Alberta Sheriffs and the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods unit (SCAN) are boarding up a known drug house in the northeast and the owner has agreed to sell it.

A court order authorizes the boarding up the house at 71 Coventry Road N.E. for 45 days. Under the terms of the order, the owner can continue to live in the house during that period but cannot rent out the home and must list it for sale within 30 days of regaining possession.

“We have been able to achieve an outcome that addresses both the short- and long-term problems associated with this property. The closure immediately breaks the cycle of criminal activity taking place and the eventual sale will keep it from coming back,” said Insp. Mike Letourneau, SCAN, in a release.

For more than two years, the property has been the scene of regular drug activity and violent incidents, with police being called to the home more than 100 times in that time period.

In one incident, a man was beaten, robbed and held captive in the basement before escaping.