meanshile, in the city soviet, the bolsheviks were demagogically promis¬ 
ing: Immediate peace, immediate self determination for the non Russian 


people; immediate workers' control of the factories; immediate agrarian 
reform. And all those who pointed out that it was impossible to fulfill such 
promises because they were utopian, were marked down by the bolshevisk as 
capitalist defenders of tzarism, enemies of the people etc... . The agit-prop 
ceils were announcing the imminent passing-over of the bourgeois revolution 
to the revolution of the proletariat, just as they are doing today in Portugal. 

What aroused the suspicion of people with a wider political vision, was: 
the fact that Kerensky, while he was very effective and energetic in crushing 
any patriotic attempt to save Russia from communism, was to the contrary 
very inefficient in combating the communists themselves who were fighting 
to topple the republican-democratic regime of which Kerensky himself was 
the leader. This showed clearly that this Jewish- Russian was, in a seemingly 
inexplicable way, preparing the fall of his own government and the peseing 
over of the power to the caucus of Jewish bolsheviks, directed by Lenin and 

Things reached an extreme when Kerensky sabotaged the attempt of the 
military patriots to save Russia from catastrophe, by surreptitiously pushing 
General Kornilov -through provoking agents- to make the counter¬ 
revolution break out, when it was still lacking adequate organization to 
assure its triumph; and he did this by putting forth much more energy than 
he ever did when seemingly trying to crush the communist comparators' 

The frustrated coup of Kornilov served Kerensky as a pretext to call 
Lenin "to save the revolution" as they said. 

Thus, on September 9. the great opportunity presented itself to Lenin 
and his group to assume the leadership of the mobilized armed workers, 
appearing in their eyes as valiant defenders of their cause. However, it did 
not come to an armed conflict because the frustrated counter-revolution had 
been betrayed ever since its birth and only served as a pretext in order to 
crush the liberals and democrats that were still left in Kerensky's govern¬ 

On September 14, Kerensky proclaimed Russia a Republic. The triumph 
was not Krensky's but the bolsheviks', assisted by this traitor who, disguised 
as a democrat and delender of human rights, endowed the reds with a liberal 
prestige they had not enioyed before. Around that time, the bolsheviks 
alieadv cnntiolled the soviets ol St Petersburg and Moscow 

A 'itlie less than seven months after the fall of the old regime on 
Octuliier 6 the Jew Leon Bronstein fTotrky leaches the presidency o‘ the 
Soviet ol St Petersburg. The Military Revolutionary Committee is publicly 
t reated and the marxist revolution is openly planned while Kerensky, who 
does not ignore the facts, does not qlo anything to thwart them. On that day, 
arms are distributed among the workers who are already controlled in 
communist trade unions. The red agitators enter the barracks feely and 
impose their political commissars; they distribute propaganda, enroll soldiers 
in their committees and all this in full daylight with Kerensky doing nothing 
to prevent it On that night, after a quick mobilization which meets with no 
resistance, all the important public buildings of St Petersburg are taken over 
by th" communists. 


On the following day, Hussia had a dictator: Lenin. His assistants: 
Trol/ky and his caucus of Jews. The liberal democratic revolution of the 
party of cadets - likewise led by Jews- did not bring Russia from monarchy 
to a democratic republic, but from Lvov to Kerensky at first, and from 
Kerensky to Lenin afterwards- into the hands of a minority of international 
Jews, foreign outsiders and butchers who are to this day enslaving the 
Russian people And as a just punishment from God, they also drove Russia 
into the hands of the Zionist Jewish sectors who, due to internal rivalries 
that arose in the Jewry of the world, have suffered in their own flesh from 
their Hebrew brothers who govern the Kremlin, the same treatment they 
gave the unfortunate Russian people. 

Caetano sowed distrust on the work of Salazar and, under the pretext 
of liberalizing Portugal, he opened the doors to defeatism. Nobody ignores 
that his friendship with Ribeiro de Spinola was something more than super¬ 
ficial Now we are able to confirm the strong secret alliance that existed 
between them. In spite of the secret contacts between Ribeiro de Spinola 
and Amilcar Cabral. Caetano was paving the way for him. 

Besides decorating him and weaving an epic story around him, he 
created a special position for him as second in command of the staff of the 
Joint Armed Forces, second to General Gomez da Costa who was also in 
volved in the conspiracy. 

Caetano authorized the publications of the book "Portugal and the 
Future" at the request of General Gome 2 da Costa. He let them do as they 
like. He took no actiop against the defeatists that were infesting the regi¬ 
ments of the metropolis. As in the case of Russia, it was not the combatant 
army that rose up in arms, but the idle regiments of the city. As in Russia, 
the conspirators are not outside the regime they want to topple but 
incrusted inside, thus making their action more destructive. The complicity 
of the Ex-Primer Minister, Marcelo Caetano, was confirmed by the fact that 
the coup d'etat was carried 1 out by only thirty young officers who could have 
been crushed by the Civil Guards, the anti-riot police and other forces for 
keeping the order, which, however, were quartered; they did not crush the 
coup because the Minister of the interior gave them no orders for action and 
because Prime Minister Caetano in his turn refrained from doing so. 

Among other charges that can be made against Marcelo Caetano, we 
might mention the following: He practiced a personal politics of nepotism 
by giving government positions of highest responsibility to all kinds of rela¬ 
tives. nephews, godfathers, godsons and numerous intimate friends, regardless 
of true merit; he submitted to voting, the decision whether the overseas 
policy of Salazar should be continued or not (although the people opposed 
his designs by voting for the maintenance of the territorial integrity of the 
Portuguese natiqn) thus betraying once more the thought of the man who 
created the "Estado Novo" which affirmed that "one's native land cannot be 
sold, rented or discussed; it can only be defended" He allowed the growth 
of student activism fn the Universities, a sector which was agitating against 
the overseas national policy and from which came the young marxist officers 
led by Vasco Goncalves, as if all this were not enough, he appointed his 
godson - a professor of law— Minister of National Defense (so that he might 
command the Armed Forces! ! ), he designated a functionary of tourism as 
Minister of the Interior (so that he might command the police forces! ! ), he 
did everything possible to make the Portuguese people lose sight of the fact 
that Portuguese Africa was an integral part of Ponugal, thus discrediting 


once more Salazar's thought, according to which defending Africa means 
defending Portugal, and encouraging the suspicion that they were fighting 
for an abstraction. He opened the doors of hope to those who were defend¬ 
ing the policy of abandonment thus stirring doubt in those who were resist¬ 
ing, wanted, to resist and knew that they could resist; in sum, MarceloCaeta- 
no and his accomplices introduced doubt where there had been certainty. 

As we indicated before, Caetano played the sinister role of Rasputin. 
Is then General Spinola playing the role of a new Kerensky? On April 25, 
Caetano personally handed the power to Ribeiro de Spinola. A month earlier, 
one day after the events of Caldas, Spinola -already removed from office- 
declared to the press that there existed no discrepancy between him and the 
government and that he was hoping to occupy again an important position. 
Twenty days later, he was Portugal's dictator. Due to the secret entente 
between Caetano and de Spinola, the latter sent Caetano to exile instead of 
giving him a public trial as the bolshevik mob was demanding. 

"As a sample, one button is enough", says a popular saying. The TASS 
agency's applause at Ribeiro de Spinola's coup is significant. Equally signifi¬ 
cant are Willy Brandt's and Mitterand's demonstrations of satisfaction with 
the perpetrators of the coup. 

More important still is the arrival of Mario Soares, a socialist marxist 
exiled in Paris, with great connections in London, to receive from the hands 
of Ribeiro de Spinola the Ministry of External Relations. Soares, Ribeiro de 
Spinola and Alvaro Cunhal, secretary general of the Communist Party exiled 
in Prague, were all in the conspiracy. 

As it happened in St. Petersburg, Lisboa saw itself invaded by a legion of 
foreign elements that arrived from abroad. Many said they were journalists 
but are presently engaged in political activities, in ministries, trade unions, 
regiments, etc. 

Within a few hours on April 25, the minority of communist and socialist 
soviets were already controlling newspapers, radio stations and news agencies 
with the approval and support of Ribeiro de Spinola. 

The trade unions of the railway, the metal and textile industries, which 
are the biggest in Portugal, were literally assaulted by red cells who imposed 
their power by force of pistols and demagogie. 

The same happened with the telephone operators, bakers and transport 
employees who are already subject to red, terrorist control. 

It was symbolical that in the proclamation "1st of Red May”, on the 
fifth day of the revolution, Ribeiro de Spinola should assigh the organization 
of the meeting, the order and the platform to socialists and communists. 
Another evidence of Spinolist treason resides in the fact that he handed to 
the communists the Ministry of Work which has the power of giving its 
approval or disapproval for the foundation and existence of the workers 
trade unions, in order to achieve total control of the Portuguese workers, in 
trade unions managed bv the communist demagogues, who as in 191 7 in St. 
Petersburg, are promising them astronomical raises in salaries, shorter hours 
and political power, so as to win them for their cause and use them as 
cannon fodder 

Afterwards they will tie the hands of the workers under the pretext of 


defending the misnamed dictatorship of the proletariat which —as every¬ 
where else- will be the dictatorship of a socialist or communist bureaucracy, 
exploiting and enslaving the working classes. 

It is evident that discipline has been relaxed in the barracks because of 
the protecting and fraternizing that is going on with the red activists. Secret 
soviets of soldiers are being formed in order to eliminate, at the decisive 
moment, those officers who might try to oppose the communist coup d' 
etat, as it was don*; in Russia after the triumph of the so-called democratic 

Many were surprised, for instance, by the intensive activity of the Com¬ 
munist Party within the Navy, but as we said at the beginning, they are 
executing >n Portugal step by step the plan outlined by Kerensky and Lenin 
for '(.immunizing Russia. 

Like Kerensky. Ribeiro de Spinola pretends to be a democrat, a lover of 
individual libeities, while he is increasingly giving his true support to the 
Communist Party and to the Socialist Party which is also marxist leninist. 

Meanwhile, anti communist fighters are secretly persecuted ,md assassi 
nated without anybody raising a single voice of protest in the United 
Nations. All true patriots are silenced. Anti communist newspapers are con 
fiscated and organizations are dissolved in an .irbitrary and illegal manner, 
protected by the law of force. 

Communists, homosexuals, socialists, opusdeists, prostitutes, Christian 
democrats, all mixed together m a demagogic spree, promise impossible para 
dises and tell scandalous lies about the Salazar regime All extravagances that 
professional liars die capable of. till the columns of the Spinolist and 
communist piess. False confessions about tot lure, dismal control systems 
which it they had existed, would nevet have allowed the coup of April 25 to 
take place No lies of any dimension may detain them, as long as they are 
justified and going ahead with then preparations for the bolshevik coup, 
which is to give them total power Communist dictatorship, unless they 
reach the same result by a pacific development with the complicity of Gene¬ 
ral Spinola himself. 

What is awaiting the traveling companions of the Portuguese com 
munists* The bolsheviks started destroying them seprately -first the ones 
then the others- under different pretexts, employing their refined system of 
intrigue and infiltration against all those who are not controlled by the 
communist Party. 

Afterwards, the liberals, the democrats and non-communist socialists, 
the anarchists, Christian democrats, opusdeists and the rest of the tribe who 
may have cooperated in overthrowing the regime, will receive their reward 
with six grams of lead in the neck, in the style of the GPU. or they will rot in 
a jail for the rest of their lives. This ts how the reds reward their former allies 
lor having made it possible for them to take over the power in a country. It 
so happened in Russia. 

The military who by various deceits lent themselves to the Spinolist- 
communist game and who may want to oppose the communization of Portu¬ 
gal, must remember the reward received by those officers of the Tzar's army 
who collaborated in bringing it down, or who refrained from defending it. 


Those mountains of officers's corpses assassinated en masse and than sprink¬ 
led with gasoline and burned, remained as a testimony of how communism 
devours those who serve it. 

The navy officers of the tzar were thrown in sacks into the frozen waters 
of the Baltic by soviets of sailors who took possession of the ships. 

The Russian experience has shown that, had they acted in time and with 
energy, the minority of uptstarts led by Lenin would have been crushed by 
the patriotic forces. 

Portugal finds itself now on the eve of a red October which we hope will 
be prevented in time by freedom-loving democrats who do not wish for their 
Lucitanian homeland the same destiny that befell Russia. 

Some believe that General Spinola is indeed a true democrat who does 
not wish a communist slavery for his country and will do everything possible 
to avoid it. Others, on the other hand, say that while he claims by words to 
be a lover of freedom and democracy, as Kerensky did, he is by his actions 
showing himself to be the new Kerensky of Portugal. Only the future can tell 
us who was right. 

In order to complete the picture of similarities between the Russian 
Revolution and the present Portuguese revolution, we could ask the follow¬ 
ing question. What role did judaism play in all this? I can furnish some 
decisive data regarding the- which should of course, be supplemented by 
a ma|or investigation. A book was published in Lisbon, written by the Polish 
Jew Samuel Schwaiz, a member of the Portuguese Association of Archeo¬ 
logists, entitled: "The New Christians in Portugal in the 20th Century" with 
a "Pro-Israel" preface by doctor Ricardo Jorge. 

In Portugal, they call "new Christians" the descendants of the Portu¬ 
guese Jews who simulated a conversion to Christianity in the year 1497 in 
order to deceive the decree of expulsion of the Jews from Portugal which 
was promulgated by King Manuel the First. After becoming Christians, the 
majority of Portuguese Jews kept up their secret Jewish organizations and 
their clandestine synagogues, adopting Christian names and impeccably Por¬ 
tuguese surnames, as it also happened in England, Germany, France, Italy. 
Spain and other European countries when expulsion laws were issued by 
their monarchs. And although these families have practiced the Christian 
religion in public for almost four countries, as do the clandestine Jews of the 
whole of Europe, America and Chrstianity in general, they secretly initiate 
their children, when they reach the age of 13. into their hidden Jewish 
organizations which infiltrate the political, military, cultural and syndical 
institutions of the rest of tlje world —even (he Church clergy- and try to 
dominate Portugal as they try to dominate the rest of the world, misinter¬ 
preting the Old Testament of the Bible in those passages in which the people 
of Israel are promised that they will dominate all nations, will take posse¬ 
ssion of all riches and will make male and female slaves out of all those that 
live around them. 

These biblical passages which Christianity interprets symbolically, as re¬ 
ferring to Christ's reign on earth, the Jews are taught from childhood by the 
rabbies to interpret literally; thus the Israelites who have penetrated into all 
the nations of the world, have for centuries been organized as fifth columns 
in order to conquer the governments of these nations, take possession of 


their wealth and enslave them as they believe it was ordained by God and 
promised to his chosen people. 

It is well known that the Jews created the capitalist regime, by over¬ 
throwing the ancient feudal system, in order to achieve their purpose of 
world political and economic conquest; but as the above-mentioned regime 
did not allow them to totally attain their ends, the German Jews. Karl Vlarx 

A book written by the Association, entitled: “The 
Polish Jew, Samuel new Christians in Portugal 

Schwarz, member of the in the 20th. century"with 
Portuguese Archeologists a “pro-Israel” preface by 
Dr. Ricardo Jorge. 


and Friedrich Engels, created marxist socialism which would, by means of a 
revolution destroying capitalism, place all the political power in the hands of 
the so-called proletarian state. But as this state would in reality be publicly 
or secretly controlled by the Jews, it would allow them to expropriate all 
wealthy individuals and submit them to a true slavery and thus the Hebrew 
people who live scattered among all nations, would take possession of them 
and by subjecting them to the slavery of a communism managed by Jews, 
the prophesies of the Bible would come true in their rabbinical interpreta¬ 

As a result, in the capitalist countries themselves, the Jewish politicians, 
financiers, military men and students as well as the Christian priests and 
bishops who are secretly Israelites, support -in a way that is inexplicable to 
those who ignore the secret- the communists and socialist marxists who try 
to submerge capitalism and destroy the Christian faith, imitating Kerensky 
and getting involved in all kinds of plots in a way that seems most adequate, 
according to the exigencies of time and place. 

It is well known that it was the high Jewish bankers of the United States 
and Europe that financed the communist revolution in Russia, and by invest 
ing about 30 million dollars, the World Israelite Brotherhood managed to 
take possession of all the gigantic wealth of the Russian Empire. With a 
relatively small investment they made the biggest and most lucrative business 
ever transacted by Jews in the entire history of the people or Israel. 

To suppose -as many do- that Israeli Imperialism is limited to the 
expansion plans of the small state of Israel, is to show a lamentable igno¬ 
rance in this respect. We must make it clear to these uninformed people that 
the state of Israel was founded under the pressure of the Jewish Zionist sects, 
which constitute only one part of world judaism and the leaders of these 
sects -the State ol Israel as well as Zionism that patronizes them- have 
created so many problems for them that the number of those who wish to 
check the excesses of the Zionists increases every day, for they are endanger 
mg the Jewish domination of all nations which is the true goal to which 
judaism tends and not the expansion of the small state of Israel. 

To continue with my commentary on the book of the Jew. Samuel 
Schwarz. I will faithfully transcribe what this prestigious author says in his 
introduction, entitled IN PERPETUAM MEMORIAM: 

"We piously dedicate this humble work to the memory of all Jewish 
martyrs of the Portuguese Inquisition”. 

How many were they? 

Almost the totality of Portuguese judaism which, after the forced gene¬ 
ral conversion of 1497, remained in the country under the jurisdiction of the 
terrible Tribunal. 

To all this anonymous multitude of victims, to all these Unknown 
Soldiers who for centuries suffered the constant martyrdom of religious 
intolerance, we extend our admiration 

To all the holy martyrs who at the moment of their final ordeal 
preferred to be burned alive rather than renounce their judaic faith, such as 


Fray Diego of the Assumption, Isaac de Castro Tartas, Miguel Herniquei da 
Fonseca, Antonio Bicho and so many others, we dedicate our devout venera¬ 

To the great personalities, noble victims of the Inquisition, such as Anto¬ 
nio Homem, Tome Vat, Andr6 de Avelar, etc., we express the vehement 
protest of our indignation. 

“The sacrifice of these tens of thousands of victims was not in vain, for 
the sinister Tribunal has disappeared, but the Judaic Ideal persists 
triumphant among the descendants of its victims. 

"Evoking the allegorical vision of Moses near Mount Horeb, of the 
"Burning Bramble Bush" which the fire could not consume, there appear 
before us today, as if resuscitated from the blazing fire of the Inquisition, 
the Portuguese new Christians, worthy inheritors of the judaic Faith of their 

Ever since the Middle Ages, it has been the custom of Christian Euro¬ 
pean countries to call the Jews converted to Christianity and their descen¬ 
dants, "new Christians", and "old Christians" those who had no Jewish 

The practical objective of these denominations was to decree laws prohi¬ 
biting the new Christians -that is those that were of Jewish origin- from 
occupying leading positions in the State, the Church, the Army, etc., as 
previously the Civil Governments, (he Pope and the Councils had prohibited 
the obtention of such leading positions to publicly self-confessed Jews in 
order to prevent them from conquering and dominating the Christian 
nations. And all this, because it had been discovered that the Jews simulated 
Christian conversion in order to get hold of government positions, ranks in 
the army, hierarchies of the Catholic Church clergy and other leading posts 
in the Christian nations. 

The Inquisition was founded in Europe in order to destroy the Jewish 
fifth column infiltrated in the Christian nations, and the revolutions it orga¬ 
nized through secret societies. Although the majority of these societies were 
trying to subvert all the existing order of things, they came to be called 
heretic sects, because they were attacking the Church and the Catholic 

What is indeed an exaggeration of the Jewish author I am citing, is his 
claim that the Portuguese Inquisition executed "tens of thousands of new 
Christians", for in its three centuries of existence, the number of executions 
did not surpass the figure of about five thousand clandestine Portuguese 
Jews who have always conspired to destroy the Portuguese Empire, over¬ 
throw the Monarchy and subvert the Church. The Jewish leaders of the 
Soviet Union have gone as far as assassinating five thousand persons in one 
single day and the Russian writer Solzhenytzin accuses the Soviet leaders of 
having assassinated sixty-six million people —in time of peace— within the 
last 57 years. However, these same men who protest horrified about the 
executions of the Inquisition, have no scruples about offering praise to the 
Soviet assassins. In continuation I transcribe another paragraph of the Jewish 
book I am citing. It is the beginning of Chapter One, page three, which reads 
as follows: "The existence of clandestine Jews in the midst of the 20th 
century in a democratic and republican country of Europe seems, at first 


sight, implausible .. . They do, however, still exist in Portugal! They are the 
worthy descendants of the new Christians whom the decree of expulsion of 
1496 and the brutal and inhuman violences-that followed it, forced to abjure 
their faith". 

These relics of ancient and glorious Portuguese judaism, miraculously 
saved from the bonfires of the Inquisition, are conscious today of their 
ancient religion, having conserved the purity of their race and of their judaic 
soul, in spite of the vicissitudes of more than four centuries of official 
Christianity and three horrible centuries of Inquisition". 

Among the photographs appearing in the Appendix of the aforemen¬ 
tioned book by the Jewish writer, Samuel Schwarz, there appears on page IV 
the picture of the Portuguese Army Captain, Artur Carlos de Banos Basto, a 
distinguished leader of the clandestine Portuguese Jews in 1926. 

Among the families of "new Christians", clandestine Jews, which the 
aforementioned Jewish writer quotes in his book (Portuguese edition. 
Lisbon, 1926) there stands out, for its importance, the family of Marcelo 
Caetano who seized the Portuguese Government 6 years ago, thus acquiring 
the office of Prime Minister after the fall of the seriously ill Antonio Oliveira 
Salazar, shortly before his death. On that same page of the photographic 
appendix there appear the portraits of the old Antonio Caetano and his 
wife, Amelia Mendes Morao Vaz. 

On other photographs of the cited appendix there appears another 
member of the family called Antero Caetano. 


fc)‘ i metrakia de lodoe m judeu * minire* da Ponu* 

flora* ifw de-ircaavja, piedoaimcmc. tiw bsaniWe irabalho. 

Quanto* fur am I 

Qudai a loiaiidade do judalano poriuguCa, qua, dcpei* 
da tonwtrafo genl forbade dr 1497 « da* tail quv proibirem a aua 
■akia. (coi ao paia aub a al^ada do irrriv*] Tribunal. 

A uda raaa muhidio inrtiin dr viikmaa, a toioa taut Soldadoa 
Dncadttidui, qut, Arum edcutoa, aofrtram o conatantf marMrio Ja 
in tolar-Wia religroaa, o no* so brado dt admiraffo. 

A lotlua M wnM mdrtirn qur, nu nooNA do aopllcw Anil. 
prrCtriram arr qtteimadm vivo* a rmcg-ir a aua lejmUica.entrv.Kr. 
bingo da Anunflo, Uaac dr Oiro Tinea. Migurl Htori^utt da 
I* jnaeca, AntAni- lUcbo, Mantul SaetJovsl e lamna ouir><e, a mm a 
derma vcoeriflo 

Aoa grande* ndifl*, riiimai oubrr* d* I tquiw^Ai, cutno Anibmo 
An 160 to J«Me da Silva, Tjcti* V«. Andrd do A velar, iu., 
u rttnviiK protaav* da iwau imf^neftu 

O Mcnfkio dcataa detent* dc milbare* de mfnirca nio lua iadtil, 
porquanfo jf deaaparecru o aiaiairo Tribunal a mbataie ainda, iriun- 
laotr, o JJe*l Judaico, enire us draccndcntr* da* auaa riuma*. 

Krocindo a *i«lo aleflbnca de Mnius, ;umo Jo Mooie Hurcb, 
da *Snifa Ardente qut u logo pic pod* <<m*omir», apartem***, 
tioj*, os Criiiiu) >« j oriuguon, dign><« herJeiroa da Vi Judaic* 
Jw» acu* <■•*•►> reatusxtiado-. Ja* loguorat da luqui- 

si . . 


Regarding the Military Junta which under the leadership of General 
Antonio Ribeiro de Spinola overthrew the anti-communist "Estado Novo" 
founded by Antonio Oliverira Salazar, and the principally marxist govern¬ 
ment that presently rules Portugal, some of their members figure in the 
families of new Christians, clandestine Portuguese Jews mentioned by the 
Jew Samuel Schwarz in his book, as for example the family da Costa, one 
member of which appears on page VI of the photographic appendix, and the 
ramifications of this family are mentioned in the rest of the book. It is 
interesting to note here that General Gomez da Costa was the one who 
helped Ribeiro de Spinola the most, so that his subversive book might be 
published in Portugal and distributed free among the officers of the Armed 
Forces, for General Gomez da Costa had formed part of the Military Junta 
which General Antonio Ribeiro de Spinola integrated after the triumph of 
his coup d'etat. 

In this same appendix of Samuel Schwarz's book, there appears a 
photograph of various member of the Diogo family, also new Christians, one 
offspring of whom. General Manuel Diogo, also integrated the Military Jun¬ 

On page 15 of the book the author mentions the Pinheiro family of 
clandestine Jews and the reader should remember that the Ship Captain Jose 
Batista Pinheiro formed part of the aforementioned Military Junta. 

On page 14. the author refers to the new Christian family Countinho 
and the reader should remember that the Ship Captain Antonio Alva Rosa 
Countinho also integrated the Military Junta which was headed by Spinola. 
On the same page 14. there appears among the clandestine Jewish Portuguese 
families, one with the surname of Meio. Part of this family emigrated to 
Holland fleeing from the Portuguese Inquisition and it should be remembered 
that another member of the Military Junta is Colonel Carlos G. de Melo 
Upon the triumph of the coup d' etat of the New Christian military, the 
chief of the Portuguese Socialist-Marxist Party, Mario Soares, returned to 
Portugal from his exile in Paris and he is now Minister of External Relations 
of the government, nominated by Spinola. The new Christian Soares family 
of clandestine Jews is mentioned by the Jewish writer, Samuel Schwarz, on 
page 14 of his book and it should be noted that a great part of this family 
also emigrated to Holland, fleeing from the Portuguese Inquisition. It is 
important to mention that the surname of Marcelo Caetano's mother is also 

With the evidence I have produced to the reader, it becomes clear that 
the Portuguese revolution has been as much directed by Jews as the liberal- 
democratic Russian revolution of March 1917 and the communist revolution 
of October of the same year, which imposed slavery on the inhabitants of 
the old Russian Empire. 

Let’s hope to God that the Portuguese military patriots who were 
deceived by the new Christian party members who were elevated to Army 
posts by their clandestine Jewish brother, Marcelo Caetano Soares, will open 
their eyes in time and prevent my beloved country, the Portuguese nation, 
from being driven into a Jewish-Communist slavery. 



Fjfc. $ — Anii.n::) Perrin J« 50 U 23 , 
ojifticurio dc Penamteor c resideole cm 

El»ai Amelia Henr^uea, 
dc Belmonte 

Oi CiijtXovNovos km Portugal mo Sxcuio XX 

Eit. Ill 

Ot Crwtao»-No»o» cm Poctuoal. tto Sicui-o XX 

Bit. IV 

Fi#. 11 — Familip. Hcnriquta Abrance®, do Fundid 

Oi CaufTAOt'Movoi cm-PortvOAL no S^culo XX 

- FcJiaraina Amelia dc Souza, 
natural da Corilhi 

- Ermclincft Amelia da Souza 
Mofao, d« BelnJonta 

Fig. |5 — Fanllia Fraodaco Hrorlquei Gablnete, origlairii do Cprilbi, 
rHldeote cm Liaboo 

Fig. 18— Tipof dt cri3tao»»ooTot d< BrImonie 
Db direita P>ra I nquerda Moitli Mendo Morio, Aatcro Ctcuno \ j/. 
EduirdoHenrique* cCltidldo Dinld 

Os Cbistaos-Novos *m Portugal no SSculo XX 

Fig. i’i •— Ant-'mio hiopo Elem :qucs 
c *ua mullu'r 11 ► - a I'a^arm Va; llrnriquf*, 
<lc Ik'lTDi'nte 

Fig. Jo?c Henrique-. U?tvi 

Ui Cki»tIo$-Novos ih Portugal mo Sisculo XX 

Est. VIII 

{ / *t 

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One of the main Jewish infiltrations in peoples of 
black race are the “Falasha" of Ethiopia, whose skin is 
black and who have the physical aspect of the negroes of 
the African continent. Some of them live in huts, like those 
of the poorest African negroes and are dressed with sim¬ 
ple trunks as readers may attest in the pictures included 
in this chapter, which were taken from the Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia and the Jewish Encyclopedia, Israelite 
documents of utmost authority in Judaism. 

It is convenient for Judaism to infiltrate among the 
poor classes of the population, so that revolutionary lead¬ 
ers may appear in those classes to control the poor work¬ 
ers and peasants and launch them to the revolutions pro¬ 
moted by Jewish imperialism to conquer power over the 
gentile nations. The same thing happens in Latin America, 
where the hidden Jewish power has clandestine Israelite 
communities in the countryside, in mountain ranges and 
wild regions both in Brazil and in the nations from Mexico 
to Chile and Argentina that were a part of the Spanish 


These clandestine communities were formed since the 
16th century with marranos, that is to say, Spanish and 
Portuguese clandestine Jews, that eluding the laws that 
forbade the emigration to the New World of Spanish and 
Portuguese Christians who descended from Jews, could 
settle in the different colonies of the Spanish Empire in 
America and Brazil. Persecuted by the Spanish and Portu¬ 
guese Inquisitions, many of them had to flee to the moun¬ 
tain ranges and to the woods, founding towns sometimes 
in far away regions, out from the scope of the Inquisition. 
Through mixed marriages with Indians, they started a lin¬ 
eage of Jews mixed with American Indians, who having 
very Christian names and Spanish or Portuguese last 
names, are a part of the population of the Latin American 
countries of Spanish language and they cannot be distin¬ 
guished from the rest of the people, because their fami¬ 
lies have also been Catholic in public for centuries and they 
are still Catholic, although they practice Judaism in secret. 

Some of these marranos or Latin American clandes¬ 
tine Jews, including those of Brazil, who in public practice 
the Catholic religion, could elude the Inquisition's vigilance 
and remained in cities and villages organized as the 
former ones in super-secret societies, that presently com¬ 
pose the hidden power that controls Freemasonry, the poli¬ 
tical parties and Marxist guerrillas, that unfortunately have 
suceeded in imposing a totalitarian dictatorship — Mos¬ 
cow's satellite — in Cuba, led by the Marrano Fidel Castro. 

Many of these Marranos have for many years intro¬ 
duced their children in the seminaries of the Catholic 
Church and even the convents of nuns and friars, en¬ 
abling them to enter surreptitiously into the positions of 
canon, bishop, archbishop and even cardinal, as dandes- 


tine Jews have done in Italy and France and other Catholic 
countries. These Catholic priests, who are Jews in secret, 
are the publishers of the so-called Catholic progressivism 
and the leaders of the Jewish-Marxist subversion in the 
Catholic Church, that is at the service of Moscow. The 
Marranos also infiltrate all political parties, from the right 
to the left, and all institutions and governments of Portu¬ 
guese and Spanish speaking. Nevertheless, due to their 
scarce military abilities, although they also infiltrate the 
armed forces, they have not succeeded to control them with 
the exception of Cuba; that is why the sea and land ar¬ 
mies of those nations are the less infiltrated institutions 
and that is why they have always been the hope of lib¬ 
eration of those peoples from the subversion and conquest 
of the clandestine Judaism. (1). 

Regarding the black African Jews, the Castilion Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia — word “Fatasha" — mentions the fol¬ 
lowing: “Falasha. Name given to native Jews from Abys¬ 
sinia. They call themselves ‘Beta Israel’ (Israel's house), 
while “Ayhud” (Jew) was an unknown term among them. 
It is an ethnical group of strong African mixture”. . . “Abys¬ 
sinian legend states that they are Jews that abandoned 
Palestine with Menelix, Solomon’s son. Halevy believed 
they were the result of a mixture between himyaritas Jews 
— subjected by king Caleb and partially refugees of the 

(1) About the Marranos (that is to say, clandestine Jews of Por¬ 
tuguese and Spanish origin infiltrated at present in great 
amounts in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, readers may 
consult the already mentioned book titled “The Plot Against 
the Church”, Italian edition, Rome, 1952; or any other edi¬ 
tion, especially chapters 1 and 24 of that Italian edition and 
chapters 38 and 39 of the Austrian edition, enlarged by the 
authors of the book. English edition published by St. Anthony 
Press, Los Angeles, California, 1967. 


mountainous regions of the West — and black natives" ... 
‘‘The tradition that imputes them great antiquity in Ethio¬ 
pia seems to be justified, because the Falasha do not know 
the talmudic precepts." 

The exclusivist racism of these black Jews is con¬ 
fessed in the so-called Jewish Encyclopedia, when it reads 
that their exclusive villages: “Do not allow the entrance of 
non-Jews. A kind of synagogue, the mesguid — is lo¬ 
cated in the highest place in town and in every town there 
is a house devoted to the ritually impure, called Merghem 
Biet." ( 2 ). 

The Falasha negroes, as other Jews of Asia and Africa, 
were for many centuries untied of western Judaism due 
to the communication problems before the 18th century. 
They were, as Hindi, Chinese and many other Jews, united 
to the international Judaism in somewhat recently times. 
But despite the centuries of isolation, the Falashas kept the 
essential characteristics of the Hebrew organization, as for 
example, discrimination against impures, that is to say, 
Jewish mixed with gentile blood; Falashas are barefaced 
and brutal, and they even build — in addition to the syna¬ 
gogue for the pures — another house (which they do not 
even call synagogue) for the impures. More civilized Jews 
do this, covering such discriminations in the way we in¬ 
dicated before, surrounding it with the utmost secret so 
that hybrids do not know they are discriminated against, 
avoiding the displeasure and violent reactions of hybrids. 

Nevertheless, despite of the exclusiveness of the Fa¬ 
lashas to prevent the entrance of gentiles to their villages, 
Falashas think they have the right to become involved in 

(2) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. Mexico, 1948, 4th. vol. Word: 

Falasha. pp. 371-372. 



Marranos, being Catholic in public but Jews in secret, were the 
main objective of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. Marra- 
nos, as Jews of all the world, celebrate the Israelite Passover, 
that commemorates the conquest of Egypt by only one Israelite, 
the famous Joseph of the Bible, and also the exodus of Jews to 
conquer the seven nations of the land of Canaan. All these con¬ 
quests are considered by the Jews as a symbol of the conquest 
of the whole world in which they are engaged now. Everything is 
annually celebrated in the Pesahim (Pesaj) or Jewish Passover fes¬ 
tivity, that has two ritual banquets organized by every Jewish 
family. Wealthy Jews travel throughout the world to meet in the 
patriarch's house, either the family father, the grand-father or 
great-grand-father if they are still alive. In the first Seder of Pesahim 
toasts are made to the next world conquest by the Israelite na¬ 
tion. Marranos or clandestine Spanish, Portuguese or Latin Amer¬ 
ican Jews, celebrated their Passover and solemn banquets or Seders 
also hidden and in clandestineness. This picture shows a seder 
interrupted by the guardians of the Holy Inquisition, which for 
sure took those marranos who were celebrating that ritual banquet. 

Photo taken from the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 7th. vol. 
Word: MARRANO, p. 289. 


the non-Jewish world to perform domination activities. Fur¬ 
thermore, international Judaism has used them as infiltra¬ 
tion agents, due to their racial black appearance, to con 
trol peoples of black race in different parts of the world, 
many of them being transferred to different places in the 
African continent a long time ago. 

Worst than all, they have been taken to the United 
States to organize and control the secret communities of 
American black Jews. To this regard, it is necessary to 
quote what Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin states in his book 
named: “Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals”: “The first 
Jewish congregation of colored people in the United States 
was founded in 1889 when Rabbi Leon Richlieu, an Ethio¬ 
pian, founded the Moorish Temple of Zion.” He also says 
that: “The number increased with judaized negroes of the 
Western Indies and Black-Jewish congregations were or¬ 
ganized In Chicago, Cleveland, Newark, Youngstown, Ash¬ 
bury Park and other places. Now in the ‘Little Africa’ in 
Harlem, the number of members of this place only is esti¬ 
mated over two thousand.” (3). 

We can see here the great importance that has for 
Judaism the work performed by the black Ethiopian Rabbi 
Leon Richlieu in a land for the conquest of Israelite impe¬ 
rialism, that is, the United States; precisely one of those 
Jews of Abyssinia that are so racist and exclusivist, that 
in Ethiopia do not allow the entrance to their private vil¬ 
lages of non-Jews and who discriminate against the un¬ 
fortunate impures in such a way that they are not allowed 
to enter in the synagogues, but instead, special houses for 
prayers called “Merghem Biet” are built for them. 

(3) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin: “Gentile Reactions to Jewish 

Ideals", New York, 1953, pp. 792-793. 


CA 1 TIO, familia j luli'n i|r mrtliniA. \mm-. 

niirmlxuo <l<* la familiu furrou 

la liH|tiif>irinH- Mvitviouarmioe a TWr>u tfr I u>- 

in- illlLil, Jr i'.mttrn, awliro r*» Mil 

•Iriil «I fait 1 1 , /nrpr Jr Cmtim llfAll. Im Jr 
I ntfnt, njnaa dp law* I'jrAwi. dr I'nlnln 
tl4»?Vt. ( Jr Cmairo. «lr I xiatlala jnra 

tllffl) )' F rwariam dr CmUnt <l(»25l. mmli'* 
hhIip pur rl TrihuMial drl Santo IMino d<‘ T**- 
Mb. dllWK Jr dr 1'iurti uilra. fru* 

i uad'iiMn a la nlad dr %riuli<l<W att*<- vh San* 
iian*. SimJm Jr i'.Hntnt, «U- Ikidaj'Mr. < »*«*lti*ad.t 
a Um MdmiriHin um>* ilr nlud Pti l.lrrttta. lo 
wlmn qur rl ilmlor /mu’ Jr i I mMtrf. dr Madrid. 
ImIom rn i'l aiW 1722. \artnn «lr Hlun furron 
n»n<lriu«l<» a |irr|a1u4 y a la i^rdida dr 

*u* (linns, Frtii Jr (jrffu IV* nmdmadn «ii 
1725. Variti* niMmlinM iK* lu mUma familia. rr- 
sidrnfr* rti INirtupal y rn rl Uracil y lamliirn 
iiHiliou. MifriruHi nNidrnan p*x la I h<j Mi* id un 
dr 1 -idMia. 

</» It/ tnutihit t n\lf. 

dr nu-diriiM; fmiJm* ltrmruf*> » Jt■ 4 u*ti.. 
nf hht in. ru llrapanM. l'n( 1 U"j|. |i.*M «, , 

IlMldrr*. I7M». flltKMi rnnta-M. hum dr f 
in rilu* i>au dr la infM-MlaTH*! nmiu I. i 
nda.W'itra: JmiJ*t Jr f.aWru in. rn l^m.lrr- 
•7SI: n. alii *t» IMSl nolatdr a«1ov % 

)W HmviI Tltralrr dr limdf m : frnnJm$ J> f#i, 
tro ♦ l!9U2*l'i7t»l. mrdini dr riMm drl *ult.<*. 
Altdul Humid i mrdim jrfr drl |w»|i<||| mill 
lar dr t a«Maitltn«|da: <imbrir4 Nrmritfmr* d* 
4.matn» I ItNiMt&li. ftinhir dr nataralrza* rmm-i 
lais <|iw* %i%i*» rti Amstrrdaai; di#w kmm Jr tm- 
4r*». Jimliif dr la (jo dr la M aorda dl mi (tan 
Nulriman. rn H (dim. rn rl n. XVI. I’m nut 
rie»» y dal* Ulll Hnriwy nr» al mtm dr liaa<- 
na. Adffuirid pran iiiflwiria mtrr l«** fun«i«» 
iiartor Inmw v fur mm- r»liwMd»t |*x *u- «■<». 
rndipionarion. Kri 1521 dniuiH-Mi al »ultau una 
mfH|Mrarn»n Iranuda |«*r rl Ijmal dr 

Kpi|iln. y wJr nr vrnpii run una i-rurl |rffi ii 
rna dr lo* jodi«»* dr l!j:i|4M. 


We photocopied the text of the great Jewish work called 
Cotkilian Jewish Encyclopedia referred to the famous Marranos or 
clandestine Jews whose last name is CASTRO, some of them were 
condemned by the Holy Inquisition for practicing Judaism in secret. 
As readers may learn from this document, the CASTRO family has 
produced lots of famous physicians. 

Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 2nd. vol. p. 288, 2nd. col. 


The Jewish Encyclopedia says that the word FALASHA 
means "emigrants" and that these black Jews have a 
darker skin and are more burly than the Abyssinian Am- 
haras in whose territory they live. Besides, in the Walkait 
and Tchelga regions. Fa lasha are known as“Foggara", and 
thellmormas or Gallas,call them “Fenjas” (4). As it can be 
seen, gentile negroes give different names to theFalashas 
in the different regions they are infiltrated. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia adds that Falashas houses 
are built in the same way of the rest of the Abyssinian peo¬ 
ple; also they use the same instruments and speak the 
same language of the Ethiopian people; they also use 
similar dresses to those used by the Christian population 
of Abyssinia. In short: an apparently total assimilation to 
the rest of the population among whom they are mixed, 
as infiltrated Israelites do in all countries of the world; but 
keeping their organization aside, in the way described by 
the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia continues saying that Fa¬ 
lashas are dedicated to all kinds of professions and labors, 
especially to agriculture 15). To this regard, it is worth¬ 
while to notice that researchers on western Judaism have 
reached the conclusion that Jews, by nature, hate agricul¬ 
ture and prefer to dedicate themselves to other activities. 
This, as an absolute rule, is completely false. But it is true 
that the percentage of peasants among western Jews is 
very small. But not even the last fact is true regarding 

(4) Jewish Encyclopedia, New York and London, 1903. 5th. vol. 

Word FALASHA, p. 327, 1st. and 2nd. cols. 

(5) Jewish Encyclopedia. 5th. vol., word: FALASHA, p. 327. 2nd. 




As readers may see, this is a village of poor black Falasha Jews. 
Their huts are as humble as those of the gentile blacks in the 
African jungle. These peasant Falashas use only trunks and some 
of them cover with a cloak. It is impossible to distinguish them 
from the gentile negroes of other African tribes. 

Photo taken from the great Jewish work titled: “Jewish Encydo* 
pedia”, 5th. vol. Word: FALASHAS. p. 329. 


many Israelite communities of Africa and Asia, where 
many Jewish FALASHA of ABYSSINIA, the Jewish TIAO- 
KIU-KIAOU of China and others, work at agriculture and 
infiltrate in dangerous proportions the peasant organiza¬ 
tions of those countries. 

Same thing happens with the Jewish Indians of Latin 
America, whose ancestors fled from the Inquisition cen¬ 
turies ago and settled in agricultural regions far away from 
the great population centers, where in either way the 
so-called Holy Court of the Inquisition operated. In those 
regions, almost all of them had to dedicate themselves to 
agriculture and cattle raising. And many of them still do 
it, monopolizing lands and living as real dictators in the 
villages, that make and unmake mayors, dedicate to 
monopolize crops and cereals, buying them at a miserable 
price from gentile peasants, retailing them at fabulous 
prices; at the same time, they own the food stores where 
they sell alcohol and liqueur, also they own billiards and 
taverns where the vice of alcohol is taught to the peasant 
youth in order to exploit them and buy their crops to the 
poor peasants at a lowest price,- at the same time, they 
lend money with usury interest even of one hundred and 
twenty or two hundred and forty annual interest. The same 
is done by Jewish usurers in all the world who exploit the 
peasants in a criminal way, as the Jewish Russian Jakob 
Alexandrovich Brafman denounced in his book titled: “The 
Book of Kohal”, saying that the Israelites of the Russian 
Empire did the same with the peasants encouraging the 
vice of alcoholism among them to buy the crops at the 
lowest price. This situation was ended by Prime Minister 
Stolypin of Czar Nicholas II, who took away from the Jews 
the monopoly they had in the trade of alcohol and liqueurs 
to prevent them from provoking alcoholism among the 


peasants; an act which caused Judaism to sentence him 
to death. The execution was entrusted to the Jew Bogrof, 
infiltrated in the Imperial Police; he killed Peter Arkadje- 
vich Stolypin on September 14, 1911, in a theater in Kiev, 
where Stolypin went to accompany the imperial family. 
This fact shows once more how dangerous it is to tolerate 
the infiltration of Jews in the police and armed forces of 
any country, thus putting them in a position to easily kill 
the Heads of State or Ministers, when it is convenient for 
the Jewish imperialism to order such crimes. 

The sometimes successful attempt of the Israelite im¬ 
perialism to conquer Abyssinia started many centuries ago. 

The Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia states that in the 
10th century there was in Abyssinia a dynasty of Solo¬ 
monic or Jewish lineage, descendant of the Israelite king 
Solomon. And to this regard it reads: “At the beginning of 
the 10th century, a new dynasty called Zague appeared. 
King Gedeon’s wife, named Judith, ousted the legitimate 
king of SOLOMONIC LINEAGE and ordered the killing of 
four hundred princes of his dynasty. The ousted king Delhad 
fled to the South of the country and remained in Shoa, 
while the new dynasty — that seemed to have several 
enthusiastic defenders of Christianity — got strong in the 
North. Ethiopian historians, nevertheless, call the Zague 
kings “JEWISH KINGS.” (6). If it is so, it might have been 
the case of a war of Jews against Jews, as it has hap¬ 
pened in different countries in the history of the Israelite 
nation spread throughout the world. 

But fortunately for the Ethiopian people, the Castilian 
Jewish Encyclopedia says that the reign of this Zague dy- 

(6) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 4th. vol. Word, Ethiopia, pp. 




Photo taken from the great official Jewish work titled “Castilian 

“Jewish Encyclopedia”, 8th. vol. Word: JEWISH. BLACKS, p. 107, 

1st. col. 


nasty: “ended in 1270, when they were replaced by Yekuno 
Amlak, although they remained in the Northern part of the 
country, until they were subjected by king Sarsa Denguel 
in the 16th century and finally annihilated by Susenyos af¬ 
ter the 1617 slaughters.” (7) 

The reign of the gentile dynasty — the real Ethiopian 
one — nevertheless, in most of the Abyssinian territory, 
was disturbed by revolts organized by Judaism, using the 
Door Proselytes as satellites, as we will see later. They 
could convert to Israel's religion, some provincial gover¬ 
nors, thus turning them into blind instruments of Jewish 
Imperialism, inciting them to rebellion against the gentile 
king of Ethiopia, attempting to overthrow him. These and 
other very valuable informations on the Jewish subversion 
against the truly Abyssinian dynasty, are contained in the 
JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, which reads: “Under king Amda- 
Seyon I (1314-1344) Jews settled in Semien, Wogora, Sa- 
lamt and Sagade. One of these general kings suppressed 
a rebellion in Begameder, inhabited by Christians converted 
to Judaism. After this, a Falasha revolution took place un¬ 
der the reign of Ishak (1412-1429). Zara Yaekob’s reign 
(1434-1468) was disturbed by Amba-Nahad's rebellion, 
governor of Salamant; Sagay, governor of Semien and of 
Kantiba; all of them had ABJURED of Christianity and had 
CONVERTED TO JUDAISM.” (8). So the black Jews of Abys¬ 
sinia were using the Door Proselytes converted from Chris¬ 
tianity to Israel's religion, as a means to conquer the domi¬ 
nation in Abyssinia, as they attempt to do now with Door 
Proselytes that are enrolled in Japan and other countries 

(7) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 4th. vol. Word: Ethiopia, p. 

332, 1st. col. 

(8) Jewish Encyclopedia. 5th. vol. Word: Falasha, p. 329. 2nd. 




They walk barefoot. Rabbis, religious and political leaders of 
the Synagogue's Brotherhoods, to avoid that the very poor Jews 
of all the world become envious of the very rich Jews and million¬ 
aires, preach them that ISRAEL'S GOD GAVE THEM POVERTY AS 
SOLUTE DOMAIN ON ALL NATIONS. They give them Lenin's exam¬ 
ple and also those of Jews of the poor class that could conquer 
the former Russian empire and become its absolute masters. 

Photo taken from the CASTILIAN JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 4th vol 

Word: FALASHA, p. 372. 1st. col. 


or communities, where true Jews, Jews by blood, are not 
numerous enough to be able to accomplish such goal by 
themselves, and need gentile puppets easily manageable, 
as Door Proselytes are generally. 

Judaism plans to turn Door Proselytes into slaves 
— because they are of gentile blood — after the establish¬ 
ment of their totalitarian dictatorship (called the “MESSI¬ 
ANIC REGIME”). They plan to destroy all gentile religions, 
as they believe is prophesied in the Bible and Talmud; the 
only religion existing then shall be Israel's religion, to which 
all gentile pigs will be forced to convert, being then trans¬ 
formed in DOOR PROSELYTES, or being murdered if they 
refuse to do so. So the present Door Proselytes are simply 
the pioneers of this spiritual yoke preceding the material 
slavery, because all our gentile descendants are destined 
to be Door Proselytes and slaves when Judaism substitutes 
the transitory Communist regime — which will convert them 
into slaves of the State, managed by Jews of blood — by 
a so-called “MESSIANIC REGIME”, also led by true Jews, 
the Jews of blood, in a dictatorial and totalitarian way. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia continues saying about the 
armed struggles fought between the Falasha and the gen¬ 
tiles of Abyssinia, the Falasha being defeated and some¬ 
times persecuted. One of these persecutions resulted in 
that in 1626 the Falasha of Dembea, terrorized as the En¬ 
cyclopedia says because of the emperor's cruelty, massive¬ 
ly embraced Christianity (9). We already know because of 
what has systematically occurred through centuries, that 
these massive Jewish conversions to Christianity, Islam or 
any other religion, result only in the creation of a CLAN- 

(9) Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 330, 1st. col. 


DESTINE JUDAISM covered with the mask of the pretended- 
ly adopted religion. These happenings caused the existence 
of clandestine Jews covered with the mask of Christianity 
in Abyssinia that help a lot the tyrant Jewish emperor 
Haile-Selassie keep the real Ethiopian people subjected. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia says that the fall of the sec¬ 
ond JEWISH dynasty already mentioned, “created a series 
of civil wars that finally took king SHOA to the power of 
the first SOLOMONIC dynasty, who adopted the name of 
Menelik II. Year 1889”. (10). But, as we already observed 
in another chapter (See booklet No. 6 of the Library of 
"Political Secrets" titled: “The Jewish Fifth Column in In¬ 
dia”), this conquest of Abyssinia by a Jewish emperor could 
be accomplished only with the criminal help of the British 
imperialism, already converted into a satellite of the Jew¬ 
ish Imperialism, due to the control exerted by the British 
Jews over the London government and over the banking, 
industrial and commercial monopolies established in En¬ 
gland, that exploited the wealth and people in the colo¬ 
nies of the British empire in the benefit of those Jewish 
super-capitalists. To this effect, as we already said in the 
above mentioned chapter, British troops of the British-ln- 
dian army, composed and led partially by Hindu Beni- 
Israel Jews, invaded Abyssinia and ousted the reigning 
gentile dynasty in 1889, replacing it with the present Jew¬ 
ish dynasty of the Israelite Haile Selassie, that tyrannize 
and exploit the Ethiopian people. 

When the Jewish Imperialism cannot — by itself — 
through its fifth column in a country, take over the gov¬ 
ernment, it uses foreign armed intervention, or economic 

(10) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia. 4th. vol. Word: Ethiopia, 

p. 332, 1st. col. 



The mixture of Spanish marranos, or Spanish clandestine Jews, 
with the native race of America in the colonies of the old Spanish 
empire, brought as a consequence the birth of a new Jewish stock, 
with great mixture of Indian blood. These marranos in many cases 
appear as Indians with very dark skin, so nobody can distinguish 
them from the true Indians or hybrids of the Latin American coun¬ 
tries. They use Christian names and genuinely Spanish last names 
and most of them profess the Catholic religion in public, being 
Jews only in secret. Nevertheless, a small number of them have 
left the mask of Catholicism to practice Judaism in public. This 
picture shows the public synagogue in the village of Venta Prieta, 
located near Mexico City, with some JEWISH INDIANS of the poor 

class outside it. 

Photo taken from “The Plot Against Christianity”, by Elizabeth 
Dilling, published by "The Elizabeth Dilling Foundation" Lincoln, 
Nebraska, 1964. 3rd. ed., p. 37 


or diplomatic exaction made by governments controlled by 
the Jewish power, to remove the gentile government and 
replace it with a government subjected to the hidden con¬ 
trol of the Israelite imperialism. This gloomy role was 
played by the yankee imperialism during the 19th and 20th 
centuries until the Second World War, in those cases, of 
course, when the United States presidency has been in the 
hands of a clandestine Jew or of a gentile masonic puppet, 
highly-controlled by the Jewish hidden power. 

United States intervention in Mexico and other Latin 
American countries frequently resulted in the ousting of 
patriotic governments, replacing these with regimes con¬ 
trolled by the MARRANOS, that is to say, clandestine Jews 
of Latin America, sometimes with the help of Masonry, 
manipulated by the Israelite hidden power. The British im¬ 
perialism was used by Judaism with the same purpose in 
other continents. 

The domination of the Israelite Imperialism over Ethio¬ 
pia has also been facilitated because in that country there 
is a Christian religion highly-judaized in its doctrine. The 
Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia says the following in this 
regard: “After the conquest of Egypt by the Mohammed¬ 
ans, Ethiopians adopted the Monophysite Christianity of the 
Coptic Church in the 7th century, but they still keep certain 
Jewish customs. They keep Sunday (the great Sabbath) and 
Saturday (the little Sabbath); also the circumcision of both 
sexes on the eighth day, the priests’ dance in front of the 
Tabot, the building of churches imitating the Jerusalem 
their hope to return to Jerusalem. Saturday is kept as a 
HOLY day under the name of Sanbat. In addition to cer¬ 
tain pagan practices, they also keep the rules on diet 



As readers may see, this Mexican Jewish Indian has a very dark 
skin and looks as a real Mexican Indian or from other Latin Amer¬ 
ican countries. 

Photo taken from the great and official Jewish work titled ‘‘Cas¬ 
tilian Jewish Encyclopedia", 7th. vol., word: MEXICO, p. 446, 

1st. col. 


provided in the Bible AND THE FORBIDDING OF CARVED 
IMAGES.” (11). 

It is necessary to emphasize that other very much 
judaized Christians in countries like Scotland and the 
United States, have also facilitated the domination of those 
nations by the Jewish Imperialism. That is why Judaism 
now — in control of the Catholic Church — attempts to 
progressively judaize the church in order to change her 
into an efficient instrument to control the peoples that have 
that religion, despite of the desperate fight carried out by 
some courageous Catholic clergymen, who have publicly 
denounced this perverse maneuver, as the authors of the 
book “The Plot Against the Church” and the Mexican priest 
Joaquin Saenz Arriaga, who has proved that Pope Paul VI 
is a clandestine Jew descending from an Israelite family 
of Brescia, that falsely converted to Christianity centuries 

That is why that Catholic clergyman says that the 
election of Paul VI to the Papacy is null and has no value, 
as in the case of Cardinal Pierleoni, who in 1130 was 
elected Pope with the name of Anacletus II. That election 
was declared void first by St. Bernard and various local 
councils (French, German and of other countries) convoked 
by the kings and the German emperor. That nullity was 
later confirmed by the Second Ecumenical Council of Nicea, 
taking as a basis St. Bernard’s thesis that the election of 
a clandestine Jewish cardinal as Pope was null and had 
no value, although he was elected by three fourths of the 
cardinals and wrongly recognized for many years as the 

(11) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 4th. vol., word: Ethiopia, 
p. 331, 2nd. col. 



Rabbi of the synagogue of Jewish Indians of Peralvillo quarter in 

Mexico City. 

His name and last names are Spanish and his type is that of a 
Latin American hybrid of Spanish and Indian blood; although, he 
is a Jewish leader. 

Photo taken from the ‘‘Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia”, 7th. vol. 
Word Mexico, p. 446. 2nd. col. 


legitimate pope, as happened with Cardinal Pierleoni (12). 

We have been informed that Rev. Saenz Arriaga 
states that for these and other reasons, Paul VI is an anti- 
Pope, that is to say, a false Pope, an impostor, and that 
the Pope's position is vacant, as has happened in the his¬ 
tory of the Church before, and that for this reason, the 
Catholic Heads of State or one or two bishops, may con¬ 
voke to an imperfect general council with the HEALTHY 
AND ORTHODOX part of the Church (although at the be¬ 
ginning this would constitute a minority as in Pierleoni's 
case) to elect a legitimate Pope. This was what happened 
on other occasions in the history of the Church, and there 
is sufficient canonical ecclesiastic jurisprudence to justify 
such a procedure; on this subject Maurice Pinay quotes ec¬ 
clesiastic documents in his book titled “A Pope Excommuni¬ 
cated Due to His Negligence to Fight Heresy” (13). 

Besides, Rev. Saenz Arriaga states that because Paul 
VI is a clandestine Jew, he has been filling the See and 
the Cardinals' Body with other clandestine Jews, who are 
demolishing the Church and converting her into a satellite 
of Judaism and of the Communist subversion led by the 
Jews of the Kremlin, by Fidel Castro and other Marxist 
leaders controlled by Judaism. All of this information has 
been compiled by this priest in two books: “The New Mon- 
tinian Church” (first edition published by the Christian 
Book Club of America, 1971) and “Vacant Seat” (Editores 

(12) Regarding the nullity of the election of Pope Anacletus II, 
because he was a clandestine Jew, see the mentioned book: 
“The Plot Against the Church" of Maurice Pinay, fourth part, 
chs. 25-26. 

(13) Maurice Pinay: “A Pope Excommunicated by the Holy Catho¬ 
lic Church, for his negligence to fight heresy". First Spanish 
Edition, Rome, April 1967. 




The type of these Chilean marranos is genuinely Spanish, their skin 

is white. 

A great sector of clandestine Jews of Latin America, including 
Brazil, did not mix with the native race of America and are of 
white race, descending from Spaniards and Portugueses. There are 
some even of blond hair and blue eyes, descending from the mix¬ 
ture of Jews and Germanic Visigoths of Spain and the Germanic 
Vandals of Portugal. Nevertheless, the names of these Marranos 
are Christian and their last names are Portuguese or Spanish; all 
of them profess the Catholic religion in public and are Jews in 
secret. They lead the Marxist movements in Latin America and the 
Marxist rural and urban guerrillas, as well as the Catholic clergy 
called “Progreeslvist”, that is at the service of Moscow. 

Photo taken from the “JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIC HANDBOOK" of 
Pablo Link, "Israel Publishing House", Buenos Aires, 1950. p. 97. 

1st. col. 


Asociados, S. de R. L. edition, 1973). These have been sen¬ 
sational throughout the world, and especially in the Catho¬ 
lic world. 

We also know that Paul VI still has not dared — at 
least until now — to recognize the State of Israel, precise¬ 
ly because of the accusations launched against him from 
different countries, saying that Paul VI is a Jew who at¬ 
tempts to turn the Catholic Church into a satellite of Is¬ 
rael. Maybe he believes that this recognition would give 
more basis to those accusations, putting him into a more 
difficult situation, especially if the Arabs know how to take 
advantage of this situation. We give most cordial congrat¬ 
ulations to all Catholic clergymen and civilians who fight 
against the new Judas, who attempt to convert the Catho¬ 
lic Church in an instrument of Israel, that has proven to 
be worst enemy of Christ and of his church through the 

It is not surprising, then, that Paul VI uses his clan¬ 
destine Jewish clergymen in the capitalist world to sow 
subversion to the benefit of Jewish Communism in a secret 
agreement with the Kremlin, and that Paul VI also attempts 
to use the Catholic clergy in Popular China and Albania, 
as an agent of subversion and espionage in the benefit 
of the Soviet Union imperialism. For this reason, in a very 
skillful way he has tried to praise the Maoist regime and 
to win its confidence to get its permission to send Jesuit 
and other kinds of missionaries, with the secret mission of 
sowing subversion and spying in China and Albania at 
the service of Moscow. 

It is a real crime that Paul VI is using the Catholic 
clergy for purposes so contrary to the Church created by 
Christ, betraying his doctrine like Judas, which is not com- 



It is impossible to distinguish her from other natives of 
Latin America. 

Photo taken from the “Sunday News” by Elizabeth Dilling. “The 
Plot Against Christianity”, published by "The Elizabeth Dilling 
Foundation", Lincoln, Nebraska, 1964. 3rd. ed. p. 37. 


patible with the doctrine of the masters of Kremlin, who 
are helped constantly in different ways by Paul VI, sup¬ 
ported by his collaborators among the high and low cler¬ 
gy. It is somewhat similar to the role played in China by 
some Protestant churches controlled by Judaism, which are 
nothing but infiltrators in China of the JEWISH SUPER-IM¬ 
PERIALISM either at the service of the capitalist Jewish im¬ 
perialism or of the Moscow socialist imperialism, according 
to the convenience of the Israelite super-imperialism. 

During the conquest of Ethiopia by the Italian fascist 
imperialism, the Ethiopian Viceroy, Duke of Aosta, tried 
to extirpate Judaism in that country, but he committed the 
same mistakes that for centuries have done Christians and 
Moslems. He issued decrees dissolving the Israelite com¬ 
munities of Addis Abeba and Diredawa, naively thinking 
this was enough to finish them. The only thing he achieved 
was the disappearance of these communities from the sur¬ 
face to sink in clandestinity, as has happened in other oc¬ 

When the British imperialism put the Jewish emperor 
Haile Selassie on his throne again, Judaism became ra¬ 
diantly strong in Ethiopia and was reinforced by new emi¬ 
grations. In this regard, the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia 
says that: “the Jewish immigration to the country started 
again after the liberation of the country, during the Sec¬ 
ond World War. Emperor Haile Selassie CALLED SEVERAL 
AND OTHER PLACES” ... (14). 

This was not enough for the Jewish tyrant Haile Se¬ 
lassie and his black Jewish Ethiopian advisors. Instead, in 

(14) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 4th. vol. Word: Ethiopia, p. 

332. 2nd. col. 


a barefaced way he brought Jewish advisors and techni¬ 
cians from Israel and other places. It is not surprising, for 
the same reason, that experts on these questions consider 
the government of the usurper Emperor Haile Selassie as 
Jewish as those of Israel and the Soviet Union, and that 
for this and other reasons already mentioned in this chap¬ 
ter, ABYSSINIA OR ETHIOPIA was converted by the Jew¬ 
ish Imperialism into a very powerful instrument to exert 
diplomatic control or influence over the black African na¬ 
tions, the third world nations — called neutralist — hav¬ 
ing a machiavelian diplomacy always tending to exert the 
highest possible control in these fields and to prevent the 
influence of the true gentile leaders there, who could lead 
the black nations, the neutralist world in general, and the 
underdeveloped world, to their real liberation from the 
Jewish super-imperialism and its tentacles: the Jewish cap¬ 
italist imperialism of the trusts, the Jewish Communist im¬ 
perialism of the Kremlin, of Belgrade or Havana, the Zion¬ 
ism or even the Jewish black imperialism of Ethiopia. 

This explains why both the capitalist governments of 
the United States and England and the so-called Socialist 
government of the State of Israel, as well as the Soviet 
Union, helped — in surprising coincidence — the tyrant 
emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia in the economic and 
military fields, to solve his internal difficulties and to 
bloodily fight against the Somali patriots that fight for 
their independence, and the Ethiopian patriots that some¬ 
times revolt against the despotic Jewish regime that presses 

The liberation pf Abyssinia from the tyrannic claw of 
the usurper Jewish dynasty, in the person of Haile Se¬ 
lassie, that presses the Ethiopian people would not only 
liberate them of the Jewish exploitation that presses them, 


but would destroy one of the Jewish local powers plotting 
organizations of underdeveloped peoples avoiding that the 
true patriotic leaders may lead them united to the real lib¬ 
eration from the imperialist claws in every aspect. 

We will now do a brief study of other BLACK JEWISH 
communities similar to the FALASHA of Ethiopia that are 
spread in different countries of the black Africa. 

The Israelite Jewish leader Rabbi Jacob Solomon Rai¬ 
sin, writing about the BLACK JEWS of Africa, says that: 

"Similar racial reminiscences (to those of the Falasha) are 
found in the country around Lake Albert, Edward Nyasa 
and the Tanganyika territory", and continues saying that: 
“in Somaliland and Mozambique island before the Chris¬ 
tian Age there were strong Jewish emigrations, that ac¬ 
cording to a tradition, started from the great commercial 
cities of Yemen, Aden and Hadremut.” 

Later on, the mentioned Rabbi refers to other Jewish 
highly important nuclei in black Africa, textually saying: 

"These countries of ‘Ultima terra’, as Romans called them, 
were the starting point for Jews exiled to the African lands 
of negroes. The fall of Jerusalem and the disastrous up¬ 
rising of Bar Kokba, forced many Jewish gangs to flee 
from the Roman revenge as far as it was possible. Jerome 
says they established a non-interrupted chain of colonies 
from Mauretania to India. Due to their efforts, Ghana — in 
the French Sudan — turned to be an important commercial 
center" (15). It is very interesting to note that Ghana is one 

(15) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin. “Gentile Reactions to Jewish 

Ideals”, under editorship of Herman Hailperin. Rabbi and 

College Lecturer of Pittsburgh, Pa. New York edition 1953. 

Pages 424 to 427. 


of the more important centers of black Judaism; also coin¬ 
cident with that, is the fact that it is also one of the more 
important centers of the Communist agitation among the 
black race people. It is most frequent — as it may be 
seen — this coincidence in history, which consists that 
places mostly inhabited by Jews are, as it is natural, the 
main centers of the revolutionary agitation of a Hebrew 

The mentioned Rabbi continues to give details on the 
black Jews of Africa saying: “There ore relics of Hebraism 
spread through the Tuaregs and many tribes of the Nige¬ 
rian territory that say they have Hebrew ancestry, especial¬ 
ly in the regions of the Lake Chad, Bornu and Skoto." 
“There is still Jewish flavor in the precepts of the Fulani 
and other tribes of the Green Cape region and Senegal 
along the south-western African coast around Congo and 
Guinea. In Dahomey there is a judaized community; they 
have a temple where they offer sacrifices; they also have 
a Pentateuch written in ‘parchment’ and keep Saturday 
and other Jewish ceremonies.” The learned Rabbi ends by 
informing about another community composed by some 
400 families (16) who say they have Semitic ancestors. 
Some of them are called Am Yah Khayyun or Emo Yo 
Quayim (people of the living God) and others the Bnai 
Efraim (sons of Efraim). The mentioned Israelite leader 
speaks later of many tribes infiltrated in the Arab coun¬ 
tries of North Africa (17). 

The Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia gives information 

(16) Jewish census are generally made by number of families 

and not by number of persons. 

(17) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin, pp. 427-429. 


on some Jews of the black Africa that are considered by 
Judaism as mere Door Proselytes, but as it is shown, they 
are also controlled and strongly led by the Judaical im¬ 
perialism. Regarding these gentile negroes of Israelite reli¬ 
gion, the Encyclopedia says: “Also in other African regions, 
negroes of Jewish religion have been found. Adolf Bastion 
identified the MAVAMBU as such, in the Loango coast, 
West Africa. They keep Saturday. In Madagascar, there is 
a sect called ‘Zafy Ibrahim’ (Abraham’s descendants) that 
keep some Judaical rites.’’ And regarding the true black 
Jews, that is to say, those who have Israelite origin, the 
Encyclopedia adds that: “Finally, we found some negroid 
people among Jews in North Africa’’ (18). 

That is why the Jewish fifth column in the black Af¬ 
rican people is numerous and ramified; they have tried to 
take over the governments of several black nations when 
they got their independence, especially in the former Brit¬ 
ish colonies where Jews that manipulate the British impe¬ 
rialism have done their best — sometimes successfully — 
to place their black Jewish brothers in the government of 
the new independent states. Some of these black Jews 
have been able to establish totalitarian dictatorships of a 
Communist type with the support of the Kremlin's Jews 
and the Marrano Jew Fidel Castro, who sends military ad¬ 
visors to train their armies. 

The worst thing is that many black Jews, including 
the Door Proselytes, are the main agents at the service of 
Kremlin to oust the black nationalist governments and re¬ 
place them with totalitarian dictatorships of a bolshevik 
kind, satellites of the Soviet Jewish imperialism. These 

(18) Castilion Jewish Encyclopedia, 8th. vol., word: BLACK JEWS, 
p. 107, 1st. col. 


black Jews try to control also the independence movements 
of the few colonies remaining in black Africa, including 
those of Portugal and Spain, eliminating from the control 
of those movements the real black patriots. Not because 
Judaism is interested in the liberation of black nations from 
the colonial domination, but because it wants to substitute 
this domain by the domination of black Jews over the 
nations that obtain their independence, to lead them later 
to the Jewish totalitarian dictatorship covered with the 
Communist mask. 

The Jewish super-imperialism uses its other satellite 
imperialisms to control the black African countries. Those 
imperialisms are the Jewish capitalist imperialism, the im¬ 
perialist Zionism of the State of Israel and the black im¬ 
perialism of Ethiopia, so that many black Jews serve as 
agents of those imperialisms according to what it is con¬ 
venient in each case for the Jewish super-imperialism. For¬ 
tunately, some governments left in the power by the Brit¬ 
ish imperialism, have been overthrown by the military, 
thus frustrating the Jewish maneuver. On the other hand, 
black patriots in most cases have achieved the control over 
the governments of their nations, always with the army’s 
help, that as in other parts of the world, has constituted 
the best defense of the peoples against the Jewish impe¬ 
rialism and its hidden powers that lead subversion. Be¬ 
sides, communist China’s interference in black Africa has 
been able to frustrate many maneuvers of the Soviet Union 
and its satellites, what has also caused great indignations 
to the Kremlin’s Israelites. Some Arabic states have also 
interfered in defense of the black patriots. Nevertheless, 
it is necessary to be quite careful of not supporting the 
black Jews covered with the mask of socialist black pa¬ 


It is highly necessary to go deeper into the investiga¬ 
tions on the black Jewish infiltrations in black African 
countries, because only extirpating the roots — these fifth 
columns of the Jewish super-imperialism — will the black 
nations secure their real liberation of the hidden enemy 
that threats them seriously. 

Black Jews, either of Ethiopian origin or of other Af¬ 
rican countries, have also infiltrated both the black pop¬ 
ulation of the United States and of Latin America and the 
former British colonies of Antilles and Guiana. 

They try to control the black population and especial¬ 
ly its government everywhere. Others sow revolts and sub¬ 
version wherever is convenient for Judaism. 

Regarding the United States, we must remember 
what Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin says referring to the ori¬ 
gin of black Judaism in this great power: "The first colored 
Jewish congregation in the United States was founded in 
1889, when Rabbi Leon Richlieu, an Ethiopian, founded 
the Moorish Temple of Zion.” Later on, regarding the ju- 
daized negroes of the British Antilles, he says, referring to 
the United States, that: “The number was increased with 
judaized negroes of the Western Indies; black Jewish con¬ 
gregations were organized in Chicago, Cleveland, Newark, 
Youngstown, Ashbury Park and OTHER PLACES. Now in 
the ‘Small Africa’ in Harlem (black quarter of New York), 
the members only of that place are over two thousand.” 

Among negroes, as in all other racial communities 
less infiltrated of Judaism, the Israelite imperialism pro- 

(19) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin. “Gentile Reactions to Jewish 

Ideals”, New York, 1953, p. 792. 


motes, as I said before. Door Proselitism to enlarge their 
unconditional control strength. But in the case of some 
black communities, imperialist Jews are using the same 
deceit and lie they are using in Japan, that is to say, they 
are making them believe the great falsehood that the black 
race descends from one of the lost Jewish tribes of the 
ancient times. Many negroes have been cheated by telling 
them they descend from the Judah's tribe, nothing less. 
This is confirmed by the Israelite leader Rabbi Jacob S. Rai¬ 
sin who textually says: “Among some negroes, prevails the 
belief that to accept Judaism means nothing less than to 
return to the religion of their ancestors, who belonged to 
Judah’s tribe” (20). The truth is that it has been the real 
black Jews who have spread this big lie to facilitate the 
Door Proselitism among the gentile negroes in those coun¬ 
tries and places where it is needed by the Israelite impe¬ 
rialism, and through the conversion of negroes to Israel’s 
religion, to increase the number of obedient puppets who 
can be used as instruments of the Jewish imperialism to 
control the black population and use it as satellite of Juda¬ 

Nevertheless, blacks cheated by this falsehood will suf¬ 
fer some day painful disappointments when thinking they 
are real Jews, they want to exert their rights as such; they 
will be racially discriminated in a brutal way as it has 
occurred with the disgraced Door Proselytes of white race 
and other races that have attempted to exert their rights 
as Jews in the way we exposed in another chapter of this 
book (see booklet No. 3 of the Library of Political Secrets, 
titled “What is Judaism?” Chapter Three) devoted to the 
study of Door Proselytes or Spiritual Jews. 

(20) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin, p. 793. 


The goal of the Jewish super-imperialism in the United 
States is, using its fifth column infiltrated among the ne¬ 
groes, to control this racial minority to the benefit of the 
Jewish plans. 

Then, Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin, for example, says that 
the black Jews of the United States: “are identified with 
the hopes and aspirations of the white Jews, participating 
in activities of Zionism and sharing their feelings with the 
victims of Nazism” (21). At present, as the United States 
and its capitalist democratic system is a hinder for the 
world triumph of Jewish totalitarianism covered with the 
mask of Communism, many black Jewish leaders are de¬ 
voted to exploit the resentment of negroes against people 
of white race to provoke the race struggle in the United 
States, which at a certain moment provokes anarchy and 
chaos in that country, militarily weakening it in the benefit 
of the Soviet Union. 

To this regard, it is highly illustrative what a highly 
authorized Jewish source, the Israelite leader Rabbi Jacob 
Solomon Raisin, says in his above mentioned book, the 
way how one of the Jewish Rabbis, David Kohl, of the 
“Chevrah Anshe Sh’horim”, association of negroes, in¬ 
flames the spirit of the black Jews when he tells them: 
“You are Jews; Judaism is your religion and your lan¬ 
guage is the Hebrew language. During the past 400 years 
you have worshipped foreign gods and have been sub¬ 
jected and subdued among the foreigners (that is to say 
the Americans) during all these years. But the white Jew 
has also been among foreigners. He has been in ‘Golus’. 
Study your history and you will see that there have been 
progroms in Russia, Poland and all Europe, exactly as ne- 

( 21 ) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin, p 793 


groes have had fire and lynchings in the South (of the 
United States).” Then he refers to the alliance that must be 
established between Jews and the black race in the United 
States against the oppression of whites, when he textually 
says: “Jews and negroes should welcome each other, be¬ 
cause the Jew is the best friend of the Negro ... Time has 
come to break the yoke and join our hands with Jacob 
and shout ‘Shema Israel, Adhoshem Elokenu, Adoshem 
EchacT ”... (22). 

Only the theatrical cynicism of the Jews can reach 
the point of pretending to be not only the great friends 
and allies of the negroes but also their redeemers. It is 
shocking that Israelites now try to cheat the negroes with 
this new lie. In order to be able to judge the sincerity of 
Jews as supposed great friends and redeemers of negroes, 
it is extremely necessary that readers study the next chapter 
of this book, where we prove with authority that it was 
the Jews who were mainly responsible for the disgraces 
suffered by the negroes both in the United States and Latin 
America, because the criminal Jewish merchants brought 
the chained slaves — piled up as if they were animals — 
in dirty ships from their native land, Africa, where they 
were free, to sell them as slaves in the New World. Those 
criminal Israelite slavers made enormous profit in money 
with the most gigantic and brutal genocide performed in 
the history of mankind. 

In the next chapter we will start with a brief history 
about the Jewish slaves trade since the most remote be¬ 
ginnings, to end with the infame Jewish trade of black 
slaves to which we refer in the above paragraph. 

(22) Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin, p. 793. 


Fortunately, both among the negroes in the United 
States and the rest of the New World as in Africa, strong 
sectors have appeared that have become aware of the fact 
that Jews are their enemies, although they are disguised 
as friends and redeemers. Undoubtedly, Islam has had 
great influence in the appearance of this healthy trend. 
The reading of the next chapter of this book by people of 
black race, will be helpful for those negroes that still doubt 
about these facts, so they become convinced of the bare 




Jews have tried to use to their benefit the resentment 
of the United States blacks against the white people for 
the centuries during which they were subjected first to slav¬ 
ery and later to more subtle economic exploitation. 

The Jewish imperialism exploits any favorable circum¬ 
stance to control and mandge gentiles in the benefit of 
their secret plans of domination. For a century and a half, 
Israelites have worked in the benefit of the United States 
to use the power of that nation for their own interests. 
In this way, the United States have turned into bulldogs 
of Israel. But now that Judaism has been able to establish 
totalitarian states where its domination is absolute and un¬ 
questionable, as the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and others, 
it works at present in the benefit of the Jewish Communism 
and against the United States, where its power, even great, 
in neither absolute nor totalitarian. Jews, with the ingrati¬ 
tude that characterizes them, now betray this nation that 
helped them more than any other to achieve world domi¬ 
nation; but they continue to use the United States when¬ 
ever they need her support in the benefit of the State of 
Israel or of any other Jewish enterprise. 


In the United States, nevertheless, Jews have worked 
to engage negroes against white in order to encourage the 
race struggle and weaken this country, but mainly to con¬ 
trol and manipulate the negroes in order to consolidate the 
Jewish domination in the United States; Israelites appear 
as liberators and defenders of the black population of that 
nation. But it is evident that although it is really fair the 
resentments of black against white because of the years 
of slavery and discrimination, it would be a disaster for 
they themselves and for the rest of mankind, that negroes 
allow the imperialist Jews to conquer and dominate them: 
they hypocritically pretend, since the Secession War, to be 
their liberators and friends, but those Israelites have been 
the worst exploiters of the black population and the main 
responsible for the slavery they suffered, as I will show 
with unquestionable proofs after I remind the history of 
the Jewish slave trade. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia, under word "slave-trade”, 
says as follows: 

“At the beginning, the trade of Jewish slaves was 
forbidden, but it seems there was no legal (Jewish) restric¬ 
tion for buying and selling gentile slaves. With the disper¬ 
sion of nations in Europe and the conflict appeared be¬ 
tween Aryans (23) and Catholics in Spain for religious rea¬ 
sons, Jews had the opportunity... of furnishing both parts 
with slaves”... In Italy "In times of Pope Gregory the 
Greaf (590-604) Jews HAD TURNED TO BE THE MAIN 
cated that British slaves exposed in the Roman market for 
sale were In the hands of Jewish traders.” (Jacobs. Jews 

(23) The Jewish Encyclopedia refers to the Arrian Visigoths when 

it says Aryans. 


of Angevin England, page 5). .. And the Jewish Encyclo¬ 
pedia — the Jewish work of unquestionable value — con¬ 
tinues to state as follows: “With the appearance of Islam, 
Jews had the great opportunity of supplying the Christian 
world with Moslem slaves, and they also supplied the 
Islamic world with Christian slaves; Ibn Khordadhbeh in 
the ninth century described the two ways through which 
the Jewish slave traders took western slaves to the Orient 
and eastern slaves to the West.” “According to Abraham 
Ibn Yakub, Byzantine Jews regularly brought slaves to 
Prague to sell them as slaves”... “Undoubtedly many of 
the Spanish Jews became wealthy due to the slave 
trade”... “Jews of Verdun (France) by 949 used to buy 
slaves to sell them in Spain”... “The Church protested re¬ 
peatedly against the sale of Christians (as slaves) to Jews; 
the first protest occurred in 538. In the 3rd. Council of Or¬ 
leans a decree was approved forbidding Jews to own 
Christian slaves or servants, and this prohibition was re¬ 
peated again and again in different councils, like that of 
Orleans in 541, the one in Paris in 633, the 4th Council 
of Toledo in 633, the Councils of Szaboles (1092), Ghent, 
(1112), Narbonne (1227), Beziers (1246)” ... (24). These so 
repeated forbiddings in the different councils indicate that 
in spite of them, Jews backslided in the possession and 
sale of Christian slaves. In Islam laws were also published 
forbidding Jews to have Moslem slaves and dedicate to 
sell them, but Israelites, the same as in Christianity, evaded 
the prohibitive laws and continued to enrich themselves 
with the most criminal exploitation of man by man, that 
have ever existed. 

The Israelite leader Rabbi Jacob Solomon Raisin, writ- 

(24) Jewish Encyclopedia, 9th. vol. Word: SLAVE-TRADE, pp. 402- 



ing about Jews in Hungary in the tenth century, says: “As 

in OTHER COUNTRIES, they dedicated to trade, especially 
with Bohemia, they took NON-Jewish slaves" (25), that is 
to say, gentiles. 

As slave trade was a traditional Jewish business, they 
did their best to obtain permission from the gentile kings 
to buy and sell slaves. Among the concessions they ob¬ 
tained in Charlemagne's empire during the reign of Louis 
"the Merciful", they could buy and sell pagan slaves (26). 
It was easy for them to get this and other concessions from 
Emperor Louis, because the one that really governed dur¬ 
ing his regrettable reign was Empress Judith, who, the 
French historian Guy Breton says, was a beautiful Israelite 
girl who entered in the Emperor’s service as a maid, but 
later caught the Emperor with her beauty, first becoming 
the king’s concubine and later she persuaded the king 
— who was completely dominated by her — to marry 
him, thus becoming the empress of the Carlovingian em¬ 
pire, which was then practically ruled by her, in front of 
the indignation and scandal of the nobles and the peo¬ 
ple, who raised against “THE JEWESS' ” domination, as all 
of them called her. She was responsible that when this 
mournful emperor died, the empire was divided into 
three kingdoms, without keeping the unity desired by the 
founder Charlemagne. Later, the Israelite empress arranged 
everything to eliminate the successors appointed by Louis 
“the Merciful”, who were the children of his first marriage, 
so she could control the succession when the emperor died; 

(25) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin. “Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals", 

p. 635. 

(26) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin. “Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals", 

p. 442. 


she partially succeeded in this plan (27). 

This chapter would be too long if I continue mention¬ 
ing the numberless instances when Israelites dedicated to 
the criminal trade of buying and selling slaves throughout 
the world. Centuries before the appearing of the capitalist 
regime — another Israelite creation — Jews turned that 
business into one of the monopolies that rendered them 
more profit. I shall only mention now the role played by 
Jews in the infamous trade of black slaves from Africa to 
North and South America. 

The Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, facing the so gen¬ 
eralized accusations against the Jews throughout the world 
because they were dedicated and almost monopolized the 
infamous slave trade, tries to defend them in a way that 
can be so easily refuted. Nevertheless, that encyclopedia 
— talking about the trade of black slaves from Africa to 
America — confesses as follows: “When at the beginning 
of the 16th century black slaves were introduced in Amer¬ 
DUTCH JEWS among the traders and slave owners.” (28). 

Regarding the Spanish Jews, it is necessary to re¬ 
member that even since the discovery of America by Chris¬ 
topher Columbus, they had attempted to obtain — through 
the discoverer — from the kings of Spain, the authoriza¬ 
tion to consider the aboriginals of the New World as 

(27) Guy Breton, “Love Stories of the French History", Noir et 
Blanc editions, Paris 1955, first volume. See all chapter seven. 
Abouth Judith's domain in Charlemagne's empire also see: 
Maurice Pinay*‘The Plot Against the Church", cited editions, 
chapter 20 of the fourth part. 

(28) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 4th. vol., word: SLAVERY, 
p. 127, 2nd. col. 


slaves; that business would have given great profits to 
those Israelites, subjecting millions of Indians to slavery, 
to sell them later as slaves in the rest of the world, just as 
they would do years later with millions of blacks from the 
African continent. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia says that there were five 
Jews coming with Christopher Columbus in his first trip, 
one of them called Luis de Torres (29). The Castilian Jew¬ 
ish Encyclopedia states who were the other four, saying 
in this regard: “Among Columbus’ companions some of 
them can be mentioned as of Jewish origin; Luis de Torres, 
INTERPRETER, who knew Hebrew, Chaldean and some 
Arabian; Alonso de la Calle, Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia, 
relative of Treasurer Gabriel Sanchez, who accompanied 
Columbus because of the Queen’s express desire; Marco 
Cirujano and the physician and apothecary of the ship, 
Bernal, who had been imposed a punishment from the In¬ 
quisition of Valencia because he was a judaizer (that is to 
say, because he practiced Judaism in secret) in 1490. Luis 
de Torres was the first European who stepped on the Amer¬ 
ican continent and was sent by Columbus to look for the 
Great Asian Jan and offer him the Admiral’s respects. 
Torres’ expedition to Cuba saw the Indians smoking tobac¬ 
co and brought leaves of that tree to Europe. Later on, 
Torres settled in the Cuban island and obtained land and 
SLAVES and an annual pension from the Spanish kings" ... 
“Luis de Torres was the FIRST JEW who lived and died in 
American land." (30). 

(29) Jewish Encyclopedia. 1st. vol., word: America. 

(30) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, 1st. vol., word: DISCOVERY 

OF AMERICA, pp. 256, 2nd. col., 257, 1st. col. 

p. 11. 


Investigator Malcolm Cowley says that Sanchez, 
helped by the other four mentioned Jews, convinced Co¬ 
lumbus to capture 500 Indians to sell them as slaves in 
Seville, Spain (31). For that reason, Luis de Torres and Ro¬ 
drigo Sanchez were the first slave traders in America; but 
their criminal trade was stopped on time and forbidden 
due to the decided interference of Queen Elizabeth ‘‘the 
Catholic'' of Spain, who in addition to her husband Ferdi¬ 
DOMAINS, establishing so serious penalties to those who 
attempted to enslave the Indians. This protecting disposi¬ 
tion for the Indians against the Israelite attempts to en¬ 
slave them, was reinforced and consolidated after the 
Spanish conquest of America with the issuing of the famous 
LAWS OF THE INDIES, that in addition to prohibiting the 
slavery of the Indians in the Spanish empire, protected 
them against exploitation, bad treatment and despoiling 
of their lands. The fact that Spain avoided that Jews made 
the gigantic business of the trade of Indian slaves they 
had projected and started, is another reason for the ata¬ 
vistic hate Israelites have against Spain, and for the crea¬ 
tion and diffusion of the so-called slanderous black legend 
against that country, published by the Jews and their sat¬ 
ellites in all the world since centuries ago in history books, 
novels, scientific books, movie pictures, etc. 

Continuing with the subject of the criminal trade of 
black slaves started by the Jews in the British colonies of 
North America, that upon their independence became the 
United States, it was the city port of Newport in the Atlan¬ 
tic coast, where Israelites established the world center of 
black slaves trade. Ships to Africa sailed from there, to be 

(31) Malcolm Cowley, “Adventures of on African Slover”. 1928 

editions, page 11. 


filled with black slaves who were taken to Newport to be 
sold in the former British colonies of the South that ac¬ 
cepted that infamous trade, because the colonies in the 
North always forbade it. Another great center for the slave 
trade was the city of Charleston. At the same time, New¬ 
port and Charleston were also great Jewish centers, to the 
extreme that Newport was known then as the “JEWISH 
NEWPORT”, where Israelites manufactured great amounts 
of rum to be sold to the Indians, thus promoting the vice 
of inebriation, which gave great profits to the Jews that 
manufactured and distributed rum. 

It is confirmed that in only one year, out of 128 ships 
destined in Charleston to transport black slaves, 120 were 
freighted by Jews both from Newport and Charleston; this 
shows that Jews had almost the monopoly of the criminal 
trade of black slaves. 

One of the most distinguished Israelites who con¬ 
trolled the black slaves trade was the Portuguese Jew 
Aaron Lopez, who had a whole fleet of ships destined to 
bring slaves, most of them freighted under his own name. 
An investigation on this matter titled “Who Brought the 
Slaves to the United States" from where we took this in¬ 
formation, also indicates that the existing documents on 
this issue show that the Jew Aaron Lopez, between years 
1726 and 1774, freighted under his own name the fifty 
per cent of the ships entrusted to bring slaves from Africa, 
and that he also had other ships freighted under the name 
of people he trusted. Most of the rest of ships freighted 
for the black slave trade also appear freighted by Jews. 
At the same time, in 1749, the Jews of this region founded 
the first Masonic Lodge with fourteen brothers, all of them 
Jews. Twenty years later, Israelites founded the second 


Masonic Lodge called “King David” (the Jewish king Da¬ 
vid); all of the founding members were also Jews (32). 
As we have said, it is a system of the Israelite Imperialism 
to found its subversive organizations with an initial Jew¬ 
ish cell composed either by public or clandestine Jews, lat¬ 
er enrolling gullible gentiles used deceitfully as blind in¬ 
struments of the political or social plans of hidden power 
of Judaism. 

But these facts show us once more the point reached 
by the Jewish hypocrisy, because while the Israelite com¬ 
munities of the region founded there the Secret Masonic 
Brotherhood that hoisted the banners of freedom, equality 
and fraternity among men, and whose secret goal was to 
promote revolution — to oust the gentile monarchies re¬ 
placing them with republics — hiddenly controlled by Ju¬ 
daism, oustanding members of those Israelite communi¬ 
ties carried out the most criminal attempt against the free¬ 
dom, equality and fraternity of men by bringing to North 
America the millions of blacks who would be subjected 
to ignominious slavery. 

About the origin of slavery in the United States, it is 
necessary to take into consideration that before 1661 the 
13 British colonies that formed the American nation when 
they became independent, had laws forbidding slavery. 

It was the Jews who since that time started to work tire¬ 
lessly to achieve the derogation of those laws and that 
slavery was allowed there, specially the entrance of black 
slaves to those colonies. In this regard, Jews discovered 
that the British and European colonists needed additional 

(32) “Who Brought the Slaves to America", Western Front edi¬ 
tions, P. O. B. 27854, Hollywood, California, USA, pp. 5-6. 


workmanship for their plantations, the house building and 
the raising of crops. At the beginning, poor Europeans and 
prisoners fred from jail were used to do this work as well 
as prisoners of the war against Holland, were forced to 
pay the transportation and feeding expenses with work 
in the plantations and house building; later on, they were 
released to work in anything they liked. 

Considering this situation, outstanding Jews of New¬ 
port and Charleston discovered that it would be a great 
business for them to subject the American Indians to slav¬ 
ery and sell them to the colonists and make a great busi¬ 
ness out of this. But they reached the conclusion that Af¬ 
rican blacks had more strength to do this job and decided 
to start the trade of black slaves, buying native negroes 
in the western African coast at a very low price, selling 
them later in America as slaves at a price several times 
higher, thus obtaining great profits. 

But laws forbidding slavery in the colonies avoided 
the development of the gigantic and criminal business. 
That is why those Jews who projected it, worked every 
kind of arrangements to achieve that those laws forbidding 
the slave trade were derogated. It is enough to review who 
were the people who fought to obtain that derogation, 
to prove that they were Jews. So, for example, in docu¬ 
ments regarding the issue it says that only in Philadelphia 
the persons who worked for the derogation of the men¬ 
tioned laws were all Jews; they were precisely the Israel¬ 
ites: Sandiford, Lay, Woolman, Solomon and Benezet. Nev¬ 
ertheless, all these arrangements failed — with some ex¬ 
ceptions — in the Northern colonies that needed less slave 
work, while in the South, where it was more necessary, 
Jews obtained the derogation of laws forbidding slavery. 


When such derogation was obtained, Israelites pro¬ 
ceeded to obtain many ships, buying different merchan¬ 
dises in the African coast that took a small part of the 
ship, that was mostly occupied with the black slaves ob¬ 
tained whose sale in the colonies of North America was 
even more easy, because there was malaria in the terri¬ 
tories of the Southern colonies, which was not easily tol¬ 
erated by the white workers. On the contrary, black slaves 
had to work there forcefully, although they became sick 
and died because of the malaria. In addition to the Jew¬ 
ish slave traders of Newport and Charleston, the Impe¬ 
rialist Hollander Company of the Western Indies con¬ 
trolled, as we already indicated by Jewish money, had 
already used previously several ships to transport black 
slaves to Manhattan (33). 

The Carnegie Institute of Technology of Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania, United States, has a library and a file with 
documents of the time when the black slaves were brought 
to America, stating the decisive participation of Jews in 
the criminal trade of those slaves. The careful study of 
those documents leads us to the conclusion that Jews had 
in their hands a real MONOPOLY of the black slave trade 
from Africa to North America (34). 

World Judaism has used rum, vodka and liqueurs 
common to every country, to promote the vice of alcohol¬ 
ism among those they wish either to exploit economically 

(33) Information obtained from the Western Front book titled 

“Who Brought the Slaves to America’’, pp. 10-11. 

(34) Documents of the “Carnegie Institute of Technology" of Pitts¬ 
burgh, according to study made by the Western Front in 

“Who Brought the Slaves to America”, p 15 


or to enslave. When Jews of Newport and Charleston had 
the criminal idea of enslaving the North American Indians 
and sell them as slaves in the British colonies and even in 
other parts of the world, the first thing they did was to 
send envoys that sold rum to them, to impress the vice of 
alcoholism on them. Rum distilleries owned by Jews in 
Charleston and Newport sent their product to the West and 
center of the country, that were inhabited by the Indian 
tribes, and sold it to the leaders. Alcoholism, pretty soon, 
took over those tribes and the business of rum sale gave 
great profits to the Jewish exploiters. When they became 
convinced that the Indians — as they said — because they 
did not like hand work and for other reasons, were not 
the ideal slaves for the plantations of the Southern British 
colonies, and reached the conclusion that the African ne¬ 
groes would be much better, they sent envoys to sell rum 
to the black tribes of the African western coast, also with 
the purpose of stimulating the vice of alcoholism in the 
black tribes and their leaders; this would also give the Is¬ 
raelite exploiters fabulous profits and also would pave the 
way for the HUNTING of black slaves, as they sarcastically 
said. That is why the business of rum distillery and sale 
and the trade of black slaves were closely related in the 
Jewish businessmen of Newport and Charleston. 

Among the Jews of those two cities, that according 
to documents filed in the Carnegie Institute of Technology 
of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States) were dedicated 
to the slave trade, to rum distillery and in general to both 
businesses, appeared the following Israelites of Portuguese, 
Spanish, Dutch and British origin but all of them Jews: 
“Isaac Gomes; Hayman Levy, Jacob Malhado, Nephtaly 
Myers, David Hart, Joseph Jacobs, Moses Ben Franks, 
Moses Gomez, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy, David Jeshuvum, 


Jacob Pinto, Jacob Turk, Daniel Gomez, James Lucana, Jan 
de Sweevts, Felix (cha-cha) de Souza (known as the prince 
of slave traders and second in importance after Aaron Lo¬ 
pez), Simeon Potter, Isaac Elizer, Jacob Rod, Jacob Rodri¬ 
guez Rivera, Haym Isaac Carregal, Abraham Touro, Moses 
Hays, Moses Lopez, Judah Touro, Abraham Mendes and 
Abraham All” (35). 

Slave traders gave their ships the most picturesque 
names; the names of a group of 15 ships dedicated to the 
criminal trade of black slaves are given as follows: 

Name of the ship Owners 




Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy 

and Jacob Franks 



Isaac Levy and Nathan Simpson 



Moses Levy 


"Four Sisters" 

Moses Levy 


"Anne & Eliza" 

Justus Bosch and John Abrams 


"Prudent Betty” 

Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix 



Mordecai and David Gomez 



David and Mordecai Gomez 



Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell JEWS 


Wm. De Woolf 



James De Woolf 


"White Horse” 

Jan de Sweevts 



John and Jacob Roosevelt 



Moses and Sam Levey and 

Jacob Franks 



Moses and Sam Levey 


(35) W.F.— “Who Brought the Slaves to America", p. 



Jews of Newport owned 300 ships to transport black 
slaves from Africa to North America, and if it is taken into 
consideration that from the 600 ships leaving Newport for 
the rest of the world half of them left for black Africa, it 
can be clearly seen that Israelites had the MONOPOLY of 
black slaves trade from Africa to North America (36). 

To successfully do the black slave trade, Jews of New¬ 
port, Charleston and Virginia not only bought adequate 
ships to transport them from one continent to the other, 
but they created an AFRICAN AGENCY in the western coast 
of Africa to buy slaves, also led by Jews and that was 
deeply introduced in the African continent with branches 
including leaders of groups, villages, etc. who could win 
many leaders of black tribes to collaborate in this great 
Israelite business of black slave trade. To win the sympathy 
and confidence of the leaders of black tribes, Jews used 
the same system they used with the red skin Indians. At 
the beginning they gave rum to the black caciques and so 
patiently they sunk them in the vice of alcoholism; they 
sold them rum exchanging it for gold and other valuable 
things that negroes sold at a lowest price for some rum, 
and when they finished their gold and valuable effects, 
Israelites induced the alcoholized negroes to sell their chil¬ 
dren and grandchildren. In fact these Jews did nothing but 
to use the same system that the Bible’s Old Testament says 
the Israelite Joseph used in Egypt, when exploiting the mis¬ 
ery and famine existing then, Joseph sold foodstuffs to the 
Egyptians first in exchange of money, and when this was 
ended, in exchange of their cattle and lands; when Egyp¬ 
tians had nothing, Joseph sold provisions in exchange of 
their own persons, turning them into slaves. 

(36) “Who Brought the Slaves to America”, pp. 12-17. 


In order for our readers to personally verify that what 
I have just said really appears in the Old Testament of the 
Bible, I would appreciate they take a Bible and read verses 
from the 13 to the 21 of chapter forty-seven of the Genesis. 
Israelites or Jews that every year study and comment these 
biblical passages, consider as holy this terrible system of 
exploitation of men by men, because they believe it was 
ordered to Joseph by Israel's God. And as divine com¬ 
mands are eternal, these commands given by God are still 
in operation nowadays, and any Jew that becomes rich 
following those systems does nothing but to obey the will 
of Israel's God, thus practicing the most sublime virtue. 
Completely opposed to all this is Jesus Christ's doctrine, 
that preached the love to every man and orders to do good 
to all of them; that is why Israelites considered him an 
impostor and condemned him to death. 

Unfortunately, while Islamism, Christianity, Buddhism 
and the other religions order their affiliates to do good to 
the rest of men, the Jewish religion only orders Jews to do 
good and consider that the ten commandments can be ap¬ 
plied only to the Israelite brothers, but instead orders to 
exploit, dominate and enslave those men called gentiles in 
a depreciatory way, mercilessly killing those people that 
hinder the Jewish plans of domination. For this reason, 
then, Israelite religion is presently a perverse, noxious and 
dangerous religion for the rest of mankind. 

Another system used by this net of Jewish slave trad¬ 
ers was to provoke wars between the black African tribes, 
in order to buy the war prisoners as slaves from their vic¬ 
tors, exchanging them for rum, arms and ammunitions, 
that were used to fight against other tribes and get new 
prisoners to be also sold as slaves to the agents of the 


great Jewish merchants. It is still necessary to investigate 
the role played in this infamous trade by the tribes of 
BLACK JEWS about which we talked in the previous chap¬ 

Once the Jewish agents bought at a lowest price in 
the above mentioned ways the unfortunate black men and 
women, they were chained in couples and led by their 
guardians through the jungle; these people used whips and 
beated the negroes to force those who fell on the ground 
because they were exhausted or those that for any reason 
refused to continue walking, to resume their horrible march 
to slavery. Many of these unfortunate blacks fell exhausted 
and sick and could not raise again despite the blows they 
received, and they were abandoned in the jungle to be 
eaten by the ferocious animals,- it was common to find 
— in these slave routes through the jungle — skeletons 
and bones of those people who were abandoned because 
they were sick and could not continue walking by them¬ 
selves. Some unfortunate negroes — despite of being 
chained and taking advantage of the negligence of their 
guardians — tried to run away, but they were easily cap¬ 
tured and coldly killed by their guardians, to warn the 

This gigantic genocide made by Israelites continued 
to be in effect even after the so-called French Revolution, 
where the Jews hypocritically were against slavery and 
used all kinds of nice ideals so that the hidden Jewish 
power could win the support of the gentile bourgeoisie in 
its attempt to oust the monarchies replacing them with 
falsely democratic governments, secretly controlled in fact 
by the Israelite imperialism. At the very same time in North 
America and Africa other Jews practiced the most criminal 


slave trade to obtain great fortunes. In this regard it is 
necessary to mention that for example Aaron Lopez, the 
Jewish slave trader, when he died left one of the greatest 
fortunes in the history of NEW ENGLAND. 

Once the foremen reached the coast with their chained 
victims, they delivered them to the agents of the Jewish 
slave traders and to the captains of ships that would take 
the human merchandise to North America. 

The black slaves trade made by the Jewish capitalists 
of Charleston and Newport had two separate enterprises 
but both of them initially controlled by Israelites. The first 
one, as I said before, was in charge of getting negroes in 
the African jungle in the already mentioned way, until the 
caravans of slaves reached the coast. The second enter¬ 
prise started with the delivery of chained slaves to the Is¬ 
raelite agents and captains of the ships that had to trans¬ 
port the human merchandise to Newport, Charleston, Vir¬ 
ginia and other places where blacks would be sold to the 
public. In the first part of the business, that is to say, in 
hunting the slaves and delivering them at the coast, Jews 
found other black competitors that captured their booty in 
either way and took them to the coast to sell them to the 
agents of the great Israelite companies of Newport and 
Charleston. With these people, those agents and captains 
of ships were very exacting, as it can be checked with in¬ 
formation of documents filed that we are giving publicity. 
Each captured black was presented to the agent or ship 
captain who forced him to move his fingers, arms, legs 
and his whole body, to become sure of the victim’s pos¬ 
sibilities of doing a good work. Any imperfection caused 
that the price was reduced. Even the victim's teeth were 
examined, and if one was missing, this was used by the 
Jewish agents to reduce the price. 


If a negro reached the coast with some sickness, he 
was bought at a lowest price by the Israelite agents, as 
long as they thought they could cure him and sell him at 
a very high price that would render them enough profits. 
Blacks in good conditions were exchanged for one hundred 
gallons of rum, one hundred pounds of powder or in cash 
between 18 and 20 dollars. Nevertheless, sometimes cir¬ 
cumstances forced the agents and captains to pay excep¬ 
tionally more money for the victims. Among the documents 
examined there is a handwritten note of a ship captain 
dated September 5, 1767, saying that he had to pay up 
to 200 gallons of rum for one black. But the common thing 
was to buy at the above mentioned prices. When women 
were older than 25, the price was reduced in a 25 per 
cent. Children, when it was accepted to buy them, were 
bought at a very low price. 

But in the examined documents it also appears that 
negroes bought at 20 dollars generally and in some oc¬ 
casions at 40 dollars a piece, were sold again in the Brit¬ 
ish American colonies by the Israelite slave traders at a 
price higher than two thousand dollars a piece; this allows 
us to appreciate the fruitful result of the business Jews 
did with the trade of black slaves especially if it is con¬ 
sidered that in this unbounded genocide operation millions 
of blacks were taken from Africa to North and South 

Documents regarding the Jewish captain of a trans¬ 
porting ship indicate that captain Freedman, a public Is¬ 
raelite, paid the price of the blacks in the coast either in 
cash or with merchandise. But in exchanging rum for black 
slaves, he followed the instructions given by his Jewish 
bosses of Newport, where they textually ordered him, as 



According to a picture on this issue. The ship that would take 
them to America can be seen behind. 


it can be seen in the examined original handwritten docu¬ 
ment: "Pour as much water into the rum, as you possibly 

can." In this way, the black gentile competitors in the first 
part of the slaves trade, that is to say, from the capture 
till their arrival in the coast, WERE ALSO ROBBED WITH 
RUM MIXED WITH WATER. I suspect that among the black 
slave traders in that first stage, there were black Jews of 
those mentioned in the former chapter of this book; but 
I refrain from stating it, as I do not have proofs to assert 
such a thing. 

After all the above mentioned facts, and already in 
the hands of the captains of ships — who were gentiles 
in many occasions — and of the Israelite agents that ac¬ 
companied and led the operation, the heads of the unfor¬ 
tunate blacks were completely shaved and then marked 
with signs of incandescent iron with the initials of the Jew¬ 
ish owner of the new slaves, just in the same way that 
owners of cattle mark the beefs so everybody knows who 
is the owner. Those incandescent signs caused enormous 
sufferings, especially to women and children, and were 
placed on the back or on the hip of the slave, without the 
Jewish slave traders felt the less pity in doing such in¬ 
famous crimes. In this way, if any of these new black 
slaves attempted to escape, he was immediately recog¬ 
nized by the sign and returned to the Israelite owner. 

Some documents show how sometimes whole black 
families were bought or captured in the jungle and in the 
coast they were divided between the agents of the great 
Israelite enterprises, who mercilessly separated the children 
from their mother or father in distributing the booty, when 
an agent bought the mother, different from the one that 
bought the children, and so on. With terrible cries and sobs 



A. Handcuffs; one was used to chain the right hand of a black 
and the other one to chain the left hand of the neighbor black, 
both of them lying together in the dark cellar of 39 inches 
(one meter high) as if they were packed sardines. 

B. Shackles to chain the feet, chaining the right foot of one slave 
with the left foot of another. 

C. One of the many torture instruments used in the ships of 
Israelite slave traders. 

D. Instrument used to forcefully open the mouths of those slaves 
who refused to eat, prefering to starve to death instead of 
continuing suffering in the torturing trip. 

Photos taken from the original instruments. 


that did not move the compassion of the Israelite agents, 
mothers saw how their children were chained and taken 
to other ships to places where they will not see each other 
again. Readers may imagine the terrible sufferings of mil¬ 
lions of human beings that were necessary so some hun¬ 
dreds of Jews could mold great capitals with this business. 

Facts have shown that nobody but the Israelites 
through history have systematized in an almost scientific 
way the exploitation of men by men, and that nobody as 
the Jews has known this exploitation so deeply, because 
they have practiced it as no other people, especially in 
modern times. It is not strange, then, that it was two Is¬ 
raelites, Carl Marx and Frederick Engels, who masterly 
could make a study of what has been and continues to be 
the exploitation of men by men. But what they both hid 
is that their Jewish brothers have been the greatest mas¬ 
ters in this infamous science although Marx said some¬ 
thing, but very little, on the subject in his book on the 
“Jewish Question”. 

The transportation of negroes from the beach to the 
ship was made in canoes, where from 4 to 5 people were 
taken using all strength. Everything was ready to quickly 
catch again the slaves in case one of them tried to fall 
into the water. When the slaves reached the ship, they 
were deprived from their dresses and if somebody could 
jump into the water, he was caught again by people pre¬ 
pared for such an event. The legs of anyone who attempted 
to escape were immediately cut in the presence of all the 
slaves, so that none of them tried to flee again. 

The ship to transport slaves was divided into three 
sections: children were left on the deck; women were put 
in another place and men were always placed under the 


deck. And as these ships, in order to save expenses, were 
not adequate to transport people, they were equipped as 
to carry animals, with whom the poor black slaves were 

Generally, there was a space of one meter high, that 
is to say 39 inches, under the deck. In that place, as inside 
a fish can, these unfortunate human beings were placed 
in an horizontal position, as much tight as possible, one 
besides the next, so that in this suffocating place could go 
the highest possible amount of people thus reducing to the 
utmost possible level the transportation expenses; they 
were packed exactly as sardines as it is shown in the pic¬ 
ture appearing in this chapter. The unfortunate slaves 
owned by the Jewish traders had to remain in this painful 
and desperating position for approximately three months 
until the end of the trip, chained one to the other in most 

As a general fact, captains of those ships rarely were 
moved to pity by these unfortunate people. Some of them 
became crazy on the way due to such pain and despera¬ 
tion. Others became sick and died during the trip. And 
when the captains were negligent in watching and chain¬ 
ing some of the victims, it used to happen that some of 
them, madden, wounded or killed the poor companion in 
disgrace that was placed besides him. And sometimes in 
these cases horrible fights started and some almost as- 
fixiated and desperated people tried to obtain one or two 
more inches of space to be a little less uncomfortable. Then 
the foreman of slaves appeared, restoring order by strong¬ 
ly whipping those who were fighting. These quarrels forced 
the captains that were negligent in chaining some blacks 
in those dungeons, to watch that none was unchained in 


order to avoid that in the desperation produced by pain 
and anguish one killed the others or seriously injured them. 
The gentile captains as well as the Israelite captains were 
encharged by the Jews who owned the shipment of slaves, 
to keep the merchandise alive till its arrival to the port of 
destination in condition to be sold at a good price. 

One of the things that caused enormous sufferings to 
the unfortunate victims was that the captains of the ships 
did not worry to clean the urine and excretions of the peo¬ 
ple piled in those dark dungeons; so as weeks and months 
passed, the unfortunate blacks were lying in puddles of 
excretions and urine, in the middle of a pestiferous that 
nauseated anyone who entered that hellish place worthy 
of appearing in those places described by Dante in his 
Divine Comedy. 

Readers may imagine the horrible sufferings millions 
of negroes had to endure during these frightful trips so 
that a few Jews could get richer every time at the ex¬ 
change of sufferings, slavery and death of the victims of 
this enormous genocide, which can only be compared to 
the sufferings of millions of Russian peasants and workers 
or those from other countries of the Soviet Union and her 
satellite states including Cuba, where they are tortured, 
enslaved and murdered by those totalitarian Jewish dic¬ 
tatorships covered with the false mask of socialism, com¬ 
munism or of a non existent and false dictatorship of the 

In the department of women, which was another nar¬ 
row dungeon of short height, similar to the men's one, 
women were also piled as packed sardines, sometimes 
happening that they had to give birth to their children in 
such a painful position, with the consequences readers may 



Photo taken from a sketch of that time. By C. S. "Who Brought the 
Slaves to America”, p. 13. 


Some captains when they saw that the merchandise 
was dying on the way, took the so emergently step of 
sometimes taking the slaves out of their dungeons to 
breathe some fresh air on the deck. But before doing so, 
they carefully revised if their chains were strongly fastened 
to avoid runaways. But there were captains that did not 
take this precaution and the disgraced black men and 
women had to spend the three months long trip, with no 
interruption, piled and without leaving those hellish dun¬ 
geons, horribly suffering day and night during three or 
more months, which might seem to them to be years, as 
it happens to anyone who spends weeks or months in the 
bed of a hospital without being allowed to raise, but even 
worse, for the extreme uncomfortableness and filthiness 
in which those millions of blacks had to remain during the 
long trips that led them to slavery. 

Upon their arrival to North America, the slaves were 
sold in the markets of all British colonies that authorized 
slavery, due to previous arrangements made by the Israel¬ 
ites. In many cases they were sold in public auction (37). 

Something similar occurred to blacks acquired in Af¬ 
rica to be sold in Antilles and South America. 

(37) To enlarge their information on the slaves trade from Africa 
to America, readers may consult, in addition to the already 
mentioned book “Who Brought the Slaves to America’’, the 
following sources: 

I. Elizabeth Dennan, “Documents Illustrative of the His¬ 
tory of the Slaves Trade to America”, four volumes, 
Washington, D.C. editions, 1930 and 1935. 

II. Malcolm Cowley, “Adventures of an African Slaver”, 

New York, 1928. 

III. Files and Library of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. 


^jpO BE SOLD, on board the 

Ship React ffUni\ on tuefday the 6th 
c£ May next, at JtJkUy Fcnj , a choice 
cargo of about 450 fine heakhy 


juft arrived from rhe 
Windward Sc Rice Coaib 
—The utmoft care has 
^already been taken, and' 

(halt be condnucd, to keep them tree from 
the leaft danger of being infe&ad with the 
SMALL-POX, no boat having been on 
board, and ail other communication with 
people from CbttrUs-Twwu prevented. 

Mia> LdMTCMJf Sc 4&ltby. 

K t. M wKiVa rtM 


Photo taken from an announcement of a sale of black 


The Jewish traders of black slaves used showy announcements to 
obtain the best possible price for their human merchandise. 


In view of these so clear and eloquent facts, readers 
will understand that only the traditional Israelite cynicism 
and utmost hypocrisy, allows them to dare appear as 
friends, allies and even redeemers of the blacks with the 
only goal to deceive them once more in order to obtain 
their confidence and to manipulate them in the benefit of 
Jewish political plans of domination and conquest. 



1. Maurice Pinay: 


2. Louis Bielsky: 


3. Itsvan Bakony: 


4. Itsvan Bakony: 


5. Itsvan Bakony: 


6. Itsvan Bakony: 


7. Afonso Castelo: 


8. Itsvan Bakony: 


9. Itsvan Bakony: 


10. Itsvan Bakony: 


11. Itsvan Bakony: 


12. Esteban Agulla: 




















Itsvan Bakony 

P.O. Box 493 
Baton Rouge 
Louisiana 70821 


Very few people are aware of the fact that there are a great number of 
people today who are considered to be of the Japanese race who are in 
ENCYCLOPEDIA and other publications go into detail on the history of 
people in India, China, Ethiopia, Persia and other countries who are 
today practicing Judaism and calling themselves “Israelites” or Jews. 

In a number of countries those who have openly practiced Judaism and 
supported the State of Israel have been exiled from those countries and 
many have now become citizens of Israel. However, there is evidence that 
Jewish traders were abundant in Asia long before the Christian era. These 
Jews intermarried with the local people and after several generations 
simulated the appearance of the host people. Some of them adopted 
Buddahism, Shinotism, Brahamism and other local religions. However, 
they SECRETLY adhered to the Jewish race and practiced the Jewish 
religion. They secretly maintained their loyalty to the Jewish RACE while 
outwardly pretending to be like the other people in their areas. Outwardly 
they had the anthropological characteristics of the local natives. In this 
way they could infiltrate into the government and military and from 
within work secretly towards the Jewish goal of world domination. 

In THE LOST TRIBES A MYTH, Prof. Allen Godbey says, ”... in 
the province of Yamato are two ancient villages, Goshen and Menashe 
(Manassch). For these names there is no Japanese etymology. The legend 
is that in the third century of our era a strange people of about one 
hundred silk raisers appeared. In the census of the year 471. THIS 
seventy and were highly esteemed in the province. A temple known as the 
“Tent of David” still stands where they first settled.” 

The influence of these clandestine Jews can be seen in the efforts to 
convince the Japanese people that they are one of the “Lost Tribes of 
Israel” and as such they should support the State of Israel and world 

In 1925, Dr. Chikao Fujisawa, a professor at Nihon University, wrote 
an article with the title “The Spiritual and the Cultural Affinity of the 
Japenese and Jewish People.” The thesis of his article was that the first 
Emporor of Japan was a scion of the House of King David and that the 
word Mikado — the ancient title of the Japanese Emporor can be traced 
back to Gad, one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” 

Dr. Fujisawa also claimed that Shintoism and Judaism also work 

— 1 — 

toward the concept of bringing all the races of the world under, “One 

A movement to "unite” the Jews and Japanese under "one roof” was 
started in the 30’s by Bishop Juju Nakada of the Holiness Church. He 
said that, "... it is God’s will that these two nations be united after 
3,000 years ...” 

When Japan’s ports were open to the West in 1854, a new influx of 
Jews flocked into Yokohama and Nagasaki. Among these Jews were the 
Sassoon family. New Jewish communities were established and the Jews 
weilded a great deal of influence with the Japanese government. 

When the Russo-Japanese war broke out in 1904 the Japanese were on 
the verge of bankruptcy. Through the influence of the Jews Japan secured 
money for the war through Jacob Schiff a New York Jew. Schiff 
arranged for three war loans totaling about S250 million. The reason for 
Schiffs loan was, "Schiff disliked Czarist Russia’s treatment of the 
Dicker, P. 164). He secured the loan through the Jewish banking firm of 
Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Jewish influence in Japan remained strong until the 
beginning of WWII. 

At this time in history the Jews are trying to convince the Japanese, 
Iranians, South Americans and others that they are the “Lost Tribes of 
Israel” so they can be used by the Jews in their plan of world 

This booklet is just ONE in a series of books in the POLITICAL 
SECRETS SERIES proving the Jewish origin of all revolutionary 
movements from the French Revolution to the Bolshevik Revolution in 
Russia and revolutionary movements today. Details on the Jewish religion, 
secret Jews, and Jewish revolutionary tactics are contained in the other 
books in this series. A complete set of these books can be obtained by 
sending $20.00 to: CHRISTIAN DEFENSE LEAGUE, Box 493, Baton 
Rouge, LA. 70821. 

The enclosed booklet points out that these secret Jews are still very 
active and are involved in the political life of Japan today. They are still 
working through “Jews for Israel” and other Judaizing groups to win the 
support of the Japanese people for the State of Israel. It is extremely 
important for mankind that the influence of these secret Jews in Japan is 
uncovered and that they are driven from any positions of influence and 
power. Japan and China are the key nations in Asia and the fate of the 
Far East and the world depends on which way these powers move in the 
future. If they follow a pro-Israel policy it will mean an eventual 
confrontation between them and the other forces in Asia and the Middle 

— 2 — 

East which might bring these areas under Jewish control. If these secret 
Jews are rooted out and stripped of their power and Japan and China 
follow a policy in favor of their races and nations and reject pressure 
from Israel and American Jews the whole of Asia could eventually follow 
their example and free themselves and other countries from Jewish 

P.O. Box 493 

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821 

— 3 — 


Up until the 19th century, Japan was undoubtedly less infiltrated by 
Judaism than any other country in the world — hence the great interest 
displayed by Jewish imperialism in organizing its fifth column in Japan 
with a view to conquering and controlling that country. 

Jewish leader Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin writes as follows: “Some explorers 
find traces of the impact of Judaism and of probable conversions also in 
the Empire of Japan. They point to two villages which bear the names of 
Gosen (Goshen) and Menase (Manasseh). There is a legend that during 
the third century a party of foreign silk traders appeared in the Empire, 
and that by the year 471 they numbered 18,670. A temple in front of 
which figures of a lion and a unicorn (called ‘Buddha’s Dogs’) keep 
watch, is claimed to have been a synagogue, then known as 'The Tent of 
David,’ which was erected by them on the spot where they first 
settled . . . They were highly respected and were known as the CHADA, 
OR THE BELOVED. On a site belonging to one of the CHADA families 
there is a well some fifteen hundred years old, upon the curbing of which 
are engraved the letters ‘ISRAEL.’ ” (1) 

According to the Bible story, Gosen, Goshen, or Gosens was the name 
of the province of ancient Egypt given by Joseph to the Israelites to settle 
there; and for that reason, the name Gosen or Gossen is one of the most 
distinguished names in World Judaism. The Chilean Marxist leader 
Salvador Allende Gossen has, therefore, one of the most honored and 
ancient names in Judaism. 

In the case of the Moslem, Christian, Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, or other 
clandestine Jews, we have convincing proofs of their existence from 
ancient times and of their great political, social, and at times even military 
influence; but with respect to the similarly ancient sect of Japanese Jews 
known as the CHADA, we have no data beyond what has been 
mentioned. Accordingly, given the care we have taken in this book not to 
affirm anything for which we do not have ample proof, we shall refrain 
from making any further statements in this regard and hope that an 
impartial investigation of this sensitive subject may fully clarify the 

The first large-scale immigration of Jews to Japan that can be fully 
confirmed dates from the 19th century, principally in the latter decades. 
According to the Jewish author Pablo Link, in his JEWISH 
ENCYCLOPEDIA HANDBOOK, the first openly Jewish communities in 
Japan were established starting in the year 1890 by Jews who came for the 
most part frpm Russia and settled mainly in Tokyo, Kobe, Yokohama, 

— 4 — 

and Nagasaki. (2) 

During that same period a number of eastern Sephardic Jewish 
merchants also entered the country. Later, Jews from otliu countries, 
including the United States, settled in Japan as well. The monthly 
magazine YUYEN accused the North American Jews of working against 
Japan’s national security. Moreover, Jewish refugees began to arrive in 
Japan from various countries with permission to stay there only 
temporarily while they were finding places of refuge elsewhere. The 
Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia states, in addition to the foregoing, that 
Jewish refugees from Germany arrived during the thirties and that 
“during the first part of World War II, the Japanese continued to accept 
Jewish victims of Hitlerism,” but that after the Nazi-Japanese pact of 
1937, a big propaganda campaign against the Jews was begun. It further 
states: “With the growing tension between Japan and the United States, 
the position of the refugees in the country became ever more precarious, 
and in 1941 all of the refugees were ordered deported to Shanghai.” In 
this connection, however, the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia makes the 
following most interesting statements: “As for the permanent (Jewish) 
residents, who were citizens of various countries and little active in Jewish 
life properly so called, THESE ESCAPED NOTICE BY THE 

In order to grasp the true significance of the above paragraph, one 
needs to know the devious ways in which Jewish encyclopedias and other 
Jewish books readily accessible to Gentile readers conceal what they wish 
to conceal (from Gentile readers) and express things so that they will 
really be understood only by Jewish readers. According to the aforemen¬ 
tioned encyclopedia, the Jews who were already “RESIDENTS” in Japan 
ALMOST COMPLETELY.” Any expert in clandestine Judaism under¬ 
stands perfectly well that when Jewish encyclopedias and Jewish books 
that are available to Gentile readers speak of Jews who either take no part 
in JEWISH LIFE or almost no part in it, they are referring only to the 
OPEN JEWISH LIFE, and that accordingly the discussion is about 
clandestine Jews, who by the very fact of being clandestine would of 
course not take part in openly Jewish activities by only in the 
CLANDESTINE JEWISH LIFE. If it were not so, then they would not 
be Jews — as the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia admits they are when it 
mentions “the Jews who were already resident in Japan at that time.” By 
the same token we see here a tacit admission on the part of this 
authoritative Jewish encyclopedia of the existence of a CLANDESTINE 

- 5 - 

— 6 — 

JEWISH “refugees” posing with Japanese officials after arriving in Japan in 1941. Third from left is Rabbi 
Shimon Kalish. When asked by Japanese generals why the Germans “persecuted" the Jews, Kalish said, 
“Because we too are Asians.” Jews used every trick possible to win the support of the Japanese even 
though in reality the Jews consider the Japanese to be sub human. 

JUDAISM IN JAPAN at that time which was able to evade the anti- 
Jewish measures of the Japanese authorities by not taking part in the 
visible life of the Jewish community. 

Whether it is because the “CHADA” Jews remnant from Japan’s age- 
old clandestine Judaism are but few in numbers — assuming that their 
present existence can even be proven — or becuase of the very belated 
Jewish infiltration into Japan in the 19th century, the fact remains that 
Jewish world imperialism since the end of the last century has developed 
infiltration tactics in Japan that are somewhat different from those it uses 
at present in countries where it can count on a fifth column of open or 
clandestine Jews sufficient for conquest of such countries and 
maintenance of its rule therein. In Japan, Jewish imperialism is 
attempting to form communities of Proselytes of the Gate on a large 
scale, something the Jews carry out — or at any rate have done so up to 
now — only in those countries or Gentile communities which have been 
but slightly infiltrated by Jews of the blood, or true Jews as they consider 
themselves. To the nation of Israel, the only true Jews are the blood 
descendants of Abraham and Jacob, also called Israel in the Bible. 
However, in certain circumstances Judaism forms organizations of 
recruits whom the Jews themselves derogatorily refer to as 
“PROSELYTES OF THE GATE” and whom in their hearts the blood 
Jews consider merely gentile swine. After they have succeeded in 
converting them to the Israelite religion, the Jews form communities and 
synagogues of them that are similar in part of those of true Judaism and 
which (under the control of blood Jews, or real Jews) they use as satellite 
organizations and instruments of control in the service of Jewish 
imperialism in the same way that they use Universal Freemasonry, 
Communist parties (secretly controlled by Judaism), or other institutions. 
Thus the poor proselytes of the gate remain mere tools and puppets, never 
able to enter true Judaism or to know its secrets, DESPITE THE 
ASSURANCES OF THEIR LEADERS that they are real Jews, even if 
only in a spiritual sense since they do not have Jewish blood, and will 
share great secrets and great rights within Judaism; and so they cleverly 
deceive the proselytes that they may the more easily manipulate them. 
Just one more lie and one more deception to control naive Gentiles who, 
in this instance, ingenuously come to believe that they are a part of 
WORLD JUDAISM, the controlling power in the world these days; and 
this flatters their ego even though in reality they are kept outside the 
GATE OF THE TEMPLE, that is outside of true Judaism, as just one 
more satellite organization added to the many already in existence like the 
ones previously mentioned. 

— 7 — 

The term Proselyte of the Gate had its origin during the time prior to 
destruction of the temple and city of Jerusalem by the Romans. The Jews, 
who considered only Jews of the blood to be true Jews, did not permit 
Gentile converts to Judaism to enter the temple; instead, they had to 
remain at or outside the temple gate. And so opprobrious was this 
discrimination that scarcely any Gentiles were willing to convert to the 
Jewish religion. 

Centuries later Judaism devised a less shameful method of making 
proselytes, designating the converts spiritual Jews and providing them 
with synagogues and an entire peripheral organization as well, but 
without revealing any of the real secrets of Judaism to them. So of course 
these spiritual Jews are just as much outside true Judaism as are the 
proselytes of the gate. 

Jewish leader Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin, in his book published in 1953 
which we have previously mentioned, has the following to say with regard 
to the establishment of synagogues of proselytes in Japan: “A news item 
of recent date tells us about a Japanese woman in Nagasaki who married 
a German Jew and who not only converted to Judaism but also built and 
endowed a number of synagogues and has dedicated herself to spreading 
her new religious faith in her native land.” (4) Here we see a mixed 
marriage between a German Jew and a Japanese which will go on 
producing Jewish descendants of mixed blood, with the racial type 
becoming ever more Japanese in character as children and grandchildren 
continue intermarrying with other Japanese, and with the descendants 
also being used in a feverish effort to hitch proselytes of the gate to the 
cart of Judaism. This has been confirmed for us by Japanese experts in 
these atters who tell us that with the intermarriage of Jewish immigrants 
(both male and female) from the 19th century on, with Japanese partners, 
the number of people in the country of Japanese Jewish descent has been 
steadily on the rise. They use ordinary Japanese names; they have 
adopted Japanese customs and even the prevailing religions of Japan, 
such as Shintoism and Buddhism; and they have come to possess racial 
and physiognomic traits such that it is very difficult to tell them from 
other Japanese — all of which makes this an infiltration that is becoming 
extremely dangerous for the future of Japan. Moreover, these hybrid 
Japanese Jews are spreading abroad proselyte communities and 
synagogues that considerably augment the tentacles that Jewish 
imperialism has reaching out to capture the country. For these proselytes 
of the gate blindly obey their rabbis; and although the rabbis may say at 
times that they are proselytes too, in Japan as in other countries they are 
really blood Jews under the rigid control of the secret socities of the real 

- 8 - 

Judaism, the Judaism of the Israelite nation which lies concealed as a 
fifth column within all other nations. 

The Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, in a supplementary volume titled 
“Contemporary Judaism,” which was published in 1961, says with 
respect to Japan that there are also American Jewish businessmen and 
soldiers of the army of occupation living there, and that “AMONG THE 
(5) So that what seem to the Japanese and their government to be 
harmless marriages between Yankee soldiers and Japanese women are in 
reality a further infiltration of the Japanese people by Jewish imperialism 
and a further increase in the population of Japanese Jews arising from 
these mixed marriages. 

The proselytes of the gate in Japan are a greater danger there than in 
other countries because they are victims of a deception which has led 
them to believe that they are not just proselytes of the gate but actually 
Jews by blood, and this has made them into yet more docile instruments 
of Jewish imperialism. In effect they have been duped into believing that 
the people of Japan, or at any rate a majority of the Japanese, belong to 
one of the lost tribes of Israel. And so that our readers may better 
understand the importance of this sordid lie, we will explain what those 
then lost tribes mean to the Jews and the way in which Jewish imperialism 
sometimes makes use of the legend in order to deceive different peoples or 
certain Gentile racial communities. 

When the Hebrew people split up into two kingdoms, the kingdom of 
Israel and the kingdom of Judah, ten of the twelve tribes that initially 
constituted the Hebrew nation became the kingdom of Israel, and the 
other two the kingdom of Judah. In the year 721 B.C., the Assyrians 
under Salmaneser, Sargon, and Tiglath-Pileser conquered the kingdom of 
Israel) and the people of the Ten Tribes were carried into exile in 
Northern Assyria along the banks of the river Gozan and in the towns of 
Northern Media. More than a century later, in the year 586 B.C., the 
kingdom of Judah was conquered as well, and its people were carried off 
to Babylonia. 

When the Persians and the Medes conquered Babylonia, the tribes of 
Judah and Benjamin, also called Levi, both formerly part of the kingdom 
of Judah, were able to return to their old territory and rebuild the 
kingdom. The ten tribes that had formed the kingdom of Israel, on the 
contrary, did not return, and their whereabouts since that time has been 
unknown. Hence they are called in Judaism the ten lost tribes of Israel; 
and through the centuries Jewish rabbis have dreamed up the most varied 

- 10 — 

After arriving in Asia the Jews immediately began to sell their goods on the streets in typical Jewish Fashion. 

and fantastic theories concerning their whereabouts, theories no one has 
ever been able to prove. 

Apart from the sincere and fanatical zeal of some Jews to go on seeking 
the ten lost tribes in the farthermost comers of the world, it is also a fact 
that Jewish imperialism has at times seen in this legend of the ten lost 
tribes a clever means of deceiving certain Gentile societies or peoples 
whom it wishes more readily to control, by bringing them to the false 
belief that they are of Jewish blood since they are descendants of the ten 
lost tribes. Attempts have been made to persuade the British that they are 
descendants of one of the ten tribes; the Danes, that they are of the tribe 
of Dan. It has been claimed that the Aztecs and Mayas of Mecico and 
Guatemala are descended from another of the ten tribes; and in the same 
way myths and falsehoods have been contrived with respect to other 
Gentile peoples as well. However, these wild and deceitful hypotheses 
without any scientific basis whatsoever have been more widely applied in 
Japan than elsewhere, for the sole purpose of effecting the political and 
religious conquest of the country. The reason is that because of the small 
number of racial Jews (i.e., those actually of Jewish blood) in Japan, 
including the crossbreeds, Jewish imperialism has been forced to recruit 
proselytes of the gate — which it no longer does anymore in most 
countries — to increase its fifth column in the Land of the Rising Sun, a 
land Judaism is determined at all costs to conquer and control. The Jews 
intend to make the Japanese, rulers and common people alike, believe 
that they are of Jewish descent; and they especially deceive the proselytes 
of the gate, telling them that they are not really just proselytes but true 
Jews by blood inasmuch as they are descended from one of the lost tribes 
that settled in Japan more than 2500 years ago. Their audacity in the use 
of this enormous lie as a means of conquest has gone so far as to try to 
make the sacred Japanese Shindai caste and even the Emperor of Japan 
himself believe that they are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, for 
the obvious purpose of converting them into proselytes of the gate and by 
the same token into puppets serving Jewish imperialism. 

MacLeod affirms in this regard, in his book titled "Epitome of the 
Ancient History of Japan,” several editions of which were published in 
Tokyo in the last century, that the last monarch of the former kingdom of 
Israel was Oseas (Hoshea), who died in the year 722 B.C., and that 
Japan's first known king, dating from 730 B.C., it so happens bore the 
narfie of Osee — thus suggesting that the last king of Israel, at the time of 
the Assyrian conquest, fled to Japan and became the Japanese king. 
MacLeod also writes that Shintoist temples, like the ancient temple of 
Solomon in Jerusalem, are divided into a Holy Place and a Holy of 

- 13 — 

Holies, that the priests wear linen vestments like those of Jerusalem and 
employ similar sacred vessels. (6) Just as if all religions did not have a lot 
in common! 

This same MacLeod and a number of Japanese professors who, 
according to my information, are Japanese only on the outside and 
clandestine Jews on the inside, have disseminated ail these fables in Japan 
for the purpose of diffusing throughout the country the religious 
imperialism with which the Jews seek to gain sway over the Japanese 
people, just as they use capitalist liberalism, Marxism, Zionism, Judaism, 
and other means of controlling peoples that are expedient for the given 
lime and place. 

Patriotic Japanese urgently need to counteract all these tall tales if they 
would prevent the Japanese aristocracy and the Japanese people from 
falling victim to these deceptions, which — disseminated as they are with 
elaborate propaganda and a profusion of lies and false logic designed to 
lend them an aura of science — may otherwise convince the naive and 
yoke them to the cart of Jewish racist imperialism. 

The military occupation of Japan by United States troops brought to 
the country a massive new immigration of Jews eager to conquer Japan 
under the wing of the armed forces of their satellite, Yankee imperialism. 
With the strength thus acquired by both open and clandestine Judaism in 
Japan following the U.S. military occupation, the symptoms of disorder 
produced by the Jewish secret societies in the rest of the world began also 
to appear in the Land of the Rising Sun: student disturbances in the 
universities. Communist subversion among the working masses and the 
leftist political parties, anti-national and anti-patriotic activities, smears 
and intrigues against patriots to neutralize them, the importantion of 
destructive ideas from abroad — ideas used by the Jews to sow discord 
and subversion in other countries — and all the other symptoms of 
confusion and disorder that the hidden Jewish power stirs up in all the 
nations it has invaded with its fifth column. 

Moreover, using the power of the United States, the Jews attempted to 
gain control of the economy of Japan but fortunately, it seems, were 
successful only in part. It is a sad thing that the people of the United 
States go on letting their government leaders act throughout the world as 
vile lackeys of Jewish imperialism, and that wherever U.S. troops show 
up they are accompanied by exploiting Jewish capitalists and their Marxist- 
Jewish spies or conspirators. 

Nevertheless, inasmuch as Japan at least for now is less infiltrated by 
Judaism than any of the other world powers, and given the political 
vision and patriotism of the Japanese people, it may be that when Japan 

— 14 — 

ZIONIST leader Abraham Kaufman (center) speaking in Harbin, Manchuria. Jewish and Japanese flags in the 
background. Uniformed Zionist guards guard meeting. Jews made contact with Japanese military officials at 
the meeting prior to their “invasion" of Japan. 

has become fully aware of her danger and of the secret enemy that 
threatens her, she will be the one country in the capitalist world most able 
to defend her independence successfully and ward off the peril of 
conquest by the racist and totalitarian Jewish imperialism. Some Japanese 
have begun to understand the way Jews are, to the extent even that one of 
the most widely used Japanese dictionaries gives the meanings of thief 
and swindler to the word "Jew”; so at any rate affirms the Castilian 
Jewish Encyclopedia, which also states: "For the past thirty years there 
country, with an enrollment of some 450 members.” . . . "Efforts have 
been made to establish a library in Japan specializing in Jewish culture.” 

. . . "Israel was one of the first countries to recognize the Japanese 
government after the war and has sought to establish friendly relations 
with that Asian country.” (7) 

Here we see yet another matter that deserves special comment. World 
Judaism is a very complex organization having thousands of different 
institutions and secret societies scattered throughout the world. The State 
of Israel, with all its structures, is only a small part of international 
Judaism, but skillful use is made of it by the latter for various purposes, 
including the maintenance of friendly relations with governments and 
peoples to serve as a smoke screen concealing the true motives of Jewish 
imperialism. In this way, while the secret Jewish fifth column is 
endeavoring to conquer a nation and overthrow whatever Gentile 
government may be directing it, the diplomatic service of the State of 
Israel makes a show of friendship and collaboration with that nation and 
government, and may even really collaborate with them in some matter of 
interest to them. Thus Judaism attempts to deceive peoples and their 
governments in order to conceal its role in the fifth column activities it 
organizes to capture them by peaceful means, or in the conspiracies and 
revolutions directed by its secret societies when it wishes to conquer and 
control them by swifter methods. An expert in these matters once told me 
how he had overheard some Jews in a restaurant laughing at the 
“STUPID” Gentile rulers who constantly fall into this clever trap. But 
my own observation is that this particular trap, like many others 
contrived by the Jews, is so skillfully laid that we need not find it strange 
when it deceives even very intelligent people, especially if they are 
ignorant of the secrets of Jewish imperialism and of its political strategy, 
whose main strength and continual success have both derived from that 
very secrecy with which it guards its hidden motives, a secrecy achieved 
through complex methods of deception. For that reason, the liberation of 
the peoples of the world from totalitarian Jewish imperialism can only be 

— 16 — 

REFUGEE synagogue set up for use as a base for Zionist infiltration of 
Japanese society. 

— 17 — 

made possible by revealing all these secrets to those peoples and their 
Gentile leaders — by means of well-documented books for the educated, 
and summary pamphlets for the masses of the people — so that, 
recognizing their hidden and evil enemy, they will be able to defend 
themselves against that enemy more effectively. Until this has been 
achieved on a local, national, and worldwide scale, and all people made 
aware of this mortal threat, Jewish imperialism will continue conquering 
all the nations one after another and subjecting them to its rule. It is, of 
course, my wish to save mankind from that catastrophe that has induced 
me to write the present work. 


(1) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin, Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals New York, 

1953), pp. 421 f. 

(2) Pablo Link Jewish Encyclopedia Handbook (Buenos Aires: Editorial 
Israel, 1950), article on Japan, p. 197, col. 1. 

(3) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia (Mexico City, 1949), article on Japan. 
Vol. VI, p. 183, col. 2. 

(4) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin, op. cit., p. 422. 

(5) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, supplementary volume tilled "Contem¬ 

porary Judaism” (Mexico City, 1961), article on Japan. P. 754, col 2. 

(6) MacLeod, Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan (Tokyo, 1879). 

(7) Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia, supplementary volume titled "Contem¬ 

porary Judaism” (Mexico City, 1961), article on Japan, pp. 754f. 


— 18 — 


To all Chinese, Japanese and Gentiles Alike 


Be Prepared (o Resist 
An Economic Invasion and 
Be Prepared for 

An Era of Crime, Sin and Intrigue 

WARNING TO ASIANS. Cover of a booklet published by patriots 
warning the Japanese and Chinese about the Jewish invasion of 

— 19 — 

10,000 inJapaii) 

antse are seeking conversion to Judaism, Rabbi A. J. 
Feldman, spiritual leader of Beth Israel Temple here 
reported this week on his return from a 10-week tour 

Torah Convocations In the Far 
East Rsbbi Feldman made the 
tour on behalf of the National 
Jewish Welfare Board’s Com¬ 
mission on Jewish Chapalalncy, 
of which ha Is executive chair¬ 

Explaining the new trend 
among Japanese, Rabbi Feld- 
njan, stated he found that the 
war had “knocked out the spir¬ 
itual props" which previously i 
been sufficient for many Jap-1 
anese whom Shintoism taught 
that their country was invinci¬ 
ble. As a result, many of them 
are turning to Judaism, bolster¬ 
ed to a great extent by the fact 
that American - Jewa especially 
Chaplain* of the Americas arm¬ 
ed services, had offered many 
kindnesses to the Japanese. 

A gnat many Japanese, Rab¬ 
bi Felihnan reported, are learn¬ 
ing Hebrew, and many are prac¬ 
ticing Jewish rites. Jewish 
chaplains and rabbis, however, 
are “going slow" on accepting 
the would-be converts, he noted. 

_ to become a Jew. “I hope some 

day to study Judaism In Its Birth- 
Hand, In Israel, and I hope to Ood 
that my desire will be granted,” 
he replied to the Chaplain. 

Noting his determination to be a 
Jew and a Zionist, the Chaplain In¬ 

troduced Hiroshi to officials In the 
Israel Embassy. There they again 
discouraged him, but he adamant¬ 
ly maintained that he was not a 
thoughtless enthusiast: “I thought 
my decislonnout and ail Its ramifi¬ 
cation and I stand by my decision.” 
he declared. 

GREATLY MOVED by Hiroshi’s 
sincerity, the Jewish Chaplain 
sent a personal letter to Israel's 
Minister of Religion and Welfare. 
Moses Shapiro, and asked him to 
do something for this Japanese 
Gee Zedrk. As a result, an appeal 
was made to the Foreign Ministry 
to facilitate the "homecoming'’ of 
the new son of Israel and to aid 
him In his further study of Juda¬ 
ism in a rellgieua school in the 
Holy Land. 

Hiroshi got hie wish! 

Chief Rabbi I. Heraog gave his 
approval to receive the young Ger 
from Japan under the “Wings of 
the Bhechina according to the 
i faith of Moses and Israel." 

| Today. Hlroahi Ankomott. an 
| Israel citizen and a good Jew, ^ 

I Hie happiest man In the world! X 
if The above Is the story ot only 
I one among tens of thousands of 
1 Japanese men and women who 
I took forward to Ip lning the ranks 
\ o f Isra el. 

- 20 - 

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JERUSALEM POST Jan 27-Feb. 2, 1980 

Page 15 

PC ^ PI e 

Samaria will be the home 
of Japan’s Samurai O’Hara 

Jerusalem Post Reporter 

Sadao O'Hara, his wife and three 
children will become the West 
Bank's first Japanese settlers when 
they arrive at Kedumlm In June. 

O'Hara, 40, a computer printout 
paper manufacturer, is a leader of 
Japan's 2,000-strong "Bnei 
Shomron" sect He has been 
visiting the Gush Emunim settle¬ 
ment. the original site of Ellon 
Morch, regularly since 1975. 

O'Hara — the spelling derives 
from an American occupation of¬ 
ficial with a sense of humour In the 
days after World War II — has so 
far invested IL15m. in machinery 
for his new computer paper plant 
currently under construction at 
Kedumlm. The machinery has 
already arrived In Ashdod Port and 

Sadao O’Hara. (Benny Morn*) 

will be moved to the West Bank site 
at the end of February, when the 
plant Is scheduled to begin 
operations. O'Hara is currently In 

Israel to oversee the Installation of 
the equipment and the start of 

O'Hara, Interviewed last week in 
his temporary caravan home in 
Kedumim, told The Jerusalem Pott 
that the almost fully automated 
plant will be run by himself and one 
other worker and will produce some 
(400,000-5500,000 worth of paper a 
year, all earmarked for export to 
Japan and elsewhere in Asia. 

O'Hara will market the paper 
through his existing facilities In 
Japan, where he owns a larger. 18- 
man computer printout paper 

The government has promised 
O'Hara a IL2m. grant for his "ap¬ 
proved industry" and has agreed to 
underwrite a further IL2m. bank 
lonn on favourable terms. 

O'Hara already owns a flat in 
Kfar Sava But he will move into 
one of Kedumim'a wooden huts, 
where the first settlers lived a year 
and more after they had left the 
original makeshift caravans and 
before they moved to their current, 
prefabricated concrete-block 

"He is a very spiritual person," 
says lawyer Mnshe Simon, a leader 
of Gush Emunim and of the 
Kedumlm community, and a part- 
owner In the plant 

O'Hara and the Bnei Shomron 
regard themselves as vestiges of 
the 10 Lost Tribes, exiled by the 
Assyrians after the fall of the 
northern kingdom of Israel In 721 
BCE. Biblical fundamentalists — 
though neither Christians nor prac¬ 
tising Jews — the Bnei Shomron en¬ 
dorse the Gush Emunim claim to 
the entire Land of Israel and 
believe that the ingathering of the 

(continued on page 23) 

- 22 - 

(continued from page 22) 

lost tribes will precipitate the ad¬ 
vent at the ItMilih. 

By birth a Shinto and the ion at a 
Japanese general killed In action In 
World War 11. O’Hara grew up In 
the Ryuku Island at Okinawa and 
olalma he “saw the light” as a 
teenager. He explained, “I tell 
severely 111 with tuberculosis and 
pleurisy. A Christian friend came to 
visit, bringing a copy of the Bible. I 
was enthralled. But on the verge of 
converting to Christianity, It dawn¬ 
ed on me that God had promised 
everything to the Jews and they 
were his chosen.” He said that 
further study persuaded him that 
the Christians had persecuted the 
Jews continuously over the past 1, 
000 years. 

In attempting to substantiate hia 
feeling that ha was of the lost tribes, 
he came to note the similarities 
between Okinawan, a dialect of 

Japanese, and Hebrew: In 
Okinawan “” means mountain 
(kor in Hebrew) and aM means my 
brother (as It does tn Hebrew). 

O'Hara added that the Japanese 
"Mikado,” meaning emperor, 
derives from the Hebrew mi-Oud, 
or “from (the tribe of) Gad.” He 
maintains that this stems from tbe 
Japanese origins in the lost tribes 
(of which Gad was one). 

He also says that "samurai," 
meaning knight or warrior, derives 
from "Samaria" — "so I, a 
samurai, am simply returning to 
my origins,” he says. 

O'Hara la currently studying 
Hebrew and regularly attends the 
settlers' prayer sessions in the syn¬ 
agogue. "Of course, he recites In a 
strong Japanese accent," adds 
Simon, while O'Hara's face beams 
and then dissolves In a giggle. 

article from the JERUSALEM POST illustrates how 
the Jews are using the "Lost Tribes” myth to con¬ 
vince well bred Japanese from good families that they 
are descendants of the ‘‘Lost Tribes” of Israel. In this 
way the Jews convince the Japanese that they are 
“blood brothers” of the Jews and should therefore 
support world Zionism and the State of Israel. Here 
we find one such victim of the Jewish ”Lost Tribes” 

JERUSALEM POST. Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, I960, page 15) 

- 23 - 







Itsvan Bakony 



One of the main reasons for the great capacity of the Jewish people as an 
imperialist and domineering power lies in the fact that Israelites, more 
frequently than other peoples, tend to be paranoid — often morbidly so. 
One can recognize ths paranoid tendency in certain character traits that 
Jews possess, traits which confer upon them a capacity for the greatest and 
most difficult achievements, but which on the other hand also induce in 
them a kind of mental imbalance that leads them to pursue aims and 
activities vindicatory of imagined violations of their rights with such 
perseverance and fanaticism as to be virtually an obsession. These aims and 
activities, moreover, invariably breathe a fierce hatred, a hatred that may 
quite rightly be called paranoid. It may be concealed, under orders of the 
higher-ups, but it is a hatred nonetheless that Jews bear all “gentile swine” 
in greater or lesser degree, depending on the nature of each given Jew. 

It is thus easy to understand how harmful and dangerous these paranoid 
actions may be for persons against whom the Jews seek vindication for 
something, with or without any justification. 

One finds among the Jews more individuals of a domineering bent, more 
of a vindictive nature, more who are inclined to have a persecution complex 
or megalomania, than are to be found among other peoples. So true is this, 
indeed, that the facts show us the Jews have even suffered these delusions 
collectively, as a people. In fact, one has only to read the histories and 
esoteric books of the Jews to see how they have exaggerated persecutions 
suffered in bygone times to the point of creating an ideology which borders 
on a collective persecution complex. And a persecution complex is precisely 
one of the characteristics of the form of insanity or mental illness that 
science has designated as Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia. 

On the other hand, the paramount ideal of the present Jewish religion, 
the supreme ideal of every religious Jew, is to reclaim for Israel the rights 
given her by God over everything in the world: material possessions, the 
government of nations, and the ideas which guide mankind — all of which 
the Jews believe we Gentiles are usurping. For to the Jews, if we Gentiles 
own factories, small workshops or businesses, urban or rural properties, we 
no more than hold illegally what rightfully belongs to them. In the case of 
the religious Jews, this is so precisely because God gave it all to the people 
of Israel; and for those Jews who have lost their religious beliefs, it is so 
because they have been taught in their sect that the Jews, due to their racial 

superiority, are destined to rule over all mankind politically and 

The same reasoning prevails in the case of a Marxian socialist stale which 
is led by Gentiles rather than Jews. In such an event, since the wealth of the 
country there, too, is in the hands of Gentiles, the Jews have the right, 
according to their religious and political beliefs, to overthrow that Gentile 
Communist government and replace it with another which in one form or 
another is under the sway of Judaism, so that the latter may control the 
wealth of the nation and rule over its people. This is the basis of the plots 
hatched by Jewish Imperialism to seize control of the MAOIST government 
of China and of that of her ally, Albania, whether by an internal revolution 
to topple the Gentile Maoist regime and replace it with one controlled by the 
Jews of Moscow; or by patiently waiting for the death of Mao Tse-tung 
with a view of controlling his successor through puppets or clandestine 
Chinese Jews; or whether, finally, to accomplish it through the invasion and 
military occupation of Communist China and Albania by the Soviet armed 

For centuries then the Jews have been driven by an obsession to recover 
their so-called rightful wealth by means of usury, including the great frauds 
of the Jewish banking system and every other kind of usurious transaction. 
The Jew Karl Marx put the Finishing touches on these claims of the Jews for 
recovery of their rightful belongings with his scheme for the rapid and total 
expropriation of the wealth of all the peoples of the earth and its delivery 
over to a Communist state to be run by the Jews. These insane claims, as 
well as the millenarian demands for recovery of the land promised them by 
God, have created within the Jewish people a vindication or revenge 
complex that is an essential part of their paranoid megalomania. 

Again, it is known that the Jews in general are the most rancorous and 
vengeful of men. They give an exaggerated interpretation to the “eye for 
eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” of the Old Testament. 

Psychiatric texts tell us it is characteristic of the paranoiac that he 

So it is curious to note how very often Jewish organizations and 
prominent Jews, on so many occasions, insist that they will NEVER 
FORGET or that they will NEVER FORGIVE, using precisely the same 
words that psychiatry attributes to this category of the insane. 

The desire to avenge persecutions suffered in their past history has 
become a veritable obsession with the Jews. It has become a morbid passion 
affecting the entire people, one that for centuries has driven them to dream 
of carrying out a massive slaughter of Gentiles, of bringing about enormous 
destruction and wreaking a terrible vengeance upon all peoples of the 

— 2 — 

world. For these other peoples, their leaders have led them to believe, have 
done them grievous wrong. They have no desire to understand that it is they 
themselves, the Jews, who have always been the cause in such situations; 
and that the peoples who have been forced to oppose them in whatever way 
have only been defending themselves against aggression offered them by 
unassimilable aliens and interlopers; by intruders who, after having received 
the generous hospitality of other peoples, have betrayed that generosity by 
robbing them of their wealth and seeking to control their every activity; by 
intruders, in short, who have become the most dangerous sect of thieves and 
conspirators known to history. 

Lastly, the religious faith of the Jews, who consider themselves superior 
to other men, fosters in them the pronounced megalomaniac tendencies that 
constitute another of their obsessions, obsessions which have more and 
more clearly been taking the form of a collective delusion of grandeur. And 
this delusion, of course, is just another of the symptoms of PARANOIA; 
or as it is called nowadays, paranoid schizophrenia. 

Similarly, the intense and morbid distrust which is so common among 
Jews, and which has allowed them to guard their secrets and surround their 
clandestine activities and concealed organizations with an impenetrable wall 
of secrecy, has also made them send thousands and thousands of innocent 
people to their death in the countries under communist rule. For this has 
been principally because the Jews, being paranoid, are so much given to 
false interpretations and to imagining nonexistent plots, typical products of 
the unbalanced mind in paranoiacs who are inclined to have delusions of 
persecution. All medical specialists know perfectly well that this abnormal 
distrust and this imagining of nonexistent aggressions and plots that are 
being hatched against the person Imagining them are unequivocal symptoms 
of paranoia, a terrible illness, whatever the name that may be given to it by 
those doing research on mental disorders in the future. 

The same may be said of the proclivity Jews so often have for spying on 
everyone, an inclination to be sure that has helped them to organize most 
efficient espionage services and thereby obtain their greatest victories in 
their struggle to rule the world. On the other hand, it has turned life in 
Communist contries dominated by the Jews into a veritable hell, where 
children spy on their parents, brother spies on brother, and neighbor on 
neighbor, all by order of the Tchekas or secret police organiza¬ 
tions, which are invariably headed by Jews. And we must not forget that 
this abnormal inclination to spy on one’s victims is another of the morbid 
tendencies found in paranoia, an affliction from which Jews, to the mortal 
detriment of mankind, suffer in much higher percentage than do other 

— 3 — 

In the last analysis, the Jew’s perseverance, his passion, his fanatical 
commitment to the vindication of his supposed rights — qualities which 
make him capable of overcoming the greatest obstacles and of enduring the 
most adverse circumstances without yielding — are among his greatest 
attributes. They are also traits, according to the most reliable psychiatry 
texts, which are characteristic of the revenge complex of paranoia. This 
would seem to explain the Jew’s fierce hatred of Christianity, of Islam, and 
of the other peoples of the earth, a hatred that is out of all proportion to 
reason; a paranoid hatred which, as the hatred of the mentally unbalanced, 
can scarcely be imagined by normal people, let alone be fully understood. It 
would also explain the Jewish thirst for vengeance, the lust for destruction 
that has caused torrents of blood to be shed in all the Jewish revolutions, 
from the Albigensians and Hussites of the Middle Ages to the Anabaptists 
of Munzer in the 16th century; or the so-called French Revolution at the end 
of the 18th century, in which the clandestine Jew Maximilien Robespierre 1 
and others, ture paranoid lunatics, poured out Gentile blood in torrents, 
exceeding with a vengeance any amount necessary for the revolution to 
triumph. To say nothing of the murderous frenzy bordering on madness 
which drove the Jewish directors of the Soviet Tcheka to slaughter millions 
of people in cold blood. 

Another characteristic of the paranoiac, according to the textbooks in 
psychiatry, is his chronic obstinacy, his conviction that he is always right 
and that it is the others who are mistaken. Above all must be noted the vigor 
and resolution with which he maintains and defends his morbid ideas, for 
he is as unbending as though made of steel against any pressure used to get 
him to alter his convictions. This largely explains the steadfastness of the 
Jews over the course of history in holding adamantly to their imperialistic 
religious and political beliefs, refusing in most cases to succumb despite the 
persecutions of all kinds which they had to face. When subjected to the 
tortures of the Inquisition, they yielded, wept, begged forgiveness, swore to 
bandon Judaism, and even denounced all the clandestine Jews they knew 
when the inquisitor tortured it out of them. They did this to escape the 
torture, to keep from being burned at the stake, and to obtain the pardon 
offered by the directors of the Inquisition to clandestine Jews who 
petitioned for it and would promise to abandon Judaism and become good 
Christians. But once freed from the inquisitorial prisons with the pardon 
obtained, they continued to adhere stubbornly to Judaism in secret and to 
plot against the people in whose territory they lived, as well as against their 
religious and political institutions, with the same kind of obduracy, 
steadfastness, and perseverance that psychiatry attributes to the paranoiac. 

The most serious thing in all this is that, as the psychiatry textbooks state, 

apart from the abnormalities which we have mentioned, paranoiacs are 
generally quite sane with respect to the rest of their mental faculties. They 
may be musical composers, superb writers and journalists, clever 
businessmen able to amass great wealth, diligent priests and religous 
leaders, inspired and eminently successful political leaders, outstanding 
military men skilled in the arts of war, famous doctors, lawyers, engineers, 
merchants and industrialists, or celebrated philosophers; men who are 
completely normal in the rest of their activities; splendid parents, good 
brothers, etc. And this is so because paranoia, except in the most serious 
cases of patients who have to be put in mental institutions, affects to a 
greater or lesser degree only a small part of an individual’s behavioral 
tendencies and mental faculties; the remaining faculties and natural 
inclinations which regulate most of his daily activities are completely 
normal, so that no one would imagine him to be someone abnormal or 
mentally ill. 

Except in very acute cases requiring internment in a sanatorium, paranoia 
generally manifests itself as a partial insanity inasmuch as it affects only 
part of a person’s faculties, leaving him sane and normal as to most of his 
mental powers. That is why paranoiacs are such a danger to those against 
whom they direct their unjustified acts of retaliation, hatred, or revenge; 
especially since, as the psychiatry textbooks tell us, paranoiacs are masters 
in the art of dissimulation. And as we note in this connection that the Jews 
throughout the centuries have shown themselves to be masters in the art of 
dissimulation, here once again they fall into the pattern of the 
characteristics attributed by psychiatrists to the paranoid insane. 

But what reason can we give for the fact that Jews scattered throughout 
the whole world are affected more than any other people by this illness, so 
terrible in its destructive effects, known as paranoia or paranoid 

There is a difference of opinion among psychiatrists as to the cause of 
paranoia. According to some authorities, it would seem to an hereditary 
illness. And in the case of the Jews, who save in exceptional instances marry 
only Jews, and avoid intermarriage with other races, this would have 
augmented and worsened the hereditary effect. However, other researchers, 
especially the modern ones, maintain that paranoid schizophrenia is not 
hereditary but acquired, and is due to environmental influences undergone 
during childhood and adolescence. If true, it is then quite evident that the 
secret education which Jewish children and adolescents receive, in their 
homes and in their schools, open or clandestine, would be highly conducive 
to the development in them of the mental disorders of paranoia. From their 
earliest years, Jewish children have it so repeatedly hammered into them 

— 5 — 

how the Jews have suffered persecution throughout their history, it is small 
wonder that to one degree or another they all develop a persecution 
complex. And the constant teachings, based on the Old Testament and the 
Talmud, about the greatness of the Jewish people and its superiority over all 
other peoples, undoubtedly foster the development of megalomania as well. 

Then there is the continual preaching about the imperative need to 
reclaim dominion over the world’s peoples and wealth, given to the Jewish 
people by God, but now usurped and wrongfully held by Gentiles contrary 
to the divine will; that, too, like the centuries-long yearning for the recovery 
of Palestine and the rebuilding of the Jewish State, has fostered the 
development in Jewish children and young people of a paranoid revenge 

Furthermore, the double life which every Jew leads, one secret and one 
public, and the constant fear of being found out by the Gentiles around him 
in his secrets and his endless scheming; the orders he receives to spy on those 
Gentiles and inform his rabbi of everything he has seen and heard; the 
sermonizing in the Old Testament of the Bible about being relentless, 
vengeful, cruel, etc., towards the Gentiles, and about God ordering Moses 
and Joshua to kill men, women, and children to avenge the Israelite people 
or conquer the Promised Land — all these things are undoubtedly factors 
which contribute to the development in Jewish children and adolescents of 
paranoid mental disorders that are most dangerous for the rest of mankind. 

We shall find it difficult to understand the Jews in all their shades of 
contrast unless we complete the diagnostic picture with a detailed study of 
their paranoid complexes and delusions. These constitute a true madness 
that has both enabled the Jews to make incredible achievements in the fields 
of religion, economics, and politics, and led them to commit the most 
frightful mass crimes; it is because of this madness that they have now 
become the most threatening and terrible menace hanging over mankind. 
The other peoples of the world will never be able to live in peace so long as 
the Jewish nation — organized worldwide in the form of a secret society set 
up and run largely by depraved lunatics who have become thieves, 
unremitting conspirators, and at times destructive criminals — 
continues to maintain its fifth columns in all the other nations of the world 
and seeks to control them. Indeed, it is these fifth columns, the so-called 
Jewish Colonies, both open and clandestine (and the latter are the more 
dangerous), which foment the subversion, the civil wars, and the interna¬ 
tional wars that may yet engulf mankind in an atomic holocaust. 

Among any of the various peoples of mankind, it is possible where 
paranoiacs crop up in certain families for most of the family members to be 

- 6 — 

more or less normal. Jewish families are no different in this respect than 
others, of course. Unfortunately, however, Jews who may be mentally 
sound themselves nonetheless support the insanities and the evil plans of 
their leaders and rabbis, because the education they have received from 
their earliest years has made these things seem both justified and good. 
Even those rare souls who are both noble and independent, when they arise 
within Judaism, with rare exception find themselves made powerless to 
rebel against such evil and madness because of the terrible punish¬ 
ment that would be meted out to them by the dread Bet Din (Jewish Secret 
Tribunal) of their community at the first sign of their intent to rebel — a 
punishment, moreover, that would reach to the rebel’s immediate family as 
well. And though many might be brave enough to face such punishment 
themselves, scarcely any dare run the risk of having their wives and children 
suffer the scourge of rabbinic fury known to compass the use of poison as 
well as other means to get rid of those who are held to be threatening the 
discipline and the very life of this dark sect. 

A tendency towards pretense and dissimulation, which specialists in 
nervous disorders consider a paranoid trait, combined with a Jewish 
education which from childhood on has trained them to feign and 
dissimulate in their dealings with Gentile beasts, has made the Jews into 
past masters in the art of hypocrisy that was already a characteristic of the 
Pharisees, the indisputable founders of modern Judaism. This paranoid 
tendency and this schooling in the art of dissimulation make it easy for the 
Jew in his dealings with Gentiles to give a skillful performance that will 
convince them of his liking for them, his friendship, and even his seeming 
loyalty; but deep in his heart the Jewish actor-hypocrite bears them nothing 
but the hatred and scorn which his religion has inculcated in him for all 
things Gentile and for all Gentiles. Again, this capacity for feigning and 
dissimulation has also aided the Jews in their task of infiltrating and controlling the 
societies of her nations; for, with a perfection worthy of a more noble 
cause, they pretend to be loyal, true, and even personally attached to 
Gentile leaders while they are secretly plotting their ruin. We find this to be 
equally true of both religious and non-religious Jews, for both groups 
harbor a similar percentage of paranoids, and both have received the same 
schooling in the art of dissembling. 

Finally, with respect to the Jewish religion, although it is of course true 
that the Jews are not the only people ever endowed by its leaders with a 
religion that set them up before the rest of humanity as a superior and 
privileged caste, here is what they continue to preach even today in the 
bosom of the Jewish communities: That the world was created by God for 

— 7 — 

the exclusive benefit of his CHOSEN PEOPLE, the Jews, to whom all the 
riches of the world belong by divine right; and that all other men, being 
merely animal in nature, were created by God to serve and be slaves of the 

This in itself, in the 20th century, must be accounted sheer lunacy by 
anyone in full possession of his mental faculties. 


(1) The name of Robespierre, the fierce dictator of the Convention, was 
derived from the Jewish name Rosenfeld, the name used by Robespierre's 
remote ancestors when they professed Judaism openly, before their feigned 
conversion to Catholicism. 

- 8 - 

Is Mental Illness The Jewish Disease? 

Physician Claims Jews 
Are Schizo Carriers 

Evidence that Jews are carriers of schizophrenia is disclosed in a paper 
prepared for the American Journal of Psychiatry by Dr. Arnold A. 
Hutschnecker, the New York psychiatrist who once treated President 

In a study entitled “Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease” Dr. 
Hutschnecker said that, although all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness 
is highly contagious and Jews are the principal sources of infection. 

Dr. Hutschnecker stated that every Jew is born with the seeds of 
schizophrenia and it is this fact that accounts for the world-wide 
persecution of Jews. 

“The world would be more compassionate toward the Jews if it was 
generally realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition,” Dr. 
Hutschnecker said. “Schizophrenia is the factor that creates in Jews a 
complusive desire for persecution.” 

Dr. Hutschnecker pointed out that mental illness peculiar to Jews is 
manifested by their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. He 
said that, although Jewish canonical law recognizes the virtues of patience, 
humility and integrity, Jews are aggressive, vindictive and dishonest. 

“While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, Israel is the 
most racist country in the world,” Dr. Hutschnecker said. 

Jews, according to Dr. Hutschnecker, display their mental illness through 
their paranoia. He explained that the paranoic not only imagines that he is 
being persecuted but deliberately creates situations which will make 
persecution a reality. 

Dr. Hutschnecker said that all a person needs do to see Jewish paranoia 
in action is to ride in the New York subway. Nine times out of ten, he said, 
the one who pushes you out of his way will be a Jew. 

“The Jew hopes you will retaliate in return and when you do he can tell 
himself you are anti-Semitic.” 

During World War II, Dr. Hutschnecker said, Jewish leaders in England 
and the United States knew about the terrible massacre of the Jews by the 
Nazis. But, he stated, when State Department officials wanted to speak out 
against the massacre, they were silenced by organized Jewry. Organized 
Jewry, he said, wanted the massacre to continue in order to arouse the 
world’s sympathy. 

— 9 - 

Dr. Hutschnecker likened the Jewish need to be persecuted to the kind of 
insanity where the afflicted person mutilates himself. He said that those 
who mutilate themselves do so because they want sympathy for themselves. 
But, he added, such persons reveal their insanity by disfiguring themselves 
in such a way as to arouse revulsion rather than sympathy. 

Dr. Hutschnecker noted that the incidence of mental illness has increased 
in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in the Jewish 

"The great Jewish migration to the United States began at the end of the 
nineteenth century,” Dr. Hutschnecker said. "In 1900 there were 1,058,135 
Jews in the United States; in 1970 there were 5,868,555, an increase of 
454.8%. In 1900 there were 62,112 persons confined in public mental 
hospitals in the United States; in 1970 there were 339,027, an increase of 
445.7%. In the same period the U.S. population rose from 76,212,368 to 
203,211,926, an increase of 166.6%. Prior to the influx of Jews from 
Europe the United States was a mentally healthy nation. But this is no 
longer true.” 

Dr. Hutschnecker substantiated his claim that the United States was no 
longer a mentally healthy nation by quoting Dr. David Rosenthal chief of 
the laboratory of psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health, 
who recently estimated that more than 60,000,000 people in the United 
States suffer from some form of “schizophrenic spectrum disorder.” 
Noting that Dr. Rosenthal is Jewish, Dr. Hutschnecker said that Jews 
seem to take a perverse pride in the spread of mental illness. 

Dr. Hutschnecker said that the word “schizophrenia” was given to 
mental disease by Dr. Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist, in 1911. Prior to 
that time it had been known as "dementia praecox,” the name used by its 
discoverer. Dr. Emil Kraepelin. Later, according to Dr. Hutschnecker, the 
same disease was given the name "neurosis” by Dr. Sigmund Freud. 

"The symptoms of schizophrenia were recognized almost simultaneously 
by Bleuler, Kraepelin and Freud at a time when Jews were moving into 
the affluent middle class,” Dr. Hutschnecker said. “Previously they had 
been ignored as a social and racial entity by the physicians of that era. They 
became clinically important when they began to intermingle with 

Dr. Hutschneker said that research by Dr. Jacques S. Gottlieb of Wayne 
State University indicates that Schizophrenia is caused by deformity in the 
alpha-two-globulin protein, which in schizophrenics is corkscrew-shaped. The 
deformed protein is apparently caused by a virus which. Dr. Hutschnecker 
believes, Jews transmit to non-Jews with whom they come in contact. He 

— 10 — 

said that because those descended from Western European peoples have not 
built up an immunity to the virus they are particularly vulnerable to the 

“There is no doubt in my mind,” Dr. Hutschnecker said, “that Jews 
have infected the American people with schizophrenia. Jews are carriers of 
the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions unless science develops a 
vaccine to counteract it.” 

— Reprinted from The Psychiatric News, October 25, 1972. 

— 11 — 

Library of 






*< t< 

* * -A * 
* A 

The Jewish Conspiracy 

to Seize the 
:s Gover 

Watergate Affair 

Fraud to the Public 

The Jewish 

to Seize the 
United States 

by Esteban Aguila 

Ediciones “MUNDO LIBRE”. 
Mexico, D. F. - September - 1974. 



Millions of dollars were spent in 
one of the biggest press, television 
and radio campaigns of propaganda 
- which was apparently showing 
fair accusations - was able to hide 
the sinister political manoeuvre we 
are denouncing in this pamphlet, 
enclosing enough proofs to show its 

Esteban Aguila. 


^^any anguished North Americans saw 
on their television screens Richard M. 

Nixon's leave-taking from the White 
House, after his dramatic resignation 
from the position of Constitutional President 
of the United States of North America, the 
first power of the world. 

Among the silent spectators there were 
those who shed a tear, while others 
preferred to switch off their T V sets, 
unable to stand the tension of this historical 
moment in which the most vituperated 
man of the post-war period made an 
unexpected public appearence, 
ceremoniously and calmly greeting his 
old collaborators. 

Unfortunately for the United States, 
however, a press, a television and a radio 
controlled by the lews, were able to 
brainwash the majority of the North 
Amencan people, making them believe 
that the object of the ridiculous Watergate 
scandal was to chastise an errant President 
and his collaborators' violations of 
the law and to save democracy and the 
North American Constitution. 

Paradoxically, the President elected with 
the greatest majority of votes in the 
history of the nation, was forced to resign 
due to the Watergate case, the political 
show dramatized in the manner of a 
"Popular Tribunal" manipulated by a vile 
and infamous minority which monopolizes 
information and controls 
the major weekly newspapers, radio, 
television, news cables and international 
news agencies. Thus ended the siege 
which was initiated six years ago. 


Indeed, ever since 1968, when Richard 
Nixon was elected candidate for the 
Presidency of the United States by the 
Republican Party, defeating the leftist 
wing headed by the Jewish plutocrat, 
Nelson Rockefeller, he saw himself slowly 
encircled by a conspiracy that was 
discrediting his authority in international 
politics, demolishing his prestige, 
undermining his morale, and sullying his 
name in a campaign of such a calibre, so 
void of scruples, and so full of low 
expedients as has pot been in our 
memory since the decades of the fifties 
when Truman and his associates 
launched the press against the patriotic 
senator, Joseph McCarthy, in a campaign 
that ended in his strange, "natural'' 

For the last eight months the 
information monopoly had been pounding 
on the matter day after day with a 
suspiciously coincidental persistence, 
meticulousness and unanimity, 
presenting its version of the Watergate 
case as if it were the whole truth, to the 
point of making it appear as one of the 
most important issues in the history 
of North American politics. 

This massive mobilization — obscurely 
managed under the pretext of 
"reestablishing confidence" and "public 
morality"— has broken the feeble United 
States democratic government; for upon 
the resignation of the man who received 
the largest number of votes in the history 
of the country, his place is taken by a 
vice-president, who was appointed only 


ten months earlier, when Spiro Agnew was 
forced to resign. 

Who are those responsible for such a 
campaign? The reporters of the 
"Washington Post" were not the only 
originators of the nation's worst scandal. 
Indeed, the young Jews, Carl Bernstein 
and Bob Woodward, constitute only the 
visible part of the propaganda iceberg 
mobilized to crush Nixon. 

Which are the newspapers and 
magazines that simultaneously got the 
scandal campaigns rolling? Who are 
their owners? What is their political 
orientation? Was a service done to the 
nation in Watergate or a swindling of 
the people who voted for Nixon? Who 
defrauded the people? Nixon or the 
press? Who conspired against the North 
American people? 

The monopoly of information extends 
all over the United States, from coast to 
coast, starting from a dozen major 
newspapers and followed by hundreds 
more, of a smaller circulation, besides the 
weeklies, magazines, news agencies, 
radio and television networks. 

The most important ones are: in the 
capital, the "Washington Post"; on the 
East coast, the "New York Times", 
"Newsday", "New York Post" and the 
"Boston Globe"; on the West coast, the 
"Los Angeles Times"; in the center, the 
UPI and AP agencies and the weeklies 
such as "Newsweek” and "Time". 

The "Washington Post", the newspaper 
of Bernstein and Woodward, was 
acquired in 1933 by the Jew, Eugene Meyer 
in order to support the "New Deal" of 


Franklin Delano Roosevelt, an Israelite 
pro-communist who delivered half of 
Europe to Soviet communism, in Yalta. 
Meyer bought the newspaper with part 
of the money he dishonestly acquired 
during the first world war when he did 
illegal business amounting to millions 
of dollars with duplicated "war bonds", 
as was later denounced by the 
congressman, Louis McFarland. 

Eugene's father who emigrated from 
France in 1848, was a representative of 
the French Jewish bank, Rothschild, and 
was associated with the Israelites of 
Lazards Frferes. He also made millions by 
associating himself with the Jewish leader, 
Bernard Baruch, who had great influence 
in Wilson's government and in that of al? 
the presidents that followed him until his 
death in the sixties. Baruch and Meyer 
imposed an absolute control over the 
North American war industry, obtaining 
substantial contracts for themselves and 
their jewish friends. 

The pro-communist, Eugene Meyer, 
gave an evidently leftist orientation to his 
newspaper which supported a 
rapprochement with the USSR and 
economic aid to the communist countries. 
Nothing changed with Eugene Meyer's 
death, for his son-in-law, Philip Graham, 
took over the "Washington Post”. Graham 
was legal secretary of the influential 
Roosevelian, Felix Frankfurter,also a Jew, 
creator of the "New Deal". 

Since 1963, when Graham shot himself 
in the head, the newspaper has been 
managed by his widow, Meyer's daughter, 


who is turning the aforementioned 
publication still more toward the left. 

The "Washington Post" is associated 
with two other major newspapers: the 
"New York Times" and the "Los Angeles 
Times". With the “New York Times" — 
spokesman of the New York lews— it 
possesses the "Herald Tribune" With 

"Los Angeles Times", the "Washington 
Post" manages an article service used 
by 68 publications with more than 12 
million copies. The "Washington Post" 
sells half a million copies a day and 700 
thousand on Sundays. 

The "Washington Post", which made so 
much fuss in the name of peace, was 
bought with money stolen from the North 
American people during the war; the 
staunch opposers of the North American 
presence in Vietnam were at that time 
all in favor of the deployment of war 
without caring one hoot how many young 
men were dying, while they were 
becoming millionaires, speculating with 
the suffering and death of their 

Eugene Meyer was North American only 
by name and Bernard Baruch 
maintained that patriotism was stupid. 

They who made such a noisy fuss about 
Nixon's taxes pay no taxes like the rest of 
the North American citizens, because the 
newspaper is controlled by the "Eugene 
and Agnes Meyer Foundation" which is 
tax-exempt in spite of its enormous 

But, the "Washington Post" was not 
alone in the campaign to overthrow the 


President. In the same political line, the 
"New York Times "comes first''. There is 
no other newspaper like Times in the 
United States. It has the most numerous 
news staff, the most exhaustive reach and 
coverage and an intimidating influence on 
national and world leaders— as the case 
of the Pentagon papers demonstrated”. 

Thus, in short, does the "Times” 
weekly characterize the spokesman of the 
North American Jewish community. The 
managing editor is Abraham M. Rosenthal 
(Abe) and its publisher , Arthur Ochs 
Sulzberger, both Jews. Spokesman for 
Yankee Zionism, supporting North 
American intervention in the Middle 
East on behalf of Israel, it has, to the 
contrary, showed itself "pacifist" in 

Seymur Hersh, a Jew, was the first to 
publish news about the My Lai affair, 
destined to undermine the combatant 
soldiers' morale and to discredit the 
North American army. He was employed 
to collaborate in the Watergate 
investigation. The Rockefellers have a 
great influence on the "New York Times" 
which has been collaborating with all the 
communists of the world, from Fidel Castro 
and Patricio Lumumba, to Salvador 
Allende and his widows. Watergate was 
for the "NYT" the number one priority. 

On the PacificCoast, the "Los Angeles 
Times" is the representative of the 
information monopoly, with a morning 
sale of a little over one million copies 
and one million two hundred and fifty 
thousand copies of its Sunday edition. Its 
income is fabulous: 396 million dollars a 


year, which makes it the third mostimportant 
newspaper of the United States. Until 1960 
it pretended to be a conservative, 
republican newspaper, but of the wing 
that supports Nelson Rockefeller, the 
Chase Manhattan Bank plutocrat, the 
first North American bank with branches in 
Moscow and Peking. When E.O Guthman, 
a Jewish communist, was appointed 
national news editor, and a crowd of 
"intellectuals'' invaded the editorial staff, 
the "Los Angeles Times" became more 
radical, tending towards a socialist 
position. Guthman, who after being a 
devotee of Senator Robert Kennedy, came 
to occupy such a high position, had 
previously— in another newspaper— 
defended university professors 
accused of being communists. 

Othis Chandler is the publicist, but it is 
his mother, Dorothy, who is a convinced 
communist ( the one who manages Othis as 
she pleases, together with the Rockefeller 

At a meeting of shareholders of the 
"Times Mirror", owners of the newspaper 
in question, Othis himself declared that 
"the true revolution in the United States 
had begun and that it was the newspaper's 
obligation towards its readers to EDUCATE 
them for the revolution, for otherwise the 
citizens would not understand why they 
wanted to impose a different system of 
life on their)" 

A whole team was sent to Washington 
to "investigate" the "Watergate case" 
together with Woodward-Bernstein from 
the "Washington Post". 


Themonopolyof the "Los Angeles Times” 
“TIMES MIRROR” extends to Texas where 
they bought the "Dallas Times Herald" 
for 91,4 million dollars and to Long Island 
where, for 33 million dollars, they acquired 
51% of the shares of the most important 
suburban newspaper “NEWSDAY", one of 
the staunchest enemies of all conservatives 
and anti-communists. The editor of 
“Newsday” is the Jew, DAVID 
LAVENTHOL, who together with ROBERT 
GREENE made an "investigation” of the 
life of the president and his followers. 

The whole “Hearst" chain, which owns 
17 newspapers with 8 million copies daily 
and 15 magazines, five radio stations, a 
cinema news series etc. also launched 
itself against the president after publicly 
favoring the “Simbionese Liberation 
Army". The newspaper chain was founded 
by the Jew, Mauricius de Hirsch, who 
anglicized his surname from Hirsch to 

The “New York Post” also took steps 
openly towards monopolizing the 
information against Nixon in order to 
subdue him and force him to resign. 

The stance of thisNewYork paper makes 
the “New York Times” seem "moderate”. 

It is managed by Dorothy Schiff, 
granddaughter of Jacob Schiff, the Jewish 
patron of the 1917 bolshevik revolution. 
Dorothy Schiff is also related to the 
Rothschilds. The “New York Post" editor 
is James Wenschler, a Jewish ex-official 
of the Communist Youths' League. 

The multimillionaire Field family, owners 
of “The Chicago Sun Times” and of the 


"Daily News' followed the pro-soviet 
line of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thanks 
to the work of the Russian born communist 
Jewish psychistrist, Gregory Zilboorg who 
calls himself an “intellectual 
revolutionary”. When Marshall Field III 
fell into his hands as a patient, it can be 
said that the Jew Zilboorg “took 
possession of his mind" through 
prolonged sessions of psychoanalysis. 
Marshal Field V, who publicly declared 
himself to be a communist, publishes 
the “Daily News”, having worked earlier 
for the "Boston Globe”, another crypto- 
communist newspaper. 

The "Boston Globe”, described by Time 
magazine as one of the best North 
American newspapers in 1974, has a 
morning and an evening edition, with a 
daily issue of 450 thousand copies. Its 
political position is clear, since in 1968 it 
supported Herbert H. Humphrey as a 
candidate and in 1972 George McGovern, 
both belonging to the Democratic Party. 
Moreover, it was the only newspaper 
besides the "New York Times” and the 
"Washington Post" that agreed to publish 
the stolen secrets of the Jewish spy, 

Daniel Ellsberg. 

Another important newspaper chain that 
joined the Greek chorus of professional 
mourners was the one directed by the 
mysterious Samuel Newhouse, of 
Russian-Jewish origin , and composed of 
22 important newspapers, 3 radio stations 
and 6 television networks which represent 
approximately 300 million dollars. Samuel 
Newhouse is a follower of Nelson 


Rockefeller, the monopolist of fuel oil, one 
of the owners of Standard Oil-Exxon. 

It is rumored in Wall Street that Jewish 
banks such as Khun, Loeb & Co. and Stern- 
Rosenwald, provided Newhouse with 
the money with which he created this 

Another newspaper suspiciously 
described by Time magazine, in a 
recent inquiry, as being among the 10 
best of North America, is the 
“Louisville Journal'* which was also- 
involved in the defamatory campaign 
against Nixon's presidency. 

The “Louisville", with 230 thousand copies 
daily, and 360 thousand on Sundays, 
directed by the leftist Barry Bingham who 
is presently editor and publicist, violently 
attacked Nort American aid to the 
government of the Vietnam Republic and 
pleaded lor the withdrawal of the North 
American Army condemning the bombing 
of military targets in Indochina. “On the 
eve of the ceremony of Nixon's second 
assumption of the Presidency, 

Birgham urged the citizens to march to 

Washington and demand an end to the 
bombingssays “Time". The "citizens" 
who followed the advice of the Lousville 
Courier-Journal were singing "Viet cong, 
Viet cong communism can't be wrong", 
they were waving communist flags and 
pelted with stones the suite of 
the President elect, in a case without 
precedent in North American history. 

We must tangentially point out that 
"Time" magazine has been slowly but 


steadily incorporating itself in the 
mobilization for the information 
monopoly, searching for a balance 
between the Watergate publicity and the 
launching of Henry Abraham Kissinger 
"the employee of the Rockefellers” as he 
is nicknamed in New York. 

In the opinion of "Time" magazine, the 
"Boston Globe", the "Los Angeles Times , 
the "Louisville Courier-Journal", 
"Newsday", the "New York Times" and, 
of course, the "Washington Post" are 
among the ten best newspapers of the 
United States. This means that it gave 
60% of its credits to the monopoly of 
information, in another skilful public 
opinion poll which, like so many, is an 
obvious manoevre of deceit and 

The TIME weekly, of key influence in the 
political life of North America, has its 
offices in the Rockefeller Center of New 
York and, unfortunately, Jewish infiltration 
in it is growing. Thus, on the one hand, 
the criticism of statesmen, parties, 
patriotic anti-communist governments 
and Zionism is increasing and on the 
other, the collaboration with the URSS and 
Red China. The publicist is Ralph P. 
Davison and the managing editor, Henry 
Anatole Grunwald. Names such as 
Goldman, Jaroff, Loeb, Birnbaum, 

Golden, Kalem, Kanfer, Sheppard, 
Warner, Bernstein, Taubman, Vishniak, 
White, Berman, Elisen, Gordon, Newman, 
Suyker, Castro, Rosenstein to quote only 
a few, abound in its payroll list of men in 
important positions and the majority of 
them are Jews. 


The other "Washington Post" tentacle 
is the "Newsweek" weekly magazine of 
Katherine Meyer Graham, a Jew. There, 
likewise, the majority of those holding 
responsible positions are Israelites, like the 
Manager, Edward Kosnen, the editorial 
director, Kernit Lanser and other 
executive directors like Rafael Steinberg, 
Edward Behr, Alan Finberg, Peter 
Goldman, Edward Klein, Shana 
Alexander, Milton Friedman, Paul 
Samuelson, Leon Volkosv, Pete 
Ascthelm, Michael Ruby, Richard Steele, 
Paul Zimmerman, David Alpen, Peter 
Gwynne, Ron Meyerson, Joseph Stiner, 
Gerson Silman, Allison Diamond, Jerry 
Eitelberg, Abigail H. Kifjlik, Dan Sahpiro 
and many others, all of them Hebrews of 
the aforementioned New Jersey 
communist magazine. 

We must add to this the coverage of the 
Watergate Trial Sessions by the CBS and 
NBC television networks with programs 
from coast to coast. 

Other publications that joined the 
mobilization are "Life", "Fortune" and 
"Look" also publicly and notoriously the 
property of Jews. 

The news agencies "Associated Press" 
(AP) and the "United Press International" 
(UPI) also joined the movement of the 
monopoly of information. The AP as well 
as the UPI which are infested with 
communists and Jews are the jugglers, 
par excellence, of the news. There has' 
never been a "crowd"of forty professional 
agitators that was not publicized all over 
the world by photographs or texts, as long 



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-■\»! ppr" 


Nelson AJdrich Rvckcfctki, Henry Abraham Kiwirgcr’s muster, mani¬ 
pulates the monopoly of information and is out for lhe Presidency in 
197 (». 

Cyrus Eaton, fieri) a pro-comma nisi 
millionaire and partner of the Rocke¬ 
fellers in sending aid to the UR.SS and 
Red China. 

Hnh Vtmdwjj.1 r loll i .in.l [ ,nl WrrnMcpn UciilrO. "^'jslnnflnri 
jumiuilitfs, cun-lilnu- orth tin- mmI’U, 1 |un •»! rlur |'nipi|Ein<L uvlvrjf. 
■nohihr^il to drlcil Nf\on On rliv uiih Mnih.i Milohrll wile ol 

a tahind member. "irifiul" ol \i\*m. 

Daniel Elhhcrp who 
Mnk seL-rci do umenis 
but wi' iibviln'J by a 
On rhe pic¬ 
ture With Senator 
(iltl'OIni Mv4 !t‘ <Mli 

Alexander lisitscrfu*]. 
one or Nixon's jJviser 
rcviMlcd that (he Jjili 
used in tape all Ij«> vui 
versa! ions. 

as they were pro-communists. The 
"partisan groups" of fifty, one hundred or 
two hundred thousand citizens who were 
supporting the Vietnam policy and the 
president, or who were venerating their 
flag, did not merit the same attention and 
preference. Thus, every tiny marxist cell 
of agitation in Miami, San Francisco, 
Washington or New York, never failed to 
have a reporter or photorgrapher close 
at hand, so that one comes to suspect 
some previous coordination. Indeed, this 
is what defrauding the North American 
people means. They are deceived by a 
band of sectarian Israelites who either 
tell blatant lies, or hide or distort the 
truth to suit the political interests of their 
masters who are the ones that give the 
newspaper its orientation. 

In the mobilization against the 
Presidency, elected by the people, there 
was a fraud, disguised as "defense of the 
freedom of information", for information 
is not given objectively and thus, the so 
much talked about "equality of 
possibilities" on which THE WHOLE 
North American democratic system IS 
BASED, tumbles down. In fact, the silent 
majority is discriminated against by a 
powerful minority, grafted within the 
social communications media which, in 
the last years, has converted them into a 
monstrous monopoly that blindly obeys 
their petty interests which in no measure 
coincide with the interests of the North 
American people. 

Independent newspapers and 
magazines have been disappearing from 


the principal North American cities, for 
the monopoly has masters who are so 
powerful as to be able to choke them 
economically by cutting off advertinsing 
from those who do not submit to them. 
When this blackmail does not work, 
because patriotic millionaires —of 
whom unfortunatly there are not 
many— sustain the publication, there may 
arise ''syndical problems" "accidents" 
or infiltration in the editorial staff. 

The monopoly of information in the 
United States is as "democratic" as the 
Soviet Union. 

The monopoly of information is 
linked to the notorious Council of 
Foreign Relations (CFR), managed by 
the Wall Street International bankers, the 
most distinguished of whom are the 
Rockefeller brothers, David John Davison, 
Laurence Spelman, Wintrop and Nelson 
Aldrich, the ex-govemor of New York, 
sons of John Davison Rockefeller and 
Abby Greene Aldrich. The clan has had 
business links with the Rothschilds since 
1880 . 

The 1917 communist revolution, 
financed, by the big Jewish bank 
of New York "Khun Loeb and Co." and its 
principal shareholder, the Israeli Jacob 
Schiff, received immediately after its 
triumph, the support of the Rockefellers 
through their agent, Frank Vanderlip, 
President of the "First National City Bank" 
who compared the Jew Lenin to 
George Washington. The Rockefeller 
public relations agent, Ivy Lee, was' 
commissioned to sell to the North 


American public the idea that the 
bosheviks were ''idealists” and 
"benefactors of humanity”. 

The New Jersey Standard Oil Company, 
an oil storage place of this Jewish family, 
received 50% of the Caucasus oil fields, 
which goes to show that communism is 
big business for the Jews. 

In 1927, Standard Oil built a refinery 
in Russia which made it possible for the 
Soviet Jews to raise their tumbling 
economy. Shortly afterwards, Standard 
Oil and its subsidiary "Vacuum Oil 
Company” made an agreement to sell 
Russian oil in Europe and a loan of 75 
million dollars was reported to have been 
granted to the USSR which had no 
diplomatic relations yet with Washington. 

When in 1935, Joseph Visiaranovich 
Djugasvilli Stalin took over all foreign 
investments that had been made during 
one of the many strategic "openings” in 
Moscow, "Standard Oil” continued to 
operate normally. 

The Rockefellers "Chase National 
Bank” was brought together with the 
"Warburgs Manhattan Bank” and thus 
was bom the present “Chase Manhattan 

In order to save its bolshevik allies 
from disaster,"Chase” collaborated in 
the establishment of the Soviet-North 
American Chamber of Commerce in 1922. 
The president of this Chamber of 
Commerce was Reeve-Schely. a vice- 
president of the Chase National Bank. 

Besides promoting Soviet credits in 
1928, the Rockefeller bank was involved 
in the sale of bolshevik bonds. Some 


patriotic organization described the 
"Chase" as a "national disgrace". 

Louis McFaden, congress member and 
president of the "House Banking 
Committee" showed how the Chase 
Guaranty Trust Company and others, 
were using the money of the American 
Treasury for the 

benefit of the USSR and that the State Bank 
of Soviet Russia was operating through 
the "Chase Bank of New York”. 

From those early years of communism to 
date, the Rockefellers have followed the 
same pro-communist policy. 

In 1967, the "New York Times 
announced that the Rockefeller Jewish 
family and the similarly Jewish Cyrus S. 
Eaton Mcpherson, owners of the 
"International Basic Economy 
Corporation" and the "Towey International 
Inc." respectively, had decided to promote 
commerce with the countries, behind the 
Iron Curtain, including the Soviet Union. 

Ever since the first world war, Eaton's 
father was associated in various 
enterprises with old John Davison 
Rockefeller. Two years later, the 
information was published that N.M. 
Rothschild & Sons, the Jewish bank of 
London, had become a member of the firm. 

Thousands of commodities considered 
"strategic" were authorized for exportation 
to the USSR through Rockefeller-Eaton- 
Rothschild, who also have the monopoly 
of transferring technology to the 
supposed enemies of the super-capitalists. 

The vile wheat settlement, the many 
billion dollars forwarded to the Soviet 


Jews to save their weak economy, are 
the most recent activities of the 
Rockefellers, who with their man, H.A. 
Kissinger, have given Russia and China a 
real boost 

When the Watergate scandal began, 
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, renounced his 
governorship of the State of New York 
in order to be able to compete for the 
presidency in 1976, a dream cherished for 
a long time by the Israeli magnate. 

What access does the average North 
American citizen have to the printed page 
of the monopoly newspapers? Is this 
discrimination democratic, just, or even 
reasonable? Monopoly is neither 
interested in democracy nor in justice 
and it considers that it alone is right. 

This is the dictatorship of the monopoly 
of information and it should not be 
forgotten that radio, television and the 
press are only means to an end. 

The "Watergate Show" cannot be fully 
understood if we only take into account 
the charges brought against Richard 
Nixon which can be summed up as failure 
to pay his taxes to the exchequer and his 
participation in the espionage case within 
the premises of the democratic party. 

The hypocrisy and phariseeism lie in 
presenting these activities of Nixon as the 
worst crime ever commuted, when in the 
case of espionage, it is 'well known that 
it constitutes the ABC of the politics of all 
times, to the point that every nation, has 
within its bureaucracy, organs 
specialized in this kind of activity. 

But, besides the technical aspect, the 


monopoly waved ethical flags of apparant 
value. Once again the invading Pharisaic 
spirit became evident, when this very 
same press which tears its garments and 
throws ashes on its head because of 
Watergate, applauds and glorifies Daniel 
Ellsberg, the communist lew, who after 
breaking all the oaths which the officials 
dealing with secret documents pledge 
themselves to keep, stole these very 
documents and delivered them first to the 
USSR embassy and afterwards to the 
Jewsh-communist press in order to put 
pressure on the government of his own 
country which was waging a war against 
a foreign power. 

Daniel Ellssberg said he was a pacifist, 
in order to justify his act of straightforward 
treason, but the monopoly has two 
yardsticks: a long one for its enemies and 
a short one for its own people. Besides, the 
Jewish control of the United States Courts 
is so powerful that whereas Jewish traitors 
of the Nation are absolved, the American 
patriots who wish to defend their country 
against such traitors, are imprisoned. 

Thus, whereas the Jew, Daniel Ellsberg 
was absolved, the patriotic John 
Ehrlichman who wanted to rid the United 
States of the disastrous effects of his 
treason, finds himself imprisoned for this 
very reason. And the whole world 
wonders: How is it possible that the North 
American people, who believe they are 
tree, should toierate these things which 
have never been tolerated in Latin 
America? Besides Watergate, the 
monopoly is also avenging the death of 


the Rosenbergs, the Jewish communist 
spies who were electrocuted 32 years ago 
for delivering the atomic bomb secrets to 
the Jew, Stalin. As they are masters in the 
art ot infiltration, espionage, terrorism and 
"natural" deaths, they fear that their 
enemies might apply the same methods 
against them. 

The pretext of the taxes is nothing new 
either. The Jew Harry Solomon Truman, 
made use of it against Admiral Forrestal 
when he intensified his patriotic stance of 
opposing the delivery of China to 
communism and all the network of 
communists infesting the State Department 
and the White House. All the press 
monopoly of information aimed its 
batteries against Forrestal, launching a 
campaign of drawings, stories, cartoons 
and commentaries, similar to the the one 
launched some decades later against 
Nixon and previously against Joseph 
McCarthy. The victim of a nervous 
break down, Forrestal, was interned in a 
hospital. Shortly afterwards it was 
announced that Admiral Forrestal had 
"committed suicide" by throwing 
himself out of the window, but the body 
showed the belt of his dressing gown 
knotted round his neck. "Suicides" of 
this kind are the Monopoly's specialty. 

It would not be surprising if they should 
wish to "depress" Nixon and Spiro Agnew 
so much as to provoke their respective 
"natural" deaths, or in default of these, 
their "suicides'/ 

The definite proof that Watergate is 
part of a phariseean conspiracy led by 
the Jewish masters of the monopoly, 


resides in the {act that whereas all the 
Christian collaborators of the United 
States President —including his brothers 
and intimate friends-were subjected to 
irritating and meticulous investigations, a 
suspicious exception was made in the 
case of Henry Abraham Kissinger, the 
most influential collaborator of the 
presidency and the most informed man 
of the White House. 

Kissinger was presented by the 
monopoly as the "good" man in a ’’bad” 
government, without anybody —not even 
Sirica Jaworski or Rodino— having 
bothered to investigate Henry Abraham's 
participation in Watergate, his finances or 
his friendships. Such an investigation 
would have conducted us to those 
truly responsible for Watergate; in other 
words to the masters of the monopoly. 

On seeing himself lost, Kissinger felt as 
an actor whose script had been changed. 
But what was the reaction of the press? 
Did they demand investigation as was 

Nothing of the sort. The monopoly 
agents in the Senate gave Kissinger a 
vote of confidence and a formal promise 
that they would not allow that he be 
disturbed by any investigation, while 
they continued to hound Nixon. 

His actions show that Kissinger's 
"genialities''are evaporating like water in 
the desert, for there is no peace in Vietnam, 
nor in the Middle East, nor in Cyprus, but 
communism is advancing thanks to 
Kissinger and his masters. 

Among the grave errors committed by 


Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew, there was 
one which led to their ruin. It was their 
ingenuous belief that by placing Jews in 
government posititions, they were 
gaining the support of judaism and were 
buying these Israelites' loyalty. What 
happened to Nixon and Agnew is what 
happens to all governing leaders who 
believe they are gaining Jewish support 
by elevating the Hebrews 
and by offering them their 
confidence; whereas they 
suffered the treason of their protege 
Jews instead, who have brought disaster 
and even death upon them. For the fact is, 
that the Jews are committed by oaths of 
absolute obedience and secrecy to a 
hidden, universal sect which pursues the 
domination of all nations because it 
believes fanatically in the rabbinical 
interpretation of the Biblical prophesies of 
Isaiah, in which the prophet tells the 
people of Israel that they will dominate 
the world and take possession of all its 
wealth. And the World Jewish Sect 
believes it will achieve this by a 
communist government which, led by 
Jews like that of the Soviet Union and 
others, will expropiate all private 
property so that it will remain under 
the control of the government and 
therefore under the control of the Jews 
who run it. 

Determined to take possession of the 
government and of all the influential 
media, the Jews living in every country, 
show no gratitude to the ingenuous 
who offer them influential positions, but 
use them instead in order to overthrow 


them and then place other Jews in their 
place and this is what is at the root of the 
Watergate scandal. Whatever other grave 
errors Nixon and Agnew may have 
committed, this one alone was used by 
Judaism as a pretext to bring about 
their fall and prepare the ascent to the 
Presidency of the United States of an 
Israelite, whether it be in the 1976 
elections or even earlier, if possible. 

Thus, for example, they elevated Nelson 
Rockefeller to the Vice-presidency of the 
United States, once Gerald Ford assumed 
the presidency after Nixon's fall. And now 
they will look for another pretexts or 
means to push Gerald Ford aside and 
raise Nelson Rockefeller to the Presidency. 
They are trying to eliminate all the 
possible 1976 presidential candidates so 
that, by necessity a Jew from , either the 
Democratic or the Republican Party will 
win the elections. Hence the elimination 
of the ex-governor of Texas, John 
Conally, a candidate who had a good 
chance of winning the next presidential 

As was already pointed out, Nixon and 
Agnew's fundamental error consisted 
in having trusted the Jews who surrounded 
them. Those who set the trap for Spiro 
Agnew were the very Jews who were 
playing the role of "collaborators and 
friends", Jerome B. Wolff, president of the 
Maryland Highway Commission 
during Agnew's governorship 
(1967-69) and I. H. Hammerman II, a 
banker and "collaborator" of Agnew in 
the campaign to obtain funds for his 
candidacy. And those who gave him the 


stab, were the lews who played the role 
of enemies; Allen Green and Lester Matz, 
who “confessed" having made payments 
to Agnew's intermediaries And finally 
Agnews lawyer was ludah Best, also a 

The “Time of Israel" magazine 
published an article signed by M. 

Hirsch Goldberg, entitled “Spiro T. Agnew, 
Jews at the opening... Jews at the Close," 
which points out that both those who 
collaborated with Spiro Agnew and 
those who ruined him by their testimonies, 
were Jewish “friends" of the 

The man in charge of the propaganda 
during the campaign for the 
governorship was the Israelite Bob H. 
Goodman; the comptroller was the Jew 
Charles Bressler; Cynthia Rosenwald, 
wrote his speeches; his chauffeur was the 
young student, Stanley Fine; Allen Fell, 
Chuck Bernstein and Joe Sachs, his other 
assistants, were all Jews, besides his 
"collaborator" Hammerman, the banker. 

It should be added that Art Sohmer was 
the leader of Vice-President Agnew's 
team, Victor Gold, his press secretary, 
Cynthia Rosenwald, who was later 
replaced by another Israelite, —William 
Safire—, was the speech-writer of 
President Richard Nixon himself. 

Hammerman and Wolff fluttered around 
Agnew till they made him fall into the 
trap 50% for Spiro and for each one of 
his friends 25%. After that, his "friends" 
ruined him with their testimonies and 
—in what constitutes a proof of what 
North American "justice" is— both the 


Jews, Wolff and Hammerman, came out 
Scot-free without losing a thing, whereas 
Agnew remained sunk in the mire. 

There have not been so many Jews in 
the White House ever since the 
administration of the Israelite, Harry 
Solomon Truman Nixon thought he 
could function while they were inside 
but they dragged him to the rear. 

It was one of Nixon's Jewish advisers, 
Alexander Butterfield, who unexpectedly 
"revealed" before the Watergate 
investigating committee of Senators that 
Nixon was secretly taping his own 
conversations. From this date on —July 16, 
1973— all batteries were turned against 
the President 

When the besieged president was 
looking around in search of support, his 
Jewish friends" were the ones who 
pushed him to resign, making his 
resignation appear like a historic act. As 
"Time" magazine itself points out in its 
special issue of August 19, dedicated to 
Nixon's fall, Kissinger, Schlesinger and 
Simon, the three Jewish secretaries of 
State, Defense and the Treasury 
respectively, together with Alexander 
Haig, — Rockefeller's man— and the 
lawyer St. Clair, were the ones who 
closed all the doors to Nixon, forcing him 
to resign. Where were the rest of the 
collaborators and non-Jewish high 
officials? Some were in jail and others 
were facing law-suits while the Jewish 
Watergate accomplices remained 
victorious and free And this is 
paradoxically called a victory of 
democracy and liberty. Woe to the United 


States that is so easily manipulated by 
its worst enemies! 

The words of the father of the North 
American nation, President Gen. George 
Washington, have become a gloomy 
prophesy at the approaching second 
centenary of the birth of the United 

"They (the Jews) work more effectively 
against us than hostile armies. They are 
a thousand times more dangerous for our 
liberties and for the great cause we 
have embraced... 

"It is to to be lamented that, time back, 
each state did not castigate them as a 
pest for the society and as the greatest 
enemies of the nation's hgppiness." 

(George Washington. "Maxims of 
George Washington" published by A.A. 
Appleton * Co.) Benjamin Franklin 
pointed out the following in his speech 
at the Constituent Convention of 
Philadelphia in 1787: 

"I totally agree with general 
Washington that we must protect the 
young nation from an insidious influence 
of infiltration. The threat, gentlemen, are 
the Jews. In every country where the 
Jews have settled in great numbers, 
they have lowered the moral standards; 
they have depreciated commercial 
integrity; they have segregated 
themselves and have not assimilated...; 
they have built a state within the state". 

"If you do not exclude them, our 
descendents will, within 200 years— be 
working in the fields in order to 
maintain them, while they will be in 


the Houses of Exchange rubbing their 
hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do 
not exclude the Jews forever, our children 
will curse you in your tombs." 






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