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Parallel Secrets

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After a young girl goes missing, former TV crime reporter Vicky Robeson joins the search with the help of her attractive new love interest. They take his RV to a tiny town in rural Missouri that's filled with odd characters and darker secrets. But Vicky has secrets of her own. She believes this kidnapped girl may be linked to a case she reported on nine years ago, when a mystery child was found walking on levee, bloody and unable to speak. Back then, Vicky failed to follow up clues only she knew. Now, she has a chance to redeem herself. As she uncovers secrets, it becomes clear someone will kill to keep them hidden.

352 pages, Paperback

Published September 25, 2023

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About the author

M.L. Barrs

1 book69 followers
ML Barrs ran TV newsrooms for years, guiding and managing the content and production of more than eight hours of live newscasts a day.
In her debut novel, Parallel Secrets, protagonist Vicky Robeson shares that kind of experience as well as the author’s passion for justice, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of children and other vulnerable people.
ML Barrs grew up one of thirteen children—the first girl, with three older brothers—a birth order she believes shaped her essence by the time she was eight. A girl’s gotta be a bit pugnacious to get along in that environment. Amid the chaos of fourteen people living in a mobile home (not a double-wide), she turned fifteen, dropped out of school and ran away from home.
Being homeless, then working minimum wage jobs quickly grew old. She earned her GED and went to college, where she met and married the father of their two grown children. After a successful career as a television news director and general manager, she decided that what she really wanted to do is write mysteries. Parallel Secrets will be published September 2023, and its sequel is in the works.

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1 review5 followers
August 19, 2023
If you love a tightly written, suspenseful mystery with interesting, compelling characters and a whipsmart and badass (but not too cool for school) female protagonist, look no further than Parallel Secrets. It's a real page turner and an impressive debut for author ML Barrs. I couldn’t put it down, especially the last several chapters, sacrificing sleep and a daily walk because I just HAD to find out what happens next! Also really enjoyed the news business details that former longtime news professional Barrs skillfully wove throughout the story by making main character Vickie Robeson a reporter. I’m sure hoping there are more Vickie Robeson mysteries in Barrs’ future!
Profile Image for Kay.
1,358 reviews
September 25, 2023
This mystery weaves a scary small-town story with intrigue and suspense that kept me guessing until the final reveal.

The story follows Vicky Robeson, a former TV crime reporter turned sleuth, as she goes on a harrowing search for a missing 10-year-old girl, in a small town teeming with eccentric characters that also harbors darker secrets that send shivers down your spine.

I liked discovering the depth of the characters, especially Vicky Robeson. Vicky has a troubled past and a secret of her own. Seeing it come to light adds layers of emotional complexity, as Vicky seeks a righting of her past mistakes. Don't we all want redemption from ours?

When Vicky works into a new friendship with Sam, the owner of the local diner with its famous cinnamon rolls, the plot begins its fan-like twists and turns that are brilliantly executed, leaving readers guessing and second-guessing the true identity of the culprits.

I appreciated the creation of an atmosphere of unease that perfectly complements the story's eerie undertones. The oddball characters populating the town add an element of intrigue and unpredictability to the narrative, making it impossible to trust anyone completely.

I found myself wrapped up in themes of redemption, guilt, and the relentless pursuit of justice. The book is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions and revelations—an absolute page-turner.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Darlene Fredette.
Author 13 books54 followers
August 24, 2023
4.5 Stars. A great mystery, suspense story filled with tension, action, emotion, and twists and turns. The character development is well done for the cast as well as the lead, Vicky, who holds the spotlight on her own. You’ll want to keep reading to find out what happens next as the clues build and Vicky’s life is threatened. The plot is intense, and the ending leaves the reader believing there will be a sequel to answer questions about the future of some characters. Reviewed for Still Moments Magazine.
1 review1 follower
August 24, 2023
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to read this book and I highly recommend it for your next read. Parallel Secrets will take you on a journey you won’t soon forget. Characters so beautifully drawn they come alive, and a web of secrets and surprises will keep you guessing. An enthralling novel that beautifully blends action, mystery, and love. Enjoy!
11 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2023
Loved this book. It kept me turning the pages and guessing whodunit. The characters are believable and well developed. I was certain Pete was modeled after my husband—but maybe the author just got to the bottom of men’s personalities and tendencies. Brought me to tears in places and made me laugh out loud in others. It is a must read.
2 reviews2 followers
August 12, 2023
First a disclaimer, I'm not an expert on journalism, mysteries, or St. Louis! But I know a fair amount about all three. I've been a broadcast journalist for decades, so I just loved the main character, because M.L. Barrs nails it. I also lived in St. Louis for a time and this book took me back there, like I had never left. So she had me hooked from the outset. Like I said I'm not an expert on mysteries, but I sure enjoy them, and this one is fantastic. It's a real page turner. This book keeps you guessing. Easy read. Fast paced. Lots of strong women. Great character development. Great plot development Exciting with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Lead character Vicky is a tenacious, multi faceted TV crime reporter who will stop at nothing to get to the truth in this exciting mystery. Like I said, I really loved the main character, she's a dogged reporter and a great central figure for the book. You can tell the author spent time in a newsroom because so much of what she writes is very authentic. The story centers around child kidnapping. Vickie uses her journalistic skills to reopen a forgotten case that occurred years before which is entangled with a current crime. I say forgotten, but not to Vickie, the old case gnaws at her. t’s easy to see that ML Barrs lived in St Louis, this book really captures the Midwestern city. She has a funny anecdote about the back rows of the Forest Park theater that only a native would know. Also loved one particular part of the book where she compares her life with an 8 track tape. I won’t spoil this either. This is an enjoyable, emotional roller coaster ride. Can't wait for the sequel.
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books1,984 followers
October 2, 2023
A missing girl propels Vicky on a hunt for the truth, even if it means exposing dark secrets. I love diving into gritty romantic suspense/thrillers. Parallel Secrets is a nail-biting suspense where one girl's kidnapping has multiple consequences. The stakes are high, the suspense even higher, as I whipped through the book. ML Barrs takes the reader to the very heart of depravity before leading to a heart-pounding conclusion.

Let's start with the descriptive narration. It's imperative to hook the reader right away and ML Barrs succeeds via descriptive narration. Each character's motivations and stressors are expertly described through the narration. Every scene is detailed so the reader can not only feel what is going on but become a part of the story.

The characters are poignant, relatable, and fly off the page. I connected with Vicky right away. The more I read, the more invested I became in the story. Vicky's searching for truth had me running through a range of emotions. The rest of the characters are well drawn and maintain an air of realism.

The plot progression is smooth with flawless transitions. The writing is precise, allowing the story to unfold. Nothing is overdone or underdone. It has a natural feel throughout. An impressive, well-written romantic suspense/thriller. I look forward to reading more from this author.

My Rating: 5 stars

Reviewed by: Nancy

This review first appeared: https://www.nnlightsbookheaven.com/po...
Profile Image for Sandra Lopez.
Author 3 books327 followers
October 15, 2023
A little girl gone missing. A chance to write a true crime travel article. For Vicky, this was a return to her past and an opportunity to see if two missing girl cases had any parallel.

The story kicked off to a rather slow pace as it relayed the characters and landscape in a descriptive and lackluster prose. The way this pace was going, it felt like we were taking the scenic route of Missouri. It felt kind of long. And the long chapters didn’t help either. Story also shifts from journalist perspective to missing child perspective, which I wasn’t too keen on. It probably would’ve been best to omit the child POV to retain an air of mystery.

Although the premise was interesting for me, the story didn’t really seem to take off quite like I expected. There was too much time talking about the camp grounds. I wanted to get to the mystery, which Vicky does stick her nose in, but, again, the development is rather slow.

The overall read was decent, but it just didn’t move fast enough for me. If you like crime mystery, you might want to give this a try.
3 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2023
What a fun read. The author takes you on a compelling journey that includes an excellent plot combined with very interesting character studies, especially the protagonist, reporter Vicky Robeson. Vicky must face demons from her past while trying to unravel the mystery of a kidnapping of a young girl in small town Missouri. It is a race against time and the plot crescendos with several surprising plot twists and an unexpected outcome. What makes this debut novel so extraordinary is that it so much more than a great mystery. The author does a fantastic job defining the psyche of each of the key characters and the consequences (good, bad and ugly) of confronting their long held secrets. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Drew Fowler.
1 review4 followers
August 25, 2023
There's something extraordinarily enjoyable about curling up with a good mystery on a rainy weekend. The sound of the rain outside creates a sense of peace and tranquility, while the book's suspenseful plot keeps you on the edge of your seat. Parallel Secrets by ML Barrs is a perfect book for those kind of days. It's a book that will keep you guessing until the very end, like a puzzle that you have to put together. The more you read, the more pieces you get, and the closer you get to solving the mystery. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Profile Image for Beary Into Books.
809 reviews58 followers
October 19, 2023
This book made me tense! I’m so glad I read it in October since it had the perfect amount of spooky, thrilling, and mystery vibes. It was a good mystery that had me thinking and turning the pages to find out what would happen next. I was tense for most of this book because I really had no idea where it was going. I love books like that. There were enough twists and turns to keep you rethinking what you knew. Overall, I would recommend it. I also recommend that you go into this one with little to no information so it doesn’t get spoiled for you.
Profile Image for R.K. Emery.
1,063 reviews45 followers
January 10, 2024
ML Barrs has given the readers an interesting plotline. I found the plot to be filled with so many aspects that just drew me in.

Great characterization. You are invested with these characters and in the mystery and journey right along with them.

She weaves multiple storylines together, keeping us guessing to the very end. I could not put this book down. Get it and make sure you clear your schedule, it's a a compelling and rewarding read.
Profile Image for Samantha Turley.
703 reviews25 followers
October 24, 2023
This is a wonderfully crafted mystery.

Descriptive in the best way. Full of great moments and mystery. Witty and full of life!

The plot is easily followed, the characters are vastly interesting.

Overall a page-turning cozy mystery and a good read to get wrapped around and take you out of today’s troubles. You’ll enjoy this one.
Profile Image for C. Gonzales.
888 reviews40 followers
November 6, 2023
Easy reading and very interesting. It keeps you wanting to turn the pages!

This definitely keep my attention the entire way through. With interesting characters, lots of twists and turns, and not vulgar like most books today.

he characters were well developed and yet offered additional surprises.

Great mystery read.
Profile Image for Laura Swan.
Author 8 books23 followers
November 14, 2023
A journalist sleuth pursues a missing child case that echoes past child crimes, and the journalist sleuth uses the shield as a journalist to hide her painful past. All this takes place in a small midwest town and fortunately, the author avoids ugly stereotypes, keeping all the characters human. Readers who love to follow a puzzle will enjoy this
1 review
April 25, 2024
I was drawn into this story right from the beginning and couldn't put it down! The characters were well-developed and the plot had plenty of twists and turns. I'm looking forward to reading more from M.L. Barrs - perhaps another Vicky Robeson mystery where we learn more about the fate of some of the characters in "Parallel Secrets"?
1 review3 followers
August 21, 2023
It is very clear this author knows the world about which she writes! As a broadcast news professional of many decades, she lets the reader in on fascinating realities of that profession, as well as bringing various locations of our country to life as the main character worked to solve a super perplexing mystery! What a perfect triad in this novel!! I always love a good mystery, but good writing is also vital to me and this novel hits both out of the park. As private as she appears, the main character Vicky Robeson could be a best girl friend, and we can’t help but root for her as she deals with both mysteries in her own past and her compulsion to help other women who appear to be in trouble now. This one kept me guessing through the whole book and I can’t always say that. Parallel secrets is a must read… an easy read… and I very much hope the first in a series featuring this captivating main character and her significant other(s)!!!
1 review1 follower
August 12, 2023
Really enjoying the book!!! Plot moves along. Anxious to finish and find out what happens. A must read if you’re into mysteries
Finished the book in a couple of days- had to find out how it would all end. Excellent suspense!
1 review
December 15, 2023
This was a strong first out of the gate novel for Barrs. The plot kept you guessing and hoping for the best. The characters were very real. And the door is wide open for a sequel. I can hardly wait.
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