A BUSY road and a railway line were forced to close on Friday morning.

The early morning traffic chaos was the result of a Strathclyde Transport Ltd lorry driver crashing into the bridge that crosses Blackbyres Road, Barrhead.

At 8.30am the hydraulic vehicle, which is fitted with a lifting arm at the rear, collided with the bridge, causing brick damage but Network Rail said it had suffered no harm to its structure.

Cops were forced to shut off the road, which is used by many Barrhead residents as a shortcut to Paisley, and Network Rail closed the railway line as services were postponed for 45 minutes.

Some drivers waited for over half an hour in the rush hour traffic as specialist engineers inspected the damage to ensure it was safe to re-open.

A spokesman for Network Rail claimed it was a minor incident and only two trains had to be cancelled.

He said: "Engineers from Network Rail attended within 20 minutes of the accident and stopped all trains at that time.

"The line was only closed from 8.40am until 9.20am." A police spokesperson said that the lorry was removed and Blackbyres Road was re-opened at 11.31pm.

Bosses at Strathclyde Transport Ltd were unavailable for comment.

A 35-year-old man has been reported to the procurator fiscal for alleged road traffic offences in connection with the accident.

Anyone who witnessed the crash should contact Barrhead police on 0141 532 6200.