Kojiro Umezaki's (Cycles) Live!
© Kirk Schlea

Dear all,

It has been some time since last emailing to this list, but I’m delighted to announce the release today, April 22, of a new Silk Road Ensemble album, Sing Me Home (on Earth Day and under a full moon!).

Sing Me Home Album Cover

Released by Sony Music Masterworks, produced by Johnny Gandelsman and Kevin Killen, and available on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play, it features guest artists on each of its 13 tracks:

Roomful of Teeth, Martin Hayes, Sarah Jarosz, Toumani Diabaté, Balla Kouyaté, Black Sea Hotel, Kaoru Watanabe, Shujaat Khan, Dima Orsho, Abigail Washburn, Roberto Comesaña, Anxo Pintos, Davide Salvado, Rhiannon Giddens, Michael Ward-Bergeman, Reylon Yount, Bill Frisell, Lisa Fischer, and Gregory Porter.

I’m particularly grateful to have a chance to co-compose the track “If You Shall Return…” (Track 12) on which one of my musical heroes, Bill Frisell, is featured. I hope you have a chance to give it a listen. Plenty of shakuhachi on the album (if you’re into that kind of thing!). There’s also one track featuring Rhiannon Giddens, “St. James Infirmary Blues" (Track 11) with the shakulute/furuhachi (a hybrid Western flute/shakuhachi).

To support the album, in part, there’s a U.S. Summer Festivals Tour coming up this August:
  • 8/7 - Tanglewood, MA
  • 8/9 - Longwood Gardens, PA
  • 8/10 - The Freeman Stage at Bayside, DE
  • 8/11 - Wolf Trap, VA
  • 8/13 - Blossom Music Festival, OH
  • 8/15 - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, IN
  • 8/16 - Ravinia Festival, IL
  • 8/21 - Hollywood Bowl, CA
If you happen to be near any of these concerts, do feel free to join us!

You can find more details about the concerts by clicking HERE.

Wishing you well...


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