Session Summary

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(Re)Centering Our Collective Knowledge in a Tlahtocan Community Dialogue Circle: Indigenous Pedagogies From Central Texas

Fri, April 12, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A

Session Type: Symposium


This symposium aims to decolonize the research conversation, dismantle hierarchies, and (re)center collective knowledge building through a Tlahtocan community dialogue circle by sharing our approaches towards teaching and learning that support the reclamation and revitalization of Indigenous epistemologies among our communities in Central Texas. We share self-reflective inquiries of the process and effects of an Indigenous Pedagogy teacher training and its manifestations in K-12 and post-secondary education. We invite attendees to engage in questions that (re)envision our education system from Indigenous perspectives, asking and addressing: a) What motivates us to learn and engage Indigenous pedagogies in our teaching practices? b) How do we and/or teachers we work with engage Indigenous pedagogies in our learning environments?

Sub Unit

