The ObjectNotFoundException exception is thrown by a finder or select method to indicate that the specified EJB object or local object does not exist.
Occurs when an exception is serialized to create an exception state object that contains serialized data about the exception. (Inherited from Exception) ...
The ObjectNotFoundException exception is thrown by a finder or select method to indicate that the specified EJB object or local object does not exist. Only the ...
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Thrown when Session.load() fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value). This exception might not be thrown when load() is called, even ...
Initializes a new instance of ObjectNotFoundException class that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception. Applies to ...
ObjectNotFoundException ... Constructs a new ObjectNotFoundException with the specified error message. Parameters: message - Describes the error encountered.
Constructs a ObjectNotFoundException using the given information. Method Summary. Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.
Constructs a new ObjectNotFoundException with the specified error message. Parameters: message - Describes the error encountered.
ObjectNotFoundException. TODO see if we can remove this. This is thrown from the composite cache if you as for the element attributes and the element does ...