Event Details
Event Title Cancer Model Systems Workshop Part 1: Invertebrate
Location LCCC 32-001
Sponsor UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date/Time 08/22/2019 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Cindy Hoffmeier cindy_hoffmeier@unc.edu
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This workshop, led by Bob Duronio and Brian Strahl, will highlight the power of smaller eukaryotes (e.g., yeast and flies) to uncover basic principles of cell biology, and thus, how discoveries made in these organisms have led the way in our understanding of disease pathways. We also will cover how model organisms have been a powerful tool for drug discovery. ITCMS fellows will be encouraged to think about ways to implement model systems like these in their own research.

All currently funded ITCMS Trainees are required to take the two-part Cancer Model Systems workshop, Part 1 will occur in the next few months. Pre-registration is required.

UNC - Chapel Hill