Session Submission Summary

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Queer Media Mobilities

Sat, May 27, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 4, Sapphire 400A

Session Submission Type: Panel


Our contemporary world is characterized as much by mobility as by traditional analytic frameworks such as social structure or identity. How may we think differently about sexuality and gender not from a perspective of arrival and stasis but motility and dynamism? How does movement among places and media platforms enable or produce queer experience? This high-density panel considers what might be queer about mobility: how embodied and mediated sexualities move across regional and national boundaries, and what happens when they do; how transnational migrations of sexual subjects reconfigure traditional labor and kinship relations; how mobile media and communication technologies enable contingent queer identifications; and how new contexts queer hetero- and gender-normative media and sexual materials. The panel considers the fruitful juxtapositions of sexualities and genders as these move among media platforms and across space and, conversely, how the movement of media and technologies queers the heteronormativity of their intended purpose. This panel introduces new research on how queer subjects in India, Taiwan, and China use media and mobile communication technologies in the processes of self-reinvention and social connection; moves on to consider how same-sex and transgender discourses and materials are capitalized as they migrate across transnational boundaries; investigates how the movement of media technologies produces queer contact zones as they are adopted in global sites far from their production; and arrives at the consideration of how the failures of mobile technologies—productivity apps and web archiving robots—may have queer outcomes. The eight papers collected here take mobility as an expansive heuristic that transcends geographical location, media platform, and human migration to reimagine spaces of queer possibility.

Sub Unit



Individual Presentations