Character Name: Gabriel Paris
Preferred name: Paris
Race: Human
Gender: At the moment, male
Class: Battle Mage
Age: 28


Life magic (healing self and others, altering physical attributes and appearances) - Master. Paris is a master of the healing magics. Due to spell that is tattooed on his body, he begins to heal and recover from injury upon receiving them, though even this has its' limits as broken bones still require time to mend on their own. He is also able to cast healing spells upon others without material or verbal components.

Forces Magic ( Fire, Wind/Air, Electricity, Gravity) - Master. Paris is a master of the raw elemental forces of nature, being able to manipulate them without the usage of material or verbal commands due to the spell tattooed upon his body. Is known to use gravity and fire to create gems from raw materials.

Prime Magic (Dealing with the raw energy which drives magic, from manipulating it and imbuning it within objects to detecting wellsprings of such energy) - Master. As a master mage, he has learned how to channel the very flow of magical energy which permiates the universe; drawing upon it to cast his spells and manipulate reality. This also allows him to enchant items, or even give his spells false life when used in conjunction with life magic.

Holy Magic - Experienced. When it comes to dealing with demonic and undead forces, he has enough experience to be able to hold his own. From being able to sanctify moderiately sized areas though he cannot banish demonic forces of the greater or higher variety.

Protection Magic - Experienced. Outside of protection methods in other areas of magic, his grasp of specialized "protection magic" is limited and he only knows how to cast protection circles and minor protection spells. He's motto was always a strong offense is a strong defense if you can heal when it came to combat.

Mind Magic (Telepathy, illusions, and protection from such) - Experienced. Having a hive mind for a father causes one to work on protecting their mind. As such his experience with mind magic revolves more around protecting against it, though he can create "telepathy stones".

Teleportation Spell - Experienced. If he knows where it is or can see it on a map, he can teleport there with a good degree of accuracy without anyone losing a limb. Can teleport up to three others.

Does not require spells/gestures to use Life, Forces, and Holy magic.

Unarmed armored combat - Expert
Armed armored combat (Light armor, spear) - Expert
Unarmored unarmed combat - Expert
Unarmored armed combat (spear) - Expert
Mounted combat - Novice
Riding - Novice
Reading/Writing - Master
Arthimetic - Expert
Field Medicine - Experienced
Jewel Crafting - Experienced *Diamond speciality*

Notable Features: "Chain of words" tattoo which runs along her body in small print. When viewed, the "chain" appears to form part of a vascular system.

Brief history:
My grandmother is a goddess. My mother a saint. My twin sister an angel in the figurative sense, and my youngest brother in the literal one.

As for my father... my father is a fucking bastard.

I know most people believe that it is the duty of the sort of son which I might be considered to hate their fathers. That it is a natural set of emotions which eventually turns to grief as regret enters later in life at never having really gotten to know them. That might be the case for those, but not for me. The fact that he had attempted to consort with a demon and sacrifice myself and my sister to restart a universe is honestly the main factor in that loathing. It took my kid brother sacrificing himself to prevent that.

My father is a murderous bastard that deserves to die, and my grandmother is a goddess. But because he was the prodigal son, the repentful stray, he lives. He lives and I remained with my grandmother and sister and mother in my grandmother's heaven. When she learned that I've been spending the past 10 years studying magic and honing myself so that I might kill the bastard whose name I've shed, she placed me at the opposite end of the multiverse and told me to find an inn.

And I found a place. But I didn't find peace. I continued to train, continued to seek a way to find him. I was exiled from my home and I wanted nothing more than to find my father.

He found me. He took me to his home. He gave me the option to throw away my life. And I saw a man that had changed. A man that was no longer a murderer, but a care giver. A "loving father". And in a sense, he wounded me once more by taking my only motivation for living any longer. He took my sense of self, and left me back where he found me.

Though he left me hollow and empty, without a purpose, and without a home.