2016 ORCID Ottawa Workshop: Why identifiers matter to scholars and researchers


Date and time

Friday, May 20, 2016 · 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT


Carleton University

MacOdrum Library, Discovery Centre, 4th Floor Ottawa Canada


Carleton University’s Research Office and MacOdrum Library are proud to host one of the first ORCID workshops in Ottawa.

What: ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications. The iD scheme is now a standard amongst publishers, and is being used by an increasing number of research institutions and funders around the world.

  • Researchers benefit because their research and scholarly communications are more easily and accurately discoverable regardless of platform or search engine.
  • Funders benefit because the scientific discovery process is enhanced through clear researcher identifications and connections with publications and affiliations.
  • Research administrators benefit because trusted connections between researchers, their affiliation, publications, and funding sources improves institutional research impact.

Who: We have designed the workshops to address the needs of these different audiences:

Session 1: 08:30-10:40 Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) adoption and use by the research community

Audience: Funders, Librarians and the wider Ottawa research community (including federal government, academic institutions and other funding bodies)

Objective: Discuss importance of Persistent IDs (PIDs) in enabling a strong research infrastructure, demonstrate value of cross-sector approach and application of ORCID in the research infrastructure.

Session 2: 11:00-12:30 ORCID: Why identifiers matter to scholars and researchers (yes, that means you!)

Audience: Researchers, Scholars, Authors, Faculty Office, Librarians

Objective: Clarity around use of ORCID identifiers, benefits to the individual and application in the research and scholarship lifecycle.

Session 3: 13:30-15:30 Integrating ORCID identifiers in university workflows

Audience: Researchers/Authors, Faculty Office, Journal Publishers/Editors, IT System Integrators, Librarians

Objective: Clarity around use of ORCID identifiers, benefits to the individual and application in the research lifecycle.

Please note - you may register for more than one workshop!

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