Showing posts with label ted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ted. Show all posts


VIDEO: Holy CARP they can do that with a Wiimote??

I know, I know - two posts in one day. This one was just so cool and amazing that I couldn't wait to get it up.

Ever seen a Wii? Played one? Own one? Well, little did you know that your humble Wiimote can be used to create a whiteboard, virtual WACOM tablet, or even a 3-d room!


VIDEO: Uncommon Art From Uncommon Means

Your average art is just that - average. It comes from an average medium by average artists using average methods that have probably been broadcast on PBS at one time or another. Art of this quality seems to become a wash. It's as nondescript as Muzak and just as tolerable. Good examples would be any of those "films" with the name Uwe Boll anywhere near them.

And then there's greatness.

Art that isn't just phenomenal because of what it is, but also because of how it was made. Any of us can appreciate a good beat, but done A Cappella? Now you got yourself some interesting art. And it's with that focus on the unconventional that I present you these fine examples.

Bob Staake Illustrates in Adobe 3.0

Bob Staake is a fantastic graphic artist, with an immediately recognizable style. He does a lot of work in "traditional media", but sometimes he busts out his digital studio - an installation of Adobe Photoshop from 1995! For those of you who don't have your jaws on the floor yet, imagine Leonardo da Vinci creating the Mona Lisa with a box of 24 crayons. It's utterly amazing what this guy can do with a tool that seems so limited by today's standards.

Guitar Zeros

Unless you're living under a rock, you've heard of the amazing game called Guitar Hero. (And unless you're me, you might even own it already.) Not many people would call what comes out of that game to be "art" - it's more like a highly interactive karaoke. BUT, what if you truly could rock out with the plastic guitar? What if you could make this medium your own outside the game and enter actual rock stardom??

These guys do just that. Take one (or more) guitar controllers, add laptops and custom software, and you've got yourself some original and house-shakin' ROCK!

Underwater Astonishments from David Gallo

The greatest art of all is, of course, found in nature. Man simply can't recreate the work of God found in both flora and fauna. Underwater is prime real-estate for these kinds of wonders, and only recently have we captured some of these phenomena in video to bring back to the surface.

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I didn't expect to post about this next, but I couldn't help myself...

With the squid arriving soon, I've found myself drawn to any and everything about parenting, education and generally raising kids. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I was recently drawn to this video from the afore mentioned TED Talks. Their description serves it best:

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than ... all » undermining it. Robinson is author of "Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative", and a leading expert on innovation and human resources. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 20:03)

Future parent or not, educator or not, I think this is required material. Because if we can't nurture our creativity, we can't hope to solve the problems of the future.



TED stands for Technlology, Entertainment, and Design - but it means much more than that. TED is a conference where the organizers invite the most insightful thought-leaders, the movers and shakers of our society to come and just talk. To exchange their ideas with an audience and inspire or intrigue. The organizer, Chris Anderson, calls it a "preview of Heaven," because part of what will make Heaven so interesting will be the chance to talk to and interact with the most interesting people of all time. Well, while they haven't put Gallileo up on the stage for this thing yet, they've still managed to pull together some amazing minds.

Now, you probably don't have a plane ticket to Monterrey, Cali, or the money to get a ticket to this thing. BUT, you've obviously got an internet connection, so you can watch the TEDTalks in their audio/video section! I was easily entertained and intrigued for a day with this, and I subscribed to their email list to be notified when they post new talks. Each one's about 20 minutes, so it's great content in a good small package.

Here's some of my favorites:

  • Aubrey De Grey - biogerentologist, and the man that may have the cure for aging.

  • Malcom Gladwell - author: The Tipping Point and Blink. Also wins my award for best hair at the conference. He's got some lessons for you that we can learn from spaghetti sauce.

  • Steven Levitt - economics professor at the University of Chicago, and author of Freakonomics. His lessons come from analyzing the books of a gang during the height of crack cocaine sales.

  • Ze Frank - rose to fame with the internet video "How to Dance Properly." Genius comedian with an online twist.

  • Jimmy Wales - founder: Wikipedia

  • Ross Lovegrove - industrial designer that created the Sony Walkman and the Apple iMac.

  • Rick Warren - author: The Purpose-Driven Life, pastor of the Saddleback Church. Best presentation without PowerPoint that I've ever seen.

Go watch one now and be inspired today!

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